#two people desperate to pee and having fun with it
rainedrops-omo · 2 years
I want playful omo. A game where we challenge and tease each other. We both hydrate and drink a set starting amount, or did one of us drink an extra 100ml?
“Aw, can't handle a little more?” you goad me on.
Is it a ploy? Are we really drinking more?
“You know I can,” I shoot back.
We both know we’re going to do it, because we love the feeling and it’s so much more fun when there’s two of us. (Three or four, even?)
Errands to run? We better keep sipping. Be subtle in public now and don’t stop sending details. Ah, it’s getting bad? Then the one who didn’t have to go out needs to drink another glass or two to compensate, wouldn’t you agree? A diuretic, you say? Okay!
You’re at a 7?
I should be too.
You can’t stop squirming? You’re so desperate you need to hold yourself?
Well, I best catch up. Neither of us stop updating each other. I really hope you’re not toying with me and leaving me bursting. I want you there with me.
“How about another 500ml?”
What a strained voice, but oh so eager. We’re both grinning, blushing. We’re getting what we want.
“I’ll stop when you do.”
Such a pretty gasp and groan. The water feels good going down, steadily forcing more liquid into our swollen bladders. I want to know how bloated and stretched you are. I want to hear the whine in your text. You’ll get the same in return, I promise. Let’s keep teasing each other. But it’s all good-natured. I want us to have a fun time.
Listen to rain. Watch water vids or GIFs. Take a drink every time one of us reacts to them.
Someone inevitably spurts. Maybe we both do. Maybe you’re leaking on purpose or is it me? The pressure has to be enormous. We drank so much in so little time or have been holding all day. What did those hot droplets dribbling out feel like? Whose wet patch is bigger? I hope we’re in private.
You’re so full it hurts? Wait, it’s me? I don’t want you to hurt unless you want to. Why don’t we let a short stream out into a cup or towel (whatever we desire, really)? Pee for a set amount of seconds. Take the aching edge off so we can hit 10 together.
Describe how desperate you are--I will right along with you--how your bladder can’t take much more, how you’re shivering and whimpering and clutching yourself. Are you exaggerating just to make me piss myself? Make me leak over and over until I give in and gush. I’ll describe the streams running down my legs if you do. Are you measuring? Did you pee into something else?
We have so many options.
Should there be a prize? If one of us loses it first, does the winner get to use the toilet? Are we trying to fill to bursting and wet as many times as possible? Hmm, maybe it’s better to change clothes and keep going…
The possibilities are endless. Add more challenges, obstacles, or objectives. I’m game. 
Want to play?
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leaky-bunny · 1 month
does anybody else have reoccurring dreams about desperately needing to pee but the only bathroom is weirdly out in the open? like either there's no stall door or i'm forced to squat over a pot or hole.
i remember one in particular i had a few days ago where i was in line for the toilet, dancing around with a hand between my legs while talking to some people about random things. there were two stalls, one that had a door and one that didn't, and i was in line for the more private option. the open one had nobody in line, and it practically beckoned for me to go relieve myself on it but i was determined to not embarrass myself. time went by and finally i was sitting in the stall with the door closed, ready to empty myself, but nothing would come out. i started pushing on my bladder and whimpering and squirming around but not even a drop escaped my tense muscles. people started banging on the door and yelling at me to hurry up, so without knowing what else to do, i just pulled up my pants and exited, still full to the brim with piss. that's when i started leaking, little spurts running down my legs, like my bladder finally decided too late it was ready to let go. i ran back to the stall to beg to be let in but the person inside insisted i already had my turn. finally, i realized my only option was to go in the exposed toilet. i sat down, spread my legs and moaned as the pee came gushing out of my, the people in line staring and even one girl whistling. it felt equal parts humiliating and arousing, and i felt a hand wander down to touch myself...
i woke up with a full bladder and fingers resting on my throbbing clit. needless to say i had some fun after that. ;)
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slow-burn-sally · 8 months
I practice what I call "Desperation Management" with my ADHD. If I go straight to my room after work, and plunk my backpack with my lunch leftovers in it on the floor, that lunch will rot in that backpack.
So now, to avoid the ole rotten lunch issue, I stop off in the kitchen and put my lunch bag on the stove before heading to my room. There isn't enough dopamine in me to take the food out of the bag and put it all in it's general place in the fridge, but I can at least get it to the kitchen, then put it away within the hour, when I have the time and focus to do so. It's a desperate move, but it works.
Same with tasks I need to get done. I have a whiteboard on the kitchen refrigerator, and when I think of something I have to do, I force myself to write it down, even if I have to pee. Even if it's not fun to do, I just WRITE IT DOWN. Then I can forget about it, and the whiteboard will act as my side-brain and remember for me.
"Please send me an email." Has become my favorite phrase at work. "Please send me an email, otherwise, I won't remember." I've found mentioning my memory issues with my coworkers helps, because ADHD is so underdiagnosed, that half of them probably have it too. I can't tell you how many times I've said "Please send me an email or I'll forget." And the person has replied "Oh my gosh, me too! I'll totally send that email."
Can't write something down, and need to remember it for the next 60 seconds? (it's seriously like this ya'll. Very very reminiscent of Memento). I repeat the thing over and over in my head until it gets done. If I walk into my room with my water and my coffee in the morning, but leave the juice I use to take my meds on the counter because I only have two hands, you better believe I'll be repeating "juice, juice, juice, juice, juice" to myself as I walk to my room.
You do what you have to do. Doesn't matter if it's silly, or makes other people look at you funny, or if it doesn't make sense to a neurotypical person. Sometimes, desperate moves are all you have.
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uplatterme · 2 years
could i request a hardom!fem reader for sub!childe with pee desperation?
see the fun thing about childe is that he’s charismatic, and the he’ll do anything to maintain the view of how everyone who looks up to him sees him.
“hey, isn’t that master childe?”
“right? i heard he just came from a tough mission! must be why he looks so worn off today…poor thing, shivering like that…”
childe wasn’t deaf, though he wished he was. it was that obvious, huh?
he tried to calm his nerves down, fidgeting with his scarf as he entered the tsaritsa’s room. while her domineering appearance was one to fear, he was more scared of the one right next to her.
“welcome back, i see you’ve also completed your mission perfectly this time. way faster than the given timeframe too. were you in a hurry to return home?” you teased, he knew that he was given a harder task this time because you were the one who assigned him to that specifically.
“e-everything’s well! i just wanted to inform your majesty.” he spoke, bowing at her.
your loud yell sent a shiver to him, he couldn’t hold it anymore. yet, he tried his best to give you a smile.
“yes, (name)?”
