#vada cavell one shot
hopelesslyromanticgay · 11 months
Playing with her hair - Vada Cavell X Reader
Y/N's POV:
"Why are people in horror movies so dumb!" my girlfriend Vada complains, "Like in the real world no one is stupid enough to do ANY of this. Like, no one would even pick up the phone in the first place!"
"Uh huh," I say to the girl sprawled out across my lap and the rest of the couch, not fully paying attention to what she's saying. I'm more focused on counting her freckles. A while ago, the question of how many freckles she had started to interest me and ever since it's been hard to get the idea out of my mind.
"Y/N/N, are you listening to me?" she asks, breaking my trance, "am I rambling again, I'm sorry."
"Don't be! You're cute when you ramble," I reassure her. She looks over at me, a huge smile creeping over her face, her beautiful brown eyes shimmering in the dim light.
"In that case, I'm gonna keep going," she tells me, "what kind of dumbass decides it's a good idea to let their younger than six year old kid go out of the house alone on a rainy day!"
"Bad ones, I guess," I say absentmindedly. We keep on watching the movie we have on, neither of us really focused on it. without even thinking of it, my hands make their way to her hair.
"What are you doing?" she asks.
"Messing with your hair," I admit.
"Oh my god, are we acting like a normal couple?" she gasps.
"Do you not like it?"
"No!" she exclaims, "please don't stop."
"Oh my god, can I style it?"
"As long as it's not too fancy," she insists. One of the first things I ever learned about Vada is how much she hates looking fancy. She doesn't like the tight fitting "feminine" clothing, or the way makeup feels on her face. She hates the way her hair gets tightly pulled into an uncomfortable style, and then gelled into place. What's even worse is if she has to do all three of those TOGETHER. So I'm making it a point to keep it fairly informal, but still neat. 
I run my fingers through her dark brunette locks, trying to get the various knots out.
"Ow!" that one hurt!" she squeals.
"Sorry, oh my god are you okay?" I apologize, hoping I haven't hurt her too bad.
"I guess," she says sadly.
"Will this make it better?" I ask, pressing a kiss to her forehead.
She looks up at me smiling, "so much better." I brush a few strands of hair out of her face before continue styling it. She climbs into my lap, facing away from me so I can better access her hair.
I start parting her hair, so that there's an even amount of it on each side of her face.
"Oh my god Beverly get out of that house!" Vada screams, practically jumping up at the television, "I swear these people are so dumb."
"Vada, baby, you need to sit slightly still for this to look good," I say softly.
"Fine," she pouts, "why is you doing this kind of relaxing?"
"Maybe I just have that effect on you," I suggest.
"No, normally you make me so excited and happy, like a little kid seeing a bunch of candy and a lot of stuffies!"
"Aww, that's cute," I smile, my face getting warm.
"You're the best girlfriend ever," she compliments me, "I don't know how I wound up with someone as beautiful and funny and all around amazing as you."
"Maybe it's because you're the best girlfriend ever," I suggest.
"No you are!"
"No you!" We continue to argue about who's the better girlfriend, eventually realizing that we'd never get the other to agree with our opinion.
I end up sorting her hair into two neat braids, not too fancy, but presentable. 
"And voila!" I say, snapping a photo of the brunette to show her how she looks. She turns around quickly to view the photo.
"I look like Wednesday Addams if she had severe PTSD," she laughs, "but seriously, I love it."
"You do look like that!" I cackle, "what a funny coincidence!"
"Thank you, Y/N/N. I love it," she smiles softly, a blush creeping up on her cheeks.
"Sure thing, it was probably more fun for me than it was for you," I giggle.
"Well you can play with my hair anytime," she offers.
"Haha! You're gonna regret making that offer," I tell her.
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flawless {vada cavell}
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Pairing: Vada Cavell x Reader  
Warnings: smut (18+) smoking weed, vaginal fingering, oral sex, language, talk of the shooting,  joking about the queen of england (please don’t come for me lol rip)
Vada and reader are both 18+ in this
Word Count: 1.7k
hey y’all, I’ve had this one in the works for a while now, but it’s finally done! Next part of this hell with hopefully be done in the next couple of days!
“And don’t even get me started on the Queen like I’m lowkey not even sad she died. No cap, the old bitch definitely had something to do with Diana’s death, that shit is suspicious as fuck” Vada’s rambling trailed off at the sensation of your fingers running up her leg. The prickle of her unshaven legs tickled your fingertips. Her baseball shorts rode up her thighs as she sat on your bed. You were supposed to be getting ready for Nick’s party, but Vada had somehow roped you into smoking before you went so she could chill more.
“Baby, what the fuck are you doing?” You practically jumped out of your skin at the sudden rise in your girlfriend’s voice. The smoke from your joint left the air between the two of you hazy. The mischievous look that filled your face was enough to tell Vada you were up to something.
“Oh I was just wondering when you stopped being my girlfriend and became Bigfoot” you fired back. A laugh fought its way past your lips as one of her eyebrows shot up. Vada snatched the joint from your free hand, narrowing her eyes at you as she took a hit.
“I’m wounded that you tried to use my dude Bigfoot to insult me” Vada was a little out of breath, and her voice scratched as she spoke. Her attempts to contain her cough from the long drag failed for a moment, but it didn’t stop her from taking another hit before handing it back to you.
“Like Bigfoot is THE MAN, he’s my icon, the legend” with each word her voice raised an octave to the point she was almost yelling, her hands waving about to emphasize her point. “I think I might love him” Her voice trailed off to a whisper as she finished, her eyebrows knit together in confusion.
You sat up in bed and leaned on your elbow to look at her. Her eyes were red now, and a dreamy haze seemed to cloud them. She leaned forward to take a drag from the joint still between your fingers, she didn’t pull away though. She seemed to linger for a moment, contemplating her next move. Her lips brushed against yours as she exhaled, milky smoke filled the space between the two of you, and began to enter your lungs. She didn’t move for a moment, allowing you to get the smoke, before she dramatically pushed up from her spot.
“I’ve always wanted to do that” Vada giggled, rolling ungracefully across the bed.
“You are an Idiot, Vada Cavell” you took another hit from the joint before setting it in the ashtray on your bedside table.
“Well, I think you’re beautiful” Vada’s voice shifted when you returned to the bed. All the chatty energy had faded and left something else in its wake.
“Nah, I think you're just high, V” you tried to shake her off, you knew there would be no way you would make it to Nick’s party later if you let her get her way.
“No, I’m being for real y/n, you’re the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen” Vada took your hands, settling them on her hips. From all her moving around, Vada’s shirt had bunched at her waist. The exposed skin of her stomach was warm under your hands.  Her own hands started to caress your back under her soccer championship hoodie.  
“Flattery won’t get you anywhere, V '' but Vada knew she had won when she felt your hands tighten around her waist, pulling her closer. Her lips brushed over yours.  
“Oh I think it will” Her lips were soft and pillowy against yours when they finally met. Your hands left her hips to settle on her neck, tugging lightly on the hair there. Vada’s soft moan vibrated against your lips. You tugged again softly just to hear her moan against you again before you let go. Her dark hair cascaded over her shoulders as your fingers hooked around the tie holding it back.
The taste of weed still lingered on her lips when she finally pulled back to catch her breath. Her hair fell over her shoulders and tickled the side of your neck. Sunlight trickled in through a crack in your curtain. Sometimes when the light hit the brown in her eyes, it turned them almost golden. Like pools of honey. Now, with Vada’s knees on either side of your hips and hands roaming your body as you felt the sun hit your skin, you didn’t want to go to Nick’s party anymore.
You kissed for a while, Vada’s lips never leaving yours for more than a second to catch your breath. You could feel her getting impatient. The way she kept shifting, trying to get you to move your hands a little higher. The way her hands pushed your shirt up until it gathered at your chest. Her fingers played dangerously with the band of your sports bra, just begging you to take it off. And Vada did win as usual, your shirt hitting the floor with a soft thud.
Reality came crashing back to you like a freight train when Vada’s fingertips brushed over the healed gunshot wound on your thigh. A painful reminder of the first day you met Vada all those years ago. Though neither of you talked about it often, the incident left more than just physical scars on both of you. None of you deserve it, but that’s just how the world is now, cruel and unfair. But at least you had someone to weather the storm with.
You could practically hear Vada’s breathy laugh bring you back to the present ‘I can’t believe you just called it the incident’. You remembered the night Vada had told you all about her therapy sessions, including all of the hassle she had put that poor woman through. In this moment, you were thankful the weed allowed your mind to shift easily from the pain. A droopy smile fell on your face at the thought of Vada.
“What’s got you all smiley now” her breath tickled under your nose as her fingers carded through your hair.
“Just thinking about you” you whispered, seeking the side of her neck. Your lips left lazy kisses around her ear. Your body craved her, to feel her touch again.
“Now who’s pulling the flattery card” Vada snorted, her freckle-spotted nose wrinkling against the side of your face.
You too began to grow impatient, and It didn’t take long before Vada’s back hit your mattress. Your heartbeat thudded in your chest as you fumbled to get her stupid basketball shorts and boxers down. Her squirming settled when your hand found her wet heat, her eyes fluttering shut.
“God, you're so wet” you murmured against her lips, but you knew you wouldn't get a response. You never did, not when she was like this. All of her chatty energy and confidence disappeared when she was under you. A whine left her lips when you moved your hand away. But she was settled quickly when her sports bra joined your shirt on the floor
“Fuck” Vada moaned out breathlessly as your mouth closed around her nipple. You take your time there, kissing… and biting just to hear a soft gasp fall from her lips every time. It doesn’t take long before Vada grows tired of waiting. Her hips shifting under you in an attempt to draw your hands back to her. Eventually you did give in to her, and when you did, the moan that fell from her lip when you gently began rubbing her clit was so worth it.
Vada drew your lips back to hers, her hands wrapped in the hair at the base of your neck, tugging you back to her. Her kisses became sloppy, desperate little whines fell from her lips as she gripped tighter at your hair. Her movements became more and more frantic, her hips shifting and thrusting up to meet your fingers on her clit.
“What do you need, baby?” your movements slowed, and the whine that fell from her was almost pathetic. Her hands tugged harder on your hair, her lips brushing against your neck, anything to get you to continue. “You gotta use your words, baby” you prompted again.
“Your mouth” her voice was low as she tried to stop the moan that threatened to fall from her at your slow movements on her clit.
“Good girl” you wanted to tease her, you really did. But Vada’s arousal was almost dripping onto your mattress now, and you felt bad. The stubble of her thighs tickled your cheeks as you placed kisses there. Her hips shifted, she was getting impatient again. Your hand left her clit to hold her hips in place, and she whined at the loss of contact. But you didn’t leave her for long, your tongue soon replacing where your fingers had been. She hummed, finally satisfied with getting what she wanted.
“Jesus” she moaned out, not quite expecting your finger to press against her entrance. Vada’s cheeks flushed with embarrassment with how easily your finger slid in. Her head fell back and she no longer tried to stop her whimpers.  She was a mess under you now as you slipped in a second finger without losing your rhythm. You knew she wouldn’t last long like this. Not with your tongue lapping at her clit too.
Her nails dug into the back of your neck tugging again on the hair, as she tightened around your fingers, she was close now. You curled your fingers, as you sucked gently on her clit. Her thighs were shaking against the side of your head now. You entwined your fingers with hers as she came. Vada let out one more moan as her body went rigid under you.
The California heat combined with your recent activity left you sweating and trying to catch your breath as you rested your head on Vada’s thigh. Her thighs were still shaking under you, and her breaths coming out in pants, jostling you.
“Let's forget about Nick’s party” Vada’s breath was hot against your neck when she finally reached down and pulled you back up to her. But she didn’t have much to worry about, any thought of that party was long gone.
