#we die like abigail hobbs
Dog Days of Fall
In which a dog groomer gets an adorable new customer with an interesting owner.
Will Graham/Original Female Character
Dog hair everywhere . That’s the joy of grooming a German Shepherd that is blowing his coat. He yipped and danced around as if the high velocity dryer was spitting fire at him. It wasn’t, of course.
“We do this every time, Gunner,” I spoke, exasperated, “And you haven’t died yet.”
He responded by trying to bite at the air coming out of the dryer, leading to some visuals that would be terrifying if I didn’t know that he was a sweetheart. 
We continued our little dance until he was fully dry. I gave him one more run through with the brush to get rid of any of his summer coat that remained before grabbing the nail clippers. Gunner whimpered as I sat down next to him and reached for his paw.
“You’re so dramatic, big boy,” I laughed as I began to clip his nails. He was good for it besides a little squirming. 
Finished with his groom, I unclipped him from the harness and he quickly jumped down from the table and shook out his coat before running to the half door that separated my workspace from the front desk. As I made my way over to open the door for him, I noticed a man sitting in the lobby with a medium sized dog. He didn’t seem to notice me, in fact he was staring off into space like he was in his own world. The dog however, perked up when it heard Gunner start to scratch at the door.
“Quit that,” I whispered to him before clearing my throat and catching the man’s attention, “Sorry, I didn’t hear you come in! Do you have an appointment?”
The man immediately snapped out of whatever trance he was in and stood up as I maneuvered around Gunner to keep him behind the door as I went to the desk. The stubborn shepherd jumped up on the door and looked over before barking at the newcomer. The man smiled at my rowdy customer and I mouthed “sorry” before going back to Gunner.
“Get down, you oaf. Your mom will be here soon,” I said and gently shoved him back into the room before shutting the upper half of the door as well. I sighed and turned back to the stranger. “I’m sorry, he’s a gentle giant, but he’s got the mouth of a sailor.” 
The man just smiled as I made my way back to the desk. 
“I don’t have an appointment, my apologies,” he explained, not quite making eye contact with me. “But I just rescued this little guy and he’s got some pretty bad matts towards his tail. I didn’t want to hurt him by trying to get them out myself.” 
I rummaged around the papers on my desk as I looked for my schedule. Thankfully, Gunner was my last groom for the day.. I looked over at the dog and spotted the mats his dad was talking about. Eager to get a closer look, I made my way around the desk and knelt down next to the dog, noticing the streaks of black running through his brown fur. “Do you mind if I…” I trailed off, motioning to touch the dog. 
“Not at all,” he responded and I reached forward to let the dog sniff my hand. 
“What’s their name? I asked as it licked my hand. 
“Winston,” the man replied, kneeling down to pat him on the head as well. “I found him the other night wandering on the road on my way home. We just got back from the vet to see if he was microchipped.” 
I frowned, upset at the thought that someone abandoned this beautiful little mutt. “Poor boy,” I said softly, stroking under his chin, “Seems like you’re better off now anyway, Winston”
The man smiled before directing me to the matts. I lifted them gently before sighing again. “They don’t look too bad. I don’t have anything booked for right now so if he’s up to date on his vaccinations I can take him back and see what I can do,” I explained while standing up. 
The man finally made eye contact with me, although briefly, I felt my breath catch in my lungs. Not sure how I didn’t catch it before, but this man was gorgeous, in a rough around the edges type of way. His hair, although cropped relatively close to his head, was curly and unruly. He looked tired, but the slight bags under his eyes just made the green of his irises pop even more behind a pair of thin wire glasses. 
As abruptly as it started, he looked away, reaching into his pocket for something as I internally scolded myself for getting googly eyes at a customer. 
“I’ve got his vaccination records right here,” he said, handing me the papers as I walked back behind the desk and pulled out an intake form and put it on a clipboard. I handed it to him with a pen. 
“If you could just fill out this form while I make a copy of this,” I instructed, waving the vaccination records slightly. 
“Of course,” he muttered, taking the clipboard and pen.  
I sat down and ran the records through my scanner. As it ran through, I shoved a couple papers into a neat-ish pile so the extremely handsome dog with the adorable dog didn’t think I was a slob. An attempt was made, at least. 
While the man filled out the necessary paperwork, my attention was drawn to the door as the bell on top rang. Coming in was a familiar face.
“Hey Jen! I’ll go grab Gunner for you and then we can get you settled.” I explained with a smile. The man noticed the commotion and took the clipboard to a seat to finish filling it out, Winston following dutifully behind him. 
As soon as the door opened, the german shepherd shaped bullet flew out and towards his mom, who just wrapped her arms around his neck and laughed before putting his collar and leash on. 
I got Jen squared away with her payment as normal, only occasionally stealing looks at the stranger in the corner. He’d finished the paperwork and was scratching behind Winston’s ears, who was thoroughly enjoying it with his tongue out and head leaning into the scratches. 
Jen caught me looking and snuck a glance as well. “New customer?” She asked, raising her eyebrows. Not only was Jen a customer, but she was a long time friend as well. A friend that had been trying to set me up with every guy and girl in the greater of Washington D.C.
I gave her a stern “shut up” look and she just giggled back at me. “You’re awful,” I whispered.
Instead of replying, she just took her credit card and grinned at me, “See you later, Teck!”, before leading Gunner out of the door. 
Exasperated, I shook my head and turned my attention back to the man, who had returned to the desk with clipboard in hand. 
“Thanks for squeezing him in,” he said as I took the form off of the clipboard and ran it through my scanner. 
“It’s my pleasure,” I responded with a smile, handing him the vaccination records back. “If you want to bring him back we can get started.”
He nodded and I opened the door to the grooming room to let him enter. 
“Excuse the mess, Gunner is blowing his summer coat right now and I didn’t exactly get the chance to tidy up.” I explained as a whirl of dog hair drifted on the ground as the door opened. I quickly grabbed a broom as Winston sniffed at the hair. 
“Not a problem. I’ve-” he paused to chuckle lightly “I’ve got six more at home. I’m intimately familiar with the taste of dog fur.”
When I finished sweeping, I wrangled up my detangling oil and a stiff metal brush and set them on the table. “Alrighty Winston, let’s get you cleaned up.”
His owner wrapped his arms around the dog and lifted him up, setting him down gingerly on the table as I tried not to stare at his arms. 
Maybe I should go on the date with whoever Jen sets me up with next.
I grabbed the bottle of oil and poured a little bit over the matts and started to work it in before looking up to the man. “It shouldn’t take too long for me to get these out… you can stay here or I can call you when I’m finished. Either one is fine.” 
He looked down at his watch before giving Winston a firm head pat. “I’ve just got to run to Quantico. I should be back before you’re done.” 
I nodded as I worked the oil through the tangled fur. “Not a problem.”
He grabbed a small card out of his pocket before scribbling something on it and leaving it on the table. “If anything happens, just give me a call.” 
“Can do,” I responded before he gave an awkward nod and walked quickly out of the room.
As soon as I heard the office door jingle shut, I grabbed the card and inspected it. Sure enough, a phone number written in black ink. On the other side of the card, however, was something much more interesting. 
Agent William Graham
Adjunct Instructor
Forensic Psychology 
Suite #321
In the corner of the card, the FBI National Academy was embossed in silver ink. I ran my finger over the seal, finding it slightly raised and now, slightly oily. 
“Damn Win, you’re dad’s an FBI Agent?” I breathed, slightly shocked. Winston just looked at me with big, confused eyes. “You’re a lucky pup.”
In all, it took exactly seventy-three minutes to get the matts out of Winston’s coat. It took a bit of sweat and tears (no blood, thankfully), but I managed to get all of his matts out without shaving too much. There were two larger matts near the base of his tail that needed to be shaved, but other than that, his coat was now clean and healthy. I gave him a little spritz of apple cider pet cologne and helped him off the table before putting his collar back on. 
It was exactly seventy- seven minutes before William Graham re-entered my salon.
He burst through the door looking flustered, but almost immediately after he saw Winston his face softened. Winston barked happily at his owner’s feet and he scratched his head with a smile. 
“Sorry I’m late,” he sighed, looking up to me, but again, not looking at me. “I got caught up in some… work.” 
I waved my hand dismissively. “Don’t worry about it, we just finished up anyway. Winston is matt-free and all good to go!” 
“Thank you so much,” he said, reaching into his pocket, “What do I owe you?”
I started to reply, but stopped for a second as I watched Winston wag his tail happily. 
“Don’t worry about it,” I decided with a full heart.
William stood shock-still before responding, “I’ve got to give you something. I didn’t even have an appointment.”
I shook my head. “I’m serious. I’m not having you pay to fix someone else’s mistreatment. I’m just glad I could help out.” I replied, standing firm in my decision. 