“you know our protocol. kneel before the tsaritsa.”
he let out an irritated noise. protocol, his ass. you never once cared about that. you were just trying to get him to crouch, making more unnecessary movements just to provoke him.
he would stumble if he wouldn’t do it quickly.
he kneeled before you and tsaritsa. “i apologize for my misbehavior.”
the fatui left as fast as possible. you were cruel, oh so cruel, you really didn’t care for his reputation did you? what if he were to do that right in front of her majesty?!
he was about to burst into tears… but he knew how much worse of a punishment he would get if he were to disobey.
he remained his stoic expression as he was being approached by someone.
“sir! (name) has sent this for you!” another one of your lackeys, he presumed.
he ran off after handing the tray at him.
“you’re killing me, (name).” he laughed, seeing the three glasses of water in front of him.
to think he thought he got away by not drinking any liquid while on his mission.
one, two, three.
childe felt as if his knees were giving up. he needed to go somewhere with less people, just in case.
he couldn’t run. that would just make it worse.
“ajax. i see you’ve enjoyed my gift.”
“what? water–” he was immediately cut off with a slap to face, sending him down to his knees.
“what did i say about talking back?”
“i-i’m sorry. i won’t do it again! please–(name)–i can’t anymore…”
“you should’ve begged like that instead before you decided to be a brat.” you stated, spitting on him.
“i’m sorry…please, let me.” to think someone like him would say such things left him embarrassed. yet he didn’t care, he was about to burst right now.
“very well, let’s go outside.”
“you said you couldn’t anymore, right?”
you brought him outside the fatui headquarters and you could see the horrified look on his face as the puzzle formed in his head.
“wait! (n-name), not here…” he whispered to you.
the public’s market was bustling with people, children, the elderly, fatuis.
“you have two options, you freak. do it right now, or endure for a week.”
“a-a week?” he stuttered.
“perfect time, i need to do some shopping as well.” you mentioned, going to a nearby fish shop and deciding to leave childe alone in the middle of the street until he grabbed your hand and gave a shyful nod.
the fish clerk was an old woman, probably selling fish that her husband caught. “my, what charming faces! go on! take a look!”
childe’s face was full of embarrassment his own pee leaking down to his thighs and eventually his legs. you see him trying to cover his mouth, for someone who was scared earlier, he seemed to be enjoying urinating in front of others.
“brother! is that you?” he froze in his place, hearing a high-pitched voice getting closer.
“n-no, not now… i can’t… can’t stop…” childe looked over at you, pleading for you to help him out.
he crouched down, still not finished with his business.
a sigh left your lips.
“fine. but you owe me one, alright?”
he saw a devilish grin form on your face. it couldn’t possibly get any worse than this, right?
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mydastouch · 14 days
Signs I was Trans Growing Up and Now:
Wanting an adams Apple | man’s throat | prominent neck bones
Wanting a V taper but in a man way
Wanting to pee standing up
(Kinda NSFW Pt. 1) Wanted a dick
Wanted to be muscular but like… in a man way
Wanted boys toys, esp happy meal
Wanted boys clothes (way cuter and fun imo)
(Kinda NSFW Pt. 2) Wanting a bulge in pants -> non sexual mostly but also horny
Wanting to wear khakis and a button up for school uniform [but like in the athletic stud / masculine physique way]
WANTING TO BE SCQUARE AND FIT LIKE THE GUYS IN MIDDLE SCHOOLZ. Yes I would look bc they’re hot but also because I wanted to look like them so bad (still think about some of those guys to this day.. it’s been years)
(Kinda NSFW Pt. 3) Wanting to grow a d*ck / be a futa (don’t judge I was on the internet at a VERY young age)
Speaking of, wanting to be like those case where i switch gender as a kid with puberty hitting
Curious of boys bathrooms / urinals
Wanting to be in there sooooo bad
YALL… Like I rlly wanted to PEE STANDING UP
I learned how to do girl peeing standing up (like desperate white people do in nature when there’s no bathroom ig)
Spent literal days hyper fixated on learning that
Got so happy and giddy when I learned how
(Kinda NSFW Pt. 4) Wanting to wear strap on in pants
(NSFW) Aroused at the thought of being a guy / doing guy things
(Kinda NSFW Pt. 5) Wanting a boner sooooo bad
Jealous of girls who’s parents let them dress and cut their hat like a boy
Realllly Wanting my voice to crack , so much so that I would purposely make my voice crack
Wanting a raspier voice. Wanting a gruff husky voice (not necessarily trans related but it does align) (like Catra’s voice but… masculine)
Wanting to be the main guy in the Le Disko video. I’m black but I wanted to be that lil androgynous guy so so bad
(Here’s the video for reference: https://youtu.be/OBDwYaZKfnM)
Wanting to both kiss and be Princeton and Roc Royal from Mindless Behavior my man my man my man
Wanting to dress, dance, and be like the two dancer guys from Camp Rock
(NSFW Pt. 6) Wanting a pr0state so I can have @nal org@sms
And many many others
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Did the bathroom stall person STAY a stranger?
N-S-F-W and definitely TMI content ahead lmao:
He did, the poor fellow! Here's some backstory to explain how on earth my shy-as-hell dumbass worked the courage to have some bathroom stall shenanigans:
So I started dating this classmate in highschool, (the one I often refer to as "the deceased" bc he's dead to me) and he was a major asshole. Emotionally abusive, controlling, made me feel bad about literally every single thing I enjoyed, especially writing fanfiction and not being a boring piece of shit like he was.
Welp! I spent like a decade with this bastard bc he was a classic abusive dickhead who pushed my friends away and I couldn't see that he was a major asshole until I started therapy. When I was 26 my therapist, clever lady she was, knew I was suffering but also v attached to him still, so she suggested us to "take a break". Not breaking up, just take a break, for one month, and reevaluate the relationship.
I spent a long time moping over him but my bestie said "wait does that mean I can finally take you clubbing?" and I proceeded to have an absolute blast dancing and having fun with her!
The second time we went clubbing, it was a star wars themed party! I went as a cute padmé amidala, and spent the night dancing and watching snippets of SW movies that played on the big screens, explaining to my very confused bff who's never watched a star war in her life why I was attracted to the angry looking alien with horns and red skin w/ black tattoos - darth maul. She remained confused.
(Fun fact, I'm autistic and loud environments make me literally sick, but I think I needed this freedom so badly my brain let me have these moments for once. Now I literally cannot enter a club. Anyway.)
While we're dancing, a handsome clone-trooper looking type walked past us and I think I gave him such an eye-fucking of a look that he made a beeline to me and took me to dance (I gave a thumbs-up to my bff bc she is v protective and will push creepy dudes away from me, bless her).
Then we started kissing and fooling around in a corner, and the guy invited me over to his place.
(here's the thing, my ex literally acted like sex was a chore. I repeatedly, gently asked him whether he was asexual, promising to be okay with it if it was the case but he swore he wasnt which. made me feel like I was very unappealing and did a number on my self-esteem. Oof.)
So I was pent up as hell and desperate for a fuck, especially a fuck with an enthusiastic guy for once in my life. On the other hand, girls that go with strangers to their place might be raped or killed. So when I said no, the guy suggested we fucked in the bathroom.
