#walk walk fashion baby ( fashion task )
infcinity · 1 year
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hiddenwashington task 10 - fashion ( chrissy cunningham )
describe your muse’s aesthetic in five words or less.
cute, dancer chic & floral vibes.
does your muse spend a lot of time on their outfit and appearance? how long do they spend getting ready in the morning?
it kind of depends on the day? chrissy isn't exactly the most high maintenance kind of person, so it really differs from day to day tbh - if she's making an effort maybe like an hour all in? with hair, makeup, getting dressed and just general things?? but if she's not, just like a half hour.
does your muse consider the way they dress to be trendy? would other people agree
tbh, chrissy doesn't really care abt much of that? but most of the things chrissy wears are vintage, kind of like the things she wore at home, which are all coming back into fashion anyway, so maybe a little???? and again, she's not too bothered abt public opinion.
how often do they buy new clothes? are they the type to keep a outfit for years or replace it after one wear?
it really depends what kind of clothes tbh? clothes for dancing? yes, esp dance shoes, she's forever buying and replacing the ones that are worn down and aren't in the best shape anymore. but with clothes, it's different, she likes to shop pretty sustainably by going to thrift stores and not buying from big fast fashion brands?? she def keeps outfits until they're no longer wearable.
is your muse the type to accessorize? how much?
yeah, she does def accessorise a fair amount - chrissy has a rotation of jewellery that she really likes to wear when she's not dancing.
how much time do they spend on skin care/makeup/grooming?
it depends on the day, she gets her hair done fairly regularly, but on a normal day, maybe like an hour or two tops? that includes everything, or sometimes if she's feeling fancy, she'll do a whole ass pamper night that lasts forever.
if money and societal expectations were not a concern would your muse dress differently than they currently do? if so, how?
probably not? chrissy's fam back home was p wealthy so she never really had to want for anything? but now she likes earning her own money to buy her own things without having her mother breathing down her neck to pressure her abt things. and she's actually finally dressing how she wants to here, so that's probs the only thing that's changed much.
would your muse wear the same outfit two days in a row if they knew they wouldn’t run into any of the same people?
probably? chrissy doesn't really care abt that sort of thing lmaooo.
have they started dressing differently since arriving in washington? was the transition difficult? do they prefer the clothes here or back home? if your character is unaware feel free to answer as if they are aware.
a little? but not too much - chrissy basically had more freedom here to wear whatever she wants when she wants without having her mother hovering down her back being an asshole. the transition was p easy? bc a lot of 80's fashion is coming back into style ???? so she's not too bothered. she lowkey prefers the clothes here, they're a lot nicer and there's a lot more choice here.
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tongue-like-a-razor · 2 months
Hotter Than Texas | Part I
(unofficially: Brother's Worst Enemy)
Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw x F!Reader
Alrighty y'all, this is for everyone who has so patiently waited for me to make this a thing XD Not sure if I could squeeze a whole series out of this one but we shall see. Maybe at least a part 2. Enjoy!
Summary: Bradley Bradshaw is tasked with transporting a not-so-delicate package in the form of Jake Seresin's baby sister, who turns out to be Bradley's dream girl worst nightmare.
Aka it's a road trip, strap in.
CW: swearing, age gap (10 years)
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The mission is simple. Collect Seresin Junior from the train station near the main gate of the base and deliver said cargo to the Seresin homestead in Eastern Texas on his way to Atlanta, Georgia for a long overdue visit with his grandparents. It isn’t rocket science. It sure as hell doesn’t hold a candle to the canyon run he pulled off just the other month. And yet, Bradley’s drumming his fingers anxiously on the hood of his Bronco as he leans into its frame, waiting on the trolley from downtown San Diego.
While Jake and Bradley have recently made peace after their longstanding cold war, Bradley isn’t exactly thrilled to meet another one of his kind. Besides, he isn’t one for small talk, and the prospect of spending the next two days with a complete stranger is downright daunting. He prefers music to conversation and he’s hoping that his road trip companion won’t be offended when he turns up the radio and forgets there’s anybody else in the car.
When Hangman had asked for the favor, he assured Bradley that he was his last choice – which wasn’t exactly a compliment, but Bradley appreciated the gesture, nonetheless. By the end of the term, there was nobody from their squadron left on base except Bradley, and he would be heading east anyway, might as well provide shuttle service while he’s at it.
As the trolley whistles into the station, Bradley pushes off his car and straightens his back, watching the tinted windows as they zip by, a blur at first and then gradually separating as the trolley comes to a stop.
Bradley leaves his car to walk around the fence, not quite sure how he’s going to be greeting a person he’s never before seen, but it’s not like he’s going to fashion a sign for the occasion. He sticks his hands into his pockets, the breeze picking up his unbuttoned Hawaiian shirt like a parachute before it starts whipping around his torso in the wind tunnel on the platform.
He glances around at the commuters stepping off the trolley, trying to pick out the blondes that might resemble his colleague, when he feels a tap on his shoulder. He turns his head, just as you say, “Rooster, right?”
He blinks at you, slightly disoriented. You look nothing like Hangman, thank fuck, because Bradley can’t take his eyes off you and, as inappropriate as this reaction is, it would make it that much worse if you did. He gives you a sideways grin. “What gave me away?” he says.
“My brother told me to find the dorkiest guy at the station,” you respond, grinning at him.
Bradley chuckles. “So, you’re walking to Texas, then,” he says, stepping around you.
You laugh, struggling to redirect the wheels of your suitcase.
Bradley bends down to grab the handle. “I can take that,” he says, tucking away the retractable bar and lifting it off the ground by the strap.
“Thanks,” you say, cringing slightly as Bradley lifts the luggage as though you’re embarrassed by its weight.
But after the countless exercise drills over the years, Bradley hardly notices that it’s heavy. In fact, he could probably carry it over his head. He eyes you inconspicuously as you fall in step with him, wondering if perhaps that might impress you – not that he wants to impress you.
“Actually, he said I couldn’t miss you because you’d be a head taller than everyone else, and probably wearing a very bright shirt.”
Bradley looks over at you with a grin. “Hopefully I didn’t disappoint?”
You eye his shirt flapping in the breeze. “I found you, didn’t I?”
Bradley lifts your suitcase into the trunk of his car and walks around to open your door for you.
You give him a suspicious look. “Thanks,” you say.
Bradley nods at you, offering a hand to help you in. Once you’re seated, he shuts the door behind you and exhales unsteadily the kind of sigh that often accompanies a guilty conscience. There’s no way he could possibly get entangled in a mess of this magnitude. And a colossal mess it would become if he were to develop any sort of soft spot for his recent enemy’s baby sister. Bradley, being a sensible, mature adult, understands this unequivocally. But, when he rounds the car and climbs into the driver’s seat next to you, the notion that he’s not allowed under any circumstances to find you attractive flies right out his rolled down window.
This is because you’re already tuning the radio like you own the place and because you smell like a goddess. Bradley has no clue whether it’s your hair or your perfume or your goddamn essence that’s permeated his upholstery in under ten seconds, but whatever it is, he certainly wouldn’t mind smelling it on his sheets in the morning.
Fuck. He’s fucking fucked.
“This alright?” you ask casually, as if you didn’t just hijack a stranger’s radio.
He cringes at the stereo; he’ll have to work on your taste in music. “Got your seatbelt on?” he asks as he pulls out.
You turn around in your seat and pull on the seatbelt.
Bradley promptly hits the breaks and you lurch forward slightly, the seatbelt in your hand getting stuck on its way out. He looks over at you with an air of seriousness despite the small smile tugging at the corners of his mouth. “The seatbelt should be the first thing you do when you enter a vehicle.” Not fiddle with the radio, he adds silently.
You raise your eyebrows at him in amusement. “Okay, dad.”
Bradley nearly shudders at your response. He’s probably a good ten years older than you, so, really, while dad might be stretching it, you’re not too far off. “Keep up that attitude and you’ll be listening to Metallica the whole way home.”
You smirk at him. “I like Metallica, so joke’s on you, bud.”
Bradley starts driving again. “If you like Metallica, then why are we listening to this trash?”
Your jaw drops and you reach for the volume dial to turn up the song. “How dare you?”
Bradley rolls his eyes. Something tells him he’s in for a wild ride.
About two hours later, Bradley pulls into a small gas station just past the border into Arizona.
“Want something to eat?” he asks, leaning across the console to pop his glove compartment and pull out his wallet. “Or drink?”
You purse your lips. “I could go for a coffee.”
“How do you like it?” he asks.
“With a pinch of salt.”
Bradley gapes at you. “I can’t tell if you’re joking.”
You snort. “I’m not joking. You should try it! Cuts the bitterness in half, my friend.”
Bradley cringes. “The bitterness is why I drink it.”
You shake your head and declare wisely, “You’ll see.”
“That you’re a nutcase?” Bradley mutters under his breath as he exits the car. He jogs over to the convenience store, determinedly blocking out the seductive quality of your persuasive tone. You could probably convince him to drink a pint of his own urine if you set your mind to it.
Bradley drums impatiently on the counter, waiting for the clerk to finish restocking one of the shelves with chips. While he’s waiting, he glances out to check on you as if you’re a child under his charge. You’ve stepped out of the Bronco to stretch your legs and Bradley doesn’t like the way the two guys in the convertible in behind are eyeing you.
Bradley cranes his neck to check on the clerk’s progress and lets out a stifled sigh. When he looks back outside, he sees that one of the men has approached you and, well, Bradley isn’t about to wait to see what happens next. He drops a bill on the counter and calls out, “Keep the change,” to the clerk before practically slamming his way through the doors with the coffees in his hands.
Why it bothers him that some random dude might want your number is not of consequence. What matters is that Bradley gets rid of this asswipe before you start enjoying his company.
He strides confidently past the man chatting you up and stops right in between you and him, handing you a coffee.
“Careful, it’s hot,” he cautions moodily, not entirely sure how to go about handling a situation in which, objectively speaking, he has no real authority.
You meet his gaze with a small smile. “You don’t say,” you respond with all the sultriness of a blazing, desert sun.
Bradley’s gaze remains unwaveringly on you as he unhooks a pair of Ray-Bans from the neck of his muscle shirt and slides them over his eyes. “Ready to go?” he asks in a level tone, hoping he can avoid what is bound to be an unpleasant interaction with the man still standing behind him.
“Sorry ‘bout that,” the man speaks up. “Didn’t realize you were with someone, honey.”
Bradley keeps his eyes on yours for several moments longer, trying his best not to show the irritation he feels at the way this rando just called you ‘honey’. Reluctantly, he turns to face him, wondering what in the world he could say that wouldn’t make him sound jealous as fuck.
But before Bradley could speak, you slide casually into his side, leaning on him like it’s the most natural thing. “That’s just fine,” you say to the man. “No harm, no foul.”
Bradley looks down at your head as it nestles into his shoulder and then lifts his arm to let you move in closer. Trying to play it cool, he skims the tips of his fingers across your lower back, which is warm and feels like the perfect place to rest his hand.
Convertible guy promptly departs, and Bradley is left standing in an embrace with the one person on the entire planet for whom he should never catch feelings, at a derelict gas station on the outskirts of arid Yuma, Arizona, and the heat is really starting to get to him. Slowly, you start to peel yourself away and Bradley, sensing your withdrawal, drops his hand and recoils from you like you’ve burnt him.
Did it feel nice pretending you were his girl? Sure did. Is he going to erase it from his memory and never let himself so much as shake your hand again? Absolutely.
Read Part 2
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I’ll be tagging the rest in the comments probably tomorrow!
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mistydeyes · 9 months
Hi! I was wondering if you could do a Task Force 141 and a reader that they never have seen out of uniform until one day they all go to a bar but the reader is late? Next thing they know the reader walks up to them dressed like they just walked straight out of the 2000’s?
(if you end up doing this request: thank you so much! I absolutely luv your writing!!)
thank you so much for requesting! i literally am in love with 2000's fashion like you'll be seeing me walking with low-cut jeans and a baby tee fr
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summary: After a tiring mission, the 141 invites you to drink away the night at the pub. However, you get into a lively argument about fashion when they question your choice in 2000's inspired attire.
pairings: taskforce 141 x platonic!gn!reader (codename: Storm)
warnings: swearing, slight bullying (they fr just don't understand fashion)
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"Didn't we tell Storm half-past eight?" Gaz asked, looking down at his watch. The pub was nearly empty as the men continued to add glass after glass to a growing pile. Despite reminding you with a string of texts, you still haven't made an appearance. "Still don't get why they had to change," Soap continued, choking down another drink, "Lt's still wearing his goddamn mask." The group laughed as their attention was directed to Ghost, still wearing his signature face mask. "They probably wanted a shower and some fresh trousers," Price commented and the rest of the group returned to a more interesting conversation.
As the group laughed at Soap recounting Ghost's out-of-character dialogue in Las Almas, their gaze fell on the pub's door as it swung open. The group smiled at the familiar face and gestured you over. You walked to the table quickly, feeling the attention in the empty pub. At first, you thought it was due to your late entrance but when you approached, you saw all eyes focused on your attire. It was like you walked out of the 2000s or robbed a Delias before your arrival. You felt a little self-conscious at the confused looks and wondered what all the fuzz was about. "What? Do I have a stain?" you questioned as you dusted off your low-cut, denim jeans. "No, it's just-" Gaz began to say but Soap interjected. "Why do you dress like that?" he asked and you raised an eyebrow. You looked down at your jeans and Von Dutch top. "But I normally dress like this?" you said with a curious tone. You dressed like this before joining the military and held on to the lively aesthetic of the early 2000s. You were embarrassed to admit but Britney Spears and *NSYNC were your fashion icons.
"Yeah," Ghost spoke up as he eyed the interesting font of your shirt, "you look like you could be an extra in a Spice Girls video." You rolled your eyes, grabbing at one of the half-drunk glasses on the table. "You've been quiet, Captain," you edged while looking at him, "what do you think?" There was a hush over the room as you waited in anticipation. "Clothes are clothes," he simply replied and the table roared with laughter. "Such a grandad thing to say," Soap loudly exclaimed and everyone clambered with sentiments of agreement. "Sorry I don't wear Wrangler jeans and black fitness tops," you mumbled. It was a subtle jab at your colleagues but Gaz took it to heart. "I have style!" he shouted as you shook your head in disapproval.
"Gaz, you look like someone trying to emulate an Instagram model or some teenager's Pinterest board," you argued and you were met by the howling of the tipsy men. "And Captain, I'm sorry but you look like a father going on holiday to the Swiss Alps," you directed towards Price as everyone realized this was becoming an insult fueled rage. Soap was still laughing wildly, shaking his head in agreement with your every word. "Oh you shouldn't be laughing, Soap," you said as you turned to him, "a navy blue sweater and black jeans are a fashion crime." He quickly turned red and looked embarrassed as he examined the mismatched colors. Everyone held their breath as you turned to Ghost. "And Lt," you paused, thinking of what you should say next, "you dress like you've never heard of color."
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kaizynofsickness · 3 months
Warnings: Spanking, worship, thigh riding, fondling and grabbing, semi-public sex.
All my praise girlies, this is for you
Authors notes: Bestie, I know you're masterbating to this
(⁠◕⁠ᴗ⁠◕⁠✿⁠) "Your ass is just so... Perfect"
(⁠◕⁠ᴗ⁠◕⁠✿⁠) how many times have Itadori told you that? How he loves the way it looks when you walk, when you lay down and play games, wear swimming suits. And, oh no, when you dare to wear a skirt near him, all dolled up and pretty. He swears his hand slipped under your panties and on your ass.
