#whatever in gods name happened with gabriel at the end????
peggy-ovo · 11 months
👏 movie 👏 pacing👏 will feel👏fast👏when you're👏only👏used👏to shows👏
#im so sorry they couldnt fit 17 filler episodes directly in the middle of the movie??????#its a MOVIE#they need to fit the ENTIRE STORY into an hour and 40 minutes#but you people are so brain rotted from the 120 episode 40 hour story youve forgotten how movies work#and ppl complaining like “they changed things they changed things!!” yeah??? and????? if you wanted to watch the show then go watch the show#this is a different story#arguably better imo because they managed to fit all the best story beats from the (again. 40 hour) show and condensed it into under 2 hours#anyways i loved the movie and as someone who recently rewatched the whole show from start to finish#its obJECTIVELY BETTER#you guys wanna talk about plot holes? fucked pacing? what the fuck even happened with luka and marinette?? they got together as a#pivotal plotline at the very end of a season#then the FIRST EPISODE OF THE NEXT#break up#chloes redemption arc? that then got ripped away from her bc the head writer is a fucking baby?#whatever in gods name happened with gabriel at the end????#theyre completely different formats and slightly different stories is what im trying to say. you guys are judging a movie by show standards#apples to oranges#(except in this case its an apple to a rotting orange because jesus fucjing christ the show is a mess)#its still worth watching#its funny and has some interesting ideas#and when it hits it HITS#but holy fuck stop shittingbon the movie#esp when your only critiques are “its not the show!!!1!”#miraculous ladybug#adrien agreste#marinette dupain cheng#miraculous lb#miraculous awakening#chat noir
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Enoch in particular is interesting bc of Saraqael. It's the ONLY text that lists Saraqael as an Archangel. Michael, Gabriel, Raphael, and Uriel are identified as the Supreme Princes of Heaven, and Saraquel is one of the "seven holy Archangels", which also includes those four. Sandalphon isn't listed, but I DO think a fun little fact there is that he and Metatron are the only angels whose names end in -on, likely a reference to how they're the only angels who originated as humans. I don't think he and Metatron are 'twins' in the literal sense though? Enoch (pre-Noah) and Elijah (post-Noah) weren't contemporaries. They just happen to be the only humans who become angels.
hi!!!✨ god im so sorry ive taken so long to get to this, anon!!! - tbh, im finding saraqael a bit of an enigma, both from the GO narrative perspective and indeed trying to work out who they were in terms of biblical/apocryphal significance... i hope you don't mind, but im gonna talk about saraqael in general in my response; as seems to be the way, i typically get carried away in answering what seems to be a fairly straightforward ask!!!
edit: further speculation on BOL and saraqael's potential role in it
saraqael theory(?)/analysis:
i think are a couple of crucial bits to saraqael in s2, and not just the ones where they recognise crowley etc. i talked a little bit about what i think their rank is in GO, which i don't think is the same rank as the other archangels, but perhaps a lower archangel like sandalphon. in terms of what saraqael actually does... it feels like they are essentially in charge of earth operations, or something to that effect.
muriel is, by all accounts so far, a (very?) low ranking angel. and yet, when muriel finds the matchbox, it's saraqael that accompanies them to the archangels to report it. now, that doesn't necessarily mean anything - muriel could have gone to a supervisor and then it got escalated, but what saraqael says here:
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makes me think that, actually, saraqael knows muriel at least to a greater degree than the separation of an archangel (or whatever tier), and a 'lowly' 37th-class scrivener would have. in fact, this is the only scene other than presenting the matchbox, i believe, where we see saraqael and muriel interact? there is some kind of history there, and potentially even a degree of fondness.
now, let's take into consideration the theory that muriel themself may have been higher-ranking, and got Got by the metatron. they originally were going to demote gabriel to 38th Class; was saraqael similarly the one who wiped muriel's memory, as they attempted to wipe gabriel's? what was the purpose of saraqael being at the trial, other than to fulfil that purpose? and they took muriel directly into their chain of command as a means of keeping an eye on them, protecting them?
this kind of supports my thought that saraqael is somewhat an operations manager (but also...not just that at all*), doing essentially the archangel grunt-work, including keeping an eye on unauthorised miracles:
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then we take a look at their interaction with crowley; because i do think there's a lot more to unpack in this bit than that they may have worked on a nebula together, and that crowley doesn't remember them.
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summarising a couple of observations:
the seemingly innocent but assertive point made that the trial was in fact real, and didn't take a long time to happen start to finish
the fact that saraqael even notices the interaction between crowley and muriel: he's dressed as an angel (and demonstrated as being a 'bee' when michael/uriel don't fully catch it was him), muriel seems - despite the aesthetic of heaven generally - to be tucked away in the equivalent of a cupboard cubicle, and he accessed a file without, presumably, any alarms - the file recognised his former rank/that he 'knew' the password... so what exactly prompts saraqael to come over in the first place?
saraqael looks happy to see crowley, possibly even a little relieved, but once again like they're... fond?
they use his chosen name (specifically not 'crawley'), and use it with ease despite knowing him pre-fall and therefore, theoretically, not having any cause to use 'crowley' up until this moment
saraqael seems disappointed that crowley doesn't remember them.
where am i going with this bit? well, put simply. i think saraqael had some hand in the mechanics of the fall. i think they were meant to wipe the fallens' memories, but jigged about with the settings. perhaps, now, they regret their part in it, and is working to undo it somewhat, from the inside. i think, where they can, they protect those that get fully wiped (ie. muriel, and gabriel had the wipe gone to plan). and i think, maybe just their favourites, they keep an eye on those that actually fell. and i think that they are trying to break out this information without outright saying it ("well, don't let me interrupt you! show him the trial..."), because they know first-hand the consequences. and they know the consequences, because they are literally metatron's operational right-hand* angel:
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this would explain why they seem to remember metatron in the bookshop: exposure to him? seems to fully understand how dangerous he is? not only does saraqael look genuinely apprehensive on behalf of michael, but watch their eyeline movement:
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(ok but a moment of appreciation for how adorably derek jacobi says 'piffle' i mean💕)
it almost looks like it goes from michael, and then flips to up beyond michael? as they clasp their hands together? and then after the cut, they're actually breathing so heavily, out of... stress? worry? this is such a tiny thing that may well just coincidental actor-choice on liz's part, but it certainly works in the scene context... that saraqael seems quietly and calmly terrified.
another point, back on the subject of saraqael's role in heaven; i feel like the source of both the earth observation files michael gets in s1, and the fact that metatron says he's "looked back over a number of [aziraphale and crowley's] exploits" may have come from saraqael themself. that's a bit tentative, but it would certainly fit that it would come, at least, from their department. say - metatron has been spying on our boys through the sigil in the bookshop (or something to that effect), has gone to saraqael essentially for intel, and then put the offer to aziraphale to return to heaven in order to split them apart, after seeing the extent to which they're entwined with each other.
we haven't seen a direct, lone aziraphale-saraqael interaction, but their line about, "we'll be keeping a very close eye on you, aziraphale.", doesn't actually feel as ominous as i once felt. in fact, it's muriel that saraqael sends down which - let's face it, by all accounts they are not the angel to send down to earth when camouflage is key - feels actually like saraqael was banking on covering up the miracle for aziraphale and crowley, or at least buying them time.
last little bit: the comment on aziraphale's frisbee halo trick makes me think once again of saraqael's potential role as, essentially, head of operations (declaring war is rather messy, they're right), but also brings me back to the point i made here about the halo toss... somehow, i feel like it signifies something a bit more than just a casual hand grenade.
