#when she got sucker punched lol
miutonium · 26 days
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Its 4 am, I should be sleeping but why is it that I just have the urge to draw and ship her with a pathetic nerd gf??
#that pathetic nerd gf is me#i watched the incredibles recently and suddenly i remembered that I am gay#but also she just kinda reminds me of jessica rabbit personality wise#shes so serious all the time until theres a vwry brief moment she was caught off guard and all her confidence were gone-#when she got sucker punched lol#also i literally wrote this on the fly i imagine like the nerd girl was the lead engineer for most of Syndrome's machine#like yes he is a genius sure but most of the technicalities were made by her#so like I imagine that one day while she and Mirage where in the same room#she was like “you could just leave this place yknow. idk what you see in him that makes you so devoted on building these intricate machines-#for him.“ and she went silent before mirage continued ”you could build for gods for superheroes but you choose to have yourself stuck-#in this volcano island for some rich megalomaniac who got hurt that some fat guy hurts his feelings decades ago“#and just as she was about to protest mirage asked again “what do you see yourself here?” and the nerd girl just kinda laughs and was like#“i dont really see any future here but all I know is he got his toys and I am having fun building it”#and mirage just couldn't help but laugh at her bluntness lol#but also it would be fun that she asked her the question back and mirage couldnt answer it either#its like working for syndrome just gave them both a purpose to live in a sense#i mean likeeee they both dont trust syndrome no no i mean like they have something to do other than wander aimlessly in their lives? idk#this should have been in this post why am i leaving it in the tags?????#anyway chat should I f/o her????#asuka speaks
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totheblood · 1 year
hii love can you write hcs of ellie williams in protective gf mode
a/n: of course! thank u for the request <;3 p.s little bonus ai audio at the end (ellie yelling at u lol, ellie telling u to drink up, ellie asking u whats wrong)
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protective gf ellie
it’s no secret that ellie is extremely protective of the people around her, but when it came to you it was a whole other story
she’s protective of you out in the world, if you’re on patrol together she will always enter new areas before you, scoping it out before giving you the okay to come in
“it’s safe to come in, babe.”
“you’re ridiculous.”
“and you’re still alive, so where’s my thank you?”
she would definitely try not to baby you since she’s positive you can hold your own (it’s very hot to her how badass you are on patrol) but sometimes she just can’t control it
she knows she’s immune so she would much rather take her chances than have you be bit, but you don't know that so you get into little quips about why she doesn’t let you fight infected
“i don’t see why i can’t clear out the area with you ellie, i feel like i’m not pulling my weight.”
“it’s not safe, you could get bit.”
“but i won’t.”
she will always check the sturdiness of the floor before telling you to follow her (she’s fallen through too many floors to take her chances with you)
when you do end up getting hurt on patrol she gets mad
like unreasonably angry at you… she’s working on it
“what the fuck were you thinking?! going in there gun’s blazing, you didn’t know how many of them there were!” she would scold you while tending to your wounds, it was honestly very confusing
“i’m sorry, i jus-“
“don’t do it again.” she would say it in her sternest voice before kissing the gauze where she patched you up
when it comes to protecting you from other people in jackson ellie was known for being ruthless
a guy hitting on you at the diner? she would slide into the booth next to you and wrap her arm around your waist with an exaggerated, “hey baby.”
someone who won’t leave you alone when you’re obviously uncomfortable? she would immediately step in between the two of you with her finger pointed in the guys face, “hey back the fuck up!”
if she ever saw you crying, all hell would break loose
inside her rage would be boiling, but on the outside she was running up to you, putting your face in her hands, scanning your body for any injuries, and asking you with the most tender voice, “what’s wrong, baby?”
“these guys would not stop making fun of me on my way home.” you would explain in between sniffles “just got so overwhelmed, but i’m okay.”
“who? what did they look like? what were they saying?”
“ellie, don’t do anything.”
“i won’t, just tell me. wanna make sure those assholes shovel horse shit for a month.”
after you would tell her she’d press a kiss on your forehead and stay with you until you fell asleep
after she would go out and find the guys who made you cry and beat them up (violence isn’t the answer but this is ellie and she’s a sucker for revenge)
ellie’s actually not above punching anyone for you, she just would never let you see that side of her
a part of her also wants to protect you from herself and what she’s capable of
so whenever she’s not doing mentally well she would seperate herself from you so she doesn’t lash out at you
she hates the look on your face when anyone yells at you and she knows she wouldn't be able to live with herself if she was on the receiving end
she also always walks you home, she likes when you call her a gentleman and kiss her goodnight
she’s also protective of you when you’re not feeling well, absolutely ignoring her own health to make sure you’re eating, sleeping, and getting enough water
“c’mon baby, drink up.” she would coo as she gently sat you up in your bed, her protective hand resting on the small of you back while you drank
she would stroke your hair as you slept, constantly checking your body temperature as she waited for your fever to break
on the flipside, whenever she was sick she wouldn’t let you around her
you would be banging on her door with homemade soup being like “ellie, open this goddamn door!”
and her sick ass would say “no! don't wanna get you sick!” through her stuffy nose
“fine, but i’m leaving the soup outside your door, please make sure you eat it and drink water!”
“thank you.”
“okay, bye, i love you!”
“i love you more”
she’s always doting on you, making sure your happy and satisfied
if you’re eating together she would make sure you are full before she finishes her plate just in case you want more
at community events her eyes would always return to you even when she’s in conversation with someone else
“she’s fine y’know? just the spring dance.” jesse would say after her looking over at you for the tenth time in their 15 minute conversation
“i know. i just like looking at her.” it wasn’t a lie, but she was still just making sure you were okay
ai audios:
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bitchimasnake-sss · 7 months
"remember that time when-" ft. r.zoro!
ft. zoro x fem!reader
set-up: you're pms-ing and this man is your greatest friend and even greater enemy rn (but you know you love him); drabbles to soothe your delusional soul <3
warnings: none! very wholesome lol
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-contrary to popular belief, this man actually knows what periods are (wow, the bare minimum!!!) - when he was younger, he had listened to kuina go on about being a woman and its disadvantages and all and i believe he thought she was talking smack (i mean at the end of the day, "a swordsman is just a swordsman") - so when 15 year old zoro stumbled across a library, he decided to waltz in and just pick up a random biology book to understand female anatomy (it happened one after the other, completely unplanned) - when i tell you his little fifteen year old pea-sized brain was blown away (he learnt way more than he probably should have) - (please i beg u he can read, trust me 😭😭) - but just because he knows its a thing doesn't mean he understands it. so, yeah, he actually does know what it is, he simply does not care - in his logic, he had bled multiple times and still always bounces back so like what's the big deal??? "what's the big deal? it's just blood" he's sipping on a bottle of sake, gulping down its remnants in a single breath when you had complained about cramps one evening "excuse me?" nami is ready to strike him down "i said its just blood" - nami did, infact, then strike him down - post-dating zoro still thinks its no biggie "oi, yn" he's poking your shoulder, "what's wrong?" "cramps" you grumble against the pillow he laughs, "ah, they'll go away, get up and get going now. don't sulk around, you're my fav ketchup packet" "tf did you just say?" "ketchup packet?" - you refused to talk to this man for the next two days - at the end of the second day, he had to write a formal apology (with chopper's help) and speak it out loud before you started entertaining his bullshit again - see the thing is this mf is reserved, superhuman and has an absurdly high pain tolerance so it's hard for him to sympathize exactly - he once caught you crying cause you had seen a mama chimpanzee kiss it's baby chimpanzee and hug it tightly and he will forever bring it up "zoro you remember that time you got lost in dru-" "yn, remember that time, we were passing through a jungle and you saw some chimp-" he ended up getting a sucker punch to the face he deserved it. - but just because words aren't his thing doesn't mean he isn't looking out for you - everytime you're laying there on the bed, unmoving, he'd wordlessly crawl into the bed next to you. he's give you a gentle back massage or start rubbing soothing patterns onto your belly "you want something?" he mumbles slowly, hands skimming softly over your waist - this man would not and i repeat absolutely would not allow you to do any physically demanding work though "hey, let me handle that" "zoro, i am not a child!" "you sure look like one to me." he snickers, "remember the time you saw that mom chimpan-" "zORO FUCK OFF!!" - you need something from the top shelf? he got it. you are helping ussop carry gunpowder from the storage? go sit down, your boyfriend's got it - does it sometime frustrate you? yes - does the crew use this opportunity to make his lazy ass do a fuck lot of chores? also yes - he will still 100% make ketchup jokes (he's gross like that) - but name one man who'll treat you more gently than this bozo, i dare you - it might be something as lame as a period, doesn't mean he woudn't go to the end of the world to make you feel slightly better (even if he teases you about it endlessly)
sanji's part <3 luff's part <3
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apollosfavkiddo · 1 month
⛧° Cooking classes with Uncle Leo
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content: leo valdez x fem!reader blurb
warnings: probably cursing, bad spanish, not proofread. ig that's it?? lmk!!
a/n: i didn't really like this, but i'm posting it anyways lol. dedicated to covey and @/pinkdiorluvr cuz i know they both love leo hehehe
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You never learnt how to cook. A disturbed childhood with a shitty mortal dad was not the best place to get cooking lessons. Or to learn anything, on that matter.  
The point is, cooking skills aren’t something you possess, and that annoys you beyond limits. That took you to asking your best friend, Leo Valdez, for cooking classes. Which he immediately accepted. I mean, who wouldn’t want to teach your crush how to cook? 
"So, when can I go to your house?” You asked, which made him snap back to reality from just admiring your features.  
“Uh... my house?” He asked, as he completely forgot what you guys were previously chatting about. He was too busy with noticing how the freckles coated your cheeks, and how your black hair framed your face in the prettiest way possible. Oh, he was down bad.  
“Are you even listening to me right now, Leo?” You asked, waving your hand in front of his face. 
“Uh, yeah, ‘course I am. You were talking about the... cooking classes, right?” He asked, a sheepish smile making his way to his lips. You just rolled your eyes. 
“Yes, I am. When can I come to your house, hm?” You asked again. 
“Tomorrow at seven sounds good to you?” He asked. 
“Yeah, that’d be great.” You answer, smiling softly as well.  
“You’re gonna learn how to make the perfect pasta alla carbonara, my dear apprentice. It's one of my specialties.” He said, passing an arm across your shoulders and pulling you to him.  
Before you could even pull away so you could leave, he planted a kiss with a loud ‘mwah’ to it and darted off, laughing. You were left confused, blushing and smiling as a toddler who just got a pack of candy.  
⛧° 。 ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆༺♱༻⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ 。°⛧ 
Leo stood in his kitchen, a grin plastered on his face as he waited for his best friend’s arrival. He was looking forward to it, since he knew that it was a chance of absolutely zero percent that this whole class didn’t end in absolute chaos.  
He leaned against the counter, tapping his fingers impatiently, trying to figure when you’d finally come, what clothes you’d be wearing, what shoes you’d wear and in which way your hair would be. Would it be down? Would you put it in a ponytail? A bun? A braid? 
Oh gods, he was such a sucker for that damned daughter of Poseidon.  
Eventually, he heard the rhythmic knock on the door, telling him that you were finally there, much to his happiness.  
“Come on, Valdez, it’s freezing out here!” You complained, just when he finally opened the door and you barged inside, escaping the snow from the outside world. You were in a black coat, wine-red leggings, gloves and a cute scarf so your nose didn’t get too cold. “Finally! Thought you’d leave me out there to die.” 
“I’d never do that, princesa. I mean, at least not today, I need an assistant.” He said jokingly, poking your shoulder and teasing you as you took your coat off.  
“I’m gonna punch you, I swear to all the gods that I know.” She threatened. He just smiled and walked towards the kitchen, with you following right behind him. “So, what’re you gonna teach me today?”  
“We’re gonna make the best pasta ever – carbonara!” He said happily as he pointed at the counter, which was filled with ingredients for the dish – bacon, eggs, flour and cheese were neatly organized in the counter, ready to be turned into a meal. 
