#we're filled with existential fear
notsosaucystuff · 2 months
Some important phannie vocabulary and phrases (in alphabetical order):
Delia Smith
Uma Thurman
All or nothing
Art is important
Breaking the sound barrier
Companions through life
Dip and Pip
Don't cry, craft
Do you know what a genre is?
Editing tips
"Embrace the void and have the courage to exist"
Forever home/Phorever home
Girl in Prague
Heart eyes Howell
Hello, my name is {Dan}
Help me Dad
Hey buddy
Hobbit hair
It hits different
Love eyes Lester
Lying makes you go to hell
Passenger Princess
Phil trash #1
Reasons why Dan's a fail (yay)
Right in the Florida
Soft and neat
Something something night changes
Square hair
The builders
"This guy"
"This is the most fun I've ever had"
Try new things
Twink Death
Twunk Birth
We're here, we're queer, and we're filled with existential fear
"What can I say?"
You in London?
Get the *insert noun* out for the lads
"Here's the thing about *insert noun*"
I'm at the cluuuuub, I need *insert noun*, but in a sexy way
Ph-*insert almost anything*
The *insert noun* fic
*Insert literally anything*-ussy*
You will get through this *insert noun*
Please leave additional words and/or phrases in the tags and I will have them to the list! <3
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patricia-taxxon · 4 months
synopsizing the movie that plays in my head every time i listen to nascent by alexander panos
this probably isn't as interesting to read as it is for me to imagine in my own head, but i wanted to write it down. maybe u will have fun imagining it too
1. Q Windswept
This is the intro to the album, you pretty much get every flavor of sound that the album has to offer in one short burst. This is the title sequence & opening credits, where all the nonexistent animators & vfx artists would go. I imagine big bunches of text popping into existence with each impact.
2. Cycles
This track is in a weird spot, it's the longest one & it was made much earlier. It sounds like it's in a different world, so I treat it as an establishing montage of the human world. We're introduced to the protagonist, who I'll call Alex for convenience but doesn't necessarily represent the real life producer behind the music, represented by a live action human actor for the time being. The track feels like writer's block, frustration, pounding on a desk, (the domp domp bit) pacing around the room, moments of existential fear in between the doldrums of solitude, the wubs and crashes are a transformation that is barely being held back. Twilight depression montage.
3. Sutter
Sutter begins the purely synthetic "internal" portion of the record. We enter a liminal/metaphorical space. Alex spasms and transforms into a 2D animated dog furry while floating far above a green field with too much synthetic blue in its hue. Huge wide shots of Alex's body flying backwards with the artificial landscape in the background, hitting with those massive manipulated vocal hits. The track ends with him slowing and coming to a gentle rest on the grass.
4. 36523_red/blue
Alex opens his eyes, sees only the pure "blue screen of death" shade of blue in the sky. Abstract glitches and squiggles zap across the screen in time with the music. Alex is beginning to ruminate, represented by him drawing patterns with his paws in the sky as the track begins to pick up a consistent tempo. The glitches and patterns are played with his fingers, building in intensity until the climax shows a vast mirror that fills the entire sky approaching rapidly, and then slowing, the dog boy in the reflection growing until it comes face to face with the viewer, and then a cut to black.
5. reasonsnotto
Lights are out, audio-reactive abstract animations shudder into being with the synthetic voice, warping and pulsing with the track's modulations. In the moments when Alex's real voice pokes through the synthetic mush, his dog form coalesces, still blurry and struggling to become fully contiguous until the very end, where Alex sings the album's thesis directly to the camera, against a pure black background.
6. Dream Extinction
He breaks the mirror here, the impacts are his fists striking the surface and releasing burning waves of fire and electricity. At the end, the part with the consistent bursts, he begins clawing at his reflection, screaming, seizure inducing flashing lights imply that this hurts him too. As the track calms down, the mirror disintegrates.
7. Equinox (Prelude)
This track begins the portion of the album that is trying to claw itself back into reality. He's not there yet, beyond the mirror Alex finds another liminal space, a primordial river, and as the track builds, more concrete images begin to flash into existence before crumbling again. He can't get out, he doesn't want to get out. He shields his eyes, cut to black.
8. Equinox
This is the bit where Alex says a poem to himself and runs back to reality with all his might. Emphasize the "You flake, you human life" line, he says it with gritted canine teeth and his doggy ears lowered, resolved to claw back to his humanity. After that exalted rush of light and color passes, he opens a door, and slams it behind him.
9. catch it
This track is resurfacing, coming back to reality. The synthetic glitches fall back completely, icons of a city street come into existence, populating the white void in time with those guitar chords. Alex isn't visible yet, but the images are revealed to be the view outside his window. The POV shot looks down, and he sees his human hands again.
10. re:Turning
Ok, this part is so cliched & shmaltzy that it makes me embarrassed to write it out, but there's only one conclusion this story can have. The glitches re-emerge, the synthetic elements that were previously contained come back again. It's his fur. The dog re-emerges, Alex transforms again like a magical girl before opening his front door & singing the final hook, walking through a live action environment with shapes and colors from his liminal space following him. The paradox is resolved. He is multitude.
thanks for reading.
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Favourite Dan and Phil quotes for Dan and Phil Appreciation Week <3
"And for the first time since I was a tiny child, I felt safe."
of course the iconic: "We're here, we're queer, and don't worry, we're still filled with existential fear" (and the variation thereupon "we're here, we're queer... and the rest of it")
"are you just chewing ice while looking at me??" "leave me alone?? I'm just vibing"
anything from cah (phan and regular editions) and incohearent
The whole "Are we gay?? Did we f*ck???" monologue
and many more!
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carryonmyineffableson · 10 months
I don't think there's a show that's said "We're Here, We're Queer, We're Filled with Existential Fear" as well as Good Omens 2 has, tbh.
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iel-ciel · 4 months
We're here,
We're queer,
We're filled with existential fear.
I'm in such a rush with getting the GaOP and wanting to change my name, because I'm afraid the few rights trans people have, will be taken away.
I live in the fear that my application for the GaOP will be rejected, because I once had a diverse gender marker on my health insurance card.
I will not be overcome by this fear. But damn it's hard to overcome it.
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beevean · 10 months
"So Maria Renard is a young and feisty vampire hunter who can communicate with animals and have them help her fight evil! She's really esager to prove her worth! In SOTN she's a young adult who's matured a lot yet she still remains cheerful and optimistic, unwilling to give up on Richter's soul!"
NFCV: ...so she's a strong leader for the French Revolution, got it. It's girl boss time!
Oh you want me to talk about the new preview of Nocturne?
Because boy do I have. Words about it! :D
First of all, the obvious: where is RoB's story? Where is Dracula kidnapping young maidens? What is Erzsebet Báthory doing here, she's the one who in the games causes WWI! Are they going to explain how Dracula has a niece, or is it just a name for the sake of a name?
But yeah, this has nothing to do with either RoB or SoTN. This is just... political commentary for the sake of political commentary. Because we all loved the insistent "CHURCH BAD" from NFCV, right? Seems like kicking out Ellis changed jack shit :D
"the atmospheric backdrop of the French Revolution" ah yes, bloodshed and guillotines, so mystique~
"Richter, the tough young hero who’s continuing the family tradition of vampire hunting" what tradition? Trevor barely killed a vampire in the original show :'D
"Maria, a natural leader who’s fighting inequality in her country, and also a magic user battling the vampire elite" bro. bro she's 12. Why do I fear that she's going to become an expy of Diane from Bojack.
"Annette, who used her power and wits to escape vampire-enforced enslavement in the Caribbean, and now wields magic to stop the impending apocalyptic threat" ohhhhh boy. So first of all, yes, this confirms that the black girl seen in the leaks is indeed Annette. Seems we have another Isaac case on our hands! Now they're free to write her as shittily as they want her to, and fans will immediately jump to accuse you of being anti-blackwashing :'D
Aso, what's with black characters and being former slaves? (or non-white characters in general, if we count the Japanese not-twins) You really can't think of anything else for a black character? They have to be slaves. Okay.
But that's not the issue. The issue is that they gave her magic powers too. Why? Maria already fills that role. Is she going to be Sypha 2.0? Are we already girlbossifying all the women? Why can't she be a normal yet brave woman?