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bingwriterxo · 9 months
pairing: vada cavell x reader
summary: in which vada goes through a troubling time
warnings: none
word count: 500+
author's note: i think crack-fic-vada is my favorite thing to write
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Vads <3 (8:16pm): SOS
Vads <3 (8:16pm): 911
Vads <3 (8:16pm): SOS
You glanced at your phone, annoyed at the incessant vibrating while you were trying to study, and your eyes widened when you saw your girlfriend’s texts. You scrambled to answer her, anxiety flooding through your veins.
You (8:17pm): whats going on???
You (8:17pm): are u ok???
Vads <3 (8:17pm): get over here asap.
Vads <3 (8:17pm): pls im gonna cry
You shot out of your chair, didn’t bother with grabbing a coat or your wallet or your keys as you rushed out of your room, and nearly tripped down the stairs with your speed. You slipped your shoes on quickly, called out to your mom to let her know you were leaving, and then slammed the door shut behind you, breaking out into a sprint.
Vada lived a mile away, on the other side of town. Your lungs stung and your legs burned as you ran, not stopping for a moment, even when you felt like your body was going to shut down on you, even when you swore you were tearing a hole in the sole of your sneakers.
You bounded up her front steps and practically face-planted into her door before pushing it open, knowing the Cavells never kept it locked.
“Vada!” you called, hastily making your way to her room. “Vada, I’m here!”
You didn’t knock. You just barged into her room, and then you stilled at what you saw. It looked like a tornado had blown through her bedroom: her blankets were hanging off her window sill, her pillows were strewn around the floor, her books had all been pulled off her bookshelf. She sat in the middle of the disaster, on the floor, her knees pressed against her chest and her face burrowed in her arms.
“Vads?” you asked, careful not to step on any of her belongings as you ventured further in. She looked up, her eyes wild and wide, her breathing hard. “What’s going on? What is it?”
“I--" She inhaled sharply and clenched her eyes shut. You swore her lip was trembling as you knelt beside her, a hand rubbing soothing circles on her back. “I--”
“It’s okay, baby. You can talk to me,” you whispered, trying to keep your voice calm. You glanced around the room, wondering what could have happened to make Vada explode like that.
She looked at you, took a deep breath in, and then all at once said, “I lost my vape.”
You froze, disbelief settling in your stomach. “You--you lost your vape?” It took a moment for the statement to process in your mind, and once it did, you shook your head. “You texted me ‘911’...because you lost your vape?! I thought you were dying!”
“Baby, I am dying,” she argued. “How am I supposed to live without nicotine?”
“You’re the worst. You know that right?” You sighed and stood, extending your hand for her to take. “C’mon, let’s go to the smoke shop. I’ll buy you a new one.”
Her eyes lit up, a grin breaking out on her face. “Really?” She grabbed your hand and hoisted herself up. “Yay!”
She skipped out of her room, leaving you standing in the middle of it. You sighed as you looked around a final time. “Un-fucking-believable.”
bonus: when you and vada returned from the smoke shop, her vape safely protected in her pocket, and you walked into her room, you paused.
she hummed and looked at you. “yeah, babe?”
you pointed at her desk, where a familiar object sat out in the open. “is that your old vape?”
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nouvxllev · 3 months
hey! can i get something like... Vada cavell x Fem reader? R is in a bar playing pool but she is terrible at it. Vada is enchanted by R and approaches her but R doesn't pay much attention to Vada. Vada then makes a bet that if she wins the pool match against R, she will get a kiss.
you can make the ending with R liking Vada and going home with her. smut if you want and g!p if u want
first fuck
Pairing: G!p!Vada Cavell x Fem!Reader
Summary: ^^ request!!
Words: 4.0k (was not expecting this is THAT long)
Warnings: smut. i think thats painfully obvious. but also a little fluff, bottomvadabottomvadabottomvadaholyshit, i love a confident to awkward little guy vada cavell
a/n: thank you for your request anon!! much appreciated, hope ive fulfilled it
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Vada wasn't what you'd call someone who's great at pool, 8ball, or billiards, whatever you'd call it.
She'd boast about being 'somewhat decent' at the game even though her skills barely lined between the basics and knowing nothing at all.
She manages to win a few games here and there, but she doesn't really think winning a game against her 11 year old sister would be much of a win situation.
You on the other hand, the prettiest girl that Vada was definitely not watching for the past 20 minutes trying to pocket atleast one ball, basics were definitely not your thing. Or maybe you just skimmed it all and let it go through the other ear with how absolutely terrible you are playing.
Not that Vada has any room of say. But watching you focus so intensely on the cue stick only to somehow to sink the 8-ball in every match is almost adorable to her.
She couldn't tear her eyes off of you for even a second—it's suffocating.
She couldn't care less watching an idiot struggle lining up her shot for what felt like the hundredth time this evening surrounded by, seemingly, your group of friends.
Yet she could. She could say she was head over heels for you, enchanted even.
Vada, perched on top of the edge of one of the bar tables, a wry smile slowly coming up to her face as she watched you, drink in hand while she swirled it around, the ice slowly melting but her gaze on you remained frozen.
She heard how your friends cheered you on for the hundredth time, giggling while they watch you horribly fail and pocket the cue ball. They were ganging up on you quite fast, like there was some bet going around that if you win they'll probably give you 100$.
"So are you just going to keep watching that girl or are you going to come with us?" Nick creeped up, hand in hand with Mia, slightly kicking one of the legs on the chair, almost tumbling Vada down. Though she would rather die in her own hole than admit that she was someone light-weight.
Vada almost got knocked off if not for her getting a grip on the edge. "Kick my chair one more time and I will make my fall so damaging your wallet should be the one being hospitalized." She scowled, even if it looks like a pout more than anything.
"Scary." Nick rolled his eyes, almost darting his tongue at Vada if not for Mia nudging Nick, shaking her head while letting out a sigh.
"We're gonna play beer pong with the others. You coming, Vada?"
Vada hesitated for a moment, she could play pong where she was an absolute beast at, or she could stay and horribly pine for a girl she just saw like some weird stalker.
It's an easy choice.
"Mn, no thanks," she squeaked out, nodding slightly, "You guys go ahead. I'll catch up with you later," she replied, mustering a half-hearted smile before averting her gaze back to you.
The two let out a shrug, a 'suit your self' kind of shrug as they headed towards the table of those stereotypical cups you'd see in highschool parties, surrounded by her other friends. She could almost regret her decision if not for you catching her eye just for a slight second.
With a deep breath, as well downing what was left of her drink in mere seconds, she pushed herself off the edge of her seat and made her way over to your table, steeling herself for what she hoped would be a move of confidence (or maybe to fuel the lack of.)
And of course she'd regret it right away when she was already 2 steps away from you.
God, you were pretty. So, so, so pretty. Like her breathing capacity slowed down to a minimum.
Her hands made her way to that one ring on her pointer finger, fidgeting as she felt her heart pound in her chest and making its way up to her ears. She felt a flutter of nervous excitement in her stomach, like butterflies. But it wasn't just flying around, no, it was definitely eating her from the inside. In a good way.
She cleared her throat, trying to sound casual but not like that voice you'd do when it's awfully obvious you've been staring at them for a while.
"Uh," she started, or maybe stammered. What a way to go, Cavell. "Hello, do you—would you mind if I join in?" She stood at the left side opposing yours, fidgeting with her hands.
No response.
She didn't miss how her heart shot up a pitch when you glanced her way for a brief second before returning to that focus you had.
Maybe, at that point, it was Vada's cue to stop talking, but she persisted anyways, "I'm pretty good—okay maybe not that good but I do know the basics. You know, how to pocket a ball or two... is it alright if I play a game with you?" What an absolute lady charmer, Vada.
But again, no response.
It's sad how she sounded like if a man embodied a 7th grader who still used the same reduce and reuse horrible pickup lines was a 5'3 19 year old woman.
Vada bit her lip, so maybe it actually was the time to shut the fuck up. Or maybe not. Downing a glass of beer wasn't technically a way to stitch one Vada Cavells mouth up even if you tried.
So as some last-ditch effort, and something she wouldn't normally do if she had the mental capacity to stop her brain, Vada slammed a couple of $100 bills onto the pool table.
If someone were to ask where in the fuck did she get all her money from she'd probably answer that she's been waiting for this day. (Even if it was the money to pay her large amount of debt for Nick.) It was safe to say it caught all your attention.
"Could I make a bet with you?"
You weren't getting a fucking thing.
Pool wasn't your strong suit, more so not your forte. Maybe agreeing to joining a game with your friends might not have been the wisest move you've done. Sure you pocketed some balls, but they were either by a long shot or the wrong ball.
When you got that invite via text, you figure you'd just join in for a while then bail when things either, a, get messy and they have to drag you in for a possible aiding and abetting crime that would mess up your whole record, or b, becoming the designated driver for your friends who'll be blacked out like a light switch.
No person who has the mental capability and their frontal lobe intact would see either options to be appealing.
The balls scattered on the table after a near perfect break, which was the only thing you were good at you noticed, and your attempts to sink them into the pockets were met with more misses than hits.
To say that your patience was wearing thin was an understatement, and you have half a mind of stabbing your friends in the eye with the cue stick.
Your friend slung her arm over your shoulder, unable to contain her laughter. "Oh, this is sad to look at. You should just give up the 100$, y/n. It's been, what, 5 rematches? That's not even counting the times you accidentally hit the wrong ball."
You roll your eyes, hearing everybody laugh around you before sighing as you tried to line up your next shot, "I'd rather die before I have a negative symbol to my name." You retorted, mustering up the confidence and that one comfortable hand position that wasn't doing you any justice.
Of course, it doesn't. It always doesn't. How was it possible that you were hitting every corner but the one you're supposed to hit!?
The others let out an empathetic little 'ooooh...' even if you knew they were tiring their asses out not to laugh at you.
"Knowing that you have a 100$ and nothing is crazy, and that's even sadder."
And that's when you heard a loud slam when you were about to make your shot, expecting it to be one of your friends' hands messing you yet again, so imagine your surprise when you looked up to find the most amount of money you've been offered your whole entire life.
You blinked, your grip loosening on the cue stick as your gaze repeatedly looked down at the money and at the girl, "Hello?" you asked, raising an eyebrow.
You knew this girl was watching you ever since she walked up to the table, yet you never seemed to pay attention to her, so you hadn't taken a good look at her until now.
Oh you were fucked.
She was gorgeous.
To say that your curiosity was piqued was an understatement, it was definitely caught. Trapped, even. "A bet?" you repeated, the flicker of interest in that one word was something you needed to work on, "what kind of bet?"
She nodded, a smile coming out of her lips. A dimple. Shit.
Her gaze was locked onto yours, you didn't even notice how all your friends dipped the moment the cash was slammed onto the table. "Yeah, is that... cool with you?" she leaned against the table, you didn't even notice she was only wearing a pair of basketball shorts and an oversized tee. "I'm Cavell. Vada, Cavell."
It looked hot on her more than it should've.
"We play a game of pool, think that's obvious enough," she chuckled, "If I win..." Vada paused, you could see her thinking as she stared off, "you owe me a kiss. But if you win," her fingers tapped on the bills of cash laying around, "I'll give you this. Maybe even double."
There is in no universe, no world, does the prettiest girl you have ever seen just proposed a bet with the stakes of a kiss and a couple hundred dollars in hard cash.
And it's almost concerning how you'd burn all the stacks of cash just to lose and kiss this girl. A stranger, yet she was one of those strangers who you'd absolutely go down on.
Maybe you had too much to drink when you gave a silent nod and accepted her challenge.