“If this goes wrong, I'm ordering a happy meal.” You complained, putting the things you brought to make your favorite dessert, a classic that you learnt with a Brazilian friend of yours – Brigadeiro. It's actually the only thing that you can cook without burning down the whole house.  
“First, we gotta make the pasta.” The latino said, and you grimaced. 
“Why do we have to make it? Isn't it easier to just, you know, buy the pasta and cook it?”  
He shrugged. “Yeah, it’s easier. But making it is so much fun!” He said, with a smile on his face, and started pouring flour on the counter, making a small tower and soon making a hole in it. Then he stopped and looked at you. 
“What? Is there something on my hair?” You asked, brushing off your hair, which made Leo laugh. 
“No, no. I need you to grab six eggs and crack them here.” He said, gesturing towards the bowl.  
“Oh.” You mumbled and picked up the bowl, cracking the eggs in it and being extra careful with the shell. When you finished, you looked at him with puppy eyes. “What now?”  
“Put them here.” He said, gesturing to the hole in the flour. You nodded and poured the eggs there. “Now, you washed your hands, right?” You nodded again. “Great. Now, you have to mix the eggs and the flour until we have a smooth dough; the pasta!” 
You just nodded and put your hands to work. It was cute, since you didn’t seem to know what you were doing, and it was just so cute the way you were unsure on whether you were doing the right thing or not.  
“You’re doing great, y/n/n.” He assured. If you looked up, you’d see a proud smile on his face. 
After a few minutes of squeezing and mixing the dough, it was finally ready. You looked up at Leo’s face, a proud smile on your face and shining eyes. Maybe cooking wasn’t really that bad, after all. Not if you had a good teacher and friend around. 
He was starstruck. He couldn’t even move. You were just so pretty, flour all over your arms and hands, a little spot on your cheek white from when you rubbed the back of your hand on your face. He wanted nothing more than to kiss you in that moment.  
But he knew he couldn’t. He shouldn’t do it. Couldn't risk his friendship with you.  
And yet you were so tempting, so pretty like that. In his kitchen, with his apron – which was slightly too big for your tiny frame – and with him.  
“So, what do we do now?” You asked, interrupting the trance he was in. He shook his head and blushed, embarrassed to be caught like that.  
“Uh... the- the eggs. We need to make the eggs.” He said, blushing after getting caught staring at you. “You can whisk the yolks while I cook the bacon. Is that alright with you?”  
“Mhm. You just need to teach me how to separate the yolks.” You said, with a smile.  
You two continued the cooking, with Leo cooking the bacons till they were golden brown and crispy while you whisked the egg yolks and the cheese together. It was a fun night, where you ate the food you made – which was delicious, by the way – and had fun with your best friend. 
The only out of the ordinary thing was that the whole time you were there, the only thing you wanted was to jump on Leo’s lap and kiss the hell out of him.  
And his train of thought was not that far away from yours. 
Don't get me wrong, he loved to spend platonic time with you, of course. But he really, really wanted to kiss you.  
‘Oh, for my father’s sake, what I wouldn’t give to kiss her.’  
“...what?” You asked, your face clearly redder with his – more than sudden – confession.  
You never thought he’d want to kiss you, much less give yourself the hope that maybe someday that’d happen. No, it was selfish, and you knew – or at least thought – that he’d never ever like his best friend.  
But here he was, saying how much he’d give in exchange for a kiss.  
“Oh, shit- I said that out loud, didn’t I? I’m so sorry, Y/n, you can really pretend this never happened, I just-” AAAAAND he was rambling. Again. So, the easiest way out of that situation was, obviously, shut him up with a kiss.  
He immediately melted. His hands stopped flying around his face and went to graze your neck and waist, unsure, but ready to search.  
It was one of the best kisses you’ve ever had, and it was definitely the most awaited one. His lips were cracked and raspy, and he tasted sweet like the juice you had.  
When you finally pulled away, both of your cheeks were red and there was a smile playing on both of your lips.  
“I kinda love you.” You admited.  
“Good, ‘cause i love you too, princesa.” 
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theravenclawlover · 2 years
🎃Kinktober Day 23🎃
Day Prompt: Cockbulge/Hate sex/Deepthroating & Facesitting
Word Count: 1,284
Warnings: +18 (MDNI), sexual content, dry humping, violence, hair pulling, choking, hate sex, and my writing as usual babes.
A/N: Honestly, all the prompts are something I fucking love to write about but hate sex won because I got Yelena for day twenty-three lol. I honestly could write Yelena hate sex all day. I am a sucker for it.
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Yelena Belova x F!Reader
You weren’t one to have enemies, at least not in the personal sense of the word. As one of the few remaining Avengers that joined before the Sokovian Accords, you had many grand-scale enemies through the years, but you had one on a personal level now. But not because you fought on different sides of the law, but because neither could see eye-to-eye. Yelena—Natasha’s sister as per Clint’s explanation to you—was someone with whom you couldn’t get along with. No matter how hard Clint tried to make you friends. He’d taken charge of you after you’d lost your mentors and friends, and now he also took care of Kate, and occasionally, Yelena. Clint usually paired you both up, a bonding experience he’d call it when you had gone on a complaining rant to him. He’d been amused, but your anger and rant hadn’t deterred him. And today was another day where he had put you both together even if he knew it could go to shit. But this was no training, this was a small mission to take down a raising group of idiots who thought could strike fear amongst people with their guns.
Clint and Kate were to come in from the north side of the building while you took the south side. And as if irony had been looming around you, Yelena and you were quick to spark hatred amongst commands.
“Jesus, can you be any more annoying?” hissed Yelena as she drew her gun to deck a dude that had been made aware of your presence by their fighting. But he didn’t have the time to warn anyone.
“Girls-” but Clint was interrupted by your annoyed groan at Yelena’s words.
“Me? annoying?” you glared, finger digging into her shoulder. “You are the most annoying person I’ve ever met, and I was friends with Tony Stark.”
“Oh no, you win the title of the most annoying person ever,” she slapped your hand away, a glare of her own. “You do nothing but complain about everything, and let’s not forget that you think you can boss me around every time we have a mission. I don’t need you. I could do this all by myself, be done with it in minutes without your annoying voice.”
“Oh yeah, I forgot,” you gave her an unimpressed grin that was borderline mocking, “you make being a skilled assassin your whole personality. Reminds me of just how shallow you really are.”
It was no surprise that had won you a good punch on your left side, but when you both fought, someone came out with a bruise. Yelena attempted another blow at you, but you evaded, your right hand connecting to her left side. Your knuckles throbbed as you went for another blow as she did too. Both of you were soon in a quick defensive as an equally offensive stand. You could hear gunshots from your earpiece, both Clint and Kate trying to both fight off enemy fire as well as stop you two from killing one another. But neither could stop.
Yelena had hit you twice in the stomach before you managed an uppercut hit before a kick threw her against the wall. She quickly recover before she pushed herself away from it send you back against a desk with a kick of her own. You huffed as you fell back, she straddled you, her hands around your neck. You hissed as you tried to pull her off, but finding it futile, you wrapped your hands around her and with great strength, you rolled yourself over sending you both to the floor with a thud.
Her hands left your throat, and as you gasped for air, you straddled her now, your hands grabbing her own above her head.
“Fuck you!” she spat out, her eyes glaring up at you with so much hatred you could always taste it on the tip of your tongue.
“The feeling is fucking mutual, princess,” you said as you leaned down. Your voice dropping to a low tone to mark with precision just how much that hatred ran down.
“Don’t call me that,” she squinted her eyes, hands fighting your grip, but you were stronger.
“I can call you whatever I want,” you smiled grimly.
Yelena growled in frustration as you made pressure on her wrists, her legs trying to throw you off, but you were stronger as you pressed on her.
“Let go of me.”
You hummed again and this time you kept your silence as you watched with a wicked smirk how much she hated you and the fact that she couldn’t fight you off. Something about watching her raw hatred for you, the very same feeling you felt for her, was doing something to you.
And as if something had gotten ahold of you, the mere inches that you had between each other disappeared as you leaned down to press your lips against her sneer.
Yelena froze underneath you, lips unmoving as were yours. You pulled with a frown at your actions. Yelena’s eyes were narrowed, and the sneer only deepened.
“Fuck. You.” The words had the same hate as before but the low tone her voice had taken made the words come out like a tense growl that was masking the uncertainty of emotions she felt. And you hated that you could relate.
“If you keep growling at me I will.”
It was as sudden as yours, the kiss she chased as she lifted her head. By no means the kiss was sweet, it was everything but. All teeth and growls of disgust for the other and annoyance as the heat you both felt. It was like eating something you claim you disliked to only find out you could get used to the flavor it had offered all along.
But the hatred was still there, right next to, if not holding hands with, the lust the kiss had erupted.
One of the hands that had been on her wrists wrapped around her throat just as she did the same to you. Neither let the other get away with having the upper hand in something neither of you seemed to have control over. Without thinking much, both of you moved around, Yelena still on her back as you found yourself on top of her, but this time one of your legs moved to press your thigh against her pussy. You made pressure as you moved to press yourself to her slightly raised thigh. Both of you groaned into the heated kiss.
Yelena’s other hand won against the grip of your hand, and she went for your hair. She pulled your head to the side, breaking the kiss as you groaned angrily and lustfully.
“Huh, like it rough?” she mocked when you began to move your hips, grinding your pussy on her thigh while you pressed further into her. The hand on her neck moved to grab her jaw tightly as the other dug to grab the hair that was being moused from squirming against the floor. She groaned as a moan escaped first.
“And so do you,” you groaned. Yelena rose her hips as she offered herself some more friction to her cunt. She let go of your head, and you dove right down to kiss her. Just as angrily as before.
This time Yelena couldn’t hold back the full moan as you both moved in sync, finding a rhythm that helped get each other off.
“Are you two fucking right now?!”
You let go of Yelena like she suddenly was a scalding thing just as she crawled away from you. You’d forgotten about the ear comms.
“And they still sounded like they were trying to kill one another,” added Clint.
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lightwise · 1 month
TBB S3 E12 Reaction
Alright, this was the last episode that was truly represented in the trailer. I can’t wait to see Hunter kick some Juggernaut butt (why does that sound so bad lol)
- Hemlock wipe that damn smirk off your face
- Again with the shoulder shoves dude
- No why is CX-2 just walking away? We need to follow him and find out who he is!! *low-key screaming in frustration* lol
- I love how Hemlock is so arrogantly confident and uncaring that he comes across as almost respectful in how he takes the time to explain things to other people
- Come on Emerie, you’ve come so far! Don’t keep playing into Hemlock’s hand! You know Omega isn’t safe here and neither are you
- Lol he’s too busy to even wait for the test results. Bitch
- I do wish they had given us Crosshair telling Hunter and Wrecker about Omega. BUT I was very much correct that Hunter would not waste time being angry
- Every time Crosshair says something more about Tantiss it just keeps getting worse and worse 🥺🥺 don’t make that man go back there! Dee’s vocal inflections and the way he talks about Nala Se and Tipoca City is so regretful
- The trust and vulnerability he’s willing to show though with his hand shaking and admitting he doesn’t want to go back he’s so traumatized 😭💔
- No WAY they are bringing back Admiral Rampart! Kudos to those who called that one
- Cross goes from pointing his rifle in Phee’s face to straight up telling her they’re taking her ship 🤣
- Okay, it finally happened. I finally teared up. Phee and Crosshair immediately sass each other, then she drops the fact that she and Tech were close and talked a lot and he TOLD HER ABOUT CROSSHAIR (and in a good light) and we got a BROWN EYES 👁️ 👄 👁️. I was in a puddle on the floor 🥹🥹🥹
- The way she treats all of them like family and helps them and puts her life on the line for them. It is just so satisfying to see her relationship with the Batch continue to develop like this. Truly family to all of them.
