#was always very nervous talking about cait.
slocumjoe · 1 year
I always thought it was weird that Hancock's drug addiction (or at least dependency) was never addressed.
And honestly I just look to fanon to finish Danse's character arc and I forget that isnt canon
Although why do you say that Cait's backstory was fetishized? And why was Nick Valentine's quest messed up?
Firstly, some ground rules. This is directed at a Certain Kind of Contrarian, the kind of person who thinks characters are free-thinking entities with free will, who seemingly thinks they pop up fully formed out of the ground with no liberties taken by a writer. I need to preface this because these people always show up when discussing these kinds of characters.
We need to look at Cait in a Doyist lens. She is not a real person. Everything she does and went through was decided by her creators. It is a waste of time to justify something by saying well, this happens in real life, people go through this, people do this, because those actions and people are real. Cait is based in reality, but she herself is a puppet being pulled around with other puppets.
It can be viable to consider Cait in a Watsonian lens, but ultimately, we won't get anywhere picking her apart like that. Doing so would be taking her at face value, when Cait has a lot more going on behind the curtains. The Person and the Character Cait is, they're very different. One is a Person, the other is what decides that Person's personality, history, everything. Character comes first. You cannot defend Character by pointing at Person and saying that the Person exists in a world where anything is possible. Character comes first. Yes, Person exists, but Character defines it, and with Cait, we are discussing her Character.
We need to talk about the decisions made about Cait's Character, 'cause oh boy, ol' Beth really made some, didn't they?
Cait's Psycho use starts after killing her parents, and at some point, she becomes addicted. Later, as it starts negatively affecting her, even causing her cough up blood, she no longer views it as worth the high. Why did Cait start using, though?
Well, look at everything she had gone through. We'll get to how poorly her backstory itself is handled, and how lackadaisically Bethesda throws various traumas at her with all the grace and care of a small child throwing rocks at cars on the highway, but for now, we're focusing on the Psycho use.
Cait uses to cope with her trauma, that much is obvious. That's usually why characters and IRL people turn to substances. The issue here is how Bethesda treats both the use, and the...fuck, is it fair to call that fucking chair recovery?
The chair. That Fucking Chair.
I wanted an option to say nope, we're not doing this to you, we're leaving. But...no. The actual solution to Cait's 20+ years of trauma was to lock her in an interrogation chair and have her tortured for a few minutes.
Okay. Let's discuss this.
Cait used Psycho seemingly as a way to both punish herself and never think about the shit she went through. Psycho makes the user aggressive, so it stands to reason, also cruel and capable of using that aggression. Perhaps Psycho influenced her feelings at any moment, allowing her to not care about killing her parents, or about her slavery. Either way, Cait is already being hurt, and it very much is self-harm.
So, the solution, the thing to help Cait, get her on the first step to recovery from both her trauma and her addiction, is to hurt her. Punish her. It very much reads like punishment, you are locked into a chair. She sits there whimpering in pain. Now, this makes sense for Vault Tec and their experiment with this vault.
But...as the end of Cait's arc?
We're getting into some potentially controversial territory, but...it's proven, time and time again, that compassion and sufficient resources are the best, and pretty much the only, way for an addict to recover. It isn't enough to just stop using, get off it. You have to address the circumstances that lead to the addiction. Yes, some people will choose not to stop using, they'll choose to remain addicted and never attempt to get help for their issues. But that doesn't mean the ones who want to shouldn't get the opportunity. And those opportunities need to be compassionate.
It reads as a scare tactic. Don't do drugs, kiddies, or else you'll get so bad, you'll have to be locked into a chair and get tubes and needles attached to you, and be tortured for a few minutes. Jesus H Christ.
You know what makes this even worse? The blatant condemnation and mockery of actual recovery. The AA meeting in the overseer's room, in that vault? Bethesda makes a joke of it! Cait calls it bullshit! Motherfucker, AA meetings are one of, if not the, most effective ways to keep someone off a substance! It gives people a community, an echo chamber reminding them how bad their circumstances were and how much better they are without their substance. AA meetings are crucial for addicts, and Bethesda mocks it, criticizes it as stupid, and then portrays torture as the solution. They do this with their addicted character. You are supposed hear Cait call it stupid, ineffective, a waste of time. That is so fucking irresponsible.
Here's the obvious answer as to how Cait's addiction should have been handled; Cait herself either mentions wanting to come off it, or the Sole Survivor intervenes and suggests she stop using. From there, the Sole Survivor acts as a sponsor, or just a friend keeping an eye on her. Y'know, how substance recovery actually works?
Yes, it's not that easy IRL, and it doesn't have to be in game, she can relapse, even. But whatever happens, you cannot address a trauma-based drug addiction with more trauma being the cure. Holy shit, dude.
Cait's backstory is bloated with every kind of trauma, and it reads as very...last minute?
Actually look at it. She was grotesquely abused for 18 years, sold into slavery for a few more years, killed her parents, got a drug addiction, and then basically enslaved in a fighting pit for a few more years as a means of a suicide attempt, and then she gets traumatized when she gets clean because, again, that chair literally tortures her.
Starting at the beginning...why did her parents wait until she was 18 to sell her? Would the slavers not take kids? Did her parents not want her being raped underage, for some reason? Why 18, specifically?
Because Bethesda are cowards, and I mean that. They wanted all the abuse and trauma for Cait they could get, but...child rape? That was a little far for them.
Rule 1 of writing dark shit: If you, at any point, feel like you've gone too far, back the fuck up. Don't start walking left instead of forward. Bethesda wanted her nightmare upbringing, but child rape bothered them. So, they just had her sold at 18, but that's incredibly contrived. Hey, Beth? If it bothered you, you shouldn't have gone near it. Skirting the topic is a cowardly writer's way out. Shit or get off the pot.
Now, you can write a character with this much trauma. You just have to actually handle it.
Cait should be way more unhinged. You should be able to look at her, speak to her once, and figure out oh, this woman has been through hell. Instead, Cait is surprisingly well-adjusted. She's a little rude and doesn't care much for good-guy morality.
Here's where those Contrarians come in, saying "People don't have to act like their trauma!" They don't. But those are real people. Cait was made, and she was made with a normal personality and a horrifically detailed nightmare origin story. It isn't that Cait just powered through and got out okay despite all odds, it's that Bethesda didn't fully think about how her trauma would actually affect her.
If anyone played Silent Hill 2, remember Angela Orosco? She was also incredibly abused and mistreated all her life, and actually, her story is remarkably similar to Cait's in every way. And Angela, she acts like a person who's been traumatized at every single turn. Watching Angela is heartbreaking even if you don't know what she's gone through, because you can tell there was something.
Cait's backstory could be significantly pared down. Again, the dialogue and 4 affinities talk system butcher the character arc, but Cait suffered the most, I think. She tells you about all of her trauma at once, in her second affinity. Second. Other characters talk about their most intense/emotional shit at the final talk, but because Cait's third talk needs to start Benign Intervention, and her final talk needs to be about being clean now, they have to rush through her trauma at the second one.
For Cait, I think it'd be better to pare down the trauma, but it could work to just...move her opening up about it to the final talk. That makes the most sense, her explaining how she got that way.
Also, why was it Cait that got all of this?
No, really, why was Cait selected to be the trauma donkey de jour?
She's one of 3 female companions. Piper and Curie's trauma is both their dads died. Cait's trauma is endless rape, beating, drug addictions, slavery, and fights to the death. She sticks out. It's like the other girls got nothing so Cait got everything.
Cait is compared to Cassidy from New Vegas, but...why? Cassidy got off nice and easy compared to Cait. Everyone gets off easy compared to Cait. It's like she's the heaviest thing in the room, the odd one out because she's gone through significantly more and worse than anyone else. Can you seriously compare Cait to anyone in Fallout 4? MacCready lost his wife, Cait was raped for years on end. Hancock feels guilty for not doing more in his younger years to help people, Cait was constantly beaten and tortured by her parents for her entire life. Nick has some identity issues and body dysmorphia, Cait killed her parents and now is always attempting suicide via bare-knuckle combat for the same people who raped her.
It's like she was meant for a different game. I could easily see her in say, Wasteland 3, or the other Fallouts, which had much darker tones. Everyone else in 4 is lighter to slightly darker shades of grey, and then Cait is pitch black.
I especially find this suspicious, given that Cait is the addict character. No, it's not Hancock, because Hancock's addiction isn't addressed, it's just...seasoning, some texture thrown on top. His addiction doesn't matter, by the game's standards, you're not supposed to care about it. Cait, you are. She's the addict character.
It's like...weirdly implied that it's only incredibly fucked up stuff that makes you an addict. Like, there's a certain bar of trauma you have to have before you start using. First of all, incorrect, grossly so. Secondly, patronizing as shit. Thirdly, if you think like this, you shouldn't be allowed to write anything. Ever. Or vote, for that matter.
I will not bring up the accent, beyond that it, specifically, is pretty obnoxious. Katy Townsend, her voice actor, is Scottish, but...the accent is bad enough, I was sure she was American. Listening to this video, you can hear her natural speaking voice, and it's nowhere near Cait's thick, caricature Tough Irish Gal voice.
I have previously described Cait as a 'too many cooks in the kitchen' scenario. On one hand, she's a Trauma Donkey, as described in the last section. On another, she's a haha funny Irish lady love booze and fighting, ain't nothing better than getting pissed and picking a fight, am i right!
I have a theory that Cait was two separate characters that was merged into one. Fallout 4 tries to represent/dickride Massachusetts culture and history, and Massachusetts has double the national Irish population. New York and New Hampshire are more Irish, but Massachusetts is still very Irish. So, Beth made an Irish character, but then, like, Frank down the hall wanted his sadgirl babe, and they got stuck together.
There is no bigger clash than a historical cruel/tragic cartoon caricature and the darkest, most horrific character in a story, and it's the same person in Fallout 4. Again, Cait can be Irish. She cannot be a Tough Irish Gal, while being everything else that she is.
I mean...look at it. I should preface that I've been writing for, like, three hours and am Quickly Losing Steam, so this conclusion is not likely to be great
I've also described Cait as getting sprayed down with a pain hose. Just drenched in every kind of suffering imaginable. It's not handled properly, it's not addressed properly, it's just kind of there for you to figure out on your own. Another thing I've called Cait is Whedonesque, for Joss Whedon loves makes strong female characters, making them tiny, not-like-other-girls waifs (Cait is very thin and skinny), and then putting them through trauma, making them cry. He's been accused of making strong women just to see them break.
I don't fully think that last part applies to Cait, but it gets close. Cait is one of three girls. She's the only masculine/androgynous, Piper and Curie are both rather feminine, even if in different flavors. Cait is all tomboy, and she's all trauma and addiction, and misery. She falls into the Whedon trope of "I can kick ass but I need someone to fix me". Cait is, very much, a fixer fantasy. She's broken and desperate and Sole is supposed to be the white knight on a shining horse to save her, fix her. That's why she makes a big deal about how they're the first person to ever be nice to her. It's a fantasy.
And finally, Cait has something in common with the two other ladies; Piper exists to serve a plucky, girl-next-door romance (she's the intended romance, even, the one you're expected to pick), and Curie is a french virgin maid fantasy. Y'know Lusty Argonian Maid? Literally Curie.
And that is at least half of why Cait's Character was made the way it was. It's to appeal to a fixer fantasy. Even if unintentional, that's what Cait's character adds up to. Compare to 500 Days of Summer, if the movie wasn't self-aware.
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foreingersgod · 2 months
Can you write about CC inspired by the song Nobody Gets Me by Sza
Like how your the only one she opens up to and completely trusts
Nobody gets me . CC
pairing: caitlin clark x reader
synopsis: nobody gets me by sza
A/N: avoided the angsty part of this song cause i feel like i’ve been in too much of an angsty mood LMAO! enjoy loves !
for a while, you and caitlin had an on and off relationship. sometimes you only got together just to hook up, at some point you tried being official for while, but nothing had ever really stuck and you just continued on with your normal back and forth routine. it worked well for the both of you, too busy with school and basketball that you didn’t want to pester each other with means of labeling your relationship. but you found comfort within each other and practically spent every waking moment with one another. to be completely transparent, you’d always had really intense feelings for her, but you didn’t want to ruin such a beautiful thing you had had with her already.
graduation was approaching swiftly, and you found that the two of you were hanging out much less often. cait was dealing with the championship and procrastinating saying her goodbyes to her team. and you were finishing up your studies and internships. when she did come over, though, she was extremely exhausted and distant.
you had sensed that something was bothering her, but you didn’t want to push it. knowing caitlin, she got stressed and overwhelmed about a lot of things and she hardly ever talked about it. when she did speak about what was on her mind she had to do it on her own terms.
on one particular wednesday night, however, she had shown up at your door in tears. a rare scene to behold. you’d never seen her cry unless it was after a huge loss for iow, but even then, it wasn’t like this. she was hiccuping from the sobs, with her face red from running her hands down her face.