Finally, for the second time that day, I caught his eyeline. He looked even more weary than he did when he came in earlier. Curiously, I found myself wondering what had happened in the last hour and a half that could drain someone like that. 
He seemed to search my eyes like I searched his, but instead of shying away, I held his gaze for as long as he held mine. 
He broke eye contact before continuing, “I have to give you something.” He repeated. 
Stubbornly, I shook my head.
He sighed and put his wallet away. “Well if I can’t pay you directly… how about I buy you coffee sometime?”
My heart skipped a beat. I had the intense urge to pinch myself, but refrained. 
“Uh, um,” I stuttered, before taking a breath. “I’d like that.” I said with a shy smile, suddenly feeling very insecure. The butterflies in my stomach were having a house party and I felt like I was about to throw up or shit my pants or something. 
“I get off work around four tomorrow,” he said looking at his watch again, “Does that work for you?”
I nodded, “Yeah. My last appointment starts around two-thirty so I should be done by then. Do you have any place in mind?”
He shrugged. “I don’t really have a preference.”
“There’s a cafe a couple doors down?” I suggested. “We could just meet here and then walk over?” I could feel the blush creeping up my cheeks. 
He smiled. “Sounds perfect, I’ll - uh - I’ll see you tomorrow, then.”
“See you tomorrow.” I replied as he strode towards the door with Winston in tow. 
He opened the door, but turned before going through. “I just realized I never got your name,” he stated. 
“Oh my gosh, I’m sorry” I fumbled, “I’m Tekla.”
William grinned one more time as Winston pulled on his leash. “Will Graham. Thank you again, Tekla.”
“It was my pleasure, Will,” I responded, as the door shut. 
I was still for a moment; keeping a hawk-eye on the door in case, for some reason, Will walked back through. After a moment, I collapsed into my desk chair with a huff before grabbing a pen. 
I located my calendar and wrote while whispering, “Date… with… Will…” Once finished, I set the pen down and leaned back in the chair, staring at the ceiling. A thought popped into my head and I laughed out loud. 
“Jen is going to be so proud of me.”
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eileensdress · 10 months
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Long live Abigail Hobbs.
[Hannibal (2015)/What Was I Made For-Billie Eilish]
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menciemeer · 2 years
Does anyone ever think that like. One of the central ideas of Hannibal is that human beings are delicious.
Not even just in a cannibalism-taboo way, either. Literally everyone who’s gone to one of Hannibal’s dinner parties agrees: The food is good.
(There’s that confusing moment in Trou Normand where it looks like Abigail is realizing what it is she’s eating--confusing because she doesn’t Figure Hannibal Out until later. But what if she isn’t thinking, This tastes just like-- but instead I haven’t had meat this good since--)
It’s not just the taste, either. Human beings in Hannibal seem to make incomparable mushroom fertilizer and instrument strings. Bees love human bodies. And every artist in the entire goddamn world seemingly has this temptation towards human-corpse-as-artistic-medium. Garret Jacob Hobbs uses human hair as pillow stuffing. He holds his pipes together with paste made from human bones.
Also probably worth mentioning is That One Shot in Sorbet (no, That Other One Shot in Sorbet)--the one with the opera singer’s throat, followed by the lingering shot of Hannibal’s ear. It’s the meat again. Meat is singing and more meat is listening. Hannibal is moved to tears--his enjoyment even of music is physical.
It’s probably stretching a bit to try to fit Self-Actualization Via Murder into this paradigm but well. I’m going to try anyway. It’s not just the corpses but the making of corpses that holds this fantastic power in Hannibal Land. We’ve got Randall Tier and Francis Dolarhyde and Will Goddamn Graham all reaching (for) their truest selves via the doing of murder. Hannibal talks about it like this:
We both know the unreality of taking a life. Of people who die when we have no other choice. We know in those moments they are not flesh, but light, and air, and color.
There’s something magical about that. The moment when a person separates from their (useful! valuable! delicious!) body and becomes something else. The moment itself is valuable, if you are one of the Tier-Dolarhyde-Graham classification of killers in Hannibal’s universe.
I feel like I’ve seen a lot of focus on Hannibal disguising what it is he’s cooking with. How his cooking is so good despite. If this post has a thesis, I guess it is that, instead, Hannibal is a good cook because.
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suchawrathfullamb · 8 months
The Unreachable Fruit - Will Graham and Motherhood.
The eternal mystery of Will Graham's upbringing and childhood. Who's dad? Is he still alive? Why he never knew his mother? Did she die? Did she leave? The creators of the show wanted both Will and Hannibal's past to be vague, they didn't want us to know exactly what made them the way they were.
But that doesn't mean we won't obsessively write metas about it.
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Will's answer is ambiguous. Never knew her...Literally? Emotionally? The rest of the conversation suggests she was, indeed, physically absent, as he only mentions his father as the one he was following:
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No "them", or "my parents", just "my father". Where was mom? Maybe she was there. And then she wasn't anymore.
In this particular episode we are following the Lost Boys case, and as anyone who pays attention to the show would know, every case was a (very direct) parallel to Will and Hannibal and whatever was going on with them at the moment.
This case is about boys, who felt neglected somehow, opening up that door that made them vulnerable to the influence of the woman who was collecting them. She wanted a family, wanted those kids to, as Will puts it, "burst with love for her".
Individuals who have an obsession with parenthood, with the idea of being a parent, generally speaking, often carry deep wounds regarding their own parents, most likely in terms of feeling neglected and wanting to compensate for that by becoming parents themselves and giving the child "everything they didn't have".
Will seemed interested in this idea, we see that with his dogs, the eagerness to father Abigail (although upon reading the scripts it becomes even clearer that this was highly aggravated by Hannibal) and his "I would be a good father" line regarding Margot's baby.
The delivery of that line was very interesting. He seemed convinced. But what does being a "good father" mean to Will? Or a mother, since in this case, there's no difference. Will's referring to parenthood in general.
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Before he says this, Hannibal talks about how fathers become killers (to protect their children), perhaps that's what Will was referring to. The subtle smile at the end hints he possibly was.
Even though he has an ideal of fatherhood in his mind, the reality of it is extremely different.
With Abigail, he couldn't reach her. Not like Hannibal could. His own projections got in the way. Abigail knew that, hence why she was always standoffish with him, always a bit uncomfortable. To her, Will was mirroring her own father, "he avoids ne because I make him feel like my dad did". Whatever type of obsessive love Garrett Jacob Hobbs felt for Abigail, she believed Will felt it too, due to the empathy issue. Was she right? In a way it seemed so. Will felt close to her, yet he wasn't. Hannibal was. They bonded. Will constructed a bond with her in his head, ignoring the reality that he needed to actually build that bond.
With Margot's baby, it was just a concept, it never came to be, making it even easier to project fantasies into. "I'd be a good father" suggests he was already idealizing that.
But when he actually got to be a father...This ideal he created didn't seem to match with reality.
His interactions with Wally, although we only saw a few, but that's exactly the point, lacked the warmth of a father-son relationship. And he had three years with him. There was no affection, no real attempt to comfort a child who went through severe trauma.
Will was still his cold, awkward self attempting to make a connection but lacking the willingness to open himself up that requires for that to truly happen.
Wally feels it. He acts in the same way. Molly insists on calling Will his father, yet it's clear Wally doesn't feel this way as he also doesn't seem close to him, and going as far as saying "you shouldn't put him in a mental hospital, you should kill him", right after the conversation about Will himself being put in a mental hospital.
"I had to justify myself to an 11 year old" rang bitter. Just an eleven year old. Not "my son", as Molly insists.
The show makes no attempt to show us his life and relationship with Wally. Purposely hinting at the emptiness, then directly showing it in their brief interaction.
After a huge traumatic event, there are no hugs, no fatherly embrace, or even a subtle yet warm, comforting touch. We know he's capable of, because he did show some affection towards Abigail.
Will's proverbial mother was absent in him: he didn't know how to nurture a child.
By feeling rejected by a parent, a person can develop a subconscious behavior of avoiding what he or she associates with the image of his or hers own self as a child, mirroring the rejection of the parent. Abigail was a girl, the automatic association is through gender, therefore it wasn't as easy to see himself in her than it was to see himself in Wally. Perhaps it made him more comfortable being affectionate (even if briefly) with Abigail. But Wally was him. And maybe he didn't like the idea that he yarned for a motherly embrace.
He couldn't give Wally what he was never given.
Mother Graham lies in the highest branch of an unclimbable tree. Deep within his subconscious, frozen, waiting a loving embrace, yet unwilling to be melted away by its love.
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deerabigailhobbs · 1 month
Hi!!!!!! It's me, back with more Adamgail-siblings!!!!!!!!!
So, in the version of events where Adam gets Abigail back with him in Saw-city (or wherever saw takes place I don't think it's ever confirmed) for them to try and live somewhat normally, would Hannibal figure out a series of events to follow them?