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and now for the bible-y bits
well, i mean, there isn't really a lot to go on, lbr. as anon said (hi, anon, if you made it this far✨), they're described as one of the seven archangels in the first book of enoch (20:6), and if ive read correctly, the second book describes that they brought enoch himself to heaven... so maybe the GO narrative will follow this somewhat? if saraqael feels somewhat responsible for metatron being in the position he is, and having done the hypothetical things he's done? and that's why they might be trying to undo it, or undermine it?
i think the first book also describes saraqael (who i believe is synonymous with sariel and suriel, as well as other different but similar angel names in biblical/apocryphal texts) as being essentially the observer of justice and injustice on earth, "who sin in the spirit", which would also track against them having potential control over earth observations, and them potentially guarding over those that have fallen/have been punished by heaven.
i think some islam and talmud texts also indicate that saraqael may be azrael and metatron respectively, but i doubt that is an arc that the GO narrative will follow, nor indeed other bits and pieces from enoch that ive read through... but certainly there's enough that looks like it could have hypothetically inspired the saraqael story that im interpreting at the moment!
and as for metratr-on, and sandalph-on, iirc that is the meaning of the -on suffix, to reflect being born of man...? i looked at this a little while ago and found zephon as another example... parsing out abaddon kinda drove me a bit insane though, so that's where i left it! i agree that i doubt that metatron and sandalphon are twins, but definitely seems to speak to their origins, perhaps!!!✨
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vidavalor · 9 months
'Thy cocoa doth grow cold'... Agnes Nutter's prophecies are still in play in S2?!
Agnes Nutter could see visions of the world through the end times, correct? Maybe even longer but her book of prophecies was written to cover through the end of the world. In all likelihood, she wrote an entire second book for Anathema to burn, knowing already that she would but giving her descendent that bit of free will to set her free, right? The second book is irrelevant-- it was written to be destroyed and really contained no legitimate prophecies. The only relevant book of Agnes' prophecies-- which lead up to the end times-- is her first book, yes? So, if we are back in the end times again, surely Agnes foresaw that, too, and does that mean her last prophecies-- the curiously undated ones lol-- might actually be relevant again, with different meaning this time? Are they all in play all over again?
This is relevant to S2 and S3 because when Adam reset reality at the end of S1, he made it so that what had happened definitely did *matter* and that the prophecies Agnes wrote were definitely about what had all just happened... but, well... if Armageddon 2.0 is coming up and Agnes wrote prophecies that lead to the end of the world... shouldn't it be then that Agnes' first book actually contains all the prophecies relevant to the end of the world *again*... like, the same prophecies apply this time around, too, just maybe with different context? And then you realize that they actually, um, do, in S2...
The first prophecy related to the end times nearing that related to Aziraphale is the one he reads when he first has Agnes' book, right? Paraphrased, it tells him to 'read' and to 'look, for [his] cocoa doth grow cold', right?
Gabriel's "I was getting cold, then I got this neato blanket", which he says while drinking hot cocoa out of the same mug Aziraphale was in S1. But it gets better lol...
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...when Muriel arrives a little later, Aziraphale offers her a cupperty, his standard drink for guests in the bookshop as he's an English-presenting being, yes? Why didn't he offer Gabriel one? Well, Gabriel's reaction when Aziraphale offered him tea in the sushi restaurant in S1:
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So, Aziraphale, not really understanding yet what was going on with Gabriel as he'd only just arrived, thought it best to try out some hot cocoa instead, right? But the best part about this is that if this scene in S1 hadn't happened, the prophecy wouldn't hold. Aziraphale would have given Gabriel tea-- and then Gabriel wouldn't have been the hot cocoa who was getting cold.
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So in keeping with the idea that Agnes' prophecies are still in play in S2 (and with tossing in a bit of Team Agnes & God or Agnes = God or whatever variety of that you like), what of the 'read' part of the hot cocoa doth grow cold prophecy? In S1, it was to literally read her book of prophecies and see how accurate they were because they were describing Aziraphale's actions in that very moment, right? To make him understand that they should be followed. So what is the 'read' where it pertains to S2's once-chilly cocoa, Gabriel?
How about the moment that Gabriel (whose name means "messenger", btw) suddenly remembers for the first time and what comes out of his mouth is what God said to Job... and *we hear God* speaking alongside him? As if speaking *through* him? And only we do, just as only us heard her narration in S1? And what does that do? It causes Crowley to recall that it's what God said to Job and to ask Aziraphale if he remembers and he says yes he does and pulls out *the story to read*, while he remembers for us the events of it. It's God via Agnes via Gabriel saying "the Job minisode is VERY IMPORTANT TO THE STORY HERE" and wanting to make sure that Crowley and Aziraphale remember it during what's to come.
So then what of the other Agnes prophecy relating to Aziraphale? Her very last one, the one that ended her book of prophecies relating to the end times? In S1, this prophecy drops on Aziraphale in the moment *after* they've stopped Armageddon, right? The last prophecy seems to be one designed to save Crowley and Aziraphale and it does. But looked at against S2's plot and there's a whole other angle to it...
The prophecy tells Aziraphale that "when all is said and done"-- so, when a war is averted, which was the Armageddon of S1 and the almost-war he caused with Hell and Heaven in S2/the whole Battle of the Bookshop thing was over-- that Aziraphale must "choose ye faces wisely for soon, ye will be playing with fyre," right? In S1, this was the body swap plot. The prophecy foretold that Aziraphale would be threatened by a fire that could harm him-- hellfire-- and that he must 'choose his faces wisely' to avoid it. Realizing the danger, Crowley and Aziraphale switch bodies-- wear one another's faces-- to avoid Aziraphale dying by hellfire. What's weird about the prophecy is that it doesn't also state that Crowley is threatened by holy water. They work out that he will be and he was and they did the right thing with the body swap but a prophecy about threats to both Crowley & Aziraphale is written in such a way that only the threat to Aziraphale is specified, right? But... doesn't that make a lot of sense if the same prophecy is part of S2?
Not a body swap this time. Though, one face did swap out his usual appearance *for* a body... Choose ye faces wisely...
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I mean... The Metatron is quite literally *a face* lol... so 'choose ye faces wisely', Aziraphale-- Crowley or The Metatron...
...for soon enough, ye be playin' with fyre.
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See? He called it himself back in S1.
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swordswoman97 · 6 months
Confessions to the Dead
I wrote a little angsty drabble. You can (partially) thank the PowCreations discord for the idea.
A year after Iris’s defeat, just before dawn, Owen made her way out of the city tavern, down the path to the Nightingale base.
Eventually (and yet all too soon at the same time) he reached her destination. The grave was simple, but the bright star made it obvious exactly who it belonged to.
Taking a deep breath, she sat down beside it, staring up at the stars to avoid looking at it too long, not that looking at the stars hurt much less.
“I came back,” She said after a minute. “Figured… figured I should see at least one thing through to the end. Still haven’t decided if I want to ask Christian to put my name back on the Heron registry. Not sure if I have the nerve. Not like I’m actually here much anyway…”
He took a deep breath before continuing. “We won, Iris is dead, Ivy too. With the ice wall gone, there’s an awful lot to find out there. A lot of us went out there.”
“I… I’m sorry. I know when I left I let you think I didn’t care. About the isle, about the people on it…. About you.”
Another deep breath, taking a moment to rub at her face, finally looking down at the grave in front of her. “It’s not true though. I did care. Still do. Especially about you. I liked you. I really liked you. ”
“I suppose that’s another reason I ran. My history with relationships… it’s not the best to put it lightly. None of them exactly ended well. Gabriel suddenly moving on over me just after I realized he liked me back was one of the better outcomes I’ve seen. I was afraid to see how my feelings for you would end up hurting me. So I tried to deny them and ran.”
Owen let out a shaky breath, rubbing at her face, though all it did was spread her tears over more of her face. “And it turns into the worst day of my life all over again. I come back and… And I find out that you’re gone. That I’ll never see you again. Gods, you probably spent your last days hating me.”
“You’d think I’d learn my lesson after what happened with Sam. But no, I just didn’t let myself tell you how I felt. I know I couldn’t have done anything if I had been here. But that doesn’t make it easier. I’m sorry I left Acho. I’m sorry I let you think I didn’t care about you. Cause I did care. I think I could have even loved you.”
Owen looked up, trying to rub the tears from her eyes, pulling his hands away just in time to see a shooting star streak across the sky, as if it had been waiting for him to look.
Despite the tears still gathered in her eyes, he managed a small smile, as a second shooting star flew by, just after the first one.
Taking a shaky breath, Owen leaned back, watching the stars glitter down at her. “I hope wherever you are that you’re happy, Acho. You more than deserve it. And I hope I see you again someday, in another life or whatever comes next. I’ll miss you.”
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roguelemon · 10 months
Iiiiits metaphor time!!!
So, it's been shown a few times that Crowley and Aziraphale are opposite but similar, different sides of the same coin, ect, etc.
One very important metaphor for this is the yin/yang. Its been mentioned in interviews multiple times and I think its very true "little bit of a nice person"/"just enough of a bastard" fit this SO well.
