#under the readmore bc blood
whaliiwatching · 9 months
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off to behead some fascists!! wanna come with?
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warfeind · 5 months
everyone is just waiting for their saviour.
chainsaw man ch. 145 – 148 / chapter 145 analysis by sugar-grigri / problem area, melissa broder / psalms 22:19–20 TPT /  queen of fillory,  janet pluchinsky
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Hey since your requests are open, could you maybe draw Hal? Doing anything, I don't really care what (only if you want)
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day 96
YES i actually got 2 thinking about hal today thanks to this post (and my tags even passed peer review yippee thank u) ANYWAY. in addition to all of that. I HAVE ALWAYS THOUGHT he and aradia would be friends.
ok i wrote all this out and it got long and kinda rambly bc im tired so im putting it under a cut lmao HALRADIA FRIENDSHIP RANT IN THE READMORE
i think there would be.... maybe a little tension given that aradia eventually ended up in Her Own Flesh And Blood Body and hal would presumably not have that option?
but overall i think after the way her friends treated her as a robot, and the experience of going from experiencing life as a living breathing organic person to a bodiless entity to HAVING a body but that body not being the same as the one you remember.... idk! it's like EXTREMELY EXTREMELY SPECIFIC AND MORE THAN A LITTLE TRAUMATIC and they could share it with each other!! how fucking lovely is that.
not to mention they both kind of have a history with equius?? (assuming this is post arquiusprite in some way. i certainly have an extremely self-indulgent "everyone lives" au for this scenario where they're able to safely separate into their pre-sprite components and then hal and aradia become buds.)
REGARDLESS i think it would be interesting for hal (who has ostensibly nothing but positive shit to say about his connection to equius) and aradia (who has some truly fucked things to say about her experiences with equius) to Talk Through All That.
not 2 mention the parallels that can be drawn between dirk/hal's perception of their relationship with jake being this kind of... Manipulative Pining Weirdness, and aradia being on the other side of somebody else's Manipulative Pining Weirdness and sharing that perspective without even knowing about all of that dirkjake backstory OUGH im tellin u it is all a very complex and wonderful scenario to consider and like, im not even much of an alpha kid aficionado tbh. hal experts chime in on the comments i know youre out there and i wanna hear your takes.
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creatrixanimi · 2 months
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I’ve been trying to design a melli for the submas hazbin au and unfortunately I love him (still can’t fucking. Figure out what he would wear tho)
Also MAN I forgot I haven’t posted ANY of my doodles for this AU. I’ll dump some here. Featuring Emmet having a bad time & club outfit ingo bc lady sneasler is making him go out. They are having. Different experiences lol.
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More. I think ingo goes sicko mode when he dissociates In this au. It’s bad for him. Blood cw.
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Putting the mellingo one under a readmore. Feat an older melli design
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corrodedbisexual · 1 year
The ultimate shadow ban survivor guide
I've seen multiple people I follow, or their mutuals affected by shadow bans lately (makes me wonder if it's @staff's attempts to fight bots going totally haywire). As someone who survived a 2-month-long shadow ban on my main this winter, I thought I'd make a post.
First step of being shadow banned: calm down and take a breath. A shadow ban is just a stupid glitch in tumblr's anti-spam system. You're not losing your blog. You're gonna need a whole lot of patience, and deal with inconveniences, but it's fixable.
Read the incredibly useful post All About Shadowban by @that-damn-girl. It outlines the symptoms quite well. The only thing I'd point out is "your original posts won’t be visible to your followers either" - afaik that doesn't happen. Everything you post and reblog will still be visible to your followers, and also they can interact with your posts - like them, reblog them, reply to them.
Just like the post says, contact support. I recommend using a different email than what your banned blog is registered to; not because your ticket won't go through (mine actually did, as I found out when they finally replied), but because you might not receive an email confirmation for your ticket (it's somehow tied to the anti-spam thing, I think), and you're going to worry and try to send more tickets, like I did.
Now wait. And wait, and wait, and wait. They are SLOW. I've seen some miraculous 1-day unbans in the #shadow ban tag, but most people, like me, wait around a month for support to reply. Those are the same guys going through thousands of bot reports every day in addition to user tickets.
If you're going to wait, might as well keep blogging. Now if this is your sideblog that's shadow banned, consider yourself lucky. Make a new temporary sideblog, use it to post your original stuff so it goes into tags (mind that it might take a few days for a new blog to start showing up in tags). Reblog everything to your shadow banned blog so you still have all content in one place and your followers see it. If it's your main that's banned, you can still do that, but there's the extra pain of not being able to reply to posts or send non-anon Asks, since that is only done from main. Might need to register a separate account for that.
Some more fun facts under readmore.
Fun fact #1
Trying to send support follow-up emails in the request confirmation email isn't going to do anything to speed up the process. But I did tweet at them using this tumblr support summoning picture by @cornmayor and offered a raccoon blood sacrifice to resolve my issue when it was like a month with no response. This is what they replied.
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3 hours later I got an email that my shadowban was lifted. I honestly don't know if it was a coincidence, but I mean, this is tumblr staff. Maybe they do accept blood sacrifices.
Fun fact #2
If you're wondering why my shadow ban lasted 2 months if I got a support reply after 1 month, well. It's hard to say exactly how their ban/unban system works bc support replies exclusively with pre-written template sentences, but basically they fucked up. The first time they told me my blog has been restored, I gained pretty much all functions back, except that my posts were still not appearing in tags. Which means probably that being hidden from tags is some kind of different flag on your blog that they forgot to remove. So I had to send a follow-up ticket and wait another month.