(⁠◕⁠ᴗ⁠◕⁠✿⁠) we all know he just loves a plump ass, not like your personality isn't enough, but a thick backside is always a welcomed surprise. He never will get tired of playfully smacking your ass in public, always resting his hands on them and watching as you dress. "Ah, but babe... That skirt doesn't go well with the shirt, try another one." Itadori will say like he is some fashion expert and hand you a mini skirt.
(⁠◕⁠ᴗ⁠◕⁠✿⁠) behind doors is a nightmare. Your ass can never get a break before his hands slam down and his hips roll against yours, the soft flesh turning red from all the pain and hits. He loves the way you whimper when he slams his raging cock into you so hard... The way you ass turns a cute shade of red. He won't ever get enough.
(⁠◕⁠ᴗ⁠◕⁠✿⁠) he can't help but feel down your naked body after a shower. He gives you many kisses down your neck and around your perfect breast before attaching you on his thigh. "Ride."
(⁠◕⁠ᴗ⁠◕⁠✿⁠)who are you to say no to the innocent man who just loves his girlfriends body? Loves the way her pussy is wet from grinding and needs friction, your clit unable to go without some touch. And the way you beg him with the cutest eyes and wanting him to run his dick along the walls of your sobbing cunt, making you cum on him like never before.
(⁠◕⁠ᴗ⁠◕⁠✿⁠) "C'mon, baby. Ass up, arch your back... There you go, just like that-"
(⁠◕⁠ᴗ⁠◕⁠✿⁠) "You're so fucking pretty, just let me lay these hands on you. I'll please that pussy after getting my feel of your ass."
(⁠◕⁠ᴗ⁠◕⁠✿⁠) "3...4...5... Nuh uh, m'love. Keep your hips still and hop up and down like you mean it, ride my cock right. I know you have it in ya."
(⁠◕⁠ᴗ⁠◕⁠✿⁠) "pretty cunt looks even better from behind... Might record so you could see."
(⁠◕⁠ᴗ⁠◕⁠✿⁠) "How many times must I tell you? I don't like you wearing panties around me. It's such a task to take off when you bend over!"
(⁠◕⁠ᴗ⁠◕⁠✿⁠) Itadori won't stop until he sees tears. Even then, he'll kiss them away while your body is jerking and bouncing up and off his shaft so many times until his seed is overflowing everywhere and he has to refill your other holes.
(⁠◕⁠ᴗ⁠◕⁠✿⁠) "Cant keep my hands off of you." Itadori spoke softly while he pinned you to the back way of your favorite clothing store. His hands traveled your body and memorized it like the back of his hand and found your ass easily, even in such a dark shade. "I just can't help but watch as those skirts hug your thighs and that precious ass, baby..." The more Itadori whispers his naughty dreams in your ears, the more your hot core soaks with anticipation. You look at him like you were disappointed, not trying to influence him. "Wait f'me when we get home..." You try to pry his needy hands away, but they already made quick work with your belt. "No waiting, baby. I can only get my cock from twitching by shoving it in ya, we both know that."
(⁠◕⁠ᴗ⁠◕⁠✿⁠) You can see when he whips out his greedy erection and see the tip a swollen pink, leaking puddles of precum down his hand as he lazily strokes himself to spread it as lube. But you're wet enough...
(⁠◕⁠ᴗ⁠◕⁠✿⁠) Doesn't take long for him to bend you over til you are almost touching your toes and hump you full of dick from the back, spanking your ass with his rough hands, his other hand rubbing nean circles on your clit. "M'pretty girl... I promise to care to your tender ass later, hm? Just let that wet hole tender to my dick, promise?" He whispers to you to keep quiet so no one will notice the two horny in love people behind banging like no tomorrow. But the sounds of his balls hitting your ass deep with wet 'pats, pats' is enough for everyone to know just what is happening.
(⁠◕⁠ᴗ⁠◕⁠✿⁠) He always was a sucker for plump asses. But yours is something he can keep his mind, and hands, off of. And he'll ever, because the hand prints and pinches all over your ass says that it belongs to him well enough.
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hannieehaee · 7 months
18+ / mdi
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content: idol!jeonghan x idol!reader, fluff, smut, afab reader, paris fashion week, established relationship, oral (f receiving), penetrative sex, etc.
a/n: this is kinda a non-chronological continuation to this, but can be read as a standalone!
wc: 1433
idol!jeonghan and idol!you who had been dating for a while and were now both scheduled to appear at paris fashion week together as ysl ambassadors.
after pining for each other for a few months (and very unnecessarily waiting for each other at the elevators every morning in hopes of seeing one another), the both of you had finally confessed your feelings, now discreetly dating accordingly to the company's policies.
you had followed their rules; kept your hands and eyes off each other in public spaces, and even keeping a distance around any staff or idols who were not privy to your relationship.
although you had the best imaginable situation in the world of idol dating (same industry, same company, same building, same friend groups and such), you and jeonghan still were unable to lead a regular relationship. your constantly clashing schedules left much to be desired when it came to seeing each other past those elevator rides whenever you were both in korea (yes, you still made it a point to see each other at the elevators every morning).
busy with comebacks, individual schedules, overseas performances, promotions, brand deals, and many other things, you and jeonghan hadnt been able to see each other for a few weeks now, going insane at the lack of contact.
it wasnt until paris fashion week that you found your schedules finally aligning, with both of you receiving invitations to attend paris fashion week under ysl's sponsor, even promoting together due to being part of the same company. with no legal conflicts about brands or companies, you and jeonghan basically had free reign over how much time you spent together in the public eye while in paris. this was a once in a lifetime opportunity for you to parade around with each other without any public scrutiny, knowing you could chalk up any interaction between you to being in the same company and sponsoring the same brand.
after having attended the main event, you and jeonghan went out to eat with your managers, followed by a romantic walk in paris under the watchful eye of your bodyguards (hey, at least you were in paris with your boyfriend!). after a few hours you finally ended up heading back at the hotel.
despite having booked separate rooms due to your relationship still being a secret to the public, you and jeonghan found yourselves running to his room, wanting to get your hands on each other after weeks of not even sharing a bed together.
that is how he now had you in your designer dress, panties ripped off, pressed up against the wall. him on his knees as he attempted to pull a second orgasm out of you with his skilled tongue.
"you looked so pretty today, angel. everyone had their eyes on you," his speech was muffled as he pressed endless kisses and licked at your thighs, keeping his lips close to where you wanted him most.
"no ... you."
he chuckles at this. "yeah? me? okay, whatever my pretty angel says."
"hannie .. more, please ..." you begged, feeling your core pulsing against his tongue as he lightly licked at you, slowly grinding yourself against it.
"okay, pretty. let me take you to bed, yeah?," he unglued himself from you, making you whine petulantly at the interruption of the stimulation on your clit.
once he led you to bed, he undressed you and laid you down, wrapping your legs around his figure as he leaned down to kiss your kips softly.
"pretty, let me see those eyes. keep them open for me, baby. wanna see you. wanna see my angel."
his words always made you melt. he treated you like the biggest luxury one could ever afford, always letting you know how good you were for him and how beautiful you were to him.
despite the difficult task, you opened your eyes to meet the look of adoration he always reserved only for you. his hair disheveled due to your hands pulling at it desperately earlier.
you used all the strength in your legs around him to get him to press himself even further against you, feeling his bare length press up against your stomach, the thought of it inside you after so many weeks making you cry out.
you tried to grind your hips against him from below, but the angle didnt allow for any friction between you in the places you needed him the most, making you annoyed at his lack of trying.
"please .. want it so bad. missed you so fucking bad," you closed your eyes again and threw your head back, frustrated at the lack of friction.
"aigoo .. does my poor angel want me? want me to make you feel good, pretty? tell me. tell me what you want from me," he swiped his thumb under your chin in a mocking way, enjoying your desperation for him despite knowing he wanted you just as bad.
before you could even answer, he readjusted himself above you and positioned his dick at the perfect angle to rub against your clit as he lightly dragged his hips against yours.
"fuck me, hannie. please. thought about you every night. wanted you so bad ..."
you continued your whining as he gave you the barest minimum of pleasure, wanting nothing more than to be filled by the handsome man who had just been stealing the hearts of anyone walking the parisian streets alongside you just a few hours ago.
growing frustrated of his own teasing, jeonghan separated himself from you once more and gently positioned you on your knees and elbows, adjusting himself behind you.
he felt you up and rubbed his hands all over your back and ass before entering you, wanting to worship the body he hadnt had the chance to hold in his hands for weeks due to your cursed schedules.
before long he entered you, letting out a breath of relief at the feeling of your tight walls enveloping him while you threw your head back at the pleasurable intrusion. he kept a slow and deep pace for the first few minutes, wanting to enjoy your warmth for as long as he could.
"god .. fuck, baby, you take it so good. so fucking good for me. my angel," he rambled, losing all composture as he began to sped up, bruising your hips with his tight grip on them.
you continuously pushed back against him, wanting to pull even more and more pleasure from him.
soon, you felt jeoghan's voice become high pitched as he neared his high, slapping his hips against your ass at an even faster speed, eyes rolling back at the pleasure you provided him by just giving yourself to him.
his pretty angel, he thought. so good and pliant for him. letting him do whatever he wanted as he let you know how much of a sweet thing you were for him.
he came before you, but swiftly flipped you around to shove his fingers inside you, rubbing at your clit rapidly as he chased your second orgasm of the night. you cried as he lowered his head to your breast and licked around it before lightly pulling at it with his teeth, alternating breasts as he fingered you.
"h-hannie fuck i'm- i'm gonna cum. dont stop. please!"
"dont worry, angel. cum for me. be good for me and give me another one," he breathed against your chest before pulling away to look into your eyes once more. "cum for me and i promise ill give you more and more until they have to drag us back to seoul. gonna steal you and keep you, angel, all for me."
his possessive words of affirmation were what finally did you in, wanting nothing more than to relive this weekend away with him over and over again, imagining a future where you and jeonghan would never have to be away from each other.
after allowing you to catch your breath, jeonghan left the room to get tissues to clean you up, proceeding to tuck you under the covers before joining you. with his arms wrapped around you, you turned to him and kissed his nose, playing with his hair as you both attempted to fall into peaceful slumber together
"missed this too," whispered jeonghan.
"missed what?"
"this. holding you in your sleep. cant sleep right without you anymore."
you felt your heart soar, knowing how much of a picky sleeper jeoghan was and feeling touched at knowing he missed your touch as much as you did his.
"wish i could stay here with you like this forever," you pouted as you pressed your face into his neck, breathing him in.
"one day, angel. one day."
a/n: not proofread! this is just word vomit atp
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skele-ghost · 2 months
Baby, it’s Hot Outside: Part 4
Welcome to: (Y/N) doesn’t know anything!
MDNI, 18+, Warnings: Omegaverse, dangerous situation, crowds, allusion to r*pe/sexual harassment/assault, heats, stranger danger
It doesn’t take them long to figure out that (Y/N) (L/N) has no idea what courting is.
She’s a beta, sure, and betas haven’t always been courted in the same fashion as omegas or even alphas. But that had changed in the modern age—even Gaz was courted by Price, and König made it a point to give just as much attention to Gaz as Soap while he was courting into the pack.
To be completely fair, they hadn’t yet asked to court her officially. Normally there’s this sort of pre-courting process, flirting and dates and smaller gifts, almost like a hint or a heads up before the formal ask.
Even so, the flirting went right over her head. She would laugh along, joke, tease back—but when someone compliemented her, really called her beautiful—she would blush, say ‘thank you,’ clear her throat and pick up the conversation where it had left of.
They would have thought she was turning them down, if not for her genuine confusion over the courting gifts.
Soap, the good omega he is, offered her a blanket from his nest. An awfully profound gift that spoke volumes, an item from an omega’s safe and private space, doused with the scent from each pack member.
“Oh, but this is one for your favorites,” she frowns, holding the ball of fabric in her arms.
“I ken. It’s the warmest one, too,” Johnny beams at her.
“You don’t want it?” She asks, tilting her head to the side.
“I want you to have it, angel,” he insists.
“Are you sure?” She asks as if he’s a child picking out a flavor of ice cream she knows he doesn’t like. “Because you know I have that big quilt my mama made me—“
“(Y/N), come on,” he laughs nervously, tamping down his growing fear of rejection. “It’s a gift. From me to you.”
She eyes him skeptically, looking at the blanket for a moment. “Alright. But no take-backs,” she jokes. “Thanks, MacTavish!”
And then she just leaves him standing there, a slight hop in her step as she walks down the hall towards the barracks.
Ghost, who had been listening the whole time from an adjourning room, takes to Soap’s side.
“The fuck was that?”
“I ‘ave no fuckin’ clue.”
Maybe it was a bad first gift, in retrospect. Betas didn’t have the same noses as the other designations. She might not be able to smell their scents on it at all. Maybe she just didn’t understand.
They keep trying. König takes her out to lunch, only to come back disappointed because she took the opportunity to talk about her favorite TV show and he couldn’t get a single word in. Not that he had the desire to stop her when her eyes were alight with excitement.
Ghost left her one of his hoodies, draping it over her duffel—and she gave it back to him the next day, thinking he’d put it with her things by mistake.
Gaz gets her a hat with the task force’s insignia…and she looses it the next day to a windstorm. She apologizes profusely, of course, but even with his arm slung over her shoulders, even when he presses a kiss to her temple, telling her it’s no big deal—she just doesn’t get it.
The last time they tried was a month prior, two weeks before the Mexico mission. They invited her out to the pub, adamant that they’d really lay on the flirting, sure that they’d finally get her to understand.
To say it was a disaster would be an understatement.
You and Soap head out early, something about getting a table before the pub’s too crowded. The sun periodically casts a golden glow on the buildings when it peeks out from behind the clouds, signaling sunset as the shadows get longer.
You two hold idle conversation, talking about work, mostly. It had been a busy, hectic week, hacking into cartel servers and pinpointing locations.
Every once in a while you bump shoulders to avoid other pedestrians. It makes you realize that some people are staring. Your brow furrows as you follow their gazes, mostly focused on Soap. He does seem a little less energetic than usual. A little less talkative, considering that you were carrying the entire conversation. His cheeks are flushed, but it’s been a hot summer.
“Hey, you okay?” You ask him, head tilted up to look at him properly.
“Yeah. ‘S just hot,” he sighs, rubbing the back of his neck with his hand.
“It’s just 80,” you reply, not completely convinced.
“Fahrenheit. How hot does it get back home?”
“We always get a couple of 100° days in the middle of summer—“
Someone bumps into him lightly, but it sends Soap stumbling. You catch onto his arm and stabilize him, finally noting how hot his skin is.
“Jesus! I think you’re getting heat stroke or somethin,’” you gasp, and he leans on you for support.
“I jus’ needta siddown. Pub’s there,” he points and you have no choice but to go. You try your best to ignore the stares from onlookers as you drag him along with you. They look concerned and it doesn’t help your hammering heart.
You decide that just sitting down won’t be helpful, considering that the sweltering pub isn’t even air conditioned. So you shove past strangers, muttering excuses and apologies, and take him into the women’s bathroom with you. It’s empty and there’s a lock on the inside of the door that you bolt.
“Just lean here for a sec,” you instruct him, leaning him against the wall instead of on your shoulder. You quickly take off your shirt, thankful for the tank top underneath, and soak it with cold water from the sink.
A groan of discomfort has your attention turning back to Soap, just to see him slide down the wall and onto the floor, sitting and plastering himself against the tiled wall.
