#what I like about AM is so many of them have been with team throughout everything
lil-shiro · 7 months
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Harry appreciation post! And also all the crew because they need to be valued (and paid) more in F1 .
If u didn’t know, Harry’s been with the team since Force India, so he’s known Lance ever since RP days. He was a mechanic on Nico’s, then Checo’s side of the garage. This year he got promoted to Lance’s No.1 mechanic. They get along well 💚
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help-itrappedmyself · 2 months
Crimes and Punishments Part 1: Ra's
There’s a phone on a special shelf in the Batcave near the Batcomputer. This particular phone has been set aside as Emergency Only since an incident involving Bruce’s sons a few months ago. No one has touched it since. 
The entire situation was full of way too many unknown variables for Bruce’s liking. He spent a lot of time unnecessarily stressed about that phone. But it never rang, and they never used it. Until one day, when a loud ringing could be heard throughout the Batcave.
Everyone stopped what they were doing and started looking around. There was a specific moment, when everyone realized which phone was ringing. A moment of stillness. Then they all rushed for it at once. None of the boys wanted someone the caller had never met to pick up, but Bruce was curious, and he was fast. Nightwing however, was also fast and a lot closer. 
“Hello?” Nightwing asked as he answered the call. Everyone else quickly gathered around him, and as upset that Bruce was that he wasn’t on the phone, everyone understood not to interrupt.
“Bats?” Danny responded carefully.
“This is Nightwing.”
“Oh, Nightwing. Good to hear from you, hope you’re doing well. Unfortunately, this is a business call regarding the information I was given by Red Robin and Robin when you were here. Are they available for follow up?”
“I’ll put you on speaker.” Nightwing gave Bruce a look, trying to ward off any interrogations and put the call on speaker. “Everyone is here.”
“Hi, everyone!” Danny called out cheerfully. "Red Robin and Robin, you remember when you were in my realm you gave me some information about illegal activity that I had to follow up on, as well as the locations to check out?”
They both responded in the affirmative.
“Wonderful, I wanted to let you know that the situation has been taken care of.” Danny’s voice turns very official. “As of now, my teams have cleared all known locations of the illegal substance to avoid any more contamination. In the matter of one Ra’s Al Ghul, on the basis of knowingly, purposefully, and repeatedly storing and using the illegal contraband, he has been sentenced to imprisonment in the Nightmare Dimension. Once his sentence has been served, he will be released and will be able to make a home in one of my realms if he so chooses. However, we have determined that he will be unable to return to his original dimension, as the damage he has made to your world has already been too great. Now, speaking of the damage to your world."
“As it turns out, your dimension has had a great many interdimensional leaks, the amount of which I also had to look into.” Danny sounds tired and annoyed now. “A specialist of mine, Clockwork, has informed me of a great many breaches made by a small group of people. He is pushing for a very harsh sentence, your citizens have caused him a great deal of trouble and repeatedly broken the law in regards to his domain. I need to look into this further and was hoping to receive some assistance in organizing a meeting with these people, in order to determine fault, and possible repercussions or sentencing depending on the severity of their crimes.”
There is a pause, and no one says anything for a short moment as they hear Danny take a breath.
“I am unsure of the necessary authorities I should speak to regarding people of your world breaking the laws of mine.” Danny sounds so tired.
“We can help.” Red Robin spoke. “Do you know who these people are and where they are located?”
“Not exactly. They are in America, a few different places, but they can and do travel. Are you familiar with the speedsters on your planet? There should be three of them.”
They exchange looks. “Yes we are familiar. We can set up a meeting with them.”
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f1byjessie · 3 months
sometimes the right words are hard to come across, and sometimes everything you need to say can be captured in an image.
( lando norris x photographer!reader )
━━ part nine.
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liked by yourusername, oscarpiastri, and 714,148 others
tagged: yourusername
mclaren As we get closer and closer to the start of the 2024 season, we thought we’d take the time to introduce new fans to the team that works behind the scenes! Starting us off, we have Y/N L/N, our personal paddock photographer! Y/N has been here with us at McLaren since 2019, and is the genius mind behind many of the photos we’ve posted throughout the years. She’s an important part of our community and helps tremendously in not only capturing our drivers in action, but also in getting the other behind the scenes members of our team the recognition they deserve. We’re glad to have her back here with us in Bahrain, and we can’t wait to see what beautiful concoctions she comes up with this year! 🧡
view all 9,147 comments
user if there is 100 y/n fans, i am one of them. if there is one y/n fan, it is me. if there are no y/n fans, i have died.
user love love LOVE that mclaren takes the time to recognize the hard work of everyone who supports the drivers
↳ user i feel like f1 promotes the racers, team principals, and pit crew so much and forgets about everyone else that makes sure these teams are able to function so seamlessly
user i bumped into y/n back in silverstone 2021, like literally bumped into her, and she was so sweet!!
user she’s my photography inspo 🤩
user her dedication to the mclaren team is so apparent when you think about the fact that she DOESN’T get the same recognition as the drivers, but she has chosen to work for them for what will be 6 years as of this season. she could have easily move to a different formula 1 team or even another sport entirely, but she still comes back and that’s a dedicated artist
↳ user the fact that she did a little stint over at manchester city fc and STILL chose to come back to mclaren even tho i imagine f1 has a much harsher and stricter schedule with the intercontinental travel than football does
user this is who we have to thank for all those beautiful shots of lando??? cuz if so, bless her omg 🙏🙏🙏
user in this household we appreciate the crew that works tirelessly to keep us entertained
user so tired of seeing ppl disregard her skill as a photographer just bc of who she’s dating
↳ user OMG SAME
yourusername glad to be here, can’t wait to travel the world with these amazing people 🧡
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liked by oscarpiastri, mclaren, and 214,051 others
tagged: mclaren
yourusername locked in and ready 😎
view all 1,514 comments
oscarpiastri so glad you’ve gotten over your temporary obsession with blue 😁
↳ yourusername so glad you haven’t lost your ability to get on my last nerve 😁
↳ oscarpiastri so glad you’re still insufferable even on your best days 😁
↳ yourusername now that’s a comeback i can be proud of 🥹
user oscar looking fine asf these days 😩 that winter break treated him well
mclaren The boys are back in town!
↳ yourusername dare i say my milkshake brought them to the yard?
↳ mclaren It certainly called us 😍
↳ yourusername you flatter me mclaren admin 😌
↳ mclaren Only the best for our best 😘
user that’s some pretty intense eye contact from lando in the last image…
↳ user he ain’t even looking at the camera
↳ user nah bruv is def looking at y/n 👀👀
↳ user i think we should probably respect their privacy and understand that something happened (presumably in the off season) that we weren’t privy to. so long as they can both maintain professionalism around one another, they don’t have to do or “get over” anything. does it suck to see two very close friends no longer get along in the way they used to? absolutely. but we don’t know what happened or if anything even did happen. in the event that something did, we don’t know who’s involved or who, if anyone, is at fault. they’re both justified in choosing to end a friendship due to a falling out, or even if they just grew distant. but even as i say all of this, it’s still speculation.
↳ user we don’t actually know if they aren’t friends any longer or if they’ve just moved their friendship off of online platforms. it should be noted that y/n is very publicly dating someone, and idk about you, but i know firsthand how delusional fans can be. her bf’s fans could easily attack her over banter with another man, and lando’s fans could just as easily start reading into that same banter which runs the very real possibility of putting all three of them in an awkward situation where y/n is being shipped with a man that ISN’T her bf.
↳ user what about the banter she has with the mclaren admin? 🤔
↳ user context is super important here. the flirting between y/n and the mclaren admin is very obviously fake. it has been from the beginning, and when ppl “ship” the two of them together it’s for the bit and to play along with their fake bromance. lando and y/n have both been legitimately shipped together since they both started working with mclaren, which changes the undertone of the shipping comments bc ppl often genuinely misconstrue their banter as REAL flirting.
user why do comment sections related to y/n always turn into debate sessions
↳ user REAL like ain’t no way i’m reading all that
user oscar’s hair sticking up in every picture is my roman empire
user wait i didn’t even realize until now that this is the first post in like a month that’s actually had public comments turned on
↳ user probably bc her bf’s loser fans have finally stopped harassing her
jackgrealish must be nice having all that sun 😒
↳ yourusername it really is, bet you’re jealous
Testing goes fine, until it doesn’t.
“A drain cover?” Lando’s voice echoes across the garage. “Another fucking drain cover?”
You purse your lips.
Yesterday, he’d been upset on Oscar’s behalf when they’d cancelled the remainder of the morning session after only a couple hours to solve the problem of the track’s dislodged pieces. He’d complained and cussed out the incompetence, and then reassured Oscar that things would be better for the third day.
But the third day is here now, and he’s even more upset now being told to pit after a measly thirty minutes for the same issue.
“This is the second fucking time━” he cuts himself off with an angry huff and runs his hands roughly through the curls of his hair, letting his fingers catch on the tangles and yanking through them in his frustration. Sweat glistens on his furrowed brow. His cheeks are still flushed from the heat of the car.
It’s the most emotion you’ve seen from him since you’ve come back.
The time you’ve already spent in Bahrain has been stilted at best. Lando continues to stick with his attempts at avoiding you, but it’s harder to do so here when your hotel rooms are on the same floor and you’re limited to the confines of the garage for most of the day. Even when he isn’t in the car, there’s not a lot to do wandering around the paddock and even if there was they’ve encouraged him to stay where he can easily be reached.
You’re trying not to be smug about it, but every time you glance over your shoulder and catch him watching you━ catch him quickly looking away when your eyes meet and he realizes he’s been caught━ you feel pleased.
If there’s one thing you’ve learned about Lando, it’s that he’s always got a limit.
If you wait long enough, stand your ground and prove that you really have no intentions whatsoever of giving in and breaking the ice between the two of you, eventually he’ll cave. When he realizes he won’t get what he wants, that he’ll have to actually put in the effort to repair what he’s broken rather than having it magically fix itself, he’ll have no other choice but to do so.
“They might not cancel the session,” Oscar chimes in, attempting to placate his aggravated teammate. “Since they already had to yesterday, I doubt they’ll do it again today.”
Unfortunately, that doesn’t actually calm Lando down at all. If anything, it just reminds him again of the fact that this is the second time this same complication has happened which has him huffing angrily again and running his hands through his tangled curls even rougher.
You wince at that.
Andrea, McLaren’s team principal, steps forward. “Take a breath,” he orders, resting a heavy hand on Lando’s shoulder. “Go walk a lap around the garage or something, whatever, but I need you to calm down.”
You’re prepared for that to be the end of it, but then Andrea looks over and catches your eye. “Y/N,” he says, nodding his head towards Lando. “You go with him. Keep him out of trouble.”
You like to think you do a much better job at keeping your emotions off of your face than Lando, which isn’t hard when his features scrunch up into a pained scowl at Andrea’s words, but you can feel the pinch of your own eyebrows furrowing and the smile you send towards the team principal probably looks more like a grimace if Oscar pursed lips in your peripherals is anything to go by.
Lando storms out and you follow reluctantly after him.
He can’t really go very far, not if he wants to be within a reasonable distance when━ if━ they call him back to continue the morning testing session. So he paces back and forth and back and forth just outside the garage’s exit out into the paddock.