- More Andor vibes with this labor camp
- Of course Rampart is still a dramatic bitchy asshole. Prison hasn’t changed him AT ALL (except for the beard. Sorry guys but I’m just not seeing it 😆)
- Aw Wrecker giving Mel a little pat. He’s so sweet
- “Oh relax. I expect you to know a stealth approach when you see one” 🤩🤩 TECH you need to come back and marry this woman RIGHT FREAKING NOW
- Gosh they were so made for each other 😭
- That entire maneuver was insane and incredible
- Hunter’s helmet float 😄 at least one of them was having fun
- As others have pointed out I also really appreciate that they animated Phee with so much aging and tiredness and lines and wrinkles showing on her face. She’s a real woman who’s seen and done a lot of things and she’s incredibly gorgeous and badass and caring and intelligent and she doesn’t need perfect skin or a youthful glow to be completely amazing
- When are we getting the “day in the life of a storm trooper” workplace comedy? I need it Star Wars!
- It’s so good to see the boys working together like this
- The textures and lighting in this episode are just so real looking
- Wow Wrecker really just sucker punched that guy
- And he actually remembers plan 55 😁 so proud of him
- The music when they saunter in 😂 and we got a “how touching” too?!
- Rampart’s face is in the dictionary next to the word offended
- “Hunter, they’re sealing off the bridge!” Hunter: drives faster
- And he was giving Phee a hard time for her flying?? Boy is approaching Evel Knievel levels!!
- I need to see Hunter in a dirt bike rally now 😧
- Pretty sure Hunter is firmly in his Joel Miller Era. He does not care what he has to do or who he has to kill at this point
- “Not exactly a stealth exit boys” such a great line
- “We’re all in this together” sure Rampart sure let’s see how chipper you are about that next episode
- Emerie and Omega’s glances at each other 🥺
- “This is your new home” yeahhh I don’t think so
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larriescompass · 1 year
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Promise In The Sky by Throwthemflowers ( @hazzabeeforlou )
i remember i read this fic a while ago, and it had me in absolute tears. it’s so beautifully written and it really made me want to give the author a hug ❤️ it’s really painful and i felt so sorry for both harry and louis, my heart was aching for them the entire time i was reading.
Have Love, Will Travel by @kingsofeverything
can i say that this fic was fucking hilarious. i was laughing my ass off when louis got his bum stuck in that cave. i really loved the build of the tension in this fic, and the forced close proximity between the two of them. i’m always a sucker for that. the activities they did sounded like so much fun too, it was really entertaining to read.
mirrorball by cherryboys
oh the chokehold this fic has on me. i looped mirrorball for weeks after reading this. i always relate the lyrics to this version of louis. i love how inspired this fic was by the song, and how it all came together at the end. i also loved the slow build between louis and harry. i am a sucker for enemies to lovers. i told all of my friends about this fic when i finished it.
The Admiration Project by blixciit
wow wow wow wow. i adored this fic. i loved louis’ internal monologue and how he “hated” harry for so long, only to fall for him. the concept of the fic was really well done and it’s such a unique idea as well. it came together beautifully and i absolutely sobbed when i finished it.
ti dedico le autostrade che portano al mare (i dedicate to you the highways that bring you to the sea) by me_her_themoon ( @dreamersdivin-headfirst )
this fic was so good! i loved the scenery of it, and the relationship between louis and harry. i absolutely love angst, and this fic had a lot of it. so of course i enjoyed it!! i loved the plot twists too!! luke made me want to punch a wall. i loved harry, and now i really want a harry for myself. i loved the bakery he worked in. i’ve always wanted to travel or move somewhere like italy, so i really really loved this fic. some of the comments Giuseppe made were so funny, and they made me laugh too.
if the sun don’t shine by @falsegoodnight
i conveniently read this around the time where we were learning about dreams and the brain in my psychology class. so i definitely think this helped me on my psych test lol. i really really loved this fic, and i loved that harry played the violin. i found it so adorable the way the boys met as well, it seemed very intimate. i loved the soulmate concept of it too, it was genius. i also loved luci as well, and how she had a story to her too. it was also beautifully written.
now you're in my life (I can't get you off my mind) by we_are_the_same ( @so-why-let-your-voice-be-tamed )
as someone who identifies as asexual, this fic really touched me. i needed to read this fic because mentally, it really helped me. i’ve struggled a lot with accepting my identity and i felt so close to harry throughout the entire fic. i was crying pretty much the entire time i was reading. i’m just so happy harry got to have a partner that supports and respects him. i could only wish that for myself one day. after i finished reading, i honestly looked at my identity and the world in a new, and brighter light. i just really want to thank the author for writing this fic, it’s truly touched my heart, and i’ll never forget it.
across city skyline (and straight through my heart) by Halos_Boat
i remember i absolutely loved this fic. there was SO much angst and it was soooo good! i loved the dynamic between louis and harry, and how louis developed a crush on harry. i am also such a sucker for bakery aus! it was really well written and i loved the plot twist!! i have to reread this soon!!
Don’t Go In The Woods by guccikings ( @harryeatsburger )
if you like thrillers or creepy stories, i am on my knees and begging you to read this. this fic is probably in my top five favorite fics i’ve ever read over the years. it’s so fucking creepy!!!! i stayed up all night and read it in one go because i just could not put it down!! i had to know what happened next!! i was so stressed and scared reading this too, but in a good way. the plot is literal gold, and i would sell my kidneys to read this again for the first time. now that i’ve read it, i can safely say that i will never go camping! everybody needs to read this, it’s such an underrated gem!! i told all of my friends and i think even my mom about this fic, that’s how fucking good it is. read it.
What If It’s Us? by lovelarry10 ( @chloehl10 )
okay, so you know when you’re reading something SO adorable that you have a warm ball swell up in your chest? that was my chest the entire time i was reading this fic. i usually don’t read fics with this kind of plot, but the art was amazing and i just couldn’t help myself! and i am so glad that i read it, too! it was SO fucking good, and i think i finished it in one go. it was so cute, and i laughed, cried, and smiled so fucking wide my cheeks hurt. this is such a comfort fic, and i definitely need to read it again soon!
Beautiful War by itsmotivatingcara
this fic was really good and intense! i loved the supernatural elements of the story, and the fact that there was a mad man out to get louis lol! i loved how protective harry became of louis as well, there were so many intense moments that kept me on my toes. i read this one super quickly, and i would definitely read it again soon!!
still take you home by cherryboys
i loved the neighbors au in this fic, it was so adorable. this whole entire fic felt like a warm hug, it was just filled with adorable moments. i read it a long time ago, and i still think about it. i definitely need to read it again.
California Sold by @isthatyoularry
i absolutely adored this fic. i loved the aspect of louis being demisexual, and how special and intimate his relationship with harry was. this fic is the reason olivia is one of my favorite one direction songs. it was beautifully written, and i need to read this one again too!
Literally Making Love by Brooklyn_Babylon ( @twopoppies )
i always adore this author’s writing, but i specifically loved this fic in particular. the concept of the fic was absolutely incredible, and i loved how louis literally built harry. i wish i could do that to my soulmate lol. i loved the innocence harry had, and how louis had to teach him to do everything. the way harry fixed louis’ loneliness made my heart swell with happiness. the writing is beautiful. it’s truly an amazing fic, everyone should go read it.
Own The Scars by @crinkle-eyed-boo
i think this is probably in my top two favorite fics i’ve ever read. i’ve never read a fic so fast, and it just felt like i got lost in the story. this story was so fucking incredible to read, the angst was amazing. i loved the plot so much. i’ve read this story twice, and it was just as good the second time, maybe even better. there was this one description of harry, that still sticks with me to this day.
Louis rests his chin on Harry’s chest, taking the opportunity to admire him. His hair is falling across his face; his mouth hangs open slightly, his bottom lip pouting. Peach fuzz dusts his chin, upper lip, and patches of his cheeks. Louis gingerly slides his hand out of Harry’s loose grip. Careful not to wake him, he sweeps the hair off Harry’s face, tucking it behind his ear. He gently strokes the strong line of his jaw and then the slope of his cheeks. Harry scrunches his nose and snuffles; Louis withdraws his hand and holds his breath, fearing that he’s woken him. Harry’s face relaxes a few seconds later and Louis sighs in relief. He continues his exploration, keeping his touch feather-light, gently smoothing out the furrow between Harry’s eyes and tracing the shape of his brows.
He’s beautiful.
there’s no way out (but down) by @ohpleaselarry
this fic was incredible. i would sell my right foot to read this again for the first time, if i’m being honest. the plot and the supernatural elements of the fic were both amazing. i loved how connected harry was to louis, like he’s his own personal superhero. god, everything about this fic was absolutely amazing, please do yourself a favor and read it!! i recommend this to everyone i talk to. 
Back To Seventeen by crimsontheory ( @ireallysawanangel )
this fic was soooo adorable! i love teacher fics so much! i read this one really quickly as well. i loved the rekindled romance between the two of them, and how harry absolutely melted around louis. it was absolutely adorable.
I’m probably forgetting a bunch of fics that i’ve read, but i wanted to spread some holiday love to these incredible authors. i hope you all have an incredible holiday, and an even better new year! i’m sending hugs to all of you ❤️
july 2023 update.
Pour Your Heart Out by @hrrytomlinson
after just finishing this fic for the second time, there’s no way i can’t not add it. this masterpiece gave me constant whiplash. one page i was sobbing, then the next i was smiling so hard that my cheeks hurt. it’s so beautifully written and louis’ character is the embodiment of the sun. i loved the soul mark aspect, it’s brilliant and so well executed. everything about this fic was incredible and so well thought out. harry’s character development made me so proud of him. i would stay up late because i couldn’t put this fic down, and my friend would wake up in the morning to me sending screenshots of adorable scenes and messages of me freaking out over this fic. please do yourself a favor and read this incredible work of art.
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bubblegumflavor · 2 months
Johnny Lawrence is a character that is always pushed down. Him being physically stronger than Daniel doesn't help his mind being constantly challenged. He enters the Karate Kid with his mind strong, with the will to make it better, to make it work. Yeah he beats up Daniel a lot and worse than excusable, but he just wanted to talk to Ali and Ali is pretty mean to him, promising she will talk but then just plays the music again... Daniel sucker punches him first. Daniel humiliates him at the Halloween party and yeah, they beat Daniel up but Mr. Miyagi.. an adult.. breaking a teenager's arm? (Tommy) instead of acting like an adult and de-escalate the situation? Well..
While Daniel is provoking Johnny constantly, Johnny leaves Daniel alone until the tournament, where he again, gets manipulated, humiliated, loses his father figure, gets robbed of his chance to win fairly, still has the courage to get up and give Daniel the trophy, saying he's alright which is an apology, I don't care what other people say. Then outside him getting beaten and humiliated continues with Kreese almost killing him for ending up second place.
And in Cobra Kai it continues... I mean it's also funny and entertaining but it also hurts me to think about how often Johnny is forced to take charity from Daniel, how he can't stop drinking, how everything is always his fault, how he just feels worth of Carmen's affection after performing miracles for her, how he wanted Ali but Amanda says hahah not on my watch, remember Carmen and he's like oh yeah... right then I must love Carmen, I figured it out! (But it was Amanda actually... lol)
I was just watching season 1 again and especially that scene where Johnny is literally on the ground to get his beer and Daniel shows off his dominance because he has the money, it hurts. I wish we had seen Johnny not taking the beer because Daniel paid it or something. Just walking out. Let the man have some dignity!! (I could go on forever I really feel like it got worse in the show to the point where his whole purpose is to fulfill Carmen's dreams but I am rewatching atm and see if I just made it worse in my head, I at least was able to enjoy season 1 again and thats a personal win since I wasn't able to rewatch after s5)
Johnny paying back Sid and finally cut him out of his life is so satisfying to watch, I'm so glad they did that.
I know he has some wins too like I feel equally sad for Daniel when Cobra Kai overpowers his Miyagi-Do presentation and Daniel was so excited for it.. I love watching them get back at each other and all just some nuances leave a bad taste in my mouth when I'm overthinking it.
