kiivg · 1 year
Hello, sorry to bother you, I was wondering if you were the artist who made two of my fav Saltzfire pictures. They were commissions for justatouchofgoldsickness. One is a picture of Saltzpyre and Sienna holding hands in bed, the other is a bit more smutty and involves candles. The two pictures are wonderful (I love the "sleepy in bed" so much!), but the artist's blog has disappeared, though something I found on Reddit led me here. Was it you? :D
.Haha! Yes that was me, it was probably a few years ago now when I was still King Meghren (or cl2y maybe? idk), but I have to ask for a link or something to whatever thing lead you here from Reddit, that’s got me curious 🤔. And thank you!! It’s good to know my old art is still enjoyed 🥳💖.
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traegorn · 2 years
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@usuallyherdragon - Yes. She is doing that.
And no, apparently she does not.
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thestateofardadreaming · 10 months
Nine (or so) People You’d Like To Get To Know Better
tagged by @corvidae-quills (I also love Loreena McKennit's the Hyghwayman!)
Last Song I Listened To: I needed some music to write so I was listening to Lana Del Rey's latest album but it didn't fit the mood of my writing, so I switch to her other song 'White Dress'.
Currently Watching: I'm currently watching Kan Çiçekleri (a turkish dizi as you can guess) on a blood feud being settled by a marriage. It kinda reminds me of all the fanfic tropes that we all write for our OTPs (OmG, there was only one bed, pretending to be married/together, stranded in the rain etc.) It's frustrating because it's extremely slow burn (with a lot of flashbacks of the same or previous episodes and slow motions). I am also watching “When Hope calls" pioneer ladies taking care of an orphanage... And I was just checking out “Mahmut ile Meriem" an azeri-turkish production because I realized that an actor I liked was in it. I won't continue because... My brain will melt.
Currently Reading: I was trying to read Milan Kundera's “The Unbearable Lightness of Being“ as I realized when he passed away that I hadn't read any of his books. But... I'm finding it quite dull and depressing... Although it's very well written. So I'm going to read some short stories by Rosamund Pilcher. Her stories are always so soothing. I'm actually looking for book suggestions. I want to read something nice, well written... Since Devil Copperhead, I haven't read anything good. I really need to read a good book. As always, I'm also keeping up with my (almost) daily Quran reading.
Current Obsession: My cat's comings and goings. He's the most fascinating creature I've known. Is he training me or am I training him? He wakes me up at dawn and yes... it's a good thing because I rise to pray but... he's the one calling the shots. He hunts both birds and mice but only eats the birds (much to my heartbreak) Is he part maine-coon? That's why the rain doesn't bother him that much? How can I make him not bite and scratch him when I want to cuddle him? Will he forgive me for not letting him out at night? I have to hold my tongue because I talk too much about him.
Tagging: Ok so I may have done one of those recently so I might retag you again or once more forget to tag you although I love you very much.
@lilacmuse @serinleone @nerdanelistarnie @duchesspeggy @scarletfantasia @lapassionbeatrice @gravity-rainbow @usuallyherdragon and @themoonlily
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powerofadyingsun · 1 year
5 drinks
...and what it says about me. Tagged by @andordean
Of all kinds, i don’t have a standard way I like it. I almost always try seasonal/special drinks at coffee shops. I like flavored coffee and black coffee. gas station coffee to fancy coffee places, I like it all, as long as it’s strong, weak coffee is an atrocity against god. Right now, i’m having a moment with espresso tonics.
seltzer: also a fan of all kinds. the only flavors I’ve not liked have been cucumber and watermelon. Polar and the wegmans brand are a current favorite.
tea: love strong black tea, also love fruit flavored teas, generally with honey.
Celsius energy drinks: because I’m trash, and am exhausted at all moments of my life because small business life/jack of all trades/harm reductionist.
Sonic diet limeade with mango: see above, I’m trash and I like a huge vat of carbonation. Quantity over quality here, baby.
Tagging: @cahirdyffryns @usuallyherdragon @astaldis @poetikat @ladyoftheshrimp
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1ggyness · 2 years
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@usuallyherdragon wrote a lil fic about Sienna finding a ferret (that may or may not be me isekai’d lol) go read it!
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calimera62 · 2 years
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My 9 favourite movies
I was tagged by @pingou7, my lovely Snow White.
Who knew it would be difficult, having to choose nine out of my favourite movies? Ah well, here we go!
Tagging: @wilwywaylan, @rolls-of-the-tongue-nicely, @flo-nelja, @lactobacille, @tia-heights, @saemi-the-dreamer, @phoenixgfawkes, @usuallyherdragon and whoever wants to do it!
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bridgingdimensions · 3 years
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Look at his little face! I have another cat, do you want more pictures of this fluffy one for the moment, or do you want to see the other one now? C.
