#very embarrassing but I said something silly to the person beside me
vers-1 · 1 year
I love watching theatre!! So fun and the music is so good and ahh soo cool
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gawkingatyourface · 3 months
Set in Motion | preview
summary: back in the 1930s, a certain waitress was barely making a living. She went to a popular club that one of her friends owned, Mimzy. That night changed everything. She caught someone's eyes. A familiar radio host that was intrigued by the second. What would happen when this waitress and radio host meet?
characters: human!Alastor x waitress!fem!reader
warnings: gore, angst, romance, swearing, mentions of death and murder, kidnapping, yandere
notes: hi loves :3 this is a new story I'll be working on once I'm done with Sweetest Tail. hehe so excited for this! But I don't want to work on so many ideas all at once lol I'll burn myself up xD so decided to give you guys a little preview about this story. Exciting news, I'll be posting the new chapter of Sweetest Tail this weekend so keep a look out for that! Enjoy loves! <3
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"[Y/N]! Sweet Pea! You finally made it!"
Hearing a familiar voice, [Y/N] had turned away from chatting with the bartender as she noticed Mimzy walking towards her with a wave and big smile.
"Mimzy, darling! After your countless times coming to the café demanding me to come and see you perform. Kinda forced me didn't cha?" [Y/N] teased her playfully before taking a sip of her glass.
"Aw sweet pea! You wound me!" She faked her tears before laughing and giving [Y/N] a side hug before sitting beside her. "How you enjoying my club? You like it?"
[Y/N] nodded in agreement. It surely was the most popular place in town. Yet, that wasn't what caught her attention. The place was surely had an ease environment. Calm and very jazzy in her eyes.
But something else caught her eye.
A certain person that was clearly popular judging from the crowd that was surrounding them.
Mimzy noticed her attention somewhere or rather someone. She had turned around to see what caught her friend's attention. Once she found it, she smirked at the realization.
"Ohh..I see someone has caught your eye Sweet Pea."
[Y/N] hardly heard her as her eyes was glued to a certain someone. He was surrounded by women and men. All with smiles and laughter. She couldn't help but be awe at his smile. It was the most beautiful one she's ever seen.
"Um..Sweetie? Don't tell me you've fallen in love with him already." Mimzy commented with a laugh.
That broke [Y/N]'s trance of the mysterious man as she turned to Mimzy whom was still laughing at her. She hid her face in embarrassment that she had been staring too much at him. She gulped her whole glass as she looked at the bartender for another drink whom nodded at her.
"Don't be silly, Mimz. You know I don't do relationships."
"That's what everyone says Sweetie. But once they meet that certain someone, BOOM! They are suddenly fools in love!" Mimzy said as she took another sip of her glass. "If you must know, that's Alastor. The famous radio host and obviously everyone wants a piece of him."
[Y/N] was shocked to realize that it was actually him. The famous Alastor, the radio host that got so popular. She knew from hearing his radio station that his voice was so mesmerizing and alluring to everyone especially hers, but now she actually saw him. Saw what made everyone love him. She would be lying if she said that she didn't find him attractive. He clearly was.
"I'm not like that Mimz. You know that. I can see why everyone is so smitten about him. I'm surprised you haven't."
"Oh no sweet pea. He's just an old friend of mine. Nothing more. He's a doll but not my type, you know that."
"I do." [Y/N] let out a laugh which caused Mimzy to laugh with her.
"Well, it's almost time for my performance. Cheer for me would you sweetie." Mimzy said as she stood up, fixing her hair.
"Don't I always Mimz. Have fun up there."
"I sure will. I'll come over afterwards sweetie."
After that, Mimzy walked backstage to get ready for her performance, leaving [Y/N] alone at the bar. She sighed as she glanced back at Alastor whom was still surrounded by even more people. She was so lost in thought that the bartender placed a new glass in front of her which caused her to jump slightly.
"Apologizes dear."
"Oh no, I apologize. Got lost in my thoughts once again." She said with a nervous chuckle as she took a sip of the new glass.
The bartender nodded as he was cleaning some glasses, keeping the conversation going about who knows what.
[Y/N] smiled at him as he was making her laugh from his corny jokes. It distracted her until Mimzy's performance. After that, she would call it a night since she did have work in the morning.
As she kept her attention at the bartender, she didn't realize a pair of eyes on her.
Those pair of eyes had been on her ever since she walked in the club. Alastor had been in the club for quite a while. After his radio show, he would come here to socialize here and there. Sometimes to find some fresh meat for dinner. Most of the time, it was to see his old friend Mimzy and her performance.
But today was different.
He caught a sight of [Y/N].
Once he noticed Mimzy walking towards her and giving her a hug; he grew curious about her. Who was she? How did she know Mimzy? Is she new in town?
So many questions about her that he needed answers.
He had never seen her before especially in Mimzy's club since he is always here. He kept the people around him entertained by the stories that he would report in his radio show while keeping his eyes on her. He wanted nothing more to leave everyone behind and march up to her, introduce himself and hoping to get her name.
His grip on the glass tighten as he noticed one of the ladies getting a bit too close to him, touching his arm which he didn't like. He wasn't too fond of touch from strangers. It irked him. He only allowed certain people to touch him. He quickly pulled her hand away from him with a smile before pretending to pay attention to one of the men that was telling a rumor going around town.
But the other reason why his glass was so close to breaking was because the sight of her and the bartender sicken him.
The way he was making her laugh. The way they both were looking at each other.
He didn't like it one bit. He needed to go to her quick.
Before he could make his escape, the lights dimmed and the stage lights came on revealing Mimzy.
It was time for her performance.
It was a perfect time. He would be able to escape and head towards her.
As Mimzy's performance started, he would always watch her being her usual self. She was always such a grand performer. He'd give her that but tonight, he was distracted by a beauty that was sitting by herself at the bar. He glanced to see her smiling at Mimzy whom was so lost in her performance as claps and whistles were heard all over. He watched as how she clapped throughout Mimzy's performance. She looked so happy as she watched her friend's performance.
That made him smile.
He wondered if she would smile at him as she watched him on his radio studio. Smiling as he hosted his radio show. He could just imagine her being there with him, supporting him, inspiring him. Just the thought gave him goosebumps.
He broke the sight of her as he turned back to see Mimzy had finished her performance.
Everyone stood up and clapped for her. Such an astonishing performance like usual. He smiled at his friend and clapped for her performance. He looked back to see his mysterious darling but his smile faded as she was gone. He stopped clapping as he looked everywhere for her. She was no where to be found. He walked towards the bar and looked around to see if she was nearby, but nothing.
She was gone.
"You need anything sir?"
Alastor looked at the bartender with a frown on his face for a second before flashing him a smile.
"I'm looking for the lady that was sitting here just minutes ago."
"Ah yes, you just missed her. She just walked out in a hurry."
His eyes widen and nodded at the bartender as he ran out, not listening to people calling for him. He didn't care about them. He needed to see her. Needed to hear her name, her voice. He ran outside in the cool weather as he looked around for any sight of her.
He ran a hand thru his hair as he ran to the corner to see if he could catch up to her somehow but luck wasn't on his side.
She was gone. Gone of his sight.
He couldn't believe it. He had just seen her a few minutes ago and now it was like she disappeared out of thin air. He let out a deep sigh as he leaned back against the wall. He looked up at the dark sky, stars shining brightly. His lips curved into a smile as he watched the sky.
"I hope I see you again darling. My sweet darling…"
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kaicubus · 11 months
Dating Jeremiah Fisher
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₊˚⊹♡ ∘₊ ───────────── ₊˚⊹♡ ∘₊ ─────────────── ₊˚⊹♡ ∘₊
warnings ✩° : fluff, me cursing, that’s it i think.
pairing ✩° : jeremiah fisher x gn!reader
authors note ✩° : what would you guys do if i said i was team jeremiah.
Golden retrievers take human form in Jeremiah Fisher. This is repeated for a reason because it's so accurate to who he is. Jeremiah LOVES attention, specifically your attention, and he'll do anything to get it. He's needy and energetic, seemingly having an endless supply of bursting positive energy.
And he kinda just looks like one. Look at him.