“caitlin…hey what’s going on?” she said nothing as you immediately ushered her into your apartment. you got her situated on your couch, telling you’d be just a second and you were going to grab her some tissues and water.
“no!” she cried, grabbing your wrist as you attempted to leave “don’t leave me please”
you sat down next to her, extremely worried. “i won’t, im right here, are you sure you don’t want anything?”
she shook her head violently and collapsed into you. her face hidden somewhere between your neck and shoulder, trying to suppress her sobs. her whole body shook as she continued crying, you rubbed her back and smoothed her hair, trying to calm her down.
“cait, you’re making me nervous, what’s going on?” you urged again.
“i’m so scared, YN” you grabbed her shoulders and forced her to look at you.
“of what?”
“of this” you looked at her extremely confused. “of graduating, of moving on, of saying goodbye to the team…”
“cait those are very normal things to be upset about, you shouldn’t have to be scared to continue on this amazing path you’re-” wiping away some of her tears with your thumb, you tired to comfort her before she cut you off abruptly.
“but i’m scared of losing you” her eyes squeezed shut in frustration, so overwhelmed by with these feelings coming out all at once.
“me? what are you talking about?”
“i just-” she tried to steady her breathe “i’ve realized that i haven’t taken this thing we’ve had seriously enough. i-i’ve been thinking about what’s going to happen when we go our separate ways…and i don’t want that YN, i don’t think i can be without you.”
“hey,” you grabbed her hand “i’ll always be here, we’ll still call and text and when you’re in town we can grab lunch! i’m not just gonna stop being your friend, silly!”
“but i don’t want to be your friend!”
you were struck with shock at her statement, completely unaware of where this was all coming from.
“the closer we get to separating from each other, the more i’ve become of aware of how much i’m fucking in love with you”
her eyes were studying your facial features, trying to pull a reaction from you, but you stood completely starstruck.
“nobody gets me like you do,” her voice cracking, close to crying again. “i don’t think i can be away from you. im scared it’s too late and i don’t want to lose what’s left of you..of what we have. and, i’ll be honest, i don’t want to see you with anyone else but me. nobody gets me like you do, im serious. i only like myself when i’m with you”
you felt yourself about to cry too, you had no idea she felt this way.
“you’re the only one i can actually be myself with. and you’re the only person i want to be around every second of the day. and i know it sounds crazy, and i don’t expect you to put everything on hold just because i’m sitting here crying and dropping this huge love bomb on you but i-”
you cut her off, throwing your arms around her shoulders, and pulling her into a gentle kiss. you could feel your tears mix together as you desperately pulled her in closer. after wanting her all to yourself, your feeling were finally reciprocated and it felt like you were on cloud 9.
“i love you, caitlin” you pulled away, smiling “i’m not going to leave you”
“thank you,” she said with her tears finally dried “for loving me, for trusting me, and for staying. i don’t think i could make it without you”
she stayed the night at your place that night. she told you about all the stuff she had kept hidden away when she started becoming distant; she told you about the stress of classes and the team and the draft. everything. she felt like she could stay up all night with you and completely e open up to you because nobody gets her like you do.
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maxsimagination · 5 months
𝗸𝗮𝘁𝗶𝗲 𝗺𝗰𝗰𝗮𝗿𝗱 - 𝗸.𝗺𝗰𝗰𝗮𝗯𝗲
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warnings: none
it was game day, chelsea vs arsenal. "kt, you ready?" me and katie had been together i signed with chelsea, we met at a bar and exchanged numbers (as all good love stories go). "ready for me to crush you today? hell yea." katie grinned as she rounded the corner of our shared apartment.
it was only after we had gone on a few dates and gotten to know each other that we figured out that we both played football. katie had been so excited until i told her that i had just signed for chelsea
"you could never beat me, mccabe." the irish woman was a gunner, through and through. it was our inside joke, me with chelsea and katie with arsenal. "how dare you, i'll show you." katie advanced towards me and i giggled as she tackled me onto the bed. "katie-"
she knew very well that i was ticklish and used it to her advantage. "katie, stop, we have to get you to training." i was still laughing from her hands on my sides, even after she stopped. i was dressed in my chelsea training kit, bag packed by the door.
"katie you're not even dressed!" once i stood up properly i realised that she hadn't even changed from her pyjamas. she just grinned at me, unmoving, her eyes following my movements. "you're so hot when you get mad." i smirked at katie's horniness, for lack of better term.
i walked over to her and put my arms around her neck, our lips are almost touching. her arms immediately went to my waist, pulling me impossibly closer. i moved my head to the side and started peppering kisses down the side of her neck to just below her ear.
katie tilted her head to the side to give me more access. i pulled away then and whispered, "and you're hot when you do what i say." before leaving her embrace and dancing away before she could get me. the look on her face was priceless, she was shocked and turned on at the same time.
"you can't do that." she tried to reason while making an attempt to trap me in her arms again. i ran off to the closet and picked out her training gear before exiting again.
"you can have me back when you get dressed." i tossed the clothes at her and laughed when katie pouted. she got dressed then, and we grabbed our kit bags then headed out to the car. i usually drop her off at training before a game then head back to where i need to go before the game. in this case, the chelsea training facility.
it wasn't that far from our apartment and her teammates always met us out the front. i pulled in and there was cait, steph, vivianne and leah waiting out the front. "sorry she's late, we got caught up." i yelled out to them with a wink. they all laughed and katie went a dark shade of pink.
"pick you up after the game." we gave each other a quick peck goodbye, then i pulled out and went to chelsea.
i was in the chelsea changing rooms with the team, standing next to sam and guro. magda was giving us all a pep talk, or at least trying to. the girls were ready for the game but they were nervous and you could tell. arsenal had always been our biggest competitor in the super league, save for barça in the champions league.
when she finished her captains speech, emma jumped in and hyped us all up, saying how good we were and that we got this. i was pumped and so ready to run out on that field.
we went to line up in the tunnel, this was always my favourite bit in games, especially against arsenal. i was alongside katie in the tunnel, just like i knew i would be. we grinned at each other and she reached out to hold my hand for a second before we walked out.
it was half time, and we were up 2-1 to arsenal. sam had scored the first goal, stealing it back when maanum missed a shot on goal. she had raced it up the field and somehow got past katie before slamming it in the net. i high-fived her before checking on katie.
then katie had evened the score with a kick from the corner that had miraculously bounced into the back of our net. i wasn't happy about the score but i was ecstatic for my girlfriend. she streamed down the field and stood in front of the arsenal crowd, who were going ballistic.
after her team had had their moment with her and we reset play, i sent her a wink and she grinned back at me. it was chelsea's ball then and guro had gotten it close to arsenal's goal, before magda kicked it over our heads and i jumped up for a header which sent the ball into the net. 1-2 for chelsea. our fans were wild and both sam and guro had run to me and guro jumped on my back.
now we were in the second half and arsenal were desperate to even the score. emma had subbed lauren james onto the field then and play started. lj was immediately on the ball and she ran it up the field, but then came katie. she was shoulder to shoulder with lauren and swiping her feet in with lauren's to get the ball.
her cleats must've scraped lauren's leg because she went down and clutched her leg, the ball rolling away slowly. i jogged over, seeing the ref talking with katie. i knew my girlfriend had set the record of 7 yellow cards in a season and i was anticipating another one. i had stood myself behind katie, close enough so i could hold her hand, but discreetly.
just as i thought, the ref held up a yellow card and wrote her name on it. katie walked away, turning into me. i walked a few steps with her, leaning in to whisper, "that's hot." before i jogged back to my position. lauren was deemed okay by the medics and she jogged over to where she had to be. play continued, but arsenal couldn't manage another goal. the final whistle was blown and the score stayed unchanged. 1-2 for chelsea.
i hugged my team, especially sam and guro, but my focus stayed on katie. i knew how much matches like this meant to her. she would be gutted but she would still find it in her to congratulate me, and that's what i loved about her. i walked over to where the arsenal team was.
most of them were hugging or sitting down but i found katie just lying on the grass. i went to her and lay down next to her. she turned to me with a smile. "i'm so proud of you."
i smiled back at her. "thank you katie. although i do think your new name should be katie mccard, with all those yellow cards you're collecting." she broke out into laughter and i was happy i could still make her laugh even after a loss.
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fusionnukacola · 1 year
Companions crushing on Sole before either lets on to their feelings.
Thanks for requesting! I've always loved asks like these.
Cait: The second she saw that, honestly, hot piece of ass stumbled into the Combat Zone and singlehandedly take out all of the raiders, she was smitten. Cait had only been traveling with Sole for a few weeks, but she already found herself looking at them when they weren't watching. Plans to do something about it, but has no idea what to do.
Curie: Had no idea what the feeling was. She'd experienced it once before, decades ago when one of the scientists had been extremely kind to her, but that didn't compare to what she felt now. Will do mostly nothing about it, except for a few spare comments about the weird feeling in her stomach she gets sometimes around Sole.
Danse: Gets scared straight off the bat. He lists all the things wrong with this attraction towards Sole, such as, "I'm their commanding officer." And "This is just straight-up inappropriate." Becomes, somehow, even more, awkward around Sole. Eventually goes to Haylen for advice, and she laughs at him before giving him advice. If Sole has completed Blind Betrayal, he wonders about how they could ever like someone like him, a machine.
Deacon: Worse jokes. Worse humor. He doesn't know how to deal with it, so he denies it every time he can. Tries making flirty jokes and stutters halfway through it and comes up with a different ending, usually ending in jokes that don't make sense at all. "Hey babe-bbbitch how those uhhh . shit. bye." Desdemona wants to deck him.
Hancock: Convinces himself he just wants to fuck Sole. He's wrong. Makes flirty jokes every chance he gets, and Sole thinks he's joking. He is not. Cries to Fahrenhite about how beautiful Sole is every night. She's getting sick of his crush. Tells him to "man-up" and go talk to them before she "throws him out of the window."
MacCready: Genuinely writes a comic book of them both. Spends all night on it and it's written in crayon. Offers to give them sniping tips, but gets too nervous when he's close to Sole like that, and completely messes it up. Blushes very easily.
Nick Valentine: Tells himself that it'll pass, but wonders what it would've been like if the original Nick met Sole before Jennifer. What would they think now, of the pretend Nick Valentine? Doesn't worry about it too much, but also won't make an advance.
Piper: Nervously laughs around them all the time. Purposefully doesn't look at Sole's face, or anywhere at them. Unbelievably awkward. Sole eventually confronts them, asking Piper if she hates them. Piper says. "Oh-uh. No? No. Don't worry about it blue!!!" And runs off.
Preston: Always. Blushing. Sole asks him if he's sunburnt, and he says no. Constantly asking Sole if they would take him with them to the next settlement because "I want to see the Minutemen's General recruit another settlement!" He's a liar. He wants to watch Sole fight. Sometimes, when it's late, he'll think about how likely it is that Sole wouldn't be interested in him.
X6-88: Stone cold. Doesn't blush. Denies it completely, but he can't help feeling drawn to Sole. They were a really good fighter and leader and definitely bound to lead the Institute to success but... it would just be wrong. Doesn't make a move at all.
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sgiandubh · 7 months
"He's actually paying those PR people? Whatever for? A drunk wombat would be better at the task." I LOL'd because my god have we been asking this very question of both Sam and Cait for years. They're PR is actually the worst. It's honestly hard to believe at times. Absolutely zero idea who either of them are trying to reach. The recalibrating after that VF disaster sent Cait into hiding, I'm not sure she's done another print interview since Belfast promo ended and if the Sam articles are going to continue on this way, he can quit too. Boring.
Dear Quit Anon,
I am flattered I managed to bring a smile or even a LOL, but I am not particularly glad about it. Unlike droves of people who think this PR shitshow is sad, I actually find it mystifying.
You are right. Goddess C went into occultation after that cursed VF interview. There are clear reasons, I think, for that. Also, please take into account the fact that, despite the illusions peddled by some fuckwits in this fandom, there are many things we simply do not know (nor should we, most probably).
As for S, I guess that ever since she went totally MIA (as I said, make-up and fash-un promo don't really compensate), he is overexposing himself. On purpose. Perhaps to protect her (I think so). Certainly to hide something. Since this is no way in hell about being gay (I will die on that hill and I know I am right), the only thing he could hide is well... I don't really need to draw it, do I?
Smoke and mirrors is always a risky strategy. S simply hasn't got what it takes to play that game long term, probably for the same reasons he was never a serious shortlist candidate for Bond. At this point in time, he'd mechanically go with whatever merde du jour is thrown by his imbecile PR on the table. Still, it's high time he'd seriously pull himself together. He can do better, as I wrote in a comment: he can do NYT and he did it very well, recently. And I was glad to see that. But Metro is just disappointing, clueless and tasteless. And it's padding up a press portfolio with amiable, meaningless bullshit that goes nowhere. Or at least nowhere near he wants to be or see himself in, let's say, five years from now.