My advice is, when they tell you it's fixed, don't take that at face value, go and check all the functions you'd lost (replies, messaging, asks, tagging, appearing in notes, getting mentioned by others).
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transbuck · 10 months
one year on t!
today is the anniversary of when i started T so i kinda wanted to make a post about what thats been like for me!
under a readmore so if you don't want to read a wall of text about testosterone you don't have to aslkdfjalksd
i'll reblog this post to add pictures of me from the past year
also if you have any questions related to my experience on T, my askbox is open and i do have anon on. :)
so i decided to do the gel instead of the shot because i had needle issues. i don't think i really do anymore though, because for the first year of care, they have you go every three months to get your hemoglobin and t levels checked and they draw blood for that. but i am still sticking with the gel because there's a lower risk of blood clots(APPARENTLY - this was told to me by a nurse PLEASE double check this with your doctor and confirm if thats a concern for you), and since i'm on a hormonal birth control, i want to do everything i can to keep that risk low!
I also started on a half dose bc I was a liiiiittle nervous about it, and went up to the full dose after 6 months.
so. pros and cons of t gel:
pros: no needles (also makes for easier disposal), lower risk of blood clots (again, feel free to fact check me on this)
cons: its daily, i've had issues with acne on my shoulders, can't wear tank tops
overall i think its the best option for me right now, though i might change my mind in the future!
changes so far:
voice - my voice has gotten deeper and is starting to crack. my voice no longer gives me away if someone genders me correctly before i start talking
hair - toe hair, leg hair, arm hair, ass hair. no facial hair. a liiiittle bit of tummy hair
libido/horniness - i had a pretty low sex drive before starting t bc my bc kinda killed any semblance of one i had before aldksfjalkds so im not 100% more horny all the time, it kind of comes in waves. but i am WAY more horny and interested in sex than i was before
bottom growth - this was the thing that concerned me THE MOST before i started. i did NOT want bottom growth, i liked my bits where they were. but honestly its not bad at all. i didn't even notice it was happening. i think its leveled off for now which is good, i'm chill with where its at, but if it does start growing again, we'll see how i feel about it aksdjfklads i've seen some people have INSANE bottom growth. also. if you're thinking about getting on T. bottom growth is one of the FIRST things to happen. so you gotta be chill with it aldskfjalksd
muscle mass/fat distribution - i really haven't noticed too much change in this department yet. i don't really have any fat on me (just a little on my hips and some on my thighs) so that could be why I haven't noticed much change? and i'm not currently going to the gym so idk in terms of muscle mass.
ultimately I'm very happy with where i am in my transition and i can't wait to see what the next year brings! (facial hair maybe? we can only hope)
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firein-thesky · 9 months
um um cielo, liddol angel 🥺✨️ 👉🏼👈🏼 would it be possible for me to request #44 with bakugou for the kissy prompts ?? if you have too many that's okay !! 😌🩷🩷🩷🌱🌱🦋🦋🦋
hehe i am your liddol angle 😇💕 yes OF COURSE you may request bakugou!! making me go back and write for mha, it's been a hot second jfdksfk
putting under a readmore bc i felt like the post got long lol hope you enjoy my love!! 💕
44. Tentative kisses given in the dark.
Katsuki feels like he could be a teenager again, caught in the dark with the person who makes his heart feel like it might just burst right from his chest.
The storm had knocked the power out. It had been movie night with all your mutual friends.
Now he's in this little closet with you, trying to find the breaker box to maybe get the power back on, lest the entire movie night be ruined.
You're holding the flashlight while he tries pushing coats and clothes out of the way to find the wall for the breaker.
The flashlight flickers.
"Oi," he says, "hold it steady."
"I am," you reply, and the light returns, before flickering again. He turns to look at you.
The flashlight goes out in a wink, plunging the two of you into full darkness. There was no way he was going to find that breaker, let alone flip the right switch now.
"Dammit," he curses, "leave it to those idiots to give us a flashlight that was just about to die."
"Did you bring your phone?" You ask.
"No, Shitty Hair was using it for extra light. Do you have yours?"
"No, Ochako was using it for extra light, too."
He curses again, low and irritated. He grows restless, moves around a little like he might try and find his way out. He bumps into you.
"Shit, sorry—"
"Katsuki," you say and your voice has gone a little soft, hand on his chest to steady him. He swears you'll be able to feel his heart leap right from his stupid chest—traitorous thing that it is, trying to get to your open palm.
"We're alone." You say and there's a little lilt to your voice that has heat rushing to his face.
He's taken you out on three dates. He has kissed your cheek goodnight twice. And the last date, you'd given him a chaste kiss on the lips.
(He'd been hellbent on taking everything slow with you—doing it all right. God knows he's been too crass and too careless and too reckless with so many other things in his life before. But not this time, not you—)
He clears his throat and tries for his usual attitude, it falls flat. "Great observation."
"Will you kiss me?"
His breath hitches.
"You want me to kiss you?" He rumbles, even as his hand comes down to your waist, perhaps to hold you steady, maybe to hold himself steady.
"You don't have to beg—" he gets out, voice rough, but he's already leaning towards you in the dark. It's shy, tentative, a little uncertain.
