#vesper nightfall
ask-luciavampire · 7 months
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we dont into ash
ask by @ask-gadzooks
background pony @anideterm3
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bonefall · 9 months
Hey Bonefall! Got a wide and weird variety of Clanmew things to share/ask about! Spent some time translating a mix of straight OCs and also clangen cats, and thus I’ve got some names to show off and also a varied list of words I ran into a lack of.
Cherryclaw - Obeorussyskat
Cherry leaves who will unsheathe claws
Also known as Sookie, this is the warrior name I’ve given to my cat. Name is coming from cherry, making it specifically the leaves of the cherry tree since she’s a beautiful tortie, and then yskat from the term for unsheathing claws, as I wanted a more active term than just referring to the body part. If I’m getting how nicknames work right, I think a suitable nickname would be Obekat, but you might notice a better one.
This also turned up a word I think would be helpful - what would be the term for specifically leaves which have fallen to the ground in leaffall? Like, piles of rustling leaves on the ground. I think that’d fall a lot closer to what I was getting at.
Cranestar - Bwabwashai
Egret star / Cranelight / Egret who shines
Previously known as Bwabwashemi, this one is using the egret as a reasonably similar bird which had a word in the lexicon.
Oakbranch - Byochchobyrr
Oak tree branch
This one was a big chunk of time and turned up a decent chunk of words desired, as Oakbranch is a cleric and fathers a litter of kittens with Cranestar and thus I decided to dabble in dishonour names with him, though it would be given by a different leader likely.
I ended up wanting the general meaning of “tree branch dead from breaking a vow”, so using Babechok in place of the prefix and using a term for a broken vow as the suffix - ideally a term for specifically the cleric vow, but a general promise would work too. Thus, under this I was wondering what the words for promise/vow, honourable, broken vow, forbidden, and dishonourable would be. (Don’t worry I’m gonna add a bullet list at the end)
Nightfall - Mebwynfe
Vesper fall
Nickname attempt Mebfe? This is one of my oldest cats created, along with her sister following.
Moonamber - Shomaogi
Moon resin
Nickname attempt Shogi? She’s a cleric and sisters with Nightfall.
Batwing - Shi’poafafa
Noctule (biggest bat named) who fluttered
Nickname attempt Shifa? This one also turned up a word request- the Lexicon has a word for specifically a feathered wing, but not the skin wings of bats - what would that be? I’m actually really happy with what I ended up with, but it feels like a gap which should be considered.
Following are more rapid-fire clangen names, and then a list of words from above and this list which I couldn’t find.
Blizzardhare - Os’hauooyywaya - blizzard hare
Cressmark - Shushchafakonpen - stream plant patch fur patch
Fawnstripe - Myaaseek - baby deer long thick stripe
Ghostdazzle - Kooskepshayu - ghost lights source
Riversong - Ssbassoowamew - River lullaby
Spruceneedle - Fiffnyyp - Douglass fir pine needle
Streakstar - Seekshai - long thick stripe star
Swampdusk - Kolpfawmun - swamp dusk
Talonrump - Kachswash - claw tail
Beavertuft - Morfafaofa - general mustelids (otter) tuft of hair
Missing words which I think are plausible for the base region from this set - Watercress, Mark, Rump, Talon
Final List of Words I was Missing
A bat’s wing
Leaflitter / fallen leaves on the ground in fall
Vow / promise
Broken vow / promise
Thanks for making up such an interesting conlang, I had a great time poking through the lexicon and naming cats.
Oh my god you even made a list organizing all your requests I love you so much you have no idea
I need to update Yet Another masterpost (And we just got the Lexicon up to date!) so let me hook you up to all the terms you need;
Types of Wings
There are a LOT of words for specific types of wing in Clanmew, related to the fact Clanmew is a language of obligate carnivores and active hunters. There isn't just "Flying," there are a LOT of types of "flight" and each wing produces a very different kind of rapid movement.
Someday I will also expand on the types of Beof, feathered wings.
Bat wing, has a bit of a "tragic" connotation if not used in the context of a living bat, as dead "songbirds" are a very sad thing to Clan cats = Pafr
Hard, outside wing of some insects, such as beetles, "Shield" = Bakbur
Clear, iridescent flight wing of insects, "Elytra" = Kaskr
Beautiful, patterned wing of a butterfly or moth, "painted" by StarClan. Has a holy connotation = Wesk
Pectoral fin of a fish, NOT the tail-fin, the "arm" wing = Sseo
Here's honor-related terms, in order of least insulting to most insulting.
