zl181 · 8 months
Wu after Sun Quan as told by Chen Shou
Curious to know what happened to the imperial government of Wu after it fell? Chen Shou and Pei Songzhi has got you covered. With translations by me, you can now read what they wrote about Wu. I do not think anyone has translated the entirety of Volume 48, so I consider myself the first. My translations are not perfect, so don't cite this in your school essay. Ask me for anything for clarification and I will try to help you.
I originally wanted to post it as one long Tumblr "essay" but it won't let me so here are the links to where I have them.
Sun Liang
Sun Xiu
Sun Hao
Chen Shou Assessment
I apologize for my hiatus. I don't think I can post content regularly but I felt like this deserved to be shared with you all.
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zl181 · 2 years
Comprehensive Biography of You Yin
You Yin (游殷; d. c. 192) was a civil official.
He served as an gongcao for Pingyi commandery, where he met a young boy named Zhang Ji (張既). You Yin felt that Zhang Ji had potential and invited him into his home, to which Zhang Ji said yes respectfully. Beforehand, You Yin had his family furnish the home as well as set a meal up for a Zhang Derong.[a] Zhang Ji came into the home first, shocking You Yin's family, who did not expect him to be a child. When You Yin came into the home, his wife laughed at him, saying, "You must be confused! This Zhang Derong is just a young and ignorant boy! How is he an extraordinary guest?" You Yin retorted, "Do not be so aghast! He shall be a lord's advisor!" In the banquet, You Yin and Zhang Ji discussed strategies for a hegemony king. After they finished, You Yin had his son, You Chu (游楚), entrusted to Zhang Ji. Zhang Ji humbly declined, but You Yin insisted upon it. Zhang Ji later accepted as You Yin was a prominent man in the area.[1]
He later served as General of the Household of the Feathered Forest, but quarreled with Hu Zhen. Hu Zhen slandered him, causing You Yin to be executed. Few months after You Yin's death, Hu Zhen himself fell ill, blamed You Yin for haunting him, and died.[2] Those in the Guanzhong region said of this, "In life, he had the intelligence to understand people; in death, he has the spirit of a powerful deity."[1]
[1] 《三輔決錄注》 旣為兒童,為郡功曹遊殷察異之,引旣過家,旣敬諾。殷先歸,勑家具設賔饌。及旣至,殷妻笑曰:「君其悖乎!張德容童昏小兒,何異客哉!」殷曰:「卿勿怪,乃方伯之器也。」殷遂與旣論霸王之略。饗訖,以子楚託之;旣謙不受,殷固託之,旣以殷邦之宿望,難違其旨,乃許之。殷先與司隷校尉胡軫有隙,軫誣搆殺殷。殷死月餘,軫得疾患,自說但言「伏罪,伏罪,遊功曹將鬼來」。於是遂死。於時關中稱曰:「生有知人之明,死有貴神之靈。」
[2] 《還冤記》 『游殷字幼齊,漢世為羽林中郎將。先與司隸校尉胡軫有隙,遂誣殷殺之。殷死月餘。軫病。目睛遂脫,但言「伏罪,游幼齊將鬼來」,於是遂死。』
[a] Derong is Zhang Ji's courtesy name. However, a courtesy name is given to people when they are adults, so either this record is fabricated, or You Yin gave Zhang Ji the nickname of Derong, which later became his courtesy name.
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zl181 · 2 years
ZL181's Mini Hiatus
I will be going on a mini hiatus so I will sadly be unable to make my Comprehensive Articles for a while. It will end when I release them again.
Releasing them daily is too much work for me when added up with real-life work and other projects (podcast, 1994 project) for a while.
Thanks for reading and for your interest! I am very active on Discord and Tumblr, so feel free to send me a message there!
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zl181 · 2 years
Comprehensive Biography of Zhou Zhong
Zhou Zhong (周忠) was a civil official who served as Elite Commandant for the Han court.
Zhou Zhong was a scion of the somewhat prestigious Zhou clan of Lujiang. He was the son of Zhou Jing, who himself served as Elite Commandant.
On January 3, 193, he served as Brilliantly Blessed Grandee before he was promoted to Elite Commandant under the court controlled by Li Jue, replacing Huangfu Song.[1] In Summer 193, he was demoted to Minister of the Guards because Mount Hua collapsed and was replaced by Zhu Jun, even though Zhou Zhong recommended Shisun Rui instead.[2][3] Li Jue disliked Zhou Zhong still and intended to kill him. Luckily, Jia Xu told Li Jue that he was in no moral position to kill Zhou Zhong, forcing Li Jue's agreement.[4]
It is not recorded what happened to him and Shisun Rui succeeded him as Minister of the Guards. He could have accompanied Emperor Liu Xie in his escape from Li Jue and could have been killed in Li Jue's ransack after defeating Yang Feng.
[1] - 【光祿大夫周忠為太尉,錄尚書事。】《後漢紀》
[2] - 【太尉周忠、皇甫嵩,司徒淳于嘉、趙溫,司空楊彪、張喜等為公,皆辭拜讓瑞。】《獻帝紀》
[3] - 【六月,華山崩。...太尉周忠以災異罷。】《後漢紀》
[4] - 【太常王絳、衛尉周忠、司隸校尉管郃為傕所遮,欲殺之,賈詡曰:「此皆大臣,卿奈何害之也?」傕乃止。】《後漢紀》
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zl181 · 2 years
Comprehensive Biography of Que Xuan
Que Xuan (闕宣; d. 193) was a military general who was associated with Tao Qian. He declared himself the Emperor of China, but after suffering multiple defeats by Cao Cao, was betrayed and killed by Tao Qian.