But those lines are s1, they fit together because they both represent one side and everything is balanced. They fit together, they dine at the Ritz.
In season 2 however, they don't. At all. Aziraphale makes a point to do more "good deeds" even if they arnet in line with heaven. The whole "very good at forgiveness" and him being visibly upset in the Edinburgh minisode where there are no solid lines to be drawn for morality indicate a bit of negative development on his part. Perhaps the fact that he no longer reports to heaven makes him feel like he has to do more good to make up for it. Hence why Az gets defensive about telling Crowley the good things he's done in the coffee shop scene.
I mean, he was almost about to get Crowley to kill a child in s1, his ability to bastard has decreased.
On the opposing side, Crowley is better this season. Infact I'd say he isn't good or bad. Bad for heaven sure but he is just entirely indifferent to the humans for the most part.
At least that's what I thought until I rewatched it. It's in the way he let's Maggie and nine out of the shop without hesitation, even when he could be mischievous. Its in the way he guides the shopowners out the bookshop trying desperately to stop people getting hurt. Hell, even in the minisodes (ESPECIALLY THE EDINBURGH ONE) he's just floating somewhere between chaotic neutral and chaotic good. (Possibly even neutral good).
While he does also do good in s1, he denies it much more strongly, so perhaps being distanced from hell has allowed crowley to just, do whatever he wants (which just so happens to be good).
There is a point here, let's get back to it.
So, using the colours black and white as in the yin/yang symbol. They both get more white. Obviously, this causes an imbalance. I reckon, crowley pretty much becomes his own symbol, having equal good and bad in him (lets be honest, the "bad" is just him beign a silly little guy). Now I'm deffinetly not saying he doesn't need Az at all, only that he functions as moraly independent. His biggest flaw is that he wants to get away from things instead of fixing them, probably becaue3 he's to scared to try.
Az on the other hand, still refuses he can be bad at all. He's an antihero at worst, doing bad things for perfectly good reason, (hiding Gabriel to PROTECT him). Its this inability to compromise that eventually leads to him blurring the lines between actual good and heaven good, causing him to be delusional and fall back into his old way of thinking at the end.
Pair this with the whole "they want the same thing but are going about it in diff ways", "they don't talk", ect.
They are no longer the yin and yang, they no longer fit together as a pair because Crowley is trying to make himself whole and Az is either ignoring the problem altogether, or trying to be only good. He is trying to have a calm life on earth without letting go of the divine good of heaven and its just not going to work.
I have a feeling that next season Crowley is going to be shifting between emotional and nilhistic (just because he's more moraly stable doesn't mean he is emotionally, bless). Az is going to have to struggle with trying to fix a system that is broken in the name of the one leading the system (god). HOPEFULLY these cause them both to reevaluate their flaws (crowleys running away, Az with his inability to do so) and just erase the moral obligations altogether.
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angelsdean · 1 year
i'm also thinking abt how there's like. a gap in time for dean too that we don't really see or know much abt because like, okay he goes universe hopping, finds out abt the akrida but ?? unless he suddenly has special heaven knowledge and just knows what the akrida are and why they're invading and everything abt the queen / joan's backstory then....he had to do some investigating of his own before he even knocked over that first domino with the letter to john. he had to first learn what the akrida were and how the invasion was going to happen and how the men of letters tied into everything so that he could send john on this journey. and also there's all that time where dean was just hanging around in the winchesters' universe, writing his story in his journal and helping behind the scenes (still convinced he's the 'witness' that came forward to clear john's name!) like there's just so much that could be headcanoned and meta'd about all that time and what dean was thinking / feeling / scheming / plotting and what he's going to do with all he's learned now that he's back in "heaven."
hell for all we know, he could have been secretly making contact with other universes / his own universe during that time. maybe he *knows* something's up with jack and heaven and he used his little hiatus from heaven to secretly get in contact with others (rowena / gabriel / other friends and family still alive in his world) maybe *those* people are the real cavalry and the real "last hunt" is breaking out of heaven for good and fixing jack from whatever's happening to him, whether that's chuck-won possession or the god-power poisoning jack and changing him. there's just so much left wide open, so many gaps to fill, so much more potential that we didn't have with that 15x20 ending but now do w/ this re-contextualizing of that finale and what dean's been up to ! i'm hopeful we'll be seeing more of dean's story either in the winchesters or an spn reboot / mini series.
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spector · 11 months
my goomens s2 thoughts
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ok so spoilers obviously BUT
my god . this was a shitshow GFFHIGHFIg i really went in with like . the lowest expectations bc all i wanted was a). see my purple whore (gabriel) and see him be funny b). have a good finale for him where he remains the most special boy in heaven
i did NOT expect the show to be sooo bad in the writing department it was insane. like, ok, i don't care much for crowley and aziraphale, i never did. i love it when they're being fruity and silly on screen, that's fun but overall I'm not very much invested in them. but in this season u barely get them doing fun stuff together, they're always split up and on their own they just don't deliver
AND THE WORST FUCKING PART. are those fucking minisodes/flashbacks . they're so bad. my god. but its clear everyone involved in creating them LOVES the idea but ???? every single one of them SUCKED and took focus away from interesting things that were happening in the PRESENT. the entire mystery plot about gabriel was interesting but guess what, they set it up and then . forget about it until the last episode where they just do a MASSIVE exposition dump in like 15 minutes. u get the entire mystery handed to you on a silver platter and the worst part is, they could have set it up like a genuine investigation for the viewer to guess it, but its the same as BBC sherlock fuckery. the actual resolution is something u never could have guessed on your own !!!!!!!! like there were hints (wit the fly in the shop) but they NEVER followed up on it, they just randomly resolve it in the final episode . my god
anyways back to the minisodes/flashbacks. theyre so bad. i said that already but they're so bad. the blitz episode is the worst offender bc not only it takes place right after that really nice scene from s1 and thusly robs it of any emotional impact, but its also . JUST BAD. EXTREMELY BORING AND UNFUNNY. DREADFULLY UNFUNNY. job minisode was really bad too . the finale of it was ok but the whole buildup was stupid as FUCK. the corpse robbing bit in victorian edinburgh was SOOOO boring and at the end there - extremely cringe. WHY DID THEY EVEN BOTHER WITH THOSE. THEY ADDED NOTHING TO THE PLOT. at least in s1 when they did the minisodes, they served as character exploration for crowley and aziraphale and they also set up some of heaven/hell lore, THE ONES IN S2 WERE NOTHING. NOTHING AT ALL . at one point it seemed like all the bits from the past somehow lead to the current mystery (like that doctor guy and the pub named after him) BUT THEN IT ALL TURNED OUT TO NOT BE CONNECTED AT ALL
the blitz episode . my god . it was just . so bad. i have no words really.
and the lesbian subplot - like. it needed to be more connected to the main plot. i didn't mind it at all but . it went and disappeared and then suddenly became the focus of episode five... WHEN AT THIS POINT, WE SHOULDVE BEEN GETTING CLOSER TO SOLVING THE MYSTERY. BUT THE MYSTERY WAS SHELVED FOR SOME FUCKING REASON. its insane how much aziraphale and crowley just. forget about gabriel even tho they should be busting ass to solve the case as it were.
and my god, gabriel. ive never been like. ride or die for gabriel/beelzebub, they've always been two boss bitches that slayed together or whatever , i prefer them to be that and not romantically involved but i also dont mind them to be an item. so whatever, i dont mind them being endgame BUT I MIND BOTH OF THEM DITCHING THEIR POSITIONS OF POWER BECAUSE I THINK THEYRE TOO COOL FOR THAT . WHATEVER . THATS LAME . they should've like. reorganized everything .