Honor = Kurruar To say something is honorable (good thing), the suffix -wang is appended. Kurruarwang. Honorness. To negate, the prefix Nyar is applied. Nyarkurruarwang, Not-Honor-Ness. You can come back from dishonor, it's the politest way to phrase that someone has not been acting in line with the value of Honor.
Beastliness, gauchness, lacking in good taste = Ragywar This is usually applied to taste, meaning a cat who will eat raw meat or bite through their tunnelbuns, but it could also be used in a context meaning that the cat acts like an "animal." Driven by lesser instincts.
Cannibalism/Eats its own young/Acting in extreme self-interest = Mwyrgna This is the lowest kind of NATURAL evil... but still natural. It's the evil of cuckoo birds, frightened animals that eat their own young, killing out of self-interest. VERY serious insult.
Unnatural Evil/Cruelty/Sadism = Yaonyyw This is not something that cuckoo birds are even capable of. It's unnatural evil. It's pleasure at seeing another thing suffer, for no other reason than to see it in pain. It's what Clan cats think humans do when they cut the claws off their kittypets. It's unspeakable, but rare.
And on vows,
Promise = Minki NOT a holy vow. Just one you make between people. Also can be used to mean "reliable," "Capable of keeping promises."
Vow/Oath = Shemiyyo A sacred promise, one you make on authority of your holy name. VERY few things are vows of this level-- the most common vow to make is the one you do during your Warrior Name Ceremony, making an oath to uphold the code.
I answered this ask a while back which includes the word for "talon," Chuag, the unretractable claw of a non-feline animal.
I also answered this one for beavers after you'd already sent this, beavers are actually England-compliant, surprisingly
Fallenleaf's name is over here, step-by-step walking through its etymology even! Her name in Clanmew, Wowaruss is basically "Leaf Litter," but literally "Beneathleaf," the fallen layer of leaves in a forest.
THREE types of Cress. As a treat. Any of these can translate to cress if you'd like, or the alternate translations I'm including.
Watercress (Nasturtium officinale) = Qwerru From Duck + Leaf, because this is a favorite fodder of ducks and geese. VERY unhealthy for cats, doesn't cause instant poisoning but WILL lead to kidney stones if eaten a lot. Thankfully, it also tastes Bad.
Stune (Cardamine hirsuta) = Berrsha Also called "Hairy Bittercress" in English, used as a medicinal herb. Widespread, very common, and seen in early Spring which can make it very useful for Clerics running low on other medicines. "Stune" comes from Old English btw. it's an archaic name for this plant but I do what i want. Language is an illusion and so are pants.
Rocket (Barbarea vulgaris) = Eberr Called "Bitter Wintercress" or "Yellow Rocket" in English, a much better version of stune. Pops up in abundant, cheerful flowers, hence the English name. NOT EATEN; used as a poultice for treating wounds.
Everything Else
Just a couple more things of assorted flavors;
Mark = Neb A scent marker, DOESN'T JUST APPLY TO SPRAYING but, yes, that is also a neb. A kitty "kiss" is also a mark being applied.
Anointed/Anointing/Will Anoint = Kembaneb/Kembane/Kemban To intentionally leave a mark, usually of a substance that smells nice, on a living thing. Has a spiritual connotation, used in some rituals. Can be used for a metaphorical kitty kiss, if your feelings are being returned, you're being brought into a family, etc. When Frostfur taught Cloudtail how to apply makeup to his dull, white pelt, teaching him how to look 'beautiful' as if she was officially accepting him as her son-in-law, THAT can also be considered an Anointing.
Border-Marked/Border-Marking/Will Border Mark = Ssognassa/Ssognass/Ssogna There's no way to get around this. This is spraying. It is urine. They are Cats. This is specifically when you are setting a scent mark, such as that for a border.
Glyph/Written Word/Character = Karm Like a letter! It's something written down. See the Glyphs.
And... rump. Honestly I'm always super confused by this one when I see it in Clangen? Like... My brain's always trying to place what that means.
Is it like, a tuft on the lower spine? Is it the "butt button" that makes a kitty stretch their booty up when you scratch it? Is it the flank of the upper leg? Does it just mean butt cheek?? Who wants to be named BUTTCHEEK?