It's only been a few minutes into the game and you're giving half a mind to throw the game all together and pull Vada into the nearest stall and makeout with her.
You'd have to remind her that it's you should be plotting the cue ball then shoot. Not wink at you with that insufferable smirk on her face, take the cue ball from your hands, and pocket her own ball.
You're pretty good yourself, you noticed. You started taking on a different approach to cue spins, and you were getting the hang of not accidentally shooting the wrong ball.
Yet your thoughts became increasingly tempting, each one more distracting than the last.
Every time she leaned over the table to line up her shot, you couldn't help but stare at the way her hair often fell in loose waves around her face, her shirt falling against her movements.
That distracting in a way you could almost gauge your eyeballs with the cue stick to remind yourself to focus and tear your gaze away from her. Quite literally.
You lined up your shot, to say that your fingers were trembling was an understatement, they were fucking palpitating at this point. You try to ignore it yet it felt like every nerve in your body was relying on this damn point in your life, like they don't have anything better to do than make your body function normally.
It would only take one solid ball to make your shot and you can get to finally shoot the 8-ball.
"Oh shit right, I didn't get your name."
Of course, Vada of all people, would only ask this question now.
Your mind goes blank for a moment. Shit, shit, shit.
"Oh, uh, it's…" you stammer, feeling like a complete idiot for forgetting your own name in front of her.
Before you could even speak, she's leaning in even closer, her perfume taking your senses, a scent that you could almost overdose in and would gladly take either heaven or hell.
"It's y/n," you finally manage to say, the rush of relief never felt more satisfying than the words leaving your lips.
The built up tension in your mind eases slightly as you meet Vada's gaze as you turn your head, her smile widening into a ray of sunshine that warms your heart. It's captivating, almost mesmerizing, and for a moment, you find yourself lost in the warmth of her gaze.
And maybe a little too captivating to the point you miss the unmistakable sound of balls clacking against eachother as they fall into the pockets, watching in disbelief as Vada pockets her last striped bal and the 8-ball all at once.
Oh, fuck me.
"Forgot to tell you that you ran out of time, y/n." Vada smirked, a full-blown shit-eating grin crossing her face.
"Oh my God." You curse under your breath, standing up slightly, even your posture looks defeated. "So not well-played." You jokingly quipped, placing down the cue stick and crossing your arms.
"You owe me something." She inched a little closer to you, her voice too fucking intoxicating for you to handle. You feel a shiver run down your spine as you step back just a slight, her head tilting upwards and a glint in her eyes that makes your heart race even faster.
"Impatient much?"
"S-shit, wait... "
You gasped for air, stumbling into your apartment. Your breath caught in your throat as you felt Vada's hands falling to your hips and desperately clutching your waist, her body rutting against yours, feeling her clothed erection grinding on your heat. Fuck, you could tell she was big.
Her arms wrapped around you, pushing you against the door in frevor with your heart pounding in your chest as her lips met yours in a heated kiss, her mouth parting to intrude yours.
A sudden surge of desire and hunger shot through you as she claimed your mouth, closing your eyes as you hear her groan inside of your mouth all while she took you breathless.
"I thought you only wanted a kiss," you managed to murmur between kisses, your head tilting to grant her even more access, "Now you take me home to your apartment?" Her touch travelled down further, cupping the swell of your ass, feeling every curve you had in an agonizing desperation.
You'd think making out with Vada in more than 10 minutes in a bathroom stall would satisfy the both of you, yet you're here. In her apartment, feeling her hardened cock bucking against you.
Vada whined, her breath warm against your skin, a smirk gracing your lips at her sound, "I want more," she almost pleaded, "I need more," she whined, "please." Her fingers traced your jawline, your eyes meeting hers that almost begged you to take her.
You nodded frantically in response, your lips parting as your hot breath hits her skin, having no trust by letting your mouth run off rather than shoving her bulging cock down your throat until it fits perfectly in your mouth, pleasing her in every way possible.
Without hesitation, you lean in and kiss every inch of her skin, feeling her abs flex under your touch while you left wet kisses in her wake as you trailed down on your knees, letting your fingers slide into the waistband of her shorts and boxers, her garments offering no purpose to hide her painful erection.
"W-wait, y/n," she stopped you, her hands hovering over yours as she looked down on you with the prettiest doe eyes ever. "I never—I never done this before."
You looked up at her, your eyebrows raised, almost having to withdraw your hands from her, "You're... serious?" It was hard to imagine someone like her never had sex, yet it spurred you on even more knowing it was her first time. Her first fuck with you.
"Well, I have," she explained, her voice slightly trembling, " Close enough. We stopped before we got to actually fucking."
"Sorry, just—" she gulped, her hands leaving yours and tangling them into your hair, "just warning you. I'm not that experienced. Well, I have watched porn—"
"Vada." You stopped her just before she could tell you more, but you couldn't deny that it was extremely adorable for her to do so, "don't worry baby, I'll take care of you."
You wink before letting her boxers hit the wooden tiled floor, her veiny and pulsing cock sprining out and slapping against her abdomen, your eyes widening at the sight of her while your mouth watered and your cunt throbbed with want, needing her cock plowing into you.
"Fuck, Vada, you're huge," you gasped, your fingers wrapping around her dick as you guided the throbbing length to your lips, her pre-cum coating your already abused mouth.
You could sense Vada smirking above you, her ego boosting by the slightest compliment, but fuck she knows she's big.
You looked up at her, your eyes glistening with the faintest hint of lust as you started stroking her dick.
Quiet moans escaped her lips, her hips repeatedly bucking against your fingers while her head was thrown back, her fingers tightening their grip on your hair as you took your time tracing lazy circles around her leaking tip.
Every stroke you made on her had her cock twitching, almost begging for release, whines escaping her mouth every minute, she was pleading for more yet you gave her nothing.
"God, you look so pretty like this, baby, just for me..." You panted, it was intoxicating, maddening, the way she responded to your every movement with desire written all over her, especially when you call her that. She was never much of a dominating one, you noticed.
"Y/n, please… oh, f-fuck!" She threw her head back when you sped up, hearing her labored breaths, the way she would occasionally gasp your name in a broken moan all while you looked up at her like you've done nothing, how could you not tease her just the slightest bit?
You slowed your movements to a halt, drawing out her pleasure in the most agonizing way possible, tilting your head just a slight bit, "what is it, pretty girl? Tell me."
"Wanna—shit..." she moaned, "wanna cum'n your throat, baby, please..."
"Of course, pretty girl," you chuckled softly, leaning in to kiss her hardened cock while wasting no time in shoving her dick down your throat, gagging around her as you feel her erection stretch your lips as you took her deeper and deeper.
Vada's hips bucked around you, her moans growing louder and louder. Your name kept tumbling from her lips in broken moans and cries, her other hand hovering over her mouth yet it never muffled her erotic moans.
"Y/n, fuck, your mouth feels so good around my dick," she moaned, her words sending a shiver along your spine all the way to your dripping pussy.
You gagged around her pulsing length, feeling every crevice and vein inside your throat, your throat constricting as you struggled to take her size.
Spit dripped from your lips, going no where but to her balls and onto the floor as you tried to take her in.
With each thrust of her hips, each gasp of pleasure wanted you to take her in more and more.
You close her eyes, the taste of her on your tongue, the feeling of her throbbing length filling your mouth, the erotic sounds of her moans and your gagging around her dick—it was all too much, and yet not enough.
"Gonna cum, oh God, m'gonna cum..." she took a handful of your hair, trying to push you in deeper, chasing her high, "can I cum? Baby, please, I wanna cum so bad, please, pleasepleaseplease..."
You remove your mouth from her dick, hearing her groan and whine at the slightest bit of distance from your mouth and her cock, releasing it with a little pop all while you lick your lips, the faint taste of her still lingering on your tongue.
"Have a little patience, Vada," you cooed, going to your feet and taking off your undergarments, Vada's eyes immediately shooting down at your wet pussy, watching how her eyes wanted to take you all in, how she wanted to slam you against the bed and fuck you till early morning.
You let your arms stretch over her shoulders, trapping her in as you leaned in, your clit bumping with her twitching cock. "We've got all night, baby. Just wanna have you ready before you fuck me."
"Vada! F-fuck, m'gonna cum again... gonna cum all over your cock, oh God!"
Throwing your head back, the only sounds that filled the room where the sounds of skin slapping against skin, the sloppy and wet squelch of your pussy as you went down on Vada's cock for the 4th time this evening.
Your words were barely coherent, your hips bucking and squeezing uncontrollably against Vada's cock all while your face was red and flushed from all the orgasms you've been receiving from her and giving her, tears streaming down your face in pleasure and pain.
The only sounds that filled the room were the sounds of skin slapping against skin, the sloppy and wet squelch of your pussy as you rode Vada's cock for the fourth time this evening. Each thrust of your own body left you gasping and moaning in heaven with Vada as she stared at you with her lips parted.
Her hands found peace on your waist, guiding your body with each movement you had on her, showing Vada how to perfectly cowgirl, your ass bouncing every time you hit the base of her cock that painfully stretched you until your puffy folds got used to her size.
Your own hands found their way to her chest, feeling the delicious flex of her abs as your tight walls squeezed around her dick.
Yet, you were running out of stamina, your pace slowing down as you started to grip on her chest a bit more tighter than usual.
Of course, the ever sweetest girl, Vada Cavell, noticed this almost immediately as she cooed, "you alright, y/n?" She moaned breathlessly, her cock still sensitive from you, "we could take it slow if you want—"
"No…" you panted, going to a halt. You couldn't stop now, not when you were so close to the edge, "don't wanna… wanna cum'n your cock… please," you whined, though you weren't resuming to your natural pace of fucking yourself into her.
You collapsed onto her, feeling your eyes closing shut and your body relaxing against Vada, her scent mixed with sweat was oddly comforting all while you melted into her embrace.
Vada sighed against you, her heartbeat against yours was all she needed after a few hours. Gently rubbing your back, she kissed your shoulders, praising you everytime her soft lips landed on your skin.
"You're perfect, have I ever told you that?" She whispered, "the prettiest girl. I don't know what I would do if I didn't offer you that bet." She then chuckled, making you chuckle against her back, pulling her into a tighter embrace as you whined at the loss of her cock inside of you.
"How's that for your first fuck?"
"Better than the shit I've take. Like, way fucking better." You both laughed.
"I'll draw you a bath, 'ts just a few steps away from my bedroom anyway." Vada got up after she laid you down comfortably on her mattress that was awfully stained with your and her juices. She put on a new pair of boxers before kissing you on the forehead, smiling against your skin.
"You're the sweetest, V." You smiled dumbly, yet Vada looked at you with tenderness and fondness in her eyes, like she didn't just fuck a stranger well into late night. But, she might just be falling in love after all.
Vada laughed, a smile creeping up on her face, bringing out her dimples, "V?"
"'ts your nickname," you slurred "Don't you like it?"
She took a moment before responding with a kiss on the lips, her soft ones meeting yours, "I love it."
V: So... so are we official? Like girlfriends girlfriends, we're not just fucking around? Oh my God, don't tell me this is just a one night stand. Y: Vada, I thought that was already established when I repeatedly came around your dick yelling 'I love you.' V: Rrrrright, but what if Y: Vada, we're girlfriends. Alright?
another a/n: been mia for probably weeks now, so sorry about that!! especially to those who have pending requests. ive been focusing on my studies recently AND i got hit with the worst cases of writers block. so thats two of them. but now since ive got maybe a free schedule, i can focus more on writing requests! thank you so so much by the way and stories might be posted a lot more late than usual. anyway,
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mikeysw1fey · 10 months
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pairing: vada cavell x female reader
warnings: school shooting, guns, suicidal shooter, suicide.
a/n: i’m in a writers block :/ i apologise if this is bad
vads <3
pls meet me in bathroom rn. dying from lack of kisses from my grilfriend.