But then your lips are there, against his, a soft pass of them. You lean up onto your toes, you press a little closer into him, melting. His cheeks are on fire. But he kisses you back, slowly, gently deepening it.
You sigh into it and he can feel your hand traveling over his shoulder, squeezing a little, up to the nape of his neck.
He pulls away, only for a moment, before he dips back down to kiss you again. He tries to be gentle, still a little shy, but you part your lips beneath his and his fingers squeeze at your waist reflexively.
The door to the closet bursts open and the two of you jump away.
"Any luck in here?" Lights flare onto your faces as Kaminari and Sero poke their heads into the doorway with phone flashlights.
Sero realizes it first. And his slow smile is enough to make Katsuki's blood pressure spike sharply.
"Seems there was some luck..."
"Our flashlight died!" You say quickly, "we couldn't find the breaker!"
"Right..." Sero agrees, "good thing we came by, huh?"
He's looking at Katsuki. Katsuki's eyes narrow on him. Kaminari looks between them and it dawns on him slowly.
"I thought it was a little too quiet in here..."
"Shut it, Sparky—"
And your laugh is like twinkling bells in the dark, bright and lovely, and it's enough to make a mess of his heart all over again
thank you for requesting will 🥺💕 i hope you enjoyed!!
Send me a character and a kiss prompt and I'll write a blurb!
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harpywritesfic · 4 months
wip tag game!
yay i love these! i love talking about my wips (this is the only way some of them will see the light of day) so thanks @space-mermaid-writing for the tag! this is also a good push to go in and organize my megadoc a bit.
RULES: Post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! Then tag as many people as you have WIPs. (i don't even know that many people so no :))
Most of my longer wips are in their own documents, but the smaller ones live in what i call the megadoc. basically it's all of them in one big house until they're grown enough to move into their own place. I usually separate them out once they break a page and start getting unwieldy. trouble is, the whole thing is unwieldy now that it's so large. seventy-five pages of wips. i'm not counting the really small ones bc all they are are snippets.
under a readmore because there's 40
Independent fics:
Occupational hazards (snail mail exchange fic)
Three for the price of one (nsfw, aka the tentacle fic)
Hacked your phone
Masters of communication
You need to eat
NOT dating
metal and bone (whumptober 2022)
thread and blood (sequel to metal and bone)
Megadoc fics: (newest to oldest. newer is better)
ANOTHER self-indulgent fic
Battle of the proposal dates
Harpy has a headache
Wow! An abandoned wip!
Stop breathing i don’t like it
Dirt nap averted
He’s just like me fr fr
Drpepperony tag team
Car rides are for the uninitiated
concussion roomate
Uh. praise kink (nsfw)
Dum-e is now an ESA
Cat Curse
Dead rats
The old sex pollen thing (nsfw)
Now you care?
Pre dawn breakdown
truth or dare without the dare
Prompt #1257
My own prompt :)
prompt 1229
BTHB: chronic pain
donut ship has dry ice
road rash and bruising
BTHB- twisted ankle
silly string
what is love? baby don't hurt me
ily, goodnight
alien flu
stephen got kidnapped again
long day
blood magic
good boyfriend
hacked ur phone
i don't know
have a seat
feel free to ask for more than one!
i'm tagging @darkkitty1208 and@hithertoundreamtof23! no pressure ofc :)
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pawbeanies · 1 month
tagged by: @emo-mmy !!! hi!!! running around in circles around you thank you for the taggg
im. putting this under a readmore because i realized i like talk so much and then i got embarrassed because this is so long and silly and i go on a billion tangents. tagging games fun though !!!
last song:
covering my face with my sleeve paws i may be silly. lately i am getting into vkei bc beloved people in my life are like "you would like it!!!" and i DO !!! this specific song is actually a cover of the op of the 80s rose of versailles anime which like is in itself a whole other fun thing to talk about because of its like influence but like OK its a good somg. its a good cover. lareine is no longer together but like the members have gone on to do other stuff !!!!
favorite color: pink and blue !! i am indecisive and it swaps... but i like those the most
currently watching: sara z's video on dear evan hansen!! for some reason. my yt algorithm is like all musical theatre videos. or episodes of kitchen nightmares. i don't even think i'm all that into theatre but i like listening to people who know more tear into it
last movie: i was like in agony trying to remember what the last movie i watched was and then i remembered. its twilight. it was twilight. im on a vampire kick right now it seems (but also it was like at a friends house and i was only half watching because they brought their pet rabbit out to hang out with us and i was playing with it the whole time and it was BITING ME !!!!) (but also i was like locked in for the baseball scene. the best scene in all of cinema.)
sweet/spicy/savory: cruel i cannot choose one... trapped between sweet and savory because while i love spicy things i cannot handle them ...... i feel like i like sweet things sliiightly more but. hmhm. like when you eat too many sweet things you end up wanting something savory yknow .....
relationship status: single ........... there is an obvious reason why i think you can tell from my posting (its that im annoying and do not shut the fuck up .........)
