#vegeta clan
freshthoughts2020 · 1 year
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6′ X 9′
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snackugaki · 1 year
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.... i have been so normal about wanting to draw tactical!Venus and tactical!Jennika.
hey. HEY. y’all need to go check out @donathan ‘s artwork, and if you are the proper age, go throw some money into their patreon for some... some real, real good art. 👀👀👀 ...but do not if you are a minor, that shit ain’t for you.
some IDW TMNT comic spoilers... and.... I guess... Next Mutation ssspoilers? I know some of you kids haven’t turtled up and watched my beloved childhood iteration yet.
alright, so, y’know, completely normal expenditure of my energy and skillset, amirite? big big thanks to @/donathan for allowing me to play around in their AU’s aesthetic because I have severe, terminal VenusAndJennikaDeserveEverythingoccocal SoIWillManifestItMyselfitis.
and tbh, all y’all’s fics have been, mwah, chef’s kiss. but SOME of you put LORE. delicious, tasty, appetite-inducing lore.
and i am nothing but the littlest hoebag for lore.
okay so, quick rundown for those who both A) are immune to spoilers B) also do not know Venus or Jennika’s origins-- bulletpoint time~!
So Venus de Milo, the “girl turtle”, the “fifth turtle” (not counting April’s extremely brief stint as a white-bandana’d turtle in the Archie comics run) was introduced in 1997′s Ninja Turtles: The Next Mutation
An episode of “The Toys That Made Us” touched upon Venus’ creation so idk it’ll cover what I won’t deign to acknowledge.
her backtory is interesting (just her show was a trashfire /affectionate)
Master Splinter’s frolicking around in the dreamscape where all the cool enlightened old people hang out away from teenagers, right?
but oh no! dragon lord, a bad dude with a widow’s peak to rival Vegeta Dragonball’s widow’s peak; is there too! stomping around, ruining shit!
Splinter’s dreamscape buddy Chung I warns Splinter to stay out of the dreamscape ‘cuz Dragon Lord’s around
And like in true old people fashion, just ignores his friend’s admonition and tries to investigate himself
bad choice, womp womp
Splinter gets trussed up and rendered “stuck” in the dreamscape
cue the catalyst for Venus to make the 10+ flight from China to the U.S
don’t worry about what the boys were doing, just literal surfing in sewer grey water, breaking their little turtle skulls on cinderblocks, and picking fights in warehouses with Foot clan goons
tl;dr Venus still has Sixth Ranger mode on, so naturally she whoops all of their asses in the dark, ties them up (like how some of y’all enjoy writing Leo does huhu nudgenudge winkwink)
and then, y’know, it’s still the 90s and children’s television so blah blah the usual “oH My gOd a GiRL tURTle???/?? AWoooOOogaaa ga ga ga” 
it’s.... I mean, i’m 38 so it no longer strikes me as bad as just really fucking embarrassing... for them. to be written saying. fuck, at least they didn’t make her bandana color pink.
so fast forward to Venus teaching them to dreamwalk so they can go rescue Splinter from Dragon Lord’s clutches in the dreamscape.
unfortunately, Dragon Lord offscreen murders Chung I so Venus is narratively anchorless post-rescue, so she’s invited to stay with them. thus ensues wacky hijinks with their new pal, Venus Boom Boom de Milo.
I glossed over the urge to write a cumulative review of Next Mutation. Just, take my word as the target demographic of the show during the last gasps of 90s Turtlemania that TNM was a trashfire overall but... y’know... if you ever needed a palette cleanser after some grimdark or angsty TMNT content, give TNM a whirl. The slapstick was intentional and The Point in the show. Venus’ circumstances for coming was as serious as it would get.
... Also, yes, they made them not related in TNM, preteen snackugaki didn’t clock why because I watched a lot of wuxia as a kid so brotherhood is a term beyond blood ties to me (and if I’m being honest, martial brotherhood is fkkn metal) and later I heard tell that it was to lure more girls into the franchise with both a girl turtle and romance options. which idk whatevs man. 
I also have to clear that, actually no, Donatello and Venus did not fight EVERY episode. Donatello, despite sprinkling a little too much barely disguised snobbery, did defer to Venus’ expertise in “the supernatural” when the situation called for it, and Venus would commend Donnie on his scientific ingenuity. They even teamed up skillsets to create surveillance drones! She essentially casted Calm Emotions on him while he tried to hack the controls of the Astro Megaship back for the In Space Rangers. They breached the divide between STEM and Humanities! They only had one “real fight" near the end of the season-- because Donnie was playing his containment breach elevator mid trash copyright strike immune proto-EDM too loud while she was trying to meditate. and that’s just being bad roommates tbh.
...christ I know it’s gonna come up too, but also NO, there was not constant advances made toward Venus during the show. At most was Mikey pulling his ol’ “I work out every day~!” schtick for like 2 episodes of the 5 spent to introduce Venus. And then after? A shipper’s desert, you’d have to dig and peer behind like 8 curtains for any viable fodder. 
...OKAY NOW FOR JENNIKA’S ORIGINS: Jennika is an IDW character specifically so, naturally why she isn’t in (or would’ve been, AHEM) a lot of iterations yet (or at all, COUGH) (but to continue in honesty there’s a lot of legal tape to cut through since Jennika is IDW’s while TMNT overall is Nick’s) Introduced as a Foot Assassin, her place in the Foot Clan shifts when Splinter takes over from Shredder (Saki), eventually she forms actual bonds with both the turtles and Splinter to where it’s implied she also saw him as an important figure to her if not an outright surrogate father figure. And because TMNT is mess and drama the other 50% of the time, Karai takes over the Foot from Splinter and shenanigans compounded by Karai’s then-current machinations for the Foot-- results in Jennika getting shanked in the stomach by Karai during a clandestine meeting to resolve clan rivalry. She’s losing blood fast, Donnie works to save her and it’s Leo who volunteers for blood transfusion to keep her stable mid-transit. 
Leo’s blood mutates Jennika into a mutant turtle. And then Casey ghosts/dumps her. My poor daughter. She has a real rough time of it before fully integrating with the boys. Raph falls in with Old Hob, gets hoodwinked, and now they live in Mutant Town. Jennika slowly finds herself again, as a mutant turtle, a Splinter clan ninja, a girlfriend, a guitarist in a band she started, a sister in a found family, and a constable to a very little town.
okay! we’re all marginally informed about my two wonderfull daughters, Venus and Jennika~!
so if I can indulge further, I’m going to use my cognizance and make it everyone’s problem because I have beem quietly foaming with ideas for bg lore for tactical!J&V, more bullet points!
ok so, donathan mentioned a bit about their tac! Leo and Donnie being the snipers, Mikey and Raph spotting for them while also being demolitions and heavy ordinance specialists respectively
I would think, then for Vee and Jen, they’d be classified as close quarters combat specialists, complicated extraction? compromised area? call them to clean up and clear out~
give or take “magic” being a thing used in donathan’s AU, or anyone’s AU of this AU, Vee would probably be a close combat specialist along with Jen.