I roll my eyes at the message, two more coming in almost instantly after I had read the first ones.
I raise my hand, my teacher raising an eyebrow to glare at me. “May I go to the bathroom please? Girl problems.” I shrug and the teacher cringes nodding and ushering me out.
“Your so needy.” The bathroom door swings open as I walk in and scoff at my girlfriend who sits on the sink counter, legs swinging as she not so patiently waits for me to arrive.
“Ahh correction. I am so in love.” Vada wags her finger at me before hopping down and rushing to wrap her arms around my neck. “Kiss me.” She whispers and I obey, leaning down to the shorter girl and pressing my lips to hers earning a breathy sigh.
Vadas mouth opens as she pulls back, a mischievous twinkle in her eye as she goes to speak. But she doesn’t get to finish her sentence as a loud bang echoes through the hallway.
Vadas hand grips mine as we both freeze, eyes trained on the bathroom door waiting to hear the noise again.
And again it happens, multiple gun shots fired followed quickly by cries and screams, footsteps screeching in a panicked state outside the bathroom door.
Tears begin to fall down my face as I drag Vada into the end bathroom stall. “Get on the toilet.” I whisper shaking a scarily larger amount as I clamber atop the toilet seat. Vada follows suit, whimpers leaving her mouth at the sound of every bullet being fired.
My breathing is rapid, choked almost as I hold a hand over my mouth attempting to keep quiet as long as I can. Vadas eyes meet my own, both pairs glassy and swimming with fear, fear that one of us won’t make it out alive.
The silence after is almost worse than the gun shots and it doesn’t help the girl before me is shaking so hard I became worried she was having a seizure. Remaining silent I hold out my own shaky palm, Vada is quick to take it ignoring the clamminess and holding it extremely tightly.
“Is it over?” I manage to ask, my lips quivering as I dare to step down from the toilet.
Vada sobs into her hand. “I don’t know.” She whispers clinging tightly to my arm too afraid to open the stall.
Police sirens echo outside the building, a sliver of hope rushing through me. But that is shattered as the bathroom door bursts open, mumbled sentences being uttered as someone paces the floor outside the stalls.
Vadas eyes widen, hand pressing tightly against her mouth to stop her cries as her chest rises and falls so fast I had to place my hand against her cheek to calm her slightly.
I slowly attempt to clamber back onto the toilet, but of course nothing goes my way as my foot slips into the toilet water, the splash alerting the intruder.
“Who the fuck is there? I’ll fucking kill you.” His voice is psychotic, alert and fuming as he stalks towards the first stall and shoots a bullet through the door.
Vada and I flinch at the sound of trigger, his footsteps gradually getting closer to our stall as he sends a bullet through each door.
Closing my eyes and praying slightly I step down from the toilet and reach for the lock. Vadas hand is quick to latch onto my arm shaking her head frantically. Turning to look at her, I smile as best I can. “I’ll be ok.” I nod and blow her a wobbly kiss before opening the stall door and closing it behind me, keeping Vada safe.
“Matt.” I whisper, the shooters trembling body turning towards my own. In his hands lay an automatic, aimed directly at me as he seethes.
“Please don’t do this. You can’t come back from this is you keep going.” My voice betrays me, breaking multiple times in the single sentence.
Matt’s eyes are filled with tears but his grip on the gun remains strong. “I don’t plan to come back from it.” He replies wrapping a long finger around the trigger and shrugging.
A flood of what felt like fire burns through my shoulder, the force causing my body to smack against the tiled ground. Crying out in pain, my hands fly to my wound, coming back coated in my blood.
Matt stands frozen, his jaw clenched as he turns the gun on himself. I will myself to close my eyes, or at least turn away but it’s as if I’m frozen. Stuck.
And without a moments hesitation the trigger is pulled, Matt’s body collapsing beside mine, his blood mixing with my own as it pools underneath his body.
Tears cloud my view and my head flops against the tiled floor, weak and heavy. “Vada.” I breathe holding my shoulder with much effort as I could muster.
“Va-“ My vision goes black. A pair of creased jordan’s the last thing I see as I fade out of consciousness.
“-very lucky he didn’t get her any lower or she wouldn’t be here right now.”
Blinking against the white light I sit up to see my Vada talking to a nurse but as I stir the two turn to me.
“Your awake.” Vada is sniffling, tears falling down her cheeks as she walks over to my bed. “I’m awake.” I whisper grimacing at the pain of trying to sit up.
Vada remains stoic, a scary difference to her normal wild and very unserious attitude. “Your ok?” I whisper, the nurse leaving the room with a simple nod. Vada shrugs, her eyes blank. “I don’t know.” Her hand finds mine, intertwining her fingers in my own. “Get in.” I shuffle over giving her space to slip into my bed ignoring the throbbing of my shoulder.
“I don’t think either of us are ok. And I think right now. That is ok.” I whisper pulling Vadas head against my chest and kissing her hair.
She hums, finger tracing the exposed skin on my hip. “I’ve got you now.” I whisper, running my hand through her matter locks. “And I’ve got you.” She replies turning to look up at me as if reciting a promise.
Silence encompasses the room as darkness falls over the hospital. But my eyes don’t close, and I doubt Vadas do either. Yet I remain still, the only movement is my hand in Vadas hair bringing as much comfort as I can. “I love you Vada.” I whisper. Vadas figure shuffles slightly under my gaze, head leaning back to look up at me.
“I love you too.”
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ajortga · 7 months
hi hi! this is my masterlist!
"when there is utter emotions, there is endless raw pieces of poetry."
˚    ✦   .  .   ˚ .      . ✦     ˚     . ★⋆. ࿐࿔ ˚ .˚    ✦   .  .   ˚ .             ੈ✧˳·˖✶
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currently revolving around the jenna ortega universe
what i write: fluff, angst, sensitive topics (smuts undecided.)
who i write: jenna ortega, her characters, melissa barrera, sam carpenter, joey?
i don't write male readers! but there will be times i don't specify pronouns<3.
request and communicate with me in my inbox! i'll see what i can make!
requests are OPEN
3 requests beginning to be worked on
keep in mind there are some requests i skip because i don't have any ideas for or a good plot:), please don't be upset! i want to make sure that i can fulfill requests and make my anons happy.
please do not take my work in any shape or form, i spend a lot of time and dedication to my writing and i don't give consent for others to take it.
please reach out if you come upon a story that is similar or the same as mine, the only stories that are the same are on my wattpad which is the link i added below!
my wattpad!
- favorites are marked with ‪♡
angst- ✮
jenna ortega:
lead: it's not easy being a theater kid, so when you audition for the lead role and get in, you think you need to know your love interest more. the kisses in the script bring you more butterfly than nerves.
chapter 1
chapter 2 (chapter 3 is most likely discontinued.)
sweet ♡: jenna was planning on relaxing after acting on set, not crush on the pretty sweet girl who served her coffee, you. she hasn't fallen in love in a long time, she needs to get to know you more.
part 1
part 2
part 3
one shots:
slipping through my fingers ✮
she's different
always for you
fate ties two
i forgive you. ✮
home ♡ (drabble!)
opposites attract
my girl
vada cavell:
she's a shooting star
her healer ‪✮
i'm not coming home. ✮ (sensitive topics)
the alcohol effect
for i can't help falling in love with you ♡
tara carpenter:
hot cocoa?
the forgotten letter ‪✮
why try?
belly the holland lop ♡
in what way? ✮
bear hugs (drabble)
just too late ✮
cairo sweet:
the warmth of your hand ‪♡
i bet on losing dogs ✮
wednesday addams:
can you keep a secret?
lorraine day:
the 1900s
in the magic of making..
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alexfromjersey · 10 months
Vada Cavell x G!P OC
word count:
warnings: none
a/n: quick little chapter. I kinda neglected this story for my other Jenna one…sorry 😬.
Previous Chapter | Next Chapter | Series Masterlist
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GIF by lowkeyvada
“Sleeping Beauty has finally awakened from her slumber”
Deep breath in.
“I’m older than both of you so what I say goes”
Hold it.
“I wish you would just let your balls drop and talk to her. The longing gaze from across the room is so Twilight”
Hold it.
“Happy Birthday youngsters”
Hold it.
Hold it.
Hold it.
“You have to keep your eyes open. Don’t close them”
You let out the breath you were holding into the spirometer. The doctor took the device from you and logged in the numbers. It's been a week since the school shooting. You were shot in your lower abdomen and the bullet lodged into your hip bone. Thankfully, nothing major was nicked or hit, But the doctors had to leave the bullet in otherwise it would cause extensive bleeding.
“Okay Miss Vaughn, your lungs seem clear and strong. But if you start to have trouble breathing or cough/vomit blood, unbearable pain in your hip, go to the ER immediately” The Doctor insisted.
You nodded at his words. Your mother sat in the chair bouncing her leg up and down.
“What about the physical therapy for her leg? Is there a program or something?” Your mom asked.
“There is a physical therapy program we have but without insurance, it costs $250 per session. Based off Jordan’s injury, she will need sessions twice a week” The Doctor explained.
You look over at your mother who seems to be in deep thought. Your face falls when you realize where her thought process is going.
“Okay, thank you Doc” Your mother nodded. She grabs your crutch and helps you to stand. The two of you walk out the office together. You make it to the car and with a bit of a struggle, you manage to get in the front seat.
Your mom gets in the car and pulls out a cigarette. The two of you just sit in silence inside your heads.
“I know what you’re thinking. I know I promised I’ll never go back but…you need those sessions baby” Your mom mumbled.
“I don’t need them. I can do it myself. I can find tutorials on YouTube and do it like that. You don’t have to go back” You said.
“Jordan you’re not a Doctor. You don’t know if doing it yourself will help. These shifts at the diner barely pays the bills and I need you back at 100%” Your mom stated.
You stare out the window with a despondent expression.
“I’m doing this for you. You are my world and I love you forever” Your mom said and grabbed your face to look at her.
You look into her slighted dilated eyes to see nothing but genuine love in them.
“I love you too Mom” You spoke genuinely. Your mom gives you a kiss on the forehead before starting the car.
“Can I go by Quinton’s? I want to check up on him” You asked.
“Of course” Your mom answered.
For the next 15 minutes, you sat in the car with your head against the window looking at the passing scenery. The radio was softly playing in the background and the smell of cigarettes filled the car. You and Quinton hasn’t talk since he told you the news of Devyn passing. You were preoccupied with recovering but you also wanted to give him space to grieve.
It was going to hard moving on with life without Devyn. You felt about the idea. You didn’t want to move on. You wanted to be swallowed up with guilt. Guilt that you survived and he didn’t. Guilt that you could possibly be happy one day.
“Hey Jord, we’re here” Your mom shook you out of your thoughts. You looked up and saw the house you’ve been to numerous times. It felt weird, you started to get nervous. You kept rubbing your sweaty palms on your pants. Your mom took notice and she grabbed your hand.
“Hey, why don’t we go together” Your mom offered.
You swallow harshly and nod at her offer. She gave you an encouraging smile before getting out and coming to your side. She helped you exit the car and walk up the stairs. She knocked on the door for you.
A few moments later, the door opens to reveal Mrs. Hasland.
“I…I” You struggled to find words to say.
Suddenly, you are eloped into a huge. Mrs. Hasland hugged you tightly with tears pouring out her eyes. She kept muttering Thank You Lord into your shoulder over and over again. You wrap your arms around her tightly to return the hug.
Quinton appears from behind his mother. After his mother was finished hugging you, he pulled you into a tight hug too. The two of you pouring everything you needed to say in the hug.