Que Xuan was from Xiapi Commandery.[1][2]
Around Summer 193, Que Xuan amassed an army of thousands and declared himself the Son of Heaven, most likely taking advantage of the rampant chaos in China.[1][2] He and the Governor of Xu Province; Tao Qian allied, taking Hua and Fei Counties from Taishan Commandery as well as plundering Rencheng Commandery. The Governor of Yan Province; Cao Cao launched an expedition against both Que Xuan and Tao Qian for their behavior. Cao Cao was able to achieve many victories while Que Xuan had no recorded victories against Cao Cao.[1] Tao Qian, viewing his 'Emperor' ally as now useless, soon killed Que Xuan, and absorbed his troops.
[1] - 【下邳闕宣聚衆數千人,自稱天子;徐州牧陶謙與共舉兵,取泰山華、費,略任城。秋,太祖征陶謙,下十餘城,謙守城不敢出。】《三國志◎武帝纪》
[2] - 【下邳闕宣自稱天子,謙初與合從寇鈔,後遂殺宣,并其衆。】《三國志◎陶謙傳》
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zl181 · 2 years
Comprehensive Biography of Wang Lei
Wang Lei (王累) was a civil official who served Liu Zhang. He warned Liu Zhang not to trust Liu Bei and when he went ignored, he hung himself at the city gates.
Wang Lei came from Xindu County, Guanghan Commandery.[1][2]
When Wang Lei heard Liu Zhang planned to welcome Liu Bei, he told Liu Zhang not to welcome Liu Bei. When Liu Zhang ignored him, Wang Lei either hung himself[1] or cut his throat[2] at the provincial gates as a means of protesting Liu Zhang's decision. Liu Zhang remained unfazed, however, and welcomed Liu Bei.[1][2] The Annals of Huayang State stated that
"His intelligence was not used."
Personal Info
Name: Wang Lei (王累)
[1] - 【璋主簿黃權陳其利害,從事廣漢王累自倒縣於州門以諫,璋一無所納,勑在所供奉先主,先主入境如歸。】《三国志◎劉焉傳子璋》
[2] - 【王累,新都人也。州牧璋,從別駕張松計,遣法正迎先主。主簿黃權諫,不納。累為從事,以諫不入,乃自刎州門,以明不可。】《華陽國志》
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zl181 · 2 years
Comprehensive Biography of Niu Fu
Niu Fu (牛輔; d. 192) was a military general who served Dong Zhuo. He was married to Dong Zhuo's daughter. He was known for believing in superstitions. After Dong Zhuo's death, he inherited the majority of Dong Zhuo's troops but failed to act aggressively. He was soon killed by his own men after he fled his camp out of paranoia.
Niu Fu probably knew Dong Zhuo for some good time, as he was married to Dong Zhuo's daughter.
In 190, Dong Zhuo sent Niu Fu to attack the White Wave Bandits that threatened him, but Niu Fu failed to push them back.[1] Later on, Dong Zhuo sent him to garrison Shan as he trusted him. Niu Fu was given command of his colonels, Li Jue, Guo Si, and Zhang Ji, and they soon attacked Zhongmou and defeated the Intendant of Henan; Zhu Jun there. After this victory, Niu Fu allowed his troops to plunder Chenliu and Yingchuan commanderies, kidnapping every one they could find for themselves. Later on, Dong Zhuo was killed in Chang'an, and so the majority of the Dong Zhuo army was with Niu Fu. Li Su was sent by the Chang'an revolt to try and destroy Niu Fu, but failed.[2][3]
Although Niu Fu commanded a strong force, he, however, was paranoid as well as cowardly. He believed himself to be weak, so he often showed off his military tally to exert his power as well as using a "axe-guillotine" on people to project strength. When guests requested to meet with him, he had a physiognomer judge them for their character and if it was not to his liking, he refused to meet them. In addition, he also divined his guests to see if they brought fortune or misfortune to him. If they passed both, only then would Niu Fu meet them. When the General of the Household; Dong Yue came to Niu Fu, possibly to help him, Niu Fu ordered a diviner to divine him. When Niu Fu saw the results, the diviner claimed that it meant, "Fire overcomes Metal. This divines that those outside will plot against those inside." Niu Fu got the 'message' and killed Dong Yue.[4] Such was Niu Fu's trust of diviners, even though that particular diviner gave a false interpretation because he hated Dong Yue.[5]
Downfall and Death
Some of the camp soldiers were dissatisfied with Niu Fu's leadership so they revolted and deserted during the night. Niu Fu believed they all betrayed him so he, along with just five or six people that he considered close and old friends, among them Hu Chi'er, made to escape the city. Niu Fu also took some precious treasures and some gold, which Hu Chi'er desired more than his friendship. While they escaped the camp and made a break for out to the north, Hu Chi'er seized Niu Fu and beheaded him, sending the head to Chang'an, and presumably seizing Niu Fu's valuables.[2][3]
After Niu Fu's death, the camp troops came under the command of Li Jue, Guo Si, and Zhang Ji. Said people used those troops to breach Chang'an and seize power.
Personal Info
Name: Niu Fu (牛輔)
[1] - 【初,靈帝末,黃巾餘黨郭太等復起西河白波谷,轉寇太原,遂破河東,百姓流轉三輔,號為「白波賊」,眾十餘萬。卓遣中郎將牛輔擊之,不能卻。】《後漢書◎董卓列傳》
[2] - 【初,卓以牛輔子婿,素所親信,使以兵屯陝。輔分遣其校尉李傕、郭汜、張濟將步騎數萬,擊破河南尹朱雋於中牟。因掠陳留、潁川諸縣,殺略男女,所過無復遺類。呂布乃使李肅以詔命至陝討輔等,輔等逆與肅戰,肅敗走弘農,布誅殺之。其後牛輔營中無故大驚,輔懼,乃齎金寶踰城走。左右利其貨,斬輔,送首長安。】《後漢書◎董卓列傳》
[3] - 【初,卓女壻中郎將牛輔典兵別屯陝,分遣校尉李傕、郭汜、張濟略陳留、潁川諸縣。卓死,呂布使李肅至陝,欲以詔命誅輔。輔等逆與肅戰,肅敗走弘農,布誅肅。其後輔營兵有夜叛出者,營中驚,輔以為皆叛,乃取金寶,獨與素所厚友胡赤兒等五六人相隨,踰城北渡河,赤兒等利其金寶,斬首送長安。】《三国志◎董卓傳》
[4] - 【輔恇怯失守,不能自安。常把辟兵符,以鈇鑕致其旁,欲以自彊。見客,先使相者相之,知有反氣與不,又筮知吉凶,然後乃見之。中郎將董越來就輔,輔使筮之,得兌下離上,筮者曰:「火勝金,外謀內之卦也。」即時殺越。】《魏書》
[5] - 【筮人常為越所鞭,故因此以報之。】《獻帝紀》
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zl181 · 2 years
Comprehensive Biography of Zhang Ren
Zhang Ren (張任; d. Spring 213) was a military general who served Liu Zhang. He was a brave warrior who defended Liu Zhang from Liu Bei, but was captured and executed after he refused to surrender.
