#usa army
valerievanscoyk50 · 4 years
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It feel good to be mummy boy
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mysharona1987 · 4 months
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spionek · 8 months
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head-post · 3 months
US launches new strikes against Houthis in Yemen
US Central Command (Centcom) claimed that the United States launched new strikes against Houthi missiles in Yemen on Sunday.
Centcom reported that US forces struck a land-attack cruise missile and four anti-ship missiles that “were prepared to launch against ships in the Red Sea.”
The Houthi attacks have forced major shipping companies to avoid the waterway, adversely affecting international trade. For instance, Egypt stated that its revenues from the Suez Canal nearly halved in January, with the number of ships passing through the canal falling by more than a third.
The White House earlier warned that its airstrikes against Iranian-backed targets in Iraq and Syria were only “the beginning, not the end” of its response to Iran. National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan stated on Sunday that “there will be more steps.”
Read more HERE
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crownjewel123 · 2 months
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friendly reminder that 70% of carbon dioxide emissions stem from CORPORATIONS!
The US army reportedly used 269,230 barrels of oil/day in 2017 (about 100 million barrels of oil/year).
Near 63 army bases in 29 US states 2,805 DRINKING WATER sources were contaminated with PFOA & PFOS (forever chemicals) - tested from 2021-2023.
Let’s not forget all the towns forever lost in Appalachia to coal mines. Who are now so toxic nobody can live there.
Get a reusable straw, sure, just remember that as long as corporations exist, as long as capitalism exists, we are watching the Earth die and our drinking sources dwindle.
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kneedeepincynade · 6 months
Genocide Joe and his cronies lie in the face of the world by saying they don't want to provoke China,but their actions tell a different story
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The collective is on telegram
🇺🇸 L'avventurismo anti-Cinese degli imperialisti statunitensi nel Mar Cinese Meridionale costituisce la causa principale dei rischi per la sicurezza aerea e marittima nella zona, ha dichiarato la Compagna Mao Ning - Portavoce del Ministero degli Affari Esteri della Repubblica Popolare Cinese 🇨🇳
🤹‍♂️ L'ipocrisia delle tigri di carta statunitensi, che inviano aerei nel Mar Cinese Meridionale e, quando vengono intercettati dai caccia dell'Esercito Popolare di Liberazione si lamentano, definendo la Cina "aggressiva", non ha fine
🇺🇸 Gli USA inviano Gruppi d'Attacco di Portaerei nel Mar Cinese Meridionale, spiano la Cina con aerei da ricognizione che si avvicinano pericolosamente a Shantou? Se la Cina risponde, allora è aggressiva, irosa ed irresponsabile. Questa è la logica dei reazionari americani🤦‍♀️
🌐 Il Mondo sa bene chi è il vero Paese irresponsabile, chi getta sempre benzina sul fuoco dei conflitti e chi promuove costantemente l'avventurismo contro Paesi sovrani e indipendenti 👍
🇨🇳 Wang Wenbin: «Gli USA sono i guerrafondai n°1 al Mondo, sono il principale violatore della sovranità e la prima fonte di antagonismo e scontro tra blocchi» 🇺🇸
一 24/02: il Comando Orientale dell'EPL intercetta un P-8A nel Mar Cinese Meridionale, e invia un Caccia di Superiorità Aerea J-11, armato con Missili Aria-Aria, per scortare l'Aereo USA al di fuori della Zona Cinese 🔥
