#what is dendrophobia
whetstonefires · 2 years
Where do you stand on the r4cs0 issue? I mean, I'm sure you don't care about his rampant homophobia, transphobia, dendrophobia and racism. But you can't really support his attitude toward animals can you? Aside from the constant trolling of vegans, he brags about the fact that he lives in a remote area of Idaho where there is no real law enforcement, so he gets away with hunting endangered grey wolves and decapitating geese. Google it! Look up "Idaho Geese Massacre."
i...beg your pardon???
this scans like someone was playing madlibs about a droid from Star Wars but given the internet it might actually be about an actual drama of some kind? anyway i'm just going to treat it as copypasta.
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reginaldqueribundus · 2 years
Where do you stand on the r4cs0 issue? I mean, I'm sure you don't care about his rampant homophobia, transphobia, dendrophobia and racism. But you can't really support his attitude toward animals can you? Aside from the constant trolling of vegans, he brags about the fact that he lives in a remote area of Idaho where there is no real law enforcement, so he gets away with hunting endangered grey wolves and decapitating geese. Google it! Look up "Idaho Geese Massacre."
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gameshow-host-wally · 5 months
What are YOUR phobias, Wally? We found out what the contestants was, by what's yours? :)
"I think I got a couple... Aichmophobia, Angrophobia, Dendrophobia. That's all I can remember at the moment"
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cassie-stoner · 9 months
Yo, I don't know whats up between you and that americangirl chick, but the anon who sends the n-slur asks is definitely "r4cs0" or one of his other fanboys.
r4cs0 is a crypto-fascist blog. Most of his posts are cat memes and reblogs of other random "funny" stuff. But he claims to be "tumblr famous" and the reason why he claims that is because he is well-known for being a nexus of far right-wing activity on this site. Almost all of his followers are Trump supporters who post COVID misinformation. And although it only slips through once in awhile, if you comb his blog carefully you can find examples of homophobia, transphobia, dendrophobia, anti-semitism, ableism, white power racism and pretty much every other form of bigotry you can imagine.
r4cs0 is VERY well known for his use of slurs. 99% of his responses to asks he gets are "lol [r-slur]" or something similar. He has used the n-slur many times and I wouldn't doubt even remotely if he sent you that ask. On one particularly grotesque occasion, he called my sister the u-slur! The guy has no limits what-so-ever! He also has some weird shit going on with wolves too, so if you get any asks mentioning wolves that would be his doing as well. Immediately block anything mentioning wolves. You don't even want to know the story behind this. Just block.
You'll notice that @anamericangirl responded to my post answering the ask containing the n-word saying she doesn't use the word, but at no point does she discourage it's use. She also frequently uses that r-word. She also also frequently supports nazis, so, there's that.
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ok-dingo · 8 months
Did you hear that Bob Barker died? And have you also noticed that r4cs0 is posting a lot less the last few days? These are related! r4cs0 idolized Bob Barker because Barker was the master of using a seemingly benign form of entertainment (game show host) to engage in propaganda and gaslighting of his followers (telling them to neuter their pets). Do you see the connection? r4cs0 does the same thing! He mostly posts seemingly innocent cat memes (even though he not-so-secretly hates cats) but on infrequent occasions he allows his mask to slip and posts very obvious homophobia, transphobia, dendrophobia and all sorts of other far-right bigotry. Bob Barker was his role model for how to use a seemingly politically neutral platform to brainwash his followers with his political views. And now he is heartbroken and wrestling with his own mortality.
(And don't even get me started on what Takashi0 thought about Barker. Did you know that fucker is a BRONY???)
now this is the kind of schizopost I'm here for
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jerzwriter · 11 months
Do you feel like we are seeing a lot more far-right bigotry on tumblr this year than we have during pride month in the past? I saw one post from this meme blogger called "r4cs0" where he was claiming that Chipotle had changed their corporate policies to ban homosexuals from their restaurants after a homosexual man was caught stealing guacamole by smuggling it out in his anus. It was definitely fake news and I think a lot of people were reblogging it because they thought it was a joke, but if you go to r4cs0's blog there is actually a huge amount of homophobia, transphobia, dendrophobia and general bigotry going on over there.