A couple of days go by, you spent most of your time at Quinton’s house since your mother started having her company over. You didn’t want to see the men or hear the noises so you went over to Quinton’s, his parents not minding a bit.
You attended Devyn’s funeral which surprised you and everyone else because you absolutely despised funerals. If you could get out of going to one, you 100% did. But this was Devyn, one of your best friends. You couldn’t not go, you wanted to say goodbye to him one last time. You also didn’t want him to haunt you for not attending.
Another surprise was seeing Mia Reed and Vada at the service. You didn’t expect them to show up at all but you and Quinton appreciated it. The four of you all exchanged socials and phone numbers to keep in contact with one another and check up on each other.
The sound of the text message sound brings you out of your thoughts. You grab your phone from the nightstand to see a text message from Vada.
Vada: hey (2:34 am)
Jordan: hey (2:35 am)
Vada: im surprised ur still up (2:35 am)
Jordan: could say the same thing for u (2:36 am)
Vada: i couldn’t sleep. the nightmares wont let me (2:36 am)
Jordan: same (2:37 am)
You watched as the text bubbles pop up and disappear. They pop up again with a new message.
Vada: this is probs a stupid question to ask but how r u? (2:39 am)
You sigh at the question. You could lie and say your okay or you could tell her the truth.
Jordan: fine as I can be. how bout u? (2:42 am)
Vada: good as anyone could be after something like that (2:43 am)
Jordan: understandable answer (2:43 am)
Vada: im sorry about devyn (2:45 am)
Jordan: thnx (2:48 am)
Vada: do u remember anything anything before u passed out (2:51 am)
Jordan: no. all I remember is falling out the stall and then blackness (2:52 am)
Jordan: truth be told I thought I died (2:52 am)
You don’t know why you lied to the girl. Maybe you think you are protecting from remembering anything from that…or protecting yourself.
Vada: we should hang out sometime (2:56 am)
Jordan: we should. when do u want to? (2:57 am)
Vada: maybe this weekend? (2:58 am)
Jordan: im down (2:59 am)
Vada: great 🙂 (3:01 am)
Jordan: 🙂 (3:01 am)
Vada: i should get some sleep. I’ll text u this weekend (3:02 am)
Jordan: looking forward to it (3:03 am)
Vada liked the message and you locked your phone. You placed your phone back on the charger on the nightstand.
“Looking forward to it, ugh” You cringed.
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jenna0rtega27 · 3 months
I love you Vada Cavell
Vada x F!Reader Summary: Y/n walks through the school hallways during class while a gunman prepares to enter the school to kill students. Warnings: School shooting, blood, gunshot, murder Number of words: 1341 Send me your requests here or anonymously. I love reading you!
Pov Y/n: I walk through the empty corridors of the school. For what? Quite simply because I don't want to meet Vada. So I've been skipping all math classes for a month now. You see, Vada and I were the best of friends. But obviously, like the gay girl that I am, I had a huge crush on this girl. But Vada stopped talking to me overnight for no reason. So I never got to tell him that I loved him.
Now seeing Vada hurts me because 2 weeks after she stopped talking to me, she was dating stupid Logan. Do you know the popular rich boy at school? Well it's him. I don't even see what Vada sees in him. He's ugly, stupid and fucking stupid. Every girl would like to have him in their bed. Please note, I do not include myself in all his girls. Because I only want one person in my bed.
It's now been about 10 minutes since math class started and I'm wandering the halls of this stupid school. I say she's stupid because there are no supervisors in the hallways or if there are supervisors, they're not even monitoring because they're either in the moon or on their fucking phones.
20 minute skip
It's been 30 minutes now and I'm honestly starting to get bored. But suddenly, while I'm walking down the halls, I hear a loud sound and screams of fear. I immediately cover my ears and start to panic. I hear 2 more shots and more screams. I start to run but with the panic, I don't really know where I'm going.
I turn right to go to the other corridor and I see the horror. I see two students lying on the ground with lots of blood on and around them and not moving. Which tells me they were killed. I put my hand over my mouth to stop myself from screaming and tears flow down my cheeks. I'm shaking from head to toe.
Suddenly, I hear footsteps coming towards me. The fear of being killed goes to my head.
“You move and I’ll kill you.” » A man's voice said behind me. But like the bitch that I am, I turn around and find a man with a shotgun aiming at me.
“I’m telling you not to move, bitch. » The man insults me and pulls me in my stomach. I fall to the ground in pain and cry. The man leaves to I suppose kill another person.
I look at my wound and a lot of blood is coming out of my wound. I put my hand on my wound to try to stop the blood from flowing but nothing works. Too much blood is flowing.
I try to get up while keeping my hand on my wound. " Whore. » I swear, gritting my teeth in pain.
I walk to a nearby bathroom. I open the door and fall straight to the ground. I can see there's already blood on the bathroom floor leading to a stall and I see 6 feet there but I'm too focused on my wound to notice who was in the stall. I continue to moan in pain with tears streaming from my eyes.
I hear police sirens and then no more shots. So I think the shooter was either arrested or killed. After about 1 minute, the three people come out of the cabin and I hear someone almost screaming but my wound hurts too much to notice who it is.
“Y/N!? » I turn my head and see Vada, Mia Reed and Quinton Hasland. Quinton was bloody but he looked good so it wasn't his blood.
“Oh my god Vada are you hurt? I ask immediately, checking to see if Vada was hurt but she didn't seem to have any injuries. Which makes me breathe in relief but I immediately grit my teeth in pain.
“No, but you are injured. » Vada said worriedly. She sits on the floor and takes my head and places it on her knees.
“Don’t worry about me. I say with a smile as I start to feel dizzy from the lack of blood in my body.
“I will always worry about you. » Vada said to me looking into my eyes with teary eyes and running one hand through my hair and the other pressing on my wound to stop the blood. But the blood still comes out. I don't want to die, but I feel like it's my destiny. But I am grateful that I die with the image of the love of my life. Even if it's not the image I would have wanted.
After a few seconds of not speaking, Vada decides to speak.
“I’m so sorry Y/n. »
“Vada, you don’t have to apologize. »
“No Y/n you don’t understand. If I stopped talking to you it’s because I was afraid. » Vada told me with tears streaming down her cheeks.
" Afraid of what? » I ask confused wiping her tears but more is falling. “I was afraid of my feelings. » Vada whispered to me.
“I was scared because I love you Y/n. I have always loved you. But I thought you didn't love me like I love you. So I stopped talking to you and started dating Logan to try to get you out of my head. But you were always on my mind. » Vada told me while crying.
I feel like my heart wants to come out of my chest. I've been waiting for his words from him for so long.
I place my bleeding hand on his cheek and caress his cheekbone with my thumb.
“Vada, I have always loved you. I loved you the first time I saw you. » I say as my own tears roll down my cheeks. “I am in love with you Vada Cavell. » I say as I cough. I start to see blurred and black spots appear in my vision.
“I’m in love with you too Y/n L/n.” I regret so much that I didn't confess my feelings to you. » Vada tells me as her lower lip trembles.
“But at least you did it.” » I said weakly with a smile. I feel myself slowly leaving. But before I leave I want to do the thing I've wanted to do for so long. " Kiss Me. » I say to Vada. And Vada doesn't wait and immediately places her lips on mine. Our lips move slowly in sync. His lips taste of cherry. My new favorite taste that I unfortunately won't have the chance to taste again.
Vada pulls back and places her forehead on mine.
" I love you. » Vada whispers against my lips.
" I love you too. » I say as I feel my eyes weakening and wanting to close.
I look at all of Vada's features for the last time before she slowly dies in her arms. I look at her freckles for the last time, her brown eyes, her lips, her nose, her brown hair.
I never want to lose his images. I love him and I will love him endlessly. Vada has always and always will be my person, my soulmate.
" Do not forget me. » I say as I feel myself getting closer and closer to leaving.
" Never. » She responds by placing her lips on mine for one last kiss that tastes like cherries mixed with tears. The kiss represents the love that could never be demonstrated.
“You were my best moments. » I say as I close my eyes. The last thing I hear before leaving for the next world is me too with a last kiss on my lips which unfortunately I was not able to return.
I thank the Earth and the sky for bringing this girl to life. To have had my kiss with her. Although it was short, my best moments were with her.
I love you Vada Cavell.
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thenextdawn-backup · 1 year
Word count: 2.4K
Summary: request here
Warnings: angst, mentions of trauma, swearing
Pairing: Vada Cavell X Fem!Reader
First Vada one shot! I just love this character and this universe so much! I hope you like it!🤍✨
You and Vada had always been close, ever since you were both kids, playing together, going at each other’s houses and eventually spending time together even talking about random stuff when you grew up, now talking about boys and girls and all that. You had came out as gay to Vada of course, with her being your best friend she always accepted you. You were always curious about what she identified herself as, but you never asked, however you never even denied that you like her. You have always had a crush on her but you never told her, knowing that she wouldn’t have liked you back (as outgoing as she is, she would have definitely told you… right?)
You had gotten your drivers license as soon as you turned 16 and would always drive with her to school, you really were inseparable, however it didn’t take much to take the two of you apart. It only took an idiot with a rifle. you were in one of the classrooms that got shot at, but luckily the shooter never aimed at you and never hurt you, but some of your classmates died right in front of you and that image never left your head. After that you were even scared to leave your bed. Your parents had bought you an apartment because they were always traveling and were never home, they never even heard about the shooting and never asked how you were, and god were you scared.
Each noise you heard, you’d be scared. You couldn’t sleep because each time you closed your eyes you’d see your dead classmates, you couldn’t eat because you couldn’t move from your bed. You had been talking to Vada but of course she suffered the trauma too and she apparently didn’t really want to talk about it. You weren’t even going to therapy as your parents knew nothing. Vada was ignoring you and you had no one to talk to, it all hurt so much and helped build up a lot of uncared for emotions that you had no way to express.
It had now been two weeks since the shooting and you had yet to talk to someone. Each time you’d text Vada she’d reply with “can’t, I’m with Mia” or “I’m at Mia’s house today” hell at some point you had even stopped asking her. She was always with Mia, fun fact is she was criticizing her days before the shooting and now suddenly she was her new best friend… were you jealous? Yes, you were. But it wasn’t just jealousy, you felt like you were being replaced and it didn’t feel good one bit. At some point Vada even stopped replying to your texts. You weren’t capable to understand, what had you done to her? Were you asking for too much? Were you too bothering?
Two more weeks passed and eventually you had to go back to school and as soon as you stepped back into your classroom, memories of that terrible day came back to mind and you panicked, your ran to the bathroom as you threw up remembering everything from that day. You even tried texting Vada to come to the bathroom but she never replied… recently your conversations were only messages from you, she read them but never replied… she left you on seen, almost as if she didn’t care about your existence anymore and it hurt, a lot. You had done to her no wrong doing, why would she treat you like you didn’t exist anymore?
At some point you even stopped texting her, too tired to run after her when she was obviously faster and replaced you quickly. You hated that, you hated the fact that you were now alone and with no one to talk to, no one to vent to and who used to be your best friend was now having the time of her life with her new friend. You had to find a way, you had to find a way to escape this weird reality you had found yourself into. How could you do it though?
You ended up buying drugs, getting high continuously and also getting drunk even in school. You’d almost fall at each step you took, you were laughing at nothing every day now, the teachers couldn’t even talk to your parents because they couldn’t reach them, not even calling them worked as they clearly had much more important stuff to think about than you. At times teachers would find you passed out in the school bathrooms or you would leave the class running to puke in the toilet. Of course they understood your trauma and tried setting you up with the school’s psychologist, but you were either too drunk or to high to remember going.