Bro is SO confident. So if you're shy or insecure, like a sponge, Jeremiah slurps all of it up and leaves you feeling like anything embarrassing you see yourself doing is gone. He's also very prone to making a fool out of himself, but he reassures you that you have no reason to feel that way around him.
Beams like the goddamn sun. Wear sunglasses around him, always.
Anything is a date with Jeremiah, even if you don't notice. He loves walking with you along the shore line or sitting in the sand, or even just being around him in bed or watching a show or movie. He considers every time he hangs out with you a date.
But for more serious dates, Jeremiah knows how to handle those. Seeing him all dressy. God. DAMN.
With any chance he gets, Jeremiah will go out of his way to tease you. At some point, you don't even consider it harmless teasing anymore, because Jeremiah will full on shove you into pools and jump out and scare you just to hear you scream all while he's laughing the entire time.
Jeremiah's love language has to be words of affirmation. If he doesn't know what's going on with you, he feels alone and left out. He always loves reminding you how much he loves you, how gorgeous you look, or how lucky he is to have you. Seriously, there is no line he hasn't crossed with being cheesy.
He's not the jealous type whatsoever, that's more Conrad's style, but that doesn't make him immune to feeling protective over you. At parties, if someone's talking to you in a certain flirty tone, he'll come up behind you and wrap his arm around your waist, resting his chin on the top of your head and try to join in on the conversation. If the person says something he doesn't like, he'll give a little squeeze on your side to let you know.
He will remember if you prefer silver or gold so he can buy you jewelry. He actually wears a matching necklace to yours in gold!
Since Jeremiah's always around you, there's a lot of inside jokes that start to develop. In fact, nearly everything turns into one. Some of those jokes tumble into nicknames for each other, besides the usual 'Jere' and 'Y/nie.'
Fights with Jeremiah never go beyond anything serious. The worst they've ever gotten was ignoring each other for three days before he ended up just flopping onto your bed with a stuffed animal of either your favorite animal or character. He's just silly.
At sunsets and sunrises is where Jeremiah loves being with you most. He thinks when the sun catches in your hair or even your eyes is a scene he can never forget.
Polaroids. All of the dopey pictures he takes of himself and you, mostly candids or really exaggerated facial expressions. His tongue is out in almost every single one of them.
Every drink you order or make will be sipped on casually by Jeremiah, you cannot save it or prevent it from happening. He usually comments very honestly, if something is good or if something needs more banana (which it never does. once you add banana to a smoothie it’s a fucking banana smoothie now).
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feirceangel · 7 months
Imagine | First Love (Nami)
Imagine having a crush on Nami and trying to act on it.
Warnings: reader is clumsy, Sanji is your wingman, fluff
Word Count: 1,651
(Not my gif!)
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There is always a certain grace that follows her every move. It's uncanny how poised and meticulous her actions seem.
You've always admired Nami for her strong personality and will, but you'd be lying if you said you didn't think she was beautiful.
The way the sun bounces off her glowing hair, her coy smile, her mesmerizing eyes. You could go on forever but you fear you're starting to sound like Sanji.
She seems so put together.
So very much unlike you.
Whereas she can speak eloquently and move with unmatched grace, you're the opposite. You stumble over your words and even stumble while walking across the ship deck.
The number of times you've felt your skin prickle with embarrassment as you fumble in front of her is unparalleled.
Just the other day, you tripped on one of Zoro's weights and face planted. You got up immediately, waving away concerns with a chuckle as Luffy pointed and laughed along with you.
Until you noticed Nami smiling along. Her smile froze you in your tracks. That's when you got nervous.
No one wants to look like a fool in front of their hidden crush.
Thinking about it makes you groan.
You're currently slumped in the kitchen, stirring a cup of tea that's lost it's heat ages ago. Sanji is working away cooking supper for everyone, humming a soft tune.
You wish you could be more open like he is.
Sanji never shuts up about how gorgeous and perfect Nami is, but you can never bring yourself to match that energy.
Of course, you're never left out of his compliments. He never plays favourites. You love him for that but, even so, it is hard watching him swoon over Nami.
You're afraid that she'll realize you could never give her as much as Sanji can.
After all, you can't cook very well and you don't wait on her hand and foot. And, you're not wealthy, so you can't buy her nice things.
Another sigh escapes your lips as you stare at the table in front of you. A new mug of steaming tea lands by your hand.
"Are you okay?" Sanji asks, his voice soft, "You've been staring at nothing for over an hour."
"It's... it's nothing. Just tired," you say, sitting up straighter to take the hot mug in your hands.
"Really?" He says, voice full of disbelief.
You nod, knowing your words would betray you.
He frowns slightly, resting his hands on his hips. You feel bad that he's concerned about you, but no one on this ship knows about your feelings. And you're not about to tell anyone.
Sanji turns around, towelling down a freshly washes pot, "It's about Nami, isn't it?"
Your jaw drops at that question, eyes wide.
"How'd you know?!"
"Ah, so it is," he chuckles.
A frown plants itself on your face.
"Don't worry, I won't tell anyone," he reassures you. "It's just, I want to help you."
"Help?" You're confused, "Don't you like her too? Doesn't that make us love rivals?"
He glances over his shoulder, "Don't be silly, I love you both but not that way. Besides, I have my eye on someone else."
His confession throws you off.
All this time you thought he'd be mad about your crush on Nami and now he's saying he isn't even interested?
He hums a yes.
You take a moment to soak in this new information. Sanji has way more experience in romantic things than you do, so advice from him might be useful.
"So, what should I do?"
"Everyone expresses and shows love in their own way. I can't tell you what to do."
As if sensing your disappointment, he continues, "But I can tell you that you should go for it."
"What if she hates me?"
"She could never hate you," he shakes his head, "If anything, she'd respect you for saying something."
"You think so?"
He smiles, "I really do."
You return his smile. Surprisingly, his advice was solid.
Not what you had expected.
You had been expecting a lecture on how to do everything for her and shower her in gifts/affection.
This advice is something you can work with. A bit of a confidence booster to lift your morale.
Now you just have to act.
If you weren't so clumsy, this would be much simpler.
You started the day by getting Nami her coffee while she gauged the weather and heading of the ship.
It would've been perfect, if you hadn't stumbled on the stairs leading up to her.
So, instead of a lovely cup of coffee, she got a spectacle of you collapse in a puddle of said coffee at her feet.
"Are you okay?" She asked, staring down at you in concern.
"G-good morning Nami," you bypassed her question. You started to gather the pieces of the broken mug, "I wanted to get you coffee, but, uh, I dropped it."
She smiled gently, "I can see that. Do you need help?"
"Nope! Nope I got it. Bye!"
Obviously that hadn't gone in your favour.
Fast forward a bit, and you’re fishing with Usopp and Luffy. On a day when you don’t have much else to do, you often try your hand at fishing. Sometimes you luck out and catch something.
This time, your hook snagged on an old treasure chest. A small one, but exciting nonetheless.
You clutched it close to your chest so that Luffy and Usopp wouldn’t steal it and crack it open themselves. You called for Nami to see and she ran to your side as soon as she heard ‘treasure chest’.
“Look what I got, Nami!”
Beaming with pride, you broke the rusted lock and flung it open to reveal a small handful of berry and a pair of angry crabs.
Your nose scrunched in disappointment as Luffy cheered, “Sanji! Cook these!”
Your captain grabbed the animals and raced to the kitchen, Usopp close behind him.
Casting a glance at Nami, your dour mood lifted a bit seeing her laugh as she sorted through the berry.
“Sorry, Nami. I was hoping there’d be more than some angry old crabs,” you sighed.
“Y/n, don’t be so hard on yourself! Maybe next time you’ll be luckier,” she grinned as she dumped the seven berry into your hand.
“Oh, you can keep those,” you shook your head.
She tilted her head to the side, “Really?”
“Yeah, I want you to have them,” you smiled, “You deserve them for all the work you do.”
Nami looked away after accepting the coins back into her hand. You might have been mistaken, but you could’ve sworn you saw a tinge of pink dusting her cheeks.
“Thank you, Y/n.”
And now you’re here, in the kitchen once again. The blond cook isn’t here, surprisingly. You’re okay with being alone right now though.
