#when they called him da-lang and I was like
tonyglowheart · 3 months
Me before rereading: what do you mean, Shen Qiao Yan Wushi and their five kids.... idk man do they really have that kind of relationship...?
Me during rereading: ooooh. oh, yes. Shiwu and Yuwen Song are Shen Qiao's sonboys, and somehow Yan Wushi *is* the stepdad....
Me getting to where they call Bian Yanmei "Da-lang" and Yu Shengyan "Er-lang": oooh shit. oh shit oh shit they ARE his (yws's) kids... what the fuck they ARE, what !!!
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bigtreefest · 20 days
Chapter 3: Pick Up the Pace
From: The Rainmaker Series
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Pairing: Mob! Steve x Forensic Scientist! Reader
Summary: You and Steve have been running into each other for weeks, just, now you’re starting to plan it.
Word count: 4,948
Content/warnings: Law enforcement and forensics themes, swears, eating dinner, clothes sharing, my low knowledge of suit brands, mentions of misogyny and misogynistic themes, snacking, being dressed down in a room full of fancy clothes, sneaking into someone’s trunk?, the lightest mob themes, DA (yes, he got promoted) Barber
Author’s Note: I hope you guys are chomping at the bit to see Steve x Decks as much as I am. Actually, I know you are, the polls support it and I love it.
I really liked this chapter, it just flowed. You can see that Decks is really back and forth on what’s going on… This takes place at roughly the same time as chapter 9 of YCMBWH in the Outta Nowhere AU
Dividers by @firefly-graphics
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To call you overworked would be an understatement. You were exhausted from the long week, your early Saturday shift hitting you like a train. The great thing was, you didn’t have to work tomorrow and were only on-call Monday, in case something especially heinous happened and they couldn’t handle it. Might as well be a golden weekend! But you couldn’t celebrate too soon, you still had half the day in front of you.
You had come into the lab even earlier than your schedule demanded today to get a few more results compiled for an important case that was set to go on trial soon. It seemed like almost everything was on the rise lately, causing you to have to take on more cases at once, and the same thing went for the DA’s office. That’s what brought you here, transporting important files a few blocks down, far outside your usual basement-to-crime scene-and-back domain.
Usually, detective Lang would take the evidence up to the DA’s office for whatever case was going on, but he wasn’t in today and this was top-priority. You knew how to do it, just never had to, so you were slightly tentative on where exactly you were going. But, either way, there was no way in hell you were going let Detective Walker even think about touching your files. You didn’t trust that rat of a man, which is how you found yourself walking up the steps to the DA’s office on your own.
It was a nice change of pace, at least. The air was slightly less stale above ground, although way more humid. The sun even peeked at you from beyond the dense cloud coverage. As you made your way through the DA’s office, you weren’t quite sure how they could all stand the amount of searing natural light that must pour through the floor-to-ceiling windows. Sure, your office could stand to have a little more non-fluorescent light, but this was too much. Plus, it probably cost a fortune, this new office having been built just a few years ago as one of the few actions of the office that you didn’t quite agree with.
One thing you did agree with, though, or at least hoped you did, was Andy Barber. He was seemingly a nice guy, but you had never met him. You voted for him for DA, so you were hoping he wasn’t that bad, but all you had to go off of was his case prosecution method and whatever the local paper had to say. According to them, at least you knew he’d be in his office over his lunch break, lining up with yours. DA Barber was notorious for working hard. It was something you and many citizens respected him for, although you were sure his wife and son thought differently.
You walked through the hallway towards his office, transporting the file that was clenched tightly in your hand, hoping you’d be received well. Distracted by checking the room numbers instead of peeking inside the offices, you removed a set of stiff knuckles from the Manila folder in preparation to rap on the door when the image on the other side sharpened into focus. You froze with your fist in the air as your jaw slightly dropped and your eyes shifted back and forth a the sight before you.
Two sets of blue eyes, attached to bodies dressed in suits, stared back at you through the glass, the one in the large desk chair holding mild confusion, yet intrigue, the other holding….maybe amusement and….was that…fondness? But definitively it was slight trepidation.
The man at the desk, DA Barber from the looks of it, gestured for you to come in. You did your best to will your body to move from your rigid position, swallowing thickly and lowering your arm to the door handle. Your feet felt nailed to the ground, weighed down by cement in the shuffling steps you took to get into the office. Your eyes kept wanting to shift to the man who sat opposite of the desk, the one you’ve seen around a lot lately, at work and in your mind, as his own gaze was glued to you.
Remembering where your were, you made a beeline for the DA, sticking out your hand. “DA Barber, it’s a pleasure to finally meet you, sir. I come bearing that evidence you asked for.” You introduced yourself as he shook your hand, nodding and smiling in acknowledgement.
He gestured for you to sit down in the other leather chair positioned in front of his desk before waving a hand toward the man who had been silent thus far, despite the way his clear blue eyes had practically been screaming at you since before you entered the room.
“Please, Andy is fine. I hear a lot about you, especially from this guy right here. You know Steve Rogers, right?”
You nodded, looking over at Steve, just to catch the way his gaze averted yours just for a second, before locking in again in the formal, respectful manner he always tried to hold.
“Yes, Steve and I have met. And you can call me Decks, if it’s all the same. I hope I’m not interrupting anything, I can come back later if you want to discuss the file once your lunch date is over.”
Andy laughed and nodded to Steve once again. “I see what you were saying.” He looked back to you, slight creases in the corners of his eyes from his smile as he raised his eyebrows at you. “You’re funny. But no need, Steve is involved somewhat with this case and can stay for the discussion.”
You simply gave a curt nod, all business, opening up the folder and turning the documents toward him before going through your results.
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You had spent way longer in Andy’s office than you had anticipated, half talking through the case and half just getting along with the gentlemen in front of you. Honestly, it was nice to finally have a conversation with people who understood your line of work, not only the mechanics of it, but where that work led, even if you still weren’t exactly sure what Steve did or what this all had to do with him.
Before you knew it, it was time to head back to the lab so you could grab your stuff to go home. As you started running down the steps and out the front door to try and beat the rain that threatened to fall soon, you heard tapping steps behind you.
“Hey, Decks, wait up.” You stopped and looked over your shoulder to see Steve gliding down the staircase, long legs making the strides look effortless.
He caught up and you continued walking back to your lab as he joined you, easily matching your brisk pace. As you were about to open your mouth to ask him why he was walking with you, your stomach growled over the sounds of even cars passing on the street and interrupted your train of thought. You simply looked at him, the two of you sharing an owlish gaze before busting out into a small bout of laughter.
“So you’re speeding off to dinner, then, I assume?” You shrugged, swerving around a parking meter before looking back at him.
“I wish. I’ve gotta hit the lab to get my stuff and then head home, but I’m way too tired to make anything, so we’re looking at either takeout or leftovers…”
Steve contemplated for a second as the two of you reached the precinct, and opened the door for you. “So, that’s what, with Saturday night traffic and cleaning up your space, an an hour? Maybe two before you actually get food in you?”
You descended the steps towards the basement, pulling out your keys to unlock the lab space and letting Steve in in front of you. “Yeah, I guess so, and I can already feel the hangry coming on, but I mean, at least there’s no one around who’s going to have to deal with it. It’s just me.”
Steve stopped in the middle of the room and turned around to face you. “No, Decks. I do. I have to deal with it, especially now that we’re friends.”
You looked at him with a raised brow. “Steve, we hardly know each other.”
He shrugged. “Then get to know me. How about I propose you a solution? What if I told you I could cut that time in half? From right now to you having an actual meal. I’ll help you clean up the lab here and then you and I can go to one of my restaurants. I’ve got a couple that aren’t far at all. On me, and I’ll guarantee food will be in your mouth within ten minutes of sitting down.”
You grabbed a pair of gloves, tossing the box to Steve for him to put on his own. “While I appreciate the offer, and I will put you to work in here, I can’t ask that of you, Steve. Plus, look at me, I’m a mess right now. And I’m sure all your restaurants are fancy. Could I even wear this to one of them?” You gestured up and down to your body, clad in jeans, one of the few perks that came with working Saturdays instead of a weekday, a casual shirt, windbreaker overtop and hair slightly ragged from a mix of the wind and a long day.
“I think you look fine, but, Decks, please, let me do this for you. You deserve to eat a good meal after how hard you’ve been working. And if it makes you feel better, I’ll change out of this suit so we match. Sound good?”
You sighed, starting to clear the clutter all around and signaling for Steve to do the same. He wasn’t going to move, though. Not until you gave him an answer. His eyes were boring into your soul despite how soft they looked, the hopeful smile on his face adding a sparkle you couldn’t resist. You looked at him and cocked your head to the side in exasperation, the back of one gloved hand perching on a popped hip, the other pointing towards Steve’s nose. “Ugh, fine. But none of that fancy bullshit. I want actual food, like you said. I don’t have the brain power for high-brow culinary transformation right now. Understood?”
Steve beamed at you, elated with your confirmatory response and ever amused, happy to comply by your demands. “Understood. So how do you feel about pasta?”
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Steve pulled your car up to the entrance of his restaurant and tossed the keys at one of the young valet attendants, the other opening your door. You stepped out and looked at the elegant, yet humble storefront, surprised that you had never been here before. Sure, you worked close and you loved pasta, but you never even dared to try getting a reservation and were often too tired to even think of going anywhere but home for dinner, especially here.
Out of the corner of your eye, you witnessed Steve’s Range Rover pull up to where your car was moments ago, an arm reaching out and handing him a duffel bag. Steve slung it over his shoulder and nodded at you, opening the door for you to go inside.
“Mr. Rogers and Ms. Decks. Right this way, please.” The hostess immediately greeted the two of you, leading you back to a booth in the corner of the room, able to see the entire space. On your way there, though, you could see the nice clothes everyone was in. Yours were nothing akin to theirs, but no one spared even you a glance, which was oddly comforting, but a little unsettling.
Steve whispered down to you that he was going to change and you nodded, picking up and perusing the leather-bound menu in front of you. You hadn’t even finished reading, let alone made a decision, before Steve was already sauntering back to the table, now wearing a pair of jeans, white t-shirt, and navy blue bomber jacket. Oh man, did that make his eyes pop. His outfit was quite similar to yours, but just fit him perfectly in every way.
He gave you a shy smile as he slid into the booth, nodding towards the menu. “Find anything good yet?”
Your eyes went wide as you blew out a breath. “Steve, it all looks good. I can’t even decide what I want.”
“Well, what’s your favorite?” You snorted at that.
“My favorite? I’m not quite sure…. I mean, I cook spaghetti for myself the most, but that’s because it’s easy, not necessarily because it’s my favorite. What do you recommend?”
Steve clicked his tongue before responding to you. “I think I know just the thing.” He hardly raised two fingers off the table before a waiter was at his side, listening to Steve’s instructions on a ‘tour of the menu.’
“And any wine pairings this evening?” Steve looked to you in deference of the question, before you simply shook your head.
“No, thank you. Just water for tonight should be alright.” The waiter curtly nodded and walked away.
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Steve was right, you timed it on your watch. He guaranteed ten minutes for food to be in your mouth, it hardly took eight. Steve watched tentatively as the plates were set before the two of you on the table, letting you portion out what you wanted first. The second the first bite hit your lips, you swore it was heavenly. Your store boxed spaghetti and jarred sauce held nothing to this rigatoni alla vodka, or the simple scents you had gotten off anything else so far.
As soon as you swallowed, you looked across the table at a very knowing glance. “Holy fuck, Steve. This is delicious.”
He nodded, finally serving himself and sipping his water before digging in. “The greatest, right?”
You hummed, taking in the amazing food, paired with the atmosphere. The rain beat against the window, adding to the coziness of the restaurant and the comfort and satisfaction provided by the food in front of you. Damn, this was good pasta. If Steve was going to insist on being around you so often, you were going to make sure he brought this along with him every time. Now that you tried it, you were never going back.
The two of you opted for silence as you continued to eat, at least for the first few bites. When you thought about it, Steve probably hadn’t had anything for as long as you, although he was taking it much better.
As the meal went on, though, the two of you fell into an easy conversation. It almost infuriated you how well the two of you got along. It was like talking to an old friend, except one that never got too explicit about their job description. Steve knew all about yours, and you knew all about his life growing up with Bucky plus a few interests, but that’s pretty much where it stopped. It wouldn’t have been a concern if he worked an everyday 9-5 job, but he didn’t. Something just didn’t quite add up, but that honestly wasn’t your concern. If he wanted to own a bunch of businesses, at least they made quality goods like this linguini. You were still astounded by how much he was able to control the room, though.
“So, like…what’s the deal?” You interjected just as he was about to take another bite.
“I’m sorry?” Steve was caught off guard, even though he could see the flashes of gears turning in your mind sporadically throughout this whole dinner ordeal.
“Sorry, I actually didn’t mean to make that as harsh as it came out, but like…you can’t tell me there hasn’t been a pattern of behavior with you all day today. I just wanted to point it out.”
Steve set down his silverware to put his full focus on you. Everything he had told you up until this point had been honest, and he wondered if he was about to be persecuted. The conversation had been fine, and the two of you were having a good time, but he couldn’t blame you for being a little bugged by his vague answers and workarounds.
“I just feel like everywhere you go, you command people around. If it were anyone else, I feel like they’d be all cocky about it, making false promises, but so many people are out here lending you their attention like you run things. Sometimes even in my workplace.”
“Decks, I, uh…. I don’t know how I’m supposed to take that.” His eyes slightly narrowed at you, unsure of where this was going next.
“I guess, it’s, uh…. It’s a compliment? But really more of an observation. And I’m saying I feel like I’m the only one who sees it. Feeling like a regular old Lizzie Curry.”
Steve furrowed his eyebrows. “Um, am I supposed to know that name? Is it someone you went to school with? Is it one of your coworkers?”
You let out a chuckle. “God, no. You’ve never seen that movie? It’s an old western. You know what, come over and we’ll watch it, plus you can listen to the song it inspired, too. Steven, you uncultured dog”
He laughed and rubbed his neck. “Okay, okay, I get it. But you don’t mean like… right now, do you?”
