#very clever of you to select only numbers that could be from the 'clean' one to avoid confusion! 😄
freepassbound · 1 year
62, 78, 100
62. What’s your comfort movie?
Literally just going shelf-by-shelf looking at all the answers to this question: Shrek, Entrapment, Groundhog Day, Monty Python and the Holy Grail, Ocean's Eleven, How to Steal a Million, Charade, Sneakers, The Princess Bride, The Importance of Being Earnest, O Brother, Where Art Thou?, Moulin Rouge, The Blues Brothers
78. Back scratches or having your hair played with?
I've had so little experience with either that I don't think I could choose? They're each very nice. đŸ„Ž
Why not both? đŸ„ș
100. What’s one of your fondest memories?
At this point, it's anything from my old school, anything with the kids. I couldn't choose.
Non-school related: on my way to what turned out to be one of the best weeks of vacation I've ever had, going to one of the most beautiful places I've ever been for the first time; driving up the lakeshore road, windows down, hearing "Chariot" for the first time.
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edie-k · 2 years
I wanted to say that I love your Romione fics, I like how you “paint” a picture and the dialogue is amazing. I bookmarked your work and I’ll say that I always enjoying re-reading your writing. Oh, and I enjoyed how you wrote a fic about Ron and Hermione meeting during a sports game party. It was very clever of you to incorporate a sport that you love and a couple that you love, it turned out really great. I’ll give you extra kudos since I’m not a sports person (unless you count WWE) and you managed to have me hooked from beginning to the very end.
Also,I wanted to ask if you remember how you felt the first time you uploaded your first fanfic?
Did you have a moment where you wanted to keep your writing to yourself? Like being scared to push yourself in front of an audience?
I’ve been writing a Romione fic and I’m very, very close in finishing it and I’ll say that I’m proud that I’m able to finish it (even though I have other WIPs that are cluttering my google docs 😅😅), but the only thing is, I feel extremely nervous/shy to show my work to others.
Do you have any advice on getting comfortable with sharing your work?
Again, I love your writing and I hope you have a great night ❀❀❀
Thank you so much for the kind words! Your feedback actually helps me answer your questions.
I think the first fanfic I ever published was Gilmore Girls and there really wasn’t a “community” I was part of so it sort of felt like just throwing it out there on FF.Net.
But I was nervous to write Romione fic for Checkmated. If you aren’t familiar, Checkmated was heavily moderated and had their own betas that checked before you could be published. My first attempt (The Art of Christmas Tree Selection) was originally rejected and I was really devastated. I’ve always been told I’m a good writer and storyteller and now, someone said that I wasn’t good enough for a website that had a significant group of 15 year olds pretending to be 25 (this isn’t shade by the way; some of those people are still in the fandom and I love them!)
But a friend on the CM forums helped me clean it up and on second submission, it published. It taught me my number one rule of fanfic writing - use the help you’re offered. So many people will offer to beta, to bounce ideas, etc. You aren’t a failure if you take them up on their offers!
How do you feel comfortable? Write for yourself! That Super Bowl story? I wrote that for me. My birthday was supposed to be on the Super Bowl last year and I was so pissed that adding a week to the season screwed that up. From the Discord, my Romione friends range from casual fans to completely disconnected from the NFL. I thought that a handful of people would read that thing.
Instead, it’s the fic I get the most direct comments, questions, and DMs about. And I think that’s because I poured all my love and energy into that story.
Where did the inspiration for the story come from? Well, Ron is similar to my favorite radio producer for my favorite sports radio show of all time. Who has a favorite producer? That’s weird! But I embraced my weird and people liked it!
So that’s my advice. Take help when offered and embrace your weird!
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mxvladdy · 3 years
I would like to request! Can I request? Well I wish for you to consider what type of person/what kind of situation would cause the brothers to make a pact with someone. Maybe even what they would request in exchange? This can be before or after they met MC. With that out of the way, I totally binge read all of your works after my sister gushed to me about the True Form series, and just thank you??? It made me really happy reading them and it's always impressively detailed and well thought out.
Awww thank you! I’m glad it’s rave-worthy! I plan to add to it soon bc it was an absolute riot to write and research for lol
And wow this one is a toughie! I’ve actually never thought of what would make them want a pact! Hope ya like it!
Lucifer- Pact of Success
Absolutely the hardest brother to do business with, but that is probably a good thing. He is incredibly selfish with his contracts. Sure, they’ll benefit from his pact mark, but he will get the most out of it. Aside from MC he only takes requests for contracts from the human “elite”. They make wonderful feathers in his cap.
But also he takes some enjoyment in breaking them. They always get so cocky with his contracts thinking that they have him on the ropes and at their beck and call. It gives him a good chuckle, humans are so brazen considering their very short lifespan.
He destroys them slowly over time- all the little minutia he peppers in his legal bindings adds up. Not that his normal clientele ever read the fine print. But he designed it that way to make sure they don’t. All their requests are the same and so simplistic. Big boats, fancy cars, climbing the proverbial ladder faster than their friends or enemies - blah-blah-blah. At least the paperwork is easy to complete.
Very rarely does he find a contract he is excited to make. Those contracts are given to artists and craftsmen he sees potential in. He loves good art, and every artist should take pride in their work.
When it comes to the “price” of his pact it is worryingly simple. All he wants is some of their time. It sounds simple, and it is. Which is why it’s dangerous. The contract doesn’t specifically say how or the rules of it. How he takes your time is completely up to him.
Sometimes he simply comes for a drink and to ask how business is going. Or with the pacts he gives a damn about- he pops in to see progress on their artist visions or listen to their latest musings.    
Other times if he grows tired of his pact holders’ ever-growing demands or ludicrous requests he comes and takes time right out of their lifespan. His visits leave them weak and fatigued though they can’t place why. He is a slow siphon of death and they are too foolhardy to notice. If he is feeling especially cruel, or sentimental he takes memories, things that a demon generally wouldn’t want.
Time with family, the first time they met the love of their life, a child’s birthday. He takes them all and leaves them with only a blurry recollection in his wake
When MC crosses his path though he is very apprehensive. He doesn’t want a pact or anything that could jeopardize Diavolo’s upcoming plans. But they make his skin itch with want. He doesn’t want them to be another trophy on his wall. He wants a mutually beneficial pact, one that almost leans in their favor and it grates him. Should/ when a pact is made he won’t use his powers on you as then he would have to take something in return. Instead, he takes his time and coaches them to be successful by their own right, though if he has to eliminate some obstacles- well they don’t need to know that.
Mammon- Pact of Riches
I love his man with all my heart, but even when he isn’t losing bets or getting tricked into pacts he still isn’t the most selective with who he conducts business with. He is the avatar of greed, after all. I guess it comes with the territory.
He scouts for already wealthy humans or people with a good head for numbers and is money smart. Some are too smart to deal with him, knowing that whatever monetary gain they are granted from him will backfire in the end (or their mama’s taught them not to make deals with strange demons). But a sucker is born every minute, and he has nothing but time on his hands.
His pacts are pretty simple and upfront. Sign on the dotted line and they get some of his wicked gamblers’ luck and more riches than one human life span could do much with. While he gets a glorified accountant and a nice percentage of their profits. It’s a win-win
 for him.
See he forgets to mention that there are two sides to every coin, and his flip side is particularly detrimental to one’s health. He just so conveniently glosses over that his luck will wear out over time depending on how frequently the pact holder uses it.
But the hunger for more doesn’t. If anything that particular sensation grows into an all-consuming fire in the pit of their pitiful guts. It forces them back into the seedy basements or griming gambling halls. One more roll, one more stack of bills, just one more time and they will hit pay dirt surly! But the losses just keep coming. If one of his pact holders ends up face down in a ditch after one too many bad hands and uncontrollable greed
 well ain’t nobody’s fault but their own.
He has a softer spot for humans that seek him out and treat him like a living being instead of some tool to be tossed around at will. It’s refreshing. He will actually take some care with these pacts and tell them to temper their use of his magic so they can get the most out of it in the long run. They still might run into misfortune and he is genuinely sorry for that but there is only so much he can do in the end.
With MC he doesn’t even tell them about what his pact can do or how to use it. He doesn’t want anything bad happening to his human. If they want something tell him he will do it himself no magic or pact summoning required. He wants to keep them happy and healthy for as long as his lifespan will allow.
If MC should find how to use his pact mark he will get pissed. Not so much at them but the situation in general. He’ll be upfront about the whole thing, judge him how they want but he refuses to let greed consume them too. He focuses a lot of time and energy on learning how to reel in his magic with them so they get some of the perks but none of the major downsides. Unlike with his other pacts where he lets it all just run wild (just means they use up their contact faster and he can move on to even bigger fish).
Leviathan- Pact of Wisdom and Skill
Surprisingly, despite his antisocial tendencies with “normies”, he gets around when it comes to contracts. Perhaps it’s jealousy at his other brothers or perhaps he finds collecting contracts a bit of a game on its own.
He has a small niche of people interested in his pacts. Pacts with him give people a strategic advantage in nearly any situation. Seemingly overnight his humans turn into near tactical geniuses. Because of that, he is very popular with military leaders and humans with dangerous careers.
He also makes mini contracts with foot soldiers and humans with dangerous oceanic jobs. They just want to make it out alive and he gets that. With contracts like these, he is more lenient and doesn’t ask for much. Make an offering of fancy food to Henry 2.0 or wait in line for a rare human figuring he wants. Wam-bam thank you ma’am kinda business.
This is completely different from his larger contracts. With the military contracts, he expects them to continue with their duties until they die in the field. Simple as that, he doesn’t mince words in his contract. It’s what he would do as General so he expects it from them. Should they try to define him he will get rid of them.
He takes delight in defiant contract holders. They think they are as clever as he is now. But they forget that they are using his magic. He could take his magic away right after they defy him sure...but he won’t. He lets them stew for a bit, thinking they have had the last laugh on envy. If they wish to play games with a General then he will make sure it’s good.
With MC he plays on easy mode, granting them insight and little touches of his magic during exam week or when playing a game against his brothers. He wants nothing in return from them but some quality hangout time.
Satan- The Pact of Retribution
As the only pure-blooded demon out of the seven, he does these pacts out of necessity like most other demons. While the others do it more so out of monetary gain and an obligation to the crown. Or if you’re Belphie, sheer enjoyment.
He does it because he hungers, it a hole in his very self that he is trying to fill. He hunts for one reason only- relief from his cardinal sin. He will never feel the calm after a storm of rage naturally. Patience and tranquility are the antitheses of his very creation. So he gets it artificially through his contracts.
He looks for the downtrodden, angry, and the most bitterly despondent humans he can find and gives them the chance to seek vengeance. He is very upfront with what his pact entails. Once the vengeance is complete his rage will consume them and they will become another soul for him to consume.
He isn’t cruel about the process or tries to trick a human into a mark. Very few of the ones he approaches turn him down even after hearing the details. It is possible that humans once shot to get even and he gets to feel bliss, to feel calm. He finds out that the longer or more obscure the plan for retribution is the sweeter the outcome is for Satan.
If he is feeling super ornery he will go after people affected by the outcomes of Lucifer’s pacts. They are easy prey and almost as wrathful as Satan himself. Bonus it aggravates Lucifer to no end when he has to go out of his way to clean up the mess Satan’s contract made of his own.  Anything to piss him off makes Satan feel all the better.
With MC he doesn’t need to use his pact magic. Mostly because they are always around him in the Devildom, and no one is stupid enough to mess with someone Satan favors. If someone or something does irritate his MC he will take it out before it can fester into something his magic will try to latch onto. Keeping you calm and happy makes him feel almost tranquil as well.
Asmodeus- Pact of Gratification
Another very popular pact to try to get, and how could it not? He is fabulous~ But as much as people try to find him, he only goes for a certain type of contract. He has his perfectly manicured fingers on the pulse of the fashion and beauty industry.
His name is a whisper among the up and comers in the business. Many-while not looking for a pact - at least want to see him at least once. Many never will, they get cut from their agency or quit before they could get a foothold. It happens, and he hates to see it. Everyone deserves to feel gorgeous, or at least get a chance to be in the same room as him!
But for the ones the perceiver and climb the ranks get invited to one of his many parties. They can only get invited by someone wearing his mark. He trusts them to know who would be amenable to his contract.
His pact grants its bearer a glamor that can’t be broken by any meer mortal or mage. It makes them absolutely irresistible. How they wield that power is completely up to the user, he won’t judge or intervene.
Once they sign the contract all his holders see him frequently. He absolutely loves dropping in on their shoots or fancy dinners to say hi or get a recap on how they are fairing. Not because he is a nice demon or just super friendly (though they would like to think so). No, he just likes to watch.  
His payment is slow, methodical and no one sees it happen until it is already complete. In exchange for beauty and the graduation of getting whatever their little hearts could as for he gets their ability to love, whether that be familiar or sexual. Asmo loves the feeling of being loved; he wants it in all ways possible.
Some pact holders don’t have an issue with this. They got their looks, a successful career, and people to manipulate to their heart’s content. Not having strong contentions with anyone works in their favor. But others don’t and while they search for him to try and get that little slice of humanity back he is long gone. He got what he wanted anyway.
MC is his darling. He can and will make a special contract just for them (reviewed by Lucifer). A beautiful new contract for a beautiful soul! He wants you as unchanged as possible because this MC is the one he fell for.
Beelzebub- Pact of Prowess
His pact is a very elusive one as he isn’t keen on going and looking for one. Beel isn’t a big fan of these trades, but he needs them every once and a while. Nothing is more filling than a contracted soul.
His trade is basic, make a pact and you get his strength. He, like Satan, is upfront about what his payment is and what side effects will plague them. He sees no reason to lie about it. The more they draw on his power the more the host's body gorges itself. Their bones will collapse in on themselves from the stress of it- the magic feeds on anything in the host bodies. It will deplete the iron in the blood, go after the calcium in the bones, sink its teeth in their muscle system.  
It’s all rather gruesome and Beel does feel bad about it. He tells though who are still adamant about binding with him ways they can negate some of the side effects by taking supplements and augmenting their diets.
But it is like patching a deep cut with a bandaid, it just won’t work. His stomach is near bottomless- humans most certainly aren’t. They simply can’t eat enough to sustain their body like he can.
It surprises him that people still seek him out. To some, the pros outweigh that very huge cons. Some really do believe that they can find a loophole or find the right mix of medication to offset it.
He doesn’t get beaten up about it anymore but it gets on his nerves how obstinate humans can be about his very clear warnings. When his magic finally consumes them he takes both the body and soul back down with him and feasts on both.
With MC he keeps an eye out on them. Consistently checking in, making sure they don’t skip a meal, and join him at the gym often. He wants them to be strong and healthy enough to not ever want to use his pact. Though he does speculate that their angelic bloodline buffers both his and his brother’s magic a good bit.
Belphegor- Pact of the Visionary
Dreamers come in every shape and size and from different walks of life. But they are are all suckers to Belphie. He is known as the Lord of Decet for a reason.
He will promise them everything and anything their heart desires. That invention that will change the world? Done. A patent that is long overdue. Easy enough. A sudden rush of ingenuity to complete that nagging project. He is a devil of his word, it will be done. It- just won’t be done in the way they would want it.  
See manipulating the physical realm is hard work. Like a lot of hard work. More than he would ever do for some stupid little human. It’s a lot easier to control outcomes in his realm.
The moment the contract is signed his hosts fall under his control and he takes it from there building a perfect little dream world for them to frolic in and believe they are getting what they want. He feeds off of them here, taking little sips from their energy and exploring these new fresh dream worlds. His dreamscapes get boring every once and a while, so having a new human under his influence is always refreshing.
While his humans thrive inside their minds their bodies waste away in bed as his magic draws them further and further into an endless sleep.
He doesn’t see anything wrong with his contracts. Who would argue with him that the dream realms aren’t real in their own sense? Did his humans not accomplish their goals in the end? He doesn’t think of the outside effects of his magic and pacts. Belphie really doesn’t care about what families he broke apart or lives he inadvertently affected.  
MC is different to him though. He doesn’t keep them under his spell hardly ever (maybe if they are spending too much time with Dia or Lucifer. But he doesn’t push it with them.).He still walks into their dreams whenever he feels but he comes just to visit, not to change. He simply just enjoys keeping you company and relaxing in the little mini paradise you always seem to create in your dreams.
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togglesbloggle · 3 years
How We Decided
The day after tomorrow- that is, February 18, 2021- the Perseverance rover will attempt to land on the surface of Mars.  It will enter the planetary atmosphere at an acute angle, giving it as much time as possible to experience drag and slow down from orbital velocities.  Because Mars’ air is so thin, and the rover is so heavy, this will fail- in the best case, Perseverance would still be going almost a thousand miles an hour when it impacts the surface.  To help save itself, the craft will deploy a parachute of advanced design, seventy feet across and able to withstand supersonic velocities.  This, too, will fail.  Even with a parachute, there is simply not enough air between Perseverance and the Martian surface to slow it down all the way.  So this is where the rockets kick in.  Once air resistance slows the rover to a bit less than two hundred miles per hour, the heavy heat shield will be jettisoned, and a system of secondary rockets will fire against the direction of motion until it slows to near-hovering.  In a final flourish, the rover will descend from the rocket-boosted frame on coiled springs, until it touches down in the western part of Jezero crater in the northern hemisphere of Mars.
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As it happens, Perseverance’s destination was one of the very last things we decided about it- not until the craft itself was fairly thoroughly engineered and designed.  Formally, the decision was made by the mission directorate.  In practice, they follow the consensus of the scientific community, which in turn hashes things out at a series of open-invitation workshops.  Things began with a call for white papers- an open suggestion box, basically.  In 2015, the first workshop narrowed things down from thirty serious proposals to eight candidates.  In 2017, the second workshop further winnowed the list down to three.  And in October of 2018, after three days of presentation, debate, and discussion, the final workshop selected Jezero Crater from these final three candidates using a simple vote of all attendees, and passed on the recommendation to the mission leads.
I haven’t been in the business for very long, so the final workshop was the only one of these where I actually participated.  It wasn’t a close vote as such, and I didn’t break any ties, and technically we were just making a strongly worded suggestion.  Nonetheless, my vote is one of the reasons why the Rover will be going to Jezero Crater instead of Syrtis Major or Gusev, and I think I’m entitled to feel ownership of this mission choice, just a little bit.
(This is, of course, terrifying.)
Having gone through the experience, there were a few surprises worth noting.  The first was how small some of the numbers are here.  The conference was not very large: only thirty proposals, debated by just a few hundred attendees.  I’ve seen book review contests with more entries, and that are read by a wider audience.  Which is to say, this is a situation that was, and is, extremely responsive to individual effort.  In that small a room, populated by people that are philosophically committed to changing their minds when they see good evidence or a good argument, one person can stand up and change the future in a very real way.
The second surprise was the attendance requirements.  Or rather, the lack thereof.  The project is public, paid for by American taxpayers, to whom I am profoundly grateful.  And one way the process reflected that public-spiritedness is that this is not a walled garden.  A small attendance fee (iirc, $40?), and you’re in.  You get a vote, if you want to use it.  A few non-scientists even took us up on this; there’s one retiree (a former schoolteacher, I think) that’s attended every major conference I’ve been to in the last few years, and sets up a small table in the back with his home mineral collection just for fun.  In practice this open-door policy is limited by the obscurity of the event itself; if you don’t move in research circles, you have to be something of a space exploration superfan to hear about it.  Still, as symbols go, you could do worse.
And now that we’re coming up on the day itself, the same kind of public-facing mindset is making me think about why I was persuaded to vote for Jezero Crater, what it means to explore there, and how I’d justify that choice to those of you that made the ongoing discovery of Mars possible in the first place.
If you want to know what Perseverance is like, and what you can reasonably do with it, start with Curiosity- the two are built, more or less, on the same chassis.  That means you have a mobile science lab about the size of a Volkswagon Beetle.  Add some mechanical improvements (no more wheel punctures!) and a few bells and whistles (microphone!  helicopter for some reason!).  Trade out some of the scientific instruments- raman spectroscopy instead of a mass spectrometer, for example.  And it’s got these:
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That, dear reader, is a sample return canister.  Not to be returned immediately, alas, but to be returned nonetheless.  One of Persevereance’s primary directives is to find interesting rocks, collect them, and leave them in place for a sample return mission in the early 30s.  There’s a ton of work we can do in situ, but there’s even more we can do in a clean lab back home; things like isotopic analysis really need a much more controlled environment than you’ll get in the field.  And so a major, major consideration is to optimize Perseverance’s landing site for cool rocks that we’d like to take back home.
The other thing that Perseverance is really good at is astrobiology.  There’s no such thing as a life sign detector as such, but this rover represents an attempt to approach that ideal: instruments like SHERLOC and SuperCam are adept at finding organic compounds and fine-scale mineralogy and chemistry that might be influenced by microbial metabolism.  This is a natural extension of what we’ve been learning so far: Spirit and Opportunity showed us that Mars formed under the influence of liquid water.  Curiosity showed us that this was not just wet, but actively habitable: lakes and rivers at a neutral pH under a rich and temperate atmosphere.  The next question along this line is the hardest, and the scariest: we know it was habitable, but was it inhabited?
If you’re like me, that question makes you feel weird.  Collecting rocks is one thing, but a fossil?  The mind rebels.  We’ve spent the last two generations of space exploration tempering our expectations, reminding ourselves that the other worlds in our solar system are largely barren and dead, learning again and again how precious life is in the cosmos.  It’s hard to get in the mindset of people back in the 40s and 50s who could, somewhat reasonably, imagine that Mars might not just host life but multicellular life, vegetation and robust macroscopic ecosystems.  We look back at the science fiction of the era, swarthy soldiers hopping from planet to planet in silver rockets, and laugh at the naivete.  A smile at the exuberance of youth, if we’re feeling generous.  When we were first beginning, we may have imagined ancient canals on Mars and crystal cities on Venus, but that was when space was a blank canvas for us to paint our fantasies.  We’ve learned so much since then, and if it was less fun, at least it was true.  We did the hard thing and accepted reality over fantasy.  We accept that extraterrestrial environments are hostile to life- cratered, silent, and still.  We’re grownups now.

Imagine that we were born just a bit earlier.  Say, three and a half billion years or so.  We raise our telescopes to the sky, and we see a sister-planet.  Not red, but white and blue, with an atmosphere full of clouds and multiple large bodies of water scattered across its surface, prominent ice caps and snow-capped highlands, rivers tracing their way down to the lowlands in the north.  (Maybe the water is all under the ice, not open to the air at the surface; maybe the liquid pools are small and limited to craters, not feeding a large ocean.)  Sober scientists might have suggested we shouldn’t get our hopes up too much- after all, the gravity is much lower, there’s no tectonic recycling, and there’s no protective magnetosphere.  But is sterility really the default assumption we should be making here?  Is ‘we are alone in the cosmos’ really the most sane conclusion to draw from this situation?  Is it not worth, perhaps, sending a rover to go see?
We’ve adapted our sensibilities to a dead solar system because in the moment we’re looking, it kind of is.  We’re hopeful for the icy moons- and the evidence keeps mounting there as well- but the terrestrial planets are a grim reminder of the fragility and contingency of our own world.  The thing is, the more we learn, the more we discover that we’re a bit late to a very, very interesting party.  Venus is a hellscape, but it probably didn’t start that way.  Mars is a desert, but once it was an oasis.  What makes Earth special among the terrestrial worlds isn’t that it developed a temperate climate, but that it kept a temperate climate for more than four billion years.  Stability, not habitability, is the party trick that makes us unique in the solar system.  And if we’re really committed to being grownups, to accepting what’s real instead of what’s easy, we have to learn that lesson too.
And life does not need four billion years to begin.  Not even close.