Edouard and Tera prove that we're going to get plenty of OCs from the start.
"Olrox, who killed Richter’s mother years ago and now must decide whether he can stomach teaming up with his sworn enemy in order to stop vampiric world domination" what the fuck. what is this.
"Erzsebet Báthory, aka the one foretold. She’s the queen of vampires, and, if all goes as planned, of the entire world." carmilla. she's carmilla. i swear if a single radfem speech comes out of her mouth...
"In the thick of the French Revolution, members of the so-called lower classes are rising up to fight inequality: “It’s the natural order for them to milk us dry with impossible rents and unpayable taxes,” Maria (Davies), a young leader, laments." yep! So faithful to the spirit of Castlevania! I love that part in RoB where you have to fight Louis XVI <3
"Richter joins forces with Maria and an unlikely crew of characters whose toughened exteriors bely their various tragic backstories." hopefully they'll be treated with more respect than Trevor's :)
"Their last-ditch battle to save humanity becomes fraught with existential questions as each vampire hunter is forced to confront their own troubled (and deeply human) traumatic past." not to be all "play the games", but Richter feeling crushed by his family legacy is way more gripping than a generic "mom died :(". We gonna mention that, Nocturne? Surely, Richter's appeal as a character is why you immediately jumped to RoB/SoTN, right?
"Is Castlevania: Nocturne based on a video game?
Yes, and then some"
Tumblr media
anyway this already sounds absolutely awful, it has nothing to do with the games, it's going to be so pretentious, maria you deserved better my girl.
Oh, as a bonus...
"As the peasant class rises up against the aristocracy, an even darker threat emerges: a cabal of powerful vampires intent on taking over the world and blotting out the sun forever."
"vampire-enforced enslavement"
So, a vampire cabal is behind a slave trade...
This is what happens when NFCV is falsely accused of being woke without anyone pointing out how deeply offensive it actually is.
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centi-pedve · 9 months
we don't know much about cosmic horror but we think if we were a cosmic horror protag we'd be alright. we have never felt existential because we don't give a shit about space. oh we so small and inconsequential? who care we're drawing our little comic. fear of the unknown and incomprehensible? arent so many things unknown and incomprehensible... lowes is some incomprehensible lovecraft monster to us, it is 1.) big, 2.) filled with things we dont understand, 3.) whenever we walk in everything blends together and becomes this weird blurry blob of things and we cant focus in on a single one to comprehend what it is. but we aight. we could continue to be aight.
we are more susceptible to bouts of madness than the average person and while that may seem like a weakness we think that is a strength because if we saw Cthulhu it'd be another tuesday for us. we could use grounding techniques.
however if we were put in a slasher we wouldnt stand a chance. guy with a knife is much scarier and more dangerous than the truths of the universe
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WTNV Quick rundown - 37 - The Auction
Hello and welcome back~ This episode was co-written by David Gold, so once again take whatever you will as canon or not. This also seems to be set pre-the debate live show so I guess I timed that rundown wrong. Oops.
Velvet darkness. Silken light. The rough burlap of evening. The frayed cotton of daybreak. Welcome to Night Vale.
Cecil has escaped punishment for the last episode, for now, under the assurance that Everything is Fine. He is however, auctioned off as 'Lot 37' as part of an auction to raise money for the SSP to buy themselves party items. The auction usually contains auctions of contraband and seized property which makes one wonder why Cecil has been included.
Cecil is unable to find out what himself being listed as a lot means, so attempts to go to the auction and win himself, but ends up not doing so and does not see who buys Lot 37.
Other lots include: Lot 1 - An All Clad dinnerware set, Lot 2 - a glowing coin with the image of a grim, horned god on the obverse and a half-collapsed panopticon on the reverse. It's been graded MS-45 by the SSP Coin Grading Service, Lot 3 - a silver candelabra that once floated across a series of dining-rooms-turned-abattoirs to better illuminate the flying daggers that accompanied it which is Lot 4, Lot 17 - a near-mint copy of Uncanny X-Men number 3 1964, Lot 28 - a gently used 5 cup coffee maker and a lot whose number isn't stated which is bought by Michelle Nyugen of Dark Owl Records and contains Elvis Presley's .45 calibre revolvers.
There are also carpets and mid-century modern furniture.
Weather: "Absentee" by Jack Campbell jackcampbell.bandcamp.com
There's apparently a 'Blob' who lives in the housing development behind the NV elementary school.
'On the lighter side of the news, today an invincible, all-powerful alien presence with telepathic powers came to Night Vale to enslave us all. It planned to bend every sentient being to its will, ending violence and conflict by subjugating all of us to its omniscient telekinetic powers. Hilariously, this all-powerful but bumbling alien presence didn’t know we were already subjugated to the omniscient force that's been controlling our thoughts for years. We're guaranteed to continue our violent and irrational ways, so in your face, inept newcomer presence.'
Cecil casually tells toddlers of NV to learn to be chimney sweeps for Marcus Vanston's many, many chimneys. He also tells us here that Marcus plans to run for mayor (which he does like a rich asshole, as usual). The other candidates are all upping their game, including leaflets from the FOW with the slogan “You are fragile and blind and wanting and stepping alone into the great darkness of the future.” It also has her five point policy platform, which is mostly interesting facts she has learned about bees. Hiram has taken to standing on street corners and having all his heads say what they want, even though all of them only agree on youth sports and the 'Time of the Lizard' soon approaching.
Cecil also encourages us to go into fairy rings. It's fine.
The Children's Fun Fact Science corner is filled with existential dread and fear of death.
Cecil also tells us that our attachment to objects is basically our attempt to deal with a world where friends, pets, family etc will all one day leave us so we go through life clutching objects for comfort because they can't leave. Wow.
And so, dear listeners, and whatever unknown person or entity that is now the owner of Lot 37: I bid you a farewell, the fondness of which is determined by your place relative to mine in my heart. Stay tuned next for our popular home medical program Yes That's Probably Cancer. Good night, Night Vale. Good night.
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patheticwithanem · 2 years
I've been thinking about us lately. Maybe incessantly so? I don't know if it's a good thing or not, but it's getting kind of annoying if I'm being completely honest. We've been doing this for quite a while now: 10 MONTHS. Time flies when you're having fun, right?
Until you're not.
I'm not used to online dating, but October of last year I decided I'm going to put myself out there hoping I can find some connection that'll stick. That's huge, coming from me. I guess it was my existential crisis talking too; I wanted something of my own as my 30s "creep in". I know age is just a number but there's something about this dawn of a new era that just... sucked. The months leading up to it were filled with anxieties and fears and on top of that, a lot of reflection. Icing to the cake.
We met on December 30. It was our mutual love of Survivor that got me really interested. Your first message from a few weeks back was aggressive but unapologetically yourself. You didn't care if I shared the same opinion as yours. You just wanted to talk. I liked that. You were very engaging and a great conversationalist: exactly the type of person I was looking for.
Cutting to the chase, I'm not writing to tell you the story of how I fell in love with you. This is not about ruminating all the milestones we had the past couple of months. This is about telling you what I feel at this moment. RIGHT. NOW. It's just something I have to do before I drown in despair. I'm tired of holding back.
Oh, yeah. I love you.
As cliché as it sounds, I've never felt this with anyone, ever. I had relationships before but I don't know if I truly loved them. I can admit that. I appreciated them and I wanted them in my life at the time, but it never FELT LIKE THIS. Watching movies and TV when I was younger, I remember telling myself that love is overrated. Like how can something be so overwhelming it makes you do crazy shit? And this is coming from a proud hopeless romantic; how can something so plain and simple be so much more complicated when emotions get in the way? I'm not saying I will do some crazy shit - I mean, we'll see what the future holds (LOL), but as a full-pledged adult, I come to realize that love holds so much power. It really conquers all: fear, pain, hatred (well not poverty or corruption or toothache, but you get the drift). I guess you never truly "comprehend" it until you "live" it.
