#watching with your boo who has already seen the anime but only remember some stuff
whimsicalblanket · 11 months
The best thing about watching AoT is that I get to try and use my brain to come up with all the theories regarding the whos and whys and hows.
Too bad most of the time, my partner reacts with: "Cool, but you're thinking too much. They don't bother to explain it that well."
BUT! (BUTT!) yesterday I got an "interesting". I'm intrigued ;>
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for the love of god please give us some austin powers!whiskey headcanons o queen of au's 😔we're just sluts for ur content
My mf babe boo lee validating this dumb au that i love so fucking much aksksks i have like two hours before all the thanksgiving stuff happens so if anybody wants to send me whiskey shit for this au DO IT!!!
warnings: uhh talk of sex and porn, foul language. theres zero organization or skill put into these i just threw ‘em out there lmao
So the general consensus of this au for those who dont know, is an austin powers au. Yes i said that. 
Jack “whiskey” Daniels is an statesmen from the 70’s who is hailed as a legend for all the lives hes saved and ploys for global terrorism he’d stopped. In his prime, he was cryogenically frozen until the statesmen would need him at a later date (reasoning behind this is vague, even whiskey himself doesnt remember why. He get flashes of distant memories and emotions around it all, but they're gone as soon as they come.)
Cut to modern time, you’re scotch. One of the best agents who’s known for getting the job done with little to no issues, but not known to be a socializer. You are tasked as agent whiskey’s new partner as he is unfrozen and helping him adapt to the new world. 
Now lets get into the fun stuff
With adapting to the new world, you had to teach whiskey about the internet and my god was that tiring. 
He still doesn't get the point of dating apps. “I don’t need a little device to help me get laid, i do just fine with my charms and southern hospitality.” you're pretty sure he only says that because he cant figure out how the fuck to use tinder but you let it go. 
Whiskey hates porn. Like DESPISES it. This is something he decided to tell you with an “urgent” phone call at three in the fucking morning. 
“She’s faking! Thayer all faking!! What’s the point if she doesn’t enjoy it? It’s all a lie! This poor woman looks like she’s in pain!! They’ve made sex a production!! What has this world come to!?!”
You hang up and go back to sleep. 
But yeah whiskey hates it. It’s all fake and over the top and just...not what he thinks sex should be. 
To him sex isn’t a production or a race. It’s a celebration of attraction between consenting adults.  
He enjoys the ametur made stuff, where there’s legitimate attraction between those involved
This doesn't mean he’s vanilla in anyway, he just hates that porn isnt really...sex. Its not mutual pleasure, its all jarring categories, fake moaning and very sexist foundation. 
Once he finds the animal video part of the internet? Oh he’s as good as gone. He thin begins to send you links to videos' showcasing friendships between unlikely pairs, such as a sea lion and a horse, or a monkey and a ferret. You don’t tell him that you watch them all late at night when you cant sleep.
He fucking loves nature documentaries. Especially deep sea ones, focusing on fish that light up or are see-through and shit like that. 
If you watch them with him you admit its...kind of adorable. Like seeing a kid all wide-eyed at the aquarium. 
“You know what’d make this really interesting??”
“We aren’t doing lsd while watching blue planet, stop asking me that.”
He’s done drugs, like, a lot back in the day. Statesmen is stricter now, with regular mandatory drug tests so whiskey cant go out, partying like a madman and taking whatever he pleases. 
Whiskey is bisexual . As is basically everybody i write so when you tell him same sex marriage is legal in all 50 states he legit tears up. 
“Never thought I’d live to see the day.” hes so overjoyed at the news. He knows there's still a long way to go but seeing that, something he’d only dreamed and fantasize about while drawing shapes on the chest of his lover? Oh it makes his heart soar. 
Whiskey is a man with brazen sexuality but of course aware of boundaries. First day you met him you turned down his advances, he accepted this and then decided to latch on as your best friend AND wingman! :D
You cannot escape this fate you're stuck with him now. 
Anytime you go out to a bar he scouts for potential suitors. “How about the blonde at the counter, they're your style!” and before you can tell him NO he’s already swaggering over and chatting you up to them. 
Whiskey, although you hate to say it, is a charming man. Hes kind and suave and will sing the praises of somebody hed only just met and have them melting in a puddle right in front of him. It’s annoying really. You have to listen to all the women at work swoon over him and talk about how youre soooo lucky to be working with him. He must be such a dream in the field. What's it like?
You plainly tell them that the other day you saw him get stuck in a revolving door and he asked for your help.
To get out
Of a door. 
You will NEVER admit this to him but when you were a green agent?? Just starting out?? You had a major crush on the legendary agent whiskey. You’d only seen the photos and heard the stories but god you thought he was amazing. 
Then you became a skilled agent yourself (perhaps also talented with a whip and lasso) and finally met the man himself when he was unfrozen. 
Whiskey calls you “little filly” and will make jokes about how you need to respect your elders. You know since he’s technically like 89 years old lmao. 
Whiskey hates that women gotta shave, he thinks you should do it if you want but the societal pressure of it? He hates it. 
And lets be real, he’s a man of the 70’s so he fucking worships bush. (the pussy not the president) (i have a lot of thoughts on this)
He can and will go down for hours on end, almost selfish with it because he gets as much pleasure from it as you. Pressing kisses and nips on your thighs, mumbling praise against you, homeboy gets straight up pussy drunk and doesn’t know how to speak coherent sentences anymore. 
He’s a cuddler. Even before you started dating he was just very affectionate and touchy. You once had to sleep together for warmth on a mission where you were stuck in the middle of nowhere during winter and he nuzzled and cuddled you all night long with a dazed smile. (he’s also your own personal space heater so that’s nice)
You thought you were over the hype and worship of agent whiskey,and you are, but when you get to know him as a friend and not an agent. As Jack, the fool who cuddles and tries to pair you up and sings out of key while cooking? God help you, your heart starts beating when you see his dimples and big goofy smile and all you can think is. “Oh fuck.”
anyways i reall y love this au and have many thoughts please sedn requests or hcs or anything you want me to expand on <3
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adultswim2021 · 3 years
Ephemera Week (2002)
It’s still ephemera week, and we’re still talking about John K. I said most of my piece on him in the last post, so don’t expect there to go full bore on this one, except I forgot to say he’s animation’s Jerry Lewis. His current stuff is basically Hardly Working. I will not elaborate, because I’m being mean to you0.
In March, Adult Swim advertised a run of one-off specials. A couple of them were already covered because they fell under the parameters of “Adult Swim original production”. They were Welcome to Eltingville (March 3rd) and Saddle Rash (March 24th).
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Day in the Life of Ranger Smith | March 10th 2002 - 11:00 PM (Originally aired on Cartoon Network in 1999)
This was one of two specials commissioned by Cartoon Network re-imagining Yogi Bear. The artist what took this assignment was John K, who I REEEAALLY skewered in last night’s post, didn’t I?
This is about Ranger Smith harassing animals and writing them up for violating park rules, basically. It’s short! I remember liking it at the time! Okay, maybe I’m going crazy here, but I distinctly remembered a part at the end where Ranger Smith is in bed and he solemnly confides in the viewer that the noises of wilderness give him nightmares and then it just ends. Did I imagine this? It does end with him in bed, but this doesn’t happen in the version on YouTube (which is from the Adult Swim airing). Huh.
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Boo Boo Runs Wild | March 10th 2002 - 11:15PM (Originally aired on Cartoon Network in 1999)
Boo Boo Runs Wild was another one of these stand-alone Yogi Bear John K specials. This one was 30 minutes long. The Ranger Smith short was a brief 7 minutes; I’m guessing they aired a couple Capt. Lingers or something to fill time.
This one is about Boo Boo reverting to his feral nature and causing BIIIIG problems! This special would later go on to be kind of a weird trolling thing Adult Swim would do where they aired it every Sunday for a few months, even promoting regularly. This was like 2006, I think? They’d also air it as part of April Fools. Is that Adult Swim admitting this special sorta sucks? Does it sorta suck? Again, I liked these at the time and REFUSED to actively rewatch these for this write-up. Sorry.
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The Jetsons: Father and Son Day/The Best Son | March 10th, 2002 11:45PM (Originally aired on CartoonNetwork.com in 2001) Our John K rock block ends with a pair of Jetsons shorts, Father and Son Day and The Best Son respectively. This is kinda the same deal as his Yogi Bear shorts, but these were exclusive for Cartoon Network’s website. I remember watching them on there. They are as bad as you’d expect late-period John K internet shorts to be, though the second short is a superior version of Spielberg’s A.I. (in that it’s shorter).
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Night of the Living Doo | March 17th, 2002 - 11:00PM (originally aired on Cartoon Network, 2001)
Night of the Living Doo originally aired as wraparound segments during a Halloween Scooby Doo marathon on Cartoon Network. It’s kinda like an episode of the Scooby Doo Movies, which shoehorned in a guest star each episode. Suddenly my man Dick Van Dyke be running a carnival and shit. That’s the Scooby Doo Movies. At the end of the night they played all the wraparound segments in one uninterrupted sitting, so the viewer could appreciate it as an actual full-on Scooby Doo episode. Night of the Living Doo functioned both as an extension of that series as well as a parody. The guests were Gary Coleman, David Cross, and the very cool band Big Bad Voodoo Daddy. It was all very self-deprecating and had jokes about the absurdity of Scooby Doo tropes. Well trod territory by this point, sure. But this is better than most irreverent Scooby Doo things. It didn’t hurt that I was a HUGE David Cross fan when this aired. Is this where I tell the stupid-ass story about getting mad at a message board guy for not liking David Cross? Sure. Okay, yeah. When this aired on Adult Swim a guy on Kon’s (hi Kon) message board posted something about not finding David Cross funny, shrugging that he didn’t get the hype. He cited this and his appearances in the Men in Black movies, and nothing else as proof for his lackluster comedy skills. It’s kinda like deeming Eddie Murphy as a bad comedian after watching Dr. Doolittle.
The point of this special is that David Cross is a little wooden and stilted, like in the old Scooby Doo Movies episodes. This poster revealed that he never heard David Cross’s stand-up or seen Mr. Show, explaining “I don’t watch puppet shows” A response that still baffles me to this day. Why Mr. Show isn’t a-- WHAT IS HE TALKING ABOUT? I’m not even sure if there was EVER a puppet on Mr. Show*. David wasn’t even a guest on Crank Yankers at this point! SO WHAT THE FUCK? To this day whenever mutual pals from that board get together and watch a movie or show and a puppet appears we make a joke about this guy. Good story? No? Fuck you.
Other stuff about this show: When it originally aired on Cartoon Network it was a little bit longer than the Adult Swim version. There’s a missing scene. I think it’s David trying to play an improv game with a mummy or something. At one point I had it on tape, but I’m not sure I kept it. Sorry.
*sorry to be coy here, but I do know of at least one puppet on Mr. Show, episode 204 there is brief footage of Grass Valley Greg putting on a puppet show for his staff. This CAN’T be the source of the confusion, can it? It’s literally like, 5 seconds.
This’ll teach me to skip a day cuz this really piled up. Thanks, guys. I love all the attention. It is my favorite thing.
I never really saw oblongs as something for the hot topic set. They had Invader Zim and Squee for that kind of shit. Oblongs feel like it was always directly targeting me: the shut-in comedy nerd who would appreciate will ferrell and the sklars being in a thing. Since they ended up doing the exact same show with Janeane Garofalo and David Cross a few years later it seems like that was the goal.
Yeah, I guess that also makes sense. There were a few elements that were kinda gothy but this show was mostly just Angus Oblong ahem, clowning around (puckering mouth to stifle laughter like Chris Elliott in Cabin Boy)
What are your thoughts on the other adult animation blocks of the past couple decades? Spike's notriously failed attempt. Animation Domination. Apparently Syfy has had their own going?
Spike was irredeemably bad. People think this shit is easy. Animation Domination is sorta legit, but it’s anchored by mostly crap. That ADHD thing was kinda good and underrated. Is that still going on? I wish I were more diligent about watching/recording that. Some of them bumpers were good. Also, we mustn’t forget MTV’s oddities. They were kinda the first cable network to court Adult Animation as their thing. They deserve some kind of credit for that. I’m sure they’re doing fine.
I'm having a nice big thing of spaghetti for dinner with some chicken parm? Jealous?
I’ve never had those are they good
What does Ephemera mean? Why is this happenening? Why aren't you talking about 10 Home Movies episodes in a row like a good boy.
In dude time, my friend. In dude time
What would be your Adult Swim dream come true?
Having a complete archive of Adult Swim blocks on a harddrive like Don Giller has with his Letterman archive. Even the commercials and shit. I know of a guy who was a regular taper of the entire block from night 1 but I’m not sure he kept up with it when they went nightly. I should ask him if he still has his tapes, huh?
That or they bring back the BUILD YOUR OWN DVD thing but with blu-rays and you can make your own bumps, which was a different thing they had. THEY SHOULD COMBINE THEM. And you can master it in SD if you wanna put 10 hours of stuff on a disk.
All this is archival bullshit dork shit. Real answer: Clay Croker comes back from the dead and every block is hosted by Space Ghost. That’d be it, right?
If anyone has genuine/better answers please write in with them I wanna keep this conversation going. ‘kay?
McDonalds reintroduces limited edition Adult Swim Toys. You can get them all (plus an extra to keep wrapped for collectors purposes) but you have to spend 20 dollars at McDonalds to grab them all. This is the last day of the promotion. You have to personally eat everything you buy but you can take it home. You can only buy one of each food item. What are you getting? I know the longer the mailbag message is the quicker you are inclined to give some glib remark but indulge this one for once.
Oh wow. I’m literally going to take this seriously. I’d roll in as breakfast was ending. Get myself a McChicken Biscuit and a Bacon Egg & Cheese McGriddle, hashbrowns and a Coffee. Gobble that knob on down. Wipe my mouth with a napkin. It’s lunchtime, bitch. Big Mac, Large Fries, BIG ass soda. You feel me, dude? Lemme tally up. Okay, probably need more. 20 piece nugget. Take that home cuz I’m probably gonna have to save some for dinner. That’s probably 20 bucks right there, especially if you go to the McDonalds on Burnside where all the menu items are more expensive because of the amount of security they have to hire (did you know that different McDonalds have different prices even in the same city? I didn’t until very recently). If this somehow doesn’t satisfy my price point I get a Vanilla shake and eat it anally DURING my BIG D squirt sesh, so it’ll spend as little time in my body as possible. Wait, do I get something for this? I might do this tomorrow just cuz. It sounds like a funky thing to do
Do you think you'll open an Adult Swim mueseum at some point? You seem to be the only steward of its history.