Hey Nonny,
I definitely feel it. This pride feels really off to me, and I don't like it. I am speaking from a U.S. perspective, but I know this applies to other nations as well. The anti-rhetoric is always there, but it feels more blatant like they're more empowered. That's been happening ever since 2016, but this year feels more intense.
My personal feelings? Roe v. Wade was overturned. Now, that in and of itself still has me on FIRE, but like I said on day one, Roe being overturned was not just about Roe, and the far-right has no intention of stopping there. Between that and the far-right media, they're emboldened and not letting down.
I even see it in things that, in general, I don't put too much stock in. Like Target's decision to remove their pride displays from certain stores in the South. Now, I never saw Target as the biggest ally, and I think a lot of corporate pride is BS propaganda, but this isn't good. Why? When I'm in lower Manhattan, it's not the kids there that need to know they're loved and supported... they know. This happened in the communities where they are most ostracized, the most in danger. It doesn't sit well with me.
Also, a lot of companies are putting out their pride logo for a day, then taking it down. Excuse me, but fuck you. America is not a democracy, no matter how much we like to pretend we are, in practice, we are very much a corporatocracy, and right now, we need corporations to be allies more than ever - for lgbtq+ rights, women's rights, racial equity - and so many are backing down instead of standing up - and that's not good. I'm looking hard at where I spend my money these days, and I think we should all try to do that.
Now the shit you are reporting here, I'd like to say anyone who sees that and believes it should have their heads examined, but in our crazy-ass climate, who the hell even knows what's real and what's not anymore (and that's QUITE by design). It's disgusting and disheartening, and it is dangerous.
I'm old enough that I remember when pride was a lot more than a party - and honestly, that has to be remembered, and we need to focus on that. It's great to celebrate, it's important to celebrate, and we should celebrate. But we have to stay vigilant, we have to fight, and for those of us fortunate enough to live in more progressive areas need to really remember those who don't and work for them.
Here's my only hope... the younger generation, in general, is progressive, so I hope the future will be brighter. But don't think the forces at play don't know that the younger generation is more progressive and these bigoted dinosaurs' days are numbered. That's why they're doing all they can - who cares if it's legal or ethical - to consolidate power.
It's hard to see all of this. I've lived through a lot and seen things improve so much. To see things moving backward is just sickening.
Stay strong, Nonny. Sending you love and HAPPY PRIDE... no matter what.
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cryptidfuckery · 2 years
Where do you stand on the r4cs0 issue? I mean, I'm sure you don't care about his rampant homophobia, transphobia, dendrophobia and racism. But you can't really support his attitude toward animals can you? Aside from the constant trolling of vegans, he brags about the fact that he lives in a remote area of Idaho where there is no real law enforcement, so he gets away with hunting endangered grey wolves and decapitating geese. Google it! Look up "Idaho Geese Massacre."
what is hhappening
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block-list-poster · 1 year
HEY, what are you doing???? How could you make a fascist block list and forget about r4cs0????????? Like, I know he isn't as active anymore as he used to be but this guy was the #1 tumblr fascist for many years. Homophobia, transphobia, dendrophobia, you name it, this guy did it. His prior blog name was klubbhehead until he got banned for telling Carlos Albuquerque that Christian terrorism can be safely ignored. If that doesn't just SCREAM "fascist" then I don't know what does. If it would seal the deal I can also send you proof that he is Catholic. Please get on this, ASAP.
@lemuel-apologist stop spreading misinformation
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persephonekorex · 2 years
What Fears Do You Have?
Achluophobia: Fear of darkness - yes
Acrophobia: Fear of heights - yes
Aerophobia: Fear of flying - No
Algophobia: Fear of pain - No
Agoraphobia: Fear of open spaces or crowds - Yes
Amaxophobia: No.
Androphobia: Fear of men No
Anginophobia: Fear of angina or choking Yes
Anthrophobia: Fear of flowers No
Anthropophobia: Fear of people or society - Yes
Aphenphosmphobia: Fear of being touched - No
Arachibutyrophobia: Fear of peanut butter - No
Arachnophobia: Fear of spidersYes
Arithmophobia: Fear of numbers No 
Astraphobia: Fear of thunder and lightning Yes
Ataxophobia: Fear of disorder or untidiness Kinda 
Atelophobia: Fear of imperfection No
Atychiphobia: Fear of failure No
Automatonophobia: Fear of human-like figures No
Autophobia: Fear of being alone Yes
Bacteriophobia: No
Barophobia: Fear of gravity No
Bathmophobia: Fear of stairs or steep slopes No
Batrachophobia: Fear of amphibians No
Belonephobia: Fear of pins and needles No
Bibliophobia: Fear of books - No?