Spine (the entire back) = Chabak
Rump-tuft, could also apply to "pantaloon" tufts as seen on some longhaired breeds = Chaofa
Rump/Butt Zone/sensitive spot on the lower back of a cat = Chawka (Also used to describe something they have a "soft spot" or passion for)
Belly Zone/Spot that cats don't like having touched on their belly = Bowka (Also used to describe "weak point")
Upper leg/Haunch = Pwaio Sometimes translated as the "foot" suffix. When used in a name, means quick to spring or a good runner, usually outside of WindClan.
Buttcheek = Soopen Also the present-tense of "Sitting." The butt, the thing you use to sit down with.
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queersrus · 1 year
Night theme
tagging: @bpdxhoardic, @reflectedflowers, @hewasanamericangirl
night, nightly/nightley, nightlight, noc, noct, noctu, nocurn/nocturne, nocturna, nocturnal, nightsky, nyx/nix, nisha, nox, nisa, nishant, nightingale, nuit, nightfall, nighttide, natt/nat, nate, nyght, nite, nyte, noc, nacht, noite, nychta, nott, notte, nakts, naktis, nuecht, noapte, noch, nightine/nightyne, nightet/nightett/nightette, nich, nos, nighteta/nightetta, nightel/nightell/nightelle, nightela/nightella, nightello, nighter, noctis, nattetid, nachtzeit, notturne, noaptea lune, luna, lunar, lilith, laylah/layla/laila/leila, lisha, lyra, late amaya, ayla, altair, achlys, ajambo, anniki, asra knox, koko ciara, crep, crepu, crepus, crepuscu, crepuscul/crepuscule, cepescula, crepuscular, crepuscle ilta jemisha miyako, mesanychta, mesnata, midnight, midniht, minuit, murk shirina, sanja, sunset, sundown, shade, starlight budde gau, gloom, gloam, glim orpheus, otieno, obscure, obscura, obscuri, obscurity, oiche, oidhche, oinen ponui yiska, yvaine, to dyrk, dusk, dark, dim, dimmet, decline eve, even, evening, eventide, evenfall, ebb, end, ejszaka twi, twili, twila, twilight, tiphina hesperia vesper ryna wane
list1 - list2 - list3 - list4
1stp prns: i/me/my/mine/myself
ni/ne/nii/nightine/nightself di/de/du/duskine/duskself ei/eve/evi/evenine/eveself ei/eve/eveni/evenine/eveningself twi/twe/twili/twiline/twilightself ni/ne/ny/nyxine/nyxself ni/ne/nightti/nighttine/nightimes sti/ste/starli/starline/starliteself ni/ne/nightli/nightline/nightlightself
2ndp prns: you/your/yours/yourself
no/nighter/nighters/nighterself no/nighter/nighttimers/nighttimerself no/nighter/nightighters/nightlighterself no/nyxr/nyxrs/nyxrself du/dusker/duskers/duskerself eo/ever/evers/everself eo/eveningr/eveningrs/eveningrself sto/starlighter/starlighters/starlighterself two/twilighter/twilighters/twilighterself
3rdp prns: they/them/theirs/themself
ni/night/nights/nightself ni/ight, night/nights, night/time night/light ny/nyx/nyxs/nyxself ny/yx, nyx/nyxes dus/dusk/dusks/duskself du/sk, dusk/dusks ev/eve/eves/eveself e/ve, eve/eves eve/ning, evening/evenings star/light/starlights/starlights starlight/starlights twi/light/twilights/twilightself twilight/twilights
list1 - list2 - list3 - list4
the night, the nightlight, the night sky, the nightingale, the nocturnal, the midnight, the sunset, the nightguard, the nightcrawler, the dusk
(prn) who roams the night, (prn) who lives in the night, (prn) who loves the light, (prn) who wakes at dusk
this night, this sunset, this dusk, this nightlight, this nightingale, this nightcrawler
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subzeroparade · 1 year
Hi, question about the bloodborne universe. I love all you write and draw. How do you handle the hunt is one night? I live in an area of a polar night (several days of no sun or several days of pure sun). Do you think the game takes place in a like less than 12 hours. Or is it a bit longer?
This is a fair question - and tbh I haven’t thought all that much about it, especially since my writing (and thus worldbuilding) has so far been confined to early/pre-Church days.
