#when she does it it's soft tender affection for her partner and best friend
rosekasa · 2 months
i miss chat noir kissing ladybug's cheek....
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storiesofsvu · 21 days
Alex Blake SFW Alphabet
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Alex Blake x reader warnings: none really, some sexual situations talked about. SURPRISE! Two things in one day! a WIN. I thought maybe sitting down and doing some headcanons from templates might help get the ball rolling on creativity so you might see a few more things like this pop out this week! <3
A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
Alex is relatively affectionate, especially around friends or in private. She wants to make sure her friends and partner know that they are cared about and just how much. She doesn’t shy away from a squeeze on the hand, hugs or quick kisses in public. At home with you she’s very touchy, a hand on you as often as possible, curled up on the couch with you while she reads and you watch tv. She also shows her affection by picking up little treats for you whenever she’s out during the day. Whether it’s a candy bar added to the grocery order, or a post card from a city the BAU has visited recently, she loves having something to give to you when she gets home.
B = Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)
First and foremost, she’s loyal. Once she knows you, and trusts you, trusts her gut that you are a friend, she’s always going to have your back and make sure to help you with whatever it is you might need. I like to think that she’s a pretty friendly person and isn’t afraid of striking up conversations with strangers in public. She’s someone that has lots of ‘regular’s’ that she runs into during her errand running and the like, ya know what I mean?
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
Hear me out: Alex is the biggest snuggler. She adores it, especially after a long day of either teaching or profiling. It’s quiet, soft, tender, the easiest way to show affection without having to move and it literally releases endorphins to make everyone feel better. She loves being sprawled on the couch and having you slotted between her legs, either propped up on her chest while you read together, or curled around her so she can play with your hair. At night she loves being tangled up in your limbs in bed, simply holding each other as you fall asleep.
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
Alex has been there done that. And she kinda always thought that was it for her, she’d had her love, had her marriage and now was married to the job. Until she meets you and realizes that there’s room for more than one great love in each life. She doesn’t particularly want to get married again, knowing all the extra ordeals that go along with that, but she’ll happily commit to a life partner, and lbh, if a ring and a party make you happy, she’ll definitely go for it.
I like to think Alex is a very clean person. Like, not overly wiping down every surface with Lysol constantly, but her apartment is always clean and tidy. There is almost always a coffee mug on the coffee table in some level of half drunk, but that’s about it. Her dishes are dealt with right away, things don’t get left out, everything has a home and is almost always in it. You do often tease her about her “clutter” being the pile of books that somehow seems to move from room to room (and they’re always all together in said stack, it’s never one or two moving around). Cooking wise she’s good. Nothing extravagant. She knows the basics and usually sticks with that. Though she also does really enjoy finding a new recipe to experiment with at least once a month.
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
(I’m ngl. Part of me really wants to say she would like, just ghost and disappear without continuing communication. Cause.. she literally hates conflict, vanishes on her family and peaced out on the BAU without an actual goodbye.. LOL)
BUT, our girl has more respect for that when it comes to people she’s romantically interested in, even if that has faded. It’s going to be quick, a rip the band-aid off situation and she’ll likely do it at your place so that it’s private and she can leave quickly once it’s done and you have some privacy to grieve alone.
F = Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
One of these days I’ll remember that this is down here and not cover it under D, LOL. So, as stated, she doesn’t necessarily care for marriage again, but if she was to find love again she’s fully committed to it and will love you for the rest of her life. She *might* consider marriage if it’s an absolute dealbreaker for you, but it’s usually something she’ll bring up on the first date or so, so you both know from the start and the likelihood of her running into it down the road when she’s fully in love and invested isn’t as likely.
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
Listen, when this bitch isn’t dealing with unsubs, she is the most gentle fucking soul on earth. She is Mother. She is tender, loving, caring and just so sweet. Her touch is always soft, fingers trailing across your skin, drawing patterns on it while she listens to you tell stories. She’s generally pretty gentle and tender in the bedroom as well, she prefers to praise, overstimulate or edge, teasing with her words rather than physical pain. If you ask she might experiment a little bit more into that pool but she doesn’t like to inflict pain.
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
Alex is a hugger, even if it’s just a small, quick one to say hello/goodbye while she drops a kiss to the top of your head. If she’s been gone for a while she yearns for a longer, deeper one, truly sinking into the embrace, wrapping herself tightly around you as she tucks her head into the crook of your neck. Her hugs are always full of love and affection and a way to kinda say what’s on her mind without actually having to say anything. Like, you literally cannot tell me she doesn’t give amazing hugs.
I = I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?)
For a linguist, she’s not great with words when it comes to feelings/conveying things properly in relationships (both romantic, and platonic). So she’s gonna show you that she loves you before she actually says it. She also knows that other ways of showing love can mean more than the simple words of saying it, it shows that she actually really means it rather than just throwing the phrase around a lot. So she’s not someone who does say it a lot, she prefers to keep it for the moments when it really does mean a lot, or the extremely private, intimate moments in the dark as you’re falling asleep together.
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?)
Alex is another one of those insecure jealousy types. She’s confident in herself and in your relationship, but you are a little bit younger, and she can be more introverted. So sometimes seeing you out with your friends flitting around like a social butterfly she wishes that she could be more like that, or more social, especially when it comes to your group of people. She’s not one to make a scene about it, but there has been more than one occasion where she’ll approach you, press a soft kiss to your cheek and say she’s going home, feign an excuse of being tired or not feeling great and *insist* that you stay out and have a good time.
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
Her kisses are soft, tender, and only for you. They can definitely be fiery in the right situation, but she uses kisses as a primary way to express her love. She loves to kiss the top of your head, your cheek, the tip of your nose, the back of your hand, and of course your lips. When she wants to make you absolutely melt, she’ll wrap herself around you from behind and trail kisses up and down your neck until you’re putty in her hands and practically dragging her into the bedroom.
She loves you kisses no matter where you kiss her. There’s something about the little grin on your face before you leave a kiss anywhere on her body that absolutely gives her butterflies and makes her blush, even to this day. Alex has a particularly soft spot for the way you’ll kiss her inner thighs before going down on her.
L = Little ones (How are they around children?)
Loaded question my dude.
Alex is incredibly good with kids. She loves being around them and will happily spend an afternoon running around the yard with JJ’s boys, even “suffering” through cleaning up, bath time and adores reading them bedtime stories. She’ll always offer up babysitting services for her friends and absolutely adores getting to be “Auntie Alex” but it always leaves her drained and full of a sense of missing out, especially as she watches her friends’ kids growing up and hitting milestones and she simply yearns for getting to see her own son do the same.
And to follow up with that; no she doesn’t want to have any other kids. Of her own or adopted. She knows that she would be absolutely terrified from the moment of conception that everything was going to go wrong again. She knows she would be a helicopter parent and be obsessively overprotective and every time the kid so much as coughed her mind would go straight to the worst case scenario and she knows she can’t handle that.
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
Her mornings are relaxed, both work mornings and weekend mornings. The only difference is having to say goodbye on workdays (and getting up a little earlier). There’s the morning paper, followed by the morning crossword, coffee of course and breakfast.
On the weekends those things generally all still happen in bed, or curled up on the couch with a couple of fuzzy blankets while you enjoy the quiet of the morning, the sun getting brighter, birds chirping outside and each other’s company.
N = Night (How are nights spent with them?)
Nights are fun, a little more spirited, more laughter and fun sprinkled in there as you wind down from the day, likely accompanied by a glass of wine or two. Dinner is likely cooked together, even if together means one of you cooking while the other sits on the counter and keeps them company. There’s music playing through the house, stories of your days/weeks told and plenty of stolen kisses while you’re waiting for a pot to boil or timer to go off.
Evenings are spent either on the couch or out in the back yard on the fancy furniture, lounging together while you read, watch tv, or catch up on work. Alex adores the nights that you scoop up one of her books of poetry and climb into her lap so she can read to you while playing with your hair.
O = Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
Homegirl keeps a lot pretty tight lipped. There’s a lot she’s going to keep to herself and it’s going to have to actually be asked specifically to her before she’ll bring it up. She’ll mention that she was married before, she likely still has a decent relationship with James so that comes up pretty quick. But otherwise it’s a little thing here, a little thing there and there’s likely still some things you don’t know about her when you’ve been together for years.
P = Patience (How easily angered are they?)
She’s got the patience of a fucking god. Alex doesn’t do angry, she can do frustrated, or annoyed, but she really doesn’t get that angry often. And if she does she’s going to bottle it up and save it for work when she can/needs to take it out on an unsub. If the two of you get into it and things are starting to explode into something where things might be said that you don’t really mean, she’s always the one to hit pause, put a pin in it and the two of you both walk away and cool down so you can sit down and discuss the actual issue at hand later on.
Q = Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
With her brain?!?
Of fucking course she’s remembering like, 98% of the things that you tell her, hell, even the things you don’t tell her. She’s just got a way. She caught the way your eyes lit up at the sight of a molten lava cake being taken to a table when you were out to dinner and the next time you were having a rough day she ordered one delivered. She borrowed your phone once when hers was dead to use your Spotify and discovered which artist you had on repeat 24/7 and of course got tickets to their concert for your birthday. You always stole a particular sweater of hers on cold days and you felt bad, giving it back after a day cause it was so cozy and she needed to be warm too so she bought it in five other colours for both of you to share.
R = Remember (What is their favourite moment in your relationship?)
The moment that she knew she was in love with you. It was something small, domestic, just quietly and intimately sharing the same space for hours on end. Maybe the first full weekend you hadn’t left her apartment and seeing you move through her space with no issues, making yourself at home and she knew that she liked her home a hell of a lot better with you in it.
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
Alex is the perfect amount of protective. She knows you can take care of yourself and never wants to be overbearing, so she lets you live your life when you’re apart. However she is the one to always make sure you’re attentive when you’re alone at night, that your car door is locked as soon as you’re in it, if your apartment doesn’t have a security system when you meet you better bet that she’ll make you install one. She insists that anytime you’re out with your friends you call her to come pick you up when you’ve had too much to drink. If you’re out together and she can sense that you’re uncomfortable because of the idiot hitting on you, she’s gonna wrap an arm around your waist, press a kiss to your cheek and get you outta there as quickly as she can.
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?) Regular dates not so much, but if she’s been out of town for a while she makes sure to plan something nice, it’s never anything crazy or over the top, but an excuse for you to dress up a little bit so she can take you out for a nice dinner. Anniversaries are always sentimental for Alex, there’s flowers, time spent together likely at home with a homecooked or take out dinner before the night is spent in the bedroom. Gifts for big days are always similar, they’re things that you’ve talked about loving, or something that’s rare, hard to find, something you mentioned in passing a couple of times that she happened to come across. Or homemade presents, ones made with love instead of bought with money.
U = Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?)
Overworking FOR SURE. It’s pretty often that you have to wander into the home office well past midnight and drag her to bed. She’ll argue that she ‘only has one thing left to do’ but will thank you beyond belief in the morning. She also has a tendency to work through her meals, something that only got worse once she was at the BAU, so you’ll always make sure she has lunch packed, and if she’s teaching you’ll swing by to have lunch with her.
V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?)
Alex isn’t overly concerned. She’s always professionally put together, makes sure she looks good in that sense, but make up isn’t something she delves into too much, and she’s never going to think about going under the knife for beauty things, she’s just going to hope she ages gracefully.
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
Hmmm….. No. I think that she would be fine. She’s always been a pretty independent person; she spent a lot of time apart from James and she never had too much of a problem with it. She doesn’t need a partner to feel secure and like she’s a whole person, she’s all that on her own. She’d also thought she was going to be single forever post divorce and had no issues with that, meeting someone new was just a happy coincidence.
X = Xtra (A random head canon for them.)
I can’t think of anything totally random so you’re getting something canon related. Her and Strauss were in the academy together and they definitely fucked or were in some kind of relationship that obviously didn’t end well. She also had a little crush on JJ, whether she realized it or not.
Y = Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?)
She’s not a fan of dumb people, and we’re not talking like, college dropouts, she’s fine if you didn’t go to post secondary school. We’re talking plain logic, street smarts. If someone has zero interests and thus nothing to ever educate themselves on, she’s not into it. (like, this could be some insanely smart thing that like, Reid is into, or it could be something like different strains of weed, she does not care, just use your brain for something). Even worse than that to her is people who *play* dumb. She’s got zero patience when it comes to that.
Z = Zzz (What is a sleep habits of theirs?)
Has a nightly routine that she sticks to every night, no matter what. If she’s on the road, up late, whatever, she absolutely always has to brush teeth, wash her face, apply some minimal skin care, turn down the lights and read at least a small chapter before she can go to bed. She likes to keep routine and normalcy and this really helps with that.
@svulife-rl rl @clarawatson @hbkpop @momlifebehard @itisdoctortoyousir @temilyrights @alexxavicry @evilregal2002 @ladysc @dextur @disneyfan624 @augustvandyne @supercriminalbean @lex13cm @happenstnces @whiteberryx @geekyandgay98 @onmykneesformarvel @inlovewithemilyprentiss @desperate-gay gay @amypoehlfey @overtrred28 @emobabeyy @theclassicgaycousin @leftoverenvy @bigolgay @daddy-heather-dunbar @regalmilfs4me @scorpsik @riveramorylunar @h-doodles @maybe-a-humanbean @rustyzebra @s1ut4nat @inlovewithmiddleagewomen @tommyriddleobsessed @ollysmulti @kmc1989 @irishavengersassemble @ara-a-bird @hopedoesntknow @dj-bynum3718 @venromanova @noahrex @imlike-so-gaydude @nachofriess @cx-emerald-cx @momily
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yuujis-sunshine · 1 year
Hello I saw your SFW alphabet post for Ango. May I Request a SFW alphabet for Atsushi Nakajima?
𝑶𝒇 𝒄𝒐𝒖𝒓𝒔𝒆, 𝑨𝒏𝒐𝒏! 𝑰 𝒍𝒐𝒗𝒆 𝒓𝒆𝒄𝒆𝒊𝒗𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒓𝒆𝒒𝒖𝒆𝒔𝒕𝒔 𝒇𝒓𝒐𝒎 𝒑𝒆𝒐𝒑𝒍𝒆 𝒘𝒉𝒐 𝒆𝒏𝒋𝒐𝒚𝒔 𝒎𝒚 𝒔𝒕𝒐𝒓𝒊𝒆𝒔, 𝒘𝒉𝒊𝒄𝒉 𝒎𝒂𝒌𝒆𝒔 𝒎𝒆 𝒇𝒆𝒆𝒍 𝒑𝒓𝒐𝒖𝒅 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒘𝒂𝒏𝒕𝒔 𝒎𝒆 𝒚𝒐 𝒈𝒆𝒕 𝒎𝒐𝒕𝒊𝒗𝒂𝒕𝒆𝒅 𝒕𝒐 𝒘𝒓𝒊𝒕𝒆 𝒎𝒐𝒓𝒆 𝒔𝒕𝒐𝒓𝒊𝒆𝒔 𝒇𝒐𝒓 𝒂𝒍𝒍 𝒐𝒇 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒗𝒊𝒆𝒘𝒆𝒓𝒔. 𝑻𝑯𝑨𝑵𝑲 𝒀𝑶𝑼 𝑺𝑴!
𝑹𝒆𝒒𝒖𝒆𝒔𝒕𝒆𝒅 𝒃𝒚: @anonymous
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𝐀 = 𝐀𝐟𝐟𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
100% towards his S/O, and will always appreciate her no matter what. Atsushi thinks she is sweet and loving in all ways.
𝐁 = 𝐁𝐞𝐬𝐭 𝐅𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝 (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)
When it comes to being Atsushi's friend, he will protect you and promise to keep you safe from anyone who is a threat to the Agency or you and your friends.
𝐂 = 𝐂𝐮𝐝𝐝𝐥𝐞𝐬 (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
He is such a fan of cuddling, but when he first asked, it made him extremely embarrassed but got used to it since his S/O would always be the big spoon when it comes to cuddling.
𝐃 = 𝐃𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐜 (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
In my opinion, I think that he would be good at cleaning instead of cooking. If you leave Atsushi alone and let him cook, he will make the fire alarm go on in any moment.
𝐄 = 𝐄𝐧𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠 (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
He would feel extremely sad and tells you that they should be friends instead of lovers.
𝐅 = 𝐅𝐢𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐞 (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
He feels like he isn't ready to be your fiance, yet alone being your husband. It's not that he hates you or anything, the poor tiger boy just doesn't want to become a burden to you.
𝐆 = 𝐆𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐥𝐞 (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
When it comes to expressing his feelings, he can get extremely emotional when it comes to talking about serious things with his S/O.
𝐇 = 𝐇𝐮𝐠𝐬 (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
He LOVES hugs. It makes him so happy and have more hope in his heart, he loves to feel like he's worth something.