🇺🇸 Aereo USA nel Mar Cinese Meridionale, la Cina risponde, ed è la Cina ad essere aggressiva per le tigri di carta, come si può leggere qui, su CNN: "US says Chinese jet conducted ‘unnecessarily aggressive maneuver’ intercepting US spy plane over South China Sea" 🤡
四 26/05: Il Comando dell'EPL intercetta un RC-135V nel Mar Cinese Meridionale, pericolosamente vicino alla Città di Shantou, e invia un Caccia Multiruolo J-16 per scortarlo fuori dalla Zona Cinese 🔥
🤔 Di nuovo la stessa retorica, questa volta su ABC News: "Chinese jet carries out 'aggressive' maneuver in front of US military plane, officials say" 🇺🇸
🇺🇸 Gli imperialisti USA inviano cacciatorpedinieri e portaerei nel Mar Cinese Meridionale, così come P-8A, RC-135V e altri, e poi si lamentano delle conseguenze? ❔
🇺🇸 Gli USA affermano che la Cina sia una minaccia e che stia militarizzando il Mar Cinese Meridionale e l'Asia, ma la realtà mostra come, su 750 basi militari USA nel Mondo, quasi la metà siano intorno alla Cina 😡
📊 Il 42,7% delle basi USA all'estero puntano le armi direttamente al collo della Cina, dalla Base Navale di Yokosuka alla Base di Seoul, sono 313 le Basi USA con gli occhi puntati sulla Cina 😡
🇺🇸 Mappa con le Basi Militari USA nel Mar Cinese Meridionale 🗺️
🇨🇳 丢掉幻想,准备斗争 🌟
🇨🇳 南海有一些岛屿属于中国。这些岛屿的主权属于中国,而不是日本军国主义者、菲律宾人或美帝国主义的其他傀儡。南海诸岛问题应由有关国家自行解决,不受美国反动派的干涉 🇺🇸
📄 南海各方行为准则 - Codice di Condotta nel Mar Cinese Meridionale 🤝
🏝 南海诸岛主权自古以来就属于中国领土 🐲
🌊 Mar Cinese Meridionale, teatro di scontro militare tra Cina e USA? - Parte I, Parte II ⚔️
🌟 严正以待 - L'Esercito Popolare di Liberazione è vigile e pronto per la battaglia
🌸 Iscriviti 👉 @collettivoshaoshan 😘
🇺🇸 The anti-Chinese adventurism of US imperialists in the South China Sea constitutes the main cause of risks to air and maritime security in the area, said Comrade Mao Ning - Spokesperson of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People's Republic of China 🇨🇳
🤹‍♂️ The hypocrisy of the US paper tigers, who send planes into the South China Sea and, when intercepted by People's Liberation Army fighters, complain, calling China "aggressive", has no end
🇺🇸 Does the USA send Aircraft Carrier Strike Groups to the South China Sea, spy on China with reconnaissance planes that come dangerously close to Shantou? If China responds, then it is aggressive, angry and irresponsible. This is the logic of American reactionaries🤦‍♀️
🌐 The world knows well who the truly irresponsible country is, who always throws fuel on the fire of conflicts and who constantly promotes adventurism against sovereign and independent countries 👍
🇨🇳 Wang Wenbin: «The USA is the No. 1 warmonger in the world, it is the main violator of sovereignty and the first source of antagonism and clash between blocs» 🇺🇸
一 24/02: PLA Eastern Command intercepts a P-8A in the South China Sea, and sends a J-11 Air Superiority Fighter, armed with Air-to-Air Missiles, to escort the US aircraft out of the Zone Chinese 🔥
🇺🇸 US plane in the South China Sea, China responds, and it is China that is aggressive for the paper tigers, as you can read here, on CNN: "US says Chinese jet conducted 'unnecessarily aggressive maneuver' intercepting US spy plane over South China Sea" 🤡
四 26/05: PLA Command intercepts an RC-135V in the South China Sea, dangerously close to Shantou City, and sends a J-16 Multirole Fighter to escort it out of the China Zone 🔥
🤔 The same rhetoric again, this time on ABC News: "Chinese jet carries out 'aggressive' maneuver in front of US military plane, officials say" 🇺🇸
🇺🇸 Do the US imperialists send destroyers and aircraft carriers to the South China Sea, as well as P-8A, RC-135V and others, and then complain about the consequences?