Zhang Ren was native to Shu Commandery, hailing from a poor family.[2]
Although he was poor, records state that he was extremely brave, was ambitious, and supported righteous ideas.[2]
He served Liu Zhang.
In 212, Liu Zhang sent Zhang Ren and Liu Gui to lead elite troops to Fu County in order to defend it from Liu Bei. When Fu County fell, though, Zhang Ren along with Liu Xun (Liu Zhang's son) went to Luocheng to defend it. Soon, Liu Bei sieged it.[2]
Around Spring 213, before Luocheng fell, Zhang Ren led troops out to Yanqiao to fight Liu Bei, but was defeated and captured. As Liu Bei admired Zhang Ren's personality, he called on him to surrender. Zhang Ren angrily rebuked Liu Bei, exclaiming,
"This old minister will ultimately never serve two masters!"
Therefore, Liu Bei executed Zhang Ren, thinking it was a pity.[2]
Personal Info
Name: Zhang Ren (張任)
[1] - 【張任,蜀郡人,家世寒門。少有膽勇,有志節,仕州為從事。】《益部耆舊雜記》
[2] - 【劉璋遣張任與劉璝率精兵拒捍先主於涪,為先主所破,退與璋子循守雒城。任勒兵出於鴈橋,戰復敗。禽任。先主聞任之忠勇,令軍降之,任厲聲曰:「老臣終不復事二主矣。」乃殺之。先主歎惜焉。】《益部耆舊雜記》
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zl181 · 2 years
Comprehensive Biography of Fei Guan
Fei Guan (費觀字賔伯) was a military general who served Liu Zhang, Liu Bei, then Shu.
Fei Guan came from Meng County, Jiangxia Commandery, and is almost certainly related to Fei Yi.[1]
In 213, Fei Guan joined Li Yan's military and defended Mianzhu against Liu Bei. Li Yan and Fei Guan later surrendered.[1]
When Liu Bei took over Yi Province from Liu Zhang, he made Fei Guan an Assistant General, then had him become Grand Administrator of Ba Commandery and Commander of Jiangzhou.[1]
In 223, Fei Guan was enfeoffed as Marquis of a Capital District, also becoming General who Shakes with Might.[1]
Fei Guan died when he was 36 years old, but the death date is unknown.[1]
Fei Guan was fond of talking and even made friends with the self-righteous Li Yan, who was not even close to those of higher rank than Li Yan. Even though Li Yan was 20 years younger than Li Yan, the two were so close that their contemporaries made note of it.[1]
Fei Guan was married to Liu Zhang's daughter. Liu Zhang's mother was an aunt-kinswoman of Fei Guan, meaning Liu Zhang and Fei Guan were in the same generation.[1]
Personal Info
Name: Fei Guan (費觀)
Courtesy name: Binbo (賔伯)[1]
[1] - 【賔伯名觀,江夏鄳人也。劉璋母,觀之族姑,璋又以女妻觀。觀建安十八年參李嚴軍,拒先主於緜竹,與嚴俱降,先主旣定益州,拜為裨將軍,後為巴郡太守、江州都督,建興元年封都亭侯,加振威將軍。觀為人善於交接。都護李嚴性自矜高,護軍輔匡等年位與嚴相次,而嚴不與親褻;觀年少嚴二十餘歲,而與嚴通狎如時輩云。年三十七卒。失其行事,故不為傳。】《陳壽》
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zl181 · 2 years
Comprehensive Biography of Bian Bing
Bian Bing (卞秉; c. 163) was a military general who served Cao Cao and Wei. He was also Cao Cao's brother-in-law.
Bian Bing came from Kaiyang County, Langxie Commandery. He lived in a relatively poor family.[1] He was born after Lady Bian.[2][3][4]
Allegedly, when his sister became the wife to Cao Cao, she aired her concerns about Bian Bing not getting a higher position. Cao Cao replied,
"But you have given me a brother-in-law. Is that not too much?"
Lady Bian later also asked for some money and silk for Bian Bing, but the Cao Cao also said,
"But you secretly gave it to him. Is that not enough?"
Ultimately, Cao Cao declined to promote Bian Bing with his power in his lifetime.[2]
Cao Cao's son and thus Bian Bing's nephew, Cao Pi, was more generous, and even built a mansion for Bian Bing.[3] Based on Bian Bing's unspecified merits, that allowed him to become Marquis of a Capital Township. In 226, he was further enfeoffed as Marquis of Kaiyang, the fief being 1,200 households, and becoming General who Illuminates Ferocity (昭烈將軍), which seems to have been created just for him. When he died, his son Bian Lan succeeded him.[1]
Bian Bing had two recorded sons: Bian Lan and Bian Lin. Bian Lan succeeded Bian Bing.
Bian Lin (卞琳) was awarded with a fief of his own. He was married to a Lady Liu (劉氏) who beget a daughter. This daughter would become the Empress to Cao Huan on November 28, 263. Lady Liu would become the Lady of Guangyang Township as a gift.