I don't think persuading Will would be difficult, all he would have to say is 'there's a messed up serial killer killing people, don't you think that's a dangerous place for Abigail to be?' and Will would probably think yeah that's bad and then he and Hannibal would try and convince Jack to let them go and solve the Jigsaw killings.
Jack would probably want to solve the jigsaw killings and this could also help him maybe get more opportunities to find out if Abigail did help Hobbs kill those girls. He'd probably get worried about leaving Bella behind though. Alana would probably go to make sure Jack doesn't try anything related to Abigail even though it isn't her job. (I just like her and want her there). And Beverly, Jimmy, and Brian would go because it's their job.
Do they read up on what happened and learn Abigail's older brother is a victim of Jigsaw beforehand? Or do they get there and be like 'yeah lets go speak to all survivors' and then start freaking out when Adam walks through the door?
And when they get to the station, they're going to get bad vibes from about half of the detectives there, due to the whole 'most of the department is corrupt' thing.
Then because of story purposes, most of them would get put in a trap.
Will is probably there because he's 'reluctant to use his gifts to help others' or something. Jack is there because he's to focused on work and not on other people's feelings. Hannibal ????????? Bumped into Hoffman and didn't say sorry????????? Everyone else is probably fine.
And, uh, yeah! I had more thoughts but I've forgotten them.
Hope you're doing well!
Hello friend! I hope you're doing well too!
First of all, so real of you to want Alana to be there because you like her, I'm the same haha.
The interactions between all the Saw and Hannibal characters would be so cool!! Particularly Hannibal and John's. They're both artists in their own way, Hannibal more classical, while John more industrial (if that makes sense?). Hannibal views most humans below him while John thinks everyone can be redeemed if they value their life enough, would those ideas clash? Would they hate or respect each other's work? I can definitely imagine John putting Hannibal in a trap, purely out of a personal interest because Hannibal isn't like any other man he's come across. Maybe to show him that he's just like everyone else deep down, no matter what he thinks. If you cut hard enough you'll bleed, if you cut deep enough, you die. Hannibal isn't an exception. You can't take a human life for your own personal gain (of course, this is coming from the mind of John Kramer so his ideology is all over the place and hypocritical).
Hannibal would probably find out who Adam was through family records, find out about his test, and assume Abigail has gone to him. He'll tell Will they're going to New Jersey (which is where Saw takes places apparently, but icl Saw-City is so much funnier haha!) and, well, off they go. They'll find Adam at a survivor meeting, where he's adamant that he hasn't seen his sister in years, knowing that she's currently hiding away at his house, that other agents and detectives from out of state have asked about her whereabouts, and Adam has to take caution in getting home, knowing anyone of these people could be following him.
Adam would probably feel bad about keeping Abigail hidden, wondering if he's turning into his father, concealing her from the rest of the world, but he tries not to look too deep into that. And having Abigail insist that he's not, that she's thankful, that she missed him and hugs him like it'll be their last embrace, takes the weight of his shoulders.
Now, if we want to get really angsty, what if Adam were an apprentice? What if he also took part, not in killing people, but finding out their locations... Maybe being friendly with them so he can find out where they live... Doing it not necessarily because he believes in Jigsaw's methods, but because the man he loves does, and he doesn't want to lose that affection so he goes along with it... Seem familiar?
And oh, the absolute guilt that would wreck him. Finally having Abigail back, knowing that where she is now isn't any better. That he's putting her in danger again, surrounded by more crazy people, and suddenly he can't stop seeing his father's face when he looks in the mirror. All he wants is to shield her from pain but it's near impossible, it's like tragedy simply follows her wherever she goes and Adam can't do anything about it. Besides, well, killing her. And he can't do that. He thinks.
Semi related but I think Hoffman and Will would absolutely DESPISE each other, he would put Will in a trap for breathing too loudly lol. I'm not sure why I think this but I do. Suddenly Bedelia is number 2 on Will's hit list lol
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adflictionem · 2 months
Floral Sins - Chapter 3
Rating: Explicit
Fandom: Hannibal (TV)
Pairing: Will Graham/Hannibal Lecter
Chapter: 3/?
Characters: Will Graham, Hannibal Lecter, Alana Bloom, Jack Crawford, Beverly Katz, Molly Graham
Tags: Cheating, Infidelity, The whole point of this fic is Will cheating on Molly with Hannibal, Alternate Universe, Florist AU, Florist Hannibal Lecter, Professor Will Graham, Will is not with the FBI, Cannibalism, Hannibal Lecter is a Cannibal, Hannibal Lecter is the Chesapeake Ripper, Floriography, Sexual Tension, Resolved Sexual Tension, Blood and Gore, Blood, Deception, Autistic Will Graham, Graysexual Will Graham, more tags to be added as I update, A lot of the ones I put down will show later, no beta we die like will's morality, Dark Will Graham, References to Ancient Greek Religion & Lore, Religious Imagery & Symbolism, Mentioned Abigail Hobbs, Anal Sex, Anal Fingering, Blow Jobs, Will Graham Has Anger Issues.
Summary: After an argument with Molly, Will seeks the comfort of the attractive, odd florist that had been plaguing his dreams and thoughts.
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craqueluring · 2 years
Hannibal was Will's Golden Ticket
Was rewatching season 2B for probably the ninth time and I have some thoughts.
GJH in Aperitif and Will in season 2B are in remarkably similar positions. 
GJH killed girls that looked like Abigail because he couldn’t bear to lose her when she eventually left home. Abigail was his golden ticket. Will, in season 2B, makes every murder he commits or tries to commit about Hannibal, reliving his revenge, his "reckoning," repeatedly. Will is projecting his feelings about Hannibal onto other men that he kills. Will almost shoots Clark Ingram because he reminds him of Hannibal. While he is killing Randall Tier, he imagines he is killing Hannibal. He fantasizes about killing Hannibal repeatedly. Hannibal is his golden ticket, like Abigail was GJH’s.
Will’s situation in Mizumono also reflects GJH’s situation in Aperitif. GJH was running out of time, and he knew that, even before Hannibal’s call–Will literally says, ”He knows he's gonna get caught. One way or the other.” In Mizumono, Will knows he is running out of time before he has to make a real decision of what he wants to do with Hannibal. He realizes this even before Mizumono–saying, ”This isn’t sustainable. We are going to get caught.” He knows he is running out of time, just like Hobbs, before he has to decide if he wants his fantasies of taking revenge against Hannibal to become reality.
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In the scene with GJH and Will sniping the stag at the beginning of Mizumono, GJH asks Will, once again: “See?” I think, working in this lens of Will and GJH being in similar positions at this point, in one layer of the many that exist in this show, GJH could mean “See? I was backed into a corner, and I had to kill the object of my affection (my “golden ticket”). You are running out of time just like I was. You have to decide just like I had to.” 
Being in GJH’s mind, Will would act like GJH did: he would have to end it all. He would have to either kill Hannibal or ruin their relationship by following through with his betrayal. This could be what him almost shooting the stag symbolizes. A definitive murder of his relationship with Hannibal (through complete and utter betrayal), just like GJH murdered his relationship with Abigail by killing her mother and trying to kill her. 
But we never actually see Will shoot the stag. He focuses on it, we hear the gun go off, but the scene changes before we can see it actually get shot. At this point, we still don’t know what Will will do. 
Another parallel between Will and GJH clicks into place with Will’s call to Hannibal: “They know.” Just like Hannibal told Hobbs: “They know.” Time is up.
In a way, this phone call is Will’s attempt at preserving his relationship with Hannibal. He wants Hannibal to run, and decides against letting him be arrested. He decides to let the stag live. But Hannibal stays because Hannibal is Hannibal; he had smelled Will’s betrayal (Freddie Lounds’ shampoo), and the stag does not die in 3x02's replay of Mizumono because Will shot it, but because of Hannibal’s reaction to Will’s betrayal–lying to him for nearly the entirety of season 2B. As someone said in this post, the stag’s death was never Will’s doing; the tragedy and undoing of their relationship was the misunderstanding.
There is also a beautiful symmetry to both of these situations ending in a kitchen, of course, not to mention the fact that Abigail is a pivotal point to both of them. GJH tried to kill Abigail at the end of his life, which marked the beginning of Hannibal and Will’s. And Hannibal killed Abigail at the (metaphorical) end of his and Will’s.
Even though Will decided not to imitate GJH, whose situation was so similar to his, their stories still ended in almost the same way.
As Hannibal and Bedelia say in Dolce: "All of our endings can be found in our beginnings. History repeats itself, and there is no escape."
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fatalism-and-villainy · 3 months
top five Hannibal episodes, maybe?