🇺🇸 The USA claims that China is a threat and that it is militarizing the South China Sea and Asia, but reality shows that, out of 750 US military bases in the world, almost half are around China 😡
📊 42.7% of US bases abroad point their weapons directly at China's neck, from the Yokosuka Naval Base to the Seoul Base, there are 313 US bases with their eyes on China 😡
🇺🇸 Map with US Military Bases in the South China Sea 🗺️
🇨🇳 丢掉幻想,准备斗争 🌟
🇨🇳 南海有一些岛屿属于中国。这些岛屿的主权属于中国,而不是日本军国主义者、菲律宾人或美帝国主义的其他傀儡。南海诸岛问题应由有关国家自行解决,不受美国反动派的干涉🇺🇸
📄 南海各方行为准则 - Code of Conduct in the South China Sea 🤝
🏝 南海诸岛主权自古以来就属于中国领土 🐲
🌊 South China Sea, theater of military clash between China and the USA? - Part I, Part II ⚔️
🌟 严正以待 - The People's Liberation Army is alert and ready for battle
🌸 Subscribe 👉 @collectivoshaoshan 😘
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whysojiminimnida · 2 years
NYC, LA, Miami, and Jakarta GO
Been seeing these since yesterday but now
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No shit sherlock. We been knew for at least 18 hours already, she said snottily and also enviously. I LIVE NOWHERE NEAR ANY OF THESE PLACES so if you do get over there. Looks like this:
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Oh and at Fairfax and Melrose in West Hollywood there is this little thing happening...
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Looks like a pop up is going in so MOVE and go tell us what’s up in Los Angeles PLEASE
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I appreciate that this possible pop-up (for merch?) is in LA’s equivalent to Itaewon's Homo Hill. WeHo is amazing. If I could afford it I’d move back there. Anyway. STUFF IS HAPPENING Y'ALL GET READY BUCKLE UP MY SPIDEY SENSES ARE TINGLING I THINK A TOUR ANNOUNCEMENT IS COMING WITHIN DAYS May the gods be ever in our favor.
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melikemordemjaponi · 1 year
✽ #very important
US Chief of Staff Mark Milley: "We will begin a new phase of relations with the Autonomous Administration and the SDF on the economic, social and military levels.
#Mark _ Milley, "Our allies in Syria need to strengthen their defensive capabilities to confront any external aggression, so we will work to open academies in this regard to train their fighters on modern and advanced weapons"...!!!
Rojava security on Twitter (+photo)
✽ABD Genelkurmay Başkanı MARK MİLLEY:
"Özerk Yönetim ve QSD ile ekonomik, sosyal ve askeri düzeyde ilişkilerde yeni bir aşamaya başlayacağız. Mark Milley, "Suriye'deki müttefiklerimizin herhangi bir dış saldırıya karşı savunma yeteneklerini güçlendirmeleri gerekiyor, bu nedenle savaşçılarını modern ve gelişmiş silahlar konusunda eğitmek için bu konuda akademiler açmaya çalışacağız"...
Twitter üzerinden Yavuz Özcan
マーク・ミリー米軍統合参謀本部議長 「我々は、(北および東シリア)自治政府とシリア民主軍との経済、社会、軍事レベルでの関係の新たな段階を開始する。シリアにいる同盟国は、外部からの侵略に立ち向かうために防衛力を強化する必要があり、この点でアカデミーを開設し、近代的で高度な武器について戦闘員を訓練するよう努力する」...!!!!
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armsindustry · 8 months
"US to Train Ukrainian Pilots on F-16 Fighters to Strengthen Air Defenses Against Russian Aggression
F16- Credit: Steven Lek @wikimedia The United States has announced its plan to train Ukrainian pilots on F-16 fighter jets starting from next month. This initiative comes as part of efforts by various allies to strengthen Ukraine’s air defenses, following Russia’s invasion 18 months ago. The Ukrainian pilots will be brought to the US in September for training. Before beginning their F-16…
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yourbabygirlu · 1 year
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spionek · 1 year
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head-post · 3 months
UK, US launched new joint strikes against Yemen’s Houthis
The US and the UK launched further strikes against Yemen’s Houthis on Monday as part of a second round of joint military action against Iran-backed rebels, a response to ongoing attacks on Red Sea shipping.
Earlier this month, American and British forces carried out the first wave of strikes against the Houthis, with the US targeting missiles that Washington considered an imminent threat to both civilian and military vessels.
However, despite this, the Houthis vowed to continue their attacks on Israel’s allies in the Red Sea. This is just part of a growing crisis in the Middle East related to the Israel-Hamas war that risks dragging other parties, including Iran, into the conflict.
Read more HERE
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1939-wizard-of-oz · 1 year
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US Army Air Force 1941/45 (USAAF) :
2 pairs of corporal ranks (1st & 2nd type)
Shoulder patch of the eight Army Air Force on brown leather for the A2 flight jacket
Camel cigarettes in a red plastic box, only for Armed forces written on red on white tab
WWII black crackle Gasoline lighter :
Brand : Windmaster, Matawan lighter Co Inc, New York N Y
Made in USA
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narjesiraq · 1 year
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kneedeepincynade · 1 year
The imperialists always have money for war and propaganda,but never for their own people.