ITS JSUT ? INSANE HOW BAD THE WRITING IS and i don't even mean that from a gabriel girlie's perspective. imagine if the season starts out with like, idk a murder mystery and it looks like solving the murder is the most important thing for the story, at least it seems so in episode one. and then suddenly the rest of the season is about what the two detectives did some time ago and its totally unrelated and also at some point there are two episodes dedicated to them looking for some files for an unrelated mystery to get their bosses of their back. and the murder is solved at the last moment through magical CCTV footage they could've accessed at any point in the season if they just Tried A Bit Harder.
it really boggles the mind. it REALLY DOES. they should have dropped all the minisodes they did NOTHING . the ball episode should have been like. ep 3 or smth. the rest should've been the investigation of the weird fuckery. shax was wasted. additional hell and heaven lore felt like deconstruction instead of worldbuilding. I'm going insane with how bad all of this was, I REALLY DIDNT EXPECT IT TO BE SUCH A SHITSHOW LIKE DFHGIDDHGIGH ITS FUNNY??? ITS JUST BASICS OF SHOWMAKING .
and again, i dont care about aziraphale but the last moment arc felt so out of character for him like my god, didn't we just spend an entire job minisode establishing he's questioning heaven and now he just returns to it AUHGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG what the fuck is going on. how is this so BAD HGIFGHGIH . the last episode is such a shitshow that its like. its remarkable. I'm genuinely surprised bc my expectations were low but WOW. just WOW
i have to stop now before i continue picking everything apart but AUGHGHG JESUS !!!!! I COULDNT HAVE PREDICTED IT BEING SO BAD
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ophiocordyceps · 1 year
fallen gabe and reconstructed v2's descriptions under the cut for those who arent on artfight and wanna know about these guys
After killing the Council and leaving Heaven for the final time, Gabriel was sure he was destined to die, and he was fine with that, feeling as though he had made his peace with his upcoming bout of mortality.
He and the Council were both wrong, however.
Now permanently severed from the Light of god, he effectively sealed his fate as a fallen angel, though what he (and the rest of Heaven) did not know was what exactly that meant.
In Treachery, he would encounter V2, half-dead and unwilling to fight, rather it would go on to strike an initially-begrudging alliance with the angel, bound over a shared goal: to hunt down V1.
While much of the driving force behind this plan was provided by V2, Gabriel still tagged along as it drove the two of them back up through the layers of Hell, and as he did, he would notice his body changing.
Angels, especially fallen ones, are more like strange arthropods than anything else, especially resembling insects. An angel will typically not just outright die when stripped of their light; as an inherently divine entity they still retain a small amount that's enough to keep them alive, however they do end up "falling"--the tight control god once had on their physical form is lost and begins reverting to a more natural and organic state. Gabriel would be no exception to this.
As a proper fallen angel, Gabriel is an even taller (over 8'6") and imposing figure. His halo has become a set of horns and his wings are shattered and split into four long limb-like appendages (think malicious face spider legs but more weaponized). His armor, or rather, carapace is duller and tarnished looking, with the segmentation between plates being more organically divided. He has a pair of sharp, hooked raptorial limbs (like a mantis) connected close to his waist and his legs are completely rearranged into an insectoid form. The front plate of his helmet is largely missing to reveal what at a glance seems to be a void, though also revealing several spider-like eyes around the still completely intact (and untarnished !) cross that once decorated the helmet. The golden spike has split into wasp-like mandibles and large, wing-like lamellate antennae often cover his face in spite of everything else. The [name for whatever the skirt armor plates are] are fused together in the back and extend into a scorpion tail. also his fingers are clawed.
bro is fucked up  !!
optionally, at some point well into the future a few more changes happen over time:
- his bodyplan gets a little less strictly humanoid. playing fast and loose with it
- exposed "skin" gets a layer of fuzzy scales like a moth
- at least one set of the appendages that used to be his wings finally heal into a new set of cicada- or mantis-like wings
- he no longer has the cross from his helmet embedded into his face
- just generally seems way healthier if you know what healthy would look like in an angel ("normal" angels are like god's unethical dog breeds as is)
it/she Just barely surviving its second fight with V1 out of nothing short of sheer luck or a miracle, V2 was left to drag its utterly broken body out of the scorching heat of Greed in order to try and piece itself together again, physically and mentally. It did not believe it should have survived, only having done so out of chance. It started to see itself as something of a ghost, and there's only one thing your average ghost is after: revenge. Delving deeper into Hell in search of parts and fuel, it, at some point, got ahead of V1 once more and found itself in the frozen wasteland of Treachery, where it would encounter Gabriel. It knew about him, and could accurately guess what they had in common with each other, leading it to try and forge an alliance with him in order to take on V1 one last time, leveraging the fact that both of them had been defeated individually by it previously. It was going to kill its predecessor at any cost. Even if it was taken down with it. Heading back up through Hell, it would form a bond with Gabriel as it tried its best to help him handle his...situation the best it could, going from simply allies to eventually friends (and then even later...uh. great question lmfao). The two would become nearly inseparable by the end of their shared journey. qpp more like the inseparable warrior's bond V2 is fairly short in comparison to Gabriel, only around 5'6" or so, even with the height boost its legs gave it. It's new legs were salvaged from a sentry, and are bird- or dromaeosaurid-like in their anatomy. It's left arm replacement is a tethered saw that can be launched and swung around, built into a swordsmachine-like arm. It's right arm remains intact but it has an extra "skeletal" arm on the same side. All but two of its wing blades are broken off. V2 is also very expressive, having modified itself for the purpose. It has small blade-like structures on the sides of its head that can be moved to convey its emotions, as well as a metal "eyelid" over its optic. Its wings often move and change color in accordance with how it's feeling (red = angry, green = scared, yellow = positive/neutral, blue = negative/neutral) After killing V1, it has a few differences: - its wings are repaired, with all 8 blades intact - it replaces its saw arm with V1's feedbacker (this actually happens before it dies lol) and also reobtains it's knuckleblaster and whiplash - it replaces its skeletal left arm with V1's left arm, giving it anywhere from 3 to 5 arms total Optionally, well into the future: - it builds itself a raptor-like mechanical tail for better balance with its legs. the "feather"-like structures are built to match its wing blades  - if you go REALLY far ahead it eventually develops some synthetic angel wings for itself after studying angel anatomy for a long ass time it is strong enough to pick up gabe. just so you know.
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lovin-momma · 9 months
My big brain thoughts on Crowley
Okay so we're going to go slow and I'll drop my bombshell at the end...
They never say Crowley's heavenly name. And yet Crowley just said Hello and Aziraphale just stops what they are doing.
He has ties to both the perceived head of Heaven (Gabriel) & Hell (Beelzebub formerly Raphael). Including that they all seem to think along the same lines as Crowley in weird ways. Anything that Crowley wants to happen often happens even if not in the way he thought. Crowley waltzes into Heaven on more than one occasion without thinking about it often goes first. He has the highest password and instead of raising alarms most angels are like yep you should be allowed to see what's happening. Crowley is the only demon who still tries to talk to God. Crowley never wants humans harmed and even brings back the association head without thinking about it. He creates a new law that the demons do not question or follow and the angels. A 25 Lazaros miracle only happens when Crowley is touching Gabriel.
Aziraphale always wants to do what God wants which coincidentally is often what Crowley wants to do. God did not go silent until Gabriel put his consciousness in a container and went to be closer to God's favorite angel, Aziraphale. Because Gabriel knew they only way to keep God and himself safe is to put himself nearer to God.
Bildad means confusing in Hebrew and breaks down into Lord & Love.
See where I'm going with this?? Crowley is God; his memory is sketchy at best and even without thinking about it all angels and demons will silently do whatever Crowley thinks should happen. I also feel like Gabriel and Beelzebub were asked to take on their roles by Crowley and thus they long to be near him but Gabriel hates that he's not his true self...
@long-lost-idiot Did I miss anything from my theory? ADHD brain means strainer brain.
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snow-hart · 2 months
Little Warrior
This one is going to be brutal, and is not from Michael's point of view after the second paragraph/segment. After that up until the final paragraph, it will be told from his daughter's pov. This drabble is regarding the destruction of the nephilim species and will be tagged accordingly
As with the previous, the whole thing will be under a read more.
Reader discretion is advised.
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My little warrior grew like a mighty tree, proud and strong, brave and true... she grew among the people of Greece, and put her faith in their gods over her grandfather. A wise choice, though even her patrons would not be able to save her in the end, though they did try. Sixteen years...that's all I had with her. I had thought that by hiding her in Delos, in the shelter of another pantheon, that perhaps I could save her from what was to come. I was woefully wrong. I trained her in leadership skills, in battle, in all the things I could...all in the effort to give her a fighting chance. She showed such promise, able to wield my divine weapon as easily as myself in time. I was so proud of her. I wish I had stayed that day...I wish I had not been called into the front lines...or that I had refused the summons. Perhaps then she would still be alive. Perhaps they all would be...
