#valiana val mond
felagund-fiollaigean · 6 months
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the meme made itself
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its-elvish-for-two · 1 month
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He's fine...
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Brasti: Guess what I’m about to get!
Falcio, Kest, Darriana, and Valiana, in unison: On my nerves.
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laudrat · 5 years
The one thing I wish we’d gotten more of in the series is interactions between Kest and Valiana, because :
he goes from being down to actually kill her in book 1 to seeing her as the literal personification of valor in book 3 and respects the everloving shit out of her in book 4, and also
the greatcoats crew share roughly 7 braincells between them and Kest and Valiana are in possession of 6 of them at literally all times so it would be our only way of seeing a rational conversation
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brasti-s-bastard · 6 years
Valiana: You really need to get yourself together, Brasti. Look at the state of this place, maybe if you spent less time in the tavern everything wouldn’t be such a mess -
Brasti: Are you finished?
Valiana: *stubborn and expectant face, arms crossed*
Brasti: I am no a mess. I am...aesthetically unhinged.
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proto-language · 5 years
shoutout to falcio val mond for finishing the first greatcoats book with two more daughters than he started with
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whrainashland · 6 years
I'm waiting for my new book to arrive and are still not willing to read Tyrant's Throne. Therefore my head is jumping around out of boredom and because I can't continue writing until it's dark outside I want to ask you guys a question... At least the ones who through some miracle will read this.
In which House those our beloved trio belong?
I mean I don't know if any Saint (if some of them have remained) could help the sorting hat with this question.
Just to start with Falcio:
Is he a ravenclaw? Because well he is smart and his plans may mostly go to hell but nobody ever said you had to succeed to be in ravenclaw the house of the 'ready mind’.
Is he a Gryffindor? I mean he is the fucking definition of you hurt my pals hold that buddy I have to screw this f*cker up!
Or is he a Huffelpuff? Falcio Val Mond won't shy away from anything to save the once he loves and he is in some way nothing more than a sad sweet cinammon roll.
And then we have Kest who could be put in either Ravenclaw or Slytherin. Our living and walking encyclopedia. But I somehow feel like we tend to forget how fucking dangerous and ambitious he can be. Like this man battled a Saint and revered to him as... Just a tiny God.
At least I'm pretty sure Brasti would be a Huffelpuff. You can fight me over this but I'm pretty sure that would be the case.
And the girls... I honestly have no idea where to put Valiana, Aline or even Trin....
If anyone reads this and knows what I'm talking about reply... If you don't like sorting people into Hogwarts houses but love the greatcoats series... I'M SORRY TO BOTHER YOU but I would still be happy to hear from another fan!
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vierschanzentournee · 4 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: The Greatcoats Series - Sebastien de Castell Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Relationships: Falcio val Mond & Kest Murrowson Characters: Falcio val Mond, Kest Murrowson, Aline val Mond, Ethalia, Aline of Tristia, Valiana val Mond Additional Tags: Hurt/Comfort, Nightmares, Angst, Bad Things Happen Bingo, Falcio has Issues, I kinda assumed wife-Aline took Falcio's name when they got married for tagging purposes, Spoilers for Tyrant's Throne Summary:
Falcio stood, powerless to move, to speak, to look away, as the last vestiges of life drained from the woman he called his answer to the world.
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First fic for @badthingshappenbingo​, filling the prompt Nightmares
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thefandomless · 4 years
Headcanons for little Miss val Mond
Ethalia and Falcio definitely had to fight over her name because Ethalia wanted something elegant and Falcio just dived into ancient Tristian and came up with the most pompous Adjektive to describe his little girl as humanly possible
Surprisingly Falcio's name won, probably because Brasti found it hilarious enough to drag the whole of the Venerati into the dispute
Talking about uncle Brasti no one can convince me that he didn't show up to her third or fourth birthday with a bow to teach her the superior way of fighting.