Your phone tells you that ten minutes pass like this. It’s the longest you’ve been alone with him in a while and his distraction lets you focus on the finer details that you’ve missed when he’s going out of his way to avoid you.
There are deep, dark, bruise-like circles that hang heavily beneath his eyes. His skin is sun-kissed and tanned from his time out catching rays during his travels, but there’s a pale pallor beneath the added color that makes him look sick. Despite his current anger and the tension coiled in his muscles just waiting to lash out and strike, his shoulders seem to droop beneath the invisible weight of whatever he’s carrying with him.
He looks small.
Lando’s always been on the shorter side, but he’s never before looked small. Not like this. Never like this.
The longer you watch, the more the back and forth pacing starts to transform into the anxious stride of a cornered animal.
You aren’t arrogant enough to assume he’s like this because of you entirely, but it does occur to you that maybe he’s having just as rough of a time as you are with the newfound distance between yourselves.
You watch him silently, for a little while longer, observing the way his stride hitches every few steps and he just barely manages to stop himself from stumbling over his own feet. He’s still running his hands through his hair. By the seventh time he practically claws his fingers through his curls you heave a sigh.
“Quit that,” you snap.
“Quit what?” He fires back with just as much bite.
You roll your eyes. “You’re gonna rip your hair out if you keep pulling on it like that.”
“Oh, I’m so sorry,” he stops in his tracks and turns on his heel to face you with a sneer. His words drip with sarcasm. “I forgot you must be used to Grealish now, right? And I bet he’s got at least a ten-step hair care routine. I wonder, does he use unicorn sweat and essence of rainbow to keep it that smooth and bright? There’s no other possible way!”
“You’re being an asshole, Lando.”
“My sincerest apologies,” he says. “How could I ever think Grealish would use unicorn sweat of all things? He uses pixies tears, my mistake.”
You’re not sure how a few words managed to turn into this━ you’d just wanted him to stop pulling at his hair. It looked painful and he’s always been a bit tender headed. Now, instead, you can feel the anger bubbling up inside you and it seems like Lando’s frustrations about the testing delay, and your friendship with Jack apparently, have made things worse.
Like throwing gasoline onto a flame.
You scowl, “Seriously. You’re being a fucking prick.”
He throws his arms up into the air, “Why not just run off to Grealish then? Since he seems to be your new best friend and you tell him everything.”
If your life were a movie, this is the moment in time when the stars would align and fate would force everything to position itself perfect in place. Like the pieces of a puzzle, it would all work out and you’d calmly explain to Lando what happened back in January with Garrett and Manchester City, and he’d understand immediately and apologize, and you’d hug it out and then both return to the garage just in time for them to announce the testing session would re-commence.
But your life isn’t a movie, and reality feels significantly different to the scripted perfection of fiction.
The precarious security of the perch you’ve settled yourself upon comes crashing down, and the tentative balance you’ve managed to maintain since the start of February when you were back in papaya again shatters with it. Something inside you snaps. The dam has burst and everything held back comes rushing to the front like a torrential wave.
“At least he was there for me when some prick blackmailed me into a relationship at the threat of my livelihood,” you snarl.
Lando pauses for a moment. He makes a couple different faces before settling on a mix between pissed off and confused, and his arms cross over his chest. “What the hell are you talking about?”
“I didn’t want to be in a relationship with Garrett Ward, Lando!” You exclaim. “He threatened that if I didn’t pretend to be his girlfriend, he’d fake some misconduct rumor and ruin my career and I was too afraid to say no because this is all I have!”
This isn’t how you’d wanted it all to go down. You’d always imagined you’d get the satisfaction of an apology, and that Lando would get drunk on cheap wine with you like old times, and you’d explain what all happened with the confidence of being a little tipsy and you wouldn’t feel ashamed because Lando’s your best friend and he’d reassure you that you did what you had to, and then you’d listen to him shit talk Garrett for the rest of the night. In the morning, he’d have some idea of how to fix it all without ruining your career, and then you’d be able to put it all behind you and go back to how things were before the winter off-season ever started.
This is far from that, but there’s a sense of relief that comes nonetheless from getting it all off your chest to Lando━ to the person you’ve wanted to talk to from the very beginning
You feel tears burning your eyes, blurring your vision. “I can barely pay my rent as is, and I’m only actually living there for a few dumb months out of the year anyway. Do you know how much worse it would be if I got kicked from McLaren too? Nobody else in the country would hire me if he followed through with what he was threatening.”
“Well,” Lando shrugs his shoulders, looking properly chastised. “Why didn’t you tell me?”
“I fucking tried, you muppet!” You throw your arms up in exasperation and then wipe at your eyes in frustration when the tears start to roll down your cheeks. “I called you every day for a week and you ignored me! I sent you text after text after fucking text━” your voice breaks, “━and you didn’t even read them! Did you know I locked myself in the bathroom and cried every single day I had to work there?”
You glare at him.
“The only thing that made it better was Jack fucking Grealish coming into my office and telling me I could at least go to him if I ever needed anything,” you snap. “So fuck off with this whole holier than thou bullshit. You left me, and Jack took your place because I was drowning!”
Crying hadn’t been a part of your plan, but the tears won’t stop now that they’re going. It’s embarrassing. You’re already worried about just how many people heard you shouting, and now you’re even more worried about someone coming back to look for you both and finding you sobbing your eyes out.
“I’m sorry━”
Lando’s arms wrap around you, warm and strong and sure.
━━ tags: @maih23 @urfavnoirette @leclercsluv @f1luvur @formulaal @a-disturbing-self-reflection @starlightpierre @chezmardybum @marshmummy @405rry @sideboobrry11 @d3kstar @mcmuppet @happylittlereader @casperlikej @5starl1ght @bellezaycafe @whentheautumnleavesfall @mess-is-my-aesthetic @ssprayberrythings @landosgirlxoxo @lifelessfan @81ja @wcnorris @a-disturbing-self-reflection (CLOSED).
━━ a/n: and there we have it folks. lando is finally back in the picture! this part was a lot of fun to write, because i've been waiting for this moment since the initial fallout in the beginning. on that note, i finished getting it all whipped up this morning while watching the qualis, so if there are any mistakes that i haven't caught that's why. i was a bit distracted, so please pretend they aren't there haha!
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cheriladycl01 · 4 months
Surrounded by Ice - Kimi Raikkonen x FigureSkater! Reader
Plot: The Iceman just surrounds himself with Ice in every aspect of his life
A/N: Just a short little Kimi drabble, more exciting stuff coming soon, just been swamped with Uni!
Credit to summerblueringo for the GIF
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"How does it feel to bring home a gold medal for your country, again?" the interviewer asks and a big grin appears on your face.
"I mean, i love the sport and I've worked hard to get where I am. I think this year there were many other contestants who also deserved gold and everyone who took part today were amazing!" you keep smiling, it had been a really amazing set for you today. You'd even broke some records while here.
"And now what is your plan?" they ask holding the mic closer to you.
"Well my husband is waiting for me, just over there. So i think he wants to give me his congratulations" you say pointing out our stoic looking husband who was waiting in the background, keeping to himself watching the world go past.
"Ah yes, Kimi Raikkonen! The Ice Man, who arguably married Queen of the Ice" he jokes making you laugh a little. You had heard similar jokes many times since you'd married Kimi.
"Yes, obviously being here in South Korea for the Winter Olympics has been amazing, and I'll be sure to train hard for 2022 but now I'm needed to go support my lovely lovely husband in his fast cars" you exclaim, knowing that the Australian Grand Prix was round the corner.
"Ah yes, it's looking like a good season for Ferrari! And we can tell from your outfit today they already have your support"
"My support is for whatever team my husband is in, so Ferrari have had my support since Kimi has raced with them!"
You left the interview thanking your team before finding Kimi waiting for you quietly.
"Home?" you ask and he nods silently grabbing your hand and pulling you out of the arena.
"You were fantastic today!" he smiles, holding you and pulling you into a kiss.
"Yeah? You liked the new twist i did?" you ask, your routine today being one of the hardest you'd ever done. You mascara had infact started to run, from the sweat building on your forehead throughout the day.
"I like everything you do"
You guys both went back to the hotel, packing up all of your gear that had been here for the past month you'd stayed in Korea for. Once you were sure you hadn't left anything behind you made your way to the airport.
Kimi now only had a month until Australia, his personal trainer had come with you to Korea to help him train while he was out there supporting you.
Now, you'd train while you were travelling with Kimi. Finding ice while on the road with him was always difficult, but finding places to just work out and keep your fitness up was never hard as you'd train alongside Kimi. It was one of the ways to spend extra time with him during the season when he was most busy.
In the free month before Australia you started your research on where you could go in Melbourne to skate, you found somewhere that Kimi was happy with you going too as it wasn't too far from the hotel you'd be staying in or the race track for if anything went wrong.
"Will you watch me on the Sunday though?" he'd asked you as you were both lying in bed the night before you were due to fly to Australia.
"When have I ever not?" you ask, turning over in bed to look at him.
"Hmmm, I can for sure think of one time..." he smirks looking over you.
"If your talking about China, almost 10 years ago that doesn't even count!" you laugh, poking his cheek a little.
Your husband never failed to amaze you, his striking blue eyes and his soft blonde hair was what initially drew you in. But it was your first interaction with him that made you fall for him fully.
It was the Autumn of 2008 and you were 22 and you had just won your second Gold Medal in China, you'd stayed there for the months after the games as they left the Beijing Olympic Park open and it seemed like a good place to stay and to train.
You managed to get tickets to other sporting events in the months you stayed there such as Snow Boarding, Golf but the best one was when the Chinese Grand Prix came about.
You were active on the socials you had back then, and so it wasn't hard for Sauber BMW to reach out to you and give you a guest pass.
You'd been walking round the paddock, just investigating when you'd bumped right into the Finnish Ferrari driver. He had just stared at you while holding a tight grip on your wrist so you didn't fall over.
You remember him asking if you were okay, and some other questions that you hadn't heard fully as your brain had gone foggy at the sound of his soft, yet deep voice.
It was a little embarrassing, when he'd tried to speak Finnish to you, and then decided on English, but with no reply he was left stumped and awkwardly standing there.
He'd soon left after that but you were on each other's minds for the whole day. You tried to keep up conversations with the BMW drivers Robert and Nick but your mind kept drifting the the Finnish Driver for Ferrari.
He found you after the race, and just stared at you for a while before you made the first move speaking to him. And the rest was history.
You spent the next 5 years together as partners, it was convenient for someone like Kimi who raced all through the year apart from summer and winter to end up with someone in a sport who only competed for a month in the summer and winter. It meant that they also still got a break with each other.
After 5 years, Kimi let the big question unload and now you'd been married for 5 years.
"Of course, my love! You know that!" you smile, pulling him closer to you. You tuck yourself into his surprisingly warm embrace, considering his nickname was 'Iceman' he was the warmest person you'd ever had the privilege of meeting.
"I was thinking ..." he breathes, his voice a little higher and whiny than normal.
"Mmmmm, you don't do that often?" you tease, a hand running up and down his back.
