#used to love the fact that this was the episode where Damon and Elena actually kiss
queercherrypie · 1 year
Dude, I'm literally shipping a sunken ship. Dead and gone ship.
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zalrb · 2 years
do you think there's significance in Elena saying "you had me" on the bridge compared to Stefan saying "you have me" in 3x20 ?
No, because their relationship doesn’t just stop at 3x11 when she says “you had me”, which is like, I don’t know, I always find myself being like, so what happens after the one line people harp on? There are episodes afterwards where she both says and demonstrates that he still in fact has her, including the very next episode when she can’t let him just walk away when she tells him about kissing Damon
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In 3x14, she says that she feels everything, she can’t pretend that she doesn’t
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which is after they share various moments in the episode that indicate their love is very much still alive
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In 3x17 she straight up tells him she is not giving up on him
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which is after seeing him in 3x16, which I have explained in great detail:
she still doesn’t want to leave him.
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Like Matt physically has to remove her because she wants to stay there with Stefan
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In 3x18, she tells Stefan that she never stopped loving him, which encompasses the sentiment that he still has her
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and actually 3x18 and 3x11 are mirrors because in both instances Stefan insists that he doesn’t have her anymore
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and in both instances, Elena is like mmm k, but that’s not actually true, tho
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Because in 3x11, her response is 
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because she knows it’s easier on him if she hates him
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she sees through him, that doesn’t mean she isn’t angry and sad in the moment but she knows what he’s doing and it’s not working.
He never lost her. Just like, despite what she suggests in 3x09, she doesn’t let him go: https://zalrb.tumblr.com/post/688320445992370176/sorry-if-this-is-a-repeat-ask-but-what-are-your
But I also think the contexts matter. In 3x20, Elena is lamenting not having anyone left in her life
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and Stefan -- after a tumultuous season of
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he’s like, no I’m here, I’m not running, I’m not pushing you away anymore, I’m me, we’re us
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In 3x11, Stefan dejectedly says that all he has left is revenge
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and Elena says this
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like, how could you say that’s all you have when I gave you this, when you had this
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what you’re saying is bullshit. It doesn’t mean that he doesn’t have it anymore, which I’ve illustrated above, it’s that he always did have it. He had it.
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steely-eyedmissileman · 2 months
The Vampire Diaries, Ep. 1x04
Family Ties
every time i read the title of this episode, i think about the bastille song.
it's party time! we're all going to the founders' ball, which is great because it allows all the girls to wear truly the worst of two thousand nine fashion (it! is! a! ball! and all of you are wearing sundresses that are barely long enough to cover your butt?!) and it allows stefan to wear a suit that is about one size too large for him. i don't remember what damon wore, so it must have been fine.
we begin with a truly wonderful dream, where we see elena moving though her house, stalked by some terrible creature. it's revealed to be damon, and he bites her. stefan wakes up. it was his dream. i assumed it would be elena's, since she is the subject of the dream, so this was a nice bait and switch.
then we watch the news, which is always important. always pay attention to the news in tv shows! (especially if it's in the background [but not too far in the background]). we're dealing with the foreground here. and the reporter is logan fell, who looks like a generic white man and is aunt jenna's ex. (side tangent: how old is jenna? how is she taking care of the gilberts and in grad school? where does she go for the long stretches of time when she's just not in the show even though everyone is at her house?!) blah blah blah... the animal that's killing people is dead. (it isn't.) also the sheriff says 'puma mountain lion' which is an absurdity because puma and mountain lion mean the same thing. it's like saying the animal was a 'grizzly bear grizzly bear.' see how it sounds silly and makes you seem like an idiot? puma or mountain lion. pick one.
everyone's going to the ball, which is not actually a ball and should not be billed as one, in my opinion. there's a bit of kerfuffle about a watch that elena's parents were going to send to the exhibition, but jeremy wants to keep it. it's all over quickly, though. jenna flirts with the newsman in a truly unfortunate dress.
we watch the brothers getting ready, where we confirm that they are both very hot. we also learn that stefan has a shoulder tattoo and that he's going to try to poison damon with vervain to weaken him. (if you've never heard of vervain before, it's because it's more commonly called verbena in the us and uk, at which point you'll realize that you've probably owned a lotion with it.) damon does not drink the vervain because he's not stupid. stefan is not concerned.
we meet the mayor's wife, who pretty much sucks and would not be worth mentioning, if she had not been played by lydia martin's mom from teen wolf! susan walters (who i googled for this) has a character type! (also i learned that she's married to linden ashby, who is famously sheriff stilinski from teen wolf and i'm very excited to know this fact!) anyway, she sucks. she is very mean to vicki, which would be more impactful if vicki was a real character and not a straw punching bag. her behavior explains a lot about tyler though.
more importantly, her behavior makes bonnie angry enough to relight a room full of candles with her mind, which was amazing! i love bonnie so much and i always want to see more of her.
meanwhile, damon spins tales of the past, thinly veiled. elena asks stefan for details about his life, which he refuses to give. everyone's getting a little bit bored by this point.
elena learns caroline has been bitten, blames stefan for not controlling damon. he agrees. damon drags caroline from the party, he drinks from her. she's been drinking vervain the entire time. damon collapses to the ground. stefan rushes him away, and elena comforts caroline. now damon's trapped in the basement and caroline is... free? probably not. also caroline steals the necklace that damon stole (why he came to the ball in the first place).
we end on a mildly ominous scene of the mayor and his wife, the sheriff, and fucking newsboy talking about their artifacts and vampires. fun! (i think i forgot too much about this episode to truly talk about it. that will be remedied soon. i've started taking notes.)
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hellsbellschime · 3 years
Ok, so I’ve always noticed some of the racism on TVD , most notably the treatment of Marcel and Emily, and the founders day parade episode (which, as a Virginian I have to say that the episode made me low-key ashamed when I re-watched it years later). But it took me a while to catch onto the racism on Bonnie‘s character. I was wondering if you have done a meta about it and could link me to it, or if you could do one?
Well it only took me like a year but here ya go!
Despite the fact that The Vampire Diaries is a show that was ostensibly created for girls and young women, the show undeniably seems to lack a certain level of respect or basic interest in its female characters. And while every single significant female character demonstrates that misogynistic point of view in one way or another, one of the most unique, distinct, and apparent instances of The Vampire Diaries' sexism is on peak display with one of it's leading female characters, Bonnie Bennett.
Bonnie obviously occupies a particularly interesting role in the series because she's the only black leading character, and it's also hard to miss that The Vampire Diaries universe has a pretty apparent issue with it's non-white characters as well.
The race problem on TVD expresses itself in a few different, extremely blatant ways. The most obvious issue with people of color on The Vampire Diaries is that those who are actually PoC within the narrative itself are typically pushed to the sidelines and relegated to supporting players at best, but there is also an issue with presenting PoC performers who are white-passing as white characters.
None of the PoC characters in The Vampire Diaries get very good treatment, but the series seems to be exceptionally problematic when it comes to its presentation of black characters. While black people arguably get more representation than any other non-white characters in this fictional world, they are almost all outrageously attractive, extremely light-skinned, and conveniently lacking in any emotional needs or inner life that needs to be addressed within the narrative, seemingly designed to show up, perform whatever service is necessary, and once again fade into the background if not just be killed off entirely.
This is an issue with every black character in the series, but given that Bonnie is the most significant and prominent in the series, it comes as no surprise that she was affected the most intensely by these biases. It's one thing to be a black character, it's one thing to be a female character, but being a black female character in the TVD universe is exceptionally crippling. But how exactly did the misogynoir of The Vampire Diaries completely neutralize Bonnie Bennett as a character?
Bonnie was mistreated, dismissed, and outright ignored in many big and small ways throughout the course of the show. But, a lot of that treatment can be pretty easily sorted into a few categorizations. The Vampire Diaries went through a pretty seismic shift from the start of the show to the end, but it has always been a series that falls primarily into two genres, the supernatural thriller genre and the romance genre.
The show pretty clearly transformed from a show that was firstly a supernatural story with a romantic subgenre into an almost entirely romantic story with a supernatural backdrop, but it's safe to say that the vast majority of the plotlines were either focused on magic or love. And, it's not particularly difficult to see how Bonnie was forcibly excluded from a predominant storyline in each genre, even when it made absolutely no sense.
Bonnie was a completely inexperienced witch at the start of TVD, so her cluelessness and powerlessness made a certain amount of sense at that point. But by the end of season 2 at the very latest, it seems fully established that she is one of the most powerful living witches in the world, and for the bulk of the series it is plainly acknowledged that she is one of the most powerful witches who ever lived. Which is exactly why Bonnie's position in the narrative is baffling.
In quite a few instances, Bonnie's magical abilities seem to be somewhat inconsistent, at least in the sense that, if she can solve some of the biggest problems that the Mystic Falls gang is confronted with, then it's very odd that she can't solve the others. And while plenty of characters in TVD are occasionally used as plot devices rather than characters, Bonnie seems to be the one who is specifically designed to show up, fix what needs fixing, and then become set dressing once she's no longer necessary as the mystical solution to every unsolvable issue.
And this is actually a significant problem with the witches at large, but of course is most recognizable with Bonnie because she is the most prominent witch. While not all witches are women of color, it seems like they are far more represented in that faction of the magical world than in any other. So then, it's interesting that the witches are presented as servants of nature who are meant to selflessly restore order to the world without actually using their abilities for their own personal gain.