Unless I’m hired to by a large corporation, probably not. Also I don’t think I actually have much in the way of merch other than DVDs. I stopped being a DVD completist at some point around Freaknick The Musical. Oh, I never EVER bought a Robot Chicken DVD, EVER. I literally had a nightmare once that one appeared in my collection.
Hey! Please keep us abreast any time you put more of your garbage on eBay. Maybe you can put your wedding dress on there, you big girl.
Fucking sexist/trasphobic behavior.
Check out my eBay auctions I got season 18 of NCIS up there and some other things :)
The Ripping Friends blow chunks. I don't care if a rapist or the opposite of a rapist (a virgin who volunteers, lol) made it. It sucks a high hard one like when Ozzy banged the Cheiftan's Wife in that Black Sabbath TV Funhouse cartoon. Tell me more.
Tell you more?
Name one rap song you tolerate lol. You can't say anything by weird al or marky mark.
I guess I like the song the pest sings from the motion picture The Pest
Are there any good podcasts on adult swim?
The official one hosted by Matt Harrigan is good, but I’ve only bounced around on it. I don’t know if there’s any formal recap ones. I simply don’t know!
Buddy, you are BANNED for LIFE from my MAIL BAG! You drive me CRAZY!
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dewprisms · 4 years
After your binge-watching session, which would say is better: Kim Possible or Danny Phantom, and why?
Someone actually interested in my opinion for once?
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Well it depends, both have their pros and cons in regards to episode plots/arcs, characters and chara development, character designs etc. So I’ll suppose I’ll break them down into different categories. Under a cut as to not make scrolling a hassle.
Also I apologize in advance for my page theme, I know it’s kinda shitty and hard to read sometimes but I’m too busy to change it right now.
Designs/Art: I know Stephen Silver was the main designer for both shows (and his designs for a lot of the teenage girls has a uh, Obvious Pattern.) Ignoring my bias towards Vlad and Drakken, I think a lot of the ghosts have fun designs, but KP gets points for actually letting characters (esp Kim and Ron) wear other clothes in S2 and beyond, and between Phantom, S1 Kim and S4 Kim I think S4 Kim has the best “action” outfit. BUT the art style for DP is pretty stiff at times and KP style has a lot more range for animation, body types and faces.  Overall though, I say they’re pretty tied imo. Both have a lot of ups and downs that truly comes down to a personal pref, even though the Fartman’s style is the more iconic one. I think KP wins animation/art and DP wins for designs.
Characters: Again, the villains shine here more than the protags. KP as such a wide range of villains that I have have to give them the point for creativity and FUN in antagonists, (Duff Killigan is prob my favorite in absurdity followed by Monkey Fist, the Seniors and DNAmy all tied for second. I really like Motor Ed too, seriously.) but that’s not to say that DP doesn’t have them either. Vlad’s true motivations are really...unique compared to other DP villains and even KP ones, (seriously? How many bad guys you know who’s goal in life is “fuck the MC’s mom and also make MC your son”) who like KP are just “take over the world and/or cause tons of destruction” but with only half the fun. Sadly Dark Danny’s entire thing hinges on him being Danny But Evil who only wants...destruction??? Whereas Evil Ron actually does something interesting with the character, showing Ron’s true potential (see Evil Ron vs Electronique in “Stop Team Go” for example) and being in-character for him still. (Faux Take Over The World plot to cover his true goal of owning all the world’s Nacos? Of fucking course Ron would. Brilliant.) Evil Ron still has hints of Ron’s personality (”Boo-yahaHAHAHA!”) whereas Dark Danny is just... evil for evil’s sake, which can be good when actually done right, but in this case isn’t because the only thing that resembles Danny is his outfit. Shego’s backstory is great. DP’s new S3 enemies are very boring despite interesting powers. KP S4’s Camille Leon is great but Warmonga is just eh. Moving on to protags, KP’s protags are far, far more interesting than DP’s. Which brings us to the next point. (Also Mr. Barkin > Mr. Lancer, and Kim’s parents > Danny’s parents.) KP gets this one.
Chara Development: Gonna say it, DP almost has none, and straight up regresses in very end of S2 and most of S3. I swear the only real characters who have any are Vlad (for better or for worse, the latter imo), Jazz (when they remember her, and is good) and Valerie (whose is good too). Tucker gets 3 (three!!) fking episodes about him and they ALL carry the same theme of him not being able to responsibly handle having any kind of power, which is why him becoming the town mayor at the end is so BAD. There’s NO WAY Tucker of all people would make a good mayor. VALERIE got more episodes than him, JAZZ got more episodes than him, both with development that STUCK while he’s a MAIN CHARACTER. Sam never changes, def for worse. Sam is a Base-Breaking Character for a dang reason. She’s extremely pushy, acts like she’s lowkey better than everyone else, and never seems to consider how her actions affect other people, and the like 1 or 2 times she does it doesn’t fucking stick like she’s Hank Hill or something. Danny has no real development for his character. All that develops for him are his powers and nothing else. On the other hand, KP characters DO have development and it shows! Not just for the protags but for villains too! Kim is bossy and a lil controlling early on and stops during S2, whereas Ron was extremely cowardly and gets, not exactly braver but just less phased by it all, plus early he never quite liked going on missions but later on gets sad if he has to miss them, before he doesn’t like being distractions but later on very much takes pride in being one, and etc. Drakken and Shego get development too, esp their relationship with each other AND with Ron and Kim. Bonnie actually got an episode of development (but sadly regressed in time for the finale) whereas Pauline just...never changes whatsoever. Bonnie actually makes for a good rival and mean girl for Kim for the entire show whereas Paulina and her relationship with Danny and Sam are just....bland and doesn’t go anywhere. There’s nothing for Dash, though Ron doesn’t really have an equivalent. So, KP gets this one.
Episodes/Plots/Arcs: DP wins in the Lore department by far, KP wins in character arcs. A Sitch In Time answers the great questions of What Would Happen if the Villains Teamed Up AND Shego is a Better Villain than Drakken so Why isn’t She in Charge? ft Time Travel. The Ultimate Enemy answers What If Danny Went Evil and Is Vlad Completely Irredeemable? ft Time Travel. KP definitely does the “balancing Hero duties with School life” better than DP. You can definitely see her struggles with it whereas DP is just kinda there. I also very much like that Kim is girly but is never shamed for it both in-universe and out, whereas DP is known for the shitty “I’m not like other girls” fake feminist bullshit. A problem I have with DP is that time pretty much never changes, as if the show takes place within a year, and it seriously hampers the growth of the show could have. Time is also just out of whack, they take their big end-of-the-year test then it’s Christmas THEN it’s Summer Vacation but even in S3 they’re all still in the first year of high school like ??? What?? Whereas KP starts in Freshman year and ends with Senior Graduation. The arcs of Danny/Sam vs Kim/Ron are just...D/S was definitely teased a ton more but by S3 you just get tired of it, not to mention the hypocrisy regarding the character relationships. Personal opinion warning, but Danny/Valerie had a lot more development in such a short time and was super interesting. Kim/Ron didn’t have as many teasing esp in S1 and S2 (it’s there though) but it def picks up in S3 and I love how their new relationship was handled in S4. Back to episodes, my favorite episodes for both are Reign Storm and So The Drama, but while I might be biased toward Reign Storm I’m gonna have to ultimately give better episodes overall to KP. So The Drama has Drakken going back to his Actually Dangerous roots from early on and becoming the closest to anyone to actually winning on his own merit (Shego stole the Tempus Simia from Drakken/Duff/MF and relied on weird time shit of Kim being “lost in the time stream” ((actual canon explanation)) to travel to the future specifically to stop her, to actually win) and is SO good when Dr. D finally gets defeated, plus (personal bias here) Kim and Ron’s teased hook-up finally happens. I will say though, I’m not a fan of S4′s Hana Stoppable/The Han story. As both shows are action-oriented, they definitely have their fair share of good fights but I think KP also has better action and fight scenes. Humor is extremely subjective but I think KP made me laugh more. Finally, DP is infamous for S3 just being bad whereas KP just got better and better with each season, though I’d put S4 below S3 and above S2. So: Lore = DP. Arcs, Action and Eps = KP.
Fandom: Ignoring the super gross shipping aspects of some parts of the fandom (If ur a P*mpousP*p or K*go shipper pls go away from my stuff i’m fucking serious), I think DP wins for this one. Many great OCs, (I really haven’t seen any for KP aside from next gen?) the already interesting lore is def expanded so much by fans, I legitimately don’t care for “Wes Weston” but my god did the fandom do some serious work for this boy. I don’t know too much about KP since the fandom seems kinda dead aside from some shipping stuff and a very slight revival from the movie, whereas DP ended before KP and is still very very active. DP wins fandom.
(Bonus) Reboots/Redesigns: I’m gonna be honest, I’m not sure what could be done better for KP aside from the mess of Disney’s out-of-order airings, a more serious reboot wouldn’t work for the show at all, but DP could definitely use a reboot and fixes the disaster of S3. And reboots & character redesigns are def a hot topic for the DP fandom. So DP gets this one, though I’m not sure if this is a good thing.
Final: So over all, 4 for KP and 4 for DP, or if you add the little groups, 7 for KP and 4 for DP. Overall, I’ll say KP is the better show, but DP shines with the fandom. I also have a personal bias in favor of DP but it makes them even out for me. If you want interesting lore and good fandom content, go for DP. If you want fun and interesting characters, actual character development and more action and drama, KP is the way to go.
But instead of picking one, just watch both!
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blackcatanna · 4 years
Kinky TB Adventures (probably) with Okita Part 1: Kyoto Winds
Finally playing another Hakuoki route because I spent 10 hours travelling yesterday and I deserve some imaginary romance, damn it! Choosing Okita because he seems fun and I hate that he disappears from the story pretty early on in most routes and then dies off screen :'(
WARNING: I wrote a lot :) 
I don't know why but Kodo's evil old man face made me laugh so much during the intro.
Playing the prologue because it has a hearty chunk of Okita in it and it's been a while since I played the game.
Chizuru talking about the invisible wall between herself and other people is relatable af :')
"I'm not sure if I belong here... No. No, that's all in my head." < < < ME. Hello imposter syndrome, my old friend :')
I now feel like a li'l bitch for complaining about my journey yesterday when Chizuru WALKED nearly 500KM from Edo to Kyoto X_X
I'm loving this old timey film effect on the Kodo flashback.
I feel like Kodo's actions and motivations change depending on the route so I'm not going to try too hard to wrap my head around them here.
I love that "Ronin" is basically shorthand for "Evil Douchebag Thug" in this game X_X
Yukimura: "Be careful, father! Kyoto is a dangerous place!" Also Yukimura: "I have nothing to fear because I look like a BOY :) " Selfless but foolish X_X Although, you could argue that being reckless is selfish because it disregards your loved ones' feelings, should you get hurt.
At least the game gives these ronin names :') although... they don't have eyes. I think I'd rather have eyes, if I had to choose.
"I could still hear the ronin cursing loudly" I just have an image of these three guys running through the streets of Kyoto yelling, "FUCK. SHIT. PISS. ASS."
This game invested a lot in blood effects and sounds and I respect and appreciate that.
"He died with the first blow" Silver linings?
"They were... broken" :'(
Awe, the furies look so happy to see me :') JK, this scene is appropriately chilling. They do have big smiles, though.
More blood splashes and visceral blood descriptions :')
Okita, your sadism is showing.
Or maybe he knows that Saito doesn't like killing his comrades and that's why he wanted to kill them first :O :O :O
"if you just sat back and let them kill the kid, you could have saved us some trouble." -_- I enjoy Okita's banter but I have a feeling that it's going to be a bit one sided because Chizuru doesn't do back talk X_X
Oh here we go. Let's take a moment to worship Hijikata. I still think that Saito and Okita are better looking but sure, let's take a break to gush about "smooth, dark hair" in the moonlight and "the wistfulness of flower petals" "as if the cherry trees were blooming out of season" X_X ick.
OH GOD, IT CONTINUES, "His voice was cold and quiet, like a blade of ice. Blue-white moonlight lit his slender face.." blah blah ick.
OH, WE'RE STILL NOT DONE?!? "But it wasn't the sword making my breath catch. It was his eyes. They were fierce and hard, but somewhere behind them... I could catch a glimpse of... something else." Blah blah, troubled, mercy, blah
"Run, and I will kill you. Do you understand?" SPLOOSH (yes, I have been watching Archer)
I was sort of joking about being aroused by threats of violence but swords are definitely sexier than... whatever that whole flowery passage was...
Okita still is not blinking O_O
Hijikata telling Okita to shut up is a mood. Sorry, Okita.
Okay, NOW Okita's blinking. Guess all it took was Hijikata suggesting that they're going to kill me for a change. Apparently, only Okita's allowed to threaten to murder me X_X
Side note: if anyone reads this and is wondering if I'm aware that I switch between "You", "Me" and "Chizuru" then yes, I am and no, I don't care.
Apparently, Okita blinking was a fluke. Maybe he only blinks when he is pushed off stride or, like, flustered or surprised?
Also, I don't tend to think of Okita as being especially tall but he's taller than Hijikata!
"So we should just kill people now?" Um... you don't do that?
"What?! Come on, you can't be serious" HE SAID, BLINKING AND THUS BACKING UP MY THEORY.
"Almost as if I was being... drawn into their world..." Oh dear! We wouldn't want that to happen, that's not why we bought the game at all! :P
"A world where there is nothing strange in carrying on a normal conversation in the dead of night with corpses for company." Edgy. Although, I hope that this conversation is far from normal O_O
"As you wish." Hijikata is Saito's Princess Buttercup. I'm not jealous.
WHOA. I was just musing about death as usual and now Okita's RIGHT UP IN MY FACE.
"We did save you, didn't we?" WELL, TECHNICALLY, Saito saved me. You suggested letting the furies KILL ME.
"I didn't realise right away he was speaking to me." How? He's taking up the entire screen?
"Thank you very much." Fair. "I apologise for not thanking you earlier." Okay, calm down. It's not like they gave you a chance to speak in between death threats.