Vee, I feel, would, barring a ...”tactical fan”, (even though in TNM it was just her fists and her little wizard components but her toy came with a fan so.) probably use batons, Jen in lieu of her tekagi-shuko would... most likely use tactical karambit. not that large of a leap really.
for my personal lulz, Vee and Jen are... accurate, height-wise. Raph gets to be the biggest brother since alligator snapping turtles are, in fact, the largest motherfucking freshwater turtles on the north american continent. no getting around it.
my Vee in all Rise AUs is a softshell since the messy hanzi used to write her first given name, Mei Pieh Chi (美鱉气) has the hanzi that’s most commonly translated as softshell turtle (鱉). eh ‘di wow talaga
snacku what do you mean ‘accurate’???? tl;dr female turtles are usually the larger ones in most species.
and listen, I love and I mean LOVE, how some of y’all have written the tac!boys, mwah; but god I’m a professional turtle bully. I need to see them get dunked on. for nutritional value. and if it comes to it, I will provide that food for myself. brb laughing at eventually drawing Venus just offhandedly tossing Donnie into the air to skeet shoot his ass for fun brings me the greatest joy.
they absolutely dote on Mikey, as is the natural order of things. 
and even tho I stated TNM Donnie and Venus got along in the show, and depending on the existence of magic in this AU; I just really love dichotomous rivalries (in as much “science” and “magic” exist as a dichotomy, much less as “diametrically oppose” fields-- just, opposites man. i’m a simple girl with simple trope needs)
Vee’s arms (and legs) are absolutely covered in burns, scars, and missing flesh divots, just as close to swiss cheese limbs as you can be
Jen and Donnie debate tracks that go into their joint “On Our Way To Commit Murder” playlist
if Vee’s tactical look seem very familiar, and you’re wondering if-- yes, you’re correct. and you can “call her ms. de milo if ya nasty”
Vee was actually pretty calm and rational in TNM... but for this AU, she can be a little unhinged, as a well-deserved treat. (and ‘cuz that specific anime unhinged facial expression is fun as fuck to draw, which is my treat)
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wheregoodthingsthrive · 3 months
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☘️🎻🍇🌿Who wants to smash dragon ball OCs together like barbies please dm me I need dragon ball friends
All the bits under the cut cause I’m going to ramble about these
Okay. These are my pookie wookie bears from the depths of my brain that have spawned as a result of needing to stretch and chew on dragon ball's expansive universe.
Cress -- Saiyan, a runaway member of the Frieza Force who crashes onto a peaceful, shrouded planet inhabited by the Mel'hivi and their borderline god Andolin. She abandoned the force prior to the destruction of Planet Vegeta and has been willingly staying on Mel'ha with Andolin as she 1. has grown to love and value the planet, her life, and the Namekian and 2. to escape her Frieza Force squadron (SRF). She is dedicated to being a defender of the planet she lives on and its dragon balls. She and Andolin kiss sometimes. Name pun = water cress.
Andolin -- Namekian, a Dragon Clan Namekian who is the protector/'kami' of Mel'ha and the Mel'hivi population. He created, nurtures, and controls Escotera, the dragon of his created dragon balls. He is patient, somewhat stern, and extremely skilled in the magics of the Dragon Clan, creating nigh his own palette of skills that would qualify him as a nigh Grand Elder. Though he is young, he is mighty, basically. He and Cress kiss sometimes. Name pun = the mandolin.
Raserry -- Icejin? Arcosian? Frieza race. The leader of the Special Risk Force / Raserry Force (SRF). He is haughty and serious, showing off less glamor than his kin Frieza. Think Starscream from Transformers but with less "bug on the windshield" vibes. He is the one who organized the SRF, dedicating it to hunting down and executing or the reinstitution defected members of the Frieza Force. (DJD but in DBZ). He is ruthless, doesn't like to play with his food, and helps oversee the political maintenance of the Icejin-Arcosian-Frieza race planet in the absence of its political leaders (Frieza and at times Cold). Name pun = raspberry.
Saffren -- unique race (Zacin/Zacins). The green sketch one. Saffren is Raserry's right hand in the SRF and is the heavy, hard-hitter of the team. He, alongside the remainders of the SRF, are dedicated to the finding of the dragon balls for devious silly little reasons. Name pun = saffron. When Raserry is away, he runs the show with an iron fist and with merciless motion. We love him. He has four arms! That's his special bit.
Tarte -- unique race (Fumi/Fumian). The weird lady punching the super saiyan. Tarte is a member of the SRF. She is a Fumi, an aquatic dwelling mammalian creature who is such an amalgamation of traits and tropes that she is a melting pot of Bad. Her unique skill in the ability to quiet her ki, turn invisible via her mirage-inducing skin, and her traversing skills under water. Name pun = tarts.
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rowanwithaz · 9 months
How Katsuki's Character Is Misunderstood.
I think people that hate Katsuki just don't really understand his character or how he breaks the cliches of most rivals in shonen.
Accidental rant :D
No Tragic Backstory.
Vegeta had his home destroyed,Sasuke's clan was murdered,Shadow lost everything,etc. They have "reasons" to be an asshole,people excuse they're actions because people say "You can't blame 'em,"
Which is kinda an awful way to look at people's actions and why they do it. A character always needs a motive,and killing half their family,giving them abusive parents,makes it easier to write them. (kinda like a cheat code)But,with Katsuki,he doesn't have a "good" reason to do all the bad things he did.Katsuki stands out because he has what we would call a good life. He has good grades,he has both of his parents,who love him,he has an awesome power,he has so many things going for him,so,in most people's minds he doesn't have any issues and he's just a spoiled brat who doesn't get what he wants. And I think that's what trips people up the most,because he doesn't have a objectively good reason to do anything,but,here's why it's GOOD he doesn't follow that formula. Katsuki is just a kid who was an asshole,that's really it,in reality it's so simple,but some how Horikoshi took one of the most simple things and made it so complicated and gave it so many layers.
