the-travelling-witch · 8 months
Ahhhh I just read your newest piece for Valefar!!! I absolutely loved it :) Can I please be added to the taglist?
thank you so much!! i’m glad my ocs are enjoying a little fan base for themselves heheh ^^
and sure thing, i’ll add you to the tag list for his series!!
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minteyeddevil · 3 years
Hey Toni :)
Mind if I request a scenario where the MC is super used to taking care of people and is vaguely uncomfortable BEING taken care of but they desperately need it? With all the obey me boys except for Luke (if you're up for it :) )
(Is this request inspired by my life? Nooooooo not at all)
(Believe me, I know you do a lot, Taz! And if by chance you don't hear it enough, I am super proud of you for all you do for your family and those around you! I apologize for these being kind of small, but thanks for sending in a request!)
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Lucifer is the one who sees and appreciates above all what MC does for him and his brothers, and even those around them. He understands how hard they work to take care of others, but also sees how tired they get by doing everything themselves. So, he pretty much orders them to take some 'time off' and let him and his brothers take care of things for them for a change. Yes, MC puts up a fight because they are used to doing the care; but this demon is determined to get them to take it easy for a change.
Mammon and Leviathan are the ones who take over their chores for them all the way around. Hard to believe right? No, they sincerely want to help MC out as much as they have helped them, and take care of them.
They do everything for Mammon; from helping him clean his room to being his defender when it comes to his brothers. He owes a lot to MC, so the least he can do for them is help take over their chores so they can actually have some down time to relax and enjoy themselves!
Levi appreciates MC for always helping him organize and clean up his room and figurines without ever talking down to him or making snide comments; they are always smiles and kindness when around him and he adores them for it.
Satan helps organize and clean their room, despite MC always being so neat and organized as it is. He also takes over helping them with RAD school work and gives them all his study guides and notes so they can have an easier time studying and have less to worry about when it comes to school. He wants them to take it easy just as much as Lucifer does, even if he doesn’t get along with his older brother in the best ways.
Asmodeus takes them out shopping and to the Fall to have some fun and get away from the ‘work’ of every day life in the Devildom. He wants them to get out of the house and to let loose a bit; enjoy themselves out for a while when being out on the town. Plus they deserve to have nice things for always bending over backwards for him and his brothers, so he is going to be the one to get them said things!
Beelzebub takes over their cooking duties for a whole month, and he does his best to keep to their standards of cooking and keeping things clean. He may be known for always eating the dinner while cooking it, but he makes sure to be on his best behavior when he is taking over for MC’s nights. He also goes along the same lines as Asmo, and takes them out to the best restaurants in the Devildom to help get them out of the house for a while as well. He wants to treat them as kindly and sweetly as they do for him.
Belphegor also steps in to take over and go behind his older brothers when they are doing the chores to make sure they are actually done properly, lol. Not saying that Mammon and Levi can’t do things right; just sometimes they get distracted with their own spats and things don’t get completely done as they should. So that’s where Belphie comes in, making sure it’s all perfect for MC. He also, of course, will make sure they take plenty of naps with him when they have the down time, lol.
Diavolo catches wind of the brothers wanting MC to take it easy for a while, so he offers his assistance in getting them out of the house and invites them to spend a few nights at the castle with him. Also offers to take them to the human realm to visit places they would like to go.
Barbatos of course joins, making their favorite treats and tea as well. Takes them for walks around the castle grounds and the gardens, and also goes with them on little shopping trips, just the two of them so they can spend some actual quality time together.
Simeon and Solomon also offer Purgatory Hall as a get away for MC too, and they refuse to let them lift a finger when they visit. Simeon does the cooking and cleaning while Solomon, and Luke as well, keep them company. Sometimes MC needs time away from the chaos of the House of Lamentation, and this is a perfect place for them to go to when they need that.
Simeon loves to sit and read with them while Solomon enjoys taking them to his room and going over different potion and spell ideas with them as well.
They all mean well, and want to take care of MC as well as they take care of them all. They are the back bone for all these men, and the would do whatever they could to show they don’t take MC for granted.
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@undine-taz replied to your post “Why Utena’s Uniform is Black”
HELLO I AM ALSO HERE YEARS LATE WITH STARBUCKS. Not only this, but black is also implied to be “socially unacceptable”. All of the black rose duelists have socially unacceptable feelings hidden deep inside of them that they feel unable to express. Utena, ny attempting to become a prince when she should be content being a princess, is acting in a way that is considered socially unacceptable. (Think of all the teachers who tell her off!)
