#victory to the left
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leulahart · 3 months
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"I don't know where you pulled that cheery, wavy girl on the chariot from, but I haven't seen her before or since."
just some book 1 capitol styled katniss doodles because she is sooo baby girl
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it actually really fucks me off to see people praising the ICJ’s decision when the Palestinians actually on the ground communicating with us are screaming to the rooftops that this isn’t enough. all the lib-brained cretins on this website crowing about ‘progress’ don’t seem to understand that incremental change means less than fucking nothing when you’re on the ground, watching your home and family and your people being bombed, systematically destroyed by israeli troops. it means nothing when you’re afraid for your life.
Palestinians don’t have the luxury of waiting, and we all know full well that Israel WILL NOT abide by this ruling. Unless greater intervention is made, the bombardment will continue; but the ICJ is a bourgeois, imperialist court, made to serve bourgeois, imperialist interests. While they have shown themselves to be more benevolent than I had expected by condemning israel and conceding that they are committing genocide, the fact that they couldn’t even ask for a ceasefire speaks volumes.
Whether it’s due to deliberate inaction or whether they simply lack the capacity to do so, the ‘international community’ is still failing Palestine. It is up to us to continue the pressure, continue the boycotts, continue the action; and to threaten greater disruptions if further progress is not made.
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artetass · 5 days
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“It was one of my dreams, probably the biggest dream that I had, to connect again with the soul of this football club & our people. That makes me really proud & grateful to be part of that journey together.” “We want to deliver success & the destination has to be trophy success & enjoyment for this club, but we have to enjoy the journey together. Especially you have to enjoy the company.” “I said that today because we have a special group of people in this club, an incredible group of players & amazing support. That has to be enjoyed. In the end winning can be about the margins but you cannot underestimate the rest because if we don’t do that, we are going to regret it.”
-Mikel Arteta.
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kiisaes · 1 year
u ever just have some time to urself to think about bkdk (ur first mistake, bc u are now spiraling) and how it's the "[A] fell first [B] fell harder" trope and how that's like. more or less canon now. perhaps not romantically but how else are u gonna describe bkg's whole ... thing
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skylardoesthings · 16 days
Wow this guy really reminds me of Arata from Mikage back in the OG series!
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I wonder if-
oh my god.
oh my fucking god.
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martyrbat · 1 year
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perpetual mourning – batman black and white (1996) #1
[ID: a black and white panel sequence of Bruce Wayne as Batman investigating a murder. He performed an examination of the victim's body and found DNA evidence to convict her killer and then performed an autopsy to examine her stomach contents — which led him to a little 24/7 diner. He walks in, disrupting the cozy scene with his presence.
Bruce internally reflects, ‘People think i'm a knight. A savior. But in truth, I'm only a vessel to hold the memories of those who've passed on. Those who've no shell left to store them. They must think I revel in my victories. It must seem like I never lose a fight. I lose plenty. The ones I couldn't get to. The ones I couldn't save in time. Those are the ones I carry around inside of me. Those are the ones I'll mourn forever.’
He shows the only waitress a photo of the victim's face and asks, “Excuse me. Do any of you know this woman?” The waitress gasps and holds her hand to her head in shocked distress. She stammers, “That's Chelsea, she comes in here all the time. Sits in the same booth, the same time, reads the same book... um, what was the title...? She, uh, left here only a couple of... Why do you... Oh, god. No. Dear girl...”