You pushed your plate of food away from you, more than satisfied with the best meal you’ve had in months. “I mean, I guess? If you wanted to. I’m not working tomorrow. I’m not even on call, so sure, I could technically stay up. It’d be worth it to see someone else’s reaction to old film.”
Steve sheepishly smiled before sinking a little into the seat, signaling the waiter to come back and package the leftovers, sure to send you home with extra bread, too. “I would love to, but I actually have an important business meeting.” He checked his watch. “That I’m about six minutes away from being late for already. Tomorrow?”
You nodded, pulling your jacket on and accepting a bag from the waiter. “Yeah, tomorrow works.”
Steve slid out of the booth, sending a message on his phone before sliding it into his back pocket to put as much attention towards you as he could. “Okay, perfect, I’ll come by at seven.”
You vigorously shook your head. “No, way too late. Make it five.”
He looked at you incredulously. “Five!? Okay, fine. Let me make some phone calls. I’ll see what I can do. I can probably rearrange some things.” He sighed and pulled out his phone again, holding it up to his ear and sending you a wink and a wave before getting into the Black SUV that sped to the curb, meeting him as soon as he touched the sidewalk.
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You spent the day Sunday cleaning your entire apartment. Sure, it was your normal cleaning day when it could be, but something made you feel like it needed to be extra spotless. You were in a zen, music blasting, dancing around with your mop, which was luckily the last thing you had to do.
You at least didn’t have to worry about preparing snacks or anything for Steve’s visit, texting him the command to get them on his way over, since you were already doing him the ‘gracious service of hosting,’ as you had said. He got a kick out of that one and obliged you, even texting Bee to get your preferences and personally picking them up instead of sending out a lackey.
He was surprised by how short Bee’s texts to him were, though, considering they usually had chipper conversations. Maybe he would call her later, or at least tell Bucky to since they had both been in a good mood the last time they’d spoken.
Steve pulled into your parking garage and went to the trunk of his car to grab his duffel so he could change into comfy clothes once he got up to your place. As the lift gate opened, though, Steve was terrified for the first thing he saw to be a shoe, attached to a leg clothed in Ralph Lauren pants. Steve took inventory of what was going on in his trunk as Bucky, the man attached to said shoe and pants turned over and groaned. Luckily, it didn’t appear that he was injured, but his eyes were quite puffy and his hair was in a mess, and not how it was back at the farm.
Bucky was wearing one of his junk suits: one that he didn’t care what happened to it. One that was marked as comfy, that he could throw it away in a second.
This was less than an everyday suit. Usually, Bucky wouldn’t be caught in anything less than Armani, even known for wearing Brioni almost every day. He must’ve really been going through it, especially since his hair has never been seen professionally without at least half an ounce of gel in it.
This was bad, and it was the last thing Steve needed right now, as the time was crunching and he didn’t want to delay your snacks or this date….wait. Was this a date? Was last night a date? Whatever, he didn’t have the time to think it over, though, instead looking down at the mob boss sprawled in the trunk and trying to gather information as quickly as possible.
“Bucky, what the actual hell is going on right now. Why are you in my trunk? Were you crying?” Tears were something Steve had only seen from his best friend a handful of times over their lives side-by-side, so for them to be so suddenly present was a concern.
Bucky sniffled before putting his best attempt of an angry face on, although it looked more like a pout. “I miss her, Steve. It’s only been a week, but I just can’t stand to be away. She’s stuck in my head and we were never even anything official. I’ve been trying to drown myself in work, but all I’m really drowning in is…sadness.”
He swung his legs to finally sit up under the tailgate. Steve knew Bucky had thrown himself into work, the man had been back for six days and had hardly been seen outside his office while Steve was sent out for all the in-person necessities. Steve slapped his hands on the shoulders of his best friend before meeting his gaze, then eventually pulling him in for a hug. “Okay, I get it. But she’s not gone. She’s only a few hours away and you can call her whenever.”
Bucky shook his head and sniffled. “No, I can’t call her. It’ll just make it worse. I just need a friend right now. Can I hang out with you?”
Steve sighed and placed his hands on his hips, questioning the plausibility of the situation. He had been getting along with you so well this weekend that the last thing he wanted to do was ruin it. And it would be indecent of him to cancel when he was already here, bearing snacks.
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You were perched on the couch in your nice, comfy clothes scrolling through the TV to find the movie you had told Steve about. It had been awhile since you had seen it, but from what you could remember, it was hilariously ridiculous and you’d be happy if you could just get one person to share in the spectacle with you.
Of course, you didn’t mind that it was Steve, either. You rather enjoyed his company. It wasn’t overbearing or obnoxious, at least when it was just the two off you, and when he wasn’t trying to flex his knowledge. This weekend so far with him had just been… easy, though. And most of all, he listened. It was so hard to find someone who was like that, especially in your line of work. You were one of the best forensic scientists in the area, but many wouldn’t give you the time of day, mostly the shitty cops you worked with besides Lang. With Steve, outside of what had happened the first time he came into your lab, you felt as though your expertise was respected.
You were pulled out of your thoughts by a firm knock on the door, followed by murmuring on the other side. You opened the door to see Steve holding a bunch of grocery bags, along with his duffel. Behind him was another man in a suit, kicking his feet.
“Bucket? What are you doing here?”
Steve sighed for what felt like the hundredth time and walked through the door you were now holding open, towards your kitchen to set down the snacks. “He’s not doing super well right now. I hope you don’t mind that I brought him.”
Steve looked at you with anxious anticipation as he walked towards the bathroom door as Bucky spoke up.
“Yeah, Decks. I’m really sorry to just show up unannounced, but going back to work after a month in the middle of nowhere was a hard transition.” That among other things were racing through his mind, but honestly, you got it. Hell, even coming back after a single weekend was hard, so you couldn’t blame the guy. He looked about as bad as Bee sounded in your phone call with her the other day. You just nodded.
“You won’t even know I’m here.” He looked at you with pleading eyes, rivaling the most helpless puppy you could possibly dream up.
“Okay. That’s fine, just get changed and you get to arrange the snacks. Does Steve have a change of clothes for you? I’m instating this apartment as a business attire-free zone.”
You looked over to where Steve was still leaning against the door frame where he shook his head. “I mean, I’ve got extra pants for him, but do you have another shirt or sweatshirt I can borrow?”
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Movie time found you and Steve on opposite ends of your small couch with Bucky in the middle, the three of you holding bowls stacked high with all of your favorites, and seemingly Bucky’s too.
Bucky wore Steve’s clothes while Steve wore one of your old, oversized college hoodies from the collection. He had picked it out when you took him back to your room to try to find something that would fit one of the buffest men you knew. During this time, Steve told you all about what was going on with Bucky, and you understood. Being away from a loved one is never easy, you missed Bee everyday, too.
To your surprise, and honestly a little annoyingly, the sweatshirt Steve grabbed fit him better than it fit you. You missed the smug grin he wore as he slipped it on, happy to be hugged by your scent.
You hardly got to enjoy the sight, though, as a brick wall of a man sat between the two of you, jaw constantly clenching with the way he had steeled his feelings and demeanor. Bucky would never let anyone but Steve see him cry, but you had no idea how much it meant that he had even let you have a glimpse at him feeling sad.
Watching a movie that was almost purely taking place on a farm probably wasn’t the best decision. That wasn’t technically your fault, though. You had already chosen it and Bucky’s surprise visit wasn’t going to make you change your plans more than you already had by him just being there.
About half way through, he paused it, getting up to make the three of you drinks from whatever was in your cabinets, giving you and Steve the opportunity to talk about what had happened so far.
“So how old is she supposed to be?” Steve pointed at the screen.
“My best assumption is late twenties, early thirties if they were trying so desperately to marry her off at this point and still expecting kids. But she looks a little older than that, right? She was like, fifty when this was filmed.” You popped another gummy bear in your mouth.
“Ah, makes sense. Yeah, I’ve been so thrown off this whole time. Old-time expectations and behaviors are…interesting? I guess I’m not surprised, but it’s also quite alarming to see it portrayed so casually on the screen.” You nodded in agreement.
“Oh definitely. But you have to agree it makes it a little funny. I don’t think I could make it through the whole thing if it wasn’t laughable.”
Steve gave you a tight-lipped smile before Bucky covered your view, handing the two of you drinks. Steve was grateful for the break in eye contact. He wasn’t sure how he could tell you that misogynistic behaviors like that were so prevalent in his and Bucky’s line of work, and they jarred him in real life just as much as on the screen. Neither of them wanted a life like that, though, even if they had been a little misguided by the models in their youth.
The three of you settled in again, you and Steve throwing your feet on Bucky’s lap after he had almost sat on top of them.
You finished your drink and the movie, falling asleep there on the couch soon after. You woke up hours later with a blanket over you, borrowed sweatshirt folded at your feet and house as pristine as could be, two men nowhere to be seen and your door locked.
Next >
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Bonus A/N: Brownie points if you can tell me what movie they watched.
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More pregnant Yuanzhi pleeease 🙏
Maybe a family fic? With Shangjue taking care of the older kids?
Tags: Mpreg, Family Planning, Established Relationship, Cousin Incest, Doting Shangjue, Pregnant Yuanzhi, Light Angst, Family Feels, Fluff
Shangjue doesn't hesitate to swoop in to take one of the twins from Yuanzhi's arms while Lao Da, their eldest boy, stalls their third daughter from barrelling into Yuanzhi's knees. Er Jie, their second daughter, deftly intercepts the other twin and catches her second brother from tripping when he tries to sidestep the escaped twin from Shangjue's arms.
"Good teamwork," Yuanzhi laughs, looking mildly impressed. Arching in, Shangjue kisses his cheek, wrapping an arm around his waist and rubbing his hand over the apex of his pregnant belly.
"I've missed you today," Shangjue says, nuzzling against his temple.
Yuanzhi hums, leaning into him for a kiss to his lips which starts out closed mouth but with a teasing dip of Shangjue's tongue, quickly devolves into little breathy moans swallowed between the tangle of sighs and happy giggles.
"Someone call for Da Jie. A'die and A'niang are being sticky again."
Shangjue chuckles, pulling back to peck at the tip of Yuanzhi's nose. "Furen, look. Your children are bullying us again. Such unfilial behaviour."
"Why are they my children only when they misbehave?" Yuanzhi says, eyes sparkling with amusement. "You're the one who put them in me."
"That, I most certainly did," Shangjue beams, unrepentantly smug as he looks Yuanzhi up and down, delighting in the way his didi blushes. He steals another kiss before sliding their hands together. "Alright?" He asks.
"Nothing I haven't gone through before," Yuanzhi replies, allowing himself to be pulled back into Shangjue's arms, and carefully guided up the path.
Shangjue knows his Yuanzhi better than most; knows the things he doesn't want to say in front of the children.
Lao Da is turning 18 and will soon assume more responsibilities under Shangjue's guidance. He's poised to be the heir to the Jue lineage and his parents couldn't be prouder. Their eldest daughter is in the back hill undergoing the Trial of the Three Realms and once she has returned, she will formally be recognised as the heiress of the Zhi lineage.
They'd been happy to be parents of two, but then came their second daughter, and in quick succession, their second son, their third daughter, and after an eight-year break, their dragon and phoenix pair of twins. And now Yuanzhi is pregnant again.
Shangjue spies the way Yuanzhi winces and quickly moves to ease him into a chair in their family hall.
Since their fourth child was born, Yuanzhi has been experiencing more aches and pains. No matter how many treatments Elder Yue had devised, those had remained. Shangjue tries as best he can, but Yuanzhi is determined to work and carry out his duties as Lord of the Zhi lineage, though he has agreed to dispense with his usual proclivities of testing poisons himself.
"Er Lang, Xiao Er, take the younger ones to their nannies. Lao Da, could you..."
"Prepare some cooling soup for A'niang? Yeah, no problem."
Shangjue waits until they've been left alone before taking Yuanzhi's hand. "This is the last one." It's less a promise and more of a plea.
Yuanzhi had taken the responsibility of bearing children for their family seriously, gritting and quietly carrying the discomforts on his own because Shangjue had been called away by his duties far too often than he'd like to be. For this pregnancy, he'd put his foot down about waiting on Yuanzhi hand and foot. Ziyu had been more than happy to allow him that leave.
"You know I can't get enough of you, Ge," Yuanzhi smiles, breezily shrugging even as the clear signs of exhaustion cling to him. "Let's not make promises we cannot keep."
"No," Shangjue sternly insists. "No more."
Yuanzhi blinks, looking down at the table. He tries to draw his hand back, only for Shangjue to shuffle closer, pulling their joined hands to his lips, tenderly kissing the back of Yuanzhi's hand.
"Yuanzhi, please, no more. Not because I don't love our children, you know I do," Shangjue starts, willing him to understand. "But because you are and will always be my priority. I never married you to become a broodmare and I most certainly am not going to sit by if I can help it. My precious one, I can't lose you."
Yuanzhi looks away, pale face pinched. "I..."
"You promised to grow old with me," Shangjue whispers. "And I still have the world to show you." Wrapping his arms around Yuanzhi, he holds him tight, mindful of his pregnant belly. "When the children are old enough in a few years, I want to take you to roam the jianghu. Take you wonder by wonder. Just you and I."
Shangjue sees the moment Yuanzhi settles on a decision because his face clears, and he sighs, leaning his head on Shangjue's shoulder.
"Do you think Elder Yue will have a solution for us?" Yuanzhi asks. Reaching over to press a hand to Shangjue's lower belly, he huffs, "I'm not giving your dick up if you were about to suggest that."
"I would never," Shangjue laughs, breathless with relief. Kissing the crown of Yuanzhi's head, he silently thanks the Heavens. "Between you and Elder Yue, I'm pretty sure we will have the solution in no time."
"Let's wait until we weaned the baby?"
"Anything my furen wants, this dutiful husband will provide."
They sit together in a harmonious quiet. Then Yuanzhi says, softly as if he isn't expecting to be heard. "I think I would miss being pregnant. Seems like such a long time since I wasn't big-bellied and ready to pop."
"I know you enjoy your pregnancies. But..." He trails off, letting what isn't said hang in the air between them.
