#wes hicks imagine
ultrone · 1 year
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💬 ꉂ ┈ scream characters' texts.
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includes. chad, amber, wes, tara, sam, and ethan
part two
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Headcanons for wes as a boyfriend?
ofc!! also got a request asking for the same thing with gender neutral reader so I’m just combining them together :)
these aren’t the best but I tried lol
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warnings: none, just fluff
⨯ . ⁺ ✦ ⊹ ꙳ ⁺ ‧ ⨯. ⁺ ✦ ⊹ . * ꙳ ✦ ⊹
- you probably had to make the first real move - wes liked you too much and didn’t want to screw up his chance with you.
- definitely a horrible flirt but honestly? you kind of love that about him. sometimes his flirting or corny pick up lines are so bad that they’re kinda good, which you find super endearing
- his mother taught him from a very young age that the world can be dangerous which means he’s very protective of you
- like he reminds you to lock your back door before you hang up after an evening call just so you don’t forget, because if not he’ll worry about you and your safety
- again, will make you call him when you get home or insist on dropping you himself even if he lives in the complete opposite direction to you
- wes doesn’t mind going out for dinner for a date but I think he would prefer something more intimate and low-key - maybe watching a movie huddles together on the sofa or maybe going to a small, cosy diner compared to a high-end restaurant
- he would come back with gifts for you that he knows that you’ll love more often that not. he tries to play it off and say that he was in the store anyway and just happened to walk by the gift and thought of you, but he definitely went out of his way to get it because he thought it would make you happy
- he’s an overthinker. sometimes you might send a text and sound slightly off or slightly mad and he’ll stay up thinking about it and if he’s done anything wrong
- he takes a lot of pictures of you. whether you’re just sitting, completely engrossed in whatever it is that you’re doing or whether you’re mid-laugh because of some stupid joke he told you, he can’t help himself because he thinks you look so cute!! one of them is definitely his home screen
- he’s watched his mom cook a bunch of times but that doesn’t mean he’s any good at making food himself </3 he’ll try and make you dinner and desert occasionally but one time he messed up so badly he had to cave and order take out instead. you never let him forget it and lovingly tease him about it whenever you got the chance
- when you hang out with your group of friends, you’ll often catch him staring at you like you’re the most beautiful constellation in the sky. when you first started dating he tried to be smooth about it, but after a while he stopped caring and didn’t care if you saw
- very proud to be with you and actively wants everybody to know that you’re his girlfriend - probably talks about you a lot too
- likes psychical touch - especially when you initiate it. if you’re walking together and you grab his hand in a busy crowd, it never fails to make his heart skip a beat - no matter how long you’ve been together. he isn’t really big on extreme pda but loves to be as close to you as possible when it’s just the two of you.
- he’ll also let you borrow or steal his clothes constantly. you’re cold? here, take his hoodie, he’s sweating anyway. you like his shirt? he never liked it anyway and it looks better on you than it ever did on him. he finds it super attractive when you walk into school wearing one of his tops or go to sleep in a pair of his sweatpants
- he loves to share his interests with you - he’ll try and get you to listen to his favourite band or watch his all - time favourite movie so he can talk about it with you (but he would definitely quote all the iconic lines the whole way through or occasionally recreate full on scenes)
- strangely into vinyls and CDs. he has a bunch of them in his room and anytime anybody asks him why he doesn’t just stream music she’ll just send them a death glare and go on a rant about how playing it traditionally is better. he 100% stocked up on records from your favourite artist after you started dating and plays it when he’s sad - it makes him think of you.
- he’s honestly just a huge closeted nerd tbh
- can also play an instrument- he learned when he was a kid and when you found out, you essentially forced him to play for you. he’s not a professional or anything, but he’ll play you songs because he knows you love it
- isn’t a very confrontational person so he tries to ignore arguments altogether. he knows when he messes up and even if it hurts his pride, he’ll apologise because the last thing he wants is to loose you
- if his mom didn’t accept you at first (due to her thinking nobody was truly good enough for her son), he would stand by you and not budge until she realised she was wrong and that wes was happier than ever
- “wes, I don’t want to get between you and your mom, I-“
“no! I’m dating you and she’s gonna get over it whether she likes it or not. I’m not leaving you to make her happy, okay?”
- it honestly warms your heart that he’ll stand up for you like that tbh
- lets you dye his hair if he needs a touch up, even if he’ll be talking the whole time and checking you out in the mirror to make sure you’re doing it right
- honestly just the best bf in general <33
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marrziy · 1 month
Wes Hicks x Male Reader
"O que acontece à meia-noite?"
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• Filme: Pânico 5
• Personagem: Wes Hicks
• Gênero: hot (smut)
• Sinopse: Wes, seu namorado, lhe convida para passar a noite na casa dele. Essa é a oportunidade perfeita para finalmente avançarem um passo no relacionamento.
• Narração: 1° pessoa - presente
• Palavras: 1.3k
Esse é o primeiro hot que eu escrevi. É uma história pré histórica, lá dos primórdios onde eu não sabia diferenciar os porquês kkkkk. Corrigi e modifiquei algumas coisas, acho que dá pra passar!
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Qualquer um que já esteve viciado em ver vídeos sobre casos criminais no YouTube, acompanhou threads duvidosas no Twitter sobre os feitos de um serial killer, foi traumatizado por algum documentário do Discovery Channel ou assistiu às desgraças anunciadas em um jornal, sabe que é arriscado andar sozinho nas ruas à noite.
Em Woodsboro, estar em alerta vira mantra para os moradores quando, entre pausas de paz, surgem anticristos mascarados com sede de sangue, ansiosos para matar algum parente ou namorada por motivos estúpidos. Sobra para gente inocente, que leva lambida de faca porque os putos têm um jeitinho criminoso de se divertir.
Acontece que eu tenho menos chances de tomar no rego se estiver acompanhado do gostoso do meu namorado.
Na verdade, as chances de tomar no rego aumentam nesse caso - no bom sentido.
Meu pai só chega do trabalho de manhã, já a mãe do meu gatinho pegou o turno da noite na delegacia. Então...
Wes fez um puta textão listando todos os 13 porquês de eu ter que vir aqui passar a madrugada com ele. Confesso, tive sim um mini surto lendo aquilo, principalmente na quinta colocação. Eu não poderia recusar uma maratona de The Office com o meu namorado!
Mas porra… não consigo focar na tv com uma mão veiuda passeando pela minha coxa. Meu colapso é anunciado quando o movimento para e dá lugar a apertos, tão fortes que esbranquecem a pele, fazendo a cor voltar em tons vibrantes de vermelho.
As cenas icônicas que sempre me pegam, agora não passam de borrão. Todos os meus sentidos estão direcionados às veias destacadas daquela mão, cada vez mais próxima da minha virilha.
É bem óbvio o que ele quer, as intenções são cristalinas, transparentes. Mas nunca fomos tão longe. Fico estático por um tempo, absorvendo e digerindo.
Um raspar de dentes na nuca, seguido de um beijo na mesma região, bem na área dos arrepios, desperta meu corpo do transe.
Wes não é meu primeiro; já transei com outros caras, mas nunca com um namorado. Não quero que seja especial; quero que seja gostoso. Não ligo para as besteiras vendidas por comédias românticas.
Perdão senhora Hicks, juro que não deixo nada manchar suas almofadas!
Me acomodo em seu colo e entrelaço meus dedos em seus fios claros, empurrando sua cabeça para trás e deixando seu pescoço vulnerável. Dou início a uma série de chupões e mordidas que marcam a pele, me prolongando no pomo-de-adão, pois sei que ali é uma área sensível.
— Não sabia que você tinha um lado tão safado. – Wes sussurra com a voz embolada. Suas mãos atravessam vagarosamente o tecido da minha calça. Entre o pano e a carne, suas palmas procuram algo para apertar.
Seus dedos afundam na minha bunda e torna-se impossível controlar os suspiros. O toque é intenso; só consigo pensar nos vergões que vão surgir quando ele passa a arranhar as bandas.
— Eu gostei pra caralho... Por favor, não para! – choramingo, me esforçando para não gaguejar.
Olhando para baixo, vejo o sorriso cafajeste enfeitando seu rosto, o deixando ainda mais atraente.
Paro de brincar com seu pescoço e libero uma das mãos que segurava seu cabelo, mantendo a outra ainda firme nas madeixas e trazendo sua cabeça de volta à linha reta. Dou-lhe um breve selinho antes de levar meus dedos livres até seus lábios.
Aos poucos, desço meu toque, deslizando o indicador por sua garganta, acariciando os ossos ressaltados da clavícula, apertando seu peitoral, beliscando seus mamilos, tudo ao som gostoso de seus gemidos.
Próximo àquele lugar, começo a esfregar a ponta dos dedos entre o cós do seu short e a pele quente que ele aprisiona. Sinto o aperto na minha região traseira intensificar, confirmando que estou fazendo certo.
Encerro as carícias em seu couro cabeludo, puxando novamente os fios dourados para trás. Wes parece atiçado. Consigo notar os efeitos quando ele abre mais as pernas, movendo o quadril para cima, buscando atrito na região necessitada.
Nunca senti um pau tão detalhadamente - pelo menos não com ele ainda coberto. Wes não está usando cueca, tenho certeza disso desde o momento em que ele me atendeu em sua varanda. Estava marcando, mas eu não quis dizer nada. O pano fino do short ajudava bastante, ou atrapalhava, dependendo do ponto de vista.
Minha visão frontal captura um relógio fixo na parede. No ritmo do tic-tac, Wes move os quadris com mais violência. Suas mãos, agora agarrando minha cintura com força desmedida, deixam marcas vermelhas com potencial para se tornarem roxas. Eu não faço tanta questão, afinal, estou puxando seu cabelo e mordendo seu corpo com tanta agressividade, que não duvidaria caso outro fluído pintasse nossos corpos além de suor e porra.
Decido me unir aos seus movimentos desesperados. Rebolando sobre o corpo abaixo de mim, sinto mais do pau pulsando no short cinza.
Nossos lábios finalmente se unem e começa a colisão de gemidos mais deliciosa da qual já participei. A voz rouca de Wes desce pela minha garganta; ele saboreia meus murmúrios manhosos.
A união das bocas é interrompida e o ritmo se encerra. A única coisa que prevalece é o tesão inexplicável que sentimos um pelo outro.
Sinto que vou explodir!
Abaixo o olhar, e creio que foi esse o objetivo de Wes ao retroceder o frenesi.
Me deparo com seu pau liberto. Ele havia abaixado o short e agora exibe tudo, tudinho mesmo! O coleguinha ultrapassa o umbigo, mas apesar do tamanho intimidador, o que realmente impressiona é a grossura.
Se eu já não fosse um cara arrombado, estaria com um puta medo de sentar nessa coisa.
Da cabecinha escorre o líquido espesso. A vermelhidão, junto das veias saltadas e o latejar descontrolado, deixam claro o quanto aquele cacete precisa de atenção.
— Gosta do que vê? – Wes bota as duas mãos atrás da cabeça, adotando uma pose mais folgada, se é que era possível. — Garanto que tocar é mais gostoso.
— Filho da puta… – tiro minha calça em uma velocidade desumana, desafiando a lógica ao fazer isso sem mudar de posição. Wes permanece com o short no meio das coxas, sem a presença da camiseta. Acabo por continuar com a parte de cima por pressa.
A sogrinha não disse a hora que vai voltar. O nosso tempo é incerto.
Me ajoelho com uma perna de cada lado do quadril do loirinho, com meu corpo curvado para frente.
Agarro a ereção abaixo de mim.
Sentindo meu toque em seu pau, Wes suspira pesadamente, próximo do meu ouvido, fazendo com que arrepios serpenteiem pelo meu corpo. Desço vagarosamente, sendo impulsionado pela pressão das palmas dele na minha cintura. Wes está ansioso para se aliviar, sua peça negligenciada chora de vontade.
— Vou fazer muito mais do que apenas tocar.
Com a visão fixa no relógio, consigo ter noção da hora em que cada borboleta bate as asas no meu estômago. À meia-noite, sou abraçado pelo calor interno, sinto a umidez e o fervor de ser invadido lentamente. Meia-noite e um, decidi engoli-lo de uma vez, chocando nossas peles com um estalo. Em um misto inexplicável de dor e prazer, sinto cada um dos 22 centímetros dentro de mim, me preenchendo por completo, sem deixar espaço vazio no meu interior faminto. Paro apenas quando sinto as bolas de Wes pressionando minha bunda, porque, tratando-se dele, minha gula segue os instintos e só se satisfaz ao ter tudo.
No fundo, vindo da tv, a abertura de The Office ilumina nossos corpos suados.
E assim seguiu até a metade da temporada.
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bright-molina · 1 year
stupid for you
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synopsis a guide to love languages with chad meeks martin, your best friend who you keep ending up in increasingly compromising situations with (completely of your own accord) *set pre scream v
a/n this got out of hand so quickly and they all bled into each other but it's okay because i'm giving all my chad girlies exactly what it is we deserve <3 (listen to stupid for you by waterparks it'll give you the perfect friends to fwb to lovers vibe we're going for promise)
[gift giving]
you show up on his doorstep on a random night, it’s ridiculously late, just past midnight, and the quick knocking on the door makes him think that something is wrong
he’s rushing to open it and you’re so quick to push past him and look all around and all you have to say is “where’s mindy?”
“upstairs? why, what’s wrong?” chad is shutting the door behind him and staring you down and it’s not until then that he sees the bag in your hands
he relaxes immediately and lets out an exaggerated sigh, shooting you a half hearted glare, the way he holds back a smile gives him away completely, “fuck, y/n, i thought someone was dying or something, could you not have waited until the morning?”