A soft knock makes you lift your head off the table, “Yeah?”
Nami is standing there, in a gorgeous blue bikini with her ginger hair down on her shoulders. You can’t help but smile at her.
“Hey, Nami!”
“Y/n, come suntan with me,” she says, grabbing your arm to drag you out of the kitchen.
“Sure,” you grin.
You often suntan with Nami when you’re in need of rest or some down time. Being underneath the hot sun and next to the hot navigator is always a good time.
“Just let me get my swimsuit on!” You race to your room and get changed before finding Nami outside.
She’s lying on her back, looking peaceful and elegant as ever. She looks up and smiles at you as you approach.
“Y/n! Sanji is making us some drinks,” she grins conspiratorially, “It didn’t take much to convince him to bring us snacks too.”
“Sweet,” you settle down on the lounge chair beside her. “Sorry again about the coffee.”
“It’s alright, Y/n. It’s the thought that counts, right?”
You nod, heart swelling with affection.
Just then, Sanji appears carrying a tray of goodies. He passes your drink to you with a flourish and does the same for Nami.
“Nami-swannn,” he singsongs, “Don’t you think Y/n-chan is looking absolutely divine today?”
You flush with embarrassment. What is he up to?
To your surprise, Nami replies back, “Y/n always looks divine, Sanji.”
You feel like your jaw has dropped straight to the floor. “Do I?”
She levels her gaze at you and beams a smile, “Of course!”
“You always look wonderful too, Nami!” You manage to speak over your giddiness. You cannot believe that Nami thinks you’re pretty! “Your hair looks like sunbeams right now.”
“You’re sweet,” her smile is short-circuiting your brain.
You didn’t even realize that Sanji made himself scarce.
“You know,” she adds. “I was happy you thought of me this morning. And when you found that treasure chest.”
Your heart is hammering in your chest like a frantic tap dancer.
She notices your silence and turns to fully face you. Slowly, she reaches out a hand and entwines her fingers with yours.
Your heart skips a beat before you give her hand a slight squeeze.
Is this really happening?
“I like you Nami,” you blurt out, not at all eloquently.
She smirks, “I like you too, silly. You know you don’t have to buy my love, right? I don’t like you cause you have money, or you do things for me. I like you because you’re you. Kind, caring, badass.”
Tears form, prickling your eyes as she speaks such kind words. She tightens her grip on your hand, “Be my girlfriend?”
You nod, unable to contain your happiness as you sniffle, “Yes!”
She leans over and places her soft lips on yours. You move your lips against hers, not caring who sees. You’re lost in the moment of the first kiss of your relationship.
The first kiss of many.
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russellsppttemplates · 7 months
How much of their struggle to have a babies did y/n and Lance's families know? Like, did they keep things more between themselves, or did they share with few people( like y/n mom or Choe)?
Tw: infertility, IVF treatments
"Do you want me to go with you?", Lance wondered, "you wouldn't mind?", you replied, "of course not, sweetheart. We're in this together", he kissed your knuckles, "besides, your mother texted me yesterday saying that she had baked those little cakes I love", he smirked.
"Mom", you called, "remind me again of what happened when aunt and uncle were trying to have a baby", you asked. Having someone in the family with a similar diagnosis to yours meant that the baby questions were somewhat carefully thought through before someone asked them, so asking your mum, you figured, would be safe.
"Oh, well, they tried for a really long time, she took some hormones to help with her ovulation, because she had a low egg count", she said, "at the time, they also saw a specialist but the treatments were not an option for her, but around a year, a year and a half later, your cousin arrived", she finished, "something on your mind?".
"We've been doing the whole calendar thing and ovulation sticks, but it's yet to work", you admitted, "we both have healthy counts, so it's something else, but this really sucks, you know?", you blurted, feeling her hug you to her side, "I'm sorry, darling, but it will all work for the best, I'm sure of it", she kissed your forehead, "besides, it doesn't look like it's a job to try, you know? You have a very handsome looking husband", she smirked as you swatted her hand, "besides, as long as there is love between you two, you'll be good".
As much as you didn't feel like shouting out to everyone in the world that you would be undergoing fertility treatments to start building your family, you knew you and Lance needed support. Not because you were ashamed or embarrassed, but it was still a personal matter that involved your families, and having their support would be good to fall back on.
When you arrived at your parents' house, your father was quick to get some drinks out while your mother made some tea and got the little cakes to the coffee table, "so, Lance, everything fine at work?", you dad began, "yes, it's been going really well, actually", he smiled talking about a few new topics and some they had discussed the previous visit you had payed them.
"You're a bit quiet, darling, is everything okay?", your mother noticed, rubbing your thigh from her seat by your side, "Actually, I've been meaning to tell you something, we have, actually", you gulped, "We have been to Dr. Marlin's office again because we've been having trouble with trying for a baby, and as it turns out, it's a blocked fallopian tube, so things aren't ending up where they should end up and it makes the whole thing pretty much impossible this way",
"Oh, Y/N, I'm sorry", she got up to hug you before your dad gestured the sign you've had since you were little. You sometimes got scared when going to school, so whenever you were already inside the gate and he couldn't give you another hug after dropping you off, he would slightly cross his arms on his chest as if he was hugging you and you would do the same before stretching out your pointer finger as he did the same, pretending you were touching his. It had become a silly thing when you were little, but it quickly became your thing.
"We are going to begin the treatments soon, hopefully", Lance took over, "Dr. Marlin just needs to get the cycle up to speed and sorted out, and then we begin them when Y/N is comfortable enough", Lance noted, absentmindedly grabbed your hand in his, his thumb rubbing the skin.
"Honey, if there is anything we can help you, help you both", your father said, "let us know. You're not going through this alone", he smiled.
"How are you doing with all of it?", Chloe asked her younger brother as she bounced her little one in her arms. Scotty and Chloe had finally felt okay enough to welcome visitors to meet the new addition to the Stroll-James family and you and Lance also found the time to vist them between both of your schedules.
"I've been good. I think now that we know what is happening, we know how to deal with it. We kept trying and it wasn't working, so to know why it wasn't working and that there is a way to help it's comforting", he admitted, "Y/N has been good, too, I think. I've made sure she's telling me how she feels and whenever things get too much so we can work it out together, like a team", he smiled, stretching his arm and softly touching his nephew's cheek.
"I was so scared to invite you because I didn't want Y/N to feel bad about it. I know it's stupid to try and put myself in her position when I've never had issues, but I didn't want either of you feeling bad", Chloe added, "thanks for your consideration, but I think it's fine", Lance smiled as he heard Scotty's footsteps and your giggles coming their way.
"I'm proud of you, Lance", his sister complimented, "of the man you've become. I'm not saying I doubted you'd be like this, but it's a pleasure to see you like this", she nudged him, seeing her husband and you walking into the living room.
"Hey, look who's up!", you cooed at the little bow, "can Auntie Y/N have a cuddle? It's okay if it's not, though", you checked with your sister in-law, "of course it's okay, it gives me time to go to the bathroom!", she cheered, passing her son to your arms, "hello, sweet boy, you're wide awake now, aren't you?", you smiled, touching his soft cheek and seeing his light coloured eyes now open, "here", you heard Lance call you, arranging the space next to him on the sofa so you could sit next to him, wrapping his arm around your shoulders, "are you feeling good?", he wondered, checking in as you smiled at him, "yes, I am. Thank you for checking in", you kissed his cheek, "and this is good practice, isn't it? Isn't it, gorgeous boy? Yes, it is", you cooed at your nephew, hoping that this was a practice moment for what was to come.
(Thank you for submitting an ask 🤍)
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tiredly101 · 1 year
Pairing: Wally Darling x Biter!Male Reader
Illustrated Au, this post was adopted from another account because they are deleting it soo I adopted it with permission of the original author, I did make some changes to adapt it to my writing style! Stablish relationship with Wally and lastly picture was a very closed screenshot but it was made by @clownsuu!
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It was well known around the village a certain neighbour could be seen chewing and biting all sorts of things. Of course chewing and biting was pretty normal when eating, it was pretty out of the ordinary when the villagers started to notice bite marks on random objects.