That brings us to Jezero Crater.  The most interesting feature here is a large river delta- based on some clever geology, we’re pretty sure that a large river emptied into the crater during Mars’ wet period.  When the rapidly-flowing water hit the still water of Lake Jezero, the loose sediments being carried along the current all fell out of suspension at this place, forming a large pile of detritus at the mouth of the river that accumulated over the lifetime of the system.  Even more interesting, check out this geologic map:
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See those tiny teal deposits to the right side of the image?  Those are also river delta deposits.  Which means the thing labeled ‘delta’ on this map isn’t the original extent- it used to be much, much larger, at least twice as wide.  Which also means that the outer edge of the ‘delta’ that we see here in this image is actually an erosional surface, and we get a natural cross-section of the thing with the oldest deposits at the bottom and the youngest at the top, just before Mars lost its hydrosphere.  By climbing the outer edge, we can move through time across a large fraction of the habitable period.
Here’s another image I’d like you to see:
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The crater I’ve been showing you is the small circle in the lower right- color is elevation, covering a span of about 5 km.  The black line is the watershed of that river, the region of Mars that channeled water to the delta.  In other words, the river delta collects sediments- and potentially, biosignatures- from a region hundreds of kilometers in diameter, and gathers them all in one place, neatly sorted by time.
For this reason, ancient deltas on Earth are a favorite of paleontologists.  In addition to being comfortably wet and active itself- plenty of access to biologically important nutrients, fresh supplies of liquid water, and a nice dynamic environment- deltas do the legwork for us.  Rather than exploring a huge fraction of the planet with a tiny rover, hoping that we stumble upon an ancient life sign, we can position ourselves at the mouth of the proverbial fire hose and let life come to us.
This does come with some tradeoffs.  Most importantly, whatever we find, we won’t know the original geologic setting.  If we find an unambiguous fossil of some kind- a microbial mat, perhaps- then we’ll know less than if we’d found it in its original home.  And if we don’t find life, then the samples we take will be similarly uncertain.  They’ll be defined in time, at least relative to one another, but not in space.  In the case of life signs, this is an important caveat, but the bare fact of proving that extraterrestrial life exists is sufficiently monumental that it’s still a secondary concern.  But if we’re just talking about geology, that’s a hard thing to lose; that terrifying multi-stage descent isn’t the only risk we’re taking.  We’re leaning into the astrobiology mission hard with this one.
And the search for life is, in itself, fraught.  That’s putting it mildly.  There’s every chance that any evidence that’s even slightly marginal is going to touch off decades of debate, rather than being some kind of slam-dunk.  As it should!  Life is such a fuzzy concept, and such an important concept, that it should absolutely be held to the highest degree of scrutiny we can muster.  This is why it matters that Perseverance includes sample return- in the highly likely case that the findings are disputed, we’ll hopefully have the chance to subject those samples to the highest degrees of scrutiny.  So it feels like the right time to go hunting.
On top of that, there’s the ‘evidence of absence’ problem.  Strong biosignatures update our priors very hard in the direction of life on Mars.  But what is the correct amount of evidence necessary to convince us that Mars never was alive?  I’m not sure, but failure to find microbial mats in Jezero probably isn’t enough.  So the search for life can succeed, but if it ‘fails’ that doesn’t necessarily teach us much; the best experiments teach you something no matter what, and ideally a commitment this large would meet that standard.  This is, more or less, baked into the search for extraterrestrial life, and there aren’t too many ways out from under that problem.
That said, Jezero in particular has some compensation.  As I mentioned, we’re collecting a lot of good data regardless; and even without the gologic context, there’s a ton of opportunity to sample different minerals and how they formed, and get a nice broad sample of the Martian surface over time.  And, even better, here’s the location of another interesting potential field site, in northeast Syrtis:
Tumblr media
Note the proximity to Jezero crater!  And Syrtis is also a fantastic candidate for a sample return mission.  It has exposed mesas with layered outcrops going all the way back to the earliest days of Mars, and extending (potentially) through many of the most interesting periods.  Now, these are not ideal for the search for life, although they’d give us a ton of technical data about surface chemistry and the behavior of the atmosphere during the early, wet periods; it would go a long way towards resolving arguments about the temperature of the early Martian climate, for example, or tracing the early destabilization and loss of the magnetosphere while teaching us loads about the planet’s core.
Those mesas are still pretty far away.  Too far, probably, for a sensible rover lifespan to make it all the way there.  But there’s a plan- called the ‘Midway’ route, as a nod to the compromise nature of it.  See, halfway between Jezero and these mesas, there are a lot of banded rocks that look suspiciously like they’re sourced from the table mesas in Syrtis.  And those, we can get to, maybe.  If we call a specific deadline on looking for life in Jezero, then we can pivot to Midway and hopefully take a really deep look.  So, in the end, we’re going hard for astrobiology research, but we’re not going all-in.
The importance of the search for life is
 well, there are a lot of people out there, and we enter the world in a lot of different ways.  Most of us agree that the existence of extraterrestrial life would be a Big Deal, and we tend to have a lot of different reasons for that.  It’s not a bad subject for a future post or three, in fact.  But there’s one thing lurking in the back of my head that’s a non-obvious reason to go looking.  This wasn’t discussed at the workshop particularly, but it fed into my vote somewhat.  Check the logic of this for me, see if it makes sense:
Worrying about existential risks, we sometimes talk about the ‘great filter’.  That is, the mysterious phenomenon which explains the lack of extraterrestrial civilizations reaching out to us.  Now, maybe we’re in a zoo or a preserve or something, and intelligences are out there watching after all; maybe the Earth really is the center of the cosmos, because of the simulation hypothesis or the various religious explanations.  There’s no real way to know for sure at this point.  But consider the space of very real possibilities where the universe actually is material, and actually is mostly barren.  Why?
Stepping through the sequence, it might be that abiogenesis is really hard- going from a temperate world to a living one is almost (but not quite) impossible.  Maybe there’s some hurdle to clear between genesis and encephalization.  Maybe, given encephalization, civilization and tool-use are almost impossible.  Or maybe there are many civilizations like ours, and the great filter is ahead of us- it is almost impossible for technological civilizations not to self-destruct or turn in to lotus-eaters before they reach interstellar civilization.  There are a lot of possibilities for the filter, and for present purposes we’ll divide them into two categories: those which we would have already passed, and those which are in our future.
And here’s the thing: for each possibility we can exclude from the great filter, all the other possibilities increase commensurately, becoming more likely in our estimation.  (Assuming the exclusion is ‘clean’ and doesn’t favor some other possibility, that is.)  Given that the silence continues, if we could somehow prove that technological self-destruction isn’t a big risk, that would commensurately increase our guesses about how hard abiogenesis is.
Life on Mars, especially if we could be very sure that it evolved independently of Earth life, would be a strong argument against the difficulty of abiogenesis.  One biosphere in the solar system, and nowhere else, might be down to luck.  The one biosphere has to be somewhere, right?  Two in the solar system, and nowhere else, is a good bit less reasonable.  If we find a second genesis on Mars, then we’ve learned that life is not rare.  That the hundreds of billions of stars in the Milky Way are likely host to many billions of different living (or at least once-living) worlds.
And as wonderful as that news is, as much as it makes me so happy that I literally had to take a second to cry on my bed for a bit, it also makes the great silence much, much scarier.  Today, we can reassure ourselves by saying that life may be rare in the universe.  But what if it isn’t?  If the cosmos is full of life, but not full of thought, then

If this is the case, we need to know.  We need to know as soon as possible, and we need to know it while we’re engaged in the great project of technological development and moral progress.  It’s easy to imagine that this particular mission is one that can be framed in purely positive terms- the joy of discovery, the vastness of truth, the love of how things might be.  But I do also have this sense of civilizational fragility, you know?  And understanding the risks that we face and the chances we’re taking- that’s not idle curiosity.  That’s genuinely urgent.
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ofhouseadama · 3 years
could I dm you this? yes. but also asks are fun even though this question is mean so. how do Ed and Lorraine react to the Vietnam war?
Okay so my Ed and Lorraine are absolutely Kennedy Democrats, are both very excited and enthusiastic about the first Catholic president, but both are against the Vietnam War and US military intervention from the start. Ed's already fought in one imperialist proxy war, he's got the PTSD to prove it, and Lorraine just is truly repulsed by violence of any kind.
And also like, to go completely left field for a minute -- I've been thinking a lot about how teenage Lored were effectively trapped at 17-19 years old. Mostly financially, and in different ways. in 1951, Lorraine wouldn't have been able to have her own bank account. Women wouldn't have the right to open their own bank account until the 60s or have a credit card until the 70s -- her money would have been her father's, effectively. and while probably not maliciously, since she was a young woman she likely wouldn't have had much access to her pay checks unless she was cashing them directly. Ed, meanwhile, while trying to survive a negligent/abusive household, absolutely would have been spending money on things most teens wouldn't have to in order to survive... and that's before getting the draft notice from the Selective Service, which took away even more control of his own life.
So I see Ed and Lorraine getting married young (even for the 50s, they're a few years younger than the median, though the war was actively driving that age down) mostly out of making the most out of what they could together. Ed putting Lorraine on his bank accounts and asking her actively to manage them while he's away, and her depositing her paychecks into his account would give her more financial control in her life than most women of the era. Lorraine's engagement ring (the size of that goddamn rock) is even an insurance policy most women her age and demographic didn't have -- often when women fled marriages, it was only with their jewelry to sell. It's half about Ed's possessive streak, half him showing he's not afraid to give her the money to run, if she needed to.
Anyway -- the trauma of their late teens and early twenties is entirely rooted in the rising Cold War anxieties and the locus of harm done to women in the 50s and I fully see their pursuit of demonology and the supernatural as something Lorraine initially started while working as a secretary for the Diocese, something she did to stay late at work and help people she could physically reach while Ed was away at war. She initially started staying late on the days she knew Father Gordon would be bringing in a scared family or terrified couple or frightened soul in through the back door hours after everyone had left, staying to pray and keep herself nearby, to be an observer to a fight she could be party to. Father Gordon figures her out quickly, of course, asking what interest she has in demons and exorcisms, and figures out she's clever with records and archives, almost to an uncanny degree.
And then figures out to exactly what uncanny degree.
After Ed came home and became the husband instead of the boyfriend, it turned into something Ed could throw all his metaphorical demons onto and a healthy way to exercise his control issues and fear and anxiety that doesn't (generally) affect Lorraine because she's fighting with him side by side in this, when before they were separated by thousands of miles -- the beginning everyone's favorite Catholic battle couple very much rooted in Ed and Lorraine parsing out who brought home metaphorical demons from the war, and who brought home literal ones, and bringing them to Father Gordon when necessary. Rooted in Ed needing to be useful, to dusting off his Catholic school Latin and reading everything he could get his hands on so that he could continue to help, continue to fight.
Lorraine would have been pregnant with Judy during the heightening tensions with Cuba and as Kennedy is sending more and more military "advisors" to Vietnam and Cold War tensions flared the hottest they'd get in the 1960s and I can just see both of their control issues revving up, especially with a few-months-old baby in the mix. Just the two of them laying bed, looking down at their three month old baby girl, wondering if they'd all get nuked tomorrow. If war would be declared tomorrow. If they'd all be dead, if they brought her into the world just to die violently. It's like taking guns off the street. They can't control the White House, or the Soviets, or Cuba or China or or or -- but they know about demons, they know about spirits, they know about taking these bombs off the battlefield, in the war of good against evil, and this is a war they can be foot soldiers in together.
Lorraine would get a bit of relief in the March of '63 when Kennedy dropped married men with children to the bottom of the draft pool, and then dropped the age of the draft pool to 26, aging Ed out of the Selective Service entirely. And then in November, JFK would be assassinated, and the photo of Jackie Kennedy covered in blood, leaving the hospital hand-in-hand with RFK, would be on the front page of every newspaper in the country. It would be a jolt for both of them -- but it wouldn't fully hit Lorraine until seven years later, when she'd have her first vision of Ed's death and fully understand Jackie Kennedy's weary, "I want them to see what they have done to Jack."
After the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution in August of 1964, they fully throw themselves into taking cases almost full time. As the war heats up, Ed pulls back from teaching art classes at the VA. If he spends too much time there, he has to face how pointless the violence has been. If he spends too much time there, now, he has to face that he still doesn't know why he survived. Why he lived, and everyone else on board the ship with him died. Because he still doesn't know, he still is fighting to make his life matter in a way that makes sense to him. All he has is his sense of duty, a couple of college credits, and his hands. On good days, he knows that he's loved -- that Lorraine loves him so much it makes it hurt to breathe, that he's a good father to his daughter, who will never be afraid of him.
Ed has a complete PTSD relapse in 1966, with the beginning of the ground war and the full-throated resurgence of the American propaganda machine and military recruitment. He's back in the guilt spiral, the "I never had it that bad, I was only in the Navy for two years, I never had it that bad," just feeding into "why did I live when everyone else I fought with died," back and forth until he can't sleep, can only sleep when Judy sleeps, accidentally ends up adapting himself to her nap schedule and has to sleep with his hand on her chest, feeling her breathe.
Lorraine calls in Chief, after Ed can't get out of bed for 72 hours and misses mass for the first time in his life. Chief, who comes up from Brooklyn to remind Ed of the time their entire ship exploded and Ed treaded water for eight hours and everyone else died. How they spent the next six months getting drunk whenever they weren't on duty and picking fights they couldn't get out of, and that one time they got thrown in the brig because Chief struck a superior asshole and Ed just followed him into the fight. (No, Lorraine does not know about that time Ed and Chief ended up in the brig. She will never know about that time. Judy will at some point in her early 20s learn about that time, when she needs to learn about how her parents are people, who have absolutely made mistakes in their lives.) "You and I spent six months drunk," Chief says, bouncing Judy on his knee in the kitchen over a cup of coffee, Ed refusing to look at him as he deep cleans the stove. "And then your dad died, and your sainted wife handled everything for you, and we realized we couldn't send you home to her like that."
"I still don't know why I lived."
Chief shrugs. "It doesn't matter why, son. The same reason any of us live, and any of us die. It doesn't matter. You have a little girl now who depends on you. She matters more than any goddamn reason -- you live for her, and your saint of a wife, and for all the people that you help. So that you can look them in the face, say you've been down in the hole that they're in now, and you know the way out."
Lorraine calls in Chief, because she absolutely picked a fight after mass that day without Ed, with Judy on her hip. Overheard Dorothy O'Malley running her mouth in the pew in front of her sounding like a national security ghoul and didn't even think before she opened her mouth and unloading the full force of her anxiety and anger on her. Only stops because she feels a gentle hand on her shoulder and Father Gordon murmuring in her ear, "Okay Mrs. Warren, you've made your point," while leading her away. It's the "Mrs. Warren" instead of the familiar "Lorraine" that jolts her back to herself, kissing Judy's head as she tries to shake herself out of it.
"Thank you," she tells Father Gordon, defeated.
He shrugs. "You don't come to confession until before Friday night prayer service. I didn't want you stewing on this all week." Pausing, he takes a moment to fondly tug on one of Judy's pig tails, making her laugh. "If Ed's not... feeling well, I know about that."
Lorraine bites her lip, knowing full and well that Father Gordon served as a chaplain in World War II. That seeing the violence of the Nazis firsthand is what convinced him that the Devil was more than a metaphor, that evil truly walked the Earth. Sent him on his own path, chasing darkness.
Lorraine nods.
"I could talk to him," Father Gordon says. "But it would likely come better from someone he served with."
When she gets home, she finds Chief's number in their phone book, and calls Brooklyn for the first and last time. He comes up the next day, and shoos her out of the house to do something for herself for the first time in months, telling her that he's more than equipped to look after a single three year old.
Ed goes back to teaching at the VA a few months after that, teaching art to the new round of mentally scarred children returning from war. He concedes to group therapy, and a few sessions with the VA psychiatrist to get something to take the edge off. He teaches at the VA until the troop withdrawals in 1970, reducing his class load as he and Lorraine take on more and more cases -- verging towards a hundred a year -- for the Catholic Church, and the media attention that comes along with that, the publicity engagements that help keep their bills paid, the articles and academic talks.
Even still, Ed occasionally brings home someone for dinner, just to make sure that they've only brought metaphorical demons home from war with them, not literal ones.
Sometimes it's literal ones.
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humanlighthouse · 3 years
hello i am here and i have heihua kiss prompts!! either 8. Laying a gentle kiss to the back of the other’s hand. (+bonus if hurt/comfort!) or 23. A kiss that tastes of the food/dessert they are eating. xoxo
Hello friend!! I went with the second prompt, you will notice a theme in there perhaps :D I hope you like it! This was cross-posted here for better readability~
For their young master’s birthday celebration, the Xie clan went all out, as was expected. 
It was a grandiose event, with only the finest of culinary delicacies, the prettiest of dancers, and the best of everything that could be drunk. Everyone of importance in the antiques and less-legally-acquired antiques business was there, in black tie - or almost everyone. Xie Yuchen’s smile never quite reached his eyes but he shook sweaty palm after sweaty palm and posed for the required photos with a level of patience that should honestly count toward his general karma. Thankfully, by midnight, the young master was deemed properly toasted to, fed and celebrated, and the guests bid their goodbyes at last.  
Xie Yuchen closed his bedroom door behind him and rested his forehead against the wood panel. 
Here’s to another year. 
Shrugging off his jacket, he walked into his closet. His own face stared at him from three different angles as he loosened his tie. He wasn’t tired yet, but he should probably change anyway. He crossed the room toward his pajama closet, looking for something comfortable. There had been enough showing off for one night, so he pushed aside the silk co-ords. Maybe the velvet robe. He took it off the hanger, running a manicured hand over the fabric. No. Too hot for the season. He dropped it on a chair. When he turned back toward the closet, he noticed a midnight blue sleeve peeking out from behind where the robe had hung, in the darkest part of the closet. His only hoodie. 
There was an idea. 
He stared at it for a long moment, before grabbing the garment and shrugging it on over his dress shirt and wool-blend pants. He swapped his leather shoes for crepe-soled boots and turned the lights off. 
Less than five minutes later, he exited the manor, having successfully avoided every single person in it. He had had to duck behind a vase at some point so a maid didn’t see him, and for the first time that evening, he had laughed, albeit silently. There would be no real consequences, no consequences at all, even, if he was found out, but it was exciting to sneak out. He snapped a face mask onto his ears, checked again that he hadn’t been spotted, and walked down the street and away from the gates. 
As he walked, Xie Yuchen wrestled his phone out of his pants pocket. With the ease of habit, he created a throwaway account, and then pulled up the webpage of his favorite fast food place. The closest one would be too suspicious - he had been there only last month. Selecting the next one over, he submitted his order and paid. By the time he arrived, his number was first on the list, and a greasy bag of treats awaited him. 
This restaurant was farther from his house but closer to the river. It was warm enough, that evening, that groups were scattered here and there along the riverside. Xie Yuchen found one empty spot with a decently clean bench to sit on, and dug into the bag. 
The city lights twinkled over the water’s surface, ever changing - stop lights turning red and green and red again, car blinkers sparkling to life, office neons buzzing in the distance. There were people laughing nearby. He listened to what he could of their inept conversation as he chewed, salt and fat heavy on his tongue. Usually he would be annoyed at the forced proximity, at the unwanted company of these strangers sharing beers and laughs, but not tonight, for some reason. 
Still, it was better to be alone after the night he’d had. Enough socialization for one day. Even after an entire burger and most of a large serving of fries, he didn’t have the energy to keep up the usual pretense. Maybe if he was there with a friend it would be different, but he didn’t have that many of those. Wu Xie certainly counted as one, but according to the birthday card he had sent, he was off raiding a secret spot in the South with his boyfriends this week and wouldn’t be back for a while. Xie Yuchen hoped it was code for something else. At least one of them would be having fun tonight. 
He finished the fries and crumpled the greasy paper, throwing it back into the mostly empty bag. The only thing left was what he had been looking forward to: a tub of soft-serve ice cream doused with an extra helping of chocolate fudge. He rummaged around the bag for the plastic spoon and popped open the container, inhaling the sweet scent with a smile of anticipated delight. That would almost make up for tonight. 
He carefully chose the ratio of chocolate to ice. That first spoonful was always the best one. He brought it to his mouth and closed his eyes. The fudge melted onto his tongue, vanilla ice cream following right behind, hot then cold, and delicious. He couldn’t help but let out a small moan. 
“That good, uh?”
Long legs folded beside his on the bench and for one short second Xiao Hua was tempted to throw the ice cream tub into the river and pretend this never happened. 
It was too late. Hei Xiazi had seen him, and he would never let him live this down now. 
Oh sure, the man had seen him in more compromising situations, technically speaking, but from the way he smiled at Xie Yuchen’s face, Xie Yuchen knew that his guilt was obvious. He was screwed. Hei Xiazi had just hit blackmailing gold.
“Gimme a taste if it’s that good,” he asked with a jerk of his chin toward Xie Yuchen’s ice cream.
Xie Yuchen frowned and moved the tub away from him. He had expected a few days of grace before the demands started, at least. 
“What are you doing here?” he asked in return. 
The man’s attire was ridiculous, even by his low standards. Under his usual leather jacket, the one he always wore, the one Xie Yuchen could recognize the stink of from miles away, he wore a tank top and a black polyester tie, haphazardly tied around nothing and dangling well under his belt. He looked like a cheap gigolo. Maybe that was his new side gig. Xie Yuchen made a mental note to inquire about that. 
“Well, you see, I was on my way to wish a friend a happy birthday, maybe a little later than I should have, admittedly, but what’s a little night visit between friends? Except, what should I see when I arrive at their home, but a shady silhouette sneaking out of it! Very suspicious, you’ll admit. I felt that it was my duty to make sure that the interloper was properly identified.”
“What bullshit are you sprouting now?” asked Xie Yuchen, eyes narrowed. 
“I followed you,” replied Hei Xiazi with a satisfied smile.
“No you didn’t.”
“How would you know?”
“Because I checked. You ran into me here by pure chance and extrapolated the rest,” he guessed.
The smile fell from Hei Xiazi’s face, but the humor stayed in his voice. 
“Yeah, okay I did.”
Xie Yuchen huffed a laugh and turned back to his ice cream before it melted. 
“I really was on my way to you, though,” continued Hei Xiazi. “Look, I even have a gift and all.”
When he turned, Xie Yuchen found himself faced with a brightly patterned square. The gift wasn’t badly wrapped, Hei Xiazi’s fingers were certainly skilled enough for it, but it had been done with the tackiest paper Xie Yuchen had ever seen. There had been plenty of gifts at the party earlier, covered in gold-embroidered fabrics and satin, tucked into leather boxes and glossy bags, but this was the first that Xie Yuchen had wanted to open all night. It was the only one of those that seemed 
He quickly ate another spoonful of ice cream instead. It was probably just another joke. 
“What’s in it?” he asked after a minute.
Hei Xiazi was still holding it out to him, and probably would until he relented. Sighing, Xie Yuchen took the package. 
“Open it later.”
At the strangeness of his voice, Xie Yuchen raised his head and looked at Hei Xiazi. The lights were playing on his face, and with those stupid glasses he could never be sure of anything, but it almost looked like he was blushing. The man was looking toward the river, not at him, so Xie Yuchen allowed himself to stare.
In his hand, the ice cream tub was cold and slightly wet with condensation, and the sweetness of chocolate remained in his mouth. There were still people laughing nearby, in riotous bursts, but he found that he didn’t envy them anymore. 
It was his birthday, and Xie Yuchen was going to celebrate it the way he wanted.
“Hey,” he called.
With a hum, Hei Xiazi turned, just enough for Xie Yuchen to grab his face and kiss him. He startled but didn’t pull away, rather turned his head aside to deepen the kiss, hands curling around Xie Yuchen’s waist and into his hair. His clever tongue swiped at Xie Yuchen’s lips and he licked into his mouth when they opened. 
“Wow, you were right,” he exclaimed when they broke for air. “That is good ice cream!”
With a roll of his eyes, Xie Yuchen handed the tub to him. It was a day to indulge in guilty pleasures, it seemed. 