Botanophobia: Fear of plants No
Cacophobia: Fear of ugliness No
Catagelophobia: Fear of being ridiculed No
Catoptrophobia: Fear of mirrors No
Chionophobia: Fear of snow - WHAT? No
Chromophobia: Fear of colors No
Chronomentrophobia: Fear of clocks No
Chronophobia: Fear of time No
Claustrophobia: Fear of confined spaces No
Coulrophobia: Fear of clowns Yes
Cyberphobia: Fear of computers No
Cynophobia: Fear of dogs No
Decidophobia: Fear of making decisions Yes
Dendrophobia: Fear of trees No
Dentophobia: Fear of dentists No
Domatophobia: Fear of houses No
Dystychiphobia: Fear of accidents No
Ecophobia: Fear of the home No
Elurophobia: Fear of cats No
Entomophobia: Fear of insects No
Ephebiphobia: Fear of teenagers No
Equinophobia: Fear of horses No
Gamophobia: No
Genuphobia: Fear of knees No
Glossophobia: Fear of speaking in public Eye No
Gynophobia: Fear of women No
Haphephobia: Fear of touch No
Heliophobia: Fear of the sun No
Hemophobia: Fear of blood No
Herpetophobia: Fear of reptiles No
Hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliophobia: Fear of long words NO
Hydrophobia: Fear of water No
Hypochondria: Fear of illness Yes
Iatrophobia: Fear of doctors NO
Insectophobia: Fear of insects NO
Koinoniphobia: Fear of rooms NO
Koumpounophobia: Fear of buttons NO
Leukophobia: Fear of the color white NO
Lilapsophobia: Fear of tornadoes and hurricanes NO
Lockiophobia: Fear of childbirth No.
Mageirocophobia: Fear of cooking No
Megalophobia: Fear of large thingsNo
Melanophobia: Fear of the color black No
Microphobia: Fear of small things No
Mysophobia: Fear of dirt and germs No
Necrophobia: Fear of death or dead things No
Noctiphobia: Fear of the night No
Nosocomephobia: Fear of hospitals No
Nyctophobia: Fear of the dark No
Obesophobia: Fear of gaining weight No
Octophobia: Fear of the figure 8 No
Ombrophobia: Fear of rain No
Ophidiophobia: Fear of snakes No
Ornithophobia: Fear of birds No
Papyrophobia: Fear of paper No
Pathophobia: Fear of disease No
Pedophobia: Fear of children No
Philematophobia: Fear of kissing No
Philophobia: Fear of love No
Phobophobia: Fear of phobias No
Podophobia: Fear of feet No
Porphyrophobia: Fear of the color purple No
Pteridophobia: Fear of ferns No
Pteromerhanophobia: Fear of flying No
Pyrophobia: Fear of fire No
Samhainophobia: Fear of Halloween No
Scolionophobia: Fear of school No
Scoptophobia: Fear of being stared at No
Selenophobia: Fear of the moon No
Sociophobia: Fear of social evaluation No
Somniphobia: Fear of sleep No
Tachophobia: Fear of speed No
Technophobia: Fear of technology No
Tonitrophobia: Fear of thunder No
Trypanophobia: Fear of needles/injections No
Trypophobia: Fear of holes No
Venustraphobia: Fear of beautiful women No
Verminophobia: Fear of germs No
Wiccaphobia: Fear of witches and witchcraft No
Xenophobia: Fear of strangers or foreigners No
Zoophobia: Fear of animals Depends on which animal.