"Well, I'm the ice man, your the Ice Queen... i was thinking maybe it's time we have an Ice Baby?" he whispers in the softest most unsure tone you'd ever heard.
"You think now's a good time?" you ask, and thinking about it... it was. You yourself had two years before the next Olympics in 2020, and Kimi was at a point in his career where he could leave and live comfortably if he needed and wanted to.
"I haven't told you this, but they want the Sauber kid in my spot. I'll be going to Alpha Romeo next year. I feel like I've done what i can and I've had my time in the sport... and we aren't getting any younger. Especially me..." he jokes, being 44 now.
"Mmmmmm I think now is the perfect time" you smile.
Flash forward to the Austin Grand Prix and you were 6 months pregnant. You'd already announced it and so many people were excited for you and Kimi, through the season he had loads of interviews. All against his will of course but people saw a different side to him when he talked about you and the soon to be baby.
It was a great race for Kimi in Austin, he pulled through with his first win of the season, valuable points that helped contribute towards his position in the drivers standings.
"So Kimi, first win of the season today! How are you feeling?" an interviewer asks, he was sat in a panel with some of the other drivers in a debrief.
"It was good to get a win, this season has been tough. We've had an interesting year with veteran drivers like myself, Seb, Fernando and Lewis being pushed by newer or younger drivers who are proving to be good competition like Charles, Max and Pierre" he answers.
"There have been rumors that you wont be here with us next season?" he pushes and Kimi roles his eyes.
"If I'm not it's not an issue... racing is my hobby that i get paid to do. I'll leave when i want to" he admits without letting anything slip that Ferrari wouldn't want to come public knowledge.
"Lets move on to you Lewis..."
And for the rest of the interview all he could think of was coming back to you.
Once your daughter was born in January before the start of the 2019 season and Kimi moving to Alfa Romeo everyone on the grid wanted to meet her. So of course, you were obligated to come to Australia for pre-season testing. Your 3 month old being so intrigued at the busy rush of everything around her.
She was a fan and driver fav around. Everyone had a picture with her and introduced themselves as her uncle and that they would look after her. People like Lewis, Seb and Charles all came with little gifts for her, Seb even had someone make her a custom team Ferrari top so she could fit in with her father and her Uncle Sebastian.
"Today was amazing!" you sighed as you leaned into your husband who currently held your daughter against his bare chest.
"Mmmm, I think you should both take a break though, at least until Summer break and join me afterwards" he smiles, knowing that the heavy time change from Monaco to Australia wasn't good for your or the baby.
"Well, I may as well come to Bahrain with you... its on the way back. But I will leave after that" you smile, pulling him in for a kiss.
"I love you, thank you for giving me this life" he smiles looking between you and his daughter.
"I wouldn't have it any of way" you grin.
@littlesatanicassholebitch @hockey-racing-fubol @laura-naruto-fan1998 @22yuki @simxican @sinofwriting @lewisroscoelove @cmleitora @stupidandunnecessary @clayra-g @daemyratwst @honey-belden @moonypixel @lauralarsen @vader-is-hot @ironcowboycopnickel @itsjustkhaos @the-untamed-soul @beebo86 @happylittlereader @ziejustme @lou-larcher5 @thewulf @purplephantomwolf @chasing-liberosis @chillyleclerc @chanthereader @annoyingmoonballoon @summissss @evieepepi08 @havaneseoger08 @celesteblack08 @gulphulp @fandom1ruined2me @celebstories @starfusionsworld @jspitwall @sierruhh @georgeparisole @dakotatankbig @youcannotcancelquidditch @zzonsbeek @tallbrownhairsarcastic @mellowarcadefun @ourteenagetragedy @otako5811 @countingstacksandpanicattacks @peachiicherries @formulas-bitch @cherry-piee @hopexcroc @mirrorball-6 @spilled-coffee-cup @mehrmonga @bigsimperika @blueberry64857959 @eiraethh @lilypadlover @curseofhecate @alliwantisadonut @the-fem1n1ne-urge @21stcenturytaegi @dark-night-sky-99 @spideybv28 @i-wish-this-was-me @tallrock35 @butterfly-lover @barnestatic @landossainz @darleneslane @barcelonaloverf1life @r0nnsblog @ilove-tswizzle @kapsylia @laneyspaulding19 @lazybot @malynn @cassielikereading @viennakarma @teamnovalak @landosgirlxoxo @marie0v @jlb20416
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wyattjohnston · 27 days
closer than i ever even knew - quinn hughes
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summary: quinn saves the day and goes mini-golfing
word count: 1.1k
note: happy belated birthday @fallinallincurls! this is much, much shorter than i anticipated and i hope it's short but sweet. muchas gracias to @offside-the-lines <3
bingo: friends to lovers | witty banter | fake dating | it’s always been you
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It starts, like any good romance movie does, with an event she doesn’t want to go to and a friend willing to save the day.
The event isn’t even big or fancy, which makes the whole thing so funny. She’s under no obligation to bring anyone, let alone a romantic partner, but, during the busiest hour of her week, a coworker had asked if she was going to, and the ‘yes’ had slipped from her mouth before she’d even realised it was happening.
Thus, Quinn Hughes was playing mini golf at a "team bonding" event her company decided was a good idea.
Her intention hadn’t been to earn any brownie points by bringing him—he had volunteered himself, after all—but the second they arrived and her boss spotted Quinn Hughes, Captain of the Vancouver Canucks, she immediately grouped them with her, her wife and the next nearest couple.
They wasted no time in heading to the first hole, her boss taking the lead and making sure they weren’t stuck behind anybody else. Which turned out to be a good thing because Quinn was taking practice swings with the putter.
She rolled her eyes as she asked, “Are you taking this seriously, or are you having fun?”
“Are we on a team?”
“No, it’s individual.”
“Then I’m taking it seriously,” Quinn answered easily. “No way am I letting you win.”
The questions came through shortly after they started, nosing in on the relationship lie that resulted in Quinn joining them for the day. Well, they weren’t aware that it was a lie, of course.
Luckily for her, Quinn was all too happy to do the talking.
The lingering looks and touches had her wondering why Quinn pursued hockey when he would have been just as successful as an actor. Even though he was determined to win, the simple repositioning of her hands on the putter and the minute correction of the position of her hips were leaving her short of words.
“Is this good enough for you, Captain?” she called over her shoulder, teasing Quinn as she lined up for her next shot. The wiggle in her hips was joking—mostly involuntary even—but it immediately drew Quinn’s eyes, even though he was mid-conversation.
“You’ve got great form, babe.”
A wink accompanied the sentence and she had to look away so that her blush wouldn’t be seen by her coworkers. Or by Quinn.
It did mean that she turned around and focused on her putting, leading to a nice hole-in-one.
At various points throughout the afternoon, Quinn’s hand found hers. Their fingers intertwined in a perfect fit, and it took all her power to not act like it was a strange occurrence; she desperately wanted to get out of her head and enjoy those moments while they lasted.
Her boss, finally taking a break from talking about hockey, asked about how they met. The looks sent Quinn’s way were a discrete panic, but he didn’t seem to be facing the same problem.
“We had the same routine running the Sea Wall—seemed like fate that we kept running into each other when my schedule’s so chaotic, you know?” he answered, providing an entirely accurate retelling that had her shocked he hadn’t opted for something a bit more romantic. “She literally fell for me.”
“Me?” she nearly screeched, any confusion she was feeling or fluttering in her stomach was immediately overtaken by incredulity. “You tripped over a dog lead!”
“You distracted me, what can I say?”
There was some cooing that followed, and Quinn refused to make eye contact despite the cocky smile on his face. It was becoming increasingly difficult to tell whether it was all just for show.
Her boss ended up winning, after a lot of effort and a competitive nature that would rival anybody Quinn played with or against. She and Quinn shared many sideways glances with raised eyebrows at just how competitive she was.
The world stopped spinning when Quinn leaned in and whispered directly into her ear, “Still beat you, though.”
As they were leaving, Quinn took her hand again. It was so casual that she wasn’t sure any thought had gone into it at all—and with nobody looking their way, it did nothing to heighten their ruse. She glanced down at their hands, too distracted to even say a proper goodbye as Quinn earnestly told everyone he hoped to see them again soon—that also added to her confusion.
The streets of Vancouver were deeply familiar, etched into her brain from a young age with every slight raise in the concrete committed to muscle memory, so she knew that they were headed towards the water and away from either of their apartments the second Quinn chose a direction. The Sea Wall surrounding the city was her favourite part of it with nothing else even coming close.
“Weird time for a run?” she asked. She wiggled her fingers just to test the pressure. Quinn squeezed back. “I don’t want to go for a run right now.”
“Nobody is going for a run,” he said gently. “I didn’t even want to be going for runs but I saw you on that first day and kept going out just in case I’d see you again.”
She screwed up her face, the disbelief that ran through her had her pulling her hand from Quinn’s and huffing, “Don’t be stupid.”
“How am I being stupid?” There was a tinge of hurt in his voice that she so rarely heard; she felt it right in her chest.
“I don’t know, Q. I just don’t believe you went out of your way to find me. That’s not…” Her voice was muffled by the sound of the water rushing against the Sea Wall. “That doesn’t happen in real life. To me.”
Quinn stared at her, seemingly taking in every inch of her face, and she could only imagine the expression she was making. If she looked as pathetic as she felt, she would need to make sure she never saw him again.
“It’s happening to you.” he stressed. “Today was… Today… I’d like today to be every day.”
She had so many things she wanted to say but no ability to make them come out of her mouth. She felt no less pathetic than she did a moment earlier, though she did feel a little more hopeful. It had been a good day, even if confusing, and she’d be lying if she said she hadn’t been wanting something similar since they first met years prior.
“Why don’t you believe me?”
“Because you’re Quinn Hughes? Because you’re the Captain of the Vancouver Canucks? We’ve just spent the entire day with your ass being kissed—you could have your pick of any woman in Vancouver. We’ve been friends for like, what? Three years now and you’ve never—”
“I am now. I don’t want anybody else. I want you. It’s always been you.”
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i would very much love to hear your thoughts if you have any, and would love if you'd reblog and share it with some more people <3
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ladykailitha · 13 days
I have decided today I am giving out my Steve Harrington headcanons, because I love him so much.
His parents are very rich. His dad is new money, self made. His mom is old money.
His father is Indiana born and bred, but his mother is from Kentucky. She doesn't have her accent anymore because she trained herself out of it. Though it does show up when she's drunk or angry.
I know everyone does Richard (Dick) for his dad mainly for the lols, which I respect, but I think his name is Clint. It's just rich dude bro enough, you know? And then for the mom I go back and forth between Maureen and Allison. Allison because that's Ally Sheedy's character in The Breakfast Club and I often use her looks as bases for Mrs. Harrington.
They were never meant to be parents. They had the one because that's what was expected of them, but no. They don't like kids.
I don't know if his dad is only verbally abusive, but he is some kind of shit. Steve was so scared of him finding out that there was alcohol the night Barb vanished that that was all that consumed his thoughts. And even in season 3 Steve tells Dustin (thinking he was his dad) that he doesn't do drugs, just marijuana. Meaning that's something they've fought about a lot.
Kids of good parents rarely smoke, drink, smoke pot, and have wild parties all the time as an under-aged teenager. There are no doubt exceptions, but most of the time it's kids who are neglected and abused that are the ones that act out like that.