OL is going to end. It has to. It's been both a blessing and a curse, I said that before. Then, it will be high time to end the fucking Truman Show. He (abstractly) knows that, he keeps hinting about it. “I’m ready for new challenges, but also nervous about what it’s like in the real world” - for some reason, I found this phrase very telling. But I doubt he internalized what probably still feels like a safely remote occurrence, right now.
What are his real projects? For the moment, zero. Directing? I'd love to see it, but he's got no real credentials for that. Bond? I mean, publicly gushing and insisting is not going to manifest it. He needs a real movie, a good one to break that glass ceiling. Is he going to get it? I hope so. But his personal brand awareness is still low. The PR clowns should stop talking to us, in here: we are already here and not going anywhere. All of us: antis, mommies, shippers, fencers, haters, trolls. They should talk to the people who have no clue who S is, and do it differently. He should step out of his comfort zone, ditch the leeches and refuse to discuss his personal life, for a while. There, I said it.
What are her real projects? For the moment, not much. Sure, we have The Cut, where I gather her part is minimalistic, to be kind. We also have The Amateur, of which very little is known at the moment. However, if I am correct, she is not one of the leads. Enough said. And beyond that? Crickets.
Make no mistake. The real litmus test is not now. The real litmus test is 2025. And then we'll see. And I'll still be here, taking weeping Anons because I don't know who said I don't know what I don't know where. Mark me.
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queer-spectre · 2 years
Some MacCready Hcs
-always cold. His hands are especially are fucking freezing. He wrings his hands a lot rubs them together to try and warm them up.
-his cap and jacket both have a worn little tag on the inside, hand stitched with his initials — put there by Lucy in neat black thread.
-he and Hancock were passing friends for a bit before sole was thawed out, but became very close quickly once they spent some time on the road.
-Mac gets along famously with Cait, but hates that she—without fail—calls out his cursing with a shit-eating grin. Sole introduces the concept of a swear jar, which Cait thinks is funniest thing in the world.
-Mac is an excellent at herding drunken people, a highly admired skill in Goodneighbor, and later in any settlement. Probably from his years as mayor of little lamplight: he’s stern but even the drunks can tell it’s mostly affectionate.
-Magnolia is on a personal quest to (subtly) play matchmaker for him. Hancock is notably less subtle about it.
-one of the ways sole knew he really trusted them was when he somberly requested a mod on his rifle. He tried to pay and everything but sole would only accept payment in the form of helping them haul salvage across the waste. (Need more aluminum after those upgrades, after all).
-Mac’s jumpy and fidgety both, to an almost comical (or worrying) degree—unless he’s peering down a scope, where everything he can see is his to control.
-close combat makes him nervous, but he does a good job of hiding it. He hates it more if sole has him hang back while they go in close.
-his dry sense of humor was born from many years of not understanding the joke/metaphor as a kid.
-sometimes his deadpan is too good, and people don’t realize he’s joking, then he has to backtrack: which makes him all flustered and shit.
-while he cracks a grin easily, his actual laugh is rare. but when he does it’s full force: the loud, can barely breathe, eyes-watering kind.
-his letters to Duncan include drawings sometimes—usually encountered creatures or people he’s met. Per his kiddo’s request, there is a pretty decent sketch of sole tucked under Duncan’s bed—he likes knowing someone is keeping his dad safe.
-sole and Hancock collect the all the pens, pencils, and intact paper they can find for Mac. They never give it to him directly: it feels like too much to address it unless Mac wants to talk about his kid, so they just add it to his pack. Mac knows, and returns the favor in his own ways: gruffly shoving shotgun shells into Hancock’s hands, and a giving a variety of ammo types to Sole.
- once the dust settled, Mac and Duncan moved out to the commonwealth: diamond city for the first few years so Duncan could attend school with the other kids. Duncan and Nat are thick as thieves and cause endless (mostly harmless) trouble. Nick’s had to drag the pair out of trouble a few times, only sometimes reporting the shenanigans to their respective guardians.
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blue-blugs · 1 month
headcanons for walls erode to dust
These are always kept as a running list in my head when I write fic. They help me stay on track lol.
During the fic timeline:
Though Vi may not see it very often, Jinx and Lux do get into conflict, especially when they first start dating. Jinx has difficulty sorting through how to respond when she feels hurt or rejected by Lux, and Lux takes issue with how Jinx handles it sometimes. But Jinx begins to learn that Lux really, actually likes her, and (in tandem with therapy) starts to ease out of more maladaptive behaviors
Again lmfao, Vi refuses to go to therapy. She just gives me the vibe of someone who's like “uh I'm fine. I'm fine for real. Brb I'm going to go rip a log in half”
Silco is less of a villain in this fic and more of just like. Vander's divorced husband that he talks shit about sometimes to Benzo in front of Vi and Powder lmfao
The few times Vi fucked in college and navigated penetration she was like “idk it's just not my vibe”. And then she took Caitlyn’s dick and she was like “oh. THIS is my vibe”
Jinx saw Caitlyn once and looked at Vi and was like. “Girl someone get her an autism screening”
Caitlyn is like “I'm not autistic. I just have standards. I like things done a certain way and that's okay. And doesn't EVERYONE have trouble navigating social situations? And doesn't EVERYONE fidget like this when they get nervous?” and Jinx is like. : /
Caitlyn takes the online screening questionnaire and it tells her she's very likely to be autistic and she's like “well it's not a medical professional so I'm taking it with a grain of salt” and everyone around her sighs
Post fic:
Don't ask me what law school Caitlyn goes to by the end of the fic. I don't know. But I do think she becomes a really incredible defense attorney, and Vi and Caitlyn end up permanently moving there
Caitlyn, Vi, Viktor, and Jayce go to the mall/on dumb touristy outings sometimes for fun (wlw/mlm solidarity). Caitlyn, Vi, and Viktor often gang up on Jayce during these outings when he's being obnoxious, except for when they’re getting food. Then Caitlyn and Jayce commiserate over how Vi and Viktor only ever want to get burgers
Jayce is very happy his friend Cait is in lesbo city with her lesbo gf
Cait’s dad (Asian coded) spoke a little bit of Cantonese to Caitlyn growing up, but she only knows a few phrases nowadays. Vi asks to learn a little bit and all Caitlyn can teach her is “wash your hands” because Vi very often does need to wash her hands
In my head, Caitlyn is an absolute freak when it comes to sex lmfao. Not that Vi isn't, but Cait is very blunt and often it's Caitlyn initiating “what if we did this” and Vi is like …..*gulp* ok
Jinx and Lux definitely fuck like crazy on the couch after Vi moves out
When Vi and Caitlyn come visit (they're able to visit pretty often since Caitlyn is rich/Vi has a good paying job w Hextech), they often meet up with Vander, Lux, and Jinx, and play dumb board games and eat Vander’s food and play with the cat the Jinx and Lux are not supposed to have
Through the dynamic of good cop/bad cop, Jinx and Lux somehow convince the landlord to let them keep the cat
Cait actually grew up in California before moving to the undetermined East Coast setting where she and Vi are at the beginning of the fic. That's why she knows all the local spots
Jayce also lived in California before moving to the undetermined East Coast setting and they bonded about it when they first met
Jayce got more than a few hasty text messages from Caitlyn when he moved back to California while Caitlyn was in college like “please help me Jayce I'm lesbian and I think I'm in love” and she sends like 38272 images of Vi smiling pretty
Ok as tagged, the neurodivergence in this fic isn't a big part of it or anything, but I think Jinx was diagnosed w/ autism/ADHD in her childhood (bc she could not stop being Like That and Vi and Vander were like “this CANNOT just be trauma.”) 
In general:
My conceptualization for the light cannon/CaitVi fic was: (1) jinx and lux are insane and way cooler than caitlyn and vi (2) caitlyn and vi are insane but on the down low and also they're fucking losers lowkey
Vi accuses Caitlyn of hating trying new things in the last chapter, which she does, except for when it comes to trying new ways to fuck Vi. Autism be damned, my girl can slut it up.
For every scene you see of Caitlyn and Jinx bickering, the only thing going through my mind at the time of writing was “autism on autism violence”
I was talking to my sister about how Caitlyn and Jayce are originally from California and move across the country to where Vi lives in an undetermined East Coast area because it's kind of representative of people from Piltover visiting the Undercity and i was like "but i dont know where they actually live geographically. I just know it's kind of trashy", and my sister is like "Topside is California and the Undercity is like... New Jersey" and I almost screamed
So yeah anyway Vi and Caitlyn live in Undercity, New Jersey when they meet in college. Thank you to my sister for enlightening me
*bows* thank you
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imagine-silk · 7 months
Could you do Yandere Cait with a Darling that wants to travel and explore the wasteland of North America with her, from east coast to west coast, with only the two of them?
》Had a lot of fun with this, if you couldn't tell. Also could you send me what courser request you were talking about.
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You had everything planned out. A trip around the world and a grand confession at the end. That was the idea anyway. In reality it was becoming traveling nomads so you could give Cait a ring on the other side, maybe stay to make a life there.
Not everyone was so happy to see you leave, friends giving teary goodbyes. Then again, bratty settlers made it easier. The phrase 'good riddance' was uttered and it pissed you off. In all the excitement no one noticed that settler went missing.
"You ready?" you asked, smile tired from the day but excited nonetheless.
"Sure thing, love." The assurance in the way she said it was one of the reasons you wanted this to happen. You wanted that sound to stay forever, for her to live perfectly. You wanted all of it. You felt you both deserved it.
Turns out it's very hard to travel without a car across the USA. You didn't really account for that. It took a while and a lot of caps to get a brahmin, a big hit but worth it. Cait had some choice words with the owner that made them a bit more willing to negotiate.
Instead of putting the caps in you camped out in abandoned places like apartments or parking lots. A roof, some walls (more or less), and space was good enough. Brahmin wasn't complaining about the open space, either.
When you got to the west coast you did what you wanted to at the start of the whole thing. You wanted to make it more dramatic or profound but you couldn't. You blurted out your proposal. "I love you. More than life itself. And I know you'd die for me but will you live for me? For as long as we can. Until we're old and hobbling like, I don't know, old people." You just ranted a bit until you reached an anti-climactic reveal. "So here I am. With these rings to get married. To you." You weren't nervous as much as you were impatient.
You saw what Cait was thinking. She was thinking about how she didn't deserve it, any of it. But you weren't worried, how could you be? Like always she took what you gave her. She let tears slip down her face as she held out her hand for you to slip the ring on her finger. As she looked at the ring she said, "I'll never fucking die."
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fallout4-reacts · 10 months
I don't know if you've played any other fallout game but may I ask companions react to finding out that Sole is actually an Enclave remnant (like the guy from Far Harbor)? If you can't, it's fine. Just swap Enclave for Gunners. Thx!
Yes, I played 1-2-3-NV-4, I scratched and didn’t really like tactics, I scratched and didn’t have time to play 76
I’m a little fallout maniac
Cait : "What the bloody hell is that supposed to do to me?"
Cait and Sole landed on the edge of a good campfire because the area is clear, and the path is still long before Harbor Grand Hotel. Sole wanted to take advantage of the chance to discuss about their past, which had come back to haunt them when they encountered the Great Zealot Brian Richter. The enclave. 
"I... I had to talk about it."
Cait appears to soften as she places a hand on them.
"Hey, we've all made choices in the past that weren't exactly crystal clear, whether it was for the sake of survival or because we believed there were no better options. I'm the living embodiment of that, darling. But we've made progress, and honestly, I reckon we can confidently say we're heading in the right direction."
Sole gives her a gentle smile. Cait can get right to the point. They will always require her to return them to the present.
Codsworth : Codsworth listened as they went through each detail. There is no doubt that Sole has changed since the war. These awful decisions. He does, however, comprehend somewhere.
"You truly believed it to be a commendable decision?"
"I think. And I did. I opened my eyes though, and I left the ranks as I dealt with everything else.”
“Ah, I see you have made the correct decision, indeed. About your brahmin steak, mom/sir, do you still prefer it to be cooked thoroughly?”
“Yes Codsworth, please, with sauce. A lot of sauce.”
Curie : "In this Enclave, did they engage in acts of malevolence?"
Sole sighs.
"Unfortunately, that's what I discovered in the end, yes."
"But what did they do wrong?"
Sole's eyes widen in stupor.
"Brotherhood-like technology, Gunners-like mentality—can you imagine?"
"Have they perpetually exhibited such behaviour?"
They are shaking their heads.
"Not always. For a time, they pretended to be a legitimate military organisation deserving of the title. They then began to think bigger, desiring more authority. That's when I realised the foundations were in bad shape."
"I see."
Curie adds nothing. She'll undoubtedly have additional questions. She's always asking additional questions. But, for the time being, she has discovered a mushroom sample that she is very interested in studying, and her interest in this other subject has waned.
Danse (Post BB)  : The man spends a long time just examining Sole, softly detailing them as if dissecting them completely with his eyes. Sole believed that this story would be forgotten, but on one of their missions, Danse discovered incriminating documents about Sole. Since then, he hasn't said anything. He only gave Sole an intense glance, with his lips pressed in a thin, severe line.