Of course there are plenty of witches who appear to use their powers for themselves, but still, it's incredibly meaningful that the lone black main character in the series is constantly sacrificing herself for the sake of the otherwise entirely white cast of characters. It's even more meaningful that she seems to willingly put herself in the line of fire every time, and it's also extremely telling that she suffers and even dies without complaint for the sake of other people.
And while TVD has never been the kind of show to linger on emotional moments for too long, Bonnie seems to stick out like a sore thumb in this circumstance as well. Most of the main and even supporting characters have moments where their pain is acknowledged and at least has a second to breathe, but there are quite a few situations where Bonnie should be upset but isn't, or where her emotional journey as a character literally takes place off screen.
This lack of acknowledgment and nearly complete omission of an internal emotional life that doesn't involve sacrificing herself for her friends only further makes Bonnie feel like a plot device instead of a character. And, while no character needs a romantic relationship to make their character complete, it is incredibly relevant that, on a series that was built largely on a foundation of romance and arguably became a completely romantically driven show by its end, only one of the female leads was pretty much never presented as a viable love interest.
Nearly every character is either threatened or charmed into doing what someone else wants them to at some point during The Vampire Diaries, however, Bonnie's charm-to-threaten ratio seems to lean very heavily in favor of threatening. That in itself wouldn't necessarily be a huge issue, but it seems to punish Bonnie in a way that is so severe that it's completely illogical.
Trying to intimidate Elena or Caroline, people who at best have the strength of a baby vampire and at worst are as powerful as a normal human, makes sense. But trying to strongarm the most powerful witch in the world instead of just convincing her to do what you ask seems like an incredibly dangerous and completely baffling decision.
And yet, that is how Bonnie is forced to do nearly everything that she doesn't want to do in eight seasons of the series. By the end of season 2, TVD has canonically confirmed that Bonnie is powerful enough to destroy Klaus Mikaelson, and yet people like Klaus, Katherine, and even vampires as young as Damon get Bonnie to do things by simply bullying or even assaulting her into doing it. And what does Bonnie typically do in response? Absolutely nothing.
At a certain point, the consistent contrast between Bonnie's mystical strength and the way that people treat her in order to use that strength becomes a pretty gaping plot hole. And while it's not unheard of for someone to try to sweet talk Bonnie into joining their team, it is almost always done by a character who is far less powerful than she is and who is completely irrelevant to the narrative at large.
In contrast to characters like Elena and Caroline, the distinction between them becomes even more obvious. Perhaps a thin argument could be made that because Elena is a doppelganger that makes her a tad more unique, but when one of the most powerful creatures on the planet was wrapped around Caroline's finger, it really begs the question, why wasn't anyone ever as invested or even obsessed with Bonnie as they were with the other two female leads on the series?
After all, Elena's love was consistently treated as if it was the greatest prize that anyone could possibly win, and the two male leads were completely obsessed with her and willing to do anything they could to try to win her over. And despite the fact that Elena was at the center of the love triangle that was a significant driving force behind the story for the entire series, she still managed to score a few love interests that weren't Salvatores throughout the show's eight seasons as well.
And, while Caroline was actually treated as more of the reject love interest in comparison to the unattainable Elena, her record with romance is also incredibly varied. Even though she was portrayed at best as the consolation prize and at worst the abuse victim, she did have some sort of romantic relationship with the two male leads in the show. Or at least, that is how The Vampire Diaries chose to portray it.
In addition to her horrorshow with Damon and her incredibly brief marriage with Stefan, Caroline is also a love interest for Klaus, Matt, Tyler, and disgustingly, Alaric. Arguably the only main male character who doesn't serve as Caroline's love interest or potential love interest at any point is Jeremy.
Although this laundry list of love interests can be partially excused by the fact that Caroline is characterized as someone who wants to date a lot, the contrast bet0ween characters like Caroline and Elena and characters like Bonnie is astonishing.
Over a nearly decade-long run, Bonnie's only legitimate leading men are Jeremy, Elena's kid brother who Bonnie will willingly die for but who also prefers a literal dead person over her at one point, and Enzo, her epic love romance that comes about at the very end of the series in a relationship that almost entirely develops off-screen.
Of course, female characters do not need love interests to validate their characterization or very existence, however in an environment where every single barely significant supporting character seems to get at least two love interests, it's incredibly telling that Bonnie Bennett gets two important love stories in eight seasons of storytelling.
It seems even more relevant that the show seemingly went out of its way to sidestep almost any and all opportunities for romance in Bonnie's character arc. Whether it was Kol, Kai, or Damon Salvatore, there were quite a few instances where there was a clear and easy route to develop a love interest for Bonnie in a way that made sense and had a pretty solid amount of audience support, and yet the series always went out of its way to avoid it.
In stark contrast, Caroline is still seen as a viable option for a burgeoning love story when she's pregnant, and Elena is an acceptable love interest when she's literally unconscious. And yet, in a series that began with romance as its secondary genre and that evolved into a romance series with a supernatural backdrop, Bonnie is supposedly not as appealing of a love interest as Elena and Caroline regardless of any circumstances, no matter how insane.
If these issues existed in a vacuum then they might be excusable, but considering how poorly The Vampire Diaries treated its female characters and black characters, it's pretty much impossible to avoid the reality that Bonnie Bennett's entire character arc was likely hamstrung by the fact that she was a black girl.
In any reasonable circumstances, Bonnie would have arguably been at the center of every single supernatural storyline, and she logically would have been a far more appealing love interest to any powerful characters in the series. But instead she spent the vast majority of her screentime with her inner characterization ignored, her personal development unexplored, and serving as little more than a glorified deus ex machina who didn't even want her friends to bother mourning her when she literally sacrificed her life for them.
Representation was always an issue in The Vampire Diaries universe, and unfortunately it seems like Bonnie was the definition of their token black character. Although the series had eight entire years to course correct and had many seasons where they were desperate for new ideas and decent character development, the racism and misogyny of the series seemingly prevented them from ever tapping into the enormous untapped potential of someone who should have been one of their flagship lead characters.
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tea-and-la · 3 years
my pet peeve in the tvd fandom is when d*lenas overuse the “when he looks at me he sees a broken toy” quote without an ounce of scene context. in general, they love to act like stefan was the most unsupportive dick during her whole transition process, which couldn’t be the furthest thing from the truth...but then that would require people to analyze the show w/o shipper goggles on (and without using that quote to appease their confirmation bias.) 
so, i wanted to go episode by episode and show why that line actually made no sense.
when elena first wakes up and discovers she’s in transition, she’s distraught. the salvatore brothers respond to it differently. 
stefan: i talked to bonnie [...] we have the day to exhaust every possible way out of this [...] we’ll try everything. 
damon: no, the only thing that's going to help is for you to feed and complete the transition. there is no way out of it. we all know the drill. you feed or you die. there is no door number three.
elena: [crying] I was ready to die. I was supposed to die. I don't – I don't want to be – I can't be a vampire! If there's something that Bonnie can do we have to try.
damon: [scoffs and rolls his eyes] your choice, elena. as always.
tbh i don’t think it was the best for stefan to say this, but it’s also realistic with how someone would respond to seeing their loved one hurting and it’s outside of their control. your instinct would be to give them hope (even if it’s false hope.) and i bolded elena’s words here because she’s making it clear that she wants to try everything first. it’s not something that stefan is pressuring her to do or consider. 
while damon is speaking from a more realistic perspective, the way that he came off is very blunt and not well suited for someone undergoing a distressing moment. and at the end of that scene, his line about ‘her choice’ was a dig at the fact that in the s3 finale, elena chose stefan. so in the midst of her being upset about this life altering information, damon is bringing up his own man pain. 
(and it’s also a bit ironic for damon to scoff at her making a choice to feed or die because he’s the same person who’s held his vampiric nature over his brother’s head for over a century.) 
in this same episode, right after they talk about stefan saving matt first, elena affirms that stefan respected her choice. she holds firmly to that, despite what is happening to her. when she starts to cry, stefan hugs her and says, 
 Listen to me. No matter what happens, I'm here for you. I can help you. [...] Why don't you go back upstairs where it's dark? I'll clean up.
when elena made her choice to feed (and live), in typical angst flair, it’s during a moment when they’re trapped in a seemingly impossible situation. she’s faced with imminent death. for stefan this is hard to accept, now that she’s made her choice of wanting to live, acknowledging that that would be as a vampire. he tries (in vain) to plead with the officers to let elena out. when that doesn’t work, rebekah and stefan are able to kill the officer, and throw him towards elena’s cage so she can feed. 
and then, the final scene when they’re back at the salvatore’s house:
stefan gives elena her daylight ring (it’s clear from dialogue that he and bonnie arranged for this the day prior, just in case, but did not mention it to elena in order to avoid pressuring her one way or the other). but also, once again, we see how instinctual it is for stefan to want to comfort her, despite there being so much uncertainty, to the extent that even elena remarks on it. 
elena:  you don't have to convince me that everything is gonna be okay.
stefan: I know. Wish I could though. Wish I could just tell you that you'll never feel pain, that you'll never crave blood. But you will. It'll be the worst thing that you've ever lived through.
elena: I'm gonna get through this. Just like we get through everything: one day at a time. We should get inside before sunrise
stefan: One day at a time, right?
although stefan is looking through his perspective of vampirism (and the level of misery that being a vampire has caused him), the point of the scene is that he’s really worried about her being caused more pain . and that fact is what drives stefan for the rest of season 4 in his pursuit of the cure (not some manufactured need to fix her). but for her to live a life free of the risk of hurting someone. 