“it’s important,” you grin at him and start walking backwards towards the stairs and he follows, never more than a step or two behind you. “wes and tara agreed, it’s perfect for mindy and she needs it now this very moment because i said so”
chad watches you smile for a second and his hands twitch at his sides, itching to reach for you. to brush that stray piece of hair out of your eyes or pull the falling sleeve of your sweater up or take your hand to keep you from leaving or something. he doesn’t though. instead he just crosses his arms in front of him and shrugs at you, “what, nothing for me?”
“of course not, i love mindy more. you know this,” he watches the way you bite your bottom lip and then step up onto the stairs, now slightly closer to eye level with him. he barely hears the rustling inside the paper bag as you dig through it, much too focused on the way your eyes don’t leave his.
you take the shirt from the bag and push it into his chest. chad doesn’t look down though, he just keeps staring at you. and without looking away he lifts one hand, places it right next to yours, and takes the shirt. your hand lingers on his chest and you don’t move it away, not until he looks away quickly and clears his throat
“it’s,” chad unfolds the shirt and stares at it for a few seconds. that’s when he sees it, the name of a band and a picture across the front with a list of tour dates on the back, and he‘s holding back a smile again. “a shirt.” “a wonderful observation, you’re really the greatest mind of this age”
“y/n, i don’t listen to them,” he drops his arms again only to find you already moving up the steps again. you’re still looking at him when you tell him, “i know.”
you turn around to hide the look on your face. the huge smile is on full display now and he can see it when you glance over your shoulder, “i do though. you’re welcome”
[quality time]
“we’re gonna get caught” “no we aren’t” “yes we are,” you don’t look away from the clouds in the sky when the smirk grows on your face. “you talk too loud.”
“hey,” chad shifts from his spot next to you for a whole fifteen seconds. you hold back a laugh as he keeps wriggling until he’s comfortably on one side, leaning on one arm so he can look at you as he says, “you’re the one that can’t stop laughing.”
“well you’re the one that keeps saying stupid shit,” you break and a laugh escapes you, proving his point exactly. chad smiles at the sound despite his previous statement and he doesn’t really process the next words he speaks, “you love when i say stupid shit”
you look away from the clouds that time after you hear the words and find him still staring at you. it’s an intense look, one that makes your smile grow a little bit softer. “why’d you ask me to come out here anyway?”
it’s your way of wordlessly agreeing, chad is positive of that much. honestly, he doesn’t have much of an answer for you. the perfectly angled slant of the roof right outside of your room was one of his favorite places in the world. he’d spent so many nights and afternoons and early mornings just like this one just sitting right there beside you without a care in the world. it brought him an incredible amount of comfort.
then again maybe it was all just an excuse. he gave you a half shrug and said, “i just really like talking to you,” he let himself fall back onto the roof, using one of his arms to support his head. for a brief moment he looked at you again and then quickly looked back up at the clouds when he found you staring with the look you always had on when you stared at him. “that and i really didn’t wanna help pack up the car.”
there was your laugh again. the grin on chad’s face grew a little bit bigger. he wondered for a second why he was really out there on the roof with you. why he’d taken your hand and dragged you upstairs and opened your window to pull you into this little world with him.
before he could give it much thought though the door to your room slammed open and you both jumped, quickly sitting up on the roof again.
“hey,” tara marched across the room and silently observed the scene for a just a second. she didn’t voice any of the thoughts she had but she did say, “we’re heading out in exactly five minutes. that’s how long you have to get everything out of your system’s before we’re all stuck in a car with you two for hours.”
you moved first, the smile still on your face as you made the active choice to ignore the implications of what she was saying. “we’re going, promise.” “wait!” chad stopped both you and tara before either of you could move. “how’d you know we were up here, the laughing or the talking.”
you shot your head around to look at tara, eager to hear her answer. she looked between the two of you again and tried her hardest not to smile. “neither, we can literally see you from the car.”
both you and chad looked towards where she nodded only to find both mindy and wes waving from where they were sitting in the car with the doors open, shouting for the two of you to hurry up.
“come on,” you were the first to crawl through your window, waiting right on the other side for chad to follow you. he did as easily as you had followed him. “let’s go before they kill us.”
[acts of service]
“what are you staring at me for?” chad was used to you looking at him. the same way he was so used to looking for you in a crowded room. currently though it was incredibly hard to focus on the road when you had turned to your side completely in the passenger seat beside him so you could properly stare at him. he tried not to focus too much on the look on your face.
“i’m not,” you were. you so obviously were, you weren’t even trying to hide it. honestly, it was all chad’s fault. that was what you meant to say, though those weren’t the words that came out of your mouth. “i can’t believe you actually wore it.”
“why wouldn’t i?” chad looked at you now that he had come up to a stop sign. “you gave it to me.”
“i mean this is the best way possible. i need you to know that before i say it,” maybe it was the fact that chad had woken you up in class not twenty minutes ago and dragged you out to your car and you were still drowsy. or maybe it was the weird feeling in your chest you were trying to pretend was normal. either way, you had absolutely zero filter sitting there in the car with him at that moment. “you look, like, really good. you look…hot. which is surprising cause i got that shirt for you as a joke, i didn’t think you'd actually wear it, much less pull it off.”
“just because you say you mean it in a good way doesn’t mean it sounds that way,” chad actively chose to ignore your first comment. you thought he looked hot. he could feel his face turn warm just thinking of you actually saying those words to him and he already knew he’d be thinking of them the rest of the day. “and i’m just a little offended you doubted me.”
“no,” you laughed a little bit, leaning your head on the headrest and blinking at him slowly. “it’s just not really your style.” “y/n everything you’re saying is making this worse.” “just hear me out,” you made an attempt at fighting off the amused grin as you reached forward.
there was this strange moment of silence where the only thing happening in the car was you playing with the sleeve of the band tee chad was wearing as you looked him up and down. both of you were painfully aware of it and the air grew tense quickly. but then you cleared your throat and looked him in the eyes again and it was gone.
“you just usually dress really…preppy. the casual shirts and cuffed jeans are new for you.” for once chad doesn’t look away. more often than not he’d avert his eyes when that weird feeling in the pit of his stomach started forming, as it often did when you looked at him, but now he simply stared right back. he couldn’t look away and he wasn’t quite sure why. “is that a bad thing?”
“not at all.” your answer came out easily and you so desperately wanted to add on to it. with what, you had no idea. there was this feeling though, this need you had to express exactly how happy him actually wearing the shirt made you. how happy chad himself made you.
both of you jumped in your seats when a honk sounded from the car that had pulled up behind you and it was then that you realized you were still stopped at the stop sign. the sound of you laughing together filled the silence left after your last statement and it wasn’t until chad pulled into your driveway, turned off your car and handed you your keys that you said anything again. “you’re staying with me right?”
“do you want me to?” chad was already following you to your front door. he knew your answer already, asking was really just a formality.
“you really think i’d let you kidnap me without kidnapping you back and coercing you to stay?” you stopped after unlocking the door and opening it just a crack, stepping up onto the step that led you inside and looking at him just as you had several days ago after giving him that shirt you really couldn’t stop staring at.
chad beamed at you and it was like something was pulling him forward. he could practically feel how warm you were and how cold your house was behind you all at the same time. it wasn’t the first time there was this little space between the two of you. there was truly absolutely nothing stopping him from moving just the slightest bit closer. he didn’t though and he wasn’t too sure why. “you’re gonna have to try pretty hard to coerce me.”
you pretended to think for a second and didn’t miss the way chad’s smile softened when your face twisted into concentration. then you stepped back and let the door swing open, just barely stepping into the doorway and holding it wide open for him to come in. “i just bought that movie you told me to watch last night. we can make lunch and put it on to make fun of it together.”
chad did dare to reach for you then, not wasting another second in pulling you into the house after him, shutting the door, and declaring, “it’s a deal.”
[words of affirmation]
“you’re being ridiculous.” “oh really?” chad huffed as he let himself fall onto the bench seat right inside your window for a second while he caught his breath. “because if i recall correctly, you’re the one who’s refusing to answer anyone's calls. mindy told me you didn’t answer the door when she stopped by earlier so here i am. scaling your house and climbing through the damn window.”
“i was sleeping.” you didn’t move from your spot on your bed or even bother looking away from your laptop screen. “sure, what about when wes stopped by twenty minutes ago, still sleeping then?” “yes.” “liar,” chad rolled onto the floor before quickly standing up and shutting the window he’d climbed through behind him. “you can’t even sleep if you see the hallway light coming in from under the door, there’s no way you were sleeping when the sun was right outside your window.”
“why are you even here,” you shifted under your covers until you had turned so you didn’t have to look at him anymore. “don’t you have practice or something?” “i left early.”
that caught your attention. you paused the movie playing on your laptop and chad took that as his okay to move further into the room. he didn’t hesitate in the slightest to walk around to the other side of your bed and crouching down onto the floor right in front of you.
he saw it then. your red and puffy eyes, the sniffle you tried to hide, and the way you pulled the covers up to try and cover the rest of your face. he pulled the covers back down and let out the softest sigh. his free hand twitched again from where he had it resting on his knee as he crouched in front of you. and then he gave in.
chad reached forward and with the gentlest touch imaginable, just held you. he wiped away tears that were no longer there and he’s the one that stares at you for once. neither of you is too sure of how much time passes exactly, he just keeps caressing you gently with his head tipped to the side so he can look at you directly until finally he says. “do you wanna talk about it?”
and you tell him everything. every single thing on your mind. every ailment you feel, both physical and emotional. you tell him everything that hurts and how insignificant it all feels and chad quietly listens to every bit of it, never moving from his spot in front of you that doesn’t look very comfortable at all.
“you’re wrong about one thing,” he finally tells you once it feels like you’ve let it all out. “it’s not insignificant.” those three words feel so very simple but they almost make you cry all over again.
so without much thought at all you launch yourself at him, arms wrapping tightly around his neck making both of you tumble to the floor in a haphazard mess of limbs. chad groans a bit from the shock and the impact but mostly lets out a small laugh as he holds you close. “what was that for?”
“no reason. it’s just,” your voice comes out muffled and you roll off of him, letting yourself fall onto the floor of your room. “you’re my best friend and you mean a lot to me.”
you still aren’t looking at him. you’re looking at the carpet beneath you this time, picking at it softly to avoid having to acknowledge the way chad is staring at you.
he can’t look away. not in the slightest. it’s like something has paralyzed him and he has no choice but to keep his eyes trained on you, studying the way you react to his words when he tells you. “i’ve got you,” you hear him, he knows that much. you stop picking at the floor beneath you and he watches the smile he loves so much start to appear again. “i’m here. i always am.”
and you’re so incredibly positive that he means it.
[physical touch]
he can’t stop. now that’s it’s happened once he really can’t stop. there’s this need deep inside of him, telling him he just has to be touching you in some way shape or form every single time you’re even remotely near him. it’s getting more and more obvious. all of it.
“what’s wrong with you?” wes narrows his eyes from where he’s sitting across from chad and leans forward on the lunch table. chad, for the first time since he sat down twenty minutes before, looks away from the door that exists out into the courtyard. “what?”
“he’s talking about the fact that you haven’t stopped fucking moving since you sat down,” mindy elbows him in the side and he shouts before glaring at her. she doesn’t care, simply relieved by the momentary reprieve from the way his leg bouncing was shaking the entire table. she only repeats the question, “what’s wrong with you?”
chad doesn’t hear her though because he hears the door open again and much to his relief you’re finally walking through it while laughing at whatever it is that tara had told you. he doesn’t say a single word, he just stands and grabs his bag before walking right towards you.
“hey - woah,” you’re still smiling when chad takes your hand and pulls you right back through the door and into the school. he keeps pulling you along and you don’t argue whatsoever. you do, however, stop once you reach one of the hallways. “kidnapping again, really?”
“you can’t use that excuse anymore, it isn’t kidnapping if you come voluntarily every time,” chad stops when you do and drops your hand. he quickly decides he doesn’t like the empty feeling, though, and puts his hand on your arm this time.
you smile up at him and stare. just like you always do and chad is sure he will never get enough of that look in your eyes. “what’s up with you, anyway, why’d you drag me in here?”
he tries searching for an answer, he really does. nothing comes to mind though. it has to be the way you’re looking at him, that has to be the reason his mind is going blank. the reason why there’s nothing but white noise playing on a loop as he stares right back at you and isn’t able to find a single word. the longer he thinks, the more he’s sure he never even had a reason to drag you away. he just knows he had to.
“i don’t know,” he isn’t expecting to admit it but he does so anyway. you look like you want to say something to him again, he can tell. he can see the wheels turning but right when you open your mouth the bell rings and the people start filing into the halls.
you’re the one that takes chad’s hand as soon as you hear the bell and the action has him floored. he stares down at where his hand is being held tightly by yours and processes absolutely nothing else.
chad doesn’t notice a single thing around him until he physically crashes into you and he realizes it’s gone quiet. when he looks around he realizes you’ve pulled him into one of the stairwells, into this little gap right on the opposite end of the stairs where no one can see either of you unless they’re really looking.
“who’s the kidnapper now?” he smiles when you laugh and point at him accusingly. “fuck you, you came voluntarily.” the talking in the hallway is only background noise and even if it was louder you’re sure neither of you would hear a word anyway.
chad really doesn’t want to say anything. he is perfectly content standing in that stairwell with you, just silently looking at the way you smile at him without any interruptions around. he takes a step closer, backing you up against the wall. you don’t mind in the slightest, you actually lean forward a little bit, so close to him that he can practically feel you on him.
“what -” it takes an incredible amount of effort for chad to keep his eyes trained on yours and nowhere else. “what are we doing in here anyway?”
he can feel the way your body moves when you shrug innocently, never looking away and the smile on your face never fading.