Sole awaits his verdict, and possibly their execution.
"We've all had serious lapses in our judgement, from what I see here," he concludes.
Sole had no idea how nervous they were. It's as if an iron rod has suddenly cracked in their body, and they're on the verge of collapsing. Danse appears to notice and approaches them, resting a hand on their shoulder.
"The past, my friend, is but a distant memory. In the grand tapestry of our shared history, your unwavering camaraderie has been the cornerstone, steadfastly bolstering me through triumphs and missteps alike. I am your companion, Sole; you are mine, and that is the only thing of significance."
Deacon : He's nevertheless having difficulties believing it. He was certain he acknowledged everything about Sole's life. However, P.A.M. is formal here; there is no room for error. He swallows the sensation of betrayal he had after honestly believing he and Sole shared a fairly sacred tie, feeling duped. That evening, over the fire, he is unusually quiet, as if he is painstakingly digesting the information.
"Hey? Are there no jokes tonight? There are no comments on anything? What's the matter, buddy?"
"No 'buddy' with me."
Sole, who was initially a little worried, is now extremely concerned. Being like this is completely out of character for Deacon. Unfortunately, he knows that if he presses the spy, Deacon will simply vanish into the wilderness. Therefore, he endorses this shift in attitude in the hopes to finally discover and resolve the problem.
Dogmeat : The good dog is unconcerned...really… He's here right now with a nice master, and he'll follow them all the way to the end of the earth. Factions are human stories, not canine concerns. But he appreciates Sole's conversation. He like hearing Sole speak.
Elder Maxson : Sole felt compelled to confess everything. However, staring at Maxson's white countenance of hatred while he remains rigid and subdued in rage in front of them, they question whether this was the proper move. They bowed their heads in shame.
"I realise I should have told you sooner... But that was a long time ago, and... I no longer agree with their values."
The Elder remains silent, but it is far from reassuring to Sole. They have no idea how to get out of this horrible situation or how to repair what has been broken. They believe the storm will break. They assumed that their friendship, trust, and respect for the Elder would suffice, but it now appears that they misjudged Maxson's resentment for the fallen faction. When he finally speaks, his voice is filled with disappointment, rage, and hatred.
"Leave immediately, wastelander. Begone from this place and steer clear of my vessel. Do not ever return. You are henceforth deemed an enemy of the Brotherhoods and shall be met with lethal force upon visual contact. I should've had you executed, for the example... *he sighs*. I pray that my frailty shall never haunt me in the days to come. But I shall never desire to lay eyes upon thee again, and I shall never yearn to have thy name grace my ears once more. Set out from the vicinity where the Brotherhoods reside."
Sole is not told twice. They considered it. They were afraid of being executed. They now have certainty.
Hancock : He chuckles. These aren't even close to his main interest. It's not his concern, it's other times and other locations. He offers a good dose of Jet to help Sole relax.
"Um... no thanks."
"Your bad."
The mayor is now focusing on what is truly critical. Fahrenheit will have his head if he does not intervene because the previous caravan did not pay its charge.
Gage : "Is this the outfit where you pick up that sour disposition of yours?"
"Well, boss, I gotta say, you're really holdin' your own with this Enclave business...Is it akin to the Brotherhoods?"
Sole weighs.
"Yeah, somewhere, a little."
"Are they the ones responsible for making you such a badass?"
"Well, ain't that a sight for sore eyes. So, it seems like we've got ourselves a winner here. So, are you planning on conquering these settlements, or do you have another tale to spin that I couldn't care less about?"
MacCready : He frowns. He doesn't want to pass judgement... After all, Sole pays him handsomely. And judging would make him feel hypocritical. He is a former Gunner, not exactly a hero. But he frowns. He is well aware of what the Enclave is and, if we may say so, that they are worse than these cretins of Brotherhoods. Looking back at the parallel between their past and his own, he gives Sole a keen look.
"Have you sorted everything out with them? Are they gonna come at us in the dead of night for a desertion execution?"
"They are no longer in operation. The Brotherhoods have entirely dissolved what remained of their organisation."
"Is that where ya left the ranks?"
"No, before that. I disliked who I had become."
Mac can relate once more. He hands Sole a bottle of beer.
" If those sorry bastards can't even put up a fight against you and you keep coughing up my caps, then there ain't no damn reason to waste breath on it."
Nick Valentine : "Enclave, huh? Yeah, I caught wind of that. The wicked little sibling of the Brotherhoods, as far as I can tell."
Sole attempts to swallow. They are well aware that everyone, without exception, judges the Enclave. They eventually deserted the ranks because it was a big crap.
"Did ya know, partner, that I was once a member of the Institute?"
Sole raises their head to meet Nick's gaze. The old synth is clearly mocking. Sole understands the message.
"I'm making a big deal out of it?"
"A tad, I reckon. Now, if we were to discuss this fresh lead you're bringing back, do we?"
Piper : "A genuine ex-Enclave soldier, huh? Wow! Do ya realise that I churn out one edition a week just with your crap?"
Sole's eyes widen in astonishment. And possibly of terror.
"Are you going to write an article about this?"
" No, I ain't pullin' your leg. Still, it would sell, but I reckon it'd reflect poorly on the reputation of the... General of the Minutemen, you know? I'd rather go after the real villains. I would prefer ask you a hand in proving McDonough is a synth."
"How do you intend to accomplish this?"
Preston : The Colonel remains silent. He doesn't appear to have heard anything. He keeps turning the molerat meat on the stick he's holding above the campfire. Sole can no longer hold for long.
"Don't you mind?"
Preston raises his head to gaze at his General.
"The individual who came to my aid at Concorde was no longer affiliated with the Enclave, friend. This fella, who's always ready to lend a hand to the settlers and those in need, ain't no Enclave member, I tell ya. You speak of the soldier from the Enclave, do you? I'm afraid I can't say for certain, friend. We appear to have designated General of the Minutemen the hero who cleans the Commonwealth. That organisation should be the only one on their service record."
Sole laughs. What else could they have expected?
Strong : "What Enclave?"
Sole sighs. He was looking forward to this discussion. The past usually comes back to haunt us at some point. But he didn't realise he had to discuss it with a companion who doesn't seem to care about much, usually.
"It was a military group. Really something. We were fighting... well, that's all in the past now. A little sloppiness, a few too many smacks to the face by the BoS, and all the former Enclave troops are in disarray and have rebuilt their lives elsewhere."
"Soldier brave. Enclave not soldier."
"What exactly do you mean?"
"Soldier fights to death. Puny human not dead. Not soldier."
“Hm. Okay, but what about this milk?"
X6-88 : "Indeed, it appears that prior to your decision to forsake Commonwealth organisations, you had already forsaken another former organisation."
"Wait a minute, what? I never turned my back on anyone!"
X6-88 indicates the screen in front of him. "You are present within the Enclave records. Do you deny it?"
Sole lets out a long sigh.
"I don't deny it. I was a member of that organisation. But it all crashing down. Like everyone else, I gathered what I could and moved on to rebuild my life."
"You have displayed a distinct lack of loyalty by abandoning them, much like the other factions that facilitated your arrival here. Is the Institute to be included in this package list, sir/madam?"
Sole is now staring at X6 as though he can't believe what he's hearing.
"It almost looks like you're trying to insult me."
There isn't even a wrinkle on the corner of the Courser's mouth.
" Sir/Madam, you have consistently forsaken your allegiances, repeatedly abandoning your organisations in favour of more advantageous prospects. I shall duly retain this information. If you have intentions to depart from the Institute, it is my solemn obligation to relay this information to my superiors."
"Well, as you so eloquently stated, I abandon my 'organisations' when I find a 'better' organisation. Let's play it that way if that's how you want to see it. Do you know of a better organisation than the Institute, X6?"
"Negative, Sir/Madam."
"Then you have your answer."
And the Courser seemed to be satisfied...
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fuzzydreamin · 10 months
What The Companions Say About... Synths! (gen 1-2)
I'm posting these just because I find the companions in-game reactions to things rather interesting. You might be surprised by what some of them have to say about certain things.
These are just their dialogues for during combat and after combat or walking through areas inhabited by this enemy type. It does not include anything from specific areas, quests, or other dialogue.
⌨ Ada
⌨: The technology these synths utilise is quite sophisticated. ⌨: Advanced CPUs, streamlined power systems… why didn't you build me like this? ⌨: Advanced CPUs, streamlined power systems… I often wish their hardware was compatible with my own. ⌨: Now I know what it feels like to be obsolete. ⌨: {Neutral} Synths have a way of making me feel obsolete. ⌨: I'm detecting high levels of jealousy and envy… oh, wait… that's me. ⌨: It's a shame you can't fit one or two of their limbs onto my chassis. It would make a wonderful upgrade. ⌨: {pause for effect between lines} Synths truly inspire me to be a better robot. Did that sound strange?
☘ Cait
☘: I'm gonna rip out your goddamn battery! ☘: Synths! Take 'em out!
☘: Synths are nothing but Institute lackies in sheep's clothin'. ☘: Careful, synths are bristlin' with Institute tech. No tellin' what they might have up their sleeve. ☘: Spare robot parts are worth their weight in gold. I'm just sayin'. ☘: Wonders of science, eh? Slag the same as robots if you ask me. ☘: Mindless lunatics. Where's the off switch?
⚙ Codsworth
⚙: Synths!
⚙: {Curious and thoughtful / Thinking} Imagine the good these synths could do if only programmed with the inclination. ⚙: {Nervous} There's something unnerving about synths. You never know if one's going to spring to life. ⚙: {Sympathetic at first, then more defiant, with attitude / Thinking} I almost feel sorry for synths. Institute fodder, really… But try to kill me, and I'm afraid sympathy goes right out the window. ⚙: {Slight disgust / Neutral} The Institute sure is frivolous with their toys. ⚙: {Concerned} Careful not to trip over any loose parts, mum.
⚕ Curie
⚕: RobCo did not make robots such as this. ⚕: The technology to make this. Incredible. ⚕: Is this what is called… a "synth"?
⚕: What a technological marvel these synths are. ⚕: Madame Fowler posited the idea that robotic evolution could surpass that of their creators. The synths prove this quite neatly. ⚕: To talk with the Institute would be a dream. So many marvels they have created. ⚕: Do synths have a psychology? Or are they merely sophisticated machines? ⚕: I dislike the idea of destroying such works of engineering and science.
♞ Danse
♞: Melt them down to slag! ♞: Blow those things to bits! ♞: Institute vermin! ♞: Synths! Destroy them! ♞: Burn them down!
♞: {Muttered to self… you hate the synths.} Abominations, the lot of them. ♞: The Institute must not be allowed to create these freaks any longer. ♞: Synths are nothing but technology run amok. ♞: Free-thinking machines are an insult to our way of life. They need to be destroyed. ♞: I refuse to rest until every one of these nightmares is eliminated.
🕶 Deacon
🕶: Killing these old synths always… Well, if we gotta do it. 🕶: Glory's going to lecture me when I get home. Sorry, pal.
🕶: I understand why Glory hates wasting Gen 1s and 2s. A very fuzzy line. 🕶: I'm alright if we have to take out the Gen 1s and 2s. Barely, but alright. 🕶: Tinker records every place we find the early gen synths. He says it'll reveal the Institute's "Master Plan". Yeah, right. 🕶: More synths. Great. 🕶: EMP works well against synths. Well, the early models.
☠ Gage
☠: I got your "sensor anomaly" right here! ☠: Ain't no way you're replacing me!
☠: God, I hate synths. They ain't robots, they ain't people… the worst of both worlds, wrapped up in one. ☠: Seems to me, if you're worried about someone being a synth, you shoot 'em. Problem solved. ☠: It's not bad enough that the Institute had to go and make robots to do their dirty work. They went one step worse and made 'em look human. Ugh. ☠: Ever feel the tiniest bit hurt that the Institute hasn't tried to replace you with a synth? I mean, c'mon, I'm important… I'm worth replacing. ☠: Their robots may be creepy shit, but Institute tech sure is fun to play with. ☠: All the lights and clicking don't mean shit against a man with a good head on his shoulders.
☣ Hancock
☣: {Neutral} You ever wonder if maybe you're a synth and don't know it? I got a lot of time I can't account for… ☣: {Stern} If the Institute has its way, they'll replace us all with these damn things. ☣: {Amused} Institute gives its lackeys some fun toys. ☣: {Question} These things are the future? So far, not impressed.
☸ Longfellow
☸: {Wary, uneasy} Robots lookin' like people… that don't sit right with me. ☸: {Wary, uneasy} I ain't fond of fightin' any kind of robot, but that goes double for synths. ☸: {Wary, uneasy} You can pull some good salvage off these bots, if you can stomach lookin' at 'em. ☸: {Wary, uneasy} Synths are downright disturbin'. No other way to say it. ☸: {Wary, uneasy} Makin' a machine that looks like a man… if that ain't madness, I don't know what is.
⨁ MacCready
⨁: Institute toasters! ⨁: Synths! Blow 'em back to hell!