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hunting-songs · 8 days
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100 Phobias! Below are 100 Phobias! Bold what Phobias your Muse could have. Italice things that make your Muse uncomfortable and scared, but would not count as a phobia. Explain your muses stand on the phobia: How do they live with it? When do they meet that phobia in their daily life? Is there a reason for this phobia? Original By @treasurechestrpmemes ! Tagged By: A little Wildbirdie! Tagging: @skarletchains @rake-rake @bewitchingbaker @nephytale @gyofukuki @uzumakiuser @distortedkilling @yeonban @swxpped @zealctry @curseisms @muddsludge @saiakv @kiigan
Acrophobia: The Fear of heights. Senritsu is a very down-to-earth person and in her case she wants to always stay exactly this way: down on the earth. Naturally she is a Hunter and therefor traveling is normal for her, so she also very often ends up traveling in airships. So Senritsu had to find tactics to outstep her own fear: She never walks up to windows in airships or skyscrapers and usually stays int he iddle of a room and if she does she usually holds to a wall or a railing. And if she is on tall buildings she usually always holds or leans to a railing. Her greatest fear is crossing a bridge without railing for than her tactics nolonger work. In this cases she might start to humm very loudly and uses her hatsu too keep the panic at bay.
Fear of Dentists & Fear of Hospitals: Not Phobias Senritsu has. Hospitals make her highly uncomfortable due to beeing remainded of when she woke up after beeing cursed and beeing suddenly overhelmed by the noises around her. She definitive will avoid going to hospitals. Or the dentist.
Achluophobia: Fear of darkness
Acrophobia: Fear of heights
Aerophobia: Fear of flying
Algophobia: Fear of pain
Agoraphobia: Fear of open spaces or crowds
Aichmophobia: Fear of needles or pointed objects
Amaxophobia: Fear of riding in a car
Anemophobia: Fear of air
Angrophobia: Fear of anger
Anthrophobia: Fear of flowers
Anthropophobia: Fear of people or society
Aphenphosmphobia: Fear of being touched
Arachnophobia: Fear of spiders
Arithmophobia: Fear of numbers
Astraphobia: Fear of thunder and lightning
Astrophobia: Fear of outer space
Ataxophobia: Fear of disorder or untidiness
Atelophobia: Fear of imperfection
Atychiphobia: Fear of failure
Automatonophobia: Fear of human-like figures
Autophobia: Fear of being alone
Bacteriophobia: Fear of bacteria
Barophobia: Fear of gravity
Batrachophobia: Fear of amphibians
Belonephobia: Fear of pins and needles
Bibliophobia: Fear of books
Botanophobia: Fear of plants
Catagelophobia:Fear of being ridiculed
Catoptrophobia: Fear of mirrors
Chionophobia: Fear of snow
Chrometophobia: Fear of spending money
Chromophobia: Fear of colors
Chronomentrophobia: Fear of clocks
Chronophobia: Fear of time
Cibophobia: Fear of food
Claustrophobia: Fear of confined spaces
Coulrophobia: Fear of clowns
Cyberphobia: Fear of computers
Cynophobia: Fear of dogs
Daemonophobia: Fear of demons
Decidophobia: Fear of making decisions
Dendrophobia: Fear of trees
Dentophobia: Fear of dentists
Domatophobia: Fear of houses
Dystychiphobia: Fear of accidents
Ecophobia:Fear of the home
Elurophobia: Fear of cats
Emetophobia: Fear of vomiting
Entomophobia: Fear of insects
Equinophobia: Fear of horses
Genuphobia: Fear of knees
Glossophobia: Fear of speaking in public
Haphephobia: Fear of touch
Heliophobia: Fear of the sun
Hemophobia: Fear of blood
Herpetophobia: Fear of reptiles
Hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliophobia: Fear of long words
Hydrophobia: Fear of water
Hypochondria: Fear of illness
Iatrophobia:Fear of doctors
Insectophobia:Fear of insects
Leukophobia: Fear of the color white
Lilapsophobia: Fear of tornadoes and hurricanes
Lockiophobia:Fear of childbirth
Megalophobia: Fear of large things
Melanophobia: Fear of the color black
Microphobia: Fear of small things
Mysophobia: Fear of dirt and germs
Necrophobia:Fear of death or dead things
Noctiphobia: Fear of the night
Nomophobia: Fear of being without your mobile phone
Nosocomephobia: Fear of hospitals
Nyctophobia: Fear of the dark
Ombrophobia: Fear of rain
Ophidiophobia: Fear of snakes
Ornithophobia: Fear of birds
Pathophobia: Fear of disease
Pedophobia:Fear of children
Philematophobia: Fear of kissing
Philophobia: Fear of love