The birth of the twins had been dangerous. Shangjue had almost lost Yuanzhi twice in the delivery and he'd been so anaemic, he had to stay in the clinic for the entirety of his confinement just to recover. Shangjue loves his children; loves being a father to them, raising them, and takes great joy in being an involved part of their lives. He could not have been given a greater gift in life than this family he has built with his Yuanzhi.
But Yuanzhi's well-being is his biggest priority. Some could say that it is only priority.
A gentle kiss to the corner of his lips pulls him out of his thoughts and he looks over to Yuanzhi's smiling face.
"I love you," He murmurs, stroking Yuanzhi's cheek. "Heavens above, how did I ever get so lucky in this life to be able to adore you?"
The pretty pink that colours Yuanzhi's cheeks will never not be his favourite colour. Dropping a kiss on his brow, Shangjue goes back to embracing his furen.
Once their family is settled, he will take his Yuanzhi out to see the world. They'll just pack up and go, and no one will tell them no, or say they're only dreaming.
For his entire life, he'd put the interests of the Gong family first. Yuanzhi had once told him that he was the roots of the Gong family. Well, sometimes, roots can grow above ground too, and sit right out there in the sunlight with the rest of the tree it supports.
Shangjue cannot wait.
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lake-archive · 15 days
Chapter 25 - The Little Girl
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Fandom: Ensemble Stars
Series: Alte Liebe Rostet Nicht
Characters: Izumi Sena, Anja-Sophia 'Ann' Wolff (OC), Nyeli (OC by @watersofcamelot)
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“ Izuzu! Patch! Hat euch ja lange gebraucht! Aber da seit ihr ja endlich! ”
Years ago there had been someone else Izumi got to know during his trip in this foreign land. He recalls the time all too vividly and sometimes it just came back to him, although in rather short bursts if anything. He didn’t want to think back on it, finding it all too distracting. And yet, here he was sometimes, just dwelling in the past where he had met her, a little girl he could not understand.
That was in a literal sense of course. He had never any idea what she was telling him, not daring to speak after having introduced himself and her being unable to pronounce it. This resulted in her calling him ‘Izuzu’, having given up midway through to pronounce his name. And it became somewhat terrifying to speak when she started talking in this alien language. He didn’t understand her, at all, and didn’t dare to ask. Could he even? Would she understand him? It was like communicating with an alien, another species altogether. 
And the girl, she didn’t look like one at all to begin with. At least not like one he usually saw around or what Mama had told him what a girl would be like. If it wasn’t for her voice little Izumi would think that she was a guy actually. Short, brown, messy hair, shorts, a shirt way too big for her and a pair of trainers. No dress, no accessories, not even make up. And she was not scared too from what he saw. She sometimes fell over and scraped her knee but laughed it off rather than crying over it. She loved climbing trees, playing ball or just running around and circles for the heck of it. No dolls, no stuffies. She even got herself dirty and she was never, ever bothered by it. She was odd, to say the least, yet he was jealous all the same. If he were to do any of that, visibly Mama and Papa would get a panic attack, freak out and scold him, most likely locking him into his room for the rest of this business trip. This was one of the rare occasions after all they allowed him outside so he and Patch would of course take that opportunity to go to the outside world.
As for how he met her… He didn’t know. She just walked up to him, greeted him and started to drag him into one game after the other without consent whatsoever. She just took him away and started introducing him to games, or so he assumed. At first he was debating if he should participate yet this girl made sure he stayed one way or another. And to make matters more complicated Patch wanted to stay as well, having fun with whatever the girl came up with.
Little Izumi tried to explain the consequences, what Mama might say if something happened to either of them yet the kitty had been too occupied with the game, being unable to reason with. So, it was two against one in the end and as a kid he let himself drag into whatever game the little girl came up with.
One time this girl had suggested some type of… Pretend? At least that was what he thought it was, though he did not understand when she had explained it to him.
“ Ok, hier ist ein Stock, den ich gefunden habe. Izuzu und Kater. ihr seid die Helden und ich spiele den Super Bösewicht! Mein Stock ist nämlich größer als eurer! ”
Compared to the stick in her hand the sticks they were given were super slim, easy to break, as hers seemed hard to lift at first glance, a little thicker than theirs yet also more dirty as a result. While most children would complain how unfair it would be he secretly was glad. Dirty hands meant that Mama would freak out if she was to find out about this.
‘ Look at your hands! What if you infected yourself with some incurable disease!? Do you want to die!? That’s it! Up to your room! You will stay there! I will hire someone to look after you too! ’ 
It would be something she would say and he hated to make Mama worry. She was just looking out, nothing more. So there was no need to make her worry whatsoever. The smaller the stick, the quicker it is to wash off and cover up. 
Izumi couldn’t continue that thought however, not when hearing Path nyeing like crazy. When he woke up from his thoughts he spotted his little buddy jumping all around, the girl swinging her stick at him and laughing. Patch of course did not really think it was funny at all, trying to fend the girl off the best he could by running from side to side or blocking her attempted attacks with the stick. On the surface one would think that she had been disregarding his safety completely. However, that was far from the case honestly, as odd as it sounded. She wasn’t trying to really hurt Patch and yet it looked so real, given how wild her swings were. 
It made him stare for one good second before running over with a worried face and stepping right in front for the next swing, before it could try hitting his little buddy. For a second he disregarded his own safety, let alone the words Mama could say should he be injured though he thought that far ahead, kind of.
It was more of a reflex, given how often he played with the little girl. He put his own stick in front which made his and hers clash, like a pair of swords. It was then where Izumi had assumed this was playing pretend, given it was something he and Patch did when playing knights at home: Sword clashing. He didn’t exactly know why or what they were pretending to fight, but little Izumi was ‘eager’ to show his training in that regard, amusing the girl with some swings of his own shortly after. 
In the heads of a kid it may be a fierce battle, the clashing of ages going on. A knight versus an evil swordswoman, both duking it out and being on equal footing yet wanting to outdo the other. At least that was going on in his head.
The simple truth was that this was just kids playing with sticks, moving them against another until one was hit. A dangerous game for kids to play yet it was fun. It only lasted a short while because before little Izumi had known he scraped his stick against the little girl’s exposed knee, making her nearly squeal for a moment before freezing in her position, quickly yelping out in pain.
He stopped to move and so was Patch, both staring at the brunette for a second and eyeing her wound. It was a tiny one, a small scratch if anything and yet the sight was terrifying to Izumi. His eyes widened, he was almost panicking, Did he infect her with something? If so this was his fault! If she’s going to die now, it will be his fault! Oh god, what is he going to do!? 
He looked around in panic, his eyes going up and down at her as he noticed to slightly sweating. What had he done!? Surely, Mama won’t be happy if she—
“Izuzu? Warum guckst du mich so an? ” Her voice spoke up, sounding confused. She had even tilted her head when looking at him, spotting how he was tearing up, or at the brink to. He didn’t want her to die! No, not at all! And yet she seemed oblivious to the severity, utterly calm and even blinking. And the next thing confusing him was her sudden laugh, grinning cheerfully at him, as if nothing had happened. “ Ach das? Nichts wildes! Krieg ich die ganze Zeit! Klar, Mami wird fast ausflippen, aber wird schon~ Mir geht es super! ”
She then lifted herself up all of a sudden, coming face to face with him once more and shoving herself right in his face with a wide grin. 
“ Haha, nicht weinen! Runde zwei Runde zwei! ”
It was always like this between the two at the time. Izumi didn’t know this girl nor the name and when he had asked Patch if he remembered something recently, the cat shook his own head. He didn’t know her name either. And yet, Izumi had the odd feeling that the cat was hiding something from him, something he would rather not say. 
It was odd but it was best not to pry. He didn’t have the right to, at least not yet, and didn’t want to ruin what he and his little buddy had built up once more. It was still in its early stages and the smallest step could make it crash down yet again.
Still, recently the memories about this girl hit him again. Compared to him she seemed so carefree, so cheerful. In the short span of time they played together he never saw her crying. Any injury from the games they played were met with a wide smile. She was full of energy, so upbeat… Even now he was a little envious. She was a little girl, sure, but he couldn’t help but admire how careless she was. Instead of asking himself what her Mama and Papa thought of such behavior, he was just admiring her. 
Though he hates to say it, he is not certain what happened to her. Because of course Izumi’s own mother found out what he had been doing, with whom he had been playing, which caused him to be dragged away and he was only allowed to be left outside under supervision. And if so his parents made sure that he would not play with this ‘barbaric girl’ ever again. She was not a good influence on him, or so Mama said. She had to be right, didn’t she?
He liked to believe that. He had to believe that. It was his own mother after all, she knew what was best! And yet… He wished that he could have said goodbye in one way or another. 
What is she up to now? He couldn’t help but wonder, maybe even imagine what her life is like at this moment. Surely she is at home, having forgotten everything: Him, Patch and their games. Instead she is most likely enjoying her life with friends she can play and hang out with, probably. People must adore her. He did when he was little so why would that change? Surely, she is most likely a popular girl one way or another. Even if she is still a tomboy, that doesn’t really change anything. After all, he remembers her enthusiasm to be addicting. And he never understood a word of what she was saying. 
Yeah, he was certain that this is the life she is living. She seemed like a good person after all and the future is bright for people like her. 
A bright future for a bright girl. It’s only natural to assume something like that. But that’s all he can do, assume. After all… It is very unlikely that he will see her ever again.
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Good Morning/Afternoon/Evening/Late Night Fellow Flowers!!!
Okay; For those that have followed me when this account was just Poptropica, I finally got back into it after so many months. I ended up drawing 3 things the other night that I wanna post here.
(Also just a Small side note; Yesterday was this main Tumblr Account’s 7th birthday. 7 years I had this Tumblr; Thank you all!!)
Now then! Onto the Drawings. First off; Who here remembers a story that went around on DeviantArt that was called Poptropica DRTI?
If you do; Then great! For those that don’t but/or need a refresher; I gotchu. It was a story 3 people worked on where if Poptropica had an Island that was based off of the Anime/Video game: Danganronpa. (It became 2 stories of Danganronpa Island because of the first story getting popular) It had the Villains of Poptropica be placed into this Island and basically go through what the Anime and Games went through for the first story while the Second Story had Side characters.
Lots of Emotions and lots of Blood were being shown for this Stories. The first Story is the one I remember most because of how it was with the villains of Poptropica. The one running the Island was none other than Zeus in his disguise of Dr.Jupiter. It had bizzare kills; Punishments and many times when reading the story, I have drawn fanart for the story. Their all on my DA so their old drawings and I plan to Redraw them.
ANYWAY!! Getting Side tracked! Drawings of Some Characters from the whole Poptropica DRTI story are here!
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I had to look at what everyone looked like and figure out designs for some.
Personally I love how Binary Bard (In the Second picture) ended up turning out. Of course there is Crusher and Crawfish as well but still.
Those of you who had followed me since my Poptropica days may remember I had two other OCs besides Flowertor Dangeroot. One named Lang and the other being Henry Crook. I figured it was best I brought them back too with Flowertor; Because of this I ended up remembering what I did to Henry Crook.
Henry crook lost his eyes when he was a kid to a Pirate Captain but he knew it wasn’t Crawfish. Since that day; He swore to get revenge on him so as he got older and Crawfish came to his town, He teamed up with Crawfish. Crawfish made Henry crook first Mate and looked out for him every time they would go into battle with a town or other pirates.
Soon enough; They run into the Pirate Captain that took Henry’s Eyes. A big fight occurs and it led to Henry winning against his enemy but at a cost. Unfortunately; Henry had gotten stabbed during the battle and was looking blood pretty fast.
Crawfish (Who couldn’t help Henry fight because Henry told him not to) finds Henry but sees that he’s in bad shape. He pleads and Begs for Henry to wake up but sadly to no Avail. Henry unfortunately passed away from his wounds and Crawfish didn’t have a first mate anymore. He Kept Henry’s scarf he would always wear as a way to remember him by and plans on doing something with the Scarf but for right now: It remains in Crawfish’s possession.
Here’s the Drawing before I forget!
WARNING NOW!! BLOOD AND DEATH!! (Also I’m slowly coming out of my art block so these were my starts; For those that have Commissions from me; Do not worry! I didn’t forget about you all. I will work on your commissions as soon as possible. Perks of Being an artist… not. Art block sucks!)
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thebrikbox · 9 months
Godzilla and My Favorite Nemeses
There is no monster like the king, Godzilla. He is, to me, better than my fav cherry pie filling topped cheesecake. Ask me, “want to see a Godzilla movie or do you want a whole cheesecake?” Must you ask twice? Go ahead, wave that thing under my nose, go ahead. My response: “I’ll eat that cake after the movie.”
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Some monsters are weapons used by aliens with dastardly plans to take over the world and in order to do that, they must destroy Godzilla. They come to earth disguised as humans and present themselves as peaceful beings wanting to cohabitate and naive politicians believe them and hold press conferences to display whatever it is they want all to see. Then, the ah-ha moment happens when the aliens’ true intention is unveiled. The people of Japan expose the aliens, the defense league gather their forces and ready themselves for retaliation. Monsters are unleashed, but earthly weapons aren’t effective against the monsters and all hope for mankind seems lost until… dun, dun, da! Godzilla appears and opens a can of whoop-ass on the enemy! Booyah! A great battle ensues to which the king of monsters always wins.
I’ve always imagined Godzilla saying, “Fool! Only I can wreak havoc on this planet! This is my territory!” You go, Godzilla! You show ‘em why you’re the king!
Here are my favorites:
King Kong
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The mighty Kong was introduced to American cinema in 1933. An uncharted Skull Island is where this great ape dwells and he is considered a God that is feared and respected by the natives. This version of Kong was rebooted in 1976 with Jeff Bridges and Jessica Lange and in 2005 with Jack Black, Naomi Watts, and Adrian Brody.
Many Kong movies were adapted in feature films and weren’t as popular as the ones stated above. But the most popular and favored Kong was introduced to the world in 2017, Kong: Skull Island.
Kong. The mighty king of Skull Island is bigger and badder than other versions. I loved this movie. A giant gentle soul defending his home from intruders. We saw that a giant creature isn’t always bad and some humans can have bad intentions when they’re fueled by ignorance and fear. We also saw that some giant creatures are bad and some humans have good intentions. Great movie.