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Pater had not left us for all that long, not in the grand scheme of things...he'd been gone for longer before. Cain and I had taken our small band hunting, as well as some of the youngest of us who had wanted to tag along, unknowing that we were leading them into the crucible of our doom. Our prey, a mountain goat, had traveled into a narrow ravine. I knew the island like the palm of my hand, and knew that there was no way out of this canyon but the way we came.
I felt the danger before anything else...today felt wrong, wrong in ways that make the hair on the back of your head stand on end. Slow, deep, rumbling footsteps.... different than a Titan...no...it was too much like ourselves. This...Oh no...this was a Nephilim. Not one of our kind, the ones Pater always warned us about. I glanced over my shoulder at Cain, who quickly ushered the children behind himself in an effort to shield them with his own body. He knew as well as I did that this monster would eat them first if it could. Unless we slew this monster, none of us would get out alive....But this thing towered over all of us, his head rising above the canyon top...how even had it gotten onto Delos? This place was meant to be hidden...unless...unless the island had drifted too close to another shore. That didn't matter. All that mattered to me was trying to save as many as I could...but if this thing was here...the angels hunting it would soon follow. And subsequently, they would find us...just as Gabriel had warned me. And I knew they would make him be the one to put us to the sword. Or spear in his case.
I prayed to Ares for the courage to face my fate with honor, whatever it might be...I knew Cain wasn't trained in battle, and given all that had happened to him, he'd never even brought a weapon. What I did know was that he would defend them till the end. And if that sacrifice was not enough to appease our grandfather, nothing would be. I raised my blade and issued the battle cry.
The fight...it lasted for hours, though it felt like days...and to my shame I froze for just a minute when the first of our number died. I had never seen someone die like that before. I had never felt the spray of another's blood hit my face until that moment, and in spite of all the training in the world, no one could prepare you for that. I snapped out of it, but not fast enough for it not to be able to grab me by my arm and crush it in it's grasp. I...I could feel as well as hear the snapping and crunching of my arm as I detached from it, hitting the ground with a harsh thud. I was vaguely aware of Cain screaming my name, running to me. I didn't have the time to bandage it nor the resources...but I still had life in me. I managed to slash open the monster's femoral artery, taking it down, but not before my leg met a similar fate to my arm.
Cain...where was he? I looked to see that he had been apprehended by two exterminating angels...they wanted him to watch us all die? Would they leave him live? To wander this world alone for all eternity? Or...would they kill him too?
I was dying...I could tell that much, it didn't take a genius to figure that out. I hoped, prayed, that I would die before Gabriel got to me...at least then my soul would be judged fairly.
I should have known better than to hope. I felt myself being moved onto my back....and I looked up into Gabriel's tear stained face. He looked every bit as sad as I knew he would, for Gabriel had a kind and gentle soul...and I could not find it in me to hate him for what he was going to do. All around us the rest of my people were being slain, and I could see the flinch in the Archangel's frame.
"I'm so s-sorry..." he whispered brokenly, the tears from his eyes mingling with the blood of my fellows. His hand was shaking so badly that he was struggling to grasp his spear.
"It's.....o...okay..." I tried to inform him, tried to let him know I bore him no ill will, though I don't know if he could hear me. My voice sounded so far away. I watched as his spear rose above my heart, my eyes closing as I readied myself for the blow.
The blade fell swiftly, for he did not wish to prolong my suffering. Ironic...given where I am now. Where all of my kind end up. I still pray to the gods...I don't know if they can hear me, but it brings me comfort. My only hope is that one day, perhaps redemption will include us in it's plans....
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A strangled, silent scream left my lungs as I sensed the first death from where I was stationed. Something was wrong...very, very wrong. Gods...I wish I had left sooner...or that I had known. Because as bad as the Fall of Lucifer was....
As bad as losing my beloved wife was....
This... there is nothing on earth, heaven, or hell itself that could prepare me for the sight before me when I arrived. I had abandoned my post, flying as fat as I can, hoping and praying I arrived in time.
Gods...I wish you had taken me instead
There was so much blood that it ran up to my ankles, and I ran through it, crying out her name, trying to find her. Hoping to find her alive...praying that I would not stumble upon her...her...
NO, No, No...not like this...
My baby....my little flower...my brave little warrior.
I should have been there....I should have... I....
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lynesthread · 9 months
I always thought that the role reserved for Aziraphale and Crowley in God's ineffable plan was to ultimately defy every rule and openly live their own life (openly being the key word here), exactly the way that Gabriel and Beelzebub ended up doing.
I don't think that way anymore, and for now I have no idea what to expect really. But what if - and I mean it exactly like a deviation from it will likely happen - they gave up their immortal lives and became completely human? I mean, they're already living outside of Heaven's and Hell's jurisdictions, kind of. They've been living among humans for the past 6000 years, experiencing all of the material pleasures humanity has to offer. They already started thinking like humans too, they care about things that other angels and demons wouldn't give a second thought to.
Granted, they're still quite morally detached from the human experience, they still see us as puppets from time to time. But I think they also see the beauty of it, the freedom of not being bound to any specific moral code, the power of being able to choose our actions even and especially when we feel like we're going against the rules.
So what if they were granted a wish by God herself and they asked to become completely, finally humans? No more angel or demon, no more ethereal or occult powers, just. Them. They would have to give up every memory of whatever was before, as well as immortality, obviously. A human brain can simply not comprehend nor contain the vastness of such minds. But in exchange they could have a life shaped like their hearts desire, a mortal one, but finally a free one.
So one day that one bookshop keeper and that one florist in Soho, that usually share a simple wave hello in the morning, casually meet at that one café with the curious name where the barista already knows what to serve them. They casually make eye contact, and they casually start chatting, you know, like good neighbouring vendors would do.
And when they start talking, hearing each other's voice respectively, there might be a weird sensation in their chest, similar to a deja-vu but oddly misplaced. It would last a fraction of a second, and yet it would be enough.
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rosscomstudios · 10 months
literally all of ultrakill lore
in the game, you play as the war machine named V1. you run on blood, and there is no blood left on earth. the humans, before going extinct, had found the gates to hell, and had a project called the “hell excavation and exploration project”. this project was abandoned for unconfirmed reasons, but it is most likely due to mankind discovering hells sentience. some robots from the final war, which was a war between humans on earth, like v1 and the sentries were sent to hell to help with the project. (although v1 specifically likely wasn’t used in it). in the first “act” of the game (it’s about the length of a layer but whatever) called the prelude follows v1 slowly getting closer to the gates of hell. there are some husks that have escaped hell. husks are the souls of sinful humans, manifesting their looks and strengths based off their lives. when v1 reaches the gates of hell, you can see the infamous “abandon all hope all ye who enter here” door from dante’s inferno, which ultrakill is heavily based off of. before entering hell, v1 needs to fight cerberus. not the three headed dog, it’s just a statue of some guy. also he has a orb of hell sauce or whatever and he uses it to Dunk on you.
limbo is the first layer of hell, and has the least severe punishment. limbo is for sinless people who didn’t believe in god, and for this they were put in a mock version of heaven, isolated from anyone else. however, they were able to go to the next layer to escape this. nothing too notable happens lore wise in limbo, (there is very minor stuff but who cares) the biggest thing is meeting v2 at the end of the layer. v2 looks the exact same as v1, but is now red and is very cool. (this is taken from memory so this might be wrong) v2, unlike v1, is not a war machine. v2 was created during the great peace, which was right after the final war. the great peace united all of humanity. why was v2 created? why did mankind make a robot that ran on blood during a time of peace? who knows. after beating the shit out of v2, v1 steals his arm and goes on to the second layer, lust.
lust is the second layer of hell, and according to king minos, the king of the lust layer, “the most bullshit one” (not his exact words). the punishment in lust is strong, cold winds. king minos believed that people shouldn’t be punished for only loving one another, so he starting creating a city for his people. the walls of the city would stop the winds. this started the lust renaissance, which the arch angel gabriel didn’t like all too much. (btw gabriel in the game is the judge of hell you’ll hear more about him later) gabriel decided in order to stop all of this, he would just kill king minos. minos’ husk walks around the layer of lust looking for sinners. at the end of the layer, we fight the corpse of king minos. once he is defeated, we enter his mouth to go to the next layer, which is gluttony.
gluttony is the third layer of hell, and the punishment is to slowly decay in acid. glutton is inside minos’ ultra-fucked up body. we see a bunch of eyeballs, teeth, and statues inside of him. there is a secret exit (that we will talk about later) inside this level. in the second and last level (the normal amount is 4) of gluttony, we get to see our boy gabriel. gabriel essentially says “hey get the fuck outta hell what are you doing here” but we are Chads and we continue onward, eventually meeting up with gabriel and fighting him. fun fact: gabriel’s weakness is nails, most likely a reference to that jesus guy. after fighting gabriel he gets all pissed, calls us an “insignificant fuck” then teleports away.
