#usually these birds are always moving when i try to take photos
vipower001 · 9 months
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Look at this adorable thing.
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cod-sins · 11 months
Hi! :)
Can I request könig w/ a insecure chubby s/o headcanons? (If you're okay with writing that) I read your könig headcanons and this came in my mind
Have a good day!! :33
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.ೃ࿐ Format: Hcs.
.ೃ࿐ Reader: Undisclosed. Fat/chubby/plus-sized.
.ೃ࿐ Ratings: SFW. NSFW UNDER CUT.
.ೃ࿐ Word Count: 725.
[A/N: Why not kill two birds with one stone? It's not just big girls he likes, it's big boys too! König likes 'em all. Also if this seems a little repetitive sorry my brain is fried and so is my laptop. P.S. My gay ass really likes cheek cupping so yall gon see a lot of that.]
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König understands what it feels like to be insecure about your own body. He was the tallest boy in his class and always felt singled out by his fellow classmates. There were times were he absolutely dreaded going to school knowing he would be ridiculed and teased about how tall he was. To him it was one of the worse things he experienced so he would never want anyone to deal with that ESPECIALLY his partner.
You would stare at yourself in the mirror, constantly comparing yourself to other people you saw. You always felt as if you weren't good enough when it came to everyone else. You tried to ignore it but the feeling always kept crawling back. It would get to the point where you feel like you weren't even good enough for your own boyfriend. You began hiding your shape, wearing clothes that were double your size, and switched out your things for stuff you'd normally wear in the Winter/Fall.
König would start to pick up on this. Noticing that you started skipping meals or wearing clothes that weren't usually your type. He would gently pull you aside to find out what's wrong. Probably waiting until you were both lying in bed to ask, so you couldn't dodge his questions.
"Liebe," he said softly while repeatedly rubbing circles into your back. "is, everything alright with you?" He continued with pauses in his sentence. You mumbled out that you were fine but this answer didn't satisfy König. He pulls you up, rearranging y'alls position so that you were making direct eye contact with him. Even on his lap he still managed to hover over you.
He asks you once again with a more focused look in his eye. “Schatz, what's the matter with you? You have been acting so…different lately. You aren't yourself these past few days.” He says frowning.
Unable to hide it any longer you begin to cry into his arms, confessing that you don't feel worthy about being his partner. You tell him how you don't feel attractive and that you aren't comfortable with your body anymore. König pulls you into a hug, kissing your head while muttering “Oh Liebeling, can't you see how beautiful/handsome you are? You shouldn't hide or change any part of yourself. You are so perfect the way you are, that's why I fell in love with you in the first place.” He says solemnly while cupping your face.
To counter the way you're feeling König would start spoiling you with brand-new clothes, taking photos of you, and giving lots of attention to parts of your body. Don't like your stretch marks? He's tracing them up and down with his fingers smiling. Dislike your stomach/fat rolls, well he doesn't! It's natural and a sign that you're body is alive and you're well taken care of. Think your fat fingers are unappealing? He's already placing them on his face and gently kissing them.
König is going to make it his mission to make sure you feel good about yourself.
Even though his social anxiety is bad he would try and take you out places to flaunt you off. He wants you to know that you can come to him when you feel bad about yourself he's your boyfriend after all.
[A/N: That was the SFW now for me to be a horny degenerate with some once again mild (very self-indulgent) smut. Picking up from the crying part.]
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The only time König wants to see you cry is when he's overstimulating you, so after he's done soothing you he starts kissing his favorite parts of your body starting from top to bottom. He kisses your cheek before moving down to your neck, sucking and lightly grazing it. Spending a considerable König continues to go lower and lower until you're on your back and his mouth is on your heat.
He'd spend hours down on you, sucking your dick/clit, eating your ass/pussy making sure you feel loved. He gets so much pleasure from watching your legs shake after giving him your third orgasm. You're vision is hazy and you have your hands buried in his hair. You could feel him slightly humping the bed for some form of relief.
By the time you're done you're covered in sweat and ripped lingerie. Bite marks, hickeys n bruises are speckled all over your body. König would savor this moment forever keeping a polaroid photo safely tucked away just in case he misses you too much on a mission. <3
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xxzlushiez · 1 year
Domestic Bliss
2023! B. Kaulitz x GN! reader
Synopsis: just wanted to write some comforting headcanons about 2023 Bill bc he’s just soooo💙💙
Notes: nothing really, fluff, comfort, showers together, ft: Tom, Georg, Gustav & Heidi
A/N: wanted to whip smth up while trying to come up w ideas💀 requests open😭
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- So I’ve been dying to do this so let’s just start off with nightly routines
- After dinner or whatever you both do before bed he makes you both do skincare together
- We all know his skin is as clear asf so he always shows you what he uses and loves to use it on you too
- After you headbutt each other on who gets to brush their teeth first if you only have one sink😭
- I feel generally he likes to be pampered in bed so that means your usually holding him
- But sometimes if he’s feeling especially clingy he’ll be the big spoon
- He’s a early bird
- The exact opposite of when he was a kid it kinda just switched
- His mind is always buzzing and so when he wakes up he is just always moving around
- But when he’s feeling particularly slow like a day after a concert he’ll just watch you sleep or play with your hair
- Admiring you
- When he’s really tired he’s a HEAVY sleeper and so he’ll kick and spread out completely
- One time he shoved you off the bed and felt so bad
- Cradled you like a baby
- It hurt him more than it hurt you honestly💀
- Tried to wrap you in bandages but you had to hold him down to get him to stop😭
- installed the fluffiest carpet after so the impact wouldn’t hurt as much💀💀
- In the morning he loves to cook the most
- Has a shelf dedicated to cook books
- chooses a new dish for you both to try each day
- From different flavored waffles to the most extravagant, tropical meals you could never even think of
- Finds it endearing when you cook with him
- You both just move around each other so effortlessly in the kitchen it’s kinda amazing
- If you somehow wake up before him which is almost impossible and make him breakfast he’s just all over it
- Hugging you while you cook and taking pictures of you
- Always posting you two on Instagram
- Tom and Heidi comment the cutest things on his posts
- @heidiklum Vous êtes beaux tous les deux!! (You both look beautiful)
- @tomkaulitz ❤️
- Naturally you got close to the band because he’s around them the most
- Heidi and you became BEST friends and always surprised the twins with silly things like double dates and mini vacations
- He’s a ‘photos for memories’ guy as we all know and you catch him snapping a pic of you doing minuscule things everyday
- Very affectionate and likes to bring you places you usually wouldn’t go to without him
- Your opinion matters so much to him so he likes taking you with him to go shopping and tries on outfits for you
- asking for your suggestions 24/7
- “Are you sure you like this one Liebchen?”
- “Does this make my butt look small?”
- At home he likes to just lounge around with you
- When showering or taking a bath he’s likes letting you lean against him
- Washes your hair for you even if you don’t ask him too
- Brings you on stage because he likes to show you off
- Fans makes the cutest posters of you guys
- Praising you is his fav activity “Aren’t they so cute guys?! ich liebe dich so sehr”
- Fans love you so much
- They go crazy when you’re randomly pulled on stage during a show
- Leans against you when he’s singing
- Unconsciously gives everyone fan service with how he acts with you onstage
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aestheticpearl · 5 months
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— can’t catch me now
[𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫] xanthus claiborne
a/n: just a heads up this is not written like my usual fan fictions <3
a cold numbness spreads through xanthus’ body as he watches the scene in front of him unfold. the lifeless body of his lover lays on the floor in front of him. their blood pools around them as xanthus looks up to the assailant with eyes that pierce through their soul. what happens next xanthus can barely remember, the room is flooded with painful screams as they plead for mercy but in the end he now stands over two bodies, covered in blood that is not his. the warmth of his lover has faded and is now only a distant memory. he cradles their corpse in his arms and lets out a wail of grief he didn’t know he had in him.
the next few years tick by agonizingly. the empty feeling hasn’t left him since that faithful day. the hole that his lover left feels as though it grows deeper with each passing month. he sees them everywhere in the little things humans do that resemble them when they were still among the living. it’s always the smallest thing, like the way someone in the distances laughs or a passing smell of a perfume/cologne they had used. their presence lingers in xanthus’ mind always, they’re stuck in his memory.
every person he feeds from leaves a sour taste in his mouth, for in his mind it is not the same. he is drinking to live but before he was once drinking because he loved. each taste is bittersweet and unfamiliar.
‘it’s not fair.’
xanthus thinks to himself as he stares down at passed out body of his latest victim. he wonders why he wasn’t strong enough to defend the love of his painfully immortal life. every waking moment he exists, he is haunted by the ghost of what could’ve been.
xanthus drowns himself in sleepless nights with nameless people trying to feel what he felt before but to no avail. the emptiness is never filled, he remains hollow and feels like a half of him is missing, the better half of him.
unfinished paintings litter the floor of xanthus’ home, all portraits of his deceased lover and each one is painted slightly differently then the one before it. the details of their face are fading in the memory that xanthus was once so proud of. it hurts to slowly forget someone that he once loved. he regrets not taking more photos over them when he had the chance.
he picks up a blank canvas and his brushes to begin on another painting of the face that he once kissed with his own lips. he starts painting the only face of yours that his burned in his memory, unfortunately for him it’s a face that wasn’t living. after only a few hours he stands back from his work and lets his eyes drink in what he has created.
if no one knew the story behind the painting they might say it’s the most beautiful piece they’ve ever seen, but xanthus refuses to let anyone other than him see the worst image he has in his memory. he knows that only he should be the one to live with the pain, since he believes it is his fault for the death of his partner.
hot tears stream down his face as xanthus bares his teeth in anger. he throws the painting across the room in a fit of rage and collapses on the floor in a broken mess.
‘they are gone because i wasn’t fast enough. i was careless.’
the painting lays broken in a mess across from an open window, the draft it creates carries the smell of fresh paint throughout the large building. the moon’s glow floods the rooms and creates a makeshift spotlight on the destroyed painting, which draws xanthus’ attention away from his pity party.
the wet paint glistens in the pale moonlight until a shadow appears on the windowsill, the shadow of a small bird. xanthus looks at it quizzically and carefully shifts to move closer, worried that the bird might flee at the sudden movement, but it doesn’t. the bird remains on the sill even as xanthus looks over it, in fact it even looks up at him to chirp happily.
without even realizing xanthus extends his finger for the bird to perch itself on and it does so with hesitation. he’s confused about this little fearless bird, birds are the definition of fight or flight and yet this one chooses neither.
‘could it be?’
xanthus’ mind fills with delusional hope for in the back of his mind he knows it couldn’t be possible, yet he has no idea why this bird is not afraid; maybe it’s because they never were.
the bird chirps once more almost as if to say goodbye before flying back out of the open window. the moon shines off its wings and xanthus watches as it goes. maybe someday he’ll be with you again, flying together above the trees in the moonlight.
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please reblog to show support ✧·˚ ༘ * ༄
i get so many requests about the listener dying so i was like i wonder what xanthus would do with himself after?
.love always <3 pearl
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3terna15unshin3 · 8 months
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time, curious time
1 of 6 ★ 6433 words
masterlist — next
— warnings: alcohol consumption, recreational drug use
“This area’s too dry. Grass looks like hay. It’ll look rubbish to set all the mic stands on it,” You argue.
Matty sighs in defeat. “You never like my ideas,” he whines sarcastically, rolling his eyes in the process.
Your elbow juts into his side, making him groan and then laugh. It’s your turn for an eye roll.
“Do you want my help or not?” You challenge, “I don’t have much experience with music videos, to be fair, so if you'd rather empty your pockets and hire someone professional—”
“Okay, okay, okay. Shut up. Let’s keep moving.” He interrupts.