𝐈 = 𝐈 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐘𝐨𝐮 (How fast do they say the L-word?)
It would take him what feels like a million years to actually say the words 'I Love You.'
𝐉 = 𝐉𝐞𝐚𝐥𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐲 (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?)
He would feel left out and drag you by your arm to have a word with you. And sooner or later, they are both cuddling together as [Name] cuddles Atsushi close to her.
𝐊 = 𝐊𝐢𝐬𝐬𝐞𝐬 (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
SOFT. LOVING. TENDER. He hates doing it in public or in front of anybody else, so he does it when they are alone or when he has the chance. His favorite places to be kissed at is on his cheeks and his forehead, you on the other hand likes to get kissed on your lips.
𝐋 = 𝐋𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐥𝐞 𝐎𝐧𝐞𝐬 (How are they around children?)
He doesn't feel like he is ready to have a kid, but for some reason he actually wants to have a chance at being a father to your kids.
𝐌 = 𝐌𝐨𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 (How are mornings spent with them?)
Your mornings are always regular and he or you would make breakfast. Doing laundry, brushing your teeth, and doing one another's hair.
𝐍 = 𝐍𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐬 (How are nights spent with them?)
After a day of hard work, the two decides to kick back and relax together as they watch Netflix.
𝐎 = 𝐎𝐩𝐞𝐧 (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
He would sometimes tell you things when he feels comfortable, but if he wants to say it, then he will.
𝐏 = 𝐏𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐞 (How easily angered are they?)
He can get angered at most points when his S/O is either out of control or is acting arrogant.
𝐐 = 𝐐𝐮𝐢𝐳𝐳𝐞𝐬 (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
To be completely honest, he would forget mostly everything but tries his best to remember.
𝐑 = 𝐑𝐞𝐦𝐞𝐦𝐛𝐞𝐫 (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?)
His favorite part of the relationship was when the both of you went to the New Years Countdown and also spending it with him and only him.
𝐒 = 𝐒𝐞𝐜𝐮𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐲 (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
ATSUSHI IS SO OVERPROTECTIVE. He would always act like a hawk's eye and would spy on you if your with your friends or with the members of the Detective Agency.
𝐓 = 𝐓𝐫𝐲 (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
He would at least try to put his effort into every special occasion, even though he doesn't get money since he is an orphan. But at least most of his pals at the Detective Agency helps him out.
𝐔 = 𝐔𝐠𝐥𝐲 (What would be some bad habits of theirs?)
A very bad habit of his is when he panics while working.
𝐕 = 𝐕𝐚𝐧𝐢𝐭𝐲 (How concerned are they with their looks?)
He is concerned about his looks, especially when he is out in public.
𝐖 = 𝐖𝐡𝐨𝐥𝐞 (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
𝐗 = 𝐗𝐭𝐫𝐚 (A random headcanon for them.)
His favorite game to play is Cookie Run-Kingdom.
𝐘 = 𝐘𝐮𝐜𝐤 (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?)
What Atsushi doesn't want in a partner? Someone who takes advantage of him or starts to belittle the poor tiger boy. He hates it so much, especially since he was in the orphanage as a kid back then. He does not wanna be reminded of his traumatic past.
𝐙 = 𝐙𝐳𝐳 (What is a sleep habits of theirs?)
A sleeping habit of his is when he sleeps, his body be in different positions once in a while and [Name] always has to fix his position so she can have room.
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hypahticklish · 1 year
Ticklish Headcanons for
DnD Honor Among Thieves
Listen…I love the shit out of this movie and if I had more expendable funds I would go see it again in theatres to bask in the good good vibes. This goes out to @amazingmsme for banging on pots to rouse the TTRPG Podcast branch of the TFB community from it's winter hibernation. Please ignore that it's taken me months to get this out ✌️😅
Bardic School of Lee Moods
Edgin is the kind of lee who will instigate for that sweet sweet retaliation
Which is so so very foolish for someone with a terribly ticklish torso
Sides that make him fold like a cheap tunic, belly that makes him gasp for breath, ribs that have him swearing fealty to whom or what ever is demanded of him
Like seriously? What did he think was gonna happen when he flicks Simon's ears or scatters Holga's potato cache?
Or when he presses Dorick and Xenk's buttons by talkin' mad shit about their respective organizations?
And then has the audacity to dial up the drama in staunch protest at the torture inflicted upon him
Have I made it clear how much of a goofy lil guy, what a silly lil brat Edgin is?
With his crinkled crows feet eyes and a smile so bright it makes the Neverwinter sun seem dull
But but but
While he lives deep in the Lee trenches, he enjoys giving lil tickles here and there as a form of affection
As well as introducing others to the joys of tickling and inviting them to explore it on him
Taking the time to encourage when they've found a good spot and guiding them toward more effective techniques
Freely and generously leaning in to his reactions, and inspiring theirs; seeking laughter just as he does song (though Edgin argues they're one in the same to his ears)
Totem Switch Barbarian
Most assume that Holga is a ler of the highest degree since she can turn any table in her favor, but she loves receiving as much as giving
She adores easily hoisting and grappling her play partner into a submissive hold
And plucking all the silly noises they make from all the tickle spots she can find
While her grip may be firm and holds taut, her touch ranges from soul scrubbing to breeze kissed depending on what gets the best reactions
If someone is fast enough to tickle her back before they're trapped?
She crumbles endearingly quick
Her most ticklish spots are the easiest to normally defend - under her arms, behind her knees, the circumference where her legs join the rest of her body
Holga is so very aware of her strength that she makes concerted efforts to not flail or fight when getting got
And while she's usually distrustful of being bound, she finds it helpful and a relief in these sorts of situations with her true friends
Allowing her to let go and fall like a comet into the moment
Cackling, happily and wildly, for as long as the moment lasts
Ancestral Switch Bloodline Sorcerer
Simon gives off such lee energy which makes him like a sleeper agent switch that no one expects
Can he actually say any variant of the word "tickle"? That's entirely dependent on his proximity to being tickled
Or teased
Simon cannot handle being teased in the slightest, becoming a bumbling blushing mess
Soft n squishy lil spellcaster with his tender legs and uncalloused feet that make him helplessly squirm
His sensitive ears and neck that melt him to quivering giggling goo
Should he get the upper hand though? He is ruthless
Cooing and toying with whomever is trapped, either by spells or comrades, and drawing slow attention to their vulnerability before studying their every reaction
An absolute menace of a man utterly inebriated on laughter
"Oh shut up, you're not dying, I cast Detect Thoughts and know you're fine"
Circle of Ler Druid
It takes her quite a while to come out of her shell but once Dorick does, she's a devastating ler
Equipped with nimble fingers that can easily slip into all sorts of ticklish nooks and crannies
A dexterous whip thin tail that gives her quite the advantage when startling those used to only worrying about two hands
And unshakable confidence that defies any sort of embarrassment when hunting for peels of squeals
Speaking of hunting, you know Dorick gets the biggest thrill out of chasing and hide-n-seek
Flexing her wild shapes to delight and frighten her friends while draining the fight outta them
Does she have a signature move?
Oh yea
Pouncing on their back and taking then down
Making it all the easier to ensnare her mark with tickle torture until they tap out
Where she can then spend her time in peaceful silence, watching the scenery while idly stroking their scalp and back
Oath of Turnabout Paladin
Like everything about Xenk, he is an utter enigma that the party can never figure out
And likewise it takes him a while to determine when they want him to rise to the bait and engage in play fights
(Not that that ever stops the party from starting them)
He's incredibly ticklish damn near everywhere but most of his reactions are subdued, internal, compared to the others
Soft snickers and squinchy eyes and slight curls away from his assailant betray the perceived immunity
Meanwhile his heart and belly flip at the waves upon waves of ticklish butterflies fluttering head to toe
But Xenk always comes next in the initiative
And is a mirror - replicating their tickling ministrations practically perfectly
Tutting when someone cries at how unfair he is being by holding them accountable for their "crimes"
And congratulating them afterwards for valiantly overcoming such a challenge while they're panting on the floor
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zackcrazyvalentine · 2 years
Yo yo yo
Just figured I'd send in an ask at 1am because that's a logical thing to do - but I'm curious, which of your OCs enjoy being the recipient of cuddles/super soft treatment (like playing with their hair, or giving them their favourite snacks, or doing the little thumb stroke thing when holding hands) (can be perceived as platonic or romantic affection whatever the vibes are (^w^))
- fluff
Thank you for your question, Fluff!
Now, let's see about the answer~
-- --
A lot of my OCs like being the recipient AND the givers of such sweet affection. Sei, Vihaan, Koron, Thais and Zion are some of the notorious ones that like giving and receiving
Thais and Koron are very touch starved. Once they find someone/friends that don't mind physical touch, they go ham with it lol They do get bashful the first handful of times they receive tender affection though
Koron ADORES ruffling people's hair and giving pats on backs! Sometimes brings you in for a little side squeeze, too. A big smile on his face as he does it Close friends and partners get the privilege of playing with his hair, and of holding hands virtually all the time they're together asfdgh (many kisses to the back of their hand and knuckles, too)
Thais blushes at all soft affection given to her, a pretty sight~ She very much enjoys when friends play with her hair (will be lulled to a sleepy state). And what goes great with a sleepy sweetheart? That's right, cuddles! Thais likes to cuddle with close friends/partners, she's also satisfied by simply resting her head on their shoulder or chest. As for affection she likes to give, her lap is free real estate for sleeping! Use it as a pillow! Goat will hum a melody and play with your hair to help you relax~
Sei likes being physically close to people due to touch being his best sense. If someone returns the gestures of hand holding, hugs, nuzzles right back at him, they've made him one very happy eel! He mimics the tenderness or forcefulness of the hugs, tugs, holding he's given. So, at the beginning, he may not fully understand why you're being so gentle. Context clues will be thoroughly used to figure out the tenderness is due to love and forcefulness due to extreme excitement I don't need to say that he GOES BONKERS if you bring him his favorite snacks. You just won a bone crushing hug from the eel
That's just how Vihaan is~ He's a very friendly guy and likes getting into people's personal spaces. All kinds of physical affection are right up his alley! It's his primary love language to give and receive! For friends, his touch is a little more on the enthusiastic and energetic side. For a lover or a potential partner or someone very close to him, his touch is soft and slightly teasing, accompanies it with lots of eye contact. He will serenade you right then and there
Zion, my precious aroace he/they ❤ He likes soft affection a whole lot, hits the wonderful middle ground between caring friendship-to-qpr he adores with all his heart. Main thing they like to give is bringing snacks, cozy blankets, hot drinks to the recipient of the gesture. What they love to receive is hand holding and leaning on his shoulder when relaxing
~ ~
Now, about those who like to just GIVE the affection
Evander is the one. He can give encouragement, advice, comforting... but is tremendously awkward when he's in the receiving end. Bunny has lots of Big Bro energy and it shows in how he prefers to give than to receive
Nice arms with some muscle, his go-to is giving warm hugs that engulf you in comfort
Xeron is also in this area, mainly because he's a little bit in denial that he LOVES tender gestures. Of course, he loves it when Thais pampers him in her beautiful soft ways, but is at a loss on how to return it exactly. His way of returning it is by doing favors or giving small gifts of food. The person who has seen the most tender side of him is his sibling and even they have received tender loving from Xe just a handful of times. Boyo needs to learn from the Affection Masters *Thais & Vihaan vibrate in the distance*
~ ~
And about the RECEIVERS!!
Blake all the way!! This boy is quite spoiled, so he wants to be given all sorts and types of affection!! NOTHING BETTER THAN GENTLE AFFECTION LIKE THAT!! His hair is prime and fluffy to play with, scratch the base of his ears too! Hug him, cuddle him, give him little kisses all over his freckled cheeks! HE LOVES IT!!! ...good luck getting affection out of him though lol
Tzuriel is kinda here Due to him sneaking into nightclubs and parties to gain info with his hacker ways, they're very used to getting flirt with and being touched They much prefer being pampered than pampering someone else. The only person who has gotten Tzu pampering is Zion, their closest friend and virtually their brother
-- --
And those are all the ones I can picture with this!!
Mikha, Helios, Izel are the more "hardass" OCs of mine. They recoil at genuine soft affection because they've been shown so little of it
Jet... is proving difficult to think of for this scenario I think he's in denial about giving and receiving. Secretly loves it and would love to build up courage to give it... but first, his goal to bring justice to his father
Thank you for your ask, Fluff!! Hope this allows you to see a little more of my sillies' selves!
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agentromeo · 2 years
⤷ 𝐰𝐡𝐞𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐲’𝐫𝐞 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐬. . . — 𝐂𝐑𝐈𝐌𝐈𝐍𝐀𝐋 𝐌𝐈𝐍𝐃𝐒
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— the gentleman. the serious man. the old-fashioned lover.
𝐀𝐀𝐑𝐎𝐍 is the man that still believes in opening doors for his partner, pushing their chair under for them once they’ve sat, buying them flowers and taking them on dates. he’s the gentle lover, the one that walks hand in hand with his lover, who wraps his arm around their waist, places his hand on the small of their back to guide them through the crowds. he is the man to hook a finger under the chin of his partner to lift their head to look at him, to place a soft delicate kiss on their lips, to have each of his hands on each of their cheeks. he is the man who dates for love, dates for marriage, dates for a forever after — the man who doesn’t waste time for he knows time doesn’t wait.
— the joker. the protector. the head over heels lover.
𝐃𝐄𝐑𝐄𝐊 is the man that flirts and jokes with his partner, the one that lets everyone know he’s dating them, the man that can never take his eyes or hands away from his partner. he’s the man that can’t imagine his life without his lover, the type of guy that will do anything for the one he loves, the man that keeps them close all the time. a man that wraps his arms around his lovers waist and pulls them close, who kisses at their neck and whispers how much he loves them — the guy who shows his affection in anyway possible for he just needs to let his partner know that they mean everything.
— the thinker. the loyal man. the delicate lover.
𝐒𝐏𝐄𝐍𝐂𝐄𝐑 is the man to love from afar for a long time, to give longing looks and to think of every way he would confess his love. he’s the man to be the best friend of his lover, to support and hold them, to give them advice and offer his knowledge in the best way he knows. once he is with someone then he dedicates himself to them wholeheartedly and completely, as if they are the only person in the world that could understand him and love him in the way is partner does, he exists solely for them. he’s the man to take his time, to be careful and slow like he was handling porcelain, to hold and caress his lover in the most sublime and tender way.
— the wise. the confident. the capable lover.
𝐄𝐌𝐈𝐋𝐘 is the woman to know what she wants, when she wants it, and she will go for it. she is the woman to let her feelings known when they start to grow so much she cannot hold them in any longer. she is the lover that loves with her entire heart and gives everything she has to the relationship, the woman that will be there for her partner no matter what, the reliable lover. she is the lover that kisses her partner in the pouring rain just because she can, the lover that never forgets an anniversary or date, the lover that is prepared to drop everything for her partner. she is the one who loves like it is the end of the world, she loves like it’s her only option.
— the knowledgeable. the honest. the romantic lover.
𝐉𝐄𝐍𝐍𝐈𝐅𝐄𝐑 is the woman that has all the answers, the one to know what people want and what she wants, the woman that always has something to say. she is the one that knows the world now but still dreams of the big romantic gestures, the flowers and candlelit dinners, the trips to Paris and walks on the beach. she’s the lover who cherishes every moment with her partner, the lover that takes photos of everything so nothing can be forgotten, the one who makes sure that there are memories to be made — something that can be looked back on with a big smile and teary eyes.
— the optimistic. the unique. the all-in lover.
𝐏𝐄𝐍𝐄𝐋𝐎𝐏𝐄 is the woman to only see the best in everything, she sees the beauty in the different and colourful, she finds love in everything. she is the one to make light of everything and show her partner the world in a better light. she is a woman that when she loves, she loves fully and dramatically — like a love from an olden day play. she is a lover to do anything with and for the one she loves, to takes risks and be bold, to run wild and live like there is no tomorrow. she loves without a care in the world, she is ready to give up everything just for love. she is the woman to cuddle and be needy for her partners attention, but only because she is so full of love.
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reluctant-mandalore · 3 years
A Loving Embrace (Fennec Shand x gn!Reader)
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After awakening from a nightmare, your significant other—Fennec Shand—does her best to comfort you away from your worries. 
Warnings: fluff, hurt/comfort (emotional), Super soft Fennec (like soft and fluffy af), panic attacks, mentions of nightmares, cuddles, kisses, established relationship, not beta read
Word Count: 1293
Pairing: Fennec Shand x gn!Reader (gender neutral) 
a/n: I wrote this for a friend who I thought could use some Fennec love! Hope you enjoy darling <3 Also the ending is terrible because I wasn’t sure how to end it. Anyway, have some soft fennec comforting the reader after a terrible nightmare. 