Steve had nannies and baby-sitters growing up that he saw more than his parents. But he would still be taken on actual vacations with them. Mostly to show off that they do have a son.
He was in baseball in middle school but quit when he got into high school. His parents put him in as many after school activities as they could. He was taught piano. Went to swimming and was so good at it, he joined the team in high school. Played basketball throughout both middle and high school. But he was forced to dropout due to the concussion Billy gave him his senior year. It's why he sneers at Brenda at the game when she says it would ironic if they won the championship the year after he graduated. Because he wasn't even on the team his last year.
When he turned sixteen they gave him his BMW. No, he did not get to pick the car or the color, but he takes very good care of it. Does a lot of the maintenance himself. One of the few things his dad taught him, but because you needed to know enough to make sure your mechanic wasn't ripping you off.
He can cook. But only if he has a recipe to follow and will get upset if it doesn't look like the picture. Is a consummate baker though. Because everything has a reason it's done like that and it makes sense.
Definitely a fall baby. That's why he was able to lifeguard for three years even if he didn't lifeguard after his senior year due to him working at Scoops Ahoy.
He's bad at math and science which is why the Party teases him all the time, but he's great at English and history.
Only applied at the schools his dad thought were "appropriate" and didn't get in. But to be fair, he was still suffering from a concussion when those applications went out and he wasn't really at his best. Just above his worst if he was honest.
He likes his preppy clothes and while he laughs it off, it upsets him when he's made fun for it.
Alt rock fan all the way. Depeche Mode, The Cure, New Order.
Has a list of the Party's likes and dislikes for food and other things, so he is the best gift giver. He doesn't spend a lot of money, though he has been accused of that a couple of times. But he prefers well thought out gifts over expensive ones. It's why Max, Eddie, and the Byers boys love Steve gifts. They never feel pressured to one up him.
Complete romantic. Loves being in love, but it was hard to pick up the pieces of his broken heart after what happened with Nancy.
Loves Robin, but even though it is sometimes weird, it never veers into creepy or obsessive. Robin is absolutely the vodka aunt of the party to Steve's mom.
When Eddie comes into the group, they tease him that's he's the dad to Steve's mom. Because as goofy as Eddie is he absolutely wouldn't let the kids get into real trouble.
Steve the romantic gets absolutely wooed by Eddie and never is made to feel wrong footed when showers Eddie with the affection he would for a girl. It's nice for a guy to receive flowers sometimes too.
Steve favorite flower is sunflowers. But his favorite color is blue.
He absolutely keeps the vest. Refuses to give it back. Which Eddie is surprisingly okay with.
I could go on forever, but I'll stop there for now and if I come up with more I'll add them later.
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thinkwosolife23 · 7 months
Are you being Serious? Katie McCabe
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"Are you excited for your first day, love?" Katie asked as you headed into the Arsenal Training Centre.
Today was your first day training with Arsenal. Last week, you had visited the Colony to sign your contract and complete all your media duties. You had signed to Arsenal from Bayern Munich; after spending 3 years in Germany, you had decided that it was best for your career to return back to the WSL.
Not only did you now get to play with your sister for both club and country, you were finally able to play alongside your girlfriend. Katie and you had been together for just over a year. Her playing in England and you in Germany was really difficult, you didn't get to see each other all that often, but the pair of you made it work. And now you couldn't be happier to play with her.
"Yeah, for the most part. But I am a bit nervous." A slight stutter evident in your voice.
""Hey. Look at me." Katie tugged at your hand to stop the pair of you walking along, and now your body was facing hers.
She wrapped herself around your taller form; her arms going around your waist as her head rested on your chest and your arms resting gently over her shoulders.
""You've got absolutely nothing to be nervous about. Babe, you're an incredible player, I mean your literally one of the best midfielders in the world. Despite the fact that you're worse than me on the pitch, you're like the nicest person ever."
That was true. On the pitch, you're known for your aggression and your confidence. But off the pitch, everyone tends to describe you as a teddy bear, you're quite shy and quiet off the pitch and you hate confrontation.
"You know, I love this version of Katie. All soft and sweet." You slightly laughed as you glanced down to see Katie's now, screwed up face.
"Only for you, my girl." Katie said as she quickly pecked your lips before dragging you along to the changing rooms.
Turns out, all of the other players were already out on the fields by the time you and Katie had gotten there and were ready.
So when you walked onto the field, you were immediately thrown in hugs, greetings and introductions. Obviously, you knew some of the players from England or from previously playing them.
After meeting most of the team, you finally got to your sister.
"I missed you." Leah told you as she wrapped you up in a tight embrace, her head tucking into your neck as you quickly pecked her temple.
"I missed you too."
What you hadn't noticed, was Katie sending daggers to the sight of you and Leah being so close. You weren't that close or touchy with any of the others, so why were you like that with Leah.
Throughout training, Katie's mood only worsened. You and Leah had paired up with each other, laughing at joking every couple of minutes at something the other had said. To say jelousy was getting the better of her would be an understatement. And it was clearly affecting her play AND her temper: her tackles rash and harsh, she could barely hold the ball and to top it off - Jonas was laying into her about her often mistakes.
You had checked in on her a few times, but you were either shrugged off or just simply ignored. Many of your other teammates had faced this reaction as well, it was just less intense than how she reacted to you. You couldn't understand.
Once training had finished, the team began to flood into the changing rooms and the showers. Katie having stormed off way before the rest of the team. So when you strolled in, with your sister next to you, you were met with an angry Katie sat at her cubby.
Without a doubt in your mind, you headed towards Katie before placing yourself down next to her. Your hand jumping straight to Katie's thigh.
"What's up with you, grumpy?" You jokingly questioned her, her tensed face not moving a muscle.
"Nothing!" She snapped back at you, her gaze never looking anywhere other than the floor.
"C'mon Katie, you've been off since we got here."
"Why don't you go and let the rest of the team jump all over you?"
"Excuse me?"
"Don't play dumb, Y/N. Quite acting like you and Leah haven't been all over each other." Katie's voice loud and harsh, attracting the attention of your now shared teammates, including your sister.
"Are you being serious?" Slowly, tears began to drop from your eyes. You were shocked at Katie, not only at her accusation but also at the way she was digging into you in front of your teammates on your first day.
"For your information, she's my sister!" Your voice, now just as harsh, startled Katie.
"Y/N? I -"
And with that, you stormed out of the room, heading back towards the direction of the training pitches.
Katie was stood in the changing room, now receiving disapointing and angered looks from her teammates. Her head dropped in guilt and shame as to what she had just accused you of.
"What is your problem?" Leah shouted, giving Katie a hard shove in her chest.
"I'm sorry Leah. I really didn't know." This seemed to only make Leah angrier, giving Katie another harsh shove. Alessia and Caitlin now stood inbetween the pain, preventing Leah from getting to Katie.
"I don't care if you knew or not. You've hurt her!"
"You did just accuse her of cheating in front of everyone." Alessia's voice softer than Leah's.
"On her first day." Caitlin added.
Katie didn't even reply to her teammates, she simply ran out of the room before anyone could stop her. She began her search for you, opening every door she passed before slamming it in fustration when you weren't in there.
It wasn't until she went into the gym, that she calmed slightly. Out of the window: she could see your figure sat on the floor, slumped defeatedly with your head between your knees.
She slowly made her way across the field, not wanting to startle you before carefully placing herself beside you.
"I'm sorry, love." Katie's voice soft, barely going over a whisper. Her hand reaching out to grab yours.
"I don't want to talk to you." You snapped as you pulled your hand away.
"I know what I did - " She didn't even get to finish her sentence before you cut her off.
"Do you? Really? Do you know how it feels to be accused of cheating in front of a whole team by the person you trust and love most in this world? Cause I can't remember ever doing anything even similar to that, Katie!"
"I am really sorry. I don't know what to say. Sweetheart, I love you so much and I let my mind go away with something that would never happen. I was angry and may slightly have been a bit jealous. I know that you would never cheat on me. You mean so much to me and I get so scared that i'm gonna lose you."
"You're an idiot, McCabe." Tears were still running down your face, but you still let out a tiny chuckle.
"I know I am." She reached out for your hand again, letting out a sigh of relief when you didn't pull away. Her head going to rest on your shoulder as yours rested on her head.
"I love you."
"I love you, too."
"Could I maybe get a warning next time that you're a Williamson."
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rookieloveskashi · 2 months
How Could You? —Chapter 1—
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Part of the For Your Own Good Series Prev Work → Next Chapter
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Relationship: Hatake Kakashi x fem!Reader
Rating: General
Warnings: mostly just fluff so far, a little canon angst, POV Kakashi. canon rewrite. self-ship coded; please see author's note on series page if you are unfamiliar with plot-significant characteristics of reader.
Word Count: 2.6k
Work Summary: After waking from Itachi's Mangekyo Sharingan attack, Kakashi finds there is still a lot of work to do; in rebuilding the village, restoring trust within his team, and in being honest with you. But will his efforts strengthen those bonds, or will everything only get worse?
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“Let's see…what else did you miss?”
You sat beside Kakashi on his bed, your head resting on his shoulder and your hand tracing gentle patterns along his palm. It had only been a few hours since Lady Tsunade had returned to the village and fixed him up, and she had barely left before word somehow got to you that he was awake and healthy.
When Tsunade had explained to Kakashi how long he’d been unconscious since Itachi’s attack, he felt ashamed. All that time, wasted. He should have avoided getting caught in that jutsu. But he was thankful his comrades and students were safe, despite feeling like he’d done nothing to help.
And when he saw you, every feeling was replaced with guilt for how worried you’d been.
But everything had been forgiven in a flutter of kisses, his hands and mouth both more eager than his recovering muscles could keep up with. Eventually, kisses morphed into conversation; you excitedly filling him in on everything that had happened throughout the village while he’d been asleep. Truthfully, it was probably more information than he was concerned with. But Kakashi was more than happy to spend time with you in any way. Even if it involved listening to stories of people he wasn’t even sure he’d ever met, he’d still take it.
His muscles ached from the lack of use. He was just about to ask if you wanted to continue this conversation on a walk when you were suddenly distracted. A tiny sparrow tapped on the window, drawing your attention. “Awww,” you cooed, “look at that little bird.”
“Hmmm,” Kakashi sighed, recognizing the signal. “Another mission already.”
“Wait, so soon? But you’ve barely recovered!”
“Well, we lost so many shinobi to Orochimaru’s attack. Those of us left just have to work harder to make up for it.”
“That explains why Iruka has been so hard to get a hold of lately. I guess he’ll be busy with missions for a while, at least until we get the Academy rebuilt.”
“We?” he asked, working on securing the wraps around his ankles. “I thought you said you were working on getting Ichiraku up and running.”
“I am. But the volunteers fixing up the Academy needed help, so if I split my time and work one shift in the morning and one—”
He leaned in to kiss your temple. “Don’t overwork yourself.”
“I could say the same to you, you know.”
“I’ll be fine,” he promised with a soft kiss on the corner of your mouth. “I hate to cut this short, but I’d better head out.”
“Right.” You kissed his mouth, delaying him for as long as you dared before pulling away. “I love you. Please be careful.”