But I don't know if I can do this whole thing anymore. I'm a Yes guy, and that usually means I make the most compromises. With us, I feel like I do albeit a little too much. I find myself challenging my value system time and time when I'm faced to make decisions about us. How far am I willing to go? How much energy compromising am I willing to exhaust? And I don't think I'm exaggerating: I cater to your idea of a perfect "companion" ALL THE FREAKING TIME. That's another thing: I don't think you necessarily want what I want because it almost feels like you just need someone there with you, doing things with you. I usually am disappearing in the abyss of my own emotional and mental baggage, but to my surprise, in terms of "whatever I think this is", I know what I want. This is just not it.
I want to feel wanted. I want someone to look me in the eye and tell me that they love me for me. They love me for everything that I represent and everything that I stand up for. They love me for my quirks and in spite of my quirks. They love me for the things I hate most about myself. I want to feel wanted FOR ME. And I wish you can want me enough you feel the need to "lock this in", because you can't see a life without me, and you can't bear the thought of me sharing this connection with someone else. I have been waiting for you to feel that need to commit to me. I still haven't gotten that from you, and as we go along, I wonder if we're ever going to get to that point. It saddens me that I don't think we will. Do you really like me or do you just like the idea of me? Or maybe you just want my company? I maybe overthinking it, but how would I know if you don't give me anything?
You might want to ask: why am I expecting you to make that move? Why is it your call? To be fair, you made it very clear that you are not an emotional person. You never really experience high highs and low lows; you're perfectly fine with living in the calm. That's always been your narrative. I totally respect that, but here's the thing: I'm a sensitive guy. I'm in touch with my emotions almost all the time, and I learned through the years to let my walls down and allow myself to be vulnerable especially with the people I hold close to my heart. I get that you're a completely different person, but can you at least give me something to work on? I keep waiting for you to bring down your walls and really talk to me; but it's almost a year and you still haven't given me ANYTHING. I refuse to believe you're just dead on the inside because I see you. I know you have it in you. I see glimpses of what you can show if you just strip that off and learn to let go. I remember you hesitantly telling me you "like me" a couple of weeks ago and I laughed at you saying "of course". I'm sorry if that felt I dismissed what you were feeling because that wasn't my intention at all. My point is: we have been talking daily and spending time with each other for roughly 42 weeks. That's a huge amount of time. We should be past the point of just "liking each other".
Which brings me to this: when are you going to be emotionally available? How long are you asking me to wait? I know I want someone who can talk about their emotions. Talk about stuff you value the most! I keep giving you opportunities to do that but you never budge. It saddens me that besides the fact that you're a huge cinephile and you love French fries, I really don't know anything about you. You never really talk about your family even when I open that conversation. You never really talk about your childhood, your dreams and aspirations, your life. You give me crumbs and I give you all the fixins. How is that fair? Just so we're clear, I love the fact that you can be sweet if you want and you clearly love spending quality time with me. I love that. But can't you see it's not enough? I want to feel connected with you. I want the meat, not the garnish.
But self-awareness isn't your greatest suit either. You can be terribly insensitive sometimes. I allow you to be unapologetically yourself almost to the expense of me staying true to who I am. I can't be emotional. I can't be sexual. We're lucky we like a lot of things in common but you steer the wheel way too much. Most of the things we do still center around your interests; not much compromise there if you ask me. What about the other things that I want? When are you going to allow me to be in control even just a tiny bit? We had our first (and maybe technically our only) misunderstanding in March and truly, that was about your obsession about controlling everything. During our last vacation together, I remember you being all too difficult about the tours and the food and the itineraries. You do know I work for the services industry, right? Have you ever considered that that might be a reason why I don't want to bargain too much? And then there's this instance when you were deciding on posting content for social media and you made this remark about wanting to make it "bait-y"... You do realize you're telling that to me, right? Why are you implying you want to "bait" someone? I totally get it though. I would do that. I just don't think it's something I'll verbalize to my "companion" out of respect. And I know you still flirt with other people. I will own up to my complete breach of your privacy when I decided to snoop on your messages when you left your accounts on my computer, fine. But that just validated my suspicions: you were still going on dates April or May and you were still actively making suggestive advances (some were sexual) with the people you have dated. And the detective in me knows you were still accessing your dating apps in the office and at home six months in while we're dating. While it's fair that I had my share of side dates as well, I made a statement and deleted those applications. I made it known I don't need them anymore because I have you. How can I be so sure you did the same? Sure, I never asked for anything and I may be overreacting. I do acknowledge that. But I don't think I'm being unreasonable, right? Regardless, how do I remove that bitter taste in my mouth?
And the sex. THE SEX. You were very transparent from the get-go about having certain limits in the bedroom, I'll give you that. And you don't have the same insatiable sexual appetite as mine and I can't entirely fault you for that. But then when we talk about compromises, I expect you to try and do the same for me. I'm not asking for too much, but we already have our sexual incompatibility working against us. Can you just maybe try a little harder? I'm not pushing you to go beyond your boundaries. I respect them and I came to terms with having to work around it. But can you maybe put a little more effort in being more intimate with me? Maybe try to actively find ways how we can explore our sexualities together without having to rely on things you're not comfortable with and things you don't want to do? Can you stop being lazy about it and stop subconsciously implying that it's not as important in a genuine relationship? Because it is! For the longest time, I reigned it in. I knew the risk that I'm not always going to be satisfied sexually, but I took that risk because I want you. But please, I hope you see how much I have been trying. I wanted genuine connection to be the backbone of whatever we have. I'm intentionally suppressing my libido (for the lack of a better word) for you because I don't want to demand something you don't want to provide. I want to be doing it with you SO BAD but I don't want us to be a safe place for you. I don't ever want to make you feel uncomfortable. So please, since this is much more of a compromise for me than it is for you, can you just try harder?
I have been talking in circles but I'm glad I get to write about it now. I keep convincing myself that I'll just give it a year and if shit doesn't break the fan and nothing really happens, I might just have to let you go. But I don't want to; I love you. I love your smile and your passion for the things you love the most; your eloquence, and the way you say good morning, and the fact that I can talk with you for hours, and the way you just allow me to pace myself so I don't feel any sort of unnecessary pressure, and that I don't feel any judgment when I'm around you, and all the little things I have been taking notes since the day I laid eyes on you.
Looking back, these are things I never really expected to come out of my mouth and mean it. So please, don't let me run away. Make me stay.
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Portal as Daniel Howell 'Basically I'm Gay' Quotes
So I found a post from 2019 on my old Amino (Dear Evan Hansen) account that was my official start to making these incorrect quote posts. So I thought I'd recreate the full post here accordingly, depending how many could fit these characters. Behold, my origin story:
Rick: So I got a lot of things out of my system.. I got a lot of things in my system, too, if you know what I mean.
Wheatley: Well, whatever heterosexual is, I AIN'T IT
Pluto: Am I bi or pan or poly? Well now we're just back in a clusterfuck of defining language, and I'm confused and sad and homosexual.
Wheatley: I'm here, I'm queer, and don't worry. I'm still filled with existential fear.
Nathan: I'm sorry that I give off mixed signals. I'm versatile.
Wheatley: This bully, I'm pretty sure he was gay because once he asked me to have a sleepover at his house.
Wheatley: I don't know what the heck gay means, but apparently it means people kick you on the floor, so that ain't good.
Rick: Wow, closeted child turns into homophobic bully. Thanks again, society!
Nathan: At least I wasn't actually this 'gay' thing people kept throwing around, because by now I knew that a gay is a boy who fancies other boys, and to be honest, I don't feel like I've ever fancied anyone before. Then puberty happened. Aw, fuck, I think I'm a bit gay.
Wheatley: You mean after all this time, I actually am the bad thing people keep calling me? Shit.
Nathan: You know, no one ever stood up for me. I don't blame them. I just resent them, even to this day.
Wheatley: Nothing like making a teen feel bad about himself by telling him he gives off a 'bisexual aura'. What am I supposed to do with that??
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saltypiss · 2 months
Republicans (and most dems) really think that your life should be nothing but making toothbrushes or burgers.
Don't take anytime to look at the eclipse, god knows that's not as important or significant as ensuring the next batch of oreos sells.
Nah, all life is about is the human construct of working for someone else to make them rich. Eclipses? Natural anything events? The world? Not as important as the human construct of numbers. A Meteor could be set to destroy the moon and companies would still force you to work. The gift of prophecy has been fulfilled, you were warned.