Now, that wouldn't be proper ladylike behavior, i reasoned with myself, while fully cupping the guy's groin with my hand. So I said a very unconvincing no, and the guy asked if I was sure, and I said "we might be caught", and he said "not if we're quiet"
...and goddamnit I was so damn horny and I can't even blame it on being drunk bc I don't drink alcohol out bc it makes me sleepy. This was 100% horny brain in charge and I was the one to actually pull the guy into the bathroom with me.
(We're gonna fade to black here bc I'm not willing to share those details here, but I can point out the funny bits):
there wasn't enough room in that bathroom stall for someone to pee comfortably, much less for two people to squeeze in and do the horizontal vertical tango
if you ever wanna do that, do that early in the night, not after dancing for hours because your knees will want to buckle the entire time and that's not hot
be smart and have condoms in your bag. wrap it up, folks. it's the 21st century and everyone who's sexually active should have their protection regardless of gender or lack thereof <3
the sound of toilets flushing nearby is quite the mood-killer, but if the music drowns out most of it, one can make it work
do not laugh when your very worried friend who's been looking for you all night calls out your name in the bathroom, trying to find you
Tell her you'll be right out and try to wriggle out of the arms of the dude who seems to have fallen in love with you or something.
Thank you for the fun times, catch his phone number or contact info of any kind
loudly announce you and the friend are both leaving to give the poor fella hidden in a stall in the lady's bathroom a window of time to escape unseen
forget you had his contact info for three months bc you are ADHD, aaand now it's too awkward to send a text of 'hey its bathroom stall girl, how's it going?'
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elizmanderson · 1 year
"a kiss to anger a third party," perhaps from this post? elizmanderson. tumblr. com /711617943947067392
okay so fun fact, I am actually an idiot who read right over “another kissing prompt” on the post this kissing prompt came from and rb it just intending to like save the list of different kisses for later
but then I was too embarrassed to admit that in response to this ask WITHOUT writing something so long story short instead of researching lighthouses today like I was supposed to, I wrote a 1,700-word short story about fake girlfriends who kiss in the hallway outside grandma’s sewing room to piss off some shitty relatives
so. yeah. uh. enjoy I guess.
Fake dating has been going shockingly well, considering you’re terrible at real dating and also at lying, and somehow faking dating is both. Then again, family get-togethers are always awkward as fuck. Your cousin and his wife always share a chilly silence; your uncle has a casually off-color comment for every occasion; your mother judges everyone like doing so is an Olympic sport; and your grandparents desperately try and fail to keep the peace. So no one notices that you and Maeve stand across the room from each other instead of holding hands and melting into each other’s bodies the way two lovey-dovey newlydatings should allegedly do.
Rather, if anyone notices, they figure it’s normal. That’s how relationships are in your family, grandparents aside, and everyone has long since written them off as sweet old weirdos. The only reason you don’t think the lingering gazes you share with Maeve are more action than your relatives have ever had is the existence of multiple generations of biological children.
You share a gaze now. Not because you’re actually into Maeve, although you’re not not into Maeve; you picked an attractive fake girlfriend. Tall, with an undercut and dark eyes and a crooked nose and muscley arms that sometimes you think would be really great for picking you up and throwing you onto a bed, before you remember this is fake and please brain do not.
The corner of Maeve’s mouth turns up. You look away, biting back a smile.
You would like to stand here not-smiling at Maeve all night—or at least until the end of the torturous family cookout, which hasn’t even technically started yet because your uncle decided to “help” Grandpa with the grill and ended up setting all the food on fire instead, and the second attempt at dinner just went on the grill three minutes ago—but you seriously have to pee. In lieu of food, you’ve downed three cans of Coke from the drinks fridge in the garage. You cross the kitchen, accidentally-on-purpose brush against Maeve as you exit, and head down the hall to the half bath.
When you come out, you hear voices. Snatches of words. Your mother and cousin-in-law, sitting in your grandma’s sewing room. They’re supposed to be organizing it for her, but instead they’re sitting on bolts of fabric, gossiping.
“...tried to tell me they’d found someone, but they look absolutely miserable with that girl they brought,” your mother says. With a jolt, you realize she’s talking about you. “Maybe they’ll sit together at dinner, but with how far apart they’ve been standing since they arrived, I doubt it. And that girl has been scowling at everyone.”
“She’s worse than Luc,” your cousin-in-law says smugly. “And god knows he has the worst resting bitch face I ever saw. Sometimes I don’t know why I fell in love with him. No offense.”
“None taken. He’s not my kid.”
You don’t even like Luc, but your fingers curl into fists. As usual, you wonder what the fuck you did in a past life to be born into a family of people who spend all their time hating each other.
“Anyway” —your cousin-in-law examines her nails, fresh from a day at the salon, where she surely treats the staff hellishly— “I don’t think it’ll last. They’ve hardly spoken two words to each other all afternoon.”
Your fists tighten. She’s one to talk. She and Luc have hardly spoken to each other since the day of their wedding; on the rare occasion you do hear them speak, they’re picking fights. She gushes about her perfect marriage to anyone who will listen when her husband isn’t around, but their marriage—your uncle’s marriage, your parents’ marriage, every marriage around you except your grandparents’—is exactly the reason you’ve been so reluctant to date. The reason you asked Maeve to fake being your girlfriend, so your relatives would stop offering to set you up with someone. They all make each other fucking miserable.
And they think you and Maeve won’t last?
Okay yeah sure fine, you and Maeve aren’t a thing in the first place. Not really. You’re neighbors, and coworkers, and maybe friends now.
But since Maeve agreed to fake-date you, you’ve shared more with her about yourself than you have with...anyone, maybe. Definitely more than you’ve shared with anyone in your family. Definitely more than they share with their respective spouses, or each other.
Silly things, mostly. You like it when the front door of a house is painted bright, aqua or magenta or chartreuse. Your favorite flowers are all the yellow ones, like dandelions or forsythia, even though otherwise you’re not that fond of yellow. You always like the sad songs and love ballads more than the fun, fast-paced songs that steal the show. Things that don’t matter, except that they do, because now Maeve points out all the brightly colored doors when you walk back to your apartment building together after a shift.
Your mother and cousin-in-law are still talking. The conversation has moved on now—apparently your uncle has cheated on his wife, again—but you’re angry. Your skin prickles. Your nails bite your palms. You could nudge the door open and confront them, but confrontation has never been your forte.
Instead, you tiptoe to the kitchen and touch Maeve’s back.
She half turns, an eyebrow quirked. “You okay?”
“Yeah. I just. I need you to come with me.”
“Why?” Maeve asks, but she’s already following you back down the hall.
“Because my relatives suck and I need you to kiss me.”