Phobophobia: Fear of phobias
Porphyrophobia: Fear of the color purple
Pteromerhanophobia: Fear of flying
Pyrophobia: Fear of fire
Scolionophobia: Fear of school
Scoptophobia: Fear of being stared at
Selenophobia: Fear of the moon
Sociophobia: Fear of social evaluation
Somniphobia:Fear of sleep
Tachophobia: Fear of speed
Technophobia: Fear of technology
Thalassophobia: Fear of the ocean
Tonitrophobia: Fear of thunder
Trypanophobia: Fear of needles/injections
Trypophobia: Fear of holes
Verminophobia: Fear of germs
Wiccaphobia: Fear of witches and witchcraft
Xenophobia: Fear of strangers or foreigners
Zoophobia: Fear of animals
Zuigerphobia: Fear of vacuum cleaners
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100 Phobias! Below are 100 Phobias! Bold what Phobias your Muse could have. italice things that make your Muse uncomfortable and scared, but would not count as a phobia. Explain your muses stand on the phobia: How do they live with it? When do they meet that phobia in their daily life? Is there a reason for this phobia? Original By @treasurechestrpmemes ! Tagged By: Tagging:
Achluophobia: Fear of darkness
Acrophobia: Fear of heights
Aerophobia: Fear of flying
Algophobia: Fear of pain
Agoraphobia: Fear of open spaces or crowds
Aichmophobia: Fear of needles or pointed objects
Amaxophobia: Fear of riding in a car
Anemophobia: Fear of air
Angrophobia: Fear of anger
Anthrophobia: Fear of flowers
Anthropophobia: Fear of people or society
Aphenphosmphobia: Fear of being touched
Arachnophobia: Fear of spiders
Arithmophobia: Fear of numbers
Astraphobia: Fear of thunder and lightning
Astrophobia: Fear of outer space
Ataxophobia: Fear of disorder or untidiness
Atelophobia: Fear of imperfection
Atychiphobia: Fear of failure
Automatonophobia: Fear of human-like figures
Autophobia: Fear of being alone
Bacteriophobia: Fear of bacteria
Barophobia: Fear of gravity
Batrachophobia: Fear of amphibians
Belonephobia: Fear of pins and needles
Bibliophobia: Fear of books
Botanophobia: Fear of plants
Catagelophobia:Fear of being ridiculed
Catoptrophobia: Fear of mirrors
Chionophobia: Fear of snow
Chrometophobia: Fear of spending money
Chromophobia: Fear of colors
Chronomentrophobia: Fear of clocks
Chronophobia: Fear of time
Cibophobia: Fear of food
Claustrophobia: Fear of confined spaces
Coulrophobia: Fear of clowns
Cyberphobia: Fear of computers
Cynophobia: Fear of dogs
Daemonophobia: Fear of demons
Decidophobia: Fear of making decisions
Dendrophobia: Fear of trees
Dentophobia: Fear of dentists
Domatophobia: Fear of houses
Dystychiphobia: Fear of accidents
Ecophobia:Fear of the home
Elurophobia: Fear of cats
Emetophobia: Fear of vomiting
Entomophobia: Fear of insects
Equinophobia: Fear of horses
Genuphobia: Fear of knees
Glossophobia: Fear of speaking in public
Haphephobia: Fear of touch
Heliophobia: Fear of the sun
Hemophobia: Fear of blood
Herpetophobia: Fear of reptiles
Hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliophobia: Fear of long words
Hydrophobia: Fear of water
Hypochondria: Fear of illness
Iatrophobia:Fear of doctors
Insectophobia:Fear of insects
Leukophobia: Fear of the color white
Lilapsophobia: Fear of tornadoes and hurricanes
Lockiophobia:Fear of childbirth
Megalophobia: Fear of large things
Melanophobia: Fear of the color black
Microphobia: Fear of small things
Mysophobia: Fear of dirt and germs
Necrophobia:Fear of death or dead things
Noctiphobia: Fear of the night
Nomophobia: Fear of being without your mobile phone
Nosocomephobia: Fear of hospitals
Nyctophobia: Fear of the dark
Ombrophobia: Fear of rain
Ophidiophobia: Fear of snakes
Ornithophobia: Fear of birds
Pathophobia: Fear of disease
Pedophobia:Fear of children
Philematophobia: Fear of kissing
Philophobia: Fear of love
Phobophobia: Fear of phobias
Porphyrophobia: Fear of the color purple
Pteromerhanophobia: Fear of flying
Pyrophobia: Fear of fire
Scolionophobia: Fear of school
Scoptophobia: Fear of being stared at
Selenophobia: Fear of the moon
Sociophobia: Fear of social evaluation
Somniphobia:Fear of sleep
Tachophobia: Fear of speed
Technophobia: Fear of technology
Thalassophobia: Fear of the ocean
Tonitrophobia: Fear of thunder
Trypanophobia: Fear of needles/injections
Trypophobia: Fear of holes
Verminophobia: Fear of germs
Wiccaphobia: Fear of witches and witchcraft
Xenophobia: Fear of strangers or foreigners
Zoophobia: Fear of animals
Zuigerphobia: Fear of vacuum cleaners