This is an ever-fluctuating list, but:
Mizumono - best episode of the show, point blank, in my opinion. It's so full of suspense but doesn't feel rushed or like it's cramming too much in. Everything has time to breathe and let you feel its weight. Things like Alana's feeling of violation from Hannibal's deception aren't just remarked upon, we stop and watch her get slowly submerged in black water, her nightmare come to life. Will's struggle with himself is fully internal, but so perfectly conveyed through visual storytelling - the parallel conversations with Jack and Hannibal, each representing one side of him, and then the two halves of Will's face coming together as if they're both a mask, with no one, least of all Will himself, knowing which one is "real." Will being visited by GJH, the spectre of his own darkness, right before the destruction of the family that Hannibal stole from Hobbs. The callbacks in the visual motifs in the final sequence to the first episode, but this time Hannibal isn't helping Will keep Abigail alive. The way their confrontation isn't really a fight, it's just emotionally raw and desperate, with Will's veneer of detached confidence cracking for the first time in this arc. The most perfect encapsulation of how gentle all the violence between them is. Its only structural flaw is that the Abigail reveal isn't well handled, but I'd chalk that up to structural problems with the whole season. The rest of it is perfectly set up by the rest of the arc, like meat falling off the bone.
Coquilles - the first season 1 episode that's really, really good. All the moving parts seem to come together, with the case of the week smoothly establishing resonances with Will's issues and Bella's. Aesthetically, the murders capture the true essence of the show - grotesque yet sacred, committed with complete and utter earnestness on the part of the killer. The vigilantism and obsession with salvation for his victims has significant parallels to how I imagine Will might function post-canon, and it's telling that this is the first time we get foreshadowing for his potential transformation. And I love the inexplicable magic realism of killer's visions of his victims heads' on fire, and how that strangeness gets folded in on itself even more with the symbolism of Will's head on fire, within his own hallucination. Wonderful bizarro arthouse feel with beautifully human performances from Laurence Fishburne and Gina Torres to ground the whole thing.
Su-zakana - One of the best episodes for balancing complete absurdity with pure poetry. The woman inside a horse with a live bird inside her chest, as a symbolic rebirth, is totally insane and yet! It works! It's beautiful! It's macabre humour married to sweeping romanticism! It's Will's love for Hannibal that can't die no matter how much it's buried! Peter and the social worker act out an absurd, deliberately-credulity-straining pantomime of Will and Hannibal's dynamic - completely with the absolutely ludicrous, fantastic imagery of the social worker crawling out of that horse - and yet in its absurdity it paints such an effective contrast, really shows that Hannibal cares for Will, in his own twisted beautiful way, in a way that Ingram never cared about Peter. "I envy you your hate" hits so hard. Also it introduces Margot and features heavy-handed fishing metaphors, which is fun. Only downside is we have to watch Hannibal and Alana have sex, which is not my idea of fun.
Yakimono - I'm so attached to this one, despite not being the biggest 2A fan. Really the centerpiece of this one is the framing of Chilton, which yields some of the most superb black comedy of the entire show. The OTT shock and horror on Chilton’s face when he looks up and sees Hannibal standing over him all murder-suited up. Hannibal saying “one moment, please” to the federal officers knocking on the door while he is chloroforming Chilton unconscious. The whole hilarious sequence of Chilton wandering around the carnage in his house with that pitch-perfect music. The chase at the end with him running ineffectively from Jack. Absolute masterful comedy work from Raúl Esparza. Also throw in that gorgeous flower tree tableau empathy sequence with Will carrying the heart to the sculpture and making it beat and Miriam Lass’ weirdly kinky summation of her time in captivity… it’s just so high up on my list for enjoyment.
Antipasto - I’m not sure whether this is strictly top 5 for me BUT I do feel like I need some 3A representation on this list given how much I love that arc as a whole, especially episodes 1-3, and how much space it takes up in my imagination. Of those first three episodes, this is really the best one, imo - I love the way it captures a dreamlike, fantasy version of Italy, with all these dark fairytale undertones (especially with scenes like Bedelia in the bath - the sense of getting pulled into this fantasy as frightening and yet compelling, like being on the edge of the sublime). I love its subtlety in engaging with Will’s absence - it’s not over-the-top in establishing Hannibal’s loneliness, and Will’s absence is only mentioned once, in flashback at that, but it so neatly ties together all the subtextual threads woven through most of the episode that his usual shenanigans aren’t satisfying anymore without an equal partner, and that Bedelia isn’t filling that role. And the final shots of Hannibal folding origami on the train are soooo good.
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mlobsters · 10 months
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supernatural s7e17 the born-again identity (w. sera gamble)
i gather this is gonna be sad. dean's easy to be charmed by and emotionally invest, sam's a little harder nut to crack and they don't have him suffer so freely but he's got me by the throat here lately.
kinda hate when i notice an actor's name in the opening credits, spoiler alert 🥴 i guess cas is making an appearance, finally. he gonna do the magic brain fixing woo woo?
DR KADINSKY So you're aware that Sam is experiencing a full-blown psychotic episode? DEAN Psychotic? Come on. I mean, the guy's... It's not like the guy's freakin' Norman Bates.
i know this is just how tv/movies deal with this but agh psychotic doesn't mean violent! make it a teachable moment, sera
Psychosis is disconnection from reality. People may have false beliefs or experience things that aren’t real. Psychosis isn’t a condition. It’s a term that describes a collection of symptoms. Two important types of psychosis include: Hallucinations. These are when parts of your brain mistakenly act like they would if your senses (vision, hearing, touch, smell and taste) picked up on something actually happening. An example of a hallucination is hearing voices that aren’t there (auditory hallucination). Delusions. These are false beliefs that someone holds onto very strongly, even when others don’t believe them or there’s plenty of evidence that a belief isn't true. For example, people with delusions of control believe someone is controlling their thoughts or actions remotely.
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DEAN Sam, if I don't find something – SAM Then I'll die. HALLUCIFER Oh, you're upsetting me. SAM Dean, we knew this was coming. DEAN No. SAM When you put my soul back... DEAN No. SAM ...Cas warned you about all the crap it would – DEAN Screw Cas!
yes, he was warned but it also wasn't just the deterioration over time, cas just zapped the wall away! so maybe it would have played out the same but you don't know and it wasn't a guarantee
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honeymoon is over, indeed
better job with the musical score in this sad montage guys. felt some of the feelings
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hannibal s1e3 potage - kacey rohl as abigail hobbs
is dean gonna forgive and forget cas at the end of this?
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DEAN Yeah, well, what if you were some kind of... I don't know...bad guy? EMMANUEL/CASTIEL Oh, I... don't feel like a bad person.
oh no.
MARIN No, it's not! You are crazier than I am! Charles Manson tells you what to do. At least it's my own brother – SAM It's your brother?
MARIN Yes. It sucks... when it's your dead brother saying... kill yourself to be with him... or he'll do it for you
no no no.
DEAN Well, yeah. Dude broke my brother's head. EMMANUEL/CASTIEL He betrayed you, this dude. He was your friend? DEAN Yeah, well, he's gone. EMMANUEL/CASTIEL Did you kill him? I sense that you kill a lot of people. DEAN Honestly, I-I-I don't know if he is dead. I just know that this... whole thing couldn't be messier. You know, I used to be able to just shake this stuff off. You know, whatever it was. It might take me some time, but... I always could. What Cas did... I just can't – I don't know why.
truly a mystery, dean. someone caused, and continues to cause, your brother immense suffering.
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action legs
kacey is doing a great job with this part. she's so good!
oh a very good use of music when cas goes on the smiting/recovering memory tour, turn into earth by the yardbirds
smiting in your little cardigan. chef's kiss on the music selection, truly
so is cas gonna be like, i sacrificed for you again, dean by taking the hallucifer? leaving him in the hospital was... a choice. also a hallucinating and extremely powerful angel seems like a bad combo.
DEAN Mutually assured destruction. Look, man, I get it. She's not our friend. We don't even have friends. All our friends are dead.
not to put too fine a point on it
from the wiki
At JiB con 2012, Jensen talked about the trench coat scene, describing it as "awkward," pointing out that the jacket was in a stolen car, that Dean wouldn't have folded it that nicely, describing the written dialogue as, "It was so bad," and saying that he and Misha ended up changing the dialogue. One fan who won a copy of the script from Misha posted the relevant pages on Tumblr. The removed lines have Dean saying, of the trench coat he's holding, "Dumb to keep. I know. I saw you-- dissolve or whatever. But, just in case. 'Cause I never stopped wanting to fix it either. So we got something in common. Just-- take it. Please." Though, there may have been an earlier version of the script that Jensen was referring to, as he talked with Misha at JiB con 2012, and they mentioned Castiel having a line that they changed, and Dean having a line that referenced something like the smell of the coat or Dean cuddling up to it. Jensen said Misha had called the scene "gay" in a previous panel, and Jensen referred to it as "unmanly" saying, "Which would make sense because (Sera Gamble, the writer) is a girl. (...) She writes amazing, but sometimes there are some effeminate lines (like) "I guess I really hoped you'd come back someday." "
major side eye at the that whole manly business. but i do think, again, the show talks more about their relationship than whatever makes it to screen. stop trying to make fetch happen.