An unprevailing darkness and blossom of fear had consumed your thoughts that night. Your sleeping mind consumed with a nightmare unlike any other you had ever experienced. Striking you and awaking you from your slumber all too quickly. A gasp living your lips as your eyes snapped open to be met with the darkness of your and Fennec’s shared room. Your breath heavy and ragged, as you found yourself struggling not to cry out in panic from the unsavory dream that had taken you away from your slumber.  
Fennec’s own eyes had snapped open at the sudden movements she had felt at her side. Her tired mind not quite processing what was going on until her eyes had panned onto your panicked and uneasy form. A frown had crossed her features at the sight, making her confused for a brief moment, until the realization of you waking from a nightmare had dawned on her. Even sooner she had gently placed a hand onto your shoulder, giving it a firm but gentle squeeze, in an attempt to ground you and take you farther away from the nightmare which had entrapped your thoughts during the night.
“Are you ok?” She had spoken in a hushed voice, doing her best not to startle you any more than you already were, “Did you have a nightmare?”
Hearing her speak had managed to pull you away from your trance. Your eyes looking through the darkness to find her own and feeling them brim with tears when you found her worried gaze looking over you. The sight of the concern held in their depth causing for you to bite your lip to stop its trembling while also trying to cut off the sobs that threatened to spill out.
“Fennec I…” You had trailed off before finally nodding. The tears that had formed at the corner of your eyes now beginning to fall as you felt yourself crumble before her. “It was terrible.”
Seeing your tears she had pulled you in close, allowing for her arms to wrap around you in a tight embrace. Her one hand soon moving to run soothing circles along your spine, as she squeezed you into her hold tightly. She had even kissed your forehead a few times, mumbling soft reassurances as she did, while doing her best to soothe you gently.
“It’s ok love. I’m here now… I got you.” She had hummed softly as she held you, hoping to bring you that calmness and relief she knew you desperately needed in that moment. “Let it all out.”
For a long while, she had let you cry into her arms, rocking and rubbing your back, as words of comfort left her lips in quiet whispers. The loving embrace she had around you only tightening the more you shook within her grasp. Her hold never leaving you, as she did whatever she could to help bring you away from the nightmare that had caused you such pain and fear.
“Did you want to talk about it?” She had asked after some more time had passed. Allowing herself to brush away some of your tears with her thumb, and soon pressing another kiss to your forehead as she spoke. The feeling of her lips leaving a tingling sensation across your skin and managing to bring another air of calmness to fall over you both.  
A nod was your only reply at first, as you shifted yourself to be more comfortable within her arms before speaking. Telling her everything and anything you could remember from the nightmare which had taunted you that night. From the most vivid of terrors to the cloudiest of fright, you allowed the words to spill from you in what felt like a never ending wave of despair.
Fennec had remained silent as she listened, continuing her gentle caresses along your form and littering your exposed skin with kisses in between your sniffles. She had let out a hum every now and then to let you know that she was still paying attention. Her focus completely on you while more of your nightmarish tale was revealed to her bit by bit.
Eventually you had finished telling her everything you felt like you were able to. Letting your face bury itself into the crook of her neck as another small whimper had escaped you while speaking, “Thank you Fennec.”
“No need to thank me love.” Fennec had said, her fingers catching your chin and bringing it towards her so she could capture your lips in a sweet kiss. Only pulling back to flash you a tender smile, “I’ll always be here for you no matter what.”
“I love you.” The confession had slipped from your lips on reflex at hearing her words, a flush of heat warming you, as a feeling of shyness had begun to flood you.
“I love you too.” She had said just as fondly, smiling at you again in a way that made your heart flutter and caused your stomach to tie in knots, “Do you think you’ll be able to fall back to sleep?”
Fennec’s question had made you ponder for a moment, unsure of if you would be able to lull yourself back to sleep after what you had just experienced. Soon allowing your eyes to briefly close, only to have them snap open once more at the dread which had pooled inside your mind from having done so. The unease of your previous nightmare still being held over you even now while held safely in her arms.
“No.” You had said simply at first, “Well... I don’t think so at least. Maybe after a little while? I’m not sure. I just… anytime I close my eyes I think of it again. I’m sorry Fen.”
“Don’t apologize. It’s fine and completely understandable.” She had said in reassurance, giving a comforting rub along your back again, “I’ll stay awake with you until you’re able to.”
“What if I end up not being able to sleep again tonight?”
“Then we don’t sleep and we just cuddle the night away.” Fennec had smirked, a teasing tone finding itself embedded into each of her words. The flirty undertones which they held not lost on you as she nuzzled herself closer, “Does that sound good to you love?”
You had nodded in reply, a pleased smile finding itself onto your own cheeks among the now drying tears, “Add you telling me a story and it sounds perfect.”
“A story, hm? I think I can do that.” She had said with another hum, shifting herself to lean back onto the pillows with you tucked comfortably into her chest. The new position allowing for you to rest overtop of her while still remaining cuddled in her arms. “There was this job I had some years ago…”
Settled into Fennec’s embrace, you had listened intently to her, as she had begun to tell you about a story from her past. Her words washing over you in a gentle chime of affection and tenderness, as her one hand drew delicate designs along your back once more. The story she told and the warmth she possessed helping to put a rest to the dark thoughts which had once tugged at your mind. Now replacing them with a much needed comfort with the desire to sleep in their wake.
It didn’t take much longer from there for you to drift off to sleep again. Although this time a nightmare would not dare to wake you, as the loving embrace and solace your partner had brought to your resting self refused to allow them the chance to grow. Letting you rest peacefully and untroubled once more while held in the arms of the person you loved most in the world.
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Dating the Hargreeves
Luther Hargreeves
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-You met when one day you were called to the Hargreeve residence
- Your mother was a friend of Reginald and she had asked you to deliver a letter to him.
- On arriving you noticed how empty the place was
- So as Reginald took the letter from you, he told you to come back in ten minuets when he had written the reply
- Thinking he lived alone now, you just wondered about the house, until you bumped into Luther
- After stating your business, he seemed to warm up to you a lot more, even if he was a tad awkward
- You realised that he was just really lonely
- So you invited him for coffee
- He was so shocked all he could do was nod
- The coffee date went well the next day
- It was all going swimmingly, the two of you were good friends but right as you both were realising your feelings were more than just friends
- His dad sent him to the moon
- Pogo let you message him three times a day
- But you still missed him
- You didn’t understand why he couldn’t disobey orders
- But you respected his choice and waited
- For years
-When he finally came back he was slightly more clingy than he was usually and you two quickly became an item
- He was a broken soul who just needed some love
- And attention
- And to believe he didn’t waste four years of his life
- When you two started dating he was basically your own personal teddy bear
- he’s so warm so if you’re cold he would let you cuddle up to him
- he’d be so gentle because he doesn’t want to accidentally hurt you
- You would constantly be there to remind him to be nice to his siblings
- going stargazing together 
- or moon gazing the guy has an obsession
- You would steal his coat and make brilliant impressions of him, much to the joy of Diego and Klaus
-You are defiantly the smart one so Luther would always go to you for advice
- he’s so protective and will glare at any man who looks your way
- which can get a bit annoying but it’s nothing to bad.
- He’s really insecure so you would constantly assure him that he was beautiful the way he was
- Helping Luther see that dear old Dad was not the nicest guy
- Your best friend is 100% Diego though
- Which Luther hates because if you're mad at him, he’s doomed on all fronts
- He buys you chocolate though so you keep him around
- He has a good heart really
Diego Hargreeves
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-You're both vigilantes of sorts
- You're more like a private investigator plus baddass crime stopper
- Police pay you to solve crimes, and then the government pay you even more money to take out pesky people
- It was kinda fun
- You meet Diego when Patch brings him in
- He overhears what job you’re doing and asks why you’re getting paid doing the same thing he’s getting arrested for
- Patch laughs and tells him that you are more of a private investigator
- You smile, thinking that would shut him up 
- But no. He starts calling you Sherlock
- Wearing that stupid smirk as he says it
- Your meetings become more frequent and he always teases you about your job but its nothing more than that
- Until one day he realises you don’t actually have a house, you live in a car
- Because even though your job pays well, you move around a lot and most of you money goes to your sister so she can afford a house, and living with her may but her life at risk
- So he offered the spare bedroom in his apartment 
- He assures you he can take care of himself
- So you agree
- And slowly you adjust your life to be with him
- You take turns cooking at first and then it turns into a you cook whilst he cleans because he cannot cook
- And then he takes you on a date
- He’s a shy stuttering mess when he asks you on a date, nothing like the mischievous confident man you'd known
- It was adorable so you said yes
- Things went really well so you guys decided to date
- He is such a cuddler
- Secretly likes being the little spoon, or sleeping on your stomach because it makes him feel safe
- But also likes being the big spoon because he likes to feel like he’s protecting you
- You’re probably the cook as he can only make eggs
- And even tho “They’re great eggs Y/N,” they’re “Not a balanced diet Diego,”
- Patching him up when he’s on his nightly hero duty things
- If you have work in the morning you will leave cute notes around the house for him to wake up to, and he does the same for you when he works
- When he grows his hair out he secretly lets you braid it as long as you tell no one.
- Until Klaus find’s out and gets you to braid his hair too
- He cannot say no to you, so gets through the day of relentless teasing by his siblings when you painted his nails 
- It was worth it to see you smile
- Full on shouting at Reginald at the dinner table when he upset Diego because HOW DARE HE make your boyfriend stutter like that
- The other siblings looking at you in shock because you were the calm and reasonable one 
- He wouldn’t really get jealous because he trusted you, but can’t resist showing off the fact you’re his girlfriend when someone starts to flirt with you
- Okay maybe he is jealous
Allison Hargreeves 
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- For some reason you are immune to her power
- You found this out when Reginald tried to forcefully recruit you to the academy when you were fifteen, using her power and you just responded “I don’t know where you heard that sunshine.”  before merrily skipping off.
- She was shook
- The two of you started meeting at Griddy’s donuts
- At first she wanted to know how you managed to get away
- But eventually she started to like you
- You were sassy and smart and didn’t put up with her shit
- This is probably why Five adored you so much - you two became best friends
- She always held your hand and often kissed it softly if you were deep in thought
- You taught her how to get people to do what you say without using her power
- Which meant you guys left with a lot of free stuff
- She always loved to show you off, PDA was something she had no problem with
- Much to the disgust of some of the siblings
- Being in the 60′s as a lesbian couple was difficult
- So you pretended to be cousins
- which was weird for both of you
- She would constantly buy extravagant gifts for you, especially when she had the money
- Despite the fact that in public you seem like the one in charge, she is 100% the big spoon
- She likes the feeling of feeling truly needed
Klaus Hargreeves
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- You meet in the war, you’re the bar tender that introduced him to Dave
- The talk he had with you was very brief but he remembered your face
- So years later, when he went back to that same Bar once he got back from the past he was shocked to see you serving people having not aged a day
- At first he thought you just has really good genes you had passed on but you were identical to the way he remembered you
- The he thought he was seeing your ghost but he saw that you were interacting with others
- So he called you over
- You didn't seem shocked to see him but pleasantly surprised
- You explained that you had gotten in a bit of a pickle as you were picking up a suitcase from the commission so you could retire but Five blew the place up causing the suitcase to malfunction
- So you were stuck in a warzone until you figured out how to fix the case
- You also told Klaus to give his brother a slap when he next saw him
- He did, but Five was very pleased to see you as you were a good friend to him and knew how to help
- Anyways after a couple of soft drinks you and Klaus got to know each other better
- And after a while the two of you became an item and life just got better
Helping him remain sober
- Cuddles all the time because he is needy
- you guys shared clothes because neither if you give a fuck
- You show him other ways to get high without damaging his body
- like taking him skydiving or to a theme park
- you always listen to him
- And will shout at the siblings when they undermine Klaus
- You keep the ghosts at bay, and will often hold him when he sleeps so stop any nightmares
- However neither of you can cook
- which leads to you waltzing off to Allison’s house at three in the morning because she can cook
- She doesn’t mind though because she’s never seen her brother this happy when hes sober
- You are best friends with Ben, and can also see and hear him so like to talk shit about Klaus when he’s in the room
- He is a pro at forehead kisses
- He’ll wrap you in his arms and just lightly kiss your forehead
- Because you make him feel safe, so he returns the favour
Five Hargreeves
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- You worked with the commission as an assassin and after a few weeks of Five being there, he was told that you would be his partner
- He was a little annoyed because that would mean he wouldn’t be able to work on the apocalypse on the job in case you told on him
- Then he met you and you were nothing like he expected
- He’d seen you train, seen you kill five men whilst barely moving and go after the most dangerous of people
- So why were you so nice?
-You were like a little ball of sunshine and he was Mr grumpy
- When you were informed that he had been alone for 45 years, Five thought you’d run away from him, scared that you were friends with a madman
- But instead you walked up to him and wrapped your arms around his waist
- At first he didn’t know how to respond but then he hugged you back
- And then you two became inseparable
- He wasn’t much into PDA especially when you got back to the Hargreaves siblings
- He didn’t want to be bullied
-But you loved affection
-So he compromised and the two of you would subtly lock pinkies
-But that was it
-Until you were alone
-Oh boy
- He needed coaxing at first because he’s socially awkward
- But he loves to be cuddled. He loves laying on your stomach, or holding you against his chest or wrapping his arms around your waist
- He’s a sucker for when you run your hands through his hair
- It makes him w e a k 
-When he’s working you’ll sit on his lap
- Because you want attention and he overworks himself
- You constantly look after him, making sure he drinks water and shit
- Because you cannot run on coffee alone
- The siblings become suspicious when they catch Five staring at you
- So they decided to spy on him
- And whilst they spied, they saw their mardy little brother dancing (Rather gracefully) around the Kitchen with you, both laughing as if there was no one else there
- Which tbf they didn’t think there was
- “They could just be working a case?” suggested Luther
- But that was quickly brushed aside when Five kissed you
- “Turns out the Hargreaves are capable of Love,” was all Klaus said although they were secretly thrilled at the fact you and Five were together.
Ben Hargreeves
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- You were just a small town waitress 
- Working another long shift at your work, you saw two men come in, one rather skinny and hippie looking, and the other dressed in all black
- You’re a naturally sweet person so serving them with a smile wasn’t a problem
- But when you asked Ben what he wanted he just froze in shock
- After some explaining you decided to let the two guys stay at your apartment for a while, as they were lost anyway
- You all became super super close
- You helped Klaus become sober again
- And then you realised that not only could you see Ben, but you could make him physically there just by touching him
- You learnt this when you accidentally ran into him nearly knocking yourself out
- The Klaus was no longer the clingy one
-Ben was always touching you, not in a weird way just always brushing hands or wrapping himself around you
- He loved cuddles, just feeling warm for once
- He’d cuddle you no matter what, and if you had a tiring day at work he would be there to sweep you off your feet
- you made him feel alive again
- When he was touching you others could see him too
- which meant you automatically became the family favourite, after you helped Klaus, and then Ben
- Ben loves it when you read to him, it just calms him down
- His favourite thing to do is to sit in the park with you sat between his legs, lent against his chest listening to you read
- He wears the flower crowns you make with pride
- It takes ages to figure out why you can see him and make him real as you were actually a couple months younger than him
- Turns out you had died as a baby for exactly 108 seconds and that had left you with ties to both the physical world and the afterlife - and it was Mr Reginald Hargreeves who had saved you
- You were convinced he was an alien but the others disagreed
- You helped Ben not fear his power
- The guy is king of nose kisses. He just finds it really cute when you scrunch your nose, either in disgust or frustration or confusion
- You always kiss jawline, as if you’re snuggled together it’s often the only place you can reach
- Vanya is your best friend, you always invite her because she understands what it’s like to not know the extent of your own power
- Klaus is scared at first because he doesn’t want Ben to leave him although he would never admit it
- But then he realised he hadn’t lost a constant companion, he’d just gained another
- Ben loves to surprise you with cute simple things, like setting up a movie and hot chocolate, or picking out flowers he found at some point for you
- Dancing round the kitchen would be a daily thing
- You even got Five to join in 
- You make the best waffles so every morning all the siblings come to your house just to eat the waffles you make
- It’s like they are a family again, but this time they have you
Vanya Hargreeves
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- She’s a bit iffy with personal contact
- It makes her a little nervous
- But you’re okay with that, she shows her love in other ways
- Like she’ll always make you tea in the mornings, or make sure you’re under the blanket before she sleeps because she knows you get cold
- You meet for the first time when you’re kids. The other siblings are saving everybody and ask you to stand with the others, because to them you’re just a civilian
- But when things start to go sideways, it’s you who helps them, using your powers of mental manipulation to make the bad guys visualise their worst fear
- Sir Hargreeves takes you in immediately, adopting you as Number Eight.