“I will.”
And I love you too.
The words were on the tip of his tongue. He wanted to say them. He was ready to say them. He realized he had loved you this entire time, and he wanted to tell you. He just needed to move his jaw, vibrate his vocal cords, and say the words.
But then you stood up, and made your way to the bedroom door. And his chance was gone.
“Walk me out?”
“Of course.”
He stayed by your side as you walked to the front door of his apartment, wishing he had more time to spend with you before being sent out again. But this was the life he’d chosen, and people were counting on him.
“See you when you’re back.”
And with that, you gave him one last sweet smile before walking out. His heart tugged in his chest as he watched you leave. But he just needed to focus on this mission, and then he could come home and spend some time with you.
First, though, he needed to check on his students. Tsunade had told him all about what happened between Naruto and Kabuto in Tanzaku Town, and Sakura was sure to be worried about Sasuke’s health. Kakashi knew that Tsunade had healed Sasuke before making the house call to his apartment for both treatment and a lecture. But Sasuke would probably still be recovering in the hospital. At least Naruto wasn’t hurt.
When Kakashi arrived at the hospital, the medic-nins directed him to Sasuke’s room. He could tell that something was wrong before he even made it to the doorway. The room was empty, and when he went in to investigate, all he found was an abandoned bed and a few apple slices browning on the floor. Judging by the color, they couldn’t have been there long.
Kakashi closed his eye and focused on the smells and sounds surrounding him. He picked up Naruto’s scent, along with Sakura and Sasuke’s. He knew the room was in disarray, and he couldn’t imagine Sakura doing that, so it must have been Naruto and Sasuke fighting, yet again.
But where did they go? Had they been kicked out? Sasuke hadn’t been discharged yet, and the staff seemed to think he was still here. The roof.
He was up there in the blink of an eye, finding Naruto and Sasuke charging at each other with dangerous amounts of chakra, Sakura shouting for them to stop and running right for them. Sasuke was aiming a huge amount of Chidori, and Naruto—
Is that…
He grabbed each boy by the wrist and spun around, flinging them into the water reservoirs on the roof. It may not have been the most gentle choice he could have made, but if the two of them had made contact, who knows what could have happened. And Sakura would have been right in the middle of it. Gentle wouldn't have cut it, today.
“What are you two doing up here?!”
Sakura ran up to her sensei while her two male teammates groaned and pulled themselves away from the large tanks. Seeing the fear in her eyes nearly made Kakashi’s patience snap. This was the furthest thing from teamwork he’d ever seen.
But that jutsu…no doubt about it. The Rasengan. How is Naruto using that jutsu?
Sasuke stood, offering only a glance and a smirk in Naruto’s direction. While his student was distracted, Kakashi used the body flicker jutsu to jump on top the reservoir looming over Sasuke’s head.
“What do you think you’re doing, Sasuke?”
The boy startled and looked up at him, his expression quickly darkening from surprise to annoyance and anger.
“That Chidori wasn’t the size you’d aim at a comrade from the Leaf Village,” Kakashi continued. “Were you actually trying to kill Naruto?”
Sakura and Naruto both waited tensely for Sasuke’s explanation, but the boy’s answering silence was all the jōnin needed in order to understand. He must have taken that reunion with Itachi harder than anyone realized.
Instead of offering his teammates a word, Sasuke gruffly leapt off the roof, avoiding the situation all together, leaving Naruto looking betrayed and Sakura sobbing into her fists. Kakashi hung his head and tried to make sense of how Team 7 reached this low point, and how he could turn them back to the right path.
Suddenly, Kakashi felt a different yet familiar chakra signature. Jiraiya. I should have known.
“So, it was you who taught Naruto that jutsu?” he asked. “Don’t you think he’s a little young?”
“Look who’s talking,” Jiraiya responded. “That Chidori was pretty powerful too.”
Yeah. Got me there.
“Although,” Jiraiya continued, sounding a bit more serious, “I didn’t think he would throw it at a friend. Did I miss something between those two?”
“It’s complicated…” Kakashi began. “You of all people know how rivalries can be.”
Jiraiya hummed in understanding. “Jealousy is not a good sign. Maybe I should talk to him.”
“Then I’ll trust Naruto to you. I have to get on with a mission, but I’d better deal with Sasuke too.”
“Ka—” Sakura sniffled. “Kakashi-sensei…”
Kakashi jumped down from the tank and approached his female student with a smile on his face and confidence in this voice, hoping she couldn’t see how fragile both really were.
“Don’t worry. We’ll have the old Sasuke back in no time.”
Kakashi found Sasuke sitting on a high branch in one of the oldest trees in the village. At least he found some interesting places to brood every once in a while. But despite the time he’d had to cool off, the genin looked ready to lash out at the first person he saw.
It was obvious enough; Sasuke had recognized how much Naruto had grown, and it had been a tough pill for the Uchiha to swallow. Their rivalry had reached a dangerous tipping point.
Seems I’ll have to fit in some mentoring today, after all.
He silently unspooled a generous length of wire and attached a shuriken to the end. Then, when he threw the shuriken to loop around the tree, the wire held Sasuke to the trunk. Kakashi quickly jumped onto the branch, showing his student that he wasn’t truly in any danger. Despite that, Sasuke had an enraged look in his eyes as he looked up.
“What’s this all about?” Sasuke snarled.
“If I didn’t do it, you’d run.” The jōnin sensei kept his tone level. “You must admit, you're not the type to take a lecture willingly.” Not unlike I used to be.
Kakashi sighed. After what he’d just watched Sasuke do, he needed to get through to him. He didn’t want to reopen his own old wounds, but if he didn’t connect with his student, Sasuke would only see what Orochimaru told him to see.
Better get right to the point. “Sasuke, forget about getting revenge.”
The boy was only angrier upon hearing this advice, and Kakashi wished he’d been more surprised at the reaction. “Although,” he continued, “in my line of work, I've seen a lot of kids like you.” He had been tempted himself; looking for someone or something to blame throughout the toughest times of his life. More often than not, he found the blame belonged to himself.
But how do you seek out vengeance from yourself?
“The fate of those who seek revenge is never good. It’s quite tragic, actually. You’ll only end up hurting and suffering more than you are now. Even if your revenge is a success, all that will come of it is emptiness.”
His lonely years in the ANBU. The desperate fights he wished to lose. Having no one, for fear of losing them too.
“What do you know?!” Sasuke spat. “You think you’re a genius?”
Kakashi pulled on the wire. “Calm down.”
Sasuke chuckled, looking up at his Sensei with a worrisome look in his eye. “I could kill all the people most precious to you,” he growled. “Then you’d know just how wrong you are about me.”
Obito. Rin. Sensei.
As vivid as in his nightmares, images of his old team’s deaths flashed before his eyes. He couldn’t protect any of them. Those failures were his greatest shame as a shinobi. Kakashi had avoided talking about his past with his students so they wouldn’t know just how worthless their sensei really was. But it was something Sasuke needed to know, so he swallowed his pride and steeled himself.
“Well, I suppose you could…” His aching heart provided the answer that had been his undeniable truth for so long. “But unfortunately, I don’t have anyone special left. The ones most precious to me have already been killed.”
Sasuke’s face morphed into a mix of confusion and anger.
“I’ve lived longer than you. Times were tough back in my day. I know the pain of losing somebody more than I’d like to.”
“Neither you nor I can be called lucky, that’s for sure. But we’re not the most unfortunate, either. You and I have both found precious friends, haven’t we?”
Sasuke was quiet for a minute, and Kakashi hoped he was thinking of his classmates. His teammates. Sakura and Naruto. Kakashi knew firsthand how much someone who was originally considered an annoyance could become a dear friend; one of the most important people in a person’s life. “You realize it after you lose them.”
Kakashi flicked his wrist to loosen the wire, seeing that a lot of the fight had drained from Sasuke’s eyes. “Chidori was a power I gave you because you found something important. That power is not to be aimed at a friend or used for revenge. You ought to know what that power should be used for.”
Protecting a person who is precious to you. Someone you love.
Instantly, he wasn’t thinking of Gai anymore. Or Sensei, or Obito or Rin. He could only think of you. The person most precious to him. The person he loved, yet for some reason—some irrelevant, nonsensical reason—he hadn’t told you.
And now he couldn’t wait another second.
“Think about whether what I said hit the mark or not.”
He rushed to your apartment, hoping you hadn’t needed to go anywhere else after you’d left his place.
People could be taken away at any time—Kakashi knew that better than anyone. Yet he’d been stubborn and closed off, refusing to let himself admit to you everything you meant to him, based on fears that he didn’t even remember.
He peeked in the window and saw you lounging on the sofa, reading a book. The girl I love.
You jumped, whipping toward the window with your hand over your chest. As soon as you registered him, your eyes softened and you let out a breath. “Kakashi?” You pushed the window open and allowed him in. “What are you doing back so soon? Is something wrong?”
He lowered his mask and crashed his lips into yours the second the obstacle was removed. You stayed still; shocked and surprised. But then you wrapped your arms around him and answered his kiss. When he broke away, he kept his lips over yours, so they would brush against you as he finally said what he should have said weeks ago.
“I love you.”
You gasped, inhaling the words into your lungs. Kakashi thought he could hear the rhythm of your heart go a little haywire as you leaned back with a giddy smile. Then you let out a chuckle, something between elation and apprehension. He understood how this probably seemed to be coming out of nowhere.
“I’m sorry it’s taken me so long to tell you,” he said. “I just had to…get out of my head.”
“Kashi, I…are you sure?” you whispered. “You don’t have t—"
“I’m sure, Y/N,” he promised. “I've been sure for a while, but I was just afraid of…well, a lot, honestly. But, I love you.”
That gorgeous smile stretched across your face. “I love you too.”
His smile matched yours before he kissed you again. “Okay. I’d better get out of here before my tardiness gets me in trouble.”
You giggled. “Mmmm, bye Kashi.”
He stole one last peck before covering his face again and climbing onto your windowsill. “I should only be a couple of days,” he said, crouching to be ready to spring up on the roof for quicker travel. But then he looked at you, and he couldn’t resist telling you one more time. “I love you, Y/N.”
A fresh coat of pink ripened your cheeks. “I love you, Kakashi.”
He could stay here all day repeating it back to you, but he forced himself to go. The last thing he wanted right now was to start a cycle of back-to-back missions, but it was for the good of the village. To protect you. To protect the woman he loved, and who loved him.
It was the happiest he’d been in a long time, and he couldn’t wait to come back.
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leah-lover · 2 months
Close for maintenance. Arsenal orgy.
Smut 18+
This is part 4. The content is pretty obvious. enjoy.
It has been a few days since my kiss with katie. The girls wanted me to think hard on this and I didn't mind it really.
The day after the kiss was an off day so I took the initiative and decided on a self care day. I went shopping, got a mani pedi, and changed my hairstyle a little. The next few days at training were nothing short of professional. Of course as soon as I walked in with my new look gasps and jokes were made by the whole team but nothing disrupting ever happened. I finally felt like myself again. I was ,dare I say, happy and excited about my life.
On the 5th day after the kiss, and as soon as we finished training, I was approached by Steph.
