#unsolicited excerpt
1moreoffkeyanthem · 2 months
Lord OJV Stan is the lamest fucker of all time I love him with my entire soul (yes I’m rereading my style week) like THIS is how the boy proposes man c’mon
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kneelingshadowsalome · 5 months
omg I'd love to know anything about DOG (this is ceil), even the barest bones of the plot
Ceil!!! 💕✨️ Ok so DOG is a horrible horrible fic (you might like it!), the premise of the plot is can you fall in love with a mentally ill mercenary who has decided that you’d make a great girlfriend. So yeah, not a comfort read (to some :D)
König is very crazy and rotten in this fic, just awful when it comes to women and has his screws a little loose. Sends the usual cavalcade of unsolicited dick pics and masturbation videos and lovebombs her and before long starts to talk to her like she’s his girlfriend already. Threatens to kill people if she doesn’t answer him, the police won't help, eventually König appears at her door and says he wants to “take care of her” (starts by dicking her down 🫡). Also our girl develops an obsession of her own when she finds out her stalker is rather hot even with that crooked smile and a broken nose, so she’s not entirely sane either...
Here’s an excerpt (aftermath of the masturbation video):
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And this fic is not very poetic, the first few chapters look mostly like this because they’re constantly bickering in her dm’s:
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suzukiblu · 3 months
WIP excerpt from "Krypton lives and Kara did not sign up for this".
“Yes,” Kara says instead of anything about war crimes. She doesn't want to stress the kids out right now. Especially when they clearly don't have the context to understand what she's actually upset about, given what she knows of them so far. 
“Why?” Match asks, still obviously incredulous. It might be the most expressiveness she's seen from him so far. That level of reservation is normal, coming from another Kryptonian that she’s just met. But Kal kept gushing excitedly about how emotive and expressive Earthlings are every time he called, so . . . is it actually that Match is reserved, or is it that he really just isn't feeling anything? 
Or is he just that unwilling to show any trace of an actual personality? 
There really isn’t a good option there, she’s pretty sure. 
“Because I want you to like it,” Kara says. “So: sweet, savory, or spicy?” 
“. . . uh,” Thirteen says as Match just stares at her like he thinks she’s sun-drunk. “Is the . . . ‘bai’ fruit the healthiest one, or . . . ?” 
“It’s a dessert, kid,” Kara says. “None of them are ‘healthy’.” 
Milk rice isn’t unhealthy, necessarily, but that’s not the point of a damn dessert, now is it. 
“Uh,” Thirteen says, then looks . . . anxious, for a moment, before visibly drawing himself up and steeling himself to blurt: “Spicy.” 
“Okay,” Kara says, envisioning backwater-planet war crimes before glancing to Match. “What about you, then? You like spicy?” Kal doesn’t, but Kal wasn’t built in a lab and raised on Earthling MRES. 
Match just stares blankly at her, the corner of his jaw tightening. 
Maybe she shouldn’t have phrased it as “like”, she thinks, and once again considers calling up Atrocitous with her ring size. No reason. Just because. 
Two very specific reasons, actually, but also ten thousand reasons. 
“There’s three of us,” Kara points out. “I can just make all three.” 
“‘Dessert’ isn’t nutritionally useful,” Match says, his tone flat and expression bland. Thirteen half-eyes him, looking both restless and like he wants to say something. She’s still not sure how well they get along; still isn’t sure how to expect them to get along, especially once they’ve both settled in. Kal was not helpful on those grounds. 
She’s also still not over how awkward both their dialects sound. Especially with the memory of Kal at their “age” so easy to revisit in her mind. He never looked or sounded a thing like either of them, even with the exact same face and voice. He definitely also didn’t have the muscle definition they do, which those bizarre tight outfits of theirs do absolutely nothing to conceal.
Kal could’ve at least gotten them an over-robe or two, for Rao’s sake. Fuck, five minutes off-planet and he loses all sense of decorum and rational thought. This is why no one wants his job! This! This is why! 
. . . also the unsolicited cloning thing, she supposes. Also that. 
Only Kal would manage to get his DNA stolen on a planet called “Earth”, of all the godsdamned places.
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johndpg · 9 months
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Excerpt one:
We are pleased to be able to offer a range of high quality school punishment canes, manufactured to the highest standards. These excellent rattan canes are in no way vicious, being relatively lightweight, yet are capable of imparting a painful sting which the toughest of boys will find most disagreeable. There are three basic types, each of which is available with the traditional crook handle or with a straight handle. You are invited to order any combination of these three canes, with the proviso that the minimum consignment of any one type is one dozen.
PREPARATORY SCHOOL CANE With a diameter of ¼" and a length of 30", this cane is recommended for the punishment of younger boys - those aged from 7 to 11. It is normally applied to the boy's clothed seat but is also suitable for application to the palm of the hand, in which cases it is guaranteed to prove effective with offenders of all ages.
JUNIOR SCHOOL CANE Of a similar diameter to the preparatory school model, but some 3" longer, this cane packs a greater punch and is recommended for the punishment of boys aged 11 to 14. We are aware that boys of this age often prove the most problematic and are pleased to report that we have received numerous unsolicited testimonials from members of the teaching profession as regards the efficacy of this cane in the correction of such pupils. However, please note that this cane is not recommended for application to the palm of the hand: the preparatory school cane should always be used, whatever the age of the boy.
SENIOR SCHOOL CANE With a diameter of 3/8" and a length of 35" this is a most effective punishment cane for older boys, aged 14 to 18. However, we must once again stress that it is not suitable for application to the hand. We can only recommend our preparatory school model for this mode of punishment.
Excerpt two:
HOW MANY STROKES WOULD YOU NORMALLY RECOMMEND? For boys of preparatory school age, three strokes on the clothed seat are generally ample, with four being given for cases of repeated misconduct. Junior boys are tougher and we would recommend an average punishment of four strokes, with six of the best for repeated offences.