Personal Info
Name: Bian Bing (卞秉)
Birth Date: About 163 (based on Lady Bian's birth date)
[1] - 【武宣卞皇后,琅邪開陽人,文帝母也。本倡家。】《三國志·武宣卞皇后傳》
[2] - 【初,卞后弟秉,當建安時得為別部司馬,后常對太祖怨言,太祖荅言:「但得與我作婦弟,不為多邪?」后又欲太祖給其錢帛,太祖又曰:「但汝盜與,不為足邪?」故訖太祖世,秉官不移,財亦不益。】《魏略》
[3] - 【帝為太后弟秉起第,第成,太后幸第請諸家外親,設下廚,無異膳。】《魏書》
[4] - 【初,太后弟秉,以功封都鄉侯,黃初七年進封開陽侯,邑千二百戶,為昭烈將軍。秉薨,子蘭嗣。】《三國志·武宣卞皇后傳》
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zl181 · 2 years
Comprehensive Biography of Huang Hua
Huang Hua (黃華; d. 4 April 253) was a military general who served Wei. Initially a rebel, he later surrendered to Wei. He ratted out Wang Ling to Sima Yi.
Huang Hua most likely came from Jiuquan Commandery.[1]
Huang Hua was most likely a nominal vassal of Cao Cao.
However, in 219, after the loss of Hanzhong to Liu Bei, Huang Hua, along with Yan Jun (顏俊), He Luan, and Qu Yan rebelled against Cao Cao and declared themselves Generals. Soon, they started attacking each other. As Huang Hua would rebel later, it seemed that as soon Yan Jun and He Luan were killed, Huang Hua surrendered.[2]
After Cao Cao's death in 220, though, he, Zhang Jin, and Qu Yan (again) rebelled. Huang Hua denied the Grand Administrator of Jiuquan; Xin Ji (辛機) and instead declared himself the Administrator.[1][3] Earlier, the acting Grand Administrator; Zhang Gong had asked Cao Cao for a new Grand Administrator and so sent his son, Zhang Jiu. However, when Zhang Jiu arrived in Jiuquan, he was quickly held hostage by Huang Hua. In response, Zhang Gong sent his cousin, Zhang Hua (not Maoxian) to take Shatou and Qianqi Counties from Huang Hua and trapped Zhang Jin. Huang Hua intended to rescue Zhang Jin, however, Su Ze and Zhang Ji (Derong) were able to kill Zhang Jin and Qu Yan, so Huang Hua surrendered out of fear.[4]
Huang Hua was made Inspector of Yan Province between 220 and 251.
In 251, Wang Ling sent Yang Hong to talk about deposing Cao Fang in favor of Cao Biao. Though Yang Hong told this to Huang Hua, the two decided to inform Sima Yi of this plot. Sima Yi was grateful and had the court enfeoff Huang Hua as a Township Marquis after he dealt with Wang Ling and Cao Biao.[5]
Huang Hua was made General of the Rear at an unknown date.[6]
On April 4, 253, Huang Hua died. Earlier on May 20, 251, the moon 'trespassed' into the north-east star of the Root Mansion, and a diviner claimed that,
"A general will die."
The death of Huang Hua seemingly confirmed that omen.[6]
[1] - 【酒泉黃華、張掖張進等各執太守以叛。金城太守蘇則討進,斬之。華降。】《三國志·文帝紀》
[2] - 【是時,武威顏俊、張掖和鸞、酒泉黃華、西平麴演等並舉郡反,自號將軍,更相攻擊。俊遣使送母及子詣太祖為質,求助。太祖問旣,旣曰:「俊等外假國威,內生傲悖,計定勢足,後即反耳。今方事定蜀,且宜兩存而鬬之,猶卞莊子之刺虎,坐收其斃也。」太祖曰:「善。」歲餘,鸞遂殺俊,武威王祕又殺鸞。是時不置涼州,自三輔拒西域,皆屬雍州。文帝即王位,初置涼州,以安定太守鄒岐為刺史。張掖張進執郡守舉兵拒岐,黃華、麴演各逐故太守,舉兵以應之。】《三國志·張旣傳》
[3] - 【後演復結旁郡為亂,張掖張進執太守杜通,酒泉黃華不受太守辛機,進、華皆自稱太守以應之。】《三國志·蘇則傳》
[4] - 【先是,河右擾亂,隔絕不通,燉煌太守馬艾卒官,府又無丞。功曹張恭素有學行,郡人推行長史事,恩信甚著,乃遣子就東詣太祖,請太守。時酒泉黃華、張掖張進各據其郡,欲與恭并勢。就至酒泉,為華所拘執,劫以白刃。就終不回,私與恭疏曰:「大人率厲燉煌,忠義顯然,豈以就在困厄之中而替之哉?昔樂羊食子,李通覆家,經國之臣,寧懷妻孥邪?今大軍垂至,但當促兵以掎之耳;願不以下流之愛,使就有恨於黃壤也。」恭即遣從弟華攻酒泉沙頭、乾齊二縣。恭又連兵尋繼華後,以為首尾之援。別遣鐵騎二百,迎吏官屬,東緣酒泉北塞,徑出張掖北河,逢迎太守尹奉。於是張進須黃華之助;華欲救進,西顧恭兵,恐急擊其後,遂詣金城太守��則降。】《三國志·閻溫傳》
[5] - 【淩陰謀滋甚,遣將軍楊弘以廢立事告兖州刺史黃華,華、弘連名以白太傅司馬宣王。...進弘、華爵為鄉侯。】《三國志·王淩傳》
[6] - 【魏嘉平三年四月戊子,月犯氐東北星,占曰:「將軍死。」五年二月癸丑,後將軍、兖州刺史黃華薨。】《唐開元占經注》
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zl181 · 2 years
Comprehensive Biography of Zhang Zi
Zhang Zi, styled Ziyi (張咨字子議; d. Winter 190), was a civil official who was the Grand Administrator of Nanyang.
