#wehhh it hurt...
birdmenmanga · 6 months
guy with a pussy so tight they can't fit an IUD in there (me)
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porschesbabydaddy · 3 months
How I’m feeling abt Phee rn:
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grabbing the ichi plush by the neck and death gripping it like 'good things are to come its all going to be ok good things are to come' like its a lucky amulet
#snap chats#i didnt even pre order the ichi plush but spiritually i did. good luck charm.#anyway rant time look away from here. Im At My Limit <- i say this every week#I DONT EVEN KNOW WHATS WRONG <- lying. my moms home#i just feel terrible again. i feel so awful i gave myself a headache from being upset#do you know how upset you have to be to give yourself a headache just sitting and thinking#that happened when i was taking a spanish test once but i think i was just so stupid my brain actually started to hurt trying to think#i also remember being sad as hell that day tho so....... maybe it was both#everyday it feels like im sad thats so fucked up and theres nothing i can do about it#ALSO IT'S RAINING AGAIN rain never promises anything good unless you're a plant#im working but i should have this done in. idk a few hours#and then its the weekend right.... there's no limitations for sadness though brother doesn't run on a schedule#unless we're talking about seasonal depression but we know what i mean#ew im supposed to go to that con tomorrow i dont even know if i want to go anymore#i just don't want to do anything anymore ig is the vibe#idk i have a journal to whine bout all this in ╮(╯-╰)╭ squeezing ichi plush is a mood tho so im still posting#maybe if i play a lil y7 ill remember theres good things to wake up for..#also i gave myself another headache OWOWOWOW STOP when will it end#wait let me be sad again because my dad said we'd hang out today or tomorrow#but i just know that's not happening and now im even more sad WEHHH no one loves me etc etc die#sometimes you just need a melodramatic teenager moment i think we're all due that right like once a month#ok i have to stop my head really hurts ☠️☠️☠️
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pinkfishpond · 4 months
i kinda sortsa stubbed my toe :[[[[
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diabeticgirl4 · 11 months
Ohhhh I finally got to nimona's backstory and I'm cryin yall :')
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asbestieos · 2 years
my gf and i both fell asleep watcching a music theory video together i lovr gay psopje
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navidols · 5 days
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more old yuri shit…. mostly from yurilandia wehhh my head hurts so much what the hell
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antiendovents · 23 days
tw: suicide mention as well and kind of mean/rude/angry wording (but not at the anon im replying to with)
but. response to anti-endo-safe-space anon. i don't think, empathy or not, anyone should expect you to give 2 shits that some stranger asshole you don't know was like "WEHHH WEHHHH MY FRIEND TRIED TO KYS BECAUSE OF YOU ANTI-ENDOS. DON'T YOU FEEL BAD?!?!?!?!?!?!?"
it's just guilt tripping at it's finest and it's not your fuckin problem that they tried offing themselves because you and many others happen to be. literally right about something.
if you say the sky is blue and someone gets upset and tries to hurt themselves because they think the sky is purple, is it your problem. no. it is not. because you're right and that was their decision, nobody pushed them to do that, respectfully.
-⚠️/steven of the group call (sys)
nod, nod. It's not your problem
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belphieslilcow · 6 months
Belphie noticing how you're wincing every time you move your arm. The way a pained hiss escapes you and your expression pinches together.
"..hey", he tries to get your attention, "Come over here for a second."
Though a bit confused, you do as he says and sit down on the edge of the bed Belphie had been lounging on until just now. He had sat up and scooted over to you. Gentle hands touch your arm and shoulder as he quietly asks where you're hurt.
"I think I pinched my nerve", you say, "Somewhere here on my shoulder."
You point to the area that hurts the most and Belphie hums to signal his understanding. Curious as to what he was planning on doing, you watch as your demon softly kisses your shoulder, his hands running over the area and along the path of your nerve in hopes it may soothe you a bit.
It's strangely warm and you feel yourself relaxing despite the fear of another movement bringing you that stinging pain shooting through your body again. Before you know it, it doesn't hurt anymore. You're able to freely move around again and after trying this and that to check if it's really true, you turn towards Belphie to thank him.
It's still a bit sore but his hand stays there to soothe it while you give him butterfly kisses all over his face.
WEHHH SOB SOB TY OUJI ;; ohh to have a cute sloth demon relieve my pain...
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burstfoot · 8 months
Fandom: Arknights Number: 9 ("Which characters I think should have interacted more in canon")
Ship: Ptilopsis/Silence Number: 12 ("About three of the scenes that make me have feelings and (if available) find the gifs (well screenshots here lol) that underline my point.")
