#(except in this case its an apple to a rotting orange because jesus fucjing christ the show is a mess)
peggy-ovo · 11 months
👏 movie 👏 pacing👏 will feel👏fast👏when you're👏only👏used👏to shows👏
#im so sorry they couldnt fit 17 filler episodes directly in the middle of the movie??????#its a MOVIE#they need to fit the ENTIRE STORY into an hour and 40 minutes#but you people are so brain rotted from the 120 episode 40 hour story youve forgotten how movies work#and ppl complaining like “they changed things they changed things!!” yeah??? and????? if you wanted to watch the show then go watch the show#this is a different story#arguably better imo because they managed to fit all the best story beats from the (again. 40 hour) show and condensed it into under 2 hours#anyways i loved the movie and as someone who recently rewatched the whole show from start to finish#its obJECTIVELY BETTER#you guys wanna talk about plot holes? fucked pacing? what the fuck even happened with luka and marinette?? they got together as a#pivotal plotline at the very end of a season#then the FIRST EPISODE OF THE NEXT#break up#chloes redemption arc? that then got ripped away from her bc the head writer is a fucking baby?#whatever in gods name happened with gabriel at the end????#theyre completely different formats and slightly different stories is what im trying to say. you guys are judging a movie by show standards#apples to oranges#(except in this case its an apple to a rotting orange because jesus fucjing christ the show is a mess)#its still worth watching#its funny and has some interesting ideas#and when it hits it HITS#but holy fuck stop shittingbon the movie#esp when your only critiques are “its not the show!!!1!”#miraculous ladybug#adrien agreste#marinette dupain cheng#miraculous lb#miraculous awakening#chat noir
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