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damn-stark · 4 years
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Damon Salvatore x Fem!reader
Requested by anon “May I request a Damon x Reader where the reader is dying and Damon tries to save them with his blood, but he's too late.”
A/N- :(
Warning- mentions of blood, some fluff, pure sadness
Episodes- 6x21, 6x22
“Isn’t a bridesmaid dress supposed to make you look like a freak of nature?”
You chuckle and walk to meet Damon halfway, “Jo went easy on me.”
Damon grinned smugly, “regardless I’d think you’ll look hot even if you wore a trash bag.” You scoff and roll your eyes in a lighthearted manner at his comment before a smirk tugs at the corner of your lips as your eyes study him in his tux.
“You know I think I'm preferring you in a tux instead of shirtless.”
Damon smirks, “sure you do, y’know you can’t resist me without a shirt on.” His smirk falls and his face turns serious except for the softness his eyes contain as he asks, “do you finally have an answer for my question?”
You sigh, “it's a hard choice, Damon. Choosing to be a vampire after seeing what our friends have gone through. It scares me to think what might happen if I do become one.”
“What scares you exactly?” He asks unsuringly. “That you might not—”
“No,” you cut him off, knowing exactly what he was going to say without him having to finish his sentence. You loved him and have for a long time, nothing will ever change that, not turning into a vampire or anything, so no the fear wasn’t because of that; “I know how Stefan suffers with controls and I saw how Caroline and Elena suffered without their humanity. I’m scared of that.”
“If you do, I’ll be there every step of the way, you know that.” Damon tries to assure you with an added assuring smirk, “plus I’m the master of control and make a pretty hot teacher. And if you don’t want me to teach you, then there's also Caroline I guess.” He shrugs, making you laugh.
Your laugh however doesn’t last as you remind yourself of the choice you still have to take, of your question you had that has been invading your mind all night and day. “What if,” you pause and swallow thickly, letting your eyes fall to the elegant rolled out carpet, “I don’t choose to become a vampire?” You look up to meet his gaze and see that the softness behind his eyes has totally dropped and turned assuring instead, choosing to take the couple steps left to cup your cheek.
“Then I guess I’ll have to live with that even if I do want to be selfish and just turn you. I love you and I’ll support whatever choice you make, even if it means that one day I'll have to lose you because you're too old and wrinkly and your heart chose to stop beating.”
Tears roll down your cheeks and you smile softly, “you'll love me even then?”
His lips break into a smile before he pulls you in for a sweet and slow kiss in the middle of the church, breaking away only far enough where you could still see how much bluer his eyes were as the sun peeked through the window and gently kissed his face. “even then.”
“Welcome family and friends on this magical evening to the wedding of Alaric Saltzman and Josette Laughlin. Josette and Alaric have prepared their own vows.”
Jo turns and hands you her bouquet as the reverent finishes her greeting, letting you offer Jo an small assuring smile before she turns around to face a very nervous Alaric so he could start his own speech. A sweet one that makes you like many others in the crowd begin to feel tears roll out.
“Neither one of us should be here right now. We’ve spent our lives dodging fate, beating the odds but because we did I got to meet you, the most beautiful, hilarious and intimidatingly brilliant woman I have ever known. You inspire me…”
Your attention wavers mid sentence as you realize with this speech, with this setting of Jo and Alaric getting married, minutes before they’re to become husband and wife, before they’re to share the rest of their lives together that you want this too. That you want to share your life with Damon forever or however long forever last. And the idea of not being to have control still scared you, but it’s like he said, he’d be with you every step of the way. And that thought didn’t scare you. Being with him forever didn’t scare you.
Because you’d rather be with him for however long forever last, instead of losing him when you’re too old to be without him.
“...you’ve shown me that happiness,” you hear Alaric continue saying as your mind wanders back to his vow, “is actually something that I can have in my life.” Albeit your full attention on the vow doesn’t last long as you catch Damon’s gaze, notice the smile on his lips as your eyes meet and the smug way he lifted his eyebrows. The gesture making you smile whilst the attention he had on you made you whisper your answer to his question very softly, but in a way he would hear regardless.
“I’ll do it. I’ll become a vampire.”
His smile widened like yours, sharing a sweet and short intimate moment before the both of you had to pull your attention back to the couple in front of you, hearing as Alaric finished the rest of his vows and slid the ring on Jo’s finger. “And so, I promise to be with you and I love you and to dodge fate with you for the rest of our lives.”
Emotion smiles collectively break through the crowd at the end of Alaric’s speech, all preparing to still hear the vow Jo had to give. “Oh, god.” She wipes the tears off her eyes and giggles nervously, her words making the crowd laugh as well, “that’s a tough act to follow. Here it goes. Alaric Saltzman. You are—” she suddenly and abruptly cut herself off.
“Jo? What is it? Jo, oh my god. Jo?”
She groans out in pain and her hands move to her stomach, making Damon move towards her and Alaric grab her as she tumbles over and screams out in pain. At first you don’t know what caused her to stop and scream out, but your eyes then catch the sight of blood bleeding through her white dress before out of nowhere her brother Kai appears behind her with a bloody knife in hand. You gasp and step back, feeling your lips part as you hear Alaric begin to cry for Jo and Kai talk in front of you.
“I was gonna wait til the “death do us part” bit, but it seemed a little on the nose. Am I right?” Your eyes meet Damon’s to share a concerned look, a tragic gesture that would be the last one ever—you want to move towards him, but you’re left speechless and frozen in your spot before Kai does a spell that makes a sharp ringing break through your ears and a painful headache pound in your head. Making a deafening and painful scream escape your lips and your hands to fly up to grab your head.
Living a short and painful moment that seemed like it lasted hours when it was only minutes. Short minutes of blinding pain before everything turned for the worst and every window in the church broke and every shard of glass went flying inwards; and you were thrown out of your spot and felt a new sharp pain stab your neck. Leaving you only seconds to witness every memory of your life flash through your eyes before you hit the floor with a nasty thud. Being left with only pain and a warm feeling spilling down your neck, onto the ground beneath you and onto your arm where you recognized it was blood. You gasped and let your eyes drift to the ceiling, trying to focus on the tragic sounds around you that slowly began to tune out, only because you tried to hear if Damon was calling to you so could assure him that you were there, alive but in pain.
But as you were trying, every feeling in your body, every pain, all the worry began to drift; just like the lights above you began to dim and the pain in your body which was once immense was now nothing but a dull feeling that began to numb. Letting you realize that forever wasn’t going to be an option, that the life you now chose to live with Damon, the love of your life, was going to be nothing but a last dream. A happy dream though, one you chose to cling onto as your life slowly came to an end and darkness overtook everything forever…
Leaving you to miss the way Damon came to you as soon as he could, desperately trying to hear the sound of your heart beat but missing it as there was no rhythm. A fact however that he could accept as he took you in his arm and cradled your body, using one hand to cup your cheek to try and begin to talk to you so he could hear you respond.
“Come on baby, come on. Please, you’re okay. You’re fine, baby. Come on. Come on!” He cried, again trying to focus on finding the sound of your heart, ultimately finding nothing again. “Baby.” He breathed, moving his hand from your cheek and biting his wrist to break through his skin and have blood spill from his wrist, moving it to your mouth so you could drink and healed. But as he tried, nothing happened, your eyes remained lifeless and your body stiff.
Damon kept trying however, desperately trying to press his wrist onto your lips to have you drink the blood, but nothing happened, the blood just stained your lips and didn’t move down your body. Letting him realize only heartbreaking moments later that it was too late. That he had reached you too late and that you were gone forever, after you had accepted to become a vampire to be with him forever.
He cried and rested his forehead on yours as he began to rock your body back and forth, forgetting about the horrifying scene around him.
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philtatosbuck · 3 years
Let me just say that this is only my opinion, and that all of these things personally give ME bad vibes. I have friends who are kcers who I love deeply. However, in general, here are a list of twenty red flags in kc shippers that make me stay away from them in particular;
1. They hate Damon for being a r*pist and then have Caroline be best friends with Katherine, who canonically r*ped Stefan, her actual best friend. I actually don't care who hates Damon or whatnot, nor do I give a fuck about Stefan. it just grates on my nerves that they'll condemn one r*pist and prop up the other. 2. They call Hayley moon moon and refer to her as a slut, whore, homewrecker or any of the above for having a baby with klaus. 3. They say the plot for klaus impregnating someone is stupid, then use the same one for fics with Caroline being pregnant after the episode where they have sex. 4. They only acknowledge Elijah, Klaus, Kol and Rebekah as Mikaelson siblings. that's... more of a personal tick for me but it's whatever. 5. Elena is the big bad demon who tries to kill Caroline and/or Klaus. bonus points if bonnie is too. 6. Hate fics for Elena for "making caroline be klaus bait/trying to kill the originals" in which Bonnie and Stefan are let off the hook completely for their part in literally everything. canonically ignoring that Stefan, Damon and Bonnie were 100% the ones who most times made plans to kill originals that involved using Caroline as bait, and that Elena was actually Very concerned about Caroline more than anyone wants to give her credit for. 7. The ones who hate Daniel gillies because he likes Leah Pipes / Cami / doesn't care about klaroline. 8. The ones who body shame DRR and PT. 9. The ones who say Hayley is a 'walking incubator' and the originals is misogynistic, only to turn around and have Caroline like... be the most misogynistic ass character?? 10. The ones who say Caroline is more important to Klaus than Rebekah or Hope. 11. The ones who kill Hayley off to make Caroline a mother to Hope. 12. The ones who demonize Tyler and act like his hate for Klaus is invalid as if Klaus did not enslave him. 13. The ones who write fics in which Caroline shows up and just starts being the absolute worst towards Cami? in that same vein... The ones who write fics in which Cami is completely out of character to justify this.