Zhang Zi came from Yingchuan Commandery.[1]
He was famous.[1]
Around 190, he presumably became Grand Administrator of Nanyang because Zhou Bi and Wu Qiong, whom Dong Zhuo held high opinions of, advocated for Zhang Zi to be appointed to office.[6] Despite Dong Zhuo giving him the post, he intended to contribute his troops to the Guandong Coalition.[2] However, he was killed by Sun Jian before he could do anything.
There are two accounts of his death. The official biography of Sun Jian states that when Sun Jian and his army arrived in Nanyang, he sent men to request military supplies from Zhang Zi, who was allegedly calm abut the arrival.[3][4] Zhang Zi asked a subordinate of his, who said,
"Jian's neighboring commanderies have officials that have not been asked by him."
So Zhang Zi declined Sun Jian.[4] However, Sun Jian offered cattle and wine to Zhang Zi if he intended a feast, which Zhang Zi did the next day. When Zhang Zi became drunk, the registrar of Changsha entered the room and told Sun Jian,
"Previously, you sent [orders] to Nanyang, but the roads and pathways are still unruly and military supplies were not provided. I ask that you arrest [Zi] and have me interrogate him in his intentions."
Zhang Zi heard this and became very greatly afraid and tried to leave, only to be confronted by Sun Jian's army on all four directions. Shortly after, the same registrar again entered and told Sun Jian,
"The Grand Administrator of Nanyang has halted [raising] righteous troops and so caused the traitors to not then be suppressed. I ask that you arrest him and take him out to judge him and have military law carried out."
Thus Sun Jian dragged out Zi to the army gates and beheaded him.[3]
The second version from the Records of Wu by Hu Chong stated that when Sun Jian arrived at Nanyang, Zhang Zi did not give out military supplies and was unwilling to even meet Sun Jian. Sun Jian wanted to attack Zhang Zi because he feared Zhang Zi would be a future threat, so he pretended to have become seriously ill. He had his army act as though they were fearful and trying to save his life desperately. Eventually, Sun Jian sent his close relatives to tell Zhang Zi that as Sun Jian was supposedly very will, he wanted to have his troops given to Zhang Zi. Zhang Zi was delighted and led 500 or 600 infantry and cavalry to Sun Jian's camp and visited him. Sun Jian was lying down when he met with Zi. Without warning, Sun Jian rose up, pressed his sword against Zhang Zi, and scolded him. Afterwards, he beheaded him.[5]
Zhang Zi's death frightened the people of Nanyang Commandery that they gave Sun Jian what he wanted without fail. The commandery itself was given to Yuan Shu, but his government was very unpopular.[6]
Personal Info
Name: Wang Rui (張咨)
Style name: Ziyi (子議)[1]
Death date: Winter 190/Spring 191 (11th/12th lunar month of 1st year of the Chuping era)[7]
[1] - 【咨字子議,潁川人,亦知名。】《英雄記》
[2] - 初,卓信任尚書周毖、城門校尉伍瓊等,用其所舉韓馥、劉岱、孔伷、張咨、張邈等出宰州郡。而馥等至官,皆合兵將以討卓。】《三國志•董卓傳》
[3] - 【比至南陽,衆數萬人。南陽太守張咨聞軍至,晏然自若。堅以牛酒禮咨,咨明日亦荅詣堅。酒酣,長沙主簿入白堅:「前移南陽,而道路不治,軍資不具,請收主簿推問意故。」咨大懼欲去,兵陳四周不得出。有頃,主簿復入白堅:「南陽太守稽停義兵,使賊不時討,請收出案軍法從事。」便牽咨於軍門斬之。郡中震慄,無求不獲。】《三国志•孫堅傳》
[4] - 【袁術表堅假中郎將。堅到南陽,移檄太守請軍糧。咨以問綱紀,綱紀曰:「堅鄰郡二千石,不應調發。」咨遂不與。】《獻帝春秋》
[5] - 【初堅至南陽,咨旣不給軍糧,又不肯見堅。堅欲進兵,恐有後患,乃詐得急疾,舉軍震惶,迎呼巫醫,禱祀山川。遣所親人說咨,言病困,欲以兵付咨。咨聞之,心利其兵,即將步騎五六百人詣營省堅。堅卧與相見。無何,卒然而起,按劒罵咨,遂執斬之。】《吳歷》
[6] - 【會長沙太守孫堅殺南陽太守張咨,術得據其郡。南陽戶口數百萬,而術奢淫肆欲,徵斂無度,百姓苦之。】《三国志•袁術傳》
[7] - 【冬十一月…孫堅殺荊州刺史王叡,又殺南陽太守張咨。】《後漢書•孝獻帝紀》
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zl181 · 2 years
Comprehensive Biography of Wang Rui
Wang Rui, styled Tongyao (王叡字通耀; 189), was a civil official who served as Inspector of Jing Province. His animosity with Sun Jian culminated in his demise.
Wang Rui came from Linyi County, Langxie Commandery.[1] Wang Rui's ancestor was a Wang Ji (王吉), who was from Gaoyu County, Langya Commandery, and who served Emperor Xuan of Han.[2]
Wang Rui's father was Wang Ren, the Inspector of Qing Province. Wang Rui was the elder brother of Wang Rong, the father of Wang Xiang and Wang Lan.[1][3]
Wang Rui is also called Wang Min (王敏), possibly to avoid the taboo of Cao Rui.
A time before or in 186, Wang Rui was made Inspector of Jing Province.