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phykios · 3 years
the marble king, part 11 [read on ao3] [rated M for adult situations]
“I was speaking to your mother while you went to market,” his wife said as they settled back into their bed for the night.
For the time, they were lingering a few extra days in Messalia. It was difficult not to--Venice did not have his mother’s cooking, nor his sister's sweet smiles, and Paul was much better at teaching Annabeth Italian than Percy. As well, Percy needed to go and convert some of their money to florins and ducats and the like, far, far more money than he had ever thought he would ever possess. He was very glad for his step-father’s assistance in this manner; neither he nor Annabeth were terribly talented with numbers, and there were quite a lot of calculations to be done. He was equally glad for the affection between his wife and his mother; that the two most important women in his life got on so well was very pleasing to him. “Oh, yes?”
“I had some questions about pregnancy.”
He turned to look at her, a sudden flutter in his stomach. She had not told him of any new complaints or complications, but perhaps she had shared them with a trusted woman. “Are you well?” he asked.
Annabeth pursued her lips, frowning so hard he could nearly see the interconnected web of her clever mind.  “I... must admit I have a problem.”
Percy raised himself on one arm, concerned. “A problem? Is it serious?”
“No, no,” she shook her head. “Your mother assured me it was perfectly normal. However, I may require your
” Annabeth trailed off, then, glancing uneasily at him. “...Your assistance.”
“Anything,” he said, laying a hand on her arm. Such casual touches still managed to thrill him, sending shivers down his spine. “I am at your disposal.”
“I am
” She swallowed, licking her lips. Percy’s eyes could not help but track the movement. “That is, your mother assured me it was normal for a woman in the last stages of her pregnancy to be taken with certain
 needs. So to speak.”
“Of course,” Percy nodded. Expectant mothers were cursed with sudden, intense, often contradictory desires. He had learned that years prior with his mother and Esther, and had witnessed it firsthand with Annabeth and their little Anja.
Annabeth met his eyes, stunning storm clouds ringed with gold. “Certain
 carnal needs,” she said, slowly.
 Percy blinked.
“It is quite common,” Annabeth said, her pink cheeks rapidly turning red in a manner quite becoming, “for women who are pregnant to find themselves with increased lust.”
 see,” Percy said.
Well, he had certainly not known that when his mother was carrying Esther.
Still, there were much more pressing matters at hand. “How
 may I assist you?”
Did she require the room to herself, and need him to protect her privacy? Did she wish him to go and
 procure her a tool for aid?
Was that why she had been so fixated on brothels the other day? Was he meant to find her a companion at one? If he did, would it be presumptuous of him to select a woman? He did not like the idea of her laying with another man, but--but she had told him of Katya and Clarice and--
No, he furiously thought, nearly shaking his head. Annabeth did not wish to be the object of his lust, and he would not make her so.
“What may I do to assist you?” he asked her again. As her husband, he would serve his wife and her pregnancy however she required it. The actions he took which led to such a situation had been distasteful to her, and so he must endure some of his own distaste now on her behalf.
She cast her eyes from his once more. “I
 cannot reach,” she admitted, her hand flicking below her round belly. “I was wondering if you would be willing to
” her voice faded away, shame and embarrassment plain on her red face.  
Percy swallowed. “I
 you--you wish me to
 touch you?”
She nodded. “I find myself in rather
 urgent need of completion, and I should be very grateful for your assistance--if,” she rushed to assure him, “it is not too distasteful for you, of course.”
“No,” Percy said, then, quickly, at her crestfallen expression, “I mean, yes, of course it is not distasteful.” He swallowed again, his mouth watering, but making sure his eyes rested on her face and no lower. “I am happy to assist you however you need.”
A moment passed between them, long and charged. There was a time when he would have been able to divine the whole of her mood and motivations, just from the tilt and shape of her brow. Now, however. He had not been able to read her for quite some time.
Slowly, as though he was approaching a skittish animal, he sat up in bed, peeling the sheets off the both of them. She wore a red kirtle over her chemise this night, her wimple discarded on the floor below, her hair braided down her back. Simple, sturdy traveling fare.
Hushed, he questioned her once more. “May I
Annabeth nodded.
Ever so carefully, Percy pulled her dress up, up over her calves, her thighs. Her stockings were tied above her knees, the garters delicately embroidered with wavy lines of green. Percy had not had the pleasure of undressing many women, and the goddesses of his father’s court did not take to modern fashion. He did not know if such garments were standard, or a mark of the maker. Perhaps Annabeth had made them herself and merely liked the pattern.
“Is there a problem?” Annabeth asked when he waited too long, Percy attempting to keep all his attentions on the cloth and not her pale thigh.
“No, no,” he said, faintly, and then pushed her dress up more. Perhaps sensing his fear and trepidation, she took it from his hands just as it uncovered her center, pulling it the rest of the way so that it lay at her hips just below the swell of her belly.
There, beneath the curve of her stomach, he saw the pink flesh and more of the blonde curls which adorned her head, and his mouth nearly watered. They were a darker gold, here, and easier to see in the afternoon sun than they had been by the glow of the hearth on their wedding night.
Would she allow him the use of his mouth, rather than his hands, he wondered? He was not unskilled with his fingers, but his true abilities were in his tongue. He would prefer it, as well, the flatteries of which his tongue never tired.
With a deep, steadying breath, grounding himself in the sweet, fantastical reality of her laid out before him, open and willing and longing for his touch, he reached out a finger, and traced along the seam of her cunt. Once, twice, three times, until she gave a little gasp, her outer lips parting carefully about the tip of his finger.
So wet already--he tried not to moan himself at the feel of it, at the smell of her as it wafted into the air around him.
Up and down and up and down, he sweetly toyed with her folds, then dipped inside with a finger. At the little whine which escaped her throat, he had to force down his pleased smile.
Cease with your foolish thoughts, he chided himself. This was not about his own pleasure. This was about hers.
Over and over again, then, he went, caressing her cunt as it deserved, as he wished he could do to her every night, trying desperately not to get lost in her sounds of pleasure. This was to ease her suffering, he always had to remember--not for his own benefit.
“Percy,” she gasped his name, and he felt himself twitch in his breeches. “Please!”
Too afraid to ask, too caught on his name on her lips, he did not know for what she begged of him. So he took his other hand, and after briefly caressing her belly, the holy chalice which held their child within it, he brought his thumb down on the place at the top of her cunt, rubbing at it while his other hand teased at the rest of her sensitive pink flesh.
“Yes,” She cried. “Yes, just like that, yes . Percy, yes, please .”
He quickened his pace on her skin, and rather than tease her further, as he so desperately wished to do, instead slid his fingers inside her and out again. As long as he did not say so, as long as he did what she asked, he allowed himself, just for a little while, to pretend it was his cock instead.
Her sweet cries grew hurried, more breathless as Percy moved his hand faster, harder, with greater intent.
“Good girl,” he murmured in a hushed voice, a voice which was not under his control, yet nonetheless taken from the deepest, most desperate places of his desire. “Good girl. Just like that.”
She cried out once more, and he was forced to bite his tongue, lest he declare her beauty to rival that of Aphrodite--or lower it for a taste.
As a flower to the sun, her cheeks bloomed, her eyes fluttering shut as her lips pulled beyond a smile in ecstasy. Letting out one final, piercing cry, Percy felt more wetness gush out of her, straight into his waiting hand.
He was certainly not unschooled in the ways of women, but he had never seen that before. Percy licked his lips, thankful that she could not see him.
Slowing his movements, then, he gently brought her down from her feminine heights, her body twitching with latent pleasure as her climax passed her over. Only when he was certain that she was well and truly sated, that her breathing had returned to normal, that her limbs were loose and lax, that her cunt had ceased to ripple around his fingers, did he finally, torturously remove them, sliding them from her body with a great, private reluctance.
Sleepily, she slid her eyes open once more, catching him with her gaze. “Thank you,” she mumbled, her skin still flushed. “Thank you.”
His heart pounded as though he were the one who had just undergone such a physical act, throbbing in his chest. “It was my pleasure,” he said, his voice sounding at least somewhat more normal--a feat far more heroic than any other he had ever attempted before. “To--to help you however you need,” he stammered, quickly following up.
She nodded, waving a limp hand.
Almost against his will, he glanced once more towards the peak of her thighs, wet and glistening. “Allow me to clean you,” he said, pathetically desperate for just another touch of her.
Slipping off of the bed, he made his way to the water basin. When he turned away from her, it took every ounce of willpower and fortitude he possessed not to lick his fingers clean. Instead, he rinsed them off, and then wet his handkerchief, returning to the bed to gently wipe at her folds. She squirmed, weakly, her brow furrowing in a discomfort of feeling.
When he finished, she tossed down her skirts, and with his help climbed out of bed, undoing the lacing of her dress and shucking off her kirtle, before easing herself back down again. He had seen her like this for months now, Annabeth in her linens, her growing belly pushing against the fabric until she had to purchase more to modify her dresses.
So beautiful, he mused. So perfect. His wife, but not his.
He would do well to remember that fact. Anja Elisabet was wife, his friend, the mother of his child--but not his. This was the deal they had struck.
She looked out the window, her eyes half closed in sleep and Percy stripped off his own outer clothing.  
He was careful as he climbed into bed not to show Annabeth how much his assistance had pleased him.
“Thank you, Percy,” she hummed, pleased and pliant, turning onto her side, a hand curled protectively around the swell of their child.
This bed in the inn was far too comfortable, he thought. They had been here for much too long. “Of course,” he said once more.
Of course.
Of course he would serve her, however she needed.
Of course he would feel empty as soon as the deed was done.
They had no need to stay in Messalia for three weeks, but stay they did, for his mother’s embraces, his step-father’s smiles, and his sister’s giggles. Were it his decision, he would have put down his roots in the port city, never to be parted again. But Venice was what he had promised his wife, and there was the church built in the image of the St. Sophia, perhaps the new home of their godly family.
So there he left his mortal family behind.
“Here,” he said on the last morning, as their various parcels were loaded onto the boat, and Annabeth was distracted by Esther’s hugs. He handed his mother another velvet purse, stuffed with more money taken from his little allowance.
“Percy,” his mother said, breathless at the flash of gold. “This must be at least a year’s wages.”
He nodded, a bit uncomfortable. “I thought it might do you some good.”
“Oh, my darling son.” She placed her slander hand on cheek, her calloused skin rough against his, and his willpower nearly dissolved. “You do not have to do this.”
“Of course I do,” he said. “You took care of me for so many years, and now that I am able, I shall take care of you in return.”
He paused, then, as he considered his next statement. He did not wish for it to be misconstrued, as he held no ill will towards her husband, but
 it needed to be said.
“I am giving this to you,” he spoke, catching her eye so that she could divine his full meaning. “Not to Paul.”
She frowned. “What do you mean?”
He took her hands in his. “I have left Paul our cart and our horse. I know that you told him of the money I gave you weeks ago, but please, do not feel as though you need to share this with him as well.”
“Percy,” she chided, “Paul would never--” “I know that, mater ,” he said, for if there ever was doubt to his character, he might have dispatched the man himself long ago. “Still, I think it is fair for you to keep something for yourself, for any trouble which might arise.”
With those keen, piercing eyes which saw so much, they looked on him with so much affection, he felt his own eyes grow wet. “My son,” she said, so full of tenderness, “I can see that you are a good husband, and will be an even better father to your little girl.”
He smiled at her words, a tear falling down his cheek. Her excitement over her granddaughter was palpable.
Percy would see them all again, he swore, and one day, his mother would meet his little Anja, and she and her family would come to call Venice home.
They all embraced. Esther sobbed, and Paul and his mother were not without tears. Nor was Percy, though he was only in real danger of unbecoming emotion when he heard Annabeth whisper to Esther about what a good aunt she would be to the baby.
And then, once more did they board a ship, sailing towards a place unknown.
The first few days, he had worried that perhaps sea sickness would strike his wife again, but, to his pleasant discovery, she was as hale as could be expected, waddling about the ship, hand around her middle as she took in the fresh, salty air. Percy thought fleetingly of the Madonna he had seen in the church Athens, then put her from his mind entirely, for this was surely a more divine and holy mother, this Anja Elisabet, draped in robes of blue and white, belly full of his daughter, standing proudly aboard a ship.
What goddess, either that of the Christians or the Hellenes or the Norsemen, could ever hope to compare? Perhaps this was the source of Hera’s animosity and ire, all those years ago, the knowledge that one day Annabeth would surpass her in her own domains of marriage and motherhood.
“You are in a very good humor,” Annabeth said, five days into their journey. “I would have expected leaving your family to put you in a foul mood.”
She was in something of a foul mood herself today, languishing in their little cabin, unwilling to tread outside. In hopes of lifting her spirits a little, he was rubbing the tightness from her feet, digging his fingers into her muscles. At one particularly strong motion, she moaned, low in her throat, in a manner not dissimilar to when she came, shaking on his fingers.
“I am very sad to leave them,” he admitted, hoping to keep his mind off of
 other things. “But we are our own family now, are we not?”
Her face still slack from the relaxing massage, she frowned, her brows drawing together the way they did whenever she was faced with a particularly thorny Gordian knot of a problem. Percy could not, strictly speaking, discern whether or she derived any joy from such a statement.
He spared a moment to wonder if he had said too much, or if he had made her uncomfortable. But she just nodded. “Yes, of course. We are a family, as well.” She shifted, trying once more to situate herself in the position which would cause the least amount of physical discomfort from her stomach.
Though she were still, at times, entirely unreadable, Percy knew when something weighed heavily on her. “What is it?” he asked, his hands stilling on her foot.
Pausing, she looked away, no doubt weighing the merits of keeping whatever it was to herself. “It is nothing,” she said, after a moment. “I was reminded, for a moment, of Lukas, and of Thalia.”
“Oh.” Percy pressed his thumb into the ball of her foot, easing the tense muscle there, grounding himself in the feel of the delicate bones of her ankle beneath his fingers.
The last Olympian had granted him a vision, once upon a time, of Annabeth as a very, very young girl, lost in what he now knew to be far northern wildernesses, having been rescued by the two older children. Lukas had pledged to her, then, to be her new family, to replace the one which had so cruelly cast her aside--only to cast her aside himself, five years later. Undoubtedly, the concept of a family which would not abandon her was not a concept with which she was overly familiar.
Well, Percy would certainly do his best to familiarize her with it.
Shifting again, she shooed away his concern, bidding him to keep up his work on her aching feet. She seemed to prefer that to even his work on her cunt, which he still provided nearly every day.
“You never told me,” she inserted into the silence, tight and restrained. “When did you sell the cart and horse?”
He froze, his knuckles pressed against the sweeping arch of her feet, a wave of guilt crashing over him, as the shore in a morning storm.
Oh, dear.
Percy swallowed. “I
 that is to say
In truth, he had hoped she would not ask. She seemed accustomed to a certain standard of living, and now, burdened with her share of her inheritance, he had thought that she may not notice some of the finer details. But of course, she would, being the cleverest, wisest woman in the world. How, then, did he apologize for such a gross misuse of funds? Of her trust? “I must confess something.”
With some difficulty, she adjusted her seat, so she could look on him more fully. “What is it?” she asked, her tone short.
She had been so forthright with him, it was only fair that he did the same. “I did not sell the cart and horse,” said Percy, meeting her gaze. “I gave them to Paul.”
She tilted her head, appraising. “I did not know he was in need of either of those things.”
“I gifted them so he could sell them,” said Percy, “so they could make use of the money.”
“Of course,” she said, nodding her head. “That is good compensation for their hospitality, among many other things.”
“There is more,” he said, nerves rising. “I also
 gave my mother some money. Well, quite a sum of money.” A year’s wages, she had said, but between both purses he’d handed over, it had really been much closer to two. “A
 rather large sum of money.”
She frowned, and he felt the guilt sinking lower in his stomach. “How large a sum?”
 a hundred or so ducats.”
“Oh,” she said, her face falling from a frown into a sort of bemused smile. “I understand why your mother would think that was so much money but--”
“I wish to assure you,” he chimed in, quickly, desperate to explain himself, “that I will work tirelessly to recoup it when we make land.”
“Recoup what?”
“The money which I took from you.”
“Percy,” she said, in a tone he knew from their youth, the one she assumed whenever she tried to patiently explain something to him, rather than simply calling him the fool she considered him to be. “The money is in your name. You know that, yes?”
“I do,” he agreed, “but that does not make it mine.”
“Any law would say otherwise.”
“The law does not always speak truly,” Percy said, “The money is yours, by right and by blood. I apologize for taking so much of it without your express permission, but please know that I do intend to pay you back in full.” Such a task would take a long while. Two years at least, for the money he gave to his mother, and quite a bit more for the horse and cart, then he could begin working to save to send for his mother and her family. Hopefully, Annabeth would be willing to pay for their room and board when they arrived. “I suspect there is work to be had on many a ship in Venice. I know a good many merchants make their homes there. If not, perhaps I can find employment in a shipyard. I cannot be a shipwright, of course, as I would not be able to afford the apprenticeship, and I am too old besides, but there is always work to be found, if not on the sea, then in the city.” It would be torture to live so close to the sea and yet work with the soil, but he would find a way to persevere. “I will find something, I promise you.”
Annabeth stared at him as though he had grown a second head. “I do not understand.”
Percy knew very well how the children of Athena hated problems they could not quickly understand. “I want to assure you,” he tried again, “that I will pay you back all that I owe. Unfortunately, it shall not be quick. Nevertheless, I shall toil until you are compensated in full. I fear, though, that without any previous social standing, such an undertaking may encompass several years. I am sorry for the delay, but I will fulfil my debt to you, one day’s wage at a time.”
This had been the issue, oh so many years ago. It had been an issue in Constantinople, when it was all he could do to feed himself during the siege, and it had been an issue at the tender age of sixteen, when he could never have supported a family. Now, thankfully, his wife had a deep cushion upon which she and their child could fall, which took a tremendous weight off of his shoulders.
“One day’s wage
” she repeated, softly, unbelievingly, then with a force and speed which surprised him, Annabeth yanked her foot back from his hands. “You mean to tell me,” she said, steel-voiced and spitting fire, “that you plan to become a common laborer?”
“Unless by some measure of luck a man of distinction from Constantinople with whom I served now resides in Venice, I have nothing in the way of connections.” The odds of that, he felt, were startlingly slim, however. He could, perhaps, send a message to Aachen, as they had their own web of social ties running up and down Italy, but he thought Annabeth might dislike money made from a Latin connection even more than the slow amounts he could provide with work by his own hands. Iason would be eager to help him, but Annabeth would likely not be eager to take it, and so he would not mention it.
Annabeth still stared at him, befuddled, angry. “But--I--You--”
She stood up off the bed with easy grace, long practiced even despite her belly, but as she began to pace in their very small cabin, she did waddle around a bit, distracting Percy with the beauty of the image. This was an important conversation, he told himself, shaking his head. “What can I do to--”
Then, with a frustrated cry, she whirled on him. “You truly would disrespect me so much?” she demanded, her face red.
The force of her words was so strong he had to lean back a little. “I--” he stammered, uncomprehending, “I only wish to do right by you.”
“Do right by me?” she sneered. “How? By disrespecting our marriage so entirely that you will not claim what is legally yours? By reducing me to a laborer's wife in a city of strangers? Me!” she scoffed, her voice rising higher and higher in pitch and volume. “A daughter of Athena. A warrior of Rome. A legacy of Frey and a lady of house Förfölja!”
“You can be whatever you wish,” he offered, and although it was true, it sounded small to his own ears. Her father had wished for her to play politics among the noble houses of Svealand--if she wished to do so in Venice instead, he would not stop her.
“Oh yes,” she said, venom in her voice. “I can certainly go and meet with the Doge and his retinue. I shall dress up in my silks and my aunt’s jewels, and when they say, ‘Oh, Signora Thalassinos, who is your husband?’ I will have to reply, ‘Oh, he mucks the stables near the shipyards!’”
Overwhelmed by her fire, her intensity, he blinked at her, speechless.
“You would have me introduce our son,” she went on, incensed, “not as the legacy of great gods and greater heroes, but as the son of a man who refuses to honor his marriage, and would rather toil away on the docks!”
His hands raised before him, he beseeched his goddess, demurely, placatingly. “What would you have my do, my lady?” he asked.
Her eyes narrowed, and he was reminded of her mother, of so many years of disapproval. Lady Athena had wanted him to stay away from her daughter, and for several years, he had thought she had gotten her way. “Take what has been freely given,” Annabeth demanded. “If you wish to return to the sea, well, buy a ship. Buy a dozen! Surely you would have better luck carrying goods across the Mare Nostrum than any other man, with your father’s blessings. But if you insist on ignoring the money that is by law, custom, and my own wish yours , then you shall earn it back in a manner which will not shame me or my child.”  
Stunned, he said in a quiet voice, “I do not wish to take advantage--”
“Oh, I know,” she nearly snarled. “You will take no advantage, nothing of me--only my hand and my maidenhead.”
He flinched, as though he had been struck.
“And what do you give me in return? Your distance and your disrespect.” Her breathing was hard, labored, as though she had just gone several rounds in the arena. His own heart beat so rapidly in his chest it felt like the sparring match was against him. Perhaps it was. “I took you as my husband, son of Poseidon. I expect you to act like it.”
She made to leave their cabin, to make a grand exit worthy of the Empress she should have been, had she chosen a better husband. Then, as she reached the door of their cabin, her shoulders tensed, and she curled in on herself, letting out a cry of pain.
Percy was by her side in a moment. Wrapping his arms around her, her hands clutched at her stomach. “No,” he breathed, all anger and fear forgotten, “not now.”
“No,” she agreed, “no, I think not.” She straightened up a little, but left most of her weight on him, “Your mother told me this could happen. False pains, she called it. It is not yet time.” But she did not seem so confident.
“Come,” he said. “Sit.”
She ended up laying down on their little cabin bed, huddled on her side, her face drawn in pain and worry, but after ten long, excruciating minutes, no other pains came, and her breathing returned to normal.
“Do you need anything?” Percy asked her, gently. “Some water? Some wine?”
She nodded weakly, but did not specify which.
After a few minutes, making certain she was no longer in any serious pain, he then went in search of one or the other, and possibly even a little bit of food.
The sailors greeted him as he emerged onto the deck. He was quite friendly with the seamen. Annabeth had paid good money for their services, yes, but also, he sensed that they could feel a kindred spirit among them.
He found the quartermaster, a kind man with five children of his own and the air of a legacy of Neptune, with very little trouble. The man was always eager to assist this young charge and his wife, and gladly procured Percy wine and hard bread.
“Anything else?” he asked.
Percy considered, as a thought occurred to him. “You do not happen to be in possession of any olives, do you?”
He gave Percy a sort of sideways look, and then, to Percy’s amazement, nodded, producing a small jar of the stuff.
Percy could have kissed the man. His thanks would have lasted all night, had he not been shooed away, back to his wife.
She had maneuvered herself to a sitting position once more when he returned. Freya the cat had made herself quite at home against the line of her thigh, purring contentedly as Annabeth rubbed at her belly, speaking words he did not understand, but recognized as her father’s tongue, so musical and lilting that it could have been a lullaby.
“I have returned,” he said softly, almost unwilling to interrupt the moment. “With--"
At his voice, she raised her head, her eyes a little red and puffy from tears, but the smile she directed towards him was soft and pleased. “Oh, thank you, Percy. Here, come sit by me.”
Settling in on her other side, ever mindful of both her stomach and her furry companion, he handed her the wine, resisting the urge to brush her hair which had fallen into her face.
“I do apologize,” she said, after she had taken a drink. “I did not mean for my words to be so harsh.”
“It is alright,” he replied. “I did not realize the enormity of your feelings.”
Nibbling on a piece of bread, she swallowed, chasing the morsel with a little more wine, before pinning him with an odd sort of stare. “You must remember, Percy, that your choices no longer solely affect you. You are a husband, and a father. There are certain things which you are now obligated to provide.”