“i don’t know.” you echo his words back to him and its like everything repeats itself all over again. the door to the stairwell slams open and you both jump in surprise.
your brain works faster than chad’s. you grab the collar of his shirt and pull him towards you with full force. he stumbles a little bit and next thing he knows he’s falling into you completely, just barely catching himself against the wall.
he’s hyper aware of everything then. his body flush against yours, completely trapping you against the brick wall. his hands on either side of your head with your face dangerously close to his. one of your hands covering his mouth to prevent him from making a single noise while the other grips the fabric of his shirt tightly.
chad only has a single thought. he could definitely get used to hiding in stairwells with you if it kept leading to this.
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lllivia · 1 year
Amber freeman x fem!reader
Pretty sure it can be read as gn!reader too
Warnings: Suggestive themes, pda (?)
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You walked up to the house, not sure if this was a good idea or not considering all of the murders that had been committed in the last week or so, the driveway was already packed with cars and you could hear the beat of the bass from the party inside. You stood outside the door for a few seconds before you knocked and walked right in, immediately being blasted by the loud music from the party.
You had used over an hour trying to find the perfect outfit to impress Amber freeman, the girl who was hosting the party and your lab partner. You had hardly ever talked outside of class but you still couldn't help but be infatuated by her. She was so beautiful and charming, and you blushed just thinking about what her reaction to your outfit would be.
About an hour into the party you had gotten pulled by your hand towards the sofa in the living room where stab was playing on the tv in the background. You were about to slap the person that had grabbed you before noticing that it was just Mindy.
You and Mindy were actually pretty good friends and had smoked and made out a couple of times at your house. So you didn't really mind when she pulled you down on the sofa next to her. About to ask her confused about what all of this was about you spottet the bottle laying on it's side in the middle of the room and starting to feel your anxiety creep up on you. "TRUTH OR DARE EVERYONE!" shouted Mindy to anyone who managed to hear her, she was only heard by a few people tho who walked over. First came Tara walking in on her crutches you couldn't help but feel incredibly bad for her. You don't know what you would do if you ended up in a situation like she had, probably just accepted defeat already, and even tho you didn't really hang out with her or anything aside from a few casual conversations in class you felt like you actually knew her for who she really was.
Behind Tara came Sam looking slightly worried clutching onto a taller man's hand which you could only assume was Richie after overhearing Amber and Mindy's conversation earlier about how Richie's only alibi from the hospital incident was that he had been watching stab on Netflix. Then Chad came in with Liv who couldn't keep her hands off of him,you looked down feeling slightly awkward, and then finally Amber sat down on the floor in front of you, checking your outfit out before giving you a slight smirk and immediately noticing the effect it had on you. A few minutes later more people had joined and Mindy decided that it was time to start the game. The first few rounds were quite boring considering you didn't know half of the people in the circle. That was until it was Mindy's turn to spin the bottle and it stopped at Amber, you looked up from your phone finally paying attention to what was going on. "Truth or dare Amber?" Mindy asked with an evil smirk playing across her lips. "Dare" amber answered not even batting an eye at the mysterious facial expression her friend had.
"I dare you to kiss Y/N" Mindy said. You looked at her in pure horror from what she had just said not expecting what amber said next "Gladly". So she sat up and began crawling seductively towards you, biting her lip and batting her eyelashes softly, teasing you because she knew what reaction it would cause and obviously seeing your completely red face by now.
She then got up before sitting right down in your lap again wrapping her arms loosely around your neck, pulling you slightly closer. You were pretty sure you were in shock, this was like a dream for you, somebody better check your pulse you thought. Amber then looked between your eyes for confirmation before crashing her lips hungerly against yours acting like she'd been wanting that for ages, her tongue not wasting any time in forcing itself into your mouth your teeth clashing together, both of you had completely forgotten you were at a party with a bunch of teenagers surrounding you. So the make out session went on for about 10 more seconds before Mindy rudely snapped her fingers in your face, smirking. "Now now you two lovebirds get a room why don't 'ya" she tutted jokingly acting like a mother. The people surrounding you laughed loudly. So that's exactly what happened, Amber got up from your lap after giving you one last kiss before whispering hotly into your ear "let's take this to my room" Her eyes were halfway closed again scanning up and down your clothes, and you could see the desperation in her face, so you just nodded and smiled before being pulled up the stairs to her room in a hurry. This was truly a dream come true.
💗 Masterlist 💗
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nolovelingers · 9 months
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scream 4 ,, v ,, vi masterlist. 𖤐
ETHAN LANDRY ﹒ ✦ imagines
NOT TOO CLOSE ## plot : after being abandoned by chad at a party, ethan finds it to be worth it when he meets you for the first time and seems to be giving you some warning to stay away from him and the danger he brings. — // SFW !
NOW YOU DO ## PLOT : finding yourself woken in the middle of the night by a fire alarm, you were smart enough to grab a blanket. too bad the boy a few rooms over seemed to have forgotten to do the same; and he looks cold. — // SFW !
LEAP ## PLOT : one leap of faith is all it takes, stuck in a love triangle with ethan and tara; waiting for whoever makes the first move. — // SFW !
꩜⭒ headcanons
ethan as your boyfriend . . .
TARA CARPENTER ﹒ ✦ imagines
LEAP ## plot : one leap of faith is all it takes, stuck in a love triangle with tara and ethan; waiting for whoever makes the first move. — // SFW !
꩜⭒ headcanons
coming soon . . .
coming soon . . .
꩜⭒ headcanons
mindy as your girlfriend . . .
JILL ROBERTS ﹒ ✦ imagines
coming soon . . .
꩜⭒ headcanons
coming soon . . .
CHARLIE WALKER ﹒ ✦ imagines
coming soon . . .
꩜⭒ headcanons
coming soon . . .
WES HICKS ﹒ ✦ imagines
TELL ME YOU DONT FEEL IT ## plot : after years of hiding behind his feelings wes is finally ready to get you to admit whether you feel the same way or not. — // SFW !
꩜⭒ headcanons
coming soon . . .
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scream masterlist. 𖤐
BILLY LOOMIS ﹒ ✦ imagines
coming soon . . .
꩜⭒ headcanons
coming soon . . .
STU MACHER ﹒ ✦ imagines
coming soon . . .
꩜⭒ headcanons
coming soon . . .
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preferences — misc. 𖤐
when they’re jealous . . . — includes chad & sidney + all other characters seen previously — // sfw !
incorrect scream texts ,, part two here . . .
©️nolovelingers 2023 & 2024
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mckitterick · 1 year
We are the imagination of ourselves
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alternate universe Muppet news flash with Bill Hicks
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sunnyie-eve · 11 months
Original Final Act(pt.3)
Series: Fondness | Scream
Paring: (Chad Meeks-Martin x OFC Hicks! Ethan Landry x OFC Hicks!)
Word Count: 1519
Warnings: language, knife, gun, attacks, mention of death, death,
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As Lexi leaves with Tara and Sam, Tara can't find her inhaler and said there was an extra one at Ambers so they had to make a pit stop there.
"Yes, a killer on the loose and Amber throws a house party at Stu's house where the original final attacks happen." Lexi helps Tara out of the car looking at Amber's house.
Amber ends up kicking everyone out and Lexi finds Mindy who hugs her, "I'm so sorry." She tells her.
"Thanks." She said and Liv joins sitting down pissed off.
"Liv, where's my brother?" Mindy asks.
"What? I don't know, Mindy. Probably off accusing everyone of being the killer except Lexi. Because apparently, you are the only person he's 100% cleared. Not even his own girlfriend." Liv huffs.
"Well, I wouldn't kill my mom and brother. So fuck you." Lexi gets up going off alone hoping the killer will find her and kill her. She just wanted to be with her family again.
As she walks alone she hears a slight quiet groan and sees a body in the distance, "Oh my god, Chad!" She runs over seeing he was stabbed a lot. "Fuck. You're going to be okay. I'll call for help." She reaches for her phone but it wasn't in her pocket. "I have to go get help. Don't leave me too please." She gets up running inside and sees Ghostface going to attack Mindy.
"Hey!" She throws a lamp at him and he goes after her and gets a stab in but then Sam rushes in making him run off. "I'll be okay. Mindy! I found Chad outside. He's hurt bad." She tells Sam as they bend down to Mindy.
"What did you guys do to her?" Amber screams coming in with Tara.
"Ghostface attacked her and stabbed me. Sam didn't do shit."
"What the fuck?" Richie shows up saying he went to the basement to get beer before Liv comes rushing in.
"I was with Tara so one of you is the fucking killer!" Amber shouts.
"Why is there blood on your hands?" Sam asks Liv.
"I found Chad." She cries.
"You're fucking lying." Amber tells her.
"No, I found him and ran inside to see Mindy getting attacked. She's not lying, Amber." Lexi tells her holding where she was stabbed.
"Maybe you're both the killer." Richie says.
"Fuck you, Amber. I'm not the fucking killer!" Liv says through her teeth.
"I know." Amber shoots her in the head. Making Richie grab Sam to run and Lexi runs off hiding.
"Anyone hiding killer or not you have five seconds to show yourself!" Sidney shouts out making Lexi grab something to protect herself leaving the closet.
"Sidney." She quietly calls out.
"I kinda don't wanna get shot too." She says putting pressure on her stab wound.
"Get something to protect yourself." She heads off getting the call from Ghostface while Lexi rushes to the kitchen finding a knife then goes over to check if Mindy still had a pulse.
"Mindy, come on. You have to push through too. I can't lose you or Chad too." Lexi begs her and takes her phone calling for help before ending the call for her safety as she hears commotion going on.
She gets up to go help but she hears Richie was the second killer so she stays out of sight. There was no way she could rush in to help when one of them had a gun. She would get shot right away like Liv did. She watches Amber go outside to get Gale so she moves to hide somewhere else while she listens to Richie talking about his motive since Stab movies suck since the first one.
"Where's Lexi?" Amber asks Richie before she goes to get Tara out of the closet.
"You didn't find her?" Richie asks.
"No, I took care of Tara and you ran off with Sam. So where did she go?" Amber gets pissed.
"Yeah, she could be long gone by now and called the police." Sydney says through the pain after being stabbed.
"Fuck!" Amber goes to get Tara who was no longer in the closet tied up.
Tara and Lexi bump into each carefully moving around to his and hide together as Amber looks for the both of them. When Amber gets close Tara beats Amber with one of her crutches so Lexi helps do the same with the other.
Amber was able to get up by kicking so while she fights Tara throwing her around Lexi stabs Amber in the back making her scream out.
"You fucking bitch!" She turns to her fighting for the knife.
"Fuck you!" Lexi stabs her in the left hand as Amber reaches for her.
"Got a lot more fight than your bitch mother. Richie said Wes was weak too." Amber laughs making Lexi really mad.
"FUCKING BITCH!" Lexi tackles her and gets a few more stabs in hitting Amber in the side, arm, and back again.
Amber knocks the knife out of her and crawls for it then stabs Lexi where she was already stabbed by Richie. She wanted to stab her more times but hears Richie in trouble so she leaves like she wasn't stabbed four times.
Lexi groans on the ground bleeding a little more out but she gets up and goes to see Richie's dead body and watches Sam shoot him twice with Sydney and Gale next to her. Amber then comes charging screaming with a knife before Tara shoots her in the head.
"Good shot." Lexi nods her head as Sam and Tara hug making her start to tear up because she had no family. Amber killed her mother and Richie killed her brother. She had no father and there were no close family members that kept in contact.
"Lex." Tara hobbles over to her hugging her knowing why she was tearing up.
"You know I called Richie because he wore plaid." Lexi laughs, "Most killers wore plaid."
When help finally arrived Mindy, Chad, Lexi, and Tara had an ambulance ride to the hospital. They all go to the same one and Chad and Mindy shared a room while Tara and Lexi shared one.
"Lexi, you know you can still stay with us right?" Sam says looking over at her in her hospital bed.
"I don't want to intrude."
"You won't be. You're Tara's best friend and we want you to. I wanna help look after you too. You were like another sister when I babysat you because you never left Tara's side." Sam explains to her.
"Lexi, please stay with us." Tara looks at her as well.
"Thank you."
After everything Tara, Lexi, Mindy, and Chad went back to school getting closer to graduation. The plan for after high was for them all to try to get into the same college together out of state. To get away from Woodsboro.
"Did you get your letter yet?" Chad rushes over to Lexi sitting at the picnic table.
She shows him the letter, "I'm scared to open it."
"Let's open them together." He takes a seat next to her, "Count down"
They both open and read their own letter seeing they got in, "You in?" Chad looks at her smiling.
"Yep." She smiles so they hug each other.
"I know your mom is proud of you, Lex. You're strong."
"Not really. Every night at 3 o'clock in the morning I cry because I won't be seen by anyone. It's unfair how everyone still has their sibling but me and I lost my mom as well. I'm living with Sam and Tara because I have no family. It's hell seeing you and Mindy together and then Tara and Sam. I'm always reminded they're gone." Lexi cries to him so he pulls her into his side comforting her.
"I know it's not fair. Life isn't fair sadly. I always notice when you think about them no matter how hard you try not to show it. Every time that happens I wish I could replace myself with one of them." He rubs her arm.
"No, don't wish that for me because I don't wanna lose you too." She leans back to look at him, "I mean just because we slightly drifted apart and had our little moments doesn't mean I would be less sad if you were killed."
Chad just stares at her before kissing the top of her head. The damn reason he started acting different in the past was because his feelings for her changed and it scared him. She was supposed to be his best friend and not see her as anything different. So he pushed her away some flirting with other girls and then got with Liv hoping the feeling would go away but they never did.
"Did y'all open your letters!" Mindy walks over with Tara.
"Yeah!" They both shout out.
"We were all supposed to do it together you assholes." Mindy glares at them.
The other two open theirs and they made it in too so they all celebrate together.
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docholligay · 1 year
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Oh don’t misunderstand me I fucking love my job. I have high job satisfaction like...90-95% of the time. I actively enjoy 80-90% of the activities I do in a work sense. For most people that is wild. I have never liked anything so much. I am lucky as hell. I am most definitely not saying I dislike it!