I love Johnny so much.. He is my comfort character and thinking about all of this hurts me physically. So I try not to. A lot of this in Cobra Kai was done for comic relief and gave us hilarious moments and if I don't think too much about it I can enjoy them all but I, personally, will never enjoy content where Johnny is portrayed as weaker as Daniel or submissive to Daniel or anyone else. (Which doesn't mean he can't have weak moments and Daniel be the one comforting him, that is sth different and I love that!) (I don't enjoy Daniel being 'babygirled' either but that's a different story, lol)
Just some thoughts I needed to get out of my system with my sunday morning coffee =)
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hushroomloser · 4 months
Chris Evans Short Story Part 8
Part 8 
Pairing: ReaderxChrisEvans 
Request: Meeeee 
Prompt: “I’m sorry I thought you were somebody else”
Warning(s): I’m a first-time writer
Word count: 586
A/N: Hey online strangers, I wrote the first part a while back and have the rest of the story in my drive but have never posted it. This story I wrote way back in 2019 :'(. I will be posting at random times if you stay and read it thank you so much. Enjoy xoxox - I have no idea how many parts this story and technically I haven’t an ending yet. 
The dreaded block has come and taken me. That and university seems to enjoy giving me some solid sucker-punches every few days. Alas like life I might have given up on this story and writing it altogether. I do not know who’s enjoying this mess of a story. Lol, anywho I will update once again in a blue moon and edit all of the parts to make them more coherent. Especially now that AI can write cry ... my unattainable dreams
From a tired girly 
White, red and purple consumed the cafeteria, filled with residents, doctors and other health professionals. Rush hour had yet to peak, and yet it was slowly starting to fill up. 
Maybe we shouldn’t have coffee here, he thought. 
Chris roamed around the hospital to find the best spot to grab a quick drink. Unfamiliar with the place he had gotten lost a few times, asking strangers to the nearest exit every time. 
“Hey, you’re that guy right.” 
Dreading it, he hadn’t been recognized yet, mostly because everyone seemed busy. He did not mind taking a picture and talking with a fan but he did not want to be late for his date, especially since he hadn’t found a place to take her yet. He turned around, looking at the person who had called him. 
“Hi, I think so.” 
In his shyness, he managed to smile at the tall stranger wearing a lab coat. He took a quick glance at the name embroidered on his coat, the name was Doctor Gagnon. 
“Are you looking for Lizzy, uhm Dr. Kelley by any chance?” Frowning his brows, he wondered how he knew this specific doctor. A little sad that maybe hospital gossip had been playing a major role in his interaction. 
His anxiety had been slowly elevated when the stranger seemed to recognize the emotion on his face, feeling his uneasiness towards him he quickly said “I am her finance, if that helps, do not worry she hasn’t told anyone. I just know because she texted me about the girl that hit you at the coffee shop.” he giggled thinking about her hitting the Captain. 
Chris did not know why he would giggle or if it was an inside joke or anything he was just surprised at how this stranger, this doctor had been so nonchalant about who he was. He had been used to people being starstruck, especially after playing Captain America. 
He paused and looked at him, he was beautiful even for a straight man the guy he was staring at was a very beautiful man, the movies did not do him justice he thought. 
“Do not worry”, he laughed 
“I won’t tell anyone that I saw the Chris Evans''
“What are you looking for?” the gentle giant asked. He wondered if people got scared of him because of his demeanour and his height. He was a very imposing and confident man compared to him, 
Chris did not know what to think, the giant seemed so nice. “Uhmm thank you, I was just looking for a private coffee shop in this honestly big hospital. “ he started to ramble, ·” How is this soooo big but looks soo small I feel like I am in a maze”, he told the stranger, he felt at ease for some reason telling him of his struggles. The strangers giggled and said, “Yeah I am still confused about it and I have been here for like 5 years it is a very strange place.” 
“The coffee shop next to the parking lot at the end of the hallway should be private enough if you are bringing her there.” he smiled. 
Chris wondered how he knew but he guessed that they were all friends. Chris smiled back, shyly not knowing what to say. 
‘Thank you”, he said shyly, he was truly embarrassed that someone had figured out what he wanted to do. He did not know what to say or add he just stared at the stranger, a very handsome stranger to boot.
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shyphonics · 1 month
Salad Days Chapter 5: We Are The One
This chapter is certified 18+™ for smut and light mental health crisis (we've all been there... right?)
I'm sorry if I'm rusty lol. Also, I made a tag list! Let me know if you want in :) this is looking like it's gonna be pretty long.
one | two | three | four
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It’s your turn for soundcheck now, and… Jesus, you’re actually nervous. It’s been forever since you’ve been nervous.
You’ve played The Strike every week for about a year now, slowly creeping your way from dead Monday shows, to decent Thursday shows, to electric weekend shows.
You’ve worked your ass off to move from the merch table spot in the dark, at the edge of the dance floor, to one of the spots under the lights and the AC unit.
You know every person here, at least by face, and they know you. Either from the band or the bar. Except for Rodrick and his friends, that is.
You’ve never headlined before, though, and something about your first time is making you shaky.
So, here you stand, face to face with yourself in the bathroom mirror. Jessica, your lead guitar, is against the wall, cool as can be in her vinyl pants. She blows out a long puff of smoke, and fluffs out her short, green hair with one hand.
“We’re gonna be fine. It’s like any other night.”
But it’s not like any other night, not to you.
Is it Rodrick? Are you trying to impress him? That’d be really fucking stupid. You don’t do what you do to impress people.
That, and you’re pretty sure he’d be impressed no matter what you do.
You don't quite know what's happening to you, whether it's how good he’d looked on stage, or the feelings that overcame you when that douchebag sucker-punched him.
Maybe it's a combination of both.
On stage, he'd been sexy and self-assured. Playing those drums like it was nothing. Making your heart flutter with a wink and a smile, like you were a dumb lovestruck teenager at her first concert again.
After that guy had hit him… he got vulnerable. He'd looked so sad, defeated almost. Hurt, not just physically, but emotionally. It made you wonder if those two had a history. It made you want to latch onto him and make him all better.
It seems like Rodrick, whether he’s aware of it or not, knows just where to hit to take down your walls.
“We gotta go,” Maureen pops her head into the restroom.
You push your little emotional breakthrough back in and take a deep breath.
This isn't the time for that.
You climb the side steps, as you have a hundred times, and start fighting audio cables until everything looks right.
Pink cord goes from amp to overdrive pedal. Black cord goes from tuning pedal to bass.
Fuck. Is that even right? You don’t know anymore.
Low notes come from your amp, and you breathe a sigh of relief.
Everyone else is all set up, and you look around. It’s time.
Soundcheck is quick. Too quick. You adjust your setlist with your foot, and stretch out your fingers.
Eddie pushes his glasses up and gives you a thumbs up.
You just gotta start, and then you’ll be fine.
“Hey fuckers!” Your voice comes out more powerful than you'd expected, “We’re The Shrieks!”
The crowd comes alive. Deep breaths.
The lights are up, the crowd is buzzing and you- wow. You're glowing. You look so confident and fucking cool, all lit up in gold stage lights.
Rodrick watches as you and your bandmates give each other a nod.
A note rings out. A second. A third. A fourth.
The song explodes, and Rodrick’s mouth falls open. You’re hopping, and shaking your hair out, really hyping yourself up.
Then you open your lips. Rodrick is enamored. No high school crush he ever had could compare to how he feels right now. He gives in to the movement of the crowd, and it feels like being in the ocean. Bodies all moving as one.
There’s a smile on his face that just won’t go away. He’s never been to a show quite like this.
He holds on to the front of the stage just to watch you, taking in the absolute power you’re giving off. Trying his best to read your lips and hear every word.
I am the one who brings you the future
I am the one who buries your past
A new species, I come from the ruins
I am the one that was made to last
We are not Jesus (Christ!)
Oh, no, we are not fascist (pigs!)
Oh, no we are not capitalist (industrialists!)
Oh, no, we are not communists
We are the one
We are the one
We are the one
We are the one
The party’s still going, even after everyone has shuffled out and the doors are locked. Mike has commandeered the sound booth and is playing “some shit from the good old days.”
You're up in the storage loft above the stage, wrapping up cables and boxing up mics. You close a tackle box full of neatly rolled cords and notice Rodrick down by the stage.
You sit and just watch him for a minute, trying to figure out if your bathroom mirror crisis was just pre-show jitters.
He looks like he's looking for you, craning his neck around and slowly spinning in place.
He's just such a dork.
You’re not sure if you can even be snarky with him anymore.
It's been a really long time since you had a crush on someone. Especially one like this. You're used to being in control, giving no more of yourself than you want to. For all you know, when you get down there, you'll be giggling like an idiot at his mercy.
Pull yourself together.
“I love this song,” you drop down from the storage loft, hopping off the stage, landing in front of Rodrick. Trying to play it cool.
He jumps when you appear, a smile spreading across his face.
“You were amazing.” He sighs.
“Back at you,” you restrain yourself from grinning.
You're still buzzing with adrenaline, and it spurs you on to try something. You step forward, and clasp your arms behind his neck.
His eyes widen, but after some hesitation, he brings his hands to your waist. The two of you begin to sway, a little uncoordinated, to the music. You look up into his eyes. He looks nervous, but a small smile is beginning to form on his face.
Your giddiness starts to fade away, and you feel a little more in control of yourself.
“Did you go to your prom?” You ask.
“Hell no,” Rodrick scoffs, “Did you?”
“I didn't even graduate,” you laugh, “so no. But it explains why we're kinda bad at this.”
“I don't think we're that bad,” He attempts to spin you. You both break out in a fit of giggles as your back hits his chest and you recenter.
“I wanna do that, like, every weekend forever.” He sighs.
“That's not a hard ask. I can show you some of the other venues when I'm free. You guys will be working the circuit in no time.” You look up at him.
Rodrick’s smile is so genuine. He looks completely content.
The world disappears around you as you get lost in the song, swaying and spinning, staring into each other's eyes. You've never been so glad to have taken a chance on someone.
“How's your lip?” You ask.
“It's okay,”
“Does it hurt?”
“Not really.”
You hesitate, then lean upwards, testing the water.
He seems to be thinking the same thing, and he leans down to meet your lips.
The kiss is warm and familiar, all traces of awkwardness are gone. It feels like you know each other. He brings a hand up to cup your cheek and pulls away.
“So am I allowed to like you now?” His voice is lower than before. He holds you close to him, one arm tight across your lower back.
“You feel like you could pass a field sobriety test?” You smirk.
“Yeah?” Rodrick raises an eyebrow.
“Okay. You're allowed.”
He laughs, rolling his eyes, and leans in to kiss you again, but you both quickly turn to the sound of someone clearing their throat. It's one of his bandmates, the blonde one. He's avoiding looking at either of you.
“Hey, Rodrick, uh, you two…” He clears his throat again, “The other bands invited us out to eat, and we were gonna go… but it looks like you're busy.”
Rodrick blinks at you, “Are you gonna go?”
“Yeah, let's go. You should get some carbs in you. Soak up all that booze, or you're gonna have a bad morning.” You detach from him, and walk towards the back door.
Your car is parked right next to their van, and Rodrick looks like he's hesitating getting in with his friends. You roll your window down and raise your eyebrow at him.
“Do you… wanna ride with me?”
He looks surprised, “Can I?”
“Yeah, get in.” You lean over and pop the door open, butterflies swirling in your stomach.
He bounces into your passenger seat, beaming.
“You know where to go, right?” You shout into the van. Rodrick’s friends give you a thumbs up.
You roll the window up, and pull out of the parking lot.
Rodrick is drumming on his knees to a song playing in your car. You watch him out of the corner of your eye and smile a little. You think of the day you met him, all pent up energy and rock n roll, baby!
Big, dumb dog.
He moves a hand to your thigh and continues drumming the rhythm. You feel a blush creeping onto your cheeks. His eyes are locked on your thigh as it bounces to the beat.
You pull up outside the old Waffle House, and it looks like you're the first to make it.
“Let's wait,” you sigh, leaning back, turning up the music.
His hand stills on your thigh. You close your eyes, honestly exhausted from the show.
His hand moves upward to rest in the crook of your hip, and the corner of your mouth curls up. You turn your head to look at him.