⨁: Institute synths carry some valuable tech. Don't leave anything behind. ⨁: Damn synths are worse than rodents. Kill one and two more take its place. ⨁: If the synths know we're here, the whole Institute knows we're here. ⨁: I don't know how these things get around so fast. ⨁: Don't underestimate Institute synths. They're lethal killing machines.
♥ Nick
♥: {Stern} Sorry, friends. Don't start what ya can't finish. ♥: {Stern} Hate to put you down.
♥: {Neutral} Institute treats synths like tools, tossed away without a thought. ♥: {Sombre} Wish we could just make these things see reason. ♥: {Neutral} Goodness. Do I really look as bad as these models? ♥: {Neutral} Never did understand why the hell they programmed us to feel pain.
✉ Piper
✉: {Neutral} Institute scrapheaps. ✉: {Stern} Back to the scrapheap for you.
✉: {Stern} Sure, the Institute made these things killing machines, but they're still killing machines. ✉: {Stern} If the Institute and its synths think we're going down without a fight, they're in for a damn big surprise. ✉: {Neutral} The Institute sure gives its lackeys some serious firepower. ✉: {Neutral} Nick's the only synth I've met that didn't seem to have a screw loose. Wonder if that's why they got rid of him? ✉: {Question} Wonder what the Institute's looking for in a place like this?
☀ Preston
☀: It's the Institute! ☀: Synths! Hit them hard!
☀: Why can't the Institute just leave us alone? ☀: One of these days we're going to have to put a stop to the Institute. ☀: It's uncanny. They're not robots, but not exactly human either. ☀: I wish I knew what the Institute really wanted up here. ☀: Talk about science run amok. ☀: Hmm. Usually aren't so aggressive.
☢ Strong
☢: False men should fear Strong. ☢: Robot try to be humans. Stupid robots. ☢: Why fight false men. Can't eat them. ☢: Institute fighters. Strong will destroy you. ☢: Super mutants smash all false men.
☾ X6-88
☾: Some of the older model synths were built over a century ago. ☾: I should get a team up here to retrieve these units. ☾: {Gen-1 is short for "generation 1"} The gen-1 synths you see out here are usually part of a work crew that got hit by raiders. ☾: The synths won't see us as a threat. Their programming prevents it. ☾: {Disgust} I hate the idea of Institute tech in the hands of surface-dwellers. What a waste.
My Notes:
Ada is jealous of synths for their advanced design. (On a flip side, Nick has tried fitting robot parts on himself - it didn't work.)
"No tellin' what they might have up their sleeve." It's nothing. I wish the synths had more going on than just shooting or beating us with a baton. It is a stun baton, but maybe it would've been cooler if the synths themselves let off an electical charge at close-range.
Much like her feelings on the Brotherhood, Curie really wants to talk with the Institute on an academic level. Unfortunately, just like the Brotherhood, they would only ever see her as a lesser being.
The first time Deacon mentions Glory's dislike of killing early gen synths, the directors note indicates that he disagrees with her. Here he's more on the fence.
Considering Gage's position with the bosses of Nuka World, having influence but not being the boss, he probably would actually be a target for replacement if the Institute haad any interest in that place.
Longfellow is friendly towards the synths of Acadia, but I guess he really doesn't like looking at DiMA. No wonder he stays outside.
Early gen synths, including Nick, feel pain. 🙃
Preston's "Usually aren't so aggressive." line implies that it's possible for people to wander past an area being scavenged by the Institute and not get shot up, so long as they leave it be. Most people probably hightail it anyway, to be safe.
"Some of the older model synths were built over a century ago." implies that early gen's continued to be, and perhaps still are, built well after Nick and DiMA got free, since the two are about a century old themselves.
X6's dialogue implies that early gen synths go of-course when met with hostility, causing them to stop performing their jobs and not return to the Institute on their own, thus needing to be collected manually.
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outismm · 2 years
I saw your reblog, please talk about Huck before you explode I'm worried about you /lh
When I tell you this is gonna be an essay this is gonna be a THESIS. I would defend this man in a court of my peers. I have been thinking so hard about this little man for the past few months this is gonna be SO LONG SMDNSMD
OH ALSO. tumblr likes to fuck with formatting so. some of the images might be out of wack. mwa that's all
Okay this is gonna be split,, btwn Gay Thoughts and pointing out Character Design Choices/Scene Details/Cool Shit bc. That is the joy of media :)
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Vander is humungalogongus, Huck is Tiny, putting them together just emphasizes both of those qualities in such a delightful way aaa <33
Vanders hand wraps around that tankard like it owe's him money smmnmdsnd whereas Huck would probably need to use two hands to do the same.
I just. It's such a great use of contrasting character designs!!
Like sure Vander is big, but next to Huck,, he is BIG big. Absolute giant, I love how it helps boost those Protective Vibes he's meant to have!!! <333
AND THE SAME THING WORKS PRESTO-REVERSO FOR HUCK. He looks so insanely small compared to him, and joint with how he curls into himself, all of it just makes him look so. fragile.
It's such a fantastic way of getting across the Vibes of the characters in a nonverbal way. giving the animators my bank info as we speak.
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there. is no analysis here this image. this shot is just so funny MNSDMSNDS
He is Experiencing so intensely. Help Him.
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Um. Well. See.
No comment your honor.
NO BUT,,,, he shivers here!! It's such a small detail it's basically impossible to actually see unless you slow down the footage!!
they didn't need to make him. Literally Shudder In Fear but they DID and I LOVE them for that. It's not even smth most ppl are gonna see, it's like 3 frames at most, but they DID.
I brought this up somewhere else but. Big Eyes + Small Pupils That Can't Sit Still adds so much more,, stress and tension to everything he does. I'm sorry the design details have me by the throat what can I say.
THEY GIVE HIM SO MANY. BEHAVIORS. The drumming of his fingers is my favorite - it pops up three times that I've noticed.
The bar, before Vander hands him his drink.
The table, when he's getting upset about the deal going south.
The counter of the Apothecary's dispensary in ep.6
Like even outside of his tinger-tapping - the way his eyes can't sit still, his very jittery uneven movements, his eyebrows are almost always Bunched Up in that worried expression, that nervous laugh like UGHHHH <333
His lanky frame and frantic gestures have entranced me
There's so many good details post-timeskip I gotta talk about MSNDSM
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I. GRMGKRKGR. The way they re-introduce Huck makes my brain start bounding off my skull
First he's fully covered by the cloak, he looks relatively normal
then he falls backwards, revealing that he's completely emaciated, far past his previous thinness.
THEN we get the close-up shot to show the tumor, giving us a glimpse into just how damaging shimmer has been on his body - his hood even falls off to give us a full look.
I JUST. GOD. The escalation. Those small moments of Tension-Release are scattered all throughout Arcane and they all give me such massive brainworms.
and for the people who DO remember him it adds that little layer of,,,, Youch
AND THAT ANGLE. GOD. It really feels like we're looking down at him from the barrel of Cait's gun. The cinematography in this show is always so pretty.
(this is also the moment where we can see the escalation of his habits!!)
His eyes are more jumpy, his hands are more expressive, that nervous laugh he has is escalated to the point that it. sounding like he's gonna burst into tears. ('I- I owed her old man my life. Probably more.. than that - I guess' ..... Bill Lobley did such an amazing job w/ his voice aaa)
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My absolute favorite detail they added was post-timeskip Huck's,, self-soothing behaviors?
He holds his own hand, he leans against his arm - at one point he tries to rub his forehead before flinching back, forgetting his tumor is there AAAA </33333
It's so clear he isn't accustomed to contact, which makes Cait's hug feel so much more cathartic </3
HE JUST <33333. They really emphasize how vulnerable he is. His constant fear and his desperation to not be afraid is such a key part of his character.
Like he says himself that one of the main reasons he turned to shimmer was to finally, finally make other people the ones who are afraid I JUST. AAA. I FUCKING LOVE THIS GUY YALL IDK WHAT TO SAY.
SIGH,,,,, TUMBLR'S IMAGE LIMIT IS BULLYING ME SO. one last little detail before I wrap up.
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He's!! genuinely happy that Vi is gonna get help!! It's so clear that the choice he made to turn in Vi wasn't one he made easily.
If there's any last thing to say it's just. The crew did such a good job adding all that depth. Huck gets 5 mins total on-screen and they still took the time to flesh him out.
TLDR. Mwa I need season 2 stat
SHUFFLES FEET... ANON TYSM THIS WAS SO FUN. Anybody who made it this far and read through everything,, I'm making us friendship bracelets and cookies ilysm.
#my poor moots looking at his : who let outis out of his cage#FUN FACT. I TRIED WRITING THIS AND THEN TUMBLR GLITCHED AND KILLED IT. DEAD IN THE WATER I WAS SO DESTROYED SMDNSMD.#huck#huck arcane#arcane#arcane analysis#vander#briefly sdnss#*RINGS A MASSIVE BELL* SUMMONING ALL HUCK SIMPS TO MY LOCATION I LIVE AT [REDACTED] [REDACTED] GET OVER HERE N O W#PL E A SE I CANT BE THE. ONLY ONE WHO'S GOT EYES ON THIS MAN. hes so milquetoast. fragile in nature and deserved a good life </3#SMDNSMD GOD. IVE MISSED WRITING OBSCENELY LONG THINGS ABOUT MY BLORBOS#outis screams#GOD THERES SO MANY MORE DETAILS I COULD TALK ABOUT BUT#SDSMNDS THERES A PHOTO LIMIT SO ITS HARD#off the top of my head..#he has a slight overbite. i couldnt find anywhere to put that but. heart eyes. what a delightful detail.#also his smile is super unique?? his lips are also VERY expressive smdnsd its such a cute detail#they really go all in on that. Kicked Puppy Vibe. they purposefully make him so. small and fragile.#ive heard some theories about him being An Important Character (tm) but. I don't know enough about League to input thoughts#all i hope is that we get <333 more of him. any little glimpses next season will be cherishes dmsnds#I MIGHT DO MORE STUFF LIKE THIS IDK. arcane has so many beautiful details it literally has me by the throat#scopophobia#possibly for that one bit#sighs dreamily....... that bit in ep one when he gulps nervously. sir just say youre a bottom and be done with it MSNDSMDNAD#making a mental note to write or draw smth about this man soon. legally i must msndmsndsd#OH BEFORE I GO. LMK IF ANYTHING IS UNINTELLIGABLE#I LITERALLY WROTE THIS AT 4 AM SMDNSMD AND MY BRAIN IS KINDA GOING SQUARESHAPED. SO. YEAH JUST LMK IF SMTH NEEDS CLARITY#*gripping leg* why do i always get so shy posting things. somebody sedate me#OK GOODNIGHT LOVE Y'ALL FOR INDULGING ME SMDNSMD
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caitlinsnicket · 2 years
they are inexperienced (arcane preference)
a/n: this is nsfw, be warned! I hope ya'll enjoy it.
| Jinx
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she wants to be with you so bad
she just isn't sure how to
she doesn't wanna hurt you, she doesn't want you to be uncomfortable or unsatisfied
but at the same time she wants to do things to you
so you two are making out and she gets under you, hands roaming and tugging you close
then she pants
"please do things to me. please. it's so frustrating"
you pull her up until she's siting on your face, and from then on she just relaxes and enjoys all the sensations you provide for her
bites down hard on her own hand as she's cumming, rocking bac and forth until her orgasm wears off
after that she makes you sit on her face, and she gets that look on her face like she's gonna eat you alive
uses a little teeth on everything she does
is afraid of fingering you, but guide her hand and she'll have a great time
wants you to boss her around, then she wants to boss you around
also giggles a lot
| Vi
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my baby Vi didn't have the chance to experience anything, so when you two met she was still a virgin
she was confident though, so you didn't imagine it
is fascinated by how good you feel, and by all the little details in your body
"wow, i didn't think you could be this soft"
purrs when you kiss her neck
asks you to show her how to finger you
"like this? am i hurting you?"
