#vaccine passport
But without government who would enforce absurd technocratic dictates on elderly people?
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kramlabs · 2 years
mRNA drugs, digital currency control, UBI, and medical passports -—may be the same op
IOT and graphene nano particles in mRNA drugs:
“…remote contact tracing of all vaccinated humans worldwide who will be or are now connected to the to the “internet of things" by a quantum link of pulsating microwave frequencies of 2.4 gHz or higher from cell towers and satellites directly to the graphene oxide held in the fatty tissues of all persons who’ve had the mRNA vaccines…”
CBDC, FedCoin, and a biometric control grid:
Tom Luongo on The Fed vs City of London and the battle for digital currency control:
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patientmakt · 12 days
There are plans for climate change vaccine passports. They want to vaccinated people in the name of climate change. What emissions are they really thinking of? Read more in the article. Help inform others. This pharma tyranny has to stop. It is just for profit, digital control and not for people.
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tinyshe · 4 months
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immaculatasknight · 7 months
ArriveCan scandal spins out of control
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islandgirl37 · 11 months
Long Time No See...
Hey. It’s been a loooong time since I’ve been around. Sorry. It just got to the point where I was just ranting all the time. I felt I was turning people off. Yes, it was helpful to me to be able to get what I was feeling out into the open. Write it down. I probably should’ve started my journal again instead of putting it all out for the entire world to see. Anyway. I’m back. I HOPE things are…
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bathask · 2 years
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障害者手帳所持か”重度かつ継続”自立支援で精神科通院なら基礎疾患該当で還暦だし新型コロナワクチン4回目接種済だが大人の発達障害アスペルガー/自閉スペクトラム症で通う就労B型事業所昼休みに“オミクロン対応改良型ワクチン20日から”のニュース。接種証明書Apple Wallet確認時iOS16新機能処方薬登録
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Here is my latest article. It should be a easier to read for those who struggle to understand the science.
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concord28 · 2 years
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hatedmaggot · 2 months
trying to think of what i could sell to make up the money ..my dvds obviously.. i dont have a lot of books but i cld still sell my tc ones maybe? uuh.... what the fuck else do i even have thats worth anything
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didanawisgi · 1 year
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manaosdeuwu · 1 year
grieving the relationship i could have had with my mother if she wasn't such an asshole and so transphobic sunday
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patientmakt · 29 days
Case Covid Pass – Dr. Aseem Malhotra’s testimony from the world’s first criminal court case against the Covid Vaccine Passport
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tinyshe · 9 months
Eleven countries express their opposition to UN political pandemic declaration
Countries under economic sanctions have objected to UN declarations promoting global vaccination and universal health coverage, but it is unclear whether the UN will heed their concerns.
Emily Mangiaracina Tue Sep 19, 2023 - 6:10 pm EDT
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(LifeSiteNews) — Eleven countries have declared in a letter to the United Nations (U.N.) General Assembly president their opposition to a pandemic declaration calling for global vaccine access, digital health documents, and socialized, universal health coverage.
The “Political Declaration of the United Nations General Assembly High-level Meeting on Pandemic Prevention, Preparedness and Response (PPPR)” has been recently circulated among U.N. member states via a silence procedure in which silence is interpreted as acceptance of the document by a member state. 
The declaration has been slated for adoption on September 20, ostensibly if no objections are voiced by member states. However, Health Policy Watch noted that it is unclear what impact the 11 nations’ objections will have on the declarations’ outcomes since there is a “possibility” the documents may be passed via a vote count rather than unanimously, as has been the custom.
According to the news outlet, despite the 11 countries’ objections, the Political Declaration on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) was adopted at Monday’s SDG Summit.
Writing to U.N. President Dennis Francis on September 17, Belarus, Bolivia, Cuba, North Korea, Eritrea, Iran, Nicaragua, Russia, Syria, Venezuela, and Zimbabwe also expressed their objections to the draft political declarations of the SDG Summit, the high-level meeting on universal health coverage (UHC), and the high-level meeting on the fight against tuberculosis.
The countries lamented that it had not yet been possible to “find a political solution to the current stalemate” regarding these declarations, which they said was due to lack of “meaningful negotiations to have balanced and acceptable outcomes for all” as well as “lack of transparency.”
These states took issue with what they referred to as “illegal” unilateral coercive measures (UCMs) – economic actions intended to coerce policy change in another nation – which they called an “existential” problem for their nations, and claimed affected a third of the world’s population.
Such economic measures include trade sanctions, embargoes, asset freezing and travel bans, Health Policy Watch noted. Russia, Iran, Cuba, North Korea, and Venezuela all face sanctions from the U.S. and its allies.
“Our delegations oppose any attempt to pretend to formally adopt any of the draft outcome documents in question,” stated the letter, adding, “In addition, we reserve the right to take appropriate action upon the formal consideration of these four draft outcome documents in the coming weeks.”
The political pandemic Declaration heavily emphasizes the importance of global access to vaccines both as a remedy and a preventive measure for pandemics. The Declaration considers vaccine uptake such a high priority that it deems any messages encouraging “vaccine hesitancy,” including on social media, a problem to be combatted.
​​The document also calls for the recognition of the potential of digital health technologies in “strengthening secure communications in health emergencies,” as well as of the importance of “digitalized health documents.” These could theoretically include digital vaccine passports, which are being developed by the World Health Organization (WHO) and European Union (EU).
According to the U.N.’s silence procedure, after the objections of member states, the U.N. president “may choose to” refer the draft resolution to certain U.N. representatives for revision, to be followed by further deliberations. It remains to be seen whether the U.N. will conduct further deliberations regarding the PPPR political declaration after member state objections.
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damiangnarly · 2 years
Do you have the courage to find out why so many people have now "Died Suddenly"?
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itastelikesand · 1 year
OH MY GOD!!?!???
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