"The man called Hajime also looked confused. His eyes were wide and he had an expression I couldn't place." Then allow me: STARTLED ERMINE. Hijikata's is DISGRUNTLED HORSE and Okita's is SMUG LYNX. Aka: how three different animals react to the discovery that their prey is a girl. I know that horses don't hunt prey. However, they do have to deal with it when their animal subordinates unwittingly capture it.
"He broke out in laughter again, so much so that he was forced to wipe a few tears from his eyes" I'M SO GLAD THAT YOU'RE HAVING SUCH A JOLLY TIME, YOU ASS.
Now that he's figured out that I'm a girl, he's suddenly keen to introduce himself :P
"The one you should be thanking for saving you is Hajime Saito" CORRECT.
Is he deliberately trying to let him kill me by giving out as much info as possible? O_o
"His fingers like iron cables around my arm." Kinky.
"The cause of my horror wasn't the gruesome end that awaited me, but something else entirely." Hanging out with these crazy fuckers.
Chapter 1:
Damn, I wrote a lot more than I had expected for the prologue X_X
"My limbs were tightly bound in tight knots" I wouldn't be surprised if Okita was a shibari expert...
"This is no way to treat a guest of ours" Obviously, Inou-bae is trying to be kind but this feels like something a supervillain would say after their minions bring you to their lair X_X
"he smiled at me and winked" get this man a route! Actually, wait, how old is Chizuru... OKAY, FORGET I SAID THAT. NO ONE IS ALLOWED TO FLIRT WITH THIS 16 YEAR OLD GIRL. Although, maybe a dad route? No romance, just familial love. He's a better dad than Kodo. NO DADDY KINKS ALLOWED.
Apparently, Harada and Nagakura being "lively" is supposed to reassure me?!
Ah, Okita and his hilarious jokes about invading my personal space.
I'm so glad that Saito doesn't let him get away with this nonsense <3
And now we're sticking up for Saito and calling out Okita's bs <3
"the smile lingered through his bright eyes" Oo-er
"He looked more like a boy than a man." Says you!
The baka trio look so done X_X
"Their faces were still blessed with youth" Phew. Looks like we'll have some eye candy while we're brutally executed.
"The hell I will, boy!" Calm down, Kratos.
"You could be taken for interrogating" not if you assholes don't make such a song and dance about me witnessing your shady activities! How would anybody know to interrogate me in the first place?!
"Let's just kill the kid" How about no!!!
"I was just kidding." WERE YOU, or did you just change your tune because daddy Kondou told you off? -_- I don't think Saito's buying your shit.
"Hehe." XD best response!
Side note, how am I the first person to witness the furies in action?! They run around the streets, chopping people up and there are already rumours about the Shinsengumi committing brutal crimes.
Also, how often do they sentence men to death? There are a lot of men in the fury corps and I bet that some choose death or try and run for it and die in the process.
"I think that Souji has a point" BOO, HARADA!
"Uh-oh. Well, this is going to make it even harder for us to simply let you go..." He's doing the not blinking thing again! Maybe that's because his prey is in his sights... O_O Also, thanks a lot, Heisuke X_X
"A man should always be ready to face death. You should make your peace with yours." Okay, first of all, I look like a child to you! Secondly, bit sexist! Not all men choose the path of the warrior. Thirdly, AS IF, I'm just going to lay down and accept my POINTLESS murder just for being in the wrong place at the wrong time. No, Nagakura, I am NOT okay with being MURDERED. How dare you imply that I'm a coward for not wanting to die for this BULLSHIT.
Not sure if I mentioned this last time but Sano's casual suicide comments remind me of being at uni :')
"there's something I want to look into." Is it my stuff? Are you going to go through my stuff now? X_X
"I... I'm sorry." I forgive you, Heisuke! As for everyone else who's acting like this is all my fault and you've done nothing wrong, fuck you. Y'all shouldn't be doing evil science in the first place, especially if you're then going to try and justify MURDERING everyone who glimpses the evulz.
This whole bit reminds me of a DnD party where everyone's arguing over whether or not to kill someone. This is definitely more like a DnD argument than your average movie argument X_X
"All right, Saito, take care of the kid." 😍 Yes, Saito, take care of me :D NOT IN A MURDERY WAY O_O
Time to RUN THE FUCK AWAY. Maybe, if they hadn't acted like murdering assholes, I wouldn't be doing this but they don't seem to give a fuck about me so AWAY I GO.
"I knew it was rude, but I had no choice but to try and open the sliding door with my toe." Priorities X_X They kidnapped you, tied you up and threatened to kill you countless times. Honey, you stick it to those fuckers with your shady toe opening.
"Sorry," No your not -_- "but now we've got to kill you." No you don't!
"Then you may do whatever you like with me." Um, why is this the Okita romance option? XD Don't say those words to that sadist, who knows what he wants to do to you! O_O
"We aren't going to eat you or anything." ...Damn X_X I hope that your stance changes if we get married.
"Heh. Never seen such an innocent girl like you." Ugh. As if. Running around dressed as a boy. Can't be that innocent. Certainly not if he read my last comment :P . Anyway, YOU SOUND CREEPY, TALKING LIKE THAT XD
"All right, all right. Now, tell your big brother... Why were you cross-dressing around Kyoto?" THA FUCK DID YOU JUST CALL YOURSELF?!?? And MIND YOUR DAMN BUSINESS XD DON'T KINK SHAME ME!
"Well, 'she' claims to be a girl, but it's not like we have any actual proof, right?" Um, I'M not the one who said that I'm a girl and I DON'T LIKE WHERE THIS IS GOING. I WILL FIGHT YOU FUCKERS IF YOU COME NEAR ME >:(
"My apologies, but I took the liberty of checking through your belongings." I wouldn't mind, except NOT ONCE did they give me a chance to explain myself or plead my case. He could have just asked whatever he wanted to know and then checked my bags to verify it X_X
"Hey now," HEY NOW, NOW, sing this corrosion to me... No? I'll be quiet :(
"So, you've been withholding information from us?" YOU BARELY GAVE ME A CHANCE TO SPEAK, YOU DICK!
Welp, they've agreed not to kill me and yet Okita's still taking it upon himself to threaten me with death while fixing me with his unblinking, predatory stare X_X
"Gee, didn't take long for you to change your tune once you knew she was a girl, eh Shin?" TRUTH
"Having a lady here at headquarters is sure to brighten things up." Joke's on you: I'm a goth ;P
"you can't just pawn her off on someone else." Okita, nooooooo! Don't make me work for this grumpy bitch!
"I hope you you'll take good care of her." Wink wink, nudge nudge. What's the matter, Hijikata senpai? Am I not pretty enough for you? :'(
"You sons of BITCHES." HEY. HIJIKATA. NO NEED TO INSULT THEIR INNOCENT MOTHERS. Just call them straight up bitches :)
"The Shinsengumi keeping a woman here... If such rumours were to spread, tongues would begin to wag." Yeah, yeah, so we might as well just all fuck. People are going to say we're doing it, regardless, so let's get this over with...
Or I could keep pretending to be a man. That could also work.
"You're gonna get a room, and you're gonna stay in it." FUCK YOU
"I could have sworn we decided she was going to be someone's page" O_O FUCK YOU EVEN MORE, OKITA.
So... lonely... must... find... friends...
Okita and Saito friends :D
When I first played this game, I was really keen to find my "father" but now that I know what he's like, it's hard to muster quite the same level of enthusiasm X_X
"Draw your blade, unless it is merely decoration." Spicy! I'm glad that Yukimura is not so easily goaded into fighting.
"I'm not lying." You tell him, girl!
Saito and Okita's stunned faces when you suggest that you might accidentally hurt Saito are priceless! X_X I guess this shows that you take this seriously, though.
"Excuse me... You don't have to laugh..." XD Is this almost sassy?
Surprise, Okita likes it when I do what he says despite understandable reservations XD
Saito looks way too happy to be doing this XD was this just a chance for him to show off? :P
WHA THA FUCK. I think that it was a glitch but there were suddenly about seven Saitos on screen. Maybe that's what it feels like when you're fighting him.
Woah, it happened again, only this time there were two and one was squashed.
I'm fine with there being more Saitos.
Aaaaand he's holding a sword at my throat... Sploosh? Shut up, swords are sexy. I probably watched too many period and fantasy films as a child...
"In the blink of an eye, his face was only inches from mine," O RLY? 😏 WAIT, I'm supposed to be playing Okita's route X_X Must... stop getting distracted...
"Your master should be proud." SAY IT AGAIN 😍
"I then noticed how wildly my heart was beating." Though not from fear, right? ;)
"You all right?" Kind words? FROM OKITA?!?
"polite applause" FROM OKITA!?!
"If you want, we'll keep you company." Yes, Okita, obviously I want that :D
First sign of madness: talking to your own head!
Okita could look less smug about catching me talking to myself -_-
"I wanted to scream, but before I could open my mouth, Saito stepped out from behind the door." X_X Well, they did say they'd keep me company.
"I think that's enough fraternising, Souji." Wait a second...
"I figured if I left the two of you alone, it would be longer before I saw either of you," ... Why does that sound slightly risqué? -_- I feel like this scene changes slightly depending on your affection levels...
-_- The only reason Heisuke is short is because Nagakura's stunted his growth by constantly stealing his food.
"How are we to deal with accepting such insanity?" MOOD.
Wait, does Okita subsist entirely on sake?! O_O
"Try not to worry about eating too much or being a freeloader or something. Just eat your little heart out, okay?" Surprisingly wholesome content from Okita :')
Takeda! <3 My douchey doppelganger!
"your adorable page" -_- Watch it, "big brother"
"I'm not having any of your insolence today." Hijikata temporarily transforming into a villainous English aristocrat.
And after aaaaallll that, I'm just going to stay behind to spend some quality time with Okita, probably X_X
"Huh!? Why? You're finally getting the chance to search for Kodo." GOOD POINT. However, gotta get that dick, amirite?
"Perhaps, I should have gone..." YUP. PROBABLY.
"Are you regretting it? If you are, then you should've just gone with them." TRUTH.
"You don't regret it at all? Not even if you knew that Hajime and I went out of our way to convince Hijikata?" Aw, y'all did that for me? Yeah, this is a terrible decision X_X Except for the part with the chin touching. I guess stalking you overrides all logic?
"I was surprised. Saito did make that promise" and what? You thought he was a liar? Girl.
"It was actually Hajime that convinced Hijikata." Not sure if Okita's being modest but this is making it reeeeally hard for me to stop myself fangirling over Saito. Again.
"When I see Saito later, I need to apologise and give my thanks to him." YOU BETTER. >:(
Did he just call me useless (in a battle)? XD I mean, he's not wrong... As we will no doubt soon find out...
Wait, wait... He just said that if I'm in danger, I will become a nuisance and he'll FRICKIN' STAB ME. WHAT?! DOESN'T THAT MAKE YOU THE GREATEST DANGER, OKITA!??
Chapter 2:
Did we ever apologise to Saito? X_X
"Please allow me to continue looking for my father!" Where was this enthusiasm earlier -_-
"If you want that risk, feel free to join us." Ooooooh, scary.
"Remember that you're here to keep me company" Um, excuse me!?
Burn down the city and kidnap the Emperor while everyone else is "losing their shit." This seems like the plan of crazy people o_O
"Would you care to join us." Kondou's making this raid sound like a dinner party X_X
Chizuru getting distracted by the more "elegant" night uniforms while preparing for the raid is a Big Mood.
Am I going crazy or does this game normally give me more choices here? Am I being paranoid or is it now shipping me with Okita? Can't I normally choose to go with Hijikata or stay behind?
"Giving the enemy a good, loud warning that he's about to kick the tar out of them. That's Kondou for you..." Okita kind of has a point X_X
"They sauntered towards the inn" Quite the image.
Oh shit! Okita's fighting Kazama O_O
"Okita was battling a ronin." Damn, you're lucky that Kazama can't read minds X_X
"Thanks for the dance, chump." -_- Kazama's such a dick.
"You're our enemy, so you've gotta die." Okita's philosophy is simple and elegant.
"His sword moved in large, crude arcs, while Okita fought with skill and finesse." Wow, SUPER glad that Kazama can't read minds O_O
"Wet, tearing coughs." OH FUCK O_O
"I like watching children squirm." WTF, Kazama. BEGONE, THOT.
:'O Injured Okita is trying to put himself between me and that crazy bitch <3
Oh damn, he is coughing e blood :'O
"I... I can still fight..." NO.
"You always said you'd kill me if I got in your way..." OOOOOOOOOOOH! HERE WE GO! THE FAÇADE BEGINS TO SHOW CRACKS *munches popcorn*
Iba... y u no mention our shared childhood?
Nagakura says that it's delicious... I wonder if it tastes like cough medicine. Cough medicine is delicious. And addictive...
"I would never have thought that Toudou or Okita would return from a fight injured..." Why, Inoue? Are skilled and strong warriors invincible?
"The injured are a burden, so we shall remain here and guard the compound like obedient soldiers." O_O Ouch, Sanan!
Wait, I don't get a choice to go with them?! I KNEW IT. THIS GAME KNOOOOOWS! I'm too far down the Okita path to turn back now, I guess.
"Um... " Chizuru is me trying to make small talk.
Weird isn't necessarily a bad thing, Chizuru! Take it as a compliment!
I feel bad for not realising how badly injured he got during the raid during my other playthroughs X_X
I thought that I'd somehow missed the scene with the children because this playthrough's taking so long because I'm making so many fricking notes X_X Turns out, I have a lot more to say when you actually get to spend time with the chosen boi.
"Oh, don't worry. I didn't kidnap them or anything." ... GOOD!????
"I was bored" Hey, I get lonesome too! Why can't you come play with me? D:
"They take care of me." Pretty cute. :3
"You wanna come play with us?" Duh!
He really does look like a happy cat when he smiles!
Wow, these children have a lot of attitude.
"It's a place for men to do, um, work." Yes, just normal human work. Nothing funny going on here.
"They're catching bad guys and keeping Kyoto safe" "No, they're not. They're just killing people." These kids are SAVAGE :')
"Can't deny that" ... Way to back me up, Souji...
"I probably hear him talk about death everyday." Wait, really? What exactly does he have to say about death?
"The Shinsengumi are a bunch a weirdos." :') And that makes them extremely lovable!
Last time, I tried defending the Shinsengumi and Okita ended up terrorising a child so LET'S PICK THE OTHER OPTION AND SEE IF THERE'S LESS CRAZY...
"Don't tell me you're taking this seriously?" CHILDREN ARE THE FUTURE, OKITA!