In 186, Zhao Ci rebelled and took over six counties of Nanyang Commandery. The court appointed Yang Xu to replace the killed Qin Xie and led troops with Wang Rui to defeat and kill Zhao Ci in a major victory.[4] For possibly these reasons, Wang Rui was enfeoffed as Marquis of Anci County in the same year.[5]
In 188, Wang Rui and Sun Jian worked together on subjugating the rebels Zhou Chao and Su Ma in Lingling and Guiyang Commanderies and succeed. Wang Rui almost always belittled Sun Jian and showed him no respect because he was just a military officer while Wang Rui came from a noble family.[6][7][8]
In late 190, Wang Rui raised an army to kill Dong Zhuo. Wang Rui and the Grand Administrator of Wuling; Cao Yin were at odds, so much so that Wang Rui exclaimed he should first kill Cao Yin before marching against Dong Zhuo. In response, Cao Yin forged a message from imperial envoy Wen Yi and sent it to Sun Jian, demanding that he 'execute' Wang Rui. Sun Jian decided to take this chance to kill Wang Rui and disguised he and his personal army as Wang Rui's troops, marching onto Wang Rui. Wang Rui gazed at them from a high floor and sent someone to ask what they wanted. Sun Jian's troops replied,
"The troops have long battled, laboring bitterly in it. We have gotten awards, but it is not enough for us to get clothes, so we beg of you, sire, to provide for us, that is all."
Wang Rui stated,
"How could I be so stingy?"
Wang Rui came down and promptly opened the treasury to Sun Jian's army, watching them select what they wanted. Wang Rui spotted Sun Jian among them, so he said in a shocked tone,
"Those soldiers seek awards for themselves. Lord Sun, why are you among them?"
Sun Jian replied,
"I received an envoy's orders to execute you, sir."
Wang Rui asked,
"What was my crime?"
Sun Jian replied,
"Guilty of not knowing."
Cornered, Wang Rui drank scrapped gold and committed suicide.[8][9] Wang Rui was replaced by Liu Biao as Inspector of Jing Province by imperial edict.[10]
Wang Rui almost brought Jing Province into the war against Dong Zhuo, but his death at the hands of Sun Jian allowed Dong Zhuo to slip in Liu Biao as the new Inspector and effectively neutralize Jing Province.
Personal Info
Name: Wang Rui (王叡)[3][6][8][9][10] or Wang Min (王敏)[4][5]
Style name: Tongyao (通耀)[3]
Death date: Winter 190/Spring 191 (11th/12th lunar month of 1st year of the Chuping era)[4]
[1] - 【王祥字休徵,琅邪臨沂人,漢諫議大夫吉之後也。祖仁,青州刺史。父融,公府辟不就。】《晉書•王祥傳》
[2] - 【王吉字子陽,琅玡皋虞人也。】《漢書•王貢兩龔鮑傳》
[3] - 【叡字通耀,晉太保祥伯父也。】《王氏譜》
[4] - 【中平三年,江夏兵趙慈反叛,殺南陽太守秦頡,攻沒六縣,拜羊續為南陽太守。…乃發兵與荊州刺史王敏共擊趙慈,斬之,獲首五千餘級。屬縣餘賊并詣續降。】《後漢書•郭杜孔張廉王蘇羊賈陸列傳》
[5] - 【聖水又東逕勃海安次縣故城南,漢靈帝中平三年,封荊州刺史王敏為侯國。又東南流注於巨馬河,而不達於海也。】《王氏譜》
[6] - 【荊州刺史王叡素遇堅無禮,堅過殺之。】《三国志•孫堅傳》
[7] - 【中平五年,拜司馬,從討長沙、零、桂等三郡賊周朝、蘇馬等,有功,堅表治行都尉。】《三国志•朱治傳》
[8] - 【叡先與堅共擊零、桂賊,以堅武官,言頗輕之。及叡舉兵欲討卓,素與武陵太守曹寅不相能,楊言當先殺寅。寅懼,詐作案行使者光祿大夫溫毅檄,移堅,說叡罪過,令收行刑訖,以狀上。堅即承檄勒兵襲叡。叡聞兵至,登樓望之,遣問欲何為,堅前部荅曰:「兵乆戰勞苦,所得賞,不足以為衣服,詣使君更乞資直耳。」叡曰:「刺史豈有所吝?」便開庫藏,使自入視之,知有所遺不。兵進及樓下,叡見堅,驚曰:「兵自求賞,孫府君何以在其中?」堅曰:「被使者檄誅君。」叡曰:「我何罪?」堅曰:「坐無所知。」叡窮迫,刮金飲之而死。】《吳錄》
[9] - 【冬十一月...孫堅殺荊州刺史王叡,又殺南陽太守張咨。】《後漢書•孝獻帝紀》
[10] - 【初平元年,長沙太守孫堅殺荊州刺史王叡,詔書以表為荊州刺史。
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zl181 · 2 years
Comprehensive Biography of Yang Yong
Yang Yong, styled Zizhao (楊顒字子昭), was a civil official who served Shu. He asked Zhuge Liang to not to micro-task as much and delegate some duties to lower-level officials.
Yang Yong was from Xiangyang Commandery. He was a relative of Yang Yi.[1] Yang Yong lived south of the Hui Lake (洄湖) while Yang Yi lived north of it.[2]
When he entered Shu from Jing Province, Liu Bei made him Grand Administrator of Ba Commandery. He also became Zhuge Liang's registrar. Zhuge Liang was known to personally examine official documents while rarely delegating it to lower-level officials. Yang Yong thus admonished him, stating verbosely that,
"In governance, there is a system; top and bottom cannot encroach each other. I ask to provide familial examples of this for you, Enlightened Lord. Currently, there are people that order their servants to labor by plowing grain in farms, their maids to be in charge of cooking meals, their fowls to be in charge of announcing morning, their dogs to be in charge of barking at bandits, their cattle to carry heavy burden, and their horses to traverse long distances. Personal jobs are not neglected and what [materials] are asked are all sufficient; that they can be relaxed and rest on a high pillow. They just need to eat and drink, that is all. Yet suddenly in one day, all they want to do is personally perform such labor, no longer delegating duties, laboring with their physical strength, working in such cumbersome matters, thus their body becomes worn and their mind becomes exhausted. Ultimately, nothing will succeed. Would their intelligence be inferior to servants, maids, fowls, and dogs? This is a loss in the law of being the household master. Therefore, the ancients have claimed that, 'Those that sit while discussing methods can be said to become kings or dukes; those that get up then works can be said to become civil grandees.' Therefore, Bing Ji ignored the dead people along the road, but worried about his cattle panting [from heat]; Chen Ping was unwilling to answer questions of coin and grain taxes, but said, 'There are directors for those.' Those people honestly fulfilled their positions and status in the system. Currently, you are governing, thus you are personally checking official documents, sweating the entire day. Is that not also laborious?"