At first they thought a animal of some sort had come in looking for a late night snack but the bite marks didn’t match with any sort of animal. It was only until while Eddie Dear was delivering some mail he noticed M/n gnawing on his pencil while he sat in front of his house sketching.
Usually this wouldn’t have caught his attention as it wasn’t that strange of a thing but they way M/n dug his teeth into it, as if to completely crush it, he started to suspect it had been M/n that left the bite mark on the plastic end of one of Franks bug nets. As Eddie was just stood watching you, it caught Wallys curiosity.
"Hello Eddie, what are you looking at?," Asked Wally while looking with curiosity at Eddie then following his line of sight to M/n which made his smile grow just a tad bigger.
“Oh, hi Wally. Say, is it me or is the way M/n is biting their pencil is a bit aggressive? If you know what I mean," Wally, now that Eddie mentioned it, did thought M/n were really going at it, perhaps the pencil broke while he was sketching. Sometimes that happens to himself so he understands M/n's frustration. Waving goodbye to Eddie when he went on his way to finish delivering mail Wally decided to head over to M/n and see what got him so agitated.
"Hello neighbour, you know if i didnt know any better that pencil seems to be your sworn enemy," Wally jested which made M/n snap up his attention to him.
“Huh..?,” M/n replied confused, having no clue of what Wally meant until he noticed how damaged the end of your pencil had become.
“Ah! Oh no! I didn’t even realise I was chewing it... It’s such a bad habit I can’t seem to stop,” M/n said while sighting softly. Wally chuckled, what was so bad about it? M/n eas doing no harm, well besides to the pencil. He sat down beside you taking the pencil out of your hand and looking at the ravaged end trying to hold back a laugh.
"You know perhaps you should try something softer, you could damage your teeth. I understand the constant need to chew on something so don’t be ashamed,” Wally reassured M/n softly, slowly grabbing his hand and interlocking his fingers with M/n's.
"You chew things too?," Asked M/n hopefully while looking at Wally which made him smile and chuckle before giving a little peck on M/n's cheek.
“Oh, no. I eat with my eyes silly," Wally said which made M/n smile, how could he forget such an important detail of his boyfriend?
“Here”, said Wally before he held out his arm out in front of M/n's face waiting for his reaction. M/n seemed so puzzled at first not knowing what he was offering until he realised he basically just gifted himself to you as a personal chew toy. Perhaps Barnaby does the same so he’s use to it? But it became more and more embarrassing as he just stared at M/n waiting for him to take a bite.
Eventually M/n started gnawing on his arm a little while he focused in drawing again and soon M/n completely forgot he were even doing it until once he finished the drawing and he went to show Wally and found his arm muffling what he was going to say.
It was pretty embarrassing but he seemed fine with it, he was grinning for ear to ear and had a look of adoration in his eyes. If practically chewing his arm off wasn’t embarrassing enough the way he just gazed and admired M/n had his face warming in a instant.
As this went on M/n found himself more often than not randomly nibbling on Wally at a random point of the day. Sometimes when trying to figure something out or even when a conversation was going on for to long and M/n needed to occupy himself with something to stay focused but each and every time, M/n's boyfriend, Wally seemed bubbly with joy.
The rest of the villagers were happy with this as well since they have stopped finding bite marks in their possessions. It wasn’t long before Wally himself started nibbling M/n at random points, seemingly just blinking at him and then suddenly M/n felt something on his arm or shoulder. M/n was flustered at the beginning but he soon got used to Wally's playful nibbles but never got used to Barnaby jokingly giving you both chew toys on rare occasions.
The funny thing is that when M/n and Wally were alone sometimes you both would actually use the chew toys. Wally's favourite was the fake apple chew toy and M/n's was the soft yellow lemon.
"We are such a cute couple"
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bell4lan · 2 years
Quality Time
Genre: Fluff and crack (?) idk it's silly
CW: mentions of heats, suggestive dialogue, very dialogue heavy, hickies (only suggestive thing that happens i promise), talks of sex, mpreg mentions but its not canon, breeding mentions, i swear this is a fluff fic they just had some talks abt dirty things
DNI: NON-MLM/NBLM, fujoshis, mlm/nblm fetishizers
Character(s)/Reader: Tighnari and GN reader but I wrote it with men and non-binary people in mind, 1 Kaeya mention
The sound of your backpack hitting the floor filled your bedroom as you flopped onto your bed. You were wiped from the class you just had, not even because it was hard, but because of how far it was from your dorm. It started snowing right before class ended, which meant you had to tread through snow for a long distance. It wasn't like you could've drove since Tighnari took your car to visit his family.
Speaking of Tighnari, he was coming back today. You wish you could get excited, but you were exhausted. The snow really did a number on your already sore legs.
You heard the front door jiggle as someone unlocked it. Only one other person besides you had a key, so you weren't panicked. You heard the front door shut and things shuffle around for a while. You knew it was Tighnari getting unpacked and changed.
You heard footsteps coming towards your room and saw your gorgeous boyfriend walk in, dressed in a hoodie and shorts since the heater was on.
You turned on your back and held out your arms to him. "Hi baby, I missed you." You said to him as he laid down on you.
"I missed you too (Name)." He kissed your lips passionately and you gladly returned it. You wrapped your arms around him and pulled away asking him about his trip. You played with his hair as you listened to the stories he told about his family. You couldn't help but smile when you heard him stumble over his words when you started petting his ears.
He stopped talking after a bit and relaxed on you, almost falling asleep from how comforting your pets were. He started nuzzling more into you when suddenly, his head shot up and his ears laid back.
"What's wrong?" You asked while rubbing his lower back. He glared at you and put his face in your neck, licking and biting it.
"Wh- Tighnari what is up with you." You squirmed slightly from the feeling of him sucking on your neck and saw his tail wagging more than usual. He was never usually like this, he usually waits for you to initiate stuff like this.
"G-gosh are you in heat or something?" You joked as you felt him leave more marks.
"That's not til June." He mumbles, completely serious with his answer. You pulled him away from your neck so you could be face to face with him.
"Wait...you actually have heats?" You asked sort of wide eyed.
"Y-yeah..." He looked off to the side, ears still down and tail calming down.
"But you said no when I asked you before." You faked a pout when you realized he lied to you.
"It's embarrassing to admit every once a year you feel this primal need to breed." He said as he laid back down on you.
"Need to breed? Gosh Tighnari you're so dirty." You teased as you went back to rubbing his back. He glared at you again, though this time it was paired with a red hue on his face.
You started petting his ears again trying to get him to calm down. "Can you tell me why you decided to attack my neck?" You laughed out.
"I smelled someone else on you..." He mumbled a bit shyly.
"Huh? Who?" You asked. You had been hanging out with your friends a lot, but it's not like you had done anything with them (iykwim).
"That one blue haired pirate guy." He growled as he gripped onto your hoodie. You started laughing at his spot on description.
"Oh my god, Kaeya? I guess that makes sense, I did have to carry him home when he was drunk. That wasn't long after you left though and i've taken so many showers since then. Can you really still smell him?" Tighnari relaxed as he heard your explanation and started explaining that he had a way better sense of smell than non-hybrid people. You already knew that of course, but you didn't know it was that much stronger than non-hybrids.
"Did you think I did anything with him?" Tighnari shook his head.
"No...I just hated smelling someone else on you." He confessed, not looking at you. You smiled and gave him a kiss on the head. You started teasing him about his jealousy and possessiveness earning a defensive Tighnari in return.
You both had calmed down and cuddled with each other for a bit. It was relaxing, until you broke the silence.
"Sooo...when you're in heat do you feel the need to breed others or be bred?" Tighnari's faced became a bright shade of red and he hid his face in your chest, flattening his ears again so they don't bother you.
"Ughhh I knew i'd regret telling you." He groaned.
"Hey i'm just curious!" You defended in a light hearted tone. You kept encouraging an answer until he finally responded.
"I...don't have a preference. It depends on how I feel at the time." He said, voice shaking from embarrassment. You nodded and asked more questions about his heats, making him even more flustered than he was. He knew you were genuinely curious under all the teasing, so he answered your questions the best he could.