“MacTavish! You have any idea how many diseases are probably on this floor?!” You curse, guiding his cheek from the wall, wiping his face with the cool cloth.
He chuckles, “yer so cute when you get that furrow in your brow.”
You just purse your lips, keeping the cloth against his jugular while you pull your phone out with your free hand, navigating to the dial pad.
He grabs your wrist. “Call Ghost.”
“I’m calling the police, you need to go to the hospital—“
“Call Simon. That’s an order,” he says, his tone serious although his eyes are half-lidded, cerulean focused on you.
You frown. Technically, he doesn’t have the authority to order you around. On the other hand, if Soap MacTavish was telling you to not call the police, then you weren’t going to.
You dial the number and return to the sink, soaking it with cool water while the phone rings. It picks up on the second chime.
“What?” Ghost answers gruffly.
“Something’s wrong with Johnny,” you say, wringing out your shirt of excess water.
“What d’you mean? He alright?”
You set the phone on the edge of the sink and put it on speaker phone, kneeling next to your teammate once more.
“I-I don’t know— He all sweaty, his skin’s on fire. I think he’s got heatstroke, I should take him to the hospital—“
“Calm down. Where are you?”
“The bar, the lady’s room,” you say quickly, watching as Soap’s face contorts into anguish, tears spilling past his waterline.
“Lock the door. Do not open it for anyone, understand?”
“It’s locked—“
“Simon,” Soap whines, a whimper following a moment later. You gently shush him, wiping the tears from his face as they come.
“‘S alright, Johnny. Gonna be there soon, you’re gonna be fine,” Ghost soothes on the other end, his voice not losing its softness as he continues. “(Y/N), we’re almost there, darlin. You have somethin’ to defend yourself with?”
“I-I got mace, why?” You stammer, mind reeling with what the hell he could be talking about.
“Almost there. You use it if you need it, okay?”
“I—okay,” you agree, letting Soap pull you closer, his arm snaked around your waist.
You nearly jump out of your skin at the pounds on the door. “Hey! You can’t have him in here like that!” A man shouts on the other side.
“Don’t talk to ‘im,” Ghost instructs just as you open your mouth to speak.
The door shakes with the force of the pounding. “Hey! You hear me, you little—“
You don’t even hear the call hang up as there’s a muted thud from outside. You reach for your mace.
There’s a curt rap of knuckles on the door. “(Y/N)?” You feel your fear dissipate at the sound of Ghost’s voice, “you can open the door now, lovie.”
You have to wrench Soap’s arm off of you to get up and unlock the door. Ghost enters as soon as there’s enough room, no hesitation as he rushes past you and kneels by Soap’s side.
“He just got sick all of the sudden, I don’t know why—one minute he was fine and the next he was all hot. He was fine on the subway, I don’t understand—“ you ramble, only stopping when a hand on your shoulder startles you.
“It’s alright, (Y/N), he’ll be okay,” Gaz reassures you, his presence a comfort of its own. “You did everything right.”
You just nod, watching as Ghost lifts Soap (who seems to have calmed down quite a bit) into his arms and carries him out of the room. The back hallway of the bar is just barely large enough to fit your entire team.
König stands guard at one end but immediately abandons his post when Ghost calls for him, his eyes something dark like you’ve never seen—not that he even seems to see you. They exit the back door where a car’s already waiting in the alley.
The only thing stopping you from following is the captain, his hold on your upper arm keeping you back.
“We’re not going?” You ask, brow furrowed as you watch the door close.
“No, we’ll catch up with them later,” Price says, ushering you and Gaz out of the same back door; the car’s already gone.
“Where—they’re taking him to the hospital, right? I think he’s hyperthermic.”
“It’s just a fever, (Y/N), Johnny’ll be right as rain in a day or two,” Gaz soothes, maneuvering you to walk between him and the captain as you start down the alley.
“It’s happened before?” You ask, shocked.
“Happens four times a year,” Price informs you, a knit in his brow.
“Four tim—what, like every season? That’s so bizarre! What is it?”
“(Y/N)…He’s an omega. It’s a heat,” Price says.
“Ohhhhhh,” you say intelligently, your eyes widening. It certainly silences you, makes all of the pieces click into place—most of them.
You thought heats were only once a year. That’s what your cousin had said, at least. But it doesn’t explain why that guy at the door was so angry, or why Soap didn’t want you to call the police.
It confuses the hell out of you, but in the silence on the walk back and in the metro system, you decide it’s probably better that you don’t know.
You’ve heard some of the horror stories: how omegas used to be treated. How some of them are still treated. A knot forms in your stomach at the thought that someone would want to do that kind of harm to Johnny—at the realization that you were the only thing standing between him and cruelty.
What if the team hadn’t been there in time?
A/N: Hello! I hope this chapter gives more insight into the 141 + (Y/N)’s relationship before she presented. It should also explain why the boys were so angry at first when she presented—they thought that she had been lying this whole time, pretending not to know about designations and such. Furthermore, in my humble version of the Omegaverse, suppressants can take away scents and the ability to detect scents. Let me know if you have any questions!
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greenunoreversecard · 4 months
A/N: Ofc!I'll do general character ones, as well as x reader ones :) hope ye likey likey:pp
Lloyd, The Greenest and Geekest mf.
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General character headcanons:
Half Japanese half Chinese
His hair is box blonde dye and you cannot change my mind.
Left handed
Severely dyslexic and hands off all scroll reading and just reading oriented tasks to kai.
Def gen z vibes. Like, the others give off more inbetween z and millenial, so they dont always get his humor. And sometimes he uses that to his advantage and "Speaks in code" (uses as much slang as possible)
Has LED lights in his room set to forest green.
Has given himself a smiley face tattoo.
Cried over a dead goose once.
OK, just to preface i see cole as a stoner of Sorts and uses the excuse "it gets me closer to my element"
With that in mind cole let lloyd try it and now sometimes when he is told to unwind, of feels like he needs to take a chill pill he and Cole spark up
in the beginning of his leader ship role, he used to Say;"kick ass and take names" and if things went wrong he had the fuck it we ball mindset, but got better with time. There are still times they wing it, though.
if he isnt in his gi he almost exclusively wears his pajamas (aka a Hoodie, tshirt and sweats)
Vv tired, and now has a raging addiction to energy drinks due to his lack of Sleep.
He used to eat worms as a kid bc he Thought he it was evil.
Has a eyebrow piercing, and wants a tongue piercing.
Wears "reading" glasses, that he should technically wear all the time because he can't see up close and has a astigmatism,, but he says yolo. Zane then make him contacts after he almost ran into a moving blade and got his head severed.
Adhd and OCD, as well as the normal line up (anxiety, depression, cptsd)
Lloyd in a relationship:
Hes very distant in the beginning, it'll take time to warm up to you.
He tends to be orage cat vibes.
On the cat trend, he gets close for a bit Before becoming distant. Going through waves of affection, kinda.
He hasn't had like, any good relationships in his life so he tries to "protect" himself when he feels he gets to close to you, and so he pulls away.
He does the fuckboy face when your sad bc it makes you laugh, as well as That weird dice roll
He actually does the face/dice roll combo whenever he Sees you as he walks over, it's an inside joke now
primary giving love language: acts of service and quality time
Primary receiving love language: gifts and words of affirmation. But physical touch is also high up there.
Also, not expensive gifts. He hates those. Give him a stick you saw on a walk that made you think of him. He'll cherish it forever. And maybe cry.
He will cry.
will make noises at you and expects a noise in response or he'll be sad.
Also randomly bites you. He's a nommer
also sends you memes throughout the day.
As well as random pictures with the caption;"BABY LOK THIS IS S. US IF WE WHERE *insert whatever item here*
Called you babe, baby, love, shitface, asshole.
Expect kind and loving gentle bullying.
Doesnt know how to express his emotions to just expect him to come up to you, lightly shake your shoulders and aggressively say;"I love you bitch.i ain't Evea gon stop lovin you. Bitchhhhhhh" (vine reference)
Sends you .5 of everyone, himself included. He's addicted to Taking them. You will not get out of it.
Also sometimes just walks around in nyas stilettos for fun.
You two have fashion shows.
You also take over the Living room sometimes and build giant ass forts to watch shitty reality tv in and make fun oF The people
Overall, once he realizes you won't leave he's the most funniest loving chaotic guy.
But expect it to take a hot minute for him to realsie this
give him time,, but also have some deep talks..
Let him vent
and for the love of God don't hurt the baby's heart.
Expect inside jokes
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the-fiction-witch · 11 months
No Girls?
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Media The Maze Runner : Death Cure
Character Newt
Couple Newt X Reader
Rating Smutty / Flirty
Concept A Glade with No Girls
Smut: Sexy Discussions / Sexual Language / Semi Nudity
I sat watching the ocean shift and change with each of its little waves, the ship to the side being worked on relentlessly by anyone with enough skill to do so. I sat repairing various clothes and tent flaps that had been dropped off to me a skill I'd always used and honestly enjoyed something about sitting down with a needle and some thread was so very calming indeed. But I wasn't alone I had newt beside me one of the group A boys who had gotten cosy with Vince I got along with most of them but newt especially we had a comfort with each other I suppose he had a day off from his usual work welding and cutting metal work on the ship a task Vince trained him in as his steady hand was well suited for it. But today he was resting his ankle up sitting with me as I worked. 
"Why didn't you try a big ladder?'
"We did. Couldn't build one big enough."
"What about like scaffolding?'
"Y/n I don't know how else to explain this to you the walls were too big to do that." 
"Did you try a big stick?" I asked and he glared at me "do like a pole vault" 
"Your really just not getting how big these walls are"
"No if it's a wall it can be scaled." 
"Okay so if you could get to the top then what?"
"Walk along the top."
"That doesn't connect. And moves every night"
"Fine. Still sounds dull"
"Says the girl who lived in a shopping centre with a bunch of cranks for two years"
"I wore stylish pre apocalypse fashion, ate so many fancy candies and slept on a whole bed of teddy bears. My life was awesome" 
"Sure sounds like it" he laughed
"So how many girls again?'
"Ooohh bet you boys fought over her. Or what she just one of those free love types who'd let all of you straight boys at her"
"No, she was only in the glade a week so"
"How long were you in there?'
"Three years"
"And you had one girl for a week?'
"I'm surprised she got out the box without being drowned"
"...by what?" 
"A river of goo"
He glared at me again "we didn't all immediately jizz ourselves when we saw a girl"
"Really? Cause I think sixty boys in a large maze together for three years would be pretty hyped for a girl. Except the gay guys they probably didn't care all that much. Bisexuals hyped over threewaY possibilities. Asexuals wouldn't really care either" I explained
"I mean Thomas may have jizzed himself but that's because she's his girlfriend"
"Ohh. But you really spent three years with nothing but big smelly boys?"
"Yeah, and it wasn't that bad we had showers"
"Yeah I know what boys are like you showered once in a month if your lucky"
"...true." he sighed 
"Didn't you have buckets too?'
"Yeah for klunk" 
"Did you have laundry?'
'not really. Just brush it off if it gets dirt on it"
"Ugggh I get why the one girl lasted a week she probably couldn't stand the smell, sweaty smell unwashed teenage boys who don't wash their laundry and have shit buckets, all allowed to fester and go all sour"
"Okay now you say it… we probably were disgusting" 
"You shower more now right?"
"Every other day, I would everyday but the showers aren't that private…" 
"Awwww you shy newt?" I giggled
"Shy? Don't want people seeing my dick? Whatever you wanna call it" 
"But really no girls?"
"No girls."
"Awwww poor newtie spent all the formative teen time without anything to imagine" 
"I can imagine. I have an imagination"
"But you spent all that time without comparison. From when you where a tiny baby boy to now big strong boy" I smiled leaning on his shoulder 
"It wasn't that bad"
"What did you use to do? At night?"
"Newt, you were trapped in their from what 13 onwards. Your really going to try and tell me you didn't.. you know after lights out" 
"Did you?'
"Constantly I was bored. It helps me sleep"
"Do you… still?"
"Yeah, why?"
"Just… curious" he blushed "no, I uhh never really had time, or the privacy"
"Awwwwww poor newtie." I giggled hugging him tightly and immediately I noticed "hi"
"Be careful with that I only just repaired those pants newt" I warned him going back to my sewing as he turned bright red "newt?'
"You ever seen boobs?"
"... How much boob?"
"How much have you seen?"
"I saw Teresa's in her shirt… and also a little down her shirt"
"Dirty boy"
"She was laying down it wasn't intentional!"
"That it?"
"That's it" 
"You ever touched a boob?"
"You ever seen ass?"
"I mean I've seen Minho. And fry. Infact most boys"
"I meant girls"
"Ever seen a? Lady area?"
"... would you want to?" I asked 
He went bright red stuttering a lot barely able to make eye contact with me "I mean uhhh well I uhh I guess I uhh what I mean is uhh kinda"
I chuckled and finished my last few stitches throwing my finished work in the basket "you're sweet newt" I smiled moving to stand In Front of him and I lifted my shirt long enough for him to look before dropping it back down and giving his cheek a kiss even if he was basically frozen with his eyes wide in place "see you later" I laughed taking my basket and headed back to camp 
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blackopals-world · 5 months
One Tragedy After Another
Special Forces!Yuu x Rook Hunt
A look at the past in a now-distant world.
Warning: Blood, death, violence, and general angst
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"What have I told you about crying?!" The Overseer yelled pulling them up by the back of the neck.
It was a grueling day of training.
Yuu was given such a simple task one they could do even at that age. But all they did was cry.
"Mama! I want mama!" They cried pitifully.
It had been one week since the soldiers came. The battle had destroyed the village and Yuu was dug out of the rubble. Their mother held onto them even when their home collapsed. But they made it. They survived. Mom smiled her face white from the cement dust. But the soldiers found them. They grabbed Yuu and tried to drag them away.
But mom got in the way.
"Please don't take my baby! I give you anything! I beg you!" Their mother was on her knees as she pleaded for her child. " I can't live without them."
The request was answered with a bang. A gunshot echoed in Yuu's ears.
Their mother wouldn't live without them. Not for a moment longer.
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"Please don't make me," Yuu asked again.
"What is this pathetic begging about? You don't beg. Now kill it." The Overseer ordered.
In a cage there was a white bunny rabbit. A creature that he had given to Yuu one month ago to care for. The child had fed, played with and slept with it. They named it Raindrop and I was their only friend. Yuu had thought it was a reward for good behavior but it was a test.
"I'll be good I swear! Please don't kill her." Yuu still begged.
The Overseer snarled and shoved the child to the ground.
"Guard, shoot the damn thing." He ordered.
And once again the sound of a gun echoed in their head.
"You will learn soon enough. All of this is for your benefit. If I didn't care I would have had you shot like that rat or let you go soft."
Yuu was left there on the floor for the entire night clutching their deceased pet to their chest weeping.
"I'm so sorry."
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Yuu stalked the halls of the facility. Chasing down the leader of the rebels. The job was clear, kill him. Yuu didn't particularly care about either side in this endless struggle. If he died another likely more extreme leader will continue his mission and then the The Watchtower's leader gets assassinated then the cycle repeats. That how it's been for at least a century.
"Do you have a heart?! Do you even cry monster?!"
Yuu didn't move but they didn't pull the trigger. Perhaps you'd call it hesitation but they were only doing what felt right. Giving a man his last words.
"What are you doing this for? You're a child!" The man tried to grab them and the gun fired.
He was foolish.
To think that...they needed saving. That there was anything left of a child in them.