Character: Dorothy Number: 10 ("If I liked them immediately or if it took a while before I warmed up to their character. Alternatively, if I disliked them immediately or if they lost my trust as their story progressed.")
Thank you for the ask!!! And also thank you for including the questions with the numbers LOL I immediately forgot every single question as soon as i looked away from the ask game post Fandom: 9. Okay well first off I would be doing a disservice if I didn't mention Fiammetta and Exusiai who have tiptoed around interacting for 4 years despite being in an event together and being both directly tied to Lemuen and Mostima, their dynamic could be REALLY interesting and I would love to see them both talk about how Laterano treated them. Why is Exu in Fia's skin btw. Who at HG put that apple pie there. Adding this on to the end because I dont want this question to be the Fiammetta show but she also should've interacted more with Mostima in Guide Ahead, their dynamic is the most interesting part of that event to me & I feel like it gets suprisingly little screen time compared to the angel boys I need Mayer to show up in the Rhine plotline to interact with Silence again and maybe Ifrit or Ptilopsis, I loved her interactions with Silence in Mansfield and it feels like she's sort of fallen to the wayside with all the new plot points and characters. As a whole a Mansfield follow up for the non Rhine Family characters would be greatly appreciated, I wanna see Robin and Kafka interact more too I also want Aosta, Broca and Chiave to interact with Vigil or Penance in whatever follows up on Siracusano, I really need to see the dynamic between those three goofballs that got kicked out of Siracusa and daddy's boy Leon and law-obsessed Lavinia And for one final crackship mention I think Honeyberry and Cantabile should get some screentime together.... I think Honeyberry helping Cantabile get over her trauma response to the metal crabs and All That which happens in her backstory would be really cute... Ship: 12: Well I would be remiss not to mention THE cutest moment in the manwha that everyone's seen
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But also the moment of the two of them holding hands after the RL staff start insulting Joyce and Olivia for being infected & Saria steps in to defendd them
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All of the moments of them being physically affectionate in the manwha are really precious to me and its really sad that we don't see either of them be that affectionate in the present timeline chapters... the Crisis really hurt them... Even before the Manwha I really like their interactions in Silence's operator record where we see how she met and started taking care of Joyce when she joined RL, this moment in particular
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Also this section from DV literally makes me cry every single time I read it wehhh ;-;
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Character: 10 I think I already had a predisposition to liking Dorothy because I started playing when Dorothy's Vision was in event limbo and everyone was posting about waiting for her and making jokes about her being CN-exclusive , so I was really excited for her event and saved to pull for her (I still don't have her D:) As I was going through DV though and the truth about her experiments was slowly revealed I started to lose trust in her and definetely started to dislike her for her actions a little bit but by the time it's revealed what her motivations are and her backstory of being from a pioneer family it really didn't take me that long to forgive her and go right back to loving her again (Her design is also really great thank you jackknife <3)
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hoperoiselover · 1 year
OKAY- I HAVE THE AUS I KNOW OF (AND REMEMBER I'M SORRY TO THOSE I FORGOT) IF YOU GUYS KNOW ANY OTHER AUS THAT YOU THINK I SHOULD READ/LOOK AT, PLEASE LET ME KNOW I LOVE READING AUS SM <3333 Morningstar!au (THIS AU HURTS ME IN SO MANY WAYS I LOVE IT AAGAGAGAG) @tdmybeloved on twitter Plush Star Fever/Plushdela (WEHHH, THEO AND WILLOW *SOBS*) @Kinqarou on twitter </3 Desert!au (PLS I’LL READ MADELINE PHANTASMS SOON- I’M SORRY-) @pomagrante on twitter(idk if they still post things or even have a twitter-) SCP!au (cesar </3) @tdmybeloved on twitter Dropdela (WEHHHH THEY’RE A FAMILY *AGGRESSIVE SOBBING*) @tubbee372 on tumblr and twitter <3 Lalondela!au (DRUNK CESAR IS EVERYTHING TO ME <333) @coatIsaviator on twitter Seldom Sorrow!au (AVERY SOB WHAT’S WRONG BBG??? WHO HURT YOU?!!??!) @ninexfohv on twitter Hail True Body!au (I LOVE THE WRITING OF THIS AU SM (hasn’t finished reading