Which he if course will regret a few years into the future when Falcio val Mond's fucking daughter outmatches him in an archery tournament
She's a terrible shot compared to Brasti bloody Goodbow but she still managed. Not even Falcio knows how
Upon meeting Filian she has a crush on him for exactly five minutes and it immediately stops once he starts talking, but she keeps up appearance because it annoys Falcio to no end and uncle Brasti accompanied by Artrim is very supportive
Kest is very determined to teach her languages and mathematics
A year later no one can follow their conversations because they switch from one language to another
Valiana proposes to teach her politics but it is mutually agreed that this would end in treason and she's better suited to become her sparring partner once she has picked a weapon
Which turns out a little problematic since even though she likes her fencing lessons she tends to wander from one greatcoat to another demanding to be taught the basics of every single weapon in the order
It comes to a great shock to everyone when 5 year old baby val Mond decides she wants to be a Bardatti which is followed by tormenting years of music lessons involving Nerah who still takes great delight in making Faclio look like a Fool
With 12 she switches in short terms through every order of the Venerati until Filian is nearly forced to declare a law to prevent her from further "interning"
When she turns 16 a bunch of Avareanian warriors suddenly turn up on Falcio's doorstep trying to propose to her by breaking into the house
Which nearly leads to another war, suprisingly not through Falcio's wrath but her demand of proper courtship
Apparently Avareanians consider whole Tristian townships a proper courting gift and since the Magdans daughter demanded it. It can't be considered a break with the treaty, can it?
In the end she just tells them to fuck off for now and declares her interest in traveling the continent
Probably becoming a pirate in the process
And hopefully not starting a war with a foreign kingdom during her stay
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"“And I am . . . I am Valiana val Mond, a peasant and a fool and a Greatcoat all at once.” She tightened her grip on her weapon. “And I’m the dead whore who’s about to kill you.”
The Knight's Shadow
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xyouseix · 6 years
"What strength the Condate of Guillard has to offer is yours, Realm's Protector." Kick him in the face. Please, if some small part of you still considers yourself my daughter, just kick him in the face, just once, for your old Da. "If Tristia is to survive, it will not be on the might of our numbers but on the strength of our hearts. Thank you Lord Pastien. You and your soldiers are most welcome indeed." "Valiana, I... I also hope that this action on my part might persuade you to once again allow me to come to you, for you to teach me how to make you mine once ag–" "Oh, for the sake of Gods alive and dead, Pastien, are you entirely incapable of doing anything because it's what you believe in, rather than some coin to exchange for that which you could not earn yourself? And if you ever, ever try to 'make me yours' again, the only thing I will 'teach' you is the first rule of the sword." Now that's my girl.
Tyrant’s Throne by Sebatien de Castell
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I know zero (0) people who have read both of these series so I know I’m writing for an audience of one (1). but that’s what this blog is so.
The potential for a Greatcoats/Stormlight crossover is sooooooo juicy. Hear me out. I’m gonna start with the obvious under the cut (spoilers for both series obvs):
The gods native to Tristia are Death, Love, War, Coin, and Craft. These can (with a little imagination) be interpreted as Shards, allowing Tristia to fit into the Cosmere. If we wanna get jiggy with it, we can say that Craft is a colloquial name for Invention, an actual shard who (as far as I know) hasn’t appeared in any books yet.
Not only do the original gods of Tristia fill this role, but the new ones (that we know of) do as well. We meet the god Valor in Saint’s Blood, and Valor is also a shard of the cosmere. Like Invention, they haven’t actually made an appearance yet to my knowledge, so having them fill this role in the world of the Greatcoats works well.
Even though they are not analogous to each other, the Saints of Tristia and Heralds of Roshar fill similar roles in the religious spheres (pun unintended) of both worlds. This will be good for comic relief when the Stormlight characters learn that Kest and Falcio were once Saints and wonder how they’re not insane, and the tristians have to explain “no it’s more of a job title we’re not immortal i’ve never even been to hell, well, except for that one time and that was only for a little while- stop looking at me like that, brasti.”
Oaths play a very important role in both worlds. It’s how radiants bond to their spren and access their surgebinding abilities, and personalized oaths are sworn by each Greatcoat when they pledge themselves to their monarch. If we want to play it this way, swearing their oaths to Aline in Saint’s Blood could be what attracted Spren to the Greatcoats in the first place.
Speaking of binding spren and giving our greatcoats surgebinding, let’s talk about that for a second, shall we? there’s a few obvious choices here.