Yuu didn't fall for sweet words. Fake concern. They knew better. They were all the same on both sides. They all had the goal to take control. Not for any reason but to have the power. That is what powerless people want more than anything. They don't really think of them as children, only pawns. Future martyrs for the cause.
Yuu had heard hundreds of years of those stories of every child fashioned for a cause, every chosen one meant to free them from the hell of war. They all died the same.
But Yuu didn't kill him. Only leaving him with a bullet in his leg. If he was wise he'd fake his death.
Maybe there was a vain hope for a future where there was peace.
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"They said that this place used to be a forest. With trees as higher then any building." Lily said as they walked the Waste.
Yuu had a mission to find a target out in the wastelands. Lily was another child chosen for Yuu's role and it was their job to mentor her.
"Shut up." Yuu didn't like babysitting and Lily was not a normal child. She was bright and bubbly. Unsuited for this life and unsuited for war. Her parents were loving and wished for her to have a better life and gave her to the Overseer.
Lily was trusting and looked to Yuu as their older siblings almost instantly. She was also intensely interested in the old world.
"I saw a picture of it though. It was so pretty. When the war is over I want to plant a new forest with lots of trees and flowers." Lily said bouncing on the tip of her toes.
Yuu snorted "When the war is over" what a childish notion.
"Don't laugh, I want you to see it too. A big beautiful forest with animals and flowers everywhere." She laughed hugging Yuu.
Her arms only reached the height of Yuu's waist.
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History repeats itself.
"Yuu kill the damn rat." The Overseer ordered.
It was another test but not for them, for Lily.
Another rabbit, the same as the first held tightly in her arms.
"Yuu, please don't!" She begged.
"Overseer, I don't think she's ready. Maybe-" Yuu tried to reason with him.
"Are you questioning me? I said kill it either you do or she does." He said coldly.
Yuu wasn't proud of it but they knew what had to be done. They just wanted to protect Lily.
The picked up the rabbit as Lily frantically tried to stop them and...made it quick. The rabbit didn't suffer.
The Overseer wasn't pleased but he left them alone.
The siblings hugged as Yuu tried to comfort Lily. She wouldn't go through this alone, not like they did. Yuu wanted to keep Lily innocent so she'd never have to kill.
"I'm so sorry." Yuu squeezed her in a tight embrace.
"I forgive you." Lily whispered as her warm tears fell on Yuu's shoulder.
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"No no no no no. No No NO NO! LILY! LILY!" Yuu screamed as they ran to her.
Yuu had just returned from a mission. Lily still wasn't ready for this work.
Lily was in the garden. It wasn't a natural one with was artificially cultivated to exist there. Nothing really grew on its own but it was the only bit of color they had out here. Yuu never appreciated it until Lily taught them. Yuu never knew how beautiful a water lily was until they saw one.
"Mom always said that what makes a water lily so pretty was that it grows from the bottom of the lake. It starts in the muddy bottom but it grows out of it to the sunshine. It means that no matter where you start it doesn't mean you can't make it out of the dark places." Liliy said holding the waxy pale flower in hand "That's why my name is Lily."
Lily had to make it out of the dark place they were in. Yuu was going to save them both. They promised it. Yuu had finally made contact with the rebels leader and asked if he'd take them. Anything would keep Lily safe.
But it didn't matter that man. He shot her and left her to die.
"Take this as a lesson. We don't keep traitors. If you had done your job and killed him like I told you this would not have happened. Do not fail again." He said walking away.
Yuu didn't hear him. All the could here was the shallow breaths of Lily.
"Yuu...I'm scared." Tears welled in her eyes
"I know, I know. It's okay." They both knew she was going to die. "Hey, look up."
Yuu held Lily up so her head fell on their chest. Just like when Lily would read while sitting on Yuu's lap and pointed at all the pictures of the world long ago, a world she dreamed of.
The crown of artificial trees framed the sky. A pair of stars glimmer in the dark.
"The wishing star."She whispered.
"Yeah kid...make a wish. I will too." Yuu said.
"I want...want to...see the flowers again." And then she was gone.
"Yeah, let's...go together...I promise." Yuu wept as they closed their sister's eyes.
"I promise."
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History always repeats.
Yuu was no martyr and no one would call them a Saint. But since that day they had thought of nothing but revenge. Destroying the Watchtower was the ultimate goal. They didn't care who was good or evil, only that the war ends. Blood was on everyone's hands.
Not that moment had arrived and while the rest of the group went to the capital to take on the main forces Yuu stood before her mortal enemy. The man who raised them.
"Get up." Yuu hovered over the man bleeding.
"You've really grown." He laughed blood dripping from his mouth.
"Shut up! Get up and face me!" Yuu would kill him while he was on his own two feet and looking them in the eye.
"And do what? Beg for me life? I thought I thought you better. You don't beg for anyone." Those early memories flooded back to Yuu and they remembered that same snarl.
"You bastard! You absolute monster-you took everything from me!" Yuu yelled m.
"No, you gave me everything." He said back smiling like he had won and a way he had. Yuu was his greatest creation, his monster. To die by its hand was no different from ending himself but leaving his legacy behind.
"Your right I did. I gave you my life." Yuu could admit it no matter how much it hurt.
"My trust!" Yuu shot his leg.
"My faith! Then the other.
"My love!" Then the arm.
"My fucking name! I gave it to you! I forgot who I was before I knew what I was! And you took her!" And finally the other arm.
The Overseer screamed in agony of every bullet. One for every tragedy.
The death of their mother, their bunny, their innocence, and their sister.
"I took away your weakness and you took my kindness as a threat. Now you want to kill me you ungrateful urchin. I raised you! I am your father!" He yelled writhing in his own blood.
"You made me watch as she...she..was just a child. She was innocent." Yuu said with tears in their eyes.
"She was weak."
"No. She was perfect. I was protecting her from you. From making another monster." Yuu pressed the muzzle of the gun to his forehead.
"She called for me. She called my name-my fake name when she died. She searched for me. She thought I could save her and I tried. I tried so hard." Yuu continued.
"So foolish." Those were the last words he ever said.
"It should have been me but now it will be you." And the gunshot echoed in Yuu's head.
History repeats itself. It always ends with a gunshot.
But now it would end with a bang. They knew The Overseer had already pressed the button that rigged this place to blow. When you're head of the military you don't get that far without a bargaining chip. He knew Yuu didn't fear death and they both knew that. That's why Yuu sent everyone ahead.
Maybe they made it. Maybe the war was over. Maybe there was hope.
Yuu just didn't want to fight anymore.
With moments left they gazed at the wishing star from the window and thought of Lily.
"I wish I could see the forest too."
And everything went white.
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The forest really was beautiful. Everything Yuu had heard.
Yuu layed in the meadow feeling the cool breeze and the warm sun. A bunny rested on their chest.
"What are you thinking about?"Rook pried laying next to them.
"I want to see someone again. I know they are out there somewhere." Yuu said petting their rabbit.
"I know she's out there. She probably still thinks of you and loves you." Rook said reaching out to take Yuu's hand. "Until then I'll show every beautiful thing in this world."
"I...I would like that."
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oneatlatime · 7 months
Bitter Work
Life took me out at the knees for a couple of weeks but I'm back! I'm hoping this is a nice restful episode after the relentlessness of The Chase.
I have to say, Toph's nicknaming skills are on point. I never would have thought of Sugarqueen, but it fits perfectly.
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This is me. Every morning.
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Full nose plant from Appa.
And the beat up Sokka quota is fulfilled. Very funny Toph, but completely uncalled for. If someone had catapulted teenage me 50 feet into the air while I was trying to sleep, it would have been fully justifiable homicide.
Aang is always trying to run before he can walk. What was Iroh always saying to Zuko about basics? Aang needs that speech too.
I was really on the ball in my post about how airbenders aren't homicidal, actually. Rock is a stubborn element. Yay me!
Aang earthbends = Earth bends Aang.
Seriously, how did he mess up that badly?
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Thank you Zuko for the incredibly obvious exposition that's somehow completely in character. Interesting to see that Iroh and his son had brown hair, but Zuko seems to have black hair. More hair variety in the Fire Nation than I thought.
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Tangent time! I love the contrast in social intelligence (I guess that's the term?) in this scene. Zuko wakes Iroh up with an infodump, some bad tea, and then gets straight to discussing strategy. Iroh's first actions are to compliment the bad tea, then dispose of the refill in a way that won't hurt Zuko's feelings (probably not necessary, as Zuko seems to be the type that's oblivious to all things other than the task at hand when he's focused). Iroh, injured and awake for all of 15 seconds, jumps straight to actions that help look after his nephew. And Zuko is trying! That's why he made tea! But still, he doesn't even ask if his uncle's feeling ok. Zuko has such a massive gap in his education - he can probably reel off the specs of all Fire Nation battleships, but he doesn't know how to be a human person. Contrast that with Iroh, and especially Katara, who makes friends and connections with such aggressive forwardness that she's at times more steamroller than teenage girl. It's funny how privilege plays into this too - Zuko comes from probably the single most privileged (on paper) family in the world, yet it's the children of the impoverished water tribe who have the more well-rounded education/socialisation.
"She's crazy and she needs to go down" go a full belly laugh out of me.
"What if I came at the boulder from a different angle?" Jesus I was REALLY on point with my post about the airbenders. Credit where credit is due, this show has such good writing/worldbuilding that viewers have picked up what Toph is laying out in this episode already. Also a little bit of stealth character work in there - since Toph is putting into words what we've been thinking this whole time, she now reads as trustworthy. This show is so good. So thought out.
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Maybe it's just VLC being weird, but methinks Katara is having some trouble with her eyeball.
Katara STOP BABYING HIM. This is why I don't like Aang having a crush on her.
Honestly it's refreshing to have Toph giving it to Aang straight, no softening the blows.
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I really like this texture.
Sokka's club is a giant bottle opener. Or at least a multitool.
oh this is going to be haybending all over again.
They are totally going to have to nerf this girl. She could defeat the Fire Lord right now.
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Earth beats water tribe
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Someome who knows more about tea than I do: Why are both pots necessary?
"requires peace of mind" well that's out. Sorry Zuko, we'll have to get you a taser instead.
"So we're drinking tea to calm down?" "not it's to get the nasty ass taste of the sludge you brewed out of my mouth. I mean yes." For what's looking like an extended training montage, this episode is far funnier than it needs to be.
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I pretty much don't notice Zuko's scar anymore (it's just part of his character design) then every so often a certain frame of animation will come out of the blue and remind me that this kid's missing half his face. I don't know if it's intentional on the part of the animators, but his scar is prominent this episode.
So it sounds like bending lightning actually corresponds with how lightning in our world works. Neat.
In an absolutely Shocking turn of events (pun absolutely intended), Zuko fucks it up. Fucking shit up: the autobiography of a Fire Prince. Has a nice ring to it.
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Toph I know you go hard, but maybe apply a sense of proportion to this?
It kind of looks like Aang's about to be run over by a giant scoop of caramel ice cream.
Toph is such an interesting mishmash of bluntness and emotional intelligence. I don't think I've seen a character like that before.
Zuko being self aware for once! Everything always does explode in his face. Except when he's being the Blue Spirit. Seems he's more capable then.
It's a tragedy that this boy wasn't around for the emo movement. He would have single-handedly sustained Hot Topic.
Zuko going "WHAT TURMOIL?!?!?" is like Katara going "I'M COMPLETELY CALM!!!!!" last episode. Also got a laugh out of me.
"I'm as proud as ever." OF WHAT?!?!? What could he possibly be proud of? He's a homeless fugitive with a stolen horse bird and a half-dead uncle that he can't even properly brew tea for. The self-delusion is strong.
Is pride the source of shame? Honest question, I don't know.
There's a surprising variety of trees in this part of the Earth Kingdom. Where Zuko and Iroh are there are fluffly hardwoods, probably deciduous; Toph's training ground is ringed by cartoon pines.
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This whole bit is too cute for words.
"Now come back boomerang" This is a training episode, it's not supposed to be this funny!
Are there voice acting awards? Like voice acting oscars? Sokka's actor needs one. Or several.
I should have waited to answer the ask about airbenders and just copy pasted Iroh's speech here. Except for the water = change bit. That doesn't make sense.
What can I possibly say about Iroh's speech? It's the thesis for this show in a single paragraph.
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Are characters' eyes a different shape this episode? Aang's eyes change colour all the time, but everyone's eyes seem more cat-like.
I do love me some constructive bullying.
Sokka is so refreshingly self-aware while still totally oblivious. He is meat and sarcasm, but he's so much more!
"Have you got any meat?" He said that in an Irish accent.
"You're gonna pull my fingers off and I don't think the rest of me is coming!" Do you ever come across a sentence that is so obviously an innuendo that your brain trips over itself trying to decipher it?
Sokka's hair must be so fluffy. It's got so much volume.
Why can't he go get Toph? I think being stuck in a hole outranks avoiding an awkward encounter.
"You must not let the lightning pass through your heart, or the damage could be deadly." Foreshadowing?
Today in 'things Zuko thinks it's acceptable, nay, expected, for parental figures to do' - attempted murder as a teaching method! What went on in that palace?
Is this the closest Sokka's come to dying?
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He's earthbending the air! Doing air but earthlike. You know what I mean.
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I thought she was levitating.
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Toph is so smart. She does the airbender thing and comes at the problem from a different angle. Telling Aang to stand up for himself doesn't work? Fine. Let's bully him into standing up for himself. And it works!
This episode's MVP is Sokka's patience.
"You tried the positive reinforcement, didn't you?" uhhhhh sure!
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Appa getting vengeance for Sokka. Nice.
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Theatre kids.
I wish Zuko would just have the breakdown he's obviously hurtling towards so we can get started on the rebuilding arc. Every time I think he's a rock bottom, he keeps digging.
Luten is Katara. Let's not read too far into that one.
Final Thoughts
I defy any episode from this point on to fulfill the Beat Up Sokka Quota as thoroughly as this one did.
In a lesser show, the 'Aang learns earthbending episode' would have had Aang & Toph as the A-plot, and Sokka & Katara doing something completely unrelated as a b-plot, and probably no Zuko at all. Sokka does have his own thing going on this episode, but the fact that they managed to weave in both water tribe siblings so organically is so satisfying. Of course a team member struggling to learn a new skill would seek out his friends. Of course his friends are in the area, observing the lesson to varying degrees. It feels so much more real to have the characters who aren't 'useful' that episode still there, rather than conveniently absent.
Zuko was very Zuko this episode. He's correct that he needs more training for his inevitable next encounter with Zuko jr., but Iroh is also correct that Zuko is a bundle of issues held together by a different bundle of issues. Not to jinx it, but I thought I detected a hint of self-awareness from Zuko this episode, although it seems to have occurred despite his best efforts to suppress it.
Iroh's Zuko-wrangling skills were sharp this episode, despite being injured. And his wisdom was off the charts. Zuko was also not as annoying as I usually find him, and unlike in Zuko Alone where I found his quieter self to be out of character, it fit this episode. Maybe he's turned over a new, quieter, leaf? I loved "she's crazy and she needs to go down" both as a joke and as a statement. Shared blood doesn't trump someone's actions, and I'm glad to see a show meant for kids acknowledge that. Although, given that this show has no problem depicting objectively BAD parents and families, I can't say I'm surprised.
In a testament to Jack de Sena's skill, Sokka get a soliloquy this episode and pulls it off flawlessly. Kudos to the animation team for making Sokka's face fit the words so well. Double kudos for whoever had the balls to approve 'stick Sokka in a hole and put an apex predator on his head to force self-reflection' as a plotline.