"They all look like bad guys." Why? Because they're hot?
"I didn't know what I was supposed to do..." Uh, maybe tell this childries not to judge a book by its cover? Idk, maybe try and suggest that the world is not so black and white? Definitely don't mention the bloodlust.
"Grinning like an idiot." You're just jealous of his happiness, you cynical-ass child
"He's a wuss." UM, pretty sure he's the most powerful member of the Shinsengumi so stfu :P
"He grabbed the child" Oh dear... Here we go...
Okita! Use your words to teach the children a lesson! Not whatever this fucked up shit is X_X
Ah, ruling with fear! :') When has that ever backfired?
"I'll tell them I'm sorry. Then I'll tell them how awesome Kondou is." GUD. >:(
Uuuuugh, I'm so so tired and I've written so much CRAP so I will SLEEP and play the next bit tomorrow! :D
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Part Three of the Tsuredure Seventeen Series
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You’re finally ready to confess to your crush. Sure you and Boo mess around a lot but you’re sure that you’ll be able to confess to him in a way that he understands.
2k+ Words
You can also read it under: Archive of our Own or Fanfiction.net
You’re confident you can do this. You suck in a deep breath and shoulder your backpack higher onto your shoulder while you wait outside his class. You can’t help the way that you nervously teeter and fidget in the hallway. In all your years of knowing Boo, you had never mentally prepared yourself for this.
You and Seungkwan had been best friends since you were four. He had always been a goofball and a lot of the kids had disliked him for it but you? You had always loved his plucky attitude- even if you teased him relentlessly for being an idiot.
You guys hadn’t ever really been apart since you first hit it off. You two played together, studied together, and if one of you was going to fail a class? Well, you were both going down with that ship.
That was just one of the reasons why this was such a big deal. If you did this wrong, you could lose the one guy who was always by your side through thick and thin.
God, you weren’t sure if you were actually ready for that. You weren’t sure if you were ready to lose Seungkwan’s friendship forever.
“Y/N! What’re you looking so gloomy for? Did you miss me that much?” Seungkwan teased. Your lips broke into a smile upon seeing Boo smile at you. You’d never seen him so mad at anyone that he had cut them out of his life before. At least you knew that no matter what happened today, he would still be nice to you. You weren’t sure how you would handle losing that smile in your life.
“Shut up, I miss you like I miss that dumb statistics class you roped me into taking,” you replied with a roll of your eyes.
“Hey, we passed didn’t we?”
You bumped your shoulder teasingly into Seungkwan’s and he responded by doing the same to yours. With classes over you guys were finally free to head home, but you never really did that. You and Seungkwan shared a love for the peace of the outdoors, so if it were nice out you liked to study in the school courtyard.
And of course, you both knew one another enough to know what nice meant for the both of you, and today was a perfect day to lay out the blanket that you guys had made together once at Grandma Boo’s house and continue annotating Les Miserable for class.
You were momentarily so absorbed in the daily routine that you forgot that today was different than any other day. Twenty minutes passed and it wasn’t until you had sprawled yourself out across his lap and he had condemned you teasingly for being “much too heavy to lay on him” (a running joke you guys had after an ex of yours had constantly picked at you nonsensically about your weight) that you even remembered your plan. You rested your book over your stomach and peered up at Seungkwan. He was pretty invested in his own annotating. His tongue was peeking out of the corner of his mouth he was so focused in highlighting some part of the page he was on, but he still noticed you looking pretty quickly. He cocked his head and scrunched his face almost comically.
“What?” He demanded.
A small, almost timid smile crossed your lips.
Seungkwan had never dated anyone before. Not for lack of some girls trying, however. There had been a number of girls who had plucked up the courage to hand him their own love letters. He was always nice to them when he turned them down, but he turned even the cutest girls down. You never knew why he wouldn’t date anyone. A lot of the girls would have been perfect for him.
You kept telling him that he needed a girl to help him keep his head on straight, but whenever you did he would always just laugh and say that for now he had you to act like your overbearing girlfriend, and that was more than enough.
“Seungkwan, I really like you,” you said before you could think it through. He laughed.
“I sure hope so, we are best friends,” he stated.
“No,” you said with a shake of your head. “Not just as friends, I like you, like you. Like… romantically.”
Seungkwan scrunched his nose, and for a second you could see him juggling the idea that you were being serious in his mind. Then he smiled quizzically.
“Oh, you must have heard about Jessica?”
You sat up off of Seungkwan’s lap and frowned at him quizzically.
He ignored you.
“Ha ha very funny. Seungkwan turned down another girl,” he said. He tentatively closed his book, using his index finger to hold his spot open. “Look she wanted to go to a haunted house for a date. That wouldn’t have ended well.”
You and Seungkwan went to a Haunted House every year. You hadn’t gone quite yet, but you had been planning on going sometime this weekend. Seungkwan was a huge wimp when it came to people in makeup jumping out and scaring people. You didn’t know why he continued to insist to go with you, but you guys had been doing it since Middle School. Your boyfriend at the time had been planning on going with you but ended up canceling last minute to go with someone else. Even though you had tried to hide how hurt you were over it Seungkwan had noticed and insisted on going.
That’s when you found out why Seungkwan never wanted to watch horror movies with you, but he still insisted on taking you every year.
“Yeah she would have found out how much of a wimp you are,” you teased. ‘But… Boo-”
“Oh crap! I have to go y/n!” Seungkwan suddenly blurted. He began to hurriedly pack his stuff. “We’re still on for this weekend though right?”
“Wait! Seungkwan! I’m in the middle of confessing my love to you here, you can’t just leave!” You blurted right back. Seungkwan hesitated and wrinkled his eyebrows towards you. Again he was weighing the idea that you were being serious. But then he smiled at laughed it off.
“That one was pretty good, I’ll give it to you,” he called back. “I’ll see you around.”
He ran off, leaving only his highlighter in place. You sighed and picked it up, packing it into your own bag.
So the first attempt had failed, but the next one couldn’t fail, it just couldn’t.
You decided to just come out with it this time.
No beating around the bush.
You walked over to him before class and placed your hands on his desk. He was in the middle of looking over his annotations. He was a little over halfway through the book, and you were impressed with his progress. He usually procrastinated stuff like this.
“Boo Seungkwan,” you stated firmly. He glanced up at you with a half smile.
“Will you go out with me this weekend?” You asked him. His expression grew to confusion.
“We are already hanging out this weekend you dummy,” he stated with a laugh. He raised his hand and rubbed it through your hair, messing it up significantly. You huffed.
“Seungkwan, I want to go on a real date with you,” you exclaimed. Seungkwan didn’t hear you so you hit him on the head. “Hey, are you listening to me?”
“Ouch, of course, I am,” he replied. He waved his hand through the air. “Look we’ll do whatever you want this weekend, don’t worry about a thing.”
“Seungkwan, I want to be your girlfriend,” you stated defiantly. He waved his hand through the air, clearly not listening to you at all, so you sighed and took your seat in the back of the classroom. Wonwoo was sitting back there with you, an amused expression written across his face.
“You’re finally asking Seungkwan out?” He asked. His cheeks were a little pink, you could tell he was excited to hear that you two may be going out together soon.
“Yeah, well, attempt two just failed,” you mumbled. “I don’t know how to be more obvious.”
“Have you just told him how you feel yet?” Wonwoo asked softly. You shook your head and wrinkled your eyebrows.
“Think that’ll work?”
Wonwoo nodded, but before he could elaborate the teacher came in and began to teach the days lesson. You looked down at your notebook paper and suddenly got a great idea.
A letter. You would write him a love letter.
That was the perfect way to tell him exactly how you felt. You had always been better with the written word than with the spoken word. This would be great, this would work great.
You started the letter off just as any would.
Dear Seungkwan.
That part was easy. Every letter always started the same. Dear, the recipient.
Now the hard part. You had to be raw, and honest. You had to pour your heart out into this letter and make sure it came off as genuine as possible.
You swallowed hard and began to write.
You described how you two had initially met, how that made you feel, how you felt every time you were around him and how you had come to realize that you were almost definitely in love with him.
You dotted every ‘i’ with a heart and wrote in your nicest, neatest handwriting. You even used scented paper and a pretty pink envelope with hearts on it. It was dumb and cheesy but that was just the sort of thing that Seungkwan would like so you rolled with it.
You waited for him outside of his classroom and held the envelope in front of you for him just like some stupid animated japanese school girl. Seungkwan took the letter, looked at the glittery letters and scrunched his eyebrows together.
“Is our friendaversary coming up? I thought it was in November,” he mumbled. You resisted the urge to roll your eyes.
“It’s in March,” you replied. “And besides this is a love letter.”
“From who?” He asked. You frowned at him.
“From me.”
He looked at you, a slight tilt of his head.
“Why did you write me a love letter?” He asked dumbly.
“Because I like you!” You blurted. “I have a crush on you, so I wrote you a love letter.”
Seungkwan stared at you blankly for a long while and then began to laugh wildly.
“Dude, you went all out for this one didn’t you?” He asked joyfully. He tapped your shoulder lightly. “Is the paper scented?”
You opened your mouth. Either to yell at him or maybe bite him, you weren’t sure which when he caught a passing friend, he said something to them and then turned back to you.
“Hey, I’ll see you later.”
He pocketed the letter and didn’t read it.
Third attempt: Failure.
The rest of the week was full of nothing but failures.
You wrote a love confession on the whiteboard, you made your presentation about how you and Seungkwan were practically already dating, you told him in front of his mother, insisted that you two spend your next Valentine’s day together.
No matter what happened over the next few days, Seungkwan would not accept your confession as real. No matter how cheesy, how serious, how loud or how quiet. He passed each and every attempt off as a joke.
By the time it was time to go to the haunted house you quite honestly didn’t really want to go.
And you tried to get out of it, but Seungkwan really wasn’t having it.
“Are you sure you still want to do this?” You asked Seungkwan. He nodded unsurely.
“Y-Yeah, yeah, of course, I do. This is like your favorite thing to do every year, why wouldn’t I want to do this?” He asked. You looked back down at the brochere in your hand.
“It just… It says this year it’s the scariest it’s ever been,” you mumbled. “I don’t know Boo, even I’m a little scared. You know I don’t like small dark spaces.”
“Come on, if we break our streak this year we will regret it for the rest of our lives together,” Seungkwan said. He would seem confident, had it not been for the fact that his voice was shaking. You rolled your eyes.
“Well at this rate we only have like two years left together so-”
Seungkwan interrupted you by grabbing your wrist and dragging you towards the haunted house.
“Come on,” he encouraged. “We are doing this dammit.”
And so you followed him inside.
This year, three people had gotten injured walking through the haunted house. The theme was gruesome murders. The hallways were darker and tighter then they had been in previous years, and there was an undeniable heavy aura over the place. It was always in the same building, run by the same people every year. The owners of the place had died in the past year and their son took over the business. He had always been a little weird…
People thought that he was using the haunted house in order to fulfill some dark thrills he wanted to achieve. Along with the three injuried, two people had gone missing from the haunted house.
You weren’t worried.
A loud rush of air shot out towards you from your right and you squealed jumping into Seungkwan. He jumped too and dug his fingers into your wrist, dragging you away from it. As he did, he almost bumped into one of the actors behind the whole haunted house.
The actors this year weren’t afriad to touch you. In the past, they hadn’t been allowed to do so, but this year they had touched your shoulder.
You didn’t like it.
Part of the reason you were so calm in these haunted houses was because they couldn’t touch you, so they couldn’t actually harm you in any way.
Logically you knew that none of the actors were going to hurt you, but… Two missing, three injured.
You were scared. Jesus, you were terrified, and Seungkwan was the worst person to be at a haunted house with if you were actually scared.
He screamed, and you screamed as well, clingy to him like a lost child.
“What was that?” You hissed in horror.
“I don’t know,” Seungkwan responded back. One of the actors was behind you. You sucked in a sharp break.
“Seungkwan, Seungkwan, he’s following us,” you whispered in horror. You started to tug him forward faster. “And he’s got a knife, and it doesn’t look fake, and I’m scared Seungkwan I’m fucking terrified.”
One of the worst parts about you, when you were scared, was that you rambled. You overthought everything happening around you, and you spoke way too much. Seungkwan liked it when you rambled because he knew that you were unashamedly honestly when you rambled, so he never bothered to interrupt or stop you.
“Well, that’s it, we are going to die,” you decided. “We are going to die, that guy is going to kill us and we are going to die, and it’s going to happen before you even realize that I’ve been trying to ask you out all fucking week. Why won’t you realize that I’ve been trying to tell you I love you and like, want to marry you someday, all week.”
You didn’t curse often, and you didn’t have outbursts this violent. So when you looked over at Seungkwan, to find him staring at you with a bright red face, and an opened mouth expression, you knew that finally, finally, he realized that you were being serious.
Confession attempt number seventeen: Successful.
“Oh, so now you realize it. I swear to god you are impossible Boo, impossible,” you blurted. You grabbed him by his shirt collar, barely containing a whimper that escaped your lips as the person drug the tip of the knife over your back.
It was plastic.
“Ah, fuck me, I’m so scared Seungkwannie.”
You tugged Seungkwan closer to you and slammed your lips together. The kiss was quite honestly awful. You were terrified, he was confused, and you were in the middle of a crappy, way too scary haunted house. 
None of these circumstances lead to this kiss being a good one, but even so, as you two were escorted out of the haunted house by a disgruntled teenage employee, both of your faces bright red, you had a good feeling that this memory would end up being one of the fonder ones in your life.