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Imprinting: any kind of phase-sensitive learning (learning occurring at a particular age or a particular life stage) that is rapid and apparently independent of the consequences of behavior.
Leda Darling was abducted at age 18. The only person she saw for what felt like ages was her abductor until a new face peered through the darkness and reached out. Nine years after being kidnapped, she is rescued by a curious FBI profiler, Will Graham. With Hannibal Lecter overseeing her return to society and Will Graham there to protect her from any threats, Leda's life seems to have turned for the better.
But some people are not who they seem, even to those who know them best.
Will Graham/Hannibal Lecter/Original Female Character
Chapter 1 - Someone to Watch Over Me
“Please,” he said evenly, “come in.” He stepped out of the door frame and ushered the woman into a large open study. His voice was smooth and inviting, but it didn’t stop the girl from flinching away and casting her eyes downward as she crept into the dark library-esque office. 
She followed the doctor’s directions and slowly lowered herself into a gray leather chair as he followed suit in an identical chair across from her. Her eyes stayed trained on her shoes, a new pair of boots that didn’t quite fit her and felt awkward on her feet. It had been so long since she had needed shoes; she couldn’t decide if they made her feel free again or reminded her of confinement. 
“Ms. Darling,” his voice made her flinch slightly once more, “you’re looking better than when we first met.”
She inhaled sharply remembering his cold scrutiny from their first meeting at the BAU.
The doctor sat with his hands folded in his lap, looking at her with curiosity. 
“I understand that you haven’t spoken since being found,” he said, grabbing a pen and notepad from the table beside him. He put them in his lap and leaned forward slightly. “Trauma like you went through can cause a condition called psychogenic mutism. It’s not something that can’t be treated.” 
She raised her head slightly, meeting his eyes for the first time. He didn’t smile, but his face softened and his eyebrows raised minutely. Warmth bloomed in her chest momentarily: she had done something right.
“Do you know any sign language, Ms. Darling?” he asked.
She shook her head no. 
He nodded and jotted something down. “Are you able to write?”
She nodded, her body becoming less stiff as they talked. He saw this as a good sign and wrote more in his notebook before setting it aside. He pulled his chair closer to her and pulled out a smaller notebook from the inside of his jacket. He handed it to her along with his pen and sat down.
“We’ll start with something simple. I’d like you to write your name and when you were born.” Dr. Lecter instructed.
She grasped the pen gently, the object feeling foreign in her hand. It had been years since she had last written something; truthfully, she didn’t know if she could still write, but she was praying that she hadn’t lied to the doctor.
Shakily, she put the pen to paper. Her writing was slow and deliberate. After what felt like forever for her, she handed the notepad back to Dr. Lecter. 
“Leda Darling January 8th 1998”
The doctor nodded and handed it back to her. “That’s right. Do you know what year it is now?”
She wrote more confidently this time. “ 2023. Agent Crawford said .”
“Very good,” Dr. Lecter praised. A warm feeling welled up in her chest and a ghost of a smile past her lips. He noted how she responded to the praise and made a mental note of it.
“I’m going to ask you some harder questions now. If you ever want to stop, just put the pen down,” he explained. “Don’t hesitate to stop if something becomes too much for you to handle. Our sessions will only work if you feel safe here; do you understand?”
She thought for a second before nodding.
“I’d like to put you on some medication to help with your anxiety,” Dr. Lecter explained, “Is that okay?”
Leda nodded, and Dr. Lecter nodded before looking at his watch. 
“I’ll send a prescription to your doctor and ask Agent Crawford to pick it up for you,” he said, getting up and walking over to his desk and rifling through a couple of papers before seemingly finding what he was looking for. He made his way back to Leda, who had stood up as well. She looked up at him with big eyes, and something akin to regret passed his face for a moment. A memory of something, or someone.
“This is my office phone number, and my personal cell is on the back. If anything happens do not be afraid to call me.”
She took the small paper card from him and tucked it into her jacket pocket. She stood up and held the notepad out for him to take back, but he just put his hand over hers. 
“It’s yours to keep. I have more than enough paper here,” he explained, gesturing to his desk. He wasn’t lying.
Leda nodded in appreciation. 
Dr. Lecter led her gently to the door and as soon as it opened, the slightly cooler air flooded over her and her demeanor changed instantly. Her shoulders tensed and her gaze dropped back down to her boots as she caught a glimpse of Agent Crawford waiting for her outside. 
“Good afternoon, Agent Crawford,” Dr. Lecter greeted the man outside, who had stood up from his spot in one of the chairs in the waiting room when the door opened up. 
“Dr. Lecter,” the FBI agent nodded, “Ms. Darling, are you ready to head back to the house?” 
Not making eye contact, Leda nodded slightly.
Dr. Lecter cleared his throat. “Leda is suffering from psychogenic mutism. It may be a while before her brain believes it's safe enough to speak again. For now, we’re going to communicate by writing.”
Agent Crawford nodded in understanding. 
Dr. Lecter turned to his patient once more. She had retreated back into herself and was viewing the outside world through a veil of fear. He put his hand on her shoulder in an attempt to comfort her and she brought her head up slowly, her eyes meeting his gaze. His brown eyes seemed to pierce through her veil. 
“I’ll see you soon, Ms. Darling,” he said before turning his attention to another figure in the waiting room. He had snuck in quietly, not wanting to interrupt the debrief happening before him. 
“Good evening, Will.” Dr. Lecter greeted, drawing all eyes to him. Leda’s eyes snapped up and she froze.
Why was he here? 
Will Graham was the first face that Leda saw when the door to the cellar was opened. It was he who had wrapped his arms around her and helped her step into the light for the first time since she was abducted. His hand had touched her face so gently, brushing away the tears from her eyes.
“You’re safe now, Leda,” he had consoled, holding the broken woman in his arms as she sunk down into the wet leaves beneath their feet. “You’re safe.”
“Hello, Leda,” Will said softly. His eyes were weary, but he smiled at her softly nonetheless. 
Her nod was almost unperceivable, but Will noticed it along with the slight relaxation of her shoulders. She didn’t smile, but her face softened and he could see the relief in her eyes at the sight of him. 
Agent Crawford watched this interaction with interest. Leda seemed to relax around Will, perhaps in time he would be a key element to get her to open up and help them catch her kidnapper. 
He broke the silence, making Leda flinch slightly, “We best be on our way. Thank you, Hannibal. It’s good to see you, Will.”
The two men nodded to the older FBI agent before he led Leda out of the building and to his car. 
“She looks better,” Will commented, following Hannibal into his office, “Still not great, but better.”
Hannibal took a seat behind his desk and looked through some papers as Will sat down. “She’s incredibly malnourished. I’m surprised she’s walking on her own without any mobility aids.” 
“Jack offered them, but she refused,” Will explained, sitting forward in his chair and perching his chin on his fists. “For someone so beaten, she’s very resilient.”
Not looking at him, Hannibal replied, “Her resilience is what saved her from dying in that cellar.” He found what he was looking for and stood up before making his way to the chair across from Will. He sat back and put the notebook in his lap, setting his hands on it and crossing his legs. “She seems to relax when you’re around.”
Will sat back. “I noticed that.”
“A newly hatched bird will imprint on the first thing it sees. It’s instinctual and vital to their survival that they learn to hunt, walk, and even fly. Many times, if it imprints on the wrong thing, it will never be able to survive in the wild,” Hannibal explained. “Euthanasia is oftentimes the only answer.”
Will bristled slightly. Ever since he pulled Leda out of the cellar, he felt somewhat protective of her. At Hannibal’s mention of euthanasia, he felt a surge of uneasiness and anger wash over him. Hannibal noticed this and jotted something down in his notebook. 
“Our little bird will be fine,” Hannibal reassured, “As you said, she’s resilient. She made good progress today and she’s looking much better physically as well. Where are you with finding her abductor?”
Will relaxed his shoulders, which he hadn’t been aware of tensing. Back to business, he thought. 