“What're you doin’?”
“Nothing,” he says, trying to sound inconspicuous.
Rodrick’s heart is going a mile a minute. He'd been so confident back at the bar, but here, with you, just you, he’s freaking out a little.
He studies your face in the glow of an orange street light. Your eyes, the slope of your nose, the curve of your lips. He wants every feature burned into his memory forever. His hand is warm against your hip. You put your hand over his and he smiles.
“What, did you get scared or something?” You smirk.
“No…” Rodrick lies.
You kiss him again, and he melts into it. He slips one hand into the back of your hair and pulls you closer. You maneuver over the center console to get in his lap, and he breathes out deeply. The kiss gets messy, like all the energy of the night is coming out between your lips. Your hands are shaking. One rests on Rodrick’s shoulder, the other in his hair, and you make a noise as he bites your lip lightly.
“Sorry, is that okay?” He whispers.
You pull him in, and bite him back harder.
He groans, and his hold on your waist tightens.
He's snaking a hand under the hem of your shirt, when there's a tentative knock on the window. You pull away from each other.
“God dammit!” Rodrick pants.
It's Ward, with a hand over his mouth, feigning being scandalized.
“Oooooooh,” he taunts, when you're both out of the car, “I knew it.”
You roll your eyes, and keep the door open with your foot as the guys pour in. People from the show are everywhere, this is a decently common occurrence. You find a seat between your band and Rodrick’s at the bar. Maureen, your drummer, offers you a fist bump, and leans into your ear.
“He's cute,” she whispers, “did you drive here with him?”
You nod, suppressing a goofy grin.
“Do you think you're gonna…?”
You shrug.
“Up to him,” you whisper back.
The waitress, a blonde with a buzz cut and a face full of piercings, greets you by name, and asks, “Usual?”
Once your orders are in, Rodrick puts his hand securely on your thigh.
“Do you guys come here a lot?”
“Oh yeah, at least every weekend,” you lower your voice, “That's Jeanine, she's our regular. Then Martin and Rosie, who have worked here since the beginning of time. Then there's Carla. She's new. Last weekend, she and Martin were fighting because she kept getting orders wrong.”
He narrows his eyes and looks at each person you point at.
“Do you just come here to eavesdrop?” he asks quietly, suppressing a laugh.
“It's fascinating. Just watch.”
The two of you eat in silence and observe the inner workings of Waffle House.
Rodrick nudges you as Carla scrapes a plate into the trash, and Martin yells, Dammit, Carla! Chunked and covered! Not scattered!
Carla throws her apron to the floor and flips him off with both hands. Fuck you, old man!
“Oh shit,” you whisper.
“Damn,” Rodrick turns to look at you.
As your eyes meet, and the bell on the door jingles aggressively, you can't hold in your laughter anymore.
"He's such an asshole." Rodrick whispers, giggling in disbelief. Does every diner job just suck ass?
"I know, this Waffle House is under a dictatorship," you laugh
You both calm down, and end up just staring at each other.
“Rodrick, I don't wanna be too… forward, but…” you trail off.
His face goes blank.
“Do you wanna… get out of here? With me?”
Rodrick drops his fork, and snatches his tab off the counter.
“Yes,” his voice is feverish.
You follow behind him, and wave goodbye to everyone on your way out.
You'll absolutely get teased for this later on, but who gives a fuck?
Now, I've drunk a lot of wine and I'm feeling fine
Gotta race some cat to bed
Oh, is there concrete all around?
Or is it in my head?
Rodrick’s hands are on you the moment you shut your front door.
He backs you up against it, bringing his lips to yours once again. His lips creep down to your jaw, then your neck. Then he's on his knees, pushing the hem of your shirt up, kissing your stomach, your hip bones.
Your hands are in his hair, stroking and tugging.
“I don't know what it is about you,” Rodrick murmurs between kisses, “I just knew, I had to…”
“Me too,” you laugh a little, “I'm not usually this easy.”
He grins deviously up at you, undoing your bottoms.
“So you don't bring someone home like this after every show?” He gives your waist a little bite.
“No, god, no,” you chuckle, “this should be too fast, but something about this, you just feel right."
“Why me?” He pauses, looking up at you.
“You're just,” you look down at him. His dark doe eyes drill into yours, plump lips slightly open. You feel his hot breath on you, and it sends a shiver up your spine, “Jesus, you're just fucking hot. And you're not, like, an asshole about it. You could've taken any girl in that bar home tonight.”
“I wanted you,” his lips twitch, and without hesitation, he lifts you up, and sets you back down on your kitchen counter. He plants soft kisses on your thighs, and pauses to look up at you. It makes your head cloudy.
“Can I try something?” His voice is breathy.
You're still recovering from the shock of being lifted like that.
“Yeah,” you say, in slight disbelief, looking down at him.
He plants a kiss on your panties, and then removes them completely. You heartbeat skyrockets.
“I might be kinda bad, but… I've always wanted to try.”
You watch him gaze over your wetness. You truly cannot believe what's happening right now. He looks lustful, but focused, like he's trying to form a plan. Then without warning, he just dives in.
You hadn't expected much from him, but damn, he knows what he's doing. A shocked moan leaves your lips.
Your body feels electric as he snakes his tongue through your folds, finding all the places that make you whimper. He grunts, and you practically feel it reverberate through your whole body. You wrap your legs around his head and pull him closer. His tongue circles your clit and you throw your head back. His plush lips cover so much ground as he gives you a light suck.
“You sure you've never done this before?” Your weak voice teases him.
He pulls away with a pop, making you shudder.
“Nuh-uh,” he shakes his head, “I’ve just thought about it a lot.”
“Well, you're doing fucking great.”
He gives you a sly grin and goes back in.
Your back starts to arch as he flicks, and sucks, and swirls his tongue. Your moans mix with his soft grunts and you realize you're starting to come undone. You grab a handful of his hair and roll your hips.
“Keep going,” you gasp, “I-I’m…”
His eyes flick up to meet yours and that does it. Your body jolts, and you squeeze your eyes shut as an orgasm rattles through you, the counter cool against your body.
He slows his actions, and comes to rest on your thigh again.
When you're recovered, you sit up, and put your hands on his shoulders. You kiss him hard, tasting yourself, and feel a new arousal awaken in you.
“Was that really okay?” His eyes plead with you.
“Are you fucking kidding me?” You pant, holding his face in your hands, and he looks bashful, “Best I've ever had.”
You hop down from the counter.
“Your turn.”
“Are you sure?” He stutters.
You take him by the hand, and lead him across the small apartment to your bed.
Rodrick’s breath is shaky as he leans against the edge.
“Take your shirt off,” you tell him, and he does.
His eyes are hazy with lust, and he grunts when you kiss him. You run your hands over his chest. The muscles in his core are tight, and you can feel his heartbeat. Hard and fast.
You kneel, and your hands find the tight bulge in his jeans. He bites his lip as you unbuckle his belt and free him from his boxers.
It's a good length, fairly weighty, and he groans when you take it in your hands. You look up into his eyes and lightly roll your tongue over the tip. His knees buckle, and he sits back on your bed. You chuckle and scoot closer, steadying yourself between his legs.
“So… safe to assume you've never done this either?”
You fit him further into your mouth, trying to wet as much as you can.
“One time… almost,” he says, labored, “we were in a car and the cops knocked on the window.”
“Fuckin’ pigs,” you shake your head, then take him in as far as you can get him.
He lets out a long, low noise. You grasp the rest of his length with your hand and pump lightly. His thigh shakes under your other hand as you swirl your tongue.
You catch his eye and come up for air, licking him from base to tip. His eyes roll back, and you laugh.
“Should I keep going, or is this gonna take you out of commission?” You tease.
“Please… keep going,” Rodrick breathes.
His mind is foggy as he feels himself enter your mouth again. He can't even process what he's feeling, all he knows is he never wants it to stop. He doesn't feel in control of his own body. His hands desperately search for a grip on your comforter as you bob your head.
He tries his best to focus, to keep his eyes on you, but he feels something in himself start to slip. He throws his head back and closes his eyes, barely keeping himself up on his elbows. His legs tremble as he feels himself hit your throat and he lets out a long moan.
Then your mouth is gone, and he opens his eyes, desperate for the feeling to come back.
You crawl on top of him and straddle him.
“Scoot back,” you murmur, and he obliges.
You lean down to kiss him, and his hands come to rest gently in your hair.
Something still feels weird in his head. He doesn't think he's drunk anymore, but even the low light of your apartment feels too bright. His ears are ringing, maybe still from the noise of the bar. He feels his heart start to beat out of his chest, and he holds on to you for dear life.
It feels like he's dreaming, but maybe as long as his hands are on you, he'll be okay.
You're saying something. The words don't quite reach him, but he nods anyway. Eager for something to pull him back into reality.
A little voice in the back of his head is hissing. He tries to blow it off, but it's persistent, fighting him.
You don't deserve this.
Fuck his stupid brain. He wants to be present with you. He wants to hold onto every little second of this, keep it forever. It feels like you're far, far away from him, even as he watches you take your shirt off and feels your hips, warm on his.
The ringing in his ears subsides a little as your lips touch his again.
“Let me know if you want to stop, you look a little overwhelmed.” You whisper.
“No,” Rodrick urges, “I never wanna stop,”
You laugh, and start to kiss a trail down his chest.
He sighs into the feeling and closes his eyes.
The fuzz in his head isn't gone, though.
It'll go away, he knows it.
He just needs to focus. On you, on how good you're making him feel.
On how good he'd made you feel, he's pretty damn proud of that.
Just stay in the moment.
Please, just stay in the moment.
And now I'm ready to close my eyes
And now I'm ready to close my mind
And now I'm ready to feel your hand
And lose my heart on the burning sand
And now I wanna be your dog
And now I wanna be your dog
And now I wanna be your dog
Well, c'mon
tag list: @crumpets-are-better-with-jam
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rockitmans · 1 year
Person A burns their tongue on hot chocolate and Person B offers to kiss it better.
We get into a heated debate in class, and I honestly don’t really care that much, but I’m having too much fun watching you get all fired up
I was admiring a bird and wolf-whistled to get its attention but you walked directly in my path and thought I was whistling at you
They're all taken from the doc I sent you a while back with the many, many prompts that sometimes give me inspiration overload lol <3
This was meant to be a drabble but the thought got away from me, I can only apologise. Have a 1.6k word 4+1 style thing based on #1.
Hope you like it Gwen ❤️
Warnings: Mentions of blood, homophobia and bullying consistent with canon.
Kind of Magic
When Blaine is five, he meets Kurt for the first time. He likes Kurt because Kurt is good at playing dress up and and draws really straight chalk lines when they play hopscotch. But mostly it's because he's kind of magic. 
Blaine learns this after a nasty fall leaves him with a split knee and bruised pride. The nice nurse bandages him up and gives him a sucker and tells him to be brave and Blaine tries, he really does. But it still hurts a lot and he feels a bit wobbly when he goes back to Kurt. 
"Did she not give it the magic kiss?" Kurt frowns, seeing the way Blaine is hobbling.
"Magic kiss?"
"Yeah," Kurt says, like this should be obvious. "When I fall down my mom always gives me a magic kiss to make it all better."
"Oh." Blaine thinks about this. It's not something his mom does, nor his nanny, but it seems reasonable. "She gave me a bandage but no kiss. Maybe that's why it still hurts." 
"Useless," Kurt declares with all the confidence of a wronged five year old. "Come here."
They sit on one of the benches and Blaine draws his knee to his chest, rolling up his pants leg to reveal the bandage. Kurt tuts, like the idiocy of adults can only continue to astound him. 
"I'm going to kiss it better," he announces grandly to no one in particular and then plants a swift kiss to Blaine's bandaged knee. He looks at Blaine expectantly. "Good?"
Blaine flexes his leg. He's sure it does feel a bit less sore. And his pride is virtually all the way back in tact. He feels practically buoyant. "Yeah!" he cries brightly. "Thanks, Kurt."
"It's all about the kiss," Kurt says seriously.