You stop far enough from the sewing room that your mother and cousin-in-law probably won’t hear you. You turn toward Maeve, leaning against the wall with your arms crossed. It hasn’t occurred to you that the words I need you to kiss me actually just crossed your lips. Maeve’s dark eyes flicker over you, but she mirrors your posture and waits.
“They’re all in shitty marriages,” you say in a low voice, “except my mom, because she’s in a shitty divorce that was so shitty it was almost as bad as the marriage, except that it was over faster. But because we’re not attached at the hip or making googly eyes at each other, they think my relationship with my new girlfriend is a dead-end that’s going to end before it’s begun.”
Maeve snorts. “Fuck them. I may not make googly eyes at my fake girlfriend, but they’re nuts if they think I wouldn’t go to the ends of the earth and back for my fake girlfriend. Or, like, bring home takeout every night after work, or always do the laundry because they hate doing laundry, or whatever.”
That gets you for a second, because okay yeah sure fine it’s all fake, but Maeve still just kind of said she’d go to the ends of the earth for you. And bring you takeout. And always do laundry, which honestly might as well be a marriage proposal, because someone doing the laundry so you don’t have to is well and truly your love language.
“So.” Maeve’s eyes rove over your face. “Not that I object to kissing you, but how exactly is kissing going to help this situation?”
Right. You asked her to kiss you. Or more accurately stated slightly desperately and angrily that you need her to kiss you. You tense, trying to sound cool and nonchalant when you’re now thinking about kissing Maeve.
“When my mom and cousin-in-law come out of that room,” you say, nodding back toward the sewing room, “I want them to see us kissing. Like, really kissing. You know.”
The corner of Maeve’s mouth lifts again. “Really kissing. Gotcha.”
You flush. “Yeah. That. I just. I want...” You want some really great kissing. Focus. “I want them to see that we’re actually fucking into each other and super affectionate with each other even if we don’t feel like turning it into a performance so everyone else will believe we’re in love.”
Maeve tilts her head. “Even though it’ll literally be a performance so everyone will believe we’re in love?”
Your flush deepens. “Yeah.”
Maeve shifts closer, her eyes flickering over you. God, her eyes. Dark and intense and always just a little bit sad.
“I think I can sell being fucking into you,” she says quietly.
Shit, you think vaguely, poor choice of words on your part, because fucking and you are the only things you can think now that Maeve has repeated them back to you. But the thought slips away, because now Maeve is an inch away, her tall body curving over you, and her hands are cupping your face and oh my god she is actually really for real going to kiss you.
Her lips brush over yours, soft and sweet. Your breath hitches.
The door opens down the hall. As your relatives step out of the sewing room, Maeve crushes your lips under hers. Her hands slip into your hair, your arms wind around her neck, you pull her down, closer, closer, and now you’re kissing her back, your fingers playing in her hair just because they can, your eyes closed, your skin glorying in the warmth of her breath, the press of her body against yours.
Behind you, Luc’s shitty wife makes a sound of disgust and says, “Oh my god, get a room!” Your mother hisses, “Do you want to give your grandmother a heart attack? Right outside her sewing room!”
But (a) your grandma is safely outside by the grill, far away from the sudden make-out session, and (b) your grandma, if she saw you kissing a pretty girl, would almost certainly say something along the lines of “isn’t that sweet!” or “good for them!” And frankly you don’t remember why it was important to kiss Maeve where your mother and cousin-in-law would see it. Or whether there was a point to kissing Maeve at all, unless kissing Maeve was the point.
Your brain is preoccupied with Maeve’s lips on yours, her hands cradling your head, your body crushed beneath hers. But as your relatives slink past and disappear, as the sliding door in the kitchen opens and slams, as Maeve goes on kissing you like her life depends on it, as you fail to say something along the lines of okay we can stop now—as you fail to say, in fact, anything at all—you think, distantly: maybe this dating is less fake than I thought.
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twinkleomorashi · 9 months
Hey I'm gonna be sticking with this to the end so don't worry-just keep the pee flowing and I'll read any drama you need to spill. But either way your writings are only for yourself and if omo leads you to write an actual story then that's pretty cool too!
Btw, on the topic of doing things exclusively to yourself, have you been enjoying those omo supplies you picked up for yourself last week?
Thanks! I promise the drama will be occasionally broken up by more light hearted piss things too 🙏
And kind of sort of! I only got two and I still have one left lol. Still having health complications and waiting for them to resolve before resuming. I guess at my core I’m one of those people who think the desperation is half the fun of any omo thing and considering I can’t currently engage in that aspect for health reasons it’s not as cool lmao.
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A Ladder And Matter Of Trust
This morning as I drove into work, I had an earworm, the slave spiritual We Are Climbing Jacob’s Ladder which is sort of an oddity as Jesus and I long ago decided to see other people but yet not all that strange because I am a history nerd. Having this song in my head did cause me to think about ladders, my fear of heights, and the D/S lifestyle. I know that a ladder is not as sexy as handcuffs, paddles, or an erotic story but I am going to share a few thoughts on how these unsexy bits of hardware parallel with the lifestyle.
The very first thing about ladders and I feel everyone knows this, is a ladder has to have a stable base, or the trip up (and hopefully back down) will be wobbly and filled with the pretty darn good odds the ladder might shift sending you and the ladder crashing back down. I have noticed that unfortunately within D/S many relationship ladders come crashing back down and crushing hearts in the process. I believe this is because dating is more challenging in the non-vanilla dating pool. After all, it is both smaller and has a higher amount of pee in it than our not-so-kinky counterparts have in their ool, that is a pool without any of that pesky pee. Since it is harder to find compatible potential partners, I have discovered that sometimes people are so happy to find a person who just might be a fit for them that in their elation they rush to put up their relationship ladder. In this rushed excitement, they never invest the time to build a solid foundation on which to place the ladder. Since the first steps up are comfortably close to the ground, it is very easy to bound up them, ignoring the shudder and sway but as the budding relationship maneuvers higher and higher each bobble becomes more and more dangerous.
It is at this point that I have witnessed the demise of far too many lifestyle relationships and indeed I have fallen from a relationship ladder because the base was never properly prepared. With some relationships people simply carefully step down, part as friends, others have a traumatic and dramatic thump during a hurtful header, and those I feel for the most sympathy for are those who choose to ignore the broken foundation finding themselves sliding to and fro desperately clinging to the bad relationship. The foundation of a relationship when it is hastily constructed is something that just like a damaged one on a building can be repaired but it will be time-consuming, mentally taxing, and it requires the partners to dedicate themselves to the restoration. Rebuilding a fractured base is not something that can be done solo but it must be a total team effort provided everyone determines the partnership is worth saving. Truthfully, many rushed relationships are better abandoned with the lessons learned applied to the future.