You both continue on your path, scoping out locations for a video that the boys want to film later in the week. There are plenty of spots Matty suggests, stopping repeatedly to ask you to capture a certain frame. Though, as he had complained, none of them have been up to your standards. 
By now, you’re used to his constantly fleeting and sometimes messy creativity. You find comfort in it, actually, and feel the most empowered in your own strength as an artist when Matty’s there. Your camera seems the strongest in your hands when it’s pointed at him.
He nudges you to point out one last possible shot. The trees hang hauntingly low and its branches are frail, almost skimming the tops of your heads. Your feed tread over the now slightly greener grass as you come closer and look around in awe. Matty’s right, for one of the few times today.
“Now we’re talking,” You whisper in satisfaction, raising your Nikon to your eye out of instinct.
You back away slightly to get him in frame. From behind, the last hour of daylight shines through the kinks of Matty’s hair, backlighting him. It accentuates the slope of his nose as he turns to the side and looks up at the tree above him. His side profile is one of your favourite things about photographing Matty. It’s strong, but gentle.
He glances back at you after hearing a few clicks of the camera’s shutter. The sun that lights his silhouette contrastingly shines directly onto your face—since you face him—painting an orange glow across your skin.
There’s something that makes you feel like he’s staring. And you’re right, because he is, but it’s a stare that felt good. Not exposing, or perceptive in a way that usually made your heart drop. You almost want to look behind you to see if maybe he was looking at something else.
It’s sort of how he always looks at you, though. Maybe that’s how he looks at everyone, you think, but part of you hopes it wasn’t. That you were an exception. Something outstanding. 
You gasp when Matty suddenly lunges to steal your camera from your grip.
“Gimme this for a sec,” he mumbles. He’s lucky it isn’t hung around your neck as it usually was.
Embarrassment immediately creeps up your neck as he points it at you. You habitually block his view of your face with your hands, and insist, “Stop it!”
“The lighting’s nice!” Matty protests, pushing your hands away.
You replace them quickly to prevent any photo opportunities. “I don’t have space on my memory card for you to fool around, Healy.”
He rolls his eyes, turning the lens back onto himself to take a horrendously close-up picture of his own face. You giggle at the way his wrinkled skin was on display from the weird expression he pulled and the odd angle he held your camera at.
“This is literally our last location. Relax.” Matty points out.
Then, a bird tweets aggressively behind you, so you turn around to look for the culprit. Your eyes widen when it catches you off guard and squawks again, your sight flickering around the sky to try and find it. 
“God, what was that?” you mumble, but when you face Matty again, he has your camera held up. A flash and click tells you that he sneaks a picture.
“Seriously, Matty.” You say after catching him, and his smile falters. The thought of him capturing you candidly makes your stomach flip with anxiety, and he knows that. 
Since he’s aware, he hands your camera over, in case he’d pushed a bit too far. It’s the way you’ve been since he can remember; always groaning and uncomfortable to be in a group photo at school or denying his requests to pose for his camera every once in a while.
It grows frustrating sometimes, since it’s hard for him to grasp what you could possibly be insecure about. And, most of the thousands of pictures from the years you’ve grown up together showed everyone else’s faces and not yours, which made him even angrier. But that’s how you wanted them, after all.
This attribute of yours is one of the things most different about you and Matty. He loves having eyes on him—craves it, even. Wants to be seen and understood. But you're an observer, on the other hand. The world is fascinating to you, lighting your urge to preserve and savour its meticulosity. It explains your addiction to capturing it all with a camera. 
The difference makes you two a great team. Though you regret your commitments in moments like these.
“Let’s go before we get shat on by that bird,” You snicker, lighting the mood back up and giving Matty a shove. He stumbles over with a chuckle and the two of you bee-line for where his car was parked. 
By the time he’s arrived outside your building, the sun has set. You yawn after a fairly long day, walking in with Matty and dreading the four flights of stairs you’re about to climb together. The lift in your building is under maintenance and has been for the past few weeks, so you’re used to it. But that doesn’t stop Matty from complaining.
“What maintenance could they still possibly be doing on that fucking lift?!” He puffs as you tackle the first flight.
“I’d rather take the stairs than plummet to my death in a dodgy lift.” You add. 
The second floor approaches. Matty trails a couple of steps behind you and is already audibly out of breath.
“Agree to disagree, I guess.”
You finally reach your level and walk side by side over the creaky floor of the corridor. There’s still quite a way to travel until your flat nears.
“I feel like you can’t really complain about the stairs when you and the guys only live on the second floor. That’s half the amount we need to get to ours,” You point out, fishing your keys out of your pocket as the flat numbers grow closer to your own.
“And what do I do every time we arrive? Walk you up to your flat! Up four and then back down two!” He exclaims, “I’ll complain as much as I’d like.”
You unlock the door and your best friends are sitting on the sofa. Their heads of hair—one blonde and the other raven—turn around to watch you and Matty barge in. 
“And each time I insist that you don’t need to walk me up,” You counteract, bending down to take off your boots. 
Matty stops at the doorway, not planning on sticking around. He gives a wave to Avni and Greta with a small smile, but isn't done making his point to you. “I don’t trust our weirdo neighbours. You should thank me, honestly.” 
“Fine. Thank you for always walking me up. Happy? Now please leave. You smell like dirt from when you laid down on that pile of gravel,” You say, waving him off and grabbing the edge of the door to let him out. 
“I wanted to see if it looked cool,” he defends, then pulls you in for a hug goodbye, and pecks your temple before you back away. He begins walking back down the corridor to the stairwell. 
You call out, “It didn’t!” and watch him throw both of his middle fingers up in response. 
The door closes and you bolt the lock. You sigh, ready to collapse into bed. But before you have the chance to, Avni motions for you to come sit on the sofa. And though there are many places you’d rather be, you oblige, sinking down into the cushions between her and Greta.
“Come on, talk to us! We haven’t seen you all day,” she nags, nuzzling the side of her face into your shoulder. 
“Yeah,” agrees Greta, “I thought you were going to be back after your shift?”
“I was going to be, but then Matty picked me up and brought me dinner as a bribe to scout music video locations with him all evening. I was hungry, so I accepted his offer.” You explain.
Avni shrugs. “That’s a fair deal, I guess.”
You begin to stand up, thinking that what you’ve given was enough to satisfy your flatmate’s curiosities, but Avni’s hand yanks you back down. 
“But wait,” she starts, “Everything’s okay, right?”
There was worry in her voice that confused you. “...Yes? Why would it not be?”
“Oh,” she let go of a breath she seemed to be holding. “I just saw Matty hug and kiss you before leaving so I thought he might be comforting you, or something. I don’t know. Forget I asked,” Avni finishes with dismissal. 
The three of you chuckle casually and they finally allow you to get up. 
“Doesn’t he usually do that? I feel like that’s always how he bids any of us goodbye,” You say, walking around the sofa to head to your room, but pause to hear their answers. 
“I’ve known that bloke since he was pre-pubescent and never has he just casually kissed me without reason,” declares Avni, raising an eyebrow suggestively and making you shake your head in annoyance. 
You know what she’s trying to get at, but you don’t want to talk about it. You never want to talk about it. Avoidance really is your best friend.
She’s convinced she sees something there—and though you secretly wished there was something, the idea of attempting to do something about it makes you want the ground to swallow you up. You could barely admit it to yourself, let alone another soul, or Matty.
Plus, you really are convinced that it’s just a you thing, not a you and him thing. That you just need some time to get over it, even though it’s been nearly ten years. How could it ever be a you and him thing?
Thankfully, Greta’s big ego and her pestering lighthearted crush on Matty shuts down anything Avni is trying to insinuate, when she says, “He’s kissed my cheek plenty of times,” as if it’s obvious.
You glance back at Avni, and as you expect, she’s giving you a look that screams, ‘Of course Greta’s just said that…’ 
“There you go,” You point to Greta and end the conversation, acting like she helped prove your point. “I’ll see you guys tomorrow. I work the morning shift so I should be back early.”
They respond tiredly and continue watching the telly, not concerned about the late hour like you are. Neither of them have an early morning to worry about, so you won’t be surprised if you hear another film begin when you’re about to shut your eyes. 
Avni is a full-time student about to finish her degree—which her parents fund for her—so she only works here and there, doing integrated jobs within her program at University of Manchester. The only time she sees the early hours of the day is when she’s been hunched over a computer through the night, writing a paper about something you don’t understand. Since it’s the weekend and Avni’s free of class, you assume she’d sleep in.
On the other hand, Greta is like you, and opted out of A-levels and uni once completing GSCEs. She’s never been all that interested in studying, so after working as an associate at the Space NK back in Wilmslow, a position opened at the Manchester location and she stuck with it. In perfect correlation with the rest of the group also moving to the big city. 
At this point she’s a manager and is earning quite a lot—certainly more than what you make at the cafe—so her working hours can be unpredictable. But since the store never opens earlier than 10 o’clock, Greta’s rarely a morning person either.
You wake up at a concerningly early time to make it to Cafe North for 6am. It doesn’t open for another two hours, but since you’re desperate for as many shifts as possible, you take on any position necessary. This morning, your position was baker. 
It’s not a strong suit of yours, and you were only hired as a waitress, but the cafe being known for its fresh pastries made the morning shift annoyingly important. So, you often find yourself trudging in at the crack of dawn to cover for your coworkers when things come up and your boss needs you.
Cafe North helps pay your bills, since doing freelance photography work in Manchester isn’t quite enough to live comfortably. Work seems to be slowing down as the year goes on as well, so your only consistent clients are the up and coming local bands. You photograph their shows even though they barely make enough for themselves, let alone to be able to pay you fairly. 
The reason you frequent the music scene is due to the growing popularity of your favourite band—the one that happens to be made up of some of your closest friends—so of course you photograph every one of their shows. Though you refuse to let them pay you, being at their gigs leads to plenty of more work, so you manage.
Thankfully, you leave your shift at the cafe with your newest paycheque in hand. So, you stop by the bank on your journey home and deposit most of it into your savings. It’s what you do every time you get paid, and the guys sometimes make fun of how frugal it makes you. 
Their teasing persists when you walk into the pub to meet them for a gig. A morning shift and a night out all in the same day is usually a bad idea, but you run home to nap for a few hours and have tea with Avni before showing up, so you hope it isn’t a completely terrible night. 
“Come on, mate! One cocktail?! It’s Saturday night, get pissed with us,” begs Ross, who has already downed a few pints.
The seven of you; him, Matty, Hann, and George, along with you and the girls, squeeze tightly into a booth to commit to your normal routine. If the guys were playing at a pub, you’d come a couple of hours before the show to have some drinks and chat shit. If they weren’t, you’d come to some pub anyway before heading to the venue. Beer was a part of the equation either way.
Weekend shows always brought the whole crew out. The audience had more bodies and their set had a bit more length. Smaller shows sometimes had your flatmates opting to stay home—busy with school and work or just not in the mood—but you never missed any. 
You like to say you’re forced to, in order to keep the band’s Facebook updated with stills of every set, but truthfully, you never want to miss a show. You’d rather be in the crowd with your eye glued to your viewfinder than be anywhere else.
“I’m a classy woman.” you declare sarcastically, sipping your espresso martini leisurely, “Plus, I just got word that my application is being processed, as of a few days ago. Gotta save up for London if I get it, can’t be draining my bank account at every night out,”
“It’s always about London. Blah blah blah London, blah blah blah internship. Fuck off,” he drunkenly spits at your face. You laugh, not offended in the slightest since you’re used to his bluntness.
“By ‘fuck off’ he means ‘we hope you get it’, by the way,” Greta reassures you after flicking him up upside the head. It made Ross wince and whine but the alcohol in his system makes it hurt less. 