-The other kids felt bad for you when Reginald left you on your own, and it was Klaus who spoke
-”He’s not a good parent, he isn’t really here at all so I’m sorry if this wasn't what you were expecting,” but you were happy
“My real dad gave me this scar when he tried to stab me,” you replied with a little laugh “Ill take yours any day,”
-After that you and Vanya bonded over the fact you were both the black sheep of the family
- You always made sure she was included, and felt a bit bad that you weren’t a sibling but were often invited to more places than her
- During your teenage years you and Vanya clearly had something going on, so Reginald sent you away to France to study your powers
- It wasn’t until his death did you two see each other again
- It felt like you had never really left and things kicked off again
- But the Harold came along and told Vanya you were just as bad as the rest
- So she abandoned you
- You meet  for the third time in the 60′s, you’re staying with a married couple and their disabled son
- Vanya recognises you but she doesn’t know where from which breaks your heart slightly but it’s okay
- Because the more she spends time with you the more she falls in love with you
- She finally asks you to be her girlfriend
- Which you say yes
- Although she’s not big on affection, she loves it when you lay in her lap, it makes her feel trusted
- She loves to play the violin for you
- When she starts to grow used to affection, she loves it when you sleep all curled up beside her like a cat
- Or when you play with her hair
- Or kiss her cheek
- You make her feel like she’s valid and that’s all she ever wanted
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jawabear · 3 years
Frankie Morales fluff alphabet
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Not my GIF
A/N: here is the fluff alphabet for the fluffiest boy Frankie. As with the NSFW ones, these are just my idea for the character and may be different to yours. Please be respectful of others’ views. Enjoy. Sorry for any mistakes. Stay safe.
Genre: Fluff
Warnings: fem!reader, softness, possible TW, anxious tendencies, not much else.
Summary: An A-Z of Frankie’s relationship antics
A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
Frankie loves cuddles. He loves them. But that is no secret to anyone. He’s very protective of you so he always likes to have you as close to him as possible so he knows your safe. But he’s all hugs and kisses. And he gives the best cuddles. They’re so tender and sweet because he doesn’t take you for granted. He’s always scared of loosing you so every hug and kiss is given with the thinking that it will be the last one he will give, but that won’t ever be true because he won’t ever let anything had happened to you to take you from him.
And he’ll always hold your hand in public, or he’ll be touching you in anyway he can just so you know he’s still there. Also as comfort for him. And because he has a tendency to get lost...
B = Beginning (How would the relationship start?)
Frankie has always been too scared to make the first move. He’s never been the one to ask a girl out. Either they had to do it or his friends would get fed up and do it for him. He really wanted to get out of that habit with you.
He first met you in a library. He had only recently got out of the army and wanted to revert back to his roots of reading. It was cliché, but he’ll never forget the way your hand felt on his that day when you both reached for the same book. From there you two became friends and eventually he somehow managed to muster up the courage to ask you out... More like he blurted it out to you out of fear as you were leaving.
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
As I said, Frankie LOVES to cuddle. And he’s the best at it. He can tell how you’re feeling and knows exactly what cuddle to give you to make you feel better. And he loves to snuggle at night. You both always wake up in a tangle of limbs, which his arms wrapped tightly around you.
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
Frankie has trouble with that sort of commitment, mainly because he doesn’t think he worthy of having someone’s love for the rest of his life. But he doesn’t mind the idea of getting married and properly settling down.
He’s not a terrible cook. As in, you haven’t had food poising yet. But that’s mean. He didn’t all that bad actually, his range of dishes is VERY limited, but he can cook pasta really well.
When it comes to cleaning...well. He’s not someone who has to have the house immaculate, but he does like to have things tidy. But saying that, he does have a habit of leaving things in random places and then complaining when he can’t find them.
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
The same with starting a relationship, unless it was super bad, Frankie wouldn’t make the first move to ending it. He would either wait for a natural resolve or wait for them to end it.
And with you, he wouldn’t have the heart to break up with you, he loves you more than anything and doesn’t want to be without you. So regardless of what happened in your relationship, he would always seek to fix things because he never wants to loose you.
F = Fiancé(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
As I said, he has trouble with the idea of commitment in the sense of marriage because he (stupidly) believes that he’s not worthy of having someone’s love forever, so it would be a gradual thing. He’d probably want to get married at some point. But that some point could take a while.
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
Serving in the army, Frankie felt all his emotions other than devotion to duty had been driven out of him. They had to be almost completely stone cold in order to complete their missions. But when he left and was put back into the real world, all his emotions came flooding back. So I would say he’s quiet sensitive to be honest. But that’s no fault of his and there’s nothing wrong with that. (I like sensitive guys). He’s not afraid to cry in front of you, but he tries not to because he wants to stay strong for you. But even the strongest have to crack.
Physically, he is super gentle. He’s always worried that he’ll hurt you, but he knows your a strong person. You’re not as dainty or delicate as others make you out to be and he likes that. But even so, he treats you like the most delicate china in the world, he’d probably wrap you in fifty layers of bubble wrap to ensure you are okay. So yes, he is very gentle.
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
As often as humanly possible. He’d spend all day cuddling you if he could. And some days that does happen. Those are the best days.
He loves when you hug him. Your hugs are different. Because you don’t hug him as often as he hugs you, they’re more special. They hold a sense of security and love that could make him break down into tears. He feels safe with you.
I = I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?)
Despite his worry about commitment, and lengthy process to ask someone out, he falls in love pretty quickly. He doesn’t know why, nor does he really like it, but it happens, sometimes it’s unfortunate and embarrassing. When he told one of his ex’s he loved her (whether he really meant it or not is another question) she laughed in his face and ran off with some other guy.
But when it came to you, he knew he was right in his feelings. He tried to hold off on saying it because he really did like you and he didn’t want to ruin things so early, but about a month into your relationship (you had been friends for six months until you officially started dating) he said it. It was by accident, it just sort of...slipped out whilst you were laughing. But you didn’t run, or laugh. You smiled and said the same thing to him.
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?)
Frankie is very much the jealous type, but he can hide it very well. You won’t even know until your back at home and he stops talking to you for hours until you finally get through to him.
But he’s not the angry jealous type, most of the time. Of course with any person, he can be angry depending in the cause of his jealousy. But most of the time he’s...more sad. Sad because he’s an idiot he thinks you deserve better and seeing others flirt so seeing others flirt with you only hammers that idea further into his head.
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
Frankie doesn’t kiss as much as he hugs. But his kisses vary depending on his mood and the setting and situation you find yourselves in. But his kisses are the best.
He loves to kiss your lips (obviously), it’s more romantic but also quite traditional. He does like to kiss your cheeks too, the more gentlemanly approach. But his favourite place to kiss you is the nape of your neck or shoulders. He loves to hug you from behind and because it’s a more intimate place to kiss (because it involves getting very close to you) it feels more special because you are allowing him there.
He likes you be kissed anywhere. But he loves when you kiss his neck (although this is more of a sexual thing) or his forehead. But the lips will do nicely.
L = Little ones (How are they around children?)
Frankie would be a great father. Anyone with eyes could see that. He has such a sweet and caring nature about him. He would love to have his own child one day but he doesn’t feel quite ready yet.
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
Frankie is all cuddles in the morning. You spend far too much time wrapped up in his arms. On more than one occasion you’ve been late for work because you don’t want to leave him. But you’re not to blame, his arms and hugs are too addicting.
N = Night (How are nights spent with them?)
Nights are as equally cuddly as the mornings. Most of the time you’ll be sat on the sofa, either you laying on his chest or him laying on yours wrapped in each other’s arms while watching mindless tv or a film.
O = Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
Frankie tends to hide things at first because he’s ashamed of what he’s done in his past and he doesn’t really want you know about certain things but when he’s having a slight breakdown everything seems to tumble out of him when he cries. And he apologises for everything.
P = Patience (How easily angered are they?)
Frankie is surprising calm. He’s not easily angered and can keep his cool quite a lot. Which is surprising considering he was in the army.
But he can become quite angry as times. And when he gets angry, he GETS angry.
Q = Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
He likes to think he does, but he doesn’t really. His brain works strangely you find. Obviously he remembers really big things like your anniversary and your birthday, but anything other than that, not so much.
He can tell you what you said six weeks before on that one Tuesdays in that one coffee shop that has no relevance to anything but he won’t remember what you asked him to buy from the store ten minutes earlier. He has a strange mind. But when it has been pushed about as much as his has, you don’t hold it against him. He knows what you like and he knows what you don’t, that’s all you really care about.
R = Remember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?)
He has so many. Every moment with you is his favourite. Certainly your first proper date is up there.
He loves the little things too. Like days where it will be just the two of you together, watching a movie or whatever. He doesn’t really have any specific favourites.
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
He is very protective of you. You are everything to him and his biggest fear is loosing you in any way. So any hint of danger and he’s straight to your side to insure your safety, and being in the army for 17 years of his life, his natural instinct is to turn to violence, but that’s very rare. He hasn’t really had to do that. He’s come close, very very close, but he hasn’t hurt anyone over you yet.
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
You bet that whether it be your anniversary, birthday, valentines, Christmas, Easter, or simply because he feels like it, he’ll go all out to try and impress you. He puts his all in to every single day you have. Even if it’s just sitting at home watching a movie, he’ll ensure that everything is perfect. That your favourite pyjamas and slippers are ready and clean, your favourite snacks and drink are in good supply, the sofa is at its comfiest and the blankets at their warmest. He probably puts too much effort into dates but you appreciate every single one.
U = Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?) POSSIBLE TW IN THIS ONE
He gets anxious a lot and quiet easily. He doesn’t do well in big crowds which is strange considering his past career where he would have to work in crowds or large groups every day. But you think it’s more the fact he doesn’t like crowds where he doesn’t know anyone. He had a habit of rubbing his hands together. Once he rubbed them so much he started to bleed from rubbing too much skin away. He also tends to scratch the back of his hands a lot, he does it without thinking so you usually have to step in before he hurts himself.
On a less dark note, another type of bad habit he has is leaving things in ridiculous and obscure places and then complaining when he can’t find them. Like he’ll put his keys somewhere and you will have to turn the house upside down to find them and chances are, they’ll be in the cutlery drawer or something weird like that.
V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks? Do your looks bother them?)
Life in the army forced him to look a certain way. But since leaving, he’s let himself go a little. He obviously wants to look his best for you, but the scruffy look looks so good on him that any time he goes to shave or get a hair cut you always tell him you love how he looks and make an effort of showing exactly why you love it, especially the scruff on his face.
He isn’t too bothered about looks in his partner. He has a type, but doesn’t really stick to it. He cares more about personality and how they are otherwise. But he does tend to be drawn to people who don’t wear make up. He much prefers the natural look. (‘Cause yall are beautiful regardless)
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
Most definitely yes. He’s never loved anyone quite like he loves you and you’ve helped him through so much that he would be lost and empty with out you. He needs you in his life to help him, otherwise he feels he has nothing.
X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them.)
Date wise, his most favourite thing to do is take you on a nice long drive with not particular destination. He just loves spending time with you and you alone.
And as the DJ of the journey, he loves to listen to you belt out your favourite songs on the way, he’ll join in if he knows them.
Y = Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?)
He wouldn’t want someone who’s completely obsessed with how they look, nor would he want someone who loves their self too much. He just wants a nice, easy going and caring partner, and you are certainly that.
Z = Zzz (What is a sleep habit of theirs? Does it change around a partner?)
Frankie doesn’t really tend to get much sleep anyway. His mind keeps him awake for most of the night because he’s too scared of what nightmares he is to face if he closes his eyes.
But if he’s with you and you are hugging him, he’ll feel safe enough to fall asleep knowing you’re safe. But still, he often wakes up from a nightmare but you are there to calm him down and help him drift off back to sleep.
Taglist: @linkpk88 @phoenixhalliwell @lunaserenade
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yandere-daydreams · 4 years
My simple request is one (1) very scared darling trying to handle Uraraka and Kirishima's constant bickering. Plzzzz :3
While I don’t see Kirishima and Uraraka having a very romantic relationship, I do love seeing two friends try to split their Darling’s time without tearing the poor thing down the middle. It’s a nice change of pace.
Title: Irreconcilabilty.
TW: Implied Past Trauma and Mentions of Kidnapping.
You’d never been very good with arguements.
Going quiet was a knee-jerk reaction, crumpling into yourself and submitting to whatever the more aggressive party desired, even if you knew a friendly debate that didn’t need tears and apologies to be resolved. It made your companionship with Uraraka tense, the girl as passionate as she was loud, but she was kind, and you used to tell yourself that whenever her volume spiked. Kirishima, too, even if he made more of an effort to be gentle. They were your friends. You weren’t about to keep them at arm’s length just because they happened to be on the noisier side.
You wondered if it was a warning sign, sometimes. A fight or flight reflex you shouldn’t have tried to hard to ignore. You regretted it, now, but you regretted a lot of things.
All you could do now was try to remember how you handled all that yelling a few months ago.
Uraraka was the first to lose her temper, her frustration showing its face in two balled fists at her sides and a strained, fragile smile, threatening to snap if she tried to pull it any tighter than it already was. She was standing at the foot of your bed… her bed, really, or his. You could never remember who really owned the tiny, secluded cabin you were kept captive in. “I know you’re… nice,” She said, her words drawling out with more than a hint of irritation. “But (Y/n) did something wrong. If we let it slide, they’ll just try again, and again and again and again until it works.”
“I know, I know, I’m just…” He paused, taking a deep breath, running a hand through his hair, further dispelling what was left of the gel usually serving as its main source of support. Most of the stiffening substance had been washed out, both by the rain he’d trekked through to retrieve you and the cold shower you’d been thrown into after your fit of disobedience left you covered in mud and blood and all the terrible things that accompanied an escape attempt. It hadn’t been easy, but your plan seemed too simplistic, now, too simple-minded. You’d gotten out of your restraints and through Uraraka’s security measures, but what did you think you were going to do after that? Run to the nearest city? Get lost and starve, shivering and alone in the middle of a forest? Kirishima already drilled that lesson into you, as he dragged you back home, steadfast in his disappointment until Uraraka arrived. He seemed to be grappling with the guilt of his outburst, now. “I’m thinking, alright? I’m as worried as you are, but they’re not a prisoner. We can’t--”
“We can’t what?” Uraraka interrupted, already fed-up with his deliberation. She took a step towards you, then another, soon standing at your side, daring you to move from your spot on the mattress’ center. You only curled into yourself, bringing your knees up to your chest, trying to melt into the headboard as she continued. “I can’t take care of a disobedient, ungrateful brat? Or, do you just have a problem with the way I want to do it?” She crossed her arms, narrowing her eyes as she scowled. “Do you have a problem with me?”
“No, it’s… It’s not that.” He tried to defend himself, but his tone betrayed him, as did the slight downturn of his lips as he finished. Protectively, he matched Uraraka’s stride, but neither of them were focused on you, anymore. You had a feeling your punishment would have to wait until the end of their spat. “I’m not going to beat my partner. I’m not going to let you do it, either, not unless you want to go through me.”
Uraraka crossed her arms, narrowing her eyes in his direction. “It’s a lesson. We talked about this, and you agreed that it’d be necessary.”
“I said it might be necessary,” He hissed, the declarations spat through grit teeth. “You’re acting like violence is the only way to learn. We could start using the handcuffs, again, or move (Y/n) down to the basement for a few days. No one has to get hurt.”
That, more than anything, set Uraraka off, a snarl forming on her lips as he lashed out, grabbing your forearm and dragging you closer, pulling you against her chest. A whine hitched in your throat, low and just barely audible, but if Uraraka noticed, she didn’t seem concerned. She never was, when she had a point to defend. “You don’t get to tell me how I should treat anyone. I saw how desperate you were, a few months ago. A few hours of pain and a sprained ankle are nothing compared to how much you fucked with their head--”
“Please stop.”
Instantly, Uraraka went quiet, and Kirishima followed in suit, two pairs of eyes soon prying into your body and burning at your skin, making it impossible to do anything but squirm and fruitlessly wipe at the tears starting to gather in the corners of your eyes. The request was quiet, but it got their attention, and soon, their hands were on you, Uraraka’s arms wrapped around your waist and her face buried in the crook of your neck, Kirishima’s hands coming to rest on your thighs, his thumbs drawing soothing circles in your skin as he kneeled in front of you, both captors making an attempt to smother your soft cries in comfort and affection. Slowly, sobs began to rack over your chest, your fear - both learned and instinctual - beginning to take its toll. Still, you bit the inside of your cheek, determined to voice your discontent at least once because their tempers really boiled over. “I shouldn’t have tried to run away, I’m sorry, just please stop fighting. I don’t want to… I can’t listen to it, anymore.”
There was a beat of silence, and you felt Uraraka glance up, meeting Kirishima’s eyes for a moment. He was the first to speak, though, his tone tender, as considerate as always. A stark difference from the way he addressed his companion. “Of course, baby. I can’t believe we forgot. It’ll never happen again, I promise.”