Eventually you grabbed Vada’s attention back. She saw the way you acted, and it was clear to her what you were doing, you were trying to forget your trauma by drinking and getting high, little did she know that it wasn’t just because of the trauma but also because you couldn’t talk to anyone about it, and her only friend had replaced her. She tried getting closer to you again or helping you, even coming to your house but once again, you were either too high or too drunk to even hear her ringing the bell. So she tried asking her friend Mia for her help on what to do.
“I just don’t know what to do. She has been ignoring me at school and I’m trying to help her but she’s always so drunk and high she barely even sees me” Vada started, venting to her friend Mia “have you tried talking to her by messages? Has she replied?” Just then Vada realized that this was partly her fault too. “No… oh my god this is my fault too-“ she started and rushed her hands through her own hair, tears filling her eyes. “Calm down, why is it your fault?” Mia asked, rushing to put both her hands on the girl’s shoulders. “She’s been asking me to go to her house because she’s alone and I always told her I was with you I-“ she tried thinking of everything she did that might have led you to do all this. “She asked me to go to the bathroom when she was throwing up and to go comfort her but I left her on seen- she has no one besides me and I didn’t think of it once, this is all my fault”
The brunette started crying and panicking, she had caused you this and even knowing it she only thought of herself and her newfound friend. “Vada, calm down” the blonde insisted, wiping the girl’s tears “listen to me… now you’re gonna go at her place, you’re gonna explain everything to her or help her or take care of her and you’re gonna listen to her vent, you’re gonna let her yell at you. She’s suffered the trauma as well, hell her class got shot at and she could have died. She needs someone to talk to and her parents aren’t there, as you said she only has you so let her yell at you if she needs to okay?” The girl slowly calmed down hearing those words as she nodded and was immediately running at your place.
Knowing you wouldn’t have replied at the door she snuck in your house from the window. The whole house was a mess, it stinked of alcohol and weed and she had to hold her own nose to stop herself from breathing that stuff. “(Y/N)? Where are you?” The house wasn’t too big herself but she couldn’t find you until she went to the bathroom, where she found you laying down on the floor while laughing on your own while looking at the ceiling. Eyes puffy from crying, or maybe because of weed or maybe even both and you had an empty bottle of Vodka in your hand. “Fuck dude, out of all things you had to get drunk with Vodka? It’s fucking disgusting” she said as she tried lifting you up, arms around you as she carried you to your bed, but you were too far gone to even realize it was Vada.
“It’s all spiiiiinninggg” you dragged the word laughing as Vada carried you to the bed “feel like I’m on a roller coaster. Yahoooooooo” Vada finally managed to lay you down on the bed as she sighed “why are you acting like this? Getting all drunk and high… it’s not healthy, we’re all worried at school.” The shorter girl started, without knowing that you wouldn’t understand a word that she’s saying and not even what you’re saying. You hadn’t even recognized her “Becauseeee no one cares about me. My parents aren’t replying to my texts or calls, my best friend fucking replaced me and has been ignoring me ever since that day” at that Vada realized that you hadn’t recognized her and tears filled her eyes at the idea that she did this to you, and you were so drunk and high that you didn’t recognize her.
“And I think I have always been in love with her and she’s never told me anything and I don’t know if she even likes women! If she does she’s probably with that fucking dancer now and it makes me upset because that could’ve been me but no because now I don’t exist anymore! You wanna know what the best part is?” You sat up, looking at her with bloodshot eyes, still not recognizing her. “She knows I’m going through shit and she doesn’t care! Fucking bitch!” You started punching the wall as you shot her a lot of insults, unknowing of the fact that she was right there. Vada felt so guilty now, at some point during your friendship she had figured out that you liked her, and she liked you back but she was too scared that it would ruin your friendship and she didn’t want that… yet by doing this to you she knew she was the one to ruin it.
While crying, Vada climbed on top of your bed and took your hands, stopping you from hurting yourself anymore punching the wall. “Okay you- you need to calm down now” Vada said crying as she tried calming you down. It eventually worked and you fell asleep. She took advantage of your deep sleep and cleaned your house, getting rid of the disgusting smell that filled it and trashing the empty alcohol bottles. Your words were hitting her like a truck and she was so sorry to have caused you this, the only thing she could do now to make up for it was just be at your side and help you go through everything. It would be hard… but she caused this and she wanted to solve it as well.
She watched you sleep the whole night, just checking if you were alright, if you needed anything. But clearly the too much drug and alcohol had you deep in your sleep. The next morning she was up making breakfast for you with a headache pill prepared as you woke up and ran to the bathroom to throw up. You had no Idea Vada was there and hadn’t seen her on your way to the bathroom either, but as soon as she saw you run to the bathroom and heard you throw up she ran after you and held your hair back. “There there…” she said whispering and caressed your back, she scared the shit out of you but continued throwing up for at least 10 minutes, basically expelling each body fluid.
When you were finished you sat next to the toilet weakly as Vada cleaned your mouth and you tried catching your breath. Your eyes still bloodshot but you could tell that Vada had been crying too. “What are you doing here?” You asked her with a angry tone. “I’m here to help you…” she started which made you chuckle. “Yeah, right… you need to leave my house now” you said and tried pushing her away, but she wouldn’t budge. “I’m not leaving, (Y/N). I want to make up for what I did to you and you clearly stated you hated me last night because I replaced you and I want you to understand that I did not do that on purpose okay?” She started crying as she looked straight into your eyes. “I was scared to hurt you but apparently I did worst and I’m so sorry. Please let me help” she basically begged you.
She might have done you wrong, but you loved her too much to let her go, so you nodded at her words. “Thank you” she whispered and hugged you, you reciprocated the hug and only hugged her tighter, trying not to cry. After you ate something to settle your stomach you laid back in your bed and Vada laid by your side. “Did you mean what you said last night?” She asked and you chuckled. “I said a lot of things last night, I don’t remember what I said but I said a lot” you said and she cleared her throat before forming the question again. “You said you love me. I don’t know if it was the alcohol talking or if you really meant it but… I need to know”
You looked at her in the eyes before gulping and turning around, she was now facing your back. “You wouldn’t understand.” You said and she moved closer to you, half sitting up as she leaned over to look at you. “Then make me understand…” she said as she looked deep in your tears-filled eyelids. You moved so you were now laying on your back and she was standing over you, hands each on your sides to hold herself up as you looked up at her. “How do you tell your childhood best friend that you’ve developed feelings for her without being scared to ruin the friendship?” You asked whispering as a couple tears left your eyes.
“Who said it will be ruined?” She said smiling slightly, her smile made you smile back as you pulled her down on top of you to kiss her softly, your hands moved from the neck of her sweater to her back and neck, gently caressing it as she caressed your cheeks softly.
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brooooswriting · 1 year
Hello once again so,
Vada Cavell being high cuz of the whole shooting situation and R finds her past out on the sidewalk takes her home and takes care of her.
ofc if you don't feel like writing this for any reason
delete this
have a good day <3
Hi can I request Vada Cavell x reader where they both get high together and it leads to something more. Thank u I hope you have a amazing day
Higher than life
Vada Cavell x reader
Tw: weed, overdose, mentions of school shootings
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You were on your way home from school after another dreadful day, teachers who tried to get the work done while ignoring the obvious pain of the students, consuls who tried to keep the moral up, security randomly checking peoples bag and students anxiously and depressed sitting in class counting down the seconds. For almost all of them it was the first shooting, it wasn’t for you. You moved here a year ago as your parents constantly had to move for their job and before you went here you were in schools in Texas and Ohio (just took random ones, please don’t come for me) where you were involved in shootings.
It still hurt, it still made you angry and mad and it still made you anxious but you knew how to cope with it, better than most. Sure Nick took his trauma and made something out of it but it may be him and around 10 other people while the rest is going down.
You sat in your car at a red light, staring out the window as your fingers drummed against your thigh completely out of space. At least until you saw someone familiar, Vada Cavell, sitting on the sidewalk starring into the sky. You thought for a moment before your turning signal went on and you took a right turn to hold in front of the girl.
Vada wasn’t quite the person you thought of becoming friends with, not that she wasn’t pretty and nice but there was just something about her that made you keep your distance at first. But in the end she just woed you with her humor and those damn pretty eyes, which was how you became friends. After the shooting you guys kinda drifted, just like she did with Nick, as she was always hanging out with Mia and while you actually really liked Mia you couldn’t disagree with Nick. The blond girl wasn’t a really good influence on Vada at the moment, it makes you sound prude. But while you weren’t really against some alcohol and weed you just knew that they weren’t a way to deal with the trauma.
“Vada, what are you doing here?” You asked as you stopped the car causing the brunette to tilt her head towards you. By now you could see her blood shot red eyes and the drowsy look on her face, she was barely responsive which made you hurry out of your car. “Vada, come on, get up” you told her as you tried to get her to keep her eyes open. After another two tries you just picked her up and sat her in the passenger seat of the car before lightly slapping her cheek. She grumbled a bit before slightly opening her eyes, “what did you take?!” You were quick to ask as it was obvious that she wouldn’t stay awake for long. “A lot of weeeeeeeeed” she giggled closing her eyes again, “how much Vada!” You buckled her in before she even answered. “Like… two and a half joints?”
You rolled your eyes as you closed her door, it wasn’t enough for her to have serious consequences. She’d probably throw up in the next couple of hours and then have a terrible headache but nothing more.
You sat behind the wheel thinking about where you would bring her. You couldn’t bring her home like this, you knew her mom and she would make such a big deal out of it. So you decided to bring her to your home, your parents were gone for the next two days anyway.
The drive was rather silent as the small girl next to you was still asleep and you were deep in your head. Normally driving cleared your head but right now you only wanted to arrive to take care of her, seeing her like this scared you, you were scared to lose her even though she wasn’t really yours.
When you arrived at your home you didn’t even try to wake her as you picked her up again and carried her into your bed room where you laid her under your blanket after you took her shoes off before sitting in the living room. After you read a bit you decided to cook something as you knew she’d get the munchies after weed, she always did.
So you balanced cooking and looking after her every 5 to 10 minutes to make sure she was still fine and breathing. It was crazy how many lives on idiot with a gun could ruin and how idiotic it was that this was even possible in America. Every student or teacher you saw that was shaking anxiously broke your heart.
You were nearly done with the pasta and the dessert when you heard some movement in your room, someone running to the bathroom to be more precise. Turning off the stove, you walked to the bathroom to find your friend laying on the ground with her head next to the toilet. “You alright?” You asked as you sat down next to her, taking a bit of paper to clean her mouth. “‘M great” she mumbled sarcastically causing you to smirk. “That’s what you get from overdosing on weed, idiot” you pulled her into a small hug which she gladly accepted as she leaned back into you. “Why don’t you take a shower? You can get some of my cloths and I’ll give you a toothbrush and then you can eat something” you suggested causing her to whine and shake her head. “Nooo, too tired”
You were and at the same time weren’t surprised. She just slept for like 3 hours but at the same time her body was fighting the overdoses. “How about you brush your teeth and eat a bit? Your body needs the energy and then you can sleep again, huh?” You were comfortingly rubbing her back as she kept whining and squirming. “Nooo” you finally had enough as you sat her onto the closed toilet lit and grabbed a toothbrush to brush her teeth yourself. Sure, it was a lot more complicated than her doing it herself but at least it was done.
After you were done brushing her teeth you made her walk into the bedroom while you got her food. “Here, eat at least a bit before you fall asleep again” your tone was strict causing her to pick up the fork and start picking at the food. “You still remember my favorite food” she drowsily smiled clearly showing that there was still weed in her system. “Of course I did, just because you forgot about me the last weeks doesn’t mean I forgot about you” you were truthful, while she didn’t reach out or answered you, you were constantly thinking of how she felt and if she was okay. Her smile disappeared as she guiltily kept eating.