“White” is associated with purity, princliness, but also with fitting in to society’s expectations. Hence why Touga, in spite of being a playboy, gets a white uniform. He’s a “prince” and so according to the rules of Ohtori it’s acceptable that he goes around and gets “engaged to” (has sex with) a bunch of “princesses.”
*spoilers* Akio, even tho he is a literal shitstain, gets to wear white as well in the ending because his activity is still technically “princely”- it is the behavior of a prince taken to its darkest iteration. He goes around getting “engaged” (the rose ring) to a bunch of duelists, creates his own damsels in distress and then “rescues” them. His behavior is despicable, BUT IT FITS IN WITH OHTORI’S SOCIETAL ROLES.
Oh shit, I really like the idea that black, being white’s ‘opposite’, could have been used as the opposite of Princeliness/Conformity to society’s roles/Power in the system! 
I’m definitely going to watch out for any other instances where black could be linked to this. Apart from the ones you said i can’t think of anything else on the spot but it would make a lot of sense if they thought about this.
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purgefails · 5 years
undine-taz replied to your post “Is anyone having desktop/dashboard problems when visiting blogs?”
That's happening to me as well, it's really frustrating
Do you have an Adblock on? Because I realized that was the problem for me
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raiden-ei-apologist · 4 years
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replied to your post
“call me a big dummy cause I tend to be but why is exactly sensei...”
I could be wrong but I get the sense that the Earth gems have an ace in the hole. I think I remember Euc saying something about "waiting for the right moment." Also the Earth gems seem to have this idea that Phos has more control over Sensei than just being able to order him to pray.
ah good point, I forgot about that little detail, thanks!
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MC Does the “Walk Out Naked” Challenge (Feat. The Dateables)
I was originally asked to write about the demon brothers reacting to an MC pulling the “walk out naked” challenge, and @undine-taz said they said they’d like to see it with the dateables/side characters (minus Luke of course bc Baby), so here it is!
For those who don’t know, the “walk out naked” challenge is basically when someone, wearing only a towel, goes to their partner and drops the towel, while recording their reaction. There are tons of videos of this online (with no nudity since the person shooting the video is the naked person lol), and the reactions range from cute to hilarious.
Warnings: Not gonna be full-on NSFT, but by nature of the prompt, it is pretty suggestive. Also nakey MC. Because it’s not full-on smut, and nothing specific about MC’s anatomy is referenced, I have left it gender neutral, but feel free to imagine whatever you’d like!
This man is so alive and happy whenever he’s around MC to begin with
So them putting together a surprise like this for him might kill him
He’s already so floored to have MC as a friend who isn’t scared of him, let alone as a partner
But this?! The trust? The INTIMACY?!
Depending on his previous mood, he just might cry
Happy tears, happy tears! Not to worry
And afterwards he’ll definitely scoop up MC in his arms and hug them
With or without the towel ;)
It takes a lot to crack Barb’s poker face in public
But when you’re alone…
Mild surprise then a verrrrrrryyyyy smug smirk
MC might have pacts with the brothers, but this sight is all his
If they managed to catch him doing some chore or other in a secluded part of the castle, wearing a robe that they let slip for just a second…
Fastest way to get him to take a break lmao
“You ought to turn that camera off, MC… Unless…?”
MC help, his cheeks are a fire hazard he’s blushing so hard
Lowkey in awe
His love is so radiant, and here they are, in nothing but what the Lord gave them—!
His reaction is really funny to watch because he keeps switching between being concerned about someone else walking in, absolute adoration, and completely flustered
Take pity on the angel, give him a smooch!
For real though, Simeon’s gonna be a bit dazed, if MC wants a bigger reaction out of him they’ll need to guide him~
He freezes for a second, expression vacant
Then with a dramatic swish of his coat, he magics himself into the stupidest possible lingerie you can imagine
Is there a big pointy wizard hat involved? Yes
Is it where you think it is? Perhaps
Does he have a shit-eating grin on his face the entire time? Absolutely
He wasn’t recording MC’s reaction but the memories will stay with him for a very, very long time
Listen, when you’ve had 1000 partners, the traditional seduction route’s gotta feel boring
Need to make it interesting somehow ;p
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minteyeddevil · 3 years
Hey Toni! I'm not sure if you're still up for requests rn, but if you are can I request the brothers+dateables with a perfect house-spouse MC? Like, the MC can cook and clean and manage a budget (just all the usual household stuff) like no one's business! Like they stepped straight out of a Ghibli movie~ hope you're having a great day!