I’m saying, “My sister is very smart, and I have very smart friends, all with really incredible educational bonafides, and I’m, uh, an anime blogger” ahaha.
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this-doesnt-endd · 2 years
I think I've personally hit the point where i've accepted I am from my hometown. That I was molded by it and I don't necessarily have to like it, but to accept it and in general I've personally gravitated to liking it. I am what I am and so is everyone else and if I realize that and don't let some imaginary reputation precede me, I can be whoever I want to be regardless.
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shivroygirls · 1 year
can i just say something? at this party here there are maybe 40 of the most important people in america and you have just walked all around, all evening, telling them all that i'm gonna get fired. no, it was implied, lightly, as a little... god! part of a tactical kind of joke. will you explain to me, the joke? because i don't get the fucking joke. MY GOD, TOM! i don't get the joke, i don't get the joke. it was something that he said, that isn't true, that we needed to say. but you stood by his side, and he said it, and you were like "okay, well, that sounds good to me." fuck's sake, i'm not doing this right now. you know i'm in serious trouble, that was a play. you will be okay because you are a tough fucking bitch who will always survive because you do what you need, you will do what — are you even listening? i will be okay? — you will do whatever you need. yeah? really? yeah, you sure you're not projecting, because that is actually you. should we have a real conversation? with a scorpion? no. that was a friendly thing. that was a friendly thing. yeah. sure. real friendly. yeah, no, i'm a scorpion, you're a hyena, you're a... you're a street rat. actually, no, you're a fucking snake. "here's a dead snake to wear as a necktie, tom", "why aren't you laughing?" (pause) i wonder if we shouldn't clear the air. yeah? yeah. sure. i think you can be a very selfish person and i think you find it very hard to think about me — what the fuck? — and i think you shouldn't have even married me, actually. what the fuck? what the ACTUAL fuck? you proposed to me. you proposed at my lowest fucking ebb. my dad was dying, what was i supposed to say? perhaps "no"? i didn't want to hurt your feelings. thanks! thanks for that! yeah, you really kept me safe while you ran off to fuck the phone book. fuck off. you're hick — and then, and then.. — conservative hick — you hid it, you hid it because you were so scared of how fucking awful you are. you were only with me to get to power. you got it now, tom, you've got it! I'M WITH YOU BECAUSE I LOVE YOU! bullshit, you're fucking me for my DNA, you were fucking me for a fucking ladder because your whole family is striving and parochial. that's not... thats not a fair characterization. no? well, your mom loves me more than she loves you, because she's cracked. you want to... you want to actually clear the air? fine. you betrayed me. YOU WERE GOING TO SEE ME SENT TO FUCKING PRISON, SHIV! AND THEN YOU FOBBED ME OFF WITH THAT FUCKING UNDRINKABLE WINE AND YOU WON'T HAVE MY BABY BECAUSE YOU NEVER EVEN THOUGHT, HONESTLY, THAT YOUD BE WITH ME MORE THAN FOUR FUCKING YEARS, I DON'T THINK! YOU OFFERED TO GO TO JAIL! YOU OFFERED TO GO TO JAIL BECAUSE YOU'RE SERVILE! you're just... YOU'RE SERVILE! YOU ARE INCAPABLE OF THINKING ABOUT ANYBODY OTHER THAN YOURSELF BECAUSE YOUR SENSE OF WHO YOU ARE, SHIV, IS THAT FUCKING THIN! oh yeah you read that in a book, tom? YOU'RE TOO FUCKING TRANSPARENT TO FIND THAT IN A BOOK! you're pathetic, you're pathetic. youre a masochist and you can't even take it. i think you are incapable of love, and i think you are maybe not a good person to have children! well, that's not very nice to say, is it? i'm sorry. i'm sorry, but you... you... you have hurt me more than you can possibly imagine. and you, you took away the last six months i could've had with my dad. no. yes. no! yes. you sucked up to him and you cut me out! it's not my fault that you didn't get his approval. i have given you endless approval and it doesn't fill you up because you're broken. i don't like you. i don't... i don't even care about you. i don't care. have we cleared the air, huh? feel good now? yeah. yeah. fucking great. tip top. you don't deserve me, and you never did. and everything came out of that. so fucking flat.
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ultrone · 1 year
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👩🏻‍💻 ♰ ┈ things the scream characters would tweet.
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includes. amber, chad, mindy, liv, wes, ethan, and tara.
n/a. got the templates from pinterest. imma post more later cuz tumblr said i can only add 10 images per post and i got more left 🙄 but still lmk if y’all want me to make more stuff like this, it was fun 🤭
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362 notes · View notes
headcanon for wes as your fake boyfriend?
i love this request it’s so cute <33
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warnings: none
⨯ . ⁺ ✦ ⊹ ꙳ ⁺ ‧ ⨯. ⁺ ✦ ⊹ . * ꙳ ✦ ⊹
- when you ask wes to be your fake boyfriend, he literally laughs in your face
- it takes him a minute and the look on your face to realise that you are in fact being serious
- “okay, let me make sure I’m getting this. you want me be your fake boyfriend? why could you possibly need a fake boyfriend?”
- even after you explain your reasoning, he still takes some convincing but seeing how important it is to you he eventually gives in
- despite him being reluctant at first, wes gets strangely into it
- he starts off casually, giving you cute nicknames that he uses in conversations with your friends, who are confused by your sudden relationship until wes spins some cute story on the spot, leaving you surprised yet very impressed
- some of them don’t believe the relationship is real so wes starts to slip into the conversation “how great” you are or “how lucky he is to be with you” - you know it’s just a cover but it warms your heart nonetheless
- walking to class with him and talking outside together - everybody thinks he’s just being romantic when he’s really asking you what fake dating entails and how far you want him to go - kissing, hugging ect
- you almost swear you see him take organised notes on his phone
- cheek kisses and forehead kisses if you’re shorter than him (and if you’re comfortable with it obviously) when he says goodbye omg
- makes a show of it too, making sure are watching
- holds your hand to really sell it, whether he’s walking you down the hall or if you’re hanging out with the group - sometimes you wonder if he forgets that you’re fake dating and not real dating
- you bring this up to him teasingly and he laughs self consciously and says that he knows and that he’s just the best boyfriend around - pretend or not
- you find the two of you hanging out more than usual even when you don’t have to convive anyone of your “relationship”
- if you take him to meet your family, he’s the textbook definition of perfect gentleman. he brings you flowers, gushes about how great you are and how much he loves your home. you can’t help but smile at him because he’s definitely being too perfect without even realising it
- they keep asking you when you’re bringing him back
- has so much fun making up totally fake details about your relationship and tries to see how unrealistic and outrageous he can get before people start to ask questions
- because it’s not like anyone can call him out without proof, especially when he has you to “back him up”
- sickeningly sweet and corny just to try and irritate you and everyone else around the two of you
- wes is honestly enjoying the whole fake dating thing way more than he should - NOT that he’ll admit that to you
- when you tell him that he doesn’t need to fake date you anymore, he’s definitely disappointed because he was having so much fun
- blushes as he tells you that if you ever need his services again (or if you just wanna go on a real date sometime), you have his number
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boiohboii · 10 months
Arthur Leclerc and the little bear
(Arthur leclerc x reader) smau
Just a little fun smau for Arthur cause I've been watching edits of him lately, hope you guys like it! WARNINGS: COMMENTS INSINUATING S*X, WORD ASS IS USED A LOT not proofread...... if i missed anything else please let me know...
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Liked by ynswife, ynarty, arthurbaby and 618,910 others
LeclercBrothersUpdates: Arthur Leclerc and long time girlfriend spotted today in Italy, has the couple finally changed the policy on their PDA?
username: policy on PDA is such a funny phrase for me tbh 😂😂
username: no, cause the scratches and now this!
username: first we got yn's imprint on his back and now we have his hands on her ass, what are these two doing
username: my boy has a grip like she'll disappear
username: I genuinely want to know what did they do before that tbh
username: cause for 4 years they barely held hands in front of people, what is this!
username: Arthur doesn't grab hands, he grabs ass
username: I feel like I should get a room
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Liked by charlief1, arthurchamp, ynswife and 810,625 others
LeclercBrothersUpdates: Arthur Leclerc and YN LN seen today after watching Charles' race in Monaco
username: Arthur and yn are getting spicy
username: @.Charles_Leclerc come get your brothers my dude
Charles_leclerc: I now need to bleach my eyes
username: him grabbing her ass then kissing her neck is so 😫 of them
username: I want to have a bf whose brother owns a yacht that he just lends to us so we can make out
username: do y'all think they did the devil's tango on charles' yacht?
username: devil's tango 😂😂😂😂😂😂
username: definitely
username: imagine doing that on a yacht
username: imagine doing that on YOUR BROTHER'S YACHT*
username: bet he left hicks on her neck as a pay back for the back marks
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dontyouworrydaddy · 10 months
Can I request Simon's gf / wife asking him to do it with his military gear on. Like she one day she just blurts out with a dirty smile: "Do you think Ghost ever gets jealous that Simon gets to have all the fun? Maybe we should let him join in." I love Simon, but Ghost is something else entirely.
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sɪᴍᴏɴ ɪs ɴᴏᴛ ʜᴇʀᴇ﹐ ʟᴏᴠᴇ
Simon "Ghost" Riley x fem! reader
HELLO????? This absolutely didn’t help my delusions and now I won’t stop thinking about it😫😫 THANK YOU ANON FOR REQUESTING THIS! I LOVE U💘💘💘💘💘
Trigger Warning: rough sex (MINORS DNI!) , mean Simon Ghost, edging, oral (m! receiving)
⋆┈┈。゚❃ུ۪ ❀ུ۪ ❁ུ۪ ❃ུ۪ ❀ུ۪ ゚。┈┈⋆
It was a lazy Saturday afternoon. It was just you and Simon in your shared apartment. You were sitting on his lap, only wearing one of his shirts that were way too big on you. Him, on the other hand, was wearing a tight black shirt and joggers. His one hand was around your waist while the other one was writing on his computer since he still had some paperwork he had to send price.
You were getting a bit bored so came up with an idea… You blocked Simon‘s vision by centering yourself on top of him. Confused, Simon looked up to you.
"Simon… I‘ve got a question" you tell him, gaining his whole attention. The other hand that was working on his paperwork left the keyboard and also resting on your waist. His hands were so big that everything looked small in the palm of his hands.
"Go on, love" he rests back on the chair, only looking at you. It was crazy how you had him wrapped around your finger.
“Do you think that…. Ghost gets jealous that you always get to have all the fun? Should we let him join?" your flash him a dirty smile and your innocent eyes were making it hard for him to stay calm. But nevertheless he still failed. When you’re looking at him like that, how is he supposed to not be nervous?
"I don’t know… Maybe we should ask him. Do you want to leave a message for him?" he asked you as he slowly got up and placed you on top of his desk. You pull up your shirt slightly and you could see that Simon was trying very hard to not take you now. As you bite your lip, you reply "Yes. Tell him to not be kind…" At your reply, simon raised a brow, clearly not expecting this response from you.
He left the room for solid 10 minutes and when he came back, it wasn’t Simon standing in the room. No, it was Ghost. And you felt yourself getting too excited.
He was in his military gear and the skull mask was sitting on his face so perfectly. You felt yourself getting wet at the sight in front of you and the imaginations that didn’t stop running through your mind.
He made his way to you and without a warning separated your legs, exposing the head between your legs. He let both of his hands rest on top of each leg and was slowly bending down to the same level as you are. And you would be lying if you didn’t find it hot. Even your heart was racing.
"You asked for me?" he asked you. You quickly nod and lets out a deep chuckle. His hands remove the shirt you have on and now your left with nothing. You already planned on getting fucked by him today and this was your tease. His surprise…
"No bra and no panties. Someone came prepared huh? Such a dirty little slut.." his voice was so deep and the need for him to have no mercy on you was growing with each second you spend in this room.
His left hand took a good amount of hair, leaving you no control over your own body. And he slowly pushed you down on your knees. "Simon…" you desperately whispered and he shushed you with his free hand. "Simon is not here, love. Ghost is"
His pinky was playing around with your lips and as soon as his fingers left your lips, your hands made their way to gain access to his covered dick.
As soon as hick already harden dick spring free, you looked up at him. You couldn’t tell how he was feeling because his face was covered. "I‘m gonna ruin that pretty face of yours" he told you and you did nothing but not at him. "good girl"
As you slowly took a bit of huge cock in your mouth, you were wondering how the hell everything was gonna fit in your small mouth. You felt every single vein and inch of him. As you were slowly getting used to half of him, he started moving your head deeper and each time he would speed up. He was indeed ruining your pretty face. Your glassy eyes were looking at him and he looked straight, leaving moans slip out of his mouth. He was technically fucking your face. It was getting so fast that you had to hold on his belt. "Taking all of me.. good fucking girl."
"I‘m gonna cum" he spoke down to you but he didn’t let go of you. And you don’t want him to. "I‘m gonna cum in your mouth, yeah?" you hum in response and gained a deep groan from Simon Ghost.
As he let came in your mouth, he let go of your hair and patted your head. "Good girl. Good fucking girl" he said as he held your chin, helping you up.
"Ghost." you whisper but he doesn’t pay attention to you calling for him. He turns you around and slowly bends you over his office desk.
He wrapped his hands around your head and with his other hands he held both of your hands behind your back. Without any warning he slid into you, causing you to let out a moan.
He slowly started moving deep inside you and the pain soon disappeared. "Fuck. You’re so tight." he groans as he started moving faster. He was fucking you with full speed, not giving you time to get used to his length. "C‘mon, c‘mon. Tell me, who makes you feel so good? Who fucks this tight pussy better than I do" he pulls your head up with your hair and lets go of your hands. Both of his hands hold your boobs and he gives them a squeeze while he kisses your neck through his mask. "Answer me." he demands while he speeds up his motion. The only sound you can hear is the noise of your bodies colliding. As he thrusts deep inside you, you let out a loud moan and your hands hold the side of the desk for support.