“Yes, I am aware,” he said, throat thick. Money and order and prestige, none of which he possessed. “All I meant for was to reassure you that I would not trap you in a situation from which you could not free yourself, should you ever need to.”
More than she knew, the shadow of his mother’s first husband hung over him still. He would rather die than submit Annabeth to even an echo of the same treatment.
“I am not trapped,” she said. “I extended the proposition of marriage to you, and you agreed--quite the opposite of the way things are usually done, might I add.”
He chuckled. That did seem to be a common thread between them.
“But,” she went on, “I am your wife. You must remember that. There are things for which I will not stand, and unlike some women, I have a noted history of running off when I do not like my treatment. When I married you, I knew, however, that you would never do those things.” She paused, considering him, holding his gaze. “I am a reflection of you, as a wife always is. I chose a brave, handsome, powerful, intelligent husband, and I am happy to be with him--but it will do me no good if he hides away and refuses to use his gifts, or disrespects our union by not valuing property that is rightfully his. If you act as though our union is not one of partnership, but one of a great burden, then, whatever your intentions, that will harm me.”
There were a million things he wished he could tell her, in this moment, promises of autonomy, declarations of love, but he knew she would not want to hear either. “That is not fair to you,” was all he ended up saying.
“I never said it was fair,” she agreed, a sympathetic twist to her mouth. “However, this is the way it is. I am not so displeased with my choices, not yet, but please, for my pride, if nothing else, do not prove me wrong.”
“Well,” Percy offered, falling into old step, “pride is your fatal flaw, skjaldmér . I suppose I must take particular care with it.”
She smiled at him, real, true, beautiful. “That is what I ask.”
“Is that all?”
“Well,” she grinned, a little of her humor shining through, “I daresay I shall ask for much much more--for what, however, at this time I cannot say.”
Percy wished he could, were she so inclined, offer her the world, his devotion, his love, all that he had and more. He settled instead for reaching beneath his cloak and pulling out his gift from the quartermaster. “I know you said that your cravings had--”
Before he could even finish his sentence, Annabeth had yanked it from his hand.
“Olives!” she cried in a tone not dissimilar to that of her lusts. “Oh Percy, you found them! You found me olives at sea!”
In very quick succession, she kissed him, and then she had the jar open and began shoving olives into her mouth.
In Neapolis , as he was disembarked, he made certain to purchase more olives for her. He did not do so because he wished to put some space between himself and his wife, but rather because she loved them, and at this stage in her pregnancy, she was finding herself uncomfortable all the time. The movement of the boat was not the cause of her nausea, but the cramped quarters and lack of comforts were wearing on her.
So, he set out to find her olives. The fact that he felt his own failure as a husband keenly, but he still did not know how to rectify it, was merely an additional consideration. Thus, he would provide her with food, because it appeared he was unable to provide her with anything more effective.
He managed to procure a few figs as well, juicy and sweet. And some salted nuts he thought might please her. And many many olives. He spent a good deal of money on the volume, hoping  that they would last them to Venice, or at the very least to their next stop.
Spending money on his wife was no hardship. On himself, however? It took him several minutes to convince himself into purchasing a new hat, as his had accumulated a rather disgusting layer of road dirt.
She would like this one, he hoped. It was black, but with a blue and gold trim around the brim. She seemed to enjoy that particular color scheme.
He came back to the ship to some commotion, though he only half listened to the first mate’s words as two trunks were loaded aboard. He was nervous around his wife, still, her condition always lighting fearful fires within him, but he found he could never be too far away. Percy felt as though he were a young boy of fifteen all over again, just returning from their terrible, terrible trip beneath the earth, only now coming to terms with the breadth of his feelings for her.
“There's been some commotion on the ship while you were gone,” said Annabeth as he entered their cabin, once more laid out on their bed. Freya the cat did not crowd her this afternoon, but slept peacefully on Percy’s discarded winter cloak.
“Yes,” Percy agreed, handing her the olives and figs, watching with detached horror as she stuffed them both simultaneously into her mouth. Would it be husbandly to mock her choice? Had they both still been youths, he would not have hesitated to do so, and that good natured mocking had come so easy to him still, even with his devotion, but everything now felt so unbalanced. Marriages did contain humor and good-natured ribbing, but were they acceptable enough substitutes for love and affection? Too fearful to try, he instead answered her question. “We have taken on a new passenger, it seems.”
“Anyone interesting?”
“A count, returning to his home in Venice,” he said. “The first mate did not volunteer many more details.”
“Perhaps you should introduce yourself,” she suggested. “As you said, we have no connections in the city. A count on friendly terms could potentially be a great boon.”
A part of him hated how she had listened to his every word, as she should not have to manage his life so fully, but, well, it was a very good idea.
“I will do so when you are feeling a little better,” he promised.
“See to it that you do.”
She winced, then, moving about to readjust herself on the bed. “I apologize,” said Percy, for what must have been the thousandth time. He never wished to cause her such discomfort, even if the reason was a happy one.
“I have asked you repeatedly to stop apologizing,” she said, relaxing into the bed. “You know it is no trouble. I have traveled to the ends of the world with you twice now, both ways. I think it is in fact easier to do while with child, mostly. Next time,” she continued, quickly, refusing him ample time to dwell on her strange words, “perhaps we shall arrive before the later days.”
Such words belonged to the realm of dreams; “next time.” In truth, they would not have another opportunity such as this. This would be their only child. He tried to comfort himself with the fact that it was better for her, as many a tragedy befell women in the birthing bed.
His own fears about what might await his wife were quiet, but as the date came nearer, it had been harder and harder to quell them. She was hearty and hale, but normally she would have been confined to comfortable rooms. Even traveling up and down the continent, the meanest inn made a far better place to lay than the softest beds upon the undulating ocean.
They had no nectar or ambrosia here, no healer of Apollo or midwife of Artemis on hand. Annabeth only had Percy, and he was sorely terrified he would find himself lacking in the crucial moment.
Ashore, in Neapolis, he had burned a sacrifice in preparation, to Artemis, Eileithyia, and Hera, and any deity who had even the remotest connection with childbirth. He had strongly considered using one of their precious few drachmae to attempt to contact the agoge , or perhaps Thalia and her maiden hunters. They had, like their lady, brought babies into the world on occasion.
Without a guarantee of success, however, he found himself loath to waste such time and resources. But it mattered not--they would be in Venice in a few days, he would find her the most comfortable of rooms, the most talented of midwives, and the most celebrated of doctors, and there they would await the birth of their daughter.
Afterwards, what he was supposed to do still remained a mystery. Not be a laborer, not find work on a ship, he was too afraid to ask what she wanted him to do. Too afraid to once again ignite her ire. Too afraid that he could not give it to her.
In some ways, her growing discomfort was a blessing. It distracted them both from having to figure out what he was to do to make her truly happy.
They set sail again, and Percy sunk into the feeling of the sea all around him, a brief escape from his wife’s, his dearest friend’s discomfort. They were very close to their destination, less than a fortnight at a normal speed, and with Percy’s help, well, they could be much, much faster.
As Annabeth winced and groaned, her momentary peace fleeing her with the rocking of the ship, he decided that they would make it to Venice in ten days’ time. Most likely, he could manage an even quicker pace, but he did not wish to scare the sailors so badly that they might stop all together.
Perhaps they should not have dallied in Messalia. Or perhaps they should have remained longer, long enough for her to give birth.
He should have done a great many things differently, it seemed.
At her request on the second day, he took her out of their cabin, supporting her as they slowly walked about the deck. All night, he had heard her toss and turn in their shared bed, groaning in pain. She seemed a little better this morning, but hopefully the sea air would do her a bit more good.
“And if not me,” she said, her jest squeezed through gritted teeth, “then perhaps your sea spawn.” Her laughter was cut off by her gasp of pain, digging her nails into the skin of his arm.
By his count, she had done that at least every five minutes for at least several hours. The time between the pain might have even been getting shorter.
“Are you certain you are alright? There are plenty of places to make port between here and Venice.”
She waved him off. “I am fine, I just
 ooh , it feels as though your child is nearly as excited by the sea as you are.”
Usually, Percy would have been mollified by such a statement, and he would have gone about his business as usual--but not today. “I think we should return to our cabin, and get you back in b--”
All at once, she crushed his hand, nearly falling into him as she let out a terrible, heart-wrenching cry.
“Annabeth!” He braced her against his body, a hand on her shoulder to steady her. “What is it?”
“ Ma ton Dia ,” she gasped, “I
 oh, no! Oh, stupid, stupid, I am such a fool!”
“What?” he pleaded. “What?”
Her eyes were wild, shiny and tinged with pain. “The baby,” she groaned, “Percy--your mother told me I would--” Then she cried again, even more anguished than before.
“Anja!” He nearly buckled beneath her weight.
“It’s coming,” she grunted, struggling to remain upright as the ship roiled beneath them. “The baby--it’s here!”
Oh, no. Ohhh, no no no. “What? Now?”
“Yes, now!”
“Perc--” she wailed again, too much in pain to speak.
A large wave crashed on the side of their ship, sailors shouting orders to one another.
Paralyzed with fear, all Percy could do was clutch her closer. Now? Now, of all times?
One of the men stepped up to them, beginning to herd them towards below decks. “Signore Thalassinos,” he said, gruff but commanding, “there seems to be a storm rising, we ask that you return to your cabin until it has passed--”
“My wife is having her baby,” he blurted to the man.
His fear and terror must have been plainly evident, for the man paled in response. “Now, sir?” he squeaked.
“Yes, now!” Percy said. “Come, we require your assistance.”
When he made to shift her so that he could carry her, she cried out even more, releasing her grip on Percy so as to clutch at her stomach. Together, they braced her between the two of them, but rather than return them to their cabin, he led them to the captain’s suite. “The captain has a much larger bed,” he said, easing the door open with his shoulder. “Your wife shall be more comfortable here.”
Percy did not even have the wits to protest, or thank the man.
She shrieked as they laid her down, her hands clawing at the fine sheets. “Shh, shh, Anja,” he gentled, lacing her fingers with his. “I am here, I am here.”
The crewman was looking down at his feet, gesturing to a spot on the captain’s rug. It took him far, far longer than it should have for Percy to realize that it was blood. A trail of it led beyond the door, onto the deck of the ship. Squeezing her arm in a silent apology, he positioned himself in front of the other man so he would not be able to see, then lifted up just a corner of her dress.
Her chemise had been white when she had put it on this morning. Now it was all stained and colored, a deep, dark, red.
Hastily, he laid the fabric back down, his hands shaking.
“Annabeth, darling,” he said, one hand coming up to push the hair which had fallen from her wimple out of her eyes, “you are bleeding. What do I do?”
“I don’t know,” she said, her face red, tears leaking from her eyes. “I--I have never done this before. I do not know.”
“Is there supposed to be so much blood?” Percy knew little of childbirth, but quite a bit about injuries. Had this been an arm or a leg, he would have been very concerned. Being a woman was bloody business, he knew, but was this how they were supposed to go?  
“I do not--I do not think so
” she whimpered.
The helpful sailor still stood there, at a loss of what to do with himself. From beyond the cabin, he could hear the pelting of rain as it smashed into the ship.
“Percy, I think something is wrong,” she said.
Something was wrong.
Something was wrong.
“It hurts,” she cried, “differently, differently than it had before. I can’t--” Then she let out a great wail.
No. No. No.
The boat beneath them rocked, violently. Percy was able to keep himself and Annabeth stable, but the crewman was not so lucky.
“It’s alright,” he soothed, “it's alright.”
Again the ship lurched beneath them, sailors shouting in fear and terror. He paid it no mind.
Annabeth screamed, her whole body contorted in pain.
“Something is wrong,” she said once more. “Something is wrong .”
No. No. He felt like the sea outside--angry, rolling, ready to burst.
The ship swayed again.
"Signore, what is it?” asked the crewman, having finally, fully righted himself.
Had he been of a clearer head, he would have recognized that the man could not understand Annabeth, as she had been screaming in Greek. At the moment, however, he was too full of fear to be kind. “Don’t just stand there,” he snapped. “Go and get the doctor!”
A midwife would be far, far better, but they would have to settle for the ship’s doctor. Between his experience and Percy’s battlefield expertise, hopefully they would be able to come up with something between the two of them.
“Yes,” said the man, “the count’s friend, he is a doctor, he said. He is a doctor.”
“A doctor,” Percy repeated. “There is a real doctor aboard?”
“ Si, Signore, yes. He is not Italian, but the count says he is a doctor.”
“Fetch him for me,” Percy pleaded, “please, fetch him, tell him something is wrong, and I will pay him whatever he wishes.”
The sailor departed, nearly tripping on himself to get out of the cabin. “What is happening, Percy?” Annabeth asked, frantic. “What did you say, where is he going?”
“He said there is a doctor aboard,” Percy said, turning his attention back to his wife, “he is going to get him.”
“The ship’s doctor?”
“No, the count’s doctor is aboard--I sent him to fetch the man.”
Weakly, she reached for him, her fingers clumsily hitting his arm. “It will be alright, won’t it Percy?” she asked. He had never seen her so afraid before. “Percy, promise me it is going to be alright.”
“It will be alright, I swear it.” Hands working quickly, he undid her wimple, as he knew she disliked the garment, and he did not want her to grow even more feverish.
Under it she looked pale and almost clammy. Still she bled.
The seas outside turned even choppier as Percy waited for this mysterious doctor to come and save his wife.
He did not want to disturb his wife with any more loud noises. The last thing she needed right now was to see him in all his fear and terror. Within the depths of his mind, he cursed himself for being a fool. If only he had not been so selfish, staying in Messalia for so long! If only he had not given into the sweetest of all possible temptations!
But now was not the time for self-flagellation. Now was not even the time for prayer, though pray he did, begging all the gods who had ever thrown a scrap of goodwill their way to save her, Eileithyia for a safe delivery, Apollo for a safe recovery, even the queen of the heavens, who had no lost love for either of them, but whose protection extended towards families. He prayed to them all for the gift of Annabeth’s life, and that of their child, promising anything, everything. There was not much he would not do, should they call upon him to pay his debt, as long as she would survive this.
“You’ll be alright,” Percy said, pressing a kiss to the curls plastered on her forehead. “You’ll be alright.”
“And our son,” she said, her voice barely more than a whisper. “He’ll be alright too, won’t he, Percy?”
“Of course.” He smiled, hoping to put her at ease. “Everyone shall be healthy, hale, and whole--you shall see.”
It seemed to work, somewhat, Annabeth relaxing into the pillows, giving him a shaky smile in return.
Kronos’ curse upon them, perhaps, it was likely mere minutes, but felt like another age had passed before the cabin door once again swung open. “Here, Dottore , here she is.” said the crewman, ushering in another man. “Signore, I have brought you the count’s doctor. As I said, I apologize for the interruption--”
“It is no trouble,” said the other man, his voice lightly accented. “I am happy to help. Hello Signora Thalassinos, I am
 Ana Zabeta ?”
Percy looked up sharply. That voice, that--
“Guillaume?” Annabeth whispered, raising her head.
“ Guillaume ,” Percy repeated, “Will.”
It was him. Will, son of Apollo, the greatest healer of heroes, the most skilled doctor that the agoge had ever produced.
“Oh, thank all the gods,” Percy cried, dropping his Italian completely. “Oh, thank you, Boedromios , thank you, father! Will, something is wrong.”
Sparing him a quick glance, he stripped off his own outer layer, discarding it on the floor of the cabin, and rushed over to Annabeth. “Help me get her gown off,” he told Percy, before waving at the crewman. “You, stay--I may have need of you yet.”
“Can you help her?” he asked.
“Childbirth is generally the purview of women,” Will said. “I have only assisted my aunt in a few before--but I am confident in our process.”
That was enough reassurance for him.
He and Percy got her kirtle out, so she was only in her chemise, the linen sticking to her skin as Will peeled it away to examine her. A consummate professional, his face remained calm even as the boat ferociously lurched to one side, then the other.
“Percy,” WIll said, firmly, “please stop raising a storm outside.”
He blinked. “What?”
“Please try, for Annabeth.” Touching at her belly and between her legs, he frowned as he looked at the blood. Even in pain, nothing escaped Annabeth’s notice.
“What is wrong?” she asked, weak and withdrawn. “Will, Will, is my baby--”
“Sailor,” Will called in Italian, turning back to the man to look at him, “please go and tell the count to bring me my specialty bag. He’ll know what it means.”
“I can go fetch it for you, sir. I will not bother the count.”
“No,” Will said, firmly, years of wrangling unhelpful demigods in the infirmary lending him strength. “Tell the count to bring my bag, and some linens if he has some on hand, which he should. If he questions you, tell him I demanded it.”
“Will,” Percy said, “let me go go and--”
But he shook his head, reaching into his bag and removing some cloth. “Stay. I shall need your assistance for this next portion.” He handed Percy a wooden rod and a cloth, then leaned over Annabeth, the picture of peace and serenity, even in such a stressful time. “Annabeth,” he said slowly, “I sense there is some tearing, and you are bleeding far too much. However, I promise I can take care of that. Unfortunately, there is another problem: the baby is in the wrong position.”
“What does that mean?” she asked, wincing as another wave of pain crashed over her.
“I can feel the baby’s feet,” Will said, “when I should feel the head. I will try to turn it, but I may need to try a few other things beforehand.”
Eyes glassy, she begged of Will, “You will save my baby, Will, yes? Please
” She grasped at his hand, mumbling words he did not understand.
“Percy,” murmured the good doctor, “this will be painful. I will do what I can, but I wish to keep her as comfortable as possible. I’ll need you to make sure she can bite down on the wood, and wipe her face and her chest as well. Can you do that?”
For her? Anything. “Yes,” he said, “yes.”
“Very good. Can you calm the sea?”
There was a knock on the door to the cabin again. “Will?” came a deeper voice, speaking Greek. “What is going on? There is a vicious storm brewing, and I found this cat who seems to be in serious distress."
“Quickly, quickly.” Will called back, not looking away from Annabeth. “Come in.”
Too exhausted, too worried, too scared, Percy could not properly comprehend precisely what he was seeing when Nico Di Angelo walked into his cabin, carrying a leather bag that seemed to glow even in the dark room in one arm, and Freya the cat in another.
Nico, however, did not have that problem. He nearly dropped both of his parcels at the sight of them. “Percy?” Eyes wide, mouth open, he then took in the whole strange, frightening scene. “Annabeth? What--what is the matter?”
“Several things,” said Will, “and we shall have our joyous reunion once they are resolved.” He wiped his bloodied hand on a cloth, and then opened the bag which Nico had placed beside him, taking out several little clay jars and water skins. Smearing a substance on his finger from one of the jars, with his other hand, he gently tapped Annabeth’s cheek, pulling her attention, her eyes fluttering open. “I need to attend to some of the bleeding,” he said, serious and stern. “I apologize in advance, but this will feel very strange.” His countenance never wavered, even as he lowered his hand and slipped his fingers inside of her. Then he nodded at one of the water skins. “Percy is going to help you drink some, yes? Just a few sips.”
“Alright,” she agreed.
Percy reached for the skin, recognizing it as nectar from the smell as he dribbled a bit into Annabeth’s mouth. For him, it smelled of his mother’s kitchen in the evening, cinnamon and honey and nuts. “Here Anja,” he said, hoping it would remind her of home, “drink up.”
“No,” said Will, “only a little! The other is unicorn draught. She can drink all of it, if she wishes, as long as it is done slowly.”
He brought the other skin to her lips. “Careful,” he said, as some of it leaked out of the side of her mouth. Unicorn draught was potent, powerful--he himself had had much of the stuff during his stay with the Legion, and he knew firsthand just how effective it could be.  “There we are, there we are, love.”
Nestled in Nico’s arms, their poor cat wailed, upset at her mistress’ distress.
“Nico,” Will ordered, “please pet that cat before she wakes every sea monster that Percy has not already raised with his storm.” Then he took a deep breath. “Annabeth, I am going to reach inside and try to reposition the baby. You can bite down on the stick. It will all be over soon.”
“Can you bite down for me, Anja,” Percy asked, putting the water skin aside and raising the stick to her mouth.
Eyes shining, she pulled together a smile, soft and full of pain. “ Jag skulle göra vad som helst för dig .” she whispered. Then she bit down.
He could still hear her scream around it. Several tears ran down her cheeks, and he wiped them away
After a few moments, Percy looked towards Will, who was now smiling.
“Good, Annabeth, very good,” said Will. “You're ready, you can start pushing now.”
“ Malaka ,” swore Nico, looking rather green. Dressed in a black doublet, surcoat, and breeches over black hose, in his arms resting their little white kitten, he made for a startlingly amusing picture, entirely out of place for such a fraught moment.
“It is alright, Anja,” Percy said. “It is nearly done.”
Weeping, red-faced, exhausted, she nodded, and began her most harrowing trial.
There was not much more he could do to ease her suffering at this point, but he supported her as best he could without a birthing chair, allowing her to brace herself against him as she cried out and made aborted movements. Then Will was announcing things: a head, shoulders, arms.
And then a cry pierced the room, cutting through Annabeth’s moans and the roar of the sea in Percy’s ear. Annabeth fell back against him, loose like a bow released from its string.
“Annabeth,” Will said breathlessly, a bright, broad smile on his face. He stood, holding something in his arms, and presented it to them. “You have a son!”
A son.
A son.
Percy had a son.
He took a closer look.
It-- he --was small, and round, blotchy white and purple and brown. Wrinkled and wet. Ugly.
He looked, all things considered, like a turnip pulled from the ground.
Reverently, Will placed him into Annabeth’s outstretched arms.
“Oh,” she cooed, breathless, “look at you.”
A son. He had not wanted a son. He had hoped, so hoped, for a daughter, a little Anja to be a reflection of her mother in all things.
The boy resting in Annabeth’s arms already had dark hair, and a mighty cry, calming when he came to rest on his mother’s chest. Then, for the first time ever, he opened his eyes.
His face was still purple and white and splotchy, yet when he looked up at Percy, his eyes were the color of the Bosphorus on a sunny day. Those were Percy’s eyes. That was Percy’s dark hair coating his small head, Percy’s nose reflected in miniature.
Yet there was something in his expression, mere moments old, passing judgement on his father. You wanted a daughter , it seemed to say, but I knew better .
Annabeth always knew better than him, and so, it seemed, did her son. Her beautiful perfect son.
His son.
He fell in love at that moment, meeting his son’s eyes, sea green to sea green. “Welcome,” he said, reaching out to run a finger along a round, splotchy cheek. “May all the gods' blessings be upon you.”
When he pulled back, Annabeth was watching him. “Are you alright?” she asked, hushed.
“I have never been better,” he promised, his voice thick with unshed emotion. “And you?”
” She did not answer, her brow furrowed. Swallowing, she turned back to the baby in her arms.
“Here,” said Will, holding out a square of ambrosia, “take this, if you please.”
Nico hummed, looking out of the cabin door. “It appears as if the storm has broken.”
While Will did his best to make Annabeth comfortable as she took the baby to her breast, Percy cleaned up what mess he could, gathering the dirtied linens together. He would have to apologize to the captain for commandeering use of his quarters, and pay him back for the use of his bed.
“Do not fret over the captain’s things,” said Nico, somehow divining his thoughts, as he usually did. His black clothing was now covered in white fur, as Freya had made herself quite at home in his embrace, all distress forgotten, sleeping peacefully in the crook of his arms. “He is a good friend--I can certainly compensate him for a new set of linens.”
Percy shook his head. “That is very kind of you, but I can afford it.” If he were to have some control over their shared finances, then he would not begin by placing themselves in debt.
“I apologize for the interruption,” said Will, “but I need to give Annabeth another exam. Percy,” he grinned, and it was then he noticed that Will was holding the baby in his arms. “Would you like to hold your son?”
“Yes,” came tumbling out of his mouth. “Yes, I do.”