current obsession: unfortunately the vampire book series i have been like talking about so much, silver under nightfall and its sequel court of wanderers !! i am thinking of what i wouldve done differently in the sequel fkskfksf (also coming to the horrid realization that they were like setting up pegging but i dont think my guys ever got pegged. whats the point. truly. heres my editors notes. why didnt the main character get pegged? like theres so many things that were set up and mentioned and that didnt come to fruition and thats not my only critique its not JUST about pegging. but the lack of pegging is like representative of many of the issues i have with the book. why didnt he get pegged. they bring it up MULTIPLE times and yet we never saw the strap. they describe it in universe as being "shafted" and YEAH i certainly feel shafted !!! i need answers!!!!!!!! im OPENING my googledocs and writing the fic where he gets pegged !!!!!) this will like pass in a couple days im sure. i think. i hope
um also my fun game blorbos i think. yah
last thing i googled: "pin feathers" like the kind that birds have !! i dont remember the context anymore but they're like. developing feathers on a bird and sometimes they have BLOOD in them and then they are called blood feathers isnt that cool... i wish i was a bird
tagging: not tagging anyone in particular because i'm nervous about tagging people fksjkf BUT if you see this and you wanna do it please pretend like i am !!! tagging you !!! do these !!!!!!!! im tagging you in spirit if you want to do these. tagging you with. my mind. yipee
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ybcpatrick · 10 months
bestie i need to know what happened
it's going under a readmore here's my incoherent play-by-play. it's one am so apologies in advance xoxo
- fall out boy played fall out boy songs at the fall out boy show. and they looked sexey while doing it. kell dead kell injured
- joe and pete's mics were turnt the FOCK UP
- immediately after the intro to calm before the storm, patrick stops the song to break up a fight. pete says they're lame for fighting at a fob show, and asks why the fuck they're fighting when we're canadian and we have universal healthcare. fair enough brother
- the ioh death rotation blesses us with hum hallelujah. kell deader kell injureder
- pete put his head in da dog's mouf (i do not remember which songggg😥)
- patrick says he loves canada, and not just because he's pissed off at the states. all good american comedy is actually canadian + he luvs poutine. BASED.
- piano medley was what a time to be alive + golden + don't stop believin', because patrick is sadistic like that.
- save rock and roll. i know that's not a surprise it just fucking hurted anyway bc That's For Me
- no just one yesterday. tragedy of the modern day but it is TOTALLY FUCKING OKAY BECAUSE:
- fob did not come personally hand me the vhs tape with the ybc bloopers on it :// fuckin evil of em tbh /j
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ruthlesslistener · 6 months
I never watched ONS, but I always see you grieving what became of it, so I am interested. Can you tell me what first got you into it, what is it about and why you fell out of it? I don't mind any spoilers because I don't intend to watch, I am just madly curious ^^
[takes a long, deep breath] oh boy where do i even start with this one.
Owari no Seraph is a textbook example of a series with amazing characters and great concepts that then gets completely dicked over by the author's own incompetence with writing. Pair that with blatant queerbait and the guy realizing halfway through that he's lost interest in his own main characters and vastly prefers his mary sue self-insert (Guren) instead, and you've got a recipe for a disaster. Which fucking sucks, because I cannot overstate the fact that the series starts off really strong with really good character and plot concepts, before devolving into an absolute goddamn disaster. Let me try to recount it for you, but keep in mind that it may be inaccurate because I dropped the series in like, 2018 so it's been a Hot Minute(tm)
Alright angry rant incoming. Putting this under a readmore bc it gets long
Basically, the story takes place after a cataclysmic apocalyptic event occurs where almost anyone over the age of 13 drops dead, leaving only a scattered handful of people and a whole fuckload of children behind to survive. After this mysterious event occurs, the vampires that inhabited the world came out of the shadows to round up the survivors and turn them into human livestock to ensure their own survival.
The protagonist of the story is a young orphan boy called Yuuichirou, who- alongside deuteragonist Mikaela and the rest of the orphans in Hyakuya orphanage- are captured and turned into vampire livestock, which the hotblooded and angry young Yuu hates, leading him to swear that he's going to become a vampire hunter and kill them all as revenge. Mika- who at the time was a sort of parental figure to the rest of the younger children and always trying to be sweet to Yuu, who rejected his affections bc both boys were severely abused and traumatized as children- finds a map to escape the underground vampire city that they're trapped in after essentially selling his body to a vampire noble, Ferid. But as it turns out, Ferid was fully aware of their plan to escape, so when them + the rest of the orphans attempt to escape to the outside world, he shows up right before the tunnel to the exit and slaughters them all, leaving Yuu as the only survivor. Yuu runs out, sobbing, and runs facefirst into Guren (the ACTUAL protagonist, apparently, even though he sucks), and a squadron of adult vampire hunters who ~mysteriously~ escaped the apocalypse. As it turns out, these vampire hunters have formed soul-contracts with demons in order to manifest the cursed weaponry required to true-kill a vampire.
That's episode one. The rest of the anime series is basically centered around Yuu trying to become a vampire slayer after a 3-year timeskip, him forming a bond with a demon to get his own cursed weapon, and then getting wrangled into a squad with a bunch of other 16-year-olds to go running around learning how to be a team and murder stuff. This works as well as you might expect, because Yuu is an edgy lone wolf who spends his days crying himself to sleep at night because he misses Mika and is horrifically traumatized by what happened. Then, ding ding ding! As it turns out, Mika WASN'T killed in the attack, but got turned by the vampire queen herself, and spent the three years he was turned trying to find Yuu again so that they could run away together and escape the whole disaster. Except Mika refuses to drink human blood, the catalyst to complete his transformation, and so he's on a timer, too- he's been drinking the blood of his progenitor, but it's been less and less effective at satiating him. And this is a fuckin' problem, because as it turns out, vampires turn into demons when they die. So Mika is basically in full suicide mode trying to save Yuu, then when Yuu realizes that Mika is alive and a vampire he does a 180 on how he thinks about them and goes into full 'no, I'm going to save YOU' mode about Mika, and so on and so on.
