#violence against women ment
emdotcom · 5 months
Remember! If you share, more answers will be there!
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tibby · 2 years
got was already shaky in s4 but it fell off when d&d decided to twist character motivations and forgo any internal logic so sansa could be raped by ramsay
yeah i was just thinking about how like. a lot of people were shocked that it turned out got was anti feminist bc of what happened to dany as if it hadn't aggressively hated women for years. like this was a show that looked at its source material (which already had. countless acts of sexual assault within it) and decided that. hm. women aren't being violently assaulted or being murdered enough. better completely change this character's storyline so now she can be raped because her actress turned eighteen. let's have one of the few male characters is the show who abhors violence towards women rape his sister. oh this actress no longer wants to do nude scenes? time to have her character tied to a bed and violently killed.
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femsolid · 11 months
TW: Trans activists
For more than a decade now, trans activists have been harassing those who belong to a feminist philosphy we call radical feminism or the women’s liberation movement.
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Radical feminists, like most feminists, believe that men use sex to oppress women. Meaning they oppress women through sexual exploitation and by perpetuating sexist discrimination towards those who belong to the female sex. They were the first to research and expose violence against women as endemic and traumatizing, and to create shelters for rape and domestic violence victims. Those shelters are now being vandalized and defunded by trans activists.
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Because radical feminists don’t believe in gender identities, gendered souls, gender roles or any form of innate personality based on sexist stereotypes, they have been receiving rape and death threats on a daily basis. The acronym “terf” was soon invented and is now used to describe any person who doesn’t support the trans movement, even if they’re not feminists, just as long as they're women, though lesbians and feminists tend to be the primary targets.
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As a whole, the trans movement claims that its biggest enemy and threat, its most pressing matter, its most dangerous opponent is the women’s liberation movement or what they call “radfems” or “terfs”. This is where their energy and anger is directed, typically in the form of sexist and sexual harassment, intimidation techniques, violence, censorship and social isolation. So let’s talk about that.
From the book Hate Crimes in Cyberspace:
Cyber harassment involves threats of violence, privacy invasions, reputation-harming lies, calls for strangers to physically harm victims, and technological attacks.
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Victims’ in-boxes are inundated with threatening e-mails. Their employers receive anonymous e-mails accusing them of misdeeds. Even if some abuse is taken down from a site, it quickly reappears on others. Victims’ sites are forced offline with distributed-denial-of-service attacks.
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While some attackers confine abuse to networked technologies, others use all available tools to harass victims, including real-space contact. Offline harassment or stalking often includes abusive phone calls, vandalism, threatening mail, and physical assault.
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The Internet extends the life of destructive posts. Harassing letters are eventually thrown away, and memories fade in time. The web, however, can make it impossible to forget about malicious posts. And posts that go viral attract hundreds of thousands of readers.
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Online harassment can quickly become a team sport, with posters trying to outdo each other. Posters compete to be the most offensive, the most abusive. An accurate name for such online groups is cyber mobs. The term captures both the destructive potential of online groups and the shaming dynamic at the heart of the abuse.
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Cyber harassment disproportionately impacts women. The U.S. National Violence Against Women Survey reports that 60 percent of cyber stalking victims are women, and the National Center for Victims of Crimes estimates that the rate is 70 percent. Of the 3,393 individuals reporting cyber harass-ment to WHOA from 2000 to 2011, 72.5 percent were female. The most recent Bureau of Justice Statistics report found that 74 percent of individuals who were stalked on or offline were female, and 26 percent were male.
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Researchers found that users with female names received on average one hundred “malicious private messages,” which the study defined as “sexually explicit or threatening language,” for every four received by male users.
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According to the study, “Male human users specifically targeted female users.” By contrast, men are more often attacked for their ideas and actions. John Scalzi, a science fiction author and popular blogger, has found online invective typically situational. When he writes something that annoys people, they tell him so. People do not make a “hobby” out of attacking his appearance and existence as they do female bloggers.
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The nature of the attacks similarly attests to bigotry’s presence. Hate expresses something uniquely damaging. It labels members of a group as inhuman “others” who do not possess equal worth. It says that group members are inferior and damaged. Bigotry conveys the message that group members are objects that can be destroyed because they have no shared humanity to consider.
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Cyber harassment exploits these features by exposing victims’ sexuality in humiliating ways. Victims are equated with their sexual organs, often described as diseased.
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Once cyber harassment victims are sexually exposed, posters penetrate them virtually with messages that say “I will fuck your ass to death you filthy fucking whore, your only worth on this planet is as a warm hole to stick my cock in.” 
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Rape threats profoundly impact women: over 86 percent of rape victims are female. Virtual elimination may follow the imagined penetration: “First I’ll rape you, then I’ll kill you.”
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One woman who faced online abuse noted, “Someone who writes ‘You’re just a cunt’ is not trying to convince me of anything but my own worthlessness.” Despite the gravity of their predicaments, cyber harassment victims are often told that nothing can or should be done about online abuse. Journalists, bloggers, lay observers, and law enforcement officials urge them to ignore it. Victims are called “whiny baby girl[s]” who are overreacting to “a few text messages.” Often victims are blamed for the abuse. They are scolded for sharing their nude images with loved ones or for blogging about controversial topics. They are told that they could have avoided the abuse had they been more careful.
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A related message sent to victims is that the benefits of online opportunities are available only to those who are willing to face the Internet’s risks. They are advised not to expect anything different if they want to make a name for themselves online. The choice is theirs: they can toughen up or go offline.
The Internet is governed by society’s rules. Life online bleeds into life offline and vice versa. The notion that more aggression should be tolerated in cyberspace than in real space presumes that virtual spaces are cordoned off from physical ones.
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Most victims do not report cyber harassment to the police because they assume that nothing will be done about it. Sadly, they are right. Law enforcement frequently fails to act on victims’ complaints even though criminal law would punish some of the behavior. Victims are told to turn off their computers because “boys will be boys.” Online harassment victims are told that nothing can be done; they are advised to ignore rape and death threats. During the summer of 2013, high-profile women were subjected to a torrent of online threats. The feminist activist Caroline Criado Perez received hundreds of graphic rape threats via Twitter after her successful campaign to feature more female images on British banknotes.
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Members of Parliament and female writers who publicly supported Criado-Perez faced the same, including bomb threats. One tweet featured a picture of a masked man holding a knife with the message, “I’m gonna be the first thing u see when u wake up.”
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Because the Internet serves as people’s workspaces, professional networks, résumés, social clubs, and zones of public conversation, it deserves the same protection as offline speech. No more, no less.
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Without doubt, the free speech interests at stake are weighty. Free expression is crucial to our ability to govern ourselves, to express our thoughts, and to discover truths. For that reason, government cannot censor ideas because society finds them offensive. Truthful speech must not be banned just because it makes people uncomfortable.
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But credible threats, certain defamatory falsehoods, social security numbers, and nude images posted without consent contribute little to discourse essential for citizens to govern themselves and discover truths. Their net effect is the silencing of victims. Victims could blog, post videos, and engage on social networks without fear of destructive cyber harassment. They could raise money using networked tools unencumbered by rape threats, reputation-harming lies, and distributed- denial- of- service attacks. They could take advantage of all of the expressive opportunities available online. Protecting against online harassment would secure the necessary preconditions for victims’ free expression.
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With the help of law and the voluntary efforts of Internet intermediaries, parents, and teachers, we might someday achieve a free and equal Internet. We need to take action before cyber harassment becomes a normal feature of online interactions. A hostile online environment is neither inevitable nor desirable. We should not squander this chance to combat discriminatory online abuse; it is early enough in our use of networked tools to introduce equality of opportunity as a baseline norm of interaction.
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// Transphobia, transhomophobia, transmisogyny, transandrophobia, Nashville shooting ment, Chris Chan ment, murder ment, rape ment
Another day another receipt
- Idk what to point out exactly. The transhomophobia, the desings that look like sum shit straight out of Leasebound ™, or ofc the "Monstruos Ugly Moid" looking like a bluky creep while the "Pwoor Widdle Female" has makeup eyelashes yet barely visible facial hair
- Not the OP admitting in notes that they took this shit out of Lolcow.farm bc they're into that shit (TLDR Lolcow it's basically a 4chan/kiwifarms type of site cathered to mostly terfs/radfems/horrible terminally online women in general)
+ more edgy ver. by a Brave Feminist Ally~
- Also mhn are those alt-rigth/conservative people agreeging with terfs I see there?...
Chris Chan and the shooter in Nashville did what they did because they are disgusting people. Plain and simple. The fact these terfs are using their trans identity against them is disgusting in itself.
It’s funny though how suddenly trans men are capable of violence to them. I thought afab people were nothing more than poor weak little victims incapable of doing anything bad?
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dankmetal · 2 months
didn't mean to turn this into a whole essay lol. brief abuse ment jic /
internally debated like five times already if i want to make john a young woman or not (visibly) with my main concern being the gender difference between john & irving and how audiences could react to it, specifically seeing it framed as "oh he abuses her because he's a cis man in a patriarchal society" when physical attraction in both versions isn't even a conscious factor for the character, rather it's way more the want of a personal power high. this should be obvious hopefully but you never know.
i've had early readers suggest irving as a female character as well, which could also be interesting if john remained a masculine figure in the story. however, i'm not at all opposed to making them both female, which would be very powerful in selling the story's themes on 1970s ableism, especially ableism against women. AND depiction of violence perpetrated by women. AND violence between women.
but still not sure if i want to change john (and/or irving) as men considering their gender is an important detail (at least, it's more prominent for irving); as in, being more easily defended from accountability BY being a cis male. gender is also important for laurence, another male character in the project; i feel a bit unsure if i were to make him the only male character because i absolutely love writing Different Types of men to compare & contrast.
laurence also takes a huge bite out of irving's public presentation in looking up to him unbeknownst his professor's toxic behaviors (styling his hair similarly, adjusting his language & articulation). sexuality for laurence in relationship to irving('s persona) makes it all the more difficult to combat the disillusionment once it shows up, with laurence turning john into both a threat (against his denied/ closeted q.ueer sexuality) & competition ("why do you get to be so close when you don't even like him").
this all would work much differently if irving was a woman. unless i change to an all-female cast (oh ho ho!), i intend to keep laurence my token Not-Straight Cis Man guy of the project.