“We weren’t thinking,” Uraraka added, kissing your neck apologetically. “Never again. You know we’d never upset you on purpose, right? Neither of us like seeing you cry.”
You whimpered as Kirishima leaned forward, but all he did was press his lips against your forehead, the gesture lingering until you were heaving in labored breaths, doing your best to retain what was left of your composure. “I’m really sorry…” You mumbled, trailing off quickly. “Does that mean there won’t be a punishment?”
Kirishima laughed, the sound muffled by his closeness, and so did Uraraka, chuckling just loudly enough for you to hear. You could feel your heart sink, a tight, jagged knot forming in your throat, but Uraraka only squeezed you hips playfully, nuzzling against you as she spoke. “No, no, you still misbehaved, angel, you did something bad. Eijirou and I’ll come to a compromise, and we’ll do it like grown, civilized Heroes. Right, Ei’?”
Hope flared in your chest, but it died as soon as Kirishima shifted, moving back just enough for you to see his wide, resolute smile. As proud and as determined as a man set on training his spoiled, misbehaving pet.
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storiesofsvu · 2 years
Elana Barth SFW Alphabet
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A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
While she may be harsh or hard on people in court or in her professional life, she’s always soft with you. She adores the tender moments and will always show her affection to a point, even in front of others. A small kiss on the cheek, a squeeze of the hand, an arm around the waist at events.
B = Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)
She’s going to be supportive, someone to bounce laughs and jokes off of despite her professional appearance, she’s a good friend, if you ever need some legal advice she’s the first person to go to. She’s supportive and makes sure that you make the right decisions in your life, guiding you in the right direction to make sure you succeed and that you’re happy. She values her friends happiness just as much as her own and her partner’s.
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
She’s not the biggest cuddler. She’s kinda not used to it, I don’t think her ex was super physically affectionate so the first time you drop against her on the couch wrapping your arms around her middle and snuggling up into her body she stalls for a minute, unsure of what to do but her hand does naturally fall to your hair to start to play with it. But over time she does find that she likes it and enjoys curling up on the couch with a nice glass of wine and a classic movie at the end of a long day.
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
She doesn’t want to get married again, it’s an absolute no and she won’t be talked into it no matter how hard anyone tries. She’s a judge/lawyer, she’s seen too many divorces, and her own wasn’t an easy one. She knows that she loves you, and that you love her, but she’s completely okay with just having a life partner. She will buy you a ring if you want it though. She’s good at cooking, and does her best to keep up with the cleaning (canon wise she has I think two boys, who are college aged) so she’s kinda been through hell with learning how to clean stuff over the years. While they are probably out of the house now so that helps. She’s not a gourmet chef or anything, but she’s a home cooked kind of gal and knows how to make some fancy stuff for at home date nights.
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
She’ll always do it in person. She doesn’t want to make anyone feel like they’re inadequate of that. She’ll be gentle, but also to the point and firm, if she thinks/says it’s over, it’s over. She’s either not in love with you, or doesn’t think that you’re on the same path or ever will be, and she’ll explain that to whatever extent you need. She’ll hope you can remain friends, but understands if there’s a little buffer period where you simply need some time before that can happen.
F = Fiancé( e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?) oop. Covered this one already. She will commit to you and will gladly say that you’re the love of her life maybe even refer to you as her wife but she doesn’t want to go through all of that again, it’s a once and done.
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
Physically she’s almost always gentle. A tender touch of her hand on the small of your back, a soft kiss pressed to your cheek or hairline to remind you how much she loves you, her fingertips trailing across your skin after a lovemaking session. Emotionally she does her best but can be a little clipped, short tempered when it comes to certain things.
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?) She’s more of a hand resting on someone’s forearm while she kisses their cheek type. She’s not a big hugger until it comes to her kids and lbr, they’re at the age where hugging their mom is the ultimate of uncool. She will hug you in private though, lingering ones where she lets the two of you sink into each other’s embrace after a long day, the way to say the words without having to speak them.
I = I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?)
She’s a little hesitant because of her failed marriage and issues with that kinda thing, but she can feel it long before she says it. She does her best to show it with actions instead of words too, making sure that you’re incredibly well taken care of, always have a nice hearty, healthy meal to eat, are supported mentally, physically and the like. She will shower you with affection to make sure you know you’re cared for no matter what.
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?) She’s not crazy jealous. She does get some insecurities when it comes to your relationship based on people flirting with you while the two of you are out, but you’re always quick to turn them down and move back to her side, pressing a gentle kiss to her cheek. Most of the time it’s just cause for a little eye roll and she ignores it, knowing you can handle it and will always come home with her.
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
Her kisses are sweet and soft, a hand cupping your cheek, thumb stroking across your skin while her lips move against yours. She loves to kiss you anywhere she can, but is partial to the tip of your nose and your temple, little ‘I love you’s’ without having to say it. You have a habit of kissing the inside of her wrist that she absolutely adores and it makes her melt.
L = Little ones (How are they around children?) She’s great with kids! She really likes them and will gladly pick up babysitting shifts for friends and coworkers because she loves the younger ones but doesn’t want to have any more of her own. With her own kids/teenagers/older ones she can be firm, but fair. She reminds them to be smart and safe on the daily basis and they know that she’s not about to pull strings to make things “go away” if they get in trouble. I think that, especially post divorce as long as both her boys are in college in nyc, she insists that they come over for Sunday dinner weekly. And they’re not gonna complain about free food or help with laundry and assignments.
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
Her mornings are lazy, especially once she’s moved to defence, and especially if she’s not needed in court first thing in the morning. She likes to wake up before the alarm, limbs tangled with yours as the sun starts to move through your room, soft kisses and little laughs as you both start to wake up and murmur sweet nothings to each other. She’ll likely get up to grab coffee, fixing yours exactly how you like it, bringing it back to bed as the two of you work through the crossword, sudoku, read the paper and get caught up on things before starting your day. On weekends she’ll likely throw together an easy breakfast that she brings back to bed and the two of you eat together in pure comfort before finally getting out of bed.
N = Night (How are nights spent with them?)
Evenings are usually spent talking over your days, catching up on your weeks if you don’t live together yet. Elana will pour you out a nice glass of wine so you can perch up on the kitchen island while she flits around the space starting to make dinner. It depends on the week, how tired she is, dinner ranges from simple things like a spaghetti Bolognese or cheese ravioli, up to an herb crusted rack of lamb with double baked potatoes or the fancy nights when she goes all out and makes you a dinner of beef wellington and crème brulee for dessert.
O = Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
I think she’s pretty open about most things. She’ll tell you right away that she has kids, even if they’re old enough to be out of the house already because she knows it can be a deal breaker, and she’s always pretty open about her divorce and how things went down, even if they weren’t great. Though she might hold back some of the details if they’re a little gruesome. You likely won’t find out about her getting shot until you’re in bed after a night of lovemaking and you’re curled into her sides, your hands tracing patterns across her body and you ask about the scar. She assures you that she’s fine and has dealt with all of that, it’s nothing to worry about.
P = Patience (How easily angered are they?)
After raising two boys and years on the bench, she knows how to control her anger and can be incredibly patient. You know she’s at her limit when her face hardens and she simply raises a brow in your direction and you immediately shut up. She likes to talk things through and is thankful that you know how to read her so there are rarely ever any yelling matches and you’re able to communicate like adults.
Q = Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
I think she’s got a very good memory. I think that has to be a trait of a lot of judges, they’ve got to remember details for each case and the like to make the appropriate ruling when the jury isn’t there. So she’s sharp, quick, and will always add reminders to her calendar for the super important days like fancy date nights, anniversary’s, birthdays and such. She’s also very likely to remember the little details, she knows exactly what your favourite comfort food is when you’re sick, vs what your comfort food is when you’re on your period (cause they’re different, from the meal down to the type of ice cream). She knows your favourite shows, and your favourite movies. She also knows which ones you watch when you’re having a bad day, or are struggling through something so she’ll always notice that when she comes home to you watching one and gently nudge her way in until you’re talking to her.
R = Remember (What is their favourite moment in your relationship?)
She’s partial to something like the first time she came home after a terrible and long day to find you in the kitchen, all cozy and cute, maybe even having stolen one of her sweaters while you move through the space with ease cooking the two of you dinner. You had no clue she’d had a bad day, you just felt like doing something nice and she absolutely melted at the gesture.
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
She’s protective and always a little worried, especially thanks to her job and all the risks that come with it, but she’s not overbearing. She’s not going to get extreme until there is a threat against her and whatever level of protection she gets she makes sure you and her kids get the same.
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
Weekly date nights are out on the town, usually a nice dinner followed by drinks or a movie. They’re at little bistros, nice little family owned places and sometimes up at fancier places for the more important nights. Her gifts are always well thought out and very sentimental and you adore every single one of them. In every day life Elana brings you coffee every single day, whether you wake up together or she makes a pit stop at your apartment or work place, she adores you and that’s one of the easiest ways for her to show how much.
U = Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?)
The usual overworking. That when she’s tired she can get a bit snippy, nothing too over the top ever but when she does you simply raise a brow, pulling the case file from her and telling her to get ready for bed, that it’s time to relax.
V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?)
She’s not anything crazy, but will always make sure she looks presentable before she leaves the house, especially if going out or going to work. She’s not one to be caught with a messy top knot kinda thing.
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?) I don’t think she would. She spent a good chunk of her life with her ex and was always her own woman/human being/had a substantial reputation without even needing to look at her ex. So she’s very much her own person no matter what, but she does always remind you just how much she cares about you and just how much you help make her a better person.
X = Xtra (A random head canon for them.) Thanks to her sons, she’s super invested in sports and will never even really understand why, but she doesn’t miss a game, and if the kids are in town, it’s their nice way of bonding.
Y = Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?) She needs a partner that has some kind of drive, some kind of motivation, a life outside of her/your relationship. She’s already had an entire life, and not that she ever says that it’s more important than you, because it certainly isn’t, but she needs for you to have your own life before her too kinda thing, if that makes sense?
Z = Zzz (What is a sleep habits of theirs?) She’s got a little bit of trouble sleeping. A frequent flyer in he department of melatonin, or staying up far too late marathoning television because she just isn’t tired or maybe even has anxiety about going to bed and lying there not being able to turn her mind off. She much prefers the nights that you’re with her, where she can hold you to her, feeling your heartbeat, your steady breath as you sleep, it relaxes her and grounds her, lulling her into a relaxing sleep.
______________ @anya-casablanca @mickey-gomez @swimmingstudentchaos891 @momlifebehard @borg-queer
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plaidbooks · 3 years
SFW Alphabet - Nick Amaro
Requested by no one, but whenever I’m stuck on a fic, I seem to turn to headcanons, so here we are. I hope y’all enjoy some Nick headcanons!
Taglist: @the-baby-bookworm​ @beccabarba​ @thatesqcrush​ @itsjustmyfantasyroom​ @stardust-fray​ @permanentlydizzy​ @infiniteoddball​ @ben-c-group-therapy​ @glowingmess​ @whimsicallymad​ @lv7867​ @storiesofsvu​ @cycat4077​ @barbasimp​
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(gif by @dwaynepride)
A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
Nick’s pretty affectionate—he likes to sit with you on the couch after a long day, arm wrapped around your shoulders. His love language is words of affirmation, so he’s constantly giving you compliments and telling you how much you mean to him. He also loves massaging you, whether your neck, shoulders, back, or simply your calves.
B = Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)
Nick’s always there for you if you need him. He’s mastered the art of listening to you vent and rage, or just sitting with you in silent comfort, whichever you need. You met Nick while at the park—he was with one (or both) of his kids, just a bonding day, playing. You were walking your neighbor’s dog at the time, and the kid(s) became enamored with it, asking to pet and play with it. The dog needed a good run, and what better way than with a child? So, you let it off the leash, and you and Nick idly chatted while watching them play. You quickly exchanged numbers, so that the kid(s) and dog could play again some time (and so Nick could have an excuse to talk to you)
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
Nick likes to cuddle on the couch, but more so in bed. The only problem with cuddling on the couch is that one or both of you have to get up too often. In bed, however, he can hold you close to him for hours, his nose nuzzled against your neck.
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
Nick’s always been in a relationship—he doesn’t know how to not be. That being said, he hates cooking. He does it (and does it well), but it’s his least favorite thing to do. As for cleaning, he’s a bit of a neat-freak. He’s gotten Zara good at cleaning up her own mess (though her room is a different story), and he’s on top of messes in the house. He’s quick to clean anything that happens, and knows how to mix chemicals safely and effectively to clean any stain.
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
Nick would keep his cool, collected façade the whole time—in person, of course. But, as soon as he’s alone, he breaks down crying. He’d be civil about it, making sure to get your things back to you quickly and efficiently so that you don’t have to go to his place.
F = Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
After Maria, he’s a little wary about marriage. He doesn’t want to make any mistakes again, so he’ll take it slow. He’d make sure you were really the one before proposing, and even then, he’d wait to marry you. And unless you were really into a big wedding, he’d probably just take you to a small chapel, with his mom, Zara and Gil, and your family as witnesses. But he doesn’t necessarily believe you have to be married to be in love.
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
For the most part, Nick is gentle as can be. Because of his upbringing, he knows what it’s not to not have that. Though, sometimes work can get to be too much, and he’ll come home pissed, yelling and screaming. Once his anger passes, however, he’s apologizing profusely, holding you and caressing you gentler than ever. Even so, no matter how mad he gets, he’d never think to raise a hand to you.
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
Nick loves hugs, even if he won’t admit it. He’ll hug you on days you need it, rubbing your back and resting his head on yours. And on days he needs it? He won’t ask for a hug, but if you do hug him on rough days, he fucking melts against you. Sometimes, he forgets how much love and affection can be in such a soft touch, especially if he’s expecting something rougher, more violent.
I = I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?)
It takes him a little bit to say it, but he shows it quickly. It’s evident in everything he does. And after he finally mutters it to you, it’s as if he’s seeing a door that was painted the same color as the walls. Of course, he loves you! Why didn’t he say it earlier? No matter, now he has all the time in the world to make it up to you, saying it constantly.
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?)
Nick is the epitome of jealous. He trusts you, sure, but he doesn’t trust anyone else. If a man so much as looks at you for too long, Nick will wrap himself around you, pulling you in for a dominating kiss. And if it’s a friend/coworker looking at you? Well, then that just means Nick has to take you home and mark you as his, so that those prying eyes will see his mark on your neck.
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
Nick’s kisses as rough and dominating, yet somehow tender and full of passion. His lips are soft against yours, his hands cupping your face, neck, hips, ass, pulling you closer to him. But his tongue is in your mouth, massaging yours, leaving you completely breathless by the time he releases you. Besides on the lips, Nick loves kissing your hands/knuckles/arms. He watched Tom ‘n’ Jerry as a kid, and saw that one episode(s) where Tom kisses the girl cat from hand up her arm to her face, and he loves doing that to you, especially because it makes you giggle.
Nick has a ticklish neck and loves when you kiss/nibble his neck/throat. It makes him laugh and he feels so warm and loved. And if you mark him? He plays it off as if he’s embarrassed, but he secretly loves it.
L = Little ones (How are they around children?)
Nick’s the best dad! He has infinite patience with both his kids, never getting mad with them. Yes, he can be strict with them, but that’s only to make sure they’re taught right. He’s also never too tired after work or on days off to play with them, or read a bedtime story (for Zara). His only downfall is that he can’t be around them more. Nick also embarrasses them both with the worst dad jokes.
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
On days that he works, Nick Is up early, making sure Zara is ready for school (if he has her). Then he’s shaved, dressed, and ready for work. He makes breakfast for both of you (and Zara, if she’s there), and then is on his way.
On his days off, and without Zara, Nick will stay in bed with you, waking you up with sleepy morning sex. If he can get away with staying in bed until noon, he will. Otherwise, he’ll get up and ready for whatever he needs to get done that day.
N = Night (How are nights spent with them?)
Sometimes, Nick needs to be held. When the cases are bad, or when he wakes up in the middle of the night from nightmares of his childhood, he’ll sob softly against you while you cuddle with him, telling him how much you love him.
Other nights, Nick will take you to bed and spend half the night rememorizing your body, the noises you make. He’s gentle, tender, whether you have sex or not. If not, he’ll just caress your skin with his big, warm hands, massaging you muscles slowly. And if you do have sex, then he’s slow, loving, his touch tender against you.
O = Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
Nick’s pretty guarded—he’s been hurt before and is afraid to be hurt again. He’ll tell you important things first, like that he has two kids, and that’s divorced, but you won’t learn about either mom for months. He’ll also tell you he’s a detective, but he won’t tell you what department, nor what kinds of cases he gets. He compartmentalizes his work life and his home life. It’s not until he gets super defensive around his kids that you can put two and two together.