"So needy.. couldn’t wait for my cock any longer. Next time you’re gonna beg for it." he promises and instead of answering, you leave your mouth open and close your eyes.
"Ghost" you moan his name, feeling yourself get so close. His groans in your ear makes it harder for you to focus and the need to release gets harder for you to keep inside of you.
"What is it? C‘mon use that pretty mouth of yours and tell me what you want." the thrusts feel so good, you don’t want him to stop. You need to him to destroy you. As he squeezes your tits, you let out a shaky breath. "Please. I‘m so close" you tell him. His one hand leaves your tit and spanks your ass. "You’re not gonna cum until I allow you to." he replies as he continues to thrust deep into you and spank your ass. And you could feel his finger print form. The cold metal from his uniform was touching your naked back, causing goosebumps all over your body.
"Ghost!" you scream his name and before you could even release, he slipped out of you. You let out a groan and let yourself rest on his desk.
"You wanna cum? You need to earn it." he tells you and slaps your ass. "How?" you desperately ask him and you could feel a devilish smirk form from under his mask. He turns you around and picks you up. You wrap your legs around his covered waist and he cages you between him and the wall.
"I‘m gonna ruin you." he promises and you hold onto the back of his uniform tightly as he pushes his length inside of you. His thrusts deep and fast, causing your whole body to move against him.
"Look down and look how good I fuck you" he demands and you do as he tells you. His cock disappearing in your wet pussy but you couldn’t look for too long. You closed your eyes again because you were confronted with the feeling to finally just cum all over his cock.
"Open your eyes" he tells you and you do. "Look how good you take me. This pussy was made for me."
"You can cum now" and you do, creating a mess on his cock. Your legs shaky, you let your head rest on his shoulder. "Took me so well. But you’re still too tight around me" you laugh and hug him tightly. He slides out of you, confronting you with the feeling of loneliness, and holds you tightly to him. "Next time, I won’t be this gentle with you"
The rest of the night went on and soon ghost disappeared into the closet and lets Simon come out. Simon was more gentle. He kissed you and hugged you the whole night.
You loved Simon. But if you needed wild sex, you have to ask Ghost. Because you know he won’t be gentle with you. And sometimes you don’t want him to be gentle. But of course afterwards you need your Simon back.
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sleepybbie · 8 months
LET’S EXCHANGE, SHALL WE? | blade x reader
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summary: blade helps you finish your mission as a spy with him as your objective by giving you an exchange (he knows) you won’t refuse
assassin!blade x fem!spy!reader
note: f/n - fake name, first time posting smut >.< , porn with plot (it’s a long ride folks), reader calls him ren, (might) ooc blade T^T virginity loss, v*gin*l f*nger*ng, nipple teasing, with proofhead ! cunn*l*ngus, breast groping, hick*ys, hair pulling, it’s reader’s first time ໒꒰՞ ܸ. .ܸ՞꒱ა blade is down bad for her °ʚ(*´꒳`*)ɞ° lots of praise <3 also teasing, he kinda bullies her :((, fluff at the end ;3 (this fic is based on the manga cinderella x assassin >w< i also imagined how hot assassin!blade is frfr ) hope u cuties enjoy!
a/n: this is my first time writing smut because i am mostly on the fluff side of writing ToT but thanks to some uhh advise from other writings, i hope this is written well :,> english isn’t my first language so forgive me if i had any mistakes here TwT
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it was all nothing new. you knew that all too well.
here at the association of blue angels, it is necessary that every spy has their own change of paths that comes across their ways in order for them to fulfil their duties and gain secret information from their clients, whether they are deadly, from aristocratic families, from high positions, or popular idols, it is fundamental that their aim for their prime objective is done and filed back at the organization. no matter who their target was, it was an absolute must you return with new info regarding the end of the view.
it was all nothing new, of how your boss would pick you for every male target, quiet with predatory gaze for women that lurk next to their sides. pretty girls like you will easily win their attention, that’s why they see why you’re perfect to work as a spy at the blue angels. your looks are perfect for the eyes of others, the definition of an eye candy. you knew your job all too well. non-stop praises from your boss whenever you’d return with an info dragged along on your palm, your eyes naively scanning down on the office floor as you mutter out an ‘i’ve returned.’
with different personas you became, brand new names you required in your business; that is what it takes to be a spy in disguise. for you, all of that just to be used as a seducing tool. so much for the title you earned…with these priorities set on to you, you would be forced to fuck your targets afterwards. the organization you were apart of depended on you with these said goals, and that’s the problem they see…
because you were too sheepish to eventually have sex with your objectives, even when asked.
yes, you have the looks to charm them like a siren luring their victims. however you were…too unsophisticated. guileless innocence and purity of a shy teenager. the confidence of seduction is what you lack. no wonder some of your co-workers poke fun at you. the naive y/n, they would murmur to you. but, they had no choice as you were the best spy among your group who can catch the eyes of men in a blink of an eye. set aside your ingeniousness…
it wasn’t like you asked for these missions to be set to you, after all, ever since they noticed your lack of temptation for the people they assigned you to, you were given to more easier victims, someone you won’t have a hard time gaining info from, in easier words someone you would not have to sleep with to collect main enlightenment. this, sounded somewhat as an insult for you. yet, for them, they just think this was for your best to avoid pressure.
‘pressure my ass…i do spy work, not sex work..who do they think they are?’ were the thoughts circulating inside of your head once you were outside of your boss’ office. them seeing your body as the sheer instrument of your skills when out as an undercover, you hated it. you wished they’d return your assignments when your targets were tougher victims. now that you are known in the blue angels association as the girly spy whose looks can kill, there was never going back as your reputation swoons the other workers when the aim is a pervert.
not much long after, your boss had called you into his office to hand over a new mission; following your last successful expedition that had been completed. as your eyes gazed down on the paper he slid on his desk, you slowly read the details for your next objective.
an assassin. a dangerous one to be exact.
“they call him blade, his real name is currently unknown. he works for the stella hunters department, an association filled with menacing assassins, and he’s one of the deadliest among them. find all regarding information about this man, including his weaknesses, and don’t hesitate to swoop in all you can. i’ll be handing this commission over to you, y/n,” is what your boss said, lighting a cigarette whilst looking over the paper that you held on your hands. you couldn’t help but be overjoyed once you heard this responsibility was handed to you, who had been longing for a task like this for so long. you’ll show them, you’ll show how you’re not just the kind of spy who sleeps with their intent. with a smile, you wholeheartedly accepted this work.
so, you put up a new persona, new name, and you were all set. this should be easy, with your looks there may be a chance this person will be beneath your thumb.
oh how right they were when they call you naive y/n..
blade was…scary. though, you managed to make him fall for you after months of trying. and there was this tiny gut feeling inside of you that was saying you were slowly falling for him, too. he was good-looking, fucking handsome. he’s got the stealth of a ninja, as if his presence wasn’t even there at the first place. so far, he is able to startle you whenever. the sword that he swings in his hands were swift, fast, and silent—often drools with the copper scent of velvet liquid. you pretended not to notice since he told you he worked as a bodyguard. the fake name you gave to him, he addresses you as f/n. you think it was convincing enough, after all, you ‘dated’ him for over 3 months now, that was a record. you didn’t quite understand why blade fell for you, in honest speaking; all you knew is that he suddenly asked you out when you both were at a fancy cafe shop he dragged you along with. his red eyes lured you, instead, and that made your heart jump.
surprisingly, blade was quite affectionate. despite being cold to your for the past months, he soon began to open up to you more with his loving antics. ‘cause of that, you were slowly getting weak over his words like some damsel. well, 3 months of dating can end up to something like this happening, although that doesn’t matter for now. your boss was pleased when he heard the news from you.
“did you manage to dig through his personal info? real name perhaps?”
“i—uhh…n-no, i still haven’t managed to..”
“just keep up the work, y/n. do not disappoint me.”
blade is an assassin for god’s sake, scooping information about him will take more than years to do so, even if you were playing as his faux ‘lover.’ you didn’t understand why he refused to answer questions from you in connection of his workspace, he replies all the time that it was ‘too embarrassing’ to say so. he says that then won’t hesitate to come home and drop his sword somewhere in his big house. this was going to take longer than you thought it was. no wonder this assignment was labeled as ‘heavy.’ investigating him was like a trace gone cold no matter how many evidence you found. it was like the said evidence were nothing but dents.
so that was why you decided to take matters into your own hands.
while he was out on his ‘work,’ you walked inside his home naturally, and quietly. blade always told you where his house keys were hidden every time he was out for business. your skills of not leaving traces as perfectly working as always. his small office inside of his house, you easily unlocked the door and went inside. blade had mentioned to you to never enter his house office, yet here you were. you couldn’t help but feel a little bad, however this was your job. you weren’t supposed to love him in the first place, you’re just a spy. playing with someone’s heart can be cruel.
his documents that spread on the inside of his cabinets that were placed on the sides, you opened them, seeing all the details you needed; displayed in front of you. your heart drummed in exhilaration, already imagining all the possibilities your boss might give you for your future works.
oh naive you..
“what might you be doing…y/n?”
a cold metallic feeling that touches your neck as you didn’t have time to react to the stern voice that whispered through your ears. gloved hands crawl through your thigh as the other held the bloodied sword closer to your throat. your breath hitches, and time froze at that moment. your eyes widen once you realized something..
he called you…y/n. not your fake name.
“yes, y/n? what are you doing here?”
this wasn’t a fucking dream, he knows your name.
“why so silent now? are you surprised i know your real name, y/n?” the way he speaks your name was austere, moving closer before he gently lays his head on your shoulder. even his gorgeous face was splattered with blood, almost his entire clothing was. you were done for, your cover was blown.
“hm? how’d i know?” he chuckles. “simple…you’re a spy, aren’t you?”
you froze
“i thought your organization is a lot more smarter than that, sending a cute girl here to grab my attention. well…not like i’m complaining..you guys do know it’s not easy to fool me, right? and now you’re here in my office when i forbid you to go, that won’t do, y/n..” he spoke, softly caressing your thigh in a manner that slowly turned rough. you let out a soft grunt as blade grabbed your chin and forced you to look at him, his red hues staring back at yours as he smiles like a manic. you couldn’t move your eyes away…those chilling eyes, like a predator looking at its prey.
“so? tell me.”
there was nowhere else to run. he’s got you on a chokehold, your body pressed against his as his strong grip held you down. you didn’t even register your thoughts completely to know you were sitting on top of him, you were too focused on his deadly gaze. your entire life as a spy, all fell down quickly like building blocks…all because of blade. your eyes felt like tearing up, finding the words to say, heartbeat screaming in your chest to just tell the truth…you…
“i have betrayed you, blade..”
blade’s attention was fully on you now, glancing at your body on top of his as you spoke in a whisper, almost in regret.
“i was going to find your name…and report it to the association…” you should’ve just declined the job. maybe the easier works were made for you after all.
“i’m sorry…if you must kill me then…i’ll accept that outcome.” you wanted to apologize to your boss, as well. for failing as a spy, for ruining his expectations on this ongoing mission. blade looks at you with no reaction, he still held you tight before grabbing his sword. this was it. this is the end for you.
“i see..” was all he responded before raising up his weapon, blood dropping down from the tip. blade hugs you tight, the sword adjusting over your neck.
as you closed your eyes, you watched as every decision you made throughout your life flashed before your mind. you began to wonder if maybe you were born as a normal girl—not a spy or anything, would you have found happiness? true love? would you have finished school and achieve a dream you’ve always wanted? probably. however, here you are, spending your last moments in life as it was ended by an assassin. there was no point in asking those questions now, this was the final.
just then, the sound of the sword dropping on the floor came on your ears, your eyes were back wide open when two pairs of arms are now wrapped around your shoulders, almost like a mother hugging her child close. blade laid his head down on your shoulder once more, smudging small drips of blood onto your clothing as you felt his breath on your neck.
“ren..” he mutters to you through the hug. “just call me ren…” then he pats your head like an animal.
you had a whole bag of questions right after that moment. pulling away, you looked at him with the most bewildered face ever, your face contorted whether you were angry or just plain confused.
“hm? what? oh, ren as in—
“that’s not what i’m confused about..!”
blade was amused by how you reacted to his sudden gesture. most assassins by now would’ve sliced your neck open upon seeing you were an undercover spy sneaking info out of him, however from here…he instead proposed a deal. a deal that made you get stuck to this job.