Back at the morgue, Bruce solemnly gazes down at the woman as she lays in an unzipped body bag. He thinks, ‘Luckily, you hadn't digested your last meal, Chelsea. There're only a few places in the neighborhood where you were found that serve blueberry pie at this hour of the morning.’ He carefully zips the body bag entirely. The identification label states she was a thirty year old caucasian female. The name ‘Jane Doe’ has been scribbled out to now be replaced with ‘Chelsea Rain’. Bruce continues to ruminate, ‘You only have your thoughts and dreams ahead of you. You're someone. You mean something. I'll remember. You're within me now. Forever.’ END ID]
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thenightpost · 1 year
A list of excellent fiction podcasts that have no network (to my knowledge) and could use your support, all made by queer creators and featuring queer characters:
Care & Feeding of Werewolves (@careandfeedingofwerewolves) - the medical notes and adventures of a doctor for the paranormal community
Small Victories (@wgc-productions) - a slice of life dramedy about addition, recovery, and relationships
The Department of Variance of Somewhere, Ohio (@somewhereohio) - surreal/weird fiction following agents trapped in the building of their shady government bureau
Hello from the Hallowoods (@hellofromthehallowoods) - vignettes of a huge cast of characters interweave in a long-form narrative of queer survivors
Dragon Shanty (@dragonshantypod) - in the form of bedtime stories, two lighthouse keepers tell their history of magic and dragons
The Aberrant Report (@theaberrantreport) - a tape recorder-style murder investigation that delves into the supernatural
InCo (@itmeblog) - sci-fi micro-fiction following an information courier in the far future
Starfall (@starfallpod) - the fantasy adventures of a theater troupe that uses magic to create their performances
Neighbourly (@neighbourlypod) - weird/surreal fiction anthology about the secrets behind closed doors on a very strange street
The Night Post (that's us!) - a mystery/horror about queer survival and the realities of living with the natural and supernatural
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khruschevshoe · 5 months
There is something to be said for the automatic gut reaction I have every time I hear the four knocks in the End of Time that cannot be compared to. The way that my breath hitches immediately. The way that my eyes start to burn with tears and I dont stop crying until Matt Smith's face appears onscreen fifteen minutes later. The combination of foreshadowing and music cues and David Tennant's facial acting that burned itself into my brain when I first watched it at age 14 as the perfect, exquisite mix of writing, music, and filmic cues that I point to anytime anyone wants a fantastic example of emotional storytelling. The tragedy. The beauty of sacrificing himself for one man after his whole Time Lord Victorious arc. Saving his friends one last time. Hiding his face from Rose in those final seconds but still going to see her one last time. "You're gonna have a great year." Catch me crying into my pillow rn-
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beliscary · 9 months
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terence bested! prev: [x]
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defiledtomb · 1 month
making big strides now that I'm not crippled by pain and wanting to shout it from the rooftops but somehow feeling awful about it because I'm not doing it fast enough. #livelaughlove
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So wait. Gideon k.o himself to be Hunter? Or his organic body still intact? He's pulling a Springtrap??
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swan2swan · 2 months
Had the realization last night that one of the main reasons why Zuko had to take a lightning bolt for Katara was because he wasn't used to fighting on a team.
Pretty much every battle he'd fought before was a one-on-one or a free-for-all. Even before he went rogue, it wasn't like he was worried about his soldiers, or facing anyone who was an actual threat.
So it didn't even enter his mind that someone else was in lightning range.
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He goaded his sister into attacking him, forgetting that he wasn't a lone wolf anymore, and that every attack he allowed Azula to make was a danger to those around him.
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scattered-winter · 5 months
the fascinating thing about the maze runner books vs the movies is that they're both tragedies, but just...different kinds. in the books no matter what wicked did, they never got close to a cure. it was all for nothing: all the torture, all the death, all the money and effort spent trying to cure something that was just unstoppable. the world burned while a few hundred immunes survived, and there was no other way the story could have gone.
but in the movies they were so close. thomas was the cure. they had it in their hands and could have saved everyone, but they were just too late. wicked was destroyed, the last city fell, and with it the world's last hope for a cure. they almost got the cure in time. they almost made it in time to save newt. they almost won.
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rahleeyah · 2 months
And anyway isn't Olivia clawing her way back from horror with her own bloody fingernails, Olivia raging and breaking and falling and then picking herself up only to turn around and make sure that she's there to carry other people so they don't have to bleed the same way a horror story in itself. No one is coming for her, and she continues to pour herself out for others while her grief remains private, sequestered, a festering withering thing that eats away at her insides but she'll never let it out, never. Everyone is so grateful for her gentle care and no one returns it. Hashtag healing.
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fairytale-poll · 5 months
a magical girl teddy bear winning against disneys Cinderella, one of the most classic and definitive version of the fairytale for many people, is so funny to me
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