When younger boys are to be punished on the hand with our preparatory school cane we would recommend a standard punishment of one or two cuts on the non-writing hand. For more serious offences, the absolute maximum should be three on each hand, whatever the age of the boy.
It is good policy to make corporal punishment somewhat less frequent in the senior school. However, when the cane is ordered it should be applied with firmness, with six of the best on the clothed seat being a normal dispensation.
NB: The Dragon Cane in the picture was intended for use in reformatory style settings, but not in the UK I don't think. Approved Schools caned boys no differently to ordinary schools of the time. In Borstals, meanwhile, birching was the only permitted form of corporal punishment and then only for boys 18 and older, and was very rarely used.
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hushed-chorus · 5 months
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Hey folk! Thank you for today’s tags @alexalexinii @nausikaaa @shrekgogurt @iamamythologicalcreature @you-remind-me-of-the-babe and @artsyunderstudy, and thanks everyone who's kept tagging me even though I've been hugely absentee. 
Am I back and engaging with fandom regularly? Well, I make absolutely zero promises. It’s been an exhausting three months (rl + fibro) but hopefully I’ll be more involved again soon.  
Here is an excerpt from upcoming chapter 5 of For All Intents and Purposes, with Baz having an unsolicited encounter on Santa Monica pier.
“Hey.” I startle. I heard the man approach, but I didn’t think he’d speak to me. Maybe he just wants some space to read the boards. I make room for him without looking up, offering a perfunctory “hey.”  “I heard your accent,” he says. “You’re an English guy.” When I look, I see a California cliche. Thick dark blond hair to his shoulders, with a shark’s tooth pendant hanging on a leather cord over his bare chest. He smiles at me with unmatched ease. He could have stepped straight out of a surf magazine centrefold.  I don’t arch a brow. I may lower them, despite my efforts at civility. Who just walks up to strangers and talks to them? “I am,” I say before returning to the board. Apparently the pier is a designated U.S. National Historic Landmark. It seems reasonable that one hundred years would justify– “That’s awesome. I competed in a surf competition in Newquay a couple of years ago.”  What does he want, a medal? Well, he should have won one at the competition. 
Here are some snippets from the mood board that relate to chp 4. @erzbethluna did a solid job of summing up Baz's struggles.
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And the contrast between the clothing favoured by Simon and Baz.
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Tags below the cut!
@facewithoutheart @captain-aralias @raenestee @cutestkilla @ivelovedhimthroughworse @larkral @stitchyqueer @ileadacharmedlife @confused-bi-queer @aristocratic-otter @whogaveyoupermission @nightimedreamersworld @fatalfangirl @thewholelemon @onepintobean @theearlgreymage @martsonmars @blackberrysummerblog @orange-peony @palimpsessed @valeffelees @j-nipper-95 @rimeswithpurple @wellbelesbian @imagineacoolusername @youarenevertooold @supercutedinosaurs @bookish-bogwitch @cosmicalart @bazzybelle @theotherhufflepuff @that-disabled-princess
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Hero’s Messy Desk Drawer: An Unsolicited Fic Excerpt
(A/N: This fic excerpt is from a story that utilized our OCs (in an AU separate from our “When Sun Shines Again” series) but wasn’t posted to this blog because it didn’t follow our strict side ship rules and wasn’t really about Hero (aside from a brief subplot). We mods have agreed that this short, Hero-centric excerpt is acceptable, however, and have decided to post it since Mod Acacia’s headcanon about Hero’s junk drawer was just discussed in this post.)
OMORI SPOILERS but no other warnings just friendship and messy desk drawers here. Thank you for reading! 💙🧡🩷
There was something familiar, almost cozy about Hero’s room. In a way, it reminded Kel of the room they had shared back home. The left side of the room was bright and colorful with chaotic clusters of photos and posters on the wall. It was cleaner than Kel generally kept his room, but just as cluttered with books, CDs, school supplies, and bottles of something or other haphazardly strewn across the dresser and desk. Though the bed was made, the duvet was crinkled, wrinkly, and the pillows looked like they had been scooped up and thrown at the headboard in a hurry. Sunny would probably give it a 4 out of 10.
To be perfectly fair, however, it probably would have just looked “lived in” if it wasn’t for the right side of the room: simple with pale, muted colors, but perfectly pristine like something out of a catalog. Nothing was out of place, and there was no clutter to be had: no knickknacks, no mementos, and just three photos in matching gray frames on the desk. Every book, every record, every CD had been carefully placed on the shelf and all office supplies were housed in drawers or an unassuming gray pencil holder. The blue duvet was perfectly smooth with pillows perfectly arranged. Even their coats and bags that had been placed on the bed had been carefully, thoughtfully lined up in a neat order against the wall.
“No guessing which side’s Hero’s, huh?” quipped Aubrey as she climbed over the mattress for her purse. “Always neat as a pin.”
As she began digging through her bag, most likely for the case for her contact lenses, Kel turned towards Hero’s desk to search for the first aid kit. Like everything else belonging to his brother, it was clean, sanitized, boring though Kel felt badly for thinking that. He was happy to see the photos though—the only truly personalized things of Hero’s in the room. One was of him with his group of college friends—laughing together probably at some party just like this one by the look of it. The second was their most recent family photo, and the third was of their group of friends in Faraway Park when they were kids back when Mari had been alive.
Kel’s chest ached. They looked so different back then—especially Aubrey. He glanced over at her now, still digging through her bag, long pink hair rippling down her back rather than the dark brown locks she had sported in that photo and for the majority of her life. Her eyes were different too—an icy teal now from her colored contacts. That reminded him…he had better start looking for those eyedrops.
As he pulled open the bottom left drawer of Hero’s desk, he paused—blinking in surprise.
“Woah!” he exclaimed before he could stop himself.
“What?” asked Aubrey.