"Can you be bred?" You jokingly asked. He didn't seem to get your joke until a few seconds after.
"Are you asking if I can get pregnant?" He hissed.
You just giggled and he stared at you like you were the dumbest person alive.
He sighs, "Of course not you dummy." He flicked your forehead and you whined out an "ow". He kissed the spot he flicked, making you smile at him.
"Could I ever help with your heats?" You asked in full seriousness.
"What? No."
"Why not?"
"Because I don't want to bother you or depend on you. Plus, I might get used to it and who knows what will happen if we ever break up." He explains. When he said the last sentence, he got a sad look in his eyes.
"Hey if you think you can get rid of me you're wrong." You said as you attacked his face with kisses. Tighnari couldn't help but smile and laugh softly. Once you stopped, you flipped the both of you over so you were hovering over him. His ears twitched in curiosity.
"I love you." You whispered as you admired his looks, lips almost touching his.
"I love you too." He breathes out and connects his lips to yours. You both kissed each other lovingly, not wanting to break the beautiful kiss.
Eventually, you did pull away to catch your breath, making Tighnari frown.
"Now it's your turn to get marked." You said playfully. Tighnari's ears twitched again at your words.
"I guess it's only fair." He said with a smile and exposed more of his neck.
I had to look up when foxes go into heat for this fanfic so you guys better like it.
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alicedash2 · 1 year
Portgas D. Ace x YN who loves cats!
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-OOOH! A Cat Cafe! - YN's eyes light up more than a galaxy
- cats cats cats cats! - YN runs to the cafeteria
-Good morning, how can I help you?- Answers the question, she was wearing a beautiful maid dress, only with cat decorations
-cats!-YN says, her face is bright pink
- that's 80 Berries per person and per hour! - says the attendant, YN checks his pockets but realizes he doesn't have a coin, the ship is on the coast, YN took the whole day to find this cafe, so, YN thinks about... using someone. ..
- here?- Ace asked with his face a little disappointed
-yes!- YN happily agrees
-I'm not going in, I want food, not coffee! You lied to me!- Ace spoke with a look of doubt
-And why don't you go alone?- Ace asked
-I tried but I'm out of money, I can't walk all day to the ship and back, it's going to be closed, and we'll have to leave tomorrow!-
- And if I give you the money?- Ace asked
- I don't want to go alone, let's go! -
- I am not going! And besides, you lied to me!- Ace pointed a finger at YN's face
-ah... It was for a necessary cause! - YN approached Ace even more
- What cause?!- Ace asks
- the money you give, in addition to making me happy, will still be used to buy food for the kittens! Come on, there's a lot of cute cat in there! - YN starts jumping up and down while pleading with Ace
Ace makes a thoughtful face
- have food?- Ace asks
- as it is a cafeteria, it must have cakes, sweets... And coffee! - YN spoke, with a glimmer of hope
- Come on, Ace, please! Please! - YN said while holding Ace's arm tightly
- What are you doing, YN?!
- I won't let you go until you come with me!- YN held on tighter
- but, YN, they can't see me there! -Ace blushes imagining the embarrassing situation if his friends saw him in a cat cafe
- but I'll be around! They will notice- YN said while letting go of Ace
- please! Only 1 hour!- YN tried to convince Ace
-1 hour?!- Ace asked with an indignant face
- 30 minutes!- YN spoke
- 25 minutes! - Ace spoke
- 25?!- YN said angrily
- it's that or nothing! It's something a pirate shouldn't get into! Ace crossed his arms.
- Alright, let's go!- YN said with a smile
- per couple it's 60 berries an hour, we're on a Valentine's Day sale- the attendant said
"couple" Ace think blushed
-eh...okay, here, I'll only want 25 minutes- Ace said
- so it's 25 berries - The Attendant said, Ace asks for a simple cake while YN had fun with the felines
- Ace, isn't he cute? He doesn't have a tail, and that one has two-colored eyes!- YN had a wide smile, her face red and bright
seriously, you are unbelievable! - Ace said with a slight smile on his face, enjoying their silliest laughs by just seeing cats lying down and some playing
- Ace, this one looks like Pops! - YN held a big and very hairy white cat, with features of an old man, blue eyes and big whiskers
- true! Looks like it!- Ace said laughing
- wanted to take them all to the Ship! But Pops wouldn't let it!- YN spoke with a sad face
- thank goodness, cats are a lot of work and dirt!- Ace said finishing eating
- you don't know anything about cats!- YN pouted to Ace
While YN was distracted in her world full of cats, Ace extended the time by another 25 minutes, he wanted to see more of how YN was having fun, obviously careful not to be discovered.
- Ace! It's been over 25 minutes - YN said turning to Ace
-ah- Ace, who was sleeping wakes up
- Hi?- Ace looked at YN
-let's go!- YN spoke
- I paid more, you can stay there, I'll take a nap, then you wake me up- Ace said
YN looked around, YN starts playing with the cats again
Ace just sleep again
- Miss, your schedule is over! Thank you for coming to our cafe!- Said the Attendant
- Thank you, I really liked it! Thank you!- YN said with a silly smile, YN wakes up Ace and they leave
- I really hope you had fun, I didn't have fun at all! - Ace said with a serious and sarcastic smile.
- you lie very badly! -YN said smiling
- Thanks, Ace! I had so much fun! - YN hugs Ace tightly, Ace reciprocates
- what I don't do for you?- Ace smiled blushing
- I'll give you back the money when we get on the ship! - said YN
- it is not necessary! I decided to pay more, keep it as a gift - Ace kisses YN's face, making her cheeks red
-thanks!- YN said shyly, their hearts skipping a beat
- Ace!- Vista approached, it's the next day and the crew is ready to leave
- Hi, Vista!- Ace greeted
- I've wanted to talk to you about this for a while - Vista said, sitting down next to Ace, he approaches Ace's ear and says
- how was the meeting with YN? Did she kiss you? Or was there something else?- - Ace nods into the distance.
- stop this! Be quiet!- Ace said red
- what? Ace had a date?! - The rest of the crew gathered around Ace, asking questions
-TO STOP! I WILL NOT SAY ANYTHING!- Ace turned redder
- tell us, Ace! - the crew asked for more and more
- I DON'T KNOW! Ask YN! - Ace scream, while everyone went to YN, Ace held his breath
Finally, YN had to explain everything, it wasn't exactly a date, YN just asked Ace to pay and stay together with YN
- it's an indirect date! - Vista said with a huge smile
- you wrong! No! No!- YN covered her face with her hands.
- YN turned red with embarrassment, she likes Ace!- Izou joked
- I'm not! But yes! But not! It's not like that, stop, please!- YN shook her head with her face covered by her hands.
And it was like that all day, everyone celebrating that Ace and YN were together, even if they weren't, they would soon be!
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kairiscorner · 11 months
Hehehe.. the miles x Filipino reader was cute!
Can I have a... Teaching Hobie Tagalog oneshot?
I feel like with his accent it's gonna mess up the pronunciation a bit lmao
(expect more requests from me I'm lurking in your blog always.)
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well hello there @pearl-necklac :DD THAT'S A FUN IDEA WAIT i love the thought that hobie would curse in tagalog with his cockney accent (or in a bisaya dialect, maybe say "pisteng yawa" AND STILL SOUND SO BRITISH)
(reblogs are greatly appreciated, it helps get my content out there! if you guys like what you see, please reblog it too <:D)
teaching hobie tagalog
"hey, mahal?" hobie called out to you, his alluring voice enticing you to look his way as he came over to you, wrapped you in his arms and buried his face into your neck. you chuckled. "yes, mahal? what is it?" you asked as you ran a hand through his wicks. he chuckled and held you closer, "i'd fancy you teaching me some of your native language, aking sinta." he said as he pressed his chin on your shoulder and hugging you from behind in a loving embrace.
you raised your eyebrows in surprise as his request had taken you aback. "you... want to learn tagalog?" you asked him, and he nodded with a grin. "i figured it was about time i got to learn more about you. i can't just keep myself in the dark about the language you're so familiar with, that'd be suffocating for you, and you know i hate seeing you struggle." he confessed with a small smirk as he hugged you tighter.