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wrathfulgraham · 1 year
okay so i havent actually hit my follower milestone yet but you guys get my wip anyways.
the sun amidst small stars
Rating: Mature
Archive Warning: Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Relationships: Will Graham/Hannibal Lecter, Will Graham & Abigail Hobbs, Abigail Hobbs & Hannibal Lecter, Will Graham & Abigail Hobbs & Hannibal Lecter
Characters: Hannibal Lecter, Will Graham, Jack Crawford, Abigail Hobbs
Additional Tags: Pre-Canon, Hannibal (TV) Season/Series 01, Established Relationship, Murder Husbands, Hannibal Lecter Loves Will Graham, Will Graham Loves Hannibal Lecter, Dark Will Graham, Hannibal Lecter is a Cannibal, Hannibal Lecter is the Chesapeake Ripper, Will Graham Knows, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Secret Relationship, Will Graham is a Cannibal, Will Graham is the Chesapeake Ripper, Autistic Will Graham, Manipulation, Non-Consensual Drug Use, Recreational Drug Use, Cajun Will Graham, Mild Sexual Content, Implied Sexual Content, Rating May Change, Tags May Change, No beta we die like abigail hobbs
Hannibal turns toward him, face gone soft with fondness. "Merely reminiscing, meilė. It feels like only yesterday that I got my first proverbial peek behind the curtain back in New Orleans." His hand turns on the center console, palm up. Huffing a laugh, Will tenderly clasps it in his own.
"Not going to stab me this time, I hope," Will jokes.
"Not unless you intend to arrest me," Hannibal replies. For a split second, Will sees the man as he'd been back then – pale skin and sharp cheekbones, a wily smile wrapped in a doctor's coat that looked two sizes too big on his lithe frame. Then he blinks, and the present reinstates itself around them. Hannibal's palm is warm, his smile even moreso.
"Nah," Will finally answers. "I have no interest in seeing you declawed. Not anymore."
In a different world, Hannibal and Will met much earlier. They married, bought a house, and live in their version of domestic bliss. Hannibal is still a psychiatrist of questionable morals and Will is still a professor at the Academy. No one in this world knows that, together, they are the Chesapeake Ripper.
Follows the events of TV canon.
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k-s-morgan · 3 years
Hi! I've been in the Hannibal fandom for two years now. Rewatched the show many times and yet Will Graham still confuses me like no one else. Hannibal's design is complex but somewhat understandable after watching the show again again. But Will's design is like a loophole. He can empathise with the killers. That means he can understand them. If he can understand them then why does it feel good for him to kill them? How does it work for him exactly. Does he feel for the killers? If he felt for the killers then what about his violent tendencies towards them?
I've always thought that he is like a God. A God of the killers. The killers offer him their design and he takes sacrifice in return of understanding. But how does his psyche work exactly?
Hello! Oh yes, Will is a very confusing character - it’s his defining trait, and I think that’s because he lies to himself, to others, and to us as an audience. He wants one thing, wants to want another thing, does the third thing, and making sense of it is a complex process.
I think Will’s empathy is a big red herring. I agree with Freddie here: he understands killers because he’s one. He has an almost supernatural gift that helps him recreate the situations almost exactly as they happened. He understands what motivates killers, he might sympathize with them, but I think he might also envy them their freedom to be what they are. They are a reminder of what he is and what he can’t allow himself to have. But most importantly, they are a way for Will to find a compromise with himself and feel better about his true self. Killing bad people is an excuse to justify his darkness, but I don’t think it’s a part of his design per se. 
I agree with you that Will is like a God - he and Hannibal both are. That’s one of the things that separates them from others and elevates them above everyone else. Let’s make an overview of Will’s victims.
1) Hobbs. Hobbs was a monster and Will killed him. But it wasn’t about justice and righteousness, not according to him. Killing a person and feeling pleased that you saved someone versus liking the act of killing itself are drastically different things. Many police officers have to kill in their line of duty. Very few of them get off on the act of murder. Those who do are killers, and they are especially dangerous if they immediately try to follow it up with another murder. Will never once says he liked killing Hobbs because he made this world better. When asked, he says that he felt a sense of power. This is a motivation of many actual serial killers. If Will was just glad that he saved Abigail, he would know it's normal. He wouldn't have been almost on the verge of a break-down and haunted by Hobbs. So it’s not about helping others, it's about murder, even if the victim was a monster.
2) Stammets. Will had no reason to try to kill him (which he admits to doing). Based on his and Hannibal’s talk, he understands that he just wanted to feel what he felt after killing Hobbs, and this makes him panic. So again, no someone. He’s chasing the high of killing someone, and Stammets is the most appropriate victim. 
3) Ingram. On the surface, it looks like Will wanted to avenge Peter and himself by proxy, hence pulling the trigger on Ingram. However, after Hannibal manages to stop him, days later, Will complains about losing a chance to feel how he felt when killing Hobbs. Murder high is his main motivation again - everything else is background or an excuse, depending on your reading.    
4) Randall. Will threw away the gun on purpose to make the murder more intimate. This is not about justice and this is not about protecting himself because by doing this, he reduced his chances. Will also beat Randall up until he wasn't moving. There was no reason to snap his neck. Mutilation, cannibalism that followed, keeping his suit, admitting he enjoyed the murder and calling it his design - this is about murder and WIll’s love for it primarily. The design part is especially important: based on it, we can conclude that Will loves a performance just like Hannibal.  
4) Chiyoh and her prisoner who Will set up. Chiyoh was innocent and didn't deserve to die. Her prisoner might not have been guilty - in fact, Will was the one to suggest that, and yet Will still set him up. It was a game and he was an observer - he lied in waiting for Chiyoh’s scream. He then turned the body of a losing party into art. Very creepy and very like Hannibal.
5) Chilton. Will clearly explained his motivation: he wanted Chilton to pay just because he wanted to be famous and messed with Hannibal by writing his ridiculous book. Will showed no remorse and admitted he did it on purpose.
6) Police officers he set up to be killed by cooperating with Francis. The ones he stepped over without a second look. They were innocent and they were a collateral damage. Will is a cruel God who doesn’t bother with mere mortals as long as it fits his purpose. In this case, his purpose was freeing Hannibal. Everything else was still a blur in his mind. 
7) Francis. Enjoyed the murder, admired the blood, called the situation beautiful.
8) Bedelia. She's innocent in comparison to Will and his body count. If Will faced no repercussions and continued getting more and more people killed, she had every right to go free. But God doesn’t have to be fair, and Will proves it by targeting her. 
What does it all say about Will’s design and philosophy? Apart from Godlike attributes and indifference toward collateral damage, I think Will is led by his bloodlust - he just tends to control it and direct it at specific targets. 
Will might prefer to kill “bad people” in the first two seasons, but it’s the process of murder that excites him. So I see his righteous choices as a preference that helps him justify his dark nature partly, not the core reason for his violence. Hannibal seems to be moved by his interest in human nature and his hunter instinct, but Will, I think, is a truer killer because he actually feels drunk on murder. Unlike Hannibal, he looks downright euphoric when/after he kills Randall and Francis. In TWOTL, Hannibal is more focused on the fact that his dream came true and he and Will killed someone together, but Will seems primarily caught up in the murder after-shocks themselves. Hannibal thinks about Will, Will thinks about how beautiful blood looks under the moonlight.
So, post Fall, I believe that at first, Will will stick to killing bad people like murderers, but once some times passes, his need for justifications will fade. He’ll move on to rude people, only his rude will differ from Hannibal’s. Hannibal doesn’t differentiate between genders and ages, but I think Will will. He’s interested in a feeling of power, like he himself says, in a sense of dominance, so he’ll look forward to a fight. He won’t be interested in attacking a teenager like Cassie, for instance, because the power imbalance is too prominent. But as soon as someone more equal does something Will heavily dislikes, something that wakes his bloodlust (a personal insult, physical or verbal abuse toward other people/animals, etc.), he’ll attack. He’ll be careful - he knows how to avoid being caught, but it will still be unpredictable and passionate. Will is a storm to Hannibal’s calm.
Then there is unpredictability. Hannibal tends to plan everything methodically. The only times we see him being impulsive is in Europe, where he’s descending into self-destructive mode, so it’s not a norm for him. For Will, though? Will consists of unpredictability, and Hannibal is fascinated by it.I think Will is going to kill when an impulse strikes. For example, he might go shopping, without having any dark plans, and end up murdering someone because the circumstances pushed some unfortunate soul onto his path. Will might or might not display the body depending on his mood. Today he can be in an artistic mood, but tomorrow he’ll be in a violent and impatient one, wanting to destroy the body entirely and leaving a total mess behind.
How Will would prefer to kill? In my opinion, in an intimate way. It doesn’t mean he’ll be weaponless, but something like a knife would fit his tastes well. He’d be able to feel it plunge into his victim’s body, tearing through skin and muscles, etc. - personal and intimate. Akin to what he did with Francis - his feral half-snarl, the way he paused after stabbing him before opening him up - it was dark and mesmerizing. Will might get into strangling, too, because it takes a lot of time and it is even more intimate. It might end up being his favorite. So, I can see him using his hands or small weapons to fully sense what he’s doing to a victim. This is something that he has in common with Hannibal because from what we saw, Hannibal also enjoys more intimate and prolonged murders that give him a glimpse into a person’s pain and struggle for life.
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masterswrd · 3 years
can u elaborate on hannibals eating disorder like,,,,, ed in the same way that pica might b considered an ed or
Absolutely yes I can!