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ask-svt-hearteu · 7 years
Hogwarts! Vernon
@hellonanibear requested: "hi loves :-) I was wondering if I could request a Hogwarts!AU with Vernon please?? I'm a real big Harry Potter fan (Ravenclaw Pride tbh) but I noticed you guys don't have one for him yet and I'd like to request one please since your Hogwarts!AUs are some of the best I've read! ☺️💙"
admin note: Tysm lovely hope you enjoy! <3
so Hansol’s a second year Gryffindor
he has a little sister too who he loves and tries showing her magic despite not knowing too much about it himself
was shook the whole time though
from buying his books and getting picked by his wand
and asks his mom everything she can remember about Hogwarts
so he can imagine it himself
sorted into Gryffindor
which can be entertaining
bc the guy gets scared of really weird and random things sometimes
would jump at the sound of his own laughter probably tbh
things like spiders and bugs //COUGH COUGH RONALD WEASLEY TYPE//
but don’t ever think he doesn’t have enough bravery to be in Gryffindor
he will take on anything and anyone for his friends
like how someone accidentally casted Seungkwan's wand on the roof by a stray spell
dead af climbed hundreds of feet above
no broomstick or anything
just to get it back
his best friend is Seungkwan, second year hufflepuff of course
honestly what a duo they are
Vernon was sitting by himself in a carriage on the Hogwarts express his first year
minding his own business, looking out the windows in awe at the landscape speeding by
and Seungkwan runs into the carriage with his robes
bc boo diva thought he could show off some A+ magic to make some friends
at least he tried?
things didn’t go as planned obviously
and Hansol being the ever calm and collected person he was
wasn’t screaming or anything lmao
dumped his water bottle
no he dumped it on Seungkwan’s head
mostly by accident
and Joshua and Seungcheol see the smoke and run in on the two first years panicking and screaming
and they help put out the fire
and honestly find the kids endearing enough to invite them to sit with them
starting the iconic 13 member friend group that everyone in Hogwarts knows
and Verkwan’s friendship was literally born out of burnt robes ashes :,,,)) 
“So you got a name?” Seungkwan asked, sassy as always
“Hansol, but everyone calls me Vernon.”
“I’m Seungkwan.”
“Really I thought your name was ‘boy on fire’.”
“You’re funny, wanna be friends?”
“You’re my puppy now.”
man these two started out the same height
but imagine how surprised Seungkwan got when throughout the year,
Hansol outgrew him by a few centimeters
were pretty devastated when they weren’t sorted into the same houses
“I’ll grab the talking hat you distract the teachers.”
"We can hang out in your dormitory every other day"
and so they hang out all the time
because if Hansol is left to wonder around, he might just walk off the castle grounds and get lost
would walk around thinking about stuff by himself
and fall into the lake or something
and everyone would be panicking EXCEPT FOR HIM
trying to figure out how to get him to swim back to shore
so he and Seungkwan walk together around a lot
claiming a corner of the campus for themselves
and all the prefects know Hansol by hair color or just general outline
and everyone in their friend group looks out for them because they’re the youngest
even Chan who’s younger than the both of them by a year
he takes care of the two of them too because he's pretty mature
they get in trouble a lot when they’re together
detention for hexing papers to fly everywhere in charms
and when they found out Seungcheol and Joshua were their prefects after coming back from summer break
didn’t make things easier for them at all
"Whatchu going to do daaaaaad give me detention?"
"Oh, sorry...? I love you? PLEASE I DON'T WANT DETENTION HYUNG!"
no one really calls him Hansol too much
except for his friend group
honestly this is so confusing to everyone when Seungkwan comes bounding up to him in the halls yelling in a singsongy voice “HAAAANNNSSSSOOOOLL~~~~”
“Why is he calling Vernon, Hansol?”
but that just shows who really knows him
even the teachers call him Vernon
Verkwan is such a troublesome friendship
always breaking the rules to sit together
but that whole group always does that
or sneaking out after curfew
and doing who knows what
there's always a classroom that has all the desks bewitched to spout out confetti or glitter the next day but no one has solid evidence so Verkwan hasn't been caught yet
can’t even split them up by separating them across the classroom
would end up sending notes back and forth
at some point the teachers gave up
and made the both of them announcers for quidditch matches
thinking that might calm them down when they’re together and using their energy towards something productive
honestly so biased though
each one will cheer for their friends only
Hansol rapping the scores for the whole stadium
and everyone either loves it
or doesn’t say anything unless you want 12 other guys coming after you
wands drawn
despite being a kid who causes a lot of trouble
and doesn’t seem to study whatsoever
he does pretty decently in most of his classes
best class is care of magical creatures
but tbh doesn't really study
and again manages to pass stuff
but doesn't enter the library unless he wants to bother Joshua, Wonwoo, or one of his other hyungs about something
really laid back and chill, doesn't stress over schoolwork that much
he doesn’t mess up too often either MOSTLY
but when he does, he does it spectacularly
generally involving colorful explosions and fire
has a pet cat named Mr. Chwe
but Hansol just calls him Chewy
it’s the cutest fluffiest thing you’ve ever seen
besides Hansol of course
it's silver fur is honestly so pretty and Hansol loves it to death
one day you were looking for your owl, Cara
because you wanted to send a letter home
when a silver kitty passed in front of you outside
"Hey there!" you bent down to stroke its fur for a bit and it purred while laying on the ground in front of you
"Chewy!" you looked up as surprise, surprise
Vernon ran up to Chewy
and basically stopped dead in his tracks
because you're pretty DON'T DENY IT
and Vernon be shooketh
awkward human bean
someone protect him TT
and he kind of just stammers his introduction
which you think is really cute
"Hi, I-I-I'm Vernon."
and he smiles because you laughing is really cute
"Chewy is it?" you smile asking him
"Yea!" and you watch as Vernon's face basically lights up as he starts telling you about how he got his cat
and you find out he's in the same year as you
which is surprising because you're familiar with his friend group
everyone at Hogwarts knows them
and you always kind of thought he was older than you
you're a ravenclaw yourself so you run into Chan sometimes
and Vernon goes on really excitedly telling you about Chewy's life story
how Chewy had basically eaten some chocolate Vernon had dropped in diagon alley
and how it got sick
and Vernon felt awful and just had to figure out how to make it feel better
until he found out the heartbreaking news of Chewy not having a family
and he basically begged his parents for days to keep Chewy will secretly hiding Chewy in his trunk
no one really knows how he did it though don't ask one of the older kids they'll claim to know no magic that can fix that cough cough liars they had to help Hansol ok? no one could say no
and you stand there just taking it all in
how Vernon was willing to go on and on about his pet to some stranger
and you were all for it tbh
and perfect timing
right as Vernon finishes his story, your owl Cara flies down from her roost to land on your shoulders
Cara is a beautiful amber color and you smile as Vernon kind of just stares at Cara in awe
"It is," you laugh, "Cara and I go way back."
and he just stares at you waiting for you to explain the story
and so you tell him and you both laugh at the varying adventures that you tell each other about your pets
and you both also realize you had care of magical creatures together
and you both really love animals and just never talked before
and Cara and Chewy are just following you and Vernon
Chewy following Cara with his eyes
and Cara being like "Have you never seen an owl before, you cat?"
and when you both leave
you feel all warm inside because you made a friend
or someone you really liked who knows
the next few weeks really zoom by
you talk to Vernon in care of magical creatures more now
and even Seungkwan can't help but feel like you're encroaching on his best friend
"Y/n, I know you might not know me, but since you're friends with Hansol, you have to be friends with me."
"Yea that's his real name, did he not tell you?"
"Hmm, I guess not, he said his name is Vernon."
and you're kind of like ???
because did he not consider you a close enough friend to call him by his real name?
but also why does it bother you? Vernon was just a friend... right?
and so obviously
when feelings get confusing
you're just like welp instead of working this confusion out I'm just going to pretend like they don't exist
even if you stare at Hansol a bit too long during care of magical creatures
and he always comes up to talk to you about homework help and stuff since you're in Ravenclaw
and in the same year
and all the hyungs take notice
"Hey you're Hansol's friend huh?"
"He usually doesn't even try doing his homework but lately he's actually been doing stuff."
"Oh you're that person that got Hansol doing his homework, wow thank you what did you promise him chocolate for life?"
and it's overwhelming but you find yourself having twelve new friends
bc you're friends with Hansol
and one day
"Hey Vernon! Do you wanna go work on that potions paper together?"
"Sure y/n! But uhhhh.... you can call me Hansol, it's my real name haha." he blushes but you don't notice
"Why do you go by Vernon then?"
"It's just what a lot of people know me as and I stopped correcting them, and only my really close friends call me that."
you feel your heart swelling
"Ok,,,, Hansol."
man the smile on his face when you said that
in the next few weeks you guys hang out more to do study sessions for upcoming exams
and one day when you're sitting at the windowsill of an empty classroom
Cara flies in through the open window landing beside you
carrying papers in her claw
"Cara, are you stealing people's notes again?" you laugh picking up the sheet to read it
and written at the top
you're almost screaming because wow what a coincidence
"Cara, this is Hansol's" you frown
and you look at some of his doodles on the scroll of paper
and you see little heart doodles
around initials you can't really read because the ink smeared
but the meaning seemed pretty clear
he must have a crush on someone
you found yourself a bit sad
since that was Hansol's business and not really any of yours
you had to admit your feelings for him weren't all that straight forward and clear cut as they seemed
you sighed but continued working
the least of your worries, a silly crush on a boy who didn't like you
and the next few weeks, Cara kept bringing you Hansol's stuff
once it was a chocolate frog
and another time it was a little folded paper star with his initials on one side and a little heart
it's like your owl was trying to play matchmaker for you two
"He probably doesn't like me" you giggle when Cara dropped another one of Hansol's things in front of you
this one was a really pretty pale blue colored quill
"He might actually need this ya know."
and eventually you have a whole shoebox of random stuff Cara stole from Vernon
and you're like 'I have to return them at some point'
until Cara drops a card I front of you
and you're like ??? did you steal from Vernon again???
and on the card is a simple "Thanks to you I did pretty well on my exams, thanks for everything~ Hansol"
and you laugh as you read the post script
"PS I asked Cara to deliver it especially since she always hangs around my dormitory window"
"Awww Hansol, I'm sorry, Cara's been taking your stuff." you say to yourself laughing
"Cara, you're such a troublemaker." you gently pet her wing
and Cara sares at you like 'please just watch what happens'
and your amber owl is riiiiiiiigggghhhhhtttttttt
you gather up the shoebox with missing items to return to Hansol
and when he sees you he comes bounding right up with a huge smile on his face
until it sees the stuff in the box
and his face falls
"Hey Hansol."
"Hey y/n"
"Cara kept taking your stuff, so I came to give it back." you smile raising up the box
"About that......." Hansol starts blushing
"You see, at first I noticed Cara taking my stuff" Hansol started not meeting your eyes
"but after a bit, I ended up just giving her stuff, thinking she'd give it to you."
"Why would you do that?" you giggle blushing as well
"Well stuff like the chocolate frog, I wanted to share with you and I saw the quill in hogsmeade and it reminded me of you bc it was pretty and you're really pretty...."
you freeze blushing like crazy
you're standing shocked
"And so I gave it to Cara because I thought you'd like it. So all that stuff's yours not mine, you can keep it." he smiles at you and playfully ruffles your hair
his hand lingering on your head as he pushes a stray lock of your hair back behind your ear
"I mean, if you don't like me that's ok, I just didn't want to lose one of my closest friends and best tutor ever" he smiled sheepishly
"No Hansol, I..."
his eyes met yours
"I like you lots too." you giggle
and it's that cute giggle that reminds his of when her first saw you
and he's so relieved he finally told you
that he just gives you a hug right then and there
"Yeeeeeeeeeessssss be mine then." he says not letting you go
"Haha of course." and you feel your cheeks burning
and the moment is just too cute and perfect
until Seungkwan notices you two
and basically yells
and from then on it's official
"Honestly, she's such a good influence making him do his homework and stuff" proud prefect Seungcheol
you two are the cutest ever
walking around campus with Cara and Chewy
tbh Chewy and Cara are like the bestest friends
and Seungkwan just being lowkey jealous that you're taking all Hansol's attention
"He was my friend first!!!"
but he thinks you guys are hella cute too
how could he not
you and Vernon sitting together for meals, only having dessert and getting into food fights
bc how could you let whip cream just sit on top of your pumpkin pie without smearing some on his face
before he gets you back with the frosting off cupcakes
and it's a big mess
and he grabs napkins and helps you wipe your face
one hand on your cheek as he leans down to kiss your cheek
"Hey!" you giggle
"Sorry not sorry!" Seungkwan making barfing gestures behind the two of you lmao forever third wheeling
him making you sit next to him when he wants to sit outside
just so he can lay his lead in your lap
and drift off while you're reading a book for some assignment
and you get a bit distracted every time he moves because he's so freaking adorable
and you end up just watching him nap
until he peeks open an eye surprising you
and quick as a cat
sits up to peck you on the cheek
"For a Ravenclaw, you aren't fast enough to pick up when someone's fake sleeping"
"Oh please Hansol, those snores from you were so real." you laugh
"Maybe, maybe not"
and he takes your hand in his and looks you straight in before pressing his lips against yours
and you smile at how beautiful and surreal it all feels
"Don't think I'll ever get over how pretty you are." he says tilting his face to the side a bit giving you a cute look
"Please Hansol lol."
"I'm not joking though!"
he holds onto your arm as he lays back down on your lap and looks up at you
"You're prettier than Chewy." he grinned slyly
Tumblr media
The Seventeen Hogwarts AU Series:
| S.coups | Jeonghan | Joshua | Jun | Hoshi | Wonwoo | Woozi | DK | Mingyu | Minghao | Seungkwan | Vernon | Dino |
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knightofbalance-13 · 7 years
Kudos to anyone who can hype themselves up for volume 5, because after how much of a letdown volume 4 was for me, I don’t want to risk myself getting disappointed. It made me get angry at a… certain part in volume 4, and overhyping myself probably isn’t going to be good for my health.
I don’t buy this for a fucking second: All you’ve done is lie and ignore facts just so you can claim to be disappointed and shove your agenda down people’s throats. You want to be disappointed so you can berate the show and as you have shown, you’ll do anything to keep up that narrative.
In all honesty, you should just go to one of the other toxic fandoms like Voltron or Steven Universe: At least the people there know not to take your ass seriously.
Look, these guys have made a name for themselves. As much as people would like to think that Roosterteeth is this massive company, they’re still just an indie company with a (relatively) small amount of people, and not a whole lot of effort going to the right places.
And yet you set up standards that not even big budget shows with large groups of people and massive companies backing them could live up to and when someone calls you out, you throw a hissy fit. Remember when I pointed out that RWBY was doing just as well as shows like Korra and such despite the numerous disadvantages the show has? You threw a hissy fit and lied throughout the whole thing. And yet you think I’ll take this seriously? The way I see it: you’re starting to get it through your fucking skull that your voice is not only a part of a vocal minority that is growing more despised everyday but said voice is being exposed in their bullshit and their credibility is tanking.
Boo fucking hoo.
Red vs. Blue was their first project. They told so much with so little. They didn’t have famous voice actors or fancy fight animations, they just did it in a Halo engine. I explain this because, if it hadn’t been for this, they would never be as big as it is now.