When Blaine is twelve, he and Kurt are racing up and down the block on their bikes when he manages to hit the sidewalk at the wrong angle and send himself sprawling. Kurt is by his side in a moment, gentle hands helping him sit and brow creased with concern. 
"Are you okay? The ground actually shook."
"It did not," Blaine protests, rubbing his elbow. "I'm fine. It's just this." He offers his elbow and Kurt hisses. Blaine cranes his neck and sees the smear of blood. He looks away again. 
"We're gonna need to wrap that," Kurt says and helps Blaine to his feet. "Come on."
"Will you kiss it for me?" Blaine teases, remembering countless childhood healing kisses. It's just a joke, one based in nostalgia of simpler times, but Kurt freezes. 
"We can't do that any more," he snaps but he doesn't look angry. He looks terrified. Blaine doesn't understand it at the time, though he grows to. Over years of whispers and locker shoves and dumpster throws. He understands that Kurt, even at twelve, was realising something that Blaine hadn't quite gotten to yet. 
"OK. It was just a joke, Kurt," he says mildly. 
"Those kisses won't help anymore," Kurt says firmly. "Kissing other boys will only hurt." 
"OK," Blaine repeats, bemused but following Kurt's lead. Just like he always does. 
When Blaine is eighteen he finally fights back. It's hopeless of course. But something in him snaps. The years of harassment that he's suffered, and Kurt even worse than him, crystallises into a single misguided punch square against Azimo's jaw. 
It hurts. A lot. He splits the skin on his knuckles and is only lucky that Azimo is too stunned to instantly enact horrible retribution. He runs. And because it's what he always does, he goes to find Kurt. 
Kurt is heading to class but diverts the second he sees how rattled Blaine is. 
"Bathroom, come on," Kurt says, steering him to the quietest one by the art rooms. He gets Blaine to sit on the counter while he carefully dabs at his knuckles with damp toilet tissue. "What happened?"
"Punched Azimo," Blaine admits. 
"And you're still alive?"
"Clocked him right on the jaw. I think it surprised him enough for me to get away. Or he's concussed. It's probably wrong to hope that someone is concussed though."
"If that person is Azimo or one of his stupid gang, I think it's allowed. Pretty sure there's exemptions for wishing pain on homophobes. And punching them."
"Well thank God," Blaine sighs. "That's not going to save me later though."
"No," Kurt agrees quietly. He doesn't ask why Blaine did it. One of them was bound to snap eventually. Instead he looks into Blaine's face and smiles mischievously. "Want me to kiss it better?"
Blaine rolls his eyes. "Ha ha." 
"You think I won't?" Kurt says, eyes sparkling with the challenge.  He's incredibly gentle, twining their fingers to bring Blaine's hand to his mouth and skimming a light kiss over his knuckles. 
Blaine's heart jolts into his throat. He and Kurt have touched a thousand times a thousand ways. But there's something so shockingly intimate about the gesture that it steals his breath from him. 
"I thought we didn't do that anymore?" Blaine says because if he doesn't say something he'll literally combust. 
"They'll hate us anyway," Kurt says. "It doesn't matter what we do. They hate us anyway for what we are. So I'm going to kiss my best friends battle scars. Because it's all I fucking can do." 
"I'm sorry, you know?" Kurt interrupts. "If you weren't so close to me I think you could have flown under the radar. I think you could have been okay."
"That's ridiculous," Blaine says firmly. Because it is. For many reasons. "I never could have hidden who I am. I would have suffocated. And I would never want to go anywhere you can't go. Even under a radar."
Kurt flushes, pink and pleased. "You're ridiculous," he says softly. But his lips find Blaine's knuckles again. 
When Blaine is twenty he breaks up with his first serious boyfriend. Apparently Derek can't handle how much Blaine talks about Kurt. Or how much time he spends with Kurt. Or the fact that he lives with Kurt. Or… the kissing thing. 
"It's just a bit!" Blaine tries to explain. "Like kissing something better. Purely platonic."
"It doesn't feel platonic," Derek says. 
Clearly Derek is an idiot who has never experienced wonder or love or friendship. It doesn't matter how Blaine argues his case, Derek won't be swayed. 
"You should want me to kiss your hurts away," Derek tries later. Which is just ridiculous. Because Derek isn't magic the way that Kurt is.
Blaine knows it's over between them, then. Kurt is as much a part of Blaine as a limb at this point and any boyfriend of his is going to have to understand that. 
Kurt in fact, is the one that is there to pick up the pieces. With cuddles and ice cream and some well chosen insults towards Derek.
"Honestly, Blaine, he wore crocs. I'm so glad I don't have to bite my tongue about it anymore."
"You didn't bite your tongue," Blaine points out. "You insulted him to his face on the one occasion it happened and have basically complained about it non stop ever since."
"But I could have been so much more scathing," Kurt says. Which is probably true. 
Blaine sighs and snuggles into Kurt's chest. He feels hollow. He and Derek had been together over a year. And all that was for nothing now. A year of memories now tainted with the pain of Derek's ungrounded accusations. Tears spring to his eyes and he tenses, biting his lip against a sob. 
"Is there anything I can do?" Kurt asks, soft against the shell of Blaine's ear. 
"Just hold me," Blaine says shakily. "I don't think this is something you can kiss better."
"Maybe not," Kurt concedes. But he tries anyway, tucking Blaine closer against him and dropping comforting kisses into his curls. 
Blaine is twenty two when everything finally starts to make sense. Newly graduated and still living with Kurt and both making ends meet with odd jobs until The Job comes along. But they're happy, and that's all that matters. 
He's on his way home when Kurt calls him with the news of a good audition. 'Good' based on vibes only, he won't know about callbacks for days yet. But Blaine wants to celebrate the victory anyway because that's what roommates and best friends do. 
He picks them up a hot chocolate at the truck just down the block from their apartment. It's simple but they both always agree that it tastes the best and stays hot the longest. 
"Hey, sweetheart," Kurt greets him happily when Blaine steps through the door.  
"Hey, you. I bought us hot chocolate. To celebrate your success."
Kurt laughs, shaking his head slightly. "Amazing," he says, taking one and cradling it in his hands. "You're amazing."
"Oh, you," Blaine jokes, but it makes his stomach flip in a way that's happening a lot lately. He hides his uncertainty by taking way too big a sip of hot chocolate."Fuck!" he yelps as the scalding liquid hits his tongue and makes his eyes water. "Shit shit shit." 
"Are you okay?" Kurt says, clunking his own drink down in alarm.
"Yeah," Blaine sighs. "Just burnt my tongue like an idiot."
"Oh…" Kurt looks at him and the moment seems to stretch as their eyes meet. "Want me to kiss it better?"
Blaine is half a breath from making a joke of it. Rolling his eyes and dismissing it. But Kurt's gaze is steady. He's smiling, but not in a teasing way. In a hopeful way. He's completely radiant, the most insanely gorgeous person Blaine has even seen. 
Blaine is reminded about all the times Kurt has offered to soothe his hurts across nearly two decades. How Blaine has never even considered forging a path that would take him from Kurt's side. How their lives are irretrievably entwined and always will be, no matter what happens now. And he thinks oh. 
Blaine nods slowly and Kurt's hands find his jaw and there's a pause that seems to take less than a second and an entire lifetime all at once. And then Kurt's mouth meets his. And it is kind of magic. 
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tobiasdrake · 4 months
Courtesy of Duke Aventry, we seem to have one more Story Time.
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Yeah, Aventry mentioned her. He seemed to have strong feelings for her.
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But then the Dweller of Woe came, killed everyone in the mansion, and turned the town into a hellpit. I assume this is going to be the story of how that happened.
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Sounds like Ewilda was the actual power on the throne while the Duke was just her enforcer. No wonder he slid so easily into that same position for Roro.
Does he have a name? Or is he just Duke Aventry?
Or. Wait. Is that his name? I've been taking it for a surname but is his name just... Aventry?
Or. Shit. Is Duke his actual name? I thought it was a title but a duchy would imply the existence of a larger kingdom to which it belongs and we don't have anything like that. There are no kings... pretty much anywhere, in fact. Ours is a world of isolated city-states with no significant form of large government of any kind.
I think Duke is his name.
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Oh, they knew about that? Huh. I kinda figured the first impression anyone on Wraith Island had of the Fleshmancer was when the Dweller suddenly emerged and ruined everything.
But it sounds more like there was an actual war going on between the Fleshmancer's forces and Wraith Island for a while. Like they were leading the charge in keeping the horrors at bay or something.
Where were we while all of this was going on?
Oh. Wait. Dead, probably. This might have been in the decades between Moraine returning as sole survivor to Mooncradle and now.
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Ominous. Arrival of the Dweller? Is that a thing they would have had warning of, or....
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Okay, so that's where we were. Killing everyone. SURE. THAT'S FINE.
Solar warrior sealed away Torment and then forgot everything and couldn't be arsed to even write anything down. Solar warrior randomly killing everyone on Wraith Island. And. Just. Erlina.
Why do Solar Warriors suck so bad? No offense, Zale.
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Okay but why tho. Like. Erlina, I get. She did the only thing that made sense given the hopeless situation she was in. But what could this guy possibly think he was accomplishing by scorching the island at random? Was he looking for Woe?
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Uh. Yeah. We're awesome. I'm more impressed that Aventry was able to hold his own and not die horribly.
This does explain why he was able to offer those tips to Zale way back when, though. He had experience fighting a fully realized Solar Warrior in the past so he could see where the gaps in Zale's style lie.
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I'm still impressed that he was able to hold his own like that. He really didn't seem that tough when Zale and I were double-teaming him. I mean, there were two of us plus Serai so that might not be fair. But also, we were very green at the time.
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Two has a gender
I don't think any of them have had genders identified until now. Huh.
Also, that is clearly the, uh... the thing... the mabobber thing....
Fleshmancer plants these seeds and they grow into Dwellers. I don't remember what they're called, but that's it. That's the seed for Woe.
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Oh, nope, it's crystallized curse mojo.
"One day" here having the definition of "for fucking ever hahahaha sucker". Unfortunately, this curse meant to shield Woe from solar magic ultimately peeled away like it was nothing when faced with the might of the Eclipse, because our bullshit > immortal alchemist bullshit.
Torment made the right decision by opting to use the goddamn earth as a physical obstruction instead.
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Honestly, no blame for Duke Aventry. He was in a bad spot and the Acolytes preyed on that vulnerability. Seems to be their M.O. They did the same thing to Erlina.
Like proper cultists, they hunt among the disenfranchised and the hopeless.
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That's how Roro's swamp came to be. And, presumably, where she got all those bodies for her workshop.
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You know, I never thought too highly of the Acolytes but that's because my main interactions with them up to this point have been:
Acolyte: *whining noise* Don't do that thing! Me: LOL Stop me fucko. Acolyte: *body pile*
For me, my favorite punching bags have just been goobers who show up to offer me stress relief. This story's offering me a whole new side to them. These guys are pretty capable manipulators and effectors of political upheaval.
They just aren't very tough in a fight.
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And now we've set his spirit free, destroyed the Dweller of Woe, and driven the Acolytes from Clockwork Castle for good measure. I'm glad that our Order was able to put right all of his hardships.
...that, uh... that we caused....
I don't feel good about this one.
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blueicequeen19 · 2 years
Walking Away
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Honestly, I kinda hate this lol might delete later
Part two because I’m a sucker
My whole life I’d been plagued with always having the strength to walk away. It got annoying as I got older. Especially living on an island with Kooks. There were many times I’d wished I’d sucker punched someone instead of walking away. How I’d wished I’d taken the step and kissed someone first. The truth was, I wasn’t strong. I was a coward.
It’s late. Too late to be at a Kook party. I only left the house for this stupid party because my sister made me. We were eleven months apart but I felt much older than I was. Especially having to babysit my sister constantly. She would drink too much and I made sure she stayed safe then took her home so no one else could. That's what I was currently doing. Watching her drink from across the room while she flirted with every Kook that gave her attention.