P = Patience (How easily angered are they?)
Surprisingly, Nick’s not easily angered…at least in his home life. He’s quick to anger if his children or family are threatened, but otherwise, he’s pretty chill. That being said, things at work, and his conversations with Maria, can get under his skin easier than anything else. But once he blows off some steam, he’s pretty quick to apologize, making it up to you or anyone else that was a recipient of his verbal lashings.
Q = Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
Nick’s brain is a steel trap. He remembers most things, even little details you didn’t think were important. Sometimes, though, he gets his facts a little mixed up (“I thought you said you loved ranch?” “Yeah, only as a dipping sauce, not as a salad dressing”). But he obviously tries, and you’re shocked that his years as a father didn’t completely destroy his brain.
R = Remember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?)
Nick got called in on his day off, and his mother was busy. In desperation, he called you to watch Zara, which you happily accepted. You had a great day with her, and she loved hanging out with you. When Nick finally came to pick her up, she didn’t really want to leave. “Can I come stay with Auntie [y/n] again? I love her!” Zara said. Nick picked her up, holding her against his side, heart swelling. “Uh, I don’t know. Would you like—” “I’d love to watch Zara again. Anytime,” you replied, and Nick fell completely in love with you at that moment.
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
Nick tries to make every date special, he really does. But if he had a dollar for every time he got called away halfway through a date, then Zara would be able to afford college no problem. If you’ve been dating for a long time, then he’ll slowly start giving up—though, he’d be sure to do at least something special that night. Gifts are always special with Nick—he puts extra thought into every single one, and they’re all incredibly touching.
U = Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?)
Nick relies on takeout too much. Man hates cooking, and since he doesn’t have Zara 24/7 anymore, he doesn’t eat super healthy anymore. Which isn’t a problem for him—he goes to the gym and works out. It’s becoming a problem for you though. He also tends to turn to alcohol if he’s had a bad day.
V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?)
Nick is well shaven and keeps good hygiene. It’s not that he’s concerned with his looks, it’s just simply taking care of himself. Sometimes, he’ll let the scruff grow out into a neatly trimmed beard, mostly because he knows you love it. But this man was slumming in Narcotics for a bit—he doesn’t care what he looks like, as long as he’s dressed for the correct occasion.
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
Once you’ve joined his family, you’re a part of the Amaro clan. It’s not so much that he would feel incomplete (though he would), but he wouldn’t know how to tell Zara. Poor girl has already had so much heart break in her short life; she doesn’t need to deal with that again.
X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them.)
Nick loves watching cartoons with Zara. He’ll sigh and roll his eyes when she picks out a movie or show to watch, but he sings along with the opening credits, and has matching shirts with the characters on them with Zara (you are to never tell anyone that). You once came home while Nick was off and Zara with her mom, and he scrambled to change the channel from Spongebob to sports, but you had already caught him red-handed.
Y = Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?)
Nick will never be with someone who’s abusive, whether verbally, emotionally, or physically. While he understands venting and releasing pent up anger, he’s dealt with that for too many years of his life to deal with it from a partner. And if you so much as looked at Zara or Gil wrong, you’re done.
Z = Zzz (What is a sleep habit of theirs?)
Whether it’s paternal instincts or because he’s been in a relationship so long, you don’t know, but if you and Nick are in bed together, he’s touching you. More often than not, he’s wrapping his limbs around you, holding you close. It’s only rarely that his back will be pushed against you. No matter how hot it is in the room, Nick is on you.
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livesincerely · 3 years
it’s beginning to look a lot like... ch.3
Also on Ao3. Chapter two here.
The Sixth Christmas
Jack nudges the door shut with his shoulder, stopping to stomp his boots against the mat in the entryway before making his way into the kitchen. 
His boys have been plenty busy in the half hour he’s been gone: Davey, Tony, and Charlie are gathered around the kitchen table in what has clearly become the designated Latke Zone. Charlie is sitting on top of the table, grating the last of the peeled potatoes, his brow furrowed in careful concentration, and Davey’s talking Tony through dicing an onion, instructing, “—and you keep your knuckles curled under like this, see, so you don’t cut your fingers.” 
The scene is underscored by the soft hum of Christmas carols playing on the radio and the flurry of snow visible through the window. Jack lingers in the doorway for a moment, a smile spreading across his face of its own accord as he takes it all in, fingers itching for a pen and paper. 
He shakes the daydream away.
“Delivery,” Jack announces, setting the grocery bags on the counter top. 
“Hey, Jack,” Davey greets, then has to catch Tony’s wrist in his hand when he starts to wave while holding his knife. “Careful, Tones.”
“Sorry,” Tony says sheepishly. “Hi, Jack.”
“How’s it goin’?”
“Pretty good so far,” Davey says letting Tony get back to his task. “I think we’ve almost got everything ready. Did you have any trouble finding the schmaltz?”
“I think I got whatcha wanted,” Jack says, rubbing his hand along the back of his neck. Davey had given him the name and address of the kosher butcher he’d needed to go to and told him exactly what to ask for, and yet he’s still worried he’s messed it up somehow. “But I can run back out if it ain’t right.”
Davey peeks into the grocery bags, unearths the container, and gives an approving nod. 
“Perfect,” he says. “Thanks Jackie.”
It’s a little embarrassing how quickly those simple words make the flutter in Jack’s chest steady and settle.
“Yeah, no problem,” he answers.
“Davey, is this enough potato?” Charlie pipes up, shaking a cramp out of his hand, gesturing at the mound of potato piled in front of him.
Davey moves over, staring down at the mass with a critical eye. 
“Yeah, that should be plenty,” he says, scooping the potatoes up and dumping them out onto a dishtowel. 
“I think this is done too,” Tony says, carefully scraping the bits of onion that have stuck to his knife off onto the cutting board. 
“Looks good,” Davey says. He sweeps a few stray potato pieces off of Charlie’s shirt and into the trash can that’s been positioned next to the table, leans down to press a quick kiss to the top of his head, then goes back over to Tony and gives him the same treatment. “Great work, boys.”
“Do you need anythin’ else?” Tony asks, glowing faintly at the praise.
“I think I’ve got it from here,” Davey says, ruffling his hair. “But thank you for helping me.”
“You’re welcome,” Charlie chirps with a wide smile, hopping down from the table.
“Welcome,” Tony echoes. “Can we watch TV now?”
“Wash your hands,” Davey reminds them, spreading the onions out onto the same dishcloth with the potatoes, folding the mixture up in the towel and patting the moisture out. “But go ahead.”
As the boys skip away, Jack steps into the bit of clear space at Davey’s side. 
“Anythin’ else need doin’?” he asks.
“Can you grab the eggs for me?” Davey replies. “And the flour and the baking powder?”
“Got it.”
Davey gets the batter mixed together, seasoning it all with a good helping of salt and pepper, then carries the bowl into the kitchen, the container of schmaltz tucked under his arm. He sets a cast iron skillet on the stove and turns on the eye, scoops out a hardy spoonful of fat and lets it melt, then pours some oil over top.
“It’s good of you to do all’a this,” Jack says, as Davey drops the latke batter into the pan with a sizzling hiss. 
“It would’ve been good of me to remember to ask Mama if I could borrow some of her schmaltz before we left last night,” Davey says with a scoff, prodding at the batter with his spatula, flattening the drops out into little disks. “Then I wouldn’t’ve had to send you out to the store in this godforsaken weather.”
“Nah, I don’t mind,” Jack says, shaking his head. “I mean, you’re the one that’s doing the hard part. And when you didn’t have’ta.”
“It’s not a big deal,” Davey says, adjusting the temperature of the eye. “I just hope they turn out alright. Mama has this way of getting them perfectly crispy on the outside while keeping the insides soft⁠—I haven’t quite mastered it. But hopefully the boys won’t mind.”
“They’ll like them because you’re the one making ‘em,” Jack says, trying a different tactic. “Because you’re making ‘em special, just for them.”
“Well, they asked me to,” Davey says simply, still not getting it. “It’s not like I mind.”
“But you’re still goin’ outta your way,” Jack counters. “I mean, they gorged themselves on the things last night, practically ate your folks outta house and home, then woke up this mornin’ beggin’ for more, and even though we didn’t have the ingredients for ‘em, plus the fact that Hanukkah ended yesterday and half the city’s closed for Christmas, you still made it happen. I’m jus’ sayin’, it’s a nice thing to do.”
“Jackie, it’s just latkes,” Davey says, raising an eyebrow. “You don’t need to thank me, or whatever it is you’re trying to do⁠—”
“But I do need to thank you,” Jack insists, frustrated with his inability to get his point across. “I do ‘cause it’s… because I…”
He doesn’t know how to explain, doesn’t have the words to encapsulate how nice this all is, how different, yet familiar, and impossibly better this holiday season has been than all the others: how great it was to have someone to help him with holiday shopping, how much he loved getting to hang strings of blue and white lights across their balcony and put their first Christmas tree up in the living room, how every time he sees Davey’s menorah sitting on the coffee table with his and the boys’ stockings hanging on the wall behind the couch, he can’t help but smile, how strange and exciting it was to get roped into⁠ the Jacobs’ Hanukkah traditions—not asked, not invited, but folded right in, like it was never a question at all⁠ that he and the boys would be a part of it all—how he’d nearly cried last night, watching Les walk Tony and Charlie through their first game of dreidel, because he’s just been so desperately happy that he feels like he might burst with it.
And right at the center of it all is Davey: the best friend and co-parent and partner that Jack could’ve ever wanted or asked for. He’s so thankful, every single goddamn day of his life, to have Davey at his side. 
Jack wants to tell him, wants him to know how deeply appreciated he is, but he can’t figure out how to phrase it. There just aren’t words to encompass the depth of this feeling. 
How could there be?
But Davey looks at him and seems to read the heart of the matter right off of Jack’s face. His expression softens, his eyes warm with tender affection, and he curls his free hand around Jack’s forearm and gives it a gentle squeeze.
“It’s okay, Jack,” he says with a soft smile. “Really. Don’t worry about it.”
“Okay,” Jack says hesitantly. “If you’re sure.”
“I’m sure,” Davey promises. “You and Tony and Charlie? You’re family. You don’t need to thank me.”
Jack swallows heavily, throat thick with sudden emotion. “Alright,” he whispers.
Blinking through the sting in his eyes, he continues, “Uh... speakin’ of family, are we still goin’ back up to your folks’ place for New Year’s?”
Davey watches him a second longer, a hint of concern in his gaze, but he lets Jack change the subject without comment because he’s good like that. 
“That’s what Mama said when she called this morning,” Davey answers, sliding the first set of latkes out of the pan and onto a wire rack to drain. “Though, she mentioned that if the weather ends up being bad, then she’d understand if we decided to stay in.”
“Are we supposed to be getting a lot more snow?” Jack asks, confused.
“Like, two inches, maybe, the night before,” Davey says. “I tried to tell her that, even if it does snow, the roads and sidewalks would be clear by New Year’s Eve, but you know how she is.”
“Well, we’ll see how it goes,” Jack says, fingers creeping casually towards the fresh stake of latkes as Davey gets the next set frying. 
Davey slaps his hand away without a hint of mercy. “Don’t even try it, Kelly.”
“Aw, Dave,” Jack whines. “Where’s your holiday spirit?’
“Holiday spirit isn’t gonna keep you from burning the shit out of your mouth,” Davey says. “There should still be some gelt in the cabinet above the fridge if you want something to snack on while these finish.”
“Fuck, yeah,” Jack says. 
He finds the bag of chocolate coins and immediately unwraps three of them and crams them into his mouth. 
“Do we need to bring anything?” Jack asks. “That’s like, the thing to do, it’nit?”
“We could bring a small something,” Davey says, working his spatula under a latke and flipping it. “Mama will have the mains covered, but we could bring cookies or chips? Maybe a liter of soda? I’ll ask her when she calls next.”
“Or, we could make somethin’ too, couldn’t we?” Jack says.
“Do you want to make something?” Davey asks, stealing a piece of gelt from Jack’s pile, tearing away the foil, and placing it right on the center of his tongue with a teasing smirk. Jack’s stomach jolts and jitters. “We can if you want to.”
“I could make a pan of cheesecake brownies,” Jack suggests, opening up another piece and offering it to him, watching the way Davey’s lips close delicately around the chocolate coin. “The ones I made when we first moved in? Do you think they’d like ‘em?”
“Those were fucking fantastic,” Davey says. “If they don’t like them, I’m perfectly fine eating them all myself.” He pauses, head tilting to the side. “You should make extras, so we can keep some here.”
Jack laughs. “Okay, remind me to get extra butter when we go to the store next and I’ll handle it.”
“Sounds like a plan,” Davey agrees, turning to Jack with a smile⁠—a gorgeous little thing that lights up his whole face⁠—and as he does, Jack notices a dark smudge on the side of his mouth.
“Oh, wait, you’ve got a bit of chocolate...” Jack says, reaching up without thinking about it, and he doesn’t realize what he’s doing until after he’s already dragged his thumb across the corner of Davey’s mouth, stopping to rest right on the fullest part of his lower lip, his forefinger curled under Davey’s chin.  
Davey looks back at him, his expression slack with surprise and his cheeks a bit pink. He’s probably wondering what the hell Jack is doing. Jack’s wondering much the same. 
“There,” Jack rasps out, finally connecting the broken fuse in his brain that’s responsible for all his terrible, terrible decisions and dropping his hand from Davey’s face. “That’s better.” 
What Jack should do next his wipe his hands clean or give ‘em a quick rinse in the sink or, hell, take a cleaver and chop ‘em off at the wrist⁠—anything except for what he does next, which is his stick his thumb in his mouth and swirl his tongue around it, licking it clean. 
Davey’s eyes go a touch wider, his face flushing that much deeper. He clears his throat a few times, looking distinctly flustered⁠; Jack can’t even imagine what he’s thinking⁠—he’s probably embarrassed on Jack’s behalf.
“Thanks,” Davey eventually gets out.
“No problem,” Jack breathes back.
“Uh…” says Tony. 
Jack stumbles back a step, his and Davey’s heads whipping around to look: Tony’s standing just behind them, eyes darting back and forth between him and Davey. He holds up the glass in his hand, which is almost empty. 
“I need some more juice?” Tony says, but his voice lilts up at the end in question.
“Sure,” Jack says, running a hand through his hair. The back of his neck feels hot, his heart pounding against his ribcage. “Yeah, sure, bud.”
“So, can I get into the fridge?” Tony asks.
“Go ahead,” Jack says.
Tony looks at him like he’s a complete moron. “Jack, you’re blocking the fridge.”
“Right,” Jack says, moving to the side. He accidentally bumps into Davey and his hands dart out instinctively to steady him, but he rethinks the impulse mid-motion, diverting at the last second and stuffing his hands in his pockets instead. “Sorry! Sorry, I’ll just⁠—” He backs up the other way and knocks into Tony. “Sorry! I can⁠— I’ll go⁠— I’ll just stand over here.”
“Idiota,” Tony mutters under his breath as he passes.
“Cállate, Tonio,” Jack hisses back. 
“The latkes are done,” Davey announces, mercifully oblivious to the exchange. His face is still distinctly pink. “Someone get Charlie.”
“I’ll go,” Jack offers immediately, latching onto the excuse. He needs a second away from Davey and his stupidly pretty eyes. “Dish me up a plate?”
“Do you want applesauce?” Davey asks.
Jack pauses, frowning. “Do we got any sour cream?”
“You absolute heathen,” Davey says mildly, and he’s starting to sound a bit more like himself, his voice dropping back into its usual register instead of the panicked squeak from before. “Les got to you, didn’t he?”
“Sour cream, cielito,” Jack says, the pet name slipping out without him meaning it to. Tony hits him with a look that’s twice as judgmental as the previous one. “Pretty please?”
“Fine,” Davey grumbles lightly. “I guess if I have to.”
“You’re the light of my life, Dave,” Jack says.
Tony sighs, loudly. Jack’s ears burn. 
“Be right back,” he mutters, then he turns on his heel and flees before he can embarrass himself any further.
Jesus Christ.
Chapter four here.
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Always love this
Sccarlet SFW Alphabet
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A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
Sccarlet's affection is pretty subtle! A lot of the time, she enjoys touching you, particularly with hand holding. Baby likes to be around you.
She always unexpectedly has the things you need. Need armor? Pulls out full Netherite that totally didn't take her hours to grind. Need a potion? Boom. While she doesn't think it's gift-giving, it's exactly what it is.
B = Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)
Scarrlet is a very loyal best friend! Very shy, though. You probably approached first! Or you were in a bad mood and she came up to ask what's wrong.
As a result of being her friend, you hang around Techno and Philza a lot. If you're not a government despising anarchist, the Ghast finds you a breath of fresh air. If you are, expect her to join in your less chaotic antics.