14. The ones who have Kol and Caroline as best friends. This one in particular isn't that bad but it's super weird because Kol has interacted with Caroline even less than Elijah but no way will he not find her annoying. 15. Stelena-Klaroline hybrids who also love kalijah or kennett. i have to add that last part because i actually do not mind stelenas separately but the ones who love klaroline and kalijah/kennett tend to be so weird and just make shit up 16. The ones who when faced with the fact that jomo was rooting for kennett at first, say 'but klaroline makes way more sense' despite the fact the same episode where klaroline started is the episode klaus had Tyler bite/try to kill Caroline? bitch. 17. The ones who have Elijah be in love with Caroline out of absolutely fucking nowhere in fics to create tension between Klaus and Elijah 18. The ones who make Rebekah and Caroline besties despite their clashing personalities and the fact they can barely stand each other and Caroline has repeatedly slut-shamed Rebekah. 19. ANYONE like that person who wrote that 'Hayley Marshall; homewrecker' fic. They are an entire red flag on their own 20. The ones who have Caroline in new orleans and then kill marcel off or the ones who make marcel caroline's son. electric chair for y'all.
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livlepretre · 3 years
The thing about your character interpretation of Elena is that you really draw from her initial core traits and character arcs. I think some people might disagree with you about interpretation because they are remembering Elena from the later seasons. It is like if you wore a slightly different colored shirt everyday for a few months. You could start out with a blue shirt and end with a yellow one, but everyone would be under the impression you have been wearing the same colored shirt the whole time. Season 5 is the start of this skewed view of Elena, I believe. I think this has a lot to do with the fact that she was A.) a vampire and B.) less involved with the main conflict of the season. Sure, the plot of season 5 had a lot to do with doppelganger destiny and whatnot, but think about how that plot relates to Elena throughout the season. What was she doing to stop Augustine Society? If it were season two or three Elena, she would have probably used her charm and familial connections to the society to infiltrate them and find a way to shut them down. But season 5 Elena is barely involved in anything. In fact, her screen time decreases dramatically this season. I just scrubbed through an episode to fact check what Elena was doing, and she was in like 5 scenes. However, Nina Dobrev herself appeared in way more scenes as Katherine. I think having Nina Dobrev playing 2 main characters in one season was an extremely difficult bad idea. Having two doppelgangers as main characters would be awesome in a written story (like in but still, like dust, i’ll rise by twocankeepasecret), but with a live action format where both characters have to be played by one actress, it just isn’t feasible. The vampire aspect also made all scenes Elena was in kind of boring. She didn’t really have to come up with anything interesting because she could now physically fight with her enemies. The episode where Qetsiyah traps her and Stefan in a lake house could have been interesting, but the problem was solved by them stabbing her and then superspeeding out of the building. Jesse attacks Damon two episodes later and Elena solves the problem by just superspeeding up to them and staking him in the back. It takes all the fun out of how Elena goes about doing things. Season six marks the first season without any doppelganger relevance. Elena is compelled to lose all good memories of Damon, and that could have been interesting. Since Elena was specifically compelled to hate Damon in a way that wouldn’t make her miss him, we could have seen how Elena deals with him after he comes back. This is an Elena who believes she didn’t forgive Damon for killing her brother. That could have been an interesting arc to see, but no. Elena falls in love with him like 4 episodes later, so did it even really matter? The point is, I think people have a hard time seeing Elena as she used to be because the audience really stopped getting to see those traits of hers in the later seasons. Her prominence in the narrative, and the obstacles that she had to overcome sort of disappear until the Elena that you’re looking at doesn’t resemble the one you started with. That is why you're an absolute gem to this fandom. Your stories all feature a post season 3 Elena who retains her character traits. Your gift of creating complex emotional conflicts proves that in a show like TVD, you don’t have to keep going bigger and badder. Sometimes the best way to expand the plot is to make the conflict more personal and utilize the characters and relationships established throughout the previous seasons. Elena’s arc throughout FE, especially the isolation arc, is a perfect example of this. Moments like Elena trying to will Klaus to come back, having her miscarriage, and almost accidently drowning are all heartwrenching, and it makes the scenes like her deciding to make the most of her life/ falling for Rebekah (her once tormentor) so much more rewarding. This was entirely too long, but just know, you are seriously my fav fanfic author, and your takes and analysis are always welcome here.
I'm actually a bit overwhelmed by this, thank you so much for sending this in. I agree with you so completely that a lot of the issue seems to be that Elena's characterization does change radically-- I don't really recognize her in seasons 5 & 6-- which is why I largely ignore them when writing for her character. (And that's what fanfic is for-- taking the pearls and chucking out the clots of dirt.) Seasons 1-3 Elena is an entirely different character, the true version of the character, in my opinion-- since she was at this point still the main character on the show, and a force of agency and plot development. You've also articulated something which drives me wild about the later seasons once she becomes a vampire-- super speed plus super strength basically negate the need for Elena to find interesting and twisty ways to solve her problems-- she no longer has to scheme and seduce and take insane risks, because she has supernatural powers. She no longer needs to make back room secret deals with giants who could crush her, or stab herself or slit her own throat in wild gambles, or even just to charm people-- and that takes away a key element of her character. Which is such a shame, because we see Katherine displaying these same traits as a vampire, and we can see that Katherine is the natural culmination of where Elena is heading, which is so dark and so fascinating in those early seasons. I agree completely with your analysis of what went wrong with the later seasons, and why the earlier seasons really worked for Elena as a character, and why fandom has such a bad taste in its mouth about where Elena ended up do to some truly bizarre and unfortunate storytelling decisions.
And-- gosh-- thank you x a million for your comments on FE. I am so appreciative and cannot wait to share the rest of the story with you!!
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highly-flammable · 3 years
Reacting to Legacies 3x03 (SPOILERS):
1. So ARE we FINALLY getting to some proper firstborn Mikaelson witch breakdowns?
2. Oh well, apparently no. They'll just try to wave it off as some one time thing probably.
3. So Hope and Landon are on a break. Okay. TBH watching them sass each other is interesting.
4. The guidance counselor is pretty much a compulsion monster, is that it? Well, I do like his wardrobe.
5. Alyssa's concern for MG is so fake I can't.
6. Nobody other than Jed read for Stefan? THE DISRESPECT.
7. Lizzie playing Caroline makes total sense but them asking Josie to play the lead without even an audition looks a bit bad TBH. Like, give the other interested people a chance, at least.
8. I find it a bit repetitive how there are mind-controlling monsters popping out again and again.
9. So MG is basically going through a phase similar to what Cami was going through when Klaus used to compel her at the beginning of TO. Considering Quincy's fondness for Cami, he must have liked playing that.
10. I understand that Landon is supposed to be a capable songwriter in-universe but it takes more than that to write and direct a musical and it's very weird that they didn't even find a guest star to pose as a Drama or English teacher who is guiding him or something. WHERE ARE ALL THE TEACHERS?
11. I kinda feel like some of the lead characters in this show are colour-coded. I see Hope and Landon in red and blue a lot (the two gowns we have seen Hope wearing also fall into this pattern) and Josie wears yellow in like, every other episode. If I recall correctly, Lizzie wears a lot of white, too. I wonder what the reasoning behind these choices are.
12. Well, I liked Hope and Landon's relationship in S1, I have no idea what was going on with it in S2, and I still don't know what to think about it.
13. Lizzie casts herself in Caroline's role and then chokes at rehearsal. Not totally unrealistic but still feels a bit forced to me. Would have been better if Landon cast her because she's Caroline's daughter and Lizzie was a bit apprehensive in the first place because she didn't want to mess up the role.
14. I appreciate the show taking a moment to talk about Lizzie's bipolar disorder though. It's been a while.
15. "Bonnie just disappears for long periods of time"? Dude, she's still super important and you're putting her in the play. Right? RIGHT?!
16. Landon, THANK YOU for pointing out how weird Caroline and Alaric's relationship was. The guy deadass got engaged to her and had a pissing contest over her with Stefan, that will never not gross me out.
17. So the monster is mind controlling Landon to put Klaus into the play. Saw this coming IG.
18. Hope is painting again, like her dad used to do when he felt things were going out of control. I've been rewatching TO and this is making me so emotional. I MISS KLAUS AND HIS SHENANIGANS. And not a single character on Legacies comes close to Klaus, Elijah and Hayley for me. (Sorry if this hurts anyone's feelings but Legacies really is a downgrade from TVD and TO)
19. Ugh, why would he use the contents of the letter as lyrics? Dude, is it because you're mind-controlled? No, I don't like this. Klaus loved Hope to the ends of the earth and wanted everyone to know but Hope wants to keep things private, and her wishes should have been respected.