“This drawer is a mess,” he mumbled, so stunned he wasn’t even able to look up at her. In an entire lifetime of knowing Hero, Kel had never known anything of his brother’s to be a mess. He sighed and supposed that there really was a first time for everything. Kel’s brow furrowed as he began sifting through odds and ends—a whole junk drawer of papers, notebooks, books, a couple CDs, even some receipts, a few pictures, and who even knew what else. “There’s all kinds of crap in here…”
Aubrey snorted a partially stifled laugh. “I didn’t know Hero could make a mess.”
“Me neither,” quipped Kel, pushing some of the papers around looking for anything resembling a first aid kit.
“Hey uh…” She sighed. “Speaking of Hero…do you think he’s…”—she paused as if trying to think of the right word—“worried that we’d all be upset if he…if he was, you know—dating again?”
Kel stopped, but he sighed heavily. He had just been wondering the same thing after all. He shrugged his shoulders—focusing his attention on digging through the desk drawer, but he answered, “I think Hero worries about a lot of things he doesn’t have to worry about.”
“I just wouldn’t want him to feel like he couldn’t put himself back out there, you know… because of what we’d think or because he’s scared we’d be upset or think he was disrespecting Mari…” Her voice trailed. “I wish there was a way we could tell him that we’d all be happy…without it sounding like we were prying or making assumptions.”
Kel nodded, but let out a heavy, somewhat helpless sigh. “Don’t look at me. I’d probably just say the wrong thing,” he chuckled, self-deprecatingly—rubbing his hand across the nape of his neck.
“Kel…” Aubrey’s tone softened, but he didn’t look up at her, instead choosing to quickly shrug it off and change directions.
“Besides he says he’s not interested in having that kind of relationship anymore anyway, so he probably just isn’t—no matter what we’d think about it. You know how Hero is. He’s been…”—he paused, unable to think of the right word—“really weird about that kind of thing ever since Mari died. I just…I don’t know if he’ll ever want that again…”
As Kel continued rifling through the drawer, Aubrey sighed. “I know…and I understand that. I wasn’t suggesting we push him or anything I just…didn’t want to be part of whatever was holding him back.” She paused, sighing again. “He looked so happy, and…I really like her.”
“Me too. I’m pretty sure she’s the only reason I’m not failing math right now,” Kel bantered with a laugh before his face softened. He knew he didn’t have to say the rest—didn’t have to say how much he loved Zoey for being such a good friend to Hero, for always studying with him or going on runs with him at the crack of dawn, for helping him do the dishes at their college parties or talking to him about his favorite foods or favorite kinds of music, for being that lone voice of reason in Hero’s somewhat chaotic group of college friends, for making him laugh and smile, and, most of all, for bringing something out in him that they had never imagined they’d get to see again.
“But it’s really not like that,” Kel added, though he wasn’t sure if was reminding himself or reminding Aubrey. “They both swear they’re just friends, and I believe them. I mean, I wish…Maybe someday, but I just—it’s Hero. I don’t know if he’s ever gonna be ready for it.” Kel stopped with a heavy sigh—brow furrowing as he pushed some of the papers around in Hero’s messy desk drawer. “I mean…he’s got a bunch of books about widowers in here…”
“Kel, don’t snoop through Hero’s stuff,” Aubrey scolded with a huff.
Kel’s face flushed, but he shrugged his shoulders. “I’m not trying to. It’s just such a mess in here. There’s papers everywhere and notebooks and books and CDs and…ooh! A present!” Curiously if also a little impulsively, Kel picked up a small, wrapped box tied with a red ribbon. “It’s heavy. I bet it’s jewelry.”
“Kel! Stop snooping,” Aubrey snapped at him. He fumbled around with the box before placing it back in the drawer.
“Look, I’m not being nosy. I’m just looking for the first aid kit. It’s not in here.”
Aubrey huffed. “You’re looking in the wrong drawer. Hero said lower right not lower left.”
Kel took a step back to stare at the desk—tilting his head. “Okay but…my right or the desk’s right?”
“Just check the other drawer!”
Kel closed the messy drawer then opened its identical twin on the other side of the desk—nearly empty except for a neat stack of blank notebook paper, a metal pencil case, and a first aid kit. “Found it!” he declared triumphantly—ignoring the way Aubrey was shaking her head at him.
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adarlingmess · 3 days
Darling's Diary: Addressing issues and hiatus announcement.
I am done with twitter and BG3twt and will only keep my account alive to keep my username occupied on that platform. I will also be going on a hiatus on all other social media soon. My commissions will also be closed until further notice so I can focus on existing ones and take a break from fandom-related art.
I will be providing context below. Anyone who wishes to clarify thing with me in good faith can send me a DM through Discord.
I had been the target of a months-long smear campaign for speaking up against harassment, the use of Asian slurs and anti-Filipino sentiments in BG3twt, but a more recent incident that involves the violation of my privacy was what pushed me to make this decision.
A few weeks ago someone who I trusted leaked maliciously cropped versions of a conversation I had with Mr. Wincott on Twitter. Accusations of parasocial behavior based on manipulated excerpts of our conversations and months-old tweets circulated and I am too tired to defend myself on that platform.
It has reached tumblr as well. Please do note that these screenshots are illegally obtained and are spread without my consent. I also made no claims of being close friends or being romantically involved with Mr. Wincott.
I still am apologetic and remorseful of how I addressed my concerns with Mr. Wincott. However, those conversations were shared in confidence to someone who I thought could be trusted, and they never should have left confinement.
Additionally, there are malicious rumors of me sending unsolicited adult art to him without his or my client's consent. However, I have been informed that screenshots I sent to a former client of my conversations with Mr. Wincott about the matter also surfaced. They were being circulated on twitter as well.
To clear the air without violating Mr. Wincott's or my privacy further:
The former client who commissioned me for that NSFW artwork did not inform me that it should be kept private from him on written terms and instead sent a voice note that I unfortunately missed.
Regardless, I acknowledged my mistake and apologized profusely for it. I sent her Mr. Wincott's reaction and apologies in confidence as well. Despite saying it was okay, however, the former client spread those screenshots as well- which disproves the rumor that I sent it to Mr. Wincott unsolicited.