Anyways the true hinging point of the series and the greatest strength is centered around Mika and Yuu's love for each other, because when I say these boys were in-love destined-soulmates, I fucking MEAN it. Like, it's straight-up canon that Mika is in love with Yuu, and Yuu is pretty much outright in love with Mika in return. The problem, however, is that this is a shounen manga, so it's heavily heavily implied that Yuu is actually going to end up with Shinoa (a female character who is actually REALLY FUCKING GOOD SO IT REALLY SUCKS SHE GETS SHAFTED SO HARD LATER), despite him talking to her like. twice. And her only ever sending him longing glances and blushes. And then the aforementioned thing of the author getting more interested in Guren than Mika and Yuu comes into play and that's when I dropped it because Guren is the MOST mary-sue a character can get in terms of him being a sheer boring asshole who fucked the whole world up and has zero redeeming qualities and yet everyone in-story (but mika) loves him and follows him for no fuckin' reason.
As for the rest of the plot- It's later shown that the reason why this event occurred was because of a deal struck with a trapped seraphim, and that Guren was the one who caused the whole fucking thing to happen in the first place because he was sad that his squad died (or something like that) so he sacrificed the entire rest of the world to save like, 5 people that get zero character development. There's a really heavy message about found family through the series that felt really great and poignant in the beginning when it was Mika trying to convince Yuu that he was a family group with the other orphans after their own parents both tried to kill them, but then gets twisted later on to be meaningless because Yuu eventually just starts calling fucking EVERYONE family, and Guren uses it as a means of manipulating him. I dropped the manga after this started to happen because the focus turned almost entirely to Guren and everyone else's characterization went out the fucking window to simply 'trust guren he knows what he's doing' minus Mika, who has come to hate all humans left for Very Good Fucking Reasons. Because, as it turns out, the demon-bound vampire-slaying society have the only adults left who survived because THEY were the ones who trapped the seraphim in the first place, and THEY were running experiments on people with certain genetics/affinities to these seraphs to try to turn them into seraphs and harness their near-godly powers. Yuu and Mika and the rest of the kids in the Hyakuya orphanage, as it turns out, were very strong candidates for this type of experimentation, and the reason why Yuu got snatched up by the humans and Mika got turned by the vampires was because they're the human equivalent of nukes in the human-vampire war. Also, the progenitors of all the vampires was a fallen angel and vampires turn into demons when killed because of it. Which is actually really cool.
So it really fucking sucks that the author started neglecting all the other characters to obsess over his beloved Guren and to excuse all of his shitty selfish actions right when he got to the part explaining the whole seraph project thing. And like, the most frustrating part is that Guren as a complex antagonist works really really well, but the author wants nothing more than for him to be the sad, dark, brooding protagonist everyone loves, so that's the treatment he gives him. It's like he decided midway through the story that he's actually really fucking tired of Mika, meh on Yuu, but loves Guren and wanted him to be protag all along, so that's the point where the story goes down the drain. Luckily, this is after season two of the anime ends, and I haven't heard anything about a potential season 3.
That was only half of my problems though- it also had like, the worst fandom I've ever been in by far, and that's saying something because I was in some pretty fucking bad fandoms in my life. It was just full of the most needlessly hostile shit, with my main issue with it being the fact that it was full of ship wars...over the same damn ship. That being Mikayuu. Or Yuumika. Because, as it turns out, fucking NOBODY seemed to be able to get either Yuu or Mika in-character, they had to slap seme/uke stereotypes onto them and the whole war was raged over whether or not someone was mischaracterizing them because Mika was actually the top, not the bottom, or visa versa (I cannot drive home enough that both sides horrifically mischaracterized them either way. And also that Yuu and Mika were 16- not too young to fuck, but certainly too young to know what the fuck they were doing). There were death threats sent and harassment campaigns over this. You were branded as either being on one side or the other and nobody would accept the fact that both views were wrong. And that's even if you were a shipper in the first place- you also had the Yuu/Shinoa shippers who were overwhelmingly homophobic straight men who thought people were stupid illiterate yaoi fangirls for thinking Mika and Yuu were in love (tbf, most of them were weird yaoi fangirls who were simply another flavor of homophobic), or there were the people who thought that Mika and Yuu were adopted siblings because they took the last name of the orphanage they were in (hyakuya) to abandon their abusive parents/called each other 'family' and that EVERYONE who shipped them was an incest apologist (got hit with this one myself). And even if you weren't interested in shipping either, you weren't safe- I've made some of my best friends in that fandom, despite everything, and one of them didn't ship Yuu and Mika, opting for a QPP/adoptive siblings approach. And they got the MOST rancid shit thrown at them for it by the shippers, despite them not caring that other people shipped them. AND there were Mika haters/lovers who thought he was a 'yandere' for being ''''obsessed'''' with Yuu and running off with him despite the fact that it was shown over and over that Mika was severely traumatized by losing everyone he loved and that Yuu was being psychologically manipulated by the army to be a complacent experiment. Granted, this was all my experience in the 2016-2018 fandom cycle, but still. Nasty nasty nasty.