On one hand, if I were to write it, I would stick pretty straightforwardly to a real night/day cycle. I love the idea of the townsfolk in the thrall of paranoia about the upcoming Hunt, the way curfew and the bells for Vespers shapes the life of Yharnam during the scourge. That if you’re caught outside during nightfall, you’re well and truly fucked. I have a few headcanons about mercy killings, too, of scourge victims by the Hunters, that can only be performed in daylight. After dark, no sacraments or absolution for those who turn. Just slaughter. 
On the other hand, I’m all for weird temporal phenomena/timeloops if they’re well done, so I wouldn’t mind seeing any interpretations in that sense. Maybe dawn wouldn’t have come at all if it weren’t for the Hunter’s actions after the Blood Moon. Maybe this is just a pocket dimension that Yharnam has been sucked into because the Great Ones like to fuck around. 
As someone who has lived in Canada, I find there’s serious appeal and fear in the idea of a long night in the real, polar sense of a long night - like six straight months of it. It’s such a disturbing concept, and I think it could whittle away at one’s sanity (thinking a lot about The Terror here, haha). Maybe the Blood Moon brings on that kind of infinite night? 
Sorry anon, I haven’t thought about this extensively so I wish I had more of substance - but I am always open to hearing other people’s interpretations if they’ve got it all figured out.  
Anyway let me offer you a WIP of Egg (my Hunter OC) for your trying times. 
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littlebosslady7 · 1 year
what do you think vex'ahlia is doing for Mother's Day when she has baby Gwen?
In the early hours of the morning before Gwen wakes up, Vex would have some time to herself first. She'd grab a cup of coffee with a splash of cream or a spot of chamomile tea straight up. She'd give her firstborn fur son some pets. Percy would procure Trinket's morning meat scraps.
They'd share a long, slow kiss. Maybe watch the sunrise. Gwen is a pretty chill beebee until she starts teething and horn growth. Though when she's hungry, she'll definitely let Mum and Dad know. Vex would nurse her. She and Percy handle the burping. Sometimes she gets fussy with that. Percy takes over the pajama and nappy changes.
Vex attempts to meditate. It becomes a daily practice for her in prep for the Grey Hunt each Winter. She gets distracted when Percy does push ups in the corner of their bed chambers and smooches Gwennie repeatedly. A) Shirtless husband B) Family adorableness.
Wolfe and Leona wake up a bit later. The twins are a bit competitive when it comes to present giving, but Vex loves her handmade flower crown and feather pin that Dad didn't help with at all. (whispers he totally did).
They patrol the Parchwood when Danny wakes up. Though well meaning, Percy and the kids burn breakfast amid all the arguing over who wants to do what. Thankfully, their head chef Simon has a back up breakfast spread chicken legs, eggs in a mildly spicy red sauce, potatoes, and other mixed veggies with a quick cinnamon toast should the Lady or the kids want something sweet.
Danny gives her his gift. It's a painting of Trinket and his mate Tovah, but he's four. So if Percy was honest, it looks like splotches of poop with eyes. Of course, they tell him they love it and pin it to the ice box.
Vesper wakes up latest before Wolfe eats the last chicken leg. She sings mum an original song in Celestial. It's beautiful just like her dad. Her piano playing still needs more practice.
There's still disagreements cuz five De Rolo babies, but all Percy has to do is clear his throat or Vex will just shoot them a look, and they'll stop.
They enjoy a nice quiet afternoon at the lake and say hi to Galdric.
By nightfall, Vex and Percy go through the whole night time routine with Gwen and the older kiddos. She melts when he sings a lullaby in Celestial, which he's done for all 5 kids. It makes her heart gooey every time though.
When all the kids are asleep, Percy pulls Vex away to their shared study. To her surprise, it's not for sexy shenanigans. They do share some sweet smooches and hot cocoa. Percy gives her a silver necklace with 6 little hearts arranged like a bouquet. He swears Gwennie helped him pick it out when she pointed to it in the window with her tail.
They start swapping happy stories of their mums, but that makes them a bit sad. So they read a chapter from one of Vex's favorite books, and she falls asleep on top of him on a spare couch they have in their study.
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impeccablenest68 · 6 months
20+ Names That Mean Twilight: A Unique and Mystical Name – Impeccable Nest
Twilight is a beautiful time of day that signifies the transition from day to night. There are a few names that directly reference this luminous period and would suit a girl with a gentle spirit.
Crepuscula is a Latin name meaning “little twilight”. It has a poetic charm and references the faint glow right before darkness falls. A variant is Crepuscule which has origins in French.