As an avid downhill skier, with a penchant for the backcountry, this may seem unusual to some but I also have a phobia of heights. It may seem that those two do not pair well together, and there are times when a chairlift ride is petrifying for me and the slide down is not. Everyone has their unique fears but something that I believe everyone will encounter in life are trust issues or, as I prefer to say, I have seen this crap-o-la before and I am damned if I am going through these again issues. Where I see this coming into play on relationship ladders is that some parts of the climb will be easy for one partner while the other might have hit a height that leaves them paralyzed with fear. Fear is never fun and running smack dab into something that requires healthy respect or an irrational phobia can cause a partner to stop their climb. Since we all know that relationships require more than one person or someone with an amazing imagination combined with multiple personalities, it is vital that when one is stuck at a rung that rather than having everything be hung up at this sticking point, the relationship uses teamwork to face the fear allowing everyone’s dreams to come true.
Lifestyle wise it can be very easy to look at a dominant with the expectation of whenever and wherever there is a sticking point, fearful pause, or phobia freeze that they are the expected to lead the relationship through the issue and keep things climbing. Unfortunately, life does not work this way. I know that as a dominant, I will hit points as I ascend with my submissive where I will be stuck, just as I expect the same to happen for the submissive. So at times like this, in my opinion, it requires the unique synergies of dominant and submissive to work together to unstick the stuck climber. It may even require the D/S team to step a rung lower to then climb two higher. Many in the lifestyle will say, perhaps even believe, that no matter what the challenge is facing a D/S partnership the d-type must always be the leader but for me, that is a glorified myth because while a dominant is expected and tasked with showing the way forward, there are times when a partnership hits a rough patch on their ascension where D or S does not matter as the struggle has to be met by a united team rather than dominant or submissive.
Relationships no matter if they are lifestyle, vanilla, or somewhere in-between, are a lot like ladders. To safely climb them their base must be built solid and level or unlike a Weeble Wobble, they will fall down. When we are ascending with an amazing person our past challenges will cause some rungs to be more daunting than others and in those frightening moments, lifestyle partners need to set aside their roles to address the challenge as a team rather than d or s types. So to corrupt an old Casey Kasem saying, keep your ladder foundation firm and climb together for the stars.
As with all of my writings, please see this disclaimer.
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thekatea · 1 year
Black Knight
Watched: 12.05.2023
It’s so basic, but so good.
There is exactly nothing innovative about this show. Typical exaggeration of the unfair social structures currently existing in the world, typical villain with selfish motivations, typical hero with personal story. And yet, I had so much fun watching.
I would agree that the world buildup and storytelling is rather vague - lacks the details on how the society truly works, what are the motivations of all the characters and groups. Some do things because they are good people, some because they are selfish or desperate, some scared, sometimes (most of the time) it’s personal story or revenge, but we don’t really get a proper and more elaborate exploration and explanation - neither about the past, present nor the future.
I might be in the minority here, but it honestly did not bother me at all. I think with post-apocalyptic stories, I actually prefer when a lot of things are left with a question mark that I have to think about and find the answers for myself. For me, the process of filling the gaps with my own ideas is actually a part of the entertainment. All that consider, I can see how others might view it as a rather big flaw.
The performances were great. Do I think they will be remembered for a long time? No, since the characters were not exactly that complex and well written. That said, the actors did a phenomenal job with delivering performances that made the characters seem real and cohesive, even if the writing was rather imprecise. The brotherhood between 5-8 and Sa Wol was both entertaining and low key heartwarming - all thanks to good on screen chemistry between Kim Woo Bin and Kang Yoo Seok.
Being a fan of Song Seung Heon, it was rather disappointing how little acting this man had to do. Probably one of the weakest aspects of the show performances wise, and it’s all on the character’s writing and not the actor himself. Since the character was rather boring, I honestly don’t think anyone could make him stand out more.
Directing wise, everyone should look at this drama as a great example on how to end episodes - these were true cliffhangers that made you curious! I honestly could not stop watching. Binge watched all 6 episodes with just pee breaks.
What’s more, the pacing is great. They don’t focus unnecessarily on unimportant bits, highlighting the scenes that matter the most. Sadly, the final confrontation was a let down. It ended before I could even register what’s going on and I was left with the thought: that’s it? Well, that’s anticlimactic.
As for the production - I loved the set design. You know what is one of the most ridiculous things in post-apocalyptic and sci-fi shows? The over the top complex designs. The world is shattered, people would lean towards the simplicity that would be cost efficient, except for the rich elites who would try to pretend the reality is either the same it was in the past, or not as bad as it truly is. We got just that here - simplicity for the poor, trying to maintain the idea of normal life for the rich.
For the negatives - the show is really dark during some scenes. Yes, in context it makes sense, but you still need to think about your audience and not just the realism of the situation. Watching just a black screen is not entertaining. If you make it impossible to see, you can as well just make it into an audio book. That problem mostly existed in the first two episodes and lighting got a lot better later on. There were a few scenes that managed to create a beautiful picture just with the right lighting in the right spot.
A small bit that got me laughing - truly questionable blood splashes during the fight scenes. The gun wounds were fine, but the poorly animated CGI blood during fist fights was just comical.
Overall, I had a blast watching. It can be both: brainless entertainment and a start for some conversations and reflections about social issues and structures as it reflects our reality rather well.
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thesecretomoblog · 2 years
Omo Questionnaire- James
general / casual (regular everyday peeing behavior lol)
What’s their preferred place to pee? (bathroom, outside, container…etc.)
James likes to pee in unusual places, it can be exciting to him. He always has fun going outdoors when he has the chance. 
2. Do they prefer to pee standing up or sitting / squatting? At home or in public?
He stands to go most of the time (and likes to write his name with his stream, haha.) Sometimes he’ll sit if he was super, super desperate, because in that case the relief might make him go a bit too weak at the knees. 
3. Can they aim well (or at all)? Which hand do they use? Both? None? 
He has good aim most of the time. Sometimes he’ll play around with his stream a bit too much, though… Usually he uses two hands because he thinks it looks cute. 
4. Are they vocal or quiet? Do they get chatty if there are people around?
He’s vocal about it, he’s a very talkative person in general, and this is no exception for that. 
He’ll gasp and groan as he pees, too. Sometimes he’ll keep up a conversation, remarking on how good it feels to let go and how much he’d needed it. 
5. Do they have any unusual bathroom habits? (whistling, leaning against the wall, pants all the way down when standing, looking at memes on their phone, etc.)
He WILL pull his pants down all the way sometimes, but only at home, never in public. He’ll also sometimes hum while he’s peeing. 
6. Do they take their time or do they try to get done as quickly as possible?
James likes to play games with his piss stream. He’ll try to see how slow or fast he can make it come out, or how many times he can stop it and start it back up again. That sort of thing is fun to him. 
If somebody’s waiting on him, he’ll make himself go faster— Unless that person is Ethan and they’re at home, then he may just go slower to tease him a little. 
7. Are they pee-shy? Do they get embarrassed? If yes, in what situation and by what? (the sight? the noise? people knowing they have bodily functions?) In front of whom?