“if you agree to marry me and become my wife, then i’ll allow you to keep spying on me.”
you think it’s dumb at first, marrying someone for the sake of knowing every little detail about him for some stupid mission. but again, his proposal was reasonable enough. for him, his side was that he gets to marry you. and for you, you can inform your boss you lured him into an engagement. easy as that. you can already see the look on your boss’ face once you tell him that exact information. blood rushes through your cheeks as you were thrilled with the thought. it’s a big win-win for both of you, and a marriage contract will do the trick. eventually, you agreed.
and thus, the two of you got married. in contract.
this was for the commission, was what you kept telling yourself. a married life with blade was…something that might take a while to get used to. he spoiled you rotten, when you guys got married he bought an expensive wedding gown on that same day, all because you thought the dress was pretty. he was loaded for an assassin. the stella hunters group payed them fairly. too fairly. they are a group of assassins after all. blade loved teasing you, seeing your face blush was his favorite sight. and his teasing wasn’t even intentional. hell—he probably turned a deaf ear when he was making fun of you.
no long after, you moved into his huge apartment. living together wasn’t much of a hassle. there were separate rooms, so whenever you wanted to not sleep with him, you would sleep in the other room (just in case). he’d gift you small gifts, something to entertain you with. sometimes, he’ll buy unnecessary lingerie to deride you with, piss you off with probably, too. you weren’t going to lie, some of the lingerie he bought were pretty (yet that doesn’t mean you like them !) it’s unbelievable to know how much blade says ‘i love you’s’ to you a whole lot. his demeanour as an assassin changed when you’re around.
on second thought, this man was out of his head. and weird.
you slightly began to think of him as a pervert, blade likes to scan down a lot to look at your melons. though, this doesn’t happen frequently, he only does it when you notice just to pull on your strings. you hated how instead of you who kept blade under your thumb, it was him who was influencing you. he had a strong morale, blade knows about the stares you give him every time he comes out of the shower. pretending like he doesn’t notice then would proceed to walk towards you with a towel over his leaking head. men like him on assignments are (kind of) no different, with good looks at first it should be alright, then suddenly they were perverts. it was an ongoing cycle you run throughout your life as a female spy, never escaping the chain of male clients.
and as for you who was an eye candy of every male gaze in your work, there was no difference of how easily they fawn over your figure like a barbie doll. nothing new to you; but to blade, he’s fully aware. he knew the treatment you got from your workplace, how you complained to him during on dates of how you were mostly assigned to older guys or either degenerates. as long as they were guys, you were quickly rolled in. you were pretty, and cute. he can understand why your boss gave you roles for victims who were men. it’s often hard grabbing the attention of a man after all, unless you were beautiful. yet he tells you how you actually did a nice job making him fall for you.
a blush erupts on your face when he mentioned that. blade only said that to make you feel better, is what your brain told you.
with the deal ongoing, you and blade made a lot of exchanges, some of them were cardinal for your mission as a spy. he gave you a lot of opportunities to know every little thing about him. in return, all he asked for were hugs, kisses, or dates. he was like a lovesick puppy. the loving looks he gave you, taking your palm out of nowhere then kisses them so soothingly. it was not worth questioning of how he makes you down on your knees. though you refused to let him know about that side of you of course.
you can’t let yourself down for a handsome assassin.
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you and blade came home one day from a banquet incident.
it was supposed to be part of his assignment. to assassinate a director chief who was part of that party. all you have to do was merely watch him and be his party date. he came along with a colleague, her name was kafka. she introduced herself to you then congratulated your marriage with blade. she was beautiful, eyes hypnotizing and her presence as dangerous as blade’s. throughout the party, she started to grow a liking towards you, asking you to dance with her then glancing behind your back with your hand on hers. she was probably trying to make blade jealous.
how right she was when she said it worked.
kafka was rather flirty, although she was wearing a suit to the banquet, she still looks exquisite. for the entire night, you spent half of your time with her. well—she made you spend your time with her to be exact. dancing and sharing chats while drinking underneath the moonlight. you weren’t sure how blade reacted to his female companion being a little too close with his wife. in the meantime, she asked a lot of questions to you, too, asking how you and blade met, what made you love him, the usual questions like a mother asking about her son. she smiles mischievously at every answer you gave.
there was a side of you that’s telling not to trust this woman much. she had a mystique side to her. just by the look of her eyes, you knew kafka was someone not be trusted. she is an assassin, just like your husband. spies and assassins were no different much for their missions. unlike spies, they don’t kill in order to obtain said info. they hide themselves in order to do so, like skulking shadows. while assassins like them, chooses violence. how did the world come up so terrible that they created people like your profession to exist?
that same night, however, a small explosion occured, catching you immediate attention. the floor shakes with ease, leaving small visible cracks. screams of the people in that party made a ruckus, running out of the building from below your view as you only watched in a panic. what in the world just happened?
“hmm, just as the boss planned..” you hear kafka say, bringing her gun out of the pockets of her suit. she seems entertained; and she came prepared as predicated. you were right when you thought of how full her coat’s pocket looked. you send her a gaze, perplexed of what she meant.
“i-is ren going to be alright in there??”
“relax~ he’s a professional. do you really think bladie won’t survive in something so small like that~?” something so small, was his agency used to this type of disaster? assassins are frightening indeed. as kafka opened the door from the balcony you two stood in, a large dark smoke erupted out from the party room. you covered your nose, letting out a loud cough while kafka stood there, unbothered. a figure stands in front of her.
“i told you to send a signal, didn’t i?” kafka spoke, her eyes dark as a smile aligned on her face.
blade stands tall, his appearance sanguinary with the drip of crimson coming down on his sword. he looks nonchalant as he stared back at kafka, he huffs, “the bomb went off earlier than i thought. i’ve already slaughtered the remaining security,” blade says, wiping the small blood the slides down his chin. even with something like blood falling down on his image, your husband still looks ethereal. not a single scratch was on him, not even an injury from the bomb. he wasn’t bathing in his own blood, yet he bathed in others. the two assassins looked so astounding together. with their threatening aura and glances they shared, they were really one of the most best assassins in the team. your boss really was mindful to warn you about them.
“is that so? very good then. the lesser the better for our target to be shot in the head…also, you worried your adorable wife, y’know? she was scared you’d die in the bomb,” kafka tells the male, a soft chuckle following by. blade gazes back to meet your figure. you look magnificent in that dress he made you wear. coming to the banquet as his date was truly one of the best ideas he made. blade excused himself for a moment, walking past kafka and straight to you before pressing a small kiss on your temple, not minding the blood that smeared onto your forehead. his gloved hands pulled your head closer to him. you noticed blade had taken off his black coat that matched his suit, probably because it was too hot? either way it’s not worth pointing out, since he looks handsome looking like that.
“apologies, did that scare you..?”
“not at all j-just…shocked..”
“is that so?”
“save the loving hours for later, bladie. we got more business to take care of~” kafka cuts the small conversation between the both of you as she cunningly walks back inside the room boiled with grey smoke, her dark suit dissolving along with her enigmatic figure before disappearing in the space of the area. after she had left, blade turns his head to look back at you, his dark eyes never leaving yours, “you should head to a more safer spot. follow me, i’ll lead you there.”
the route you followed as you trailed behind blade made you quiver in fear when the glimpse of countless lifeless bodies of securities scattered all over the place like fallen dominos. it was if as a blood war happened here. the eerie silence pierced your cowardice even more that blade had to pull your closer to his side. talk about overprotective…your husband dragged you away to an overcast corner, where there were no one else surrounding near that spot. he told you to stay there for awhile, and wait for his return. credulously, you obliged and await for his arrival. the place creaked, helpless pleas fall onto your ears before hearing the sounds of either gunshots or the swift movement of a sword finish the loud cries they let out. this scared you, having to cover your ears and ignore the shouts they let out as the assassins out ended their lives, including the targeted director chief.
spies aren’t special in these types of occupations where blood spilled like paint. as said, your team is more in specialising in gathering top secret data from other groups that your association acquired to know about. meddling with other people’s business (inclusive of your husband and his colleague’s job) was on your description, but not into the extent of this. you weren’t used to hearing bullets firing, guts being spilled and cries of help ring in your ears like a nightmare. however, this was the nature for cold-blooded criminal assassins like them. the sound of footsteps echoed through your hearing, along with the sight of blade returning. his hair was a little messy (in a manner that turned him even more hotter), sword placed tightly in his palm, leaking with scarlet. blade sighed, “i’m back..”
“a-are you ok?? you’re dripping in blood..!”
“it’s their blood, not mine. are you worried about me, y/n?”
“o-of course i am! for goodness sake!” he laughs, a hoarse breath nudging in the middle of his throat before he pulls you closer, forehead pressed against yours as he stared deep into your eyes. “you stayed as i asked…how obedient, y/n. perhaps shall i reward you..?”
“h-huh?? what are you—
suddenly a loud bang shoots through the tranquil air, blade immediately pulled your close to him, before a bullet flies through below his hip, hitting him.
your eyes went wide, seeing small pricks of blood drool down from his abdomen. blade grunts, his head looked across from the room and meets with the annoying smirk of the (surprisingly) alive security had over their face. “b-blade..!” you couldn’t help but shout. there was an ignite of irritation in his eyes. blade ignores you, pulling a pistol out from his pocket and shooting a headshot at the man, before the security finally died. blade held the spot where he was shot; feeling his body weaken as you called for kafka who had just arrived, also bathed in blood; with documents in her hands.
a limousine came to pick you guys up to bring blade to immediate aid. for the entire time you stayed right next to his side until he was bandaged by one of the nurses in the limo, stopping the slight blood that leaked down. thank goodness, he was wearing a bullet proof vest. however with the amount of shots he received from earlier battles, it seems like the final shot you witnessed to him harmed him directly to a more effective part of the bullet proof, causing a bleed. everyone in the limo, they all wore dark attire, collected expressions as the whole drive towards blade’s apartment was as soundless as the dead. blade rested his head over your shoulder, sneaking small subtle touches on your inner thigh while you tried your best to keep your mouth shut. wrecking the droning atmosphere was not something you’d want to do, not to mention the people who were with you in the limo were part of the stella hunters association.
kafka asked if you needed any assistance in dragging blade up on your shared penthouse apartment, though blade cuts in; saying he didn’t need help and that he was practically fine now. it’s as if the bullet shot at his hip didn’t effect him at all. him saying that he was used to being hurt…this made you even more worried about him. as he was one of the strongest in his section along with kafka, it was obvious the missions they give him were extremely perilous.
after the limo had dropped the both of you in your place, kafka bids you a (quite terrifying) farewell through the car glass, velvet gloves waving you a goodbye before the window rolls back up, and the limo leaves with nothing else. blade stood firmly still, despite being shot earlier at the banquet. the bandaged area hid within his bloodied suit shirt, navy dark hair hiding his other eye before he waited for you to stand next to him. “shall we?” he spoke to you in a gentle manner, his hand outreached to yours before you held it and led him home to your shared place.
upon opening the door— you warmly made him rest down on the couch, running to the kitchen to fetch him some water and prepare a bath. blade watches as you run around the house like a panicking maid and an airy chuckle escapes from his lip, “y/n..”
“y-yes…?” you murmured, stopping yourself from pacing back and forth. blade tilts his head a bit, a small smile appearing over his lips, “you know you don’t have to keep doing that. you look so concerned right now, y’know? this… i’m used to it..” he speaks. you didn’t like how he normally says that like bleeding and harming for him was casual despite being an assassin. even if he was strong, blade was still a person. pouting, you threw the towel away from the side and made him look at you, obvious look over your expression you were angry of what he said. was he a dumbass? “don’t say things like that, blade.”
he grins, “why not? it’s true.”
“blade, please, you’re making me worry about your health more. if it weren’t for the bullet proof vest you would’ve died..!”
the male stood up impatiently from the couch, walking next to your side as he suddenly moves his head a little closer to yours, a hum erupting out of him. you moved away, feeling the heat on your cheeks. close…he was so close. what’s with him all of a sudden? “you’re worried, y/n? how very kind..” he whispers, breath fanning over your neck. you shivered. bashfully, you turned your head away; avoiding eye contact as you replied, “i-is there something wrong? if you don’t like that then i can stop worrying if you keep teasing me..”
“how very strange..earlier at the banquet you said you were worried about me. taking back your words now?” there was venom in his tone, an icy gaze that lacks of emotion except for lechery was filled in his appearance. instead of dangerous for his term as an assassin maybe dangerously handsome is a more fitting description. you remained silent, not being able to talk back like he exposed you fully. another chuckle. “not answering, huh? in that case..”
instantly, your figures moved back to the soft cushions of the couch; arms held tight by his fingers along with the feeling of your legs spread across his body—face looking directly over his dark features. you were on top of him while blade laid down on the couch, holding you by your arms.
“you still have work to do, y/n,” he began, voice enchanting with toxin, bloodshot eyes digging holes into yours like a madman. your breath shakes, paralyzed in place when his fingers moved up to play with the small fats of your hips. “you could threaten me with a weapon, dig your hands into my wounds, and i would have to answer all of your questions…” his tone now latched with sweetness like honey. seeming convincing enough for you to be enlightened. you stared back at him, puzzled. “what are you talking—
blade pulls your arm closer to his face, emotionless eyes peeking through your glimmering irises that reads confusion and clarity. he smiles, “right now, i’m so weak…i couldn’t resist anything you do to me..” he quietly sneaks your hand on his injured area, feeling the familiar touch texture of the bandage touch your skin. the lingering sensation made you wince, blade looks indeed weak; pale skin as he breathes heavily. “i’m sure your association has so many things they’d love to know about me..” he mutters to you, lovingly. your breath hitches, taken back.
“well? now is your chance.”
you tightly clutched your fists from his sentence. an opportunity to know everything your boss had been dying to know about this man. anything you’ll ask, he says he’ll answer due to his enfeebled form. there’s a chance; you can’t just turn your head from this. every achievement you can earn by getting the statistics they desperately wanted. everything you wanted will be given if you just do your job right now—
“i’m sorry..” blade blinks his eyes twice, dazed from your response. “it must’ve hurt really bad, didn’t it? i don’t think…i can do anything to you right now..” as you slowly moved your head away from his chest, few strands of your hair fell down across your face causing you to brush them away, you looked at blade with eyes that reads nothing but worry. the male glances back at you with a questionable look. “…to the association, i’m merely just another pawn. just like all the others like me, if we stop being useful we’re replaced right away..” looking down on his stomach, you sighed, “we’re only ever concerned about our own safety, and the idea that someone would protect me with their body…was novel to me. maybe that’s why, i had to protect you as well..”
steadily, your returned your head down on his chest, feeling him breathe heavily through the strokes you drew on his chest. you snuggled into that same warmth, inhaling in his scent. he smelled like enigma and copper, mixed with the floating fragrance of dark virtue . “be careful next time, okay? you’re still my objective after all..” you wanted to see what your husband looks like right now. after all, it took you some time to tell him those words that’s been latched from the back of your throat. maybe he’s looking at you funny, wasn’t expecting them from someone like you. yeah.
the sound of water falling down the tub caught your attention as you promptly excused yourself before jumping off of blade’s chest. walking towards the bathroom, you turned off the faucet that spilled out with warm water, and went back outside to call for blade, telling him that his bath was ready. the bath needed a little more foam, perhaps adding bubbles and some soap to the water will help ease his mind once he’s in the bathtub. before you could head back inside the bathroom to fill the water with soap, a hand stopped you from doing so, as a figure hugged you from behind, head on your shoulder. you flinched, stammering on your words to see blade.