Another Latin name is Vesper. As the brightest evening star, Vesper refers to the planet Venus which heralds nightfall. It has a classic resonance and connects its bearer to the lovely sights of dusk.
For those seeking a name directly meaning "twilight", there is Hesperia or Hesper. Both derive from Greek mythology and were used to denote the Hesperides, goddess-nymphs who guarded the fantastical golden apples in a blissful garden located in a far western edge of the world, at the soft hour of sunset 😇
Those w
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craftheaven · 10 months
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The daily routine of Jeanne Louise Calment, who lived to be 122:
After her admission to the Maison du Lac nursing home in January 1985, aged almost 110, Calment initially followed a highly ritualised daily routine. She requested to be awoken at 6:45 a.m., and started the day with a long prayer at her window, thanking God for being alive and for the beautiful day which was starting. She sometimes loudly asked the reason for her longevity and why she was the only one to be still alive in her family. Seated on her armchair, she did gymnastics wearing her stereo headset. Her exercises included flexing and extending the hands, then the legs. Nurses noted that she moved faster than other residents who were 30 years younger. Her breakfast consisted of coffee with milk and rusks.
She washed herself unassisted with a flannel cloth rather than taking a shower, applying first soap, then olive oil and powder to her face. She washed her own glass and cutlery before proceeding to lunch. She enjoyed daube (braised beef), but was not keen on boiled fish. She had dessert with every meal, and said that given a choice she would eat fried and spicy foods instead of the bland foods on the menu.
She made herself daily fruit salads with bananas and oranges. She enjoyed chocolate, sometimes indulging in a kilogram (2.2 lb) per week. After the meal, she smoked a cigarette and drank a small amount of port wine. In the afternoon, she would take a nap for two hours in her armchair, and then visit her neighbours in the care home, telling them about the latest news she had heard on the radio. At nightfall, she would dine quickly, return to her room, listen to music (her poor eyesight preventing her from enjoying her crosswords pastime), smoke a last cigarette and go to bed at 10:00 p.m.
On Sundays, she went to Mass, and on Fridays she went to Vespers and regularly prayed to and sought help from God and wondered about the afterlife.
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nightfallen-system · 11 months
Nightfall System Members
Adrian/Vesper - 28 - Host - He/They [Nonbinary] 
Wraith/Reaper/Gabriel - 58+ - Protector - He/They [Nonbinary] 
Sombra/Olivia [don't use Olivia] - 30 - Protector/Caretaker - She/They [Demi-girl] 
Jack/Jackie/John - 55 - Caretaker - He/Him [Male] 
Raiden/Jack - 33 - Member - He/Him [Male] 
D/Damian - 10,000 - Memeber - They/Them [Male] 
Winter/Bucky/James - 97+ - Retired Protector - He/Him [Male] 
Richter - 24 - Member - He/Him [Transmale]
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speakingofnature · 5 years
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Known for becoming active at dusk, this Vesper Damselfly (Enallagma vesperum) rests calmly on a Canada Anemone (Anemone canadensis).
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abyssalmermaiden · 2 years
Nightfall, for the micro stories.
(micro stories prompts)
The day’s stifling heat had vanished along with the sun, and Aryaille found herself feeling especially grateful for her layers of leather armor. The linen beneath did little to block the breeze blowing out across Vesper Bay.
“Aryaille?” Tataru’s head poked out of the door to the Waking Sands. 
“Just enjoying the last of the sunset.”
“Would you come inside? Everyone is meeting in the solar.”
“Aye. I’ll be there in a moment.” Aryaille stood, wincing as the movement pulled at the half-healed scabs across her back. 
What in the hells have I gotten myself into?
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ask-luciavampire · 8 months
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new vampires join lucia home
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queen-scribbles · 3 years
Do Ves/Kurt for 20. Alone, finally or 49. nightfall. Or both if you're feeling it :)
Honoring Commitments
*insert Both Is Good meme here* 😉
Vesper’s days were always busy, but this one seemed to be going for a record.
She needed both hands to count the meetings crammed into her schedule, three of which ran long because others involved couldn’t stop bickering, there had been the records... mishap Admiral Cabral requested her help to straighten out--two hours in a captain’s cabin, that one took--and of course the formal dinner meant to welcome some scholar from Hikmet who was documenting the successes of the outposts in Teer Fradee. Given the notoriety of Vesper’s recent exploits, he had specifically requested her presence, and Constantin, damn him, had agreed. (Probably hoping her attendance would draw attention and prying questions away from his new.... similarity to the natives, for which she could hardly fault him. She still made it clear how much he owed her for throwing her to the ulgs like this.)