Yes, Mr. Wincott did ask me for the "unexpurgated" version of my cropped NSFW commission. He did say that the client was being unreasonable since I had posted the commission publicly and he used to have access to my R18 twitter before I locked it. I also used to send him WIPs of my Raphael art with his permission, and he enthusiastically asked to see both regular and explicit ones.
Please do not attack him or me over this. He is a consenting adult requesting to see erotic artwork from another consenting adult who produced said artwork. The only fault here is mine for not double checking my former client's wishes to not show him directly.
However, I hope I'll be given the benefit of the doubt regarding the accusations of parasocial behavior when we were clearly both comfortable enough with each other for him to ask to see my adult artwork in the past.
Now, Mr. Wincott and I are no longer in speaking terms now and my artwork for his Streamily had been withdrawn. I would like to take this time to grieve quietly about the situation.
After more than two years, the whole situation soured my love for BG3 and Raphael. Perhaps my passion for the game and the character will be rekindled one day, but for now, I need some time away.
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homenecromancer · 3 months
Drugs, and psychedelic experiences, are a big part of Dune. So I want to offer a little insight into the real-life experiences Frank Herbert had with psychedelics.
This is an excerpt from chapter 7 of Dreamer of Dune, Brian Herbert’s biography of his father Frank. (At this time in the 1950s, the Herbert family had relocated to Mexico.)
We had been in Ciudad Guzman for only a few days when the retired Mexican Army general who ran the town asked to see Frank Herbert, in order to evaluate his application for an extended stay in Mexico. One of the local merchants took Dad in a truck to the general’s beautiful three-story house, where flowers hung from wrought iron balconies. The general was very friendly. Several people were in attendance, and sweet cookies were served, which Dad liked. He ate two, realizing later that the others only took one apiece.
When Dad returned to the merchant’s truck, he began to feel drunk. He told the merchant to go get their wives; they were going out to have a party. The merchant wanted no part of this, for he knew they would get into trouble. He told Dad that the cookies had been laced with the most expensive North African hashish in the world, flown in by the Mexican Air Force for the general.
Dad recalled being taken into a beautiful building and guided up a long flight of stairs to a room with a table. There the merchant and a beautiful woman filled him with six or seven cups of strong Mexican coffee. Dad came down from his hallucination, and noticed the woman was an old hag, a whorehouse madame. He left as soon as he could, and while descending the stairs noticed now that they smelled of urine, and that there was a stench of burro dung outside.
Another time, a Mexican friend gave my father a cup of tea made with “semillas” (seeds), and Dad didn’t think to ask what sort of seeds they were. After consuming the delicious beverage, he learned they were morning glory seeds. Subsequently he passed out, falling into a pleasant sleep. He recalled my mother waking him up the next morning in a sunny room.
A few months later, upon returning to the United States, Dad would have a third and final experience with a hallucinatory drug. While the first two experiences were inadvertent, the third, as I will explain later, was not.
Brian describes his father’s third experience with hallucinogens in chapter 8. (As mentioned, this was only a few months later, after the Herberts had returned to the US.)
One day he received an unsolicited package of peyote in the mail from a friend, along with instructions on how to take it. A note with the package said the stuff was guaranteed to cure writer’s block. Mom told him not to do it, to throw the stuff away. But Dad was curious. He’d never had peyote before, and proceeded to cut up an entire blossom. With this and hot water, he made a cup of tea. The instructions said to quaff it, and Dad did so. Instantly the stuff came back up, with most of the other contents of his stomach. After cleaning up, Dad didn’t feel any ill effect, and went back to writing his submarine novel at the driftwood desk.
Soon he seemed to be upon the waters of Puget Sound, with sunlight glinting off wave tops in a rhythmic pattern. He experienced sound with each beat of light—an eerie, beautiful pealing. The water was choppy, almost forming whitecaps, and sunlight glinted upon it. Suddenly he realized he was hearing each glint of light—the most dulcet, soothing chimes he had ever experienced in his life.
Thus when he wrote in the Dune series of a “vision echo,” he was writing from firsthand experience, from an experience of sensory mixing.
My father discarded the rest of the peyote, and never did anything like that again. He said the regurgitation was caused by strychnine, a white fluffy material that should have been separated from the blossom’s bud with a knife and thrown away.
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star-studded-whales · 4 months
M. Connor- Writeblr Intro
Hello everyone, I'm M. Connor (he/they) and I am a romance and fantasy author. I have an interest in both clean and erotic romance novels and short stories. I have been known to dabble in horror short stories and in poetry. I write a variety of queer centered stories with a multitude of different identities and pairings.
My purpose for being on Writeblr is to share my work in a low pressure environment, and to read and support the work of others. I always respond to friendly DMs and I try to reply to asks in a timely manner. I am not currently posting my WIPs online except for excerpts and teasers.
My other interests include art (specifically printmaking and paper making, though I'm getting into digital art), Stardew Valley, Skyrim, MXTX's works, and writing and playing music (I play a lot of instruments and sing). Sometimes these intersect with my writing, and I will post about them from time to time.
Some boundaries: I will block minors on sight. My work is not for those under eighteen, please don't interact unless you are of age. I also do not take unsolicited constructive criticism, especially on matters of taste.
Here are a couple of my WIPs and completed projects:
Lunar Lagoon: An erotic romance set in the modern Mediterranean. Lyria, a mermaid, and Amelia, the transfem captain of an antique sailing vessel, must navigate a budding relationship formed from mutual pleasure as it blossoms into something meaningful and deep, while avoiding the ire of Lyria’s overprotective father. Love should be smooth sailing… right?
Crossroads: An erotic romance set in the US. Hazel Abernathy is a struggling witch fighting a losing battle against her local HOA and the crumbling infrastructure of the house her mother left to her when she passed. She’s ready to get back out there and on Valentines Day, meets the sweet and charming Aleksander, and the bombastic and enigmatic Lillian. The two of them, powerful demons in their own right, have their own struggles with mysterious spiritual attacks on the nightclub they own.