"and besides..." he said as he squeezed your cheeks with one hand and slowly, gently turned your head to face him as he was still on your shoulder, "...i'd love to fluster you in many more ways than i'm already way too familiar with in english." he murmured as he nearly brought his nose and lips to touch yours, causing you to gasp slightly at the closeness between you two. "oh, sige." you'd whisper out as hobie chuckles to himself how cute you are when you get all embarrassed.
you soon taught hobie the basics, basic greetings, numbers, questions, answers and all--it went surprisingly well, in your opinion. hobie was an extremely fast learner, especially since he put a lot of focus and effort into learning tagalog for you with you. you couldn't help but chuckle, however, at how his accent clashed with the words.
you found it very endearing, though, how his accent remained a prominent thing despite speaking a foreign language; it was one of hobie's little quirks that you found wonderful, that you fell in love with, too. because how could you possibly not fall for him when he not only looked beautiful--with his piercings, his hair done like that, his height, his complexion, his eyes, fashion sense, personality and all--but sounded beautiful?
"now," hobie began as he looked at you with a smirk. "let me try saying something i've tried learning on my own secretly." he said as he put his hands on yours as he leane din close, his nose brushing against your cheek as his lips touched your earlobe. "mahal kita, sobra. sobra pa sa sobra, at mamahalin kita habangbuhay, maging sino ka man." he said with a bashful expression, his smile widening as he let the embarrassment of his admission of his unconditional and unwavering love for you sink in, with you feeling more and more giddy and excited at his words.
and before you could get another word out, he pecked your lips and stuck his tongue out at you. "i also practiced that rey valera song your parents like so much. i found out what the lyrics meant... and i know, i know that's exactly what i feel for you, aking minamahal." he said as you got all flustered and covered your face as you smiled wider. "tumahimik ka... pero mahal rin kita, okay..."
bonus: "love, what's this word?" "nakaka... naka--nakaka--hah?" "nakakapagpabagabag, is it?" "ah, uh, oo, kaso... the way you said it... it's the right pronunciation, but your accent, mahal..." you both laughed together at how silly you two were being :3
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tiajk · 1 year
Through the lens
Jake sully x sister reader
Italic and bold means flashback
Warnings: jake realizing he's old asf, fluff, a bit of angst if u squint, tsu’tey being risen from the dead
a/n: This takes place before all the kids had gone to the hallelujah mountains
So you and your brother were having some sibling time him being the leader of his clan (i was too lazy to write the na’vi title) your kids and mates were there with you as well happy to see you smiling and laughing you and jake loved to embarrass each other with absolutely everything at this exact moment that is what you guys were doing sharing embarrassing stories of each other to your mates while your children were well being children
Jake had just finished a story about how you wherein highschool and you had slipped on the stairs and had been suspended for breaking the handle in your defense the handle was old asf you rolled your eyes while tsu’tey chuckled “you are really a klutz ma y/n” you looked offended “like i said the handle was old as hell” you finished with a chuckle
You suddenly recalled the memory and hit jake on his shoulder a habit you had while you were excited “Jake you remember that camera we took it everywhere with us” he nodded “yeah do you still have it i remember you took it out of the lab” you had rushed to you and tsu'tey’s shared home looking everywhere your kids do their chores very well thankfully so it was easy to find you grabbed it and ran back to your spot and sat down “This thing has to be at least 100 years old” jake said neytiri smacked his shoulder “do not be dramatic ma jake” jake pouted but obeyed tsu’tey had called the kids over and sat them down around you so they could see your past memories of your life
The first one being you in a bathing suit bottom at the beach and a surfer top (it's like the elastic ones) jake on your right and tommy on your left you sat the camera down on the ground “okay im y/n this is jake and this is tommy” you looked so young back then while you were a teenager jake had pushed you playfully “ i think we know who we are n/n” you stuck your tongue out and went to pick up the camera you were making silly faces as your brothers went back to there surf boards getting them ready nice and smooth you went to bother tommy first “whatcha doingggg” dragging out the end “your mom” you made a face at him “we have the same mom idot” (if you wanted to be adopted then the next parts for you) “I don’t know my mom dumbass” jake had been out of camera but you could hear what he said “tommy just likes milfs” you had busrt out laughing almost dropping the camera and going into a small state of panic “oh fuck oh shit” you said as you coaught the camera in a secure hold again tommy being the little asshole he is said “thats why your the klutz of the family” you gave tommy the side eye “this is why mom doesn’t like you” tommy had taken the camera out of your hand and switched the settings to the camera was facing the opposite end (bascially not showing him on screen) “say something funny” you responded to him by saying “bffr be fucking for real” tommy had put the camera in one had and picked up some sand “if you don’t ill throw sand all over you” “do it pussy” you were always all bark and no bite growing up when he pretended to throw it at you you screamed “ okay okay chill!” “alright i'm waiting” you had looked up to the sky to think you were naturally a funny or goofy person so you came up with something and looked back at tommy and the camera jake now sitting besides you “brothers will you remember me in 4 minutes” “yes” “4 hours” “yes” “4 years” “yes y/n” he said while losing patience “knock knock” “whos there” then you screamed “you don't remember me!!!!” and had busted out laughing jake looked at you like you were crazy which caused tommy to laugh then caused jake to laugh you all laughed so hard you started crying you came back and face the camera towards you and siad “this is what happens when you live with crackheads god save us all
The clip ending you had smiled softly you missed your days on earth sometimes only for your mom,jake, and tommy your daughter being the first to speak “mom i think you were on something back then” you shrieked “Back then you calling me old!” everyone started laughing jake saying “damn sis we kinda are getting old” “Boy whose we this ain’t french”
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Complex feelings and absolute pandemonium about my mental health aside- going back to reread and look at old posts to relive memories (mostly the very bad cuz I was not a good person when I was in the fandom and am beyond embarrassed about it-) has been an absolute disaster of a healing journey.
May be redrawing some old sketches as a checkpoint of that, so comic updates are going to slow.
I ask that everyone remain polite to my wishes and not tag anyone who you see my art addressing. For example if a draw or redraw fanart from a fanfic, do not reblog tagging the author.
Most certainly I am not remembered fondly by those people, and that’s okay.
In my answer to the Donna headcannons ask, I included one very specific relationship headcannon. It’s not a coincidence- that was me. Back when I was part of this fandom during its peak- I was that lil toxic jerk that ruined shit for other people. I have no excuses for this- young and dumb, pretherapy, unknowingly, flat out being stupid- it doesn’t excuse my actions. As much as I wanted to be a good person- I was not- I did good things- but at my core I was rotting. I still am tending to parts of it.
People are going to remember me as that lil toxic jerk. That’s why I hope ya’ll respect my wishes as I redraw old stuff. Everyone deserves to enjoy their passions without someone, something- a memory- ruining it (again) for them.
I’m sharing these redraws because there’s a story here I hope people take inspiration from. Whether the story is about forgiving others for their past mistakes, learning that you’re not alone, or embracing your embarrassments- that’s different for every person. If that story is lost on people, I have every right to delete it all.
And as for that headcannon, Donna has and always will be the person who trekked beside me through this hellscape that is my mind. As I’ve written stories and drawn more where she gets that happy ending, I see a road for myself- as corny as that could have possibly sounded. There are weights I carry that I must learn to let go- memories of people who have come into my life for a season and changed me forever that probably even despise me now- and one of them is going to be Donna eventually.
For now she’s still very much on the forefront of my mind lmao.
Thank you for coming to my TEDTalk<3
And for you, you know who you are- the one who was the largest victim of my toxic foolery and had the unfortunate responsibility where I crashed upon you from tumblr dms and just wouldn’t leave you the fuck alone because of your work- if you’re by any slim possible fucking chance you’re reading this: thank you for moving on. It sounds so silly, but abandoning me was the right choice, despite all my abandonment issues. I cannot ask for forgiveness after the manipulative bullshit I did to you- the best that I can ask is that your best is an even better person then before for those that’ll have the blessing to be let into your life. Which, from what I’ve read on the latest update to said work, I am reassured you have.
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Driving with Muichiro in a silly car toy...
Explanation: The reader is a goofy lil person and brings a cursed barbie toy car to the headquarters... Then makes Muichiro join them.