“ hey so if you are ready we can talk about us in Katie and Caitlain’s house.” she said with a worried tone, her hand on my shoulder.
I held on to her hand and said with a smile on my face . “Yeah of course but you are going to have to drive me there. I didn't bring my car with me.”
We held eye contact for a moment before she nodded in agreement.S
The car ride was silent but not tense, we were both swaying to music and in our heads. Suddenly, I noticed Steph’s arm fidgeting with the console, not knowing where it belonged. I then took the initiative to take her hand and place it on my thigh. shocked , she looked at me which earned her a smile and a reassuring look. We stayed like that for the entire ride, me looking at her and her hand on my thigh running up and down occasionally.
As soon as we arrived at the door we heard laughs which were distinguished as Alessia and Leah’s. When we went in Steph’s hand was in mine, and when Katie saw that she commented “ someone is getting comfortable quickly.” she said joinkinly.
“ why? Jealous?” I responded before I sat next to her and hugged her.
“ She is taking this better than I did.” said Alessia after shooting me a wink.
“ to tell you the truth Lessi here was super nervous for our first meeting her stomach hurt and we had to reschedule. But you look like you got this.” said Caitlain.
“ yeah well i am excited. When did this thought start anyway?;” I asked. “ It has been going on for 3 seasons now. One day at pre season we got drunk and fucked around with idea. We then liked it and were too comfortable with each other. We did it again and again and again until this arrangement was born.” explained leah. “And what is this arrangement?” I added.
“ So basically Caitlin and I are together, Lia, Steph, Leah and Lessi are single. We hang out with each other, go on dates, have sex together or separately. We just communicate openly about our desires and we do them. No hard feelings and no shame” she explained. “ I think I understand it now.” I added.
“ I am gonna go get drinks. Help me Leah.” said lia before disappearing to the kitchen with Leah.
Throughout the night we didn't address the topic at all, we just talked like a regular group of people. After a few drinks and laughs they got more and more confident with me around.
Lia started kissing Leah, Katie and steam soon followed. At that time all I thought about was lessi. She was the one I talked to most this evening and the one I wanted the most at the moment. “ Can I kiss you lessi.” I whispered. My face was red by the time she kissed me. Her lips were soft and her kiss was sweet. Her hands cupped my face and mine went to the back of her neck. We kept on kissing until we gasped for air.
I forgot that the room was filled with other people? And as soon as i realized my face went red and started to freak out. That was until Lia sat next to me. “ hey sweetheart it's okay your first time is going to be the hardest but it will get easier. Just be comfortable with us, we will take care of you.” she cooed, running her arm through my back.
I relaxed into her touch and as soon as i looked comfortable enough leah sat in front of me and said `` look, it's fine if this is too overwhelming to you we can do this another time if at all.” she asked, cupping my cheek. “ no it's okay i want this i really really do.” I insisted. Leah took that as an incentive to kiss me. Her kiss was dominant and powerful. “ You don't know how long I have been waiting to do this.” she said before kissing me some more. “ you are all we have been thinking about.” she said, breaking up the kiss.
I didn't realize when Katie, Caitlain, and Lessi left. I was left in the room with Steph and Leah.
“ take it easy Leah.” said Steph before guiding my face to her lips. Her kiss wasn't as powerful as Leah’s but it was full of emotion. While Steph and I were kissing, Leah started kissing my neck. I relaxed on the couch dazed in their touch. “Can I take thai off?” asked Leah, her voice full of lust and desire. I hummed in agreement. “ Honey, you have to use your words.” said Steph firmly. “ yes, yes please do.'' I managed to get out.
After a while I found myself laying on the couch naked with both Staph and Leah beside me each one giving attention to different parts of. Leah was taking care of my breasts nibbling and sucking on them harshly while Steph was leaving her mark on my neck. “ Please, I need more please.” I pleaded. “ so eager so soon. We will only allow it this time, right Lee.” she said looking over at a busy leah.
We then changed positions. I lead on S teph’s bear chest in between her legs while leah positioned herself between mine.
“ Holy hell, all of this is just for us. I feel flattered. We haven't even touched you properly.” said leah as soon as she saw how wet i was. “ Leah dont leave our guests waiting, she will get a bad first impression.” ordered steph while her hand comes through my hair. The whole scene was serene. Leah was sucking and nibbling at my clit while Steph massaged my breasts slowly.
“ Do you want my fingers baby?” said Leah, waiting for my approval. “ please.” was all I managed to get out. “ No darling , we talked about this. Use your words.” ordered Steph, her hand still on my chest. “ Please, I want your fingers inside me.” I screamed. “ good girl.” responded steph.
With that Leah put one finger in, then another. I was a moaning mess by the time I felt my orgasm approach. “ Please let me come, I am gonna come please.” I pleaded. “ Okay darling, come for us. Come for me and Leah. Right after I heard those words I came undone with Leah at my center. I was in a world of bliss while Leah was cleaning me up and Steph was saying how much of a good girl I was. Leah then proceeded to kiss Steph on top of me with my juices all over her mouth. A moment after that i managed to say “ can we please go again. "
PS let me know if you want me to add anything to the story.
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angelrari · 4 months
gossip girl · pt. xiii
based on the tv series gossip girl
max verstappen / charles leclerc x socialité!reader
fc: elsa hosk (y/n) · taylor hill (léa) · barbara palvin (jolie)
a/n: hi!! thank you so much for commenting and supporting this story! hope you like this part because things are about to get twisted!!!!🤍
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gossip girl here, your one and only source into the scandalous lives of monaco's elite.
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this morning, when the gossip girl notification made your phone beep, your heart skipped a beat. that was it, gossip girl had won again. and, even though, you made have hinted it a few times on your instagram posts, it still was invasion of yours and max's privacy.
"what's wrong?". max asked the moment he saw the look on your face. without saying a word, you turned your phone around to show them. "shit. how is it possible? only people we knew were around".
"i don't know". you replied. "but the secret is out now".
"are you okay?".
"knowing somebody keeps following me around since i was a teenager? not really". you stated. "i don't mind everyone knowing about us, but i had other things in my mind like, i don't know, waiting until this f1 season is over so one day we could talk it about it calmly? fuck, max, don't you feel like you don't even have control on your life? it was our step to take and it's so frustrating to know we can't even do anything to stop this".
max left his phone on the desk and sat with you on the sofa. carefully, he put his finger on bellow your chin to make your eyes look into his. god, he looked so good. his hair was still messy from the make-out session you had shared earlier and he was wearing a linen white shirt that somehow made him seem ethereal.
"i am sorry-". you said and he shook his head.
"it's not your fault or mine". he interrupted you.
"i know". you replied. "but it's race day and you have other things to focus on other than this".
"look, i like that you're telling me this instead of keeping it to yourself and i hate this as much as you do". he said. "i know you're frustrated, but there's nothing we can do about it, right?".
"do you want to know the good news?". he asked and you nodded. "i'll finally get to kiss you when i win the race".
"you're stupid".
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liked by maxverstappen1, joliedebelle and 152.354 others
yourusername three sunsets in abu dhabi.
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maxverstappen1 ❤️
username thank you for getting max out of that red bull shirt i was starting to think he doesn't own regular shirts
username charles not liking this post...
username 2/20 f1 drivers who's next
username i say lando is going to be the next one
username not lando please spare him 🙏
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everyone in the red bull garage cheered loudly as max crossed the finish line. it had been an incredible year for them, winning almost every single race this season. throughout the whole race you could not help but focus on the red team you used to support before. charles had tried everything to get ferrari to secure the second place in the constructors' championship, but it seemed like he was the only person in the team who was working for it.
"charles must be feeling like shit". jolie said as she removed the headphones.
"yeah". you agreed. "i feel sorry for him".
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charles' team members congratulated him, shaking his hand and giving him pats on his back. he half-smiled back at them, trying to hide the sadness he felt for not achieving the goal he had set his mind to. he had spotted you in the crowd, next to the red bull team members, and he decided to approach you.
you were standing there, looking as pretty as ever, under the moonlight of abu dhabi. he knew you were there waiting for max, as you were many times before for him. your eyes lit up when you saw his face and smiled back at him. shit, he didn't even notice he had been smiling as he stared at you. you opened your arms and he hugged you tightly.
"don't be too hard on yourself, okay?". you said and he nodded. "you did everything you could".
"thank you, y/n". he replied, wishing he could stay in your arms forever.
"i am proud of you. always".
"i know i have said it a million times before, but i couldn't have gotten this far without you". he said. "i love you".
those three words, that once you were used to hearing, now seemed to carry more weight than they did before. all these years were not able to erase the feelings you had felt when you were in love with him and your heart felt so full knowing that he felt the same. you loved him. he had been the person who had been by your side the toughest days of your life, the one who had always supported you on every step you took and who always put your happiness before his.
"i love you too".
when he pulled away, his green eyes starred into yours, trying to hide the effect those words had on him. you gave him an honest smile and he knew it was time for him to walk away. he could not take it, he could not see you celebrate with someone else. he wanted that for himself. he wanted to kiss you, he wanted to hold your hand as he walked back to his car, he wanted to be the one to drive you back to the hotel, to hold you in his arms as the elevator reached your floor and, god, the things he would do when nobody was watching.
you turned around as you heard max's voice. he had made sure to greet his team members before approaching you. you looked teary-eyed, proudly smiling as you starred at him. he had figured out charles had something to do with it as he had seen you talking to him seconds before.
"congratulations max". you said.
he caressed your cheek before leaning in and kissing you softly. your hands grabbed his face, feeling his stubble on your fingers, and pulled him closer. you could tell max was feeling emotional too, his hands that were on your hips grabbed tightly the fabric of your summer dress and his breath was heavy. he pulled away as everyone around cheered.
"i'll see you later, okay?". he said and you nodded.
and that was when you realized. max had never said i love you to you. was it too soon? did he feel this way? did you? why was it so easy to say them to charles, but so hard to say to max?
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yourusername posted a story
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xkaidaxxxx · 3 months
Zuko x Reader
Mentions: Betrayal, Angst, Arguing, suicidal thoughts, Happy ending.
sorry for errors. 1am story.
reposts are appreciated.
“Zuko, she’s a traitor. She didn’t take our side.”, Azula said to her “darling” brother. She’s always manipulating and gaslighting him. “No, I’m not. Zuko, please. We were doing so well and living a good life us and your uncle. Please.” You said crying. Your heart was aching, hoping he wouldn’t believe Azula’s horrible lies and follow her path in life. You have loved  Zuko more than anything, since your childhood. “She went against us, and so did our uncle. I bet she’s even lying about being in love with you.” Azula said while rubbing his back. You knew all Zuko ever wanted was approval from his family to get his honor back. In proving he’s worthy of his family name. “ Zuko I am in love with you! Don’t listen to her.” You pleaded. You were practically on your knees at this point. “Azula is correct...I’m in love with you that’s what’s wrong…you betrayed us. You went against us and the fire nation.” Zuko said and then looked away. Your heart broke into a million pieces. You felt like time stopped. Tears ran down your cheeks. It felt like you couldn’t breathe, you felt pressure on your chest. “ You’re doing what’s right brother,” Azula reassured him and it brought you back to your senses. “You bitch! You’re lying to him! You don’t care about him! You’re using him! You’ve been hurting him since we were all children. Even now!” You yelled standing up,  suddenly feeling a burning sensation on your arm and neck. Azula burned you. Zuko wanted to run over to you, but Azula stopped him.
