#or the erasure of lady stoneheart
tibby · 2 years
got was already shaky in s4 but it fell off when d&d decided to twist character motivations and forgo any internal logic so sansa could be raped by ramsay
yeah i was just thinking about how like. a lot of people were shocked that it turned out got was anti feminist bc of what happened to dany as if it hadn't aggressively hated women for years. like this was a show that looked at its source material (which already had. countless acts of sexual assault within it) and decided that. hm. women aren't being violently assaulted or being murdered enough. better completely change this character's storyline so now she can be raped because her actress turned eighteen. let's have one of the few male characters is the show who abhors violence towards women rape his sister. oh this actress no longer wants to do nude scenes? time to have her character tied to a bed and violently killed.
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artcinemas · 2 months
is the got show really that bad? I've only read the books (few as they have been... but i digress) and always thought got was an idiotic adaptation which non-reader fans still liked such as the hunger games movies
it wasn't as bad in the earlier seasons but it became objectively worse during the later seasons (season five onwards). i mean season three and four my beloveds but as someone who read the books after watching the show and then rewatched the show after reading the books...the characters seem different and not cooked properly iykwim. many people will say that grrm didn't publish winds (he hasn't yet) that's why d&d had issues...like no. remember the lady stoneheart debacle? besides even though the characters of colour in the books were subjected to orientalist tropes since the beginning, i feel they were still more fleshed out in the books than the show (*kicks the show dorne plot into hellfire*) they removed and changed so many important characters (bisexual jon snow erasure....a crime), it almost felt seeing a woobiefied fanfiction sometimes. i could go on a huge essay on how the show is messed up but i feel too lazy to write it at the moment.
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kvtnisseverdeen · 4 months
the lady stoneheart erasure in game of thrones was criminal
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agentrouka-blog · 2 years
How do you think Arya will leave faceless men? Do you think it will happen like show?
The tv show leaned heavily into the maternal angle with Lady Crane, most likely to compensate for the erasure of the Lady Stoneheart plot. (I made a post about it here.)
It's bound to be a little different in the books. While there is a Lady Stork (!) in the mummer company, her penchant for wine mirrors Cersei more than Catelyn, and Arya is giving us no indication about what she feels over the plot of The Bloody Hand, even though it obviously involves her own sister and the death of King Joffrey. The far more important event during her sample chapter is not the refusal to kill but the actual kill: Raff the Sweetling, personal guard to the Lannister envoy Harys Swift, master of coin, come to beg the Iron Bank of Braavos for negotiations, no doubt, as prepared in Kevan's Epilogue to ADWD.
We know the Iron Bank already has an envoy sent to Stannis, who signed off on repaying all of the loans. Has Tycho made it back? Has he written? Will Raff's disappearance influence events? Will that, in turn, cause trouble for Arya?
"Mercy, Mercy, Mercy," she sang sadly. A foolish, giddy girl she'd been, but good hearted. She would miss her, and she would miss Daena and the Snapper and the rest, even Izembaro and Bobono. This would make trouble for the Sealord and the envoy with the chicken on his chest, she did not doubt.
She would think about that later, though. Just now, there was no time. I had best run. Mercy still had some lines to say, her first lines and her last, and Izembaro would have her pretty little empty head if she were late for her own rape. (TWOW, Mercy)
No matter quite what the political outcome of her actions will be, the Faceless Men are likely to retaliate against her insistence on acting as Arya Stark. They don’t like that. The last time, they blinded her. What will happen this time? A test of loyalty? A punishment that finally drops the veneer of benevolence? The revelation of their true purpose with Arya of House Stark? 
I can’t imagine they would just happily send her on her way with a pat on the head for killing the waif and asserting her identity like they did on the show. Her parting is likely to be a lot more traumatic and hostile than that. 
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alicentes · 3 years
Jon, Cersei and Dany took Aegon's plot. Jon took his popularity with people, Cersei took his kingship at the time of Dany's invasion, Dany took the allegiances of Westerosi houses to him. Arya took Lady Stoneheart's Frey plot, and Jon and/or Bran's Long Night (which is admitted by D&D). By this logic, D&D wanted to make Jon and Arya more important than what they will be in the books. (Tbc, I totally agree with you. Aegon/Dorne and Sansa's Vale plot was glossed over for the same reason: it required more political nuance than what "political genuis" Tyrion's funny one liners require..)
Exactly. They also basically erased Elia and her children from the narrative by making lyanna rhaegars wife and literally giving jon aegon’s name and trueborn claim. Yet there is no outrage from the fandom about aegons erasure.
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kateofthecanals · 5 years
For a bit of fun, I'm curious if you could do a fix-it for GoT? I'm just so exhausted by all the rage I feel learning about the shit D&D put everyone through (both audience, cast & crew). In an alternate universe where you were hired as showrunner/writer for GoT from Day 1, what changes would you make? Bearing in mind specific things like budgeting limitations of the earlier seasons, ideal series length and number of episodes, unpublished TWOW and ADOS, etc.
Oh lordt, where do I even start????? :-o
I mean, I don’t think I would make any drastic changes, you know? If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it. And it’s hard for me to think of stuff to cut or change because so many things lead to other things, and still more that we don’t know about that has yet to pay off. But there are definitely things I would do (or not do) if the task fell into my lap...