(Thanks for the request, lovely, and I have been doing alright, just busy taking care of my mom and playing Obey Me more on the side lmao xD Hope you are doing well, and these come out to your liking!❤️)
He sincerely loves having MC as a partner because they help him keep everything organized and tidy, despite how chaotic his brothers can be
They have taken over a lot of household responsibilities for him, and he appreciates the load being taken off his shoulders
Hell, they even managed to coral his brothers for the better, getting them to listen and behave, at least for the most part
Sometimes he gets annoyed because it seems like his brothers might be taking advantage of his MC at times; they usually cover all the cooking duties as well as do all their laundry on top of it
But they never complain and simply smile while taking on the duty and get it done quickly and perfectly
They clean his study, organize his books and help him adjust his paperwork, filing it into piles of what needs to be addressed first, what needs to be signed, and what is done and ready to be sent to Diavolo
They have literally become his right hand in everything, and he never fails to show them appreciation by taking the time to help them as much as he can or take them to a nice dinner/help them relax in the evening
As much as he loves MC, he sometimes gets annoyed how they make him stand still and organize his uniform before going to class
They want him to look tidy and prestine, even though he is used to just throwing on his clothes and getting the day over with
He also gets frustrated that they have taken over his finances and gives him an allowance, taking most of his 'hard earned' Grimm and putting it towards the debts he owes
Though he has to admit he hasn't been this debt free in his entire life since they took over his books
He does appreciate how they keep not only their room but his room super tidy, even to the point that Lucifer can't find a reason to punish him for not keeping it clean
Hell, MC actually helps him A LOT with keeping out of trouble when it comes to Lucifer, so he has been punishment free for a while now!
And the way they make his car sparkle and shine when they clean it up for him? Man, no wonder he loves them so much~
He eventually gets to the point where he picks up the chores for them, wanting to show them how much he appreciates them; or at least he tries to help them, if they tell him they enjoy doing the work themselves
He genuinely feels like he is living in one of his slice-of-life animes with the way MC is with him
They help him keep his room tidy (despite getting on his case sometimes for leaving it littered with snack wrappers and coke cans) and help dust and organize his figurines and book shelves
They often surprise him with baked goods and meals from his favorite animes, and he tears up every time
They help monitor his shopping habits, making sure he has money for necessities on top of being able to buy more figures and anime/video games
And with enough pull (and occasionally begging) they will take a break from cleaning to sit and watch shows or play video games with him as well
They lecture him on getting enough sleep, even forcing him to bed at times to make sure he doesn't burn himself out, and this gets on his nerves
But he knows they mean well and will begrudgingly listen, tugging them to bed with him as well because they need rest too with how much they do for him and the house
He appreciates how much MC respects his room and his books, helping him to organize them by genre and length, taking their time to dust off each one before putting it in its place
He has a habit of leaving books lying around in haphazard places, so they always return them to his room, a note teasing him for leaving them lying around with a heart drawn on it as well
They often help him organize his school notes and review what he needs to know for an upcoming test, studying along side him into the wee hours of the morning
They often bring him hot meals and tea as well, when he is either absorbed in a book or buried in school work, making sure he is watching his own health on top of it all
He finds himself following them around and talking about the latest book he found while they do their chores, and it sometimes rolls into talking about his own feelings and things that have been going on with himself
He finds that they help him organize his own thoughts as well, and he truly appreciates them being at his side
He honestly tries his best to keep MC from working so hard because he doesn't want them to get burned out
But they hush his worries with reassurance and go about doing all the chores for the house, on top of keeping his room organized and clean, his clothing pressed and washed, and his vanity spotless
Oh Father above, he worships his MC for all that they do for him
He makes it a point to also help them out where he can, because he feels horrible seeing them work so hard and never ask for assistance
He gets a tad bit jealous when they help his brothers with things they need like washing their clothes or helping tidy their room, so he often pulls them away when he can manage it
He also makes sure they take breaks often drom work, and he spoils them with spa days and bubble bathes and lots and lots of pampering; they deserve it and so much more, so he plans to give it to them
The first thing he fell in love with was their cooking; as stereotypical as it may sounds when it comes to Beel, he does often think with his stomach
But he comes to love MC so much more when they shower him with praise on how much he protects and loves his brothers, and how he has such a big and loving heart