yknow it's funny i actually once thought of an AU where laurence was a butch woman [gets shot]
i do worry the overdone "female rage" trope would be applied to any of my characters as women. and by overdone i mean taken out of context when literally any horror girl appears covered in blood. "female rage" in a male character is immediately going to be read as "(cis) male rage", which audiences will see & read differently. technically laurence has his "male rage" moments so i don't entirely see a need to focus on one specific character. and ellen Cannot be the only firm female character displaying "female rage", not for my sake & not for my readers (especially if Some readers are gonna be racist abt her being Black & mentally ill).
this post is super all over the place already so i'll start at the beginning & add that i'm frustrated ellen is the only female character in a mostly male cast. i don't think i would mind sacrificing laurence's maleness & making an all-female cast; i just don't have a lot of projects right now featuring mlm characters & their sexuality being a factor of analysis. but i have time to figure things out, i'm sure. rewrite & repeat.
i will say john's christlike imagery & metaphor is actually even more exciting to me if he were to be a young woman, metaphorically "pregnant" with/hosting a bundle of parasites. she is jesus & mary & joseph all at once through allegory & dissociative disorders 😚✌️
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sounds-right · 6 months
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Rai Tre celebra la Giornata internazionale contro la violenza sulle donne il 24/11 con Women for Women against Violence. Conducono Beppe Convertini e Arianna Ciampoli
Alla vigilia della Giornata Internazionale contro la Violenza sulle donne il 24 novembre alle 23.10 circa su Rai Tre andrà in onda la quarta edizione "Women for Women against Violence – Camomilla Award", una kermesse unica che unisce due grandi temi del mondo femminile: la violenza di genere e quella del tumore al seno. Quasi sempre si parla di chi muore e non ce la fa, Women for Women, attraverso testimonianze autentiche, parla invece di vita e dà voce alla forza delle donne che non smettono mai di combattere e che vincono ogni giorno, e lo fa raccontando anche il difficile percorso di rinascita che tante affrontano in solitudine, offrendo un messaggio di speranza e incoraggiamento: da un vissuto di violenza – qualsiasi essa sia – si può uscire. Donne unite per le donne anche per ricordare che ogni anno in Italia oltre 100 donne vengono uccise da uomini che, quasi sempre, sostengono di amarle, e per inoltre ricordare che il tumore al seno, nel nostro Paese, è il big killer più letale e più frequente del genere femminile e principale causa di mortalità oncologica. Violenza che, per una donna, non è soltanto una minaccia di morte, ma anche una ferita all'immagine di sé, alla propria femminilità, sessualità e maternità. L'evento tv sarà presentato da Arianna Ciampoli e Beppe Convertini, "campione d'ascolto con Unomattina in famiglia nel fine settimana di Rai1", la regia di questo speciale sarà affidata ad Antonio Centomani. Ideato e prodotto dalla Presidente dell'Associazione Consorzio Umanitas, Donatella Gimigliano, autrice del format, che spiega: "partendo dal mio vissuto con una neoplasia ho pensato che violenza sul corpo di una donna non fosse solo quella di un uomo, ma anche quella di un tumore, che genera gli stessi effetti devastanti e che, comunque, lascia cicatrici e segni indelebili, nel corpo e nella mente".
Sul palco di questa edizione le luci dei riflettori si accenderanno per ascoltare le storie della "mamma" di Miss Italia, Patrizia Mirigliani, che si racconterà in un toccante monologo: "Io quell'intruso lo conosco bene", di Nicolò Maja, giovane orfano del femminicidio, che dedicherà una lettera alla mamma Giulia e alla sorella Stefania dal titolo "Vi amavo immensamente, ma non ve lo potrò mai più dire" affidata a Niccolò Agliardi. Accanto al giovane i due nonni, Giulio e Ines, che si stanno amorevolmente prendendo cura di lui. E poi ancora la storia di Antonietta Tuccillo, una combattente che ha trasformato la malattia in creatività diventando stilista e che affiderà la sua storia "La mia seconda vita" all'attrice Giorgia Trasselli. Tuccillo, affiancata da due speciali testimonial del suo brand, l'attore italo- londinese Ottaviano Blitch e la Miss Italia 2022 Lavinia Abate, riceverà anche il riconoscimento "Un sorriso per Elena", istituito con la famiglia di Elena Augello, scomparsa pochi mesi fa a 40 anni, a sostegno di una paziente oncologica in difficoltà. La storia di Antonietta darà lo spunto per introdurre uno studio sulla "tossicità economica del tumore", realizzato da Lucio Fortunato, primario di senologia del San Giovanni di Roma. La kermesse ospiterà anche due donne, già presenti nella precedente edizione, che racconteranno il loro "giorno dopo": Carolina Marconi, che aveva già lanciato il tema dell'oblio oncologico, e Filomena Lamberti, sfregiata con l'acido dal mario, che è rinata grazie alle cure supervisionate dal prof. Claudio Urbani e all'importante contributo raccolto dalla testata "La 27 Ora" del Corriere della Sera che, rappresentato dal responsabile della redazione romana, Giuseppe Di Piazza, riceverà dalla donna il Camomilla Award, scultura realizzata dal maestro orafo Michele Affidato. Riceveranno il premio (che si ispira alle virtù terapeutiche del fiore di camomilla), inoltre, il conduttore televisivo di TV Talk, Massimo Bernardini, che aveva confessato di "aver alzato le mani sulla sua mamma", la giornalista sportiva Greta Beccaglia, la conduttrice Samantha De Grenet, testimonial della Fondazione Veronesi, Daniele Angelo Giarratano e Gianfranco Natelli dell'Arma dei Carabinieri, per aver salvato la vita di una donna sequestrata dal compagno e che aveva chiesto aiuto con il segno internazionale signal for help, il Direttore de Il Messaggero, Massimo Martinelli, per la rubrica "Mind the gap", la straordinaria vocalist Silvia Mezzanotte, e la trasmissione di Mediaset "Le Iene", rappresentata da Nina Palmieri e Filippo Roma. Tra gli ospiti speciali la conduttrice Francesca Ceci, il flautista Giuseppe Mario Finocchiaro, e il violinista elettrico dall'archetto luminoso, Andrea Casta, che affiancherà la vocalist Serena Menarini, nell'esibizione di una emozionante "The Lord's Prayer", preghiera del "Padre Nostro" in lingua aramaica orientale.
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djs-party-edm-italia · 6 months
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Rai Tre celebra la Giornata internazionale contro la violenza sulle donne il 24/11 con Women for Women against Violence. Conducono Beppe Convertini e Arianna Ciampoli
Alla vigilia della Giornata Internazionale contro la Violenza sulle donne il 24 novembre alle 23.10 circa su Rai Tre andrà in onda la quarta edizione "Women for Women against Violence – Camomilla Award", una kermesse unica che unisce due grandi temi del mondo femminile: la violenza di genere e quella del tumore al seno. Quasi sempre si parla di chi muore e non ce la fa, Women for Women, attraverso testimonianze autentiche, parla invece di vita e dà voce alla forza delle donne che non smettono mai di combattere e che vincono ogni giorno, e lo fa raccontando anche il difficile percorso di rinascita che tante affrontano in solitudine, offrendo un messaggio di speranza e incoraggiamento: da un vissuto di violenza – qualsiasi essa sia – si può uscire. Donne unite per le donne anche per ricordare che ogni anno in Italia oltre 100 donne vengono uccise da uomini che, quasi sempre, sostengono di amarle, e per inoltre ricordare che il tumore al seno, nel nostro Paese, è il big killer più letale e più frequente del genere femminile e principale causa di mortalità oncologica. Violenza che, per una donna, non è soltanto una minaccia di morte, ma anche una ferita all'immagine di sé, alla propria femminilità, sessualità e maternità. L'evento tv sarà presentato da Arianna Ciampoli e Beppe Convertini, "campione d'ascolto con Unomattina in famiglia nel fine settimana di Rai1", la regia di questo speciale sarà affidata ad Antonio Centomani. Ideato e prodotto dalla Presidente dell'Associazione Consorzio Umanitas, Donatella Gimigliano, autrice del format, che spiega: "partendo dal mio vissuto con una neoplasia ho pensato che violenza sul corpo di una donna non fosse solo quella di un uomo, ma anche quella di un tumore, che genera gli stessi effetti devastanti e che, comunque, lascia cicatrici e segni indelebili, nel corpo e nella mente".
Sul palco di questa edizione le luci dei riflettori si accenderanno per ascoltare le storie della "mamma" di Miss Italia, Patrizia Mirigliani, che si racconterà in un toccante monologo: "Io quell'intruso lo conosco bene", di Nicolò Maja, giovane orfano del femminicidio, che dedicherà una lettera alla mamma Giulia e alla sorella Stefania dal titolo "Vi amavo immensamente, ma non ve lo potrò mai più dire" affidata a Niccolò Agliardi. Accanto al giovane i due nonni, Giulio e Ines, che si stanno amorevolmente prendendo cura di lui. E poi ancora la storia di Antonietta Tuccillo, una combattente che ha trasformato la malattia in creatività diventando stilista e che affiderà la sua storia "La mia seconda vita" all'attrice Giorgia Trasselli. Tuccillo, affiancata da due speciali testimonial del suo brand, l'attore italo- londinese Ottaviano Blitch e la Miss Italia 2022 Lavinia Abate, riceverà anche il riconoscimento "Un sorriso per Elena", istituito con la famiglia di Elena Augello, scomparsa pochi mesi fa a 40 anni, a sostegno di una paziente oncologica in difficoltà. La storia di Antonietta darà lo spunto per introdurre uno studio sulla "tossicità economica del tumore", realizzato da Lucio Fortunato, primario di senologia del San Giovanni di Roma. La kermesse ospiterà anche due donne, già presenti nella precedente edizione, che racconteranno il loro "giorno dopo": Carolina Marconi, che aveva già lanciato il tema dell'oblio oncologico, e Filomena Lamberti, sfregiata con l'acido dal mario, che è rinata grazie alle cure supervisionate dal prof. Claudio Urbani e all'importante contributo raccolto dalla testata "La 27 Ora" del Corriere della Sera che, rappresentato dal responsabile della redazione romana, Giuseppe Di Piazza, riceverà dalla donna il Camomilla Award, scultura realizzata dal maestro orafo Michele Affidato. Riceveranno il premio (che si ispira alle virtù terapeutiche del fiore di camomilla), inoltre, il conduttore televisivo di TV Talk, Massimo Bernardini, che aveva confessato di "aver alzato le mani sulla sua mamma", la giornalista sportiva Greta Beccaglia, la conduttrice Samantha De Grenet, testimonial della Fondazione Veronesi, Daniele Angelo Giarratano e Gianfranco Natelli dell'Arma dei Carabinieri, per aver salvato la vita di una donna sequestrata dal compagno e che aveva chiesto aiuto con il segno internazionale signal for help, il Direttore de Il Messaggero, Massimo Martinelli, per la rubrica "Mind the gap", la straordinaria vocalist Silvia Mezzanotte, e la trasmissione di Mediaset "Le Iene", rappresentata da Nina Palmieri e Filippo Roma. Tra gli ospiti speciali la conduttrice Francesca Ceci, il flautista Giuseppe Mario Finocchiaro, e il violinista elettrico dall'archetto luminoso, Andrea Casta, che affiancherà la vocalist Serena Menarini, nell'esibizione di una emozionante "The Lord's Prayer", preghiera del "Padre Nostro" in lingua aramaica orientale.