You talk as though RT only got famous off the work of another. Red Vs. Blue succeeded because it was funny and endearing and is still followed and loved to this day due to years of fantastic comedic timing and writing. And if I may point out: The only redeeming factor about RWBY was it’s action scenes in the first Volume. It only survived because of the action scenes which gave them enough time to develop and grow.
Nobody wants to see the same repetitiveness that is coming out of their (relatively) new flagship show. It’s starting to get a bit repetitive. Establishing character moments for characters that have already been established, introducing characters when we already have enough characters who don’t have enough development. How long until even the most dedicated fan gets tired of the same old “Just wait! You’ll get your LGBT+ Representation. Trust us!” and joins the overly critical part of the rwde tag (Which is basically just the crtq tag to be honest (HEY-YO!))?
Never happened. Characters were never reintroduced that way. Seriously, name one instance.
While I might agree with that: The RWDE tag has proven time and time again they don’t know what the concept of a “one off” character is. Characters like CFVY, NDGO, SSN and so on have been cited as characters without development when they were never meant to be developed at all.
And what do you say about fans who have stuck this long? Weiss rose? hawkeyedflame? They are all examples of long term fans that go against you rnarrative. What does that say when the few who do leave do so for petty reasons like the setting changed, the show got darker or that a character died?
Gee, I don’t remember the last time anyone using the crtq tag sucide baited someone. Or lied, Or misinformed. Or attacked the creators. Or attacked someone for having a different opinion. Or showing a lack of human decency. guess you couldn’t stand there being a better version of you out there huh?
How much longer can this keep happening? It’s starting to feel as if they don’t want to plan ahead. The recent Yang Trailer fiasco being enough proof. They could have had done all the trailers a month ahead of time so that we could have time to let it sink in, and talk about it and stuff. But instead, we’re jumping right into it, then getting the official Volume 5 trailer right after. This scheduling thing is starting to become a bit of an issue here. They seem to write things without thinking ahead of how this would play out.
What fiasco? The trailer isn’t even out yet and mind you, the ORIGINAL trailers were spaced the same way. SO if you had no problems then, you should have no problems now.
And considering the RWDE tag talks about shit like the “asset stealing” and Shane’s Letter like their hotcakes: you don’t care about that kind of discussion. And considering it takes the average trailer a day to be dissected and reviewed by everyone: Its life span isn’t as long as you claim it to be.
“Hey! How should we write this scene here?”
“The one where Blake is about to open up to her parents?”
“Yeah, actually, we didn’t have the time yesterday to write what she was going to say, can we have Sun interrupt her instead?”
“Sure, I guess. What should it be for? Important information? The White Fang are there, maybe he saw something-”
“No. Just have him use some excuse because he’s eavesdropping. We have this hilarious joke planned out where Blake’s sister-”
“-Whatever, does the exact same thing. It’ll be funny!”
“Wait, you had the time to plan that, but not the time to figure out what Blake is going to say to her father? Why not ask Arryn? She knows Blake inside and out. Maybe she has some suggestions.”
“What? And have her cut into my-”
“MY writing pay? HA! No thank you!”
“Alright man. You’re the head writer.”
“Yeah. Yeah I am.”
One Week Later…
“Okay, so how about we have Sun try to explain that he had valuable information about the White Fang-”
“Why do you have your head on your desk right now?”
Except if you look at what Blake said in EPisode 11, you’d know from the context of both conversations that what Blake said to Sun about leaving her team because she didn’t want to hurt them (You know, the question ghira asked) I her answer. And if ypu paid any attention to anything that isn’t a white male for you to screech at, you'd notice that Ghira and Kali have the EXACT same relationship as Blake and Sun does: Ghira being the serious, driven but socialy awkward one and Kali being the easy going, joking, social adapted one. Thus that joke is to show their paralells. If you were as critical as you say, you’d notice it. I did the very instant it happened, why can’t you?
I hope you liked my sketch of how I personally think that whole discussion went down. I had fun writing it.
And I had fun using it to show you have nno critical skills whatsoever. Keep going, you’re just proving me right. I would have also said: “Probably the same way a political party slanders it’s opponent like a group of immature children.”
And speaking of fun, I think that the writers aren’t having any of it. I think they need some new blood in the writing room, and maybe get some women into their female-centered show or maybe some people who aren’t white to help better portray their entire fictional race that acts as a stand-in for ALL RACIAL MINORITIES. - I’m still bitter about that if you couldn’t tell.Â
Does that mean that Steven universe should kick off Rebecca Suagr because Steven is a male?
Or that their shouldn’t be a single male writer for MLP?
Or that characters like Tex and Carolina should have never been made because RvB is male centered?
Or that Monty, a man, shouldn’t have made a female centered show at all?
See, when you automatically assume that only women can write women and vice versa, not only do you limit what a creator do as well as spit on RWBY’s message of freedom of expression but it also implies you think that women and men are entirely different and that they can’t share any personality traits or experiences or anything the other gender. Which is basically the definition of sexism: Same thing goes with the race thing. And funniest thing is: Both women and racial minorities disagree with you so you exposed yourself as a racist and a sexist for nothing.
How much longer can the fanbase be baited for the representation that they outright promised several times? I mean, have you seen the notes section of this post for their Q&A? There’s a split between the people who are (rightfully) pointing out that they said this last time, and still haven’t delivered, and others who are basically saying “They said ‘yes.’ Now shut up!” How much longer can they keep this up? How much longer until even their most die-hard fans start to question them on their ability to write a character in the LGBT+ community? At this rate, I don’t think it can last for very long.
So the side that ahs attacked them numerous times while demanding they make a Mary Sue while demanding it e clevery written is better than the side that respects the creators wishes and treats the as human beings? Because considering you have used LGBT people despite not being LGBT: You shouldn’t be one to talk.
And there you go again, putting yourself. You do seriously think that every LGBT person who watches RWBY watches it for an LGBT character and not the animaton, the music, the characters and their personalities, the plot or the world? Because if you do (and considering your history, you do): You think every LGBT person thinks the same way, acts the same way and wants the same thing. That’s homophobia you idiot. Congrats on seeing nothing but their sexuality and disrespecting their individuality.
Look, these guys seriously need to either get their act together, or someone needs to create some competition major for them. It’s getting obvious that they can be lazy with how they’re scheduling things because there’s no other American-Made Anime around to compete with them. If someone can create a show that can compete with RWBY for a Streamy, then they would be forced to improve and take harder criticisms.
Except that even in Japan, RWBY is booming even with conpetitors like My hero Academia, a Shounen anime written by a guy taught by the writer of One Piece, and Dragon ball Super, the successor to the anime that BIRTHED SHounen as we know it. It has been acknowledged by the creator of Blazblue of all people And that’s all with an admitted shotty translation. So what’s your excuse for that?
And by harsher criticism, you mean your personal opinions you want to force on the CRWBY. Because not once have you made a critique that wasn’t riddled with misinformation, edited parts and even outright lying all while even admitting you have a personal bias. You don’t care about RWBY: You just want to control.
It’ll be a win for everyone. Rwde will finally tone it down a notch because their voices are being heard and taken into bigger consideration, anti-rwde will calm down due to initial rwde’s calmness, fans will see improvement, and the actual show will improve. The show has to improve. Because if all it’s going to do is introduce new characters to avoid giving development to ones that need it (Sage and Scarlet), then those characters may as well just be killed off… I hope to every single God that I didn’t just give them an idea.
Except RWDE doesn’t deserve to have their voices heard. You’ve all done irredeemable shit to the point I salivate at the thought of the LGBT character being introduced so I can indulge in my sadism.  You’ve all shown a disturbing lack of human decency and respect to the point you think it okay to suicide bait people and use the dead for your own purposes. You lost the right to have your voices heard a long time ago: to the point you’re finally understanding youll never be heard so you pull this bullshit to manipulate people into hearing.
Well, let me say: You could start apologizing right now and continue until the end of Volume 9 and you wouldn’t be forgiven so nice fucking try.
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kai-keda · 7 years
“Kairi Yajuu’s Short Stuff: Bodies in Other World”
script below the page break
Alright so how long has this series been completed? How long has this fanbase been actively educating people on the lore and rules of this world that we love?
I'll be the first to admit that I haven't actually gone out of my way to view every single video by every single Dragon Ball youtuber but this really feels like something that should belong on Geekdom101's channel as it's something that is very easily open-shut “thems the knowledge, kids” information and yet somehow I have seen this misconception go around so often that I now feel compelled to put it on my own channel.
I'm assuming it hasn't been brought up on any of the other channels because of how little I see of this tidbit of correction being spread around as something that Toei kept messing up from what the manga had established.
Perhaps I'm missing something but in all my re-reads and re-watches I haven't found anything so I'm going to go out on a limb here and say that Toei animations idea of the rules of Other World don't actually line up with the original rules stated by Toriyama in the original manga.
Rest assured that I do have a video that is currently being edited by a very dear and exceptionally talented friend of mine who offered after I made the comment that material would be releasing on my channel much faster had it not been for my crippling imposter-syndrome style perfectionist-procrastination.
So for right now here's a video that I'm writing up at currently 1:25 in the morning the day that I need to be at work to sing at 8:00 in the morning and plan to edit in movie maker as opposed to my usual After Effects style of careful sound-mixing and video editing.
So what do I mean by Toei getting the rules of Other World mixed up when compared to the source manga? Well, it's simple, really.
Villains do not get to keep their body's in Other World.
Getting to keep your body in Other World is a special privilege. I'm quoting Goku from Volume 19, page 134 of Dragon Ball Z when I say “Regular people and bad guys like Cell turn into spirits.” and how “they're going to give [Goku] special treatment [there] 'cuz [he] saved the planet.”
It is not about being a powerful fighter and I don't know why the fanbase believes that that's the rules, unless of course it's just more stuff they've convinced each other of in order to erase the fact that Goku gets to keep his body because he's that good of a guy but that's another pillar of salt for another day.
Granted I'll be the first to admit that originally there were rules about spirits being trapped in limbo when killed by a villain that were sort of forgotten about but that's a very minor mistake in the grand scheme of the story that is very easy to pony-shrug off and say “meh, no story is perfect. Ultra-Divine Water needed more build-up.” Not to say that that isn't a problem but I bring that up because I can already hear the typing of fans trying to argue that because Toriyama forgot that rule we should be allowed to throw out any other rule that was stated on the same topic in the same way as the limbo-rule and no, not really.
See, not only are the rules about who keeps their body or who turns to a spirit largely unaffected by whether or not Toriyama remembered to address that limbo thing, the rules currently on trial right now were backed up later by Piccolo's talk with Vegeta.
Which, for the record, was included in the Anime so even if you're one of the people who chooses to follow the continuity of the Anime as your go-to-source, changes form the manga be damned, this would still be a contradiction to the idea of villains keeping their body.
Lord knows I shant tell this fanbase about Vegeta's development and how beautiful and selfless his sacrifice was but just for my own sanity let me both remind and catch some of you “I only read fanfiction and that's why I love Vegeta even though I've never touched the original source” people up to speed.
See, what makes Vegeta's sacrifice against Buu so powerful is that this is the first time Vegeta has set aside his selfish desires. He's gone through his metamorphosis and fought his inner-demons away. The reason Babidi was able to hypnotize him with his magic is that by that point he was never really good, just tamed and now docile. His sacrifice, however, is where he threw away the very thing that Babidi used to control him in an attempt to kill both Babidi and his creation, Boo.
And so here we are where Vegeta is doing his first real “good-guy” move which just so happens to be the “goodest-guyest” thing you can do, sacrificing one's life for the sake of giving others a chance to live.
Here, Vegeta asks Piccolo – at this point fused with Kami and thus holding Kami's experiences and knowledge as Guardian of the Earth within him - what would become of him in Other World.
Piccolo's response is “You have killed too many innocents. You will lose your body and your soul will be banished to a place quite different from Goku's. There it will be reincarnated into a new form, but only after it is cleansed of memories.”
So if a character who's strength can not be denied and who's last action of sacrifice was not enough to counteract all the pain and suffering he had caused prior will not be keeping his body in Other World (something even brought up in the movie Fusion Reborn and is the reason for the scene that everyone, their mother and myself use in AMVs)
why in HFIL would Freeza have his?
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scenarios-on-ice · 7 years
That you are!
“Ma'am, I don’t know what you’ve heard, but whatever it is- either Furuta or the toxic side of the YoI fandom started it!”
I used to be firmly for Trans!Mutsuki but now I’m not so sure. I’m mostly just annoyed and kinda sad at how this particular issues is tearing the fandom apart…keeping away from major spoilers, when Saiko was trying to ask Mutsuki about something important a few chapters back Mutsuki was like “So….yeah. You figured out that I’m actually a girl.” and then abruptly left. That was mostly where the doubt started: Mutsuki refered to themself as a ‘girl’. Did this stem from insecurity about revealing themself as trans or was it because Mutsuki actually sees themself as female?
And then later on, “I’m almost embarrassingly female.” Does this mean that they find their female body a burden/embarrassing, or that they can’t help but acknowledge that yes, they do identify as female in the end? Doesn’t help that their expression during this scene is very difficult to read (the scene itself is quite disturbing in nature as well).
Then people started connecting the dots. During the auction arc Mutsuki once said to themself ‘It’s not that I think like a man’ and was disgusted when they felt men’s gazes following them. Add this to "I want to ‘live’ as a man" instead of “I 'am’ a man” and the fact that they were probably molested by their father as a child and the theory that maybe they’re just pretending to be male because even as they fear men, they believe being male to be a symbol of power, one that will keep them safe, becomes quite a bit more plausible.
Even more confusing since most of Mutsuki 'I am female’ moments seem to come during mental breakdowns so the fandom is up in arms about that too. Does the mental breakdown mean that they’re not in their right mind and just rambling, or does it make them speak the truth and stop hiding (like Kaneki’s memory breakdown during the Tsukiyama arc; it was then he finally stopped warping/denying his own memories about his mother)?
I personally believe that Mutsuki might turn out to be female after all (especially since this is a Japanese manga; Japan might be more accepting of the LGBTQ community than other East-Asian countries but from what I’ve learned it’s still got quite a bit of prejudice and stereotyping going on and LGBTQ individuals are viewed differently from how they are in the West. It would also tie in with Ishida’s overall writing style) but I don’t bash those who believe them to be trans because I really, really wanted them to be trans too…
I just wish the fandom would stop being so aggressive about this ;-;
(That parody tho)
True, true, Jean would make a good Angelica ^^ as for Dear Theodosia, don’t most of Burr’s songs fit really well with Jean? I think it’s proof that the Jean-Burr casting was meant to be.