Wear a Coat: A horror short story set in the Appalachian mountains, where I come from. What happens when you don’t follow your mama’s advice and go looking for berries without a coat? Maybe you’ll just get cold or maybe you’ll attract unwanted attention from something dwelling deep within the forest…
Alder: This story follows Finlay, a dryad who has been set adrift after a series of questionable choices. This WIP is pretty nebulous at the moment, but has my whole heart. It’s rife with gender shenanigans and magic
Ochre: What happens if a crow is suddenly given a human form by the Morrigan? Let’s find out! Again, another baby WIP in early stages.
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1moreoffkeyanthem · 1 month
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2AM Angry Kyle for your pleasure this night also I feel y’all should know middle aged Stan is currently shirtless in this scene and he does in fact have a dad bod
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yanny-77 · 5 months
The Underpants Heist Chapter 3
The Empyrean WIP Update: 9,682 Words in Chapter | 28,560 Total Words
Summary: After getting some unsolicited advice from Garrick, Bodhi gets to know Ridoc's squad, culminating in a difficult conversation with Imogen about Liam.
Note: This chapter contains NSFW content and is not suitable for minors.
Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3
“To what do we owe the pleasure, Bodhi?” It was amazing how cocky Ridoc could be for someone who just had milk running out of their nose. “Shouldn’t you be up at the oh-so-important leadership table?” “Durran was transferred to Flame Section this morning,” Rhiannon said from her seat beside him. “He’s trying to get to know the squad to assess their strengths and weaknesses. We drew the short straw and had to go first.” “Uh huh,” Ridoc said with a knowing grin. “And I’m sure that has nothing to do with the fact that his cousin is fucking Violet, right?” “Or his obvious crush on Imogen,” Nadine added with a laugh. Ridoc stiffened beside her, his eyes flicking briefly to Bodhi.  “Who has a crush on Imogen?” Quinn said as she took the empty seat next to Bodhi. “Hey Bodhi, what brings you here today?” “I believe we’ve established that he’s getting to know the squad, keeping an eye on Violet, and crushing on Imogen,” Sawyer said as he tore his bacon into strips, separating the fat from the meat. “Did I miss anything?”
Read it here:
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sourrcandy · 4 months
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WTW PROMPT WEEK ↳ day 04 ; love interest (?)
being employed by one of the most opulent families of kowloon walled city should say plenty about zhang manfui. hired as the bodyguard for zheting wong, the heiress to the fung wong hotel's fortune, manfui has no reason to associate himself with justice. until his employer finds herself dead under his careful watch and out of guilt, reluctantly joins yunkei in exposing the truth about sun wukong once and for all.
excerpt from act 1. somewhere in time. ignition. ch. 4 「what is dead never truly dies」
Zheting giggles, tossing one gloved hand in a dismissive gesture and waving a fan elegantly over her chest with the other. “You’re hilarious, detective. You can save me from this boredom later. After I ditch my bodyguard-” She flicks her fan close with a whap, tapping Manfui’s chest solidly. “We can go grab a nice drink and gossip about boys.”
“Ms Wong, I would prefer it if you don’t associate yourself with strange unsolicited guests,” Manfui interrupts, impassive.
“Ah-Man! Play nice,” Zheting tuts, rosy pink lips curling into an amused smile. 
If Yunkei could use two words to describe how Manfui has been treating her since meeting her five minutes ago, she would pick: unbridled hostility. She has done nothing but tried to be civil out of favour for Zheting and of respect for the prominent company the Wongs are keeping but she swears if Manfui doesn’t shut up right this second–
“I’m a detective–”
“‘Ex’ detective.” Manfui smirks, daring her to keep going. Yunkei can only fume in her spot, crossing her arms as she feels her face go hot with anger.
general taglist. @kazino @serpentarii @seasteading @lasbrumas @sympathyhouse @halcionic @janaisvu
outrun time taglist. @veneritia
— send an ask to be added/removed.
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steddiecameraroll · 11 months
I'm Thinking of the Way it Was - ch 6
Excerpt from chapter 6 of my getting back together fic
“Have you ever slammed head first into a point so hard you give yourself brain damage?” Eddie bounces his leg quickly.
“Did something happen?” Dr. Whilstaf inspects him from her chair.
“You could say that. I did the journaling thing. It fucking sucked, by the way. Apparently, I’m not good enough. I didn’t…I mean, I did, I knew that, but…” his eyes dart back and forth while he tries to put his thoughts together. “I didn’t know that’s how I felt, all the time, constantly. And now that I do know it, I can’t stop thinking about it. This fucking light bulb moment happened when I was at Steve’s, too, by the way.” He pauses and leans back in his seat, sighing and closing his eyes. “I’ve been trying…I don’t know if it’s making things worse, and now I feel…fuck.”
“What happened that triggered this at Steve’s?”
“His washing machine broke, and he called me to help, which alone was a miracle. Steve doesn’t ask for help, so I jumped at the opportunity. I went by last night to replace the hose, and…something perfect happened, and then it fell apart, like usual. We made dinner together and had wine, which is fucking fancy shit. It felt really nice.
“We kinda skipped dating or like the traditional version of it before, and it kinda felt like a date happened naturally, and he kept smiling at me like he was surprised I was still there. Then he kissed me. It felt really nice. But then he tried to take my belt off, and I stopped him. And that’s the thing. I told him I wanted to win him back by proving I loved him, not his body because he’s…I don’t know, but we had sex a couple of times weeks ago, and it was terrible.” He whispers the last word.
“Why is that?”
“Because it was so good,” he chuckles. “But it was hate fucking, and that is not how we feel about each other, or at least it’s not how I feel. It felt like he didn’t care, though. He just wanted to fuck, like he wanted to hurt himself, physically, emotionally, just in every way he wanted to cut himself open and bleed everywhere, but with sex and apparently my dick.” He shifts in the chair uncomfortably.