Katsuki just felt like he wasn't enough even though people told him he was,he knew he had what people would call a "perfect life," that he was "perfect," and that's what messed him up so bad. He felt deep down,despite what other people were saying,he was inadequate; because one person who he shouldn't think is better than him makes him feel weak. It doesn't make sense. If you were pampered and told you were essentially perfect,then one slip up happens and someone who you have been told is beneath you,that should be beneath you,is the one who helps,it would confuse you too. (Also,remember,Katsuki is a CHILD when this all happens,and he had no one to talk to about it,so of course those feelings would build up over time). It also doesn't help Izuku always wanted to be near him,and when you look at it from Katsuki 's perspective,that person is only there to see you fuck up,that person (Izuku) is WAITING and WATCHING your every move. Waiting until you fuck up just to leave you and or mock you. You would feel like shit too if that's what you thought for ten years.
Katsuki is not some "brat throwing a tantrum because he doesn't get his way," He's confused and coming to terms with a lot of things. His arc is about acceptance. He learned to accept he isn't the best or strongest,he learned to accept he needed help,he learned to accept himself,he learned to accept Izuku.
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The person Katsuki has been losing to his whole life,is the person he thought he should be. He had to let himself lose to win. GOD,THAT IS SO DEEP.
(*I also hate the whole thing of, "Well, Katsuki had no reason to be the way he was," then those same people will turn around and get mad that Toga is having a redemption arc because "nothing justifies killing" first, no one is saying it does,second,you were just saying you need a bad past to be forgiven for your bad actions,which is awful. Like,you can't make mistakes if you haven't suffered. That's fucked.*)
KaTsUkI DiDn'T fAcE aNy CoNsEqUeNcEs
My honest reaction:
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Katsuki faced defeat his VERY first day at his dream school. It wasn't just that he lost,he had his HERO his IDOL the person he looked up to,insult and scold him while he sang the praises of Izuku right in front of him. I hate that argument so fucking much. Like,did you seriously read this blindfolded? It happens in the first VOLUME. And it just gets worse.
He gets kidnapped and then has to deal with all of that shit on his own. I also can't image being called a villain when you're trying your best to be a hero,and you got kidnapped because of your personality. Katsuki faced,in my opinion,the most brutal and most instant humbling ever. And real quick,I made a post about All Might and why I don't think he's going to die,and I brought up he sucked at teaching,and in my opinion,he was an asshole too. When he sees on of his students having a panic attack the first thing he says is:
"U.A. Will humble ya :D"
That is beyond problematic.
(Not All Might bashing! I think he's a great character,but I think he was an ass at the beginning of the series,that has a lot to do with his hero persona and his inexperience with children,and just socializing as a whole. And that's why I like him,because we see him grow to be less like his persona and more like his true,sweet,authentic self.)
Inconsistent Writing.
A lot of people get Inconsistent writing and...y'know...more than one tone and personality trait mixed up.
I've see people say, "I don't like how he's written because it's inconsistent,'' and I think that is bullshit. Mainly because out of all the characters Katsuki is objectively the most consistent one.
I saw this person say they didn't like how Katsuki's anger is treated as a joke then the most serious thing in the room,and I say that's valid,but I think the thing they don't understand is tone and context. In the context when it's a joke,Katsuki isn't necessarily even "mad". I think when it's used as a more comedic device,it's not his anger,it's his inability to express himself without yelling. And I think it's funny and interesting to see how Katsuki struggles to articulate himself when he's not "mad" or "yelling." He also lives in a household where communication is done by yelling.
The atmosphere and tone really matter too. When Katsuki has his more "funny mad" moments it's with a group of people all smily and happy. No one is actually "mad." Including Katsuki.
DAMN. I didn't mean to go on a rant like that. Uh,anyway;Katsuki is my favorite character,if you couldn't tell.
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tobiasdrake · 17 days
(Re: The Ginyu Post) 1. If Ginyu had only ever body changed with other mutants, then that might explain why he hadn't encountered the same problem he did with Goku. Goku's power requires a lot more skill to access. 2. Not really relevent to anything but I just want to note that we also see someone who may be a Namekian Mutant: Nail, who Friexa clocks at about 42,000. Though he's also the personal guard of the Grand elder, so it's also possible he reaped the benefits of unlocked potential like Krillin did
Yeah, Nail is pretty amazing for such a short-lived character.
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Vegeta should be grateful that the Ginyus showed up because this was probably about to end badly for him.
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Jeice's line here has been through some fixing. The original version had him astonishedly reading that Vegeta's battle power is coming up to 20k. This, of course, doesn't seem that impressive since he was said to have been 18k on Earth and, in fact, read at 24k earlier in this very arc.
The line was later revised to set Vegeta's current BP at 30k, following his zenkai from Zarbon.
Viz hedges their bets here by using the original 20k number, but adding "And still rising!" Which is still kinda janky because now Burter's reacting with astonishment to an explicitly lowball estimate of Vegeta's ki.
Either way, uh.
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Yeah, if Vegeta had succeeded in starting shit back there, he was about to find out real fast and in a hurry why you don't fuck with the Grand Elder's bodyguard. Nail was about to happen to Vegeta in very much the same way that Recoome later did.
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Pictured: An approximate estimation of what Vegeta didn't realize he was volunteering for back at Saichoro's home.
It is a pretty popular theory that the reason Nail is this powerful is because he's already had his dormant power drawn out by Saichoro. It is the logical conclusion. Saichoro can draw out a person's dormant ability from someone and there doesn't seem to be any reason he wouldn't do that for his personal bodyguard and attendant. He does it for Krillin, Gohan, and even Dende.
This is never confirmed nor refuted in the manga. The only explanation ever offered for Nail's power is that he's Senshi Taipu or a "Warrior-Type Namekian". This sets him apart from those earlier 3k BP Namekian fighters, as Saichoro notes that he's the only Senshi Taipu on Namek.
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Viz says "true warrior" in place of Senshi Taipu which is kind of a slap in the face to those other guys. Now it just sounds like he's shit-talking the dead. Rude.
But the idea is that Senshi Taipu is the other special class of Namekian. The other being Ryuzoku or "Dragon Clan", the sorts of Namekian mystics who do things like create Dragon Balls. The Nameless Namekian was Ryuzoku - and a prodigy Ryuzoku, at that.
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It's weird to me that one is a "Taipu" and the other is a "-zoku". We have Ryuzoku, the corrupted Mazoku, and Senshi Taipu. Why isn't that one a -zoku? But I digress.