OH YEAH I totally forgot about that. Hide-Peggy makes much more sense now XD they should form an 'awesome forgotten characters’ club!
Speaking of Hinami though, SPOILER but apparently she’s going to meet Akira soon.
Yeah, the only realy Hamilton AU we could achieve with TG is one where characters are forced into roles that don’t necessarily fit their personalities and therefore changes the outcome of the story (which could actually be a good thing; for example, if we cast Amon as Hamilton Say No To This would never happen).
But wait (lol). Doesn’t Urie actually fit much better with Burr?
In that case, it doesn’t matter who we cast. Urie-Burr would probably make the exact same mistakes as Musical!Burr did (if we’re talking about pre-character development Urie).
Well, to make up for Hide’s second death (who am I kidding nothing could make up for that) you now have the mental image of Tsukiyama rapping Guns and Ships at Yoshimura-Washington (or Shinohara-Washington).
And Koma like
(I could probably have made it rhyme/fit in with the actual lyrics if I wanted to but unfortunately I’m too lazy OTL maybe some other time
Also fun fact if you didn’t get to that point in the manga: Kaneki does have his own 'ghouls of liberty’ now)
As for Furuta, I think he’s probably going to get a tragic backstory too- everyone in TG gets the angst treatment. Ishida’s probably going to expand on his daddy issues. Also, there’s that one birthday poem Ishida wrote for him that strongly implies he’s suicidal/places little value on his own life, plus the fact that we can already assume he had a terrible childhood.
I’ve never heard of that anime but now you make me want to watch it…is it really worth a watch despite the 'wth’ elements? (Your Lie in April was the only exception I made for romance animes, but I’m willing to give anything a try as long as it’s got decent character development, is respectful with whatever themes it chooses to handle and doesn’t have too much fanservice (because frankly I find anime fanservice more cringey than anything…I always feel so embarrassed for everyone involved when it happens XD)).
And oh, thanks for letting me know! :D I hope it wasn’t too weird of a request ^^;;
Thank you so much for the ‘ripped s/o’ request! :D I really liked it!
Like, maybe it’s just me but I think Viktor (once he got used to it) and/or Chris might actually think it was hot. Dunno, just, in VIktuuri I can see Viktor being the sub (plus it’s kinda obvious that he’s really, really into Eros!Yuuri) so I think he’d find the idea of his s/o being a powerhouse appealing…especially since they don’t look it outwardly (what with being so smol and cute). He’d probably be determined to 'unleash the beast’ lol
(or maybe it’s just my personal bias because while I don’t have much of a preference when it comes to figure I still think muscular women look great)
Yuuri would probably be very much in awe once he recovered from the shock.
As for JJ, I think once he stopped flailing around his reaction would be a mix of betrayal and slight jealousy- “Wait, so all those times I was totally not struggling to carry you bridal style, you could have told me there was a reason you’re so heavy! And also, did you just let me treat you like a fragile doll when you were actually (not) stronger than me all along? WERE YOU JUST STROKING MY EGO BABE NO
Also let’s go to the gym together as soon as possible because I cannot wait to kick your ass
Nobody is allowed to be stronger than the King JJ
Not even his girlfriend”
Then s/o picks him up, throws him over her shoulder and takes him to his bedroom like 'boi, you need to calm down’
“Nimura Furuta died this morning (if only). I need a favour.”
That seems so complicated >_< I think I’m gonna stick to trans!Mutsuki (referring with he/him), simply because I haven’t reached that part in the manga and am still in the ‘Mu is male’ mode. Yeee, I don’t wanna go into that part of the fandom, I get enough shit from the yoi fandom already. Gaah, it really is complicated. I mean, I’m open to any Mu and don’t quite care if he decides to be male/female or genderfluid or whatever. I just want everyone to be happy ;-; And that’ll never happen because we’re talking about TG here. No one can be happy. It’s simple impossible.
The only thing we need now is a Hamilton for Jean... Ye, I don’t quite think we’ll be getting one. Except for Eren, but that LEAVES ALL THE PROBLEMS WE’VE DISCUSSED. SHIT. I’d pay to see Jean singing Dear Theodosia. 
We can add Hide and Peggy to the club of forgotten characters along with Hinami (she is being forgotten it seems) and a few other characters I can’t think of right now XD
That’s the problem with TG. Most AUs are impossible, since the characters just don’t fit the roles nicely, they’re too grey to fit in. Gdi Ishida, you love making us suffer.
Oh yeah, Urie would be the best Burr! He’s a calculating character who’ll kinda suck ass to advance in positions. To think that this guy’s my favourite character along with Haise/Kaneki and Ayato...
You’ve seen my ‘I’ll manipulate everyone out’, didn’t you? That one fits evem worse than this, so shush.  I did reach that part, tho. One of the last things I remember is that hella sexy white suit Kaneki panel. I liked that one a lot ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Doesn’t everyone in TG basically have a tragical backstory, though? Like, name one (1) character who lived a nice and happy life without daddy issues suicidal stuff and so on.  There are none I can remember. Well, I guess you could say that Tsukiyama had a pretty nice childhood, but he’s pretty messed up now, so I don’t count him. 
Hmm, I think some people would be able to ignore them, but I’m pretty sure that you wouldn’t like the anime. I mean, it’s quite rushed with little character development and has sO MANY WTH MOMENTS, HE’S 15 FOR FUCKS SAKE, WHY DOES HE SLEEP NAKED WHY ARE THERE SO MANY INNUENDOS WHY DO THEY KISS IT LOOKS CREEPY WHYYYYY
No, don’t watch that anime. If you want to watch a romance anime that’s really good and has development, watch Kyoukai no Kanata. AND MAGI. AND HOUKAGO NO PLEIADES. I can always hit you up with anime suggestions if you need them *finger guns (and ships)*
Ooh, I like those additions so much! Would you mind if I added them to the actual post?
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tellmesomethinggg · 5 years
journal day 20
uhhh so... 
i’m currently on the phone with him which is in itself a long story, but i’ve also got time. so we’ve been texting on and off today and i got really stressed with the chem lab stuff and bio grades coming out, and so i texted him and ranted a bit and he kinda helped me to realize that i will be okay and i can worry about the chem lab stuff when i get back to campus. so then later, he texted me because of things going on with his dad, as per usual, and he was explaining what was going on and seemed pretty upset about things, but then he stopped responding to texts, so then i was a bit worried and on edge about it. so after some time, i decided to call him and check up. by then, it was late and kids were in bed, but parents and pablo were still up. great. i went and talked in the bathroom for a bit, but then transitioned to the garage so i could yell and cuss without being heard. but then, my dad called asking me where i was which was annoying, like just text me. and not that much longer later, pablo calls and calls him my boo which is far from accurate, but now i know that that’s all he’s gonna think no matter what. wonderful. anyways, once we both start sitting on instagram for a while, we both quiet down, so i grab a snack and then head back upstairs and thought, hey might as well start my journal, and here we are now (he has since left the call and gone to watch anime). 
i am very much conflicted about everything, because he truly thinks i’m completely over him and i want to be and i mostly am, but that’s the key word is mostly. i still very much have some feelings left and they’re not going away like i thought they would. which sucks ass. like does my brain not comprehend just how much easier it would be if i could not like him and just continue being friends like we are?? then i could stop having weird dreams and i wouldn’t be weirded out by his stupid jokes. i think that’s why i get so shocked by his jokes is that i know that some part of me still wishes that what had happened had happened under different circumstances. which is annoying, but hey, it’s time to properly acknowledge my feelings right? plus my dream last night was so weird. me, him, emilou, and jocelyn (now that i’m thinking about it, those are two who he could potentially become interested in based on what i have heard him say/seen him act/ etc.) all were at disney and we were gonna go on the incredicoaster and the girls got the first row and we got the second, but then the ride broke, and next thing we’re in a dream knock off version of ondas. and i was looking for a private place, you know, to be with him if things allowed for it. but i never found one. and i don’t remember if dream him had mutual feelings or not so :/ 
i’m tired of being at home and i’m tired of my shin splints. like what the actual fuck was my dumbass thinking not stretching before running. i just hope that the stretching and kt tape and icing helps and i can go running this weekend. it’d be really fucking nice. i really like the feeling of, right now, the only important thing is running faster and getting a nicer time and breathing and just having free time that’s actually free. i don’t know how to explain it, but it’s good, it’s freeing, it’s amazing. i just want to run. 
i’m ready to go back home because i want to see everyone and just go to the beach and go to disney and drink and just be without parents. they aren’t really letting me have me time because they want to be around me, but because i’ve become so independent, i can’t handle this. i don’t like having people around me constantly, because now i can’t have time to myself to do what i want on my own, or invite people to join me because i want to be around people, and not the exact opposite. and of course, i can’t tell them to leave me alone because as it is, they’re already butt hurt about how little time i try to spend with them, like excuse me, this is my break not yours, so let me have my time. it’d be nice dammit!! 
i should probably go to sleep and knock out for as much time as possible.
maybe another dream will clear things up for me. 
that’d be nice
g’night bitches
0 notes
Script, Version 3
Shot opens with a close-up of CLAY, a baseball player looking determinedly towards the camera. The scene has vibrant colors. A BASEBALL ANNOUNCER is heard offscreen.
This is a tense moment for the rookie. He started the year off rough but has now found himself at the cusp of the world series. All he needs is one more strike.
CLAY begins his wind-up. There is tense silence throughout the stadium, save the rustle of sand beneath his feet, and the softened voice of BASEBALL ANNOUNCER.
Here comes the wind-up-
CLAY goes through the motions of a wind-up, starting slowly, focused and thoughtful, and gains momentum as the wind-up comes closer to the pitch.
And the pitch!-
CLAY releases the baseball just as the announcer dictates it. The ball swishes for just a moment, the camera beginning to follow it.
Cut to the face of JOE, who is unfocused. The scene is in black & white. The hand of COACH is in the same screen location of the ball, and is continuing its momentum towards the face of JOE . A thundering crowd and a rambling BOXING ANNOUNCER is heard in the background, but is overpowered by the sound of the slap as it hits JOE ’s face. JOE looks around, startled, as he is pulled out of his daydream.
Kid! Kid! Stay focused, I’m talkin’ to ya!
JOE comes to, eyes wide as he regains awareness of his surroundings. He is sitting in the corner of a boxing ring, his COACH standing in front of him during a break between rounds.
Pull your head outta the clouds, stay focused! What’re you doing in there? You’re boring, there’s no glam. The audience doesn’t just want results, it wants that filling in the middle.
As COACH continues to talk, his voice is muffled and quite, and JOE glances around the arena. He looks into the crowd and sees jeering audience members, expressing discontent. His OPPONENT is clearly the fan favorite, and he is seen as nothing more than the villain of the OPPONENT’s story. His eyes move on to OPPONENT, who sits in the opposite corner. OPPONENT COACH is talking to him, but he is looking past him, glaring menacingly and confidently at JOE . JOE‘s eyes move to COACH, who is still talking. As JOE looks back at COACH, COACH’s voice becomes clear and loud again.
(still distracted)
Just, just please concentrate here. I tell you to give him a little, you give him nothing. I tell you to hit him hard, you knock him out. We’ve been over this kid, find your balance. These people don’t wanna see obvious answers, they wanna see a show! Do you understand me, kid?
Um, I think so coach.
Where do you go, kid? I can never get you to lissen’.
Um, I just…
The bell rings, signifying the start of the next round. COACH rushes to get JOE prepped. OPPONENT is already standing, ready to begin again.
Just get out there, and remember: entertain us!
JOE steps back into the center of the ring. His head is turned towards COACH, but he is looking off into the distance, as if still processing what COACH said. OPPONENT is goading the crowd as they cheer for him. JOE faces off with OPPONENT, slowly, as if unsure, putting out his glove to tap with OPPONENT. OPPONENT roughly slams JOE’s gloves, and JOE‘s arm swing with the impact. The bell rings, signaling the start of the match. COACH is heard in the background, cheering on JOE.
Come on kid! Give us a show! Do some dancing! Throw some misses! Throw some hits!
JOE hops around OPPONENT, clearly uncomfortable with showmanship. OPPONENT dances with flare around JOE, which is met with cheers from the crowd.
OPPONENT’s hook slams JOE’s face right as JOE begins to zone out again. Roars of cheering from the audience follow each punch.
The next hit comes soon after, before JOE can gain his balance from the first blow. JOE stumbles back, dazed, but unharmed. It is clear that no matter how much he bleeds, the blows don’t hurt him.
JOE is hit repeatedly in the face, each time becoming more overwhelmed and disoriented. He tries to regain a handle on the situation, but is each time scrambled by a punch. The punches come faster and faster until JOE, overwhelmed, finally makes a punch.
The punch lands on OPPONENT, who falls to the ground, knocked out. The crowd boos JOE, disappointed. JOE looks around, concerned. He looks to COACH, who is looking down, shaking his head. JOE looks away, saddened by his failure. OPPONENT COACH rushes to OPPONENT’s side, trying to revive him. The voice of the BOXING ANNOUNCER is still present, and is also clearly disappointed in the results.
(dejectedly, sarcastically)
All right, folks. It appears that’s another win for Big Joe Walsh. You can all go home-
The scene cuts to a shoddy, cramped apartment. There is a coat hanger near the door on the left, a bed on the right, and a small diorama in the left foreground with a camera positioned next to it, aiming at it. Next to the diorama is a large toolbox. JOE enters, dejected. He’s carrying a duffel bag and his overcoat, and wearing a button-up and slacks, his post-match outfit. As he trudges into the apartment, he throws his jacket towards the coat hanger, but misses, and his jacket falls to the ground. He trudges toward the bed and throws his duffel bag towards the bed, but it hits the edge and falls to the ground. He trudges toward his seat next to the diorama, and kicks off his shoes. His shoes don’t fall off all the way, and he trips over them. Finally, exhausted, he slumps down into his chair. He turns on the light in the diorama. CLAY, now in clay form and B&W, stands in the pre-wind-up position that was seen in the first scene. JOE looks at his storyboard to reference as he poses him, and, once done, snaps a photo with the camera. He poses CLAY again, then snaps another photo.