“So he is your son, then?” Nico asked. At least he had the decency to look bashful at the look Will shot him.
The good doctor placed the baby into his waiting hands.
He was so small.
He did not cry, being removed from his mother, but blinked up at him, sleepily, uncomprehendingly. Percy began noting so many little details--the thin, patchy eyebrows which would no doubt grow in with time, his pudgy fingers, curled into a little fist, his ears, an exact replica of his mother’s, the ones for which Percy had once considered composing sonnets. This was his son , made in their image, but also a little person in his own right.
Was this how his own father had felt, all those years ago, holding Percy in his arms?
“I think you will be just fine,” Will proclaimed, rising from Annabeth’s side. “I will go get you some food, but in the meantime, please, drink the rest of the unicorn draught. I shall return shortly. If there is any issue, do not hesitate to send for me at once.”
“We can ask for their adventures later, Nico,” Will said, tossing his golden bag at the son of Hades. “Come, let us give them some privacy.”
Though, as they made to leave, Freya the cat extricated herself from his one-armed embrace, landing on the floor without a quiet thump , before leaping up on the captain’s desk, observing the whole scene from her perch.
Nico and Will shut the door quietly behind them, leaving only Percy, Annabeth, and their son.
Propped up against the pillows, Annabeth reached out her arms. “I wish to hold him again,” she said, quietly, still so exhausted. “Please.”
He acquiesced without hesitation.
Annabeth took him with a sweetly tired smile, bringing him to her chest. Immediately she returned her gaze to the baby, tenderly fingering a stray wisp of hair on the top of his head.
His breath caught in his throat.
Now he had a better understanding of why the trinity men worshipped a mother.
“What should we name him?” he asked, sitting beside her on the bed.
“I had thought we could call him Perseus,” she said, so taken with the little boy. “A first born son should be named after his father, should he not?”
He swallowed, his heart fit to burst. He deserved not this woman, nor their son, and yet the gods had seen fit to bless him with both. He could not, however, allow his son to labor under his curse. “I think not,” he said, with only a little regret. “I think very much not.” The first, great Perseus was only related to him by the most distant of circumstances. His own mother had given him the name of the only hero of antiquity who had earned a happier ending than his peers, dying old, in his bed, surrounded by his family, in order to pass some of that same luck onto Percy. He had never considered himself terribly lucky, until this very moment, but his life had been a long, hard one, and he did not want his son to share his fate. Percy did not deserve this family--not yet. When he did, then, perhaps, they could have a child which bore his name. Placing a hand on her shoulder, she turned her head to face him. “Let them say,” said Percy, quoting that old poet, “that he is greater, by far, than his father.”
Annabeth’s face fell, but she nodded.
“Alexandros, then,” she said, after a little silence. “Alexandros, for greatness.”
“Alexandros,” he breathed, looking at the child. Will had wrapped him in a bit of the linen Nico had brought with him, and he was, all told, barely bigger than a loaf of bread. “Alexandros is perfect.”
“Then be we agreed.” Annabeth said, pulling down her chemise, and helping the baby latch onto her nipple. Percy retrieved the unicorn draught from its place on the floor, opening the stopper, ready and waiting for her. “Alexandros Thalassinos.”
Beyond the cabin walls, the sea was calm, placid, the ship moving smoothly through the waters towards their final destination, the city on the lagoon. There were many, many things still to be done, money to be exchanged, property to be sought, connections to be forged. What good fortune, then, that they had happened upon Nico di Angelo--the man was surly and ill-tempered, but he had proved himself a good friend and a great ally on many occasions. With his assistance, they would be able to find what they sought in Venice, he was sure of it.
But that was all to be dealt with later. Now, there was Freya, who leapt from the captain’s desk onto the bed, curiously sniffing at the small thing which now occupied her favorite spot of her mistress’ embrace. Now, there was Annabeth, and Alexandros, sweaty and panting and in dire need of a bath.
Now, there was his family.
He wrapped an arm around his wife pressing another kiss to her curls.
“Perfect,” he said. “The greatest.”
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op-peccatori · 5 years
The Spider and the (Butter)fly | MLQC Lucien | Kinktober: October 20th
Prompts: Deep-throating || Roleplay || Object Insertion 
THE THIRST IS ALIVE! Submission number 5 for @alloveroliver​’s Kinktober celebration!!!! 
Fandom: Mr Love: Queen’s Choice
Pairing: Reader/Lucien
Rating: 18+
Word count: 3700
Warnings/tags: explicit smut and language, oral sex, deep-throating, fingering, role-play, teacher and (college) student 
a/n: I forgot they were role-playing halfway into it. also I made a moodboard!!
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You stand outside the office, eyes squeezed shut and folders clutched to your chest with nervousness.
There aren’t many people in the building at this time, but it isn't completely deserted. There are students who pass you by, some flashing you sympathetic smiles and others not seeing you at all. A professor looks quite puzzled at the sight of you. 
Technically, you shouldn’t be here. But, the thought of going back home with your failure terrifies you and you have to at least try to avoid that. So you’ll stand here for the next two days if that’s what it takes, and use whatever weapon is available to you. 
With a quick glance around, you whip out a compact mirror to check on the state of your lipstick, deciding it was a good idea to forego the highlighter after all.
The echo of his footsteps reaches you before he does, and you look up at him with a sheepish smile. “Professor!” He blinks at you, giving you a quick once over, the suspicious glint in his eye immediately giving way to comprehension. . You keep your expression innocent, even as fear makes your heart dance to a terrible tune.
“Ms. ___. Still here?” he asks. His expression is neutral, but slight exasperation bleeds into heliotrope eyes. His dark hair stands out against the pale walls, his thin lips pursing at having to delay his departure for the day.
“Yes, Professor. I was uh, wondering if I could talk to you about something,” you say meekly. Your eyes remain glued to his cap-toe derbies, still a shiny black after the long day. It says a lot about the man himself. You have never seen him lose his composure, not even when a student tries their best to get under his skin - which is uncommon. Most students adore him, or as you like to put it, they're happy to linger in his web. You can't blame them.
There's an intimidating man behind the smiling eyes. Brilliant and charismatic yes, but there's an unnerving quality to him, in your opinion. Being in his presence, on your own, is intoxicating. It always leaves you on edge, feeling guilty for the filthy thoughts it brings. You glance up at him for a moment only to see him peering down at you, eyes cloudy with tiredness behind clear glass.
He nods and goes into his office, closing the door behind him. You wait for a whole minute before it opens again. 
“Come in.” You watch him take a seat behind his desk as you walk through the door. His office is always clean, his things stacked neatly and in their places. His jacket is draped on the back of his chair, leaving him in a simple white button-up, sleeves rolled up to the forearms. You’re very aware of your own carefully selected outfit, the makeup applied with painful precision, the confidence you weaved with your own tongue in anticipation of this meeting. He barely gives you a look, however, and it leaves disappointment swirling in your stomach. “Take a seat.” 
You hurry to do so, sinking down into the chair across from him, the safety of his desk between you both. The first two buttons of his shirt are popped open, and you have to put more effort into not staring at the patch of milky skin than you'd like to admit. A glimpse of his collarbones is enough to dry your mouth, and you curse yourself. 
“I’m so, so sorry, Professor. I know it’s getting late–“ He waves of your words with a careless wag of his hand, and your eyes dart to his long fingers before you exercise some of the self-control you pretend to have. 
“Yet, you’re here anyway. So, what can I do for you, Ms. ____?” He laces his fingers together and rests his chin on them. You’re struck silent by the exquisite picture he makes, for a long moment. 
“It’s about my grade,” you say weakly. He does not look surprised at all. “Professor, I’m not the first student to come talk to you about this, I know. But I really, really must ask if you can reconsider.”
“I understand, Ms. ____. However, maybe you should’ve studied harder instead of giggling during class with the captain of the basketball team. Perhaps then you wouldn’t have to be here, hmm?” He doesn’t even look at you, seemingly studying an open file in front of him. 
You sputter, a mortified blush painting your cheeks. It’s true, you usually partner with Kyle in his class. Cute, funny, charming Kyle who always tries to make you laugh and succeeds most of the time. But to think Professor Lucien has noticed it enough to point it out like this...it’s embarrassing, yet something to consider. Once you're home.
Ugh, and he’s getting snappy. Maybe it was a bad idea to try this now. It doesn’t seem like it’s going to be any easier to convince him just because the man is tired. 
“It’s just – I did work really hard on this assignment. I don’t understand how I...” 
He sighs heavily at the flustered response. “It’s not the end of the world. You still have time to make up for it.” 
“But Professor, it's still going to affect my overall–“ He snaps the file shut. 
“I’m sorry, but there’s nothing I can do. Just work harder next time.” The tone of finality freezes your heart. You feel lost, scrambling to think of something, anything to persuade him.  How do you convince someone like him? Unfazed, poised, formidable are the words thrown around when he's the topic of conversation. You're an average student barely passing his class. The idea comes to you in a burst of desperation, something you laughed at when Willow suggested it as a joke, something you only dare to think of in daydreams, where he usually comes to you with seductive words and clever fingers as his primary weapons. You never do resist too much even in those reveries, always too quick to drop your skirts, eager to feel him touch you where you allow no one else.
But you’ve come here with a plan; if you think back to all the times you’ve caught him looking at you, it doesn’t seem that ridiculous. You know the difference between wishful thinking and reality; there's no way you imagined the cold glare flashing on his face when he saw you giggling at Kyle's antics, his lingering stares when you wear that white sundress. Or maybe you’re just flattering and digging yourself a cold grave...but it’s worth a try. 
Your back straightens, shoulders rolling back in an effort to relieve tension.
“Nothing?” The way his brow cocks should be branded as illegal. 
“Ms. ___?” 
“There’s really nothing I can do?” you ask, voice dropping low and suggestive; you bite your lip, gazing at him beseechingly. He swallows, following the motion and you smell blood. “I'll do...anything you ask, Professor.” 
“Ms. ___.” His voice is sharp with a warning. But he hasn’t asked you to leave. His eyes grow darker, framed by inky bangs and square frames that he takes off to fold and place on his desk.
“Professor Lucien, please.” You stand up, eyes wide and all too ready. “Just-I’ll do anything, I will! Whatever you want.” 
He looks at you slack-jawed, your breath quick and anxious. You’ve crossed a line, you know that. But will it get you what you want? The question of what you really want grows more muddled with every second, distorted by the flashes of darkness slipping past his composure and your own desire.
He watches you from beneath thick lashes. “Anything, you say?” You nod with slight hesitation. “Do you realize what you’re suggesting?” 
“I do.” 
His eyes slip down to the bare skin of your thighs before he, with visible effort, shifts them back to your face. “Ms. ___, I understand that you’re desperate. It makes us do stupid things. Which is why I’ll forget this ever happened. Now, leave before I...find myself less inclined to be so kind.” His eyes close in a clear dismissal. But he doesn't look angry, he looks like a man who can barely control himself, barely restrain himself from touching something he shouldn't.
He’s going to have to let you be the judge of that.
Nodding to yourself, you don’t say a word as you walk to the door, your thoughts assembling in place like a round of Tetris that you’ve just won. You hear him sigh and lean back in his chair, thinking you've come to your senses. You don’t say a word when you turn the lock, your heart pounding in your chest, the want now outweighing the desperation. 
There’s a heavy silence in the room, punctuated by more glimpses of something wild behind his mask.
“Alright then. Come here.” Your stomach clenches at the command; his pupils are blown, his hand patting his thigh. He rolls his chair back to put some space between him and the desk as you walk over to him, this time to stand in front of him. Your knees brush his. “Sit.” 
He parts his legs so you can sit delicately on his thigh, his hand coming to rest on your waist. Neither of you looks away from the other. You feel as if you’ve walked into the spider’s web, ready to be consumed. 
“You’re a lot bolder than I thought, Ms. ___,” he murmurs, husky enough to send flashes straight to your groin. The smirk curving along his mouth is knowing, and your hand curls over his shoulder, broad and real. "I never took you for a risk-taker."
“I’m...sorry, Professor. I had to try,” you say, timid and unsure but privately turned on. You’re entranced by the effect his low chuckle has on his face, squirming slightly on your seat.
“It’s not a bad thing,” he assures you. But he doesn’t do anything. His other hand just rests on your leg, rubbing small circles into your skin, your mind going into overdrive at the touch. “Just pleasantly surprising. Tell me...are you really that desperate for a better grade?"
You can't bring yourself to form a response.
"We could find another way. Or maybe, just this once, I could change it..." he suggests, withdrawing his touch, much to your displeasure. "You're a hard-worker, I know that."
"No! No, Professor, I...I want to. Work for it. Like this."
"I see." He looks pleased by your hidden admission.
You adjust yourself on his lap, watching him watch you. He's patient as he weaves a net of desire around you, but you don't feel trapped. He waits for you to make the first move, the butterflies in your stomach fluttering chaotically at the thought of finally touching him.
Your hand cups his cheek, thumb tracing a sharp cheekbone. It traces the slight curve of his lip, and then you lean in, breath stuttering as you press your lips to his chastely. And again and again, in light brushes - it feels like the slow rush of a sweet drug, a fog settling around your thoughts before his fingers tangle in your hair, and his tongue begins to chart the lines of your mouth. You moan and your lips part to invite him in. You taste coffee and something that is very intimately him, flicking your tongue against his with increasing enthusiasm. His arm winds tighter around your waist as he holds you to him, plundering your mouth with more greed than the pirates of legend. 
You have no thoughts to spare for grades, only for ways to make him touch you more.
"You taste so sweet, Ms. ___," he breathes, hot and damp on your lips. Your teeth graze his lower lip in response. 
He turns you around so you’re facing the desk, now sitting between his legs, his firm chest pressed to your back and buries his nose in your hair. He inhales deeply, a low sound hitting the back of his throat. Your legs are wide open, falling on either side of his, his arm around your stomach strong to keep you upright against him.
The vulnerability crawls in, at your legs spread wide like this, the Professor's body moulding itself to yours, caging you in his arms.
Professor Lucien tugs down the neckline of your top low enough to unveil your breasts, adorned with baby pink velvet that he clearly fancies if his pleased hum is any indication or the curious swipe of his finger against the soft material. He fondles a breast experimentally, just to hear you moan, and pulls it out of the cloth. A roll of your nipple has you arching into him with a whimper, your ass dragging against his crotch. You don’t miss the quick suck of his breath, the helpless buck of his erection into you before he’s back in control. 
The tiny crack in his composure thrills you, makes you want to turn around and roll your hips until you make him come in his pants, until he calls you by name and all the other sweet nicknames you've imagined him saying. You know you can. But you’re not in charge here, you remind yourself. The soft but lethal brush of his fingers on the inside of your thighs help with the reminder. 
“Tell me, Ms. ___, did you select this outfit just for me?” he asks, voice surprisingly even, his breath warm against the shell of your ear. His hand caresses the soft curve of your waist, relaxing you. His hand bunches up your skirt carefully, and you jerk in his grasp when he cups your mound. “Shh. No need to be nervous. I won’t hurt you.” His palm grinds into you and your hips buck away, but you have nowhere to go. “I asked you a question.” 
“Ah, Professor. I...I thought you might like it,” you admit with flaming cheeks. He laughs into your neck, nuzzling it gently. 
“I do. Very thoughtful of you. And convenient,” he purrs and you’re confused for a second. “So you like being a little tease, do you?”
“I-Professor-“ you whimper, struggling harder when he presses firmly on your clit, just for a second. He sighs deeply next to your ear, faux disappointment evident in his exhale. 
“Use your words, Ms ___. Do you enjoy tempting me, testing the limits of my control in every class? Tormenting me with little peeks of the temptress you keep hidden?” 
"No, no..."
"Liar," he breathes, his tone more wicked than angry. "But I'm flattered you went to such lengths just to have an excuse to do this."
As an accompaniment to the disclosure, his finger slips past velvet and slick folds at the same time his other hand covers your mouth, muffling your loud cry at the intrusion. He fingers you deftly, a long finger sliding in and out of your tight heat as you squirm and moan on his lap. “Pretty, pretty girl. You’re so wet already. How often have you thought about this?” 
He plays you like a devoted musician, a tireless conductor to the orchestra of your combined passions. It’s a delicious burn, and you want to share the sheer agony of it with him. The second he slides a finger into your mouth, intent on imitating the one down below, your lips latch onto it. You suck softly, tongue caressing and gliding, his soft groan needy and weak in your ear. Arousal thrums through you harder, the power you have over this extraordinary man making you tremble, giving you strength and ideas.
“Professor –“ you moan and he bites the lobe of your ear, another finger sliding in to torment you.
“I’ve thought about it too, you know. Bending you over my desk, taking you, tasting you, marking you.” His voice is gruff with desire and you moan incoherently as his fingers curl, rubbing your velvety walls roughly. You clutch at his wrist helplessly, tilting your neck and widening your legs to give him more access. All you can do is come apart in his arms, inch by inch, your fingers twitching with the urge to help him get you where you need to be. Once again displaying his ostensible talent for telepathy, his thumb presses down on your swollen nub. "Unraveling you."
You can just barely process his words, the pleasure coiled so tightly it's on the verge of combustion, aided by his thumb working your clit slowly, then furiously as you rock frantically into his hand. Your orgasm bursts with blinding stars behind your eyelids, your body bowing and writhing as if you can barely fit in it, before you go boneless in his arms. “Brilliant. That was beautiful, Ms. ___," he coos, fingers sliding out of you, settling your skirt back in place. Your head tilts back to lean on his shoulder and you watch him lick his fingers clean with a satisfied smile. His erection is hard against your ass, and you want to touch it, spoil him. 
“How do I taste, Professor?” you ask, your smile coy.
The answering look in his eyes is predatory. “Divine.”
Turning to face him completely, you end up straddling his thigh, and the firm pressure of muscle against your sensitive sex sends something electric climbing through your veins. It scrambles your brains for a moment and you have to pull yourself together, allowing him to place a lingering kiss on your lips.
“Professor,” you plead. He looks like...well, like someone who just spent some time with his mouth glued to yours, with messy hair and your favourite lipstick on his mouth. It’s a good look on him. “Professor, tell me what to do.”
“Are you sure?” 
"Please. I want to touch you, please you.” You palm the bulge at his crotch, delighting in the way he hisses. Your mouth quirks up before you continue. “I’ll work hard. I’ll be a good student.” 
Lucien swallows heavily. “Get on your knees.” You’re more obedient than you’ve ever been in your life, slipping off his thigh to kneel between his legs. “Unzip me.” He lifts his hips to help you out, and you’re embarrassed to feel how your mouth waters when you pull his briefs down to slip his cock out, licking your lips at the sight of the glistening tip. 
You look up at him through your lashes, your finger tracing a line down his shaft.
“I've wanted this for so long, Professor,” you whisper before giving a slow lick along his length. And it's way better than the fantasy, you think, pulling the head into your wet mouth, your tongue circling and rubbing. He groans, petting your head gently.
“Alright then. Hands behind your back.” Your eyes fly to him in surprise and he gives you a lascivious smirk. “This isn’t a reward. You’re working for something here, sweetheart. You need to work hard.” You try to nod as best as you can, clasping your hands behind your back. “Good girl. Now put that mouth to good use.” 
Each bob of your head slides his swollen cock deeper into your mouth, your tongue running up and down the stiff length. You find joy in each hiss and grunt you manage to coax out, pleasure in every praise he showers upon you. Your jaw aches but you soldier on, determined to see your unruffled professor break. He looks far from it right now, the vein on his neck popping and his muscles coiled with iron, barely holding onto the leash he keeps himself on.
“Deeper,” he rasps. You try to relax your jaw,   tensing up when his cock brushes the back of your throat. The next slide of your mouth on him is slow, trying to get used to the sensation. Your eyes water and he smiles fondly at the sight of you struggling. “Need some help, baby girl?” You whimper and he reaches over to cup the back of your head, twisting your hair around his hand. He murmurs a warning softly before he snaps his hips into your mouth and you gag, spit running down your chin as he starts fucking your mouth with swift thrusts, cursing and praising you in turns. His eyes glaze over with the force of his pleasure, the breathy sounds escaping him lewd enough to fuel a hundred wet dreams. “Good girl.   Relax your jaw. Yes-yes, just like that. I’ve spent hours thinking about fucking your pretty mouth, you know? It’s better than I ever imagined.”
The sound that leaves his lips when you cup his balls is obscene, and your scalp stings from how tightly he pulls your hair. Your tongue massages the underside of his cock, and you swallow, pulling him deeper. He gasps, a filthy curse escaping and you're going to remember it forever. “I’m – coming.” You brace yourself as he stills deep in your throat and comes in heated spurts. His thrusts get weaker as he keeps coming and you choke as you try to swallow all of it. Lucien pulls out of your mouth, nimble fingers hurriedly pumping the last of his seed out onto your lips and chin instead of inside your occupied mouth.
You’re still coughing when he hands you a glass of water, pulling you up and back onto his lap as you drink gratefully. He wipes your face clean with wet tissues, thorough and gentle, and you lean against him, drained. His fingers massage your scalp tenderly, pulling a content sigh from you.
“Hmm. I believe that’s an A+,” he declares, making you laugh and wack him on the shoulder. He kisses you gently, achingly slow, breath mingling as his face hovers close to yours. His expression is open, affectionate, his eyes soft with love and contentment. Your lips still feel raw when you kiss the underside of his jaw, curling up in the enclosure of his arms with satisfaction seeped into your bones. “Are you okay?” 
You can’t hide a smile at his concerned tone, planting a quick kiss on his cheek. He tilts his head to brush his lips at the corner of your mouth, your cheek, your temple. “Mhm. Just tired.” 
“Let’s go home, baby girl. I’ll cook.” 
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Lloyd AC Technologies in India + the Best Models & Tips
India is a nation that's ultimately hot. Thus, humidity and heat are common in India. Now, to overcome the heat at houses, air conditioners are considered to be the ideal solution. With everything becoming net-linked, millennials and generation-z desire their appliances to be clever.
Among those brands that cater to the cooling needs with intelligent technologies is Lloyd. And in addition, it appears to be among the earliest AC manufacturers in India that Havells obtained in 2017.
Lloyd is your number two manufacturer by earnings after Voltas. Lloyd provides both windows and splits air conditioners. Lloyd AC Review contains all the specification of the best Lloyd AC Brand.
Thus, what's making people run following Lloyd ACs? Why you need to (or perhaps not) purchase a Lloyd AC, let us see in this report.
Key Lloyd AC Technology
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Rapid Cooling with 4-Way Swing
Is not it frustrating on a sunny day that you come directly to your house after a day outside in the sunlight, and your AC requires some time to cool down if it had been turned off sooner?
Well, this issue is using the AC for ages. But luckily, brands such as Lloyd are creating positive changes in this way to lessen the cooling time.
New Lloyd ACs include Quick Cooling technology that's designed using a 4-way cooling system that the firm believes can cool the room down in under two minutes.
It accomplishes Rapid Cooling utilizing a 4-way blade swing that thrusts the cool air into 4 distinct sides and hence done the Cooling considerably quicker than normal ACs.
Wireless AC Control
Among the main USP of Lloyd AC is its own wireless AC control utilizing a Wi-Fi system. This feature liberates you from the trouble of looking to your remote to control the huge cooling appliance.
Now all you must get a smartphone download the Lloyd AC distance program, and control your AC from any place on your palms. Just consider it: you're into the bedroom, but your AC is operating in the hallway, and nobody is around.
You may just turn off the AC in your hallway by lying on the mattress of your area without having to get up from the bed! Not turning off and on, other configurations such as fever, style, swing, etc., may also be controlled via this mobile application.
BLDC Motor and EEV For Energy Conservation and Optical Climate Control
Premium split ACs by Lloyd include a BLDC motor rather than a conventional induction engine. BLDC motor stands for brushless DC motor, and the principal differentiating factor is that the BLDC engine has permanent magnets when compared with electromagnets within an induction engine.