Once everyone was at the Fire Nation you and Iroh were locked up in separate gender prisons. Your wounds were treated there. There wasn’t a day you didn’t cry. All you want is to live happily with Zuko. Marry him and have kids, but you were currently in what probably felt like hell. You were devastated, disappointed, angry, heartbroken, betrayed,  yet you still love him. 
A month or so passed. You heard a guard walk in, “ You have a visitor.” he said to you. “Leave us alone,” Zuko ordered and the guard obeyed the Fire Nation’s prince. “I’m here. I’ve been thinking about you..us. I love you y/n.” he said with tears forming. “You don’t love me enough. If you did…I wouldn’t be here…alone..cold…treated horribly, wanting to die. I want to kill myself. I can't take it anymore. This prison is torture. You know what’s funny, is that you betrayed me and I’m still in love with you. I still want a bright future with you. I’m so stupid to even need or want that while I’m locked up.” You cried feeling like you were slowly losing yourself. You faced away from him. “I don’t want you here. I’ll speak to Azula…I promise I’ll get you out of here. I love you so much…hold on a bit longer.” he said wanting to hold you in his arms but those stupid bars were in the way. He left. Time passed since the first visit. Weeks maybe months, you couldn’t tell. Many thoughts ran through your mind. 
Did he move on? 
Is he dating Mai?
He left and didn’t take me with him?
Does he think I’m a waste of time?
He’s dead?
The truth was he was caught visiting you. He was being watched since then. He was finding a way to leave with you and Iroh. Somehow every time he’d come up with a plan there was always a dead end, however, he’s not giving up. 
He pulled out a scroll that had you drawn on it. He got ready to sleep opened the scroll and spoke. “ My love, Y/n whenever I close my eyes I always picture you there. Throughout my days I see you in people's faces. It’s driving me crazy but I wouldn’t have it any other way. I swear I’ll be coming back for you. I love you y/n, more than anything. Don’t worry…hold on longer please.” he closed his eyes crying himself to sleep. 
Suddenly a week later team Avatar showed up and caused a huge scene, while Azula and the Fire Nation’s soldiers were after them Zuko took it as an opportunity. He let you and Iroh free and an hour later team Avatar took pity on you. Next thing you know, you all were on Appa, flying away. “ Thank you. We appreciate it very much.” Zuko said pulling you close to him. They were shocked by Zuko. A. Zuko is in love. B. Being kind. C. Thankful. 
“No problem,” Aang said with a smile. Everyone else nodded. “ I love you. I’m sorry,” he spoke looking down at you. You nodded forgiving him, cuddling up to him. 
As nightfall came Appa landed. The camp was set. You went down by the lake to wash up. Zuko followed you. “ I’ll keep watch just in case.” you rolled your eyes. You undressed carefully walking into the lake. The water was cold but soothing. You made sure you were completely clean. Head to toe. Zuko turned to watch you for some reason you didn’t mind. “Hey may I join you?” he asks with a blush on his cheeks. You decided it was time to get intimate physically with him. “Y-Yes. I’d like that,” you replied nervously. A few minutes you found out you had nothing to be nervous about. He washed up as well. “I’m glad we’re together once again. This time I know it’s forever even though the war is still going on,” he spoke moving closer towards you. You felt his hand on your waist. “I’m in love with you y/n.” you smiled and hugged him tightly, “I know, I’m in love with you too Zuko.” Suddenly your lips touched his. Your tongues roamed each other's mouths until you guys had to catch your breaths. He placed pecks on your neck and also left hickeys behind. You moaned in the process. Once you guys finished you got back into your clothes. You guys walked into the cave you were all resting in, Zuko grabbed the blanket he had brought along, and spread it on the ground. “Is..Zuko..can we sleep together?” you asked. You only dared to ask him because you got privacy from the others. “Yes. I’d like that,” he replied. You held onto reach other warming up. After a while, his hands began to roam your body. You didn’t mind it at all. If anything it made you feel closer to him. You snuggled closer. “ I’m never letting go of you my love,” he whispered. Your hearts burned with so much love.
please like, comment and reblog.
Hope you liked the story. I will be posting more.
much love, Kaida
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updownlately · 8 months
cause i've never loved somebody (the way i love you)
| _____ x reader | a/n: an idea i got seeing an edit of a movie. i wanted to show a lovesick reader bc why not ¯\_(ツ)_/¯. feel free to pick who you want as the girlfriend/partner :) (i could also see this being a part one to a story...)
It's the smile on your face, unwavering as you went about your day, practice with the team flying by in a breeze, your eyes shimmering with joy throughout, excited for what the rest of the night held for you.
It's how you're quietly humming to yourself as you showered and changed into a fresh set of clothes, Beth and Steph watching you amusedly as you flew off into your own world, nervous yet excitable energy evident as it thrummed through your veins.
It's the way you don't even flinch as Beth pulls you aside when you rush to leave, ready to go before any of the other girls had even got changed, you turning around, beaming grin on your face as you impatiently rocked side-to-side on your feet.
"Hey, is everything okay? Are you fine?"
The question came out nonchalant, but the concern was clear in Beth's actions, her head tilting to the side as she gave you a once-over, voice rising ever so slightly towards the end.
Biting back your growing smile, heart warming at the older girl's worry, your eyes twinkled as your mind flew back to why you were leaving so quickly (not that the reasoning had even left your thoughts for more than a second).
"Everything's good. Really good in fact. I'm actually really happy- really, after a long time..."
The words fell easily from your lips, them being completely truthful and sincere.
You'd been happier recently, no doubt the reasoning for that being one person, your person, not that many people knew.
But Beth did. Beth knew. And so you cheekily waited as realization struck her.
Watching intently as her head tilted to the other side and the right-winger's face scrunched in thought, your tongue peeked from between your teeth in amusement as the pieces finally clicked into place for her, eyebrows raising as she reached her conclusion.
"Woah- are you in love?"
Unable to stop your grin from widening this time, you nodded timidly.
"I- yeah, yeah I am. I really love her."
With Beth being the one to have encouraged you to make the first move in your relationship, she couldn't help but feel a sense of pride at the lovesick look on the face of someone she considered a younger sister.
"I'm assuming you've got plans with her tonight?"
And as you nodded vigorously, this time rocking back and forth whilst you moved a few messy hair strands out of your face, Beth couldn't help but aww audibly, your enthusiasm adorable.
Not wanting to keep you any longer should you explode from impatience, she decided to bid her farewell to you rather quickly.
"I'll let you go, yeah? You have a good night, kid."
Meeting her eyes, you nodded once more, a small 'thank you' slipping from your lips, the way your eyes twinkled as you said the two words not lost on Beth, her own smiling widening with your two-fold appreciation.
Giving the Gunner a hug, you quickly collected yourself, slipping out of the door lest you have to stay back another minute.
With the sole intention of making it home to the date night your girlfriend had so graciously organized for the two of you, one she'd been hyping up for the past week, you safely sped out of the parking lot, your smile still not having left your face for even a second, cheeks nearly beginning to hurt.
This wasn't the love you were used to, but God did it give you butterflies- the good kind that felt like a tender hug, or a warm cookie on a chilly night, or a cup of tea on a rainy afternoon- the good kind of love, really.
A love you were glad to have found in the shape of the one you had patiently waiting at home.
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dduane · 8 months
Ok so
1. I’ve only ever read one book you wrote (So You Want To Be a Wizard) but it was very good and I love it. Big fan.
2. Both out of curiosity and on behalf of my sister, as a writer of Barbie Fairytopia, did you invent Bibble. Because my sister has Bibble as her Home Screen and my whole family had a conversation about Bibble yesterday.
Thank you. Ur books are cool.
Thank you! Glad you liked SYW... . 😊
Now, about Bibble (and a nod here to @the-best-of-the-geeks, who also inquired about this):
The answer is... maybe. At this end of time, it's hard to tell.
I took a few moments off from today's* graphic arts work to go digging in my archived project files. What I can see from a quick glance at them is that Bibble (or the character who'd eventually be Bibble: there were a lot of name changes throughout the writing process) doesn't appear in any of the drafts of the worldbuilding bible I wrote, or in other associated background material. If it had, that would've been—not absolute, but at least fairly strong circumstantial evidence—that I was the character's creator.
The problem is that when you're working on a big-IP project like this, there are so many people involved in the creative process that it can become really difficult to accurately trace any one character's or story element's "lineage". It's possible Bibble originated in a note to me from one of the creative team, which would have been one of hundreds of archived emails. Or it might have been something suggested to me in a phone conversation... of which there were many. Without sifting through all those emails (and please forgive me, that's not something I've got time for at the moment) it's tough to say.
What I am sure of is that Bibble definitely turned up on my watch. I have a premise file dated 30 December 2003 which does not contain the character, and then a second-draft premise dated 10 January 2004... in which, with a slightly different name, Bibble first appears. Bibble (as Bobble) is also in my first draft screenplay, which was turned in in early February 2004.
So that much, at least, we can be sure of. Bibble's personality and speech style is clearly spelled out in the script (as is the suggestion that Bibble be voiced by Frank Welker. It's a shame that didn't happen: I'm a huge fan of his).
But this still doesn't constitute proof that I invented the character. Bibble could very well have been suggested to me by someone else—and suggestions and notes are so free-flowing in a project like this that it's possible we'll just never know. (sigh) Such is life.
What I do want to emphasize here was how extremely pleasant this whole project was, from beginning to end. There are screenwriting projects that will make you shudder decades after the fact just on hearing their name. But there are others that unfailingly make you smile when someone mentions them... and this, for me, was one of those.
The giveaway of how much fun I was having lies in some stuff that happens in the script and would, to those unfamiliar with tropes in animation writing, look like nothing in particular. But a recurring joke among animation writers back then (and maybe still) was designating a character's speech as a walla. In this case, it means not just a description of some kind of crowd noise—the usual definition—but of that particular character making speechlike noises. It's the kind of thing you don't bother doing if you're not feeling playful. (Or at least I don't.)
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...Anyway: hope this has helped, at least a little. :)
*This post was written at the very beginning of May 2023, around the time the WGA strike was starting. During the strike period I haven’t been comfortable with doing long posts about my screen work… but the strike’s over now. 😄 Thanks to @violet-yimlat and @the-best-of-the-geeks for being so patient.
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flowery-laser-blasts · 5 months
*inhale* 🗣 Okay, listen, I'm going to rant over this moment again, but this time in a post so the world can read about it 🗣
It doesn't matter how many times I've watched Graduation part 2... But THIS HERE.
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BUT MOST OF ALL: "What will others think of me now?"
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And then ALL of his questions get answered in the form of his partner in crime's expression: A genuine heartfelt and sincere smile that says "You deserve this."
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Shego, the femme fatale who is wanted in 11 countries. The villain who insisted by all means necessary that she's evil through and through and will NEVER be a hero or want to be associated with heroes STILL stands by his side. Do you know what the most important aspect of this very moment is? Shego doesn't stand on 'equal' grounds as him and she doesn't mind it, she lets it happen.