JOE continues this process, and as he does this, he gradually speeds up, as if the film was being sped up in post-production. As he speeds up, CLAY’s movement begins to look more naturalistic, and as this happens, the light above him begins to give everything below it color (including JOE’s hands). All the while, the camera slowly zooms into CLAY, until it is the same frame as the opening scene, transitioning into the environment represented in the diorama in which CLAY stands.
The voice of the announcer repeats again the same lines as before.
This is a tense moment for the rookie. He started the year off rough but has now found himself at the cusp of the world series. All he needs is one more strike.
CLAY’s movements are the same as the first scene, but now animated on three’s. His textures are clearly clay, and bump up and down in the places that the fingers of JOE press them. The scene continues as before.
Here comes the wind-up-
And the pitch!-
CLAY throws the ball, and it plops to the ground, flattening and thus revealing that it is made of clay. The stadium audience groans
CLAY becomes upset, and looks upper screen right, frustrated. The camera pans out to show the JOE sitting at the table.
(surprised, concerned)
Oh! Oh I’m sorry. I completely forgot to rig the- I’m sorry let me just-
JOE scrambles through his supplies, as CLAY impatiently watches him.
I know I have the tools for it, I just, I’ve been so overwhelmed lately, coach is keeping me late and trying to get me into the big leagues, so I’ve had so many matches lately, and that’s caused me to completely blank on this stuff-
JOE brings his hands to the top of the desk, holding a string and scissors.
I would normally be on top of this, you know that, so it’s not like I don’t WANT to be doing this stuff in my free time, it’s just, it’s just that I don’t really HAVE free time anymore, and it’s-
CLAY gestures in frustration. JOE stops short, offended by something CLAY expressed. CLAY says things to JOE through gestures and mild miming, which only JOE understands.
Excuses? NO, I’m not making excuses, I’m just expressing WHY-
CLAY gestures again, this time more aggressively. JOE stops short again, becoming more frustrated by what CLAY is saying to him.
Oh, REALLY? Well, I’m sorry I don’t have time to waste on some stupid personal project-
JOE is interrupted again by something CLAY gestures. CLAY is angry and disapproving, unaccepting of JOE ‘s excuses.
Well, excuse me, you lump of dirt, some of us-
This argument continues as JOE fixes the ball and connects the string, and begins to animate CLAY from the start of the scene again. Throughout this, CLAY occasionally resists so that he can retort to JOE , and JOE has to keep moving him back. Each time something goes wrong, the faint sound of the baseball stadium audience groaning is heard. This argument escalates and JOE’s animating becomes more frustrated and shaky.
The argument climaxes when CLAY’s right arm’s clay falls off of his armature. The faint sound of the baseball stadium audience exclaiming is heard. JOE loses hope. Exasperated, he pushes away from the table, the sound of his chair scuffing on the floor abruptly initiating silence. He leans forward, rests his elbows on his knees, and buries his face in his hands. All is silent.
During this time, CLAY is befuddled, but unworried, standing still but looking back and forth between his clay arm on the ground and the exposed metal bones of his armature. He walks over to the arm and inspects it curiously.
His face still buried in his hands, JOE mumbles to himself,
CLAY begins to attempt to reconnect his arm.
After another moment of thought, JOE raises his head out from his hands, turns his body back towards his desk, picks up a sack near him, and begins to slide his Claymation materials into the sack. Movement in his peripherals, or, more accurately, a lack of movement, get JOE‘s attention. He looks up at CLAY, and is surprised by what he sees. CLAY is frozen and once again devoid of color. He is stuck in the pose of attempting to put his arm back on.
JOE is taken aback, both confused and surprised by CLAY’s response to the setback. Without looking away from CLAY, he slowly places the sack back down, and raises his hand from the table, away from the materials. His hands catch his eye, and he looks down at them.
JOE ‘s hands are cut, bruised, and scarred from years of boxing. He looks back at CLAY and his dislodged arm, then back at his hand. Eyeing back and forth between his own wounds and CLAY’s.
JOE’s mood changes entirely. He lowers his shoulders, as if a weight were lifted. He looks at CLAY in a new way, with a fresh feeling of familiarity and warmth that was not present before.
JOE picks up CLAY, and stares at him for a moment. With newfound purpose, he begins fixing CLAY’s arm. As he does this, the camera zooms back into the diorama, once again recreating the frame from the first scene.
CLAY walks back to the mound, rubbing the repaired seam of his arm.
He’s coming back, folks! Unbelievable, what a recovery!
He is met with a roaring applause from the baseball stadium audience, and waves and smiles in response, sincerely touched by their support. He steps onto the mound and stretches his repaired arm as he continues to gaze around at the admiring crowd. He begins to position himself into the pitching position.
This is one hardy rookie, ladies and gentlemen. He does not know how to quit.
What a show, what a show!
The sound of the audience and the BASEBALL ANNOUNCER slowly fade out. The credits begin to roll.
0 notes
Script Rough, part 1
Shot opens with a close-up of CLAY, a baseball player looking determinedly towards the camera. The scene has vibrant colors. A BASEBALL ANNOUNCER is heard offscreen.
This is a tense moment for the rookie. He started the year off rough but has now found himself at the cusp of the world series. All he needs is one more strike.
CLAY begins his wind-up. There is tense silence throughout the stadium, save the rustle of sand beneath his feet, and the softened voice of BASEBALL ANNOUNCER.
Here comes the wind-up-
CLAY goes through the motions of a wind-up, starting slowly, focused and thoughtful, and gains momentum as the wind-up comes closer to the pitch.
And the pitch!-
CLAY releases the baseball just as the announcer dictates it. The ball swishes for just a moment, the camera beginning to follow it.
Cut to the face of BOXER, who is unfocused. The scene is in black & white. The hand of COACH is in the same screen location of the ball, and is continuing its momentum towards the face of BOXER. A thundering crowd and a rambling BOXING ANNOUNCER is heard in the background, but is overpowered by the sound of the slap as it hits BOXER’s face. BOXER looks around, startled, as he is pulled out of his daydream.
Kid! Kid! Stay focused, I’m talkin’ to ya!
BOXER comes to, eyes wide as he regains awareness of his surroundings. He is sitting in the corner of a boxing ring, his COACH standing in front of him during a break between rounds.
Pull your head outta the clouds, stay focused! Remember, you gotta dazzle. You gotta work the crowd, make em want you to win. Right now, you’re giving ‘em nothin’.
As COACH continues to talk, his voice is muffled and quited, and BOXER glances around the arena. He looks into the crowd and sees jeering audience members, expressing discontent. His OPPONENT is clearly the fan favorite, and he is seen as nothing more than the villain of the OPPONENT’s story. His eyes move on to OPPONENT, who sits in the opposite corner. OPPONENT COACH is talking to him, but he is looking past him, glaring menacingly and confidently at BOXER. BOXER’s eye’s move to COACH, who is still talking. As Boxer looks back at COACH, COACH’s voice becomes clear and loud again.
(still distracted)
Just, just please concentrate here. I tell you to give him a little, you give him nothing. I tell you to hit him hard, you knock him out. We’ve been over this kid, find your balance. These people don’t wanna see obvious answers, they wanna see a show! Do you understand me, kid?
Um, I think so coach.
Where do you go, kid? I can never get you to lissen’.
Um, I just…
The bell rings, signifying the start of the next round. COACH rushes to get BOXER prepped. OPPONENT is already standing, ready to begin again.
Just get out there, and remember: entertain us!
BOXER steps back into the center of the ring. His head is turned towards COACH, but he is looking off into the distance, as if still processing what COACH said. OPPONENT is goading the crowd as they cheer for him. BOXER faces off with OPPONENT, slowly, as if unsure, putting out his glove to tap with OPPONENT. OPPONENT roughly slams BOXER’s gloves, and BOXER’s arm swing with the impact. The bell rings, signaling the start of the match. COACH is heard in the background, cheering on BOXER.
Come on kid! Give us a show! Do some dancing! Throw some misses! Throw some hits!
Boxer hops around OPPONENT, clearly uncomfortable with showmanship. OPPONENT matches BOXER’s dance, but much more enthusiastically.
OPPONENT’s hook slams BOXER’s face right as BOXER begins to zone out again.
The next hit comes soon after, before BOXER can gain his balance from the first blow. BOXER stumbles back, dazed, but unaffected. It is clear that no matter how much he bleeds, the blows don’t hurt him.
BOXER is hit repeatedly in the face, each time becoming more overwhelmed and disoriented. He tries to regain a handle on the situation, but is each time scrambled by a punch. The punches come faster and faster until BOXER, overwhelmed, finally makes a punch.
The punch lands on OPPONENT, who falls to the ground, knocked out. The crowd boos BOXER, disappointed in a lack of a show. BOXER looks around, concerned. He looks to COACH, who is looking down, shaking his head. BOXER looks away, saddened by his failure. OPPONENT COACH rushes to OPPONENT’s side, trying to revive him. The voice of the BOXING ANNOUNCER is still present, and is also clearly disappointed in the results.
(dejectedly, sarcastically)
All right, folks. It appears that’s another win for Big Blow Joe. You can all go home-
The scene cuts to a shoddy, cramped apartment. There is a coat hanger near the door on the left, a bed on the right, and a small diorama in the left foreground with a camera positioned next to it, aiming at it. BOXER enters, dejected. He’s carrying a duffel bag and his overcoat, and wearing a button-up and slacks, his post-match outfit. As he trudges into the apartment, he throws his jacket towards the coat hanger, but misses, and his jacket falls to the ground. He trudges toward the bed and throws his duffel bag towards the bed, but it hits the edge and falls to the ground. He trudges toward his seat next to the diorama, and kicks off his shoes. His shoes don’t fall off all the way, and he trips over them. Finally, exhausted, he slumps down into his chair. He turns on the light in the diorama. CLAY, now in clay form and B&W, stands in the pre-wind-up position that was seen in the first scene. BOXER looks at his storyboard to reference as he poses him, and, once done, snaps a photo with the camera. He poses CLAY again, then snaps another photo.
BOXER continues this process, and as he does this, he gradually speeds up, as if the film was being sped up in post-production. As he speeds up, CLAY’s movement begins to look more naturalistic, and as this happens, the light above him begins to give everything below it color (including BOXER’s hands). All the while, the camera slowly zooms into CLAY, until it is the same camera as the opening scene’s. The voice of the announcer repeats again the same lines as before.
This is a tense moment for the rookie. He started the year off rough but has now found himself at the cusp of the world series. All he needs is one more strike.
CLAY’s movements are the same as the first scene, but now animated on two’s. The scene continues as before.
Here comes the wind-up-
And the pitch!-
CLAY throws the ball, and it plops to the ground, flattening and thus revealing that it is made of clay. CLAY becomes upset, and looks upper screen right, frustrated.
(surprised, concerned)
Oh! Oh I’m sorry. I completely forgot to rig the- I’m sorry let me just-
BOXER scrambles through his supplies, as CLAY impatiently watches him.
I know I have the tools for it, I just, I’ve been so overwhelmed lately, coach is keeping me late and trying to get me into the big leagues, so I’ve had so many matches lately, and that’s caused me to completely blank on this stuff-
BOXER brings his hands to the top of the desk, holding a string and scissors.
I would normally be on top of this, you know that, so it’s not like I don’t WANT to be doing this stuff in my free time, it’s just, it’s just that I don’t really HAVE free time anymore, and it’s-
BOXER stops short, offended by something CLAY expressed. CLAY says things to BOXER through gestures and mild miming, which only BOXER understands.
Excuses? NO, I’m not making excuses, I’m just expressing WHY-
BOXER stops short again, becoming more frustrated by what CLAY is saying to him.
Oh, REALLY? Well, I’m sorry I don’t have time to waste on some stupid personal project-
BOXER is interrupted again by something CLAY gestures. CLAY is angry and disapproving, unaccepting of BOXER’s excuses.
Well, excuse me, you lump of dirt, SOME OF US have bills to pay.
This argument continues as BOXER fixes the ball and connects the string, and begins to animate CLAY from the start of the scene again. Throughout this, CLAY occasionally resists so that he can retort to BOXER, and BOXER has to keep moving him back. This argument escalates and BOXER’s animating becomes more frustrated and shaky.
The argument climaxes when CLAY’s right arm’s clay falls off of his armature. BOXER despairs and loses hope. He begins to rant about what he perceives to be his delusion in thinking his dream can work.
During this time, CLAY is befuddled, but unworried, standing still but looking back and forth between his armature arm and his clay arm on the ground. He walks over to the arm and inspects it curiously.
BOXER continues to rant. He talks about how the responsible thing to do would be stick with the steady job he already has, to stick with this job that he succeeds so much at.
CLAY begins to attempt to reconnect his arm.
BOXER’s speech gradually becomes more and more hopeless, until he finally declares his intention to quit trying to be an animator, and plops down into his chair, defeated. At this point, he’s been talking to himself more than he’s been talking to CLAY.
BOXER looks up to see CLAY’s reaction, but is surprised by what he sees. CLAY is frozen and once again devoid of color. He is stuck in the pose of attempting to put his arm back on.
BOXER is taken aback, both confused and surprised by CLAY’s determination in contrast with his own anger and frustration. He begins to reach for CLAY, but notices his own hands, and looks closely at them.
BOXER’s hands are cut, bruised, and scarred. He realizes that he’s spent years bleeding for something he never loved, and is now giving up on the only thing he does. He realizes that CLAY doesn’t spend a second complaining, as it did not even occur to him. All CLAY knows is moving forward, giving up was never even an option. BOXER finally realizes that Clay is but an extension of himself, and what it takes to strive for his dreams has always been there, and the only thing that’s stopping him is himself. He realizes that he could live for nothing or suffer and die for something. The only life he can imagine is worth living is the one where he does this thing he loves.
BOXER picks up CLAY, and stares at him for a moment. He puts CLAY’s arm back on, and begins animating the scene again. As he animates, it speeds up like before, until CLAY is colored and moving on his own. The camera slowly zooms in on CLAY, until it is back in the same position as the first scene.
The BASEBALL ANNOUNCER’s voice is heard repeating the original lines. There is the same buildup and release as CLAY pitches the ball. This time, the scene follows through and, through the BASEBALL ANNOUNCER, we learn that CLAY successfully struck out the batter.
The ANNOUNCER loses his calm and celebrates. During this, CLAY begins to celebrate. The camera cuts out in the middle of the celebration, and the BASEBALL ANNOUNCER’s voice continues to be heard celebrating as the credits roll.
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