He develops a habit of taking over chores MC is in the middle of doing and finishes them for them, despite their protest on it
He wants to take care of them the way they take care of him and his brothers so much, so he is always right there at their side to help
He absolutely loves how they always make his favorite snacks and meals to surprise him with, and they MUST sit with him when he eats them because it makes the whole experience that much better
The one thing he finds annoying about MC is that they are constantly moving and working, doing chores almost all day
(Well, aside from how they make him get up on time for class and so they both won't be late, but that's a whole other deal, anyway)
He wants to just wrap his arms around their waist and pull them into bed and make them nap with him because he feels tired watching them, they have got to be exhausted by now
But of course they tell him they are not tired, place a kiss on his forehead and go back to cleaning and cooking, getting things done as quickly as they can
With a frown he joins in, helping them with said cleaning, whining the entire time that he would prefer they just curl up with him but their laugh and smile make his frown slowly fade
He loves watching them cook, and sometimes joins in to learn what they are making, so that he can surprise them one day by making dinner for them
Will be practically wrapped around them if they are tending to one of his other brothers (save for Beel) and be telling them to just ignore them, they can take care of their own chores/laundry anyway
Can't help but chuckle at how MC can give Barbatos a whole run for his money
They can keep up with his cleaning of the castle, moving almost as fast as he does with the chores, all while smiling and humming on top of it
He often tries to tear them away from their work, wanting their attention and time, saying that Barbatos is perfectly capable of taking care of everything
But they feel for the butler having to tend to it all, so they really want to help out as much as they can
They help keep his office organized, paperwork filed and tidy, everything dusted and in its proper place; even help him with the full budget of the Devildom, keeping the books in order as well
They also seemed to have done the impossible, getting Diavolo to actually help do chores around the castle and even begin learning how to cook!
Barbatos almost feels neglected if he wasn't so proud of all they have done for him and his lord
Match made in heaven (well, um, hell, in this case), an unstoppable duo, two peas in a pod!
Barbatos loves the fact that MC keeps up with his pace, assisting him with every chore and duty that needs tending in the castle
He enjoys their time in the kitchen especially, each teaching the other a recipe, theirs from the human world and his from the Devildom
They tend to the garden together, and he can't help but sneak by them and give them a small peck on the cheek before going to the next rose bush that needs watering
They go grocery shopping together as well and often just chit chat the entire time, a genuine smile on his face as he enjoys his time with them
Diavolo is a giant supporter of their relationship, though he often tells them both to take a day off and rest with how often they both are working
If he had his way, he would be the one caring for MC and doing everything for them, not the other way around
MC often cooks for him (and for Luke on top of that), and keeps both their rooms tidy for them, despite how they both claim they will do it themselves
MC also has become a guardian for Luke, helping him with school work and offers to teach him how to cook and bake on top of taking over chores for the little angel
Simeon has to often remind them that they don't need to do everything, he can take over as well and let them relax and rest
But they always just smile and kiss him, telling him how they want to take care of him, and go about doing everything for him
He always joins them in the endeavor though, not letting them burn themselves out or do too much at one time
He also makes sure they eat and take care of themselves, because the last thing he wants is to see them get hurt when caring for him
He can honestly say he has never been more cared for in his thousands of years of life
MC cooks him hot meals: breakfast, lunch, and dinner, and brings it to him if he is caught up in his studies or work, making sure he eats so he doesn't pass out on them
They press and wash his clothes, even though he tells them that he can do it just fine himself
They also help organize his work desk, vials and potion bottles put in their proper place and safely moved so they don't fall over the edge and cause trouble
He watches them work sometimes, and how they stop to admire a book or an artifact they are holding, and always offer to explain the book or item to them
He uses these moments as an excuse to pull them to his side and have them sit or lie down in his bed, so they can relax with him for a bit; plus he enjoys their attention being solely on him on top of that
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minteyeddevil · 3 years
Hey, Toni. I've read a few things and had a few things said to me that have me kind of down about my weight, is there any chance I could request Diavolo, Lucifer, and Mammon loving their MC, chub and all?
(I know I checked in with you, but I do really hope you are feeling alright and things are going okay for you, Taz! If you ever need to talk please don't hesitate to reach out :) I care for ya a lot! I hope these come out nicely for you!)