I don’t think it’s entirely useful for me to try to disgnose him eith a specific eating disorder (maybe orthexia?), but he canonically has a restrictive, obsessive, and compulsive relationship with food and as we know: Hannibal’s childhod trauma is the reason he eats people.
Eating disorders are as much self-soothing and emotional regulation behavoirs as they are self-harming behavoirs.
He kills as a way to conquer his fears about what happened to him and take control. Before he killed people he woukd wake up screaming and was mute due to trauma. The reason Hannibal is more aggresive and impulsive during his incarceration (in all adaptations) is because his coping skills were taken away.
Hannibal’s cannibalism comes from anxiety, specifically his fear of being hurt again. As a victim during his childhood, he was completely helpless and on the brink of being cannibalized. When he encounters rude people or people who hurt him or his family his brain goes to “I have to eat them, before they can eat me.”
Sitting down at his dinner table and literally consuming something that scares him is stress releaving and an act on dominance. This is why Hannibal is so pleased that Will placed a hit on Chilton, and why he ate his raw detatched lips. Chilton enacted psychiatric abuse on him and Will, now he can’t hurt them and Will and him are safe. This is the same reason why Hannibal vows to kill Alana. Her abuse of power at the hospital, but also because she intended to kill him. He doesn’t feel safe will Alana being alive.
When Hannibal tries to eat Will in Dolce, he does it because he thinks Will had fully made up his mind and hunted him down with the intent to kill him. It’s a “him or me” mindset. The same reason Abigail Hobb’s killed with her dad. I forgot if it was Mads or Bryan who said but Hannibal didn’t want to go through with eating him. He would have, but he also desperat wanted somebody to stop him and was relieve when Mason’s men came. He didn’t want Will to die but cannibalism is a compulsion to cope with his fear of what Will might do and couldn’t bring himself to stop.
He kills Abigail in Mizomuno to hurt Will to some extent but I think it’s more for the reason being “Will is going to choose her over me and it will lead to my death or capture so I’d rather kill her than take that chance. Now I’m his only option.” It’s not entirely rational but it’s how his thought process works. The reason he never ate Miriam is probably because he never drew a weapon (maybe wasn’t even armed at all) and was never a threat to his safety, unlike Beverly who shot to kill. She was in the wrong place at the wrong time and Hannibal probably took responsibility for having his drawings out and not being careful.
Will helps Hannibal to cope by being a completely new source of happiness that isn’t tied to his trauma. His love of music, fashion, and italian heritage come from his dead mother who’s corpse he saw half burned in front of him. His love of art is attached to how his home that was looted for it’s art by his family’s murders, which is how he tracked them down. His love of food comes from the cook from his childhood home who was also killed and the trauma of Mischa’s death and being forced to eat her. Hannibal butcher’s his first victim in a way the cook taught him to butcher a fish (fish cheeks are an underrated part of the fish btw. idk about human cheeks though.)
Will is in the same category that Hannibal places himself and Mischa in. It’s why when Will was getting attacked by the Dragon, Hannibal jumps onto Dolarhyde’s back and bites out a chunk of his neck (and probably eats it). He’s devouring him before he could devour Will. Seeing the blood on Will’s face after biting Cordell and then the blood on his face in WoTL probably made Hannibal feel loved and safe and defended because that’s how Hannibal shows his love for himself and his sister, by consuming those who seek to do them harm.
And by the way, this was probably the first time Hannibal felt actually defended in the face of life threatening danger.
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We joke about Hannibal and Will being so different but that’s why they work. He can give Hannibal a safe space to decompress and cope with what happened to him without being reminded of his trauma. I think post-fall Hannibal will be the most vunerable version of him we’d see because it would be the first time he’s acknowledging what happened. As he coped, he might be able to better fight his compulsion and anxiety that drives him to kill. By that, I mean he will be more in control of choosing him victims rather than have his traumaized way of thinking take over and having murder and cannibal be his only ways of feeling safe.
TLDR: Hannibal’s cannibalism and likely his obsessive need to only eat food he cooks is a trauma response fueled by anxiety and fear and in reality, he probably feels very little control over his obsessive thoughts to kill and eat peoole to feel safe.
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sourweather · 2 years
🎬 what would you do to improve the show?
[its perfect how it is] no could you imagine
alright heres my NUMBER ONE change, strap in:
Abigail needs to stop being a shock value Character.
First of all, I'm against her appearance in s3. The way the show does a lil fakeout like "oo did Abigail survive mizumono???? oops no will is just imagining her" like fuck that noise. if you want her to be there so Will has something to talk at I think that's valid. maybe even have her be all bloody and scary the whole time. bloody Abigail Hobbs in the Norman chapel? kind of a Vibe. and don't worry the take only gets hotter from here
Abigails role in mizumono is dumb and bad and I hate it so much. its so dumb that its like "surprise abigail has been alive this WHOLE time but now 2 minutes later we are killing her for shock value :) " no. bad writing. dumb and cheap and we can do better.
so here's 2 ways to remedy this:
option A- and this is the considerably easier option: just. Dont Do That. Hannibal killed Abigail in s1. Will hates him for it. their confrontation in mizumono is intense and beautiful and raw on its own, you don't NEED abigails sudden appearance and death to make it emotional. if anything the current version cheapens like the whole scene imo. so yeah just cut that part of the scene. have han push Alana out the window himself and then gut Will. easy.
now let's talk about option B aka the Cooler Better option: you remember those scenes in s3 where we get a glimpse of what han and Abigail were doing in s2? talking about killing and stuff? let's put aallllll that in s2. think about it. s2a is so fucking SLOW guys like I love it but its not as Fun as the rest of the show imo. so let's! reveal that Abigail is alive like right away! like s2e2 or smthn. then were intercutting wills prison sentence and his seething, overwhelming anger at han for killing Abigail with scenes of han and Abigail Doing Whatever The Fuck. and it's like. imagine how hard s2b hits like that. watching Will plan to betray han instead of running away with him, Knowing that Abigail is alive and that Han wants them all to leave together. remember how painful that scene in mizumono is when Han is all but BEGGING will to run away? imagine how awful it would be if all season you've known that Abigail is still there, just out of wills reach. and it's also infuriating, because you're screaming at han to just be honest with Will. if han would just TELL will that Abigail was alive, he would choose Florence in an instant. and then that moment in the kitchen when Will finally SEES Abigail, alive? the way he falls apart? now that shot is what the whole season has been leading up to. you've been waiting for this moment, when will would finally know what you, the viewer have known all along.
and then when han kills her its horrible. so horrible, because we've had another season to grow to like Abigail, to see the vision of them as a family that han sees. and ugh isn't that better? isn't that so much more compelling than just "surprise she's been in the basement all along!" idk I didn't mean to rant but this is my biggest gripe with the show and ill die on this hill amen
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deerabigailhobbs · 3 months
This might have been asked before but why is Abigail Hobbs your all time favorite character?
Hello, thank you for the question! I've been asked this before in DMs but never in inbox before :)
I won't bore you with the details, but last year was extremely rough for me, both physically and mentally, and I discovered Hannibal around July time. Watching the first episode, seeing Abigail on screen, what happened to her, her in the hospital, I was immediately captivated by her character. Even though I had seen spoilers many years ago about her fate, I had to keep watching to see how it would unravel.
Now, like many people on this site, Hannibal hasn't been my only obsession with a piece of media, however I've never had a character fill me with such joy and overwhelming creativity before. I was drawing her, editing her, sending paragraphs upon paragraphs about her to my friend (shout out to them) because I could not stop talking about her, which is something I still do. With going through such a hard time in my life, here was a character who was also suffering, who was also scared and confused, and I think that's possibly why I felt so connected to her when she first appeared on screen, thrust into something she wanted no part of and couldn't control.
As for analysis of the character herself, I just think she's so interesting! Sometimes she feels like less of a character and more of a prop, motivation for the other characters to use. We never really see her on her own, never truly know what she's thinking, we can only speculate and try and put the pieces together ourselves, trying desperately to not view her in the eyes of Hannibal or Will. This layer of mystery makes her so compelling to watch. Honestly, she can be very unpredictable at times, killing Nick, digging up his body, manipulating the conversation at one point and being completely helpless the next, I feel like you never really know what's going to happen when she's on screen.
And of course there's her death, and how beautifully tragic it is. This woman, who wanted to be loved, to be understood, left to bleed out once more by someone who was supposed to protect her. I cannot imagine how she must have felt in those final moments, Hannibal's bloody hand stretched out to her, knife gleaming in the other one. She knew what was going to happen, what was about to be recreated, and she embraces it. She had no say before but she does now. And I think even in those last few minutes of her life, she wanted to live, even as the knife scrapped against her throat a second time, she plead for survival, but the only way she could be safe is via death. If she left with Hannibal and Will she'd be surrounded by twice her father once more, if she stayed she would have been turned in to the police, if she ran as far as she could, she would never be able to escape the guilt that her life brought her.