“Besides realizing I’m not good enough, I realized I am only good enough to have sex with. I got a damn booty call text yesterday morning and a fucking unsolicited dick pic to go along with it. The shitty fucking shitty part about it is that I seriously considered it. Like, what the fuck is wrong with me?” His emotions are straining through tears. “So I tell Steve we can’t have sex because he’s using it to hurt himself and me, and we need to go backward. I wanted to start over. I wanted to prove to him that I wasn’t going to do that to him, that I loved him regardless of the sex, but he couldn’t…he told me that every time I say no to him, it makes him feel unwanted. I want him so badly, though, but I want all of him, but it’s like he can’t believe me or hear me unless we have sex, and I don’t…I don’t know what to do or how to get him to understand. And now that I feel so fucking used and unloved by everyone, it hurts even more because he just wants my dick, like everyone else. It sucks.”
“It sounds like Steve is struggling to accept your love. Have you noticed him doing this with anyone else?” Dr. Whilstaf flicks her pen back and forth in her hand.
Eddie rubs his fingers across his forehead, thinking about her question. “Um…yeah? As I said, he doesn’t ask for help, and I know all of us would help him if he asked. He takes care of everyone, the kids joke, and he jokes that he’s just their babysitter, but it’s not like that at all. He loves them, cares about them, and puts his life in danger to protect them, and they would do that for him too. They love him too, but they’re so mean sometimes. They’re fucking kids, sure they saved the world, but they’re children. So they don’t know that making fun of him and calling him dumb hurts. It just adds to his own insecurities.
“He has a fucked up relationship with his parents. They’re assholes; they left him alone a lot as a kid, even now still. They were here a little last week but are already gone again. His dad did a number on his confidence. Has said he’s not good enough for the Harrington name. But Steve is this incredible human being that is more than enough; I just want him to know that.”
“You’d mentioned last week that you thought he was attractive and that everyone that’s met him also finds him attractive. Does he get a lot of attention for his appearance?” 
“Yeah, his one of many nicknames in school was The Hair. It’s gorgeous hair. He has this jawline that I just want to bite sometimes.” Eddie smirks while reminiscing.
“I’m not saying that this is what is happening, but there is often a correlation with individuals who have been emotionally neglected in their childhood to seek authentication and approval in other ways from everyone around them as adults. So if this individual gets positive reinforcement from their physical body, it would make sense that they may internalize their body’s attention as positive feelings, love, and care. So it’s possible this disconnect that you’re feeling is because you’re not providing the same type of affection that he’s grown accustomed to, and it’s confusing him.
“This is not to say that I think you should sleep with him to make him feel better, but it may warrant an open and honest dialogue between you, especially if you are now experiencing negative emotional feelings towards sexual intimacy. Where it sounds like you do not want to do that because it may trigger your feelings of inadequacy, not having that sexual intimacy for Steve may trigger his feelings. So you’re both struggling but in opposing directions.”
“Shit, doc.” Eddie sits still while his mind scans over the argument with Steve. “He did say it felt like I didn’t want to be with him, which I couldn’t understand because it’s pretty obvious I want to be with him. Shit…” Eddie suddenly remembers how he’d broken up with Steve right after sex. “Oh my god. I’m such an idiot.” He covers his face with his hands.
Dr. Whilstaf sits patiently, waiting for Eddie to continue.
“When I broke up with him, back before, we had just…honestly, we had just made love. It was not the usual sex we’d been having. It was - intense. I thought my heart would explode, and I was terrified of all of it. No one’s made me feel like that before, and I don’t get to keep the things I love, so I cut it off before it got worse.” Eddie raises his eyes up to meet the doctor’s. “I rejected his love. I didn’t know. Shit.”
continue reading on ao3
Excerpts: ch 1 ch 2 ch 3 ch 4 ch 5 ch 6 ch 7
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allographica · 1 year
Hi there! My name is Fay Roberts, and I’m the founder of Allographic Press, which has been running since August 2011.
In this post, I’ll be telling you a bit about Allographic, about the new initiative we’re launching this week, and how you can submit work to the next anthology.
And if this is all a bit much to read, we have a simplified checklist here.
About Allographic
Allographic’s founding aim, and continuing mission, is to platform the voices less heard, raising marginalised stories into mainstream view as much as possible. So far we’ve mostly achieved that through open mic guest artists, hosting special performances, supporting the Other Voices show at Edinburgh Fringe (intersectional feminist spoken word cabaret), and focusing mostly on publishing single collections by people of marginalised identities.
New Venture
Now we want to go a step further, bringing back the Small Word anthologies we used to do, and theming them for a variety of experiences less explicitly well-represented on the publishing scene in the UK. The initial plan is for them to come out quarterly, in limited runs of 100 printed copies of A6 pamphlets, plus using ebook technology on a variety of platforms, to make the work more accessible. Please follow this blog and our various social media outlets, for news of the anthologies as they come up.
Submit to the anthology
So, to kick off, we’ll be producing an anthology based around the notion of neurodiversity – whether that’s autism, ADD/ADHD, synaesthesia, dyslexia, dyspraxia, dyscalculia, hyperlexia, Tourette’s Syndrome, or any of the other experiences that sit under the banner of neurodivergence – we want to publish your poems, stories, essays, photos, and original artwork (though please note that the latter two will be in black-and-white in the print versions). Please note that, for the purposes of this publication, self-diagnosis is perfectly valid as a basis for writing about the experience of neurodivergence. The working title for the anthology is currently Synaptic Resonance, but we’re definitely open to alternatives if you come up with something better!
Submit via this form.
