#ugh I don’t know
figothynewton · 2 months
Trying to decide if I should reread just the sunshine court or if I should reread the entire aftg series 🧐
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theinquisitxor · 2 years
Okay, so I may be starting a second graduate program on top of the one I’m currently in. If I stick to my plan, I will graduate with an MS in Instructional Technology spring 2024, and an MS in Library and Information Science in fall 2024/spring 2025.
Am I a little insane? Yea possibly, but I also can’t sit still or feel like I’m not working towards a life/career goal at all times
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theobsoleteblog · 1 year
I'm in love with her but she's aroace. help.
ps: also, she's one of my closest friends
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panye · 1 year
will you write a fic for 1dpridefest? 👀
helloooo!! thanks for asking, tbh as much as i want to, i don’t know that i have time. to kind of give a breakdown of what i have coming (i also need to see this written out) i’ll list it below. i’m tagging the fests for quick reference!
tomorrow feb 20: my @notjustsmutficfest posts! it’s an abo fic and about ~12k words.
then i’m spending tomorrow to march 30 on my @onedirectionbigbang fic that i’m very excited about!
then here’s sort of where i’m stuck. i already signed up for @1daboficfest which is due may 28, and i want to participate in @wankersday fest which is also due may 28. with pride fest being due may 30/31, i just don’t know that i have time to write three quality works in april and may.
i’m leaning toward no for my own sake, but also for readers because i don’t want to rush through all of these. ugh!!! idk what to do!
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burnedhoney · 1 year
Obsessively planning weekend trips I can take alone on the Amtrak, I get PTO now so I can actually take time off
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bloobydabloob · 2 months
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The guys sketches
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happyheidi · 1 year
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ig: love_goat
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thetriangletattoo · 5 months
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grocery shopping
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comradekatara · 2 months
can i be real with you guys for a second. do i have permission to speak my truth without being flayed alive. just for a moment. the way many of you talk about zuka makes me think you guys don’t actually enjoy their relationship. people will be like “oh i love how it’s grumpy x sunshine because zuko is a little grouchy grouch and sokka is funny and flirty and bubbly” and i’m just like……. in what world?????????? i don’t think you guys ship zuck actually i think you guys just wish you could ship zukang without being perceived as weird for age gap reasons. but in no world is zucchini a ship wherein sokka is emotionally uplifting zuko thru the power of love and friendship. they’re literally both suicidal freaks. and yet people love making them not only as boring as possible, but also giving sokka a personality transplant (aang’s personality, to be specific) because they hate the source material or they just see conventionally attractive teenage boys and black out or who knows what. but it’s okay you guys can just ship zukang if that’s really what you want out of their dynamic. i won’t judge
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moonstonediaz · 2 months
have we talked about how tommy says “i’d love that” when bucks says he should buy him a beer 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫 he doesn’t brush him off with a noncommittal oh yeah we should do that sometime, no. he’s so earnest and genuine yes buck i would LOVE that slskslsk tomtom had it bad from 0:01
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dumbasswithapen · 4 months
can we just listen to Disabled people when they say what accommodations they need??? Like it really isn’t that hard to just take someone’s word on what is best for their own body! Whether it’s more or less or different than what you deem they need it really isn’t your place to say!!!
Sometimes, people need more than they show! Especially if they’re used to being in pain all the time, then they won’t always display that discomfort.
Sometimes the accommodations someone needs are different than what you assume. A friend who struggles with noise sensitivity may ask for you to turn on a different type of music, instead of turning it down, and if that is what they express they need you don’t have to say “oh no I can just turn it down!” and ignore them saying that that isn’t necessary because your idea of noise sensitivity is different than their own experiences and needs.
And sometimes people need less than you try to provide! Or simply don’t want that accommodation at the time! And here’s the crazy part: this applies even if what they say to do could hurt them. Obviously this isn’t a rule for every situation*, but for some it absolutely is. If your friend wants to tag along for, say, a hike, and they have joint pain it isn’t your place to add in “oh no but they can’t do [the hike]! They’ll be in pain! We have to do something else to accommodate them!” If that person expressed a desire to go, especially if offered other options prior that wouldn’t hurt them, let them live. Let them do the thing that puts them in pain, because Disabled people don’t always want to be shoved into a little box of safety. Absolutely sometimes they do, and some might always want to, but if they don’t, then let them make their own choices for their body. Just as anyone else does. You go out and get drunk, even if it gives you a hangover. You go skating even if you’re shit at it and scratch up your knees a bunch. Just because someone is Disabled doesn’t mean that they can’t do the same thing and do that fun thing that hurts them.