She’d barely had time to wash off the ship smell and change into something suitable before hurrying to dinner, and the dance of words she usually loved left her feeling winded and antsy. She still indulged the scholar’s curiosity, of course. A full day was no reason to be rude.
It was, however, more than enough reason for the sigh of relief Vesper let out as she closed the door behind her and let herself sag against the support it offered. Just for a moment. She loved people, loved her role as legate, but it was wonderful to finally be alone.
Or, mostly alone.
“That bad, was it?” Kurt asked, pushing away from the wall where he’d been waiting. Standing guard. Probably both, knowing him.
“Oh, no,” Vesper said with a laugh as she tugged off her ascot and shoved it in the pocket of her coat. “It was a lovely dinner with my cousin and a visiting scholar.” A wry smile quirked her lips as the two of them drew closer. “A very fascinating, very curious, very loquacious, visiting scholar. What’s bad about that?”
He chuckled. “I’m familiar with your cousin, for starters. And I know you had a very full day” --his hand curled around her elbow when she swayed slightly-- “and it doesn’t take a scholar to know the two together might be exhausting.”
“I will be sleeping soundly tonight, that’s for certain,” she agreed, leaning subconsciously into his touch. “But my day’s not done just yet. I have one more commitment to honor.”
Kurt arched a brow, a small smile playing at the corners of his mouth when her hand came to rest on his chest. “Another one?”
“Mm. And it’s the most important of the day, so imagine my chagrin it’s been pushed til last,” Vesper murmured, leaning close and tipping her chin to hold his gaze. After a beat she gave a soft laugh. “You, Kurt. I promised we would spend some time together and the day got away from me.”
“We spent the whole of it together,” Kurt pointed out, a rough edge to the quiet words. He brushed loose wisps of hair back behind her ear, his thumb brushing over her mark before he lowered his hand.
“Alone,” she clarified emphatically, pivoting to loop her arm through his. “As Vesper and Kurt, not the Legate and her bodyguard.” She tugged his arm to pull him toward the steps, but Kurt held his ground and pulled her back against him instead.
“Off duty then, are we?” he asked softly, his hand sliding along her jaw again.
“Very much off duty,” Vesper murmured in confirmation, already rocking up on the balls of her feet as he leaned in to kiss her.
They only let it linger a moment, both well-aware of where they stood, but it satisfied a desire that had been simmering all day. (For her, at least. The number of times she’d wanted to push him against a wall and kiss him til neither of them could breathe bordered on the ridiculous.)
“That’ll do for a start,” Vesper said, a teasing smile on her lips as she tugged him toward the stairs again. This time Kurt followed, let her link her arm through his.
“Any particular plan in mind?” he asked as they made their way out of the governor's palace.
“You can walk me home. Along the scenic route,” she added playfully when he started to point out how very short a walk that was. She gestured with her free hand to the darkening sky. “The stars’ll be out soon. If we take our time, stroll out of the city to that bluff that overlooks the ocean, should be quite the magnificent view by the time we get there.”
Kurt chuckled. “That’s not a scenic route, Green Blood, that’s you suggesting we go sit under the stars. Which” --he kissed just above her temple--“is fine by me.”
Vesper smiled and shifted closer, so her shoulder pressed against his as they walked. It was a walk made largely in companionable silence, which she appreciated after the busyness of the day. And her estimate was correct--by the time they reached the bluff a healthy sprinkling of stars were visible, even as the last vestiges of purple-orange dusk still clung to the horizon. A truly magnificent view, indeed. And one Vesper took in around a yawn.
“Suppose that means we’re not staying long,” she said with a wry smile as she took a seat on a boulder. “Unless you fancy carrying me back.”
“I can, if need be,” he replied, joining her on the boulder. 
The knowledge he was, in fact, capable of doing so made something warm curl in her gut as she leaned her head against his shoulder. “Sweet of you,” she mumbled through another yawn, then tipped her chin back to kiss the edge of his jaw. “But I’ll do my best not to need it. I just... really want some time for us. Just us. And I will take however much I can get before the day catches up to me.”