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bitchsexuality · 5 years
i'm going to make a mean and controversial post because i've had enough of this shit:
h-lsey is a piece of shit because she wore a shirt depicting a violent situation without the consent of either party involved, not because she is a "non-lesbian". that has NOTHING to do with it, and it's not why what she did was wrong. one of the women who were attacked IS LITERALLY BISEXUAL, for fuck's sake
i know this is going to come as a shock to a lot of you, but bi women are not watered down lesbians. bi women in relationships with other women are also on the receiving end of violence. nobody's going to approach a w/w couple and ask "hey, so are you two like, lesbians or Just Bisexual?" and then say "oh ok my bad, have fun, bye!" if one -or both!- of them turn out to be bihetties
but it’s easy to forget about us, isn’t it? to ignore us, our voices and our issues and our realities; to erase us from the community; to see all w/w couples as Lesbians By Default, because bi women are not Fully WLW
it’s painfully obvious that so many of you see us as some sort of abstract concept. nice in theory, maybe -just maybe- but not worth paying attention to in the end
sure, keep reblogging positivity posts. “bi women are princesses!”, “respect bi women!”, “bi women deserve better!” - until a w/w couple experiences violence and then there is no way either of them could be bi. there is no way something like that could affect bi women, directly or indirectly, that it could make us feel afraid or sad or outraged. there is no way we could ever care about it from an inside perspective because we’ve never gone through bad shit and we never will.
again: i’m not defending h-lsey, i legitimately don’t give a fuck about her, she’s done some awful shit aside from this and she had no right to wear that shirt because the women involved didn’t agree to it. if your opinion is that she wasn’t doing it out of genuine interest in what happened or to show support, that she was just trying to milk the situation, i don’t necessarily think you’re wrong
but don’t you fucking dare bring up the fact that she’s a “non-lesbian”. she isn’t a lesbian, no, SHE’S BISEXUAL. she’s still a WLW.
like, do y’all idiots think it would’ve been ok for her to wear that if she was a lesbian? does her bisexuality suddenly mean she’s not as close to LGBT issues or that she isn’t allowed to care about this?
you know what? let’s ignore her. as i said, i don’t care about her, and this isn’t about her; it’s just that shows a painfully widespread opinion of bi women, conscious or otherwise. maybe the people who reblogged that didn’t go “haha, yeah, fuck bihetties, right”. i want to believe that, i truly do. but the fact remains that they saw that comment and didn’t think anything of it or how it might hurt us and erase the shit we go through
fuck h-lsey. really, fuck her.
but don’t throw every other bi woman under the bus while at it.
i absolutely wouldn't have made a post about this if it hadn't been for the fact that the OP of that other post thought it was necessary to add that little "non-lesbian" bit. but y'all keep showing your true colors when it comes to your opinions of bi women and i'm fucking sick and tired of it.
do better by us.
it’s not that hard.
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littlebabycrybtch · 5 years
getting frothing at the mouth mad at ace afabs talking about rape culture and tryna give them ‘how DARE you’ attitude for it is how you say,,,,, not valid
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theoi-crow · 3 years
Hello! Correct me if I'm wrong but I believe Hercules' myth involves him being mortal before becoming the god of strength. Does this mean humans can ascend to godhood?
Hi! Sorry for the late reply, I've been busy but this ask is fascinating!
Hercules or Heracles (the Greek version of his name) is a demigod.
His mother, Alcmene, is human, while his father is Zeus. He was already part god like Perseus, Bellerophon and Achilles. Hercules was only able to ascend to godhood because he was already halfway there and while humans like Patroclus and Sappho can be possibly venerated as heroes or past ancestors, ancient Greece is very explicit on making sure that any human who ascends to godhood is a demigod, even if they are said to have a human mother and human father, like the story of Theseus whose human father was Aegeus but many myths claim it was actually Poseidon: (LINK)
So, can humans who are not already demigods ascend to godhood? No, according to the ancient Greeks, they can't.
This does not mean people didn't do extraordinary things, it's just that the ancient Greeks assumed whoever did extraordinary things was a demigod. This happened because when people accomplished something extraordinary in ancient Greece, the public considered that person to be someone who went beyond human limitation and thus considered more than human. People started suspecting a god as a possible parent.
Sometimes the person claiming to be a demigod did it for political reasons, like Alexander the Great who claimed to be the son of Zeus. Did people actually believe him? Not until he was able to prove his superhuman ability by creating one of the largest empires in human history at such a young age and in such a short time: (LINK)
Another thing I want to mention is how important ancestry was to the ancient Greeks.
Every Greek person only had one name and sometimes multiple people had the same name. So in order to differentiate between two people with the same name, their "last name" would be the name of their father, for example: "Theseus son of Aegus."
When someone didn't know who the father was, they would go by the mother's name, but if the person did something extraordinary, then people would start claiming they were the illegitimate child of a god (usually Zeus) and they would speculate and make stories about them emphasizing their status as a demigod (this is one of the reasons why there are a lot of stories about Zeus and rape. To the ancient Greeks, rape ment "going behind the father's back" even if the women wanted to be in a union with the god because to the ancient Greeks women did not have autonomy so their father's permission was very important).
Classifying a person who did the impossible as a demigod was very important to the ancient Greeks for a few reasons:
1. It would create the idea that only living demigods can do impossible things and thus disencourage "regular" humans from thinking they can also do that and thus keeping them in line for the politicians in power who ruled every aspect of their lives.
2. It cemented the idea that the gods still interact with their people and future demigods will be bestowed with their blessings and thus their hometowns would also benefit from said blessings.
3. Adding to reason number 2, it was also used for tourism.
4. It kept the honor of both women and children who didn't have a man claiming to be the head of their household and thus allowed the father of the mother to not have a shamed lineage.
5. It was especially used by kings to keep tyrants from taking over and kept civilians from rising against them for fear they would be cursed by their divine parental figure.
6. It was used to explain the unexplainable and as a way to keep people from thinking they could do something without the influence of a god and thus letting it get to their heads as we see in the cautionary tale of Bellerophon who grew impatient with his accomplishments being accredited to his father Poseidon and people assuming it was because he was a demigod and not because of his own efforts. After growing so frustrated over losing so much personal credit, he demanded a place on Olympus because of all he accomplished and was sent a gadfly by Zeus for using pegasus to force his way into Olympus and thus falling to his death after the gadfly bit pegasus who bucked Bellerophon off: (LINK)
The idea that a human can be a god is very dangerous and one often used by toxic cults forcing their will on others. They push the narrative that someone is the reincarnation of Apollo or the child of Zeus and will use that narrative to try to force people to do things they don't want to do because a living "god" told them to do it.
People who believe they are a god are often described as having a "God Complex" (LINK). Not only is having a god complex dangerous to the person and everyone around them, but it's often associated with an extreme form of narcissism (LINK)
Why are god complexes so dangerous? Every human is fallible. We make mistakes and we grow and learn from those mistakes when we admit to them. People who have god complexes usually believe they are so perfect it's impossible for them to make mistakes so they blame everyone else around them and never take responsibility for themselves. As someone who grew up with very narcissistic adults with god complexes, it's frustrating to be gaslit and blamed for things you never did. They also don't believe in consent or believe they are above needing consent because they are a god and "know better."
If you meet someone claiming to be a god
Seriously, run. Everyone has the ability to do and create extraordinary things but people with god complexes do not understand consent or how to respect the will of others because they think they are above other humans. Although I'm not a big fan of Witchtok, here's a little jingle that helps explain more about people with god complexes. (Tw: mentions of violence) (LINK)
Demigods are best left to mythology and storytelling.
They can be very inspiring, but a living "god" is very dangerous because they force their will onto others and are not above intimidation tactics. Here is a list of people who had been worshipped as living gods in the past and this includes Hitler, so you can see why the idea of "living gods" makes me very uncomfortable: (LINK)
These Delphic Maxims address god-complexes:
11) Φρόνει θνητά: Think mortal thoughts.
141) Εὖ πάσχε ὡς θνητός: Do as well as your mortal status permits.
The way that I personally interpret these two maxims is as a reminder that humans are human with human limits. It therefore asks that we not act like a god because that's assuming we no longer see ourselves as human.
It also asks that we not assume we can think like a god because that's over simplifying the way that the gods operate by applying human morals to them when they are beyond our comprehension and know things we'll never know, so they are a lot more complex than we'll ever understand, and assuming we know is to limit the gods.
But overall the main message is to respect the will of others by not thinking you are way better because you are more god-like than they are. EVERY person has the ability to be spiritual and the ability to create in such extraordinary ways that seem almost "god-like" to others but we are still human with human limits.
I personally believe human limits are beautiful and one of the many reasons why the gods are so fascinated with us. The gods get to see what we accomplish with such fragile lives, small limits that are carried by strong wills and big hearts.
I hope this helps!
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vincememes · 3 years
banana fish starters
WARNINGS: IMPLIED SA, VIOLENCE MENT, DRUGS MENT spoiler warning .    to make it less long, the rest is under a cut.
feel free to adjust pronouns / names as needed !