Kong first appeared with Godzilla was in the 1962 release of King Kong vs. Godzilla. This movie was funny to say the least. The actors were great as always, and the monsters were creative. It surprised me that Godzilla was defeated. I rewatched the movie twice to confirm my eyes weren’t tricking me.
The 2021 release of Godzilla vs. Kong displayed the great powerhouses fighting one another where Godzilla is the victor. Later, Kong and the king would team up against a powerful robot creation called Mechagodzilla.
Kong’s brute strength and intelligence makes him a worthy and respectable rival.
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This robot was introduced to us in 1974 Godzilla vs. Mechagodzilla. Mecha was created by martians that wanted to take over the earth and to do that, they would use their creation to kill Godzilla. In 1975, Terror of Mechagodzilla reintroduced the robot by the same martians. You know Godzilla defeated it in both movies. In the 1993 and 2002, Mechagodzilla was made by a Godzilla task force to use in battle against the king.
His most recent appearance in the in the 2021 release, he was created by a greedy tech tycoon. This version was ultra cool and maybe the last time we see the mechanical giant in a live action production.
Mechagodzilla is controlled by its creators. However, in two movies, it was built around a Godzilla skeleton and the latest had Ghidorah’s essence, or DNA. These robots were manually controlled until the spirit of both monsters broke free to move and think independently. The Godzilla spirit fought to save Japan from Godzilla’s rage and the Ghidorah one just wanted to destroy the earth and anything that attempted to stop it.
King Ghidorah
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Ghidorah is my favorite Godzilla nemesis of all. This amazing monster has three heads and shoots lightening with a force so powerful to knock Godzilla off his feet. Considered to be the greatest and strongest foe, every battle between the two is epic especially that Ghidorah flies.
We first met Ghidorah in 1964 in Ghidorah, the Three-headed Monster, where he emerged from a meteorite. He reappears as a challenging foe for Godzilla and his fighting technique never is boring. One head bites down on Godzilla’s neck, another bites his shoulder, and the one head bites wherever it gets a hold of, and then… ZAP! They shoot powerful jolts into his body. So awesome! It always seems Godzilla is getting his butt handed to him, but in the end he triumphs.
In 1992, Godzilla vs. King Ghidorah, people from the future created Ghidorah from three separate cute creatures called Dorats and use it to destroy Japan but unbeknownst to them, Godzilla emerges and destroys not only Ghidorah, but them, too. Androids, spaceships, and American actors brought this live action thriller to life. This Ghidorah is by far the biggest and strongest one until he appeared in the 2019 Godzilla: King of the Monsters and he was bigger and badder. I’ll say it again, Ghidorah is the best nemesis and will always be my favorite one.
Space Godzilla
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1994’s Space Godzilla proved to be a worthy opponent for Godzilla in the Toho releases Godzilla vs. Space Godzilla.
The terrifying monster didn’t have an origin and was explained to have come to life when Godzilla’s cells were released into space by either Mothra’s or Biollante’s spores. His cells would’ve been caught in a black hole, combine with crystalline organisms and was exposed to space radiation. From there, the cells were transformed into a replica of Godzilla. Instead of dorsal plates along its back, it had space crystals - two massive ones on its shoulders and a gold crystal on its head. The crystals is Spacegodzilla’s power source that shoots beams. It also had the ability to create crystal prisms from the earth that it used to imprison baby Godzilla.
M.O.G.U.E.R.A., Mobile Operations G-Force Universal Expert Robot: Aero-type, was made by the JSDF to defend Japan from Godzilla; it teamed up with him to fight and defeat Spacegodzilla.
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Godzilla 2000 is my favorite Godzilla movie. Toho combined traditional suit acting in the monster fight, and CGI for the UFO. This was the first production that used CGI and it opened doors for future Godzilla movies to utilize this new tool.
Orga is an alien that crashed to earth at the bottom of the ocean millions of years ago where it remained until the 20th Century. During its dormancy, the UFO coral enveloped the entire vessel. A team of scientists discovered a power source underwater and traced it to the large object believed to be a meteorite. This was a treasure find for the team and nothing would be more gratifying than to raise it and examine it. During the raising attempt, the meteorite came to life when sunlight touched its surface; this startled the scientists as this was unexpected. The lead researcher determined it was an alien object that relies on sunlight for its mobility.
In the meantime, Godzilla has emerged and is destroying as many power source plants in the vicinity because he knew about the alien, but the humans did not. The JSDF utilizes all means to kill Godzilla until they realize the UFO’s intentions.
What made this movie great is it showed two sides of human behavior. One side wants to study Godzilla and learn to adapt to his existence, and one side wants to kill him. In the end, it’s realized that though Godzilla is destructive, he saves humanity from invasions meant to truly destroy them. Godzilla reminds the people that there is mutual respect between them and they must understand that, especially those determined to kill him.
Final word
All Godzilla movies are awesome, except for one: Tri-Star’s 1998 Godzilla starring Matthew Broderick - to be discussed later. These are my favorite nemesis, but there more great ones who’ve faced Godzilla in battle.
To truly enjoy these films, you must not watch them with criticism, but enjoy them for what they are - storyline and all. Keep in mind the timelines of release and that CGI wasn’t an option like it is today. I can only hope more Godzilla movies are made and they forever bring joy to all fans that love him as much as I.
Photo references: Getty Images
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zl181 · 2 years
Comprehensive Biography of Sima Fang
Sima Fang, styled Jiangong (司馬防字建公; 149 - 219), was a civil official. He was the patriarch of the Sima clan and his descendants would go on to rule parts of China for around 150 years.
Sima Fang came from Xiaojing Village, Wen County, Henei Commandery.[1][2] One of the ancestors of Sima Fang was Sima Ang, a general for the Nation of Zhao during the Chu-Han Conflicts. He was made King of Yin and had his capital at Henei, where his descendants remained. Sima Ang's eighth generational descendant was Sima Jun, styled Shuping (司馬鈞字叔平), who served the Han as General who Conquers the West. Sima Jun's son was the Grand Administrator of Yuzhang; Sima Liang, styled Gongdu (司馬量字公度), whose son, Sima Jun, was the father of Sima Fang.[1]
Early life
When he was young, he served his province and commandery, later to serve as Prefect of Luoyang and Intendant of Jingzhao.[1][2] He enjoyed the Book of Han's Biographies of Famed Ministers and was able to recite several tens of ten thousands words from it, which is a lot.[2]
He later became Right Assistant to the Masters of Writing. Around 175, he recommended Cao Cao to be Commandant of the North of Luoyang. Some suggested Sima Fang chose Cao Cao because he knew Cao Cao would defend Luoyang well from invaders.[3]
Around 190, in response to the Guandong Coalition, Dong Zhuo moved the capital from Luoyang to Chang'an. At the time, Sima Fang was Archivist Secretarial Censor and had to move west to Chang'an with many other officials. He was concerned about the unrest in China, so he sent Sima Lang to lead his family back to Wen County.[4]
Meeting Cao Cao at Ye
Around Summer 216, when Cao Cao became King of Wei, he summoned Sima Fang to Ye for a cordial drink. He said to Sima Fang,
"Am I currently still able to perform as a Commandant or not?"
Sima Fang replied,
"At the time I recommended you, O Great King, you were capable of performing as a Commandant. That is all."
Cao Cao laughed loudly in response.[3]
Relationships with his sons
Sima Fang was known for his extremely strict upbringing for his sons. Even as they grew older, they still listened to him out of respect and possibly fear. If Sima Fang did not order them to go forward, they did not dare go forward; if Sima Fang did not order them to sit, they did not dare sit; if Sima Fang did not gesture for them to answer, they did not dare speak.[2]
Final years
When he was older, he transferred to become Commandant of Cavalry. It is stated he secluded himself in his humble house, that he closed his gates and was mindful of his behavior.[2]
He died in 219.[2]
Postmortem events
His grandson, Sima Lun, who was Emperor for a short time, wanted to honor Sima Fang as Emperor. Whether anything came of this is unknown.[3]
He had eight sons: Sima Lang, Sima Yi, Sima Fu, Sima Kui, Sima Xun, Sima Jin, Sima Tong, and Sima Kui. They were called the 'Eight Das' because all their style names had Da (達) at the end.[1][2][5]
By nature, he was very direct but was usually fair. It is said that even in feasts, he maintained a solemn appearance.[2]
He had eight sons: Sima Lang, Sima Yi, Sima Fu, Sima Kui, Sima Xun, Sima Jin, Sima Tong, and Sima Kui. They were called the 'Eight Das' because all their style names had Da (達) at the end.[1][2][5]
Sima Fang sending Cao Cao was a good idea, as Cao Cao was known for prosecuting or executing anyone who broke the rules in his jurisdiction, and even the wealthy and powerful were not exempt, significantly lowering the corruption in the capital. In addition, Sima Fang's strict upbringing of Sima Yi, which most likely included studying ancient histories and biographies as well as social etiquette, probably gave him a good education, leading to Sima Yi's future successes.
Personal Info
Name: Sima Fang
Style name: Jiangong[1][2]
Birth date: 149[2]
Death date: 219[2]
[1] - 【宣皇帝諱懿,字仲達,河內溫縣孝敬里人,姓司馬氏。...楚漢間,司馬卬為趙將,與諸侯伐秦。秦亡,立為殷王,都河內。漢以其地為郡,子孫遂家焉。自卬八世,生征西將軍鈞,字叔平。鈞生豫章太守量,字公度。量生潁川太守雋,字元異。雋生京兆尹防,字建公。帝即防之第二子也。」】《晉書•卷一》
[2] - 【(司馬彪《序傳》曰:...父防,字建公,性質直公方,雖閑居宴處,威儀不忒。雅好《漢書名臣列傳》,所諷誦者數十萬言。少仕州郡,歷官洛陽令、京兆尹,以年老轉拜騎都尉。養志閭巷,闔門自守。諸子雖冠成人,不命曰進不敢進,不命曰坐不敢坐,不指有所問不敢言,父子之間肅如也。年七十一,建安二十四年終。有子八人,朗最長,次即晉宣皇帝也。)】《三國志注•卷十五》
[3] - 【(《曹瞞傳》曰:為尚書右丞司馬建公所舉。及公為王,召建公到鄴,與歡飲,謂建公曰:「孤今日可復作尉否?」建公曰:「昔舉大王時,適可作尉耳。」王大笑。建公名防,司馬宣王之父。臣松之案司馬彪《序傳》,建公不為右丞,疑此不然,而王隱《晉書》云趙王篡位,欲尊祖為帝,博士馬平議稱京兆府君昔舉魏武帝為北部尉,賊不犯界,如此則為有徵。)】《三國志注•卷一》
[4] - 【是時董卓遷天子都長安,卓因留洛陽。朗父防為治書御史,當徙西,以四方雲擾,乃遣朗將家屬還本縣。】《三國志注•卷十五》
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wnoluck · 1 year
i hope my papa learned his lesson todaym he was drunk and hurt my sister and slapped me. he went home and noticed he was drunk and not in a good mood i can say because the way he talks are aggressive and annoyed for no reason. i was mixing the seasoning for our dried noodles when he ask‚
“wala sud’an?”
“may ara‚ sabaw lang galing”
then he went out and look for the ulam tapos he went back asking again‚
“ano hambal mo? wala sud’an?”
“may ara sabaw lang”
“ti ano to sud’an?”
“sabaw nga du may ano bala haw karne”
“ti ano na?”
“sabaw nga may karne bala”
“ti ano na?”
i was really annoyed that moment because he was being sarcastic and close minded like what the fuck is he trying to say??? so i shouted “ano haw?!” then boom he went to me and slapped my face. idc‚ i didnt cry‚ he’s being abusive and unreasonable. my cheecks were burning and he wouldn't stop his mouth saying whatever the fuck he was saying i didnt care about it he’s so fucking annoying i hate him that time i didnt listen to every single word he says‚ i covered my ears in front of him and when he stayed away i take it off again but he went on me again so i covered again when he kept saying “syado simi katunto nga bata amo ka na magsabat sakon? amay mo ko” when i explained the convo we have. he was clearly drunk so what is the point of listening to his stupid butthurted ego comments‚ i was so pissed and i snaped. i cried and shouted at him that all i want is to cook for my sister and u so we can eat and all he did was hurt me and verbally abused me. i went upstairs when he tried to call me. i said i dont wanna listen to everything he says because he’s drunk but then he went after my sister. he was calling her. ik ut already that he will hurt my sister and i wasnt wrong so i shouted “ano naman na? si jersyl naman da hilabtan mo?” after i said it i heard he was asking “ano lang gin ubra mo bilog nga adlaw? computer ka lang nga computer?” and then after that i heard my sister cried so i went dont and make him leave the house because i couldn't take his cruelty anymore. who tf are u to hurt my sister when you’re drunk? i let him out. i pushed him out on the door. at first he doesnt want‚ he was saying “kita mo ako pa pagwaon mo ano ka ka tunto” i answered‚ “indi ka di ya papa samon‚ gwa to kag didto panakit taho indi di ya pagsakita ang utod ko kay hubog ka gwa ka to indi ka di samon” i was crying and begging for him to go out and i took my sister who’s crying behind me away from him and hugged her. good thing he went out. i immediately asked my sister where my papa hit her‚ she said on the back of her head. i was so angry but i couldn't do anything i hate him. he hurted my sister. i hate him very much i wanna cry so bad knowing he hurted my sister because he wasnt in the mood cuz of alcohol.
but then after 10 minutes i think‚ he knocked on the door calling if he can enter. he apologized and hug me saying to pls understand him because sometimes he was suffering from depression because of my mama so i said “dont apologize to me. apologize to my sister” he was crying while hugging me so he went to my sister and they both cried. im happy that my sister forgave my papa too and doesnt hold grudges to him. i was also surprised that i immediately welcomed his hug
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roseinblue · 1 year
From: Just the benefits by Beeyotch
a short story by: Katrina Paola Andes
“Stop touching me!”