And so she decides to die by her own choice, to "push the button." And she's scared, unsure of her decision as she's grasping at her bleeding neck and gasping for air. I think she was unsure if she made the right call because every decision in her life has been done for her. It's a foreign feeling to a character that never had a taste of agency and individuality before.
Abigail is so immensly intriguing, and I love to pick her actions and motives apart, adding my own interpretations to a character that's all about peeling off their layers and trying to find their true self underneath.
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childhood secrets ~ hannibal lecter;hannibal
word count: 1711
request?: yes!
shady80smusicsingercolor “Hey! Can i request something
Hannibal l x reader
The reader kept her childhood a secret from everyone,until she was watching news about a teen getting bullied,she remembers her childhood and just cries.Hannibal notices and goes run up to her,ask what's wrong.She explain what happen,that her childhood friends used make fun of her,or calling her weirdo.Hannibal comforts her
Hope is okay❤”
description: after hearing the story of a teenager’s tragic passing, unwanted memories are brought back to her
pairing: hannibal lecter x female!reader
warnings: swearing, mentions of suicide and suicidal thoughts, mentions of bullying
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“Did you hear about the Thompson girl?” Zeller asked as we examined some DNA for a case.
“Who’s the Thompson girl, first and foremost?” I asked.
“She was friends with Abigail Hobbs when she was sent to that psychiatric facility,” Price explained. “They were room neighbors I think.”
“Oh! That Hannah girl! What happened to her?”
“Her parents found her dead in her room. Suicide.”
I was so shocked at the response that I dropped the tool in my hand. Both of them looked at me for a moment as I just looked down at my hands. I was trying to calm the growing PTSD rising in me.
“The poor thing,” I finally managed to say.
“Yeah,” Price said. “I think she was in the facility because of mental illness. Her parents put her in there after her first attempt.”
Zeller shook his head. “Poor thing. They shouldn’t have let her check out so soon. (Y/N), are you okay?”
I was still staring down at my hands. They were shaking and it was getting hard to breathe. I could barley register the fact that Zeller had asked me something. They were both looking at me, expectantly.
“What? Yes, I’m fine,” I responded. “I gotta get some fresh air.”
I threw my coat and gloves on a nearby table and quickly raced for the exit. I had to wait for the elevator to take me to the ground floor, but the wait was antagonizing. My chest and throat felt tight, I felt like I couldn’t breathe.
When the elevator door opened, I was faced with Jack Crawford, Will Graham, and Hannibal Lecter.
“(Y/N),” Crawford said. “Are you okay?”
I couldn’t respond this time. I had to get out, I had to be away from there.
The breathe of fresh air in my lungs was just what I needed, but I was still feeling panicked. Flashbacks were running through my head, things I had repressed for all those years coming back all at once, hitting me like a freight train. I sat down on the sidewalk, trying to calm my breathing enough to go back inside.
“Miss. (Y/L/N)?”
I looked up to see Hannibal stood behind me.
“I’m fine, Dr. Lecter,” I told him. “You don’t have to check on me.”
“You’re very obviously not okay. You’re breathing is abnormal and you look as though you’ve been crying.”
I felt my cheek and was shocked to find that Hannibal was right, I had been crying. I hadn’t even realized it before.
“I’m fine,” I repeated, but the crack in my voice gave me away.
Hannibal sat next to me. I tried not to let him see my face, but I knew there was no turning back now. He had seen me in the elevator, he saw how unhappy I was at that moment. Any other person would just think I was overwhelmed from work, or maybe one of our discoveries had upset me, but Hannibal was a talented psychiatrist. He probably already knew what was wrong with me.
“Do you want to talk about it?” he asked.
I chuckled. “How often does that one work?”
“Enough times to keep me employed.”
I sighed and ran a hand through my hair. “Zeller and Price were telling me about a girl that used to be friends with Abigail, Hannah Thompson. She...she...”
“I know,” Hannibal finished for me, luckily. Just thinking about having to finish that sentence made my throat tight again. “I wasn’t aware you knew her so well.”
“I didn’t, but I know...the feeling. Like you’re trapped in your own mind and there’s only one way out of it.”
Hannibal was looking at me, waiting for me to continue but not pushing me to go any further than I felt comfortable with. I wouldn’t have to go any further with my explanation if I didn’t want to, I knew he wouldn’t force me. We could’ve dropped it right then and there.
But my mouth moved before my mind could comprehend what I was sating, “I was the weird girl in school. While other girls wanted to be princesses or astronauts, I wanted to be a forensic scientist. I always had a fascination with crime and forensics and such. At first, I was just an outcast with no friends, until a group of girls took me in and added me to their group in high school. They weren’t super popular girls, but they also weren’t my level of outcast or anything, so, understandably, I was excited.”
“I’d assume it wasn’t as ideal of a situation as you were led to believe.”
I shook my head, tears forming in my eyes again. “They only befriended me so I could be their verbal punching bag. It started mild at first, just some friendly jokes that I could throw back at them. Then they started calling me the weird girl, the freak who liked death and murder. They’d make fun of me for reading stuff about unsolved murders, or even just murder mystery novels. They told me I’d probably grow up to be one of the unfound murderers in those stories. They put me down at every chance they got, but they were the only friends I had so I just...I dealt with it. I even gave up the opportunity to shadow at a police department during my senior year because I was afraid of them making fun of me more.”
“What was the tipping point?” Hannibal asked. “Obviously they are no longer around. I assume either you got rid of them or...they left themselves.”
“A bit of both really,” I responded. “One day, their bullying just got too much for me. My parents never liked the group, so I felt like I couldn’t go to them because they’d just tell me ‘I told you so’ - not because that’s how my parents are but because that was my irrational fear - and the teachers and guidance councilors and principals at school were garbage. They did nothing unless they actually witnessed the bullying first hand, and even then it was always a slap on the wrist punishment. So, I thought...I thought I only had one way out.”
I was still half conscious when my parents found me. My mother’s screams were permanently etched in my head, her sobs breaking through the otherwise muffled sounds I was hearing. Even when I blacked out, all I could hear in my head was my mother.
“They sent me to the same hospital Abigail was in,” I continued, skipping over the nasty parts that I couldn’t bare to relive. “My parents said I needed actual, medical help, that they couldn’t ignore my mental health issues anymore. I was there for months. I met people just like me, people who understood what I was going through. I made friends with a lot of them, and they’re all still in my life right now. My high school friend group came to visit me at one point. They seemed genuine enough with their apologies, saying they didn’t realize how much I took their words to heart and how they didn’t know how dark of a place I was in mentally. I don’t know how true any of that was, but they put on a good act. When they finished their groveling, I told them to go fuck themselves and to never contact me again. They were...offended, to say the least. Apparently they spread rumors about me at school, but I finished my senior year at a different school so it didn’t really matter to me. Went off to do forensic science in college and...here I am.”
For a moment, a look of pride passed over Hannibal’s face, as if the end of my story made him feel proud for me. I guess it made me feel proud, too, but sometimes I kicked myself for sticking around with that toxic friend group for far too long.
“I’ve never told anyone that,” I admitted. “Not anyone who didn’t know me at the time, anyways. I tried to keep it repressed, but hearing about Hannah Thompson...it brought all those memories back for me. Maybe I’m not over it like I think I am.”
“Mental trauma when your brain is still developing is not something one can easily get over,” Hannibal said. “It takes years, and even then those painful memories could follow you to your grave.”
I winced at the thought of having to battle with those memories until the day I died. Part of me was still worried that they would be the reason I would eventually die.
“But it is important to know that your old friend group was wrong,” he continued. “There is nothing wrong with being interested in something that the masses aren’t interested in. I’d argue that being interested in murder and police work is much better than wanting to grow up and be a princess or an astronaut. Your job helps the police to find serial killers and to save innocent people from being their victims. There’s nothing weird about that, not in my eyes.”
I smiled. “Thank you, Dr. Lecter. I think I just needed to hear that when I was younger and...no one really said it to me before.”
“I’m saying it now,” he said. “If you ever feel overcome with those memories again, please do not hesitate to call me. A beautiful and brilliant mind such as yourself should not be worrying over what irrelevant people have to say about you.”
I felt myself blush, but I wasn’t sure if it was from the reassurance Hannibal was giving me, or if it was from the compliment.
“I want to sit out here for a little while longer,” I told him. “I still need some air, and to come down from what happened back there. You don’t have to wait for me.”
“I don’t have to, but I will,” he decided. “I want to make sure you’re okay before I join my collegues again.”
I smiled at him again. I definitely wasn’t about to fight him on staying there with me. Quite the opposite, actually. If there was anyone I wanted with me in that moment, it was Hannibal.
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