❛   even if i did know something, what good would it do?  ❜  
❛   even a stupid street punk like me knows that  ❜  
❛   i envy you … being able to jump like that.  ❜  
❛   what could be more relaxing than three days away from these guys?  ❜  
❛   i wish i could hate you. i need someone to hate.  ❜  
❛   someone is dead. not that you’d give a damn one way or the other.  ❜  
❛   treating him like you’re giving the pope a bath isn’t going to help.  ❜  
❛   aren’t there any decent parents in this world?  ❜  
❛   that guy always regarded me as a human being with a real heart, not some sort of tool.  ❜  
❛   this little act of charity, you’re going to regret this.  ❜  
❛   i tried to forget.  ❜  
❛   stay with me... i won’t ask "forever". just for now.  ❜  
❛   well, i already know you’re a sick man.  ❜  
❛   ready to lose your life over a pizza?  ❜  
❛   my name... has become the signal for a massacre.  ❜  
❛   what on earth... have i become?  ❜  
❛   what do you think i am...? i’m a murderer... okay?  ❜  
❛   i told you before. i kill people.  ❜
❛   they paid the price for their decisions— that’s all.  ❜  
❛   what the hell do you know?!  ❜  
❛   let‘s say i am ‘exceptional’. the problem is, i never, ever, my whole life wanted to be.  ❜  
❛   you said i am not like ordinary people.  ❜  
❛   there’ve been countless times in my life when i thought i’d be better off dead.  ❜  
❛   that nothing could be worse than what was happening to me right then.  ❜  
❛   at times like that...death looks sweet and peaceful, and unbearably enticing.  ❜  
❛   war is always good business for those in power.  ❜  
❛   sorry to destroy your youthful innocence.  ❜  
❛   you have any idea what those guys made us do?  ❜  
❛   don’t tell me you still believe the pen is mightier than the sword.  ❜  
❛   if you ask me, the white house can go screw itself.  ❜  
❛   i wonder if i’m dying somewhere.  ❜  
❛   i wasn’t expecting the law to protect me.  ❜  
❛   i’ve ignored it all my life... i sure as hell don’t plan on hiding behind it now.  ❜  
❛   just keep them away from me— please!  ❜
❛   this town’s my backyard, remember?  ❜  
❛   sunrise and sunset are about the only times this junkyard of a city looks good.  ❜  
❛   even if i said no, you wouldn’t go back anyway.  ❜  
❛   if you went home i’d probably worry if something happened to you.  ❜  
❛   so it’s better you’re right here, where i can keep an eye on you  ❜  
❛   some people never change.  ❜  
❛   vulture got together with the viper. you make a great pair.  ❜  
❛   why now after all this time— does it have to be you, of all people...?  ❜  
❛   i don’t stand a chance. i’m dust against him.  ❜  
❛   over my dead body. if anybody hurts you... it’ll be over my dead body—  ❜  
❛   i don’t care who it is. i am not letting anybody hurt you.  ❜  
❛   do i scare you?  ❜  
❛   dont give me your stupid advice.  ❜  
❛   i’m happy, goddammit!    ❜  
❛   i know there’s at least one person in this world who cares about me. who doesn’t want anything from me.  ❜  
❛   do you have any idea what that’s like? i never did... not once in my entire life—until now.  ❜  
❛   and that’s worth more to me than anything else.  ❜  
❛   go back home! don’t look at me!  ❜  
❛   i don’t want you seeing me like this!  ❜  
❛   my hands are dirty with other people's blood.  ❜  
❛   i don't even know how many people i've killed.  ❜  
❛   i'm bad news.  ❜  
❛   i wish i could’ve been like you.  ❜  
❛   it’s just that… i always picture the worst-case scenario, that’s all.  ❜  
❛   guess it’s because i’m a coward.  ❜  
❛   i just can’t relax. it’s turned into a habit.  ❜  
❛   i was so scared i couldn’t speak, i couldn’t cry, and i screamed in my head, but... nothing came out.   ❜
❛   if i ever lose you too... i'll go crazy.  ❜  
❛   come back safely. i'll be waiting for you, forever.  ❜  
❛   if you feel responsible, the same goes for me.  ❜  
❛  my words might not mean anything now, but just remember one thing.  ❜  
❛   even if the world turns on you, i'll always be on your side.  ❜  
❛   humans can change their destiny.  ❜  
❛   if i'm going to die anyways, at least i'll die trying!  ❜  
❛   don't apologize. that's something for people like me to do.  ❜  
❛   i'd do anything for you.  ❜  
❛   i know we'll meet again, no matter how far apart we are.  ❜  
❛   you're the greatest friend i'll ever have.  ❜  
❛   you're not alone. i'm by your side. my soul is always with you.  ❜  
❛   you asked me over and over if you scared me. but i never feared you. not once.  ❜  
❛   i'm really glad i came here.  ❜  
❛   i met lots of people. and more than anything, i met you.  ❜  
❛   that’s when i decided. i would always believe in you, no matter what.  ❜  
❛   no matter what happened, he would always have at least one person...  ❜
❛   i am very worried because i haven’t seen you and i don’t know if you are okay.  ❜  
❛   but so what? we are friends. isn’t that enough? what else do we need?  ❜  
❛   actually, i always felt that you are hurt, much more than me - that your spirit is wounded.  ❜  
❛   i know you are much smarter than me, and bigger, and stronger - but even so.. i always wanted to protect you.  ❜  
❛   but what did i want to protect you from?  ❜  
❛    i think i wanted to protect you from your future.  ❜  
❛   because your fate was sweeping you away, like a flood.  ❜  
❛   but i’m not saying “goodbye” to you... because this isn’t goodbye.  ❜
❛   are you going off on your own again?  ❜
❛   somewhere far away.. without a word?  ❜
❛   i want to see you. i wish i was with you right now.  ❜ 
❛   a bloody history is inevitable when you are the one ruling.  ❜  
❛   what's wrong? you hated him, right? guess what? so do i.  ❜  
❛   no need to glare. i won't eat you up.  ❜  
❛   there's nothing you can do to help.  ❜  
❛   and what can you do to help?  ❜  
❛   you really irritate me.  ❜  
❛   you make people want to protect you or make them want to tear you apart and crush you.  ❜  
❛   so, what to do with you now.  ❜  
❛   i heard you tried to escape again. you have some spunk.  ❜  
❛   we have hired him, his target is your friend.  ❜  
❛   i have other things for you to do for me.  ❜  
❛   we still have two more scorpions.  ❜  
❛   i am a monster, too.  ❜  
❛   i'm not hearing any good news.  ❜  
❛   you become all tame when you’re around them.  ❜  
❛   you’ve degraded from a lone lynx to a content pet cat.  ❜  
❛   depending on your answer, i may not forgive you.  ❜
OTHER CHARACTERS (shorter, max, sing, shunichi, etc.)
❛   his face when he laughed was cute, and childlike, and totally angelic.  ❜  
❛   it's my problem too! if you go alone, you'll just be killed.  ❜  
❛   you'll die for nothing!  ❜  
❛   i won't let you go alone.  ❜  
❛   i'm sorry, but believe me when i say this: i'll die before i let them lay a finger on you.  ❜  
❛   i can't anymore. set me free. i'm in so much pain.  ❜
 ❛   we need to stay apart so at least one of us survives  ❜   
❛   if the former boss gets hit then it's the duty of the new boss to make the drop.  ❜   
❛   if we don't fight back now, we'll forever be expendable tools. ❜  
❛   you asked me to look after them.  ❜  
❛   yes, honey.    ❜  
❛   that’s for you to decide for yourself..  ❜  
❛   what’s wrong? you can’t punch me from that far back.  ❜  
❛   this will be the last time i give you a word of advice.  ❜  
❛   time is an ironic thing. for us, it means to age. but for people like him, it means to grow.  ❜  
❛   i love all women. they're beautiful and strong. like life itself.  ❜  
❛   it would only be making another one of us. ❜  
❛   one more wretched being, unloved and unloving, whose only sustenance is hatred and nihilism.  ❜  
❛   don’t fight your memories, cuz you’re never going to win.  ❜  
❛   i guess home isn’t something you want to remember if you ran away from it.  ❜  
❛   in one second i knew he could read everything on my mind.  ❜  
❛   i wondered when this boy had started to watch out for his soul, then i knew how much he had suffered.  ❜  
❛   you are the most beautiful and the most dangerous, of all the beasts i have ever known.  ❜  
❛   rather than hate and be triumphant, you chose to love and be destroyed.  ❜  
❛   i staked my life on that choice. please try to accept it.  ❜  
❛   one who does not love cannot be loved, either.  ❜  
❛   you at the very least knows what it is to love.  ❜  
❛   how can you expect someone who suffered so much to have any respect for authority? ❜  
❛   fine line between offender and victim it’s hard to know where to draw it.  ❜  
❛   there’s something about you that i just can’t hate.  ❜  
❛   'cause you’re hurt your soul’s bleeding-even now.  ❜  
❛   you’re just like me that way.  ❜
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kpurereactions · 4 years
Love Shot
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Pairing: Exo x Reader
Rating: Drama, Angst, Smut, Fluff
WARNINGS: Language, Eventual Violence, Lots of Smut Later on
Chapter | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 |
It was hard to find something ball worthy. Balls really weren't in my resume in things im able to do, so I had no idea how to go about shopping for one. It seemed stupid, and it was stressing me out so much even Mino realized it. He tried to help, he really did but after the third store I could tell there was no use in having him there, so I had to just let him leave.
Once I found it, I knew it was right. All of the stress of finding the perfect dress really took a toll on me, and as I stared at the fleshy pink tulle gown I couldn't help but to wonder why it was I had become so obsessed with finding something that fit me perfectly. It was because of Baekhyun. And possibly Junmyeon too. That part scared me. Why I wanted to impress these two men made no sense to me. The feeling of my heart fluttering when Baekhyun was laughing, or when Junmyeon was smiling took over and I had to put the dress down.
The excitement of the ball took over everything that day. I knew I would be the only self readied person there, so I decided to take my time. Make sure there was no room for error. I couldn't help but stop and look at myself on my way out, the soft fairy lights in my now dim room catching the gold that scattered the soft pink material made me feel like a goddess.
I smiled to myself, running my hand over my stomach once before collecting enough of the skirt to make it easier to walk down the stairs. A large black car waited for me outside my apartment and to my surprise no one else was in it. A short balding man bowed deeply to me as he opened the door, his hands moving quickly to gather the rest of my dress into the car so it didnt catch in the door.
The drive was spent trying to calm my nerves. The closer I got the more sweaty my hands became and I couldnt do anything else but wipe them on the seats as we finally turned down the long drive way. Cars stacked closely behind each other as guests arrived one by one. The wait to exit didnt help my nerves as the closer I got the more beautiful women I saw exiting with their dates. It was intimidating.
I was surprised to see Beakhyun, Jongmyeon and five other men standing outside of their house when It was finally my turn to get out. I froze seeing Junmyeon walking closer to the car, eventually opening my door for me.
“You look… Beautiful, Y/n.” He said, taking my hand. I could tell he ment it by the look in his eyes. He seemed truly shocked, but given it was really the first time hes ever seen me not covered in paint I didnt let it get to my head.