The deadline for submission is 28-Feb-23; we’ll be closing the form at midnight on 1-Mar-23 (GMT), with an aim to publish at the beginning of April 2023, with an online launch event shortly afterwards. It’s free to enter, and, if your work is selected, you’ll receive a free copy of the printed pamphlet and ebook. As with all these themed anthologies, we’ll be asking about your personal connection to the theme, as we’ll be prioritising selecting the work of folk who are neurodivergent themselves in this instance. The limit on entries is 3 pieces, with no limit on length (though we may reserve the right to publish an excerpt with a link to the full version online, especially for essays/ stories, etc.), and each piece must be submitted in its own separate file (see form for details – MS Word, ODT, and RTF files are fine, ditto PNG and JPG for artwork, but no pdfs). If you submit more than one piece per file, we will ignore anything beyond the first piece. Please note that for poetry and prose we are after pieces that are completely or mostly written in the English language, as we currently do not have the means to proofread other languages beyond Google Translate! You should hear within two weeks of the closing date whether your piece has been selected. Please note that we do not have the capacity to give feedback on individual pieces at this time, and we will not be accepting unsolicited manuscripts, or submissions via any means but the form provided, mostly because we’re a tiny team and there have to be some limits!
Please note that, if you want to ensure that we experience your poems (especially concrete poems) in the format/ layout you intend them, it will be best to download our template and submit your files based on that.
Link to docx template
Link to doc template
Link to odt template
If your images include text, please try to use the Verdana font, as that’s what we’ll be using, for the sake of accessibility and consistency. Likewise, we’ll be asking you to supply image descriptions for any visual work you submit so that we can embed that in the ebook versions to improve accessibility.
So, talk to us about the trials and tribulations of communication and executive dysfunction; the joys and marvels of a brain that sparkles in dark places and sees the usual rules as guidelines at best. We want to hear everything, from across the spectrum (yep, we went there) of experience.
We look forward to seeing what you’ve got for us!
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Image from a blog post from Hult Business School, entitled Thinking differently: Researching neurodiversity in the workplace
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slashingdisneypasta · 2 years
Masterlist: Freddy Krueger
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🔞 = Smut || 🔂 = Poly || * = Requested
---<- 🥀🥀🥀 ->---
Compilation of Freddy Kruger doing Weird Shit with his Tongue.
5 Sentence Excerpts #1
AU: Toy Story.
Blurbs: How Self Conscious are they in Order of Most to Least.
Blurbs: Most Delusional Yandere's to Least.
Blurbs: Most Possessive to Least.
Blurbs: Period Sex 🔞.
Blurbs: Shovel Talk.
Blurbs: S/O thinks they Smile 'Too Much'.
Blurbs: Unsolicited Dick Pick.
Drabble: Freddy Krueger x Reader- Domestic Life with your Freak.
Drabble: Freddy Krueger x Reader- Giggle Fit.
Drabble: Freddy Krueger x Reader- Prequal.
Drabble: Horror Villain Apocalypse.
Drabble Duo: (Seperate) Freddy Krueger and Jason Voorhees x (Seperate) Readers (x Other S/O)- Presents Part 1.
Drabble Duo: (Separate) Freddy Krueger and Jason Voorhees x (Separate) Readers- Presents Part 2.
Drabble Set: Beetlejuice x Reader x Chucky / or / Freddy Krueger- Lesser Evil.
Drabble Set: Horror Villains x Reader- Unfortunate Baby Daddy's.
Drabble Set: MindControlled!MultiVillains x Reader.
Drabble Set: Pervy!MultiVillains x Reader- Flirting Back.
Drabble Set: Possessive / Protective!MultiVillains x Reader- When you try to sacrifice yourself.
Drabble Set: Slashers x Reader- Humanity Switch.
Drabble Set: Slashers x Reader- Messing with their Hair.
Drabble Set: Unlikely.
Headcanons: Awkward Moments.
Headcanons: Dating Horror Villains Things Dump #2.
Headcanons: Familial!Slashers x Sibling!Reader.
Headcanons: Fluff HC's.
Headcanons: Freddy Krueger and Beetlejuice Obsessing over an Uninterested Reader.
Headcanons: Frason as Nygmobblepot.
Headcanons: Freddy and Jason being Quarentined Together.
*Headcanons: Horror Villains x Reader- Them saying I Love You for the First Time.
Headcanons: Horror Villains x Reader- Types of Kisses.
Headcanons: Horror Villains x Reader- You Almost Choosing Another.
Headcanons: Horror Villains x SunshineIncarnate!Reader.
Headcanons: Poly!Frason HC's.
Headcanons: Supernatural Villains Soulmate Marks.
*Headcanons+Imagines: Horror Villains x Reader- Taking Care of Sick S/O.
Horror Villains and: What they would Put in the (7MinsInHeaven) Hat.
Imagine: Actually Liking your Slasher S/O.
Imagine: Arm Wrestling.
Imagine: Arm Wrestling- S/O's Edition!
Imagine: Being too Late to Save Them.
Imagine: Freddy Swap.
Imagine: Kissing Back.
Imagine: Opposite S/O's.
Imagine: Playing Dead by Daylight.
Imagine: Slashers reacting to S/Os Merch.
Imagine: Soulmates in Alternate Realities.
Imagine: S/O's being Hellbent on keeping Slashers Away from Eachother.
Imagine: Taking Care of your Stupid Slasher S/O.
Imagine: The Best Worst Ex.
Imagine: Unrealistic Fluff.
Oneshot: Dead!Freddy Krueger x Grieving!Reader- I Cant. I Wont.
*Oneshot: Freddy Krueger x ExpressionMagic!Reader- Powerful.
Oneshot: Freddy Krueger+Jason Voorhees x Manipulative!Cruel!Fem!Reader.
Oneshot: Freddy Krueger x Fem!Reader- Surprise! Merry Christmas!
Oneshot: Horror House+Jennifer Check x Reader- Peeping Tom's and Bets.
Oneshot: Horror House x Reader- Jerry's Arrival.
Oneshot: Human!Freddy Krueger x Cheater!Reader- What The Fuck Now, Freddy!?