Something interesting to note about this is that it retroactively implies explanation for how Piccolo was able to reincarnate himself stronger.
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"He broke off a piece of himself that's even more powerful than he is because, uh, of reasons." Kind of a weird thing for him to be able to do, right? Why doesn't our Piccolo ever spit out an egg and make Piccolo III who's 8x more powerful than Piccolo? If spawning copies of himself that are superior to the original is a thing he can do then that implies some brand new options.
The Namek arc implies some explanations. During the Frieza battle, Dende explains to Piccolo that he's Senshi Taipu, so he can't learn mystical arts like healing magic.
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But the Nameless Namekian and by extension God and PIccolo were Ryuzoku like Dende. So the implied retroactive explanation for how Piccolo was able to make his new self more powerful is because he reincarnated as Senshi Taipu, trading in the mystical package for pure battle power.
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ap-kinda-lit · 5 months
Saiyan Squad AU (part 1) ⭐️
The Saiyan homeworld is Sadala (because Planet Vegeta is ridiculous), but its capital city is Vegeta, where, of course, the royal family resides. Sadala itself is a conglomerate of Australia, Asia, and Africa and the Saiyans are a mishmash akin to the Spartans, Celts, Aztecs, and Mongols. Sadala is pretty much like a space version of Australia: it’s a chaotic death trap from its climate and wildlife to its inhabitants. The Saiyans are made up of clans and have a feudal system, but they all serve the one ruling monarch.
Saiyans act as mercenaries and hunters. Like Predator, they are best known for traveling galaxies to find worthy opponents to fight. They’re feared and reviled as a race of barbaric savages.
They also look more animalistic: they have pointed ears, sharper teeth, claws, and some fur on their bodies.
Saiyans have had a feud with the Cold Empire for a very long time. At one point, they were allied together but the Cold Empire looked down at the Saiyans and began to subjugate them, so the Saiyans started resisting which led to all out war. When Frieza came to power, he amped up the war. He killed King Vegeta III but spared his young son, Vegeta III, to make the boy his puppet king/child hostage.
The city of Vegeta’s center is where the royalty live, while its outskirts is made up of the slums the third class inhabit. This is where Raditz and Kakarot are born and live with their parents Gine and Bardock. Gine serves as a cook to the troops and the residents while Bardock is a captain of his own troop. Gine and Bardock both teach the boys about hunting but Bardock is mostly in charge of their combat training. The boys start their formal training at five-years-old and are put in the same unit as young king Vegeta.
Raditz is the atypical rough and crass Saiyan boy, but Kakarot is another story. He inherited Gine’s kind heart and good nature, making him seem as weak by most Saiyans. He’s unfortunately treated as an outcast and subjected to bullying from his peers. However, he’s passionate and hard-working and wants to become a great and strong warrior, like his big brother and dad, so he’s committed to training hard. It pays off and he makes enough progress so that when his father Bardock talks with the higher-ups he’s able to convince them to put Kakarot on the same unit as Raditz and Vegeta under Nappa, Vegeta’s guardian.
The Saiyan-Frieza feud reaches its turn years later, when Vegeta approaches age fifteen. By then, he’s old enough by law to rule on his own and he’s determined to break free from Frieza’s grasp. As Vegeta begins to secure his independence and throne and wiggle free, Frieza has become fed up with the Saiyans and sees them as a genuine threat. The final nail in the coffin is when he and his men consult the Kanassans on the future of Frieza’s reign. A Kanassan oracle foretells that Frieza will meet his end at the hands of a golden warrior, presumed to be the legendary Super Saiyan. Frieza straight away comes up with a diabolical plan.
To everyone’s surprise, Frieza not only agrees to Vegeta ruling independently, he also agrees to signing a truce with the Saiyans and ending the bad blood for good. In celebration, a formal coronation is held for Vegeta along with ecstatic festivities all over Sadala. Every Saiyan is recalled back to homeworld for the momentous occasion. However, Bardock and his troop stumble upon Frieza’s real plan: to get all the Saiyans together in one place, make them vulnerable, and destroy them all along with their planet altogether. Bardock’s team is attacked and killed to quiet them but Bardock survives and despite being wounded he races to tell everyone and save his family.
Bardock barely makes it back in time. Just as he’s warning the others, Frieza’s soldiers attack and Frieza himself forms a Death Ball to strike at Sadala. Saiyans desperately try to fight back and escape, but many are killed by Frieza soldiers and many more as the Death Ball collides and the planet begins to destruct. Bardock fights on while trying desperately to find his family.
During Sadala’s destruction, Gine and teenaged Raditz and ten-year-old Kakarot manage to find a pod, but it can only fit two of them. Gine makes the boys get in and go without her, assuring it will all be fine (she knows she’s probably not going to make it, but at least her children will be safe). Sadala finally explodes into oblivion just as Raditz & Kakarot make it to safety. Bardock barely makes it out in time. Gine doesn’t make it.
The Saiyans are thusly reduced to the brink of extinction as only a few thousand remain. Surviving Saiyans flee to a desolated planet to recover. This includes Vegeta, Nappa, Raditz, Kakarot, and Bardock (who barely made it out in time). Because of his wounds, Bardock is put in a comatose state in a healing tank for a few days.
In spite of the loss of Sadala and the majority of the Saiyans, Vegeta swears revenge on Frieza. All remaining Saiyans are ordered to group up and spread out across the galaxies. The war against the Frieza Empire is to continue by any means necessary. Saiyans resort to whipping up secret settlements on planets and fighting back via piracy and guerrilla warfare. The endgame is to tear down Frieza’s empire brick by brick and, ultimately, kill Frieza himself.
Vegeta calls on Raditz and Kakarot to join him and Nappa on his quest to hunt and kill Frieza. Vegeta initially doesn’t want to include Kakarot, whom he deems a liability, but acquiesces.
Frieza puts out a bounty on each and every remaining Saiyan, most of all on the “so-called King of Saiyans” Vegeta.
And so, the Vegeta Force moves out. But they become known as the “Saiyan Squad”. Vegeta and Raditz don’t like it, but Kakarot thinks it’s a cool name.
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carnal-lnstinct · 6 months
Fic Author Self Rec
I know me and the moots have been delivering some beautiful writing since this first went around so we're bringing it back before the end of the year! Post 5 of your favorite fics you've written and share a little about it ♥♥♥
Tagging: @yeowangies @actuallysaiyan @dreadsuitsamus @beneathstarryskies @emmacornell @missnebulaa @vegeta-bananabluish + anyone else who writes and sees this please share and talk about your favorite things you have written
My five favorites from my own fics(of this year):
— Gogeta Soulmates Valentine
Plot-wise, this was definitely in the top three of my favorite vday requests and I really enjoyed writing the soulmate concept. Gogeta is still one of those characters that doesn't come as easy to me to write but when I get it, I get it! And he's always softer than what I intend for which I love.