The post is machine translated
Translation is at the bottom
The collective is on telegram
🇨🇳 Il Colonnello Tan Kefei - Portavoce del Ministero della Difesa Nazionale della RPC - ha affermato che il Partito Comunista Cinese è contrario all'aumento del Budget Militare di USA e Regno Unito in funzione anti-Cinese:
💬 "Pechino si oppone fermamente all'aumento dei Budget Militari dei rispettivi Paesi con il pretesto della "minaccia militare della Cina", per i Paesi del Mondo, la Cina rappresenta un'opportunità fondamentale, non una sfida" ❌
💬 "[...] Washington conduce guerre e crea disordini ovunque. Gli USA rappresentano la più grande minaccia per la Pace, la Sicurezza e la Stabilità nel Mondo. Allo stesso tempo, chiediamo al Regno Unito di adeguare la propria mentalità, e mantenere una corretta comprensione della posizione di Pechino" ⭐️
🇨🇳 Il Colonnello si è anche focalizzato sul Progetto AUKUS, guidato da USA, UK e Australia, un chiaro inizio di costruzione di una vera e propria alleanza anti-Cinese in stile NATO:
💬 "La Cina è contraria alla creazione di AUKUS tra USA, UK e Australia. un tale circolo, dominato dalla mentalità della Guerra Fredda, non ha alcuna utilità, è estremamente dannoso" 🔥
📈 Nel mentre gli USA approvano un Budget per la "Difesa" pari a 842 Miliardi di Dollari, e chiedono ai loro vassalli di aumentare a dismisura le spese militari, sforando persino il 2% del PIL, il Governo Cinese preferisce focalizzarsi sullo Sviluppo Economico, e non sulla Corsa alle Armi 📊
🤦‍♀️ Non pensavo fosse necessaria tale spiegazione, ma - vedendo certi articoli - lo è: se, in Cina, il Budget per la Difesa viene aumentato del 7,2%, non significa che viene aumentato al 7,2% del PIL 📊
📊 Il Budget per la Difesa della Cina per il 2023 è di 1.5537 Trilioni di Yuan, pari a 224,79 Miliardi di Dollari, un aumento pari al 7,2% rispetto al 2022, ma +7,2% al Budget per la Difesa ≠ 2% del PIL del Paese 📈
🌸 Iscriviti 👉 @collettivoshaoshan
🇨🇳 Colonel Tan Kefei - Spokesman of the Ministry of National Defense of the PRC - stated that the Communist Party of China is against the increase of the Military Budget of the US and the UK in an anti-Chinese function:
💬 "Beijing strongly opposes the increase of the military budgets of their respective countries under the pretext of "China's military threat", for the countries of the world, China represents a fundamental opportunity, not a challenge" ❌
💬 "[...] Washington wages wars and creates turmoil everywhere. The USA poses the greatest threat to Peace, Security and Stability in the World. At the same time, we ask the UK to adjust its mentality, and maintain a correct understanding of Beijing's position" ⭐️
🇨🇳 The Colonel also focused on the AUKUS Project, led by the USA, UK and Australia, a clear beginning of building a real NATO-style anti-Chinese alliance:
💬 "China is against the creation of AUKUS between US, UK and Australia. such a circle, dominated by the mentality of the Cold War, is useless, it is extremely harmful" 🔥
📈 While the US approves a "Defense" Budget of 842 Billion Dollars, and asks their vassals to dramatically increase military spending, even exceeding 2% of GDP, the Chinese Government prefers to focus on Economic Development, and not on the Arms Race 📊
I didn't think such an explanation was necessary, but - seeing certain articles - it is: if, in China, the Defense Budget is increased by 7.2%, it does not mean that it is increased to 7.2% of GDP 📊
📊 China's Defense Budget for 2023 is 1.5537 Trillion Yuan, equal to 224.79 Billion Dollars, a 7.2% increase from 2022, but +7.2% to the Defense Budget ≠ 2% of the country's GDP 📈
🌸 Subscribe 👉 @collettivoshaoshan
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