"Hi." I jump as I turn to face JJ Maybank, the blonde klepto with too much charm for his own good but never backed down from a fight. We'd gone to school together our whole lives and this is the first time he's talked to me in a social setting.
"Hi." I say flatly, turning my attention back to my dumb sister.
"I'm JJ." He says and I roll my eyes. What a prick. "Do you want a drink?" He asks.
"I'm the DD, so no. And I know who you are. We've spent the last 12 years going to the same school." I bite out and his eyes narrow in confusion, like this is the first time he's noticed me. That makes me feel real good.
"Sorry, I didn't recognize you." JJ gives a nervous laugh. So maybe I've started wearing makeup and styling my hair differently. I thought I still looked like myself but apparently not.
"That's comforting." I mumble and he cocks his head at me with a smirk.
"Are you always this approachable?" JJ asks.
"I try but it's apparently not working." My eyes lock with his blue ones, his jaw clenching as he stares back at me.
"Why come to a party if you're not going to enjoy yourself?" JJ questions. Why couldn't he just leave me alone?
"Because someone has to babysit my sister." I snap. His gaze follows mine and we both watch my sister soaking up all the male attention she wants. He opens his mouth but I cut him off.
"We don't have to do this. I'm not a fan of small talk and I have no interest in being another notch on the Maybank belt." I turn away from him as his face darkens in anger.
Good. Maybe he'll leave me alone.
"I didn't come over here to try and get in your pants. Although, maybe I should have. Maybe I could remove the stick from your ass." I gasp as he turns and walks away.
Asshole. Even though he's right. I wasn't a pleasant person but it kept me safe. It kept my sister safe.
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Later that night, I get my sister home only to find out she'd lost her phone at the party. Once she's tucked into bed with a trash can next to her, I go back to find it. There's less people here than before and I assume it's because everyone is probably hooking up in whatever corner they could find.
I find my sister's phone by the pool, passing by a screen door when I see movement out of the corner of my eye. I stop and glance over to see some girl on her stomach on a couch, her body jerking with each hard thrust from behind. I can't breathe as I watch JJ fuck this girl. She throws her head back as she moans, his hand coming around to grip her throat as her body bows. I wish I could hear them. Not just see them.
I was frozen as I watched them, heat like I'd never experienced before went straight to my clit. I rubbed my thighs together, trying to ease some of the throbbing pain. He shoves her head back down on the couch, pushing one of her legs off the side of the cushion for a better angle. I could see him disappearing inside her. Over and over again. He wipes his hair from his eyes then locks eyes on me. I gasp as his eyes stay on mine while he continues to fuck her. JJ leans down, licking up her spine as he keeps watching me, his hips brutally slapping against her ass.
JJ whispers something to her and I see her hand dip between her legs. Her body shakes, her head thrown back as she orgasms. A moment later he follows, his face pinched up in pleasure has me ready to cum on the spot. Why was that so hot? I didn't realize I liked to watch people until this very moment. I feel his eyes rake over me before she leans back and kisses him on the mouth. He cups her throat as he kisses her, a knowing smirk on his lips as he does. When he pulls out I take that as my cue to leave, immediately running to the pool gate and booking it to my car.
I jumped in, turning the AC on full blast to try and cure the fever that riddled my body. I was wound so tight I could almost finger myself right then and there. It hurt. My pussy actually hurt from being so turned on. I look up just in time to see the girl leaving the house and walking to her car, a satisfied smirk on her face before she drives off. I jump when my passenger door opens and JJ plops down in the seat, dressed with flushed cheeks. My throat was suddenly so dry.
"Get out." I blurt but he leans back in the seat, just watching me.
"Did you like the show?" He asks and I feel my cheeks burning,
"I-I.." I don't even know what to say. All I want is to curl up into a hole and die. This was so embarrassing. I felt like such a creep.
"It's okay. I don't mind. I kinda liked having an audience." JJ shrugs.
"What do you want?" I finally ask, wishing he'd just fuck off so I could go home and relieve this tension.
"I want to watch. It's my turn." He turns in his seat so he's facing me, looking at my clenched thighs.
"You're out of your fucking mind. Someone could see." I snap and he glances out the windshield.
"It's three in the morning. No one will see. You know you want to. I bet you're soaking your shorts right now." His words send a pulse to my clit. He was right. I wanted to so bad. I couldn't describe how I was feeling. Embarrassed? Humiliated?
"You watched me. I get to watch you. Maybe getting yourself off will put you in a better mood." JJ slumps in the seat, spreading his legs and showing off the bulge between his legs. How was he hard? Didn't he just get off?
"You don't have to take your shorts off or show me anything. I just want to watch your face while you cum." I still have no words. My heart was racing and even with the AC on, I felt like I was sweating.
"Just picture what I was just doing. What you watched me do." JJ's voice seems lower, thick with desire. I closed my eyes, popping the button on my shorts then lowering the zipper.
There's suddenly a tapping on my window and my blood runs cold as I turn, finding Shoupe with a very unamused expression. I roll the window down, at a loss for words. I was going to go to jail!
"Why are you guys hanging out around here?" Shoupe demands. I don't realize that JJ has scooted closer until his breath hits my cheek.
"She's giving me a ride home, sheriff. Nothing illegal here." JJ says casually. He had one of those personalities that just made you want to believe whatever he said. Do whatever he wanted.
"Uh huh, well go. It's late." Shoupe jerks his head, signaling us to leave and I roll the window up as I put the car in gear. The mood was gone and my embarrassment was back. I knew where JJ lived since I had to pass his house to get to mine. I used to always see him and John B walking or riding their dirt bikes before we all got our licenses. I pull up outside his house, killing the engine so the headlights didn't shine into the house and wait for him to get out.
"You're taking me back to get my truck tomorrow." JJ says and I shoot him an angry look.
"You got into my car. I didn't make you leave your truck." I snap and he smirks, leaning across the console with his lip tucked between his teeth. His eyes lock on my shorts where they are still open, my black lace panties showing. I quickly fix my shorts and his eyes meet mine and I lean against my door to escape his burning gaze.
"I know but I need another excuse to get you alone again. I will see you cum. I can't wait." JJ gives me one more look over before climbing out and going inside without another word. I released the breath I didn't realize I was holding. My skin was buzzing again. When did JJ Maybank get to me this bad?
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I wake up to the terrible buzzing of my phone, scrambling across my bed to get it off my nightstand. I answer without looking to see who it was, knowing it's probably important at this hour.
"What?" I grumble.
"Y/N, I'm at Topper's. Can you come get me?" My sister says with a giggle and I roll my eyes.
"You snuck out?" I hiss, jumping from bed in my sleep shirt and shorts in search of my sandals.
"Don't give me shit. Just come get me or I'll walk." She threatens, hanging up on me without another word. Jesus Christ. Sisters. Why did I get stuck with the one that was the biggest pain in the ass?
I sneak out of the house and quickly make the twenty minute drive to Figure Eight. There's so many cars that I have to park several houses down and walk to Topper's house. The party has ventured outside and down the dock, people dancing and drinking everywhere as I make my way around back. I catch several guys looking at me and I glare back, not sure what the hell their problem is until I cross my arms, realizing I forgot a damn bra. I'd been in such a hurry to leave that I didn't put a bra on or change out of my very short sleep shorts. Jesus, half my ass was hanging out. I snatch up someone's hoodie and yank it on, embarrassed that it's actually much longer than my shorts. I wonder about the party in search of my sister when I finally spot her, smiling up at JJ. Something I can only describe as rage takes over and I march over, yanking her away from him.
"What the fuck?" She shrieks, yanking her arm away from me. Her eyes take in my appearance and they narrow in disgust. "Who's hoodie is that? Why are you dressed like that?" She demands but I ignore her, wanting to slap the amused look off JJ's face.
"Let's go!" I hiss but she yanks her arm free again with a scowl.
"I can't find my keys and I'm not leaving my car here." She scoffs, crossing her arms.
"Jesus Christ, don't set your shit down at a party!" I shout as the music is turned up obnoxiously loud.
"I'll help look!" JJ yells back and my sister beams like a kid on Christmas. I roll my eyes, stomping off in search of her stupid keys. I end up searching the entire first floor, growing angrier and angrier as I think about JJ hooking up with my sister somewhere. I go upstairs, looking for her rather than the keys. I pass a door that's half open and moans meet my ears and sending heat all over my body. Oh, god. Please don't be them.
I glance in, seeing John B and Sarah fucking on the bed. She was riding the hell out of him. She smiled as he praised her and told her how much he loved her while cupping her breasts. I pushed away from the door, ducking inside the bathroom across the hall but I could still hear them. I leave the lights off as I splash cold water on my face, trying to cool my body off. Why was I like this? The door quickly opens and closes and I squeal as JJ presses against my back. I whimper, feeling him press into my back. Was he always hard? What the fuck.
His hand find my hips, holding my gaze in the mirror as his hand dips under the too big hoodie and caresses me over my thin shorts. I grip the counter as fireworks go off in my body, making my toes curl.
"Look at you. You need it." JJ says, taking my earlobe between his teeth as he rubs my clit. Sarah was growing louder and I was growing wetter. "Let me touch you. Let me make it better. I promise you'll love it." JJ begs against my ear and I find myself nodding. Just make it stop hurting. "Take this off. I don't want to see you in another man's clothes." He stops for only a second, long enough to yank the hoodie off and drop it on the floor. His eyes roam down my entire body, caressing the skin of my stomach where my shirt had rode up before slipping down the front of my shorts. I couldn't hardly breathe as his fingers circled my clit and my body slumped against his as I panted.
"Don't hold back. I want to see it. I want to hear it." JJ kisses my neck and I whimper again, his fingers working so good. They slip lower just as I start to think I need more and they curl inside me. My arm flies up, gripping the back of his neck as his palm presses against my clit while his fingers jerk inside me.
"Yes. That's it. Cum for me. You're so fucking wet." I arch my back, crying out as Sarah does. My body trembles, an obscene wet sound coming from between my thighs as he works me through my high. His heavy breathing hit my ear and I locked eyes with him in the mirror, whimpering as I pictured him fucking that girl on the couch again. Only the girl was me. I came again as his hand gripped my nipple roughly through my shirt. I pushed away from him, leaning over the counter as I fought to catch my breath. I felt his hands slide up the curves of my ass before I looked up and saw him bring his wet fingers to his mouth, sucking them clean. Why was that so hot? I pushed my ass against him, silently asking for something I never thought I would. I needed more. JJ smiled before glancing down at my offering with a shake of his head, pressing his erection against me through his shorts.
"Baby, you're not ready for this just yet." JJ taunts, pressing against me again before slipping from the bathroom and leaving me alone, dying for more.
I quickly cleaned myself up, pulled on the random guy's hoodie, then went in search of my sister. After frantically looking for her and checking the whole house twice, I checked my phone to see a text from her. She found her keys and drove home. I let out a frustrated scream and stormed outside, letting the door slam behind me as I quickly made my way back over to my car. I stop abruptly when I see someone sitting in the truck parked behind me. It takes me a split second to realize who it is. He's leaned back in the seat, one arm clutching the headrest of the seat next to him, eyes closed and breathing heavily. He almost looks like he's sleeping. His lips part, brows pinched together as he lets out a long breath then I see a head pop up out of his lap. I spin around and drop down into my car.
Twice. That's twice I've caught him messing around with someone. I just watched him get a fucking blowjob in his truck. I bury my face in my hands as I try to cool my cheeks, forcing the blush to go away. I just wanted to go home. Why did I have to be such a good sister? I jump when I hear a door slam and I watch in my passenger mirror as the girl walks off in the opposite direction. I look in my rear view mirror to see that the truck is empty. Where did JJ go? My drivers door opens and I squeal as he leans down with a smirk, looking too amused for someone who just got head.
"Miss me?" JJ teases. I shove him in the chest but he doesn't close my door.
"You're impossible." I breathe.
"I told you I'd get you alone again. I knew you wouldn't leave your sister hanging." JJ says and I gawk at him. He planned this. "I hid her keys until you showed up." He shrugs like it's no big deal and I fight the urge to hit him like a maniac.