— Bedtime Story
**JJK SPOILERS** I honestly ain't been the same since Toji's second death and what it reveals about him. First death? Well okay you died doing what you loved sweetie time to rest. Second death? Please sedate me I have not known a singular day of peace! 😭😭 But I needed a Toji fic that wasn't him just blowing out backs. So I just wrote him being a dad and husband, happy, existing in the same space at the same time as his wife and child while she tells a bedtime story to Megumi that becomes about them AND THEY ALL LIVE HAPPILY EVER AFTER. Wishing everybody but the Zenin clan and Mahito a very peaceful rest of the year.
— All My Soul Within Me, Burning.
Wrote this mostly for the Halloween season and Fn-f movie, also I weirdly had just noticed at the time majority of Gero's androids have the same blue eyes and wanted to do something with that. This is probably one of maybe two fics I wrote this year without any pairings or romance. With this AU, I toyed around with the idea of an angry spirit (a la fn-f lore style) being trapped inside his own body from his violent death, only now his body is this "bio-android prototype" shell and he represents Android 16 instead of canon 16. After Bulma fixes him, the spirit starts to regain some of his memory and fights against Gero's android programming. I wanted to continue this but of course SOTS took priority and now I think it's fine as a standalone one-shot for its little twist ♥
— Royal Pains
Praise to the only threesome I wrote this year! Virgin!Vegeta plot has to be the highlight of the year though, I love how involved everyone was with this concept and the many fics that were born from it. ♥♥♥♥ Consider this one a fave more for what the prompt inspired from a few of my favorite fic writers than what I wrote, but I'm always proud anytime I get to write a flustered Vegeta. It's the only way I know how to write him.
— Back At The Garden
Obviously ss4 Goku is in my faves. He is my king 😭♥ This one is just a plot bunny that got stuck in my head until I wrote it down. One thing about my TWYSILY fics, they're probably gonna get sequels nobody asked for and this is always a safe space for SS4. ♥
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lunaneko14 · 1 month
I swear, it would've been easier for Kishi to just have Karin be Sarada's biological mother — myopia being hereditary from an immediate family member is one of the biggest telling signs; two of my cousins have bad eyesight and they got it from their dad/my uncle — and, for gods sakes, Karin still has the umbilical cord after all these years — and, I don't know, maybe Karin thought Sarada would have a better life being with Sakura in Konoha (and maybe she assumed Sasuke would return with Sarada to Konoha) than with her in Orochimaru's hideouts. Something, anything, instead of making Sarada a SasuSaku baby. Because, based purely on genetics and biology, Sasuke and the entire Uchiha clan (before they basically became extinct) never had myopia, and Sakura and her non-canon parents (per the famous 2014 post-manga interview with Kobayashi, Kishi deliberately made Sakura's parents not canon because he hates her and Japanese fangirls told him they hate her) also do not have myopia. Based on just that alone, logically, it makes so much more sense for Sarada to be a SasuKarin baby, because Karin has myopia and, lo and behold, so does Sarada. That's not even getting into how Sarada literally looks nothing like Sakura, yet even without her glasses on, she looks like a SasuKarin baby.
And then, IIRC, since it's been so long since I last watched the Boruto anime, Karin and Sarada have met at least once, and their interactions that one time felt far more organic and natural and loving than any of Sakura and Sarada's conversations put together.
Then, as you and I and many others have stated, Kishi has made it clear, post-manga, how much he doesn't like Sakura and how he treats her as just some side chick who was created solely to be a failed love interest after NaruHina was created. Why bother putting SS together when he clearly doesn't like Sakura, and he consistently shows Sasuke to be miserable around her and Sarada and/or deliberately keeps him away from them? How does Kishi go from consistently giving NH a lot of positive development (as a few anons pointed out recently: even as early as Chapter 42, Naruto admitted to himself that he acts like a big shot in front of Hinata — bear in mind that this was way before Chapters 77, 80-81, and 98-105) to, well, the way he consistently drags SSS into the mud with all that negative development?
I totally went on a swerve there, sorry, I just had a lot to get off my chest 😅💁🏻‍♀️🙇🏻‍♀️
No you right.
Someone needs to tell Kishimoto to stop forcing Sakura to be Naruto’s Bulma, she’s not.
He purely wanted that SSS family because it would look off (at least to him) if just the boys had kids plus it would put her in the same place as Tsunade in a more pathetic way (because at least Tsunade was loved, her lover was just killed in battle. They could’ve very well had kids had he not died.) rather than have her surpass her master (Naruto had love and family unlike Jiraiya and with Sarada, Sasuke would be rebuilding his clan and turning good).
Kishimoto wants so bad to make Sakura the new Bulma except he has no heart in her. Bulma is an actual useful character. She was boy crazy but she left that to her teen years and she didn’t put up with men disrespecting her like Sasuke did to Sakura and look what happened, Vegeta kisses the ground she walks on now and they have a second child. Vegeta even quit training to be with Bulma for the birth of their daughter while Sasuke wasn’t even busy and he never came in for a birthday.
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regulus-regent · 1 month
Been thinking about Saiyan culture a lot lately and i've finally fleshed out my thoughts on it from a draft I had a while back, under cut cause its loooong asf.
Pre colonization:
Saiyans were raised from a young age to hone their combat skills and uphold the honor of their clans. Combat is not just a means of survival for them but a sacred ritual through which they connect with their ancestors and the spirits of their land. They believed that every battle fought was a dance of spirits, and they move in harmony with the energy of the universe.
Once children reached adolescence, they underwent grueling rites of passage known as the "K'sha'tor" a grueling test of strength and resilience that marked their transition into adulthood. This ritual often involved facing dangerous creatures, surviving harsh environments, or proving oneself in battle against rival clans. Success in K'sha'tor earned the saiyan the respect and recognition of their peers, solidifying their status within their clan. Each clan had their own ways of marking their success into rite of passage. Some examples include the right to bear the marks of their achievements, etched into their skin as intricate tattoos, while others etched their handprints onto sacred walls as a testament to their courage and determination. Additionally, some clans adorned the newly initiated warriors in ceremonial armor, signifying their readiness to defend their people and uphold the honor of their lineage.