Once she was done you went to put the food away until a hand on your wrist stopped you. “Can you stay please? I don’t like being alone” the look in her eyes broke your heart, so you sat down the plate on your nightstand and laid next to her. Her arms immediately wrapped around you, her head landed on your chest and one of her legs was over yours. You couldn’t deny the fact that you liked the way this felt. Which was probably why it didn’t take long for you to fall asleep too.
At least until Vadas phone started to blow up, texts and calls from her family, you completely forgot about them. Unsure of what to do, you stared at her phone. You could a) wake her up and make her answer the phone, but she was way to tired and high for that and b) was something you haven’t quite figured out.
Luckily you didn’t have to figure it out as your phone started to ring, your display showing the younger Cavells name. “Amelia, hey” you carefully whispered into the phone trying not to wake the girl next to you. “Y/n, do you know where Vada is? She didn’t come home, she isn’t answering her phone, everybody is freaking out” her breath was quick and her voice was unsteady, it was clear that she had been crying. “Oh, I’m so sorry. She’s with me, we fell asleep and forgot to text, her phone is probably on silent. Tell your parents that she’s with me, safe and that I’ll bring her to school tomorrow alright?” Your voice was kind and reassuring. “Okay, thank you. I’m sorry for spamming your phone” you grinned as the girl spoke. “No problem, I’ll see you around ok?”
After you hung up you decided to clean the kitchen before watching some Tv in the living room. The time neared 1 am when you decided to go to bed too, which put you up for another ultimatum. A) sleep next to her, like she asked you before or b) sleep in the guest room. You didn’t quite want to sleep next to her as she was still high when she asked you to do so and you felt like it wasn’t fair as long as she didn’t know how you felt, but you also didn’t wanna leave her alone so you settled into the arm chair next to the bed.
You woke up around 5:45 am to get ready before Vada woke up. You showered, brushed your teeth, did your hair, packed your bag, then put some painkillers and a water next to Vada before starting breakfast.
While you were cooking with your music blasting through the house, the brunette finally woke up. It took her a moment to realize where she was but as soon as she did notice that it was your house she relaxed. She was also more than happy to see the painkillers as she immediately chugged them.
You didn’t hear her walking into the kitchen nor did you notice her standing next to you until you bumped into her, nearly letting the pan fall. “Jeez, you scared me” you said as you put the pan down before turning towards her causing her to mumble a ‘sorry’. “How’s your head?” She groaned as an answer which made you grin, “well, I don’t wanna repeat myself, but that’s what you get for overdosing. Now sit down so you can eat breakfast before getting ready” you told her as you put a plate on the table before sitting down in front of her. “Thank you. For everything, not just for breakfast” her voice was small and quiet.
“Vada, we still have to talk about this” you started and her eyes immediately lowered. “I know that this shit is crazy and I get that it fucks with you, but drugs are not the solution. If you feel so terrible than come talk to me or talk to Nick but don’t overdose. You know how scary it was to find you completely out of it on a sidewalk after not hearing from you for over a week?” You were rambling, you knew that, but you just couldn’t stop yourself. Yeah, the situation wasn’t as bad but that doesn’t mean that it’s okay. “Don’t start this y/n” her voice suddenly turned cold and serious which made you flinch for a second. “Don’t start what?” You were genuinely confused. “Don’t talk to me or scold me like I’m a child” she was mad, more about taking it so far and nearly making you cry than about you scolding her but she didn’t know how to say that.
“I’m not talking to you like a child, you’re grown but that doesn’t make what you’re doing okay” you tried to keep your calm as your eyes watered even further. “You’re right! I’m an adult so I can do whatever I want” you scoffed. “Look, if you wanna hurt me by choosing Mia over me, while I’m pretty sure you know I’m in love with you, that’s fine but if you wanna hurt me, your friends, your family by overdosing then I’ll drive you to Mia. If that’s your plan, then keep away from me and Amelia, she doesn’t deserve this” you stood up and walked into the guest room slamming the door shut.
Vada has never hated anyone more than herself in this moment, how could she hurt you like this? You saved her yesterday, and she only hurt you. She loved you, she did since the first time she met you but she was too scared to do anything and now that she had an opportunity, she fucked it up.
“Y/n, please open the door” there was no movement on the other side, even after the third try. “Look, I’m sorry alright? I don’t know why I did it and it certainly isn’t my plan to do it again. I was confused and overwhelmed and it just destroyed me in that moment and then I thought, just a couple of hits to loosen up. But they only made it worse, I didn’t get chill, I overthought everything and when I was on my way to talk to you I realized that I would have confessed my feelings for you in that moment, I would have told you how much I love you and I was scared that that would ruin everything. So I took another couple of hits and it just kept going like that. But I promise I won’t touch anything like that anymore unless you’re with me. Now please open the door” her words were hectic, not well spoken and some barely understandable but they were true and that’s all that counted.
You opened the door and her eyes immediately met your bloodshot ones. She hugged you tightly trying to hide her own teary eyes. “I’m sorry” was a phrase she mumbled over and over again until you parted. “Can you stop apologizing and finally kiss me?” You asked her with your hands still on her shoulder. She grabbed your waist to pull you into her to finally connect your lips, causing you to melt into her.
This was everything you needed in that certain moment, it reassured you that she was still here, very much alive, and that you could influence her to stop doing drugs. Your lips moved against each other until your timer rang. “We gotta go to school” you whispered, your face inches apart from hers. “Fine” she grumbled before pulling you closer once more.
That day you walked into school hand in hand, Vada a bit less anxious. It was going to be a long way until she would be fine in school and didn’t touch weed anymore, but you promised yourself and her that you’d be there for her every step of the way.
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raccoonface · 11 months
It’s a classic
I’m a little new to this. It here it is (and yes this is mine it’s just one that I made on Wattpad first)
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Y/n's POV
I was walking to school when I accidentally bumped into shorty Cavell "Hey short-stuff" She then hits me playfully and says 
"hey douche" we both laugh 
"what are you doing?" 
"Walking to school"
 "huh douche knows how to walk" 
"I'm not bad at everything. Anyways I got to head to school, don't wanna be late"
 "cuz your slow when walking" She says sarcastically 
"yeah right, whatever"
 "bye douche" 
"bye shorty"
 and then I got back to the journey of walking right into the pits of hell.
Time skip to school
I was at my locker when the first bell rang getting my things, then I walked to my first period class bored as hell.
 Everything was fine until third period... when the shooting happened, it was a class I always skipped so I was waiting in the bathroom for the period to be done but then Vada came 
 "hey douche" I jumped a little bit
 "Jesus," I whispered
 "Hey shorty" I said back to her
 "what are you doing in here?" 
"Skipping class, what about you?" 
"My sister had to call me, so I thought about coming to the bathroom, and here I am."
 We were both chuckling until we heard a gunshot Vada's eyes were wide open same as mine she asked me 
"what was that??" 
"Somebody probably just tripped-" 
and another one "-never mind" 
"quick douche get into a stall" 
She pulls me to one of the stalls on the opposite side of where the doors at and we both get onto the toilet so our feet aren't able to be seen. Vada was shaking a lot so I quickly grabbed her hand and heard more gun shots you couldn't hear anything other than the gunshots and the sound of me and Vada whimpering, she tried getting her phone on to text or call someone but her phone dropped into the toilet.
 When she got it out she just put in into her pocket then we heard someone coming into the bathroom, then they got into the other stall. "Is someone in there?" 
The other person whispered "Your not the shooter right?" 
Vada got out barely "no, no I'm not." 
"Come over to the stall."
 The guy goes underneath the stall and comes back up "is that your blood?" 
"My brother" the guy sobs 
"m-my brothers dead." 
We all are quiet for the last minutes of the shooting until police came into the bathroom saying we can come out. After that we all went home traumatized by it all.
Time skip to night
When I was trying to sleep I got a notification on my phone it was Vada she was trying to talk to me
(Vada - Shorty )(y/n - douche)
Hey Y/n
Hi Vada
Uhm.. I kinda need some help from the whole shooting and stuff I'm really just not okay, and I really need your help
Alright, what do you need help with, like you want me to help calm you down or something?
Yeah, yeah something like that
Alright take a breather
Breathe in
breathe out
This is sorta helping thank you
Uhm I have a quick question before I leave you alone.
Well what is it?
Would it be alright if I came over tomorrow?
Of course it would be alright dude I mean we're friends after all
All right so tomorrow when I'm about to come over I'll call you
Alright, see you then!
Okay goodnight
When I went to sleep I had a small smile on my face not knowing why it was there but all I was thinking about is when Vadas coming over tomorrow.
Time skip (again) 
While I was sitting on the couch relaxing I got a call from Vada. I answer and talk to her and she said "I'll be over there in about five minutes " 
"alright see you then" 
when she hung up I started cleaning the mess I had made from trying to make lunch earlier. 
When I heard knocks on the door I went and opened it and came straight into Vadas arms hugging her. 
"Hey douche"
 "Hey shorty"
 "missed me much?"
 "Yeah,yeah whatever. Come on in"
 "what are we gonna do?"
 "Why don't you tell me your the one who asked to come here." 
"Alright douche let's have a movie night."
 "I love movie nights" 
"alright let's see if you like my kinda movie nights with horror films" 
"alright we'll see" 
"I'll go get the popcorn, you want some"
 "why are you even asking. Of course I want some, oh and with butter and salt please"
 "of course"
 "alright thanks" 
"no problem"
 I went out to make the popcorn and came back out with Vada who had chosen to watch Halloween which I've never watched before. 
"Alright shorty here's your popcorn."
 "Thanks douche"
 I grab a blanket and put it over both of us 
"you ready?"
 after about half the movie I started getting scared and getting closer to Vada. Once there was a jump scare I went fully into Vadas arms and she just laughed and said
 "scared douche?”
 "hah hah shut up" I quipped back 
"alright I think it's time to turn it off"
 "why not douche, if your scared"
 "I wanna finish it"
 "alright if you say so"
 we continued watching it but a couple minutes after she turned it back I fell asleep on her chest.
 When I woke up she was asleep as well so I got up put the blanket on her and carried her to my room and got into the bed with her.
 She started turning around looking for something but when she got a hold on me she started to cuddle into me. I cuddled with her until I fell asleep again.
 We both woke up around the same time. When I woke up Vada said 
"morning beautiful" 
then her eyes got wide but my eyebrows were the only thing that I moved. Then she started rambling saying
 "I'm so sorry I didn't mean to say that- I mean I'm not saying your not beautiful I just didn't want to say it like that and I know we're friends and I don't want to mess that up and all so I-"
 "Vada!" I yelled
“Calm down I think your beautiful too" 
"Yeah I mean I don't just think your beautiful your also super smart, and kind, and hot but you get the gist. All I'm trying to say is that I like you."
 "Well I like you too"
 "that's nice to know"
 we both giggled a little bit and then stared into each other's eyes for a little bit but then Vada looked down at my lips for a split second then up t my eyes again then started moving toward me. While she was doing that I started moving as well to meet her in the middle.
 Then when our lips were together it was like magic , both of our lips fit perfectly together
________________________________________* If you want me to do some of your requests please send them in.
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makncheese12 · 1 year
What are we thinking while I think of how to continue my series.
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bingwriterxo · 11 months
pairing: vada cavell x reader
summary: in which you accidentally make vada jealous
warnings: smut (character is 18+), 18+ (minors DNI), fingering, strap-on sex
word count: 2200+
author's note: killed multiple birds with one stone on this one. also, never wrote strap-on smut before, so hope this is ok...