First and foremost, anyone adapting ASOIAF NEEDS to keep these 3 fundamental themes in mind at all times:
- Never take anything at face value; ALL narrators are unreliable.
- The Starks are the heroes, not the freaking Lannisters.
- Honor, compassion, mercy, and love are GOOD things and should be striven for at all costs.
As for specific plot/character things:
- Give Sansa’s and Arya’s respective POVs equal weight when they are first introduced.
- No unnecessary, lame “padding”, like the goddamn Littlefinger pornologue. There’s enough freaking content in the books, I don’t need to be making up my own stuff here.
- With the pornologue eliminated, we now have time for (gasp!) Sandor telling Sansa the story of his burns himself!!
- Speaking of Littlefinger, I would make sure that he comes off as a charming, charismatic chum, so that it doesn’t seem weird or ridiculous when people actually trust him. No smarmy, mustache-twirling obvi-villain, thanks.
- Restore The Jeynes -- Jeyne Westerling and Jeyne Poole. They have names, they have faces, they have stories, and they are IMPORTANT. Make it abundantly clear that Robb married Jeyne W. out of a sense of duty and honor, not because he wanted dat Volentene booty. Include Jeyne P. in important scenes in Season 1 like in Book 1; her disappearance in King’s Landing will be noted.
- THE UNKISS, DAMMIT. I would probably present this visually as a recurring dream that keeps haunting Sansa.
- Pretty much all SanSan content will be included and adapted word for word.
- Cast someone younger as Sandor (sorry, Rory).
- Present Sansa’s forced marriage to Tyrion for what it actually was -- Cersei tricking her, Tyrion not lifting a finger to warn her, Sansa being dragged to the sept and NOT KNEELING, etc. Not sure exactly how I would pull off the wedding night scene without compromising an underage actress, but I think it’s so so important to portray Tyrion’s unbashed lewdness toward her. Basically make it about SANSA.
- Tyrion is a rapist and a murderer. Let’s not whitewash, eh?
- Restore some of Dany’s agency on her wedding night.
- Film the Daznak’s Pit scene as written, with Dany taking shit into her own hands instead of standing around helpless waiting for someone to rescue her.
- Make it clear what Cersei’s Walk of Shame was actually about -- not a moment of slut-shaming but of BODY-shaming... so you know maybe NOT hire a 20-something stand-in to play a woman in her 40s?
- BRAN’S & NED’S DREAMS. In a story that’s mired down in “realism”, these dream sequences would be a nice, fun break from that. An opportunity to get really creative and experimental.
- THE NORTH ACTUALLY REMEMBERS. No House Manderly erasure on MY watch, tyvm.
- FLASHBACKS. If a character is talking about something that happened in the past, SHOW IT. Or better yet, just show it without the talky-talky. Show, don’t tell.
- I would personally cut out all the Dorne stuff BUT I would consult with George on ways to move the story forward with out it.
- Tbh I’d probably reveal Coldhands to be Benjen as well, like the show did, even though GRRM confirmed it’s not him. (Unless, of course, Benjen has some other, way cooler fate yet to be revealed...)
- Make absolutely sure that it’s clear neither Arya nor Brienne are misogynists just because they don’t/can’t perform Traditional Femininity.
- Michele Clapton does not come within 3000 miles of this production. Hire a costume designer that has experience with Medieval-inspired fashion and insist on some damn COLOR.
- Cast an age-appropriate Margaery.
- I would also cast someone way more pretty boy-ish as Joffrey. No offense to Jack Gleason, but he was creepy straight off the bat. Finn Jones would have been better. Or a young(er) Cody Fern. 
- DON’T SLEEP ON AFFC/ADWD. There is so much good, meaty content there, the actors will revel in it. So what if there aren’t any huge battle sequences? There is still a lot of great writing and character development to make up for it. 
Should I run into the issue of the show catching up with the books, there are several options for carrying on without too many hiccups:
1. KEEP A GOOD RELATIONSHIP WITH GEORGE. Don’t ignore him when he makes suggestions. Actively seek his guidance. He has more experience with this than I do. This will come in handy later.
2. As stated above, buy more time for George by actually adapting Books 4 & 5. There is PLENTY of content there to work with while George finishes TWOW.
3. If I do #2 and he STILL hasn’t finished TWOW, then I would work closely with him on the endgame. Go through outlines piece by piece. Send him drafts of scripts for notes. Allow him to write a few episodes himself. This is HIS story, and I have been hired to tell it. In the absence of published source material, George himself is the next best resource -- UTILIZE IT.
That’s all I could think of, anyone reading this feel free to add more!
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roominthecastle · 7 years
do you find it weird that in the show the Stark kids only really mention Ned and how much they miss him but not a word about their mother? were they closer to Ned than to Cat?
I find this very ironic, anon, for two main reasons:
She’s mentioned by Petyr several times (always in a positive light), yet he’s the one repeatedly accused of having no real love for her. Meanwhile her family members either degrade her (see Lysa) or forget her after she dies.
Ned would be the one borderline horrified by his daughters’ behavior whereas I think Cat would be more “open minded”. She pulled a dagger on Petyr long before it was mainstream. She cut Joyeuse’s throat. Lady Stoneheart anyone? But why should her daughters remember her? No reason, really.
I don’t think they were closer to Ned (Jon being the notable exception for a good reason), but her erasure is not that strange when you factor in that the writing on this show is not nearly as “woke” & feminist as some fans seem to believe.
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