There was a lot of exposition from a lot of different characters this episode, but it's mostly unnoticeable. It just makes sense that that's what they would be talking about at that point in time.
I think I said it above, but I'll say it again: the worldbuilding in this show is phenomenally well done. How do I know this? Because I was able to construct most of Iroh's monologue before watching this episode, just by paying attention. This show rewards focus and attentiveness. (Almost) nothing that Iroh said was not something the audience has already observed for themselves. Not heard, but observed. That 'show, don't tell' thing.
This episode was way funnier than it needed to be too. Not just the obvious stuff like *inhales*
but tiny one-liners buried mid-conversation and character interactions too. Momo turning into a reed didn't have to be there, but it was, and it was funny. It wasn't exactly restful, but it was a relief to have an episode that really didn't move around after The Chase.
What I like most about this episode was that it went farther than it had to. This was a training episode. It could have been just training. Anyone familiar with training episodes would expect just training, and be satisfied with just training. But Avatar said 'nope, we'll do better than that' and organically incorporated a heap of character stuff, worldbuilding from multiple perspectives, humour, multiple characters undergoing self-reflection, the next step in the domestication of Zuko, what I'm hoping wasn't a heap of foreshadowing, and pretty backgrounds as the cherry on top. They didn't have to go so hard, but Avatar always goes hard. I like that.
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yakshua · 1 year
random nijisanji bf scenarios 🍨
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random boys from different waves, there will be sequels with the others soon! fem coded reader but it's pretty gn :)
tws: use of the words slaughter and murderer in ren's but it's in a joking manner, kyo calls reader feminine compliments, Ike's is a little angsty, and kyo's is a little spicy but nothing smutty lol 
luca is the DEFINITION of golden retriever boyfriend and u can not tell me otherwise. and with that said I also feel that, in golden retriever fashion, this man would come home with the absolute most random of items in his hands. he'd literally come bounding over, giant smile on his face and stars in his eyes, calling ur name. "(Y/N)! (Y/N) BABY LOOK WHAT I FOOOOOOOUUUNDDDDD!!!!!" hyping it up so fucking much and when he finally reaches u, breathing heavily and giggling a bit weirdly. he opens his hands and it's..... a snail. a fucking snail. he wants to know if he can keep it has u two's pet. u obviously say no and he probably cries himself to sleep 💭
it is currently 3am... young lovers and they are not sleeping young lovers in the bathroom. ur bending forwards over ur boyfriend kyo, who is having u assist in spontaneously dyeing his hair. the strand ur working on starting to become a bit tricky, so u move down onto his lap for better support and angle. he flushes for a second before choking on a cough and regaining his composure. "damn.... you come here often, pretty?" he jokes, sliding a hand down ur lower back in a sultry way. u snort and decide to just keep focusing on ur task at hand. after ur hard work, u help him to rinse, wash and dry and ur finally done omg. u cover his eyes with ur hands as the two of u walk towards to mirror for the grand reveal. his pupils dialate with anticipation as soon as u remove ur hand blindfold, gasping and taking a second to check himself out in different angles with a flirty grin on his face before turning to u. hugging u and spinning u around as u both giggle in unison. "you did so well baby, I love it so much!" he thanks you inbetween laughs, and stares at ur smile from above in his arms. before letting u down on the ground and pulling u close for a sweet kiss 💭
stressed writer boyfriend please hide all his cokes and rockstar energies he's extremely sleep deprived as it is. u quuuieetlyyy enter his dark room and see him hunched over his desk, fountain pen unmoving along paper and a frustrated hand on his forehead. the bags under his eyes literally looking like they physically hurt. u walk up behind him and wrap ur arms around his neck and chest, leaning over him gently. he luckily isn't startled by ur sudden touch and instead sighs and leans into it, letting the heavy weights of his head and shoulders fall back limp against u. "you look so tired, prince. let's get some sleep now" ur voice is nothing above a whisper as you raise a hand, stroking up his cheek and reaching to the top of his head, tangling your fingers in his fluffy hair. he sighs once again, and without opening his eyes picks u up with his hands on ur waist and chucks you onto the bed. almost immediately after collapsing onto u, holding ur midsection tight within his arms and snuggling his face in ur chest. literal seconds later u can hear soft snores coming from his head beneath ur chin and u smile at the cute noises. feeling safe in his arms and warm in his bed, u join him in his dreams 💭
ur 5"10 E.T of a boyfriend has been sulking in the corner like tamaki from ohshc and it's all. ur. fault. if ur wonderful what u did, he walked in on u doing the unforgivable.... playing space invaders. what you saw as a harmless little 8bit game to quench ur boredom, he saw as a threat towards his life. and not only his, but his entire species. and to see ur nonchalant face, slaughtering his kind without the slightest hint of any negative emotion.... to say he went into hysterics was an understatement. "SSTTTTTTTOOOOOOOOOOOOPPPPPPP!!!!!!!!!!!!!" the absolute bloody murder wail your boyfriend let out from behind u was terrifying. immediately throwing down ur console and running into ren's arms, disoriented and scared with his sudden cry of horror. only to for him to flinch away and cower back in fear. "you... you're a murderer..." he squeaks. "what???? what are you talking about, ren?"  with every word and action ur confusion grows. "you... ARE PLAYING A VIDEO GAME ABOUT SLAUGHTERING MY KIND!!!!!" and with that confession, he escapes at the speed of light and.... sits in a corner.... like 2 meters away from u. realising within a second he's talking about your space invaders, u snort and go to join him in his little sad corner. hugging him from behind and giggling into his back. "ren, it's just a game, you know it means nothing baby." he responds with a dramatic whine and a muffled "okay" through pouty lips, then turns around and captures you in an arm prison. after hugging on the floor like that for a little while, you hear his voice call out in a sheepish tone. "um... little star... would... you be mad if... I told you.... I..... wasn't actually.... offended... by the game?" your brows furrow and you respond with "... are you trying to tell me you we're just lonely because I was gaming for so long.... so you just faked a tantrum... for my attention?" his silence speaks louder than his words. "... maaaaybe?" "oh you ass." 💭
reqs are now open for nijisanji, genshin, and anime 🦌
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earthtoharlow · 4 months
Teach Me: Fashion Baby!
Requested by the lovely @heavyhitterheaux
Series Masterlist
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“Alright, lights out babygirl.” Ariel said as she walked into Jayla’s room. Jayla stood in front of her full length mirror, a pile of clothes scattered around her feet as she tried out different outfits. Recently Jayla had become mesmerized by her Uncle Urban’s stylish outfits that her interest in fashion seemed to have taken on a whole new level.
“What’s going on here?” Ariel asked, leaning against the doorframe.
Jayla looked up from her task, smiling wide at her mom through the mirror. “Hi mom! I’m just trying to plan an outfit for tomorrow. What do you think of this one?” She twirled around showing off her outfit. 
Ariel couldn’t help but smile as she watched her. “You look fantastic! I would pair that with a cool statement necklace!” Jayla's smile grew wider and nodded in agreement. 
“Mom, did you know that New York Fashion Week is coming up in a few weeks?” Jayla asked as she dug through her jewelry box.
Ariel nodded, a soft smile playing on her lips. “Yes, I did. It’s such an exciting event, isn’t it?”
Jayla's eyes sparkled with enthusiasm as she nodded eagerly. “I’ve been reading about it and looking at pictures online, and it looks amazing! I wish I could go there one day.”
Ariel's heart swelled listening to Jayla talk about fashion.”That would be so cool, but who knows? Maybe one day you’ll have the opportunity to go and experience it for yourself!”
She watched as her daughter’s face lit up at the thought! “You really think so?!”
Voice filled with warmth, Ariel nodded. “Of course! I have no doubt that you’ll achieve anything you set your mind to.” Ariel helped Jayla put away all her clothes and bid her a goodnight. “Goodnight, my little fashionista!” placing a kiss on her forehead. 
Ariel hummed as she shifted through the mail on the kitchen counter, her eyes landed on a formal invitation to New York Fashion Week addressed to Jack. The invitation immediately made her think back on her conversation with Jayla a couple nights ago. Ariel couldn’t help but notice that the envelope had been opened and tossed aside. 
“Jack, did you see this?” She asked, holding it up so he could see. 
Jack glanced over from where he sat on the couch as he concentrated on his puzzle, his eyes furrowing in confusion. “Oh, that? Yeah I saw it. I’m not really into all that fashion stuff.”
Ariel rolled her eyes knowing that the walk in closet full of clothes and shoes begged to differ. Jack had been out of the spotlight for years now, while he’s gotten better with being around crowds he still seemed to have no interest in the hoopla of being in the public eye again. 
“Jack, I know it’s been a while since you’ve been to one of these events, but I think this would be a great opportunity for you.” Ariel said gently, sitting beside him now on the coach picking up a puzzle piece and placing it in the correct spot. “Plus, I’ve been watching Jayla these last few months and she’s gotten really into fashion. She would love it.”
Jack hesitated. He had spent years avoiding the limelight, preferring to focus on being the best father he could be and writing for other artists but he couldn’t deny the twinge of curiosity that sparked inside of him at attending Fashion Week as a family. 
Ariel continued, her voice filled with encouragement. “Obviously, I’m not going to push you, but you should definitely think about it. It would be a fun family trip and it could be a chance for you to step back into the spotlight, even if it’s just for a little bit. You might even enjoy yourself.”
Jack sighed, his resistance slowly going away but knowing he still needed to sleep on it. “I’ll think about it.”
Pressing a kiss against his cheek, “That’s all I ask.” Ariel said as she hugged his arm, and laid her head on his shoulder.
From the top of the steps Jayla’s ears perked up at the mention of New York Fashion Week and with a mischievous twinkle in her eye, she hurried back to her room, a plan forming in her mind.
The next night after dinner while Jack and Ariel were talking in the living room, Jayla walked in with a determined look on her face, laptop in hand.
“Mom, Dad, can I have your attention please!” 
Jack and Ariel exchanged amused glances. Ariel leaned over to Jack and whispered, “Uh Oh. What did you do this time?”
Jack looked at her shocked, and pressed a hand against his chest “Why do you always assume it was me?”
“Because it normally is—“
Jayla cleared her throat, getting their attention again. “Right, sorry. Yes you have our attention, sweetheart.” Jack told her, sitting up straighter on the couch.
They watched as Jayla plugged in her laptop and pulled up a PowerPoint titled. “Reasons Why We Should Go to NYFW,” she began her presentation. “Reason number one: I promise not to ask for a puppy for at least a year if you take me!”
Jack couldn’t help but laugh at Jayla’s bargaining tactics. “Nice try, sweetheart. What’s reason number two?”
Jayla clicked to the next slide, which simply read, “Because I said so.” She grinned mischievously at her parents, earning a chuckle from Ariel.
“Bold move,” Ariel remarked with a smirk. “I like her style.”
As Jayla continued her presentation, Jack found himself thoroughly entertained by his daughter. After sleeping on the idea the night before about going to NYFW he had decided that it wouldn’t be that bad of an idea. He would much rather go with his girls than by himself. Plus, he couldn’t ignore the genuine passion and excitement in Jayla’s eyes, it reminded him of how he was when he was first getting into music. 
Jack turned to Ariel with a playful grin. “Well, what do you say, honey? Shall we pack our bags for Fashion Week?”
Ariel chuckled and nodded, her heart warmed by Jack’s decision. “I think we have no choice but to surrender to the power of the PowerPoint!”
Jayla immediately ran towards them giving them a huge hug. Her reaction meant the world to Jack, and made him happy with his decision. 
Jack watched as Jayla and Ariel shook with excitement as the stylist pulled out outfits for them to choose from to wear to their first fashion show that week, Jacquemus. He couldn’t believe that he was in New York for fashion week with his family, he couldn’t help but fidget nervously. The thought of attending a high profile event made him uneasy. 
But as he glanced at his favorite girls' beaming smiles and sparkling eyes, he knew he couldn’t let his own fears hold him back. 
“You look beautiful!” Jack said his voice filled with pride as he watched his daughter’s spin in happiness in the mirror. 
Jayla grinned back at him, her excitement contagious. “Thanks, Daddy! I can’t believe we’re really here. This is going to be amazing!”
As they made their way to the venue, Jack couldn’t shake the nerves that gnawed at him. Ariel squeezed his hand tightly, a silent sign of support letting him know she was right there with him. But as they stepped inside and took their seats in the front row, he felt a sense of awe wash over him. The energy in the room was electric, the air filled with anticipation and excitement.
As the lights dimmed and the first models took to the runway, Jayla’s eyes widened with wonder. She gasped in awe at the breathtaking designs that floated past her, her heart pounding with excitement.
Beside her, Jack couldn’t help but be swept up in the excitement of the moment. As he watched his daughter’s face light up with joy as she told her mother which outfits were her favorite, he felt a sense of pride swell within him. This was what it was all about—the shared moments of happiness and wonder that made life worth living.
As the show came to an end and they made their way back to the hotel, Jack couldn’t wipe the smile from his face. His nerves had faded away, replaced by a sense of exhilaration and joy.
Jayla skipped with happiness in front of them as they walked down the long hotel hallway. Ariel couldn’t help but tease Jack gently. “Well, it looks like someone had a good time tonight.”
Jack grinned sheepishly, his earlier apprehension a distant memory. “I guess I did. And I have Jayla to thank for that. Her excitement was contagious.”
Ariel winked at him playfully. “I told you so, didn’t I?”
Jack unlocked the hotel door with a laugh, once in the room Jayla couldn’t contain her excitement. 
“Oh my gosh, Mom, Daddy, that was amazing!” Jayla exclaimed, her eyes shining with excitement. “Did you see the models? They were gorgeous, and the clothes were so beautiful! I can’t believe we got to sit in the front row!”
Ariel and Jack couldn’t help but smile at Jayla’s excitement, her joy infectious. They listened attentively as she rambled about her favorite moments from the show, her excitement bubbling over with each passing sentence.
Jayla continued, her hands gesturing animatedly as she relived the experience. “And the vibe, it was like nothing I’ve ever felt before. I felt like I was part of something special.”
Jack’s heart swelled with pride as he watched his daughter’s eyes light up with passion. He had been nervous about attending the fashion show, but seeing how much joy it had brought Jayla made it all worth it.
“I’m so glad you had fun, sweetheart,” Jack said, as Ariel stood behind Jayla to take the pins out her hair. “It was a pretty special experience, wasn’t it?” 
“It was incredible! Thank you both so much for bringing me. I’ll never forget this.” Before Jayla could finish saying those words, Jack immediately pulled his wife and daughter into a tight embrace, grateful for the unforgettable experience they had shared together. 
AN: thank you for reading, I loved writing this! as always let me know your thoughts!
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freddie-77-ao3 · 3 months
Percy Jackson-esque Chapter Titles for a fic i'm writing:
We have friends in holy places (and unholy- Hello Lady Hera!)
What’s Up, Random Person, We’re Kidnapping and Adopting You
Yeah, The Beach Is Nice- Thank You For Not Drowning Us
Hazel Was Dead and Still Knows More Than You
Thank Fuck For The Egyptian- How the Hell Did We End Up In Great Britain
Annabeth Is Obsessed and Bianca Is Possessed- There Goes Christmas
Question Of Our Lives and Today Especially: What The Hell Is Going On?!