Aside from homing in their physical prowess, Saiyan culture emphasized the importance of mental discipline and focus on combat. Meditation and mindfulness practices were taught from a young age to help warriors harness their inner strength and achieve peak performance on the battlefield.
Before their colonization, the saiyans once possessed a deep reverence for nature and the spirits that dwell within it. They believed that every living being, from the smallest insect to the mightiest beast, is imbued with a spirit that must be respected.
Their own spiritual beliefs and traditions, often centered around the worship of ancient deities such as Ish'da'tra (their moon goddess) and reverence for their ancestors and fallen comrades. Rituals and ceremonies were conducted to honor the spirits, often involving music, dance, songs (similar to throat singing, also used sometimes before combat to gain the blessing from deities) and offerings. Saiyan shamans played a significant role in their society, serving as mediators between the mortal realm and the spiritual realm and providing spiritual guidance, offering blessings before battles, and interpreting omens and signs from nature.
Aside from worshipping, they celebrated a myriad of other festivals and celebrations throughout the year, each marked by unique customs, rituals, and festivities. These events honor their heritage and commemorated significant historical events.
Before King Vegeta's rule, they organized into clans, each led by a chieftain who was revered for their wisdom and prowess in battle. Clans would compete for influence and resources, often engaging in duels and battles to assert their dominance. Honor and loyalty to one's clan were paramount virtues among the Saiyans, with individuals willing to sacrifice their lives for the greater good of their kin. There was a strong sense of kinship and solidarity, forming bonds of brotherhood with their fellow warriors and standing together in the face of adversity. They valued honor, loyalty, and resilience and they had a deep-seated sense of pride in their warrior heritage. Despite their competitive nature between clans, Saiyans valued unity and solidarity when faced with external threats, they united under a High Chieftain chosen by consensus to lead them into battle.
Hence, King Vegeta who had already gone up the ranks with how high his qualities of strength, decisiveness, and tactical acumen were and was highly esteemed for it. While many battled for the Kings position none could defeat him. (It makes even more sense for him to have sent Broly off-planet. While acknowledging that Broly's immense power would attract Frieza's attention, King Vegeta was also consumed by a desire to cling to his throne and maintain his family's royal dominance and Broly threatened that)
Their folklore was rich with tales of legendary heroes (super saiyan), mythical creatures, and epic battles. Stories were passed down through oral tradition, preserving the history and wisdom of their people. Many of these myths revolved around the exploits of brave warriors who overcame great challenges to protect their clans and forge alliances with neighboring clans.
Despite their warrior nature, the saiyans possessed a deep curiosity about the world beyond their own borders. They were skilled explorers and adventurers, venturing into uncharted territories to seek new knowledge, resources, and allies. Expeditions were organized to study celestial phenomena, discover ancient ruins, and establish contact with other civilizations, fostering a spirit of discovery and innovation. With each exploration warriors gained new forms of fighting skills.
Food held a special place in Saiyan culture, serving as a means of sustenance, social bonding, and cultural expression. They had a diverse culinary tradition, incorporating a wide range of ingredients sourced from their natural surroundings as well as other planets they had visited. Feasts and communal meals were occasions for celebration and hospitality, with traditional dishes prepared using age-old recipes passed down through generations. Their diets were rich in protein and while omnivores, as a whole they leaned in more towards meats (with some Saiyans being an exception.)
Post colonization: King Cold imposed strict regulations and policies aimed at erasing or marginalizing Saiyan cultural practices and traditions deemed incompatible with his own ideologies. Traditional forms of music (discouragement from speaking their native tongue) , dance (deemed as primative and indecent), storytelling (seen as inferior and backwards), and artistic expression were heavily discouraged. Even speaking Saiyago was heavily punished as they were forced to speak their oppressor's tongue and assimilate under their rule.
With the knowledge the saiyans had from their voyages off planet, King Cold exploited Saiyan labor for his own economic gain, subjecting them to forced servitude. In noting how high a Saiyans stamina was, he put them under harsh working conditions. Making sure to keep them exhausted and in check.
Their religious beliefs, rituals, and sacred sites had been denigrated and destroyed. This erosion of spiritual connection severed ties to ancestral traditions and cosmologies. Many Saiyan's overtime abandoned their religious beliefs as their prayers went unheard.
Despite King Colds efforts to erase Saiyan culture, pockets of resistance and cultural revivalism emerged. Underground movements aimed for their cultural preservation endeavors to teach the youth, and acts of defiance against oppression served as expressions of Saiyan resilience and determination to reclaim autonomy and cultural sovereignty.
The way I see it, Nappa is the reason Vegeta has some semblance of Saiyan culture. Aside from being responsible in the princes learning to fight, Nappa (the only adult that stuck by Vegeta's side for so long) who possessed knowledge of their pre-colonization culture did his best to teach Vegeta their heritage. The prince would learn how to speak/write/understand Saiyago fluently, and learned certain aspects of their culture in the little time the older saiyan was able to teach. (Which I'm going to assume was not that much since they were over worked heavily and surveyed constantly. So Nappa took every little opportunity they had and shared essential facets of Saiyan language, customs, and values)
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comicgeek2003 · 10 months
The Starscream
A Big Bad's treacherous right-hand man/woman.
When a villain have henchmen, sometimes one of them could be more ambitious than the others (sometimes, could be more than one) and want to overthrow the boss to be in charge.
The difference between the Dragon and the Starscream are meanwhile the first one is loyal and trustworthy to the Big Bad, the second one is treacherous and disloyal.
Transformers: Starscream is practically the trope namer, every incarnation of this cybertronian was Megatron's right-hand man, but he want to be more than that and he tries to overthrow him since '84. If you want other examples in the franchise; Shockwave from Transformers Marvel Comics, Airachnid from Transformers Prime, Terrorsaur, Tarantulas and Blackarachnia from Transformers Beast Wars.
Doctor Who: Since he appers in the episode "Genesis of the Daleks", Davros was betrayed by his own creations, the Daleks. Since then, the Daleks have repeatedly turned against and overthrown their creator, only to come crawling back when they are weak, because he is smarter than them. Unfortunally, in "The Stolen Earth", he Daleks don't even pretend to respect him this time, and are keeping him as a "pet".
Henry Stickmin: Reginald Copperbottom was the original Toppat Clan leader, but Henry become the new leader. In "The Betrayed", Reginald doesn't rescue Henry and leave him for it's own. In fact, in his biography, Reginald did the same move to the former Toppat Clan leader, Terrence Suave.