He held onto my hand even after the car door had closed, leading me slowly to the other men who stood there, all looking at me. I let my eyes scan all of them. They were all handsome, all in different ways. My gaze ended with Jongin, the look in his eyes more genuine than they had been the past few times he had met me. I found this strange, but I didn't have time to think about why it was since Junmyeon took no time in introducing me to the boys.
I smiled as I shook each one of their hands, each boy just as polite as the one after until my hand once again fell into Jongin’s. In a swift motion he flipped my hand over and kissed it softly, the cocky, almost dangerous look flashing through his eyes quickly. Junmyeon cleared his throat.
“Okay, that's enough. Sehun here has a gift for you.” He said thankfully. You pulled your hand away from Jongin a little too roughly and turned your attention to the man Junmyeon referred to as the youngest of the seven.
Instead of saying anything Sehun approached you slowly, reaching into his coat to pull out a delicate gold mask embroidered with diamonds. My eyes went wide, it was the most beautiful thing ive ever seen. Before I could protest the jester Sehun had rounded me, placing the mask over my face and tying it softly. As soon as I felt his hands dropped I turned to see a soft smile on his stone face.
“Ready to have some fun?” Baekhyun said, making me turn around again.
Junmyeon’s hand was once again reaching for mine, and even though I knew a bit better this time, I didnt stop him from taking it and leading me back up to the porch. We walked through the house, Junmyeon leading me in front of all the other boys who flanked us closely. The house, which seamed to glow a brilliant gold rather than the white it did before, had people from all corners of the world scattered about. It was obvious, though, that the party was outside. Two men in tailcoats opened a set of wide, tall double doors for us to an extensive garden. There were lights hanging through all the trees, all leading to the same center where a large fountain was running, and just to the left was a set up floor where people were dancing.
“Y/n, Would you like a drink?” Junmyeon asked, his hand moving from mine to the bare skin of my back. He smiled warmly as I nodded, excusing himself before I could offer to go with him.
“Ill introduce myself again, My name is Jongdae.” My attention moved to him, and once again I smiled. “Baekhyun told me you were commissioned for your art. Thank you for taking the time.” He added, sweetly.
“It’s my pleasure. I really do love your home so im excited to be able to contribute.” I said.
Junmyeon returned to hand me a glass of wine, pointing out he remembered how I had been drinking white wine at our first meeting. The four of us had been talking intently while others wet off to do what they pleased. Jongdae and Baekhyun together had me laughing nonstop, the stories they started to tell of their pre pubescent years making it hard to even get a sip of my drink in. Junmyeon, on the other hand had finished him in attempted to hide the fact he was getting slightly embarrassed at the stories being told.
“How about he go dance. What do you say?” He said turning to me and pushing his empty glass into Baekhyun’s empty chest.
I smiled at the other boys as my hand for the third time was taken. I couldn't lose the smile that had grown as Junmyeon led me to the middle of the dancefloor. He pulled me in close before starting to lead our dance.
“Why are you still laughing?” He said in a fake hurt voice.
“It's just funny to see that millionaires are people too.” I teased, laughing as he spun me away before spinning me back in tightly.
“I have a feeling about you.” He said once I was back into his arms and we were back to swaying at an appropriate pace.
“And whats that feeling?” You asked, not quite sure you you were flirting or not.
“That were going to be come very fond of you. And you of us.” He said.
Before I could ask what he meant by that we were being summoned back by Baekhyun and Jongdae where they stood by the bar. Junmyeon once again took my hand, which now just felt natural. Baekhun handed you a new glass of wine before doing the same to Junmyeon. You stood there laughing, but this time the glasses of wine where going down a little faster than they had been before.
Junmyeon introduced you to people when he could, but thankfully were very self aware of just how much you were drinking. Eventually more of the guys started to make their way over to the four of us, Chanyeol being the first, and the flirtiest. I didn't mind though. I honestly was too drunk to care. The one conversation quickly turned into two conversations as Chanyeol and I started to get distracted, laughing and whispering lightly as you pointed at the people dancing.
Before I could get a grasp on things Chanyeol was pulling me towards the dance floor causing me to shove my glass back at Jongdae as I was pulled away quickly. We laughed the entire way we half jogged back to the dance floor, and once we got there our dance moves were so dramatic and goofy it was hard to keep a straight face we were maintaining. Chanyeol was so fun, and I think he knew he was since I couldn't control my laughter.
A tap on Chanyeol’s shoulder was the only thing that would have separated the two of us, and before I could really protest Jongin’s body was knowing being pressed to mine. I made Chanyeol laugh one more time by extending my arm out as if to say I would miss him before turning back and wrapping my arms around Jongin’s neck.
Dancing with Jongin was so different than dancing with Chanyeol. I had sobered up enough for my body to remember all of the concerns about him, but I was still drunk enough to not care. Or so I thought. The way he looked at me made my skin hot. He was taller than me even in my heels, so the way he looked down at me caused my heart to flutter. I decided to be bold. I could feel something might happen, so I wanted to make sure I wouldn't be making a mistake by someone who scared me.
I had so much to say, but the communication between my brain and my mouth seemed to be shut down as none of these things I wanted to say came out. Instead I was stuck there, unable to get myself out of his grasp and completely in a trance by his gaze. I couldn’t stop myself from letting my eyes wonder his face. His eyes were dark. Lustful as the warm feeling of his hand against my cold skin held me tighter. Nothing was being said, but our bodies were talking to one another. He noticed my eyes flicking from his to his lips causing his tongue to gently poke through before his teeth caught his lip.
I was convinced he could feel my heart as it was about to jump out of my chest from beating so hard. As we swayed his grip tightened, but not in a way that made me feel suffocated. I couldn't push the feeling of comfort out of my mind. As he held me tighter his head dipped so his lips hovered right by my ear. Goosebumps covered my skin as an eruption of static seemed to run down my neck.
“Lets sneak away.”
That was all he needed to say. I felt like I should protest. My sober mind was begging me too, but my legs followed all too willingly as his hand grasped mine and pulled me through the crowd. I was all but running by his side as we snuck into the darkness to find a side door that no one was hovering around. His hand held mine lightly as he led the way up the stairs, slowing down only enough to allow me to collect my skirt so I didn't trip on it.
The hallway we ended up in was dimly lit, but I didn't have a chance to take a good look around as I was desperately being pushed against a wall, my hands now both being held above my head. I accepted Jongin’s kiss willingly, his lips crashing against mine before his body held me in place against the wall. He didn't fight me when I pulled my wrists out of his hand as if he knew I was going to wrap them tightly around his neck. His kiss was rough, but smooth as his lips fought with mine. I couldn't help my hands from tangling themselves in his hair, at that moment, all I could think about was touching him and him touching me.
I squealed gently followed by a giggle that made him smirk as he stepped back and pulled me with him, his eyes growing dark as he backed me up and into what I assumed was his bedroom. As if my hands had a mind of their own I tugged at his coat until it fell off his shoulders, my hands not stopping until the buttons of his shirt were completely undone. I took a minute to admire is body, letting my fingers trail back up to his chest. He was very obedient, I noticed. My hands found their way under the material that still touched his shoulders and before I could push that down he was doing it for me, quickly connecting our lips again. I felt his hands making their way up my back, searching for the zipper to my dress. He found it with ease, giving it a soft tug and letting his hand take its time as it traced down my spine.
Easily my dress pooled at my feet, his hand now finding their way around my waist again to pull me in tightly. Once again he walked me backwards, out lips still moving at top speed as we both fought for breath. He laid me down gently, his hand not letting go of my body until I was secure on the bed and he was between my legs. I was surprised to feel the kissing slow, but not surprised when his lips left mine to kiss down my neck.
I watched him as his head lowered slowly on my body, his lips kissing every inch he made. The feeling of his teeth pulling at my panties caused my arm to cover my mouth. I didn’t realize just how turned on I had become. His eyes met mine as his hands finally made their way down from where they held my waist. They were dark, and full of lust. I couldnt help but to grow shy as he pulled my panties down. Sex was something ive had, but not often so the thought of being naked in front of someone was still new to me.
It was like he could sense that as he stood back over my body, his forearm flexing by the side of my head.
“Any time you say stop I will.” He said sternly, watching me closely as I nodded to show him I understood.
He paused for a second, watching me, but I quickly closed the gap by wrapping my arms around his neck and pulling him back down to me. I didn't want him to stop, no matter how shy I got.
His hands once agains trailed down my side, his touch so light it tickled my body. My chest rose and fell heavily as I tried to catch my breath again, watching him as his head once again dipped down my body, his hands now moving back up and under me to unclasp my bra. I let my eyes close, wanted to feel him touching me and nothing else as he moved to position himself.  
He didn't hold back for one second, his tongue moving vigorously against my clit as two of his fingers slowly stretched me out. I couldn't help the heavy breaths and moans that escaped my lips as my hand gripped the bedsheet in desperate attempt to allow him to finish me off. It didn't take him long, though. The muscles in my stomach clenched as my body contorted quickly. His free hand moved to wrap around my thigh, holding me open as my thighs began to quiver furiously. I let out a loud breath, my head tilting backwards as my entire body seemed to release with pleasure.
My heart raced and my fingers ached as I released the bedsheet, my eyes slowly opening to see him grinning still between my legs. He let out a low chuckle after he kissed the inside of my thigh and my body shook once more due to how tender I had become. He slowly crawled back up and once again placed his lips right beside my ear.
I didn't even let him say what he probably wanted to say. I needed him more than I had before. I didn't care how tender I was, I needed him to finish what he had started. My fingers quickly fumbled with his belt as he attempted to kick off his shoes. I didn't care about anything in that moment, not even enough to finish undoing his pants. My arms wrapped back around his neck pulling him back in closely and kissing him harder than I had been before. Again his hands wrapped around my waist but this time to sit me up.
I could feel him undressing himself once I had followed his mouth into a kneeling position. I was fully ready to return the favor orally, but he had something else in mind once his pants hit the ground. Not once did I open my eyes as he sat next to me and pulled me onto his lap. I let a small smile through once I could feel just how hard he had become. I let my hips roll over him as if he didn't already know how wet he had made me, as if to tease him. I smiled again, this time wider, when his hand caught me from rocking again and lifted me up. I let him position me over his tip and then slowly push me down till he was all the way in me.
It was his turn to smile at the groan I seemed to get out through our kiss. He started to guide my hips back and forth, controlling my movements for me as we both began to pant. I realized in that moment how much I enjoyed letting him control me, so when his arm wrapped around my back and he stood, instructing my legs to wrap around him with his other hand so he could turn us and place me back on my back I couldn't stop myself from gripping at him tighter.