It also apparently makes his reflexes slower, as you’re able to easily steal the glass from his hand to take a few large gulps to spite his comment. Ross’s jaw drops, newly offended, and moves with haste to snatch it back from you—though it’s now almost empty.
“You deserved that,” says Adam, chuckling and enjoying his full pint.
“Thank you!” You say and then clink your martini glass to his in solidarity. The rest of the group then add on and cheers you as well, leaving Ross to walk to the bar and fetch himself another beer, sulking.
“Can I just say, I’m not gonna pull a Ross and tell you to fuck off about London, but Gret can speak for herself about this whole ‘we hope you get it’ narrative,” George clarifies, “At a happy medium I will be happy for you but also very upset that you’d be leaving us.” 
You smile at his sweetness through the fear that everyone might actually be upset at you leaving Manchester. It was hard enough to break the news that you were interested in an endeavour so separate from them. The sheer distance made it even worse. 
Which is why you lied. 
The internship Ross mentions is really in New York, not London.
Well, it could have been in London if you wanted it to be. ELLE Magazine has headquarters in both cities, and there are plenty of UK internships you qualify for. But, the program that calls to you is for international study—they provide housing for a year-long position (which is a paid one, thankfully), and you feel that the scene in New York is more exciting than anything in your home country. So, you apply. 
But, change has always been difficult for you to accept; growing up and sticking to the same people, fantasising about the same career and carrying around the same camera. You enjoy your life being that same you. 
And up until you discovered the internship, you planned to be just that. You like Manchester. You know Manchester. It’s comfortable, and has everything you need to make it in the industry. But so does New York.
The idea ignites a flame in you. Nobody would ever describe you as spontaneous, or as confident, or as a dreamer. You always feel diligent. Compliant. Following through with the plan that you’ve always had. But you want to be outstanding. Unpredictable, for once. Reaching for something so big that it’s scary.
You lie because you’re scared. What will people think of you if you fail? You think about telling the truth to the people you’re closest to and it makes you sick to your stomach. 
How they probably think that you don’t have it in you to follow through with it. That you’re a good photographer in Manchester, and won’t compare in America. That you’ll be broke and back in England within months. A two and a half hour train ride of shame back from London sounded much less frightening than an 11 hour flight back from America.
Of course, they’re actually lovely about the ELLE internship. They have so much faith in you—maybe more than you have in yourself. But they don’t know that you’ll be packing up and moving 5 time zones over. And their loveliness doesn’t put your crippling anxiety to sleep, and doesn’t stop you from creating and keeping up with the London lie. It’s your safety blanket.
“Just think of it like this, George,” you begin, “Coming down and visiting me will give you guys an excuse to play some gigs and show all of the big London labels how badly they need to sign you.”
All four boys groan at the mention of record labels. They’ve been working their asses off trying to get attention from them and it hasn’t gone very smoothly so far.
“If the sad little indies in this city won’t bat an eye at us then I doubt any fancy London ones will give a shit,” complains Matty with an eye roll. 
“For a man with such a big ego you can be so pessimistic.” Avni responds. 
You’re sitting across from Matty, so you use your knee to shove his. Though his tone is confidently spiteful, you can tell that the band’s struggle to get signed sometimes gets to him.
He looks up at you since you gain his attention, and the two of you share a small reassuring smile. Matty’s knee shoves yours back. It softens his expression. 
“I’ve got a multi-faceted personality, Avni,” he defends.
She raises her hands, accepting his statement as a fine enough rebuttal. 
“At least the place is pretty packed tonight.” Ross interferes. 
Everyone looks around and surveys the busy nature of the pub they’re about to play for. Ross has a good point, and the group’s excitement grows with the realisation. They could tell the energy would be great.
With the mention of why they’ve arrived in the first place, the four boys take note of the quickly lessening time before their set would begin. So, they finish off the last drops of what sat in their glasses and eventually begin to prepare. 
It’s not long before you’re in an uncomfortably crouched position, waiting for them to come on and begin their first song. Gret and Avni stand behind you, drinks still in hand and chatting away. You adjust the settings on your camera, making sure to up the exposure to accommodate the dark pub lighting. 
Small cheers and woops erupt from a few of the patrons who are familiar with the boys, and you raise your camera to your eye when the set begins. Every time it settles on Matty, you almost feel a sense of relief to have an excuse to watch his every move. 
It paralyses you, how natural his body and mind present themselves through the music. You watch him through the haze of cigarette smoke that floated in the air, seeing his hands dance up and down the fretboard of his guitar. They move with urgency and make pretty sounds. His eyes close when he sings and you find yourself missing the brownness of his irises when they are, sighing in solace when they open back up.
You have to remind yourself to photograph the others. They’re naturals on stage as well—and you can’t deny their talent—but they’re humble in nature. And Matty isn’t. He makes the perfect frontman; overtly confident and spilling with an amplified arrogance. It’s so easy to capture him and have the photos ooze magic. You aren’t sure if the magic comes from you or from him. 
When you’re satisfied with the amount you’ve taken, you relax to enjoy the show, quietly singing along to the lyrics to your favourite tracks. Your friends chat here and there but you stay engaged with the performance. You chase contact with Matty’s eyes, which are usually scanning the depth of the growing crowd, and have to suppress your smile when you succeed, stealing his attention for split seconds at a time.
And as quickly as it begins, it’s over. You detach yourself from your camera and carefully place it back into the bag that slings over your shoulder. Applause rings through the pub. 
Everyone sticks around for a couple of hours after the show, as the boys ride on what’s left of their post-performance adrenaline—but your eyes droop with tiredness and they can tell. Clearly, the nap you took after getting back from work wasn’t enough to keep up with your friends. 
“Falling asleep on us, are you?” notices Avni, poking at your cheek, sufficiently drunk. 
You smile softly and try to shake some energy into yourself. “Not anymore,” you say, embarrassed that they can see through your attempts to hide the fact that you’ve been up for nearly 21 hours. You’re even too knackered to sip on your drink, and the copper mug sits full of a concoction of Moscow Mule remnants mixed with melted ice in front of you. 
“Quite the grandmother tonight, Y/N.” Hann teases. 
You don’t tease him back because you can tell he just cares, and will probably suggest that you make your way home, knowing his sensibility. “Can’t help it. Been up since 5,”
“Fuckin’ ‘ell, 5 in the morning?! Doing what?!” asks Matty, who sat between you and the edge of the booth. 
“Going to my job, Matty. Have you heard of those? Jobs? Or have you not, since you’ve never been able to keep a real one?” 
The whole table ‘ooo’ at your burn and Matty shakes his head in disbelief. 
“In my humble defence, I have been helping George deliver for Flame and Wok and they do pay me now. So yeah, darling, I have,” he defends matter-of-factly. “You know, I slept for 12 hours last night. Maybe more. And for some reason I think I’m just as fucking exhausted as you,” 
You turn to him, confused. “I can’t tell if you’re trying to one-up me with how tired you are or if you’re bragging about how much sleep you got.”
“I’m trying to point out that you’re a trooper for still being up. And am also insinuating that I am very unusually tired and willing to leave if you come with. If everyone else wants to stay.” he clarifies.
Oh, you think, He’s just being sweet. 
“Thank God someone finally offered. I’m dying here,” you whine, “You lot keep having fun for me, alright? I don’t want to start being known as the buzzkill.”
Matty scooches sideways to stand up and you do the same, slipping on your denim jacket. 
“Oh, you will,” confirms George. You flip him off, and he laughs. “I’m joking. Get some sleep, love.”
You smile at the fact that underneath the sarcastic humour all of your friends share, is a synonymous deep care for each other. You’ve really lucked out. A sudden sadness pangs your mind when you think of the fact that you might be leaving them. You wipe it away before it can settle.
They all mutter farewells while you lean down to peck Avni on the cheek. You repeat the action for Greta, and then you and Matty begin heading out.
“See you at home,” he calls, waving. Everyone waves back, and then returns to their slurred banter and cold drinks.
He holds the door open for you and you step into the chill late night (almost early morning) air. You follow the pavement towards your building and walk side-by-side.
“I need to meet Wade before we get back, by the way. If that’s okay with you,” Matty admits. “He’s just waiting for me on the corner of Spears.”
Wade is Matty’s dealer, who regularly supplies him the weed that everyone often smokes together. At one point, you try to figure out a way to somehow split the cost by seven, but since Matty and George have a much more intense fixation than the rest of you, they agree to just pay for it themselves. 
So, you’re complicit, and follow him a block past your flat to where Wade was waiting. You’re retrospectively thankful that walking an extra block is the trade off for free weed.
It’s quick; you both throw a casual ‘Hi, mate,’ to the dealer and a few seconds later you’re already turning back with your arm linked in Matty’s, who had the small baggy tucked into his pocket.
You climb the dreaded stairs together and reach your floor. It’s mostly quiet between you, due to your energyless states, but before you come to your door, you mutter, “Thank you for leaving with me, Matty. I know you would rather have stayed,”
“Don’t be silly,” he responds, “I know I’m crazy, but I actually am knackered. I should be thanking you for giving me an excuse to leave.”
A smile is shared between you and you unlock your flat, sighing in contentment at the lessening proximity from you and your bed. “You’re right about being crazy.”
Matty rolls his eyes, and you send him a look that tells him it’s okay for him to head to his flat. That you’re all good and safe in yours. But before he leaves, he stops to say one more thing.
“You really should rest up. I know everyone likes taking the piss out of how much you work—especially tonight—but it really is a lot. And I get that it’s for a reason and you’re saving up or whatever. I just hope you know that we won’t be offended if you don’t come and take photos of every single show we play. It’s okay to miss them, really. You’ve seen it a million times over. If it means you can avoid 20 hour days and draining all of your energy.”
“I like coming to your shows. I don’t feel like I have to. I just want to,” you insist while taking off your boots, “But thank you. I appreciate it. ‘S very sweet,”
He accepts your answer with a gracious nod and briefly wraps an arm around your shoulder to press his lips to your cheek, then turns to find his flat. You watch him walk down the hall and finally close the door when you hear his footsteps bouncing in the stairwell. 
You have to suppress the giddiness you feel bubbling up and convince yourself that you’d feel the same way if any of the other guys had walked you home and said what he’s said—though you know that isn’t true.
Now washed up and in bed, you check your phone one last time before shutting your eyes. You see a message from Matty.
matty: Wanna to try out the stuff I picked up earlier?? It’s a new strain, needs opinions. I’ll be home all day tmrw just stop by x
y/n: beautiful 
y/n: ill text when i leave x
You think about how nice a joint sounds after the long day you’ve had. So, you agree, and fall asleep soundly.
But when you wake up the next morning—far too early—to the scariest email you’ve ever received, you’re even more in need of a smoke. Because you’re about to have a panic attack.
You’re moving to New York.
You reread the congratulatory words maybe 30 times before you can bear to look away. Tears of both happiness and fear threaten to spill from your eyes, but you blink enough times to make them disappear.
The kettle is whistling in the kitchen and you can hear it from your room. It’s probably Greta. You wonder if she boiled enough water for you and Avni to make cups as well, since you’re usually up by now. You can pick apart two sets of footsteps. They’re both up. 
What if they can hear that you’re up? What if your thoughts are so loud that they can hear those, too? You quiet down your quick breathing and hide yourself and your screen beneath your covers. Just in case.
You’ll have to start packing soon. Book a plane ticket. You’ve never booked a plane ticket by yourself. What if it’s hard? What if you can’t find your passport? You get up and rummage through your bedside table to find it. It’s exactly where you left it.
Eventually, after hiding out and panicking for what seems like a couple of minutes but is actually many hours, you let yourself cry. You let it all out in heaving sobs. The girls don’t hear you or question the fact that it’s past noon and you’re still in your room. They assume you’re catching up on sleep. But you’re wide awake.