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tremolorecords · 7 months
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The Cribs - 24-7 Rock Star Shit
01. Give Good Time 02. Year Of Hate 03. In Your Palace 04. Dendrophobia 05. What Have You Done For Me? 06. Sticks Not Twigs 07. Rainbow Ridge 08. Partisan 09. Dead At The Wheel 10. Broken Arrow 11. Baby Bug Eye [#]
[#] Japan Bonus Track
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frankieglam · 11 months
Do you feel like we are seeing a lot more far-right bigotry on tumblr this year than we have during pride month in the past? I saw one post from this meme blogger called "r4cs0" where he was claiming that Chipotle had changed their corporate policies to ban homosexuals from their restaurants after a homosexual man was caught stealing guacamole by smuggling it out in his anus. It was definitely fake news and I think a lot of people were reblogging it because they thought it was a joke, but if you go to r4cs0's blog there is actually a huge amount of homophobia, transphobia, dendrophobia and general bigotry going on over there.
Yeah, we absolutely are. So much of it is actual fake news and fear mongering and it's being used to stop people from actually seeing what's going on in their respective countries.
Also thank you for the heads up on the user :-)
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blue-dragon-has-a-pen · 11 months
Do you feel like we are seeing a lot more far-right bigotry on tumblr this year than we have during pride month in the past? I saw one post from this meme blogger called "r4cs0" where he was claiming that Chipotle had changed their corporate policies to ban homosexuals from their restaurants after a homosexual man was caught stealing guacamole by smuggling it out in his anus. It was definitely fake news and I think a lot of people were reblogging it because they thought it was a joke, but if you go to r4cs0's blog there is actually a huge amount of homophobia, transphobia, dendrophobia and general bigotry going on over there.
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Huh? I don't feel one way or the other about it, of course, I don't want to see far-right shit on my dash, but they've always been here and I've always avoided them.
Personally I've not seen many far-right stuff on Tumblr, especially not on MY dash, mostly because I try not to follow American politics too closely (emphasis on TRY). There's always gonna be bigots around and honestly, I think the best course of action is just block them ya know? Tumblr is a free platform and people say whatever on it, sometimes it's funny, sometimes it's not. You are not gonna change the minds of bigots and idiots anyway, so don't waste your time lmao
Also, I checked the blog and scrolled for a bit, I honestly don't see much other than cat memes so I'm not condemning anyone here. I don't know them, and I don't care about them. If it bothers you, just report their posts and block them. Not much use letting them live in your head rent-free.
uhh isn't dendrophobia the fear of trees??? What does that have to do with anything???
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withasideofpolitics · 2 years
Where do you stand on the r4cs0 issue? I mean, I'm sure you don't care about his rampant homophobia, transphobia, dendrophobia and racism. But you can't really support his attitude toward animals can you? Aside from the constant trolling of vegans, he brags about the fact that he lives in a remote area of Idaho where there is no real law enforcement, so he gets away with hunting endangered grey wolves and decapitating geese. Google it! Look up "Idaho Geese Massacre."
jesse what the fuck are you talking about ok but seriously I hadn’t heard any of this until I read this ask. I just followed him ages ago for some memes. wtf?
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longliverockback · 7 years
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The Cribs 24-7 Rock Star Shit 2017 House Arrest ————————————————— Tracks: 01. Give Good Time 02. Year of Hate 03. In Your Palace 04. Dendrophobia 05. What Have You Done for Me? 06. Sticks Not Twigs 07. Rainbow Ridge 08. Partisan 09. Dead at the Wheel 10. Broken Arrow —————————————————
Gary Jarman
Ross Jarman
Ryan Jarman
* Long Live Rock Archive
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