He isn’t the least bit pee-shy, he didn’t even know that was a thing until he read about it in one of Ethan’s psychology books. Before that, he’d always assumed everyone was like him and could just pee anywhere without a care in the world.
8. Do they prefer to go in groups or do they want to be alone / need privacy.
He likes to go with other people. Peeing can be a social thing for him. He likes to compare how long he can pee for to everyone else… Usually, even if he was bursting, he still finishes first, but it’s still enjoyable. 
9. If they use the men’s room, stall or urinal? Do they stick to the unwritten bathroom etiquette? (no talking, no looking over, leaving a urinal gap, etc.)
He likes both. He enjoys using stalls because sometimes his pee will echo as it hits the water. He likes urinals since he can use them so quickly— And since his bladder is TINY that’s a major plus. James will make himself stay quiet if people he doesn’t know are in the restroom. He tries his best not to peek at anyone, but sometimes when he hears somebody gasping and panting with relief that’s difficult for him to do. When he and Ethan pee at urinals together, James can’t help but look over to see what he’s doing, but Ethan doesn’t mind. 
10. Do they refuse to use certain bathrooms? (too dirty, too crowded, wrong type of toilets?)
No, he’ll pee in any restroom he can get into, haha. 
11. Have they ever peed in the pool (except as a baby)? On purpose or not?
Yeah, he’s done that. Almost every time he’s gone to the pool, he’s ended up peeing there. Not always on purpose, though. A few times the water’s just hit him in the bladder the wrong way and caused him to go. 
12. Do they pee in the shower / bath and would they admit it if someone asked?
Yes, he’ll pee in the shower if he needs to. He doesn’t see a point in getting out just for that. And (watersports warning) sometimes he likes to aim his stream so that it will hit his legs or chest when he’s in there, he likes the feeling of it going down his body. 
If anyone asked, he’d admit it. James thinks anyone who says they don’t pee in the shower is probably lying, anyway. 
13. Have they ever locked someone out of a bathroom / kept them from going?
Yes, he keeps Ethan from peeing frequently. But only with permission, of course. 
14. Have they ever peed in the opposite gender bathroom? (if applicable) 
Yeah. On a family road trip as a kid, they stopped at a gas station and James really had to go, but the men’s room was out of order. His sisters took him into the women’s with them so that he could pee. 
15. Are they okay with or used to peeing outside? Do they do it often?
He doesn’t do it often, but he thinks it’s really fun and he enjoys it. 
desperation / wetting (yk, the actual omo stuff)
16. How do they say “I have to pee”? Are they blunt? Do they use weird euphemisms? Do they get offended if someone uses certain terms around them?
He’s blunt about it. His favorite way of phrasing it is “I really gotta tinkle!” because it always makes Ethan blush when he hears it. 
17. What are some “tells” that they have to go? Who can tell first if they don’t speak up?
He’s very squirmy when desperate, but since James is energetic and usually fidgeting around in some way to start with, that doesn’t always give it away so easily. His eyes sometimes get all big and watery when he really has to go, though, and that’s a more obvious tell. 
Ethan can tell right away, of course, and he’ll be sure to get James relief as soon as he can. 
18. If someone asks if they have to go and they do, do they admit or deny it? Do they play it down as much as they can or do they exaggerate on purpose?
He would never deny it, he’d just nod his head and agree that he has to go “sooo much!” He sees no need to try to hide it. 
A lot of people ASSUME he’s purposefully exaggerating his need, but the truth of the matter is that when James needs to go, he really DOES need to go right now! He can’t wait as long as most people can, so all his writhing and whimpering is completely genuine. 
19. How do they act when they’re desperate? Do they get angry? Do they squirm a lot or do they freeze up? Do they get quieter or do they talk more than usual?
Up to a certain point, James enjoys the feeling of being desperate so long as it’s happening in a controlled environment. He only really gets upset if he’s NOT in control of his situation and is in real danger of having an accident and embarrassing himself. In those cases, he can get pretty emotional and start tearing up. 
20. How do they act when someone else is desperate in their vicinity? Do they try to help them? Are they successful or do they accidentally make it worse?
James can get very interested in another person’s desperation. He thinks the sight of someone else squirming is super cute and enjoys watching. Even though he finds it entertaining, he will still try to help the person feel better and encourage them to make it. 
21. How do they like to be treated when they have to go? Do they want comfort / encouragement / coddling? Are they okay with light-hearted teasing or jokes?
If he’s holding it just for fun, then he REALLY likes to be teased. He’d enjoy having his hands held under running water, being told not to grab himself, or instructed to drink more fluid. 
When he’s getting desperate for real with no chance of relief, then he likes to be coddled and taken care of, told that it will be okay if it turns out he can’t hold it, and that no one will be angry if he pees himself. He needs reassurance in those situations, and someone caring for him. 
22. The same as the three questions above but with accidents (bedwetting too). 
He really likes the feeling of wetting himself on purpose, he likes the warmth and the release. An actual real, GENUINE accident is different though, the embarrassment there could easily make him cry. 
James doesn’t like to see other people upset, so if he came across someone else who’s had an actual accident he will try everything he can to make them feel better. Alternatively, when he watches Ethan pee himself on purpose he’s just filled with excitement and can’t stop watching. 
Whether he’s peed himself on purpose for fun, or has legitimately had an accident, James will want to be held and cuddled afterwards, and told that everything is okay, he needs lots of tender care. 
23. Do they get upset or embarrassed over an accident or do they shrug it off? 
After a legitimate accident, he’s always very embarrassed. If someone has seen, he will start to tear up because he feels so humiliated by it, and by how much smaller and weaker his bladder is when compared to other people’s. 
24. What’s the last time they had a genuine full-on accident? How old were they?
He was twenty-nine. He was desperate when he arrived home from somewhere, and started to pee uncontrollably once he saw the toilet, no chance to get his clothes out of the way first. 
25. Have they ever wet themself deliberately? Would they consider doing it?
He has deliberate accidents often, he likes how it feels to break his limit and pee with no chance of stopping it. 
26. Do they tend to wait too long or do they go when they feel the urge for the first time?
Depends. Outside he usually goes as soon as he can, because he knows he can’t wait for long and wouldn’t want to risk having an accident in public. If he knows he’s going to be at home for a while, he’ll hold it for longer so he can enjoy getting full. 
27. Do they have a weak / small or strong / big bladder?
He has a very small bladder, needing to go much more often than anyone else he knows. He��s very, VERY uncomfortable after just two hours without a pee, and really struggles with holding it in. 
28. What helps them cope when they have to go but can’t? What makes it worse?
James isn’t ashamed to do full-blown pee-dances, even out in public. If it helps prevent an accident, then he doesn’t care if everyone is staring at him as he jumps around and clutches at himself. 
Nervousness will make James’s bladder fill faster. He gets anxious if he’s stuck somewhere that doesn’t have a restroom, since he knows he fills up so fast. And it basically becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy, as he stresses himself out over how much he doesn’t want to end up needing to pee that he just makes himself need to pee. 