You think about how bad you’ve been wanting this. You want it so bad. You would never be able to forgive yourself if you let your fear ruin it. 
So, you compose yourself. Wipe your eyes dry and sniff up the snot. Get dressed, plaster a normal smile on your face. You ask Greta and Avni if they want to come to the boys’ flat with you for a smoke. You tell them that Matty’s got a new strain he wants you to try. They agree after asking if you’ve had a good night’s sleep. You lie and say yes. 
y/n: heading over now
y/n: and bringing the others if u don’t mind
You need an excuse to have everyone in the same room again. An opportunity to tell them the news. You’re not sure how long you can go before it eats you alive. 
matty: Course
matty: Door’s unlocked
Matty doesn’t mind, but is weirdly disappointed to know that it won’t just be you and him. He calls Ross, Hann, and George out to the lounge to let them know that everyone’s coming, to act like he meant for it to be a group thing all along. It’s nothing out of the ordinary, so the boys don’t question it.
To be fair, hanging out one-on-one wasn’t out of the ordinary either. He’s just worried that you might find it odd for him to like it better that way, versus seeing the other girls. So he keeps that part to himself.
Everything’s normal when you arrive. Matty explains that the joints you puff and pass are supposed to give you a more concise high. Less scattered but definitely less alert, and maybe more focused. He thinks it might be good for writing, or something. You’re not sure. You just inhale and let it happen and then think in circles about how to start mentioning what you need to mention. It blares at your conscience. 
Thankfully, at the perfect time, Avni asks you a question about the cafe. Which you know you’ll have to quit soon. It’s the perfect segue.
She’s complaining about accidentally volunteering to organise an event for her colleagues before winter break came along. “Thought I’d just be setting up the place but now I’ve got to plan the whole program of honourees and even sort out the catering,”
“Catering? Fuck, that’s fancy.” sneers Ross.
“Right? I think I’ll plan it at an odd time so that I can just get coffee and pastries, or something,” Avni lazily says, blowing smoke out of the corner of her mouth, “Does the cafe do catering? Like big carafes of coffee and tea?”
“We do,” you answer with hesitance.
“Oh, gorgeous! Would you be able to ask your boss to sort me a few? So I can use some of my budget on other stuff?” she asks.
Your heartbeat quickens. Now’s your moment.
“I would, but—” You cough and bite at the skin on your fingertips to stall, “I—Um, I won’t be working there anymore. In December.” You finally sputter out.
Everyone’s in their own little world as you hang out; George busy mixing something on his laptop, Greta bringing over her latest crochet project to finish (hoping she doesn’t get too high and fuck up the pattern), the others making casual conversation and enjoying the company. But they stop when they hear the words leave your mouth, and there’s a moment of eerie silence when the gears in their heads grind to figure out what you mean.
“Have you been sacked?” asks Adam. You shake your head no. “...You’re quitting?”
You nod slowly, searching for some sort of release in each of your friends’ expressions, hoping they figure it out before you have to say it on your own and out loud, since you haven’t done that yet. But nobody says anything, and you can’t bear any more silence. 
“I got the internship.”
A sense of shock blanketed the room before Ross finally jumps out of his seat to tackle you in an embrace. You grin, a wave of relief hitting you, and flipping the morale in the October air on its head.
“Are you fucking kidding me?! How long have you known?!” He screams in your ear, and you wince at the volume, though you can’t help but giggle with joy as your friends erupt in praise.
He climbs off of you and you stand so that everyone can have their turn wrapping their arms around you.
“I got the email early this morning and have not been able to function since,” You explain, “Genuinely had a panic and hid underneath my bed sheets for about 3 hours before I could face the fact that it’s actually happening,” 
“We have to celebrate! I should go get a bottle of champagne. Someone come with me, please. Balloons? Streamers? Do you want a cake, love? I can get a cake,” Avni rambles, dragging Greta up from her seat and heading for the door.    
Your cheeks hurt and your head spins. 
“Please, Av, you don’t have to do all that.” You argue. 
Matty’s the last to hug you so he leaves one of his arms draped around the back of your neck, standing close. He leans his head sideways and your temples touch. He leaves his head there. 
“Please, Y/N,” Greta copies you, “You deserve it. None of us work tonight, why can’t we party?!”
“This buzzkill narrative is really catching up to you…” George buts in, “And don’t you want to spend time with us before you leave? There’s not much time left, you know,”
Your cheeks finally relax, and you’re brought back down to Earth. Fuck. He’s right. The room falls silent as they all make the same realisation. 
You feel your nose get fizzy with emotion. You can’t move on and let them celebrate you without telling them the truth.
“Yeah, you’re right. There’s also one more thing you should know. About the internship,” you start nervously. 
Everyone looks you in the eye but you can’t dare to meet anyone’s stare. They sense the lighthearted and energetic mood shift, and their mouths fall flat. Why are they not smiling anymore? But there isn’t anything left for you to do besides explain yourself.
“It’s with ELLE Magazine. They have a head office in London, and I applied through ELLE UK, which is why I said the position would relocate me there. But, in my offer, they gave me the option to intern there, or at the headquarters in New York,” 
Your breath shakes as you inhale.
“And after some thinking, I’ve decided to choose New York.”
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themuselesswriter · 4 months
A Day in a Demon Pig's Life
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Characters: Fat Nugget, Angel Dust, Husk, mention of Cherri Bomb and Valentino
Summary: Fat Nuggets tries to describe a day in his life
Word count: 1046
Warnings: implied abuse, implied slavery, implied prostitution
A/N: so... I did something instead of sleeping .-.
Credits: photos from Pinterest, editing app is picsart
I woke up at the sound of Angel preparing to leave, he was already at the vanity mirror, fixing his looks, he is a beautiful man, I don’t understand why he spends so much time fixing his looks into a perfection, practicing different smiles and most importantly, wiping all the tears, he seems sad, he always does, although never mean or evil, he never mistreated me so I have that at least. 
I know things were rough for him, I’ve seen how that… Valentino treats him with insignificance, as if he owns him, I heard Angel say a couple of times that he did own him, partially, and that he hates what he has to do for him, that he hates being touched and violated by him and everyone else on the set, which I didn’t understand at all.
I mean, I understand that he owns him, it means he looks after him right? Like the way Angel owns me and takes care of me, maybe he’s a bad owner? Maybe he doesn’t fill his bowl with food before he leaves or doesn’t take him on enough walks? Or doesn’t pet him? But the rest I don’t understand though, he usually mumbles this stuff while he’s calling Cherri on the phone while sobbing.
He noticed that I was awake so he walked to me and put on a genuine smile, a smile that I’ve only noticed around a couple of people, me, Cherri, and the bartender, what was his name? Husk! Yeah, I think his name is Husk, anyhow, he scratches behind my ears and I roll and do some tricks for him which seems to cheer him up, I earned a giggle from him “such a good boy” he tells me and kisses my head and leaves. 
The rest of the day is pretty dull, I eat, sleep, explore, play with Razzle and Dazzle, spy on the egg boys and repeat. 
It was almost midnight when Angel returned, I was laying on my bed next to his, I lifted my head up and looked at him, he was a mess, he was obviously crying, and he… he seemed hurt, yeah, he had bruises on his body and marks, he laid on bed and curled into himself, sobbing into his pillow, I hopped into his bed and looked at him a little worried, I walked to him and licked his nose, it usually cheers him up but not this time, no, this seemed to make things worse, he pulled me into a hug and kept sobbing, only now he picked up his phone and aggressively started calling Cherri who didn’t answer for whatever reason which only made things worse. 
I was getting beyond worried, I’ve never seen him like this before, he needed someone, not just anyone, someone who he looks at in a loving way, and if it’s not me or Cherri, that leaves us with… I slithered my way out of his grip and went out of his room, he didn’t seem to notice me, I rushed towards the bar where the bird cat resided, drinking from his endless bottle, I squeaked but he didn’t pay me attention, so I hopped on a stool then on the table, he didn’t pay me attention either. 
I saw a couple of glasses on the bar and I had a difficult decision to make, I gulped and ran fast, making all the glasses fall and shatter “hey! You little shit!” he said angrily, I looked at him horrified, I bit his hand, he screamed in pain, he looked at me wickedly, I gulped and ran, he followed me then stopped, I stopped too and looked at him pleadingly, squeaking, he looked at me as if his anger disappeared and instead was replaced with complete confusion, I went to him and bit his pants, trying to drag him, he didn’t move an inch “what do you want you filthy animal” I kept trying to drag him and gesture him towards Angel’s room, eventually he gave up once he saw how persistent I was and decided to follow me, this time, we walked together. 
Once we reached Angel’s door, I opened it enough so I can enter again and he can peak at him, I hopped into Angel’s bed and looked at him pleadingly, he seemed frozen, those demons are idiots, I swear it, I walked to him and bit his pants again, trying to drag him in “I can’t little fella… I… he didn’t invite me” I insisted “what if he doesn’t want to see me? What if he doesn’t want to be seen like this?” he tried to reason but I was hotheaded, I kept desperately trying to drag him inside. 
“Fat Nugget?” I heard Angel’s broken voice calling me, I stopped and turned to look at him, he must’ve seen Husk too because the other’s pupils were wide and he seemed stuck in time, either from embarrassment or from seeing Angel like this “what are you doing here?” he asked Husk “your little rascal shattered my glasses” Husk gulped nervously, Angel seemed disappointed, and let out a little oh, I walked back to Angel and sat next to him, he seemed to have calmed down but he was definitely still in a shaken up state, he sniffs and tries to hide his bruises and traces of tears “well… I’ll get you new ones tomorrow on my way back from work” he said casually, hugging his legs. 
Husk grew a bit bolder as he took a step inside the room “you… you’re okay kid?” he asked Angel who looked at him shocked, their eyes met for a moment, which was more than enough time for Angel to break down into tears again, Husk rushed to him, and we both cuddled him on the bed until he calmed down, Husk being more careful than me as his touches seemed well-studied and hesitant, while me, I kept licking his face and tears away once he laid down in fetus position, it was a rough night for him, that I can tell but by the morning he seemed to be back into his natural self, that’s one of the things I love about him, he always knows how to rebound. 
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stawpny · 8 months
I feel like I’m in a CA/NY mood, so why not give you some hc’s???
-“I hate everyone but you” trope
-York and Cal go traveling together. Whether it’s to a different country or to another state. They mostly go to Paris or New York City, but they’ve been to many others. I can just imagine them walking around, holding hands and Cal goes, “ohmygod! The Eiffel Tower!” “No way?! In Paris?! I nevah would’ve guessed!”
-they cuddle anywhere and almost all of the time. Whenever they get the chance, really. They’ll cuddle on the couch or maybe ontop of a building.
-cal has ONE photo of York smiling and it is the background of his phone. York takes every chance to try and delete it off of his phone but his plans have failed.
-New York always sleeps in fetal position to keep warmth and to protect himself. He used to do this when he was younger and now it’s just become a habit.
-Cal likes to collect little silly objects that he finds when out with York. Whether he has to buy it, steal it, or just pick it up, he will have it. (most of them are little bird sculptures)
-neither of them like the sound of fireworks, but they like the picture, so they usually just stay inside where it’s muffled (they both have PTSD) to watch the southern and high western idiots light fireworks whil Gov freaks out about literally everything going on. He would have to stop Florida from “riding a firework to the moon”. (it
-Physical touch but also words play a huge role. They have to know if the other loves them back the same, so words of love and appreciation are crucial because they both have trust issues.
-York can only fall asleep when he’s with cal. If not, he just feels too alone and cold. He feels too much like his old self.
-literally the most powerful couple ever.