Things: I wrote this having a platonic relationship in mind but It's alright If you imagine something romantic! I tried not to add anything that would mention this. Reader is gender neutral! I know that in taisho era there wasn't much cars and they didn't look like this but yea...!
Warnings: None! :3
The hashira meeting finished... Muichiro stayed at the headquarters, he was about to leave when the clouds caught his attention. He spaced out and forgot what he was about to do...
A few minutes passed, then he heard a familiar voice yell "Vroom, vroom!". He knew the person well and who they are to him but wasn't sure what's their name... What was It? [Misspelled version of Y/N] or [Y/N]? Well, It doesn't matter... He turned his head to the person and saw them driving in a very suprising car toy...
The toy car was barbie themed and had barbie 'sticker things' all over It... Well, not really stickers, they were painted on the car's outside walls but they had that extra white outline over them which made them look like stickers to Muichiro. The background was pink and there was a text written that spelled "Slay gurl!".
The places to sit in were even worse... The one [Y/N] was sitting in, the driver sit had a huge barbie painted over It. (So they were basically sitting on barbie but we don't talk about that...) while the other one had ken painted over It in the same way... "That's unusual." Muichiro thought to himself.
[Y/N] drove beside him and waved, still holding the wheel with her other hand.
"Took a toes! You must join me!"
"*Took a toes...? Was that my name? No... It's Tokito.*" he thinks to himself, then verbally replies.
"No... I cannot. As a hashira, It would be unprofessional."
[Y/N] pouts, pretending to be very offended.
"But that's mean... Pretty please~?"
They make puppy eyes. He's being manipulated into saying yes but he holds the urge back...
"I'm a hashira, I can't. The answer is no."
And It continued. Muichiro tried to walk away, he couldn't. Their car was following him. Muichiro tried to run. There was no escape. So he finally agreed...
"Fine... But only for a bit and only because you wouldn't leave me alone. I hope you're happy."
So Muichiro slowly sat down, proceeded with very much caution and a disgusted face...
The sit he was supposed to hop on had a ken painted over It... But then, If he didn't sit down then [Y/N] would bother him for a lifetime being.
"Okay.. Let's get this over with." Muichiro said with little to no interest.
[Y/N] immediately started driving, the whole scene was very chaotic... They kept crashing into trees and [Y/N] turned on a very weird song.
Everytime a fellow hashira noticed him driving in the silly toy car with [Y/N], Muichiro would look away and his face would get red out of embarrassment. He was a hashira afterall, he wasn't supposed to act like this!
But then, It was quite enjoyable to do this with [Y/N]... He finally could do something childish, something that his job didn't really allow him to...
author's note: This is the first time I have written something in half a month so I hope that It is good! Hashira's reactions to the whole scene coming soon!
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kauzebridgerton · 3 months
Kauze History.
Chapter 4: Cursed hair.
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I'm glad Reiji took me away from Ayato, he said he wanted me to meet the other residents of this house.
— Reiji, do you like being an adult?
— Why this question? I must say that as we grow up we have more responsibilities, but I'm happy because we receive more respect too. Or at least we should.
— I never want to be an adult! Never!
— How foolish, do you want to be like Ayato?
— No! Not like him...! I want to be like Mr. Karlheinz, he is strong, powerful and has a really nice house.
— You'll have a long way to go then.
— I think the secret is to have really long hair.
— Hah, you and your foolish ideas. Come on, you're taking up all my time.
He then took me to the living room, and soon all the other residents appeared, even the silly Ayato, but I didn't pay much attention to him, as a guy with a teddy bear caught my attention, he had a very strange appearance, but his teddy bear was cool, but Batman was much cooler.
— This is Kauze, the boy the father mentioned earlier. — Reiji said in a loud tone. — He will live here, indefinitely.
— That guy said not to kill him or hurt him either. — a blond boy who was lying on the sofa said. — Hah, this is so tiring.
Well, at least he remembered that these guys can't hurt me! If not, Mr. Karlheinz will give them a good scolding.
— Tsk! Why is this brat here? What is that old man up to?
A man with white hair punched the wall, and it cracked, which left me completely terrified, I quickly ran after Reiji.
— Subaru, you're scared, this little boy, fufu~ Children can be adorable, I'm sure I can teach him a lot. — The man in the hat looked at me. — Have you picked a favorite yet? You haven't even met me yet.
—... I'm sorry... — he said awkwardly.
— This filth is wearing my clothes?! — And then that weird guy came at me. — Apparently he wasn't chosen because of his appearance.
And then everyone laughed, I looked at my body, and then I looked at him, how could this fool say such a thing? And he kept talking.
— He's just skin and bones, besides those freckles on his face look like some kind of disease. Maybe if we shave his head, he might be acceptable.
These nasty comments made me very sad, am I really that ugly? Why was he saying these things to me? I looked at the other people here, but no one seemed interested in what had just happened, I just giggled awkwardly, but still, I was very embarrassed.
Soon after that, Reiji introduced them to me, saying the name of each of the vampires in this room and saying who was the oldest to the youngest. As soon as he finished doing that, some of them left the place, and I went to my room.
— This Kanato is so annoying, he must think he is the lord of eternal beauty to talk about me.
I grumbled as I lay down on the bed, I tossed and turned a little trying to fall asleep again, vampires had some very strange schedules when it came to sleeping, when they slept at all. I think I must have stayed like that for a while, until I finally managed to sleep.
Well, that's what I expected at least, since it didn't take long for someone to wake me up, I felt a cold hand pressing my cheek, and then I opened my eyes and saw that it was Laito.
— Laito! — I smiled at him — Hmm, I think it's because I'm really sleepy!
— You better get ready, we're going to school.
— Oh! And that's why you're dressed like that, I hadn't noticed... I liked your hat!
— Nfu~ Did you like it? You are a very smart little boy. I'm sure you're trying to win over everyone with your compliments.
— Not even! I will never praise Kanato, he has a soul darker than a starless night! — I mumbled. — He should think carefully before talking about other people's appearance.
I crossed my arms in frustration when I remembered what that annoying person said, but then Laito chuckled and lightly flicked my forehead.
— Just don't be alone with him, you hear? Now get dressed.
He opened the closet and took out a uniform, but I immediately found something strange, how could adults and children have classes at the same time? That didn't make much sense to me.
— Laito, isn't it too late for me to go to school? You're an adult, so it's okay to be out so late, but I... What if Mr. Karlheinz grounds me for leaving home so late?
— You won't have class Kauze, we just can't leave a child alone here. — He threw the uniform on the bed. — Hurry up, Reiji doesn't like delays.
And then he disappeared, I really wanted to know how to use that kind of power! It looks so cool! But I also didn't want to be scolded by Reiji, so I got ready as quickly as possible, the uniform was very nice, it was black and had some silver buttons. I was really curious to see what my backpack looked like, but I guess I'll only find out when I go to school, I mean... My school.
— Hmm~ — I had a little trouble fixing my hair, but I hope to one day learn it, it was a bit complicated actually, as it was wavy and well styled, but I think that part of it being styled is my fault. for not knowing how to tidy it up properly. — Well, I'm a child, if someone talks about my hair, I can blame it on one of the adults.
I laughed evilly, that would be really funny if it happened, but I wasted no time and quickly went down the stairs and ran to the garden, getting into the limousine with the Sakamakis, after all I didn't want to get scolded by Reiji, who, by the way, looked me up and down , I think he was trying to see if I dressed up properly.
— Have you ever been to a school? — Reiji asked while adjusting his glasses.
— No... But I promise I'll behave! First I'm going to look for a really cool place to stay! But soon after I'm going to the library, as I never went to school, I think I was a little behind with learning things, but I have to make sure I can stay very smart so as not to disappoint my future sensei. Oh! Oh! Will I make friends? It would be so cool to have a group of friends! The name would be "group of heroes", pretty cool, right?!
— Tsc, this boy talks a lot. —Subaru grumbled. — He only asked one question, he doesn’t need to tell you all his plans.
— I'm sorry... — he said embarrassed.