20. So apparently Landon tries not to put Klaus' villainous antics into the show. Well, okay, it's definitely a copout but since he is Hope's boyfriend, makes sense. But I don't understand why the musical HAS TO BE about the Salvatore school. The accreditation excuse is lazy, writers! Also, Landon, my dude, Klaus was a major donor of the school. Put that in instead of the other things, stop pissing off your girlfriend FFS. Even if you're mind-controlled 🤦🏻‍♀️
21. I do find it funny how Landon is all gaga over Klaus' use of language though. The guy really did have the best lines, didn't he? (Tied with Elijah, I suppose, for me)
22. The other singers of the first song are really good so Kaylee sounds a bit rusty in comparison. Also, she reminds me too much of Dark!Josie with the hair and makeup. From a distance, she can be mistaken for Nina though.
23. I love that the backstage activities are being shown.
24. I'm digging Jed as Stefan and I really like his singing voice. And the Hero Hair wig cracked me up. Kaleb is obviously good at singing at it's nice to hear more from him. I also like how Chris Lee didn't try to exactly emulate Ian and played Damon how someone who has only heard about him might play him.
25. Is Hope painting herself before the pit or something? Or is this supposed to symbolize her despair at her parents' loss? ALSO, I WANT SOMEONE TO MENTION HAYLEY :( Why is Hayley so ignored?!
26. The same person probably wrote MG's notes and Caroline's letter IRL and therefore, in-universe, MG has Caroline's handwriting and it's funny to me.
27. Jenny sings well, I like it. I don't understand the song though, was Caroline actually ever feeling this insecure? I feel like the song became a lot more about Lizzie than her mother. (It's been forever since I watched TVD, if anyone has yet to guess, I prefer watching TO)
28. The doppelganger thing cracked me up.
29. Wait why did the monster attack Josie?! Ohhhh he's forcing Landon to improvise and put Klaus' song at the end. Well, I guess it makes it seem a bit less like Landon's fault. But would Hope know that?
30. It's hilarious how they lowkey make a call back to Nina leaving TVD and them having to put Elena in a sleep spell though.
31. Landon having a hissy fit is funny to me. Aria needs more comedic scenes.
32. Wait, where did Jade come from? Has she been in the school all these weeks?
33. While the scene seems a bit shabby to me, Klaus talking to Hope reminds me of their scene from TO 4X03. I needed more of Summer Fontana and Joseph Morgan together. Also, the donation did get mentioned, YASSSS. Man did some horrific things but he did fund the school so maybe a little less badmouthing in the presence of his daughter now that you know the story, eh, students?
34. The fact that the guidance counselor actually wore a leather jacket and a henley is cracking me up. It's really bizarre.
35. "Terrible painter" XD Klaus would have eaten you for saying that if he were alive.
36. Um, Hope, wouldn't you ask your family if you are doing enough to make your father proud, instead of this random bloke who supposedly met him once?! Maybe call Freya or Rebekah.
37. Why is this monster being nice to Hope? Doesn't it try to break people up or something? You'd think he'd try to piss her off even more and ruin her relationship with Landon.
38. Stefan was trying to be more like Damon by sacrificing himself? Um, what?
39. Well, this musical at least gave Stefan and Caroline a goodbye scene. I wonder how much the twins remember Stefan, must have been a bit emotional for Lizzie to play that. Jenny's singing was gooood, really liked it.
40. JED WAS GONNA KISS LIZZIE AND I WANTED IT TO HAPPEN. But a forehead kiss does work.
41. Hope's playing Elena now? What?
42. Ngl I want Hope and Jed to be friends. She needs more of a connection to her wolf side. Both of her parents wanted her to be surrounded by wolves and she's barely interacting with the wolves in this show, which always makes me sad.
43. So this monster can also do little spells and move physical objects eh? Whatever, this is random.
44. And this monster brings people back together? Why?
45. So when Hope is singing, is she doing it as Elena or Hope? She came on stage as Elena, but I thought the song is about Hope. So WHAT IS IT?
46. Oh Damon's on stage, so Hope is singing as Elena and it's a call back to the graveyard scene from the TVD finale.
47. Danielle sings pretty well. It's good she decided to perform this time.
48. Okay, that lifting up scene was adorable. I feel like Hope and Landon are at their cutest when they're a bit spontaneous. But she's Elena on stage and it lowkey looks like Landon crashed her romantic scene with Damon to kiss her so I'm cackling.
49. How much older is Jade supposed to be than Josie?
50. So is Josie going to leave the school for a while and that's why Ethan will be back in the picture?
51. Jade used to babysit Josie? Okay, it is hella awkward.
52. Josie why, don't do this, yikes. Kissing her once doesn't make it non-creepy.
53. The Sheriff feels kinda shoehorned to me. Also, I don't care for Matt Davis or his character.
54. So Candice did the voiceover for Caroline's letter. That's nice for the show. I still don't understand why the letter showed up in Hope's fireplace though LOL.
55. This episode should have spent more time exploring the aftermath of the loss of Rafael. The abrupt shift from the last episode wasn't nice.
56. Yeah, kids, talk out your problems, thanks.
57. I feel like Klaus is too much of a controversial figure that Hope's conflict about her father's reputation would be resolved in one day. This is feeling undercooked. Speaking of, when is one of Klaus' or Hayley's enemies coming after Hope, because she did inherit all of them. Would make for better storytelling than this monster of the week nonsense. And yeah, still no mention of Hayley, I hate this.
58. The monster's characterization was really odd to me and I am so tired of this format SMH.
59. So they toyed with MG for weeks to get a vampire for the spell? That sounds like too much effort. There are tons of vampires from Klaus and Rebekah's bloodline, they couldn't find another? Also, I wonder who is the wolf that they will use.
Well, I felt like this episode was mostly okay, but not that well-cooked or epic or whatever. What is horrific is that they didn't show Bonnie, though. They could have at least gotten a female black guest character who is one of the witch students or something. This is very offensive.
Also, I don't think it makes sense for the show to do any more musicals in the future. This ain't Riverdale.
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aquariusshadow · 3 years
Live!Blogging Legacies 3x09
Aight ya'll here we go again with another Legacies Live!Blog session. Listen, I've seen things about this episode...I have high expectations regarding MG and Ethan.
belgium...aight i'm down for a change in scenery
awwww landon youre such a dork i hope you're actually you rn
hope just apologize to cleo--she'll probaly forgive you...i think
i really hope we see hope and cleo interact i miss them
'harmless monster' my ass
yaaaaaaaay another mg and josie scene <3 (yes i saw lizzie and kaleb earlier i wanna see more too)
oh duh mg transfered to mystic falls
i'm an idiot for not realizing that immediately
look at MG inviting ethan to sit with him and josie
.............guys help
its just one scene
its just one scene
thank god lizzie's still pissed at hope, now we just need hope to apologize or do some reconciliation thing
"as your new bestie" awwwwww i really like lizzie/kaleb friendship
OMFG "no tribrids allowed"
hope...you need to realize that landon isn't the only important thing for you
okay i like that landon is trying to help hope deal with everything...im not sure his approach is the best but she does seem to listen to him
monster be like hai
why is landon all of us hahaha
.......its cute.....im scared
"screw you" hahahaha
why does the monster sound like chirithy from kingdom hearts plz help
man i do feel for lizzie :/
i really shouldn't be surprised but i wish alaric would show more...i guess...frustration(???) at the danger hope put josie through last episode instead of just acknowledging it
but it's alaric
i dont expect much from him
holy hell thank you for suggesting she apologize
see this is what i wanted Handon to be
omfg......is the monster...mimicking lizzie
ooooo werewolf eyes...this better go somewhere
why why why did it take me until now to realize alaric was the goddamn coach
"about three things i was absolutely positive. first. mg was a vampire. second....shit i'm gay"
cleooooooooo you mediator i love you
landon you're so precious never change
AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW "i think it's super cool MG has super powers" ajshfdladjfasdf guys help
...did MG only compel ethan to find happiness...cuz that's the case then i just ahsjflasdjfhs
gdi my idiot cats are banging against the door
interrupting my commentary ungrateful felines
honestly? i'm not really feelin kaleb/cleo as a romantic pairing? maybe i'm too curious about hope/cleo but i dont have an issue with kaleb/cleo
i'm very curious about cleo's backstory...will we get to see it after we save cleo from the gremlin?
"is vervain your kryptonite?" MG....Ethan...i....i can see it...so much....
he's so curious and excited ahaha this is precious
oh god burn it kill it im too tired for that thing ew
is that damon's car
"gremzilla" jfc hahaha
look at my bbies this is what i wanted for MG
mizzie who??? bitch we got METHAN
this. is. so. precious.
i think i found my new favorite legacies ship
mg nooooooo don't compel him
you need someone like him
" dont leave the part where we met today"
i think you mean 'boyfriends' ethan
okay.........i'm not sure how i feel about a monster being the catalyst for hope apologizing instead of her coming to it on her own
i mean i'm glad theyre talking this out
but...if there wasn't a monster who's weakness is genuine respect this conversation wouldn't be happening
maybe it's better than nothing
but idk i feel like Hope, and Lizzie both, could've grown a lot more as characters if Hope 100% initiated the heart to heart purely because she realized what she needed to do (hell i'm down with Landon talking her through it like earlier)
poor Hope...i really wish she gets a chance to actually work through some of her fear
awwwwwwwwww landon "i can't be everything to you"
thank you landon for telling her what she needs to hear
i'm back on board with handon
i missed handon ( i really liked them in season 1)
oh my god is that
is that elena's house
and the fact josie played elena in the musical
and theyre here
ok i really don't care about alaric's character anymore but i really do like his heart to heart convo with josie
i do like the damon and elena references, my nostaglic heart
"MG's my guy" awwww kaleb
mg and ethan are playing football togetherrrrrrrr
awww kaleb :/
awwww lizzie im sure josie will come back when shes ready *hizzie hug awww*
landon, hope, and lizzie watching a movie together..........i like this :D
oh wtf is that
rasputin......... IN THE DARK OF THE NIGHT TERROR WILL FIND HERRRRRRRR.........no...no one...just me with the anastasia reference? okay i'll see myself out
So that episode was probably one of my all time favorites. I just...really enjoyed the character interactions and the monster was entertaining enough it didn’t detract from the episode.