-Cal will imitate Yorks accent to try and be more aggressive. York will wince at the horrible pronunciations of the words. “Okay, that’s enough. Please stop, B.” “Yous bettah- huh?”
-NY never stops moving, always fiddling with something. Cal’s flannel buttons, his ring (married??!!), his shirt, etc. Mans will be moving even if he is exhausted.
- tea and coffee duo
- “You think we’re in love in every universe?” “I bet ya we are.”
- York helps him answer financial questions, but when York gets too “full of himself” (he really doesn’t, he just gets carried away) cal always says, “Woah, settle down, dude. Your acting like you didn’t crash the economy back in the 1930’s.” “Okay Mr. Movie Star- Oh wait, what evah happened to that career? Still hasn’t taken off, huh?” “HEY!-“
-York frequently steals Cal’s shirts and sweaters because he likes baggy clothes. “I’m vegan and I’m American!” As an example of what one of the shirts says. 😭
so.. it’s been a while since I posted CA/NY, so yay
I created these really quickly if you couldn’t tell 😔
but I hope you liked!
ily guys <3
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wisecrackingeric-2 · 7 months
Idk if you've done it before but got any serenedy hcs?👉👈
Edit: this turned into a glorified fanfic but sssssssssshhuddup
. Luis is Like one of those dogs who are really massive but don’t realise they’re massive so they try to be lap dogs and all you can do is just sit there and accept it. You know the dogs right. Yeah that’s Luis to me; he’s tall and he’s lanky and he’s 95% limbs and he INSISTS on sitting on Leon’s lap or being the little spoon and Leon lets him every single time no matter how uncomfortable it is
. They’re both Transgender Capcom actually told me so but also I think it’d be hilarious if Leon was pre-top surgery when he went on that initial mission and first met Luis so when he tells him Luis is like “??????????????YOUVE BEEN RUNNING AROUND HIS ENTIRE TIME WITH A BINDER ON?????? WTF IS WRONG WITH YOU??????????????”
. They take their t-shots together (Capcom told me so)
. Leon goes out of his way to find the specific and exact brand of cigarettes Luis likes even though they’re really expensive and hard to find (this isnt even a headcannon the brand of cigarettes he smokes in-game are E X P E N S I V E )
. Luis would ABSOLUTELY be disabled if he DID survive the knife to the back cuz speaking from a family members experience there is NO WAY he’d be walking again with a giant hole in his spine like that
. So when Luis first started using a wheelchair and moved in with Leon at first in the mornings when they’d both just get up and Leon would be getting ready for work, Luis would always ask Leon to crouch down so he could fix his suit collar, and for the first few times alone would wave him off (classic I-can-do-it-myself Leon) but after a couple times Luis explained that being able to help Leon even with something small like that gives him a sense of agency that he’s lost so Leon immediately apologised and now every morning it’s a habit for Leon to wake up, get his suit on, and crouch down in front of Luis to let him fix the collar up (and give him a kiss on the cheek)
. They both have really weird work scheduled so most of the time Luis will stay up in the labs until midnight meanwhile Leon has a super early start but their lunch breaks line up so that they get a few hours in the afternoon to spend together, and usually that just involves them sleeping away in their shared bed hdbehdbdhdnxhxn
. Leon is one to pick Luis up from the labs (because he’s the only one with a legal licence dhbshdbshdnd) and Luis usually finishes an hour or so earlier than him so he waits at the door for Leon like a little kid and he gets super excited every single time when he sees him in the doorway no matter how many times they’ve done this BDBSHDBDHD
. I’ve said rhis before and I’ll say it again. Luis sleeps starfish style. He has every limb thrown over Leon at all times and he always somehow ends up on the floor in the mornings
. Luis buys Leon new jackets all the time. Which like. Yknow. SOUNDS cute on paper. Except he’s using Leon’s credit card cuz he doesn’t have one HXNHWNWUSNSIZMS
. Leon keeps a photo of Luis in his pocket whenever he’s on missions. Yknow. For reasons.
. Leon brought Luis a brand new copy of Don Quixote when they first moved in and as a joke Luis asked Leon to read it to him but then it became a tradition every night except Leon is a REAAAAALLYYY slow reader and he has a BAAAAD reading voice like he struggles to get through a sentance out loud and Luis finds it SO so so endearing he encourages Leon to do it more often
. Luis is allergic to cats, and he’s also not much of a dog person (for obvious reasons) but he’d LOVE to have a pet of some kind someday
. Also I will keep spreading this propaganda but Luis IS A HORSE BOY LUIS IS A HORSE BOY AND HED LOVE TO TEACH LEON HOW TO RIDE
. Luis really likes feeding birds outside and it gives Leon an excuse to slow down and chill out so he does it with him whenever he can
. Also spreading my propaganda that Leon can’t cook. What did he eat before he met Luis? God knows. Chris found him raiding his fridge for pieces of cheese multiple times. Now Luis always makes sure to cook Leon a big nice breakfast and dinner no matter how much leon insists he doesn’t have to
. Also a self indulgent headcannon that Luis is a wee bit of an artist. He learnt how to do quick realistic sketches of anomalies during his time with Umbrella so every now and then when Leon’s off in his own world doing work at the table or just staring out the window Luis will do tiny lil sketches of him just to admire him. But he’d never admit that to leon he’s way too shy HCSHNESHSNHS
. Leon isn’t very good at audibly asking for attention or phsyical contact, so the two of them have come up with a system where Leon will wrap his arms around Luis’ waist or shoulders and Luis will immediately know that he wants a cuddle for whatever reason. He doesn’t pry, either; he knows that sometimes Leon just has Bad Days and needs some physical support and to feel wanted
. Leon pretends to not know how to smoke a joint just so Luis will teach him and baby him through it. He gets all clingy when he’s high ok
. I don’t think Luis would still be religious after a l l t h a t BDNEHENHEJS but I Imagine he still prays every now and then just for some comfort and he always asks Leon to sit with him while he does for some support
. Pulling this straight from my own fanfic but I think Luis would propose to Leon with one of his own rings BXNEHENEHENE and they would DEFINITELY get married with literally zero witnesses just for themselves too
. Luis forced Leon to get a car cuz he’s scared shitless of motorcycles
. Leon always helps massage Luis’ back whenever his pain is flaring up
. Leon is secretly a lot clingier than Luis and cries to himself whenever they have to be apart for whatever reason he is a big crybaby to M E
. Luis likes swimming cuz it helps his chronic pain and Leon sucks up his fear of big open waters for him HSHEHENEHDNDJ
. Luis is very very proud of his appearance and so him showing up all messy for Leon is a lil act of love <<33
. Also they accidentally steal each others clothes all the time and they look ridiculous
. Finally, this is FULLY self-Indulgent, but I do think Luis would wanna be a dad someday. Idk about Leon, but I think Luis still truly does look up to his Grandfather and wants to be the same kind of man he was and raise a kid of his own and see that kid grow and not have to abandon him the same way his Grandfather did (And I think Leon would share similar emotions too)
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thecherrytarot · 1 year
𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐬𝐡𝐚𝐝𝐨𝐰 𝐬𝐞𝐥𝐟.
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pile 1 → pile 2 → pile 3
Pick the photo you feel the most drawn to and please remember that this is a general reading so take what resonates!!
𝐏𝐢𝐥𝐞 𝟏:
The spiritual and mental connection between you and the people around you is lost or blocked. you may find it difficult to make decisions and choices when it comes to relationships, doesn't have to be romantic it can any be type of connection. you find it hard to commit or have a deep connection with someone you love. you don't blame them, due to your low self-image (?) you think that there is something wrong with you. some of you might even have mild social anxiety. you might be harsh to yourself and the people around you. when you are in a relationship you might show signs of unhealthy obsession. some of you might be people pleasers but like in a different way, I don't know the exact term for it but it's like you desperately want love and approval from those who will not give it to you. some of you might even display obsessions about your appearance and measure yourself by external validation, usually, there is not THAT big of a deal but for some of you, you may not practice self-love and use this as your only source of feeling good about yourself.
messages from the universe: "the existence needs you. Without you, something will be missing in that existence and no one can replace it. Therefore, it will create your core value. Stars and suns, moons, trees, birds, and the earth – everything in the universe will seemingly feel a tiny flaw that cannot be filled by anyone other than you. Meditation, or thinking, is a method that will help you overcome chaos, overcome the darkness of the soul, balance, order, and warnings. Bring the change that you want in your life and escape the cycle of misfortune."
𝐏𝐢𝐥𝐞 𝟐:
TW: mentions of death & trauma
something that was supposed to be a blessing for you ended way too soon and it hurt you so much because you felt like your dreams were taken away from too soon. I heard " why did you give me those thoughts and then took them away from me ?" so take however that resonates. this could either be a relationship (romantic/ family) that ended poorly or a business idea that didn't go your way. if it was a relationship then you might have been involved with someone very different from you and instead of bringing out the best in each other brought out the worst. it was difficult to compromise and find a middle ground and both parties were left feeling drained and exhausted. the environment was toxic. if it was a business idea, there was a lack of substance to make the dream a reality. the reason for this might be your impatience, irritability and anger. for some of you, this could be the death of a loved one. whatever the situation is you might be unable to face the pain of loss and move on from it. the situations around you brought out your worst and you lost control of yourself and your decisions. this situation may have left some of you scarred and you were left with some type of trauma. this could also happen because you know that deep down you are a bit gullible and get manipulated easily. you just want some peace and quiet but can't seem to find it. you might be too stubborn to change or are ready for change but too exhausted for it.
messages from the universe: " Rebirth is the Yang to Death’s Yin. Death is always accompanied by Rebirth. take whatever is been given to you in that amount only, don't try to be greedy with it and learn to take things slowly or else you'll get burnt out again before even reaching your goals. You will become more divine when you are more creative. the more you create, the more saintly you are. When your creativity reaches its peak, when your life becomes creative, you are living in the heart of God."
𝐏𝐢𝐥𝐞 𝟑:
you might like to try new things but lose interest after the initial excitement has worn off, this reflects even your projects, relationships, etc. some of you might believe that everything will work out well for you but show little to no effort to bring it to life. lost in your head, and losing touch with reality. too lost in the dream and unable to manifest and grow in the physical plane. this usually happens because you give up halfway and become lazy. regardless of your age, you are young at heart and sensitive, which could be your unhealed inner child. this could lead to you victimizing yourself and believing that there is nothing wrong with you emotionally and often, pointing fingers at everyone else. somehow this could be you trying to protect yourself because you are still afraid. afraid of the outside world, afraid of being in trouble or around people with more authority than you. some of you are often isolating yourself, suffer social anxiety, and lack confidence. you know that you are in a way inexperienced and immature and blame your surroundings for it. some of you might be afraid of leaving your comfort zone because around other people, you feel awkward and sometimes even sacred. you avoid getting close to people because you feel like they will leave you after seeing your 'true self'.
messages from the universe: "You can find the truth in yourself, there is no need to find anything in reality anymore. The truth is flowing in you and when you widen your eyes, it is the truth that will open your eyes. As if you close your eyes, it is also the time when truth closes your eyes. focusing on healing your underlying issues and learning to accept that you can be wrong too. it is okay, we all are children making mistakes and moving forward by learning a lesson. the best way to learn wisdom is by making innocent mistakes. Don't be too hard on others. then you live freely – alive, radiant, contented, delighted with a song of your own."
Thank you so much reading!!!