“May your L’s be many, and your bitches few.”
before continuing on to the next act, we need to talk about todays sponsor, raid shado-
before continuing to the next act, there is a cutscene that depicts gabriel with the council of heaven, and the council is like “gabriel you fucking idiot how did you lose to an object you have 23 hours before the piss drrroplets hit the fucking earth you lose gods most special boy award and you die. go fuck up that machine if you wanna live.”
greed is the fourth layer of hell, and the punishment is to push rocks up mountains in the hottest of deserts like sisyphus. speaking of sisyphus, like minos, sisyphus was the king of the greed layer. sisyphus was tired of heavens rule over hell, and when god disappeared out of nowhere, all the angels left hell in order to figure out what to do in heaven. this left everything in hell unsupervised, and in this time minos started the lust renaissance and sisyphus started the greed insurrection. king sisyphus gathered all the husks in greed in order to create an army. once everything was settled in heaven and the council was formed, the angels. came back down, saw all this bullshit happening and decided to stop it. sisyphus led a war against heaven, and although his army had more numbers, the angels were more trained. sisyphus lost the war and gabriel decapitated him.
wrath is the fifth layer of hell, and the punishment is to fight for air in the ocean Styx. the water you see in 5-2: WAVES OF THE STARLESS SEA is not water. those are bodies. in that level, we fight a ferryman. the ferrymen are former humans that take the souls of the damned to their respective layers using the ferryman’s very cool ass boat. nothing much is left to say about wrath. you do get to fight a leviathan which is cool.
heresy is the sixth layer of hell, and the punishment is burning alive. same as wrath, nothing much to say, really. no events or silly little guys are connected to this level. at least i think so, the miraheze wiki doesn’t say anything about this layer. like gluttony, this layer has 2 levels and we fight gabriel in the second one. while walking towards the fight, gabriel says something along the lines of “machine, your kind has fucked up all of hell. i hate you!!! >:( I AM GOING TO ULTRAKILL YOU!!!!!!”. during the fight, gabriel is very angy. gabriel infamously says “FIGHT ME LIKE AN ANIMAL, MACHINE!” which the community is very confused as to what gabriel means by that. after defeating gabriel, gabriel falls down and says “damn.” then leaves.
there yet another ad break cutscene after act 2. we first see gabriel sitting at a campfire and he is like “….. i think i’m atheist.” then he goes to the council and gets a bit wacky. he kills them. the last councilor tries to reason with gabriel, saying “B-b-but Gabriel, if you kill me, you’ll be dead within a matter of hours!”. gabriel only replies with “lol. lmao” he then cuts his head off.
remember when i said there was a secret exit in gluttony? yeah, there is a door in there that only unlocks when you p rank each level in the prelude and act 1. when the door opens, there is an exit that brings you to the level “P-1: SOUL SURVIVOR” (reminder, this level is in gluttony, so we are still inside minos’ corpse.)
we start the level with a torch and we see that minos has severe scoliosis and we walk down his spine that has like 10 turns in it. at the end of the spine vine, we enter a door on the floor and we find another fucking door inside it. it opens when you put the torch on a pedestal, and inside you encounter the FLESH PRISON. the flesh prison is a octahedral mass of flesh with one big ass mouth. the flesh prison can shoot fireballs at you, summon eyes to heal itself, and summon orbital strikes to kill you. this fight is extremely hard, and upon killing it, king minos’ prime soul is freed. a prime soul is an extremely powerful being, one of the strongest in the universe to be exact. the angels of heaven do not want these things from forming, so when the conditions are met to create a prime soul, which is someone with enough will dies, the angels lock the developing prime soul away in a prison to stop it. upon release, minos prime gives a really boring speech about our “crimes against humanity” or something idk. minos prime is one of the hardest bosses in the game, being extremely fast and dealing tons of damage. but since i am so good at this game, i can easily p rank him (on lenient difficulty). that’s about it for minos.
when you p rank each level in act 2 and defeat minos prime, a door in the level you fight gabriel in is unlocked. the level inside is P-2: WAIT OF THE WORLD. unlike minos’ level, there is more than just the prime soul fight. the level contains tons of enemies, which i won’t talk about because i’m lazy. once you get to the arena, you encounter the FLESH PANOPTICON which is a square flesh thing with multiple eyes and a mouth going all around it. like the flesh prison, the panopticon can summon eyes to heal itself, and can summon an orbital strike from the side or from the sky. but all of that doesn’t matter because sisyphus just breaks out half way through the fight. sisyphus is way taller and hotter than minos, he also way stronger. his strength can be best observed when he reaches phase 2 and grows a beard and hair. he also often says “destroy”. this is a reference to the fact that he will destroy you.
i don’t feel like writing anymore plus that’s pretty much everything. congrats if you read all of that.
will send more lore when act 3 comes out
I will read this at somepoint, lesson learned don't test Ham
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rillils · 7 months
its just me and the never-ending, all-consuming rabbit hole that is deciding which angel i headcanon crowley to be before she fell
right now im loving the idea of some angels not existing at all and most of their traits are tansfered to one angel instead so i see crowley as raphael, seraphiel, and jophiel
not you breaking my heart again on this fine November day 😭😭😭
Okay but like, all those possibilities! It's so difficult to stick to just one, right?? I've seen so many angel!Crowley headcanons over the last few years, some super detailed too, some really really really convincing - and the truth is, I just can't make up my mind xD
I'm pretty sure Neil will never ever confirm any of those headcanons, either - unless, of course, he plans to reveal Crowley's former angel name in a possible season 3? Like, it doesn't seem very likely but it could happen, right??
Personally, I like the Jophiel headcanon just as much as the next person 💖 The fact that it would fit the infamous "J" is really enticing, I must admit :P After watching s2 though, I'm mostly wondering if Aziraphale ever knew Crowley's angel name in the first place tbh. We see Aziraphale introduce himself when they first meet, but Crowley/Star-maker doesn't reciprocate (too busy being awestruck by his beloved stars 💖), and we don't really know how long it was before he went and Asked his Questions and was cast out as a result, nor if he ever got to interact with Aziraphale again before that happened. fjsgdjskssk I don't know, there are so many blank spaces here, and so many things could have happened in between!!!
All I can say is, out of all the headcanons out there, like the ones that posit Crowley as former Raphael, or just him as a very powerful archangel in general, etc, I tend to prefer the ones where he was just. Just an angel, you know? Not particularly renowned, not amongst the "big names", you know, God's "favourites" like Gabriel or Michael or Lucifer or whatever, just… just your average angel, who happened to be curious, and creative, and caring, and sweet, and wanted to watch his stars and nebulas grow and develop into their full potential 💖
If I'm being really, really, really super honest though, I keep thinking that… this might be the one mystery I wouldn't mind leaving alone. I'm only speaking for myself, of course, I can't stress that enough! But… does it- I mean, does it really matter who Crowley used to be? It doesn't change who he is now, nor how much he is loved - loved for who he is, a tender-hearted demon, or I guess a "former" demon, since Hell's pretty much disowned him at this point.
I guess what I'm trying to say is, it doesn't make any difference to me whether or not his former name (would it be appropriate to call it a deadname?) is ever revealed. He's Crowley, a demon who only goes along with Hell as far as he can, who cares so much and loves so deeply, and that means everything to me already 💕💕💕
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unknownfrom34 · 5 months
In a Flight of Fight
Another one that I had thought of for our lovely @muzzleroars today. (I know the title will be Flight or fight but I like this better.)
I had decided to write up this bad boy before it ended up in drafts for some time until I decided to continue on it.
This is what I can think after they receive their helms from God after he made another batch of them. It is inspired by this scene in the Prince of Egypt movie. Also: I do not condune violence and brawling to children. Do not do this at home or Heaven or even in Hell itself if you are an Archangel.