Also...MGxEthan did not disappoint. I love them together. Half my commentary was me gushing over them. I...I found my new favorite Legacies pairing.... Yes I may have embellished in the Twilight thing don’t @ me ahahaha.
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kiss-my-freckle · 3 years
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Damon Salvatore: Lost Girls
"None of this adds up. The only thing that's really clear is that you're not just a liar, but you're a liar with secrets. So you can tell me the truth, or I can figure this out on my own."
Elena had more respect for Liam than Stefan had for her. She has no choice but add these things up on her own. Continuing on that note because it's either a continuity error or just plain idiocy. "When you were honest with me about what you were. How did you know that you could trust me with such a huge secret?" Stefan didn't reveal his truth to Elena because he was in love with her. He revealed his truth to her because he had no choice. She already knew. "You know." She was at his door because she wanted to hear him say it out loud. "That's easy. I was in love with you. I wanted you to know everything." Do not try to sell me the idea that Stefan fell in love with her by the 5th episode of the series because he stalked her far longer than he actually spent time with her. And he didn't want her to know everything. Do not hand me a pile of shit, then try to pass it off as a bouquet 6 seasons later. 
Elena adds it up, and Beauty of the Dark was a wonderfully chosen soundtrack for the scene. "Dear diary, I'm not a believer. People are born, they grow old, and then they die. That's the world we live in. There's no magic, no mysticism, no immortality. There's nothing that defies rational thought. People are supposed to be who they say they are. And not lie or hide their true selves. It's not possible. I'm not a believer, I can't be. But, how can I deny what's right in front of me? Someone who never grows old... Never gets hurt... Someone who changes in ways that can't be explained... Girls bitten... Bodies drained of blood... "
Damon is written opposite Stefan. He buried his humanity because he's not human, he's a vampire. Like Stefan, he has his own secrets, but they're kept out of respect rather than the need to hide who he is. Stefan hides the cut on his hand because he's hiding the truth of himself. Damon hides the dream he handed to Rose because it's not his to share, it’s hers. Stefan plays pretend, Damon chooses not to. As you view how Elena adds up Stefan's secrets, expect her to do the same with Damon's humanity. A little piece here, a little piece there. It'll be the reason she tells him to stop acting like he doesn't care. Because she knows he does. Damon denying he cares, like Stefan denying the cut on his hand.
Now that he's escaped, Damon proves actions have consequences. What he does to Vicki, I consider just as much Stefan's fault. He starved him for nearly a week, so he should expect Damon to hit a campsite. He took Damon's daylight ring, so he should expect him to turn Vicki out of boredom and loneliness. Rather than spend the night standing outside of Elena's window, Stefan should've recovered Damon's daylight ring and handed it to him before the sun came up. His priorities suck. If Stefan truly wanted to protect everyone from Damon, he should've been the one guarding him rather than heading back to high school as if all was good in the world. "No, what have you done? You're the one that locked me in the basement and starved me, so whatever I've done, whoever I've sucked dry is on you, buddy." Cold hard truth. At least Damon is now willing to cover his tracks. "I already want you dead. Don't give me another reason to make it happen." This follows through with Lexi.
I love the focus to their childhood photographs when Elena leaves the house. Vampires killing mockingbirds. She's now catching up to Caroline, asking questions about garlic and holy water. These parallels help one to understand why Caroline takes longer to accept Damon. Consider the abusive partner. It may not happen often, but people are capable of change. Imagine one of those few, and what they'd be like with their future partners compared with their past partners. That's the difference you get with Caroline and Elena. Stefan's 145-year mistake with Damon, was believing a vampire could change a vampire, much less the vampire who forced him to become a vampire. That's why Stefan needs to pair Damon with Elena. Allow him to spend time with her. If he loved his brother more than he obsessed over Elena, he'd do right by allowing him the chance to be in her world, to feel what he feels. Until he feels it, Damon will continue believing he has to feed on it to feel alive.
Stefan defends Damon's actions as a vampire because that's what vampires do. None of this is okay, but they're not okay. They're dead. 'He saw that I was happy with you, and he wanted to ruin it." Because Damon promised him an eternity of misery. Trust he has every reason to hate Stefan. He outwardly admits he didn't care that he had gotten something Damon wanted. He didn't even care that it hurt him. Yet another difference. Damon actually feels guilty for wanting Elena. Stefan didn't care. "That's the thing about Damon. He doesn't get mad. He just gets even." Damon gets mad. Trashing Stefan's room is the extent of him getting even. He's not turning Vicki to get even with him. What he gets from Vicki is every bit what Stefan gets from taking Elena with him on his little field trip. The beauty of not being alone. Damon and Vicki dancing is the best thing ever. View the parallels in these like-minded relationships, and you see where they're going. Elena is a lot like Stefan. Vicki is a lot like Damon. Now insert Vicki's dialogue to Jeremy, and you see Delena throughout the entire series. "I really hope you're not one of those guys who, now that we're together, tries to change everything about me." Elena is gonna change Damon. The purpose of them hitting Denver. 1x11 plays opposite 1x6 that way. Delena having fun, but sitting at a bar rather than dancing it up at his house. 
"What Damon wants, Damon usually gets." The very reason Stefan felt threatened. "Believe it or not, Stefan, some girls don't need my persuasion." And the purpose of Damon saying what he did. "You won. You got the bad guy. Now nothing could come between you and Elena. Except the truth." It'll be the reason Alaric hands him the cure and tells him to get his girl. Because Damon usually gets what he wants. It's not about whether or not he gets Elena. It's about how he gets her. His character development matters. "Turns out she wasn't ours to steal." Because she's a lost girl. Elena will follow the same concept. She's much like Katherine and her vervain necklace that way. Damon didn't steal her, he found her. That's why this episode is called Lost Girls. They're lost, not stolen. Klaus lost Katherine. Stefan lost Elena. "I lost you the minute I left town with him." The necklace and its two ships. "I wanted to protect you from Damon's influence. But I also wanted to protect you from me." Because you can't protect a girl from falling in love. Vicki piques Damon's interest when he finds out she's sleeping with Elena's brother. "Actually, you know what? You should go. In fact, if i were you, I would stop by your boyfriend Jeremy's house. Bye. Tell Elena I said hi. And IF you see Stefan, tell him to call me." Follow her dialogue, and you see Damon. "And when I think of my future, i just come up blank." For 145 years, he's been waiting to get in that tomb. Nothing but blank between then and now.
Aside from his dancing scene with Vicki, his scene at Elena's house is one of my favorites of the episode. She's judging him for turning Vicki after she just got done judging Stefan for choosing to transition. "The same choice you made?" What I love about her scene with Damon, is her belief that he made the same choice Stefan did. She bites back. "Did you thank Katherine?" This is the first time she attracts Damon. He's feeling her Petrova fire, and he likes it. That's why he eyes her body. He doesn't plan to kill her, but he's gonna use her to get the tomb open, and leverage her should Stefan try to stop him from getting his girl. When it comes to Elena, what he's willing to do isn't necessarily what he wants to do. He's willing to hurt her if he has to because he waited 145 yeas for this. "Tip for later, be careful who you invite in the house." A nice slam after walking in her house without permission. Because Stefan did the same thing. He was the first vampire she invited in the house, and when she ran from him, he forced her to face him when he appeared in her bedroom. Never mind waiting for an invitation.
Stefan wanted Vicki to die. This shows in his reaction to her completing the transition. "You mean we'll come up with a lie." By entering her life and romancing her the way he has been, Stefan forced Elena into her own shadow of existence. She's now having to live as he does, lying to everyone she cares about, having no one to talk to about the darkness she now knows exists. And this is being added to the pain she alredy feels having lost both her parents.
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ggundeuri · 3 years
poly person rants about the vampire diaries
i’m only partway through the 4th season so bear with me & no spoilers please. also potential spoilers after the cut, but if you know Of this show then most of it won’t be that surprising. 
also yeah this is basically just a poly person using the love triangle in tvd to rant about love triangles in general because the world definitely asked for my opinion.
i was starting to get annoyed, not with the entire show because i am enjoying it (i love pretty much anything with vampires in it though), but with the love “triangle” that appears all the time in media and in real life. it’s also not really a triangle, it’s more like two lines pointing to elena, but we can call it a triangle for now. 
the two love interests are vampire brothers who are in love with the main character, elena, pretty much from the get go, while elena is loyal to stefan for the first 2 seasons and doesn’t even like damon that much. however, at around season 3 she grows closer to him due to Circumstances, and i feel like i can remember the main theme of every episode towards the end of the season being about how she has to choose between the two of them because it’s “not fair”.
and that reminded me that media is always going to see shit like this through the lense of monogamy because god Forbid anyone lives a little differently and more conveniently in a way actually adjusted to their needs. i think society would just Collapse. but i digress. 
the show is desperate for us to know that both of these people are perfect for elena, but in different ways. and that’s why it’s so hard to choose (because she has to choose, guys, u don’t get it). i even distinctly remember dr fell saying something about how stefan’s love is “pure” and shit, which makes sense because he helped her out of her depression (after losing her parents) and also always lets her make her own decisions, even if they’re dumb and she’ll end up dead.
damon, on the other hand, is the complete opposite. he “challenges” elena and usually acts very selfishly and goes against her wishes, but in a way that will protect her. i literally think he is the sole reason she has made it this far in the show.
this is an unnecessary roadblock cuz like. the show literally highlights how both of these relationships are equally important and fulfilling for her & then spits on it. i don’t know, i hate it here.
the main reason it would be not possible is obviously the fact that the brothers literally hate each other also because they’re polar opposites, the decisions they make that affect her will always be at odds with each other so. yeah that wouldn’t work.
but it just reminded me of every other situation like this where polyamory would otherwise be a super obvious solution. real life scenarios especially.