Shego and Drakken's dynamic throughout the story has been Boss-and-Sidekick for the longest of times. Both of them fought: Drakken for wanting to feel superior over EVERYONE and Shego wanting as much power (and/or more) as Drakken would have when they had taken over the world.
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However, the happenings in graduation changed everything and now the world recognizes Drakken as a hero, a world savior, and a protector of peace. But if it weren't for Shego flying all the way with Ron to the Lorwardian ship, Drakken couldn't have possibly stopped the invasion.
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Look at Shego's expression. She genuinely feels happy for Dr. D. She could've stepped in at ANY point before or during this (press)conference, demanding her own medal and telling everyone that it was in fact her who helped Drakken save them all. But she doesn't. Shego knows how important this moment is for Dr. Drakken. After years of hearing his stories and knowing how much recognition means to him; she lets him have his moment in the limelight, the sun, and she's going to let him bask in all of it for as long as he needs to. Because the most important thing is that she knows what she did and that's enough: She went into space to bring back the man she wanted to rule the world together with. Never ever again would she let Dr. Drakken think, for even a second, that she'd abandon him.
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Again, look at the distance between them in this shot.
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Yes, the distance is closer but then
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As close as they can possibly get in public
They're on even grounds now. Drakken wants to let the world and most importantly Shego KNOW that they are a team and that they saved the world together.
I once saw someone pointing out that they looked very uncomfortable in the last image, but let me put it like this: - Prior in the episode Shego and Drakken almost flew into each other's arms but became VERY reluctant, why??? Because Kim and Ron were there! What must those brats think of them!? Certainly, they cannot show any weaknesses in front of their arch nemeses!
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And now let me show this again:
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They're embracing each other... in FRONT OF THE WORLD LEADERS. OF COURSE IT'S A BIT AWKWARD, YOU'D BE AWKWARD TOO, but the KEY here is that They're NOT looking away from each other like they did before.
In the previous scenario, they avoided each other's eyes: no connection, desperately trying to show no weaknesses, trying to change the subject matter at all costs.
Now they lock eyes, and they read each other. How I read it (both facial expression as body language): Drakken: Hopeful, nervous, apologetic "Did I hurt you? I hope I did not", kind of embarrassed because his foliage acted out so assertively by his thoughts of wanting Shego to be at least on the same level as him for the world to know. Shego: Surprised but not at all distressed, disgusted or upset about this sudden change. Most of all, I think she's deeply moved: Drakken always called her a 'sidekick', but now? She's recognized by him and the world as his partner. If you look at her face, those eyes seem to be on the verge of tearing up and that smile, how shy and embarrassed it may look holds warmth and happiness.
Both of them acknowledge each other's worth and in a certain way, they took over each other's world.
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elliespuns · 17 days
It’s definitely not a hate comment towards the actresses; it’s just a critique of the makeup staff or whoever’s responsible for that. But what I’m getting at is that both Bella and Isabela look way too young; they could pass for 10-year-old girls, and the worst part is they’re trying to sell us on Isabela carrying a child all empowered and Bella taking care of the baby like Dina’s partner??? Bella will end up looking like JJ’s slightly older sister. And can you believe both women, barely 5’1, are going to be taking down every guy in their path??? Good Lord, I’m so frustrated.
And I’m sure as hell we’ll just settle for whatever they give us and eventually accept it, but it’s not what we deserve as fans.
I agree with everything you say. Not here to dis either. I loved season 1 even though there were so many things that made me roll my eyes or mad for actually not happening at all (like all those Ellie and Joel moments they screw us over with by not delivering them and making their bond less impacful). But this is too much. I get it. They can't make the actresses meet the original Ellie's height, but with what the make-up artists can do nowadays, I was at least expecting Bella to age for the show. 
We can't have two (19 and 20) year old girls slaying everyone throughout their way of Seattle if they look like 12 year olds. Not to mention one of them is supposed to be pregnant; how's that going to look? Also, the cast for Jesse? Young Mazino definitely looks like Jesse's real age, so we're now having Dina, who is 12, date Jesse, who's over 20?
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I love this duo for how capable they both are as a team. I don't mind that they won't look exactly the same, but the age, chemistry, and dynamics should fit. If I'm not getting this, I don't want anything else. 
I am not the one to point out flaws, and I usually look for the better parts in everything because I can appreciate effort, but I feel no effort really has been put into anything I've seen leaked. It feels like everyone's just pissed that Pedro won't be there on set to light up everyone's day, so they just kind of gave up on trying, or idk. It's just sad.
I can't even start thinking about certain scenes because they get even more hilarious when I imagine them based on what I've seen so far. Can you imagine the weed den scene? I don't want to watch two 12 year olds make out. Or the shamblers encounters? (if there will be any). Not even talking about the farm era, where Ellie and Dina live as a couple with a kid. If they don't make the girls age, nobody will take the whole show seriously. There are already so many people disliking S01 (most of them are game fans), and the creators just keep adding to the pile of dislikes. People are gonna be so angry and upset. 
Look, these are just leaked photos, I get it. Maybe the girls were just testing/practicing. Who knows. Maybe they'll even surprise us. But until then, I know I won't be expecting much because I'd rather expect the worst than expect a lot and then get a slap in the face.
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meantaylorsversion · 8 months
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Football Player!Peter Parker x Marching Band!Shy!Reader
summary; both you and peter were nominated for homecoming court, but not as each other's dates. In fact you two kept your relationship a secret from everyone, even your closest friends. He wished he could show you off to the whole school
warnings; none lol
notes; pookies i am not in band but i have a lot of band friends so forgive me if this isn't the most accurate
words; 1.3k?
You watched as the crowd roared when Peter ran into the end zone. Your instrument blaring, to the sound of a song you've played many times before. A sly smile appeared on your face, the corner of your lips holding a secret only two people knew. It was a stroke of luck that the cheerleaders were placed in front of the band. All anyone could see from the big screen was Peter looking towards the cheerleaders with a big grin on his face, or what they thought was a smile underneath the helmet. The game was a landslide, the team was up 35 while the other team only had one touchdown from the first quarter and hadn't scored since. You heard your best friend at your side, whispering, "Why are you watching Parker? I thought you hated him,"
You scoff, turning your face away from them, "When have I ever said that! He's in my physics class and he's.....nice!" You hated lying to your best friend but you liked having him all to yourself. You and Peter had been dating secretly for a few months but you knew what all your friends would say. They were wrong, they only saw the persona he put on in school, but beneath that was the sweet and nerdy boy who geeked out over Star Wars while you threw popcorn at him. They didn't know how he visited his parent's graves every Sunday, or how he adored his Aunt May.
They scoffed lightly, "Yeah and the sky is green!" You rolled your eyes ignoring their comment, gluing your sight to the field, holding your instrument tightly.
The timer had ticked down, the lights shining brightly on the players. It was almost half-time, which was when the nominations for Homecoming Court would be announced. There was no chance that Peter wouldn't be voted for King, and you knew that Gwen Stacy would be nominated as his 'date'. It didn't bother you at all. No, not at all.
What you didn't account for was your friend putting your name in for the ballot and all of the music department voting for you and the Drum Major Austin Lawrence. The whistle blew, signaling the game was at halftime.  You let out a breath of relief as you got off the stands, following behind your friends slowly, hoping to catch a glimpse of Peter while the other marching band took the field.
You almost stumbled over your feet as you saw Peter take off his helmet as he exited the field. No matter how many times you saw your boyfriend, his beauty always took your breath away. The front strands of his hair stuck to his forehead, his face holding a grin as his teammates bumped their shoulders with him, as they left to the locker-room. You heard him laughing and joking with them, and you wish he would never stop laughing, the sound was so melodious to you that it felt brighter than the sun. You had spent so much staring at him that your friend had grabbed your arm and pulled you over to the concession stands, grabbing the food Austin was holding for them and shoving it into your hands, and you turned your head to the big screen. You could see the pictures of Peter and Gwen from the yearbook being projected as the announcer had started speaking.
You felt the envy spread throughout your body, it was stupid but you couldn't control it. Your jaw had clenched, so much so your friend put their hand on your shoulder, raising an eyebrow at you.
"Y/N? What's your problem?" Their eyebrows furrowed, as they tried to discreetly look at Austin. He knew about the nominations, your friend had convinced him to keep it a secret. They thought it'd be a nice suprise for your senior year, but you never liked the spotlight. It's why you haven't revealed that you and Peter are dating, meanwhile there was nothing more in the world that he wanted to do than show you off to the whole school. Your friend waited for your answer, but you were lost in thought, watching Peter from afar.
"Huh? Oh it's nothing, um just a headache I guess," You replied, before you practically jumped out of your skin when you heard your name and Austin's name was announced, heard all around the stadium. The picture of you two was you and Austin talking during a break at a football game, but what you didn't notice was the lovestruck look on his face. Peter noticed, he's been noticing since you guys started dating, and he hated it.
Peter had a class with him once, and he found him annoying. Was Peter biased? No, of course not, why would he be? It's not like the kid was in love with his girlfriend or anything. It had irked him so much how he couldn't go up and kiss you like the world was ending, all because you didn't want to deal with the backlash of dating the school's quarterback. He understood of course, but he loved you so much and all he wanted to do was show you off.
The camera had practically put the camera in front of you and Austin's face, the look of surprise evident on yours. You heard the whole band from behind cheering as Austin put his arm around you, and smiled down at you.
He practically shouted in your ear, “C’mon! Cheer up! This is supposed to be fun!" You laughed nervously, trying to keep your unease at bay, at least while the camera was pointed at you two. Luckily for you, the camera man walked away, intending to find the next homecoming couple. You moved yourself out from underneath Austin's arm and walked away from him and your friend.
It was lucky that the band didn't have to be back for another 15 minutes and that Peter saw you walking away from them. He followed after in a safe distance, so that there wouldn't be any suspicion, he knew he should be in the locker room, but he knew you were upset and he couldn't give a damn about anyone else in this moment. You found a little hiding spot in freshman year in the stadium and any time you needed a moment to yourself during a game, you’d escape there.
“Y/N, babe? What’s wrong?” He frowned, as he looked down at you, reaching for you. You melted into his arms, allowing yourself one moment in public with him.
"I didn't know I was nominated for it," You mumbled into his chest, scrunching your nose slightly as his jersey was sweaty. He hugged you a little tighter before Peter let go and looked into your e/c eyes.
"Babe, it won't be that bad ok? You are an amazing person and I love you." He reassured, kissing your cheek before running back to the locker room. He could care less if his coach was mad, all he cared about was you.
You smiled sweetly as he walked away, taking a deep breath before walking back to the band bleachers. Your friends breathed a sigh of relief as they saw you walk up.
"Where were you? We turned around for one second and you were gone! And you didn't come back for five minutes!" Your friend whisper shouted as you walked up the bleachers. You ignored them, walking back to your spot ignoring them. You were pissed, you didn't even know about it and now you had to do all this extra stuff for homecoming that you didn't want to! All you wanted to do was go with your friends and watch Peter from a distance.
They didn't understand, it was the whole reason your relationship with Peter was a secret, you hated attention! And now you had to do all this extra stuff for Homecoming now, though you would be able to spend more time with Peter or at least be in his presence.
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