God knows if people were paid decently the very concept of "lost money" due to an eclipse would be dead in the water, but again, you're not allowed a real life, you're allowed to "work" to ""survive"" and at no point does it become worthwhile or fun or by the end of your life, mean Anything.
Only work. Wake up, commute, work, commute, sleep, wake up, commute, work, commute, sleep.
The rich aren't doing that. We are. To ourselves.
Just saying J6 showed you can actually do real protests towards practically anyone and are guaranteed results so long as you aren't spreading shit on the walls and as braindead as republicans where they were ONE DOOR FROM ELECTED OFFICIALS but got distracted by the black cop. Of course. Recognize this group was advanced stupid and honestly they didn't have any plans or ideas other than to spread chaos.
Imagine...imagine if smart people did that for a better world? Instead of going because of Dump, it was for americans? You and me? What if instead of going in to fuckin kill people, we just put the fear of god in them? What are they gonna do? Send the military? As if. They'll just do a misinformation campaign and send Legal Gangs to people's houses to kidnap them.
And that's why you sit in their offices and courts and force them to listen. When the entire room is filled with those you oppressed, staring back at you from mere inches away, watch as they crumble and work for us.
The rules aren't as real as we think they are, the military wasn't sent. They raided the capitol. The last thing these people want is for us to recognize we're A Lot Stronger than they make us out to be. We're Far More Able than it ever appeared initially.
The human experience everyone. We dedicated ALOT of energy and work to ensure the human experience is actually worthless and the concept of being born more existential than ever before.
700 Billion Dollars lost from AT MOST 15 minutes of people on break looking at the eclipse, hanging out and talking.
Stop. Working. Stop. Purchasing.
One day.
One week at best.
Just call in and make no purchases.
All of the companies will crumble. Watch as wages that deeefinitely could never be raised FLY off the charts just by respecting and caring about yourself in any regard over faceless companies that still haven't paid taxes since god knows when anymore.
But hey sure, this is living. Where your vote meant genocide one way or another. Sure. There's nothing we can collectively do here ya'll. This is life. What God intended was for you to spend your life on his godly construct to focus soley on selling febreze sprays and defending genocides that rich fucks set off. That's what Republicans will say directly, but dems are cowards and try to make it sound like a worthy sacrifice.
You aren't a sacrifice for the corporate lamb. You only are considered such because the government labeled you as such. I've never been both sides because R's are like cancer, it's just gonna be around, but dems specifically keep you placated from ever trying.
They're both against your interests. Just one is exponentially worse for us than the other is for everyone else. That's not a choice. The rich are running for president. We never will, because we're busy working and paying taxes. Something the rich never does.
Again. This is living. According to both sides. But if you ask actual people? This is hell. Biden didn't do shit to save us from Dump, he just got himself a spot he can get paid by Israel for. That's it.
0 notes
mineofilms · 6 months
amplectere palloris
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Fear, in philosophical terms, emerges as a profound exploration of human consciousness and existence. It's a visceral response intertwined with the fundamental questions of life, reflecting our vulnerability in the face of the one thing we are all afraid of. The UNKNOWN… Rooted in existentialism, fear encapsulates the paradox of being alive, a relentless reminder of mortality. As a primal instinct, it taps into the separation of survival and contemplation, shaping our understanding of courage amid frailty. Within the philosophical landscape, fear transcends mere emotion; it becomes a dynamic force influencing our narratives, distorting perceptions of time, and challenging our conceptions of self. It is both an intimate experience and a universal phenomenon, connecting individuals through the shared recognition of life's uncertainties and the constant negotiation between dread and resilience on the philosophical stage of human existence.
—A dream?—
—A False Reality?—
Completely Meaningless and Purposeless…
“The world of reality has its limits; the world of imagination is boundless.” — Jean-Jacques Rousseau
Fear is like a storm of strong feelings, swirling together in our minds—feelings like worry, dread, and discomfort. It plays tricks on how we see things, creating illusions and making us imagine things that aren't really there. It messes with time, making us think too much about what might happen in the future or what's happened in the past, blurring the lines between then, now, and later. It's the reason we feel like running away, freezing in our tracks, or getting ready to fight when we're scared. Fear makes us think about the big questions in life, like how vulnerable we are, but it also pushes us to find courage and face challenges. It's a bit mysterious and hard to pin down, not fitting into clear categories, and it likes to hang out in the spaces where our thoughts and feelings mix. Fear is like a ghost, showing up when we least expect it, changing our stories into scary ones filled with worry and nervousness. Even when it's not around, we can still feel its impact, a lingering feeling that says a lot about how deeply it affects us.
“Dread’s Embrace” is basically a Top 10 Things That Terrify Me in Film/TV. In no order the ten things I remember that freaked me out in a Movie. Granted I am 45 and a lot of these were seen as a kid. So 80s baby all the way. Just a side note that I really harp on “conceptual horror” over just visuals. “Conceptual Horror” would be imagining you as a child, in bed, feeling this sense that you are being watched. You cannot see anything, but you look in the darkest corners of your room to see BLACK and feeling there is something there that wants you to be terrified of its presence upon you. You get the distinct feeling this thing, this entity, wants to do bad things to you or at the very least make you do bad things to others or yourself. That to me, this uncertainty, this distinct feeling of a harmful force upon you, is terrifying. That unknown feeling of dread by something you cannot quantify, but is in your space that is supposed to be yours and safe.
The Elephant Man (1980) Writers: Christopher De Vore, Eric Bergren, David Lynch Directed by: David Lynch Stars: Anthony Hopkins, John Hurt, Anne Bancroft IMDB Rating: 8.2/10 Stars Rotten Tomatoes Audience Score: 93%
The life of John Merrick (John Hurt), a severely deformed man living in Victorian London. Discovered by Dr. Frederick Treves (Anthony Hopkins) in a circus freak show, Merrick becomes an object of fascination and exploitation in society's eyes. As the narrative unfolds, it explores themes of humanity, compassion, and the cruelty of societal judgment. The film creates a haunting and emotionally resonant cinematic experience. The film navigates the division between Merrick's extreme physical deformity and the profound beauty within, unraveling a tale that challenges societal norms and explores the depths of human empathy. “The Elephant Man” isn’t a horror film, but as a very young child, the makeup scared me to death. I was like maybe three-years-old, watching David Lynch films. This movie is dark in tone. It looks like a horror movie. It feels like horror movies do. At times it is a horror movie. To a young child not having any real context to this, I was scared shitless. I couldn’t get enough of it. I was terrified for years by this movie. When I was finally old enough to watch it with a more mature mind. I cried… We can be boundless in our ability at human cruelty. As a young child I would walk up to my poor mother with a pillowcase over my head grabbing her leg and repeating the lines from the movie, over and over again.
“I Am Not An Elephant! I Am Not An Animal! I Am… A Human Being! I… Am… A… Man!” — John Merrick — The Elephant Man (1980)
To a hip mother in her late 20s of the 1980s this was, of course, cute to her and encouraged. Why she wasn’t teaching me Film Production College level courses at four-years-old I will never know…
The Thing (1982) Writers: Bill Lancaster, John W. Campbell Jr. Directed by: John Carpenter Stars: Kurt Russell, Wilford Brimley, Keith David IMDB Rating: 8.2/10 Stars Rotten Tomatoes Audience Score: 92%
You thought clowns were creepy? Try facing the uncertainty of not knowing if your colleague is secretly a walking, talking extraterrestrial entity ready to turn your organs into an intergalactic smoothie. It's the kind of uncertainty that makes you want to hug your pillow and question your life choices.
“The THING” isn't just a movie; it's like that ex that creeps on your Facebook for the new girl, a pure ride into the abyss of trust issues. It's a reminder that the world of reality might have some limits, but the world of paranoia and fear? Oh, that's boundless, my friend, boundless.