"shit kitty, you're so wet"
doesn't even realize she is overstimulating you, just wanting to keep touching
"can i use my mouth now?"
gets very determined to learn how to make you cum by herself, without your help
becomes jello when you return the favor
moans very loudly, fists your hair a little too hard
doesn't know what to do after
make-out sessions that she doesn't even realize are turning into more
doesn't know how hot you think she is, but whne she does, you're done for
| Caitlyn
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miss perfect wasn't really focused on romance in her younger years
so when you two started dating, she was really curious as to what could happen between the two of you
cue you sneaking into her bedroom at night so you two can make-out
gets red really easily
nervous smiles
is not aware of how hot she is
"damn cait, look at these boobs"
"what about them?"
has to bite her lip hard to supress her moans, but with a little coaxing of you will let them out
likes to do the do on your lap, she feels safer that way
"can we try something different?"
pulls you to the edge of the bed and tentatively kisses your legs and inner thighs
"tell me if i'm doing something wrong, please"
also a lot of pleases
gets really proud of herself when she makes you feel good
also will absolutely love to take bubble baths with you to feel less nervous about everything
| Ekko
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look at this horny boy
so so horny
but never enough time, never the right person
so when you two start dating he's very excited (sheesh) to do all the nasty stuff he only heard for years
it always starts with cuddles
he tentatively touches you all over, kisses and nibbles your neck, buckles his hips into yours
doesn't realise he's dirty talking unless you mention it to him at some point
slowly masturbates you just to watch your reaction
has tears in his eyes the first time he enters you
if you suck him off he'll buck his hips uncontrollably
likes cockwarming, cuddling while fucking is the best for him
wants you to be vocal and wants to have sex all the time, so you have to tell him when you're tired because this boy could go on for days
the first time he ate you out he came on his pants from how hot it was
touch him please
| Silco
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at first you think he's teasing you, because he just kisses you heavily and then leaves as if nothing happened
then you noticed it was a frequent thing
asking sevika for advice (even if he's embarassed)
pretending it's a "dom thing" by asking you how you want it and if you're liking it, but actually just wants to know if he's doing good
office sex is necessary because he feels more comfortable there
tell him he's doing a good job
keeps his hand on your neck while you ride him, just to feel in control
as he gets more confident he also opens up more
his favorite thing to do is to have you sucking him off under the table during an important meeting
gets hard just thinking about it
| Viktor
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this man is a mess
never really had time for relationships, or was too oblivious to realise people were interested in him
he's lost in your relationship, but with gentle care everything goes nicely
but when it comes to sex, oh boy
he's scared of dissapointing you, he's scared of showing himself to you, he's scared that you'll leave
so in the begining he stops your make-out sessions abruptly, beet red and with a tent in his pants, trying to recompose himself
reads a lot of books on how to suck you off to distract you from the fact that you can't touch him properly
takes a lot of trust and care for him to finally let you please him
doesn't last long, but tries very hard to
enjoys edging
will read a lot of sex books and come up with absurdities at odd times
you'll enjoy all of them
if you praise him, he might cum on the spot
@tartheanmaid @cariossa @gutsandglue @eko2ono @my-bestfriend-is-a-meth-teacher @emotionalyunstablehanjisimp @ewphoriae @mxxnch @king0flies @flowerboy1130 @panshrekxual-iii @wrddrms @lesbian-rondo @ofartsandshadows @the-wordis-bird @sakutsu14 @nsfw-kill-me-now @allyboba @nymphofzaun @aleks-chan @vikivikiv @queerkittycat @purple-vale @phoenixofjewel @justtryingt0vibe @http-jackass @chelablackcat @salem-poltergeist @tovewantcoffee @psychologicalnecrosis @chickenshins @awesomekawaiibouquetlady @musical-yeet @gloomdoomraccoon @cherry-poppins @komoresunrise @testsubject24601 @hopelessly-hopeful-hope @plaguedoctorsalad @snakesnack6 @governmentfraud @natsb1tch @leeriin @sakuracoffe @lionheadknight-blog @afidiofobia @endlessdreamsleadtoreality @eldritchcrafter @theelderswear @wifeofvi @cupcakkesinflatedwetbussy @aj134 @kal0pssiaa @imajinxnation @babygoopeclipsestudent @cowboykiri @betterbemybby @rin-a-din-din @envyscherry @cherry-poppins @psychologicalnecrosis @lonelysnowdrops @komoresunrise @yandematic @apricotfly @kitsuneiis-world @confusedone @moldymacrodose @fandomcatchall @heyurimi @aradeal @ashshxts @werewolf-himbo @icaca2 @cloudyville12-blog @50-oldbees @technicallydarkconnoisseur @coffeedragonart @ic04120 @mastercheetos @mybadluckshouldmakemefamous @bellycutx @kikorenart @fandomcatchall @luvhrs @angryduckie @angryduckie @wehhhhhhh @rosenightwings @rippleinthestars @where-music-will-guide-us @gamerekei @gamerekei @valentine-interactive @barkbarkbarkruffruff @allyboba @rinadragomir @blakechaos08 @aiylatik @billcipher1315 @profoundcupcakepolice @bberrriie @kyu-pine @st4rgurlie @theluvergirl @bvby-peachy @hnnnnnnnm @mamir @roll-da-credits @paranoidrobonoid @itzel018-blog @elveyy @jikouya @masterboop @juicepoki @mi-the-queen @sophia902103 @azakanaalex @redflamesbaku @itsghostgirlyo @jaxypo @ezra-enchantress @lem0n-bitch @sakikos @bamboowritess @gami-arts @oddlittleminx @oddlittleminx @voremesenpai @jessicaskyler @vikkijwantingcookies @tvhavokk @zrrey23 @gowonreal @iktorisatwink @zaira-zen @dreamwings231 @bisexual-governmentspy @viisgay @blubirdtears
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yano2519 · 2 years
I'm surprised Sam is talking about Cait’s baby. Just like I'm surprised he came to the OL premiere alone and not with a date. That doesn't fit his Single Sam lifestyle at all.
To be honest, I don't see his "Single Sam Lifestyle". What I see is a man who is "officially" single and whose lifestyle is only portrayed as you describe because a few "randomly" placed photos pop up now and then.
What I see is a man who works hard, is socially engaged, and is committed to projects that are close to his heart.
I see a man who displays a little too much enthusiasm when talking about his pregnant co-star ( and I noticed that too at Comic Con last year).
I see a man who was very nervous during the live interviews at the premiere and very concerned about smoothing the waters after the TW shitstorm against Cait.
I see a man who is obviously held in high esteem by long-time friends and companions and who, despite all the hostility he gets, with very few exceptions, always remains diplomatic. That's what I see and not the playboy image that many would like to attribute to him.
And to be upfront, no, I am not a Sam only! But mostly trying to judge a situation / person neutrally.
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Fallout 4 Random Companion Headcanons
Wrote these a few years ago, too nervous then to share them.
-Ada was built in 2268. She's about 21 years old.
-Her first memory is of seeing The Mechanist in front of her. Then she watched as The Mechanist removed their head and smiled.
-She's Isabel's first project. 
-Her voice was originally supposed to be more synthesized and robotic, but the more human sound was easier for Isabel to work with.
-Ada prefers to travels in groups with 3-4 people, knowing fully well a robot is a higher target for scavvers.
- Her base body was constructed from many different trial runs of the "ADA" project.
-She's programmed to remain indifferent but the nagging voice in her programming says to do good things in order to to aid other people.
-Ada appreciates the effort Sole goes through to upgrade her body. She doesn't think it's necessary and she's somewhat sentimental about her original form.
-She finds Codsworth's attachment to Sole strange. Almost too human, those Mr. Handy's.
-Cait loves baths. Bubble baths with bath bombs and even a little rubber ducky. Only Sole knows this.
-The rubber ducky's name is Codsworth. Will not explain why.
-Can fire a rifle over her shoulder behind her. (Annie Oakley style)
-Hates Jazz music. Says it's too slow and calm. Really dislikes it because she's uncomfortable slow dancing with anyone.
-Allergic to feathers. Rad chickens make her sick to be around.
-But once the feathers are removed, the chicken has been cut up, and cooked with some veggies and a loaf of bread, loves it.
-Chicken soup is her favourite dish. Only likes Sole's chicken soup though. Will not eat anyone else’s.
-Shot put would be her favourite sport. Throwing a heavy metal sphere a very long distance is goals.
-Codsworth can speak 8 languages. Including: English, Spanish, French, Japanese, German, Italian, Polish, and Swedish.
-Can recognize almost every written language and translate but lacks the programming to speak every one.
-Nate/Nora got him two years before Shaun was born.
-Sole did minimal repair work on him, and offered to polish him every time he got a dent or scratch.
-He always accepted the polish offer. Very wary of Sole doing factory repairs on him. Would prefer professionals doing the delicate work.
-Always celebrated Nate/Nora and Sole’s respective birthdays. For 200 years.
-When Sole called him "Family", he felt an odd electric pulse through his core processor. He decided to call it a skipped heart beat.
-Calls synth Shaun "Sonny", and "Young Master Shaun".
-Makes Sole's favourite meal when they come back home from Vault 111.
-Will ask to take over if he catches Sole doing chores.
-Hesitates when he has to bring up Sole's spouse knowing it's a touchy subject.
-His favourite friend of Sole's is Nick. Thinks Nick is a good role model for synth Shaun.
-Curie, like Codsworth can speak 8 languages. However, after becoming a synth, she can only speak about 4.
-Curie loves the feeling of velvet. Collects pieces of velvet clothing. 
-Once wore a velvet cape around because she loved the way it draped over her shoulders and fluttered when she walked.
-Has sensory phases. Music, nice noises, soft materials, different foods, perfumes, etc. Collects whatever makes her senses happy.
-During the "feeling phase" her favourite feeling was holding Sole's hand. Loved running her hand over the surface of water. And velvet.
-Talks out what her feelings are with Piper. Piper explains to her what the "spin spin spin" in her head meant.
-Favourite smell is fresh baked bread. Bakes bread with Mama Murphy every weekend.
-Favourite sweet food is mutfruit pie. Will badger Piper to make it with her.
-Curie's motor functions are still new. Sometimes she misses what she was trying to grab and fumbles.
-Danse is a horrid mechanic. You'd think spending time in the BoS and dedicating time to auto repair with Ingram. Can't put a toaster together.
-But Power Armor is a piece of cake. Can't do much with pre-war tech, yet fixing power armor is as easy as making breakfast.
-Like all gen 3 synths, he loves Fancy Lad snack cakes. He'd share whatever box he'd find with the squires around the Prydwen.
-Scribe Haylen would volunteer to work alongside Danse on all his scouting missions.
-Danse found out Deacon was the one who stuck the dildo to his power armor. He made sure Deacon's wigs were the same bright purple color the very next day.
-Loves country music. When a traveling courier stops by and shares their western/country music, he actually dances. 
-Has a heart for kids. Even Billy. 
-Leg bouncing habit. Can't bounce his leg in power armor but as soon as he's out, his leg's jittering.
-Deacon is in his late 40's. 
-Did not lie about his wife and the University Point Deathclaws.
-Enjoys learning about Pre-war culture, spends free time with ghouls asking them about the past.
-Sole can fool him easily about prewar facts though. 
-Has incredible luck with the pie claw game. Has won 8 times while traveling with Sole.
-Loves making silly bets. "I bet I can skip this plate across the lake at least 1 time." Proceeds to throw the plate at the water horizontally. 
-Doesn't hate Danse. He will pull pranks on him though. Once stuck a dildo on the back of Danse's power armour. 
-His hair grows quickly so he has to shave every day.
-Shaves his head, isn't bald. Shaved head works better with his pompadour wig. 
-Doesn't like mutfruit. Says it's too acidic and hurts his gums.
-Has a rifle-shaped scar on his forearm. Will tell a different story for it every time.
-Once drank a dozen Nuka Cola Quantums on a dare. His pee glowed for a week.
-Tried going vegetarian once. ONCE. Found out being vegetarian means eating no meat or dairy products. Had to have Sole explain that, while gross, radroach could technically be  considered meat.
-Is kinda clumsy. Always bumps into counter edges and stubs his toes on bits of debris.
-Doesn't lie about his family. And when Sole calls him family, promises to never lie about family again.
-Gage juggled skii balls to entertain the last Overboss, Colter.
-He enjoys small shooting competitions with MacCready, Sole, and X6. All four are sharp shooters.
-Fastest learner. Spent an entire week learning how to cook Sole's old recipes. He can cook them better than anyone with the exception of Codsworth.
-Hums when he works. 
-Had a one night stand with Nisha. Ended so bad, he avoids that area of the park at all costs.
-Hates cats. Had an awful run in with a rad lion. Radiated Mountain Lion that tore a scar deep down his back. 
-Does routine maintenance on the rides in the park. He knows how everything works there. From social hierarchy - to the intricacies of the Vault Tec: Among the Stars ride.
-His favourite flavour of Nuka Cola is Nuka Cola Victory. Rare to find but easily the best.
-Record farthest shot is a bean can from 410 meters. 
-He's a lightweight. Only two beers and he's buzzed enough to sing along with Red-Eye.
-Will tell a different story every time if anyone asks about the eye patch.
-Hancock is a history buff. Loves learning about colonial era civilization. 
-Has spent days with Kent Connolly researching Silver Shroud information. He knows more about the Silver Shroud than any other companion.
-Has had a fling with every person in Goodneighbor at least once. Even Kleo. 
-At least in a sexual way, he is extremely open minded. Welcomes new experiences and new information given anywhere anytime.
-Had a decent childhood with his brother. He remembers tending to the mutfruit trees with him and eating every other piece they picked.
-Adores pickles. Would sit and eat an entire jar of pickles just because he loves the cronch so much.
-All time favourite chem is Mentats. Loves making intellectual jokes while high as a kite.
-Does not know what a lot of pre-war expressions mean, but enjoys saying them and hearing them from Sole.
-Is a master at repairing clothing. How else does the frock stay in such good condition? He tends to it every night.