Oneshot: NonKiller!Human!Freddy Krueger x Reader- Mr Krueger.
Oneshot: Slashers (Mostly Chucky and Michael) x Reader.
Oneshot: Teen!Bubba, Chucky and Freddy x Reader- Y/N and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Night.
Reactions: Horror Villains x Reader- Finding out you're a Virgin 🔞.
Reactions: Horror Villains x Reader- Love Potion.
*Reactions: Slashers x Reader- S/O being Related to Another Slasher.
Reactions: Slashers x Reader- S/O Falling into Other Slasher Movie Tropes.
Slashers / Horror Villains As: Animated (Children's) Movie Villain Songs.
Things Y/N Says: In the Horror House.
Would They or Wouldn't They?: Abandon You After Their Own Orgasm 🔞.
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nedjemetsenen · 8 months
Why do Fanfic writers generally hate “constructive” criticism?
This is a topic that comes across my dash a couple times a month, but those posts generally focus on how unsolicited criticism is rude. Today, I wanted to take a moment to talk about the ways that it’s also generally useless even if you’re trying to be helpful. To do this, I will be using examples from my own comment section, but please do not seek those comments out. This post is about informing, not about creating a hate mob.
Issue One: You don't know if your criticism is already known
No story is perfect. There will always be flaws. Sometimes you find a flaw that the author can improve on. Sometimes you pick up on something that the author accepted as a flaw during the writing process for whatever reason. It may have been because they're writing for fun. It may have been because they liked the flawed version of the story better than the story without the flaw. It may be because they genuinely didn't know how to fix it, but still wanted to tell the story flaw and all.
To give an example of this, here’s an excerpt from a truly lovely comment where the person also tried to give some helpful feedback:
you did a fantastic job with the characters you altered to fit the story. They were mostly rounded and felt like whole people instead of cardboard cut-outs. However, this made the characters that you didn't change feel very flat. [List of characters] often felt like window dressing, like they were included solely because they were part of the original show.
This is exactly why those characters showed up in that fic and the issue of them being window dressing isn’t something that I introduced. It’s a flaw in the original work. To fix this issue, I would have cut these characters or merged them into one character. But this wasn’t original fiction. It was fanfiction, so I decided to sacrifice quality for the sake of honoring the source as it felt wrong to remove these guys when they’re a classic part of the roster. I also actively chose to not develop them more as it would have killed the pacing and added nothing to the story I was trying to tell. There are characters that I arguably should have given more screen time to in that fic, but these were not those characters.
Issue Two: Timeliness
Unless the story is newly published, you have no idea if your criticism is still useful. Even if it is newly published, how long has the fic been going for? Are you critiquing a chapter from 3 years ago or last week? Unless it’s the latest chapter, you don’t know. Even if it is the latest chapter, you don’t know when it was written. Sometimes people find an old work of theirs and just post it without editing because they don’t want to edit and they know people will enjoy the story as-is. Sometimes people write the whole fic and then post it week by week while they work on the next one.
I recently had someone ask me for some feedback on a section of dialogue and I pointed out an area for potential improvement. The person who asked for the feedback has read some of my stuff and pointed out that I’d used a similar technique in a fic and they were absolutely correct. I had. But the fic was a few years old and I simply haven’t yet taken the time to go back and edit all 100k+ of it. I write at least a quarter of a million words every year and that means that I’m always learning. It’s incredibly rare for me to reread an old piece of mine without finding something to edit. It won’t always be something major, but it’s there. Waiting. Taunting me.
Along similar lines, if you're pointing out a flaw that's specific to the story, I'm not sure what you're expecting to happen next. While some writers go back and edit old works (I certainly have), a lot of writers consider older works done and prefer to focus on new ones.
Issue Three: Most people are shockingly bad at giving good constructive criticism.
Constructive criticism is a skill that you have to learn and practice. It’s also genuinely difficult to learn as it's the difference between helping a person tell the story that you want to read and helping them tell the best version of the story that they want to tell. The first is not good crit, but it is the crit that most people give.
There are times when I’ll beta for a fic and think “that character would never do that”, but that’s terrible feedback because I’m imposing my version of the character over the author’s take on the character and they’re not trying to tell a story with my headcanons. They’re using theirs and my job as an editor/beta is to accept that and help them tell their story as best they can.
I've also been given feedback like this. Here’s an excerpt from a comment where someone pointed out something that they didn’t like in one of my fics:
it's cute to see him like this once in a while but he's a grown man and "adorable" feels a little out of place in this situation
This is utterly useless feedback and I will die on that hill. In my opinion, I wrote this character perfectly because this is how I see him. It’s my headcanon and the version of him that you'll see in all of my fics. What’s funny is that I actually think that I got the female lead in this story a bit wrong. I should have toned her down, but this was early in my journey to learn these characters and then we’re back to issue two.
Final Thoughts
If an author asks for constructive criticism, then absolutely feel free to give it to them, but if you've ever wondered why most authors don't, the above is probably why. It's why I only welcome grammatical corrections and historical/cultural accuracy corrections on my own fics. Those are the only comments that I've ever found useful.
There are times when I seek out other types of feedback. I just don't get it from random readers after the story is already published. I get it from select individuals during the writing process and that's the feedback process favored by most writers as it's the one that's most likely to lead to improvement.
If you ever come across a fic that you love, but you feel like it could use an editor, my advice is to leave a comment saying how much you love the story and then offer to beta read (the fandom word for an editor. No I don't know why fandom has a different definition for that word than the definition used in the publishing industry. It just is what it is.) And if you don't want to take the time to beta for someone, that's okay! But if you don't want to make the massive time commitment to truly help the person improve, then maybe don't give unsolicited feedback that's more likely to make them stop writing altogether? I promise you, that person will improve on their own just by writing more. I certainly did! If you read the fanfic that I wrote when I was 13, you'd be shocked by how bad it is compared to my current stuff.
I personally consider that fact a source of pride.
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