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astyrial · 5 months
sleuthing spider - 🕷️ ch. 5 - new york air
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    "well, you want to find out or not?"
  the open car door lets the wind run along any of your exposed skin, chills running down your arms. no decision in your life has ever felt this reckless, even with your odd profession and the risks that come with it. you stare out at the masked vigilante for what feels like far too long. ultimately he's a mystery, you barely know him.
  yet, the way he tilts his head, holding out his hand for you to grab, it's enticing. it makes you change your mind about the fact that he's a stranger, someone you wouldn't typically trust. however, your hand is already reaching for the car key and your bag. maybe it's not the smartest choice you've ever made, but kicking the door with the bottom of your foot while walking towards him is the one you choose.
  "let's go before i change my mind," you grab a hold of his hand, letting him move it to his shoulders. 
  being this close to a stranger would always give you pause, but it appears that being close to this stranger is nothing but exhilarating. you quickly lock the car and shove the key down your pocket with your left hand. everything seems to be moving quickly as you reach the other over his shoulder. he leans back, looking over at you, "you better hold on tight, because this could be dangerous."
  "knowing you is probably dangerous, so let's hurry and follow the guy!"
  your fingers grip the back of his suit, his hand on your lower back. before you can even feel it coming, the wind is rushing through your face. the buildings seem a little smaller than when you're on the ground. birds are nearly at your level, pigeons landing on certain roofs with certainty. the sky looks a little bluer and your heart races. 
  people on the ground become as small as a retriever, your hands gripping his suit even tighter. despite wanting to see the world from a whole new perspective, your eyelids pinch together, worried that some motion sickness may arise. "can you tell where he's going yet?" you yell, unsure how the wind will effect the spidey's hearing. 
  "it seems he's going to east harlem!" 
  the sound of his voice is slightly masked by the strong winds. the smooth tone that he usually carries is taken by the wind and he sounds ever so slightly out of breath. you wait for another couple of minutes before opening your eyes, the scenario looking completely different from that of the restaurant fisk overtook.
  buildings are older, the streets looking similar to ones you would frequent on the job. you purse your lips, wondering where fisk could possibly be going. your eyes flash to spiderman as his hand tightens around your waist. he takes a quick turn and suddenly you realize that he does it at every turn. he knows that taking a turn like that could send you flying, so he holds on tight.
  you smile to yourself, shaking your head a second later. wherever your mind may roll with this, you try to block it out, remember your mission. spiderman seems interesting enough- 
  "he's stopping here, we'll have to get off on this roof!" 
  he lands on a gravelly roof, small gardens scattered around. you can tell that he's not used to the added weight as he stumbles a bit. out of instinct, you bring your legs up, nearly wrapping them around his waist. 
  "if you just wanted a hug, you could've asked ms. investigator," spiderman laughs at his own joke, leaning his head back.
  you immediately let go of him, letting your feet plant safely against the gravel roofing. your tongue runs along your teeth, head shaking. "you're ridiculous, you know that? because i certainly know that," he looks over at you, hands on his hips as if he knows something you don't.
  your eyebrows raise, arms crossing in front of your chest. a smile spreads across your lips as you turn to look down at fisk's limo. the man steps out of the back of it, nearly too quickly for you to grab your phone out to take a photo, nearly. the bald-headed multibillionaire, makes his way into the large building complex. 
  the sign out front shows that it holds multiple businesses within. where he's going, neither of you could possibly know unless someone goes inside. your head moves slowly back at spiderman and a sigh releases from your lips, "i need to go in there."
  "you're not going in there, you're a civilian."
  "unless you're military, you are too. plus, i'm a private investigator i do this all the time."
  "not with wilson fisk you don't. just- let me do it, you can create a distraction or stake out his car."
  you bite your lip, looking back at the building. right now, you could very well find something out for your client, but if you stay outside, you may not. fisk is an important guy and could very well be the death of you if he catches you. yet your client needs answers and so does the rest of the victims that he created.
masterlist / chapter four / chapter six taglist:
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danketsuround · 6 months
sunday six!
typical monday six for me cause i forgot yesterday was sunday lol i was tagged by @four-white-trees and @overdevelopedglasses woo! thank you! i will tag everyone else i usually tag @c-cw-f-saeko @fire-tempers-steel @futilecombat @passthroughtime (think that's everyone? lmk if u want to be tagged/untagged) (share if you want don't if you don't as usual HI)
sharing something different cause i wasn't feeling well this weekend and i have this written already. little extra thing from two birds that expands on the letters kuwana and reiko wrote to each other. kind of long but i don't like it enough to post so just take the whole thing gosh!
To Kusumoto-san,
How are you? I'm sorry I haven't written yet. I just figured out how this works in the midst of moving around. Ehime is a nice place. Far, temperate. The people in Masaki are a little too friendly. Not sure I could say the same about Matsuyama, though, I guess that's the city to a stranger. It seems silly to say, but I hope you're making some friends, if you can.
When we first drove in, a seagull shat on my car. Right on the windshield! I almost killed us both. I know you just jumped at the thought, but we're really okay. Mitsuru made fun at me for getting so startled. He's a good kid. He's a lot like you and nothing like me. Thank God. Despite our differences I think we're getting along.
We came to Matsuyama for a bit. We wanted to pop in and see you but they told us it doesn't work that way. That day it really hit that you were in prison, and not just away on a terrible vacation. I guess I'll never get over missing you. It really upset Mitsuru, so I took him to do tourist stuff instead. It was nice because a lot of people visit those areas, so the wheelchair wasn't really a problem like it is on these gravely rural roads. We met the mascot, Mikyan, and took a picture with him. I'm sure it fell out when you tore open this envelope. Did you know Ehime is famous for its mandarins? They really won't let you forget it! The photo was just going to be of Mitsuru, but this lady behind me said she could take a photo of the both of us, and I got too shy to say no. I'd never do that! Maybe I'm a changed man after all. Anyways, you have the both of us now—though it wasn't like you didn't before.
Mitsuru gave me a haircut. I look ridiculous. You can see it in the photo, right? I would have done a better job blindfolded, but he seemed proud of it, so I kept it. His hair looks pretty choppy now, but not out of revenge. I just suck at cutting hair. Did I tell you that he's trying to get his high school diploma? What a dedicated young man you've raised. I technically still have my teaching license, so I've been helping. Feels good. It's weird. Whenever I help him, I remember why I became a teacher in the first place. Ironic, isn't it? I want to tell you everything but I'll save it for the next time we see you. I'm sorry for cutting it so short, but I have a favor to ask you.
The nurses in Ijincho explained a bunch of stuff to me about Mitsuru's condition and printed it out. It's expectedly massive. Sorry to be a pain, but would you mind taking a look at it and tell me what to do? Advice? I can't make sense of it all. Or maybe I refuse to believe it. Is he really hurt so badly? What does he think of all this? I wonder about it. I wonder about it a lot. He seems fine, but then I look at all his X-rays and blood tests and I don't know what to think. How do I get him too eat? To grab things? To smile? I'm taking it one step at a time, but these technical terms are a big hurdle. You can read it, right? You've always been so much smarter than me. I'm sorry again. I'm lost. Thank you. I'm running out of room. They've got a limit on paper for prison letters. Seems strict.
Mitsuru wanted to say:
M iSsyou Mo M
- Mi Tsu ru
He's got a damn strong grip on his pencil. You'd be proud.
Until then,
It's good to finally hear from you. I'm doing as well as I can. You seem to be the same. I checked a map of Masaki to try and place you two. It seems like a nice town. Are you getting used to the short buildings and the little beach?
I've been friendly with some of the other inmates, and the seagulls here do the same, but I've been safer than you.
I got your picture. How cute. Your haircut isn't so bad, he did a good job.
I looked at the documents. I know what you mean. I expect you already know to use the feeding tube and how to bathe him. It's not surprising he did not respond well to the catheter. I wouldn't either.
Firstly, Mitsuru has anterograde amnesia. That means he has a very difficult time forming short term memory, even if his long term memory is intact. Remember when you told me he didn't know your name, even though you told him earlier? That's why. I'm not sure why he doesn't remember your face from before. I suppose that's a fortunate mystery. You may have noticed the nurses doing this, but if you tell him the same things over and over again, he'll have an easier time forming new memories. He knows what to call you now because you said it so many times. I'm sure he knows I'm in prison because the nurses told him many times, too. That's what I get.
I'm sure you're well aware of his mental health. He seems to go up and down a lot, I bet. Like his body, his brain is suck at seventeen. Doesn't he seem so... frozen in time to you? He's like an old doll, destined to be a kid forever. I'd be jealous if that was the end of it. The nurses observed that he sometimes behaves like a much younger child. Have you seen him suck his thumb? Does he tug at you when he wants your attention? Hug you at night? It's an acute stress response. He's defending his body from his mind—that's what that means.
Lastly, his food. It's not very difficult to do. Steam it for thirty minutes. If you lose track of time and think you've cooked it for too long, add another ten minutes. I did that when he was little. He hated vegetables until they weren't shaped much like vegetables anymore. He'd swallow his food whole to hurry up and play outside again, so boil it thoroughly. It should be the consistency of chewed gum or silt. Try it yourself, add salt if you hate it. He doesn't like broccoli. No broccoli. Like everything else, he's still relearning how to chew. Don't push him. He’s sensitive. You know that already, just like you know how to do all this other stuff. You have good intuition, and great memory, and it helps that Mitsuru seems to love you. Even still, don't push him. No broccoli. Thank you.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Don't expect me to say anything else, I'll see you soon.
Kusumoto Reiko
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pikuhanlove · 8 months
Pikuhan OTP Prompt Answers!!
Prompts from the awesome @lavenderotpprompts :)
What is each member’s love language? 
Pieck: Acts of service. She’s very much the type of person to get things done around the house when she knows her partner is busy / dealing with other stuff.
Hange: Words of Affirmation. They need LOTS of reassurance about stuff. It makes them much more comfortable when their partner verbally reminds them how much they care for them.
What would they describe as their perfect date?
They’d probably love either a quiet night in where they just enjoy each other’s company and do little things like play games, watch movies, etc, or they’d go on a cute little dinner date somewhere secluded and candle-lit. Neither of them are big on crowds so they stick to the more intimate settings.
Who made the first move?
Hange in terms of flirting, but Pieck actually asked them out first. If love at first sight had a definition it would be when they first saw Pieck. They were much more flirty at first, and even though Pieck was initially dismissive, she actually wanted to ask them out way before it crossed Hange’s mind.
Who is more sentimental?
Probably Pieck. She enjoys making photo albums and scrapbooks to dedicate to certain periods in her life.
Which member calls the other in to kill the spiders?
Pieck. She HATES bugs. Hange meanwhile wants to take any spider they find and dissect it or something so they’re always going to handle that lol.
Who falls asleep first?
Pieck. She’s generally very sleepy. She’s usually first to fall asleep, and always the last to wake up. Usually Hange will wake her up with coffee and kisses to lure her out of bed (It works).
Who wakes up first?
As stated above, mostly Hange. They like to make Pieck coffee to lure her out of bed, but they’re also content to just lay there and snuggle with her until she wakes up.
Who is more relaxed/carefree?
Pieck is more relaxed, while Hange is more carefree. Hange is naturally very jittery, so they’re usually more anxious and/or hyper. They’re still very carefree though, just more energetic about it. Pieck is sort of the opposite. She is outwardly very cool and chill, but she’s actually more anxious, especially in public, than she seems.
What’s one way their personalities complement one another? (Is it opposites attract or are they pretty similar?) 
They’re actually very similar. I like to think they fill each other out though. Hange brings out the fun, nerdy side of Pieck, while Pieck helps Hange feel more safe and relaxed. They both are very intelligent, kind, and eccentric in their own ways though! 
Who is always cold?
PIECK. She’s the blanket hog of the two because of this, and Hange will often wake up to find her completely pressed against them for warmth even with all the blankets.
Which member is always trying to bring home stray animals and which member always has to say no?