Hindi ko mapigilan ang sarili ko na magpumiglas ng hawakan niya ang braso ko. How dare he touch me
“Mag usap naman tayo” sabi niya
“Mag usap? Para saan? As far as I remember, you and I are strangers to each other, diba?”
He looked at me with eyes pleading. Oo Yno, tama yan, magdusa ka sa desisyong pinili mo
“Don’t you dare” I said. Magkahalong poot at sakit ang nararamdaman ko ngayon, bakit kung kailan ayos na ko saka ka pa ulit magpapakita?
“Wag na wag mong subukang humarap sakin na parang wala kang ginawang mali, Yno. And don’t try to bring the past back kasi baka makalimutan ko na talaga kung sino ka ba talaga sa buhay ko”
Four years. It was long overdue and yet nandito nanaman siya. Barging into my life as if he’s like someone who did great way back then. Pero hindi. He’s the worst nightmare I had
“I didn’t had a choice Za!”
“You had. Pero mas pinili mo akong saktan”
He looked so defeated that he turned his back on me and start wiping something from his face. Umiiyak ba siya? What a joke, Zari. Yno Travis Givano doesn’t give a shit about the people around him, so bakit ka naman niya iiyakan?
Minutes had passed and he still managed to be silent. Aalis na sana ako ng magsalita ulit siya
“Three days”
I was confused. Ano nanamang pakulo ba ang gusto nito ha
Humarap siya sakin at pilit na ngumiti kahit halatang galing siya sa pag iyak
“Give me three days to prove you that I deserve a second chance, Za. Just three days”
I laughed with what he said
“I’ve learned life in the hardiest possible way, Yno. Kaya kung ano mang laro yang naiisip mo, just stop. I don’t want you in my life anymore. Period.”
He smiled and chuckled a bit
“Still the same Zareiah I knew, huh?”
I was shookt for a moment. What the? How can he suddenly switch emotions so fast? Is he some kind of a creep now or what?
“You could always run away from me Zareiah, pero lagi mong tandaan na sakin at sakin ka lang babagsak. Hanggat hindi mo ko binibigyan ng chance na magpaliwanag sayo about da nakaraan natin, then I’m not gonna stop bugging you”
“You stop there, Yno. Is this some kind of a play to you?” I lashed out. Ang kapal talaga ng mukha niya
“No, love. Ipapakita ko lang sayo na talagang seryoso ako sayo. Mula noon, hanggang ngayon”
“Cut your bullshits Mr. Givano. I’m done with you”
I started walking away when he suddenly grabbed my arm again. Lagi nalang ba talaga kong hihilahin?
“Ano ba? Bitawan mo nga ako!”
He smiled and there I saw the man I once loved. Yung Yno na mahal na mahal ako. Yung Yno na hinding hindi ako sasaktan at iiwan. Yung Yno na tanggap lahat ng pagkakamali ko sa buhay kasi he always says that life would not end just because of your mistakes. That you can still improve your self and be a better person.
But life will just break all your thoughts and put you back in reality. Na hindi na mababalik pa ang nakaraan. Na kahit anong mangyari, mananatili at mananatili pa din sa isipan ko lahat ng naganap noon. No excuses asked kasi tapos na. Nangyari na
“Hey, Zareiah!”
I snapped back to reality when someone called me. I tried looking around pero di ko na makita si Yno. What was that? Am I imagining things again?
“Girl, anong nangyayari sayo?”
It was Mitch. My friend. And then I remember na we’re here at their rest house in Tagaytay. Funny how I escape reality but then it always makes me think about him pa din
“I was just thinking things” I said to her
“Yeah? You look shit, girl! Wag ka nga umiyak. It makes me think talaga na di ka pa maka move on dun sa ex mo na ayaw mong ikwento sakin eh”
I laughed. It’s true, sa apat na taon ko na kasama si Mitch, never ko nakwento sakaniya yung about samin ni Yno. I just don’t want to remember all the pain I’ve been through kaya ayokong ikwento
I wiped my oh so tears, ang hell yes, meron nga. Funny you, Za!
“So ano? Totoo nga? Omg girl, it’s been four years! Tama na ang pagiging martyr mo sa lalaking yun. He doesn’t deserve you!”
“Oh yeah? And who deserves me, Mitch?”
She smiled wickedly and pointed someone at my back. I already had an idea pero still, I looked and confirmed it
There he is, he’s brother, Kaizer
“Hey Zareiah. Andito ka din pala”
“Yes. I feel like I need the air to breathe. Suffocating na sa city eh”
He laughed. One thing about Mitch’s brother? Napaka dali niyang maka close dahil sa mabait na aura niya
“That’s a fact”
Lumapit siya dala dala ang mga snacks na isang katerba at umupo sa kabilang table lang namin. And there starts our day. Habang nag uusap kami ni Kaizer, nakikita ko sa peripheral vision ko ang naka ngisi na si Mitch. Well, yes, he ships me with his brother, pero me and Kaizer don’t feel the same way towards each other so we’re quits. Ewan ko lang talaga dito kay Mitch kung anong trip sa buhay
Napunta ang usapan namin sa napaka daming topic, hanggang sa di ko namalayan na gabi na pala. We should head our way back home na since may pasok pa kami kinabukasan. But when I saw Mitch sleeping soundly on the sofa holding a bottle of JD’s, I knew na ako nalang ako makakauwi nito mag isa sa Makati
“What a way to start your Monday’s, Mitch” bulong ko. Pero mukhang narinig ng katabi ko kasi natawa nanaman siya
“Will you still head back to Makati? Gabi na”
“Hindi pwedeng hindi eh. I really need to go back”
I said, preparing for my exit. Tumayo din si Kaizer saka lumabas sa sala, maybe he’ll sleep na din
Kinuha ko na yung bag ko and ready na sana ako lumabas sa main door when I saw him approaching with his keys in his hand
“Let’s go, ihahatid na kita”
“No no, it’s okay Kai. Kaya ko namang umuwi mag isa, I have my car with me”
“I’ll drive, gabi na din. Baka kung ano pa mangyari sayo sa daan”
I just nodded and followed him outside. Pumayag na ko kasi alam ko namang di din siya magpapa pigil. Knowing Kaizer? This gentleman will not leave a girl behind
If only I met him sooner, baka sakaniya ako nahulog. He’s a perfect guy, pero yun nga lang, not enough for someone like me who’s a wreck
It took hours before we reach the condo building I’m staying, and when we arrived, I thanked him and he bid his goodbye’s din agad. Gusto niya daw na makapag pahinga na din ako agad and adviced me to atleast still rest before going to school for tomorrow
I waved my hand as soon as the car maneuver away from the building. Paharap na sana ako sa lobby ng building when I saw someone familiar, standing meters away from where I am
I felt like my system heated up. Andito siya. Hindi na to panaginip or imagination. He really is standing meters away from me. He still looks dashing. Well, as always
I was glued on the floor when he neared me. His hands still resting inside his pockets
I couldn’t move. I couldn’t even speak. What’s happening to you, Za! Wag naman sa harap ng lalaki na to
“Is that your boyfriend? Yung naghatid sayo?”
With my eyes still stucked in his face, and my mouth shut, alam ko na naisip niya na baka totoo nga ang hinala niya. Pero why would it matter, though? Tapos na kami diba?
Napatango siya saka ngumiti
“I see”
He was about to turn his back when I speaked
“Bakit ka nandito?”
It took him some time before facing me again
“I just thought of dropping here for the mean time to see you and ask for forgiveness. Nothing more, Za.”
I was halfly disappointed but then, what matters? Wala na nga pala kami
“You should know by now na di ako madaling makalimot Yno”
“Ofcourse. What I did was unacceptable. I deserve everything you’re treating me”
Di ako makapag isip ng susunod ko na sasabihin. This isn’t supposed to be mg reaction In seeing him. I should have lashed out and scream how bastard he is. Pero bakit ganito? Bakit mas nananaig sakin na marinig yung paliwanag at boses niya? Bakit ko siya na m-miss? Hindi dapat ganto eh. Ang unfair
Hot set of tears falled in my eyes unintentionally. I saw how Yno’s reaction fastly changed. He’s shock of seeing me cry. He was about to come near me but I stopped him
Ayoko nang umasa pa sakaniya. Pagod na ko
“Just leave, please” tinalikuran ko siya habang patuloy pa din na bumabagsak ang mga luha ko. I can’t afford to see myself breaking down in front of the man who broke me
“Bakit ka umiiyak, Za” he said in his softest voice
“Stop crying, please love” and there I broke down
Lumapit siya sakin at niyakap ako ng mahigpit. I can feel the stares from the people around us but then I don’t care. Hindi ko na alam kung ano ba talaga tong nararamdaman ko. I’m too fed up by all the hatred and anger na inipon ko sa sarili ko
Nagpadala ako sa galit ko at mga hinanaing kay Yno. And where did it took me? Kinagalitan ko siya without knowing the whole reason why he left. But then I’m just hurt. And it still hurts
“Love, I’m so sorry. Please, forgive me. Alam ko na nagkamali ako pero I had my reasons. Parang awa mo na pakinggan mo ako. Kasi miss na miss na kita, love. I miss you so so much” he said with his voice breaking down
“Give me a chance please. I promise to not easily give you up anymore. Ipaglalaban na kita sakanila Zareiah. Hindi na ko maduduwag”
With his words, I hugged him back. Too much years was wasted. I don’t want another year to end again with just the traps of the people who doesn’t want us to be happy. Pagod na ko, oo. Pero siya at siya lang din ang magiging pahinga ko. Kay Yno lang ako makaka ramdam ng kapahingahan
“Stay this time Yno. Please, don’t break me again. Hindi ko na kakayanin”
He nodded and instead of answering me, he slowly pulled me and gave me a kiss. A kiss made under the moon and night starts. With the people looking at us, and outside the building who managed to see the times I was mourning when he left
Hindi madaling magpatawad, hindi madaling makalimot. Pero hindi ka din magiging masaya kung iikot lang ang buhay mo sa pagkikimkim ng galit. There would always be upside and downside times where we will feel hurt and joy at the same time. But love always win. Love will always put us back to where we are.
I, Zareiah Lysandro, close my life journey with a heartwarming feeling of forgiving someone who hurt me way back then but still finds peace and love with that same person.
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chuuyrr · 2 years
so for today's vidyow AHAHAHA pwede po ba akong umorder(wewz cafe yarn?) ng ano, more mama!reader and son!gojo but this time pupunta si mama!reader sa school kase dadalhan nya ng food si gojo, teacher na si gojo d2 tas ano kasi, naiimagine ko yung itsura ng mga students nya, except gumi bby, na ano sobrang weirded out HAHAHA "gojo-sensei?!!?!! that's your mom?!!??!!! she's so pretty— WHAT???" nobara chill— HAHAHAHAHHAA ayorn tas si reader mapapa- *sigh* more kids to take care of pero puro cuteness lang tas i feel like sabay na pagtitripan ni reader at gumi si gojo kase lam naman naten na sobrang kulet ng lolo nyo HAHAHAHAHAHA
yon langgg, stay safe mareeeeee, tysm in advance kung magawa mo req ko pero remember na okay lang din kung hindi!! it's no big deal hehehe MWAH I LAB YU TO DA MAX HAHAHAHA❤️❤️❤️
mama! scarlet witch! reader brings grown-up! gojo satoru food
jujutsu kaisen x reader
masterlist of the series
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╰➤ CW(s): possible spoilers for jujutsu kaisen, nobara calls you a milf, first-year and second-year students gawk over you, jealous! gojo satoru, mama! reader and megumi teases gojo
╰➤ PAIRING(s): mama! reader x son! gojo, platonic! first-year and second-year students x reader
aaaa thank you saur much for requesting!! here is your cup of coffee for today's video emz, enjoy reading pu, sobrang na enjoy q isulat eto hehe, also it looks like im making mama! reader into a series ><
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even if satoru was no longer a kid, you still made him bento box lunches. you never stopped doing it. you'd wake up early in the morning, cook him a delicious meal, and before giving him his good-bye hug, by the time he has to go to jujutsu tech as a teacher. 
and currently, you ended up making more sweets than usual, particularly kikufuku mochi, which was a favorite of gojo's, along with some matcha mille crepe cake and red velvet brownies, and that's when a light bulb appeared on the top of your head. what if you visited jujutsu tech and brought your loving son some food? it has also been a long while since you last went there. although working in a café was fun and not that tiresome due to your magic, it does get boring and a bit stuffy at times.
using your chaos magic, you closed the shop early and had all the food you were going to bring packaged all nicely as you tied your hair and slipped on a red jacket. once you were all set, you made your way towards the school and first teleported to where yaga-sensei was, or principal yaga, you should say. 
yaga was in his office, working on some paperwork, when you appeared out of nowhere, causing him to jump from his chair. satoru was right about your lack of cursed energy, as he failed to sense you right away. 
the young man yelped in surprise, "[name]-san! you scared me. w-what are you doing here?"
"sorry for the intrusion!" you dipped your head into a small bow, giggling as you placed a box of red velvet brownies, cakes, and mochi on his desk. "it's just that i closed my shop early to bring satoru food, and i figured it'd be nice if i gave you some too. i ended up making plenty."
"that's very thoughtful of you, [name]-san, but this is a lot of food." yaga blinked profusely behind his glasses at the amount of food you had just given him, together with how many you were effortlessly carrying and balancing all by yourself.
"say, where's shoko-chan and suguru-kun? i have sweets to give them too." you inquired.
"shoko is in the infirmary, it should be her break right now. as for suguru, he's on a mission, he won't be back until later." yaga-san informed you, standing up from his office chair to take the packages from you. "allow me to help you carry those boxes. satoru and his students are in the grounds."
you chirped rather happily, "no worries, i can carry them all by myself. thank you, yaga-san."
"are you sure, [name]-sa—before yaga could protest, you had already disappeared from sight.
you first dropped by at the infirmary, where you overheard shoko and ijichi conversing. the young woman was surprised to see you. you gave her and ijichi a bunch of sweets, but not until you hugged her and gave him a headpat and left.
following satoru's cursed energy, you were able to locate the grounds and find them all in no time. there stood your son, facilitating the training of both first-year and second-year students. your chest became fuzzy and warm at the sight of your son handling the children. it looks like your little snowflake has already grown up. seeing him teach with a smile takes you back to the time wherein he told you he wanted to become a teacher at jujutsu tech. at first, you thought he was joking, but he was serious. satoru did have a soft spot for children after all, just like you, his mom.