-As far as euphemisms for ghouls go, he likes "beef jerky".
-Longfellow met Hannah while out hunting. She blasted a trapper's head clean off, and he fell harder than the trapper's body.
-He spent his youth training, hoping to become a Brotherhood soldier one day.
-And then he met a vertibird full of them. They called Far Harbor a dump while gathering supplies there. Officially decided to cease all training.
-Managed to take down 17 Mirelurks in 3 minutes. 
-Holds the record in Acadia for alcohol consumption. All records involving alcohol consumption.
-He's really fit? Longfellow could and has bench pressed Sole. 
-He only did so because Hancock and MacCready wouldn't shut up about it.
-Loves singing old shanty songs and dancing with Sole. Only when no one else is around though.
-After the events at Far Harbor, he decides to go sailing along the coast. Wants to see the world more.
-MacCready does brush his teeth. He brushes his teeth regularly. He started brushing after he left Little Lamplight. By that point the damage was already done.
-Lucy was the one to convince him to brush his teeth.
-He can't stand the smell of lavender. Lavender candles, lavender lotion, etc...makes him feel  nauseous.
-He named his sniper rifle, "Lucy"
-Won't drink brahmin milk with cereal even to Sole's encouragement.
-Is very well read. Vault 87 had many educational textbooks hidden among the super mutants.
-MacCready was the longest lasting mayor in L.L. He was mayor for 6 years.
-He has no idea what television is and is afraid to ask any pre-wars about it.
-Wary of all ghouls, both feral and normal. He's not bias to non-ferals, but he is a little uncomfortable.
-Had a crush on Lone Wanderer when they first visited L.L. Mac told Joseph and he made fun of him.
-Nick has an oral fixation. Smokes out of habit and having the familiar feeling of a cigarette between his lips feeds into human nostalgia.
-His right hand is missing skin because he fidgets only his right. Whether it was picking at the fraying plastic or rubbing the fake skin raw.
-He lost the chunk of neck skin after Myrna accused him of working for the Institute. Tore off a chunk to prove he wasn't a perfect person or an infiltrator synth.
-Ellie was the first person in Diamond City to wholly accept Nick as he is. She asked to work with him as soon as he decided to stay.
-Piper and Nick have jam sessions where they have heavy debates about Diamond City law enforcement and criminal misuse of power in the capitalistic society of pre-war USA.
-Met Dogmeat under an overpass. He handed the dog a snack cake and scratched his head. They've been close pals ever since.
-Will "sleep" around Sole. He'll lay down and manually put himself into "sleep mode". Any unnecessary functions will shut down. He lets his thoughts take over. All Sole hears is the faintest fan whir.
-Piper plans Sole's 211th birthday. She goes all out, collects balloons, bakes several cakes with Codsworth, makes everyone attend and threatens anyone who would act up. "It's Blue's first birthday out here, you WILL behave!"
-Knows how to make mutfruit preserves, mutfruit pie, mutfruit jam and jelly. Makes it for Nat constantly.
-Has a notebook dedicated to little tidbits of info about Sole.
-Nat is exactly 8 years, 5 months, and 25 days younger than Piper. 
-Piper has interviewed every person in Diamond City. Made a game of it with Nat at first, then she just kept going with it.
-Piper has awful shorthand. Almost as bad as Curie's shorthand. Still illegible. 
-Piper's handwriting is so bad, Nat does the writing for the paper. Piper writes the final draft and Nat copies it, and sends it through the printing press.
-Despite bad handwriting, Piper is very eloquent. Can make a super mutant sound like good date idea or convince anyone how the mayor might actually be a synth.
-Her favourite of Sole's friends is Kent Connolly. Would gladly dress up and act out Silver Shroud episodes with him and Sole.
-Preston has insomnia. Cannot sleep well. Has had insomnia since Quincy. 
-Can sleep well if he's sleeping beside someone.
-Has a box under his bed of little knick-knacks children have given him over the years. Can't bear to get rid of the kid's gifts.
-He actually likes all of Sole's friends. Even Strong.
-Hates coconut. Once found an Almond-Joy while scaving and couldn't finish it to save his life.
-All time favourite candy is Peanut Brittle. Hard to find but gnawing on the hard chunks is somewhat soothing to him.
-Loves back rubs. Giving and receiving but only from close friends or lovers.
-Once accidently drank a bottle of perfume. MacCready told him it was a bottle of fancy expensive wine. 
-Sturges and Preston are the closest of friends, no less maybe more.
-Strong knows how to jump rope.
-But double dutch is a mystery.
-Before Sole, he only ate meat raw. Sole taught him how to cook it.
-Also lacks patience to cook, but slowly learning.
-Strong was created in Vault 87 after the bombs dropped but remembers nothing from being human.
-Doesn't understand bubblegum. Will always swallow it after a few seconds of chewing.
-Likes having poetry and plays read to him. 
-Sleeps holding Sole or having Sole laying across his stomach. 
-Loves fire. The smell, the feeling of heat against his hardened skin, the taste of charred meat, and watching the embers fly up and turn to ash.
-Strong can read, but chooses not to because super mutants discourage any educational behavior. 
-Likes the sound of clacking keys on a terminal. He'll turn one on and mess around with the keyboard just to hear the different sounds each key makes.
-He can't decide if hand-to-hand combat is better than using guns.
-X6 doesn't like using plasma. He thinks the plasma is less accurate. 
-But laser weapons are his jam.
-Spends excessive amount of time augmenting his weapon. 
-If Sole helped, he would be "happy". Would never say it, but a tiny smirk would pop up on his face for half a second.
-Will collect Fancy Lad Snack Cakes. Hoards them in his bedroom in Sanctuary and in the Institute. 
-Sole found his stash and X6 blushed for the first time when they confronted him. 
-He called Sole "Mom" instead of Ma'am once. She won't let him live it down.
-He called Sole "Dad" after hearing Shaun call him "Dad" all day. He won't let him live it down.
-Actually likes kids. Won't show emotions, get down to their level, or speak to kids. But he doesn't hate children. 
-Especially likes synth Shaun. He taught synth Shaun how to use a laser pistol. Shaun found out and put X6 on probation for a month.
Bonus Vault Tec Rep and Kent Connolly under the cut.
Vault Tec Rep
-Rep spent a couple decades learning how to draw. Loves drawing from life. Mostly draws people. Occasionally draws ferals, mutants, and various animals.
-Was engaged before the war, lasted about 2 years before she died of cancer.
-His favorite food was and still is a well grilled medium rare steak.
-A total neat freak. Every space he uses as a homestead has to be thoroughly cleaned of any bacteria, ticks, dust, dirt, radiation residue, etc
-Teased in school for his red hair. "Rusty" was his least favorite nickname.
-He's extremely susceptible to pet names. Doesn't have to be anything sexual or romantic, just pet names. He blushes like a starstruck starlet.
-Loves love. Romance and old-timey corny love stories. He like to woo his partner. Flowers, chocolate, dancing, movie dates, hand written poems, you name it. 
-He misses his old red hair. Years of being a brunette and he's a little bitter about his hair.
-Least favourite part of The Wasteland is amount of bodies he sees on a daily basis. He saw about zero bodies a day on average before the war. Even in Goodneighbor, the average has risen to about 4 bodies a week. 
-Favourite part of The Wasteland is the ability to just go anywhere. After realizing he didn't have any obligation to stay any specific place, he just traveled around for a few decades.
-His father worked for Vault-Tec, and when he graduated high school, he was given a job immediately. 
-Didn't hate it. Didn't love it at first, but he had a real knack for selling.
-He never had an office in Boston HQ. He got the van, and got a sweet bonus for being top salesman, but never his own office. 
-Despite being top salesman, he was only allowed on the first and second floors. He didn't find out till after the bombs dropped that the basement and third floor up had the plans for the various vaults in the area.
-He can't apologize enough to Sole. After thinking on it and checking out vault 111 by himself, he truly feels sorry for what happened.
-Sole gets him a set of steak knives for Christmas. They're homemade by Sole. They tell him he's earned far more than a knife set, but if that's what he's pining for...
-He treasures it so much, he rarely uses them. Just before he leaves for work in the morning, he checks them over and admires them.
-He and Sole have spent days just telling each other pre war stories. He almost knows more about Sole than Piper does. And he's a little proud of that fact.
-He gets along best with, of all people, Deacon. Good sense of humour and always interested in pre-war info.
-Second best is Piper. A nice lady who snoops too much, but does treat everyone with respect and tries to remain unbiased.
Kent Connolly
-Kent was 23 when the bombs dropped.
-He was sleeping in on the Saturday morning when he heard the air raid sirens.
-Hid in his house's basement till the sirens stopped. 
-And then the radiation sickness took over. 
-It took him about 3 months to turn ghoulish. Quicker than most. 
-He dislikes Goodneighbor - the town as a whole. The people are fine, the resources are serviceable, and the safety assured is nice. But he hates how back alley it feels.
-Misses his family the most. They weren't the best, but they made him feel loved and important.
-Speaking of which, Kent had a huge family. I'm talking brothers, sisters, cousins for days, aunts, uncles...he remembers family reunions as huge gatherings chock full of food and kids running amuck.
-Maybe, just maybe, he enjoys seeing Sole all dressed like Shroud a little too much. He's a big fan.
-Once spent 4 grand on a mint condition Issue no. 3 Silver Shroud comic just to find out it was a forgery. Never got that refund. :(
-Writes really well. But only writes Silver Shroud fanfiction. Piper almost convinced him to help write an article about how crime differed before the war and after the war. But he turned her down.
-Nick has agreed to dress up as Shroud if Sole dresses up like Grognak or Mistress of Mystery. But only if Sole dresses up too.
-Irma refers to him as her son. Amari will not say the same, but she also doesn't protest.
-He used to work in comic book shop. (Of course he did.) 
-He writes self insert Silver Shroud fanfiction all the time. After the events at the hospital with Sinjin, the Shroud in his fanfictions suddenly start using Sole's pronouns and is described as physically similar as Sole.
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Companions React: Sole Breaks Down
Request: “Could I ask for companions comforting a sole that’s usually an emotional rock, that they hadn’t seen this vulnerable ever? Like they come back from being away and just crumble into a sobbing mess. Pretty please?”
Note: *bangs spoon against pot* come get the hurt/comfort. CW: Mentions of unnamed characters deaths.
The setting:
Upon Preston’s request, Sole took off to a distant settlement to reorganize their resources, set up defenses, and bring them into the trade route. These excursions usually took about a week or two, so Sole could make sure they were fully stable before returning to Sanctuary to attend to their other duties. With this trip, however, they requested their companion stay in Sanctuary; they could handle this on their own, and the companion deserved a break.
Two weeks later, Sole returns, shoulders weighed down by their pack, ladened with goods the settlers had insisted they take with them. It had been a tough week, though that wasn’t really a new thing in Sole’s book, or anyone’s, really. Unfortunately, Sole hadn’t been able to predict the fact that some sort of disease would run through the tiny settlement while they were there, taking several of the members with it as it left.
They scrubbed at their skin in a nearby body of water every morning of those two weeks, rubbed raw and pink as a result of Sole’s quietly hysterical distress. They wanted no trace of settlement on them. There were elements of guilt in their relief to return home, but with returning home came the fact that they were safe enough to reflect on their weeks away from Sanctuary. There seemed to be no hiding from what had happened.
Sole got through the main street of Sanctuary well enough, sending nods to passing settlers, with a brief stop to drop off some of the food they had brought back with them with their local merchant; he would give it away to those that dropped in throughout the day. Once they made it down the road and to the entrance of their home, they felt the dam break. Their hands shook as they pulled the door open and moved inside, doing their best to ignore the tears that began to trickle down their face.
(*Gage’s scenario takes place upon their return to Nuka World’s Fizztop Grille)
Cait was waiting just inside, having taken up residence in Sole’s living room with Dogmeat.
She went to make a joke about Sole being late, but when she looked up, she lost the words quite quickly
Sole’s shoulders were shaking, and it was quite obvious that they were trying to hide that they were crying, but it was impossible to not see
She practically tripped over herself to get to Sole, who was acting casual by rearranging the items in their back they had set on the floor
Her desire to comfort and protect Sole overrode her hesitance for physical affection and she found herself hugging Sole far too tightly than she should’ve
But it was partially panic on her end that caused her to grip them so tight
“Christ, what’s a matter?”
The only sound Sole made was a choking whimper and Cait gripped them even tighter
She reads the distress in their stance the moment they cross the threshold into their home
Similarly to Cait, she gets up from where she’s sitting immediately, but stops short of Sole
“Oh, goodness. Are you alright?” She reaches out but doesn’t quite touch them, not wanting to intrude
Sole shakes their head, unable to disguise their very obvious distress
“Physical or emotional?”
Sole opens their mouth to say emotional and gets out about half the word before choking on their own breath and curling forward into themself
“Would you like a hug?” Her voice is quieter this time.