“i love you..”
your eyes go wide.
he kisses the back of your neck, breathing in your scent. “you don’t even understand how much those words make me love you more. you’re so mean, y/n..” blade brushes his lip against your cheek, feeling yourself shudder in his touch. he laughs when you try to push him away. “t-the bath is ready! get yourself washed up so you’ll cleanse your wound as well!”
“has that moody boss of yours never once stood for you?” he dodges your topic.
“…what?” and you definitely have a lot of questions just by the mention of your boss flew out of his mouth. although you couldn’t help but wonder: why was your boss indeed so interested in him? assassins are supposed to be mysterious, it’s crystal clear there a lot of essential inquiry they posses as shadows—but him specifically? there has to be a valuable reason. your boss never hid anything much from you. “how do you know my boss? all i was told was to investigate your background and weaknesses but…w-wait! is there some type of personal conflict between the both of you?? why is the association so interested in you?? hey, tell me—
blade’s lips shut you off, ceasing your words before they could even wind up your query. his weight caused you to lose a bit of your balance, your hands pinned on the entrance of the bathroom as you muffled in his mouth. the kiss tasted like impatience and longing. he freed one of your hands, slipping his gloved palm over your coverless shoulders with a smooth rub to it. you flinched, before blade pulls away from the kiss. it took you awhile to catch your breath and registered what just happened.
“h-hey, what—
“let’s make an exchange. a deal.”
blade finally lets go of your hand, his arm just right above your head as he leans closer, covering your path. he looks solemn, yet there was a hint over his eyes that construes as an engulfing flame of impulse to kiss you again. his other hand slowly slid down to the wall next to you, touching your shoulders till it reaches your hip, pulling you in. “i know i might be playing foul, but if that’s the only card i have then i don’t mind..” the male playfully plays with the fabric of your dress, pulling them up until your feel your inner thigh feeling the cold wind. “i knew you were a spy, yet i bound you by this marriage contract. that’s just how much i yearn for you..”
what is he talking about? a deal? just what crazy ideas is this guy coming up again?
you didn’t realise your were zoning out until blade pushes your chin up with his forefinger, making you look up at him in a better view. “y/n, my dearest..here’s the deal, i’ll tell you my secrets, but in return…” your heart pounds heavily with electricity—feeling your breath quicken when he pressed his forehead softly against yours.
“…let me do anything i want with you tonight.”
that marriage contract he mentioned, although it was fake for the sake of your mission, the predicament you found yourself in was real. though, you needed a little more thought to think about what he wants to do with you, including when blade looked so…steamy?
‘it’s a great chance to gather information, but…what does ‘anything he wants’ entail—huh?’
the atmosphere quickly changed, the male didn’t give you a chance to utter out a word when he instantly went back to claim your lips. this time the kiss grew more heated than before, linking between the emotions craving and thirst—his cold hands exploring your body from out and within your dress, feeling your curves and the heat between them. you were slowly losing your balance, legs weakening from his strength like he was forcing his mouth in yours. actually, he was even more forceful than usual. this is wrong but…you couldn’t resist. it was hot, so hot. it feels like you were sweating as you two exchanged smothering kisses. you never knew blade was talented with his tongue until he used it to deepen the kiss, casting around your mouth until a small drop of saliva escapes out of your lip.
“you would like that, yeah?” the male in front of you muttered between kisses, a grin stretched over his face. “knowing my secrets, sharing it to your associates so your mission would be complete. you’re desperate to know too, correct?” he just knew the buttons to press to make you jolt in his touch. an exchange where instead of hurting him and force him to answer your questions regarding of the info you needed to report to your boss, maybe doing this was better. you’re a virgin after all. a small muffled whimper escapes out of your throat, trying to push him away but blade had already pinned both of your arms above your head—his grip on them strong. he chuckles in the kiss when he notices you struggling for air with your eyes tight shut. he pulls away, along with a small string of saliva connecting between your lips. you could finally breathe again as you pant hard. blade thinks the sight in front of him was fucking delicious, you acting so helpless and weak.
you see your husband licking his lip, right before leaning close again. “good girl, y/n. let’s kiss more, can we…?”
“what’s that, dearest?”
you bit your bottom lip, fists tightening on his chest. flashbacks of your co-workers calling you pure, naive, artless…it was time for you to try something new, something you’ve never done before that everyone has already been through as young adults, or even teenagers. him giving you this opportunity to know such crucial data, if in exchange for your body. it was a better deal than earlier.
besides, you wanted to thank him.
it was a terrible decision to rub your thighs together; thinking blade wouldn’t notice (but he did). because of this, his pupils darken, something similar to the look of his eye whenever he was on assassin mode. “i wouldn’t do that if i were you, dearest..” blade spoke, already beginning to feel drunk on that desire that rushes through his veins. “you’re making this harder for me.”
blade hums in reply to your short words, finger under your chin before you finished your sentence. you just needed the right string to pull off the trigger. maybe this is for the best for your new world. as a spy. you’ll get that stupid title you had for the whole 7 years of working there off of your name. staring right back at blade, looking through his red eyes, you took a deep breath.
“i’m all yours, blade.”
that was all he needed to hear.
he launched towards your lips, kissing you again with fiery passion. you kissed him back as you wrapped your arms around his neck, closing your eyes as you two indulge yourselves in a heated make-out session for the second time. blade was rough with his kisses, as if he was going to shift his name to your mouth, claiming every air that was entering through your lips and help you breathe properly. saying those words to him were a mistake, too, blade wasn’t letting you struggle. the lipgloss you applied that evening before heading to the banquet with him smudged on his lips, tasting you and its flavor. slowly did you feel your feet levitating from the floor, before a surprised yelp comes out of your voice.
blade was carrying you now, your arms still linked around his shoulders. he went forward to your neck after, licking your collarbone up until it reaches your throat, before slowly nipping his sharp teeth at the skin. your breath shakes, abjectly looking away at the vision of blade peppering wet kisses at your sensitive neck alongside leaving visible marks to them. oh how he loves the taste of your skin, like if he was licking the sweetest treat for the first time. his hands caressed your cheek like they were made of ivory, pulling away to look at your panting face, blushing madly. he likes the look of that. “you’re still as soft..and still as sweet..” he mumbles, “i’m getting tired, so why don’t we head up now, hm?”
answering back at him won’t help since the guy was already rushing up to his bedroom with you in his arms, pushing the door open with impatience of a madman—he pulled you in yet another kiss, and a satisfied sigh leaves your lips as you both settled down on his comfy bed. the room smelled like roses, lingering with air conditioned fragrance. you could fall asleep to the relaxing atmosphere, yet blade was helping you keep awake. your neck was probably covered in marks by now, since the assassin wasn’t intending on stopping. the cold air hits your bare thighs, making you shiver twice by the temperature, and by how blade’s fingers began to slide down on your legs to the core of your heat. you gasped hard once his forefinger reaches the main fabric of your panties.
“you’re panting hard though all we did was just kissing. imagine how hard you’ll be panting once i get to shove myself in you.” he was looking down on you and your pathetic figure. how your tummy goes up and down, how your legs squished his hand that touches your panties, how your doe eyes laced with innocence looked at him when he teased you. his patience was running thin with you. god, you’re going to be the death of him. biting hard down on your thumb, you held blade’s arm, tugging on the sleeve. “i-i’ve never done this before..” you murmured, glossy eyes hypnotizing him under your spell. blade curses under his breath, pushing his hair back. you’re so damn cute, he wanted to just fuck your face but he can’t just do that. as much as he’d like to ruin you, rapture himself with your presence—he needed to be gentle with his cute virgin wife.
“yeah? well, i’ll be pleased to teach you then.” he replies, shortly before ripping your panties down to your legs. you winced once the cold air entered to your heating core, seeing small drops of impure liquid drip from your entrance to the soft fabric of your underwear. blade chuckles at your reaction. “first, i’ll teach you how to prep yourself before we get to the main part. but damn, wet already? all we did was share kisses, dearest.”
a pout forms over your face with the sudden teasing, making you meekly cross your legs in order to hide. blade however, didn’t like this attitude you give him. “don’t, i’m observing..” was all he says, his eyes scanned down to your leaking cavern like a hunter tracking down its next meal. you felt frail under his ravening gaze, hands curling into fists while you whined of the way his other hand rubbed over your thighs, earnestly—under all the touch of his black gloves. “i-its embarrassing, don’t look at it like tha—ah!”
his hand worked like magic, gloved fingers propped over your aching entrance as he gave it a rub. that alone was already enough to make your jolt from the comfy sheets of the bed, a loud gasp erupting out of your mouth. blade began to starve from eagerness, pulling his glove out of his hands using his teeth, before his now naked hands continued to toy with your puffy clit; glistening like a gem on his hands. the new feeling sends all kinds of electrical waves throughout your body—pleasure from heaven that shoots just where you liked it. holy shit, this felt good. no wonder some of your co-workers told how you were ‘missing out’ on some of your opportunities to sleep with some of your targets.
the way his hands rubbed circles around your entrance was sending shockwaves and new emotions that coil up inside of your stomach. this was such a nice feeling, you didn’t want him to stop. you hear blade chuckle, “relax, honey..” he whispers, dark and smooth like velvet. his eyes were glued to yours, watching your every reaction and every breath that comes out of your mouth. he didn’t want to miss a single one of it. “you’re so pretty..i can’t wait another minute..” he had a tight grip over your thighs, fingers soaked from kneading your hole in circles. though, he was curious; and also wanted to give you a new experience..
you were disappointed when the feeling of his stroking his fingers on your clit stopped, looking at him with a hopeless look on your face. blade smiles, right before as he shoves you down more on the bed, his fingers entering your narrow entrance. you let out a satisfied cry, back arched up. now that was even more better. hell, that was already enough to sends a current down on your body, you looked so pretty when you whine. “why do you look like that? have you never fucked yourself with your fingers before?” he questions, and you shook your head. he whistles, “heh. you really were missing out. fuck, what a tight one. and this is just with my fingers,” blade slightly flicks his tongue over your mouth, pinning your arm above your head while his fingers began to pump in and out of your cute pussy, squelching noises echoing inside of the room. sweet melodies came out of your throat, sounding like music to your husband’s ears. oh how he wished he could record you right now.
“you look gorgeous crying my name like that, dearest.”
you bit your bottom lip, closing your eyes as you try to just focus on the pleasure he was giving you. his fingers dig deeper to a spot you wanted him the most—prodding closer to your release. you moaned out his name, your white knuckled hands gripped the sheet, the tension in your muscles growing as you held yourself to remain still. “b-blade…!”
“what’s wrong? afraid you like it?” the corners of blade’s mouth twitched upward still in a mischievous grin. slowly did your hips begin to bounce over his drenched digits, silencing your pleasured sighs by biting down hard on your finger as the continuous resonance of your moist cunt being played by his fingers filled the room’s walls. it was as a clear as day you’re inexperienced, so that’s why he thinks this was a perfect time. blade notices how your euphoric essence followed through his rhythm, seeming amused he let you be to pleasure yourself on him, trying his best to ignore his aching cock underneath the fabric of his pants—the sight of you acting like a bitch in heat is forbidding him from doing so however. your moans went louder when you felt his fingers curl inside your clit like it was an instrument, hearing his manic chuckle as he watches you squirm and tremble.
it was lewd. small gasps escapes your lips, trying to cut the knot that’s tied inside of your belly. a wave of intensity runs through your skin as you closed your eyes shut; feeling that closeness almost approaching from your core. good, it felt so good you could almost float on how his fingers did its job. blade kisses you, a groan floating out of his tongue before the coil inside of you was finally cut, and you feel your high dripping down on your legs. you cried loudly into the kiss, before pulling away, panting deeply. the space that lives inside of your head was filled with smoke, mindless into the gaze of the eyes with shades of red. it hasn't even been closer to 5 minutes when your husband began to finger your pure pussy, yet your first orgasm rushed through you like a huge tide. and shit, it felt great. a drool slipped past your lips while catching your breath; meanwhile the smirking assassin on the other hand was chucking as he collected a small amount of your impurity on his long digits, before taking a taste. you blushed madly upon seeing how his red hues widen at the flavor of your arousal.
as he parted his tongue off from his fingers, a small string of saliva followed by. that was fucking hot. "dearest...you taste fucking divine, y'know that?" he tells you like a beast after his thirst was quenched. "what an honor to be your first person to teach you all about this. now that you know how fucking on fingers feel like, next..." the male instantly moves away from your side, roughly gripping hard on both of your thighs before kneeling on the floor right in front of the mattress—predatory gaze meeting your slick pussy. his hot breath fans over core, before planting a quick kiss over at the sensitive area. you squirmed. "for this next one, let me teach you what fucking on my tongue feels like..." you weren't even finished resting from your previous orgasm and he was already prepping you for round 2. this man is going to slaughter you...
at a leisurely pace did he flailed his tongue out of his lips, before he licks a long stripe at your aching cunt. your back arched, a mewl spilled off from your throat, eyes shut tight as your legs moved on its own. sheepishly wrapping around his neck to pull him closer to your core, your hands tugging on his hair. it felt like a whole new feeling, his warm wet tongue navigating to your area—creating new sinful noises to come out of your lips. your breath became quicker, being filled with greediness and filth.
your body quivers as blade began to eat you out, much more faster than before. your liquids hovering on his tongue as animalistic growls erupts from his throat, hand gripping more harsh on your thighs, leaving finger marks in the process as his mouth sucks on your bud like it was his last meal. your thoughts began to melt in pleasure, cries of satisfaction being the only sound along with the continuous laps of blade's mouth feasting over your core, gripping down onto your thigh fat like a madman begging to be choked between your legs.
there was another knot building up over your stomach in no time when blade's mouth reached a certain spot in you, causing you to arch your back upwards, covering the sudden yelp you let out in surprise. his mouth began to lick on that inexorable spot that he had discovered, smirking before sucking every fiber out of you. how vulgar the noises his tongue made while he fucks you with his mouth. you began to see stars, heaven sent euphoria from above that this type of lust that boils within you made you feel like a whole new different person. it was sending new flares within the contact of touches he did, your body grinding on his handsome face—the cushions of the bed below being soaked by your spilling arousal from earlier. that same flare began to engulf more into a more intense heat, feeling your second wave of orgasm incoming while fucking yourself on his warm tongue.
blade had a now tyrannical grip on your thighs, pinning you in place while drowning in your overflowing fluids that started to spill little by little from your satiated cunt. the ongoing sensations of seraphic emotions crawling to the tips of his toes, poorly grinding himself at nothing. the sheets were steadily threading apart from the nails of your fingers, brain fixating at the man beneath you. his groans had been more vocal now, tongue leisurely sliding over your wet folds, while you were here fighting for your life to not cum on his face out of nowhere. how cute you are, weeping with pure tears running down your cheeks. it felt that good? poor girl, there there now...this will finish soon. he just needs to hear you.