Hange lol. They find frogs, birds, anything, and will take it home to show Pieck. She’ll let them keep the animal for like a day before they take it back outside and release it somewhere safe.
Who worries more?
Probably Hange. They ask Pieck if she still likes them like every single day. Pieck stopped taking it seriously like the 10th time and just messes with them now by saying “Not at all” or “This is strictly platonic” (They’re literally married). 
What are some non-sexual activities they do together?
They’re just generally very intimate. They like to be touching at all times (not sexual, just physical). They both feel better when they’re physically close to the other. Because of that, they like to get ready for the day in close proximity, and do little domestic things like cooking, cleaning, etc together.
Who would be able to talk their way out of a speeding ticket? 
Pieck. She could be like a professional negotiator. She would convince the officer it was their fault somehow.
Who is the better cook?
Pieck. She’s a decent cook. She’s slowly been teaching herself recipes because she really never bothered learning given she was training, deployed, or with family for most of her life. Hange likes to try and help, but Pieck has literally banned them from the kitchen when they’re alone because she knows it would be burnt down when she comes back.
What are some things they don’t agree on?
They both think the other works too much. After the war, they spend late nights signing paperwork and writing statements. Whoever gets done first tries to drag the other to bed so they don’t get overtired, but will often resign to just being there for the other person and making them food/coffee to help out.
Which member is more physically affectionate?
Pieck. Hange is very cautious about overdoing it on stuff like that, so they don’t initiate things much. They LOVE it, but want Pieck to take the lead because they get wayy too excited around her.
Which member is more verbally affectionate?
Hange. Alternatively to the last one, they feel much better about saying how they feel versus showing it. They tell Pieck they love her like a million times a day. Pieck is actually more reserved about that, but when she does express verbal affection, it’s super articulate and eloquent.
How does each member feel about PDA?
Pieck’s way into it. She’s an ass girl so she rarely is seen without a hand near or on Hange’s. Hange lovess this though. They feel really cool and proud when she feels comfortable expressing affection in public:)
Who’s the safer driver? 
Honestly… Hange. Pieck thought driving would be like operating her titan but was WAY off. She constantly hits curbs and drives really slow because of it. Hange on the other hand is shockingly smooth.
What’s each member's flirting style?
Hange is very charming. Despite being sorta dorky when they do it, Pieck finds their flirting to be very attractive in its own way and eats it up. Pieck herself is such a flirt though. She can make anyone swoon with a single glance, but prefers physical flirting with Hange because she knows it will fluster them the most, which Hange loves too.
Which member steals / borrows the other one's clothing?
Pieck has worn just about all of Hange’s shirts at this point. Because they’re quite a bit taller, she finds all of them fit super comfortably and wears them all the time. Hange stopped questioning it a long time ago and doesn’t even remember which one’s originally belonged to them.
Who is the cuddle initiator?
Pieck. She LOVES that shit. Every night she looks forward to going to bed so they can be close all night. Sometimes she stays awake longer just to be able to enjoy the cuddles.
Are they an introverted couple or an extroverted one—AKA would they prefer to go out to a party or event together or would they rather stay in?
Absolutely introverted. They do go out occasionally, but are rarely ever partying. They both prefer the more intimate, romantic settings where they can just enjoy the other’s company.
Who is the big/little spoon?
Complete toss-up. They switch like by the hour cause neither of them really cares, they just like being together lol.
Who is more likely to make an impulsive decision and who is the voice of reason?
Hange is far more impulsive. They’d drop everything if Pieck needed something, even if it was outlandish. Pieck is way more practical and frequently talks them out of these things.
Who’s more likely to laugh at their own jokes?
I want to say Pieck purely because she isn’t as good at them as Hange, so when she does she finds it hilarious and keep giggling over what she said like hours later.
Who takes longer showers?
Probably Pieck because she’s generally more attuned to cleanliness than Hange. Hange would absolutely be using 8-in-1 shampoo to get the job done quicker.
Who is “more loved” by the in-laws?
I generally think of Hange either not having living parents or not being close to them. Therefore I think they would be closer to Pieck’s father. I like to think he and Hange are like best friends. They love hanging out and talking about their jobs (I HC her dad being a doctor at some point so they bond over research talk and such). Pieck melts every time she sees this.
Who is more likely to get jealous?
Pieck. Hange can be kind of an airhead and not notice other people’s advances, because of that, Pieck is very possessive and would not take kindly to someone flirting with them.
What was the most surprising thing they learned about one another once they started dating?
Hange did not expect Pieck to be as weird as she is. Pieck is like a total weirdo in the best way possible. She’s super nerdy and actually very talkative about the things she likes. Pieck didn’t realize Hange is actually very fit. They're always training or exercising. Pieck was certainly not upset by that.
Who stays up way too late and who tries to drag them to bed?
Hange. Pieck is out like a light very quickly, but is often awoken by random questions Hange says out loud (ie: Is a hotdog a sandwich, that type of thing)
Who’s messier? 
Hange. They’re better about it than they used to be, but still are generally messy. Pieck is very organized and keeps a tidy space, which Hange respects and tries their best to uphold.
Which member is more likely to accidentally spend $300 at Target?
Absolutely Pieck. She’s very into shopping and would end up buying an entire matching wardrobe for herself and Hange.
Who wanted/would want kids first? 
Hange externally, Pieck internally. Hange likes pointing out baby clothes and toys they like any time they go shopping, and Pieck will usually just laugh and shake her head. Secretly, Pieck thinks about having a family with them all the time. She literally dreams about it and is sad to wake up and find it isn’t true for a while.
Who gives piggy back rides to the other? 
Hange is literally always carrying Pieck around. Her legs still get tired really easily, but now instead of using her crutch, she just lets Hange carry her (They both prefer this)
Who fell in love first?
It’s gotta be Hange, but on that same note, Pieck confessed first. Like I said, I think Hange would be way too nervous to say anything at first, so she probably admitted to it first, but realized it last.
That's all of the prompts!! Hope y'all enjoyed, let me know your thoughts too:D
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trashbins-stuff · 9 months
i wrote a new fic for my new oc made by @moonmxple lolz
tw for child neglect maybe also one of the kids call Costisha braindead so watch out for that
wattpad ao3
"What part to you want to do, Elena?".
"Mx.Kauffmann please pay attention".
"Would you like to be in my server, Costisha?".
Those name are fine, especially Costisha,
But those people never got to call them by a different name,
A name they love, a name they've grown used to,
"You're the same as ever, Sash".
"Yeah but we're going catching fireflies with Sashy later".
There's something so special about it, about them,
Their best friend, Jezzica Roxanne Patterson, aka Jezz, aka Jezzy, aka Roxy, aka Anne, aka Roxy Foxy, aka Anna Banana (they gave her a lot of nicknames).
Jezzy had a creek behind their house and note always go there when note is in a bad mood.
The creek was always as calm as ever, floating gently, the sound of water hitting rocks, bird flying by once in a while, tree rustling.
It always calm it down.
And for a while, everything goes quiet.
They've made so many memories here, the bunny at the picnic, the halloween festival (in which was the most fun day of the year for them), the cats on the barn's attic,..
He grow up there and he love it, he love making food with his grandpa, he love petting the baby goats with his friends, he love Jezzy.
He didn't care if his parents never call him or send letters, he have his parents, friends, neighbors..who love and respect him.
Note parents wasn't the ones who took note's childhood photo and make a whole scrapbook about note, note's grandparents did.
Note's parents wasn't the ones who kissed note's ankle better when note fall off note's bike, Jezzy did.
Note's parents weren't there for note's graduation, it was note's grandparents, again.
Grandparents again.
She told herself that it was fine, that they were just busy, that perhaps their letter got lost.
But deep down, she know that none of them were true.
Somenight, it lie in bed and cry, after years hoping for a phone call that never came, it got tired.
Tired of waiting.
Tired of hoping.
Heart try to pretend, heart try to forget, heart try to convine heartself that heart was fine without them. Heart have everything heart could have ever asked for here.
So why does it hurt so much..?
Then, as though god had hear it's prayers, it cries for love.
The summer before high school roll around, their parents call, for the first time, telling them that they will move to the city and study at a private school.
They. Were. OVER THE MOON.
Finally, it can meet it's parent face-to-face, it can live with them!!
And they can have their parent-child bonding time to catch up from lost times.
They can go fishing, crochet, sharing secrets,..
In the summer of 2019 note dreamed of everything note have now and couldn't be more dissapointed
The only thing their parents would talk to them about are grades, not even "How's school?", "Did you make any friends?". No.
It's always the same questions. Every. Single. Day.
"How much mark did you get on your tests?".
Other then that, they barely talks.
Heart feel as if they only care about how great heart do, how much mark heart gets, not heart heartself.
Sure compare to the past couple years it get to see it's parents more.
Note see note's parents, note's parents see note. Yet, that gap between them never close, it got wider, deeper, darker.
She want them to care.
It got hit with another piece of crumpled paper , it will never believe in it's teacher's advise again.
If heart reacts, heart only add fuel to the fire, it doesn't usually end well. If heart didn't react, they'll call heart braindead, call heart grandma, anything they can pick up, they'll throw.
At least they didn't go as far as taking their walking frames, but they're still afraid that one day they will.
The moonlight dances across note's face, a tear felt down note's cheek before falling in note's wet pillow.
She stir, looking up at her collection of her favorite polaroids, she inspect slowly, one by one.
The back of the abandon gym, heart remember it was covered in moss and smell like dirty socks, heart, Jezzy and a few neighbor kids had went exploring in there but as soon as they took a whiff, they were out of there in a heartbeat. Agreeing that it was unsafe for exploring, they just walk around the place and stopped by a small store for some frozen yogurt.
Them, Jezzy, their grandparents, Jezzy's dads and brother, they and Jezzy had make a big plan on asking the adults to take them, they spend weeks researching before the circus even reach the town. Then when the big moment came, the moment they mention the circus, Costisha's grandpa and Jezzy's dads stand up and screamed "THE CIRCUS ARE IN TOWN!?" needless to say, they got to go to the circus that night.
Heart's gaze finally fell onto the last picture, it was the day before heart go to the city, heart leaned on jezzy, who was closing her eyes and waved at the camera with a big grin, heart winked and sticked heart's tongue out playfully. Behind them was Costisha's favorite diner, Old's devil. Jezzy had taken heart out to eat at it one last time before heart leaves.
Note can still feel the warm of the steaks and the coziness of the soft seat.
They take it off the wall and stare down at it.
Gosh heart miss them so much.
Tears threatening to spill from note's eyes again.
She traced her finger across their face, she miss that stupid grin.
He promised that after school is over he'll come back to Solitude Town, despite it's name he never feel alone there.
Guess heart have to wait though, there's still two and a half year of high school and four years of colleague left.
A/N sooooooooooo lennon made me an oc and after a couple day i've already have lore for them and somehow make them connect with the world that my oc live in >:3 tehe
Words count: 1,012
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fernsgrove · 2 years
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Images I see in the photos: 1) griffin and horse 2) blue jay and a man holding a spear 3) bird  During fire scrying sessions, it is really easy to worry about missing things or feeling overwhelmed by how quickly the flames move. Here are some tips for when the fire is lit! 
First, don’t stare into the flames for long periods of time and protect yourself from smoke. Fire safety really is important, and you should always have a few ways to put out your fire. If you add wax to it, have a way to snuff the fire. Do not throw water on it!! I suggest having either a water source, something to cover the fire, and a fire extinguisher. That way you always have a few options if the fire does get out of hand. 
I really think that humility is the most important aspect of all readings. Be open to being wrong, to not knowing what something means, and to having to come back to the reading later. When you come into a reading, you will have biases. This is unavoidable. Over time, you’ll become more aware of what these biases are, and it’ll be easier to course correct during a reading. However, being aware that they exist can help immensely from the start. You are going to get things wrong. That’s the beauty of divination. You are cultivating a relationship with the medium, yourself, and spirit. It’s not black and white. (I could talk about this forever, so let me know if you are interested in hearing more about finding and working with those biases.) 