Now Would Be A Good Time To Be Anyone Else
Call The Police Because We May Have Just Murdered A Mortal
Ask And You Shall Receive… Sometime In The Next Twenty Years Probably
A Guinea Pig, A Dandelion, A Pine Tree, An Olive Tree and Two Embarrassed Girls Walk Into A Bar  
Satan Or Santa? Neither Should Exist And Yet Somehow They’re Both Knocking On Our Tent Door
A Slight Reprieve From The Last Chapter: Connor Comes For You With The Question ‘Do Tents Have Doors?’
And We’re Back, Why Did You Guys Think Our R&R Would Last Long?
Sugar, Spice, Almost Dying Twice (Today)
Would You Put ‘Cheating Death Almost Daily’ Under Experience Or Special Skills?
An Inspirational Trip Through Hell- Persephone Makes Good Brownies
Those Commercials Where People Screw Up The Most Basic Of Tasks In The Most Idiotic Fashion Ever Describes The Current Situation
As The Prophecy Foretold (We Made It Up, But It Came True)
Living Normally? In This Economy?
And Then The Wolves Came… Sike (Thank Fuck)
The Snails Paced Chocolate Bunny Gives Mixed Messages But Good Cereal
What The Hades Is Going On, Someone Explain
Apparently Exploding A Volcano Makes Us 'Irresponsible’
Why Are Cats So Vengeful 
Oh Look! An Unhelpful Old Person!
The Adults Are More Annoying Than Leo Valdez and Nico Di Angelo Put Together
They Scream For Ice Cream, I Scream For Sanity
McDonald’s And Raising The Dead- Tuesday Never Looked So Good
Unfortunately, I’m Still Not Dead Or A Dolphin (Not For Lack Of Effort)
Eggs Apparently Don’t Like Being Lost At Sea
I’m Packing Up My Crayons And Leaving
Viva La Pluto, Fuck You Guys
A Guide To Giving Up
Hopefully We Can Do This Without Dying This Time
Lady Dirt Face Fucks Us Over- Apparently Today CAN Get Worse
Apparently The Horse Is A God, And Honestly, Fuck The World- But Not You Potty Sludge
If Love Is In The Air Then We’re Wearing Gas Masks- How We Almost Started A War On Accident
If Love Is An Open Door We Should Close It- Aphrodite And Cupid Both Suck
Vegan Ice Cream Sandwiches For One
I Call Shotgun (Said The Invisible Girl  and The Literal Ghost)
I Fucked My Way Into This Mess, I’ll Fuck My Way Out Of It
Things Go Horribly Wrong (Or Horribly Right? It’s Hard To Tell At This Point)
The Fine Art Of Bullshit
We Are Being Hunted And Killed (Why Is This Normal And How Can We Stop It?)
Previously On ‘The Chaos Chronicles”
Cool, Cool, Cool, Cool. Actually It’s Not- Who Lit Katie’s Hair On Fire?!
I’d Like To Say This Is Shocking, But That Would Just Be A Lie
One Hundred And One Monsters, And Twenty Times A Therapist Was Needed
I Am Honestly Surprised That We Are Still Alive, And Apparently So Are The Gods
You Will Never Be A God
Blackmail Only Works If I Care
An Offer I Can Definitely Refuse
Hush Little Baby, Don’t You Cry, You’ll Give Away Our Location, And Then We’ll Die
Only Come Back With Back Up Or A Burger- Maybe Donuts
Doomsday Or Not, Let Me Go Back To Bed, I Haven’t Slept In A Week And I Don’t Care
Practise Doesn’t Make Perfect, Practise Makes A Forest Fire And A Flood
Sea Foam Speaks and A New Person Shatters My Dreams
The Labyrinth Apparently Doesn’t Murder The Already Dead, So Can We Just Die Already?
For A Moment I Forgot Gravity, And As It Seems So Did The Sky, Which Is Good Because I’d Hate To Die Before Breakfast
And God Told Us To Run A Marathon- What Happened To Normal Executions?
At Some Point The Universe Just Needs To Kill Us
There Is Not Enough Faith For This, 
No Words Can Explain Dan, The God Of Moths and Accidental Demon Summoning 
 The Endless and Mysterious Ocean Becomes A Bit Less So, And I Should Have Paid For Diving Lessons
If Best Plus Bitter Equal Better, Then I Am Way Better Than Everyone
Firecrackers And Actual Crackers- Where Is The Cheese
He Likes Art. Terrible Art, But Still Art So I Suppose I’ll Forgive The Sword Through My Head
Hazel Drives Worse Than Thalia Which Says A Lot Because Thalia Crashed Into A Lake- Oh Wait
What Do You Do When The World Almost Ends- And No Nico, The Answer Isn’t Go To McDonalds
This Wasn’t Supposed To Happen (Just Like Me)
Can I Rewrite My Life Story, Because If So I’m Starting With This
I Wasn’t Prepared For Parenthood When I Stopped A Kidnapping, I’m Seven
Patting My Own Back, No One Appreciates Me, Fuck This And Really The Rest Of My Life
Apparently Dying Is Not An Excuse For Being Late, So Fuck You Too 
Buying Happy Meals For The Dead Isn’t An Excuse For Being Late
Caped God? I Was Hoping You Had Said Cape Cod
Incoherent Screaming Is Our Theme Song, And I Feel A New Episode On
Who Told Apollo He Could Give Us Presents, Because MCR Is Not A Proper Wake Up Call
It’s Jesus Who Ruined Our Lives This Time, Folks
Don’t Awaken The Ancient One, She Has Anxiety
I Did Not Know That Could Kill Someone, But You Learn Something New Every Day
The Gods Themselves Want Me Dead, You’re Not Special, Todd
Doritos And Death, A How To On Properly Waking And Raising The Dead Featuring A Trip To Alaska
What Was I Thinking? I’m Pretty Certain I Wasn’t
News To No One: The Previously Dead Can’t Drive
I Really Hate Saving The World Actually
How Many Times Is That Threat Going To Work Considering It’s Not Serious? A Surprising Number
Everyone Asks Who We Are, Not How We Are, And Honestly I’m Pretty Hungry
The Gods Hate Me And I Don’t Know Why (I Do Know Why, But I Don’t Care, And Honestly They Shouldn’t Either)
 Which Circle Of Hell Are We In Now, Because I Was Not Planning On A Field Trip To Tartarus
We Master The Elements (Some Of Them- We Also Torch And Flood New England)
In Which We Almost Die Again And No One Bats An Eye
 Our Lives Would Be Incredibly Saddening If We Could Sit Down And Look At Them, But Leo Burned Our Chairs 
The Houseplants Try To Eat Us, And Katie Gets Mad
We Babysit For A God, And Then Adopt His Kids- Surprisingly He’s Fine With This
Dreams Do Come True And That Is Absolutely Not A Good Thing
There Goes My Best Bargaining Chip (Oh And Also His Head)
A Series Of Horrible Decisions- Who Decided I Was The Leader
Hylla, Please Don’t Leave Us- Oh, You Can Give Us A Box Of Cereal? Nevermind 
Sunshine And Rainbows Are Meant To Mean Happiness Not War- Iris and Apollo Destroy Things
Please Don’t Hit Me With Another Brick
We Were Happy And Then There Was A Giant Pigeon
Oh My Holy Fucking Shit That Was Not The Right Lever
In Which Swimming With Sharks Almost Leads To Death And Yet Saves Our Lives
There Is No Highway To Hell As It Turns Out, Only Backroads, And Now Nico And Thalia Are Disappointed
And Then The Sky Almost Crushed Us Because It Fell And Honestly I’m Never Trusting You Again
There Goes Normal Society, Say Bye-Bye, Miranda 
Are We Supposed To Live Through This?
The Dick Who Hands Out Toothbrushes Also Assigns Us A Death Quest And This Is Why We Don’t Celebrate Holidays
Sorry For Cursing You Out, Please Fix My Life
The Plan Checks Out- We Can Do This! (Spoiler Alert- We Can’t)
Three Hundred And Sixty Five Times We Can Say Fuck In A Hour
Please Let Me Pass Out On Your Lawn
Apparently Yelling Fuck At The Sky Is Considered ‘Disrespectful’ And I Haven’t A Fucking Clue Why
Yes Sir, That Is A Lot Of Blood, And No Sir, She Doesn’t Need That Leg
That One Time We Accidentally End Up In The Slaughter Sea, And How That Manages To End Up With A New Leader Of The Amazon Empire And Thalia Gets A Girlfriend
Yes, I’m Aware I Look Gay, Thank You Very Much, I’m Here To Be Queer
This Person Is Nico di Angelo With Less Shits To Give, And Honestly That Scares Me
A Good Idea With Bad Results And A Bad Idea With Surprising Results- The Ending Will Astound You
Never Thought I’d Literally Be Shut In The Closet Again, But Life’s Full Of Surprises
One Million Pounds Of Oranges And Sadness, Sixty Thousand Pounds Of Mangos, And A Truck Full Of Happiness- Monsters Not Welcome
Who Packed The Blueberry Muffins?
Nevertheless She Persisted, And Yet Just Like That, She Gave Up
What The Hell Is This, What The Hell Is That, Why The Hell Am I Here, What The Hell, *Moonwalks Into Hell*: A Brief Summary Of Life
All Is Fair In Being The First One In The Shower
We Accidentally Summon An Army Of Lost Souls
All Our Nightmares Come True And We Prove We’re Idiots
Life Gave ‘Lia Lemons. She Squeezed Them In My Eyes. Please No More Lemons.
Trying To Play Nice To The Gods Never Ends Well. In Other Words, Percy Is An Olive Tree
What’s Happening? I’m Digging My Own Grave, That’s What
Finger Guns, Peace Signs, and Middle Fingers To Nowhere- Home At Last
In Jason’s Defense, He Tried, But The Dragon Was More Interesting
Keeping A Family Alive Can Be Difficult, Especially With No Education and More Monsters A Day Than Cash (Twenty Dollars)
Thalia Tries To Sing Over Annabeth And Percy Arguing And All That Happens Is A Noise Complaint
At This Point, Murder Is Less Of A Passing Thought And More Of An ‘It’s Only A Matter Of Time’
Cousin Bonding Time Doesn’t Usually Include The Gods, But There Are Burgers So…
According To The Crazy Titan Lord Kronos, Asking If A Newborn Looks Like A Rock Is A Question That Will Result In The Death Of The Asker
Oh Joy, I’m Facing Scrutiny Over My Love Life From Immortal Preteens
Oh Things Couldn’t Be Worse When Your Parents Run The Universe Oh Things Couldn’t Be Worse When There’s A Vote To Kill Us (Leo stop using Jazz hands!)
We Have The Worst Family Reunion Ever 3.0
Barbed Wire Instead Of String, The Fates Hate Me More Than You Might Think
Zombies, Zombies Everywhere, Wave Your Hands Up In The Air
The World Is A Different Place When You Know What The World Is (Spoiler Alert: It’s Your Murderous Great Grandma)
The Refrigerator Seems Empty, Much Like My Soul
Ah, The Smell Of Success, It Smells Like Bullshit
My Heart Is Broken (Like Those Crackers That Bianca’s Eating)
Utter Chaos: Now Featuring Camp Half Blood And Literal Blood
Family Drama Destroys My Life
Family Drama 2.0: Family Drama Destroys California
So Then A God Says We ‘Will Save Humanity’, And Thalia Says ‘What The Fuck’
Two Middle Aged Women Start Screaming In Walmart
The Main Braincell Holder Is Asleep, God Doesn’t Exist, And Starting Forest Fires Is A Normal Way To Deal With Stress
Hell Is Just Life On Steroids
Queerly Beloved, We Are Gathered Here Togay… A.K.A. A Bet Ruins Rachel Elizabeth Dare’s Life
Normal People Would Avoid This, But The Two Most Normal People Here Used To Be Dead Or Will Die When A Stick Lights On Fire, So We Can’t Have High Hopes
We Try (And Fail, But Hey, It’s The Thought That Counts, Right?)
So THAT’S Where The Greek Fire Went. Sorry, Bus Driver.
Percy Has His Gay Awakening In The Form Of His Grandfather (Technically. He’s Also Technically His First Cousin Once Removed Or Something- Annabeth’s cousin maybe?)
You're Annoying Me To Death With Your Monologue So I Have To Kill You Now
What Can Go Wrong Will Go Wrong Doesn’t Mean You Should Set My Bed On Fire
Thalia Does Shock Therapy Meaning She Electrocutes People When They Say Things 
We Should Know By Now That Yelling Doesn't Solve Things But We Don’t, And The Gods Don���t Either
Most Of My Life Is Incredibly Traumatizing, But This Is New 
Who The Fuck Invited The Norse?!
Okay, I Thought The Norse Were Enough, Why Are The Magicians Here?
Wow. Popcorn. The Roman’s Worst Nightmare. 
So First The World Almost Ends, And Then The World Ends But It Gets Better, And Now It’s Ending Again?
Prophecies Can Fuck Off, And So Can Apollo
“Treacherous Nephew In The Tuxedo” Should Sound Funny, But It Doesn’t, And That Makes Leo Sad
 Why Is A Titan Making Dad Jokes? 
Falling Into A Dumpster Was The Highlight Of My Day, What Is Life
Grieving For The Living Is Just As Hard As Grieving For The Dead
Please Forget That I Tried To Kill You
In My Defence, An Invisible Higher Power Who Has The Ability To Strike Me Down Made Me Do It
Let Out A Boo For The Boom Man
Twenty McDonald’s Happy Meals And A Gun- Godly Gifts Are Awesome
We Enter The Maze Of Doom (This Time With Fabulous Prizes)
Two Brothers Are Not Happy As A Sister Cheers On Two More Brothers As They Duel To The Death- (Triton & Tyson & Kymopoleia & Percy & Anteus Have Sibling Bonding Time) 
The Eight Year Old With A Gun Manages To Save And Then Destroy A Life
Hello, I’m Queer, And Full Of Fear. Please Kill Me Now
Children Try To Make Plans (It Doesn’t Go So Well)
Thalia Grace Once Again Proves That Being A Demigod Really Fucking Sucks
It Don’t “Do Be Like That Sometimes” Leo, We Are In HELL
56 notes · View notes
jaylaxies · 1 year
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PAIRING: sunghoon x fem!reader
WARNING: 18+ content, minors dni.
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— Sunghoon is definitely the type who’d go all out to brag about his wealth, and you, of course. He’d make sure to take you out for shopping, especially at the lingerie shops where he can sit in the waiting room with a glass of champagne in his hand, and would wait for you to come out and do a little fashion show for him, asking you to twirl around before walking closer to him for him to judge if the set suits you and fits you perfectly, if yes, then he’d nod with a smirk, knowing well that one of your pretty sets will get destroyed when you get back to his penthouse.
— Rough sex, he loves that. It’s obvious that he’d have a room full of sex toys, a room to fulfil both, yours and his fantasy kinks. He’d love to tie you up, bondage seems to be his thing. He’d tease you until you beg for him to touch you, to fuck you with his huge cock. He’d scoff, pushing his tongue on the inside of his cheek before he’d whisper in your ear, “you belong to me, understood?” and he would tease you until you say, “yes, i belong to you.”
— He’d make sure to keep an expensive pocket knife with him at all times, to cut open your clothes, a cocky smirk on his face as he rips your last piece of clothing open for him to see your bare body, licking his lips before he’d pull you on his lap, his fangs on your neck as he’d lick the area before marking you up.
— Sunghoon is possessive when it comes to his things, which includes his sugar baby, you. He’d get the prettiest dresses for you to wear outside, he wants you to feel beautiful all the time, however, he would definitely not accept someone staring at you shamelessly, his hold on your waist would tighten as he’d pull you closer, placing a kiss on your neck which would be enough to weaken your knees, all to show that you belong to him.