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"You've got this, Y/N," Mia whispered, her face hovering close to yours, voice barely loud enough to hear over the music blaring through her home. "Just...focus."
"I'm trying," you said, your arm raised, a ping pong ball gripped between your forefinger and thumb. "But someone is breathing over my shoulder."
"Oh." She took a step back. "Is that better?"
"Much." You closed one eye, aimed at the last red solo cup on the opposite end of the table, and took your shot. The ball soared through the air, and you swore that time stopped for a moment. Both you and Mia froze as the ball circled the rim of the cup once, twice, before finally dropping in and declaring you guys the winners.
Mia threw her arms around your shoulders in a tight hug. "Let's go!" she squealed,
You flipped off your opponents. "Suck it, bitches!"
"Oh, real classy!" Nick scoffed, taking a sip of his drink. He reached into the cup, pulled out the ball, and threw it at you. It lamely brushed against your side before falling to the ground, rolling off somewhere.
"I declare a rematch!" Vada yelled. "A rematch is being declared!"
Mia pulled away from you. "Nuh-uh! You guys lost fair and square." She pointed down to the cups that were still on the table--the almost full triangle that Nick and Vada had been unable to get rid of. "It's not our fault you guys suck!"
"Yeah! Losers!" you shouted, joining in on the teasing. "Maybe you guys should actually try to be good at the game. That might help."
Vada frowned, her eyebrows furrowing a little, and you wanted to kiss away the wrinkle that formed between them. "You guys are sore winners."
You grinned, crossing the length of the table to take her in your arms. "Aw, don't be so upset, baby," you cooed, pressing a kiss to the tip of her nose. "S'not our faults you're bad at pong."
She groaned. "I think you cheated. There's literally no other explanation, because Nick and I are beasts at pong. We are the unbeatable pair. We never lose, so you must have cheated. Maybe you rigged the ball, or maybe--"
"Or maybe I'm just good at this game?" you interrupted, raising an eyebrow.
"No, no. That can't be it."
You giggled, pulling back from your girlfriend. She didn't let you get far, her own arms snaking around your waist and tugging you back toward her.
"Thought you wanted a rematch?"
Vada shrugged. "That can wait," she said shortly, her eyes flitting down to your lips. She leaned up and kissed you, deep enough that you could taste the vodka on her breath. You hummed against her, a thought sparking in your alcohol-hazed mind.
"I need another drink," you murmured when she pulled away. When she frowned, you asked, "Do you want to come with me?"
"The kitchen is so far, though," she whined, stomping her feet a little like a child, and you chuckled, glancing behind you; the two of you were, maybe, ten steps away from where all of the liquor was.
"Ever the drama queen, Vads," you said. You untangled yourself from her, taking one of her hands loosely in your fingers. "But I need a drink."
She grumbled in defeat but nodded her head. "I'll wait here 'til you return from your journey."
You shook her head, a soft smile on your lips. "I'll be two minutes." You kissed her again and ventured off to the kitchen, your eyes trained on the tequila that Mia had generously bought for the party.
You grabbed a new cup, poured a healthy amount of tequila into it, and topped it off with the nearest mixer you could find--fruit punch. It was a strange combination, but you decided that it wasn't entirely unwelcome when you tasted the drink.
Spinning on your heel, your mind was fully set on finding Vada again and maybe pulling her into the living room, where all of the furniture had been pushed against the walls to create a dance floor. However, you barely got a step in before you immediately collided with another person, your drink spilling down your front.
"Oh, shit!" the person cursed. "Sorry, dude."
You glanced up, catching sight of Kayden, the self-anointed stoner of your grade and...your ex-boyfriend. He was grinning down at you, pearly-whites on display, and you smiled back, glad for once that you two had ended on good terms, or else the interaction would've been more than awkward.
"S'all good, Kayd," you said, bringing up a hand and swatting at any of the extra liquid that hadn't seeped into your shirt yet. Luckily, you had chosen to wear black, so you could barely see the spill. Unluckily, the top didn't cover much, which meant most of your drink landed on bare skin. "Although I am a little sticky now."
"C'mon." He grabbed your wrist. "Lemme help with that." He tugged you toward the sink, and you followed with a shrug, ignoring the neon-red, flashing sign in your head that screamed Don't!
You squeezed past people until you made it to the sink. Kayden already had it turned on, and there was a paper towel in his hand that he ran beneath the water until it was soaked. He whirled around, immediately pressing the paper towel to your stomach. You squealed at the coldness of it, a shiver running down your spine.
"Fuck," you whined. "You couldn't have used warm water?"
He chuckled. "Sorry, man," he drawled. "Too late for that."
You rolled your eyes. "Yeah, no shit. Gimme that." You took the paper towel from his hand to wipe yourself off, but the damage was already done.
"Y/N." Her voice was loud, her tone short. You whipped around, your eyes wide as they landed on a pissed-looking Vada. She stood a few feet away, her arms crossed over her chest and her lips pulled into a deep frown. "What the fuck?" she seethed.
You ignored the voice in your head that was telling you she looked hot, hot, hot all mad like that, and the stirring in your lower belly, and focused on trying to save yourself. "Vads, baby, it's not--"
She lunged forward and grabbed your forearm, the paper towel slipping from your grasp and landing on the floor. Without a second word, she was yanking you through the party. You passed by your friends--Mia with a smirk on her face and Nick with his eyebrows furrowed--and offered them a shrug, just as confused as Nick seemed.
Your confusion only grew as you were tugged out the front door, down the porch steps, through the maze of cars in the driveway, and out the gate.
"Vada, where--"
Things started to click when your own car loomed in the distance. The two of you were approaching the vehicle quickly, and you fumbled around in your pocket for your keys. When you found them, you pushed the button to unlock the doors, perfectly timing it as Vada pulled on the handle and all but threw you into the backseat. It never failed to surprise you whenever she showed how strong she really was.
She climbed in after you, slammed the door shut, and then her lips were on yours, feverish and hot and mad. You moaned against her, trying to push yourself to sit up, but she didn't let you, one hand pressing down on your hip while the other was holding herself up.
She pulled away for the smallest second, and in the light of the streetlamp, you could see that her eyes were half-lidded, dark, and angry. Her head dipped down to your jaw, planting open-mouthed kisses along your skin, before dropping to your neck, teeth nipping and tongue soothing the bites.
"Vads," you breathed out, your hips bucking up.
"You're mine," she gritted into your neck, her leg coming up and pressing against your center.
You groaned, rolling your hips into her thigh and whining at the little contact you got. "Vads, baby, please."
Her hand flew down, fumbling with the button of your pants, and you giggled a little at her ineptness. She glared at you, all signs of possessiveness diminished. "A little help here?"
"Sure, sweetheart." You reached down, knocking her hand to the side, and undid your own pants. Almost as soon as you were done, Vada's hand was pushing yours out of the way so that she could pull your pants down your thighs and slip beneath your underwear, and you whimpered at the feeling of her brushing through your folds.
"Fuck, you're wet," she groaned, two fingers slipping into you easily as her thumb ran over your clit in tight circles.
You sighed at the feeling, hips careening upward as she curled her fingers. "Always for you, baby."
She nipped at your neck again and then pulled her head up, staring down at you. That dark look was back, the kind that made your knees buckle and had you knowing that Vada would have you seeing stars.
"For me? Yeah? Or for Kayden." There was venom in her voice when she said his name, and she thrusted into you harder, a moan slipping past your lips at the pressure.
"You, Vads." You gasped as her fingers curled into the rough spot in you. "Just--just you."
Her pace quickened, her fingers dragging against your walls and her thumb never ceasing on your clit. Your orgasm was fast approaching, urged on by Vada kissing your chest, your neck, your lips--anything she could reach.
"Fuck," you whimpered. "I'm gonna cum." At your words, Vada swiftly pulled out, and you were left a whining mess beneath her. "Vada!" you cried. "I was so close!"
She didn't spare you a second glance as her hand rushed down to her basketball shorts, pushing them down her legs. You furrowed your eyebrows.
"Yeah, I don't think we have room for scissori--" You were cut short by the feel of silicone pressing against your thigh, and you gulped. "You wore--"
"Was hoping the night would end like this," Vada confessed. "Well, not exactly like this. I didn't wanna see your ex trying to clean you off, or whatever the fuck that was, and I was kinda hoping we would be in a bed and not the backseat of your car, but--"
You rolled your eyes, reaching down and tugging on the fake cock between her legs. She gasped and her hips pushed forward, knocking the head of the toy against your folds. "You gonna ramble or are you gonna fuck me?" you teased, grinning at the furrow of her brows.
"Fuck you," she spat, and you were about to repeat the words right back to her when she sank in, pushing the air straight from your lungs and pulling a high-pitched moan from your lips. "Not so bratty now, huh?"
She drove her hips forward, forcing you to take the entire length. You squealed, pleasure rushing through every vein. Your hands shot up and wrapped around her back, nails digging into her t-shirt. She didn't give you a moment to adjust as she pulled out before pushing right back in, setting a brutal pace.
"Jesus, fuck," you groaned, throwing your head back. "It--You feel so good."
She leaned down, her full body weight on you as she fucked into you, lips pressed against your ear. "Can Kayden fuck you like this?" she grunted, her hips speeding up as she said his name.
You could barely hear her over the feeling of her cock in you, drowning out all of your thoughts as she thrusted harder, faster. Vada pulled back, sat up on her knees, and pushed your thighs up, making her go deeper. You gasped, whined, reached to bring her back to you, but she stayed up, pounding harder.
"I said, can Kayden fuck you like this?" she repeated between groans.
"No," you breathed out. "Just you, Vads."
She smirked, cocky, victorious. "God, you're such a good girl." The praise nearly had you falling off the edge, orgasm just out of reach. "My good girl. Takin' my cock so good."
"Fuck, baby. Gonna cum. So close," you babbled.
Her hips started to stutter, letting you know that she was right there with you. She reached down, thumb circling your clit, and you came with a low groan, the sound scratching itself out of your throat.
Vada kept pumping with half-assed thrusts, and you clenched around her, sensitive. "I'm right there," she grunted. She dropped your legs and all but fell onto you. "Fuck, fuck, gonna--"
She moaned into your ear as her orgasm hit, her hips finally slowing. You shuddered beneath her, walls fluttering around the cock still buried in you.
"Jesus, baby," you panted. "Guess I gotta talk to Kayden more often at parties."
She pushed herself up, glaring at you. "Don't even." She slipped out of you, and you shivered, watching as she pulled her shorts up. "Gonna have to wash these shorts when we get home."
You nodded, pulling her back on top of you even though you were hot and sweaty and still a little sticky from your drink. "Gonna have to wash myself when we get home."
Vada grinned against your neck. "I can help you with that."
bonus: "where do you think they're going?" nick asked as he watched vada drag you out the front door.
"i don't think we want to know," mia said.
"should we go after them?"
"definitely not."
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they-call-me-emmy · 8 months
Give me requests, I wanna make Jenna/Jenna's Characters x Reader one-shots!
I can do the following:
Tara Carpenter
Jenna Ortega
Wednesday Addams
Vada Cavell
(Any others will need to be requested and I might not do them)
I can do smut, fluff and angst, but keep in mind I'm young and can't do smut all that well
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mikeysw1fey · 1 year
requests for jenna characters and mikey characters are closed :)
jenna ortega
date night
my friends sister
i trust you
video games
penalty shot
mikey madison
just tired
swamp tour
proud of you
this is why we bully you
more than a friend?
amber freeman
pig face perv
i’m not sick
one with the floor
the fair
woe and behold
vada cavell
red looks good on you
you can’t swim???
max fox
drunk words. sober thoughts.
i’m not everyone else
tara carpenter
falling for you
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huami · 9 months
please pick just please
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