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Genuinely enjoys hugging them close and rests his chin on their head a lot of the time
Gives their belly pats and squishes their sides lovingly because he loves how pliant they are under his hands
Mind you a lot of this touching and squeezing happens behind his closed door, but in public he will put an arm around their waist and hold them close, his hand slightly squishing a part of them because he just needs to toooouch
Sometimes, when he isn't really thinking about it, will walk up behind them randomly and hug them close where they stand, making them look up at him with a confused expression lol
He also loves having them sit on his lap where he can wrap his arms around them and just squeeze them in tight hugs as often as they will allow him to
If they agree to it, will have them wear form fitting clothes because he loves their plumpness and curves to be accentuated
Though a lot of the time it is for his eyes only lol
Whenever they have a day where they are down on themselves, he might get a little lecture-y and come off cold
But he wants them to be happy with themselves and love themselves the way he loves them
He just wants to hug them all the time and feel them squish in his arms
Enjoys the fact that they always seem to be warm to the touch and just wants to melt into them
Loves when they wear flow-y and large clothing because they look so comfortable and relaxed
But also enjoy seeing them in form fitting clothing; gotta make him back off with a stick at that point because he just wants to get handsy with them
He loves their chest especially because he can cuddle on them and lay on them like a fluffy pillow
Please straddle his lap and let him grab their butt, that is all he wants in life is to grab their butt lolol
Has a habit of tickling them a lot to make them laugh and just squish their sides to make them giggle over and over
Their smile warms his heart and he can not stop staring at it when they grace him with one
Will always shower them with compliments every time he gets because he wants them to feel confident and sure of themselves
He can be a cocky demon so best believe his partner should get to feel just as cocky and confident as he does!
Size is not a big deal for this demon, because he is going to be touching all over them regardless lol
He has a thing for their love handles and always wants to squeeze and grab on them, pulling them close for a hug
Anything they wear that makes their curves stick out, he is 100% for it
He loves to cuddle with them as often as possible because of how soft and warm they are in his arms
Loves to smoosh his face against their chest whenever he is alone with them because of soft and he can hear their heartbeat
Often comes up behind them to wrap his arms around their waist and press his face to the side of their neck
Sometimes tries to get away with little pinches to their behind if he can, mainly to make them fluster and all red in the face lol
King of compliments and gives them so many they sometimes need to tell him to cool it because their heart can only take so much
But he just keeps them coming because he wants them to feel all the love and care he has for them in his heart
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minteyeddevil · 3 years
Inspired by your recent pumpkin carving ask- what do you think each character's face Fall activity in Obey Me would be? And what is Nito's fave fall activity? (And yours too, if you wanna share!) Hope you're having an awesome day~
(Nito's favorite thing to do is go to a pumpkin patch when it's cool outside and ride the hay truck through the patch and trees around it! I did it one time and it was so relaxing and so much fun! :D These might be rather small but hopefully they are nice! Also basically think of these as taking place in the human realm with MC considering I have no true idea how things are during Fall time in the Devildom, lol.)
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His favorite thing is to bundle up with MC and go for a walk, looking at the leaves fall and feeling the chill in the air. Just something simple and relaxing between the two of them. Maybe stop at a nice coffee shop to have a warm cup and something sweet that they can share while looking out the window and people watch. The man needs something relaxing to do and he would love for it to be with MC.
Though he wouldn't like the work of gathering them together, he strikes me as the type to enjoy jumping in giant piles of leaves and rolling around in them with MC. Just bolt at a pile bigger than he is and jump right into it, lol. Laying around on the ground and watch the leaves fall from the trees and the clouds roll by in a nice twilight sky. It sounds perfect for him and MC to do together.
Hear me out. Baking. I feel Levi has a hidden talent when it comes to baking, and he would love to learn how to make pumpkin and apple pie, plus all different kinds of fall based desserts that he and MC can work on together. Plus pumpkin carving is another thing he would be super into; as I mentioned before, they would all be anime themed, but would look amazing!
Another hear me out. A murder mystery dinner party. He would be so hard-core into too! (I saw the idea in a fall plans guide and thought of him instantly lol). He would make it so fun that even his brothers would be involved in it wholeheartedly, and would be over the moon to see MC get into it as well.
A Fall foliage photo shoot! Gets all his brothers together dressed to the nines in lovely fall attire and takes pictures with all of them together and of them just having fun in the leaves and hanging out. Lots of them posted to Devilgram and him bragging about how amazing his family is. Definitely decorates the HoL like crazy with pumpkins and all kinds of leaf based decorations, getting them all involve with that as well.
Would definitely love to attend a fall festival with MC. Wants to try all the different food at every booth and ride every ride there is as well. Definitely wins some prizes for MC at the different game booths too. Would ride the hay ride and have fun at the petting zoo with them, and sit and carve a pretty pumpkin they picked out together.