"satoru-chan!" you called out, catching your son's and everyone's attention.
everyone halted whatever they were doing and turned their heads towards you, all in unison, and they were left astounded. satoru was the first to react upon seeing you.
"mom? what are you doing here?" that was all it took for his first and second-year students to scream in surprise, with the exception of megumi, who already knew who you were.
odd looks had broke through their faces, mouths hanging in agape as their gojo-sensei immediately left their side and rushed towards you, taking the boxes you held in each hand.
"mom, what are these boxes? what about the café?" your son had bombarded you with questions of concern.
"i made plenty of food, so i brought you some." you smiled sweetly, extending your hand towards his head and gave it a gentle pat. "no need to worry about a thing. i closed the café early today, so i can pay you a visit."
"gojo-sensei, is that really your mom?!" nobara was having a panic as she and the rest of the students eyed you from head to toe. "she's so pretty!"
without your chaos magic and all of the red psionics surrounding you, you were a breathtakingly beautiful woman. you peered down at yourself, not really quite getting what satoru's student was saying. you haven't gotten the chance to change your clothes. you were wearing a barely red zipped up hoodie over a shirt and sweatpants, and strands of your hair hung loose due to how you hurried to fix up your hair with a hair tie earlier.
"oh, my! you flatter me too much sweetie." a soft yet sweet giggle had escaped your lips.
"it's true though, gojo-san!" itadori exclaimed, agreeing with nobara's statement.
"she's not a gojo." your now grown-up gumi-chan explained briefly to his fellow classmates and earned another look of shock from them.
"eh? do you know her, fushiguro?" panda quipped, turning towards him.
"she's gojo-sensei's adoptive mom." fushiguro answered in a murmur, his soft eyes locking with yours as a faint blush slowly spread across his cheeks. "she used to look after me and my sister."
"no wonder you don't look like gojo-sensei!" maki stated with wide eyes as she promptly folded her arms across her chest.
"salmon!" inumaki said in agreement, nodding his head.
"i'm satoru's adoptive mom. i go by [surname], [surname] [name] to be exact!" you introduced yourself, smiling at each and every single one of them as you gently pulled fushiguro to your side and rubbed his back in a motherly way. "it's a pleasure to meet you all, i've heard so much about you guys from satoru! from yuuji-kun, nobara-chan, maki-chan, inumaki-kun, panda-kun to yuuta-kun, such a shame the poor boy is overseas."
"gojo-sensei, how come we never met [surname]-san before?!" nobara cried out in an exaggerated manner.
"well, she's not a faculty of the school, she doesn't really go here that much. only a few instances." gojo chuckled at his first-year student, recalling how you'd only make your way here in jujutsu tech every time he and suguru would have a fight, or whenever they need someone to help them.
although you were affiliated with strong connections in the jujutsu world despite not having jujutsu, you refused to involve yourself that much because as much as you hated it, the big three clans were still bugging you even if years had already passed.
"these are kikufuku mochi, brownies and crepe cakes!" gojo exclaimed, opening the boxes you were carrying earlier.
"that's right! i told you i made plenty of food!" you nodded, clasping your hands together. "i know, why don't you and the kids take a break and eat up?"
a gasp escaped your lips, "oh, my. i should have brought coffee and picnic blankets for everyone. looks like i'll just have to magic us a bunch."
"magic?" the first-year and second-year students asked, dumbfounded.
before you could answer, you locked and twitched your fingers, and the next thing everyone knew, all of them were now sat in a big picnic blanket you had gotten out of nowhere, all of the food you had brought were neatly set out in the middle and you even magicked hot coffee that were enough for everyone.
you softly chuckled at their expressions as you sat down beside satoru and megumi, taking a sip from the mug of coffee you had magicked in your hand, "as you've noticed, i don't have cursed energy. what i do have is chaos magic."
"chaos magic?" all of the students excluding megumi stared at you with interest and curiosity filled eyes.
"it allows me to manipulate reality at a molecular level without any restrictions." you continued to explain, raising a freehand to show everyone the red psionics of your magic that were wafting from your fingertips.
using your chaos magic, you had promptly turned the mug of coffee you had into a glass of water, then you proceeded to turn into a plate of freshly cookies, earning even more gasps and surprised looks from the students. it was just like a magician performing to children.
"SO COOL!" itadori exclaimed with wonderstruck eyes. "MAGIC IS REAL!"
"wait, [surname]-san." panda raised a hand, erm, paw, as if he was asking a question to a teacher. "does this mean you're stronger than gojo-sensei?"
a dramatic gasp had escaped gojo's breath as he yanked down his blindfond to stare at his students. "EXCUSE ME?!"
"you said you can manipulate reality at a molecular level without any restrictions, so can you get through gojo-sensei's infinity?" maki proceeded to ignore their teacher that was now throwing a fit in the background and ask you.
"well, i can bend the laws of physics, so.." you shrugged your shoulders, a fit of laughter erupting from your throat.
nobara exclaimed, stars filling her eyes. "what a girlboss, definitely a MILF. i aspire to be like you [surname]-san!"
"you should teach here at jujutsu tech just like gojo-sensei and geto-sensei, [surname]-san." panda suggested.
"oi, oi! quit stealing my mother from me!" with that, satoru encased you in his arms and glared at each of his students childishly. "mind you i'm one she bought these sweets for."
the students watched in awe of how their teacher was getting all jealous and protective of you. this says it all. gojo satoru is a literal embodiment of a manchild.
"hehe, to think gojo-sensei would be a such mama's boy." nobara snickered together with maki and itadori.
"[name]-san did say these sweets are to be eaten together, which means she brought them for us too." megumi stated in a matter of factly manner with a smug look as he took a sip of his own mug of coffee.
"you guys are absolute bullies. i can't believe my own beloved students would do this to me, their greatest teacher." satoru dramatically draped an arm over his eyes as he leaned against your shoulder, causing you to burst out laughing.
"i'm starting to think you're more of a child than them, snowflake." you commented with a grin, leaning your head against your knuckles as propped an elbow on your thigh.
"mom, don't call me that in front of my students!" satoru whined, immediately snapping his towards you to see you laughing and grinning about.
"why not? you're still my little snowflake, my wittle precious snowflake~" you pinched his cheek and spoke in a baby-like voice as you cooed, making the limitless sorcerer's face turn into a beet red color.
"she called gojo-sensei snowflake!" the students were unable to control their laughter and amusement. "snowflake-sensei!"
"gah, i'm so jealous! i want [surname]-san to be my mama too. can you sign my adoption papers?" an adorable pout had struck nobara's face as she looked at you with pleading eyes.
"tuna mayo!" inumaki pointed at himself too.
"looks like i have more children to take care of." you muttered to yourself as you smiled at each and every single one of them. "i already have satoru, shoko, suguru, megumi and tsumiki."
"i hate you guys, i'm keeping these box of kikufuku to myself." satoru shook his head and snatched the box of sweets, keeping it to his chest.
"now, now. don't be like that, snowflake." you turned towards him, rubbing his back in a motherly way.
every since then, you started coming over at the school more often due to satoru's students wanting to see you. the children loved you so much. years had already passed since you had taken satoru, megumi and tsumiki under your wing, you were still a magnet for children. so, everytime you'd visit them, you'd always bring them something good to eat or drink, and may or may not have ended up teaching them while at it.
sometimes, especially after a mission, the students would drop by at your café and you'd almost never make them pay. you would spoil them with sweets, pastries and drinks that were on the house. you made sure they weren't going home hungry.
of course, satoru's a little jealous because he just gained a bunch of rivals to your love and that they ended up loving and adoring you more than him, but he's happy that you're happy. he will always cherish the way you smiled and laughed with his students everytime you were with them.
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(Gif not mine)
AN: i tried my level best to keep this gn. So i avoided fem/male pronouns to the best of my abilites. Pls lmk if i unkowingly added some.
(Pardon my grammar. Eng is not my first lang)
Req (?) : yes @icantthinkofanunqiueusername
icantthinkofanunqiueusername What about a Nolan Booth (Red notice) Reader insert, Where the reader is a fellow theif who wants the eggs jsut for the sake of having them, This creates a sort of rivalry between her and Nolan but its friendly and they work with eachother and Yeah, Shit happens and then they kiss and live happily ever after
You were sipping your (stolen) wine when you got an anonymous call, saying that someone was actually trying to steal the eggs of cleopatra. The eggs were what brought you into this line of business but you gave up when you couldn't find the 3rd one. You sold the other two eggs which set you up pretty nicely and funded your future "projects". When you got news that the third egg was being hunted down, your curiosity got the better of you. Who was the person who knew the location of the third egg?
You wanted to curse every single being in the universe. Sure he was hot and good loking and incredibly sexy but he was also annoying, a bitch and a know-it-all. He had constantly managed to ruffle your feathers and make fun of you. You guys were initially good friends but there was a time when you guys almost kissed. That kind of caused Nolan to back off from the friendship you had and he started the whole "lets make fun of the only friend i have so that i dont have to actually tell my feelings thing." Ofcourse you knew this but you were still pissed that he wouldnt let you back in.
So naturally, when you got the tip off that he was helping anothet thief steal the egg, you tracked him down because you knew, Nolan would blindly walk into danger and then throw sarcastic comments as a defence mechanism. You wouldnt admit it, but a part of you whished he would be happy to see you. The other part just wnted to see the look on his face wheb you stole the egg from him.
(Time skip i'm so sorry)
You pulled your mask further down your face as you stood among Das' group of men. You eyed Nolan and saw him holding the egg. There was another woman and man with him and you couldnt help but feel jealous at the sight of them. Both of them were well built and you felt small in comparision. Shaking off the feeling, you jumped into action as tge car chase started. You drove the green army tank and almost caught up with Nolan before another tank hit into yours. The break meant Nolan and the others sped off. Sighing, you looked around for something that might help you. You found a map of the place and realised that the only escape in their direction was jumping into a pond. Smirking to yourself, you ran the opposite direction, and waited for the prize to fall into your hands.
(Another Time Skip I'm sorry >_< >_<)
You stood behind the bushes and waited for Nolan to get out of the water. You saw him climb out, hair stuck to his forehead and clothes stuck to his body, showing off his well - built structure. You snaped yourself out of your hungry gaze when you realised that he had been double conned by the bishops. You saw them handcuffing Nolan to a tree and running away. You stood in your spot for a few more minutes before making you way towards him.
"Miss me?"
The look on his face was far better than anything you couldve ever imagined. Oh how badly he wanted to kiss you.
"What're you doing here? Like seeing me handcuffed, do you?"
Ah there he was. Back at it again. The defence mechabism kicking in. You simply shrugged.
"Oh yes. It makes me want to do things" you replied, stepping closer to him. His eyes flickered onto your lips before looking into your eyes.
If he wasnt going to do it, you would. Besides, there wasnt anywhere he could run now, was there?
You smashed your lips onto his, and he reciprocated. You ran your hand along his chest and rested them behind his neck. When you broke apart for air, Nolan heard a click and fell his cuffs falling off. He looked over at you, impressed, before pocketing them with a wink.
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therealvinelle · 3 years
Ok I'm embarrassed to admit this, but I'm just now copying your Norwegian Bella AU into a text translator, and if you don't already have 50 people in your inbox demanding a translation then shame on ALL OF US because this is glorious! And while Google Translate does have a certain charm (it translated "piper hun ut" as "she beeps") I'm curious to see how you'd put it in English.
Troquantary is referring to this post. In which Bella doesn't speak English.
Fun fact, you're the only one who's gone into my inbox to request this. I was so sad, had the translation half-written and everything, but I was too proud to beg. So thank you, Troquantary, for popping this ask.
As for the dictionary fuckups, sounds about right. I made a few typos, too, that made Google Translate suffer even more. (Such as managing to mix up "henne" (her) and "hendene" (hands), resulting in Aro patting Bella instead of clapping his hands. Poor Google.)
Also, there are a few cultural references and language things that would be lost in the translation, in an attempt to keep them I included notes clarifying things.
Some things, like Aro and Carlisle's very old man way of speaking, are easier said than done to translate, you'll have to bear with me there.
Additional notes are that I added a few things to this version, many of them because translating is hard, but a few because while translating I thought "oh you know what would be much funnier-" and then wrote that.
Alright, without further ado:
When Renée left Charlie she did not go to Florida, she went to Oslo. And she went all in to make her daughter a true Norwegian, hiring Norwegian nannies and making sure never to speak English around the child. Since transatlantic flights are expensive, little Bella Swan rarely got to visit her father, and as such she never did learn what should have been her native language.
She quickly forgot what English she did have in favor of Norwegian, with the exception of words like “Yes”, “No”, and “I’m Bella”.
The few trips she took to visit her father were all the more awkward than in canon since she couldn’t play with the Black kids. Let not the blame fall upon Charlie: he took Norwegian classes and speaks conversational Norwegian. He can’t speak to Renée, because her Norwenglish is incomprehensible even to Norwegians, but he can communicate with Bella.
Not that he’s had a lot of chances to do so.
Bella makes it to seventeen years old, she’s in second grade at Handels* and is a major outsider among the preps there, and then Renée marries a handsome skier**. Together they shall travel the continent all winter to participate in as many skiing races as they can, and in the summer they’ll take gigs at Hurtigruta to see the coast.
*“Handels” is the nickname for an Oslo high school infamous for its pupils being rich and beautiful blonds who are going to be CEOs when they grow up.
**Skiing as a sport is huge in Norway
***Hurtigruta is a famous ferry that travels across the Norwegian West coast
Bella, who sucks at skiing and is too young to work at Hurtigruten, takes the hint.
With dread in her stomach and dictionary in hand she goes to her father in America.
Where she doesn’t speak the language.
Charlie gives her a car, and I wish this meta was set in the present because I could have joked about electric cars and the automat only driver’s license*, but Twilight is set in 2005 so I can’t. The car part proceeds without drama.