Zhuge Liang appreciated his advice.[1]
When Yang Yong died, Zhuge Liang cried for him for three days.[1] He later wrote to Zhang Yi (Junsi) and Jiang Wan, stating,
"In Prefect Clerks, we lost Lai Gong (the son); in Lesser Subordinates, we lost Yang Yong. This is a loss most severe for the imperial court."[3]
[1] - 【楊顒字子昭,楊儀宗人也。入蜀,為巴郡太守,丞相諸葛亮主簿。亮甞自校簿書,顒直入諫曰:「為治有體,上下不可相侵,請為明公以作家譬之。今有人使奴執耕稼,婢典炊爨,雞主司晨,犬主吠盜,牛負重載,馬涉遠路,私業無曠,所求皆足,雍容高枕,飲食而已,忽一旦盡欲以身親其役,不復付任,勞其體力,為此碎務,形疲神困,終無一成。豈其智之不如奴婢雞狗哉?失為家主之法也。是故古人稱『坐而論道謂之王公,作而行之謂之士大夫。』故邴吉不問橫道死人而憂牛喘,陳平不肯知錢穀之數,云『自有主者』,彼誠達於位分之體也。今明公為治,乃躬自校簿書,流汗竟日,不亦勞乎!」亮謝之。後為東曹屬典選舉。顒死,亮垂泣三日。】《襄陽記》
[2] - 【楊儀居上洄,楊顒居下洄,與蔡洲相對。】《水經註·卷二十八·沔水中》
[3] - 【恭子厷,為丞相西曹令史,隨諸葛亮於漢中,早夭,亮甚惜之,與留府長史參軍張裔、蔣琬書曰:「令史失賴厷,掾屬喪楊顒,為朝中損益多矣。」顒亦荊州人也。】《陳壽》
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zl181 · 2 years
Comprehensive Biography of Yufuluo
Yufuluo (於夫羅/於扶羅; d. 195) was a nominal leader of the Xiongnu for some time.
Yufuluo was the son of the Chanyu of South Xiongnu; Qiangqu.[1][2]
Early life
Yufuluo was initially the Left Worthy King.[2] During the Zhongping era, the Xiongnu aided the Han against its rebellions and sent Yufuluo to lead troops. Unfortunately, in 188, Qiangqu faced a revolt in favor of Xuboguduhou (須卜骨都侯) and was killed in the process, so Yufuluo stayed in China rather than return.[1][2] Yufuluo was nominally titled Chizhishizhuhou (持至尸逐侯).[2]
Around 189, when China fell into political chaos, Dong Zhuo received an edict to destroy Yufuluo. However, he later petitioned that,
"...Your minister previously received an edict to suppress Yufuluo, but my soldiers were famished and were unwilling to cross the Yellow River. All of them said that they wanted me to go to the capital city to first execute the lowly eunuchs in order to remove the danger toward the people..."
Dong Zhuo instead seized the capital and took power.[3]
Yufuluo allied with the White Wave Bandits and overcame the defenses of Taiyuan and Henei commanderies, soon ravaging it.[1] Soon, in Spring 191, he allied with Yuan Shao and Zhang Yang and garrisoned at the Zhang River. However, he decided to rebel against the Han dynasty's authority and coerced Zhang Yang into leaving Yuan Shao. In response, Yuan Shao sent Qu Yi to chase them down south of Ye, defeating Yufuluo. However, Yufuluo still kept Zhang Yang and travelled to Liyang, defeating the army of Geng Zhi (耿祉) there and emboldening his army. However, he presumably released Zhang Yang thereafter for unknown reasons.[4]
In Spring 192, Yufuluo was defeated greatly at Neihuang by Cao Cao. Also defeated was Sui Gu.[5]
In Spring 193, Yufuluo allied with Yuan Shu and guarded Fengqiu. However, Yuan Shu left and got defeated by Cao Cao, so he and Yufuluo guarded Fengqiu against Cao Cao. While Cao Cao prepared for a siege, Yuan Shu escaped and Yufuluo presumably did as well.[6]
In 195, Yufuluo died. His younger brother, Huchuquan, succeeded him.[7]
Personal Info
Name: Yufuluo (於夫羅)[1][4][5][6] or Yufuluo (於扶羅)[3][7]
Death date: 195[7]
[1] - 【於夫羅者,南單于子也。中平中,發匈奴兵,於夫羅率以助漢。會本國反,殺南單于,於夫羅遂將其衆留中國。因天下撓亂,與西河白波賊合,破太原、河內,抄略諸郡為寇。】《魏書》
[2] - 【靈帝中平五年,右部虾落與休屠各胡���馬銅等十餘萬人反,攻殺單于羌渠。初,單于呼徵為中郎將張脩所殺,遂立右賢王羌渠為單于,其子右賢王於扶羅立,為持至尸逐侯單于,國人殺其父者遂叛,共立須卜骨都侯為單于,而於扶羅詣闕自訟。會帝崩,天下大亂,單于將數千騎與白波賊合兵寇河內諸郡。】《邊防•南匈奴》
[3] - 【「臣伏惟天下所以有逆不止者,各由黃門常侍張讓等侮慢天常,操擅王命,父子兄弟並據州郡,一書出門,便獲千金,京畿諸郡數百萬膏腴美田皆屬讓等,至使怨氣上蒸,妖賊蠭起。臣前奉詔討於扶羅,將士饑乏,不肯渡河,皆言欲詣京師先誅閹豎以除民害,從臺閣求乞資直。臣隨慰撫,以至新安。臣聞揚湯止沸,不如滅火去薪,潰癕雖痛,勝於養肉,及溺呼船,悔之無及。」《典略》
[4] - 【四年春,軍鄄城。荊州牧劉表斷術糧道,術引軍入陳留,屯封丘,黑山餘賊及於夫羅等佐之。術使將劉詳屯匡亭。太祖擊詳,術救之,與戰,大破之。術退保封丘,遂圍之,未合,術走襄邑,追到太壽,決渠水灌城。走寧陵,又追之,走九江。夏,太祖還軍定陶。】《三國志•武帝紀》
[5] - 【太祖要擊眭固,又擊匈奴於夫羅於內黃,皆大破之。】《三國志•武帝紀》
[6] - 【山東兵起,欲誅卓。袁紹至河內,楊與紹合,復與匈奴單于於夫羅屯漳水。單于欲叛,紹、楊不從。單于執楊與俱去,紹使將麴義追擊於鄴南,破之。單于執楊至黎陽,攻破渡遼將軍耿祉軍,衆復振。】《三國志•張楊傳》
[7] - 【獻帝興平二年,單于於扶羅死,其弟呼廚泉立為單于,以兄被逐,不得歸國,數為鮮卑所鈔。】《邊防•南匈奴》
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zl181 · 2 years
Comprehensive Biography of Meng Jian
Meng Jian, styled Gongwei (孟建字公威), was a civil official for Wei. He was a travelling colleague of Zhuge Liang at one time.