He didn't waste one second to start pumping quickly, his body pulling back from mine as he pushed my legs back towards my chest. I wanted to watch him work. To see the veins pop in his chest and arms as he watched himself pleasure me but the motions of his hips were too much for me to keep my eyes open. I let a loud moan as he maneuvered my knees so they were over his shoulders. He was able to get deeper because of this, not hitting a part of me I never knew existed. He noticed how much I liked that, and knowing he could do it better he quickly flipped me over so I now laid on my stomach. His hands pressed into my back, pushing me into the mattress even more as he pounded downward, hitting my G Spot with every motion.
He seemed to read my body better than I could, as I could feel him chuckle as my body started to tighten in preparation for my second orgasm.
“Hang on baby, i'm right behind you.” He whispered, bending over so his lips brushed against the back of my neck as he spoke.
I couldn't contain my moanings as the second orgasm erupted through my body. My hands clenching desperately to the bed sheets as his own moanings became more consistent. Every pump seemed to send another smaller orgasm through my body until he was quickly pulling out and the feeling of cum covered my back. His own body rested on mine, a mixture of sweat and cum making my skin flush with excitement as he peppered kisses over my shoulders.
Propping myself up onto my elbows I turned my head to accept one last kiss to my temple before he got up, instructing me to stay there while he disappeared into the bathroom. I let my head fall once again, exhaustion finally taking over my body. The feeling of a damp, warm towel cleaning off my skin caused my eyes to droop, and by the time Jongin was back to pull me under the covers I was already half asleep and there was no point in fighting his arms wrapping around me tightly.
Chapter 4
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prince-everhard · 4 years
Prince’s Whumptober 2020 masterpost
Gonna have links, titles, summaries, and all that jazz under a readmore because i decided to really push myself and do all 31 prompts separately. Thank you to everyone who liked and reblogged my work; your support means the world to me and makes me want to keep writing! 
multiparters here have been listed in chronological order rather than posting order for ease of reading. 
No 1. LET’S HANG OUT SOMETIME Waking Up Restrained | Shackled | Hanging
Title: another duck joins the flock Fandom: FAHC Character(s): Geoff, Michael Rating: T Warning(s): blood, handcuffs Wordcount: 728 Summary: Or how the Fakes gained their most famous muscle. [tidied up/expanded this never-to-be-posted fahc wip for whumptober]
No 2. IN THE HANDS OF THE ENEMY “Pick Who Dies” | Collars | Kidnapped
Title: and the worst part of waiting is the anticipation Fandom: Naruto Character(s): Team 7 Rating: T Warning(s): blood, vomit Wordcount: 951 Summary: Team Seven gets captured. [part of the whumptober au]
No 3. MY WAY OR THE HIGHWAY Manhandled | Forced to their Knees | Held at Gunpoint
Title: A Teaching Moment Fandom: Naruto Character(s): Sakura, Kabuto Rating: T Warning(s): none Wordcount: 498 Summary: Kabuto makes her an offer she can’t refuse. [part of the whumptober au]
No 29. I THINK I NEED A DOCTOR Intubation | Emergency Room | Reluctant Bedrest
Title: Graduation Fandom: Naruto Character(s): Sakura, Kabuto, Rating: T+? Warning(s): blood Wordcount: 835 Summary: Kabuto has one more test before Sakura can be considered a true medic-nin. [part of the whumptober au]
No 15. INTO THE UNKNOWN Possession | Magical Healing | Science Gone Wrong
Title: Arboreal Fandom: Naruto Character(s): Sakura Rating: T Warning(s): needles Wordcount: 803 Summary: It was only a matter of time before Sakura found something that could help her escape. [part of the whumptober au]
No 9. FOR THE GREATER GOOD “Take Me Instead” | “Run!” | Ritual Sacrifice
Title: no good deed goes unpunished Fandom: Naruto Character(s): Naruto, Teuchi, Kyuubi Rating: T Warning(s): violence against children Wordcount: 972 Summary: Something goes wrong on his seventh birthday. Naruto might never be the same again.
No 26. IF YOU THOUGHT THE HEAD TRAUMA WAS BAD… Migraine | Concussion | Blindness
Title: Degradation Fandom: Naruto Character(s): Kakashi, Sakura, Naruto Rating: T Warning(s): dismemberment ment Wordcount: 187 Summary: Kakashi knows that power comes with a price.
Dragon Age
No 6. PLEASE…. “Get it Out” | No More | “Stop, please”
Title: Like Dogs Fandom: Dragon Age Character(s): Female Tabris, Shianni, Soris, Nelaros Rating: M Warning(s): implied/offscreen rape, violence against women, blood Wordcount: 1640 Summary: It was supposed to be a good thing, getting married. It wasn’t. [this is really just a love letter to the origin that fucking shooketh me]
No 19. BROKEN HEARTS Grief | Mourning Loved One | Survivor’s Guilt
Title: all’s fair but war is not without casualties Fandom: Dragon Age Character(s)/Pairing(s): Female Cousland, Alistair; ex-Alistair/Warden Rating: T Warning(s): none Wordcount: 695 Summary: Ten years after the Blight ends, Elissa Cousland runs into someone she never thought she’d see again. It, uh, doesn’t go quite as planned. [mostly canon compliant; Loghain is spared and becomes a warden]
No 11. PSYCH 101 Defiance | Struggling | Crying
Title: Duty Fandom: Dragon Age Character(s): Female Cousland, Eleanor, Bryce Rating: T Warning(s): blood, betrayal, last stand Wordcount: 633 Summary: Even without interference, history marches on. A what-if scenario if Duncan wasn’t there to recruit the Cousland. [part of iron & ash]
No 23. WHAT’S A WHUMPEE GOTTA DO TO GET SOME SLEEP AROUND HERE? Exhaustion | Narcolepsy | Sleep Deprivation
Title: To Ostagar Fandom: Dragon Age Character(s): Female Cousland Rating: T Warning(s): none Wordcount: 545 Summary: Jasmine is determined to get vengeance for her family. [part of iron & ash]
No 14. IS SOMETHING BURNING? Branding | Heat Exhaustion | Fire
Title: Consequences Fandom: Dragon Age Character(s): Female Surana Rating: T Warning(s): none Wordcount: 368 Summary: Surana helps her best friend escape the Circle, and the consequences are more than she bargained for.
No 21. I DON’T FEEL SO WELL Chronic Pain | Hypothermia | Infection
Title: Corrupted Fandom: Dragon Age Character(s): Female Mahariel, Duncan Rating: Gen Warning(s): none Wordcount: 192 Summary: It’s a long journey from the Brecilian Forest to Ostagar for someone with blight sickness.
No 31. TODAY’S SPECIAL: TORTURE Experiment | Whipped | Left for Dead
Title: Big Sister Instinct Fandom: Dragon Age Character(s): Female Hawke, Unnamed Templars Rating: T Warning(s): torture, violence against women Wordcount: 325 Summary: Marian Hawke would rather die than betray her family. She might even just get the chance to do it.
Mass Effect
No 4. RUNNING OUT OF TIME Caged | Buried Alive | Collapsed Building
Title: never forget to bury your regret (before it buries you) Fandom: Mass Effect Character(s): Male Shepard, Human OC Rating: T Warning(s): cave-in, blood, character death Wordcount: 450 Summary: Survival training goes south in the ICT.
No 7. I’VE GOT YOU Support | Carrying | Enemy to Caretaker
Title: First Contact Fandom: Mass Effect Character(s): Turian OC, Human OC Rating: T Warning(s): injuries, broken bones, vomit, vehicular crash Wordcount: 1150 Summary: Decimus isn’t ready to die, but he’s especially not ready to die on a stupid scouting mission to a stupid alien colony. [set during the First Contact War; probably not canon-compliant but idgaf]
No 18. PANIC! AT THE DISCO Panic Attacks | Phobias | Paranoia
Title: what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger (and what does makes you scarred forever) Fandom: Mass Effect Character(s): Female Shepard, Edi, Tali’Zorah, Garrus Vakarian Rating: T Warning(s): panic attack, open space Wordcount: 662 Summary: Shepard isn’t afraid of getting spaced. No, really. [a closer look at the geth dreadnought mission]
No 28. SUCH WOW. MANY NORMAL. VERY OOPS. Accidents | Hunting Season | Mugged
Title: Torfan Fandom: Mass Effect Character(s): Female Shepard, Major Kyle Rating: T Warning(s): blood, guns, drugging Wordcount: 589 Summary: How the Butcher came to be.
No 25. I THINK I’LL JUST COLLAPSE RIGHT HERE, THANKS Disorientation | Blurred Vision | Ringing Ears
Title: Rest Fandom: Mass Effect Character(s)/Pairing(s): Female Shepard, Anderson; referenced Shepard/Vega Rating: T Warning(s): blood, character death Wordcount: 1018 Summary: A father-daughter moment after they open the arms of the Citadel. [part of Alder]
No 5. WHERE DO YOU THINK YOU’RE GOING? On the Run | Failed Escape | Rescue
Title: they found you on the floor Fandom: Mass Effect Character(s): Female Shepard Rating: T Warning(s): alcohol, vomit, underage drinking Wordcount: 348 Summary: Like mother like daughter; Shepard deals with her trauma after Mindoir. [part of Gloria Shepard]
No 22. DO THESE TACOS TASTE FUNNY TO YOU? Poisoned | Drugged | Withdrawal
Title: there’s easier ways to die Fandom: Mass Effect Character(s): Female Shepard, Ashley Williams Rating: T Warning(s): DTs, vomit mention Wordcount: 368 Summary: Shepard takes a stand against her own demons. [part of Gloria Shepard]
No 17. I DID NOT SEE THAT COMING Blackmail | Dirty Secret | Wrongfully Accused
Title: you crawled up on your cross Fandom: Mass Effect Character(s): Female Shepard, Jacob Taylor Rating: T Warning(s): alcohol Wordcount: 645 Summary: Shepard gets a morale boost from a crewmate. [part of Gloria Shepard]
No 16. A TERRIBLE, HORRIBLE, NO GOOD, VERY BAD DAY Forced to Beg | Hallucinations | Shoot the Hostage
Title: Cornered Fandom: Mass Effect Character(s): Garrus, Female Shepard Rating: T Warning(s): broken bones Wordcount: 1281 Summary: Garrus gets into some trouble. [part of the omega non-reaper au]
No 20. TOTO, I HAVE A FEELING WE’RE NOT IN KANSAS ANYMORE Lost | Field Medicine | Medieval
Title: Ancient History Fandom: Mass Effect Character(s): Female Shepard, Garrus Rating: T Warning(s): injuries, death, self-destructive/suicidal actions Wordcount: 1223 Summary: Jane is an enigma and Garrus just wants to figure her out. [part of the omega non-reaper au]
No 8. WHERE DID EVERYBODY GO? “Don’t Say Goodbye” | Abandoned | Isolation
Title: After Fandom: Mass Effect Character(s): Garrus, Female Shepard Rating: T Warning(s): injuries, death Wordcount: 440 Summary: Jane comes for Garrus after the gangs’ assault. [part of the omega non-reaper au]
No 30. NOW WHERE DID THAT COME FROM? Wound Reveal | Ignoring an Injury | Internal Organ Injury
Title: Debt Fandom: Mass Effect Character(s)/Pairing(s): Garrus, Female Shepard, Mordin; mutual pining Shakarian Rating: T Warning(s): painkillers Wordcount: 590 Summary: After the gangs’ assault, Garrus overhears something. [part of the omega non-reaper au]
No 13. BREATHE IN BREATHE OUT Delayed Drowning | Chemical Pneumonia | Oxygen Mask
Title: Drowning Fandom: Undertale Character(s): Toriel, Asgore Rating: T Warning(s): character death, child death Wordcount: 156 Summary: Asriel brought Chara home one last time.
