#when your host is a subsystem in and of itself lol
cdid-pf-culture-is · 3 months
cdid culture is never relating to other systems about hosts being egocentric/solipsistic/however you wanna say it, cause your "host" is himself 6 different people
sidenote but as an anarchist i just realized how fitting it is we have a rotating, egalitarian council for host
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thegh0stzsystem · 6 months
Woah, a system introductory post in the wild!
hello, we’re the gh0stz (ghostz) system!
we’re a traumagenic osdd-1b system of about 70 currently known alters.
we’re collectively queer and trans! 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️ and also nonhuman/fictive heavy lol
we are also bodily a minor so… yknow, don’t be a weirdo. we will block you.
we also have adhd, autism and bpd and honestly probably a bunch of other things tbh. (both mental amd physical 🥲)
collective names: ghost, or ghostz if you’re referring to multiple of us
collective pronouns: they/them for simplicity but just ask if you’re unsure
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Frequent Fronters
we don’t actually have a real list of frequent fronters since it changes a lot, but for the most part it’s this:
Ashton [he/they] ⭐️ - main host and probably a denial holder to some extent. 99% he’s fronting
xXzparkle_dawgzXx/Gvtz (pronounced guts) [all of them. especially neopronouns] 🌩️ - we have no clue what aer’s fucking role is other than to be annoying (/lh) but uh… zap is most definitely here. idk what to say about hir.
Lucifyr/Blaze [he/rot/fire/gore/it] 🔥 - protector and rage holder. also probably a sysbro
Richard [he/him] 🏜️ - sysdad
The Demonic Subsystem [he/him or he/they collectively] 🪄 (group of fictive brothers who don’t front without eachother close)
-> Ash [he/him + they/them] 🌙 - subsystem host
-> Asmo [he/she/vir or ang] 💋 - unknown role, probably something to do with emotions
-> Satan [he/him] 📗- academic
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BYI : not sure what to put here rn!
DNI : we don’t have an actual dni list. if we don’t like you, we’ll just block you, it’s as simple as that.
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a lot of boundaries change from alter to alter, but here’s a general list of ours!
dms: yes. we allow dms from everyone so long as they’re respectful!
asking for other socials: go right ahead, so long as you aren’t going to bring drama from one platform or blog to another.
asking who’s fronting: this changes from alter to alter, but generally we like it. some alters may not want to tell though and in that case just call us ghost and don’t push it.
asking questions: it really depends on the question because we won’t answer anything really personal (internet safety, babes!) but we will answer more friendly questions and questions about systems/being a system to the best of our abilities!
nsfw: no. again, we are a minor. we don’t mind jokes but if we’re uncomfortable we will delete them and/or block you.
and of course the list goes on but i don’t wanna have a mile long post about boundaries, especially when a lot of them are honestly just common sense imo.
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extra: you can’t have did or other dissociative identity disorders without extensive childhood trauma.
if you think you’re an endogenic system, please do some more research. did and osdd are childhood trauma disorders.
and of course, the brain will go to extreme lengths to protect itself so don’t hurt yourself while researching. but if you do proper research and still think you’re an endo, you’re either in deep, deep denial or you’re just delusional.
other than that have a great rest of your day!
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