So go ahead, watch it with the lights off, but don't blame me if you start questioning your reflection in the bathroom mirror as thing, a thing, “The THING.” “The THING” has a way of making you realize that sometimes the scariest monsters aren't under your bed—they're sitting across from you at the research station's poker table. And yes, it looks like it would really hurt to be a victim of this shape-shifting, paranoid alien. We never seen anyone in pain. They either die fast or are absorbed slowly, experiencing unimaginable terror before the body dies. My dreams, say terrifying. Cosmic Horror wasn’t even a thing in mainstream horror films when I saw this, but I remember as a kid loving this movie, and as an adult believing this to be a classic among classics. The Special Effects gave me a nightmare-upgrade to five-stars. The grotesque transformations and visceral horror make your childhood fear of the dark seem like a walk in the park. I still have dreams or elements of dreams that have to be inspired by “The THING.” The visuals to me, at the time, represented what movies could not or would not show us but this one time, they went all out and did.
Who can you rely on when the guy next to you might be, “The THING…”
Friday the 13th Part 2 (1981) Writers: Ron Kurz, Victor Miller, Sean S. Cunningham Directed by: Steve Miner Stars: Amy Steel, John Furey, Warrington Gillette IMDB Rating: 6.1/10 Stars Rotten Tomatoes Audience Score: 48%
You thought unmasking Jason Voorhees was intense? Jason's potato sack isn't just an accessory; it's like that unexpected plot twist that leaves you wondering. What’s underneath that sack? A suspenseful journey into the slasher movie with a mutant as the killer. I mean, who needs a shape-shifting alien that literally absorbs you with tentacles when you have a machete-wielding maniac with a mysterious face covering?
Back in the day, I was about as tall as a potato sack, probably three or four-years-old as well, and I'd often mix up my horror films. I'd be grappling with the chilling thought of Jason Voorhees while simultaneously picturing the haunting imagery from David Lynch's "The Elephant Man" under that sack. Talk about a mindfuck. I thought they were the same thing.  Potato-sack-Jason, at the time, was an enigma of horror surrounding Jason's possible appearance. Limited backstory. Not really sure how he is supposed to be alive, living the woods? Knew what pants and shows were at the very least. The big reveal — that moment when the sack comes off. The choice to conceal Jason's physical appearance builds an aura of suspense and terror throughout the movie, as viewers are left in suspense, not knowing the true extent of the horror beneath the sack. The impact of this revelation echoes through the annals of the genre, solidifying the potato sack as a symbol of the unknown horrors that lie beneath, forever etched in the minds of horror enthusiasts and me as a child.
Altered States (1980) Writers: Paddy Chayefsky Directed by: Ken Russell Stars: William Hurt, Blair Brown, Bob Balaban IMDB Rating: 6.9/10 Stars Rotten Tomatoes Audience Score: 71%
"Altered States" explores the boundaries between consciousness and primal instincts. Driven by the relentless quest to unlock the mysteries of human existence and consciousness itself through sensory deprivation and hallucinogenic substances. Where blurred lines between reality and hallucination as the boundaries of time, identity, and even physical form disintegrate. The existential terror arises from the unsettling notion that reality itself is a basic construct susceptible to manipulation. The film's vivid visual effects, coupled with its psychological intensity, create an atmosphere of dread by challenging fundamental perceptions of self and reality. The tone of this movie. The sense of dread from the soundtrack. I was, again, very young and usually would only get glimpses of this film over the years till I was old enough to appreciate it.
The scenes of transformation into a blob of proto-consciousness and subsequent reconstitution serve as a visual metaphor for human existence. Dr. Jessup's (William Hurt) experiments with altered states of consciousness lead him to a primal, pre-human form—a manifestation of pure, unbridled consciousness. As Jessup undergoes these radical transformations, question boundaries of selfhood and the nature of reality. The visual representation of his reconstitution underscores the fragility of human form and the transformative potential within the recesses of the mind. We all used to be something more animal. More hunter, more predator than dossal plant eater woods dweller.  This surreal imagery and tone contributes to the film's existential unease, as it explores the profound and unsettling implications of manipulating one's consciousness and challenging the conventional boundaries of human existence.
Perhaps A Warning To Not Try To Hack God.
Tightrope (1984) Directors: Richard Tuggle, Clint Eastwood Writer: Richard Tuggle Stars: Clint Eastwood, Geneviève Bujold, Dan Hedaya IMDB Rating: 6.3/10 Stars Rotten Tomatoes Audience Score: 50%
This isn’t about the film. It is about a mask that is literally in one or two shots of the film, that it just so happen to be in the trailer. It was either Dirty Harry “Sudden Impact” or another Clint Eastwood film around that time; where there is a scene in an amusement park, where someone is wearing a creepy mask. That always freaked me out as a kid. I cannot remember exactly what movie it was, but I knew Clint Eastwood was in it. This mask scared the living crap out of my six-year-old ass every time I would see the preview on HBO back in 1985. This gave me nightmares for years and I didn't really remember what movie it was from till recently. I remembered Clint Eastwood was in it and there was a carnival or celebration. At first glance, I thought it was “Sudden Impact." After watching the movie I realized it wasn't it. I had been thinking for months about what I saw from horror films that actually scared me to my core as a young child. I remembered most of everything but this. After thinking hard on this subject for months I finally remembered it after going through all the movie trailers from Clint Eastwood films starting from 1982 and moving forward on YouTube. After only a few movie trailers I found it. “Tightrope” (1984). Stars and co-directed by Clint Eastwood... The Killer would wear masks, but this specific mask was at an outdoor exterior scene. The mask is only in the scene for a short second, but in both the trailer and the HBO teaser the mask was prominently shown and that was the part that always freaked me out as a kid. So here is a better look at the face that terrified me more than any creepy neighbor, creature feature or alien of the 1980s...
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Communion (1989) Director: Philippe Mora Writers: Whitley Strieber Stars: Christopher Walken, Lindsay Crouse, Frances Sternhagen IMDB Rating: 5.5/10 Stars Rotten Tomatoes Audience Score: 46%
The 1989 film "Communion" unfolds as nightmare fuel. Based on Whitley Strieber's autobiographical account, played by Christopher Walken, of a series of real-life Alien abductions from a race of Aliens called “the GREYS.” The film explores his unsettling experiences, blurring the lines between reality and imagination. As Strieber (Walken) and his family confront the mysterious events and beings, the intricate dance with the unknown, a shadow, movement behind a door. Only a crack open. Nothing could possibly hide around the small of a crack of space. You look harder, your vision adjusts to the dark. Then you see it. A large black almond-shaped eye with no pupil, just staring at you, coldly. It’s both there and not there at the same time. You see the door creak open and then you wake up in your bed, believing it to be a dream. OR WAS IT?
The beings are not products of imagination; they are manifestations of existential terror. Short in stature, yet towering in malevolence, their featureless bodies and colossal, almond-shaped jet black eyes become conduits for an insidious force that defies comprehension to all that bear witness. Their presence is an intrusion into the sanctity of our psyche, a violation of the comfort derived from the familiar. The false and disjointed realities projected onto us by them makes us feel like we are watching ourselves perform in a film where we try to speak to ourselves to get out of there, but the us in the movie cannot hear us as we become a voyeuristic explorer of scenes that straddle the boundaries between sanity, insanity and stone cold terror. Love and familial ties dissolve into the pool of nightmarish aberrations, and reality itself becomes a will-less substance manipulated by unseen hands. The film skillfully crafts an unsettling tone that taps into the primal fear of being abducted by “the GREYS.” – They have haunted us for sixty years, perhaps longer, we just cannot remember it.
The ability to evoke sheer terror without relying heavily on explicit visuals of the alien beings capitalizes on the power of suggestion and atmospheric tension, causing a lingering anxiety that transcends mere jump scares. Apply this logic to a ten or eleven-year-old. Damn right, I was scare as hell when I saw this. The scenes depicting Strieber's abduction experiences are a masterclass in psychological horror for any era, plunging us into the depths of existential dread. The film doesn't merely depict the physical aspects of abduction; it digs into the psychological trauma and the unsettling unknowns that characterize such experiences. For those fascinated by the enigma of alien abduction, "Communion" remains a standout choice. Its ability to induce genuine unease, coupled with a haunting portrayal of the psychological toll of otherworldly encounters, makes it a fun and exciting watch if you like to be freaked out while you watch movies.