"Are you jealous?" He asks, smiling like a fool. What the fuck was his problem?
"Of what!?" I yell. JJ leans in, his breath hitting my ear as his lips graze my neck. His body has me caged in, unable to escape as his mouth sends goosebumps all over my body.
"The girl getting to suck me off after I turned you down." JJ growls, suddenly fisting the hoodie as he kisses my neck. "I told you I didn't want to see you in other guys' clothes." JJ snarls, biting my shoulder through the hoodie. I cry out and he suddenly rips it off me, tossing it in the yard. This fucking guy. I cross my arms over my breasts but it's too late. He saw how hard my nipples were.
"What is wrong with you? You had your chance and you turned me down. You think you're God's gift to women or something. News flash, I don't want your community dick!" JJ leans in, practically on top of me as he forces my legs apart and shoves his hand down my shorts, forcing two thick fingers inside me. I cry out, my back arching off the seat as he fills me.
"You want it. You'd agree to anything when I have you like this so don't lie to me. Maybe I just want you to mess with you. Maybe I don't even want to fuck you. I just want to drive you crazy with need then leave you hanging because it's fun. Because I like seeing you angry and suffering. Beg me and I'll give it to you right now in the back of this car. I'll make you wake up the whole neighborhood. Go on, beg me." JJ curls his fingers and I have no choice but to spread my legs, desperate for more. But I wouldn't beg him. Absolutely not. I clench my teeth together, turning away from him as he digs his knee into my seat against my hip while he fingers me.
"It's always you bratty, stuck-up girls that turn to putty in my fucking hands as soon as I'm inside you. You're not special. You're not better than me. You just need to be put in your place. Give up control once in your life." Tears spring to my eyes as his words hit home and I push his hand away, finally able to breathe as he steps back and slams the door in my face.
Maybe he was right. Maybe the only reason I was able to walk away so well was because it meant I was in control. I slammed my head back against the headrest, my thighs squeezed together as I tried to force away the ache in my body. I needed a release and I wouldn't get it from JJ Maybank. I would not let him control my body like that. I would get it from someone else.
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streaminn · 1 year
damn i was so happy to see wenclair wedding and then got sucker punched in the gut when i read the 
"She's not getting married to Enid.
We all know that."
BUT it's okay because like enid, i too can just imagine that enids the one wednesday is walking to instead 🥲
also, a few questions: what's the pettiest reason leo's done something to a classmate? how does the whole "bringer of the destruction of the world" thing play out for belle when she grows older? do either of them have werewolf/grimwolf traits from enid?
as for prompts... the demon siblings together as teens? or leo gossiping to wednesday? or the little family together on one of the designated family bonding days? or maybe enid at the altar with a hand gripped dangerously close to her twins neck and a whispered congratulations? (arlgqkdjspqumf wasn't sure if you wanted writing or art prompts so just do as you like with them lol)
Mb dino, the song just came off like that I swear I have no choice
Also not us all being delusional and imagining it's Enid that Wednesday is walking too 😅
Pettiest thing leo has done? Mfka nearly broke a dude's arm for taking the cafeteria's last cake. It wasn't until Belle had to step in that he had to begrudgingly understand that harming lesser beings without proper reason is wrong
Also for belle's edgy ass title, she cringes
Like alot.
Its like looking back at an old child username
Leo actually has alot of werewolf traits, not alot of physical grimwolf signs but he is alot more aggressive. It isn't until he suddenly shifts when he's fifteen that the fam realize he's a werewolf, no wonder he sucks a Lil at making complicated magic he's just like his daddy
And here is the art prompt that came into mind, I got too lazy in drawing another character so I hope this is alright
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katyspersonal · 10 months
What do you think of Gascoigne and Viola?
Sorry for falling out on the cute ships headcanons asks, I am not used to receiving many;; But it is one of my favourite ships, actually! Not only because I am a huge sucker for ships that are actually established in canon, but also because they are just so... committed? Two children, in the middle of all this chaos?
🪓 Viola's dress is very similar to that of black Church saints/doctors, and I felt like it was an implication rather than devs being 'lazy', since not only there was an effort put into altering, but also Viola's model is unique so it is not like they reused a corpse. Whatever it is, but I think that both her and Gascoigne ditched the Healing Church - whereas still wearing the evidence of former affiliation to it. Gascoigne wears the holy shawl disrespectfully, like a shawl, and Viola cropped the dress for her convenience x) They are a sassy couple!
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🎶 I like to think Viola copes with reality through raw hope, more often than not vocal about her plans about 'what we do when nights of the hunt are over' and 'where will the girls go when they grow up'. Sometimes it makes Gascoigne angry as he doesn't believe in future anymore and he has to hold back from snapping at her, other times it is the only thing that can cheer him up. He struggles to form bonds as 'everyone will become beast anyways' but Viola prefers to cherish these bonds while they last! Whatever he struggles with, if she can tone it down that's what matters. This attitude calms him often, he wishes he met more genuinely good and hopeful people like her back when he was a Father back in his home place! Inside he's troubled that in his eyes he cannot offer enough in return besides protecting her at all cost since she is not quite a hunter herself lol. As result, he constantly does nice things to her, gifts and more chores help than required and getting her whatever she as much as casually mentions, not realizing that the nicest thing he could do for her is to 'slack' on the hunt at least sometimes...
🪓 The name for the younger daughter is Dorothy, and the older Sally! Suggested by @val-of-the-north, I liked the names!
🎶 Viola kinda pouts at Gascoigne (and Henryk, who I believe is the 'grandpa' that Dorothy mentioned) for bringing his friends (the League) over, because thanks to Valtr Sally fucking wants to become a cop now -_-" Whereas Dorothy is scared of him. Viola and Valtr are having sass battle about his "bad influence" on the kids, and Gascoigne really loves seeing Viola passionate and strict like this. He thinks she is the most adorable when she is protective of her children, in big things or small.
🪓 The couple is always welcoming other people who got disillusioned about Healing Church and ready to give them advice and assistance (or even temporary shelter and social resources, depending on how much remaining Church people were pissed at the "traitor"). Henriett is one of such people, actually! I also have this awkward headcanon that both Gascoigne and Viola had the complicated period of finding her rather attractive and wrestling with themselves to not invite her in their.... ....activities uhhh. They had Guilt TM about simping for someone while being married, it is all that darn Catholic past, man. The crisis kinda subdued though and for now Henriett is just a good friend of the family! She is even a lot like an auntie for the daughters, too!
🎶 I am not downvoting the interpretation that Gascoigne killed Viola - it still has a powerful gut-punch about what that darn blood and hunt does! And it would work with importance of Viola forgetting the Music Box that tends to calm Gascoigne. But in my headcanons, Gascoigne did not do that. @heraldofcrow quite sold me on the version that murdering Viola was all part of Bloody Crow's twisted plan to drive Gascoigne, Henryk and Eileen mad (in this order)! But even if that is not included, I think it'd be huntsmen that attacked her. In either case, in my thing, Gascoigne broke because Viola was murdered, rather than murdering Viola because he broke. I am allowed one 'forgetting Music Box was just a gameplay thing and some things are so nice that blood and hunt can't ruin them' ticket!!!!
🪓 Gascoigne was actually very much distressed when his body started to show signs of beasthood. Body fur, eyes irises going white in color and vision worsening, nails becoming claws, ears sharpening... He even wanted to leave the family and go die somewhere far away, for their own safety. But Viola, knowing his habits very well, was able to identify something wrong and managed to pull the truth out of him.. She reassured him it was going to be fine, optimistic person that she is, was very loving and accepting about his metamorphoses after getting him to show her what changed, kissed him where body went 'beastly', all that. Her love and optimism actually did win him some time before going more insane.
🎶 The Music Box is actually a wedding gift from Henryk! Playing Mergo's Lullaby, it was his link to his mysterious heritage, and the reason he sought Byrgenwerth's help back then. Henryk liked Gascoigne, but never thought to confess him and Gascoigne already turned out to be in love with his adopted daughter, which of course ruined his chances and he just kept the secret between himself and Valtr. However, when Sally was born, Henryk was so happy that his broken heart got mended. They are still on very good terms, though!
🪓 Gascoigne and Viola really love doing things together, and moreover, to teach each other what they're good at! Like how Gascoigne could teach Viola to chop the wood and Viola could teach him to do knitting and embroidery. As a result, they share skills, just that one is a bit better at a skill than the other. Their daughters actually copied the dynamic of their parents here - having mostly different hobbies and vibes, they also teach one another! It is about a good example.
🎶 This dress Gascoigne did make for Viola by himself:
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If it looks like it was created mostly from the curtains... well, it is because it WAS. Still, not bad for a guy who is supposedly only skilled at swinging his axe, is it? x)
🪓 They actually at times could spend hours simply chilling with each other, idly talking about good memories they shared or complimenting one another. In some days, Gascoigne will be aloof and irritable, too occupied with the thoughts of incoming night of the hunt, but even then he will be able to say a lot of nice things about how much he cares about the safety of her and the girls. They just do not get bored about ruminating on their relationship and how good their dynamics can be despite some conflicts. A type that would still have romantic dates even years into marriage in a happier setting. Again, because they just do not get 'bored'!
🎶 They both love books (Gascoigne even wrote some in his past, as a Father!), but at the same time enjoy different genres. What Gascoigne likes and wrote is more along Russian classic novels (Tolstoy, Dostoevsky, all that). You know, the Depressing Literature TM about society, war, politics, and singular people it effected. But what Viola likes is epic novels and often containing rather satirical, ruthless commentaries. However, in general Viola is about 'saying a lot with a few words' in a book, whereas Gascoigne adores the usage of full language's potential in detailed descriptions. They like discussing the books they like with one another, and sometimes their opinions on what makes a good book get so different that it becomes a passionate debate.
🪓 Viola is a type of a mom that would like her children to have hobbies and excell at something - music, art, sport, anything. And Gascoigne is a type of a dad that is concerned about his children, first of all, being street-smart and having practical skills in life. The daughters are growing up to be both resourceful and rich with interests! Lol don't you just LOVE the fact that the only way they could survive is if the Hunter doesn't even try to help? :')
Thank you for the ask! I like this ship a whole bunch.
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kafus · 6 months
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sir that is my hometown please do not hurt my mother. also calling my hometown a hick town is rude :(
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no but seriously this shit is fucking bleak. i feel bad for all these poor magikarp. their home literally got blown the fuck up
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tfw this situation is a fucking goose chase and i'm losing/always too late because the adults around me didn't take the literal terroristic threats seriously until they already happened
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so now that it's too late and every adult in my life has failed me i DO have to be the hero in this situation. so much for not taking risks i guess
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it's incredibly funny that it's implied here that mars was so forgettable to dawn that she doesn't remember who mars is despite fighting her LOL
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also i did not remember that mars vaguely implies that you and lucas have something romantic going on?? nothing thus far has read as even remotely romantic to me. very "he was a boy, she was a girl, can it get any more obvious" energy LOL
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but yeah her ass was kicked
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okay 1. maybe you'd know more about it if you guys read books in the library and didn't immediately resort to violence and 2. that's so fucked up and sad :( man they do a similar thing in pmd explorers when shit goes awry to protect the team gears...
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PROBABLY NOT!!! (screams)
anyway. since i have the strength HM now instead of immediately going to check on barry, sorry barry, i backtracked a bit and used strength in new locations... i also realized i never cleared out wayward cave??? even though i could have done that ages ago. so i did that. both for completion and also because there's a dusk stone there
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murkrow learns sucker punch at level 45 and honchkrow doesn't get it without a move tutor so i opted to keep pepper on the exp share until she hit level 45 and THEN i evolved her :D
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AND NOW THE TEAM IS ALL FULLY EVOLVED!! and ready to travel to lake acuity/snowpoint cityyy
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so HERE'S THE TEAM IN ORDER OF ACQUISITION!! I love them all so much this is my fav sinnoh team in a damn while
taking a break to eat dinner teehee i'll also probably check my honey trees again before going through mt coronet towards lake acuity
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