- Falcio is a Skybreaker. He practically wrote the laws of Tristia with Paelis and was the first to swear to and enforce them. He was the most dedicated out of any other Trattari to the cause of uniting Tristia the law, bringing justice, and to Paelis himself. Thesea re all very Skybreaker qualities. With the added bonus Character Drama: radiants who access the surge of division have to show impeccable self-control before they can wield it (they don’t get it until they swear their... third oath? something like that, it’s locked behind a certain amount of character growth) and Falcio famously has some, ahem, anger management issues. He would have to work on the whole trauma-induced dissociative episodes of incandescent rage and homicidal behavior. just a little bit. it will be good for him! a long time coming tbh. that’s good character work babey. His spren is named Crux
- Brasti is an Edgedancer. He’s so obnoxious and ridiculous and horny but his strongest moments in the series are when he’s remembering those who have been forgotten. Comforting the child during her father’s execution, training people to fight and defend themselves while the rest of the squad was off destroying their enemies, talking to the wounded people in the infirmary about the loved ones they fought for, I could go on. He’s by far the most sensitive and empathetic of the squad and definitely would be suited to being an Edgedancer. His spren is named Persical and they usually appear as a flowering vine twining around his wrist or through his hair
- Kest is an Elsecaller. Being an elsecaller is all about mastery of the self, rational decision-making, etc etc and that’s Kest’s whole thing. He’d be so good at it. Inkspren everywhere are swooning and fighting over who gets to keep him. His spren is named Gloss. Also I’d like to see a world where Kest Murrowson and Jasnah Kholin are a united front in literally anything. An unstoppable force, immovable object, and asexual icons.
- Valiana is a Windrunner. The very first oath she swore as a Greatcoat was to protect Aline. The windrunners oath to protect goes beyond just one person but she’s got the spirit! She threw herself at men twice her size with next to no training to protect a girl she’d known for, like, a week. She’s a whole other kind of real one and a natural Windrunner, don’t try to argue with this one. Her spren is named Saphaedra.
There are other Greatcoats who I’m sure would be worthy of a Nahel bond but these are the only four I feel strongly about. Now that we’ve set up some basics (loosely stuck Tristia into the Cosmere with scotch tape, given our trattari some surgebinding and a call to adventure to another world to discover the source of these strange powers and voices, etc) we can gush about specifics.
I’m not sure who would break about vorin gender roles first: Valiana and Kest would definitely have the strongest opinions, but unlike Falico and Brasti, they have self-restraint and some modicum of diplomatic ability. I will say Brasti might break first simply because he can’t stand spicy food. We know this. He and Valiana would trade plates at the first meal they have together and intentionally ignore every vorin staring at them aghast.
Speaking of Brasti, he’s the only member of this squad that has light eyes. This is. Interesting to say the least. Because he’s routinely the member of the squad taken the least seriously (take a shot every time someone says, “shut up, brasti” ding dong you have alcohol poisoning) this would cause a great deal of cultural dissonance for an alethi to see the only lighteyed guy in the squad routinely disrespected. NOT TO MENTION brasti is the only one of them who doesn’t use a sword. he uses a bow. which (as i understand it) is a common weapon. for infantry. or whatever (yes shardbows exist this isn’t that). This automatically introduces a cool weird dynamic if these people arrive in alethi society in which he is an oddity for the above reasons. not even to mention all the other ways brasti is an oddity (affectionate).
All of them would be pretty stunned to hear that slavery is actually cool and legal here and would have some choice words to share about the king’s first law. yes, i’m singing it right now.
Gosh, Adolin. if he had any doubts about being bisexual they would vanish the moment he sees Kest fight. you know how cartoon characters will have heart eyes that explode out on springs? yeah that’s him. Ass over teakettle in love, just about begs Kest to spar with him.
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its-elvish-for-two · 3 years
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Darriana and Valiana
As usual, click for better quality.
These two are my Greatcoats OTP. As much as I love Brasti, I just don't think Darri has any interest in him, it seemed pretty one-sided in the books, but Darri and Valiana are awesome together. I mean, Darri calls Valiana 'pretty bird', it's adorable!
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Where as Kest is 100% aro ace, fight me. He's the literal embodiment of the phrase "While you were busy experiencing attraction, I studied the blade" which is very relatable. I mean, who wants to go on a date on a Friday night when you could be at fencing club, right?
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Valiana: Good responses for being stabbed with a knife?
Brasti: Rude
Kest: That’s fair
Falcio: Not again
Darriana: Are you going to want this back?
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laudrat · 5 years
So apparently the next Greatcoats book is
Set after the events of the series
Takes place is Rijou
Called “Our Lady of Blades”
So... does that mean we’re getting a Valiana book? Because I need a Valiana book.
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brasti-s-bastard · 6 years
Falcio: What are your intentions with my daughter?
Matteo: *panicked* I’ve never had an intention in my life
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