Sole nods and she brings them in for a soft hug, rubbing their back
Danse is far more emotionally intelligent when it comes to other people’s feelings than people give him credit for
He’s seen it happen before; soldiers compartmentalize their emotions as much as they can, for years even, but everyone has a breaking point
And sometimes it’s over something one might consider small, like breaking a dish, or sometimes it’s loss that brings them to their knees, as it would anyone
Regardless, he’s known all along that one day Sole won’t be able to suppress their emotions anymore
When they come in crying and shaking, looking defeated, he’s unsurprised. Sad in an inevitably knowing sort of way
He gets up and walks over, taking their pack from their hands and helping them shed the heavy jacket that was weighing them down
He requests they sit and takes off their boots before going to get them a glass of water
He doesn’t say much, considering he doesn’t have much to say, but he’d much rather show how he cares via actions rather than words, anyway
He’s somewhat similar to Danse in the fact that he knows Sole’s going to need to break at some point, however it’s in less of a “I’ve seen this before” attitude and more in the fact that he can relate
But Sole has an easier time trusting than he does, so he knows their break is coming at some point, whereas he knows that there’s never going to be a point where he allows someone else to see what Sole is allowing him to witness
So when they stand there, defeated, looking over at him like a lost child, he simply opens his arms
He’s not one for hugs, but he makes exceptions, and it seems this is one of those situations that calls for an exception
When they sob into his shoulder, he pats them on the back and replies with a simple, “I know, Boss. I know.”
Gage is chewing at a piece of dried Mirelurk, grimacing at the salty taste.
Sole makes their way across Fizztop Grille, dropping their pack carelessly next to one of the couches.
Similarly, they drop down next to Gage where he’s sitting overlooking the rest of Nuka World, not saying a word.
After a moment, punctuated by a very obvious sigh, Gage looks over at Sole. He chews contemplatively for a moment, “You and me both. Wanna talk about it?”
Sole shakes their head and Gage responds, “Cool.”
He pats them on the back, admittedly, awkwardly and a bit too harsh to be comforting, but it’s Gage
He’s doing his best
Haylen has Dogmeat in her lap chewing at a Radstag bone, her hand running mindlessly over his fur
She doesn’t jump up when Sole comes in, cautious at the idea of spooking them
“Sole,” She calls out, shifting to move her feet flat on the floor
When they don’t respond and instead sniffle, she’s motioning Dogmeat off her lap and stepping towards them
“Everything alright?”
Sole shakes their head and she presses her lips together in worry, “Anything I can help with?” another shake of Sole’s head
She brushes their hair away from their face with a soft, “Oh, Sole.” and brings them into a light side-hug
He really does like to think he keeps his cool easily, but he really doesn’t in this case
Sole’s crying and that’s not something he thought would ever happen
“Whoa, whoa. Talk to me, what’s going on, Sunshine?”
“Bad day.” Sole chokes out
He suppresses nervous laughter, knowing it can’t just be that, but lets it go and instead puts an arm around their shoulders to pull them in for a tight hug, snug and reassuring, with his other arm finding their waist
He’s alert immediately, thoughts jumping to them being hurt, and potentially fatally so
Considering he thinks its an emergency, he’s in front of them and examining them for injuries within seconds
Sole doesn’t protest for the longest time, but eventually they grab ahold of his wrists and shake their head
He stops for a moment and looks them over again before sighing; this is something he doesn’t know what to do about
“Sit. You’re going to collapse if you’re not careful.”
When they’re seated he helps them shrug off their coat and sits nearby, not pressuring, but available if they want to talk
Nick’s view is similar to Danse’s, and he isn’t quite surprised when they come in crying
He sets the pen he was writing with down and shifts back in his chair, opening his arms for a hug if they want
When they cross the room he wraps them in a hug and rubs their lower back, trying his best with the awkward angle him sitting provides
“You need to take time for yourself.” He recommends, but other than that, he remains mostly silent
The queen of panic, despite her best efforts
She’s used to tears because of her experiences with Nat, but not from Sole of all people
She does something similar to Mac, where she checks them over briefly, before she realizes this isn’t a physical injury that’s hurting them
She’s competing with Cait when it comes to tight hugs, wishing she could protect them from whatever’s bothering them so
A sympathy crier, she has to blink away her own tears
“Let it out, Blue. We can talk about it later, okay? Everything’s gonna be just fine. I swear.”
Preston’s not sure how to handle things, considering how used to Sole being a rock he is
He knows it’s not quite right, considering he knows other people view him the same way, and it’s incredibly difficult being the one holding it together all the time, but he’s still genuinely surprised when he sees they’re crying
He knows what to do when he realizes what’s going on, though; exactly what he wishes he could request from someone else
He brings them into a hug and mumbles reassurances; that they don’t have to be the tough one all the time, that their emotions aren’t weakness, and that everything’s going to be okay
A fan of mutual silence, X6 helps them get comfortable and brings them into their room; he’s always viewed quarters as the safest place to be, both in the Institute and when Sole gave him his own quarters afterwards
He helps them into bed, making sure they’re comfortable, before asking if they have any small injuries they need addressed before settling in
If they say yes he cleans and dresses their wounds as gently as possible before settling into bed near them, a respectable distance away, but within reach if they need, and begins reading a book Sole left on their nightstand
He knows it’s hard to be alone when you’re being attacked by emotions, but they don’t seem to want to talk about what’s going through their head quite yet; instead, he rubs their back and encourages them to cry it out
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danses-with-dogmeat · 3 years
Fallout 4 romanced Companions reactions to sole being cute and todderlike when they get anxious? Like they hold their companions thumb or bunch up the bottom hem of their shirt?
FO4 Romanced! Companions React to Sole with Anxiety Tics
This was an awesome prompt! Thanks so much for sending it in! I hope you enjoy! 😊
(Also, I realized after the fact that I totally have like... almost all of these tics. So this was a fun journey of self discovery for me 😅 )
Cait’s nostrils flared as Sole sat beside her, their anxiety clear in the way they incessantly cracked their knuckles over, and over, and over again. How their knuckles could even crack that much, Cait wouldn’t know. And she knew a lot about knuckles! She even cracked her own from time to time. But this seemed like overkill. Her hands would fly over to grab at her partner’s, her grip firm in the way it pried their fingers from where they clenched at their knuckles. Sole would look up at her in shock, utterly unaware that they were doing it at all, and Cait would loosen her grip, flashing them an apologetic smile and asking if there wasn’t some better way for them to release their pent-up anxiety? Maybe they could train with Cait? Box a little? C’mon, she promises to go easy!
"Oh! Mon dieu, do not injure your clothes like this!" Curie would focus her attention on Sole, gently pulling their hands from where they bunched and tugged at the fabric between their fingers. She knew this was a tendency her companion had whenever they felt uncomfortable, and the doctor would do her best to find an alternative coping mechanism for Sole to deal with their stress. Going through breathing exercises and helping them to identify what was the true cause of their anxiety, and then trying to make whatever it is seem less daunting, Curie would do everything. Her medical training would help quite a bit in these instances, but her presence at Sole’s side would be all the more comforting, given the nature of their relationship. Once Sole shows Curie that they are trying to adhere to her more professional coping mechanisms, the doctor would be thrilled, giving constant praise and encouragement to her partner any time they seemed to be successfully dealing with their anxiety.
Danse would spend a long time wondering silently to himself why it was that Sole always made that face when they spoke to strangers for the first time, or they seemed lost in thought, or had to speak in front of a crowd. Their mouth turned sideways, chin gyrating in such a strange way… He wondered if it somehow helped them? He wasn’t sure. When he finally managed to ask Sole about it, and they looked down at their feet in embarrassment, their expression raising up to reflect that very same face that he had been inquiring about, he decided that he already understood. He had a nervous tic as well, his superiors always berated him for cracking his knuckles when he was stressed, and now he would be the one to say something to Sole, to place a hand comfortingly on their shoulder and fix them with his sympathetic gaze when they were anxious enough to bite at the inside of their cheek. He would feel as though he were being too hard on them every time he told them to cease their nervous tendency, no matter how gentle he was about it, but ultimately he told himself, (and Sole if they brought it up) that it was because he cared. The idea of them physically harming themself, even in such a miniscule way, wouldn’t sit right with him, and he would try to work with them to find a more productive outlet to dealing with their anxiety.
The Railroad agent noticed early on that Sole would tug at their collar when they got antsy, and would see it as an opportunity. Every time he would see them reach for the top of their shirt, he would do the same to his own, making it a game to see how long it takes them to notice his mimicking. It was a fun way to pass the time, and to distract his partner from whatever it happened to be that was worrying them. Once Sole made it clear to Deacon that they knew what he was doing, he'd just grin at them, nice and big, telling them that everything was gonna be okay, maybe pulling them in for a reassuring hug or kiss if they looked like they needed one. Bonus points if they get nervous talking to him. In that case, he just stares straight back at them as his hand mirrors theirs, tugging at his own shirt collar…or he may even begin to tug at their collar as well, booping them on the nose as he tells them how cute they are when he makes them nervous.
When Hancock first noticed Sole biting at their cuticles, he figured they might be hinting for him to stop doing it himself, as that had always been a habit of his. He would continue to watch when they did it, to see if they only tore at the tips of their fingers after they had seen him do it himself, but that didn’t seem to be the case. No, only when they were about to have a tough conversation, speak in front of people, or otherwise were uncomfortable, would they engage in this destructive action. Hancock would smile to himself, approaching his partner and would slowly pry their hand from their mouth as he asked them what was bothering them. When they admitted to having their little habit, he would ask if they’d noticed his, and found that they thought he was the one mimicking them. The pair would chuckle at the thought, both of them thinking the other was making fun of them; when, in reality, they both just coincidentally happened to have the same bad habit. From then on, the couple would work together to try and prevent the other from tearing at their fingers, and would instead settle for holding hands when one of them was uncomfortable.    
He hated to think that he liked when his partner was anxious, but he just can’t help but smile whenever he notices Sole bringing their fingers up to tangle in their hair. The way they nervously stroked at the strands on their head, turning them round and round into little coils that would unravel once their hand left it’s place atop their head, it always made him smile; and in certain situations he would most definitely have to resist the urge to tackle them with his affection. In other situations however, if they weren’t in a very public place, or a dangerous area, if their nervousness was stemming from his steamy compliments, he wouldn’t hesitate to run his own hands through their lovely locks before covering their blushing face with kisses, even as his own cheeks turned pink. Did he ever make them flustered on purpose? Um... no. He wouldn’t dream of it ;)
Whenever Nick sees Sole's hands running up and down their thighs, he knows that they're becoming uncomfortable. It’s his job to pay attention to the little details, and it hadn’t taken him long at all to notice his partner’s little habit, and to take action when he realized that the action was direct evidence suggesting that they were uncomfortable. No matter the situation they're in, Nick will cease whatever he's doing and reach over his good hand and rest it atop one of theirs, or lay it, palm up, on their thigh so that they can grab ahold of it if they so choose. The old synth's eyes miss nothing when Sole is in an anxious state, and he, without fail, will offer himself as a listening ear, a hand to hold, or an advice giver until he sees that Sole has physically calmed down.
"Stop biting your nails, Blue!" Piper would shout every time she saw her partner giving in to their little nervous tic. It almost became a game with her, to see how quickly she would notice their discomfort. The sooner the better, because then she could help talk them through whatever was bothering them, Sole would startle easily every time she did it, but would find themself looking forward to the times that Piper caught them “red handed,” as it were. Sole rarely ever registered when they were doing it, and the fact that their partner did, well… they would be touched to know that Piper paid that much attention to them. And it made them even happier when she offered to paint their nails or give them a hand massage whenever she noticed that their nails were grown out.
The first time Sole went to grasp his hand firmly in theirs, Preston thought it was rather odd, as they weren't yet together. Though he didn't mind, he did bring it up to Sole later on, just out of curiosity, and when they explained that it was a nervous tic they had, to grab onto someone they trusted when they felt anxious, he would feel nothing short of honored. The fact that Sole felt comfortable enough with him to look to him in their time of uncertainty, that they depended on him like that… it would warm his heart. As it became more of a common occurrence, the two would develop a sort of communication system this way, if Sole squeezed his hand a certain number of times it would tell him what they were nervous about, which became quite handy (pun fully intended) in certain situations. As bad as he feels about Sole being uncomfortable in any capacity, he can't help but admit how much he adores their reaction to it. It makes him feel strong, and protective, and loving, and trusted, and needed, and allows him to communicate to Sole that he'll always be there for them.
The courser's attention would fall to Sole the instant they started shifting side-to-side on their feet. His eyes would note the condition of the rest of their body, knowing full well that this tic of theirs was a direct result of their anxiety. When he realizes that Sole is outwardly fine, he won't quite know how to help them, but he'll want to try to do something for them. X6 will move towards them, reaching out a hand and placing it on their shoulder, his grip soft, but the weight of his palm pressing down on them would help ground them and prevent them from continuing their nervous movements. He'll want to help for their sake, want to make them feel safe, but also will want to prevent them from disclosing their anxious state to any onlookers or potential enemies.
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