Enjoy the chaos! EMBRACE THE CHAOS >:D
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It hasn't even been a full 3 years yet and already they are throwing themselves at each other in a sheer strength they had been born with.
The word "roughhousing" is what word you would create to describe the unwavering chaos they leave behind in their wake if you're in Lucifer's shoes.
Roughhousing is nothing compared to the oncoming destruction they had created throughout their faithful warrior training during their time on Mars.
"You are nothing but a woodcock to me, Gabriel! You fly like one!" Michael's words echoed down towards the rapidly approaching Archangel. He was grabbed and he and his brother were throwing down into the ground below them. Whoever has been building the cathedral below them is going to pretty much cry and then a potential stress-induced meltdown upon seeing their work reduced to debris of marble, stone and iron.
"I would like to see you fly like a woodcock after this, Michael!" Gabriel laughed before he was kicked off when the Prince in Training planted his feet onto his chest firmly like he was taught to do when an enemy was pinning him down and the fastest Cherub was thrown into a pillar with a yell.
Michael jumped onto his feet and into a standance as he lifted his hands up and then pulled them away from his face but as he did, the chain of heavenly gold appeared and it was yanked at both directions his fists had gone to. He pulled back and with the chain acting as a whip, he threw it towards his brother just as he was began to recover but he teleported away just in time for the chains instead wrapping around the pure-white pillar inside and being yanked back to him, breaking it in the process. "Where did you go!?"
As if to answer, a laugh had come from his upper right and he was grabbed and flown out of the cathedral before Gabriel was punched into letting him go as he falls and unfurls his four wings just in time when he was falling into the near star-sprinkled filled void below.
He flies and flies back up towards his opponent before he yelps in shock upon seeing him by his side. "Michael!" He yelled through the airless cosmos. "Do you ever think your name will be written in the stars?"
"One day, yes." He yelled in answer, he wasn't aware on what Gabriel is planning to do until its too late. "How about now?" and before Michael could react, he was punched.
One can easily mistake him as a delicate purple colored shooting star due to the sheer strength the latter had portrayed as he was flying across the Eighth sphere and crashes through one house of an unfortunate angel that was busy building it before it was destroyed by a living makeshift meteorite, crashing through a tower and then soon crash-landing into a lush field at last and leaving a crater with dirt and soil covering him.
He groaned as he pushes himself back on his feet as he lifted his hand to soothe the fire burning in his upper arm but that clarity was cut short when he noticed a beam of blue light heading right towards him. He quickly jumped and flew away from the crater right away for Gabriel to crashed into it.
"You could've killed me!" "Oh come now, Michael," Gabriel chuckled as he flapped upwards after him, a sword made from golden dust is now at the ready. "Whatever happen to your sense of fun?" he question as he beat his wings to go faster, catching up to his brother at speeds.
"Oh?" The Eagle sensed the smile returned to cub quickly. "So it's fun you want?" Michael then stops mid air with a golden spear materializes from nowhere and aims carefully for his brother and threw it towards him. Gabriel immediately reacted with light forming two swords of his own and then clashed them both and then gliding on blades, he swiftly deflecting it.
It spun fast but he grabbed it without a single cut on him as the chains wrapped around his waist jingled and rattled through the wind. Four wings pushed forward and soon he flies towards him with a yell as he done the same.
Weapons of light clashed onto one another and crashed with sparks ignited before the latter was able to grab him. Wrapped him in chains, Michael was straddled his brother as they fell down together, Gabriel struggled as he received one punch after another before the strength returned to him to recall the one thing in training: teleport.
Enveloped in a blue glow and soon he vanished in a glow of light, leaving Michael falling by himself with chains collapsed the shape of the small Archangel before he felt a foot stepped onto his back and soon they fall down faster as afterimages were left behind by his attacker.
They crashed into another holy building and in a rumble, Gabriel was kicked off of him and with a battle cry, Michael flew towards him with the spear with the intent of striking him down but he kept dodging.
"Why." Another miss. "Won't." another miss. "You." another miss. "Stay." another miss once again. "Still?!"
In frustration, he threw chains again and binding Gabriel to the pillars, walls, floors and ceiling, anywhere to hold him in place. He struggled to break free but the chains themselves are made from light and created to specially made to imprison and kept divine beings.
Yet, this did not deter him and continued to struggle but the chains tighten around him and a yelp left him when he felt the tip of the golden blade pointed at his throat. Gabriel stopped and looked at him, chest heaving in and out.
"I win." Michael panted, "...Brother." there was a sense of satisfaction in that tone. He can hear it from his voice. But just as Michael was basking in the glory, a crack was heard from somewhere. Gabriel looked at the source and gasped just as Michael turned to look as well. Eyes widen when he noticed.
The cracks from the ceilings where the chains had been nailed to began to spread. Others slowly began to follow suit as the integrity of the church is beginning to wither as they both turned to look at each other with growing worry.
Debris falling down was the first warning and the last warning that came soon after?
The building is collapsing all around them, pillars fell down, chains rattled, yells and screaming coming from them both as dust filled the air as the ceiling broke and fell onto them both yet blinding light came soon in a flash just as everything around them fell apart.
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"You two are alright, you can open your eyes now." A familiar gentle voice cooed to them both. Sounded annoyed but he has easily masked it.
Michael and Gabriel opened their eyes and one look around, they are outside and in the skies, overlooking the destroyed church and they both look up to see Lucifer, holding them both in his arms as his wings beat steadily.
Lucifer looked at them both with a stern look. "I assume another roughhouse of yours?" he questioned them both as he looked at them in his arms. They nodded their heads, rather worried had jittered them both. He sighed.
"You two know this." He flew until he finds a balcony with a first foot and the other. "They have all worked on this sphere and others, I fear the Father will get wind of these fights you two are putting up." he gently puts them both on the ground. By height of them, Michael is near to his chest and Gabriel is a tad shorter than him but they looked up to him.
He turned them around and hands on their backs, guiding them to somewhere. "Raphael and Uriel were building additionally and I know that you both know what they will feel if their work was reduced to rumble."
"I am sorry, Lu." "I repent for what I have done, Lucifer." They both apologized.
They walked through the hall, smoke rose from their little battle had alerted the other angels and a sight of them flying towards the ruins of structures. The three turned to look at the sight as the stardust clouds swirled with pinks and yellows with sprinkles danced across the darkness. No doubt that he will explain on their behalf to the Lord later but still he breathed in and out slowly, maintaining his composure. He nodded and then closed his eye, sighing softly. "Why the Father had blessed me with four brothers when the other two were so reckless and destructive?" he spoke to himself and then he turned to them both.
"If you two want to continue training, please let it be in the Fifth Sphere the next time." He said as they turned to look at him. "Please do so, I am sure the warriors will have to dealt with your path of Blasphemy and chaos." he lightly joked but they both knew the first part is serious. Michael, looking at Lucifer and worried for a moment and Gabriel can see it.
"Do you think we will get in trouble for this, don't you?" he asked. Gabriel turned to Lucifer once again but he shook his head. "Do not worry, I am sure He will understand." he then looked at them both and noticed many things on them both.
They are covered in dust and dirt.
Based on movements, they are left quite drowsy.
Another consequences for their actions when they decided to fight, without a drop of doubt. But still, they have reached to where he wanted them to go.
"You are tired and filthy from the fight," he then reached out and pulled the fabric, holding the way open for the sprinkling springs for angels to wash up. "Come now, let's get you two wash up before nightfall."
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estherwestfall · 7 months
Esther at a glance
"Sometimes God breaks your heart to save your soul"
NAME: Esther Constance Westfall AGE: 28 [Born July 8th] OCCUPATION: Stock Worker at O'Connor's Outdoors ARRIVED: Resident, never left GENDER/PRONOUNS: Non-binary; they/them SEXUALITY: Pansexual, but hates most people QUIRKS: Is extremely quiet and reserved, unless you piss her off. Tries to avoid all small talk if they can. If anyone asks they're an only child. Dresses like she rolled out of bed and grabbed whatever was on the floor, which is probably what happened. When she's not at the church they spends most of her free time watching movies, catching up on what she was not allowed to experience growing up.