Abduction can induce terror through the invasion of personal space, loss of control, and the unknown. “The GREYS” mysterious presence creates an unsettling atmosphere, leaving most in constant fear and uncertainty. The heightening anxiety through psychological manipulation and the violation of domestic sanctity. The terror stems from the inability to comprehend “the GREYS” motives, leaving victims vulnerable to an enigmatic and menacing force beyond human understanding. 2013’s “Dark Skies” and 1993s “Fire in the Sky” get notable mentions for their tone and depiction of terrifying Aliens abduction sequences.
The Fourth Kind (2009) Director: Olatunde Osunsanmi Writers: Olatunde Osunsanmi, Terry Robbins Stars: Milla Jovovich, Will Patton, Hakeem Kae-Kazim IMDB Rating: 5.9/10 Stars Rotten Tomatoes Audience Score: 41%
"The Fourth Kind" was presented as a "re-enactment" of real events rather than a fictional narrative. The marketing campaign aimed to blur the lines between fiction and reality, creating a sense of mystery and intrigue around the movie. I fell for the trap myself. However, the “real events” that the film claims to make are a series of unrelated, other, random stories from all over the United States. The film was presented in a pseudo-documentary style, with reenactments of supposed “real events” mixed with both re-created footage based on the “real events” and actual "archival footage," along with interviews with the alleged “real-life people” this happened to. This approach was intended to make us question the authenticity of the story as it flips back and forth to the “re-enactment,” movie footage and the “archival footage.” Where the “archival footage” is also footage created for the film’s presentation to appear “based on actual events.”
This strategy received heavy criticism for potentially misleading people and exploiting the idea of real-life trauma for entertainment purposes. There were a lot of people online as well that felt cheated after discovering that the entire film was a work of fiction. An inside joke from producers to movie fans. The reality is people do "disappear" in and around the area of Nome, Alaska. They have a high rate of alcohol abuse among the locals, statistically. As isolated as this location is, it wouldn’t be out of the norm to wander off, nothing but the vastness of wilderness and not return. Exposure in the winter, bears in the summer... Man is not dominant here, even with our technology. It is a dangerous place to live. Make no mistake. Now ad hallucinational-alcoholism on top of that and I am sure you will find reports of people seeing Santa’s sleigh…
With all that said…
This movie still has some good total freak out moments in it. The aliens here are completely shrouded in Ancient Alien mystery. They are complete unknowns but command so much raw horror. So extremely terrifying, the ones that have seen them with their own eyes go insane if they saw “them” and remembered that they did. The fear of the subconscious and the unknown traumas that might lurk in one's mind. Combined with the dread “they” evoke to everyone that comes into contact with them. To know your eyes have seen something, but the memory cannot pull the image, and still the mere thought of it shows the body still remembers. It has not forgotten that anxiety, that fear, that horror. Go back and watch how the abductees start to act once they know they have seen “them” and they cannot remember but their anxiety immediately rises.
One of the Better Examples is the Owl.
The abductees didn't remember being abducted, but the owl evoked unspeakable terror in them. Like brainwashing or being tortured. A great example of what PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) actually is. Those scenes, in particular, evoked the worst kind of dread in me. I still feel my neck prickle in those sequences. The tension never lets up once all the characters understand what it is that is actually happening. Where Abbey (Milla Jovovich) discovers something terrifying has happened to her on the audio recorder she had turned on for dictation as she was being abducted by aliens and couldn’t remember it. That whole scene is freaky and really stood out to me with unease. The idea that she was abducted by aliens but cannot remember the experience. We hear what happened on the recording, every sound and it creates a chilling sense of vulnerability, terror and powerlessness.
This is the only modern-day film that is represented here. Remember this is a list of things that terrified me in Film/TV, mostly things that have stayed with me from when I see them as a child through the lens of a child. Most of these feelings are from me trying to retrospectively make sense of what I saw, how I felt and how I feel now.
The Entity (1982) Director: Sidney J. Furie Writer: Frank De Felitta Stars: Barbara Hershey, Ron Silver, David Labiosa IMDB Rating: 6.7/10 Stars Rotten Tomatoes Audience Score: 41%
The movie fictionalizes the real-life case of Doris Bither (Barbara Hershey), who claimed to be attacked and raped by invisible entities. Parapsychologists from UCLA observed the paranormal events and agreed to study the case. The film follows the fictionalized account of these events, incorporating supernatural horror and pseudoscience elements. The potential motivations of these entities, including feeding on human energy for survival using sexual assault as their weapon of choice. The invisible and unknown nature of the entity, the disturbing themes of sexual assault, the blending of supernatural and pseudoscientific elements, the relentless attacks, the emotional impact. Pretty much every rape scene in the film is horrific and painful to watch. From a special effects point of view it is absolutely brilliant for 1982. I mean seeing this as a young child and not really understanding the context of sex and there not be a man on a woman, but thin air on a woman just freaked me out from the time I saw the film as a child to an adult in film school. This movie still gives me ideas about what ghosts are and/or actually could be. I have a whole blog exploring the intersection of physics, consciousness, and the supernatural, into the idea that ghosts may be entities with measurable mass or formless energies that have consciousness. Drawing on concepts like Sacred Geometry and Quantum Mechanics. Considering the possibility of consciousness existing independently of organic matter. It connects various cultural representations of entities, from demons to energy vampires, and poses intriguing questions about the nature of consciousness, existence, and the mysteries within the UNIVERSE…
Kummituksia (Finnish word for Ghost)
Prince of Darkness (1987) Written/Directed: John Carpenter Stars: Donald Pleasence, Lisa Blount, Jameson Parker IMDB Rating: 6.7/10 Stars Rotten Tomatoes Audience Score: 61%
"Prince of Darkness," directed by John Carpenter in 1987, centers on a group of scientists investigating a mysterious cylinder filled with a pulsating, green liquid discovered in an abandoned church. As they study the liquid, they uncover disturbing revelations about its extraterrestrial origin and its connection to an ancient evil force that transcends time, space and reality as we now it. The liquid is revealed to be a form of concentrated anti-particles, a sentient embodiment of evil that was the inspiration of what the Christian church describes as Satan himself, seeking to escape from its otherworldly dimension of the anti-Universe. As the liquid turns their co-workers into zombies, the remaining members realize they have released the most unspeakable horror of them all. As the scientists delve deeper into the secrets of the malevolent substance, they confront increasingly terrifying phenomena, including disturbing dreams that blur the lines between reality and nightmare. The film explores the psychological and spiritual toll on the characters as they grapple with the horrifying implications of their discoveries. As the boundary between dimensions weakens, the group faces an escalating sense of dread and despair. The film's horror lies not only in the tangible threats posed by possessed individuals but also in the intangible, existential terror of an ancient, incomprehensible evil permeating the fabric of reality.
The concept of the "Anti-God" is explored within this mysterious cylinder filled with green liquid. As the liquid is studied by the group, they uncover ancient texts and prophecies that suggest the existence of an entity referred to as the "Anti-God." The green liquid is revealed to be a physical manifestation of this “Anti-God” in this Universe. This “Anti-God” is portrayed as a malevolent, primordial entity with the potential to bring about apocalyptic consequences with existential fear and terror of facing an ancient, incomprehensible evil. The concept plays on the clash between the divine and the diabolical, introducing a force that stands in direct opposition to conventional notions of goodness and order. That we never know what this energy actually is, but it can only be described in Christian terms of “Satan’s Father” or the “Anti-God.”
The dream sequences involving a shaky cam and white noise broadcasts from the future, featuring a demon-shaped creature emerging from the old Church and then later when Catherine (Lisa Blount) emerges from the old Church, used to give me nightmares for years, every few years all through my youth through college. For the viewer, this dream serves as a premonition, a foreboding glimpse into the impending terror to be bestowed onto the Earth in the fictional year of 1999 being broadcasted to the year 1987. The vagueness and distorted presentation of the demon/Catherine contributed to this lingering anxiety.
Lastly; in an earlier scene, Catherine and Walter (Dennis Dun) engage in a conversation about Schrödinger's cat while walking together on campus. Interestingly, as the plot unfolds, Catherine makes a sacrificial act towards the end of the film, ultimately finding herself trapped in the anti-Universe behind the mirror. One could argue that, within the movie's context, she becomes a tangible manifestation of the Schrödinger's cat thought experiment. In this analogy, her state in Limbo is in parallel to being inside a box or container, and her life or death remains uncertain until someone opens the "box" and observes her. Reopening the pathway between Universes. Existentially, this has always terrified me about this movie and movies like it. I am sure there are more buried in my subconscious but these movies still have things and concepts that still stand out to me after all these years.