I recommend recording your fire sessions as opposed to trying to scry in real time. I usually do a mix of watching the fire and video recording. I get overwhelmed by the speed of the flames sometimes, so it relaxes me to know that I can always look back on the footage later. You can take one longer video, or you can take a few videos, each after every question. I typically will add in herbs while asking a question to create a physical boundary for me to better separate the information I gather during the fire. Other times, I will simply look away, reground and center myself, and then look back at the fire in between every question. 
I encourage you to treat the scrying session as a conversation, not a question and answer. Talk to the fire, to the spirits, and just to yourself. Allow the experience to be three dimensional, and be open to whatever messages want to come through. Sometimes, despite setting up the entire fire for one intention, you’ll get information for something completely different. Trust spirit in this. There is always a reason for what they share with you. Also, allow yourself to let some messages just sit with you for a while. We often have preconceived meanings attached to images, and this can sometimes get in the way. For example, butterflies mean spirit is listening for me. But if I ask for insight on my relationship, and I keep seeing butterflies, they can mean something else. Instead of trying to make “spirit is listening” make sense, I have to sit with the butterfly imagery and allow my intuition to take over. It may take a few minutes, a few days, or even longer, but do your best to be patient. It’ll make sense when it needs to make sense. Push yourself to be flexible in your interpretations. 
Take stock of your surroundings as well. How have you been feeling all day? What is the weather? How is your connection with other people going? Are there certain animals, symbols, or other signs around you today? These could all give you really important context to your scrying session. Not only can it add to your session, but it could also change the context entirely. Have you been really on edge recently and not sleeping well, and your scrying session you keep getting the feeling that something bad is coming? Take a breather and review the video on a day where you feel more grounded and at peace.
Pay attention to how the wood is breaking. If you set up the pieces in a specific order, watch them. If one branch that represents taking a new job breaks first, that could be the answer you are looking for. If both branches snap at the same time, consider asking for clarification. If you have certain herbs in the fire (all in the same distances from the fire….) that are burning at different rates, take note of it. Everything and anything can help. 
Now, for the actual images: take a deep breath and ask your imagination and intuition to come forward. Do whatever steps you do before any reading, and encourage yourself. You can do this. It may be hard at first, but you will be able to scry. It doesn’t require any specific or special ability. The flames may not look like perfect images, so you have to trust yourself. If you see a group of flames, and you think “that’s my dad.” Trust yourself. Even if no one else sees that, it’s because that message is for you. If you see a bird, trust it. You can trust yourself, and your experience is just as important as the actual flames. 
When you look back at the video, I recommend taking as many screenshots as possible, watching the video in slow motion, and reiterating the questions you wanted answered when you review the footage. Trust that you will see what you need to see regardless of when you view the footage. Readings develop over time, and your interpretation may change with any type of reading. That doesn’t mean the meanings that fit before were incorrect. 
 Now for the hardest thing to do: I really really recommend not supplementing your first few scrying sessions with other methods of divination. You may think you’ll be able to understand more if you use a variety of tools, but in my experience, it prevents you from fully trusting yourself. You begin to look for validation in tools you are more comfortable with (which is fine btw, but if you seriously want to learn scrying, let yourself be bad at it.) You can use symbol dictionaries to help if you are really really struggling, but do your best to develop your trust.
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ducknotinarow · 3 days
Buddy's eyes widened upon seeing Richard and Bailey appeared with the large, photo album. Immediately, their feathers bristled up, from their head, to the tips of their toes. They rose from the sofa, glancing towards Rhodes and Charlie, before back to the book,
"Dad...papá...why do you have the album out?" Buddy asked quietly, before gulping, "Please don't show them the baby photos!!"
Rhodes and Charlie were going to be shown the photo album.
| Muse interaction
It was kind of a constant rotation on which house the boys would stay at. Sometimes a different one every night sometimes one only for the weekend. Buddy was always talking to one or both of them outside of school even with them and Charlie going to the same school. It was hard to say when Buddy never found a reason to mention the other two either. So it really never should have been that much of a surprise when romantic feelings got involved with them finally. Well short of both Bailey and himself thinking Buddy only liked ONE of the two boys they had befriend at last. Not that Buddy didn't have friends but at best they were only classmates. These two? No they were really friends to their son. Despite Bailey's over eagerness to want to basically adopt Charlie and Rhodes. Richard, did share in the sentiment though.
Richard just felt some relief in the fact Buddy had people there for him. It helped to set that worry that Buddy would be alone the day he and Bailey passed. They wouldn't live forever after all. But seeing Buddy had these two? Well it helped some parental worries settle.
"Bails? have you seen the photo album?" Richard asked knowing Bailey would likely been the last one to touch it. They were always getting lost in their sentimentality after all. As if Richard was anyone to talk seeing how he was the one couldn't looking for it. When asked he idly rubs at the side of his head slightly messing up his usual well styled dark locks. "Well i'll admit i'm still trying to understand this whole poly thing but I don't want my lack of knowledge to come across as being unaccepting. When I'm more just lacking in experience Then I remembered that time Sue showed me your baby photos." Richard stated a bit excited as he smiled once finally eyeing the one dedicated to Buddy. Richard holding it proudly to Bailey as if he found some hidden prize. "What better way to show support to this relationship that I may not fully grasp but accept and am happy for Buddy for even then following that same act?" Richard felt pretty proud for his line of thought so anything Bailey might say to mock them a bit went over his head in the moment. But Bailey wasn't any better when it came to their Duckling of course Bailey would agree with showing off those old adorable photos.
Heading back to the living room where they had left the boys at, they all seemed pretty content. Rhodes was of one end of the couch leaning over the arm slightly seeming to be giving more space. With Charlie on the other well half of the couch. Seeming to try to not take up too much space, but well that was pretty impossible with their size. And Buddy happily place in the center of the two of them. Buddy growing up was proving to be a struggle. Growing independent. coming into their own even. Not so much Richard's little side kick who hyped him up as this amazing bird all the time. Richard wasn't that idol figure anymore. Which is good Buddy at that age where well they should be in a sense finally moving away from that safety of their dad's shadows and stepping out. Getting closer to leaving the nest so to speak and spared their wings.
Richard opened the album looking for the photo of a much young Buddy in their little duck onesie, holding of course France in their arms well they had the old duck. But it seemed well Richard was busy looking back at their little duckling, the movement caught Buddy's eyes as Richard was leaning the photo album over for Bailey too look at the photo as well. Well Buddy suddenly stood up grabbing Rhodes attention.
"Dad...papá...why do you have the album out?"
Buddy's question went mostly unnoticed, as Rhodes had looked towards where Richard and Bailey were coming in. Seeing the photo album they were bringing along with them. If it wasn't obvious enough for Buddy's reaction the book alone gave away it was clearly a Buddy themed album.
"Please don't show them the baby photos!!"
And now Rhodes was even more invested, Buddy seemed hardly ever phased by literally any usual embarrassing thing a parent can do to you. Even Charlie could feel embarrassed when his aunt Maple called Charlie, Chi Chi. Sure Rhodes never said anything but every time they were around and she called him it Rhodes always gave him a smug smile. So only fitting they got to hear his own mother call him Roo Bear and embarrassing him with how over the top she can be. Buddy however? Never seemed effect like a normal teen. Parental nicknames? nah if anything it seemed rare for anyone in their family to ever use an actual name. Both towards Buddy and between their dad's. Over the top displays of affection? Nah Buddy seemed to eat up the affection from Bailey and even the more subtle ones from Richard. But this? was enough to get Buddy's feathers to bristle to put real worry in their voice even. Oh this was perfect.
"Mijo tone you are inside." Was Richard first response as he let his expression fall a bit before tucking the book against his chest wishing to keep it from his son. "I was simply only going to show them a few photos since we were talking about how your growth works and all." Richard defended.
"Oh really?" Rhodes spoke up suddenly turning to display his interest. "I would like to see about that, I know Dew drop here has mentioned their doctors in Duckburge before after all." Moving to stand up so he could make his way over to Bailey and Richard. Even better since the photo that was being shown was clearly a young Buddy dressed like a duck. "Aww wait that can't be him is it?" Rhodes continued on. It seemed enough to get to Richard's parental side as he lowered the book showing the photo of Buddy in his little duck onesie. "Aw Char look at this" Rhodes said pulling at the rooster so he could see as well. "Aww look Buds even got France with him." Rhodes continued to comment on.
"Cute uh?" Richard asked clearly fallen into Dad mode. "Buddy was just like a little duckling always following one of us around the house. So we thought this would be cute he loved it so much. Oh i have a photo of them holding Bailey's tail in it as well." Richard stated as he went flipping through the book to show it off.
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27timescinema · 9 months
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By Joonas Lass (EE) // Photos © Klaas Mertens (BE)
After meeting with MEPs on September 2, it was time for a masterclass session with director Joao Pedro Rodrigues, who also happens to be the head of the jury of Giornate degli Autori this year.
Starting off with an inquiry about the jury, Rodrigues expresses his initial positive emotions about the first jury meeting and feels it’s going fine for now. Soon enough, we get into his history as a filmmaker.
He mentions he has always been interested in paintings and observing his surroundings, first finding his roots in going to the forest and watching birds with the binoculars his father gave him at age 8. Paintings have been a learning point for him in the sense of being able to tell a story with just one image. As both his parents have worked in science, he tried studying biology but soon enough understood that wasn’t it and corrected his course to film school, studying under Portuguese New Wave filmmakers. With the Portuguese New Wave being quite a radical bunch, Joao Pedro himself feels pride in his experimental attitude towards every new movie he makes, trying to incorporate something he hasn’t tried yet into every new feature, saying ‘In order to make new stuff, you have to know the past’. He brings up a great example of using drones (which he usually hates) to film a literal bird's-eye view for one of his films.
I was also glad to hear of Mon Oncle (Jacques Tati, 1958) as one of his inspirations because it focusses more on visual comedy and steers away from dialogue as much as possible. Jacques Tati is definitely a visionary in that sense, and I was very glad to hear someone such as Joao Pedro shares my love for that particular film.
Rodrigues goes on to talk about his first film, which the press was supposedly really harsh on. He concludes that he couldn’t make his first film today due to increasing morality over the years in the film industry. Relating to that is definitely nudity and sex, which have always been a part of his films. He feels that using nudity is necessary due to the lack of sex in cinema, since it’s such a natural part of our lives as human beings. When asked about his struggles, he seems quite clear on the fact that he never knows what’s going to come next in terms of features. Recently, though, he has started to try to narrow the usual 4-year gap between his films and think ahead.
Certainly one of the most engaging parts of the talk was Rodrigues’ story about going to the first queer film festival in Kyiv and having his film screened there – recognizing the still-rampant homophobia present in the Eastern European region which I am fairly familiar with, being from Estonia. Since the war is still actively on in Ukraine, Rodrigues’ obtained the experience of an air raid occurring during the screening of his film. The surprising part was that the film was nicely played out to the end with the air raid going on, since there was about five minutes left. That definitely created an unmistakable aura in the room for a moment – no one else in the room has probably experienced anything like this. He goes on to mention another air raid that took place a couple of days later, a Russian missile getting intercepted but still sadly killing 3 people and injuring many more.
Moving on to the Q&A part of the masterclass, there were a lot of interesting questions popping up in the room. My personal favourite was about small screens taking over priority over cinema screens, because Rodrigues had a very clear and concise answer (which also seems fitting to end this blog with): 'A good film will resist the modern small screen'.
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