29. Is there any type of drink (or food) that goes right through them?
Any carbonated drink will shoot through him and irritate his bladder. A glass of sparkling water will make him have to go badly in under half an hour. 
30. Do they wake up to pee at night or do they sleep through? Do they ever wake up desperate or in the middle of an accident? Do they have pee dreams?
He always wakes up at least once during the night to pee, usually very desperate to go. Sometimes, he will only wake up after he’s started peeing the bed and will have to really hurry to get the rest into the toilet in time. He has tons of pee dreams, some of which are more sexual in nature. 
31. Do they ever pee in odd places / in public? What’s the weirdest place they’ve ever peed in? Were they drunk / on meds, sleepwalking, super desperate, etc.?
Yeah. He has fun peeing in new locations. He’s peed into a towel before when he was stuck in traffic, he couldn’t wait and there wasn’t anything else he could use. 
32. What’s the most desperate they’ve ever gotten past childhood and did they make it?
He tried to test his limit one day by holding through the duration of a long car ride. He made it juuuust in time and was super proud of himself. 
medical / childhood stuff (feel free to skip this ofc)
33. At what age were they potty trained? Were they ever potty-trained? (lol, I hope)
At around four he was making it more often than not, but he continued to have occasional accidents longer than most kids do. 
34. Same question as above but with bedwetting. When did they stop? Do they have one-off accidents in specific situations? (alcohol, nightmares, deep sleep?)
He regularly wet the bed through high school, did it once in college and still has night-time accidents every so often. They’re rare, but they never stopped completely. 
35. Were they accident-prone as a kid? Are they still like that or did it get better with age?
Yes, he had accidents a lot growing up. At school, a lot of his teachers would let him go whenever he asked, but some of them would tell him to hold it, which he hardly ever managed to do. After having an accident in class, those teachers would understand James was being serious when he said he was having an emergency and wasn’t just trying to skip class, so the embarrassment at least had a good outcome for him in the end. 
He also had a lot of issues during family road trips as a kid, always being the first to beg for a stop and wetting himself a few times when one couldn’t be found fast enough. His parents started to keep a bottle in the car specifically just for him to pee into on long drives, in case they weren’t able to find a toilet for him when he really needed one. 
He also had a tendency to pee his pants when scared as a child— Something that persists to this day. 
36. Do they wear protection or did they wear it in the past? (past baby/toddler-age)
He wore rubber pants to sleep for a couple years when his bed-wetting was particularly bad. He doesn’t wear them anymore since he doesn’t pee in his sleep that often now. 
37. Do they have any medical issues that make them have to pee more / have frequent accidents? If yes, how do they deal with them? Do they take meds?
No, his bladder is small, but there isn’t anything actually wrong with it, it still functions the same as anyone else’s, it just isn’t as big. 
38. Does anyone know about said issues? Do they talk about them openly or not? (out of embarrassment? fear of bad reactions? because no one ever asks?)
39. Do they have some trauma related to omo (being mocked / scolded / yelled at for an accident, bullying, weird / scary encounters in public bathrooms, etc.)
Yes, James has had a few traumatic experiences where someone refused to let him use the restroom when he really had to go and he either ended up wetting himself or getting hurt from holding too much. Interestingly, being denied the toilet became one of his biggest fantasies, an attempt to recreate the negative things from his past, only now in a controlled environment and with someone he trusts. 
40. Did they ever have an accident or extremely close call while sick?
Yes. He’s more likely to wet himself in his sleep if he’s sick; The illness or the medication he’s taking make it harder for him to wake up in time. 
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justpottytime · 2 years
Oooo good question! What happens if they need to go and there’s no family/single stall bathroom? I could picture the stoic character starting to lose composure, stepping from foot to foot and squeezing the sunshiny character’s hand. But their panic is met with soothing words and reassurance that it’s going to be okay, they don’t need to be scared. The sunshiny character removes them from the situation, taking them to an empty room or even back to the car, anywhere with no people and a door that closes. That’s when they pull out a travel potty from their backpack, (you know the ones that you use for toddlers when they’re still potty training?) and the stoic character starts vehemently protesting. They’re not a toddler, they aren’t going to use a potty chair, collapsible or not! But they really do need to go and if they try to wait much longer they’re definitely going to wet. The sunshiny character knows how scary this is, and how vulnerable the stoic character is feeling and they gently remind them that it’s just the two of them here. Sunshiny character won’t tell anyone or make fun of them, they just want to help. And the stoic character is so desperate that they agree, begging sunshiny character to keep watch so that they can get some relief. But as soon as they get positioned to go their body locks up, and they almost start crying. They need to go so bad it hurts, in fact a second ago they were about to wet their pants, but now they just can’t pee. But sunshiny character was prepared for that too, and starts speaking to the stoic character softly, praising them for asking for help and trying so hard and reassuring them that they’ll keep them safe. It takes a while but eventually they can hear that tell tale sound of liquid hitting plastic and both of them are just so relieved (although in slightly different ways!). Stoic character doesn’t want this to be a regular thing (it’s so stressful!) but it’s so comforting to know that sunshiny character will make sure they get to go, no matter what situation they’re in. No one has EVER bothered to take care of them like this, especially not when it comes to their bathroom habits, and it’s almost scary how comforting they find it.
Anon I am MELTING, this is perfection!!!!!!!! So much cuteness, I don't even know where to start!!!! Sunshine character knowing exactly how to comfort and reassure their stoic friend, and being fully prepared with a potty for them to use - they know it's scary, but it's not just for toddlers, they promise grown-ups can use it too! - and gently soothing their panic when they inevitably lock up... Murmuring soft encouragement and praise, gently reminding them that they can take as long as they need to, no-one will see them here, they're totally safe... And the poor stoic character is completely vulnerable and open by now, their emotions are on display FAR more than usual, they're anxious and frustrated and in pain and they don't know what to DO! And it's scary having to lean on their friend so much and let them figure it all out, but they have no choice... And when it finally works and their body gradually relaxes, and at long last they get that much-needed relief... Maybe that's when stoic character lets a few tears escape, they don't know how to deal with just how scarily comforting they find this treatment... Knowing that sunshine character is right there to help them and keep them safe anytime they need it, no matter what... Have they ever felt this looked-after in their life...?
Thank you for the ask!!!!
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rahleeyah · 2 years
let's circle back a minute, I was checking my dates here and tuckson lasted for roughly a year, assuming your headcanon that it started around the townhouse incident, and by the way they talk about in canon, you'd think it was way longer. Of course, it was serious, and it mattered, but sheesh. Poor brian lasted longer, I think, and no mention whatsoever. Like, yeah, he didn't play daddy to olivia's kid, but he did stand by her during the worst time in her life so??