Esther never considered herself lonely growing up. Through their family's religious expectations they were a caregiver, a homemaker, and her life centered around caring for her little brother Gabriel. She didn't need friends, or anyone else in this Godless town, so long as they had their baby brother. Their parents were harsh, but fair...though maybe sometimes too harsh. It was the two of them against the world.
As teens, Esther tried to keep her brother away from those Heathens. Knew he was better than all of them, that they only wanted to hurt him. She tried to warn him to not go to that party, and she wishes she had pushed harder, forced him to stay. Gabriel wasn't the same after that. He wasn't her little brother anymore.
Esther tried. She really did. How was it so hard for him to understand that he was Gabriel? Gabe? Their little brother? Clearly he wasn't dead. He was right in front of her, breathing. Why couldn't he get it through his thick skull? Why was he refusing to listen to reason? All the screaming, all the fights, Esther began to think he just wanted attention. That the party turned bad and he couldn't accept that she was right.
A large portion of the responsibility to take care of Gabriel after his "incident" fell on Esther. The stress, the frustrations pilled up quickly. They ended up hurting Gabriel just as much as he hurt her, emotionally, physically. Resentment began to fester.
When their parents died, Esther knew Gabriel did it on purpose. He committed the ultimate sin. He killed them. Between this and the growing difficulty of taking care of her selfish brother that just refused to grow up and stop playing his stupid joke, they eventually snapped. They had enough. Esther kicked Gabriel out of the house, denouncing him as her brother. If he wanted to tell everyone he was dead then fine. He was dead to her. She had no brother.
For a year they holed themself up in their family home. Barely refusing to leave except for food and basic necessities. Esther had no one and that was fine. She didn't need anyone. Still, after a year, even they could admit that shutting everything out wasn't the answer.
Slowly, Esther began to reintegrate back into town. At only 19, they didn't really know what to do with their life. The outdoor shop was hiring, and the job seemed easy enough. When she saw other people going into the local church, she hesitated. The only thing that kept them strong over the last year was her faith, and even that felt broken, wavering. Her parents always hated on the local religious communities, and Esther embraced that dogma, but she couldn't go to her old church. She had nowhere else to go.
The person who stood in front of the congregation was bizarre, went against everything her faith and parents bore into her, and yet Esther was entranced. It wasn't love, it would never be love. But something about the priest called to them, made her feel like maybe there was still something in this God forsaken town to hold on to.
In time, Esther began to deconstruct the dogma forced into her, but still, outside of the church they were very much alone. Seeing Gabriel in town, thriving, hurt. It only further proved that he had been lying, pretending to be someone he wasn't. Hurt their bond for no reason other than because he could. Hatred brewed in her heart.
Her relationship with the priest was one that was difficult to label. Companionship maybe. Not quite friendship but not nothing either. They slept together often, even talked, though never of each other's past for varying reasons. They were not lovers, and Esther was fine with that, preferred it even. Why would anyone love her? The only person that ever claimed to love her lied and hurt her deeper than anything their parents could have ever done. Absinthe was a distraction, a means to not be so alone anymore.
It wasn't long before Esther found out she was pregnant. She shook and sobbed at the little plus sign on the test, wondering why God would be so cruel to them. They knew they could not, should not ever be a mother. They could not take care of their brother, her love wasn't enough for him, so how could it ever be enough for a child? Desperate, she consulted the library and asked around town. It lead her to the town's treasured Buttons. They had never interacted before that day, yet the older woman's demeanor was cold, off. Esther didn't care. They only wanted help. She prayed the teas would do as were promised.
Their prayers were answered, and unless anyone read too deeply about her questioning, her purchased pregnancy test, only O'Grady knew their little secret. And that was for the best. No one needed to know. To know that they were a failure. That they were raised to be a caregiver, and mother, and deep down Esther knew she was too broken to ever be that. That that was never something in her future.
After that day, she turned to pills to help numb herself. Anything she could get her hands on, so long as Esther could get out of her head. They continued to crumble, while Gabriel was happy and healthy and it was unfair. It was so unfair.
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adammilligan · 2 years
okay. i’ll put this under a readmore as to not subject you all to five absolutely incoherent paragraphs about some dipshit villain spn pulled out of their asses
am constantly thinking about apocalypse world and au!michael and au!lucifer. because that's a world where the main story ended at swan song except michael DID kill lucifer! and while i'm also constantly thinking about au!michael's line of "i killed my lucifer. tore him apart in the skies over abilene. but hey, can’t get enough of a good thing" it's also kind of important to remember that he. by this point. is absolutely batshit insane. gets a fucking high off of watching people die and laughs like a maniac when he kills gabriel and whatnot etc etc. and in this world where the story ended at swan song i think the exact same thing that happened in the main universe would've happened there. where au!lucifer would've told him that god was doing this TO them and begged him to walk off the chessboard with him and au!michael would've turned on him and called him a monster and told him that he was a good son and that he had his orders. and then he kills au!lucifer and then there's. nothing. no god. no paradise. no nothing.
and so au!michael is kind of left with the fact that not only was au!lucifer RIGHT, but that he just murdered the brother he raised from the moment he was created for nothing. absolutely nothing! and so since the majority of au!michael's anger was turned upon god instead of on au!lucifer, the latter of whom was the most important person in michael's life aside from god, then it kind of just turns into. yknow. au!michael DID remake himself in au!lucifer's image in the depths of the insanity that followed. and so au!lucifer's death became a good thing. a fun thing. i think au!michael's lack of anything to fall back on in the wake of lucifer's death (if au!raphael was like raphael in that he was tired and depressed and thought god was already dead, that's not exactly something to find a sense of stability in) plus the grief of god's betrayal plus the grief of what he did to au!lucifer literally did contribute to him BECOMING au!lucifer but worse.
and it would make sense is the thing! for au!michael to do that! because that's exactly what michael did! except with adam! michael kind of directly implied that he saw adam's word as second only to god's in 15x08, which would mean that the instant michael's faith in god was properly shattered adam's word would've taken the number one spot. regardless, michael and adam's time together no matter what happened DID somehow place adam as the most important person in michael's life aside from god. adam was his friend! and lucifer got knocked off that pedestal so adam could have that spot. the thing about this is is that. i mean. what were adam's penultimate words. they were "since when do we get what we deserve." adam isn't lucifer! he doesn't bite back! he doesn't have any sort of sadistic streak! adam's tired and sad and worn down and resigned to whatever happens. and then you look at michael in inherit the earth and what is he. he's tired and sad and worn down and resigned to his fate. and where au!michael went down swinging (like lucifer, like au!lucifer), michael literally did the opposite. he stood there and let himself be killed.
what i’m saying is that. out of the two michaels we were handed. one pretty explicitly and one based on context clues. both have a history of modelling themselves after the one most important to them after that one dies. and it’s kind of funny to me in a way that au!michael also admits that he tried to play god at one point because yeah he tried to model himself after HIM too but it didn’t work out and now he’s kind of still a more insane version of lucifer. which means that out of the two of them michael was the only one who lived up to his actual name (”quis ut deus?” which means “who is like god?” and it’s meant to be framed as a question with an answer already written: that no one is like god) but i digress. so the thought of au!michael and au!lucifer kind of drive me crazy because it means that au!michael would’ve called him a monster. realized that au!lucifer was right about everything. lost himself in the spiral of madness. and became that same monster. an even worse one, in fact. i think about it literally all the time it’s like yes dear god he still hates him he killed him once and he did worse to his alternate self but. i mean. that was HIS monster. HIS brother. HE raised him. it’s not like michael and lucifer where their relationship got worse and fell apart entirely until they no longer even seemed to care about each other by the end of it. i think that at least part of if not a lot of au!michael’s insanity is just his grief for au!lucifer and the fact that he killed him for nothing, for the father who never even cared, manifesting outwards until he can convince himself he hates him all over again while he kind of wears him like a second skin that doesn’t fit him quite right but melds just enough with au!michael’s own cruelty and anger until it doesn’t even matter.
because this isn’t the main universe! this is the fallout of a swan song that didn’t end with imprisonment! where there was no one to stop them! that ended the way it was technically supposed to end! with one brother killing the other! and the end result is the fallout of that. where au!michael really did kind of take the attributes of the one he loved most and incorporate them into himself out of grief. michael in the main universe IS capable of the same cruelty and we see that with the lance but he doesn’t share the sadistic streak as lucifer and au!michael do and au!lucifer would’ve. does ANY of this make sense.
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