"y/n...let me hear you, dearest." his feast over your folds stopped when he spoke, wiping the liquid that fell down his chin with his thumb. you whined, legs prying to make him continue by pulling him closer, feeling vulnerable. he likes the look of that. "p-please...blade.."
"that's not the name we agreed on when we signed that marriage contract now, did we?" blade was definitely teasing you, pressing small pecks on your thigh to taunt you more. it was adorable of how you didn't realize how your eyes were molded in the lustful shapes of hearts, panting heavy as you tried to grind your face back on his hot mouth. with this new reaction of yours, he’ll make sure to take not on how to tease you. he backs away a little with a grin, softly caressing your legs wrapped around his shoulders. "if you want me to keep going, then say my name, dearest. my real name." the heat between your legs was too hard to ignore now, igniting up like blade was your fuel to the fire. it was painful to resist, including when you were already feeling so needy. you took a sharp breath, shifting your position as you locked eyes with the male, looking right at you. "r-ren...please..p-please keep going.."
"so obedient..." he finally muses, before fully shoving his tongue inside your folds. you folded back, hands roughly tugging on his hair as your legs kicked the air from behind, pitiful screams pushed past your lips as you feel the release almost coming of you. you hopelessly grinded on his face, pleas of his name spilling out of you like a mantra as he slowly devoured your clit. he holds you down, laughing between each suck he did on your cunt, right before pushing you over to the edge. whimpers of his name reached his ears like a symphony along with his soft groans, drinking your juices as you came down on your second orgasm. your body heaved, breathless, sweat dripping down your forehead in each breath you took. your thighs were covered with your wetness, with blade licking off your arousal from your folds before pulling away. if you could only take a good look at yourself now, you wouldn't wonder why blade was wearing a proud grin over his face.
the sight of you looking a mess, ruined, and spilled with your fluids. your hair was messy, strands up over your face as for your dress was a wreck. his cock hurt...you were ready now, so why need to hold back? your husband hovered against your figure for a moment, then leaning in to your lips and kissing you affectionately, giving a free taste of yourself that spread on his mouth. the both of you moaned in the kiss, blade sneaking his tongue in your mouth in order to hear more of you, audible growls mixed with your winsome whines. that was when you felt something hard poke beneath your leg, his hips rocking against your naked thigh as the both of you exchanged wet kisses. pulling away, blade lays his forehead against yours, "don't taste too bad, yeah? i think i'm gonna grow addicted to eating you out now."
your slapped his arm, and he chuckles darkly, moving away. it seems you were quite quick to take a breath even after going through two orgasms already, and both of which still hasn’t done with his dick. his eyes looked different than before—as if they were now injected with ecstasy. "now, onto the final one.."
your eyes darted towards blade as he slowly took his black coat off of his attire, his arms pushing back to remove the dressing alongside his black loose tie that hung messily around his neck, all while gazing at you with an intoxicating look. you gulped a small lump that was stuck between your throat, cheeks flaring as you watched him take upper clothing off, revealing the bandage patched to where he was (kind of) shot. "you're looking at me so intensely..like what you see?" he coos, and you looked away, feeling bashful when he called you out. this wasn't the first time that you had seen him shirtless, the both of you often almost ended up having sex if it weren't for you acting so endearing underneath him, the feeling of wanting to ruin your innocence leaving his body whenever he'd see you on that state.
yet now, the male felt like he had the strength to ravage your perfect body. hands sliding up to grope on your plush breasts in awe. he leans down, nipping the soft nape of your lovebite-covered neck; his fingers teases your nipples, dragging his tongue up till it reaches the shell of your ear, whispering words drugged with filth and vileness. your mind was hazy, from the previous bursts you let out from pleasure you couldn't really think straight. when the perception of your eyesight changed when you saw that same tent moving in his pants. it weighed down, catching your attention. naively did you reached for the bump in his pants, and softly rubbed on it, feeling how hard he is. blade groans when your fingers prodded on his clothed erected dick, slowly stopping from fondling your breasts as he gave in the pleasure you’re sending him. you can feel him shudder from above you. "fuck...you just—o-oh fuck..yeah, just like that. keep doing that, dearest.." he whimpered, hiding his face against your neck.
you moved your head to turn to blade, your fingers went forward to touching him while you timidly question if what you were doing was alright, you’ve never done this before after all. blade’s face was burning with carnal passion, sweat falling off his face. you stammered, “l-like this..?”
“yeah..n-ngh…p-put your thumb…rub your thumb over—hold on…”
you examined how blade impatiently takes his pants off, along with his dark-toned undergarments before his long shaft sprang to life, bumping into his toned tummy as it faced directly at you. heart pumping loudly in your chest, e/c pupils wide open as you realize his size…he was big, drops of pre-cum already leaking from his red angry tip while you lay there, astounded. you weren’t sure if he was going to fit. no seconds passed when blade took a hold of your hand, taking your fingers to wrap around his dick with your thumb kneading over the tip. “rub your thumb over here…and pump your hands up and down..” he teaches you, and you did just that. your breath stutters, looking at the navy haired male on top of you and how he started to groan in infatuation when you began pumping his cock. a surprised look latched on your face when you see him thrusting his hips up a bit in your hands, his palms still on your tits right until he brings his mouth to latch on one of your nipples.
the two of you let out your voices laced with lechery, voices producing tainted sounds as blade continued to fuck your hand while he sends you sweet bliss by sucking on your cute breasts, swirling his tongue over your areola as the other twirls his fingers around your nipple. tiny tears of his fluid started to flow down over your palm while you jerked him off, signalling how he’s close. the bed’s head bumped against the wall, loud creaking noises from its legs echoed in the bedroom. his semen covered your hand, little by little did his release came close right before blade pulls your hand away from his shaft, while also pushing himself away from your breasts. you innocently tilted your head, bewildered. he looks a little disappointed.
“don’t wanna cum just yet, pretty…wanna…do that now..” he says, despite already almost on the verge of cumming from your hand. pressing a small kiss on your cheek, the male tugs your dress down, taking a good view of your upper chest.
he thinks you’re pretty. he knows you’re pretty, blade always knows that, even after seeing you for the first time to whatever bullshit mission your organization got you into. but, he thinks you’re even more prettier without clothes.
how your body sculpted perfectly against his touch, lingering fragrance of your perfume and the scent of your hair had always been driving him mad alone. your body was a figure sculpted by angels and goddesses, your dress was completely ruined as it slides down your shoulders (so much for buying an expensive party clothing for a banquet that’s planned to be destroyed) all of you, just for him—a blessing. you were displayed like a gift. blade has always fantasized having you sprawled on the mattress of his bedroom like this, looking so helpless and begging to be fucked by him. oh, how god was on his side this day when his fantasies were finally happening, like a dream coming true.
blade was stunned once you brought your hand up to his cheek, caressing his face like a real wife would do to her husband. bounded to this contract for a mission, like a forced arrangement. however, there were no forces, and he just..really loves you. he blames himself for not meeting you any sooner, but that didn’t matter now; you’re here, underneath his figure, acting like you didn’t just scream his name while you came two times. fondly, as he gazed with devotion, blade held your hand that nuzzled on his warmth, tilting his head to the side. his hair falls down his gorgeous face.
“are you ready?” a question comes up, pushing your thighs apart, making the cold air hit your bare pussy that was shown to him. blade reached out for a packet of protection over the lamp next to the bed, ripping it open with his teeth and sliding it in with ease over his length. was that condom there in the first place? you didn’t know. he stroked himself a few times, gliding the tip against your swollen cunt. he wasn’t even in, yet your were trembling as you nodded.
“then, take a deep breath.”
you didn’t take note that what he said was actually warning.
no words were left to escape past your lips, replacing with a high pitched gasp as he gently inches into your cavern. fuck, he was big, it stings bad. he was absolutely right when he said to take a deep breath, the thickness of his shaft was killing you. your back arched up, already ripping off the sheets from his bed as blade’s head rested on your shoulder, surprised by your tightness. it was sucking in, getting to know each one’s heat as the two of you laid there for a while to adjust to his size.
“ fuck, just as i expected..”
“ ‘s so much…so full..”
you were basically almost sobbing at his length throbbing inside of you, making you wiggle your hips and push more down. shit, shit, shit, this felt good…you were seeing fucking stars, you were clawing down on the sheets, panting with that sinful voice of yours. blade notices this eagerness from you, and to him that was a sign for him to start moving.
with a slow pace, he looks down over at your figure, toying around with your tits as he begins to snap his hips to yours. the bed too began to creak, small squeaking sounds of his bed as blade slowly fell into the pleasure of your pussy clamping down on him. this seraphic occurrence you both were in, lost in each other’s touch and desire were like the world was nothing. tainted sounds of moaning and soft grunts and groans filled the room like an opera. your vision was clouded with passion, his face grinning down over your body like you were a goddess.
slowly and slowly, he starts to move his hips a little more faster, forcing you to follow through his rhythm, making sure your cunny can take in as much as it can. this was the moment, blade found your g-spot like a fucking bloodhound. the male smirks, now snapping his hips forward faster. that same sensitive area brought you to tears, going louder as both of your hands clawed down on his back, leaving visible marks as a reminder how he was hitting the good spots. the bed was hitting the wall behind you so hard, you thought it was about to break.
“ah! r-ren..!”
“don’t worry, i—fuck…i got you…”
it was filthy, the way he pushes his tongue down your lips to muffle your cute moans as he pounds his hips into you. he was in so deep…the tip was practically hitting on your cervix repeatedly like a cycle. it was like this man wasn’t almost injured at all. you couldn’t think of anything else..nothing else but the shape he’s leaving in your insides with just his dick was going to corrupt your head. you forgot what you came here for, fuck the mission.
“you’re so beautiful, dearest..crying my name like that..does it feel good?”
you nodded your head, tugging on his hair as he chuckles darkly. another knot in your stomach began to build up in no time, legs kicking the air as blade continued to ruthlessly ram himself in your tight pussy with a satisfied grin. you’re sure by the end of the day your legs would be sore, and you have to rest. so much for a first time, blade wasn’t giving you any vanilla in the house. you couldn’t believe you were doing this in exchange for information. he better keep his fucking promise.
he’s fucking into you like beast, lips kissing your breast before he hisses down over your bottom lip, “i’m not gonna fucking last…you’re driving me insane, woman..”
“r-ren please…feels so good…i’m..”
“yeah? me too, don’t worry…wanna see you covered…” he couldn’t finish his sentence as he was cut off with a groan, feeling his rod throbbing hard it was aching for a release. blade laughs. “all covered like a mess…is that ok, dearest? would you let your husband do that?” he questions so innocently like he wasn’t fucking you hard you’re seeing white. not thinking straight, you nodded like a helpless maiden, hands wrapped around his neck as you moaned, small drool spilling past your lips. “y-yes..please…”
“oh fuck..”
blade feels your release spill in the condom, hearing you mewl so loud in ecstasy it covers his own moans and grunts. oh god, your voice..it was so naughty, he couldn’t help it. he wasn’t showing any mercy to your pussy after that as blade now abused your poor cunt by going even more faster, not giving you time to recover from your precious orgasm. he groans next to your ear, saying your name before he bit on your earlobe. you squealed, the bed almost moving in a different direction. it took a while before the male pulls out, removes the rubber and spilled all over your stomach, some of the fluid landing on your face. it was a little upsetting how he didn’t get to cum inside of you, yet he’ll save that for future sessions..
the two of you lied there, panting heavily like you both just the ran a marathon. his head rested down on your shoulder, giving small kisses over your collarbone as you catch your breath. it feels icky, the cum on your stomach that he made…he came quite a lot.
“how’s that for a first time…?”
you opened your eyes to see blade gazing so lovingly at you like a prince. pouting, you pinched his arm, making him flinch. “you spilled all over me…”
“i asked if i can, you said i could.”
“i-i wasn’t listening properly..!”
“were you that into it?”
your face turns crimson, turning your head away. for a few moments, blade moves closer before giving you a short kiss on the lips, before he pulls away and removes the saliva off your chin with his thumb. you’re adorable, he knows you’re adorable..
“now then, what is it you’d like to know about me?”
oh..right. the exchange he made.
“huh? oh..! u-uhm..”
“did i fucked your brains out so hard you can’t remember?”
you had to hide your face with your palms because of how vulgar he said those words with a devilish grin. now you know why your boss wanted to know about this man.
he was indeed very mysterious. and charming perhaps.
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