BLDC motor is famous for reliability, efficiency, and very low sound emission. ACs coming using BLDC motor are readily attached to the house inverter.
This is quite advantages for individuals who have regular power cuts in their house and rely on inverters during load shedding. BLDC motors at Lloyd ACs are complimented with a digital expansion valve (EEV) which regulates the flow of refrigerant.
EEV contributes to efficient and better cooling, notwithstanding erratic fever or varying climatic state out. Premium Lloyd ACs can operate even at a temperature as large as 60oC.
10-step Inverter with Twin Rotary Compressor
New split ACs introduced by Lloyd include a 10-step inverter controller. Do not confuse this futon compressor technology using all the inverters you use for powering your homes through the power cut.
Inverters used within the AC are for the velocity controller so that AC runs in line with the load. A 10-step inverter means that there are 10 unique frequencies where the compressor can operate.
Inverter technology could be considered an automobile accelerator. Just like as soon as the compressor requires more electricity, the inverter gives it more electricity by running at higher frequencies. If it requires less power, it provides less electricity by conducting at reduced frequencies.
With this technology, the AC’s compressor is always on but brings less power or much more electricity based upon the warmth of the incoming air and the amount set from the thermostat. The speed and strength of the compressor are corrected appropriately.
Twin Rotary Compressor for Lower Noise Generation
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Lloyd is among those silent AC manufacturers around. That is mainly because they utilize a twin rotary compressor which leads to significant sound reduction.
What's more, in addition, it trims down the energy consumption resulting in saving on energy bills. Furthermore, the low-noise fan blade, fantastic air-duct layout, and utilization of noise-isolating fabric modern Lloyd AC keep peacefully cool surroundings in your house.
There's also a mute style that brings the sound level to its underside to approximately 20 dB.
Copper Condenser
To save costs and deliver down the AC costs, many AC manufacturers favor utilizing aluminum condensers in their own versions as it's more economical.
But modern Lloyd AC includes a copper condenser using 100% inner grooved aluminum, which eases in a quicker and smoother flow of refrigerant.
Additionally, aluminum has better heat transport performance compared to aluminum. Copper is also a lot more lasting as it could withstand a greater volume of atmospheric pressure.
Thus, your AC with an aluminum condenser with continue long and lead to lower maintenance cost in the time of fixes.
PM 2.5 Filter with Self-Clean Technology
Together with the increasing air pollution, the filter has grown into one of the vital qualities to check from the ACs besides energy efficiency.
In accordance with WHO (World Health Organization) quotes, amounts of air pollution are on a significant increase in growing economies like India.
A lot of studies have indicated that air pollution may be the reason for increasing instances of respiratory ailments.
Thus, air filtration becomes one of the very significant facets of the AC, and the Lloyd is the air purifier manufacturer that's offering powerful and powerful PM 2.5 filters inside their own premium split ACs to handle this matter.
For the uninitiated particulate matter, PM 2.5 describes extremely fine particles within the air that are of the dimensions 2.5 microns in diameter (or less). Micron is a component of dimension on a microscopic scale with one inch equating to 25,000 microns.
Emission from vehicles along with the burning of timber and petroleum are the principal sources of PM 2.5 particulates. But thankfully, superior Lloyd split AC coming using PM 2.5 filter may filter these impurities within the air.
Aside from the impeccable air filtration technologies, superior Lloyd versions arrive with the Self Clean characteristic, where the filter cleans itself.
Through this automatic cleaning procedure, the indoor system is controlled at a cooling mode at a lower fan speed to ease the removal of dust out of evaporator fins.
Then it switches into a fan-only mode to dismiss the moist air disinfecting unit. This phase removes bacteria and fungus.
Pros and Cons of Lloyd AC
The operation of all Lloyd ACs, generally speaking, is remarkable. You'd see a lot of positive things from the Lloyd AC. Wi-Fi management comes among the very first notable things you'll notice in Lloyd divide ACs.
Assessing your AC working with a smartphone is surely a pleasant encounter. Another benefit is in its Quick Cooling that warms the space in a couple of minutes.
Yet another interesting thing we enjoyed about versions like LS24B22FI is the fact that it allows to switch off the index on the AC, which shows temperature. Because of its 4-way blade swings, the cooling system accomplished by the AC is uniform.
There isn't much to whine about the Lloyd air conditioners, but there are particular areas that require improvement. Energy efficiency is just one of these.
The ISEER evaluation of Lloyd ACs falls supporting the Japanese manufacturers such as Daikin and Mitsubishi. Yet another drawback of Lloyd AC is they do not arrive with an integrated voltage stabilizer.
Consequently, if the energy source in your house is inconsistent, you need to avert Lloyd ACs or need to purchase a stabilizer together with the AC.
Lloyd is a budget manufacturer, and if you're interested in finding an adequate excellent AC at a nice cost, then Lloyd is a superb selection. Their build quality might not be like that of high-quality brands such as Hitachi, Mitsubishi, Daikin, and so on, but they are great value for money.
Lloyd is an inexpensive luxury AC manufacturer, and that is why individuals who search for the equilibrium of great excellent AC, trendy technology, and fair price select for Lloyd AC.
Lloyd is among a few brands that have its own production plant in India. In reality, it used to provide parts for ACs to other manufacturers such as Voltas, Godrej, and Whirlpool.
Thus, Lloyd is unquestionably an ac specialist. Overall, Lloyd is a fantastic alternative if you're trying to purchase an AC. It includes a few cool features and provides great value for money.
Go for Lloyd AC in case that you use technologically innovative AC at a fantastic price point and have a steady power source in your home.
Which are the best AC models from LLOYD?
Lloyd is one such brand that's excelling in manufacturing high-quality Air Conditioners. The air conditioners in Lloyd are packaged with contemporary features.
They offer a variety of air conditioners, including Window ACs, Split air heaters, Tower ACs, Portable ACs in Addition to Cassette ACs. We'll be reviewing three of their ideal Lloyd ACs within this report.
Lloyd 1.5 Ton 3 Star Window AC
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The first AC Inside this record is really a Window AC out of Lloyd. This Air Conditioner includes a 3-star evaluation from BEE. The capacity of the AC is 1.5 tons.
Another top quality characteristic of this AC is that the Air Filters, which can be useful in maintaining the standard of the air pure and fresh.
This AC also has a Dehumidification quality which enables the unit to function in Fan style or Cooling manner, thereby ensuring effective dehumidification without reducing the temperature of your room.
The AC also includes a"self-Diagnosis" role, which assists in discovering errors and then shows them on the LED of the AC's interior unit.
The condenser of this AC consists of 100 percent aluminum, making the Air purifier corrosion resistant. When there's a power failure abruptly, then the AC will automatically restart when the electricity is restored, and also, it is going to function from the prior setting.
Air Filters assist keep the air dust-free and pristine.
The AC includes remote control.
The AC requires very low maintenance.
5 decades of warranty on the compressor.
The compressor guarantee period is less when compared to other ACs.
2) Lloyd 1.5 Ton 5
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This really is a Split Air Conditioner using an Inverter out of Lloyd. It has a 5-star rating along with a "PM-25 Air Filter", which assists in trapping all kinds of airborne contaminants, such as spores, pollen, dust, pollen, bacteria, etc.
It keeps the air clean and wholesome. With the support of this"Quick Cooling" attribute, this AC is likely to make your room more comfortable in only 45 minutes.
The AC also employs the"Air Cooled Electric Control Box" technologies, which assists in efficiently cooling the outside unit of the Air Conditioner even when the temperature outside is as large as 52 levels.
The Air Conditioner also includes"Golden Eva Coils," which protects the device from rainwater, polluted air, or dust. The LED screen also remains concealed, and the AC also doesn't require an outside stabilizer.
Numerous air filters keep the air clean.
The AC is very energy efficient.
The LED display is hidden.
The AC takes only 45 secs to cool the room completely.
After-sales service from the company isn’t commendable.
3) Lloyd 1.5 Ton 3
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This is Just Another High-Quality Split Air Conditioner from Lloyd. The capacity of the AC is 1.5 a lot, and also the very attractive characteristic of this AC is its own "Ayurvedic Tulsi" air filter.
Tulsi is an excellent antioxidant and helps in providing powerful protection against germs, germs addition to fungi. The air filter also has activated carbon, which assists in absorbing damaging properties and discharge fresh and clean air.
The coil of this Air Conditioner consists of "Hydrophilic Aluminium Fins" to protects the AC's condenser against rust and thus increasing the life span of this Condenser coil.
Another fascinating aspect of this AC is the fact that it's the"smart Multi Fold Evaporator'', which economically pushes out the indoor warmth. When there's a power failure all of a sudden, then the AC will begin automatically from its previous setting once the electricity comes back.
The LED display is hidden.
Compact in size.
The air filters ensure blowing out cool and fresh air.
It has a “Tulsi air filter” as well.
Customer service is not commendable.
These are just three of the very best Air Conditioning made from the reputed Llyod business. Consequently, if you're wondering as to that Lloyd AC you ought to prefer purchasing, then this guide would be of fantastic support to you.
There are many brands in the marketplace selling a variety of kinds of air conditioners and, it's easy to become confused. We've clarified all of the characteristics of the three Lloyd air conditioners, so you have the entire value of the cash you invested and find the item of your own choice.
Lloyd AC is from which country?
The year 2020 watched a vast majority of Indians becoming aware of the brands they buy products from. Consumers showed much interest in purchasing from local brands in India to encourage Indian brands and especially boycott goods sold by Chinese manufacturers.
This further saw numerous internet users fad looking for the source of any organization's country. Likewise, since the summer season is already here, a range of individuals are thinking about purchasing a new air conditioner for themselves.
That is the reason why numerous individuals have been tendency hunting about AC brands along with the organization's origin. Interestingly, the firm Lloyd watched many individuals asking about"Lloyd AC nation," "Lloyd new from which nation," and related questions. This is more info regarding the business brand Lloyd and that nation it belongs to.
A word for LLOYD itself
According to the info stated on the official site of the newest Lloyd, it's been stated that Lloyd AC source is India. The official site claims the headquarters of the business is at Noida, Uttar Pradesh. Here's What the About Us' section on the official site of Lloyd reads:
Lloyd has carved a market across India with its impeccable quality criteria together with the unmatched item, service, and guarantee. We, Lloyd, have consistently thought that all of our merchandise is a package of pleasure delivering happiness to houses.
It has helped us get the confidence and smiles of more than 3 million clients. Due to this love and trust, we've been continuously evolving with a bevy of new-age inventions and smarter alternatives.
Lloyd is among the pioneers from the AC category. As we're poised to meet our promise of earning homes more happiness, we bring forth our selection of technologically innovative and visually styled outfits of new-age Air Conditioners, LED TV and Washing machines.
So, the bottom line is:
It's well worth noting that Lloyd is possessed by Havells India. Lloyd's started their travel in India as a joint venture beneath Fedders Lloyd from 1956.
The newest became a sacred brand from the year 2007 if Fedders went bankrupt in America. It was subsequently possessed by the BR Punj Group before it was acquired by HAvells India in Feb 2017.
Tips for making best use of LLOYD ACs
Below are a few of the advice for making use of space air-conditioners. Proper use of Modes and Settings readily available in your Space A.C. can guarantee decent health and relaxation to you and lower your energy bill also.
Below are a few hints!
Your area air-conditioner (A.C.) may or may not possess the Settings and Modes supplied below. Each Setting and Mode is clarified prior to notification when or how to utilize it.
1 – Cool Mode
What can it be? In Cool Mode, the fan operates constantly, and the compressor turns off and on just as needed to keep the set temperature.
When to use it? Utilize the Cool Mode if you desire Room A.C. to cool the space and take care of the room temperature as you set.
2 – Fan Mode
What can it be? In Fan Mode, the fan operates continuously along with the compressor off.
When to use it? Utilize the Fan Mode if you don't want cooling but need the fan in the A.C. to give ventilation (airflow ) from the area.
Rather than conducting the A.C. in Fan Mode (that will provide only restricted ventilation), then you might prefer to conduct the ceiling fan (if it's there in the area ) to get a comprehensive airflow.
3 – Dry Mode
What can it be? In Dry Mode, the fan along with the sealing machine of the A.C. operates; however, the A.C. doesn't blow out chilly air.
As the air moves through the A.C., the humidity (water vapors from the air) condenses on the evaporator, so the air comes out of the dryer.
Thus it's a function that reduces the humidity in the room, which makes it comfier when humidity beyond the area is high. But it’s clearly understood that the A.C.
in Dry Mode isn't meant to substitute a dehumidifier or function for a dehumidifier. The capability to dehumidify an A.C. is a lot lower than that of a dehumidifier.
When to use it? Utilize the Dry Mode through rainy and spring seasons once the temperature isn't hot enough to operate the Cool Mode. However, the humidity is somewhat high.
4 – Smart Fan Mode or Energy Saver Mode
What can it be? Energy Saver or Smart Fan Mode is Meant to decrease the energy intake of this AC.
If this style is set, the AC cools the space normally along with the compressor turn off and on as needed to keep the set temperature. When the temperature drops below the set temperature, the compressor turns off, and the fan will also be switched off to conserve energy absorbed by it.
However, the fan is going to be switched off and on every 2-3 minutes to look at the temperature within the room. When the temperature increases above the set temperature, the compressor will turn on together with the fan.
When to use it? It's always fantastic to use Energy Saver Mode since it reduces the energy intake of this AC. However, some users don't enjoy this manner due to turning their fan on/off repeatedly.
5 – Sleep Mode
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What can it be? The Sleep Mode works just together with Cool Mode. The goal is that the AC will slowly increase the level of temperature preserved by it throughout your sleep.
This helps to boost your comfort level since, throughout sleep, the metabolism in the human body decreases, and thus the need for cooling additionally reduces. Another advantage of this model is the decrease in energy intake of this AC because of cooling.
When to use it? In case you've put your AC in Cool Mode along with the Timer isn't turned on before you go to sleep, then you need to use Sleep Mode.
6 – Temperature Setting
What can it be? From the newer-type ACs, the temperature maintained by the AC is shown in digital form, and also, this temperature could be put by the consumer in the desired value.
From the old-type ACs, the temperature isn't shown, while the temperature setting is permitted on a potentiometer using a round knob. It's been observed that lots of AC users place the temperature in the bottom value (16oC or even 18oC or"Really Cool"), believing this will give quicker cooling.
In fact, this doesn't occur because the AC, no matter the temperature air, injects cool air at 16oC into 18oC to space. The compressor turns off when the AC attains set temperature from the room, and then the temperature is kept at this setting by turning the breaker off and on.
The way to use it? The ideal temperature setting in the factors of your health in addition to relaxation is 24oC to 27oC (24 to 27-degree Celcius).
At precisely the exact same time, this setting (rather than the typical setting of 18oC or so) will prevent substantial wastage of money and safeguard the environment also. In the case of old-style ACs, the temperature knob ought to be placed around mid-way.
7 – Fan Speed Setting
What can it be? As a Frequent practice, the Majority of the space ACs have three configurations of Fan Speed, which are Low, Medium, and High, Together with an Off position.
The fan is intended for venting or flow of the chilled air created by the AC. The fan speed doesn't alter the cooling created by the AC, but greater ventilation has a superior cooling effect on the residents of the room.
The way to use it? The Fan Speed ought to be chosen in accordance with the venting (airflow ) desired. It's usually much better to choose Low or moderate-rate AC fan and utilize a ceiling fan to get a comprehensive airflow in the room.
8 – Timer-Off Setting
What can it be? The Timer-Off air is supposed to set time delay or the shifting time (in minutes or hours ) to turn off the AC mechanically when air conditioning isn't required, and so prevent wastage of money and electricity.
The way to use it? Ordinarily, the Timer-Off is placed appropriately in the time of going to break or to bed with the space AC running, so the AC will be automatically switched off after the wait or in the specified period.
9 – Timer-On Setting
What can it be? The Timer-On Setting is supposed to set time delay or the shifting time (in minutes or hours ) to switch on the AC automatically. As a normal situation, the consumer might prefer the space to be chilled a bit before he returns from the workplace in the day.
He could use this timer setting to change on the AC mechanically at the proper time, rather than maintaining the AC running through the day. The usage of Timer-On can consequently offer a great deal of energy conservation.
The way to use it? The Timer-On could be placed appropriately (as soon as the AC is off), so the AC will be automatically charged following the specified delay or in the specified period.
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lovemesomesurveys · 3 years
Animals Do you prefer cats or dogs? I’m a dog person for sure.
If you had to choose, which animal would you like to be reincarnated as? A dog. 
Some say peoples personalities or looks resemble animals. Whats your animal? Probably a sloth, ha. 
Books Which book series was the first you read? As a kid I loved Nancy Drew, The Babysitter’s Club, Sweet Valley High, and Goosebumps.
What was the last book you read? I’m currently reading Autumn’s Game by Mary Stone.
Would you rather write a book or direct a movie? Write a book.
Characters Which TV show/movie/book character do you think you are most like? Hmm. I don’t know.
Which superhero is your favourite and why? Iron Man, Spiderman, Ant-Man, Star Lord, Thor.
What's your favourite fairytale character? Is Alice in Wonderland a fairytale?
Dreams Do you usually remember your dreams? I’ll remember it briefly and then it like vanishes. My dreams are like a Snapchat.
Are most of your dreams good, scary or just plain weird? Just plain weird, man.
What dream that you've had has stuck in your head the most? Describe: The nightmares or the ones that make me wake up crying and shaking don’t like to vanish, unfortunately. Those get saved to the camera roll.
Emotions What emotion do you find yourself trying to hide from others? I’m definitely not as good at hiding my emotions anymore. They took over and control me now.
How emotional/sentimental would you say you are? A lot. I’m so damn moody.
Do your emotions control you or do you control your emotions? Like I said, they definitely control me. 
Fun What do you do for fun? May not be considered fun, but my days are spent checking my social medias, watching YouTube, watching TV, reading, scrolling through Tumblr, doing surveys, spending time with my family, lounging around, and perhaps a little coloring. I like doing those things, though, so it works for me. 
Which is more fun: cycling, watching tv, roller coaster ride or cooking? Uhh, the only thing I like out of those choices is watching TV.
What is the funnest game to play? I love board games.
Geometry Nearest square thing to you? The throw pillows on my bed.
What was the last circular thing you ate? Cookies.
Is there anything triangular in the room you're in right now? I’m sure, but nothing triangular is popping out at me at the moment and I don’t feel like really looking around and thinking about it.
Height Are you taller or shorter than average? I’m 5â€Č4, which is short, but not shorter than average I don’t think.
Is your Mum tall or short? How about your Dad? My mom is about 5â€Č5 and my dad is about 5â€Č9.
Do you wish you were taller or shorter? I wish I was taller.
If... If you became pregnant or your partner did, what would you do? Well, I can’t get pregnant, sooo.
If you lost something your friend lent to you, what would you do? I would feel really bad, first of all. I’d be nervous to tell them, especially if it was something that was special and unique. I’d of course have to tell them, though, and I’d replace it if possible. If it wasn’t replaceable... I don’t know what I would do. All I could do is apologize immensely and somehow try to make it up to them. I’d be super careful if a friend lent me anything, though, regardless of what it was. I also probably would just not borrow something that wasn’t replaceable or expensive to avoid all of that.
If you had to talk about 1 subject for a minute live on TV, which one? Yikes. That minute would feel like forever, I have no idea. Pass.
Jokes Do you normally tell jokes or listen to the jokes? I’m not a joke teller except maybe some cheesy, corny one I might have heard now and then. 
What is your sense of humour like (dry, dark, sarcastic etc)? I laugh at a lot of things. I like puns and clever humour but I also like dumb things and dry things too. I think it's just really easy to make me laugh. <<< Yeah, pretty much.
Kisses Do you put x's in your text messages? No.
When did you last have a kiss? 8 years ago...
Does your grandma give you big sloppy kisses when she sees you? No. She gives me a big hug and a quick kiss on the cheek.
Language How many languages can you say 'hello my name is...' in? Three.
What language do you think sounds the nicest? I think they’re all unique and interesting.
What language do you want to learn more of? I’d love to be fluent in Spanish. I can only speak and understand a little. Brushing up on it by helping my mom do her Duolingo everyday for the past few months has been helpful.
Marriage Do you ever want to get married? No. I truly don’t see that happening for me.
Church or Registery Office? Dream wedding?
Names Your closest friends names? I don’t have any friends.
What names would you ever call your kids? I don’t want to have kids.
What name is the cutest for a little black and white doggie? I’m someone who needs to see and get a vibe from the dog first before naming them. And not just something that has to do with their color. 
Order Are you tidy? I’m not a messy person, like I don’t have clothes or stuff on my floor, I put my dishes in the sink after using them, I throw stuff away when I’m done, etc, but my room has become disorganized and a bit cluttered. I just have too much stuff and not enough space.
Do you colour code things or put them in alphabetical order? No.
Do you have any form of OCD? No. People throw that around loosely.
Promises Do you make promises often? No.
What was the last promise you made? I don’t even remember.
Do you plan to keep that promise?
Quizzes What types of online quizzes/surveys do you like taking? I like surveys with random and interesting questions that allow me to elaborate. And vent and ramble, too. I like ones like this that are divided up into categories. Themed surveys are fun as well.
Have you ever made a quiz? What was it about? No. I made a survey once a longggg time ago.
Have you ever taken an EQ or IQ test? If so, what did you get? I’ve taken IQ tests and got “above average.”
Responsibility Do you class yourself as 'responsible'? Not as much as I should be at 31 years old. :/ These past few years especially I really feel like I haven’t been responsible with a lot of things that I should be. 
What do you think defines a 'responsible' person? Someone dependable, keeps their commitments, and handles their business. They get shit done.
What is it that you are responsible for? Paying my bills, taking care of myself (haven’t been doing very well with that...), my doctor appointments, cleaning up after myself...
Secrets Do you have a lot of secrets? Not really. I’m quite boring.
"A secret isn't a secret if you tell one person." Is this true to you? Uhhh, that does make sense. You think of a secret as something you don’t share with someone else. I guess if it’s something you tell someone or a few select people that you trust that you wouldn’t want getting out to anyone else it could still be a secret, right? Something you don’t want everyone to know. *shrug*
Thought Provoking If you knew you had a high chance of dying, would you kill yourself before disease riddled you unable or hope for the best? Jeez. I don’t want to think about that.
Choose a box: 1 has a large amount of money, the other either a wish or fear of yours come true. Which do you pick? The money is tempting, but I might go with the wish...
An angel comes to you and offers to show you one thing from the future or the past; past or future and what is that thing gonna be? The future terrifies me, I’d be afraid to know a lot of things regarding my future. But I already know my past, so I don’t know what I’d ask them to show me. I don’t knowwww.
Would you say you are more unlucky or lucky? I don’t believe in luck. I would say I have had a lot of bad cards dealt to me and I also am fortunate in other ways. 
A leprechaun pops up and offers to plant some luck on you but it could go either way. Risk it or dismiss it? Dismiss it.
Violence When did you last hit or punch someone? I haven’t hit or punched anyone.
When did you last get hit or punched? Never.
Are you more likely to be verbally aggressive or physically? I’m not an aggressive person.
Warnings Do you listen when someone gives you a warning? I want to say I would likely listen to a warning, but I guess it would depend what it was about.
What warning has someone gave you that you wish you'd have listened to? That I should have taken care of some things sooner and not ignored/put them off for so long.
What warning has someone gave you you are glad you didn't take? I’m blanking right now. XXX
Have you ever had sex? No.
Have you ever accidentally saw someone having sex? No.
YouTube Do you go onto YouTube? I spend a lot of time on YouTube.
What is your favourite video of on YouTube? I don’t have just one favorite, I have a ton. I’m especially into ASMR.
What channels do you go on the most? I’m subscribed to several people---ASMRtists, vloggers, lifestyle videos, Disney related channels, a mukbanger, a drama commentary channel, and a channel that does videos on abandoned places and the rise and fall of former businesses that are no longer around.