(oh and also Ferid, aka the guy who murdered everyone in the orphanage but Yuu and -partially- Mika, was heavily implied to be vampirically raping Mika bc he was straight-up a pedophile who only drank blood from people under 16 and getting your blood sucked was apparently orgasmically pleasurable/a sex metaphor, was treated as the 'fabulous gay uncle and best mika/yuu shipper supporter' by most of the fandom because after Mika was turned, he continued to emotionally and psychologically abuse him via his love for Yuu. Nasty!)
((Oh and yes, when Yuu finally gets Mika to bite him and drink his blood, that was used as 'proof' that Mika tops and is actually a smirking hardcore seme dom for blushy subby Yuu. Despite the fact that Mika was dying, sobbing hysterically and yelling at Yuu for making him survive as something he despised, and Yuu was stubbornly yelling back about how he'd love him and accept him no matter what and how he'd find a way to save him and thrusting a bleeding arm in his face to try to force him to drink. Nuance and appreciation for characterization was lost on this fandom.))
Anyways. It really really sucks, because the anime is actually very good. I genuinely would reccomend watching it- the animation is amazing and beautiful, the soundtrack gives you chills, and it covers the story right up until the next story beat and it starts swerving down the gutter, so you can feasibly watch it and then stop right there, mentally tallying it as an open/ambiguous ending. But I wouldn't suggest anything other than that, because ohhhhh boy it. it just isn't worth it. believe me. Everything else is worth it for Yuu and Mika and the Shinoa Squad, but that's where it ends
(ofc i could be wrong and the whole thing is looking up by now but i have zero faith thats the case.)
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meowmeowmage · 10 months
Let's write an mHanders fic! Part 10 (poll under readmore)
Masterpost featuring links to all parts: HERE
He ripped through the Blooming Rose like a storm, everyone moving clear out of his way.
A strictly verbal confrontation would've been the wiser choice. And he would've enjoyed insulting and possibly humiliating the templars. But his blood was boiling with rage at the scene before him. It took all of his self-control simply not to use magic or punch the templar stright in his disgusting grin. People were always telling him how quick-tempered he could be about certain things. But he had good reasons.
He towered over the templar and grabbed him by the wrist, squeezing hard. A teenhood spent on a farm, and years of physical training weren't just for show. And the shock and pain on the templar's face were proof of that.
"This is not the Circle," he gritted out, "you don't get to put your hands on whoever you please."
He squeezed harder, and the templar grasp on Anders released. Now that that was takes care of, Hawke's thoughts cleared a bit. The templar's buddies were getting out of their seats, hands reaching for their swords.
"Who do you think you are?! Assaulting a templar!" One of them said, full of entitlement as they usually were.
Hawke knew the pretense of almost drawing their swords was mostly for show, a way to intimidate someone who didn't know better. But while templars had gone beyond their area of control in Kirkwall, they were yet not at the point where they could willy-nilly draw a sword on just anyone, especially not in an establishment where nobles frequented, and definitely not for something so mild as having their wrist squeezed.
Hawke may not care for his title, but it was useful, and he didn't mind flaunting it when necessary. It sure made him look and sound like a self-centered asshole, but he really couldn't care less at the moment.
They were dangerously close to making a scene and getting even more unwanted attention. Hawke needed to get Anders away pronto, with as little suspicion on their heels as possible. And there was just one thing every dickbag respected.
"I'm the noble who already paid for his-" Hawke pointed at Anders with his thumb, "-time. And I'm not having any more of it, and my coin, wasted on dealing with you. Keep in your lane next time."
° ° °
Option 1: Hawke doesn't like it bc it's what the templar did, but it's by far the most appropriate way
Option 2: Hawke feels that he's being a bit too handsy like that, but it's effective and is not repeating g what the templar did
Both options lead to Hawke and Anders going upstairs.
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mesanthropi · 7 months
hihihi moots as svt memes go!
i feel like i know you from somewhere, anon 👁️👁️ but i have a shit ton of those so LET'S GO. I'M DOING THIS FOR ALL MY MUTUALS (memes under the readmore)
@wheeboo still can't believe we're moots. anyway, i literally just clicked on this one solely for the captions, but i guess i just gravitated to seungkwan naturally. we're all shocked by capitalism, but ate rani would be the most shocked by it. (she'd hate gas prices here in the ph)
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@weird-bookworm these are all gonna be gose pictures, huh? /j this was literally her with me earlier this afternoon. like i was all "should i let the intrusive thoughts win", she came into the replies, then on discord HAHAHAHAH im so sorry you have to deal with my nonsense, but i am stuck with you like oxygen to blood cells.