Galaxy of Terror (1981) Director: Bruce D. Clark Writers: Marc Siegler, Bruce D. Clark, William Stout Stars: Edward Albert, Erin Moran, Ray Walston, Sid Haig, Robert England, Grace Zabriskie IMDB Rating: 5.0/10 Stars Rotten Tomatoes Audience Score: 28%
1981’s "Galaxy of Terror" could be said to be one of the worse movies ever made. It should be on that list. The effects from the film are either borrowed from other films or were used in other similar movies that deal with the same themes. I can distinctly remember seeing the same exact effects and ship models in other movies over the years. As bad as this movie is it did hold some existential horror through two disturbing scenes I saw when I was about two or three-years-old, that contributed to my psychological and physical fears and night-terrors.
The first scene involves the rape of Dameia (Taaffe O'Connell), by a giant space worm. This disturbing act not only portrays a violation of the character, but also taps into her previously established fear and aversion to maggots and worms. The grotesque encounter serves as a metaphorical manifestation of her deepest anxieties, merging physical and psychological terror. She literally dies from the giant space worm raping her violently to an orgasm that is so intense she has a heart attack. What they couldn't show in the movie due to the extensive graphic nature and sexual violence in this scene, was the worm's orgasm into her. I know this is gross, horrid and disgusting, but supposedly it was filling her up with so much, so quickly, that her body died from shock. Right up till the end of the scene; which is the worm still raping her as she dies. The scene ends with the last thrust of the worm into her. The scene had to be toned down for many reasons. The MPAA had threatened an X rating, which in the 80s was a death sentence to a film making any sort of money whatsoever. Taafee herself did not want to do full nudity, which is one of the reasons she is rolled over on her side when the rest of the crew find her body.
The second scene intensifies the existential horror by exploiting claustrophobia. Alluma (Erin Moran), faces a nightmarish demise as she navigates tight spaces. Her character, previously established as having high anxiety when confined, experiences a gruesome end as cables squeeze her, culminating in the grotesque explosion of her head, that is considered classic in the cosmic horror subgenre. This scene capitalizes on the primal fear of confinement and the dread associated with the frailty of the human body. Both scenes play on the characters' individual fears, transforming them into harrowing physical ordeals. From the context of a child with no frame of reference other than the screams of terror. As I look back at my very young viewing experiences in Film/TV; I laugh at some of these movies for how bad they are and funny they can be, but as a child with no context, yeah, scary as fuck.
Fear becomes a visceral response to the uncertainties of life, serving as a constant reminder of mortality. It is not merely an emotion, but a dynamic force that influences both our conscious and subconscious minds. Our dreams and nightmares distort the perception of time, and challenges conceptions of self. The psychological impact of fear is a storm of strong feelings that create illusions and blur the boundaries of safety. Fear is a mysterious and elusive force. The terror of the unknown and the feeling of a harmful force in one's personal space. Fear emerges as a multifaceted phenomenon, intertwining with existential questions, psychological intricacies, and cinematic experiences. It transcends the boundaries of mere emotion, becoming a force that shapes our understanding of existence. The unsettling nature of fear as both a universal phenomenon and an intimate, personal encounter with the UNKNOWN. The passing of fear leaves us contemplating the profound implications on the philosophical stage of human existence, where the line between reality and imagination becomes blurred, much like the elusive nature of fear itself.
Themes of existential terror, unknown entities, psychological manipulation, and the blurring of reality and imagination are recurrent from the haunting beauty within the deformity of "The Elephant Man," Jason from "Friday the 13th Part 2" to the unsettling uncertainty of extraterrestrial existence in "The Fourth Kind," and "The THING." Just a glimpse of a mask in "Tightrope," each movie becomes a vessel for exploring the depths of fear and the unknown. The thematic threads of existential dread, societal judgment, and the clash between reality and imagination weave through these instances of child-like terror, creating a tapestry of personal fears and cinematic brilliance. The exploration of psychological horror in "Communion" and "The ENTITY." The cosmic terror in "Prince of Darkness," "Altered States," and "Galaxy of Terror" showcases the enduring power of these films to induce genuine unease. These instances of sheer existential terror from my youth remain etched in my memory, lingering in my subconscious long after the credits have rolled and are still rolling.
amplectere palloris Latin for (Dread's Embrace) By David-Angelo Mineo 11/19/2023 5,196 Words
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musicarenagh · 7 months
Bill Godfrey's "Hypnotized" EP: Melodies of Emotion and Resilience Bolting out of the gates in the indie pop and folk scene with an assertive elegance is Bill Godfrey's debut EP "Hypnotized”. Bursting with jovial tunes, this 5-track immersion infuses smooth male vocals that effortlessly bob along the ebb and flow of energetic beats and alluring acoustic guitar strums. It’s one for those half-full coffee cup mornings where birdsong is your ambient soundtrack. https://open.spotify.com/album/3AYk6SCflnY1mMvb7hSddm There's a refreshingly introspective depth present here; it's as if we're eavesdropping on Godfrey’s intimate exploration of identity, love, and that struggle to wriggle out from under controlling external forces. Each song feels like diving headfirst into a pool filled not with water but with undiluted emotion—fear, grief, co-dependence—you name it. The mastery lies in how Godfrey allows these heavy themes to buoy rather than sink the listener. The upbeat tempos deftly steer around gloominess like a gazelle leaping over existential potholes. [caption id="attachment_52390" align="alignnone" width="800"] Bill Godfrey's "Hypnotized" EP: Melodies of Emotion and Resilience[/caption] Few singers can juggle such weighty subjects one minute, then gracefully pirouette towards carefree soundscapes the next. Yet Godfrey makes it seem easy—a testament to his great voice and skilful handling of emotionally charged lyrics without teetering into melodrama. Production-wise? Picture-perfect! “Hypnotized” serves an assemblage of distinct audio palettes that draws you in and keeps you there. It hits different notes in the realm of indie-pop yet carries whispers of folk influences discernible through brisk guitar chords stirring up organic textures. "Hypnotized" has managed quite elegantly to combine weighty lyricism with upbeat indie pop vibes—a daring tightrope act that not many new artists can pull off reliably. Epitomising what ‘rising star’ really means, Godfrey truly seems to be gaining traction, so hop on the bandwagon now before everyone else does. Follow Bill Godfrey on Website, Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, Twitter and TikTok.
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salinasherny · 7 months
Story 1. a narrative, either true or fictitious, in prose or verse, designed to interest, amuse, or instruct the hearer or reader; tale. 2. a fictitious tale, shorter and less elaborate than a novel. (Dictionary.com,, 2019) Tale 1.A narrative that relates the details of some real or imaginary event, incident, or case; story: 2. a literary composition having the form of such a narrative. (Dictionary.com, 2019) Science Fiction 1. A form of fiction that draws imaginatively on scientific knowledge and speculation in its plot, setting, theme, etc. (Dictionary.com, 2019) References Dictionary.com. (2019). Tale Definition & Meaning. Dictionary.com. Retrieved October 17, 2023, from https://www.dictionary.com/browse/tale Dictionary.com,. (2019, March 9). ';;'. ';;' - YouTube. Retrieved October 17, 2023, from https://www.dictionary.com/browse/storytalesDictionary.com. (2019, March 9). ';;'. ';;' - YouTube. Retrieved October 17, 2023, from https://www.dictionary.com/browse/science%20fiction%20
February 10th, 2187 – Earth's Restoration Center, Dr. Amelia Summers:
"The 'Genesis Resurgence' mission was an extraordinary success. It was a venture worth every ounce of effort, for we not only unlocked the mysteries of time travel but also reshaped the course of history without disturbing the delicate fabric of existence. As a result, our world has flourished, granting us access to abundant resources and a brighter future. However, the journey was fraught with challenges, just as I'd expected.
Our journey began with an exhaustive study of complex formulas, a deep dive into the archives of quantum physics, and checking out previously uncharted territories on Earth using specialized pods. But then...