*An increasing number of Norwegian youth take the driver’s license for automatic cars only, and we’re the country in the world with the highest percentage of electric car purchases.
School is worse than in canon, because she is now a thousand times more sensational than if she was merely the new student. She is from another country! All of Forks keels over with excitement.
To make matters even worse, our girl doesn’t understand a word of what people are saying.
She is too awkward to let them know she doesn’t know English. It’d become a thing, and they might think she’s dumb. To be fair, it’s not good that she’s been through primary, secondary, and now a year and a half of high school and still sucks at English.
So she nods, smiles, mumbles “Hi, I’m Bella” to the new faces, and blushes heavily when anybody says anything.
People assume she’s shy. That’s a bit boring, but oh well.
She has her biology class with the redhead hottie she noticed during lunch. She watched him and his family, they were fascinatingly pretty, but she doesn’t know anything more about them. Sure would have been great if she could have asked the tiny girl (was it Jess?) about them.
Biology proceeds as in canon - Edward badly wants to eat the delicious girl, but fortunately doesn’t.
She runs into him in the office when he tries to switch to another biology lesson, but she has no idea what he’s saying so she only has the suspicion that this somehow concerns her. Which is still uncomfortable, but Bella is probably the problem here. The hottie surely can’t be.
He’s missing from school for a week, Bella finds that weird.
He returns, and to her great horror he starts talking to her.
“Hello”, he says.
Bella dies inside. He’s too handsome!
"I'm Edward Cullen," he continues, and ok, she got that. The hottie is called Edward, that’s good to know. She’s not sure she caught that last name, though, Köln?
He says something else, it’s gibberish to Bella even though she’s concentrating, and at the end there he says “Bella Swan”.
She gulps.
"I'm Bella Swan," she confirms and nods. That should be correct. God, she hopes it’s correct.
He smiles a crooked, boyish smile. She’s awed. She didn’t think it was possible to be so beautiful.
He says something else.
Bella didn’t catch it.
She blushes even harder, she hasn’t been more embarrassed in her life. Here he is, the most handsome guy in all the world, and she has nothing to say to him. Literally, they don’t speak the same language.
She should tell him.
It’s one thing to chicken out of telling the town she doesn’t speak English, but there’s something different about Edward Cullen. He deserves the truth.
He’s the most beautiful person she has seen in her life. He is American, too, so the odds of him knowing Norwegian are microscopical. If he finds out she doesn’t understand a word he says he’ll stop talking to her, and selfish as she is she doesn’t want that.
So with a slightly guilty conscience (but not enough to fess up) she contributes to the conversation with enough words and smiles to pull through. "Yes", "No", "Thank you", and "That's nice".
He is surprised by several of these answers, but instead of giving her odd looks and losing interest he grows more invested in the conversation.
Class ends.
The next day the near accident happens, and he saves her. She is stunned - dear god, did he just pick up a whole car? After teleporting across the parking lot..?
Soon she’s in the ER, and more than a little bit stressed about that fact since she knows the Americans have a terrible healthcare system.
She hopes Charlie has an insurance.
An insanely beautiful man walks into the ER, and Bella is shocked. He is just as handsome as Edward and Edward’s lunch friends!
He introduces himself as Carlisle Cullen, and Bella can only assume this is someone’s older brother. Possibly related to the blonde girl.
He smiles at her, says something, and she answers, "I'm Bella Swan."
He frowns.
That must have been the wrong answer, then.
His hands return to investigating her scalp, and to her great surprise he switches to perfect Norwegian, "kjenner De* noe ubehag når jeg holder her?" Do you feel any discomfort when I touch here?
*De is the Norwegian polite pronoun for “you”. Du = thou = the French tu, and De = you = the French vous. These polite pronouns went out of use in the 1980’s, save for when addressing royal persons, and would be considered antiquated in 2005.
He hurries to add, "Norsk lærte jeg i... fjor sommer. Det var et nettkurs." I learned Norwegian… last year. Online class.
"Hvilket da?" Which one? Bella asks, because Charlie needs to hear about this. The doctor has beautiful, if slightly outdated, pronunciation.
The doctor’s smile turns uncertain. She gets the feeling there’s something he doesn’t want to say. "Husker ikke," I don’t remember, sier han etter en litt vel lang pause.
That’s a shame. And weird.
"De hadde hellet med Dem i dag, som ikke ble truffet av den bilen." You were lucky today, not getting hit by that car. he then says, noticeably changing the subject.
"Det var ikke hell, det var Edward," It wasn’t luck, it was Edward, she replies sharply.
The doctor definitely looks uncomfortable.
She continues, "Han krysset skolegården på et blunk, og plukket opp hele bilen. Jeg så det," He crossed the schoolyard in a moment, and picked up the whole car. I saw it,
The doctor laughs. "Om han kunne det hadde nok gymkarakteren hans vært meget bedre. Nei, frøken Swan*, jeg beklager å si at det høres ut som at De er litt omtåket. Det er helt normalt ved hjernerystelse." If he could do that, his PE grade would be a lot better. No, Miss Swan, I’m sorry to say you seem confused. That’s normal with concussions.
*Addressing a young woman as “frøken” is even more outdated than using polite pronouns.
Why does Bella get the feeling he’s lying?
She’s discharged.
We’ll jump ahead to her trip to La Push - that trip uneventful, since Jacob knows she doesn’t speak English. They stick their hands in their pockets and stare at the sea.
The next day she’s shanghaied to Port Angeles, because apparently she said “Yes” at the wrong time when talking to Jessica (Turns out Jess’s name was Jessica!) and accidentally said yes to a day trip to Port Angeles.
Like in canon she wanders away from the others, and as in canon she is nearly gang raped. And again as in canon she is saved at the last moment by Edward.
He buys her dinner, and she can’t believe her own luck- and misfortune. A date with the most handsome guy on the planet (hence the luck) and she can’t say a word to him (hence the misfortune)!
He says things to her, lends her his jacket, and really this is it for Bella, she’s peaked, life can’t get better than this.
(That’s a lie, it would be better if she spoke English.)
He’s so amazing.
She’s gotten pretty good at navigating conversations with him, so she nods and aha’s her way through.
In his car on the way home the tone takes a more serious turn.
He asks her about something, and it’s a serious question, that much she’s gathered. She answers in the confirmative.
He is silent.
Did she say anything wrong?
(Edward, on his end, just asked if she knows what he is. She said yes, so calmly, not even a trace of fear in her.)
A few days later he takes her out on a walk in the woods.
He shows her a meadow in the woods, and when he steps into it he lights up in the sunlight.
Bella is in shock.
She knew there was something different about him, but- holy cow. This guy isn’t human.
Is she dating a god?
She stumbles into the clearing after him, and they spend a day together where he says things, and she can barely hear any of it (nevermind understand it) because she’s so distracted by how pretty he is.
The next day he takes her to a house in the middle of nowhere. She doesn’t want to guess that this can be where he lives. Surely gods don’t live in houses?
He shows her inside the house, and introduces her for Dr. Cullen and a lady with a name she doesn’t catch.
Bit weird that these two are acting like a couple of parents, they’re far too young and divine for that.
Edward shows her around in an old-fashioned office, and she doesn’t know what to make of i when she sees a painting of Carlisle. Edward launches into a long story when he sees her watching it, unfortunately she doesn’t catch any dates or artist names. At one point she heard the word “suicide”, though, and that’s not good.
She doesn’t get much out of the story.
The baseball game doesn’t happen because Bella didn’t pick up on what Edward wanted and didn’t realize she was being invited to a thing. They spend the afternoon watching a movie instead.
The relationship continues, impeded slightly by communication problems, but she’s mostly able to cover those up.
Until her birthday comes around.
She gets a papercut.
Jasper lunges at her. Edward throws her into a glass table, and then everyone is leaving.
Carlisle is kind enough to switch to Norwegian when he’s stitching up her arm, perhaps remembering the last time she was his patient. "Jasper har ikke vært på dietten vår så veldig lenge." Jasper hasn’t been on our diet for very long.
"Diett?"she asks. She’s never seen Edward eat anything. She wasn’t clear on what the Cullens ate, honestly she thought they were above such things. She was thinking maybe photosynthesis. The knowledge that they apparently eat food astounds her, but diets?
"Dyreblod istedenfor menneskeblod," Animal blood in stead of human blood, Carlisle clarifies.
Carlisle gives a slight smile. “Jaspers liv som vampyr fikk en brutal start." Jasper’s life as a vampire got off to a brutal start.
Bella’s missed something here.
Oh dear lord, oh fy faen, she has missed something.
“Åja”, uh huh, is all she can say, and suddenly she’s very aware of the fact that she’s sitting there with a bleeding arm.
And Carlisle.
Who is a vampire.
Over the course of the following conversation Bella makes a host of discoveries.
Edward has been a vampire this whole time, and he’s a telepathic vampire. Whether Bella should be a vampire too or not has been a matter of hot debate, but due to religious reasons Edward doesn’t want that.
Carlisle also brings up how Edward died of the Spanish flu.
"Jeg var under den oppfatning at Edward fortalte deg bakhistorien min?" I was under the impression Edward told you my back story? Carlisle asks at one point, and Bella just has to ask very nicely if he’d be so kind as to repeat it.
Turns out the guy is nearly four hundred years old.
Jahahaha jaa ha.
That’s… a lot.
She wanders out of the house in shock, and hardly notices Edward’s strange behavior over the next couple of days.
One day he picks her up at school, and takes her behind the house.
That works out.
He’s a vampire, but he never hurt her. He is endlessly beautiful, perhaps easier to love now that she knows he’s not a god. He’s her Edward, and that’s suddenly easier now that she knows.
They can still be together.
But now that she knows this about him, it’s about time he knows something about her as well.
It’s time to finally be honest with him.
So when he opens his mouth, she opens her mouth as well, but she doesn’t get any further than to “Edward-” before he launches into a monologue.
She’ll have to wait until he’s done before saying her piece. It’s a bit embarrassing, but it doesn’t seem like he intends to stop talking anyway.
And what he’s saying seems to be serious, so it’s probably best to let him finish.
Edward concludes his monologue by kissing her forehead. Then he disappears.
Where did he go?
A big unsure, Bella goes back to the house. She’ll just have to wait until he gets back.
She doesn’t know what to think when Charlie returns from work and tells her the Cullens have all left.
Oh, god.
Edward must have found out she doesn’t speak English.
She made a mockery of him.
He has every right to leave.
Knowing this doesn’t make it any easier to live with.
Bella sinks into a depression.
The hallucinations begin, as in canon, though Hallusinward speaks Norwegian. Thank god for small mercies.
The friendship with Jacob (dictionary in hand) blooms, as someone has to help her see those hallucinations.
The cliff diving happens, and Alice shows up. Bella’s not sure what this is about, but she has gotten good enough at English to know that something bad happened, and Alice wants them to do something.
She’s a bit surprised to find herself on a plane to Italy, though.
Alice tells her to “Run to Edward” and ok, she got that, actually.
So she saves Edward.
After that she’s taken into the sewer, which turns out to house dozens of vampires.
Bella, Edward, and Alice are received in some kind of hall, where an unusual vampire has quite a bit to say. She understands some of what he’s saying, at least the part about “la tua cantante”. She knows a bit about Italian, see, so she knows that he’s talking about a song now.
She wishes she knew the context.
At one point he takes her hand, and appears fascinated by it. She wonders if he’s a palmreader. Not very vampirey, but what does she know.
He asks her a question.
"Yes," she says.
Saying yes has gotten her this far, after all.
But when he lights up and claps his hands together, and Edward and Alice stare at her in shock and betrayal, she knows she must have said the wrong thing.
The two are dismissed from the room before Bella can do or say anything, she’s just listening to Edward make a racket outside in the hallway.
Not good.
The unusual vampire brings her further down in his sewer palace to a basement, and she is given comfortable clothes to wear.
This is getting terrifying.
The vampire leans towards her - and she chickens out.
"Jeg snakker ikke engelsk!" she squeaks. "Non habla ingles!" I don’t speak English.
Han stanser, og ser forvirret ut. "Que- Hva behager*?" I beg your pardon? spør han etter et øyeblikk.
*A very formal, and slightly outdated (you can use it, but people will think you’re putting on airs. And they will be right) way of saying “excuse me?”
Sobbing, Bella tells him the whole story, from how she didn’t want to be the weird kid in school to how she’s now somehow in Italy without knowing why nor what she just agreed to.
When she’s done the vampire starts laughing.
"Dette forklarer jo en hel del," This explains quite a bit, ler han. "Men, kjære Bella, jeg er redd det ikke endrer noe." But, my dear Bella, I’m afraid it changes nothing.
He tells her that she has agreed to serve him and his army of undead warriors into eternity.
Well fuck.
"Du skal få slippe det, når du ikke visste hva du samtykket til - men skjebnen din forblir den samme. Loven er loven." You’re released from that promise, as you didn’t know what you agreed to - but your fate remains the same. The law is the law.
After a moment of silence, during which she looks terrified, he hurries to add, "Vi har en lov. Du må bli en av oss." We have a law. You must become one of us.
A law that Bella Swan has to become a vampire?
People are finally speaking Norwegian, and Bella is still lost. And it’s too embarrassing to keep pestering this poor, polite man with questions.
So she nods.
He gives her a glittering smile, and bites her.
When she wakes, Aro offers her an English course. A language course that, naturally, leads to her staying in Volterra. Why not learn a few more languages while we’re at it, dearest Bella?
Some time later Edward breaks into Volterra to save his Rapunzel, only to barely recognize her now that she’s a vampire who says things. Lots of things, she talks all the time now. WHAT DID ARO DO TO HER.
Too mortified to admit that she never spoke English, Bella claims she’s been brainwashed.
Aro is having too much fun to correct her, and the whole sad affair sets off a regrettable flood of rumors.
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rustycreekspoon · 2 years
liu qianqiao/shen shen
Shen-daxia turned out to be a strange man.
Fancy this: a man who'd gone through his whole life with no interest in marriage. In women in general, or men even. She'd known, she'd heard rumors of how hard he'd resisted the call to his duty. She'd heard a lot of things about Shen-daxia.