After that, no one said anything anymore, it was like we were playing that game of silence, that was a bit complicated, because I really liked talking and I wanted to make friends with one of them, like Laito, Reiji and even Shu! They look really cool! It's a shame that Shu was cursed with the yellow hair issue, maybe I'll ask him later how he dealt with it
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writingfool001 · 2 years
Lovesick Crocodile
Author’s Note: I have a love hate relationship with this Sebek and the Sebek simps are slowly pulling me somewhat into the hole. 
Requested: Yes/No 
Pairing: Sebek x Gn! Reader 
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Going about his day and turning the corner to see you from afar, he looks frantically around, trying to figure out where to hide before jumping out the window. I’m not surprised if he actually did this. 
Hiding in a bush, he looked up to see you sticking your head out the window and looking around with confusion on your face. He admired your gorgeous self before burying his face in his hands. 
You’re probably wondering why Sebek isn’t his usual loud self? Well, let’s go on a little flashback, shall we? 
Silver was lightly teasing Sebek about something very personal and one had happened to overhear before making the decision to record what he said. Later that day, the person approached him and played the recording which confused Sebek at first before realizing that it was his voice. It was embarrassing, but what made it worse was the student started talking about how you could possibly love a man who yells at you and talks about how foolish Sebek would be if he would confess to you.  
His insecurities got to him and for the past week, he’s been avoiding you and talking quieter when he could. Not only the first-year group and Diasomnia, but you also noticed immediately and every time you tried to ask him about it, he would avoid you and would come up with some excuse. He has thrown himself out of windows, hiding in some obvious places, and had many of his colleagues cover for him.  
After a while, you decided to camp out and wait before seeing him taking a seat on the bench. Dropping down from a tree and hanging off a branch, scaring him, before grabbing his collar. 
“Uh-uh, you’ve been avoiding me and being quieter than usual.” You spoke, trying to keep a grip on his collar. 
“I don’t know what you could possibly mean!” He shouted! 
“Was it something I said?” 
“NO, IT WASN’T,” He snapped, scaring you a bit, before realizing he raised his voice. “Forgive me, I’m fine. Besides, I have training with Lilia.” 
“Alright,” You let him go before trying one last thing. “You give him a peck on the lips, causing him to freeze, before walking away. “Have a good training session.” 
Internally counting down from three then hear him realize you weren’t in front of him anymore. Hearing him call after you and turn around to see him, rushing over while yelling frantically. Looks like your Sebek is back to his usual loud self.  
“How could you just do that then walk away!” He frantically lectured you with a blush on you. “The audacity!” 
“You mean the same audacity you had to suddenly go radio silent and ghost me?” You raised an eyebrow, causing his blush to worsen. 
“I…Ther…There was this student who overheard something I told Silver and recorded it then threatened to use it against me.”  “What did you tell Silver?”  
“I told him that…” 
“I admire you and love you!” He shouted at you, turning his flustered face away and missing the slight blush appearing on your face, before you wrapped your arms around his necks and pulled him into an embrace. 
“My silly crocodile, what made you think I wouldn’t return your feelings?” You smiled softly, he hid his face in your neck and melted into the embrace, and you gently patted his back before seeing a figure who was standing afar with an expression of disbelief and panicked that you spotted them. “Who was the guy who tried to use your feelings against you?” 
“Nobody special,” he murmured as you kept a sweet smile and gave them the slitting throat gesture in the air, causing them to run away terrified. “Why?” 
“Just wondering,” You kiss his head before you both go off to get something to eat. 
Later that night, the student woke to see four figures looming over him with an evil glint in their eyes. 
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marcynomercy · 5 months
Maira’s personality and how she and Astarion fell in love.
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As I said before her personality is well retracted, she lived a good part of her childhood in an oppressive environment without any affection (of course the bullying of the brothers did not help). Maira just wanted a little affection and affection, but she never got it until she was almost killed so she started thinking like her brothers:
"If I stand out my father will love me".
Mas ela não tinha autoconfiança, sempre abaixava a cabeça e tremia quando gritavam... Ela era apenas uma menininha assustada.
The bullying of both her siblings and ordinary people aggravated her insecurity mainly in her appearance, she does not see her positives and isolated herself to spare herself more rejection. Besides the obvious father issues and complex appearance she also has abandonment trauma. Kind of obvious that she never had a love relationship, right?
So besides this whole adventure being your first "quiet" experience with other people obvious that was also a self discovery about romances. Does she like men? Women? Both? She doesn’t know. At this point it can be considered too pure (and can think all kinds of malice because certainly certain individuals of this group thought!) It is common for Maira not to understand the subtleties or double-entendres, this causes much embarrassment actually.
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We can say that our little dragon cub is a full plate for a certain silly vampire.
Their first encounter was Astarion threatening her with a dagger… well it wasn’t the best first impression. Astarion soon saw in her an extremely easy target, please, whenever her eyes crossed she startled and averted her gaze almost in despair. He would be lying if he said he was not impressed whenever she showed her eloquence and ability with words as needed.
Obviously he supported the decision for her to be the leader already seeking benefit itself, an easy target as leader of this gang and he would have his safety guaranteed. Of course he was a bit silly… He genuinely thought she was just shy and complexed rather than a complete virgin to the extreme. If they found a unicorn it would surely become her pet. (sorry for the "joke"). Of course Astarion was always amused at the expense of the constraints that were so recurrent especially when they flirted with her. Maira always responded so innocently or showed confusion with the look and finally when she understood that it was a flirt her face was so red that matched the pink hair, but he realized that her face was redder when he was the one flirting with her.
Her body language was very transparent, the way she got restless, how she could barely keep eye contact was all so… sweet. Then he tasted her blood and… Woow, he felt like electricity went through his body. Even after the bite he still felt the pleasant tingling all over his body, it was really something unique.
When they got a little closer and started talking a little more she told a little about herself, how she suffered bullying and… the shock of knowing that she was almost half dragon in the most literal way. But he cannot help but notice the similarity that Maira’s father treated his children in the way Cazador treated his spawns.
But she was saved… lucky. As for his seduction plans… he began to feel horrible long before he fell in love. (she reminded him of Sebastian). Shy, sweet, she was never with anyone. Of course she fell in love pretty fast and of course he just didn’t want to admit it.
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lifesafairytale · 10 months
What is the most random head canon you have for any character? For me, its Yang having a huge phobia of needles, like someone needs to hold her because 9 out of 10 times she will faint if she has to get blood drawn or something
That reminds me of what Tai said back in Volume 4, about Yang's first hair cut—
I still remember when Barbara said that Yang stubbing her toe unlocked her semblance—
Yang would definitely had been a fussy child when it came to doctor appointments but tries to put a brave face when she gets her shots.
Anyways, here are some random, personal headcanons I have for some characters:
Every time I remember Volume 1 Ruby, I always see her as that one kid who drew that 'S' symbol at the side of her papers. You know the one. Also, she was the type to do, of course, those embarrassing things middle schoolers did in the early 2000s. That was all her vibe.
I always imagine that Neon has been to a roller derby several times before. I like to think she activated her semblance one day while at one and she just knocked everyone over after getting too enthusiastic.
Fox asks the most mind boggling/silly questions sometimes. Either stuff like "How to spell letter like W or A?" or "Hey, if Cinderella was a baker instead of a maid, would she be called Mozzarella instead?" Cyno from Genshin Impact basically.
Characters who I believe are amazing cooks (no order, besides Ren when it doesn't involve making shakes): Tai, Yang, Jaune, Summer, Oscar
Junior has been a victim to the Malachite twin's pranks.
I don't know why, but I feel like Tai would have been the type of guy who was super cool in school (but a huge dork as well) but also deeply cared for him mom. No one really dares talk crap about her or else they're answer to him. Also, I have this headcanon that he was raised by a single mom and taught him everything about cooking, grocery shopping, and all those necessities.
Ciel was probably raised by very strict parents who planned out her life from the get go and all that. Also, I'm delusional and want to believe she's okay and that Penny's demise in Volume 3 affected her in some way and she gains her own arc where she wants to see who she wants to be. I want Pietro to adopt her. Anyways, this girl wakes up at the crack of dawn, even without an alarm and if she had a semblance, it would kind of work like Time Dilation (because I miss it).
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