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@3ninth ok not a kpop mutual, but i don't have many mutuals so ya'll are here now no matter what fandom you come from 👉👉 homie is my fellow discord mod. miss her sm fr, hopefully she's back when the owner pops back in from school activities!! if you see this, paula, hope ur having a great time. if not, tell us who we need to beat up
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@fairyhaos ATE YENAAAA <33 ok so as an alternative, there's [this], but! primarily, she's giving. this specific mingyu pic. this was defo them during the shua dating rumors and i don't blame her, BUT ALSO. I FEEL LIKE THIS IS ALSO A THING WHENEVER AN ILLEGAL REQ POPS INTO THE ASK BOX. WHEN ARE WE GETTINBG AN UPDATE ON THE COUNT /JJJ
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@kyeomyun she's the homie frfr actually. jadaders would tbh go "that's unfortunate" with the biggest smile on her face if there's any minor inconvenience that happens to either you or her. it's either in a way where girlie is fr amused by your misfortune, or this is a call for help. she's going thru it @ school so hopefully she gets a break soon ^^
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@i-luvsang just for you, i'm getting an atz meme (and also bc its their 5th debut anniv <3). feel like marimoon would get the nearest stuffed animal in a shop, call for me, and do this with the blankest face they can manage. i'd lose my mind ofc i laugh at everything but especially shit like this. it's deadpan humor, i swear
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@hannyoontify KIKIEEEEEEE <333 DO YOU LOVE ME /LYR /J anyway, kie!! my homie kie, we miss you here at residencia misantropia. moving on, we have this lovely jeonghan screenshot from a knowing bros episode. feel like this is their mood sometimes. hopefully you're taking care of yourself, man! when you come back, we're here with open arms fr ong!!
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@joshuahonggf JIAAAA we don't talk much but i adore her sm. [img text's rough tr: i know you're getting nervous about tomorrow, sis] we'd probably be the type of homies who'd spam e/o on discord about a project we're grouped up in. or an exam. or a performance, one or the other. but we end up doing great anyway B))) we're cool like that
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@haowrld HI PRE 👉👉👉 abnother filo buddy of mine hehehe. wishing u luck on ur fic btw! i assign to you this woozi screenshot. because sometimes, we get those moments of having zero thoughts in our head. this is also at every writer ever, we're good at imnagining shit but actually writing it is either the hardest thing ever or it comes naturally. goodluckies!!
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@wqnwoos HANA WHO CAME BACK BECAUSE ANON CALLED THEM POOKIE 👉👉👉 /jjj but seriously, hana was one of the ppl i first followed after i discovered svt fics on tumblr. she's one of the firsy writer si followed!! but considerinh the fact that she used my iwn salt shaker threat against me, this is what they'd send me i think. idk. its lke 1:21 am im getting sillier with these
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@mach1nat1on YOU. ASSHOLE. TRAUMATIZER. IMN GIVING YOU THIS BECAUSE THIS IS WHAT I FEEL SOMETIMES WHENEVER YOU DO SOME SHIY IN THE PRIVATE SERVER. YOU HURT MY BBGS YOU HURT ME!! DID YOU KNOW THAT!?!?!??! NOW YOU'RE JUST SOMEBODY THAT I USED TO KNOW 🗣️🗣️ but i also love u dw i forgive u everytime and i support your righst and your wromgs. just know that we are forever in a love/hate relationship
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@lumasahina im gonna sc this and send this to our priv server but!! hey dude <3 traumatizer numero uno right beside mac and holls. this is you wnheever i manage to put lore into my silly little writings and my silly little characters. and for the record, just so you know, i feel the same way sometimes. i love how you do lore tho! it's always so well-done n they flow well hehe
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@holland (not @ing for other reasons) my HOMIE OF ALL HOPMIES, MY POOKIECAKES MY POOKUMS SNOOKUMS <3 sorry abt that those were rge demons. the voices. anyway! here's your assigned meme. skz just for you. i'd take pics of you like this. those 0.5 angles on iphone, then use them as reaction pics or emojis in our server. but i would also cherish these pictures bc they're you and you r my resident "across the world homie for years". stay safe, drink water, and i hope to finish ur req soon aughhhh
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holy shit its like 1:53am now wtf
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...tell us more about this au and jay being passed around like a blunt. If you dont mind.
absolutely i love my bullshit nonsense aus thank u so much for asking . gonna put it under a readmore bc its long and it gets raunchy. kids dont look
i see it like a hills have eyes/texas chainsaw sitch where brian and alex "inherited" a house somewhere bc they lizzie bordened their way out of the town they grew up in and got married legally w alex on the books as the wife - they raise livestock and kill for fun and eventually take tim in bc brian finds him out in the fields stumbling around covered in blood. amy hires them to have her parents killed and ends up sticking around to murder dudes who beat their wives.
jays an independent journalist on a roadtrip to research like. god even fucking knows what. but his cars a piece of shit so it breaks the fuck down of course in the middle of nowhere and he stands around kicking it and yelling in the rain until a truck stops and the most handsome guy jays ever seen steps out and offers to help haul it to his place. he'll at least give jay a ride, theres no service out here. (he doesnt really give room to refuse.)
so jay rides out to this guys brothers? place? brothers? wifes? the guy doesnt really talk. and theres a girl on the porch, and shes pretty and blonde and she tells him to come in and have a drink- jay asks if shes the brothers wife and she laughs and tells him shes the sister in law. "or something like that". and he didnt really ask what the drink was, but its like? sweet tea? but wrong? but these nice people in alabama wouldnt fuck up sweet tea. jay smoked a joint in the car. thats it. and the brother comes out and hes better looking than the guy with the truck, almost, which like where the fuck did he go? he said he'd get jay a phone- but theyre taking him out to the kitchen- the brothers wifes cooking and she wants to meet him, and shes pretty too, tall and smart-looking, deep voice- big fucking knife in her hand- and is it jay or is it getting kinda fucking dark in here.