Meng Jian came from Runan Commandery.
Meng Jian, along with Shan Tao, Xu Shu, and Zhuge Liang, travelled around China to study. Zhuge Liang told them,
"Gentlemen, when you serve in posts, you shall be commandery administrators or inspectors."
When Meng Jian and the others asked Liang what his life purpose was, Zhuge Liang merely laughed and said nothing.[1]
After travelling for a while, Meng Jian grew to miss his hometown and wanted to return north, only for Zhuge Liang to tell him,
"China has many talented grandees! You are traveling to study, why must you go back to your hometown?"
Meng Jian probably dismissed Zhuge Liang's advice and went up north, because he was soon recorded serving Wei.[1]
In 223, when the incumbent Inspector of Liang Province; Wen Hui died, Meng Jian succeeded him. He was known for governing it well and later became the General who Conquers the East.[2] Later, in 231, when Zhuge Liang was attacking Wei, he replied to a message from Sima Yi and had Du Xi sent his regards to Meng Jian.[3]
[1] - 【亮在荊州,以建安初與潁川石廣元、徐元直、汝南孟公威等俱游學,三人務於精熟,而亮獨觀其大略。每晨夜從容,常抱膝長嘯,而謂三人曰:「卿諸人仕進可至郡守刺史也。」三人問其所志,亮但笑而不言。後公威思鄉里,欲北歸,亮謂之曰:「中國饒士大夫,遨游何必故鄉邪!」】《魏略》
[2] - 【恢卒後,汝南孟建為涼州刺史,有治名,官至征東將軍。】《三國志注•卷十五》
[3] - 【建字公威,少與諸葛亮俱遊學。亮後出祁山,荅司馬宣王書,使杜子緒宣意於公威也。】《魏略》
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zl181 · 2 years
Comprehensive Biography of Huang Yuan
Huang Yuan (黃元; d. Spring 223) was a military general who served Liu Bei in Shu Han. He rebelled against Liu Bei when he was seriously ill as he feared Zhuge Liang would hurt him, only to be defeated and executed.
Huang Yuan served as Grand Administrator of Hanjia Commandery.[1] According to Yang Hong, he was a brutal man.[3]
In Spring 223, upon hearing Liu Bei was seriously ill, Huang Yuan raised his flag in revolt in fear that Zhuge Liang would hurt him upon taking authority. He initially defended his own commandery, but after about three months, Huang Yuan marched his army to Linqiong County and assaulted it. He probably intended to go after Chengdu next. It is said that Huang Yuan acted more bold in his rebellion after hearing Zhuge Liang vacated it. This was treated as a serious rebellion and so Yang Hong told Crown Prince Liu Shan,
"Yuan had always by nature been violent and brutish and has no kindness nor faith. How could he manage this [rebellion]? He can only sail the river south-east and hope that our liege is eased and safe, face him with hands tied, and accept death. If something is any different [from what was just said], he would flee to Wu and beg to live there, that is all. Command that Hu and Chuo just wait at the mouth of Nan'an Gorge to obstruct and thereupon get him!"
Soon, Chen Hu and Zheng Chuo (鄭綽) were sent to resist him from Qingyi River (青衣水).[1][2][3] Huang Yuan was defeated and attempted to retreat down a river, but was apprehended by his own troops and sent to Chengdu, where he was beheaded.[1]
[1] - 【冬十二月,漢嘉太守黃元聞先主疾不豫,舉兵拒守。...三月,黃元進兵攻臨卭縣。遣將軍陳曶討元,元軍敗,順流下江,為其親兵所縛,生致成都,斬之。】《三國志•先主傳》
[2] - 【十有二月,漢嘉太守黃元,素亮所不善,聞先主疾病,慮有後患,舉郡拒守。...元燒臨邛城。治中從事楊洪啟太子,遣將軍陳曶、鄭綽由青衣水伐元,滅之。】《華陽國志》
[3] - 【漢嘉太守黃元素為諸葛亮所不善,聞先主疾病,懼有後患,舉郡反,燒臨邛城。時亮東行省疾,成都單虛,是以元益無所憚。洪即啟太子,遣其親兵,使將軍陳曶、鄭綽討元。衆議以為元若不能圍成都,當由越嶲據南中,洪曰:「元素性凶暴,無他恩信,何能辦此?不過乘水東下,冀主上平安,面縛歸死;如其有異,奔吳求活耳。勑曶、綽但於南安峽口遮即便得矣。」曶、綽承洪言,果生獲元。】《三國���•楊洪傳》
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