— Being filthy rich, he’d live in a penthouse, where he’d love to fuck you, pressing your body against the think glass wall as he thrusts into you from behind, his grunts reaching your ear as you struggle to stand up, wearing nothing but your high heels. He’d smirk when you’d moan out his name weakly, his lips brushing against your ear, “i own you, i can give you anything in this fucking world, babygirl, but you belong to me.”
— He’d buy a pretty anklet for you, having his initials on it and he’ll make sure their sound his heard when he fucks you with your leg on his shoulder, thrusting harder to hear the voice resonate the room.
— Booking a whole place just for you would be an easy task for him, places such as amusement park, or he’d fuck you in the ice rink bleachers after having a private skating practice session, the coldness of the ice paired with the warmth of him would be enough to drive you crazy, all in good ways.
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all credits to my moots and their sexy brains: @ddeonuism @cherriegyu @criceofpain @ajayke and ran <3
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© jaylaxies | tumblr
922 notes · View notes
silentglassbreak · 4 months
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Noah Sebastian x OFC
I’m getting some of the most amazing comments and reblogs, I thank you all so deeply!! I love this story so much. I love where I know it’s going, so please trust me?
Warnings: Good ol' fashioned misery.
+It goes without saying. This is a work of fiction. My words are mine. Plagiarism is a crime.
Taglist: @flowery-mess @lma1986 @myownthoughts12 @poisongirl616 @missduffsblog @reidsblessing @malerieee @jilliemiw86
Part 4 - Graveyard
I could feel how flighty she was, like a feral cat that could scurry with any sudden movements. I held my hands out, trying to ease tension, and failing.
“Baby,” Her face was unreadable. Something between bewilderment and pure shock, but also seething rage, possibly. “nothing happened.”
She stared at me, waiting for me to say more, but I didn’t.
“That’s all you’ve got?” She was mocking me, and my stupidity. Good. I deserve it.
“Yes. Because that’s all there is.”
Her eye roll was as dramatic as they come, nearly making her head spin.
“Well, she was sure worked the fuck up, Noah. Sounded like a little more than nothing.”
The evenness in her voice contradicted her body language. She was now stood, hands in the air, confrontational.
“She’s insane.”
Her eyebrows jumped, a look of disbelief on her face.
“A girl essentially professes her love to you, and you call her insane?”
Yes. Abso-fucking-lutely.
“Leena, I’m not just being an asshole here. She has actually fucking lost it.”
I tried to mimic her calm, hoping this would steer the conversation on a healthier course.
That hope was thrown out when her voice jumped several decibels.
“Oh fuck you, Noah!” I could see them now, the hot, angry tears, rising to the surface, not quite ready to spill over. “People aren’t just so fucking obsessed with you that they make that kind of shit up!”
My eyes were staring at her, a frantic anxiety now rising inside me.
“She did! I’ve never, not fucking once, given her any ideas! She’s fucking mental, Mileena!”
“What happened at the club, Noah?” Her voice was back down, her hands hanging helpless at her sides.
“Nothing happened. We talked, and she spilled a fucking drink on me, and herself, so I-“
“Back up.” She put her hand up. “Don’t gloss over the details. Walk me through it.”
I shrugged hard. “I was alone, sitting on the couch, and she came over to talk to me. She had already had a few, and was pretty drunk when she approached me.” I pinched the bridge of my nose, frustration bubbling. “She spilled her drink on both of us.”
“So you were sitting pretty close together?” She raised an eyebrow, her arms again crossed in front of her.
“Jesus, Mileena, it’s a club! It was loud!” I threw my hands in the air and eyed her, irritated. “Since when are you the jealous type?!”
Her mouth fell open, and I regretted it the second it came out of my mouth. What a stupid fucking thing to say. Of course she’s not. That’s not what this was.
“The jealous type?!” How do I delete the last ten seconds? “You think this is me being jealous?!”
Ctrl + Alt + Del?! End Task?!
“You’re the one that’s fucking insane, Noah!” She turned, grabbing her phone off of the nightstand. “Let me show you how your behavior changed since that night.”
She unlocked her phone, opened our thread, and began scrolling. I didn’t even need to be close to see, my texts were back to back, five to six at a time, or paragraph long messages. She switched to her call logs, which was just my name over and over the past several days.
I would like to hand in my resignation to life now, please.
“Since that night, you’ve been blowing me up, and being extra affectionate, and clingy.” She scoffed, locking her phone and tossing it on the bed. “First I thought you just missed me but-“
“I did miss you!”
“You felt fucking guilty, Noah!” Her voice was nearing a scream. “Now quit pussy-footing around it and tell me what fucking happened that night!”
I sat down in the bed, and took a deep breath.
“Please believe me when I tell you, nothing actually happened.”
She stayed planted, several feet away.
“We left the club, I gave her a ride because she was going to Uber, and that wasn’t safe.” She was deathly silent. “Car ride took about thirty minutes because of traffic. We just listened to music, sang the songs on the radio.”
“She made a bit of a pass at me before she got out, saying something like she wanted to get to know me better? Or something like that. I don’t remember verbatim.”
“I went back to the club.”
She shifted her weight, leaning back on the desk against the wall. “That’s it? That’s all?”
I chewed the inside of my cheek. “No.”
She visibly tensed, so I just went on.
“She texted me later. Said she left her vape in the car.” I looked up at her, trying to earn some kind of emotion. I was met with nothing but ice. “So I went to go get it.”
“She couldn’t get it herself?”
I didn’t have an answer for that. She could’ve. She offered.
“I found it, and took it to her room.” Her face almost looked like it was turning a sickly shade of green. “She opened the door, in her underwear, and a crop top.”
Her fingers were gripping the edge of the desk so hard that it was likely to snap if she didn’t let up.
“She invited me in. I left. Went back to my room. And avoided her ever since.”
Her hands eased ever so gently, but she didn’t let up her gaze. Seeing she wasn’t satisfied with that, I swiped my own phone from the table, and opened to Rachel’s text thread, handing her the phone.
“See? Nothing.”
She scrolled, eyes reading the one-sided conversation from the last few days.
“Only other thing I can tell you is that Folio told me that she said some shit to him at the bar, that she liked me? Or wanted to sleep with me?” I sighed. “I don’t know, and I don’t really care.”
She nodded, locking my phone, but still had yet to speak. She was thinking, going over it in her head, checking for holes, but there were none. That was all of it. I didn’t do anything wrong.
“I have only one question.” She handed my phone back to me, and I just nodded. “In the hall, she asked you if you considered it, going in her room. If you thought about it.”
My stomach dropped, my mouth went dry, and my heart stopped, all in the same fraction of a second before her next words came out.
“Did you?”
Where do I go from here? My brain, my heart, and all of my senses screamed at me to lie.
But I couldn’t.
Last time I lied to Mileena, I was drinking. And she left me. And who would know? Who could prove me wrong?
But…I couldn’t.
I saw something, I can’t say what exactly, break behind her eyes. A tear finally spilled out over her cheek, and I saw her jaw clench under her skin. I felt as though I had just cut a cord on a rope bridge that held me up, and now I was just falling. Plummeting.
“Oh…” Her voice was so small now, and I felt something inside me shredding. Screaming. I’m such a fucking idiot.
Good one, Sebastian. Way to take it to your grave, dumbass.
But this was a grave, that I somehow ended up in, that I didn’t even fucking dig. It was fucking aggravating.
I stood up, reaching for her, but she flinched, putting an arm up between us, and squeezed her lids closed. More tears leaked from her eyes, and she only cracked them open for a second.
“Can you, uh, give me a few minutes?” She averted her eyes away, and I backed away from her out of respect. “I’m just…” She waved her hands around her head. “processing.”
I nodded. “Of course.” Shrugging, I pulled my shirt off. “I can take a shower? And we can talk more after?”
She only nodded in response, wiping her face.
I made my way into the bathroom, leaving the door open. I decided to take a quick shower, trying to wash the anxiety off of me. It was out in the open now, the fun part was working through it, and reminding Leena that no one else compared to her, and my idiotic brain was never going to turn on me like that again.
Imagine my shock when I stepped out of the bathroom, and my hotel room was empty, her bag, phone, and shoes gone. I ran over to my cell, opening it to call her when it began ringing, Nick’s face flashing.
I opened the call with haste. “What’s up?” My voice was frantic.
“Dude, what the fuck happened?!”
My fist was slamming into the door harder with each swing, the phone up to my ear telling me I was getting voicemail, again.
I growled, and beat on the door harder. “Open the fucking door, Rachel!”
I felt a set of hands on my shoulders, tugging backward.
“Noah! Calm the fuck down!” I fought back against Folio, as the door to the room swung open.
Rachel’s eyes were still thick with sleep, her hair hanging in a low ponytail. This time, she was fully clothed. Hilarious.
“You fucking psychopath!” My logical brain was gone, and I was fully primal, as I lunged toward her. Several hands had me around the waist, arms, and one on my chest. Nick’s face came into my line of vision.
“Noah, stop! Fucking stop!”
“No! She’s fucking insane! She knows what the fuck she’s doing!” I was baring my teeth like an animal, my hands balled into fists.
She stared at me, terrified, eyes blown wide and nearly hiding behind the door.
“W-What are you talking about?” Her words were timid, which only enraged me further.
“Don’t pull that bullshit! You knew she’d hear you! You manipulative bitch!”
A hard slap came across my cheek, and I glared over at Nick, who had taken a defensive step back.
As angry as I should’ve been, I was instead brought back to reality, realizing it was at least 1AM, in a hotel hallway.
“You good, dude?” My eyes stared at his, my body softening with each passing second. Eventually, the hands holding me loosened, and I shrugged away from them.
I nodded at Nick, who pushed my shoulder down the hallway toward another door. “C’mon dude, let’s go talk.”
“Is he drunk?” I could hear Rachel’s voice behind me, and I snarled, almost turning around before I heard Folio.
“Oh shut up, Rachel. You’ve done enough.”
Safely inside the room, I sat heavily on the bed, and dropped my head in my hands. My friends stood around me, staring down at me.
“She left?” Folio’s voice was sad, and I just nodded, staring at the floor.
“She came and got Laura about half an hour ago. She was crying. Said they had to leave.”
I picked my head up. “Laura was in your room?”
Nick raised his brows at me. “Is that really your concern right now?”
I heaved a breath and flopped back onto the bed, covering my face with both arms.
“She’s not answering my calls.”
“Fill us in, man.” Jolly sat next to me.
I had to go through all of the details again, them all asking various questions. By the end, I was more calm, but still so fucking angry.
“I’ve got to get home, man. I can’t ride back with her.”
Nick nodded. “We can rent a car in the morning? Drive back alone?”
“Pfft, and leave us with the wicked witch?”
I snorted at Folio’s comment.
“What the fuck am I going to do?”
“For starters, I’m calling Sumerian tomorrow. Figure out our options, legally.” Leave it to Jolly to use his right mind. “For now, you need to stay away from her.”
Standing up, I moved toward the bedroom door, squeezing the handle before opening it. “Not a problem. Just keep her the fuck away from me.”
Back in my room, I promptly blocked Rachel’s number from my phone, electing not to send her a last scathing text message.
I then, profusely, called Mileena. I was met with voicemail, leaving a few in my endeavor to reach her. I must have done this for hours before finally falling asleep, fully clothed, on top of the comforter.
When I awoke, Nick was jostling my shoulder, a duffel hanging from his shoulder.
“Let’s go, Sleeping Beauty. I’ve got the rental downstairs.”
I obeyed, gathering my things haphazardly, and following him to the lobby, not bothering to stop to brush my teeth or comb my hair. I didn’t care. Nothing mattered.
The drive back to Calabasas was long, hot, and irritating. I was slumped in the passenger’s seat while Nick drove. About half an hour in, I finally spoke.
“What if she doesn’t forgive me?”
Nick scoffed. “Please.” I glanced at him inquisitively. “She’s forgiven you for worse.”
I bumped my head back into the headrest repeatedly, groaning. “I hate this.”
“I know. But it’ll all work out, dude. Mileena loves you, and she’s a reasonable person.”
I nodded, accepting that answer.
“So…” He turned to look at me for a second. “You and Laura?” This made him crack a smile, that I returned.
“She’s fucking cool, dude.”
I slapped a hand on his shoulder. “Damn good baker, too.”
He nodded. “Yeah, she made me this cheesecake for my birthday? Fuck, man. Amazing!”
My mouth fell open. “Your birthday was five months ago!”
He laughed. “Dude, you miss a lot.”
I shook my head. “You little shit, couldn’t tell your best friend?!”
“Sure, if my best friend wasn’t always so wrapped up in his own drama.”
I punched a fist at his shoulder, laughing.
I opened the front door, and was met with overwhelming silence. No Angel barking. No TV playing. No voices. Nothing.
I moved slowly into the house, feeling an overwhelming nausea, as I bound up the stairs toward my room to deposit my bag. It was clear no one was here, but I didn’t know what to expect the further into the house I got.
The note was laying on the middle of the bed, but I didn’t pick it up immediately. I set my bag down and opened one of the dresser drawers, Leena’s pants drawer, which was empty. I then walked into the closet, where all I found were empty hangers on her side. I jogged down the hall to Addie’s room, where I found her walker, diapers, wipes, and clothes were gone. Even Angel’s bed that was always laid in the corner was gone.
My heart sunk, and I walked slowly back to my room, picking up the folded paper on the blanket, opening it to see her clean script.
Addie, Angel, and I will be staying at Laura’s for a while. Dad left this morning. When you’re ready to come see the baby, text Laura.
I dropped the note, it falling gently back to the bed. Without thinking, my hand grabbed the lamp on the side table, slinging it at the wall behind the dresser, causing it to shatter.
“God damn it!” I screamed, my words echoing around the empty house. The tears fell hot onto the bed, my teeth grinding tightly together.
I let a few hours pass, taking a cold shower, and forcing myself to calm down. I ate a bowl of cereal, choking down each bite while fighting against the nausea settled in my gut. After I had gotten dressed, and relaxed enough to know I wouldn't explode at any given moment, I texted Laura.
Me: Hey
I didn't have to wait long.
Laura: Hey
Me: Can I come see Addie?
Laura: Of course
The drive to her house took about twenty minutes. I had rehearsed over and over what I would say to Leena, how I would convince her to come back home with me. How we could move past this.
But when I pulled up to the house, I was disappointed to see only Laura's car in the driveway, Leena's Tahoe nowhere in sight.
When Laura answered the door, she had Addison on her hip, who gave a large, single-toothed smile as soon as she saw me. Any hesitation and anxiety I had melted the very second I laid eyes on my daughter. I hadn't held her in months, and right now, all that mattered was her.
"Hey baby girl!" She reached her little arms out for me, and I scooped her up enthusiastically, planting a long, hard kiss on her cheek. She squealed in excitement. "Ugh, I missed you so much."
I squeezed her into my chest, her hands grabbing at my hair. She smelled so sweet, the baby scent still having a full effect on me. Laura moved to the side to let me in, and Angel ran up, barking in excitement.
"Hey buddy!" I squatted down, still holding Addie, and ran a hand over Angel, who licked me with fervor. "Been taking care of my girls?"
He barked in response.
I stood back up, and gave Laura a smile, not entirely sure where we stood. She returned it, a warm look in her eyes. I felt some relief, knowing I had someone on my side.
"Hey Noah." She gave me a one-armed hug, almost sympathetically, and shut the door behind me.