Kurt must have caught the implied ‘Because you’re important to me’, because he laced his fingers between hers, raising their joined hands to brush his lips just below her knuckles before settling their hand on his knee. (For all his claims he wasn’t made for gentleness, he was very good at it.) “And so will I,” he said, so softly--and further muffled into her hair--that Vesper barely caught it.
She squeezed his hand and gave a contented sigh, taking in the beauty of the twinkling stars and their rippled reflection off the water. It was a perfectly peaceful end to an extraordinarily hectic day, and everything about it was exactly what she needed.
(But especially, especially him.)
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feedergoldfish · 2 years
To a mountain village
at nightfall on a spring day
I came and saw this:
blossoms scattering on echoes
from the vespers bell.
Nōin (988-1050). Translated by Steven Carter. Published in Traditional Japanese Poetry: An Anthology via my favorite poetry blog, First Known When Lost.
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cassianus · 3 years
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The following reflection is taken from a letter of November 1855 written by the Bishop of Lucon, Monseigneur Jacques-Marie-Joseph Baillès (1798–1873). There is nothing, I think, as compelling as the sight of a priest in prayer before the Blessed Sacrament. In an age of locked churches, it is a rare thing. And yet, there is no more effective way of communicating to souls the truth about the Most Holy Eucharist.
"I never go up into the pulpit without seeking to move [souls] to love of the Divine Eucharist, and I often recommend the visit to the Blessed Sacrament. Given that example speaks louder than words, I go habitually to recite Vespers, Compline, and later, Matins and Lauds before the Blessed Sacrament in the cathedral, and at nightfall I make a half-hour's meditation there. The Lord will, I hope, bless these efforts, by stirring up in a greater number of souls the desire to visit the Blessed Sacrament. I say this only for you, so that your heart may be consoled by it. Persevere in your holy undertaking, in the midst of difficulties and contradictions. The railway cars are overflowing with travelers while the avenues leading to churches where the Holy Eucharist resides are deserted. This is truly the hidden and unknown God. Apply yourself to making Him known, praised, loved, blessed and welcomed."
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bejewelryd · 4 years
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clizzy | thule
nescis quid serus vesper vehat. who knows what nightfall brings.
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cityandking · 3 years
15, 23, 35, 51 for daichi, bran aaaand one other of your choice!
thanks sweets! I rolled for it and got vesper // a menagerie of oc questions 
15. Do they associate a certain food with a memory? 
DAI — definitely associates certain foods with his dad/his childhood. like, underdark/drow cuisine specifically (mushrooms? quinoa?? idk), because it’s what his dad taught him how to cook
BRAN — used to bake cookies with her mom and then taught elis how to bake them when she was a little older so cinnamon sugar cookies (like, snickerdoodles) remind her of her home/her family
VESPER — vesp used to help out in the kitchen when she was a very little girl and there are some snacks their cook would make that remind her of being cozy and Slightly underfoot but in a well-loved sort of way 
23. What do they like more, sunrise or sunset? 
DAI — sunrise!! he’s always up to watch it. granted that is partly a cleric thing but also he just likes them
BRAN — sunset. the way the sun hits the water, the flash of green, that part of the day when squall’s end comes alive. all the lights glittering in the city after nightfall. she’s a sunset gal
VESPER — sunrise. the dawn will come, and all that
35. What kind of drunk are they? 
DAI — his face gets really warm and he gets sort of loose and tired.
BRAN — outgoing!! so outgoing!!! the drunk girl in the bathroom complimenting you, telling you to dump your man, dancing on the dance floor. 100% picks people (middy) up and carries them around. falls back on the big sister instincts of reminding you to drink water and text her when you get home safe (or chaperoning her friends back to their lodgings for the night)
VESPER — answered!
51. Are they a pacer? What’s their body language like when agitated?
DAI — he tends to clench up really tight, carries a lot of tension in his hands, wrists, forearms and shoulders. just a tightly-wound lil dude
BRAN — yeah I think she’s a bit of a pacer. gotta Do something with all that energy, y’know? if she’s trying to hide it she’s just a little more energetic than usual—sweeping gestures, more prone to outbursts, that kind of thing—but she’ll Stride Around if she needs to (bran, pacing on deck, coat billowing behind her, is a particularly intimidating look)
VESPER — has a couple of nervous habits. fidgets with her hair, the scar under her chin, does stuff with her hands. I think she’d pace too; there’s definitely been more than one occasion of her pacing in the war room, waiting for news of something. used to chew her fingernails but stopped when she started handling volatile magical ingredients more regularly
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