Oh, I think I misunderstood your last message. I thought you were going to send a different cat picture before this one.
The cat is still cute though, yes.
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siro-cyll · 5 years
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Continuing from this.
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whatwouldteslado · 5 years
Ford, you're making me cry here. It's probably a good time to say that I hope Nora is well, and that I'm sorry that I wasn't very helpful, but also that I don't want you around just when something is happening. You're not a mystery to be solved, you're a beloved friend that I love and will miss very much... C.
She is. She woke up from the coma, and she’s doing alright. I’m not sure if we ever mentioned it.
I’m sorry, maybe I’m being a bit infectious here with my own circumstances. I’ll miss you.
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artsymeeshee · 5 years
I think I started following you because I didn't want to risk missing new panels of THE comic (the angsty fishing-then-kidnapping, you know the one), but frankly it could have been for any of your GF art. It's just... so GOOD! What I love apart from your art is how people send you headcanons and you give your ideas on those. And you're a nice person, and it's always great to see your posts.
😶 !!! Thank you so much! :'D I do love getting headcanons or scenarios because you guys come up with really good ideas and fuels my love for the boys even more XD
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nicnacsnonsense · 5 years
@usuallyherdragon replied to your photo “How I like to kick it on a Friday night.”
Best pic. Best cat. Best writer. Also I'm curious: fake drunk on worcestershire?
Thank you! And haha, that’s a reference to this post. Basically on Friday night two weeks ago I was working on a fic where a character is stumbling around drunk with a wine bottle in hand. I don’t have any wine in my apartment, so I grabbed the bottle of Worcestershire sauce as the nearest substitute. It was actually very helpful! Anyway, now getting fake drunk on Worcestershire is my thing, apparently. 
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happypinesfamily · 6 years
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In this house, we stan the Pines being safe and sound and comforted and protected and HAPPY.
(In all seriousness, though, you saying “I was almost as relieved as the Pines” almost legitimately made me cry tears of joy, so thank you for that ;w; <3)
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zoi-no-miko · 6 years
usuallyherdragon replied to your post: (I just wanna go home and resolve my plotttt.)
I’m pretty sure your plot is fine. Just needs some more sex.
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thestateofardadreaming · 11 months
i was tagged for this by @lapassionbeatrice : Thank you for the tag. And I always enjoy reading what is going through your ever expanding mind.
last song played: '“Happy Loner“ by Marina. One of these weeks... Too much socializing and no way to stop it without sounding rude. Too much, too much. this song is very healing.
reading: I recently finished the great ‘Demon Copperhead’ by Barbara Kingsolver... That was quite a read! Now, I’m reading ‘The unbearable lightness of Being’ by Milan Kundera. As he passed away, I realized I hadn’t read anything by him.
watching: I’m currently watching a turkish dizi called kan Ciçekleri. It’s like watching a shippy fanfic.  (Oh and there was only one bed!, stuck in the elevator, etc.) it’s too dramatic at time and cliché but... it’s relaxing because I know what to expect.
current obsession: My cat XD... Cat nutrition (as I make his food myself), cat psychology (why pee on my clothes when you know where your box is?) etc.  other than my usual subjects of obsession : space, geology, history, etc. Oh and that finding about how stonehenge might have been constructed by/for an ancient Swiss. It’s just too hilarious for words.
I’m tagging @corvidae-quills, @duchesspeggy, @usuallyherdragon @tumble-bees and many other people but it’s too hot for my brain to function properly.
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fialleril · 7 years
usuallyherdragon replied to your post “hi! so i got really excited about the (crack) prospect of double agent...”
Is that one of the best possible way to just mention casually that "so you see I'm from Tatooine too oh and by the way I'm from your family... guess who ?" without anyone else even realising it was said at all or is it just me?
Honestly yes, this would be pretty amazing.
Also, a great addition to a double agent’s repertoire. Secret communication via food! Decorate your dinner table with some flowers and communicate in Naboo flower language at the same time!
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Thanks so much to @goghsynesthetic @ramblesanddragons, @novantinuum, @nicnacsnonsense, @eregyrn-falls, @usuallyherdragon, and @invisibletinkerer for your input and advice on this yesterday! It really helped a lot to know how you felt about it, with getting my own mind in a better place, and with speaking up about it. I did mention to the psychologist why the form being meant for a child’s guardian bothered me and that it’s possible it might bother others as well and she’s looking into having it changed for future patients. She said it was something that slipped through the cracks when they started seeing adult patients and thanked me for the feedback. The big upside is that, in talking to her, it seems like even though so much is still geared toward diagnosing children, she does specifically look for how adults have adapted and for where we (either knowingly or not) have developed masking or coping mechanisms. Anyway, thanks again! Just wanted to update with how it went! Hugs to you all <3
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