Bionacle: Roddaka is this to everyone who's working for. When Sidorak ordered her to fight Keelongu, she leaves the battlefield. The results; Sidorak is killed by Keelongu, meanwhile Roddaka is safe and in one piece.
Crash Bandicoot It's About Time: When Uka Uka opens an interdimentional rift outside the primitive times, he's tired by the force he needed to make it. Then, N. Tropy and Neo Cortex leave him there, saying he served his porpuse.
Super Paper Mario: Dimentio succeeds through manipulating everyone to use the Pure Hearts to defeat Count Bleck so he could control the Chaos Heart and destroy all worlds and create perfect new ones so he could be a god.
Dragon Ball Z: Vegeta was essentially this to Frieza, serving him until he discovers the Dragon Balls and planning to became immortal and overthrow him. Frieza was aware of this, but was so far out of Vegeta's league that he never considered him a threat and that when he did turn on him he could kill him easily.
Pirates of the Caribbean: Hector Barbossa was this for Jack Sparrow. Originally, Barbossa was Sparrow's first mate, until one day he and several other pirates on Sparrow's ship decided to get rid of their captain by throwing Sparrow overboard once Sparrow gave up the bearings to their treasure, and as a result Barbossa becomes their captain instead.
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kcuf-ad · 5 months
Sasuke never called himself an Elite Uchiha.
Not once.
That shit was made up the most you can say is that most people call the clan Elite, but that is about it.
That shit is made up to make him sound like Vegeta, which he isn't.
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risingsouls · 8 months
//First part my samurai character's profile.
Nick Name: Dragon Lady (she has a birthmark in the shape of a dragon on the right side of her neck which is often mistaken for a tattoo by people)
Birth Name: Kaorus WONG
 Gender androgynous: (Partly male and partly female in physical appearance)
Age: She was 20 years of age when she became an immortal.
Actual age: A thousand.
Eye color: Hazel
Hair color: Auburn
Length: It comes down well past her shoulders. but she keeps it in a bun, with a jade phoenix hairpin.
Attire: Her attire consists of a black hanfu decorated with tiny gold flowers, an red obi belt worn around the waist, and a pair of red arm bands worn on the upper region of her arms.  
 Height:5 foot 9   
 Birthplace: Tokyo Japan.
Year of birth: 12 Century BC
Period: The Heian Period.
Species: Human (Formerly) Immortal (Currently) (she became immortal after drinking The Hourai Elixir, and unfortunately the effects of the elixir are permanent) 
Profession: She is the former Leader of The Red Dragon Clan. (she resigned and let someone else take her place as clan leader)
Status: Highest ranking member of the Qishan Wen Sect. (Wen Mao let her join because of her exceptional martial arts skills)  
Family: Her father (Huo Feng-Deceased) he was a well renown blacksmith, he crafted a variety of different weapons in addition to the dragon sword.
Her mother (Momo Feng-Deceased) she worked in a small tea house close to where they lived, although the pay was low, she enjoyed working there.
Spirit Animal: Phoenix (he is her spiritual protector) 
Preffered Weapons: Her father's dragon blade (he gave it to her as a gift for her tenth birthday) although she personally prefers using traditional crossbows and arrows. (they are more effective than swords)
Skills: She is well known for her martial arts skills and use of spiritual cultivation.
Ability: Regeneration (she can heal from wounds that would normally kill humans)
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[Thank you! This is nice to know and somewhat helpful. I don't know if you saw the suggestion, but you could also just make a new blog to circumvent the shadowban, but this is at least a start.
So since you seem to want your OC to fight Vegeta, I'm going to focus on the relevant parts for that.
I'll begin by saying I'm not sure if there's anything else here that supports the idea you seemingly have that your samurai would be able to fight on part with Vegeta. Again, the key (heh) factor here for the DB world is the use of ki. Unless "spiritual cultivation" is meant to be an equivalent for that, it's still going to be a very unbalanced fight. Vegeta isn't one to hold back, especially when she insists on fighting him, but I still don't see her being able to do much.
Again. For the millionth time. This isn't me saying your OC is weak. In fact, as I've said, she probably is incredibly skilled as a fighter and strong when compared to the average DB Earthling for instance. Especially if I concede that, even though you reference real life eras for her that probably don't exist in the DB universe, she's ancient and has been training all THAT time. But we've seen characters like that in DB (like Spike the Devilman who is a literal, likely immortal demon who has probably also honed his skills throughout his life) that could be overpowered by Goku as a KID. Even if these characters continue to train and get better, I'm sure Goku would absolutely wipe the floor with them. Another good example would also be Roshi. He was Goku's master and trained the kid. Nowadays, even with how they portray him in the Tournament of Power suggesting that I guess he's been training still (though the point stands even in Goku's childhood because he was ancient THEN)? The old man doesn't have a prayer.
This is why, despite her immortality and super long lifetime of training, it still won't be enough to do much against Vegeta. The least she can hope for is that he would recognize she can fight and fight well, but that's where it ends. He's still going to see fighting her as a waste of time FOR HIM because she wouldn't offer him a challenge.]
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sweetescapeartist · 1 year
Would Batman be capable of sneaking up on Son Goku, or any of the Z-Warriors (Vegeta, Son Gohan, Piccolo, Eighteen, Krillin, Tenshinhan, Yamcha & Majin Boo) in your opinion?
To clarify; I don’t mean “who would win in a fight” - I’m speaking solely of the Z-Fighter’s ability to sense people - would Bruce, or any of the related Bat-family heroes, be able to get the drop on any of them in the trademark Batman manner?
If my memory is correct, Batman has an understanding of ki from his training. So, he would know how to mask his presence similar to the Z Fighters concealing their ki so he can be very stealthy. So, I think Batman & some of the Bat-fam could sneak up on all of them.
Although, I think Vegeta & Gohan would be the easiest to sneak up on. This is due to Vegeta not knowing Trunks could turn SSJ despite living in the same house & Gohan not knowing Goten could turn SSJ despite living in the same house. I think Goten & Trunks would be easy to sneak up on too because they aren't really martial artists like the others & don't have in-depth spiritual training. And I believe that Saiyans have more difficulty sensing ki due to the spiritual side not being their strong point (other than Goku who was raised as an Earthling martial artist).
I believe that the others Z Fighters are a bit more aware of their surroundings mainly due to their training under Kami. But, I think Piccolo would probably be the most difficult to sneak up on since as a Warrior Clan Namekian. He is often always aware of his surroundings and has greater hearing than the rest of the Z Fighters. So, the Bat-fam would have the most difficulty with Piccolo unless they use a device that masks their movement at a pitch Piccolo can't hear (or something like that).