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
Really likes cuddling a lot! To her, it's both comforting and relaxing. Can and will play with your hair, and will turn into a flustered mess when you mess with hers.
A lot of calming positions! She's also really fond of spooning.
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
The domestic life is something Sccarlet enjoys in other people, but doesn't do it herself. In terms of cleaning, she's pretty good. Not a fan of messes and she can be fast when she wants to.
In terms of food, she's pretty good at cooking Hoglins. Anything that isn't meat? Sorry, but she's not your gal. Potions, on the other hand-
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
Tries to do it as gently as possible. She keeps stammering on her words and looks down when she finally lets it out. She'll quietly ask if you want to be friends instead, and if you say no, she'll leave quickly. Truly, I don't think she'd ever fall out of love. It would probably be due to wanting to keep you safe from the war. When she leaves, she'll greatly miss you, but will try to convince herself that it was for the best.
F = Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
Commitment? Hell yeah. Sccarlet is a loyal hybrid who will go to the end of the world for those she gives a giant shit about, and you're one of those people.
Marriage, however? She's a bit iffy on that. She'll probably pop the question after a year or two, probably on a date or during an initiate moment. If you do like weddings, that's cool! Sccarlet will respect your wishes.
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
Do you even need to ask? Even to strangers, Sccarlet is gentle. That's her as a person. Psychically or emotionally, she's soft. Honestly, the girl is anything but a tease.
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
A sucker for reunion hugs! She's fond of the cliché 'running up to you and embracing one another' hug generally seen in media; she finds it really cute!
Also buries her face into your neck. When she does it, you'll be able to hear happy Ghast noises which is ironic since they're always crying
I = I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?)
Sccarlet unintentionally tends to use other words then love, most commonly 'I adore you'. Her first ILY would be really tender, in a calming serene moment, as she murmurs it out peacefully.
Love. This. Girl
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?)
Sccarlet doesn't get jealous that often! She trusts you enough to still love her in the end, and besides, she tries to get on good terms with a lot of people. She has enough faith in you, but there's always that one guy to piss her off.
When it happens, very clingy. She tends to pout at the dude, but otherwise stays silent. If the guy ever crosses boundaries, Sccarlet will release the natural Nether instincts and release Hell on the dude. Of course, she's spitting apologies right after.
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
Fond of quick little pecks on the cheek! She really enjoys scar kisses, and when you kiss hers, she'll be over the moon.
Rarely initiates make-out sessions. If you wanna do that, you're gonna have to take the lead.
L = Little ones (How are they around children?)
Honestly, not great. She's just not great with kids. Teenagers? Yeah. Actual children? Hell no. She gets stressed easily, and with how loud and disobedient kids can be, it's a living Hell.
While she'd want kids of her own alongside you, she'd wait until the SMP is more peaceful.
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
Early bird. Sccarlet just naturally gets up early. She'll probably get some tea, make some quick breakfast before doing a relaxing activity. Probably fishing or farming.
Whenever she needs to leave for supplies or for meetings, she'll leave a small little note on the bedside table. She's always quick to come back, though
N = Night (How are nights spent with them?)
Like every other time with Sccarlet, relaxing! More fishing and farming, most likely a book or two in her hand before heading off to bed. She falls asleep incredibly quickly, so if she gets comfy in the couch, gently wake her up before she falls asleep.
O = Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
Sometime after your first kiss, she'll tell you her real name. Her true identity of Sirese is only told to those she trusts, so good for me! While it's a 'I trust you, here's a secret' move, she gets really suspicious when you say it suspiciously. Be it if you're dying or pissed, she doesn't like it. She'd prefer her name coming out sweet, thank you very much.
To some extent, Sccarlet's open about her grief. Don't be surprised when she clings to you sobbing out WIlbur, L'manburg or another traumatizing incident.
She doesn't spill anything on you. She's more of a 'ask me whatever whenever and I'll tell you' kind of open.
P = Patience (How easily angered are they?)
Scarrlet is rarely angry! She's a very patient person. However, her Nether instincts and the voices in her head are more prone to anger, and when they form into a more darker and aggressive side of her rather then just some annoying voices, she finds herself getting way more irritable due to stress and just how loud they are.
Her anger is rather easy to fade, though. Just whisper some calming words and hold her, and soon enough, the anger will evaporate.
Q = Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing or do they kind of forget everything?)
Sccarlet's def the type to keep a small enchanted notebook of your likes! She writes down anything she thinks is useful and important to you, even on a minor scale. Sccarlet doesn't want to forget anything in case it ends up important and leads to disappointment from you.
R = Remember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?)
A calm moment. It doesn't matter what it is. But during those rare moments when war isn't lingering over her heads, where she can forget the bodies and the pain a Totem of Undying causes with you? Those are something she'll never forget. You're a presence that makes her calm. You could've just been fishing together without any significance to you, but to her? That serenity was beautiful and she wishes she could have more of it.
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
Very protective. She lost the person who was basically a brother to her, saw the country she worked so hard to keep destroyed numerous times, the constant betrayal and the grief forming into one loud voice instead of numerous tiny voices? You bet her ass she won't lose you.
When she gets involved in wars, she'll do whatever it takes to keep you out of them. If you ever do and get injured, you've never going on the battlefield again. She's lost so much, she is not losing you.
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
She lets you collect her Ghast tears for potions! With dates, she'll try her best to make them relaxing for the both of you, mostly libraries, picnics and the one cat café in the country.
Like said before, she'll write down any important anniversary or date in her notebook!
U = Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?)
Out of nowhere, Sccarlet just cries. She doesn't even know that there's still leftover tears until you're both cleaning and there's a giant clunk of tear shaped shiny things on the floor.
V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?)
Depends! While she doesn't really care about her looks, her facial scars are always an insecurity of hers, since they remind her of the Manburg VS Pogtopia war, which is how they were gained.
Clothes, however? Girl pays attention to what she's wearing and she wants to look good.
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
Umm,,,,, yessss,,,,,,?
You're the one person who makes Sccarlet feel completely safe. Without you, she'd have no idea on what to do. You're her safe haven, and she'd be damned to lose it.
If you get corrupted by the Egg, mark her words that she'll find a way to bring you back. Her hatred will grow to that overgrown red manipulator and becomes even more pro-omelette.
X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them.)
When she gets frightened (most notably a skeleton), she'll quickly jump into your arms. She has no idea she did until a few seconds later as she embarrassedly tries to get out of your grip.
Y = Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?)
If you eat chewing gum, go to a place where she can't hear it. Sccarlet despises the sound of chewing gum, and if you leave it around without the packaging, you'll have the rare sight of an angry Sccarlet.
Z = Zzz (What is are some sleep habits of theirs?)
Blanket stealing. And once again, instinctive crying. While she likes being close, you'll need to be a bit apart since you'll wake up with a tiny mountain of Ghast tears and your blanket gone if you share one.
While it may sound a bit weird, she prefers having two separate beds close to each other. She likes her own pillows and covers.
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thesimperiuscurse · 3 years
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🍁 Where does your OC go when they need to have some time to themselves? Would they ever have their own “comfort corner” filled with all the things they like? Do they have a favourite spot outside that feels like its theirs and theirs alone?
Eva rarely seeks time alone. Her profession means that much of her time is dedicated to working by herself, but she’s very much extroverted and prefers to be in the lively company of loved ones. If she’s in distress, her first reaction is to reach out for her family, especially her mother Cherry, which is where she finds the most comfort. There are many places she loves in the wilds of California, and the ocean is where she can always find peace, but even then she doesn’t feel like there’s a spot where she can be truly alone—the birds and deer and the murmuring of trees are as conversational company as any. 
🍂 Does your OC enjoy hugs? What do they do as a show of affection for: their friends, their family, their significant other(s) or for strangers? Over all what are they like with receiving affection from others?
Although in the professionalism of ballet she comes off as a steely and work-obsessed person, she’s cuddly with those she trusts. She gives hugs freely to all her friends and family, who in general are openly affectionate, so that’s just the way she grew up. Her ‘love language’ is physical affection. 
🌻 What little things do they notice about people or the world around them that make them happy? What tiny little treasures do they find in the normal every day that makes the world seem a little brighter for them?
She finds an infinite number of beautiful and simple things in nature—the blueness of the sky, the smell of the earth after rain, the soft whisper of the ocean washing back and forth across sand. Living in the city only amplifies her senses in picking out the tiny signs of emerald life amongst the hard urbanscape. She is far less likely to notice such little things of beauty in people, because frankly she cares more about nature than humanity, but that is until she met Mako. She notices more tiny details about him than she'd care to admit, like the way he always blushes when she says something nice to him, or how his dimples twinkle whenever he’s happy. 
🌾 Describe your OC through the eyes of someone absolutely head-over-heels in love with them.
There’s a radiance to her that feels like the golden summer sun, the dawn that rises from every night, breathtaking; she has an infectious energy and unabashed joy that has the extraordinary ability to bring smiles to people’s faces, far more than she realises; an open kindness and gentleness to her touch unlike anyone else; life, passion, freedom, love, strength, beauty, courage, light, everything that he is not. 
💐 How does your OC handle being unwell or forced to rest in bed? Who cares for them and in what ways? Does your OC enjoy being doted on or are they a terrible patient? Reversed: is your OC good at taking care of others who are ill or in need?
She hates being sick. Anything that slows her down, brings her below her painstakingly achieved peak athletic performance, frustrates her greatly. She rarely catches trivial illnesses like colds due to her hardened immune system, but when she injured her Achilles Heel the previous year, she was forced to stop dancing and rest, which she handled really badly. Her temper dropped sharply to the point of lashing out. In terms of taking care of other people, she doesn’t consider herself as a particularly tender and gentle care-giver (her mom and sister Fawn are the fussy doters in the family) but later on she may surprise herself. 
🌿 What way does your OC show that they care without using words? What way do others show your OC that they’re cared about without using speech?
Eva does have trouble articulating her feelings through words (at least, in an eloquent way) so she almost always communicates love through physical touch. This ranges from absentminded fingertip-brushes and shoulder bumps to baby koala cuddling. In reverse, Mako also has difficulty with verbal expression (though for another reason than being linguistically challenged) and over the past few chapters has been slowly learning how to return affection in their own wordless language. 
🌳 What is your OC’s favourite way to relax after a stressful day? Do they have a favourite book to curl up with? A hobby? Or do they have a nice bubble bath and have an early night to bed?
Almost every day is physically stressful for her, because dancing up to eight hours on end really does a number on her legs. As both the Nationals and academy production draws closer, she has to spend more time on caring for her health, so in the final hour of each night she relaxes with an ice bath for her calves and a long shower, soothing balms massaged into her muscles followed by heat packs, precious time chatting with her family, and then conks right out to sleep.  
🌲 How deeply does your OC feel? Are they typically empathetic or do they have a hard time connecting with others in this way? What are they like when offering support and comfort to someone they care for?
Eva is deeply empathetic, even more than Misha. She is capable of absorbing and feeling emotions as viscerally as if they were her own, which stems from her growing up amongst nature, listening deeply to all the movements and patterns of the earth. However, unlike Misha, she doesn’t have the social intelligence / self awareness to always understand the emotions or control her reactions to them. Her tunnel vision can mean that she’s often too preoccupied with herself to notice what's going on with other people. Her sympathy also has a very short rein. 
🌺 What does your OC do to calm down when they’re scared or after a nightmare? Do they have any special comfort items or need to be reassured by a specific person? How do they handle this if they’re alone?
She’s not a fearful person and never gets nightmares, but there are occasional times when she can get extremely stressed due to complications in ballet. Again, she’s always reassured by her parents. Since she’s a bit far away from them now, the steady quiet of her partner is a calming influence. She’s never been alone in her life, so in that case... we shall see. 
🥀 How would your OC decorate a notebook or journal? What kind of things are written in there? Could you give an example of a nice entry?
She doesn’t have the patience to keep a journal. Tried once when she was a kid, kept it for three days, and never touched it again. 
🌼 Who are this characters friends and found family? How did they meet, how long have they been friends for, could they ever be something more than just friends? What do they look for in a friend or a romantic partner?
Her best friends are Mako, Sasha, Piper, and Misha, and they’ve all been a tight-knit group of friends for one semester now. They are actually her first close friends out of her extended family, because her competitive nature and differences from ballet traditions always made her a bit of a loner, despite her natural friendliness. In the professional setting she spends most of her life in, she’s never on the lookout for making friends, and romantic partner wise, she’s never cared for that either. 
💫What is your favourite fact about this character and why?
I really like her sensory depth. The strength of which she feels things and her constant movement is enjoyable to write. 
☄️ Does this OC deserve better treatment from you? Do you make them suffer just a little bit too much? Be nice to them!
I have been super nice to her... so far. She’s sailing high on competition wins and lead roles right now, which isn’t to say she isn’t suffering for it, but she’s used to being the best and has become comfortable in that position. 
🌠 On a scale of 1 - 10 how baby is your OC? 
She is a hardcore and mature person for her age, as the intensity of pre-professional ballet required her to grow up fast. However, she does have a childish streak that shines through when she’s very excited, and most vividly in the safe calm of her partner. Her peak baby moments are when she’s sleepy or cold and half-consciously snuggles as deep as she can into Mako’s arms. She’s also dumb as fuck but lets not count that. 4/10. 
💦 If you as the writer could erase one traumatic event from this OC’s life what would it be and why?
There haven’t been any traumatic events in her life yet, because she’s been sheltered by her parents, who try their best not to let their own traumatic pasts cycle into their children. I think that’s the key difference between Eva and her partner, and the very different ways they deal with their very similar ballet-centric lives. 
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drethanramslay · 4 years
Late nights, Date nights
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Pairing: Ethan x MC (Leah Garcia)
Word count: 4.1 K words
Warning: There is fluff and humour in the beginning and smut towards the end. If you are not comfortable reading it, I have distinguished is with asterisks (*)
Taglist: @miyakokurono @trappedinfandoms @openheart12 @sekizincimektup @junggoku @ethandaddyramsey @edith-eggs1 @ethanramseysgirl (let me know if you want to be added or removed from the tag list 😊)
Songs: Eyes off you by Prettymuch and Unbelievable by Why Don't We
Forgive me if there are any mistakes.
Ethan was pacing around in his office, marching so hard, that it left tracks in the carpet of his office.
C'mon Ethan, Leah is your fucking girlfriend. You can eat her out but, can't ask her out on a simple fucking date??!!
It was their six month anniversary, after months and months of pining over each other. When he thought about it now, he wondered why was he so against the concept? He thought that he was doing the right thing by not giving in, but in the end, he just ended up hurting himself and his Leah.
Leah... His sunshine.
The concept of nicknames never really appeased him. It was such a ‘teenager’ thing to do. When he was with Harper, the word 'babe' made him cringe so hard that it made him want to throw himself off the railing of the mezzanine floor of the hospital.
But with Leah, it was different. She breathed back life into the parts of his soul, which he thought were long dead. She constantly challenged him, pushed him to be a better doctor, a better friend and a better partner. She brought light, to the valleys of abyss and grief. Just like nothing can escape light, Ethan could not escape Leah's affection.
And he didn't want to run anymore..
He had never felt these intense emotions in a very long time. His mother leaving him at a tender age of eleven, made him grow up way to soon. It fucked him up. It made him close up and build walls to protect his heart from such earth shattering pain. It made him distant and cold.
But now he laughed more. Smiled more. And he knew that Leah was the one who saved him.
His salvation. His saving grace. His sunshine.
He decided enough was enough. He spoke to HR and Naveen and they gave them the green light. Leah had already made a great reputation in the hospital for her work ethic, her passion and her compassion. So why waste anymore time?
Ethan was so lost in thought that he didn't even notice Leah come in. "Woah woah Ethan. Are you trying to wear the carpet thin? You just got this office?!" Ethan looked up and saw Leah leaning against the door, with a smile. She was wearing a green blouse with a black pencil skirt. Ethan approved mentally.
"Hey sunshine."
"Hey yourself." She said as she closed the door and stepped into Ethan's embrace. He buried his face into her hair, and inhaled the lavender scent, which immediately soothed him. To him, she smelled like spring. She was perfect.
God, could you be any more sappier Ethan? Be a man.
But he knew, that if Leah even looked his way, he would be down on his knees.
"How was your day?" Ethan asked as he kissed her crown.
"It was so productive. I saved a nine year old girl today. Seeing her parents happy... It was beautiful."
"Well, I never doubted you once." He said with a tender smile, cupping her cheeks. "Also, do you have plans for tonight?"
"Yeahhhh, today is just an ordinary day, with no anniversary whatsoever. I was planning on going home and binging on greys-"
"Sunshine, don't talk shit."
"Hey, but you still love me."
"That I do... Anyways I have made a reservation in 'Osteria' tonight to celebrate our anniversary."
"E, you know that I wouldn't mind staying in bed and drinking cheap wine right?"