idk i think it wld be fun if they made a game of "letting him go" and just letting him get halfway down a hallway before somebody else drags him into a bedroom lol . brian lets his darling little wife and her meat cleaver wear him out and cuts the rope on his wrists- thats enough for tonight, isnt it? he oughta be going. and jay crawls, stumbles bleeding and disbelieving out into the hall - clutching the railing and hyperventilating and putting one foot in front of the other and - amy snags her arm in his. you arent going so soon, are you mister? oh gosh youre hurt ! come here, let me clean you up- and she ties him back up and asks if hes ever tried makeup and asks if hes ever tried s&m and asks if he wants to see a dead body and when his mascaras running and the dead girls dress she put him in is ripped and stained and half-on she tells him if he really wants to go that bad ... she cant really stop him ..... only for tim to scoop him up in the hall and pull the skirt up to fuck him over the railing, stoic as anything, knife at his throat
and theyre gonna kill him but they all keep putting it off bc hes cute and maybe stockholm syndroming the tiniest bit and maybe definitely was a freak to begin with and keeps getting hard when theyre doing fucked up shit to him and complimenting the human furniture
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fryologyy · 1 year
Hey.Was wondering on your thoughts on Puss in Boots 2 if you’ve seen it yet? I was fully expect the dog to be an annoying side character yet he became an easy fav.
i literally ADORED pibtlw and it was incredibly well done 10/fucking 10 movie. the style and the framing and the variable framerate for high speed action for clarity AUGH its so good
putting spoilies under a readmore!!
EXACTLY MY THOUGHTS ON PERRITO i was so worried he would suck but he's such a good character and a great foil to Puss and i love him. also the way they handled puss having a full out panic attack was so respectful and good and that perrito is a therapy dog and that they both have opposite outlooks on life despite everything they've both been through....le cry
also the parallel between puss' found family in perrito and kitty and goldy's found family in the three bears.....crying in the club. the fact that perrito and goldy were both in the same spot bc they fill the same role i was like ohhghh my god. son
kitty softpaws is also always great. her vibes are impeccable as per ushe. and they handled the whole misunderstanding plot with her without it turning cliche or annoying. i love that they left each other at the altar because. real. and i love their relationship and their romance is very well done and ough...they r divorced and in love
really love how Cat puss was. like that was a whole Kitty. he acted so much like a cat in this one. fantastic. and antonio banderas' voice is so good
i think jack horner was fun. love when characters are just completely reprehensible. no redeemable qualities. he just fucking sucks. and he doesnt even have a reason to.
and how can i talk abt pibtlw without bringing up death? god he was cool as hell. i loooove how they designed him and animated him when he swings his sickles around and they clink together. so ominous. and he LANDED A HIT and there was BLOOD! and he was in the background all that time! death literally lurks behind every corner! fuckin A, dude!!
anyway yeah good movie tied itself up real nice at the end solid fucking 10/10 made me want to eat drywall
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sylvanedadeer · 11 months
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An old character of mine that I drew as a dog bc human faces are hard. Supreme blorbo, so brace for INSANE amounts of loredump in the readmore.
So, His/Their name is Nikya Kekoa. Born to a family who was harboring a whistleblower for Lexcorp, Nikya was separated from his family when a failed assassination attempt on the whistleblower forced the assassin to abduct him as a hostage to escape. Raised by a clan of assassins, he was taken in by the poisoner, a wise old woman named Liyu.
Under Liyu's watch, Nik grew to be a tough fighter and a master of potions and poisons. By the age of 10, he was far outclassing many of the people who were in the same age group as him, and even some beyond. Eventually, this caused tension that forced him to flee, and so he ran off with Donna Troy, the second Wonder Girl, and his future mentor.
Nik's powers work in three categories. He has his artifact granted powers, which include his bracelets, which are made from adamantine and can deflect most attacks and produce a powerful force shield, and his sword, which is made of songbird cries, able to easily conceal into a the hilt, and able to cut through anything sound could cut through.
The next category is a small array of spells, largely originally learned for self-preservation and to save others. They include a slow-falling spell, a flame-reduction spell, a sound-reduction spell, a spell to restore memories, and a few spells that mostly involve reading an object's locational history, as a means of tracking where it's been and where it might go. These spells all are powered by his own magical energy, and will be unusable if he is somehow cut off from the Earth's familiar magical fields.
Finally, Nik has a layer of powers that are more physical attributes than powers. He is naturally strong enough to lift about 3.5k lbs, and is a fast runner and master hand-to-hand combatant. He has a healing factor that functions by converting injured tissue into plant matter, which his blood naturally accelerates the growth/regrowth/healing of. In addition to this, his skin is naturally rhino thick. Finally, Nik is always able to tell if he is being lied to or misled, to what extent, and what specific words are a lie. He is able to see through almost all illusions, and can often see through people's masks. This power also makes him able to quickly locate concealed objects, hidden doors, or secret passages. However, he is also physically unable to lie, and while he is able to mislead, it can hamper his ability to use his powers, will cause him physical pain, and frankly, he doesn't like it.
Nik is a very tired individual. He's got a lot going on, and is constantly doing his best to not have everything crash down around him, but another part of him is secretly always wishing he'll go to a mission and not come back. Nevertheless, he's a studious person with a love of nature and stories. He's devoted hours to reading every scrap of literature he could get his hands on, and has entire books memorized from sheer enjoyment. When he's down, he finds that some hard physical labor helps him clear his head, and on the rare occasion he's happy, you'll see a bottle in his hands that is far too low to be alright. He's not got the best coping techniques, but he's had a rough life.
He went by Lost Boy from his origin as a superhero until about 2007, when he was about 16, when he changed it to Black Star.
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