[replacing no. 27] Alt 7. Found Family
Title: The Door Fandom: Undertale Character(s): Frisk, Papyrus, Sans Rating: Gen Warning(s): none Wordcount: 357 Summary: Just a little look at what could be a meeting with Gaster
Red vs Blue
No 12. I THINK I’VE BROKEN SOMETHING Broken Down | Broken Bones | Broken Trust
Title: Being a twin is a Hard Thing Fandom: Red vs Blue Character(s): South Dakota Rating: T Warning(s): psychological trauma Wordcount: 281 Summary: In the days before Wash finds them, South gets… introspective. [canon compliant? taken from a wip I was never going to finish so I fleshed it out for whumptober instead]
Original Fiction
No 10. THEY LOOK SO PRETTY WHEN THEY BLEED Blood Loss | Internal Bleeding | Trail of Blood
Title: please leave a message Rating: T Warning(s): blood Wordcount: 537 Summary: A detective’s work is never done. Antonia deals with the news that her most famous case’s subject is on the run again. [original fiction]
No 24. YOU’RE NOT MAKING ANY SENSE Forced Mutism | Blindfolded | Sensory Deprivation
Title: Secondary Location Rating: Gen? Warning(s): kidnapping Wordcount: 143 Summary: Antonia wakes up on the wrong side of the city. [original fiction]
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dukeofriven · 5 years
‘The AfD declares autistic climate activist to be “mentally challenged” and firms-up its campaign platform around the idea of publicly ridiculing a teenager.’ Throw their pathetic fear of a teen back in their faces. Mock them at every opportunity. Smear their faces in their own shit until they can’t breathe without opening their mouths to swallow it. Remind them always that they are small and weak and frightened by a 15 year old - jeer them, giggle in their presence them, howl with laughter every time they try and pass their crayon scrawl as policy.  Make their every waking second a taunting Mean Girls hell in which they can never be free of the knowledge that everyone knows they’re nothing but a pathetic joke. And every time they try and draw strength from that, to try and don the mantle of the oppressed underdog, punch them in the nose and remind them that their bodies are as fragile as their egos and their ideas. Push them down again and again and again. Whisper in their ear that their Nazis forebears used to get treated like this - until one day they found the courage to stand up for themselves and their beliefs and fight. And then they lost. And then we killed them. And then we displayed their bloated corpses for all the world to jeer. And then we destroyed everything they had built and they were powerless to stop us because these failed, pathetic losers put their faith in beliefs that were wrong. Demonstrably false. Literally untrue. The Reich to last a thousand years never grew old enough to get a driver’s license. The Nazis who were humiliated in the Beer Hall Putsch vowed that from that day forward no one would ever treat them like that again. But we did. Because they’re losers who fail. These are people whose ideology gives them cover for advocating some of the most heinous acts this earth has ever seen. The alt-right, whether they openly identify as Nazis or not, are Nazis, and are in accord with the exact same belief system that advocated for genocide, racial supremacy, patriarchy, antiquated conservatism, and other such debunked delusions even if they distance themselves from the Nazi label. When someone’s ideology gives them cover for being a piece of shit like that then you should oblige and treat them as such. Drag them into the nearest restroom and give them a couple swirlies -shit belongs in the toilet, after all. Alright. Despite my bellicose rhetoric above I am a pacifist at heart - violence ultimately begets more violence. So don’t let them drown. Don’t break any bones. Don’t go pulling off fingers the way you might the wings of a tiny, helpless, pathetic, utterly incapable-of-fighting-back mosquito before carelessly squashing it with the tip of the nail on your pinkie finger. Even though you could. Easily. It would not be hard.
But there’s a difference between perpetuating a cycle of violence by starting a blood feud or spending decades abusing someone emotionally and physically and dragging someone who said “you’re a weak effeminate pansy degenerate who wouldn't exist in our pure society and its not hate speech to want a country for white straight men and women with shared moral values” into a park bathroom and demonstrating certain inaccuracies of that argument by clamming their heads into the urinal and forcing them to eat a urinal cake. It’s not the most intellectually robust rebuttal, but you could rephrase “you’re a weak effeminate pansy degenerate who wouldn't exist in our pure society” as “you’re a stinky doo doo head who sucks and when I grow up I’m gonna be strong enough to throw you into space.” They’re functionally identical in terms of tone, content, self-aggrandizement, and mental acuity. There is no intellectually appropriate response to that kind of infantile argument - these are not intelligent people. I don’t mean ‘lacking in formal education.’ I mean they’re stupid. ‘Burn the blankets to warm the bed’ stupid. Leibowitzian ‘Proud To Be A Cretin’ stupid. ‘Smart Men Stay Ignorant; Leaning’s For Libs’ stupid. Their positions should not be treated as intellectually valid out of a misguided belief that a good intellectual should be open-minded to every idea every time it’s proposed. Sure, absolute-free-speech defenders always willing to normalize Nazi “discourse”, I’ll concede that the world-is-flat guy might have had a right to explain what his beliefs were. In 5000 BC, When nobody had heard them before and we didn’t know what he was going to say. Eight thousand years later, though, indulging his ancestor who’s just going to repeat the same points that were wrong eight millennia ago is lunacy.
A good intellectual knowns when something isn’t worth their time and acts accordingly. Sometimes this means not letting someone fill the air with hate speech out of slavish obligation to letter of freedom of expression instead of its spirit (when someone is granted the freedom to debate the idea that everyone who disagrees with them should be purged, you only harm freedom, not celebrate it.) Sometimes this means force-feeding an advocate of genocide a tasty lunchtime treat of urine and quaternary ammonium compounds while cheerfully wondering aloud what might happen if there’s still unswallowed cake in their mouth and you need to resolve certain biological necessities.
The first mistake we ever made with the alt-right was to leave the whoopee cushion at home, when we should have attended their every rally with an armful and play them constantly every time they tried to speak. “There’s nothing wrong with saying I’m pr-THPPTPHTPHPHHPH proud to be THPPTPHTPHPHHPH be white and to stand up for THPPTPHTPHPHHPH the achieveTHPPTPHTPHPHHPHments of the whitTHPPTPHTPHPHHPH of the whTHPPTPHTPHPHHPH white THPPTPHTPHPHHPH white raTPHRRURURURPHH-P-P-P- whiP-P-P-P whP-P-P whiteP-P-P-P WHITE RACTRRHPRPRP-P-P ... ... ... *cough* ... ... WHITE POWFFFFWWWPWPPRPRPRPRPRPRSQUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEAKTRRRHHPPPP-PPP-RPPP-PPP-P-P-P-PLIPPPP-THRP plip! We should attend their rallies and events with boxes of red noses, rainbow wigs, and buckets of greasepaint and throw ourselves upon them until we’ve forced them into wearing their true colours. Remember: every SS officer who looked so forbidding in their tailored uniform stank of their own disgusting sweat because all that blackened leather couldn’t breathe and every SS trooper standing in that imposing formation was broiling in their own filth. Nothing but bozos in fetish gear. The vaunted Wehrmacht had their uniforms rot off their bodies in the snows of Stalingrad as they had to strip the dead for scraps and rags, freezing to death, starving to death, because Hitler - the great genius who personally involved himself with the running of his forces almost to a tactical level - he didn’t think they needed to be resupplied. The Nazis lost. The Nazis lost so badly their monuments were ground into dust, their leaders bodies destroyed or abandoned in the mud, the dreams of Germania proven nothing but a dusty model in a museum devoted to cursing the Nazi’s memory. Nothing but a shrine to hubris and grossly over-estimating your own abilities. The legacy of the Nazis is humiliation, shame, and utter fucking failure. Neo-Nazis, this ‘new’ alt-right whose philosophies are all old, have as their heroes men who did nothing but fail, who achieved nothing but to have their life’s work expunged, debased, destroyed, and condemned by the world not just in their time but for generations after. Not misunderstood geniuses but understood buffoons. Never, ever, let them forget this - and never, ever let them try to turn it into a virtue. No ‘we shall rise again’ narratives. No abyss-to-transformation in some bullshit Cambellian hero’s journey. Their past was not a defeat to inspire them to future victory. They are not the underprivileged hurdle jumper who against all odds and obstacles wins gold at the Olympics, they’re the guy on your track team who once pushed so hard on a door marked pull that he fell through the glass and had to get ten stitches, the guy who got so drunk at an out-of-town meet that he shat his bed at the hotel and tried to hide the dirty sheets in his bags and stunk-up the bus ride home until Coach found out and chewed him out in front of the entire team for being the biggest fucking tool in the whole wide world. Not the guy who was a loner in high school but who found like-minded friends in college, started a cool band where they sang about their sucky pasts, and wound-up a rich and famous with legions of adoring fans. Nah, they’re the guy who was a loner in high school, and in college, and in the job at the napkin distribution company, the guy who retired without a party, spent weeks at a time with no one to talk to, and ultimately died alone - not because he was socially awkward or shy or struggled to communicate, but because he was really unpleasant to be around and even those virtuous folk who try and make sure that nobody is lonely gave up on him because he was such a nasty, loathsome, turd of a human being whose only impact on the world was that he improved it by leaving it. That’s the past of the Nazis. That, too, is their future. Never let them forget this. Their past should embarrass them. Mortify them. There’s is the ideology of pathetic losers. When you march against them, raise high above your heads images of Nazi Germany - not rigid columns of well-armed soldiers or shining tanks rolling off the lines, but the images of their ineptitude. The shuffling columns of defeated, broken men. Their burnt tanks, their downed planes, their sunken ships, their pulverized cities, and all the equipment abandoned in panicked withdrawals or through sheer bureaucratic incompetence. Show images of Jews defiant, the simple act of their still drawing breath spit in the eye of those who thought to see them erased. Humiliate the Nazis again and again and again. They. Failed. The Jews endured, survived, flourished - won. The conquered nations of Europe rebuilt their cultural wonders and their ruined homes and brought back their stolen treasures. They won. The disposed Roma preserved their ways of life despite the will of an entire conquering empire set against them. They won too. The queer communities persecuted for their ‘deviancy’ not only survived they reshaped the post-war world into a place that could no longer sideline them in history. Another victory. The Nazis lost. The Nazi’s failed so completely that they lost not only the territory they had tried to gain but their own nation lay shattered at their feet - politically, socially, economically, spiritually. The Great and Powerful Nazi Party so failed its own people that Germany was sundered into West Germany, East Germany, and Eastern Prussia, promptly swallowed whole by the Societs - the trauma from that lingers generations on. The Nazis not only failed to achieve any of their goals - they failed in the promise made by any such ideology: in joining us we will protect you. They did not just fail to make Germany greater, they literally destroyed it, and left it in pieces. So when you march against the alt-right, these neo-Nazis, Hoist photos of the bloated corpses of the hanged at Nuremberg - their swollen faces distorted in death. Chant the cry “Morons, Not Martyrs!” Remind every alt-right shit-eating soul that they were nothing, are nothing, will always be nothing but failures, losers, and followers of stupid, incompetent, incapable fools. They were, are, shall always, can only ever be wrong. “These are your role models? This is your dream? Failures! Failures! Failures!” “Be A Nazi To Lose It All” Do not, for a single solitary second, treat their ideas as grown-up. Do not, for a moment, give them the cover of adulthood, maturity, or sober discourse. Do not, for one second of time, treat them with respect so long as they seek to hold power over you, to be feared by you, to be thought of as an enemy and not something foul but forgettable to be scrapped off your shoe. Never give them an inch of fear to feed their starving egos. The man who said that rocks were soft as butter and as edible as custard would be given no weight as a person of substantive ideas - Nazis deserve the same derision.  