"I know, but I want to spoil my baby!! Be ready, I will pick you up by seven."
"I will be ready."
Ethan rolled up to Leah's penthouse and send her a message. He had donned his black tux but had skipped the tie. He unbuttoned the top buttons of his crisp white shirt. He was going to call her again, when he heard a tap on the window. He looked up and the phone almost fell out of his hands.
Leah stood in front of him, wearing a black evening gown. It was an off shoulder, which showed her collarbones. She was also wearing the ruby stone necklace, her birthstone, which Ethan had gifted her on her birthday. Her jet black hair had been tied up to a messy side bun, a few rebellious strands blowing in the night wind. He steeped out to open the door for her when he almost tripped at the sight.
The dress had a slit which almost went up to her thighs, putting those glorious bronze legs on display.
God, she was gonna be the death of me.
"Wow. You look gorgeous Dr. Garcia."
She blushed red. "You don't look so bad yourself Dr. Ramsey." He pecked her on her lips.
"Shall we?" He opened the door for Leah, like a true gentleman.
"Yes, we shall." Leah giggled and stepped in. Ethan walked around and sat in the driver's seat, and they pulled out of the curb.
The entire ride was filled with jokes, heated gazes and silent promises. Ethan had placed his hand on her bare thigh, slowly caressing it. Leah knew that it was risky to wear such a gown, but she took the chance anyway. And now here she was, slowly going crazy with Ethan's hand on her thigh.
She wanted to devour him. He looked delectable and so very handsome in a tux. The open buttons, gave her a peak of his collarbones and she literally salivated. Collarbones have always been her weakness.
Soon, they showed up at the restaurant. After handing of the keys to the valet, and borderline threatening him that if there was even one scratch, he would have a nice chat with the manager, they headed towards the restaurant.
"God Ethan, you are such a Karen." Leah giggled.
"I maybe old, but I got that reference!! And no, I am not. I am particular."
"Whatever floats your boat babe." She linked her hands in his and they headed towards the hostess.
"Welcome sir and ma'am. Do you have a reservation?" The hostess asked.
"Yeah... Please check under the name Ramsey."
The hostess checked the log book for a long time. Ethan started sweating. What was taking her so long?
"I am afraid but, there is no reservation under that name sir." The hostess replied timidly, after Ethan's cool eyes landed on her.
"Are you sure?" He asked.
"Hundred percent sir."
"But it does not make sense...I called two months before to get a reservation... Do you have any empty tables?" Ethan said, pinched the bridge of his nose, slowly getting frustrated.
"Sorry sir but... All the tables are occupied."
Goddammit Ethan!! You had one fucking job.
He led Leah back to the valet and ran a hand through his hair. "I am so sorry sunshine. I just wanted this evening to go perfect and I had to go fu-"
Leah put a finger on his lips. "No. You haven't fucked anything up. It's the gestures that counts. Also, the night is young."
"But you heard the hostess-"
"Well, I have some ideas on how we can spend our anniversary." Ethan just gave her a quizzical look. She took the car keys from the valet and turned towards Ethan and winked. "Get in the car Ramsey. Get ready for the best night of your life."
"So your 'best night' includes shopping at Target??" Ethan asked amusement sparkling in his ocean blue eyes.
"Shut up. Where we are going, we need a little more casual clothing."
"But I like your gown. It helps me slip my hand-"
"Shh Ethan!! We are in public. Keep it PG 13 for now." Leah said, as she blushed red. Ethan just laughed, enjoying teasing her.
Leah proceeded to pay for the clothes and pushed Ethan into the changing room with his set of clothes. Ethan simply obliged because by the look of the determined glint in her eyes, he didn't want to be trampled by a woman on a mission.
The dark jeans fit him perfectly and the grey V-neck fit him snugly. He was wearing his slip ons when Leah came out of the dressing room, smoothening her outfit.
She was wearing a black tank top which she tucked into a baby pink skater skirt. On top of the tank top, she had slipped on a denim jacket. "How do I look babe?" She asked as she observed herself in the mirror.
"You know that even if you wore a potato sack, you would still be the prettiest woman I have ever laid my eyes on, right?" Ethan said earnestly.
She gave a soft smile and kissed his bearded cheek. She plopped down next to him and slipped on her white converse hightops.
"Seriously sunshine? Converse again? You literally have so many at home."
"Well I don't have this style. And you know what they say, 'once a converse girls, always a converse girl'." She said as she brushed him off.
"Sunshine.... literally no one says that."
"It's all in the details, E. C'mon let's go."
After a half an hour drive, Leah pulled into the make shift parking lot near the docks. They got out and Ethan let out an appreciative whistle. "Wow."
Leah had brought them to the annual fair, where there were tonnes of food stalls and gaming places. The entire place had been decorated with LED lights that were illuminating the Boston night sky. The Ferris wheel stood tall and proud, moving at a gentle pace. The place was littered with a number of game stalls like 'shoot the bottle' and 'ring toss' where people competed to get a prize. Fairy lights hung from the trees around there and a number of people were sitting under them, laughing, eating and drinking cheap beer.
On the other end there were a number of food stalls open, which were being catered by the numerous food joints in the city. The crowd near the ice cream vendors and the cotton candy vendors were unreal.
"Oh. My. God. Ethan they have go karting as well!!" Leah exclaimed grabbing Ethan's arm and pointing towards the make shift track. The karts had designs in various neon colors and the entire track had been painted with glow in the dark paint.
Leah continued to point at the different places and stalls, talking excitedly, but Ethan's eyes stayed glued to Leah's face with a small smile. The child like wonder in her brown eyes made Ethan melt. Her voluminous dark hair blew with the wind, caressing Ethan's face. The way the neon lights reflected on her caramel skin, the way there was an pearly smile on her face and the way she clutched Ethan's arm made his heart do somersaults.
"Are you even paying attention?" Leah asked, breaking Ethan from his reverie.
"Sorry, I didn't get the last part. Was blow away by how beautiful the view is."
Leah rolled her eyes and smacked Ethan's arm. But there was a small smile on her face.
"Let's go to the go karting place."
"Oh yes. Can't wait to see you behind in the dust." Ethan said with a teasing smile.
"Oh honey. I can't wait to see your face after I defeat you. If you think I am going to go easy on you just because I love you, you are very very wrong." Leah said with a coy smile.
"Oh you are so on. Winner can ask the loser anything and buys snacks."
"Let's do this." Leah said as she cracked her knuckles.
"So...what do I ask you?" Leah questioned herself, with her fingers tapping against her chin. She had won hands down. She got a tacky medal which she decided to wear for the rest of the evening. She just continued to wear a smug smile on her face, so that she could annoy Ethan.
"Please, just get it over with." Ethan groaned as he munched on the caramel popcorn.
"Hmmm.... Which is your favourite place to kiss me?"
"Hmmm..that's a tough question.. see, my favourite place is your pussy but I think your neck would be my favourite place to kiss." Ethan mused.
"Why?" Leah asked as she took a bite of bite of the cotton candy, letting it dissolve on her tongue.
"There are three reasons- One, the moment I kiss your neck, you have that wanton and 'fuck me' expression which drives me crazy. Secondly, the moans you let out are....oh Lord. Just thinking about them gives me a bad case of blue balls. And lastly, you become so wet and ready for me... It makes the experience much more memorable." He said nonchalantly as he continued to munch on the popcorn, seeing Leah's reaction from the corner of his eyes.
Leah was blushing wildly. Ethan may come across as a gentleman but his dirty talk made her knees weak like jello. He could speak things that would make a priest blush. "That's not true." Leah weakly objected as she stuffed her face with cotton candy.
"Oh really? So if I do this.." Ethan reached to place a hot, wet kiss on the spot below her ear. Leah's mouth opened slightly at the intense feeling. Her body flushed wildly. Her toes curled as Ethan continued to lick and suck. She felt herself getting wetter and wetter when his teeth sank into the tender spot on her neck. After what seemed like eternity, he pecked it and moved back to admire his handiwork. "....it won't do anything?" He asked in a husky voice.
Leah didn't dare to look at him because she knew that if she would, her face would betray everything. Also she didn't want to see the shit eating grin on his face.
"Shut up." Leah grumbled as she tore and ate her cotton candy more aggressively.
"But I didn't say anything!"
"I know what you are thinking so shush."
Ethan laughed a deep laugh, his dimples on display as he wrapped his hand around her waist. "It's okay sunshine. You can tie me up and have your way later." He said as he kissed her crown.
"Oh look, there is a shooting booth." Leah said, changing the topic before her mind could go into full fantasy mood of Ethan being below her, moaning her name as she rode him six ways to Sunday.
They reached the stall which was decorated in a western country style. "Howdy! Wanna shoot somethings?"
"I'm a healer but.." Leah picked up the shotgun and loaded it while Ethan rolled his eyes. He will never understand her obsession with anime.
"Shoot all the balloons on that board and then you can choose what prize you want." The guy with the handlebar moustache said.
With quick precision, she shot all the balloons in a matter of seconds. She then twirled the gun around her finger and blew the smoke away. "And that's, how you do it in the wild wild west." She said in a smoldering voice.
Ethan and the gamekeeper had their jaws on the floor.
Could she get any more attractive? Ethan asked himself.
"Damn girl.." the old guy with the funny moustache spoke.
Leah gave out a short laugh. "If you don't mind, can I get those rose tinted glasses?" She pointed to a pair of cat eye sunglasses.
"Sure girlie."
After wearing them she grabbed Ethan and walked hand in hand towards the next booth. "Sunshine, what is the point of these glasses if they can't even cover your eyes?"
"These are stylish and I can wear them when I am going out."
"I don't think I can ever understand your sense of fashion."
"Uh duh!! You guys can't even distinguish between 'peacock blue' and 'turquoise' colour."
"Is there even a difference between them?" Ethan asked incredulously.
"A fine example right here."
Ethan lightly shoved her but Leah just held onto their intertwined fingers. She pulled him to her, went on the tip of her toes and kissed him. Ethan cupped her cheek and kissed her slowly and tenderly. The sounds of people talking, the mainstream pop music playing through speakers, everything disappeared as they kissed each other under the neon lights.
"Oh god...I am so full!" Leah groaned she leaned back on her hands. They were sitting under a secluded tree, with golden fairy lights hanging off them.
"Sunshine, I think you will have to roll me out of here." Ethan groaned as his hands caressed her bare thighs, which she had thrown over his lap. He picked up their popsicle sticks, and threw them in a perfect arc, into the nearby dustbin.
"I can't roll out a 6 feet something skyscraper on my own. I would die."
"Sucks to be short." Ethan stuck his tongue out.
"Hey your tongue is blue!!" Leah exclaimed.
"And your is red from the strawberry flavour." He observed.
"Wanna make purple?" Leah asked slyly, waggling her eyebrows.
Ethan guffawed at the expression and soon she also joined in his laughter. She clutched her stomach. "Oww....shouldn't try to laugh too much. Gosh, I shouldn't have taken that second helping of Quesadillas."
"C'mon let's take you home." Ethan stood up and grabbed Leah's hand so that he could pull her up to stand. She dusted her skirt and then intertwined their fingers. She leaned against him, as they headed towards the exit.
"I had a lot of fun today. Thank you."
"You can thank me in different ways later." Leah said, as her brown eyes darked with desire.
Ethan just smirked and squeezed her to his side.
"That's a promise baby."
The moment they entered Ethan's penthouse, Ethan pressed Leah against the door. Leah's let out a sharp breath and she looked up at the stormy blue eyes. She could see the desire and the lust swimming in those blues of his and she could also feel the desire in her, ignite like a slow fire.
Ethan cupped her cheek and pulled her in for a heated kiss. She went on her tiptoes to meet him half way. With their lips locked in a passionate embrace, she still felt that he was too far away. So, she hooked her fingers on the belt loops and tugged him closer to her.
Getting the memo, he moved closer until they was no space between them except their clothes. Ethan reached to take her jacket off, which he threw across the room. The need to get her naked, writhing and moaning under him, was becoming overwhelming.
She took out Ethan's shirt and moaned when she felt his warm skin on hers. She wrapped her arm around his neck while she laid her other hand on his bare chest. Her dainty fingers seemed to have a mind of their own. They caressed his chest, his back, his abs and were about to go lower, to his happy trail when he growled and caught them.
He grabbed her thighs and lifted her so that her legs were around his waist. He took her hands and pinned them against the door. The kiss was a fight for dominance, where nobody seemed to be a clear winner. Leah slipped her tongue into his mouth and he groaned appreciatively.
He tastes like ambrosia, sweet nectar and all the good things in life. Leah knew that she could never ever get over the way he tasted.
Ethan lifted her with ease and led her to the first surface he found, the dining table. He moved his hands under her tank top and groaned when he found out she wasn't wearing a bra.
"God Leah, you know how much control it takes to be around you? That when you pull such stunts on me, I just want to bend you over and fuck you on the first surface I find?"
"So what's stopping you?" Leah asked. She pulled him in for another searing kiss.
"After I am done with you...you won't be able to walk for a week." He spoke in a husky voice, filled with need. He took of her tank top and growled appreciatively at the sight of her breasts.
Leah smiled coyly. "Don't make promises you can't keep Ramsey." Ethan just narrowed his eyes and kissed her with so much force, that it made her gasp. His hands reached for her ass and squeezed it.
He then descended on her neck kissing and licking the small droplets of sweat accumulated on her neck. He slowly grinding against her heat, making her aware of how badly he needed her. His hands went from her ass to her breasts. He massaged it before pinching the nipples. Leah yelped. Ethan did not once show her mercy, as he stimulated each sensitive spot on her body. Leah felt as if her nerves were on fire.
He slowly made his way down south, leaving fiery hot kisses on her body. Not having any patience left, he just lifted her skirt up and quickly slid her panties out. Seeing her exposed pussy just made his jeans tighter around his growing erection. He blew air on her wet cunt, leaving goosebumps on their wake. "What are you doing?" Leah asked breathlessly. She was finding it hard to keep her eyes open due to the desire coursing through her veins.
"What we do on a table Sunshine.... Eat." His dark blue eyes met her brown ones and he licked her dripping slit, slowly. Leah thought she was going to loose it at that very instant.
He gripped her thighs and threw them over his broad shoulders and proceeded to eat her out, properly . He swirled his tongue on the sensitive bud of nerves and then went on to stick his tongue into her wet pussy.
He let out a moan, which resonated deep in her core.
He never once slowed his pace. He continued to lap up all the moisture. He alternated between her clit and her cunt. As he pushed his fingers in her, and fucked her, Leah climbed higher and higher. Her stomach started to tighten, with the need to release.
"Oh god...I am gonna come..."
Ethan stopped his hand movements and rose to his full height. Leah's eyes snapped open and she glared at him.
"Fuck you Ethan!! Who the hell gave you the fucking righ- ohhhh."
He shoved his dick slowly into her, enjoying the way her walls clenched around him. They fit each other perfectly. Like two jigsaw puzzles. You couldn't differentiate, where he ended and where she started.
This..this was heaven.
He slowly moved, in and out. But Leah wasn't having it.
"Ethan, I want you to fuck me."
"Are you sure you can handle it sunshine?"
"I ain't no weak bit-" Leah couldn't complete her sentence because at that moment he snapped his hips and started fuking her. He held her hips with one hand for leverage and his other hand gently squeezed her throat, feeling her rapid pulse under his hand.
He did not let go of the punishing rhythm he had set. He moved his hips in such a way that he hit her on that spot which made Leah see stars. It was quite a view for Ethan. The moonlight streaming through the glass facade and illuminating her sheen skin. Her eyes half closed, her breasts moving with every stroke and her legs wound around his hips.
"Please, please, please let me come." Leah choked.
Ethan also felt a tingle in his lower back and his abs constructing. He was close too. His strokes became faster and shorter.
"Okay sunshine. Come."
Just that one word and Leah obeyed. She felt a burst of pleasure rush through her body, setting every part of her alight. She saw fireworks behind her eyelids. She hadn't even come down when, Ethan's release caused her to have another mini orgasm.
It was too much. Way too much.  Aftershocks racked her body and tears streamed down her face as she soared through cloud nine.
Without pulling himself out, he gathered Leah in his arms and took her to the bedroom. He gently laid her down on the bed and pulled out and headed to the bathroom to get a  washcloth. Leah winced and felt empty like a crater.
Ooooh boy, gonna feel that tomorrow.
Her eyes were closed as she tried to catch her breath and get her head straight. Ethan slowly wiped her neck, her stomach and her sore centre, instantly cooling her body down. He threw the washcloth into the laundry basket and slid into his bed. He wrapped his strong arms around Leah and pulled her close to him. He bent down to kiss her lips tenderly.
"I love you sunshine."
"Happy six months, babe. I love you." She gave a tired smile and they both slipped into a dreamless sleep.
Wow that was the longest I have written. *wipes brow*
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