Zodiac What's your starsign? Leo.
What are the traits of that sign? Do you have them? Leos are described as being very opposite of me that’s for sure. I don’t believe in that stuff anyway, though.
What zodiac sign do you think you suit the most? I don’t care.
Number 1 Name me 1 person who has changed your life for the better? My mom.
Name me 1 object that's in your kitchen right now? My Keurig.
Name one creature that freaks you out/scares you? ALL bugs.
Number 2 2nd person that you talked to today was... I haven’t talked to anyone yet, it’s 820AM and my mom is asleep and my dad and brother are at work.
What is 2 times your favourite number? 16.
You and two of your friends have got in trouble with the law. Who are the 2 friends you have got in trouble with and what did you do? No friends, sooo.
Number 3 3 words that don't describe you at all: Healthy, ambitious, confident.
Who is 3rd in your contacts list on your phone? I don’t feel like checking.
In 3 more days, what will the date be? It will be January 25, 2021.
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bewareofchris · 5 years
Public Relations 16/??
R atm | Alec Hardy/Dr. Bill Masters | Broadchurch, Masters of Sex | Strong language, eventual sexual situations
“The fact that Alec Hardy was not currently, had not ever, and did not want to date the American sex research did not seem very important at all to the town of Broadchurch.  They did what they had always done with a little bit of juicy gossip: they made a spectacle of it.”
<< prev | Part 1
Apartment hunting had proven to be an exhausting, endless, tedious process.  The most important thing he had learned from it was that despite the existence of a home with his name on the deed, he hadn’t been involved in the search for it.  If he concentrated properly, he could remember Libby with a spread of printouts and flyers at the dinner table.  He remembered her voice caught in a wave of anxiety; remembered how trivial her worries had seemed. 
Libby had been trying to find a home to raise a family in.  Bill had only needed a house in a respectable neighborhood with a well-maintained yard.  Libby had worried about bedrooms, and bathtubs and windows.  Bill had just wanted a place to park his car.
Bill was an ignorant man, standing alone in an empty apartment, half-listening to the agent tell him about how new the kitchen was.  It hit him low in the gut, the growing realization that he was well-and-truly alone.  That his exile had not been an aberration but the start of a new normal.  He was here to select a place to live and he would have to make a home out of these empty rooms.  
If looking for a home to put things in was hell, he couldn’t imagine what shopping for the things to furnish the home would be like.
Bill didn’t even own a god damn pan.  Bill had barely ever cooked a meal in his life.  
Bill knew how to do laundry in theory.  He’d done it when he was a stupid boy sent away to boarding school and an even bigger idiot in college.  He couldn’t remember now what half the symbols on the clothes meant.
He didn’t own a towel.  He couldn’t even shower.
“Dr. Masters?” the lovely woman said from a safe distance.
Bill was clenching his fists, grinding his teeth, staring at the perfectly clean carpeted floors.  He was trying to work through the building panic and remind himself that he was capable.  It wasn’t that he couldn’t do it; it was that he had to.  He’d destroyed the home he’d had for the chance to love someone.  (Had he?  Had he loved Virginia?  He thought he had; it felt like he had.)  “Yes,” he said softly.
“Did you want a moment?”
No.  A moment meant that reality had to settle around him.  A moment meant that he had to accept things as they were.  A moment meant he really couldn’t continue to sleep in his office; that he couldn’t imagine that things were temporary.  He was truly alone; he had to start over at the start again.
(And it was cruel, how desperately he wanted to talk to Libby.  It was like being stabbed in the stomach.  It hurt.)  
“You said there was a two bedroom model?” he asked.
“Yes.  Two and three bedroom models are available.”
Bill nodded, “I have kids.”  He had three kids, and no reason to think that their Mother would ever let him see them again.
The woman smiled.  “Of course.  Well, the basics are the same in all three models. Let me check the availability on the two and three bedrooms.”
“Thank you,” Bill said.  He forced his hands to loosen, and his shoulders to relax.  He reminded himself that he’d done this to himself; that he deserved it.  He reminded himself that it could be worse.  He could buy furniture and learn how to do laundry.  
Hardy had not made the decision to stay in Broadchurch.  He hadn’t made any decisions at all, and still he’d ended up with a tiny cottage by the water.  That was the sort of thing that came of agreeing to avoid a decision.  Still, Hardy had signed his name on the contract and he was the proud, temporary owner of said cottage and the furnishings within.
Agreeing to things was only going to take Hardy so far.  He couldn’t agree himself into a life that he wanted to live.  He hadn’t even seen the right doctor to agree that he might want to save his own life.  He was still teetering between the will to live and the likelihood that he would live.
It wasn’t that Hardy didn’t have things to live for.  He had a daughter that he loved very much.  He had a career (damaged though it was by the events of Sandbrook).  
He had this awful little town full of nosy little people, like the checkout girl at the gas station that shook her head when she saw him.  She was fond of saying, “how are you doing?”  
Hardy had heard her say it often enough when he was just trying to get a quick drink or a light snack to know that the way she said it to him was different from the way she said it to anyone else.  Those other lucky bastards got the usual: a blank sort of repetitious statement.  April (that was her name) wasn’t asking how they were; she was repeating a catch phrase.  But she always looked at him with sloping eyebrows and genuine worry and when she spoke to him it was soothing.
“Fine,” Hardy said, again and again and again.
If he had to guess why he got a bit of extra attention, he would say that the town (misguided though it was) was offended to know that he was abandoned by his doctor boyfriend during his critical illness.  Maybe they were upset to know that he was ill.  (Even if they didn’t know how ill.)  Maybe they thought he’d had his heart broken.  
Hardy even had a job if he wanted one.  He wasn’t well enough to be a detective but he was well enough to do something, provided he could prove that he was seeking medical care.
There were a dozen little things to live for, to choose to live for.  
And there was the quiet of his empty cottage, with just the sound of his breathing and the answering sway of the water not so far from his front door.  There was a blanket of silence as heavy as a collapsing house, suffocating him with isolation.
Hardy hadn’t meant to program Bill’s number into his phone, but it felt like it wouldn’t have been a bad idea to have a doctor he could call.  He certainly hadn’t meant to pull the number up, to open a text message that he wasn’t even certain he wanted to send.  It was just long after midnight, in the quiet dark, and it had been days since he’d slept properly.  Hardy was a real idiot typing words into his little glowing phone screen.
I believe the girl at the gas station thinks you’re an asshole.
Hardy had sent the message before he could change his mind about it.  He’d regretted it almost as soon as they went through.  It made him lurch forward, so he was sitting up in bed frowning at the screen.  He was still fumbling, trying to figure out how to cancel the text when his phone buzzed in his hands.
Bill said: Alec?
Hardy could leave it at that, he could pretend like it hadn’t been his thumbs that made those words.  He could have let Bill think someone was sending him random messages.  But, he leaned back into his pillows, holding the phone over his face as he typed out a response:
Yes, sorry.  Alec Hardy.
The response came a moment later: The girl at the gas station sounds very wise.  I feel more like an asshole every day.  With a small pause before Bill added: How are you?
The answer to that question was far too complicated.  Hardy couldn’t send a frown and a shrug through his phone so he said, Not sleeping.  You?
Also not sleeping but its not that late for me.  You should sleep, Alec
There were many things that Hardy should do.  Did you rescue your things from fire?
My assistant saved them.  I’m just moving into an apartment.  I don’t even have a mattress to sleep on yet.  Just a pile of boxes of the things my wife decided I could keep
Hardy snorted at that.  I’ve just moved into a cottage.  It came with furniture
You are smarter than me.
Hardy had nothing to say to that.  He couldn’t think of anything clever, and he couldn’t think of anything generic enough.  He stared at the screen searching for any sort of words that could work as a response.  
Bill said: I hope you’ve fallen asleep.  When you wake up, you’ll have to tell me how Broadchurch is handling our separation
Hardy smiled, and just for that one moment, looking at the dim glow of his phone screen, it didn’t hurt at all.
next >>
@it-is-ineffable, @marvelmisha, @e3105eb, @may-darling, @bigleosis, @jiffry6969, @stardust-andwine, @echelongaga
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cardandpixel · 4 years
RocketBook Flip - a rare review and it’s not a game!
Before I go any further, I feel I must point out that I don’t have any financial connection to RocketBook whatsoever – this isn’t a piece that was requested or courted by RocketBook or affiliates and I’m not receiving any reward or sponsorship either in product or direct payment for this article. I just like the damn thing and love it when an innovative piece of tech (in this case quite low key) just works. Hi I’m Paul, and I have a bit of a problem with notebooks – A4 lined, sketch, reporters, Black & Reds (ohhhh the sheer number of B&Rs), goofy ones, serious work ones, battered ones, pristine ‘for best only’ ones – and they all fill at an alarming rate. I make notes on everything. Working as a sound engineer and designer, there’s always mix notes, soundscape plots, ideas, VO notes and scripts, SFX ideas etc etc. At home it’s a very different story – it’s much worse. Game notes; blog notes; hurriedly scribbled quiz questions spurred by watching another episode of Mental Floss’ 500 facts about cheese; RPG notes and story ideas; my own script writing; world building; sketches; other creative ideas; song/music notes and ideas; and that’s before we get to to-do lists; and the dreaded ‘things I must remember’. So my journal life is many, varied and plenty. The usual issue is
 ‘what frakking journal did I put that amazing idea in????’, and that’s way before we get to the utter horror that is possibly losing a whole journal or forgetting to bring one home from work. I’m 53, I forget more than I recall, and journals help bring some semblance of order to a massively chaotic and fertile brain. What I’ve needed for a long time is some way of organising all this info or centralising it in some way. Sure I’ve looked at apps – I used Things, Evernote, Notes, and One Note for years, and they are really, really good, but they relied on either having a charged device exactly when I need it (yeah – me too) or net access, which for a new-ish theatre, is surprisingly a bit of an issue at work. And the most important part – I actually enjoy the physical act of handwriting long-hand. I still write actual physical letters to people, it’s adorable and a bit creepy in this age, but I call it charming and leave it at that. Handwriting, for me, allows me time to think and process in a way that typing just doesn’t. Handwriting is slower, I rarely cross anything out, and so I always have the whole of the thought. So what I’ve ideally wanted for years, was a reliable way of organising all my notes and storing them electronically so I have access even without the actual journal, with OCR so they’re editable, and still being a tactile handwritten experience. I’m naturally a sceptic (I actually subscribe to Fortean Times – yeah – I card carry!) and so online ads and particularly FaceAche ads are a field day for critical thinking triggers. I don’t think I’ve ever received from Wish, exactly what I ordered from Wish. And so when an ad from RocketBook constantly kept popping up on my timeline a few weeks ago, I was naturally “it’ll never work” But their website looked legit enough – they had a dedicated UK shop, it was relatively steep to buy in but not so wild that if it didn’t work I wouldn’t be crying too much about the money wasted, and at the end of the day it was a 10th the price of a ReMarkable 2 which is actually what I thought would solve my problem. I’m furloughed at the mo and though I could argue the case for £300+ notebook (test me, I could), I just couldn’t justify it now. And RocketBook had a good summer intro offer. I ordered on the Wednesday, and the impressively glitzy and graphic-design-playbook poly package was dropped on my doorstep just 2 days later by my cheery postie who yelled up the drive “Package for ya, looks very exciting!!!!” I like that our postal service is still invested in the hopes and dreams of their customers. It was exciting. All the instructions for getting started with my new Teal RocketBook A4 Flip were right there before you even open it. The main body houses the pad and a cleaning cloth, and a clever little side pocket houses the supplied Pilot Frixion pen.
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RocketBooks come in several models, all configured slightly differently. I have the Flip which is a top spiral-bound softback pad with 21 double sided ‘pages’ giving 42 pages in total. The Flip has lined paper one side, and dot paper on the reverse (great for D&D maps, impromptu tables, mixer channel plots etc)
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DELIVERY & FIRST IMPRESSIONS The pads are nicely made, with sturdy covers (available in some really nice colours too) and a solid, thick plastic ring binding. Initially, The RocketBook does feel a bit odd. Its ‘pages’ are actually a synthetic polyester blend and feel quite shiny to the touch. The sort of surface you just instantly feel is not going to be great for ink! Each page is edge-to-edge lined or dotted with a heavy black border. At the bottom is a prominent QR code used for scanning and some very feint icons. These 7 icons are the key to the ease of use of the RocketBook series. But more later.
The pads work with a companion app, that is absolutely free and available for Apple & Android. In fact, RB even do downloadable printable pages so you can try the whole system absolutely free before you buy – I didn’t, I just bought one, y’know. The app allows you to set up your destination locations, your preferences and does the actual scanning. Just one quick note, I have the app on both my phone and iPad and had to set-up the app the same for both, there appears to be no way of swapping preference settings between devices, though I can see why this may be intentional.
Currently, the RocketBook allows you to choose from the following locations to send files to: GoogleDrive, box, EverNote, DropBox, slack, OneNote, iCloud, OneDrive as well as simply to an email (or multiple) addresses and iMessage. Impressively, these are not fixed either, so you could choose your 7 destinations to be 7 email addresses of team members. These 7 locations are the icons at the bottom of each page. To select a destination for your file, you just make a mark in that icon box (tick, circle, something unsavoury) and that page will be sent to whichever you select. This makes the system very flexible indeed as not every page is necessarily sent to every destination. You always decide every time you fill a page. Change your mind on a second revision? No problem, add or change icons at any time and re-upload.
There’s a really handy table on the inside front cover for you to note what icon sends what where. This is also wipeable, so can be changed anytime.
I have mine set by default to:
Rocket > main email address (either as PDF, JPG, OCR embedded or as separate txt file)
Diamond > GoogleDrive (you can specify exactly what folder too)
Apple > iMessage
Bell > OneNote
That actually still leaves me 3 spare: shamrock; star; and horseshoe.
The app took me maybe 20mins to set-up, that included decision time for destinations and setting up a few target folders. It also included a few ‘test firings’. I didn’t get everything right first time and a few things didn’t send, but crucially, a tiny bit of digging revealed very simple troubleshooting (including the aforementioned issue with no sync’ing of phone and iPad), and all in I was finding the files in all the right destinations within about 30 mins. The website, FAQs and community are immensely helpful with any other issues as well. I had a tiny issue with OneNote seeming to take ages to sync, but I think that’s an issue with my OneNote settings, everything else was almost instantaneous. You can also handily set the app to auto-send as soon as it scans, or allow for manual review.
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CLEAN UP ON AISLE ROCKETPAD The main reason I wanted to look at the RocketBook was the issue of reusability. My journal shenanigans are by no means the biggest ecological disaster on the planet, but if we are to believe Tesco (who probably issue as many receipts at our local Tesco Express in a day as journals I’ve ever used), every little helps. If I could find an ecologically better solution, I should at least take a look. The RocketPads work by partnering with Pilot pens called Frixion. The really clever bit is RB’s paper technology and how it works with the Frixion ink. At present, the pads only work with the Frixion pens – except the RB Colour which works with Crayola’s dry-erase crayons. When you write on the ‘paper’ with a Frixion pen, it remains wet for a few seconds and then dries pretty quickly. There’s no smudging whatsoever in transit, which is pretty cool. From then on, it may as well be permanent, until you have transmitted your page and decide you don’t want the text anymore.  To wipe the page clean, you can dampen the supplied cloth and just wipe the surface clean, it’s weird but it works! But then damp cloth in your bag? So I use kitchen roll to dampen, then wipe dry with theirs. Others even have an adorably kitsch spray bottle in their kit. RB reckon if you are not going to use the pad for a few months, to clean the pages as the ink can get trickier to shift after a long time, but for day-to-day use, I’ve tried writing and wiping well over 20x and the page hasn’t become discoloured or tarnished at all. The only pad different in the range is the Wave which cleans by microwaving! Do NOT do this with any of the others, bad things will happen. The ink doesn’t take scrubbing or any time to come up, I clean my pages in about 10-15s. The page can feel a little tacky when it’s damp, but leave a minute or so and the page will be back to normal. RB do say that odd things can happen if the book is left near a heatsource or in a hot car, vis-à-vis, the ink can completely disappear horrifyingly enough. They say that putting the pen or the pad in the freezer for a little while will actually restore the ink, but I’ve not tried it yet so can’t confirm or deny how that goes. Handy for spies in hot countries though, so there’s another target market. If you are always going to send your pages to the same places, then don’t erase the marked icons, and the page is ready for new notes straight away, otherwise, scrub them too.
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I CAN’T READ YOUR WRITING – ARE YOU A DOCTOR? Initially, the RB pads send their files as scans of the pages in high contrast monochrome (colour is available) when you snap the page in the app (which auto-frames for you and takes maybe 10s to capture). The formats are either as images or PDF. If that had been it, I would have been quite happy, but the RB pads have another trick up their sleeve. Firstly, they have a function called ‘Smart Titles’ which allows you to name your files directly from the page by writing a filename between double hashtags ie ## this is my scrawl 24/8/20 ## and the file will pop up in your destinations with the filename “this is my scrawl 24/08/20” – this is insanely handy – there’s no protocol except your own and the hashtags, and it makes your files super easy to search. You can even send groups of pages as a single PDF. But the notebooks go even further. They actually offer full searchable OCR which the app can be set to send embedded in the PDF or image, or more usefully, as a companion separate .txt file. Now, my handwriting isn’t the neatest, but it’s not bad so I was prepared for some editing to be necessary, but impressively again, the OCR was about 90-95% accurate. In a page of text it missed maybe 3 or 4 words and even those not badly. This is all considering their full OCR is still only in beta! It gets confused with diagrams on the page, but that’s to be expected.
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Text Generated by OCR: ## Blog post och test Aug 2020 ## This is a little demonstration of the OCR capabilities of the Rocket Book pads and app. I've told the lovely people that the hit rate is about 90-95% so please dant let me down here flip pad. Hopefully the file name will also prove another point further up in the section and not make me look like some charlatan or snake-oil salesman.Hope you enjoyed this demonstrahen, now go away and leave me to write the next great novella.Bye!
HOW MUCH? On average, I pay anywhere from £4-8 for a decent A4 notebook/journal, so at £30-37 (dependent on model), the RocketBook pads are not a whim purchase. That said, I get through a lot of journals in a year, and given that I would expect to easily get 2-3 years out of a RocketBook pad, then I’ve saved money. Will it replace all my notebooks? No. You need to be thinking of carrying this round as a kit: pad, Frixion pen (at least 2), and cloth.  RB do a series of portfolio sleeves for the pads but it does push the price up a bit still, but for a rep, engineer or salesperson, this still makes sense. They’re less bulky than a normal A4 pad too. What I would say is Tesco and Sainsbury’s currently stock Frixion pens and at much better prices than buying them from RB directly, I just paid £3 for 3 pens on offer at Tesco compared to £10 from RB. You get one pen with the pad, but you’re going to want more soon, so stock up next time you’re shopping for truffle oil crisps. If you use whiteboards a lot, RB also have you covered. Instead of the pad, £16 will get you a 4 pack of ‘beacons’ – little self-adhesive triangles that effectively do the same thing as the QR code in the pad. You don’t have the icon options obviously, but if you’re looking to distribute quick meeting or group notes, this would be a boon. CONCLUSION Considering this was a fairly speculative purchase on my part, my early experiences with the RocketBook Flip have been really impressive. The flexibility, the ability to store every page in a different location if you really wanted to make it fantastic for organising my notes, which can save me hours of finding the right ^^$&^$&$ notebook in the first place, then scouring that for the one paragraph I was looking for etc etc. The searchable text facility, in-app history for re-sending etc and last but no way least, functional handwriting OCR, makes the RocketBook not only novel, but actually useable! Would I buy another? As a second notebook – yes. I look forward to seeing what the actual longevity of the product is once I come off furlough and start cramming my day bag with all my junk and a notepad again, but yes, I’d probably just have one at home, and one for work, but make the last 5 mins of each day, scanning and sending work notes so I have them with me wherever. Impressively, the RocketBook Flip just works and it works well. ‘Er Across The Table has already sold several folk at her work on the idea and she doesn’t even have one herself yet! I love it. It’s taking a little adjusting to, but it’s all good. The most important thing though is the writing experience, and I have to say, the combination of the Frixion pen/ink and the polymer technology of the Flip, again, just works. It’s smooth, doesn’t skip or smudge for me (I know some right to left users and left handers have reported some issues) and feels great to write on. If anything I have to slow down a bit as the contact is so smooth that your writing can get a bit ahead of you! RocketBook have produced a cracker of a product. It might not seem like much, but if practical working journals are your thing (ie not create and keep things) then I can highly recommend the RocketBook series.
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quilloftheclouds · 5 years
Writeblr Positivity Week!
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(Ignore my heckin’ weird handwriting.)
I knooowwww this is super late but Quill got real busy this week with working on schoolwork and Nano so I didn’t have time to finish this up until now but!! Have this!!!
As a part of Writeblr Positivity Week, a lovely event hosted by the wondrous @pens-swords-stuff​, I have put together:
A Selection of Quill’s Favourite WIPs and Writeblrs
(Because there is absolutely No Way I could show all of them, and this is already super long so under the cut we go~)
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@lady-redshield-writes​: Not only a wonderfully supportive icon of the writeblr community, who always leaves marvelously inspiring and insightful comments on original content that gives me and undeniably many others so much more motivation to write, but Lady Red is also such a heckin’ inspirationally SKILLED WRITER. IT’S HECKIN’ AMAZING. Her characters! Her description! The amount of personality in her dialogue and just how engaging her worldbuilding and created atmospheres are, but the EMOTION. THE EMOTION. GOOOO read something of hers and you’ll instantly know what I mean---good luck getting through not completely overwhelmed with feeling!
And Miles to Go Before I Sleep: Humans are the size of insects, warriors ride dragonflies into battle, and an eldritch god-ant rules with absolute power. 
Symphony Number Five: Evka Sekerak, composer and musician, directs the Teplirov Symphony, and is commissioned to write her fifth symphony by the military officials who keep her city captive.
@waterfallwritings​: HECK MATE. JASON. DUDE. WHERE DO I START? YOU’VE BEEN TOSSING COMPLIMENTS MY WAY ALL DAY WHAT. But seriously though, this kid is best. Best Friendo of the Quill. Jason is hugely supportive throughout my writing and throughout my real life since I met him, and his own writing is basically the main inspiration behind why OSS even exists in the first place. We’ve had absolutely so much fun reading through each others’ works and joking around, and talking with him has helped me to discover and develop so many things about my own wip. Not only that but!! His writing is marvelous. His characters are all so fun in their own ways, and I’ve loved watching as they’ve developed to such three dimensional personalities in a story full of epic adventure and intrigue!
A Selkie’s Home: After a storm and a shipwreck, a selkie missing her skin, a triton disguised as a human, a morally questionable sea witch, and a hapless lover of the ocean end up on the same island. When the selkie is kidnapped, the remaining three have to form an unlikely alliance to get her back.
@bookenders​: ENDERS IS A REAL DARN NEAT PERSON OKAY. She is the coolÂ đŸŒ” friend!! She’s a wondrously creative and kind person, and so much fun to talk to! Her STS asks are always so interesting to answer and I just. And I! Just! Love! Her writing oh my stars it’s the best thing ever. Her characters are always so relatable and lovable, with such wonderful personalities and are always so detailed that they feel like real people. She’s also the creator of several of my favourite characters (see: Fred from H2H and Ryan from FF). Her description is astounding, and the way she experiments with different formats and styles is so, SO inspiring, and she always does it in such a skillful way, that reads so nicely!
Heart to Heart: After a series of half-drownings in the lake near the small town of Lindsay, a strange woman appears on the shore, refusing to speak. The local apothecary is sent in to try and help, and now... they’re roommates?