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zalrb · 3 years
So Stefan wasn't with a Human while he was a Vampire until Elena, right? I always felt like that was the case. With the whole living in the shadows thing he talks about it and how 'other' he feels at the start of tvd, his sensitivity with his urges around people, it seems like he distanced himself from humans as much as he could because he was afraid of what he could do. I've always been under the impression that he was only with other Vampires for most of his life and it was always short lived.
Hey! I had that impression too and I don't just mean that he wasn't able to deal with human blood -- which, like, is actually pretty telling, if he was living amongst humans regularly then a minor cut wouldn't cause his veins to show so readily
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and the way Damon goads him also suggests that Stefan hadn't been living around humans
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but it's also the fact that Stefan is a little impulsive in the first few episodes because this feeling is new, like he sees Elena or thinks about Elena and he  kind of just reacts (what i also love about this scene is that she sees him and he doesn’t disappear because he wants to talk to her)
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and he’ll just, like, appear
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and he’s so used to being solitary that it just kind of continues until he and Elena are an item
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plus Paul spoke about really liking the conflict in Stefan having an urge to feed and being with a human
The day you have sex, does she have to worry about you biting her? Paul: I absolutely think that it’s something that is constantly forefront in Stefan’s mind. He always wants to suck her blood. What makes this stuff interesting and intriguing is that he loves her, he’s in love with her, but he also can’t help but have this need to feed on her.  
and you see that with the way Stefan reacts to Damon in the pilot
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and then their makeout in 1x04 where they have to stop because the sexual hunger is turning into actual hunger
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bamon4bamily · 4 years
Irrefutable evidence that Damon was in love with Bonnie, but was oblivious to the fact (part 5)
Exhibit E
Season 8, Episode 10
Extract from the official TVD Transcript
BONNIE: Hey, stranger.
DAMON: Looks like I'm interrupting a reflective moment.
BONNIE: It's fine. I'm reflecting on the good things for a change.
DAMON: Wish I could say the same thing.
BONNIE: What you did while you were under Sybil's control wasn't your fault, Damon. You didn't have a choice.
DAMON: "Dear Bonnie. I’m a coward. I should be saying this to your face, not writing this letter but I know if I do, you'll talk me out of running away from all my problems. You're gonna make me face the future without Elena and you're gonna help make me the best man I can possibly be, same way she did. And I'm absolutely terrified of failing you both. So I'm leaving, because I'd rather let you down once than let you down for the rest of your life. And I hope it's the happiest life because you, Bonnie Bennett, are an amazing woman, a mediocre crossword puzzle player and my best friend. With great love and respect, Damon."
BONNIE: Gotta admit, it's a hell of a letter.
The Video Edivence
The Argument
 Ah, the letter… where to even start with this iconic piece of evidence! Let’s begin with the timing. Bonnie goes into Damon’s subconscious, and is the key player in being able to help Damon snap out of his comatose state. Just after Bonnie was in his subconscious, and helps him work through his issues, he finally finds the courage to let her know what he wrote in that letter…. coincidence? I think not!
 Now, let’s recap. In the previous exhibit we established that Damon’s decision to desiccate was for Bonnie, and that the only way he was going to manage to pull this off, was by having her think he was doing this for himself; and not telling her about his decision in person, but through a letter. A letter he knew she would be too pissed to read, giving him enough time to go through with his plan. This point is extremely important, Damon knew Bonnie wasn’t going to read the letter (or at least any time soon), he knows her all too well; reason why, it was the perfect medium for him to truly express his feelings and motivation. Another crucial point here, is that Bonnie assumed that Damon said goodbye through a letter, because that way he could imagine her reaction but not actually see it; which is why she says: “but that’s not my reaction, this is…”. He knew he could bare his soul in that letter, and that, when she eventually found it in herself to read it; she would understand why he made that decision. And so, three years later, that moment finally came. Except, she didn’t read the letter, he actually recited it to her, by memory! That alone, says a lot; I mean he freaking memorized it! You only memorize the things that truly matter. Now, on to the letter itself, and we are going to analyze the shit out of each word. Here we go…
 Dear Bonnie,
I’m a coward. I should be saying this to your face, not writing this letter, but... I know if I do, you'll talk me out of running away from all my problems.
These first words clearly reflect he is talking to himself first. He recognizes he is a coward, that he couldn’t face Bonnie, and that he is running away from his problems… Except the problems he is talking about is not what you’d expect; giving the context we have already proven to be right, which is that he desiccated for Bonnie, not for Elena. He is acknowledging that he is running away from confronting his problems, which are, whether he sees it or not, the fact that he has fallen in love with his “lover’s” best friend, that he has no idea how to deal with it, how he could ever confront her (and here I refer to both Elena and Bonnie), or himself with that truth. I know, you might think, that’s a bit farfetched; but just bear with me, and I’ll prove it to be true.
 You're gonna make me face a future without Elena.
Let’s ask ourselves this question, why is Damon writing as if there is no future with Elena? Again, she’s just in a long-ass nap, so there would be a future with her…. The only way there couldn’t be one, was if he didn’t see one. Aw, the subconscious can be a little sneaky beash sometimes!
 And you're gonna help make me the best man that I can possibly be.
I have to take a breath here… Okay, all better now. Can we all agree that these words prove that the woman, Damon acknowledged as the one that can ACTUALLY help him become a better man, is the one and only, Bonnie Bennet!!! I mean, come on, clear as water!!!!!
 The same way she did.
Now, this was clearly a forced insert from the writers to make sure the audience knew Elena was the one that made Damon a better man. Maybe this could have fooled someone if they hadn’t already showed us that he in fact wasn’t. Damon did a hell of a lot of awful things when he was with Elena, and also in her name. So, this is obviously untrue, and a clear sabotage of Damon’s handwriting. What we did witness was that the only character development Damon ever got, the only time Damon did things because they were the right thing to do (not just doing right for someone, but doing right because it’s right), came out of his friendship with Bonnie. Sorry writers, we caught you tampering with evidence, so this specific line, is discarded.
And I'm absolutely terrified of failing you both.
We are going to discard the “both”, given the previous argument. Having said that, this is clearly Damon expressing, and admitting, his deepest fear is failing Bonnie! Not only by not being able to protect her, but also by not being the man she deserves.  
 So I'm leaving. Because I'd rather let you down once...
Extremely telling words; he has let down Elena, numerous times, said so by herself, so why would he say, “let you down once…”? Because he is obviously ONLY talking about Bonnie; this to reinforce the last 2 points; and the fact that the ONLY thing Damon couldn’t bear with, was failing Bonnie. As previously proven, this had NOTHING to do with Elena.
 than let you down for the rest of your life.
This conveys just how much Damon values Bonnie; he’d rather leave her than let her down; her happiness and wellbeing are above anything else. It also clearly shows how much he cares about what she thinks of him. And of course, how afraid he is of telling her how he really feels about her; his self-doubt about being a man worthy of her love, because he knows she deserves the world. Which is reinforced by the next lines…
 And I hope it's the happiest life.
If this is not indisputable evidence that Damon’s sole concern is BONNIE’S happiness, I don’t know what is! These words prove, beyond a reasonable doubt, that the ONLY time Damon has ever truly, selflessly, and sincerely, loved and cared for a woman, it’s this time; and that woman is BONNIE SHEILA BENNETT.
 Because you, Bonnie Bennett, are an amazing woman, a mediocre crossword puzzle player and my best friend.
I mean, come on, when has your “best friend” ever said something like this to you? And if they have, it’s because they are in love with you! This is clearly NOT PLATONIC! And it shows, yet again, just how much Damon cares for Bonnie. With a nice addition in reference to their cute bickering dynamic, a trademark in their relationship.
 With great love and respect,
Let’s highlight, “great love and respect”, the only time Damon Salvatore has EVER uttered such words to ANY woman he has been related to. With Bonnie, Damon finally found what loving someone was truly about… It wasn’t about obsession, possession, codependency, or something that had to be “complicated”. In fact, it was as simple as: LOVE + RESPECT = TRUE LOVE!!!!!!!!!!!! Sometimes the simplest things are the hardest to understand. These words prove that Damon LOVES and RESPECTS Bonnie.