Krillin might be the most aware after Piccolo due to Krillin always being around 18. She may have undetectable energy signatures, but it's just as if 18 is always suppressing her energy since she can donate to the Genki Dama (she obviously has life energy because she is alive). So, Krillin has become used to being around a that person most, if not all but him, can't sense.
Dabura is an example of a person who can sense others despite them suppressing their ki. From what I can conclude, it seems Dabura sensed their living presence (a different part of ki that is always present for living beings even if faint) rather than sensing their suppressed battle power.
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So, Krillin would more than likely be more aware of suppressed ki than the others due to being able to sense 18's presence. But, Piccolo is still the most difficult to sneak upon for the Bat-fam due to his alertness & super hearing.
Forgot to talk about Buu. I don't think it would be too difficult to sneak up on Buu. But it depends on if he is distracted, asleep, or just being unconcerned. Buu is usually laid back now. So, if the Bat-fam wanted, they can sneak up on him easily by distraction. But being found out would be scary.
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narhinafan · 3 months
Naruto fans who think that Jin Kazama copied Sasuke's hair and personality should get their heads checked up. Tekken 3 came out in 1997 while the Naruto Manga came out in 1999, whichis 2 years after Tekken 3. In other words, Jin debuted first, not Sasuke. If their hairstyle and personalities are kinda similar, it's more likely a coincidence.
I feel bad for the Naruto fans who use their head, they get dragged down by those who talk first, think later.
P.S. - I know it's not Naruto but Kubo was asked in his Klub Outside if he's open to the idea of the original Bleach anime to be remade into the series that faithfully adapt the manga, he said if it was possible, yes. I understand him, any mangaka would like the anime adaptation to be faithful to it. I know one to one adaptation is impossible but if there are changes needed to be done, do it but don't stray to the story and character dynamics.
I know Kishi would have wanted a faithful Naruto adaptation. Too bad, when both Naruto and Bleach debuted, SP had people who disregard creators (*cough* Noriyuki Abe *cough*).
Well actually original one shot for Naruto was done in 1997, but it wasn't till 1998 when the Naruto manga we know to today was in development. So you are right about Jin having debuted first, Sasuke wasn't even planned till the editor suggested. Plus I feel both hair styles are based strongly on Vegeta from dragon ball like even the personalities have quite a bit in common. I kind of see that hair style as a stable for that character archtype.
Yeah honestly think there would be so much less chaos in the fandom if the studio wasn't causing shipping wars with filler. One of the things I couldn't accept in Naruto is how they changed the Pain fight like six tails Naruto protecting Hinata and avoiding her, even looking at her before chasing after Pain was a big ship moment. Then how Hinata blitzing Pain was removed though we did get a cool fight scene they wrote off her landing a hit on him due to Nagato coughing. Then you have Road to Ninja whose screenwriter was infamous NaruSaku fan it would have been a great away to explore NaruHina's relationship and how Hinata could have been if her clan didn't crush her confidence.
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fuckishimoto · 2 years
and Naruto is criticized for every little thing he does or doesn't do.....
yes, he should be criticized. because he put himself on a pedestal, he wanted to be hokage, he said he'd fix the hyuuga clan, he said he'd find answer to peace
btw I think vegeta should be criticized more too. people act like him becoming a father redeemed the shits he did. nah...
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lilacqiqis · 5 months
🌙~Mod Lilac's intro and rules~🪻
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Hello~ my name's Lilac!!
I'm Viet 🇻🇳
No specific boundaries... Just don't be a weirdo!! I answer any ask that's just some conversation ❤️
English is not my first language, so stuff might seem out of place , most of my work is not proofread
Ask to be made an anon and me or Mod Qiqi will assign you your requested emoji or name <3
Rules + Fandoms under the cut
! Rules !
-I do not write sexual non con
-No 1ncest (i will write platonic family only.)
-No age gap
-No full blown nswt fics, but i will write nsft headcanons and suggestive
-I am more inclined to write headcanons rather than fanfics, so if you request a full fic Mod Qiqi may answer instead of me as i tend to lose motivation. I'll try my best though!!
-Yandere is OK to request, I don't condone the behavior irl however
-No specific appearance requests (ex:chubby reader, reader with brown hair)
-I don't write for specific clan reader or reader with a specific pokemon
-Boruto doesn't exist in my mind 🤕 All is written up to Naruto TL
-Nothing with p1ss or scat 😭
-I will cut out some characters you request if it gets too long, but you can always request those characters again with the same scenario <3
-No pregnancy hc's implied is alright (a request like "reader asking to have kids" is okay but i don't want to write reader during pregnancy)
-No crossovers (ex:S/O who came from the KNY world into Naruto, reader with MHA quirks in stardew valley)
-No full blown angst, sorry!!
-No cheating or character pining over taken reader
-Be specific with requests no "general hc's for ____" or stuff like that
-GN! or fem! reader only
-No OC's
-No ships
-My rules may not be the same as Mod Qiqi's, so check theirs and perhaps you can request something and they'll answer it
-Rules can change at anytime, always check before requesting
! Fandoms and characters I write !
Naruto (for Uchiha's specify non massacre or not, I will assume the latter if you don't put "non massacre" in the req)
~Whitelisted~(please request! My absolute faves ❤️)
-Itachi Uchiha
-Naruto Uzumaki
-Kakashi Hatake
-Minato Namikaze
-Obito Uchiha/Tobi (If you request Tobi you are also requesting Obito! I will write for his Tobi persona and may add Obito as well. Requesting only Obito will not include Tobi. Non massacre Obito will have a personality more like his boyhood ver)
-Hinata Hyuga
-Sasuke Uchiha
~Will write for~
-Rock Lee
-Sakura Haruno
-Tsunade Senju
-Might Guy
-Iruka Umino
-Karin Uzumaki
-Kabuto Yakushi
-Kiba Inuzuka
-Shino Aburame
-Suigetsu Hozuki
-Yamato Tenzo
-Shikamaru Nara
-Ino Yamanaka
Dragon Ball
-Mirai Trunks Briefs
-Trunks Briefs
-Son Goku
~Will write for~
-Android 18
-Adult Gohan
-Blue Oak
-N Harmonia
~Will write for~
Stardew Valley
~Will write for~
Don't ask if i write for a certain character if they aren't here I don't write for them.
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