I can't do this anymore; it's too much! Let's abandon the mission! —cried out one of my fellow scientists in frustration, feeling driven away by the magnitude of the task. Others were ready to give up, while others just wanted to show off their scientific prowess.
The silver lining is that we have managed to decipher the essential variables, thanks to the discovery of an ancient repository—a grand cathedral filled with countless books, art, encyclopedias, and church. We also collected the necessary raw materials to construct our temporal device, and after a tireless effort, we finally assembled it.
So, what should we name our project? —one scientist asked.
Apostles? —suggested another.
Logos? —a third voice chimed in.
How about Zarathustra? It's a name with historical and philosophical significance. Nietzsche even mentioned it in his works, —I suggested.
You mean Friedrich Nietzsche, the proponent of the Übermensch? —another scientist asked.
Exactly, the very same. So, we christened our project... 'Operation Zarathustra.'
The biggest challenge we faced was the overwhelming existential fear that enveloped our team when it came to time travel and its potential to reshape the world. As the designated time traveler, I made the courageous journey to the past. In my role as a modern-day prophet, I shared insights with governments worldwide, guiding them on strategies to preserve our environment while maintaining production. Recommendations such as using factory-generated steam for clean water production and embracing photovoltaic energy over fossil fuels, among others.
And it worked! Now I stand here, gazing at a rejuvenated Earth, alive once more!
"How did you do it?" asked a scientist from my team. "IT DOESN'T MATTER HOW! LET'S ENSURE WE DON'T REPEAT THE MISTAKES OF THE PAST! WE FIGURE OUT that small actions can lead to big consequences, and this is our chance to make a difference." I responded, tears of hope filling my eyes.
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To create an image on my artificial intelligence webpage, I first gather a dataset of images. Then, I prepare and choose a model, such as a GAN. I train the model with that data, fine-tuning and optimizing it as needed. Once the model is ready, I can generate images by providing it with a seed or letting it create randomly. Then, I evaluate the image quality and refine the model if necessary. Finally, I implement it on my website, allowing users to interact with the model and generate customized images.
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uncannyprompts · 8 months
The office looks eerily dark and foreboding as mist seeps in through the blinds. A flickering fluorescent light casts eerie shadows on the walls. Everyone is dressed in black and white.
MICHAEL SCOTT, with an unlit cigarette in his hand, stands by the coffee machine, staring into it as if it holds the secrets of the universe.
MICHAEL: (whispering to the coffee machine) You and I, we're both black as night, but we're trying to be the cream in the coffee of life.
PAM, sitting at her desk, suddenly turns to the camera with a confused look on her face.
PAM: (confessional) I don't know what's gotten into Michael today. It's like he's been possessed by some sort of existential crisis.
Dwight, wearing a trench coat, emerges from the shadows and starts arranging his desk supplies in a perfect triangle.
DWIGHT: (whispering to himself) The owls are not what they seem.
JIM, who's also dressed in black and white, approaches Dwight.
JIM: (sarcastically) Hey, Dwight, have you seen my red stapler?
Dwight stares at Jim with a blank expression, then starts to laugh maniacally.
DWIGHT: (maniacal laughter) Red stapler! How quaint!
Jim backs away slowly, looking unnerved.
The break room is dimly lit, and ANGELA sits alone at the table, petting a taxidermy cat.
ANGELA: (whispering to the cat) You understand me, Mr. Whiskers, don't you?
Creed suddenly appears, wearing a top hat and holding a rabbit.
CREED: (to Angela) I've got your soulmate right here, Angela.
Angela looks horrified as Creed performs a bizarre magic trick, making the rabbit disappear.
Michael sits at his desk, which is covered in red curtains. He gazes at a small potted plant.
MICHAEL: (whispering to the plant) Sometimes, life is like a potted plant, struggling to grow in the darkness of our souls.
Suddenly, KEVIN, with a fish in a glass jar, bursts into the room.
KEVIN: Michael, I think my fish is communicating with otherworldly beings!
Michael and Kevin exchange intense glances as a distorted, otherworldly humming fills the room.
The employees gather in the parking lot, dressed in black and white, as ominous music plays in the background. A giant, shadowy figure resembling the Slender Man looms in the distance.
MICHAEL: (holding up a flashlight) Fear not, my fellow office workers! We must confront our deepest fears and embrace the unknown!
They all march toward the shadowy figure, determined to face whatever mysteries await them.
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yurigalactica · 10 months
For the ask game: 15, 20, 31, 63, 70, 88, 99
jinx hi!!! :D
15: Do you prefer to be behind the camera or in front of it?
honestly, i've never minded either. it always seems like i end up behind the camera though, or the only one of my friends with a camera out. i guess the reason i always have a camera out is because i really want to capture as many of the good memories as i can so i don't forget them. and i know that sometimes it makes me seem weird, but honestly, nothing brings me more joy than watching five-year-old videos of my friends fucking around and laughing in the backseat of our parents' cars. and especially lately it's strange to watch videos of my friends and i back when we were thirteen, since we're all eighteen now and we're so much different than we used to be. it really puts into perspective just how much we've all grown up. on another note, i got a polaroid camera for my 18th birthday about six months ago, and i've been burning so much of my money on film for it (like literally hundreds. film is so fucking expensive it hurts) but honestly i think it's worth it because now i have a massive wall of polaroid photos that are a little bit washed out, a little unfocused, and a short caption and the date written in my own hasty scrawl on the bottom. all of these memories, imperfect as they are, put up in a place where i can see them all the time, really reminds me that i'm not as alone as i think. and i can't wait to take more once i start college.
20: What is your greatest weakness; your greatest strength?
my greatest weakness is my crippling anxiety. my greatest strength is my zoloft prescription. Get Owned dopamine imbalance
but in reality, my greatest weakness is definitely my anxiety. it's genuinely fucked me up in more ways than i can count, and looking back now, i'm shocked that i didn't realize that i was a severely anxious kid. my worst fear at age nine was dying slowly and painfully of heart disease, which i was fully convinced was going to happen to me. at age NINE. and i didn't even get officially diagnosed until i was sixteen??? what the fuck?????????? that's not a concern a normal nine year old should be having at all
my greatest strength, though, has gotta be my empathy. my experiences regarding my mental health struggles has been helpful in the sense that i know what it's like to feel really fucking awful. and i know it's something that i wouldn't wish upon my worst enemy. so when someone talks to me about feeling like that, i feel like i can relate to them. and thus i feel like i can help them a little better. i'm in no way perfect, but i'm trying my best to be there for my friends when they need it, and that's gotta count for something.
31. Smell the air. What do you smell?
funnily enough i went to smell the air and i smelled smoke so i had to run around my house and apparently my father left the stove on before he left the house and the kitchen was filling with gas. fun times!
63: What is your secret weapon to get someone to like you?
probably just listening to people talk about what they like. i love it when people listen to me rant on and on and on about stuff i'm passionate about, so i've always assumed it's the same for other people. so far it's worked pretty well.
70: Are you the kind of friend you would want to have as a friend?
not to sound cocky, but absolutely. part of the reason is probably because my love language is physical touch and...none of my irl friends are the same way. i have never platonically cuddled with the homies and that gives me the Big Sad™. i want a platonic bestie who i can cuddle with in bed and discuss my existential fears with. is that too much to ask for
88: If you could press a button and make anyone in the world instantaneously explode, who would it be?
a certain floridian politican that i shall not refer to by name. what the fuck did the trans kids do to you to make you hate them so damn much my dude
99: If the whole world were listening to you right now, what would you say?
hating people who are different than you is never going to bring you any fulfilment. not everyone is going to adhere to your way of life, and you should stop expecting them to. the world is so much more beautiful with it's diversity, with all its people of different races, genders, sexualities, beliefs, religions, all of it. think of it as a field of wildflowers in a mountain valley. sure, a field of poppies is alright, but it's so much more breathtaking when it's also got cornflowers, asters, daisies, violets, alliums, and yarrows—when there's all different kinds of flowers growing in harmony together. when it's like that, it's got the whole rainbow spectrum. it feels like art. it feels complete. there's no reason to be afraid of people who are different than you, because we're all still people, with dreams and aspirations and hopes and fears and passions. we're all doing our best to be happy. it will never be worth it to try to take that away from someone. go live your life. let them live theirs.
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