And do not allow them a moment of privacy to brood on the indignities you heap upon them, to be like a teen sulking in their bedroom crafting fantasies about how one day they’ll be proven right and everyone will be sorry. Drag them out into the light again and again and again, give them no moment of peace, allow no instant of time to pass when you are not holding images of their ideology’s worthlessness and failure above their heads. No hiding. No sulking. No second to plot or brood or dream. Stake them to the earth, keep them forever in the light, and pummel them with pie until even they can not deny that they are nothing but clowns worthy only of mockery, ridicule, and endless savage laughter.
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scripttorture · 6 years
If a character was tortured, managed to get away, was caught again, and then was tortured far more brutally for escaping, would they be more likely to seek self preservation (doing as they're told to an extent, not drawing attention, trying not to look threatening) or are they more likely to fight harder against the torturers? Would this worsen symptoms already present? Or give more, new symptoms? A combination of both? Would they be more likely to attempt suicide instead of a second escape?
Allof this depends very heavily on the individual. There isn’t ablanket answer that covers all survivors. They’re individual peopleand they respond to these situations differently.
Suicide,short term compliance for the sake of self-preservation, anotherescape attempt and fighting even harder because they’ve got nothingto lose are all possiblerealistic responses.
Thetrouble comes when we write any one response as the ‘only’ or‘right’ way for survivors to be.
AndI could write an essay on that but I don’t think that would beparticularly helpful for you: so instead let’s focus a little onthis particular character and their situation.
Ithink we often tend to ignore or downplay the amount to which victimsmake extremely hard-headed decisions about their survival chances. Soput yourself in the character’s shoes for a moment. Imagine thephysical situation they’re in: their injuries, their energy levels,their physical capacity. Now think about howthey’re being held: any physical obstacles like walls, guards,restraints, animals that might be used to attack or track them. Thinkabout the environment they’re in and how capable they are ofsurviving in it.
Doyou think the character is likely to believe they could surviveanother escape attempt?
Acharacter who is too starved and beaten to run probably isn’t goingto want to try outpacing a pack of German Shepherds. A characterbeing taken across the Sahara with no water supplies for miles isprobably not going to try running away unless they know a well ortown is near by. A healthy character with lots of energy may stillnot want to attempt climbing a 40 ft castle wall.
Therewill always be some people (and characters) who attempt thingsdespite the odds. But a level headed assessment that escape is toodifficult right now isa good reason for a character not to attempt escape.
Fightingis a little different because the motivation behind it isn’tusually much more than inconveniencing the guards as much as humanlypossible. It is not necessarily a genuine attempt at escape orinjuring people but an expression of frustration, anger, defianceetc. An emotional outlet in an environment that has removed manyavenues of emotional expression.
Thinkabout whether anger is a regular symptom for the character andwhether they’re the kind of person who couldlash out when angry. Think about whether the character believesthings such as ‘violence is justified if I’m defending myself’‘people should stand up to bullies’ and so forth.
Themain thought process here is whether the character thinks they’relikely to be killed, maimed or otherwise more seriously injured forfighting. In a lot of situations a victim may well judge that they’regoing to be hurt no matter what they do. A lot of people in thatsituation decide to fight but not everyone does.
Evenif a victim believes they’ll be more seriously hurt for fightingsome would still judge it to be ‘worth it’ for the emotionalrelease and satisfaction they get from fighting their tormentors.  
Thisdoesn’t make them ‘braver’ or ‘better’. It just means thatis how they’re emotionally processing the extreme situation they’rein and that their core beliefs do not include pacifism.
Shortterm compliance (which from the examples you’ve given I thinkyou’ve got a decent grasp of) can be motivated by a wide variety offactors. It can be a decision the character makes in order tosurvive. It can be a temporary state based on their physical ormental health because obvious active resistance is exhausting. Insome stories it could be part of a broader legal strategy on the partof the victim (‘See? I’m not the violent criminal they’reportraying me as, this treatment is unfair and uncalled for’). Insome stories it could be a stalling tactic on the survivor’s part(‘I’ll make them think they’ve ‘broken’ me until I canthink of a better escape plan or until I have access to a bettermeans of escape’).
I’dsuggest thinking about the other two strategies first and if you’veruled them out at least for the momentthink about whether short term compliance might benefit thecharacter. If it would get them access to better food, shelter andopportunities to escape then might consciously adopt it as part of alonger escape plan.
Rememberthat the strategies a victim adopts are not set in stone. It’s nota ‘one or the other’ affair. You can realistically have thecharacter switching between any of these strategies as the story goeson and the situation changes.
Asfor suicide-
Ithink it’s important to remember that not everyone who has suicidalthoughts or feelings actually attempts suicide. Not all suicides thatare attempted are completed. People can go for an incredibly longtime, even a normal lifetime, feeling suicidal and yet refusing toact on those feelings.
Theoptions available to us effect whether we’re likely to makeattempts or not. People in situations they see as truly hopeless,with no chance of improvement are a lot more likely to attemptsuicide.
Thefact your character has already attempted to escape means that theysee a way to improve their situation. The suggestion that they mightuse short term compliance for similar reasons backs that up. So Ithink a suicide attempt is only likely if the character becomescompletely convinced they can’t improve their situation in any way.
Thereare also cultural factors that effect the likelihood of suicide. I amunsure whether cultural prohibitions on suicide actually make it lesslikely but cultural condonementof suicide in certaincircumstances seems to make it more likely.
Iam, admittedly, basing that statement on anecdotal accounts acrosshistory and @scriptshrink may have a different opinion on the matter.
I’mthinking of practices like sati and the cultural pressures that were(and are) brought to bear on ‘dishonoured’ women; activelyencouraging their suicide as way to retain the social standing oftheir families.
Ifyour character comes from a culture that would consider suicidepreferable to a life in captivity then that coupled with suicidalfeelings post-torture would make suicide attempts likely. A characterwith a strong belief that suicide is somehow immoral might be lesslikely to act on those feelings, even if they’re just as strong.
Asfor the effects of further traumatic experiences- I don’t have dataon that in a torture context. This sort of escape and recapturescenario is a staple of fiction but is very rare in reality. I’munaware of any studies conducted on these sorts of circumstances.
Butstudies have been conductedon the effects of repeat trauma in soldiers and in civilians whosuffered childhood abuse or sexual abuse.
Basedon what I know of those studies you could see either more symptomsdeveloping or increased severity of existing symptoms, or acombination of the two.
PTSDin particular is more likely in the case of repeated traumatic events(and possibly also blows to the head). Anecdotally long termpersonality changes seems to become more likely the long a person isheld. Chronic pain may also become more likely simply because thecharacter has more injuries then they would have if the first escapeattempt was successful and their medical treatment is likely to besub-par.
Thatsaid none of those symptoms are guaranteed and it’s perfectlypossible for someone to go through multiple traumatic events and havesymptoms other than PTSD.
Themental health problems survivors experience are incredibly complex.The situation isn’t helped by how woefully lacking our research is.
Everythingyou’ve suggested is possibleand the likelihood of each outcome is strongly dependant on theindividual, the circumstances and a bunch of factors we simplyhaven’t identified yet.  So consider the story you want to tell,consider the kind of character you want to show. Think about whichresponse fits that best, what creates opportunities to show thischaracter changing, to show their emotional state and what buildsinteresting obstacles for later parts of the plot.
Thatgoes for symptoms too.
Theseare hard writing decisions to make. The complexity of thesesituations in real life means that there isn’t an easy road map toa good or even a realistic portrayal. Different things are equallytrue for different people at different times.
It’snot easy. But that doesn’t mean it’s not worth doing.
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toxicbolts · 7 years
masterbunne ha respondido a tu publicación: doku-doku-doku ha respondido a tu publicación: ...
apparently wanting a literal abused woman to be friends with a person she hurt on accident who is also literal sunshine is a bad opinion (TM)
symmetra is great character development material. lucio is an understanding person. why the hell not
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