Fish Food: Now assigned to facing the villains of the lowest threat levels after suffering severe losses from his fight against the supervillain Nightmare, Iron Will has to team up with the worst villain he’s ever seen to fend off the threat of a conspiracy that could destroy their world as they know it.
@abalonetea​: OKAY FIRST. Amazingly supportive. Amazingly friendly and creative and an absolute delight to talk to! Katie is marvelous. Her art and her moodboards are so cool and so wonderfully fitting to her characters and stories. And her writing? Oh. Ohhh. Her writing is to die for. Her unique skill of manipulating different text formatting to match the emotion and thoughts of her narrative is just. Stellar, and sets her writing apart from anything I’ve read before. It’s so full of emotion, the way she writes dynamics is INSPIRATIONAL, and her worldbuilding is so wonderfully detailed and engaging. I just. I just LOVE. OKAY. I don’t normally ship characters but Red and Bolte will always be my favourite. And Katie’s message of hope being able to stick it through the worst of it is such a wonderfully motivational theme!
Groundhog Day: Two versions of the same classic rpg video game, one the gritty reboot of the other, glitch together, switching the games of one of the characters with his counterpart—Red and Blue. Now they have to try and find their ways back amidst the formation of friendship and family and the threat of a new war.
As Time Passes On: Two classic pirates form a precarious alliance to set out to find the Eighth Sea, and a device that can turn back time.
@livvywrites​: I’ve only more recently been getting into Livvy’s works but. Wooooooow. WOW. Her writing is fantabulous. Her graphics are gorgeous. I LOVE her characters, so so much. They’re all so distinct in personality and backstory and situation, and the way they’re all involved in the story is marvelously fascinating. SPEAKING OF THE STORY THO. Livvy’s worldbuilding is???? SO IN DEPTH. It is the most deep worldbuilding for a magic type world I think I’ve yet to see on writeblr? I am sooo very excited to see how she integrates it into the plot! But also Livvy is an absolutely magnificent person all around and so supportive and creative and sooo fun to talk to. Love ya, darling~
The Martyr Queen: Alinora Mynerva is visited by one of Death's Reapers, and told she was never meant to exist. She is asked to become his Champion, to stop Fate from destroying the world. Alinora isn't sure she's willing to fight a god... but she is willing to fight the man who took her homeland from her 10 years ago.
Pirate’s Bane: [Quill legitimately can’t summarize this one in so short a space because it’s so delightfully complex, but it’s a brilliant continuation of the previous book above! Go click the link to read the synopsis on the intro post~]
@mvcreates​: I’M SORRY FOR ALL THESE TAGS DEAR MINA BUT YOU DESERVE THEM. Probably just the most interactive person in the writeblr community, Mina’s events and ask games and onwards all are so wonderful, and her engagement with reblogging and commenting on people’s original content is inspirational. AND I’M SAYING IT FOR THE THOUSANDTH TIME BUT THAT DOESN’T DECREASE IT’S MEANING: heckin’ poetic like prose with how much symbolism she fits in there and how lovely it sounds to read aloud, wonderfully clever dialogue and banter and characterization, and characters you love to root for. And her ART. OH MY STARS HER ART. *swoons at majestic colours and shading and textures*
Retrocognition: An investigative journalist with a paranormal gift joins forces with a cantankerous federal agent to expose a Reno-based politician’s (murderous) corruption.
The Vizier’s Apprentice: An alternate universe retelling of a classic Persian love story: One Thousand and One Nights.
@dogwrites​: Venturing into the world of Crime of Mind has only been a very recent endeavour of mine, and I’m only two episodes in at the moment, but gosh golly yarn darn it this story is MARVELOUS. Dog’s ability to write memorable characters with such distinct and identifiable personalities is lovely, their dialogue is wonderful and the body language and description is so heckin’ engaging, and puts you right in the scene with them. And Dog’s also a marvelous artist holy wow. NOT TO MENTION just how awesome Dog is as a person?? Heckin’ ridiculously nice, leaves such insightful and appreciated comments that charge me on. AH. JUST A LOVELY LOVELY THAT I HAD SUCH AN HONOUR OF MEETING. YES.
Crime of Mind:  Dr. Benji Russells, an autistic federal agent, is the youngest member of the Behavioral Analysis Unit, whose knack at viewing individuals and their behavioral chemtrails turned her into a viable asset---but delving into the minds of the country's most insidious leaves none unscathed in the end.
@ardawyn​: OH. MASTER OF DESCRIPTION, HERE. All of Sophie’s writing feels like it could have been written in the world of the story itself despite being very clear and lovely to read, with a vaguely medieval vibe to it all that adds so much to the reading experience. The way she describes environments just puts you right into the scene with the characters, characters that are all written marvelously with beautifully lovable personalities and dialogue and dynamics. And her graphics? Oh, ohhhh. Sophie is probably my greatest inspiration for making graphics and aesthetics for writeblr. Every single one of hers are instantly eye-catching and fit the mood and theme sooo well. Plus, the comments she leaves on my content are just the sweetest thing, and always warm my heart when I read them. <3
The Dawnbringer: A niece of Issarien’s king, Tilda fights against the constricting expectations of her role, making it her mission to find her brother after his disappearance. Rajani is given rooms in the castle of the Prince of Hallrein after being caught stealing, offered a perilous deal she has no choice but to accept. But these two women are connected in an unknown way...
Night Crystals: Amaria was raised an assassin at the orphanage The Obsidian to serve the king of Calastari. But after discovering a secret, she must make the choice whether to stay and swallow lies, or seal her death sentence trying to leave.
@radley-writes​: Although I haven’t interacted much yet with Radley, I’ve fallen completely in love with their writing and ideas. Their art is so lovely and professional and clean, and the body language and personality it portrays is marvelous. But their writing? Outrageously good, and brilliantly hilarious. I’ve mainly only been following His Majesty’s Starship so far, but the way that Radley is able to match the vocabulary and narrative to the time period of the story is so skillful and inspiring, and is absolutely wonderfully engaging by placing you right into the setting like it’s real. The integration of worldbuilding is done extraordinarily well and I am in love with all of the distinct personalities and dialogue of their wondrous cast of idiots.
His Majesty’s Starship: The Eurasian powers expand their empires to the furthest-flung reaches of the solar system – as well as their endless wars. As nations and companies vie for control of the Off-World Colonies , a trio of utter imbeciles come into possession of a secret that many would kill for. A secret that changes everything

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Anywayssss there are sooo, so many more wips that I consider favourites of mine, and so many more writeblrs that I think are the absolute bomb, but Quill’s energy isn’t limitless! 
That said, maybe I’ll make up a simpler post of a bunch of recommendations later... hm..........
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noisymiagy · 4 years
15 Smart Ways to Avoid Getting Sick When You Travel
Assume getting ill while you journey is inevitable? Think once more.
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Extra than 2.5 million passengers board a plane within the united states alone each and each day. And whilst many are looking forward to sitting on a beach somewhere getting a sun-kissed glow, limitless others will experience a much less-exceptional holiday side impact: getting unwell.
Among recycled air, questionable food, and jet lag, vacationers regularly locate that their immune systems are down for the remember, making their trip depressing within the manner. And while hand-washing can assist restriction a number of the germs you stumble upon on your travels, there's only a lot a sink and some soap can do. However,  just due to the fact you've got continued sidelining tour illness before would not imply you need to once more.
We've got rounded up 28 clever ways to avoid getting unwell while you travel. So examine on, and live happier and more healthy in your subsequent adventure.
1-Sanitize Surfaces—Starting on the Plane
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At the same time as cleaning crews do their first-class to preserve the plane easily, they can't tackle each germ. If you need to avoid getting ill from the germs left at the back of by means of different passengers, there is an easy answer: sanitize.
"while journeying, your palms turn out to be 'fomites,' which can be gadgets that switch germs picked up from touching surfaces," says dermatologist Cynthia Bailey, m.D., founder of dr. Bailey pores and skincare. Her concept? "travel with hand sanitizer wipes! Constantly wipe down the arms, far-flung, seat belt clip, and all tough buttons or systems you contact in your seat. Then discard the wipe. Use a brand new one for your palms." and while you want to live secure at some stage in your travels
2-Stay Hydrated on the Plane
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That stale airplane air can quickly depart someone feeling dehydrated and commonly worse for put on. Fortuitously, consuming the proper ingredients can help fight this very quickly.
"I advocate ingesting mild and water-crammed foods, inclusive of a small salad and a chunk of fruit, and drinking lots of water on the aircraft because the air humidity is lots lower than our normal surroundings and it is so clean to end up dehydrated," says Dr. Tara Nayak, nd, a Philadelphia-based naturopathic doctor. And in case you need to hydrate extra healthily, high-tail it to one of the 25 US Towns with the fine ingesting water.
3-Get Your Shots
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Earlier than you even e book your journey, ensure you are up to date on your shots. If you're visiting to a place where you're at danger for selecting up an illness like malaria, you is probably prescribed preventative medicine, as properly. "humans should use the cdc internet site for advocated vaccines with travel or see a travel health facility," recommends dr. Christina bowen, a board-certified integrative own family medication medical doctor.
4-Avoid Ice
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In case you're going to a place wherein you have the motive to be concerned approximately the water quality, ensure to order your liquids with out ice. Even after freezing, tons of the micro organism and different contaminants inside the water, along with lead, will nonetheless remain. "do no longer order ice if the water's in question," says Dr. Bowen. "and most effective drink bottled drinks."
5-Get Up Periodically Throughout Your Flight
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In case you're in for a protracted flight before you reach your vacation spot, ensure you get up periodically to stretch your legs.
"it's far critical to break up long plane rides or long vehicle rides via getting up often to move round and stretch. This could assist decrease your danger of blood clots. It could also save you again from aching after you have been slouching for hours within the equal role in a tiny seat," says Dr. Jasmine Marcus, DPT.
6-Load Up On the Right Vitamins
Want to reduce your risk of getting sick even before you touch down? The right supplements can help. "I always take a bit of vitamin A and vitamin D before boarding a plane to improve my immune function," says Dr. Nayak. 
7-Add Some Probiotics to Your Routine
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While you can't always control the number of illness-causing bacteria in your environment while you travel, you can control how your body responds. "While on vacation, I always up my dose of probiotics to make my body less friendly to invading bacteria!" says Dr. Nayak.
8-Skip the Booze on Your Flight
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While having a cocktail to ease the stress of your flight may seem appealing, if you want to avoid getting sick, it's best to abstain. "I advise strongly against drinking alcohol while aboard a plane! I know it's tempting to get your vacation started but it only contributes to dehydration," says Dr. Nayak. Worse yet, alcohol can contribute to jet lag, leaving you sleep-deprived and at greater risk for illness.
9-Get Plenty of Sleep
While it may be tempting to stay up and explore, getting a good night's rest when you arrive at your destination will reduce your likelihood of getting sick in the long run. Researchers at the University of Washington have discovered a link between sleep deprivation and a suppressed immune system, so make sure to catch those Zs whenever you can.
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10-Stick to Your Exercise Routine
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Suppose you can skimp on exercising simply due to the fact you are on excursion? Assume once more. Researchers at the college of illinois, urbana-champaign have located that exercising can lessen the chance of developing breathing tract infections and shorten their duration, so ensure you're not skipping the gym.
11-Bring Mosquito Netting
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If you're traveling to an area with a high risk of mosquito-borne illness, make sure you pack mosquito netting, recommends Dr. Bowen. Not only will this help you reduce your risk of these potentially-deadly illnesses, knowing you have an extra layer of protection may also improve your sleep.
12-Load Up on Vitamin C-Rich Foods
The proper snack can make all the difference in how wholesome you are—and stay—while journeying. Flip to nutrition c-wealthy foods, like citrus fruit and bell peppers, to maintain that immune machine going robust. Researchers at the University of Otago in Christchurch, New Zealand have located that nutrition c now not simplest boosts immune function, assisting folks who load up on it lessen their threat of turning into unwell but also enables shorten the period of positive breathing ailments.
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13-Cover Up
Preserving your pores and skin covered while you're on a  journey permits you to avoid serious sunburns that could in any other case sideline you. "put on defensive apparel, like long sleeves and pants which have a breathable cloth, in hot regions," suggests Dr. Bowen.
14-Increase Your Fiber Intake
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One clean way to hold yourself healthy while you journey? "get masses of fiber!" says dr. Nayak. "I suggest eating as plenty of clean fruit and vegetables as you may even as on holiday unless you are involved approximately infection! A breakfast of clean fruit with a chunk of protein is first-rate as you may be imparting your body with diet c and other minerals and vitamins that useful resource immunity."
15-Stick to a Nutritious Diet
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Maintaining good health while you travel starts somewhere surprising: your gut. "Proper nutrition with a focus on good gut health will help our immune systems," says Dr. Bowen. Fiber-rich foods, as well as ones rich in probiotics, like yogurt, pickles, and kimchi, will all help feed your healthy gut bacteria, boosting your immune system in the process. 
“ Vacation is all about relaxing, but for many people, travel is a stressful experience in and of itself. Unfortunately, if you find yourself stressed out on your trip, you may be at greater risk for illness.“ so relax and enjoy your moment.
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beaver-universe · 4 years
Wingerns and Rinwars
Wingerns and Rinwars
There has been no news of the Wingerns for the past 250 years, but that doesn't mean they do not exist anymore, nor are Rinwars.
 Among the distinctive features, Wingerns have light hair, tanned skin from birth and bright yellow/gold or (very rarely) blue eyes, thick, partly even childish eyebrows, and cheekbones.
 The whole race looked like one big family, which was more startling than surprising. And that's why they disappeared from the human world.
 Maintaining a clean race of Wingerns and balance the two worlds, they migrated to where they will not get so popular with them people, and they did so because there was an unbelievable number of half-breeds, which strongly disgrace the family of Wingerns.
 Many of them were wingless, but had special abilities (often the same as their parents), but they still had to leave. There were other half - breeds, winged. Children were born without wings and special features, unlike purebred Wingerns, and only in childhood (3-5 years) and rarely in adolescence (12-13 years) they could grow wings.
 Not all half-breeds had abilities, not even most of them. Therefore, many half-breeds, even winged ones, are useless for the society of majestic and narcissistic Wingerns and they are sent to remote parts of the country, special cities, and those who are smarter and distinguished in appearance can get into the Royal servants.
 But I want to introduce you to one insanely rare and important exception.
 The half - blood Princess, named Raverley, is not devoid of strength and wings, and is the most powerful Wingern to this day. But, alas, she is rude, not very clever, and, on the whole, does not look like the heir to the Wingern throne. By the way, the girl does not recognize herself as such.
 Little is known about the Princess's mother, because this information is carefully hidden by the king, trying to build a story so that Raverley's mother died, and the girl herself is a pure - blooded Wingern. Radio (the only media in the country) started, in fact, true, rumors that the Princess is a half-breed and has no right to the throne, but soon the perpetrators were punished and the people fell silent. Everyone knows, but the Princess does have enough power to justify her title.
 About Rinwars, it's much simpler. They are stupid scavengers, they decide everything by force, and the territory is in chaos and ruin, because the new "ruler" does not even consider it necessary to pretend that he is doing anything.
 They Rob themselves, steal livestock, many do not have homes and roam through abandoned houses and villages. Some of the smarter ones go to the villages and grow wheat, which is the main value in the country, but they are not happy, because everyone is stealing.
 As I said, they do not have a king, not a President, but a “ruler”. Riel (the current Governor) has been selected by force, killing many candidates, he was left alone and began to rule. There were many women sitting next to him, but he had only one child, and that was illegitimate.
 Aizel is a smart young man, not like his father. He reads a lot, he's very responsible, but in physical terms - absolute zero. His father did not love him, his mother immediately left, because she did not want children and he remained with himself. He found solace, as I have already mentioned, in books. He loved fantasy, read romance at times, and mostly detective stories.
 Because of this his father decided to create an alliance with neighboring Wingerns. Rinwar's land has long been empty, and people need food, but most importantly - Ryöel was afraid to allow a stranger to the throne, his greed was ruining him. Therefore, he decided that the best option would be to make his son ruler of these lands in a different way, more bitter, but it would allow them access to the Wingern finances, which was very important in their situation.
 Ryöel decided to offer his worst enemies an alliance and presented his son as a candidate for the role of the Princess's fiancee. After much thought, the King agreed to the deal, because the land of Rinwars was full of resources and could bring a good harvest if properly cared for plants, and notified his daughter about it.
 The Princess stormed, smashed Windows and tore curtains, but all in vain - it was profitable for both sides. Rinwars-prosperity and finance, Wingerns - land and profits from trade.
Here is some quick sketches of Raverley and two minor characters- Simon and Carlo (bottom left) and Marioka (Pandzsi bottom left).
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healinglightmasks-blog · 4 years
Homemade Face Masks
Skincare is an intensive topic. Whereas there are countless chemical products, creams, ointments, oils and serums that promise great outcomes on your skin, just a few work with out consequences. Skin care, in keeping with most consultants, must be as pure as doable. Whenever you start led light mask out with a fantastic cleanser, toner then moisturizer it is best to finalize your routine with the advantages of a facial mask twice weekly. Face masks are perfect for all skin varieties and the advantages are real. In this publish, we'll speak about facial masks intimately.
A homemade face mask comprises pure and organic ingredients in a concentrated form which are meant to supply on the spot outcomes. In the event you cannot be pampered with a professional salon facial each week or month then let's take a look at do-it-yourself dwelling facials. In contrast to creams and lotions, you don't use a face mask every single day. Our Blog The correct face mask will hydrate skin, take away extra oils, pull out impurities and tone after a single use. Your pores and skin will really go through a detoxing while utilizing a mask. Masks are incredibly efficient at offering the deepest cleansing process which results in an improvement in the look of pores that you may see and really feel.
Depending on the kind of face mask you utilize, you can count on advantages like discount in zits, pigmentation, scars and different skin issues. Most masks are supposed to provide a quick facial to the pores and skin, in order that the face feels extra relaxed, rejuvenated and hydrated on the identical time. You should also concentrate on products Social Network Here that are natural and give the very best outcomes. Ideally, it's best to go for natural skin care merchandise which are free from SLS and parabens and have no unwanted effects in the long run. Some masks are meant for specific skin issues. For example, you can find masks which are formulated particularly for dry or aging pores and skin.
Most products are straightforward to use and are available in both a cream or powder type. To a dry focus simply add a couple of drops of water or some other natural answer such as rose water, aloe or buttermilk to create a paste. Apply the mask all over the face and neck and hold it on for at least 20 to half-hour. As Healing Light Masks soon as the mask has dried completely you possibly can gently wash your face with cool water. Needless to say after a couple of minutes the mask can really feel a bit drying on the skin, so use moist arms and round movement to wash off. Make sure you apply a natural moisturizer immediately after rinsing your mask.
In case you are new to face masks, it's clever to read the components in detail. Just be sure you test all the merchandise in a specific vary earlier than making a last product choice. You may wish to do a patch take a look at for some products, particularly if you have acne-susceptible or sensitive skin.
Many individuals have their pores and skin-care regime down to a science: wash, tone, and moisturize. What many individuals do not understand is that including a mask to your established routine will detoxify, moisturize, enhance circulation and contribute to the general health of your skin.
Yet, even with all the advantages of utilizing a masks in your face, people tend to overlook this healthy skin-care step. Depending on the model, it can turn into a costly addition to your routine. Additionally, with organic advocates encouraging everybody to chop down on their exposure to environmental toxins, it does not imply solely paying attention to what we eat but also what physique care merchandise we use. The simple solution to both problems is to create your personal facial masks using complete elements from your pantry.
There are a number of options in the case of home made face masks and the nice thing about using typical pantry items to create face masks? You'll be able to customize the mask to use components that may help clear up your explicit pores and skin subject.
Honey Masks - It couldn't be any easier than this! Open your pores by patting your face with a warm, moist washcloth. Apply honey in a skinny layer and go away on pores and skin for 15 minutes. Rinse with heat water and end with a cool water splash to close your pores. Honey is of course antibacterial and an exquisite exfoliant, making it the right masks for those with acne.
Egg Mask - You may use the whites or the yolks in a face mask. If using egg whites, beat them with a fork till frothy, and apply to your face. Just leave it in your face till it dries and rinse with heat water. For Wikipedia Here the egg yolk masks, unfold the yolks in your face for half-hour then rinse with heat water. Egg yolk masks are nice for moisturizing dry pores and skin while egg white masks are a wonderful remedy for shiny skin.
Banana Oatmeal Masks - You might wish to just sit down and eat this mask as an alternative of making use of it however in the event you resist making it your breakfast, your face will thanks! Simply mash up a whole banana, add sufficient dry oatmeal to make a paste, apply it to your face for 15 minutes, and rinse off with warm water. The oatmeal exfoliates while the banana softens and moisturizes your pores and skin.
Avocado Masks - As an alternative of putting that avocado in your guacamole, save one half of it to make use of in a home made face mask. Mix ? of an avocado with one teaspoon of honey and one teaspoon of Greek yogurt. Combine till smooth, spread it onto your face and leave for 15-20 minutes. Rinse with heat water and moisturize. Not surprisingly, it's the wholesome fat in the avocado that contribute to supple skin, making it appropriate for anybody with dry pores and skin issues.
These are just some of the options for a homemade facial masks. If you happen to use easy elements https://healinglightmasks.com/ out of your kitchen, the mixtures are countless and the outcomes are astounding!
Face masks are known to be useful in cleaning the outer layer of skin as a result of it helps remove the dead skin cells and dirt. Some masks can even deep cleanse the face. It helps you clean as well as improve the looks and health of your face's skin. The facial mask will show you how to obtain a better pores and skin texture and it'll make your pores and skin clearer. And with a clear skin, you'll be able to prevent oil build up and pimple formation. If you wish to use a facial masks, you could have two choices. It is either to purchase business facial masks or to create your personal facial mask at house. Listed here are three the explanation why do-it-yourself face mask is best than commercial ones.
First, you must spend some cash for a ready to make use of facial masks in case you opt to buy commercial masks. Nonetheless, you can save some money in the event you select to use a do-it-yourself face mask. The explanation behind that is that many of the ingredients of known to be efficient selfmade face masks could be really present in your kitchen or fridge. A few of the most popular substances are as follows: egg (yolk and/or white), milk powder, honey, lemon juice, yeast powder, oatmeal, yogurt, mayonnaise, papaya, avocado and cucumber. You don't want all the above talked about substances to make an affective do-it-yourself masks. In actual fact, a milk facial masks can do wonders and this is made simply by wetting a cotton ball with milk and dabbing it onto your face. Some home made face masks includes a solution or a paste that's produced from two or extra of the listed ingredients.
Second, a do-it-yourself face mask may be custom-made in keeping with your wants. As an example, you should use a do-it-yourself face masks that can deeply cleanse your face but will focus in treating your pimples or acne. For instance, mixing lemon juice with fuller's earth yeast powder to make a mud facial masks is known to be efficient in eliminating zits. You can too address different face pores and skin problems like dryness or oiliness utilizing a do-it-yourself mask. To do so, you just need to choose the elements rigorously. For dry pores and skin, a home made facial masks with honey and egg yolk can do the trick.
For oily skin, honey and egg white needs to be in the mixture. You too can create a facial mask that can treatment solar burn, black heads or enlarged pores. Though the commercial or prepared to make use of facial masks give the comfort that you'll not should be messy within the kitchen, a home made face mask can help you customize the mixture to match your skin wants. The only disadvantage is that you will want to do some research on the required ingredients.
Third, most home made face masks will require you to combine natural ingredients so you might be guaranteed that there isn't a any harsh chemical in the whole solution or combination. Using a selfmade facial mask offers you the assurance that there are no harmful chemical substances that can touch your pores and skin. You are the one to create the combination so you'll know the substances that you will put onto your face.
The most important factor to do when you use homemade face masks is to decide on the elements fastidiously based mostly on your pores and skin's wants. It will assist to protect and treat your facial pores and skin more rapidly and more successfully.
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