the au yet-)) @mustangsart on twitter and tumblr Bloomdela!au (I’M IN LOVE WITH ADAM’S EXPRESSIONS AGAGAGAG, AND CESAR IS SO PRETTY WHAT????) @voidthesquished on twitter Cloud Jumpers!au (AHAGAHGHJAGDAHGDAJHGDJDGAJ(in love with everything)) @reviked on twitter Mandela Survivors!au (I WISH I COULD READ THE ORIGINAL POST WAHHHHHH) IDK WHO WROTE IT/MADE IT I'M SORRY PLS LET ME KNOW WHO ZACatalogue!au (MORE PLS PLS PLS WEHHH) @imheerenqueer on twitter Mary’s Dollhouse/Mandoll!au (OKAY BUT WHEN IT WAS TIED WITH TMC I WAS IN LOVE WITH RAGDOLL CESAR <333333 THE DESIGNS ARE EVERYTHING TO ME) @Bunveve on twitter YipdelaCatalogue (I FUCKING LOVE THEM YIPPEE!!!!1) @Boozecharmer on twitter Blooddrop!au (WHERE IS MY BBG EVELIN!?!? ALSO MARK <333) @intruderalt on twitter Minidela!au (MINI. <3333333) @Little_Lunari on twitter Alt.Mark!au (AGAGAGGAGA I LOVE THIS SM IT’S LIKE A SWAP AU BUT BETTER-) @UVPartyBomb on twitter and tumblr Mandela Prophet!au (I LOVE SM RAHHHH) @shmorp-mcdurgen on tumblr and twitter Tethered!au (*LOUD SOBBING*) @parctopia on tumblr KiddelaCatalogue (FERAL THOUGHTS.) my au </3 @hoperoiselover on tumblr </3 but ya'll already know that </3
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nblemons · 3 months
wehhh sob sob why am i tired and my throat hurts <- guy who was scream singing and dancing and jumping at a mika concert just yesterday night
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yu-tap · 11 months
if i were to go back and read all my posts/tags pertaining to blood and guts the most used word would be wahhh or wehhh which i did not expect after an event called blood and guts but the bcc are so family it hurts
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alteredsilicone · 5 months
the whole warframe 1999 shebang is supposedly going to fuel the story for the next 5 years but i already have an overly emotional and cringy ending for Viri's story in regards to MITW
under cut for anyone interested
Operator Virgo is the missing half of Wally and Drifter Virgo offers her soul (and her two fingers as a symbolic gesture), in return she gets to return to our timeline with Albrecht
Albrecht was literally collateral, Wally wanted to kill him initially because he was scorned as Albrecht planted fear in his heart but Viri came and said "no, you can kill me instead, I made a deal, I promise Albrecht will not try to destroy you anymore" and Wally was all WEHHH WHY ARE YOU NICE I HATE I HATE I HATE BUT WHY CAN'T I LIFT MY FINGER TO HURT YOU
so Viri releases the soul of the operator to reunite with Wally and also her family in the afterlife
she exits the Torment Nexus (whatever Void pocket Wally is spinning timelines in)
but she also loses her Tenno powers. She is just a normal person now. Also missing two fingers. That's it. She can pack it up and go home. No Warframes, no Void fury, no nothing.
Anyways, this is just me loving bittersweet endings and for now let's not consider this canon in the Viriverse LMAO
cuz if I'm perfectly honest I really want to know what the "deal" is to figure out what's going on and how I can spin my own story from it
Since Artemis promised something to Wally but it involved Virgo but the Operator not the Drifter and then the Operator got cut out of the strands of Khra so Wally is pissed that she escaped the deal so now Drifter has to fix it all up
oh and also Voland knows like most of it. He is basically my proto-Albrecht in that he literally has future vision/Eternalism vision or wtv and predicted a lot of things. Or... more like he knows things will happen but he literally cannot do anything about it because everything is "prewritten" to certain strands and he has to depend on Virgo to transcend those strands
this became something completely different the most i was writing huh
sorry if you actually read this far
have a duck 🦆
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thelilfae · 1 year
i want to draw more gt but my motivation is 0 and my hands have been hurting alot as well as back pain wehhh ;;
i hope i can make som art soon- i really want to make art of my ocs and other peoples ocs interacting!! its not something i do alot but it sounds fun! 🥺🤍
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hungrytundras · 1 year
I've also greatly undersold how much of a pathetic little raisin of a man Koremkan is.
Wehhh everyone thinks I'm crazy because I think this little girl is God Incarnate
Wehhh everyone is so mean to us I will teach the god child hatred
Wehhh why is my divine obsession suddenly growing up to be a murderous asshole
I think I'm the good guy here
I'm afraid now
help me kill her
please don't hurt me
Foolish little thing...
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