I don’t know if I’m displaying my point how I want, so here’s my own example: I am allergic to the cold. Anything below 60 degrees (f) I get hives. Any water cooler than a fucking warm shower I get hives. My joints don’t do great when it’s cold out. This does not mean that when I say I want to go swimming, you can say “oh but you can’t you’ll get hives!” Or “no you can’t do that you’ll be in pain!” Because. I know that. I know that. I know my Disability better than anyone else can, and I can ask for accommodations I need. I am not a child to be wrapped in bubble wrap so I don’t get hurt. My body is my body and I can do with it what I want, and face the consequences. Likewise, just because I said I wanted to go swimming doesn’t mean that when I don’t want to go out and muck around in the snow it is anyone’s right to say “oh but you wanted to swim earlier, so obviously it isn’t that bad for you!” Or “oh it’s fine it’s not that cold! Just wear a sweater!” Because at that time I need and want different accommodations and that should be listened to and considered accordingly, as far as it can be in that situation.
Seriously. Just listen to us. We are in our own bodies. We know ourselves. It really isn’t that hard
*a situation where this point would be null is, for example, a situation where the person has been peer pressured into doing something, or one where you know the person well and know that the endurance of pain is a self-harming behavior
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pinkmirth · 4 months
if there are any, ANY, wally west lovers in this house . . . please raise your hand
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geminison · 7 months
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For you have a way of promising things
And I’ve been a forest fire
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electricxmayhem · 2 months
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going insane going insane
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bakubunny · 6 months
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i posted daddy!suguru hcs this morning and deleted it aprox 30 min later bc i got embarrassed. i added a few and we’re gonna try again. 🙄 this is pure self indulgence & probably a bit (or a lot) ooc, so don’t say i didn’t warn you.
tw: dark content, f!reader, dd/lg dynamics, implied age play, orgasm control/denial, begging, spanking
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i need daddy!suguru so bad it’s not even funny. in my head he’s not that kind of character, don’t get me wrong, but i want it. here we go.
he’s the type that will silently worry about you until a certain moment prompts him to say something. constantly watching out for your wellbeing. surprisingly kind and gentle when it comes to things that matter and your emotional health.
found out about your daddy kink by accident. maybe he glanced your search history, you accidentally sent him the wrong post, showed him the wrong photo, etc. and he doesn’t let you live it down.
suguru is more of a ‘split the house duties’ kind of partner, but he does all the meal planning because he wants to make sure you’re eating well.
still, he constantly teases you about being ‘too little’ or ‘too dumb’ to do one thing or another before he does it for you. “be the cute little girl you are, and let daddy do all the work, yeah?”
suguru’s voice is always gentler with you. it’s not intentional, it just sort of happens when you’re around. you make him softer in a strange sort of way.
his voice might be gentler, but that doesn’t mean he is gentle. he can be… if he wants to. but he knows you usually cum harder when you get fucked like a ragdoll.
that or he’s torturously slow and maybe gentle. there’s no in between.
really, he’ll do whatever it takes to make you a brainless, whiny mess. that’s all he cares about.
suguru loves begging. loves it. you didn’t think begging could be a kink, but if it was, he’d have it. he can’t help but get hard every time he thinks of the moment he tells you to “use your words,” or “ask for what you want,” or “beg for me, pretty girl.” he knows you’ll get flustered and pretend you don’t know how, say it’s too hard… but with enough coaxing he’ll have you whining for every little depraved thing you’ve ever wanted to ask for.
he’s the type that wants your ability to cum to be entirely dependent on him. if you’re needy and he’s busy, you’re either going to grind on his thigh or his foot. he laughs when you can’t make yourself cum from it, chuckling about how “a silly little girl like you always needs daddy’s help, huh?”
brushes your teeth and your hair at night, no matter how much you protest and tell him you can do it yourself.
picks out your panties. goes out of his way to buy you the prettiest lingerie when he can, but also gets you printed undies that look like they belong to a child in an adult’s size.
when he takes you over his knee, it’s most often when your upper body is resting on the bed with his knee between your legs. sometimes he’ll pull your panties down, sometimes he pulls them up higher before giving the meanest spankings.
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chxlkprincess · 15 days
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renheng silly i also forgot to post
this was my first time drawing them 💀💀 honkai designs make me so upset
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