I walked over to the couch, sitting and letting Addie down. She began walking on wobbly legs toward her toys sprawled across the rug, Angel right behind, always watching.
"She's not here?" I looked up at Laura, who had sat cross-legged across from me on the floor. She just shook her head sadly. "Can I ask where she is?"
She just sighed. "She's asked me not to say. She wants to be alone."
I nodded, not surprised. "I don't know what to do Laura."
She leaned back on her palms, stretching her legs. "I wish I could tell you, hon. But I don't know. She's hurt."
I huffed, frustrated. "I didn't do anything. I was good, I didn't cheat on her, I didn't fuck around."
Laura eyed me, unamused. "Noah, you admitted you thought about sleeping with another woman." She put her hand up, gesturing to me. "Can you say you'd feel different if she did that to you?"
I considered this, realizing I hadn't thought about it that way at all. She had a valid point.
"Fair. I just want the chance to explain that it doesn't matter. I love her, no one else. I don't want anyone else."
Her eyes were so soft. Laura heard me, which I appreciated. Hopefully she could convince Leena of the same.
I spent two hours playing with Addie, and feeding her lunch, before Laura excused herself to the bedroom to take a phone call. I had just cleaned up Addison, and was removing her from the highchair when Laura walked back in, her phone in hand.
"Here, let me change her clothes, you take this." She handed me the cell and I looked down to see the call open, Leena's face on the screen.
I looked at Laura, who just nodded while she turned and took Addison in the next room.
"Hey!" My voice was so jumpy, I cleared my throat to calm it down. "Where are you?"
"I went to a meeting." Her words were stale, no feeling behind them.
"Oh, that's good." I stepped out the back door, pulling it closed behind me. "Are you going to come back? I really need to see you."
Her breath was loud on the other end, slightly ragged. "Noah, I don't want to see you."
What is the feeling when you feel like your skin is going to melt off, but your insides are completely frozen? Is there a name for that? Panic, maybe?
"You don't." It wasn't a question. She didn't respond. "Okay, uh," I kicked at the dirt under my feet. "I don't know what to say to that."
"I don't know if I can do this, Noah."
Shattered? Devastated? There's a fucking name for it.
"What do you mean?" I couldn't bring my words above a whisper, given the wind had been knocked right out of me. She wasn't saying what I thought she was, was she?
"There's always going to be a tour. Time away. Me home with Addie. A girl who throws herself at you. Lots of them."
"And, it's just too hard, Noah."
Shaking. I was fucking shaking.
"No, babe-"
"I can't do it. Not now. Not with Addie. I thought I could. I really, really did."
"Leena, listen-" I was yelling now, but she just kept talking.
"I love you too much. And I love us. But we can't be us. Because you're a rockstar. And you have a career, and a life."
"I have you! And Addison! I'll quit right fucking now, Mileena! I will call Sumerian right now and tell them I'm out. Forever. I'll ghost write. I'll produce from home. I'll never tour again!" I was desperate. I was begging.
"No, you won't, Noah. You love it. It's your dream. I won't let you."
"I love you! I won't lose you over this! Rachel is nothing! Nothing!"
"It's not just her. How many more Rachels will there be?" I heard her voice cracking. "And I'll be at home, with Addison. We can't go on tour with you. I can't always be there. Noah, I just can't."
"Mileena, I'll do anything. Please."
"Take Addie for the night. Or a couple days. She missed you."
"God damn it Leena, stop and listen to me!"
"We can work out me having her while you're on tour. You can have her when you're home, or we can split the time if it's not a heavy year." She sighed. "We don't need to worry about custody."
"Custody?!" I was full-blown screaming. "Mileena! You're overreacting! Please!"
"I'm sure you think so. But you haven't been where I am. You haven't seen what I have! You haven't been left behind! I was, Noah! And I supported you! Through it all! I happily stayed home with Addison while you chased your dreams, and became the success you are! And when I finally have you back, I hear you almost slept with another woman?! You considered it?!" She stopped abruptly, her words blurring together, sobs shaking her words.
She took a moment to compose, which was fine, because trying to swallow everything she had just said was proving to be more difficult than I expected.
"I'm not going to do this." She paused for only a beat. "Take Addison. Let me know when I can come pick her up. The car seat should still be in your truck."
I couldn't speak, my mind was blank. My brain was flattened.
"Just be gone by six." And the line went dead, the phone beeping, signaling the end of the call.
Oh. That's what this feeling was.
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iris-of-bliss · 10 months
Double Prescription [18+]
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Summary: Ever since you began working with the Black Dragon as a medic, your heart becomes attached to a fast mercenary and a silent cowboy. You aren’t sure of what goes on next, but this will sure end up thrilling.
Pairing(s): Kabal/F!Reader/Erron Black
Warning(s): NSFW
It wasn’t long after the Black Dragon got their latest job done. You knew little about their task, but figured it had something to do with tampering the Special Forces. There were some losses of goons during the mission. Some of them made it through at least, and you were able to get everyone patched up. You worked for the Black Dragon as a medic, fixing up the wounded as usual. You’re still relatively new to this organization while already getting used to certain things. The ring leader holding a crass attitude as usual towards others with the exception of you. You seemed to be something special to him, but you weren’t as interested. Two other men who are most crucial for the operation were more than welcome with you patching them up. Surprisingly, your relationship between them was going smooth and steady. Not long before you began fooling around.
One of your closer allies, Kabal, took a keen interest in you as you felt the same. Your eyes would analyze his muscular build every time he shows up. The arm tattoo, the voice, the hair, everything about this man sparked something within you. Kabal would walk towards you in order to act sweet and flirty. He’d also tease you by caressing your skin and slowly touching you in certain areas to turn you on. Those hints he gave off, he wanted you. And you wanted him just as bad. Kabal made sure you stay falling for him. To keep you wet. God, you needed him desperately before you snap.
Black Dragon’s cowboy Erron Black on the other hand easily made your heart swoon as well. His old-fashioned demeanor charmed you. Those flirty sweet nothings of “sugar” and “baby doll” cause your chest to flutter. His deep voice flows like honey, making your heart jump every second. The mysteriousness to Black also gave you internal excitement. You just wanted to take his mask off and make never-ending love to him until you pass out. How dirty minded were you exactly?
You admired both men equally. Being stuck in the middle of a supposed love triangle was enough to drive you crazy for them. Which guy do you want more? The fast mercenary, or the cowboy assassin? This was rather a tough call to ponder about.
“In the middle of daydreaming, eh?”
Your precious thoughts snapped until quickly turning your head to Kabal’s direction from the doorway. He had a slight smirk plastered on his face. Was he watching you ponder this whole time? The focus on him then resumed to finishing with medical adjustments. After a brief silence, your voice spoke with slight laughter, “Why do you have to be so nosy, Kabal?”
“Why can’t I see a pretty face every once on a while?”
Kabal took a few steps into the first aid room behind your seated self. The room was dimly lit, but at least bright enough for anyone to see. Hands rest against the top rail of your chair as he watched. He then grips your head towards him before leaning in to kiss you softly. The mercenary’s lips trail down to your cheek, then your jaw to nip at the skin just a little. This earned him a slight whimper as expected. The both of you waited long enough.
His voice whispered, “I knew you wanted this. Besides, you could do me a favor.”
“What do you want me to do?”
“Give me a special prescription, doll face.”
Kabal lifted you up from your seat, grabbing you by the waist. The rhythmic kissing between you was deep and passionate. Kabal closed the door shut to lock, preventing any disturbances. Backing up towards the medical bed, he kept your body close to his. One of his hands grip your ass roughly, causing you to yelp. You felt so small around him. It feels nice to have him take you all to himself. It reminded you that you were his. He pauses to look into your eyes full of lust.
“How about you strip down and bend over for me, babe?” Kabal smirks at you, “That would make it all the worthwhile.”
You quickly nod until being let go to remove all of your attire. As you bend over the medical bed, Kabal made a grin to the wet sight of your sex. He could tell from the glistening appearance presented before him.
“God, such a beautiful view, sweetheart.”
Kabal leans onto your back to plant kisses on it. He moves slowly across you, all the way down to your thighs. His kisses continue on your exposed cunt gently. An airy moan arose from you, giving him a sense of praise. Kabal chuckled at this as he draws out his tongue across you, gripping your ass tight. His warm breath made this sensation even more satisfying. You were having trouble keeping yourself quiet.
“Ah! Kabal! Y-you feel so good! I need more!”
“I’ll make sure you do, princess.”
Meanwhile, Mr. Black was busy wandering around before catching a strange noise from the first aid room. He figured it sounded like you. You seemed to be in the middle of something. Those sounds you made were desperately horny. Unfortunately for him, the sidelight of the door was covered by blinds. The noise alone however was enough for him to grow a boner. Were you getting fucked by Kano? No, it can’t be. Kabal maybe? He sometimes caught you and Kabal together acting flirtatious from the distance. He had to have known that. That sly cowboy he was.
He made his chance knocking the door, interrupting you two.
“Shit,” the merc whispered, “give me a second.”
As soon as he got off his knees, he opens the door slightly to see Erron from the outside.
Questioning with an irritated tone, “The hell do you want, Erron?”
The cowboy ignores him to push the door open and Kabal out of the way. Eyes glance towards your nude figure. Every piece of you along with your dripping cunt satisfied him greatly. Underneath his mask, he licked his lips with a hungry grin. Black approaches you to lift your chin up to face him.
“Well ain’t this a fine sight for sore eyes?”
Erron places his gloved hands around your waist.
“I could fuck you all night long, sugar.”
That whisper of “sugar” made your heart jump and face hotter. Kabal already got annoyed by what was going on before separating you two.
“How about you do us a favor and get the fuck out? Me and the medic are busy.”
“Aw, I was just gettin’ into it, Kabal. Besides, I can already tell she wants me, too.”
The men turn their eyes to you. You were already busy with Kabal, but Erron could join if he wanted. You were falling for both criminals. It was so difficult for you to pick one over the other. God damn it.
You lean back against the bed and shyly spoke, “To be honest with you, I always imagined the both of you fucking me at once. It would feel so nice. And Kano isn’t even here, and I honestly can’t stand Kano.”
Both criminals raise brows and exchanged looks. Wondering for a moment, Kano is the last person they wanted to deal with in the Black Dragon. They never forgotten how much of a bastard he was most of the time. Paying his mercs whenever he felt like it is enough for them to get pissed off. The two men formed a smirk until facing your direction. Maybe they could give this a try?
“Alright. You can have her, but that pussy is mine,” Kabal reminded the cowboy.
“Get on top of me, babe”
Kabal laid his back against the bed as you got on top. Erron unnoticeably swung the door cracked open and hopped onto you next. You can hear the bed start to creak a bit. That didn’t really concern you as much since all of you were desperate enough to fuck. The men around you undid themselves for their dicks to be free, caressing against your skin. You moan between them after the sudden touch. Erron gripped your sides to position himself while Kabal aligns his sex with yours as arms wrapped around you.
“You alright with this, babe?”
The soft voice of yours begged, “Yes Kabal. I need both of you to fill me up so bad. I want to feel dominated so badly.”
The merc chuckled until shoving his cock inside you as Black did. A loud moan erupted from you with both holes now in use. Feeling penetrated twice at once already made you weak to the knees. You roughly kiss Kabal while taking in the rocking movements from both men. The combination of panting and moaning filled the air. This was going to be a thrill.
“Look at you handlin’ the both of us like this, baby doll. Let me plow you even harder.”
Erron rubbed his hand across your neck when he quickens the pace. He then grips you hair to pull back. Kabal quickly took notice of this before thrusting even faster. He placed numerous kisses along your neck with a few licks then and there. He achieves some moans by giving you a couple of rough hickeys. As much as you wished for the moment to last longer, your body was getting close to snapping.
Kabal whispers, “Such a naughty nurse you are. Are you gonna beg for a kiss, too?”
“Yes who?”
“Yes, Kabal! Please! I want to kiss you so badly!”
You end up roughly kissing the merc while an upcoming climax was building up. Erron attempts to free your hair, taking ahold of your shoulder. The sounds of skin slapping with wetness made your abdomen twitch. Your cunt throbbed around Kabal’s cock as well, making his breath hitch while fucking you. The rockiness of the bed kept going. It sounded as if this furniture was about to fall apart. As long as you didn’t stay there for too long maybe.
“K-Kabal! Erron! I’m about to cum!”
“I think we all are, sugar,” the cowboy faintly replied as him and Kabal penetrated the deepest they could. Those noises you made sounded like heaven for both of your men. Kabal loved the music to his ears.
“Your voice is such a fucking blessing, baby. I want everyone to hear you scream for me.”
The fast man guided his thumbs over your nipples to flick them. At that moment, you scream with pleasure until finally hitting your climax. Your legs shook like jello as you collapse between the two. Kabal and Erron smirk at you while they groaned to the finish. Your holes were filled with their white fluid. Movements begin to slow down.
As Erron tried to bend down to you, the bed suddenly collapsed down the floor. The criminals grunted while you were held on tight to Kabal during the fall.
“Nice job, Black.”
“Now you’re blamin’ me for this shit happenin’?”
You silenced your comrades, “Guys, relax. It’s my fault. I should’ve fixed the bed weeks ago, or get a new one at least…”
Both cocks slowly pull out when the three of you separated from each other. Sitting down on the broken bed together, Kabal asked you, “You’re okay, right?”
“Yes, Kabal. Both of you did so good tonight. I’d love to try this again one day.”
Kabal kisses your cheek while Erron ruffled your hair. After their pants were adjusted back in place, a hiccup was heard not far away. Both men quickly stood up. The door flung open with Kano leaning his arm by the frame. He held an almost empty bottle of tequila. Kano had gotten drunk throughout your personal session. The ring leader furrowed his eyebrows, staring at your exposed body between his teammates. He starts to grow jealous.
“Since when the hell did you start plowing our nurse? You couldn’t even let me have all the fun, eh?” Kano sounded angry, walking a bit sloppy.
Kabal told him off, “Piss off, jackass.”
“Up yours, you fucking drongo…”
Before the boss decides to grab his comrade, Erron pushed him away. Stumbling back to one of the room’s chairs, Kano falls into a drunken blackout. The cowboy lifts you up on your feet.
“Let’s get you cleaned up, darlin’.”
“Then you’re bunking with me tonight.”
After you get yourselves adjusted and Black said his goodnights, you and Kabal prepped yourselves to bed. You remain in your bra and panties while the mercenary settled in his tank and boxers. It felt nice cuddling Kabal after yearning for each other for so long.
Your lover soon questioned, “You’re letting Kano sit in there for the night?”
“Sure, he’s drunk out of his mind anyway.”
You both giggled before remaining silent for a brief moment. Eyes randomly drew towards the necklace he constantly wears. You thought of doing a little more with him.
“Nice necklace.”
Kabal turns to you with a smile. He feels your hand running across his chest. You soon moved on top of him. God you were horny as hell. Lips of yours plant kisses against his. He then returned the favor, and his hands grab the back of your hips. Your cloth-covered pussy slowly grinds against his crotch, once again causing a boner. He took notice of your wetness yet again.
Kabal’s hips began to roll by this feeling, but this wouldn’t last for long. One of his hands rub onto your ass before giving it a swift smack. You gasp to a halt facing him. The merc let out a quiet laugh. He gestures you back to his side. You loved it when he took charge.
“We can do this again another time, sweetheart. We’ve got a big job tomorrow, and I don’t want you waking up tired on me.”
“Anything for you, Kabal. Goodnight, hun.”
“Goodnight, love.”
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