So it was strange now, sitting among the rain-soaked flowers, to have that same Shen-daxia sitting next to her, awkwardly patting her shoulder as she poured her agony into her hands. Her heart had never once actually recovered from Feng-lang or his betrayal-- of course not. How could it? Die early and be reborn early, except she'd never truly died. She was only a half a ghost, still clinging to the memories of that sweet summer that ended in such burning agony and shame.
She'd gone to see him at last. He hadn't been able to kill her any more than she could harm him. His words were still such hollow things, ringing with regret and hopeless desperation.
Her heart was swayed and she knew it-- but she could still feel the fire on her face, could still hear the jeers from the crowds lining the streets, could feel it all as though it were only this morning. She'd collapsed-- right here, right in public, away from the other ghosts, away from the crowds. She didn't know how or why Shen-daxia had found her or decided to sit next to her, umbrella shielding them both from more rain until the water stopped pouring. He didn't have any flowery words for her-- no ridiculous opening lines. Only simple, honest, straightforward concern.
She was a fool to sit there with him. He was a fool to sit with her in the first place.
A little bit of foolishness was exactly what she needed.
He was steady. Straightforward. Solid and sure. His own regrets-- his own flaws, certainly. They come out soon enough. His own failure to be there for someone who needed him-- his own bitter regrets, his equal determination to do better. Be better. And she can see it, the more they interact. The more she sees him work tirelessly to be there for every one of his disciples-- his own, his xiongdi, everyone he feels even a hint of responsibility for. (Not like Feng-lang at all, she thinks, who swears he's changed but did nothing to show it. Did nothing for her memory, after she was gone.)
She had plenty of time to do her work for guzhu and zhuren. Plenty of time to see it all. And one evening, balmy and warm, she decided to take a foolish chance.
She sat in front of him, tea steeping on the tray in her hands, and began pouring out as though there were nothing wrong.
As though the scarring all over her face was nothing to comment on.
She didn't look up until both cups were poured, and then--
The horror on his face. The concern on his face. She smiled at him, quiet and sad. "It happened a long time ago now," she set the tea in front of him first, pulling her long sleeve back as she does so, "I fell in love with a man who abandoned me for his fiance. She was a strong martial artist, and a jealous one at that. She made sure no man would want to look at my face again."
She meets Shen-daxia's eyes squarely, face naked and open. Her heart thrums in her chest, steady despite its rapid pace. She can already see the horror fading. The sympathy growing-- and more than that-- the determination. The care.
He really is so honest. Simple and straightforward. "Well, she failed," Shen-daxia scoffs, downing his tea, ignoring how hot it still is. "Even like this, you're still beautiful, Liu-guniang. I know why you hide it, but you look just fine to me."
Qianqiao laughs behind soft teal silk. And she raises her tea in a toast to him, sipping it. Sets it down, reaches out to refill his cup. "Shen-daxia has a way with words." At his baffled stare, she acquiesces-- teases him, open and fond, the way she's grown used to doing with this ridiculous man. "A very honest way."
When da-ge tells Shen Shen his plan to raid the Blooming Flowers Pavilion, to root out Xi Sang Gui once and for all, Shen Shen finds himself at a crossroads. Xi Sang Gui-- the vigilante that seeks vengeance for people like Liu-guniang. That punishes men that prey upon their women. An arbiter of almost jianghu-like justice. Xi Sang Gui, guilty of murder of so many men-- men he'd thought were upstanding men, once.
He found himself wondering, now. If that was even true. If it could possibly be true. He found himself thinking of Qianqiao, smiling so softly at him across a tea table, dressed in soft blues and teals, jade flowers in her hair, scar overtaking half her face. He thought of the beauty there, in healing past something so terrible, a kind of healing that could only come when justice was served.
When da-ge goes to the pavilion, he finds it empty. Shen Shen pours him a hefty drink at a mission failed-- red silk still haunting his eyes. He wonders if he did the right thing. He wonders, as the Heroes Conference falls apart. He wonders, as another ghost's mocking voice calls out over the crowd. He wonders, as he sits at da-ge's funeral, mind already chasing after Xiaolian wherever she might be.
He wonders, until Qianqiao stands there before him, in the middle of the road, resplendent in embroidered red, umbrella held out to shelter them both. The moment stretches out, a bubble blown out wide. She looks-- she looks--
She looks like a ghost.
"You saved my zhuren, my sisters," she says at last, into the heavy silence, "My family. Let us help us save yours now."
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shijiujun · 3 years
hello!! i was wondering if yifu actually, yknow, meant 'father' like bio-dad? or ?????? idk ive heard others say a yifu in a priest work isnt necessarily a bio-dad???? (yes ths is abt live action scorpion and his yifu 😔😔😔😩)
omg HAHAHA gosh okay this is exactly what i was afraid of when that particular sub came out not that they’re wrong in this particular context but:
拜认父辈的男性长者为父,此人即为义父,属干亲 (from baidu) = Acknowledging (and in historical times you would basically have to kneel and everything) an older male of your father’s generation or age as father and is considered a step-relative if that makes sense. so no blood relation whatsoever. at all. you literally have to recognize and also the to-be-dad has to be like okay i gotchu you my son from now on and then to-be-son probably has to kowtow and everything to new dad you get the picture - like sworn brothers but sworn parents now
so in this case he's a god-dad or godfather! same as 干爹 gan die
the proper term for it would actually be adoptive father BUT in historical times there was no exactly like adoption procedures, and they differentiate between 义父 yi fu and 养父 yang fu (foster father or adoptive father works for yang fu as well) where the latter indicates that this ‘dad’ has to have brought the son up and provided for the son at least, while this requirement is not compulsory under 义父. 
of course logically like in the zhaoxie case of course uncle zhao can be considered almost a 养父 because he prolly did provide for little scorpy but yeah note on the differences
technically? you could call any older dude, no matter if the dude is a few years younger than you (in Sha Po Lang’s case) or like decades (eww Zhao Jing why you gotta gaslight your cute son stop being evil and let him go have fun as Scorpion King) an 义父 yi fu.
which brings me to the point of Sha Po Lang / Winner is King which is upcoming supposedly in May, where the 义父 yi fu Gu Yun and his charge Chang Geng are only a few years apart and everyone was screaming incest and grooming and absolute rubbish and nonsense like that. 
i’m just pre-empting HAHAHA idk if you’ve even heard of Sha Po Lang or read it BUT since the show is upcoming and I expect this to be a recurring question if the subs do include Gu Yun as ‘Father’ - the role is pretty much like acknowledged but he’s not required to bring Chang Geng up, which he actually didn’t. He provided the money and the resources and the safety but he was never around HAHAHAHA and then they get together when Chang Geng is much older and legal and the shenanigans that go with that
so tl:dr not every type of historical period ‘father’ is actually a bio-dad or whatever even - in some cases i’d even read 义父 yi fu as some sort of da-shixiong lmaoooooo okay only in VERY selected cases. because it’s true that an yi fu sometimes is like a dad in name almost like a title without the raising part being brought into the discussion
in zhaoxie case yeah he’s father i suppose but hmmmmmmm
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thevikingwoman · 3 years
Writing Tag Game
Tagged by @noire-pandora, thank you!
1.How many works do you have on AO3?
2.What’s your total AO3 word count?
3.What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Temporal Arrangements (Dragon Age: Inquisition, Solavellan)
Home (Uprooted - Naomi Novik, Agnieszka/Sarkan) 
Ar Lath Ma (Dragon Age: Inquisition, Solavellan)
Temerity (Dragon Age: Inquisition, Solavellan)
Pies (Uprooted - Naomi Novik, Agnieszka/Sarkan)
(thank you Uprooted fandom for you LOVE for Home. I’m so proud of that fic, tbh.)
4.Do you respond to comments, why or why not?
I answer most comments - sometimes if I get a lot of ‘extra kudos hearts’ on my collection fics I don’t, but in general I try to reply to all comments. I love the comment interaction and I do know I like myself when authors reply to my comments. 
If nothing else, then a quick thank you :)
5. What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
I’m not an angst writer, but with Solavellan, there is always some. I’m not sure though - 
Iwyn having to kill Solas - God Slayer
Solas getting the happy ending, but watching everyone die around him as he doesn’t age - Lightness 
Solas giving up his plans, but too late - I Wish It Could
6. What’s the fic you’ve written with the happiest ending?
I write a lot of Modern AU and fix it, and they are all happy! Because I will it so! 
I think so far, I think Hay is the happiest. It’s just a love, a life, in harmony. Nothing sad happens. 
7. Do you write crossovers? If so what is the craziest one you’ve written?
I do not, unless you count the btvs inspired vampire lore in Comfort. But it’s more of a fusion, technically. 
I think crossovers are difficult, but maybe I would write one at some point? Who knows. 
8. Have you ever received hate on a fic?
Nope. I think haters either seek popular people or pick something random. I’ve also not really recieved any weird backwards compliment/insult on a fic, which I know people do more often than outright hate (I see hate is more something I see against persons in asks on tumblr, because it’s much easier to haress people on tumblr.)
9. Do you write smut? If so what kind?
Yes, very much yes. I write barely there smut/fade to black,  sweet smut, and kinky smut. 
Hopefully it’s all emotional smut, and hot smut. 
10. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
As in someone copied my fic and claimed it was theirs? No, not that I know of? I think Dragon Age fandom is to small. Ofc someone could replace the character names and put it in a different fandom and I’d never know. But hopefully people don’t really do that? 
11. Have you ever had a fic translated?
I have not. I don’t write or think about my fics in Danish either, and I don’t think I’d ever publish my own fics in Danish (my first language). 
12. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
No, I’m not sure how it would work ? I have a shared world, but we each write ficslets in it. 
13. What’s your all-time favorite ship?
Tie between Spuffy and Solavellan
14. What’s a WIP that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?
Uh, I will either finish or I made the decision to not finish. It might take me years, but if I made the choice that this fic should be written, then it will be. Otherwise I’ll decide to not write it. 
15. What are your writing strengths?
Pacing, emotion and smut. 
16. What are your writing weaknesses?
Description and plot
17. What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
I sometimes toss in a bit of elvish in DA fics. I think this fits the canon way of doing it - Solas calls Lavellan vhenan not my heart. I tend to only use in game words/phrases from the DA wiki, or in rare cases stich it from there for my own con-lang attempt, in which case I put it in notes. 
The only time I did something different was for Temporal Arrangements, because I made magic deal with translation and the whole dialogue in Arlathan was in Elvish. (So here they use my love and my heart)
I dislike when people use lots of elvish, esp from some very popular con-lang attempts, especially during smut. I see a lot of the same phrase over and over again in fics and I admit it lowkey annoys me. (no we did not ever get the word for cum in canon). 
For other languages, I think in general it should be enough to ‘she said in Spanish’ - if the POV character understands Spanish. Otherwise it can be ‘she said something about clothes in Spanish’ indicating what the POV character undetrstands of the conversation. 
I think real languages are different than fake/settings ones. Tolkien uses various Elvish languages for flavor a lot, but usually only Songs and Exclamations. There’s never entire passages the reader has to go look up in the appendix to understands - even one of the songs are ‘roughly translated’ by Aragon in the books - the POV is fairly far 3rd person/omniscient and the reader doesn’t understand so it makes sense. I think this is the most sensible way to deal with it. 
18. What was the first fandom you wrote for?
Dragon Age.
19. What’s your favorite fic you’ve written?
This is such a hard question. I love all my children equally!
Probably a tie between Temerity and Home. 
Tagging @galadrieljones @wickedwitchofthewilds @ma-sulevin @redinkofshame @buttsonthebeach @bearlytolerant @keturagh @luzial @beaubashley @cartadwarfwithaheartofgold @ladylike-foxes @roguelioness @ladydracarysao3 if you want to!
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captainsupernoodle · 2 years
weekend reading
Got Your Nose by kalany - svsss
What happens is that Shizun grabs his nose between the second knuckles of his first two fingers and wiggles it slightly. "Got your nose!" Shizun announces, and pulls back, waving his fist in the air. — Shen Qingqiu plays "Got Your Nose" with Luo Binghe—both white lotus edition and blacked protagonist editon. Luo Binghe has feelings.
Just Like A Monkey (I've Been Dancing My Whole Life) by millepertius - svsss
Shen Qingqiu is supposed to wake in his new body after he self-destructs. It’s not what happens.
Things To Do In The Elemental Nations When You're Dead by JumpingJackFlash - naruto
Itachi's first glance tells him Kisame is genuinely relaxed, lounging at the low table with a nail clipper and a bottle of umeshu, so he can take his time studying the other person in the room: a skinny red-haired boy sprawled starfish-like on a futon, covers shoved aside and pillow soaked in drool, wearing nothing but — “Is that my underwear?”
“Well, mine would be too big,” Kisame says reasonably.
a long day in yong an by threeplums - tgcf
"Gege," San Lang calls, his voice oddly strained. He isn't looking at Xie Lian's face, his eyes instead fixed pointedly over his shoulder. "You remember me?"
Xie Lian takes a few tentative steps closer. "Of course," he says cautiously. "How could I forget San Lang so easily?"
"But you said," he croaks, and then stops to clear his throat. He shakes his head, and then quickly walks over to meet Xie Lian halfway. "Gege," he whispers. "You said it wasn't happening to you."
"I said what wasn't happening?" he asks, matching San Lang's volume.
"Today," San Lang says, finally meeting his eyes. "Haven't you lived it before?"
Featuring: a thrice-sealed coffin, an extravagant parade, and too many osmanthus cakes.
divine providence by tciddaemina - nirvana in fire
There is a dragon that sits above the throne, sinuous golden body hidden amongst the coiling patterns of the throne's head, ruby eyes glinting as they catch the light - watching, always watching. It is a beautiful thing, the work of Da Liang's most revered and honored craftsmen, each scale carved with such perfect, life-like precision that one half expects to see its chest rise and fall in the facsimile of breath.  No one looks at it directly. No one even speaks of it, not even in secret, not even in the privacy of their own homes.  It is too still, too silent - a poor replica of what should be, a pale copy of what should be the empire's greatest pride. The symbol of the Emperor's reign, of the prosperity of the Da Liang, and what does it say, people wonder, that the true thing hasn't been seen in decades?
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