Binge spooky movies while sitting with hot chocolate and buried under a ton of blankets. Lots of snacks while they huddle together and laughs heartily every time MC jumps and cuddles into him further. I also feel he would love bonfires, his brothers included with them, all huddled together around the fire telling ghost stories or just sharing memories together.
Also the type to enjoy both a festival and end the day with a bonfire, having everyone together and just spending time with one another. That would make his world for him. I know he would love the alone time with Mc when baking pies and carving pumpkins too, and maybe even a hay ride that is only set for the two of them to enjoy.
Arts and crafts based on Fall, like making a wreath for the castle door or also carving pumpkins. We all always say he would love baking as well, so lots of pies and sweets that he would share with all the brothers as well as MC. Would definitely enjoy a nice walk in the leaves where it was just him and MC and sit in a little park just enjoying the cool air while cuddled up with them.
Apple picking and a corn maze! One where he could also take Luke to have some fun with them. Though he would tease and play with MC in the maze whenever they could be alone for a bit. Lots of baking the apples as well, making pies and candied apples, that they would share with the royals and the brothers. Also lights a lot of Fall scented candles around Purgatory Hall to get into the festive feeling.
Also the type to play around in the leaves and have the best time just throwing himself and MC into the giant piles. Would try his hand at baking and making a turkey even, and thankfully MC would be there as back up to help make sure he does things right, lol. Would also love to try making candied and caramel apples with all the ones they got at the apple picking. Would also take MC to a Fall festival as well.
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@undine-taz replied to your post “@undine-taz replied to your post “Why Utena’s Uniform is Black” …”
I took part of it in the fact that Utena was very much so inspired by Jungian color theory, where ‘black’ is identified with the 'repressed emotions’. To me, the Black Rose arc gave us the show’s context for the color- it represented the hidden emotions that ultimately 'feed’ our behaviors.
In every elevator scene, the characters go from their surface level emotions- the butterfly on the wall- down deeper, to where they’re more honest with themselves, and down into the deepest parts of their emotions, so hidden that they’re inaccessible even to the person in question- the leaf. These emotions may be hidden, but their surface level behavior is still a byproduct of these hidden emotion
However, these emotions aren’t considered socially acceptable or desirable. So ‘black’ becomes associated with the hidden undesirable that our surface level behavior is built on.
Didn’t know about Jungian theory and colors, interesting! The link between the entire black rose arc and hidden/shameful emotions and instincts is unmistakable, I absolutely agree
(It occurs to me now... If we go with this Black = hidden socialy unacceptable behaviours, it’s interesting that Utena’s uniform loses some of that color in the movie, when she really start to not give a shit about pretending to just ‘be a normal girl looking for a normal boy’ and goes around like, flirting with Wakaba and dressing fully butch - binding even. ... Huh!)
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𝐅𝐄𝐋𝐋𝐎𝐖 𝐓𝐑𝐀𝐕𝐄𝐋𝐋𝐄𝐑𝐒 [moots and anons]
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𝐈. Moots I
𝐈𝐈. Moots II
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Cookie Customer 🍪 - i serve a variety of different treats to go with the beverage of your choice, i’m certain you’ll find one to your liking
Newspaper Anon 📰 - any interesting stories today? how about you tell me over a cup of coffee or tea?
❄️ Anon - come on in!! the shop is nice and cosy warm… here let me bring you a drink; do you prefer tea, coffee or hot chocolate?
Midnight Vampire - from one nocturnal being to the next, you’re always welcome here; whether it’s for a cup of … tea or other reasons
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➺ send in an ask to be added or removed
Genshin Impact: @mccnstruck @tavvattales @silentmoths @ainescribe @meimeimeirin @dustofthedailylife @nsojbbkkm @kazuuhhaaaa @inufinuf @ynverse @nico707 @boba-is-a-soup @hellithides @ryuryuryuyurboat @the-guardian-kitsune
➺ Modern Au: @r0ttenhearts @bananasquash @himimikyu @franaby
Tokyo Revengers: @getousrep
Haikyuu!!: @mccnstruck
Twisted Wonderland: @savanaclaw1996 @honehbee42
Obey me!: @the-guardian-kitsune
➺ Oc: Dantalion [Of Flowers and Gems]: @sweeneyblue1 @the-guardian-kitsune @ohbaby-obaeme
➺ Oc: Valefar [Deal with the Devil]: @yourloc-lgh0st @undine-taz @the-guardian-kitsune
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