 In sum, through this letter we see a side of Damon he wouldn’t dare show anyone else; except… Bonnie. She, and only she, knows the real Damon Salvatore. As a closing statement: Damn! We gotta admit, that’s A HELL OF A LETTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
 Nice addition, the actual letter evidence. This is what the letter really said, but since Damon was still afraid Bonnie might figure him out, he changed a thing or two while reciting it 😉
 Dear Bonnie,
I'm a coward. I should be saying this to your face not writing this letter but, I know if I do, you'll talk me out of running away from all my problems. You're gonna make me face a future without Elena, and you're gonna help make me the best man that I can possibly be. And I'm absolutely terrified of failing you. So I'm leaving. Because I'd rather let you down once, than let you down for the rest of your life. And I hope it's the happiest life, because you, Bonnie Bennett, are an amazing woman, mediocre crossword player, and my best friend.
 With great love and respect,
 Till the next hearing! =)
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buffysummers · 3 years
You bringing up the vampire diaries reawakened something in me. A love triangle you ACTUALLY enjoy? Iconic. Even if you had a preference of one of the Salvatores paired with Elena there were always shipping moments from each that you enjoyed and appreciated. Seasons 1-3 (possibly 4) are the best
dude, that’s EXACTLY how I feel! it is so well done. I think the first 3 seasons are the best, particularly season 3 (bc it was anyone’s game, at that point), but it’s still present in season 4. after my second rewatch, I actually found myself liking stelena, too (I am still team delena and I used to really not like stelena but I kinda caught feelings for them, too?? I was surprised). it’s so entertaining. 
you have this slow burn between delena where you see them go from enemies (which is also complex bc I don’t think elena ever saw him as an enemy, and damon tried to see her that way due to her relationship with stefan since he was at odds w stefan) then they slowly started to trust each other (“you and I, we have something. an understanding”) to friends to lovers! 
but then you also have stelena who fall in love almost immediately (which is why I never particularly felt invested in them bc it happened SO FAST) but were constantly in danger and constantly saving each other and having all of these epic declarations of love. and for the first 2 seasons, it’s all “stefan and elena, love like that never dies” but while that’s happening, there’s these small, quiet moments between elena and damon that keep building and building. 
and then there’s katherine who elena wishes to be nothing like, and elena is fighting being like her but can’t help falling for damon, too. and even katherine sees this. “it’s okay to love them both. i did.” I really like the episode in season 6 where alaric is erasing elena’s memory but he is having issues finding the moment where elena realized she loved damon bc even elena was in denial about it. because she really did love stefan so much and really fought against everything in her to resist damon. and then when caroline was like “well yeah, elena’s in denial and doesn’t want to admit what we all already know: she fell in love with damon when she was still with stefan.” bc elena really is so loyal and didn’t want to hurt stefan :( 
it’s just so fun and fascinating to watch! to see this internal conflict in elena continuously grow larger and larger. I think that’s what makes it work. the fact that the love triangle is ACTUALLY believable, particularly because of how different the two relationships are. you have one that goes from literally zero to 100, but it’s written in this sort of fairytale kind of way. girl meets boy, girl falls for boy, their love is eternal and epic because he’s a vampire and she’s a human and she’s not from his world so he must protect her at all costs. and then there’s a girl who meets a boy and tries with everything in her to resist falling for him because she can’t have him and he can’t have her because she’s his brother’s girl. it also helps that all three of them are ridiculously attractive lol. so, basically the first time I watched the show (which was when it was airing) I wasn’t a fan of the love triangle that much because I was just like oh my god just get with damon already, girl. but I love how it’s slow and it isn’t rushed and you can actually see her slowly fall for someone else while still being in love with the person she’s with. this was so long and I am sorry but I am finishing my rewatch and kinda hyped. anyways first 4 seasons of TVD truly poetic cinema
also sidenote I just thought of something else. I love how self-aware damon is about his relationship with elena. she straight up asks him if he thinks it’s true that the only reason elena is with him is because she becomes a vampire and ‘impure’ and switches to the ‘bad salvatore brother’ and he was just like “yep. human you was on your way to stefan, then you died, and suddenly I was back in the picture.” ofc she asks this when she doesn’t remember like any of their relationship because she couldn’t cope with losing him. I’m not saying that I agree and that her being a vampire is the only reason she chose him, but I do love that damon is honest with her and isn’t sugar-coating anything. when he easily could since she literally doesn’t remember and he’s trying to win her heart all over again. (ps tho I think that entire storyline is soooo dumb like yeah compel her blah bah but her not getting her memories back for like 15 episodes was dumb)
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scorpio-karma · 4 years
Would Vicki have been more interesting as a newborn vampire than Caroline?
Now I’m going to preface this by saying that I don’t hate Caroline. I did enjoy watching her character, but I also saw where her functionality ended which was about the end of season 2, maybe mid season 3.
So I saw a version of this question on reddit and it got me thinking. First about the fact that Vicki was always a character who was meant to die, so as result they did put much care into her characterization. And second, what characterization was actually put in to Vicki as a character. 
Now she was never really all that liked and even by me  but I remember reading this comment about that did change my perspective.
Vicky. Alcoholic, unemployed and irresponsible mom which basically makes Vicky the main breadwinner of the family prior to her death. Deals with it in a bad way via drugs. Tries to keep her brother from it and supports him. Was nearly raped by Tyler Lockwood (remember she kept saying "no" and he kept on going? Yeah, that's sexual assault) but Jeremy was thankfully around to stop it. Treated like dirt everywhere she goes and has no support system other than her brother (who is younger and she wants to protect in her own way). Compare her to Elena: lost her parents but her aunt Jenna was infinitely kind enough to take her and Jeremy in (meaning that Elena did not have to drop out and become the main breadwinner), from an affluent family, her brother might have gotten into drugs as a result of parents' deaths but so far he's sticking to the non-lethal stuff (mostly weed), and has the unconditional love and support of family and friends. Honestly, I kept on wondering why people were going all "poor Elena" like she was the only orphan in town and nobody ever did anything for Matt and Vicky. Honestly, I was waiting for someone to make a comment on the classist double standard but nobody did.
Vicki to most people was kind of an annoying character who had no direction so her death wasn’t really that sad, in that none of the audience was mourning her. But her death did have impact. It added stakes, stakes that essentially disappear because of Caroline. She was the first newborn Vampire that we saw (I can’t quite remember if Logan was turned before or after this) and was the audience’s first experience with bloodlust, heightened emotions, and all those “bad” things that come with becoming a vampire, but most of all the short life span one could have if they didn’t get this in control. She was part of the reason why we all feared for Caroline’s life when she turned at the beginning of season 2. That she’d lose control and have to be killed because she would be “irredeemable” which in hindsight is ridiculous logic. The only reason Vicki became “irredeemable” and needed to be killed is because she tried to kill Elena, meanwhile Caroline actually killed someone and no one (besides Bonnie) batted a lash. 
But anyways, had Vicki not died, had she been the one that they took a chance on, I think it might have been more interesting. Now Vicki is a mess of a character for I guess random reasons because like I said before they didn’t spend too much time on her characterization. What we do know is that she had a crush on Tyler. Though she was the older sister she acted a lot more like the younger one. She was in love with Jeremy, or rather being treated with respect for the first time which does add a nice layer to why she does some of the things that she does. She’s stereotypically what happens when everyone treats you like trash--she doesn’t know how to accept kindness. And she’s selfish, although I wouldn’t exactly call the desire to live selfish, but she does put her own wants and needs before others by putting them in danger by being around her. Which plays into her other and most prominent quality which is she’s impulsive. And I think that would have made her a bit more interesting a newborn vampire and would have been better at illustrating the struggle.
By the end of season 2, actually by the middle of season 2, Caroline had pretty much mastered being a vampire which is why everyone says she’s better as a vampire than human. And due to this the stakes of becoming a vampire severely reduced. No longer did you really fear them becoming an uncontrollable monster that needed to be killed and by the time Elena becomes one it’s almost not a big deal. Elena does struggle, but like Caroline by mid-season it’s not much of an issue and her “struggle” becomes a Delena plot device to the point that I actually do wonder if she was really having issues or was it the sire bond because she has no issues with control after it’s broken unless you count the “hallucinating” thing which I don’t.
Vicki built this presidence with vampirism and turning that deteriorates (along with a lot of other lore in this universe) because it’s made out that the only people with controls issues have the “ripper gene” which is flimsy at best since Stefan is the only one who has it despite the fact that Lily does too, but shows none of the traits. 
Then there's the dynamic with the Salvatores. Caroline and Stefan do have a nice friendship, but with Vicki's background as an addict I can't help but think of the possibilities of how her and Stefan relate to the other, but even better, them back sliding together. Think season 6 humanityless Steroline, but actually good and in season 1. I don't know about you, but I found Stefan hella boring in the first season until the Miss Mystic Falls episode and he almost kills Amber Bradley. Now this is a symptom of the bigger problem of Elena hindering characters, but it would be great to add some good character moments along the way.
And then there's what she could have added with Damon. Now I've mentioned this before, but I'll say it again, Damon's treatment of Vicki was one of the few things he did that made sense, especially when using the "it's what vampires do" excuse. He feeds on her, when she keeps surviving his attacks he decides to invest in her and turns her, and all their sexual encounters were consensual. Literally all the vibes they wanted for Damon's character were achieved with Vicki without all the unnecessary rape.
And then last, but not least, there's the added dynamic with Matt. He could still go full vampire hatred and it would be so much more nuanced with Vicki alive than with the noncommittal version with her dead. He could go full Gordon Walker from SPN and there might be a point to keeping Matt around.
In conclusion, Vicki was a character who's potential was wasted, and once again, a character with more relevance than Caroline. Seriously, so much screentime was wasted on her.
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