What follows is a bit of a ramble but the tl;dr is this-
I understand why Tucker always gets the mention as The One, and I'm ok with that, but I would also really like to see more exploration of the Brian period in Liv's life.
Now let's get into it.
Two points here that I think are important to consider; first, Brian and Liv are together for less than two seasons, if you count the beginning of s14 where they're not serious but still fucking. By the end of s14 they've been fucking for one whole season but it's treated as sort of casual for all that time, even in her negotiation it's like yeah they're together but meh. They're living together for most of s15 but he's gone before Lewis comes back a second time. Tucker gets like one full season between townhouse incident and the breakup in s18, so call that a year. They were going out for drinks before that, could have been fucking casually earlier (as early as community policing), tho I stand by townhouse as the beginning of their big R Relationship. So Cassidy gets like a half a season/half a year more than Tucker. So yes it's true that he got more time sleeping with Olivia, but it wasn't like he got years upon years more.
So that's the first thing, is that Cassidy did get more time but it wasn't like exponentially more. The second thing is Olivia knew she was never gonna go the distance with Brian.
She knew it. She knew it in her negotiation, when she was already bored with Brian and he wouldn't agree to do the things she wanted to do. She knew it when he was relieved she wasn't pregnant, knew it when he was laughing like a frat boy at the awful Dane Cook esque comedian. Brian took care of her, comforted her, in the aftermath of trauma, but apart from that she was the one taking care of him the way a mother takes care of a child; he wasn't grown. He was fun but he made bad choices, he was sweet but he wasn't interested in the family she desperately wanted. She never would have had to sit in a car listening to what sounds like her boyfriend getting a bj from a stripper while she was with Tucker; Tucker was grown. And as much as Cassidy helped give her a home while she was recovering from trauma, Cassidy is also the one saying "you know Liv, don't ask don't tell" and "you were never gonna bare your soul to me"; there is a lot of Olivia's self she held back from Cassidy and a lot of things we're led to believe they didn't talk about. Now she probably held plenty back from Tucker, too, but she's drinking wine by the bottle with Cassidy and it's Tucker who calls her out for it, helps her put an end to that. She loves Brian, of course she does, but he's a whole dumbass, a cute puppy who keeps peeing on the carpet. Brian doesn't get a mention from Liv bc the writers set up the Tucker relationship to be the one that could have ended in a marriage, whereas Cassidy probably would have run for the hills before he'd ever put a ring on it.
But I like the idea that Cassidy also doesn't get a mention bc a) she knows Elliot will be like "that guy's an idiot and you can do better" and she doesn't want to have to defend her choice to be with someone who other people think is an embarrassment but who she knows was good for her which leads me to b) if she is going to tell the truth about Cassidy she also has to tell the truth about Lewis and she's not ready for that with Elliot yet. I think she'd rather tell him she fucked Tucker and watch him explode than talk about Lewis, at this stage.
NOW having said all that; I do think she should talk about Brian. I think it matters that she lived with him; yes they were never gonna live happily ever after but she LIVED WITH HIM; Jesus, Elliot never saw her with anyone like that. Elliot never saw a relationship that mattered that much to her, never got to see Olivia the long term girlfriend. The one who had a plus one to events, who was throwing dinner parties. Brian was there for some of the most important growth Olivia goes thru and I think that's part of why she can't talk about him, but it's part of why I desperately want her to. What is Olivia's take on that part of her life here & now? And GODDDDD what I wouldn't give to see Cassidy come back, for him and Elliot to talk about the woman they both love like. Fuck I would love to see that.
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mermaidsirennikita · 2 years
ARC Review: Never Cross a Highlander by Lisa Rayne
Tumblr media
4/5. Releases 12/27/2022.
Gird your fucking loins, because this is a Highlander Highlander novel.
Kallum MacNeill (otherwise known as Dubh Mahoun/the Black Devil) is a badass. There is no finer way to put this is. He kicks ass, he takes names, and he is frankly so intimidating that everyone else is essentially looking the other way as he frees enslaved people across Scotland. He is connected, he is powerful, and he knows what he's about.
So when he sees Ailsa Connery at Stirling Castle, clearly in need of his help, he does the natural thing and kidnaps her. The issue here is that Ailsa, while definitely in trouble, did not necessarily want to be kidnapped, and has a much more complex background than Kallum initially assumed. And she is in fact heading in the opposite direction from him. But he can't let!!! A lass!!! Travel alone!!! OBVIOUSLY!!! So what was a good kidnapping turns into a roadtrip between two people who get on each other's nerves, while also wanting very desperately to get her under him (or vice versa, depending on the moment).
First off, disclaimer--I'm white, and I can't speak to the effectiveness of the rep in this book. This is my first Lisa Rayne book, and I don't plan on it being my last. To say that this gives a totally different perspective on Highland romances would be an understatement. It's all old world, it's all Scottish, and it's also Black. Both leads are Black (as a note, Ailsa does have a white father) and this isn't something that's just peppered into the story to be a little garnish or to make the world seem more diverse. Kallum and Ailsa's Blackness is key to their characters, their backstories, and their motivations. It's certainly not all they talk about or the only reason why they relate to each other, but it's obviously something that they can connect over, in, again, old world Scotland, in a way that they can't with most people.
At the same time, there are things that I won't give away that up-end what I think some will expect of this book. Kallum and Ailsa are not stereotypes. They are not here to just suffer. This book does not skirt over the racism they face at all, but it also gives them agency and power and revels in it.
So this book is doing the work on that level... while also giving you kind of old school Scottish adventure romance. There is much lass-ing. There is a lot of brawn. There is much och, much aye, and there is a lot of like, "oh we are traveling together, must get very close to one another now". There is a moment I mentioned earlier on the blog where Ailsa hits this man's dick so hard that he literally can't pee right for a while, and yet when he sees her eyeing said dick later is STILL GETTING IT UP. Now that's a hero. That's what I want out of an och aye book.
Things I Liked:
--Very romantic in a way that I feel like we don't see as much of anymore? Not just romantic in terms of kissing and tension, but also like... the romance of adventure. The romance of being under threat and finding love and humor and fun while up against pretty steep odds.
--If you're into the kind of dynamic where a big man is convincing himself he's the boss while actually she's the boss, you will enjoy this. At points, I was mildly reminded of Key and Peele's "MEEGAN (you forgot your jacket tho!!!)" sketches, and I won't even lie to y'all... That shit is an archetype, and it's one I enjoy so much, and I do love to see it.
--There is a scene... under a waterfall... And it felt so like, 90s romantic historical movie, so like, First Knight (which I... also mentioned recently on the blog, the most play First Knight has been getting in forever probably), and so sensual. And I just appreciated that Lisa Rayne went "this is happening in a fucking waterfall" because why the fuck not.
Things I Wasn't As Sure About:
--This is really a minor thing, but the language can get a bit euphemistic at times, and as much as I'm not calling that inaccurate (I genuinely don't know for this era)... At points I could've used a little more explicit language. But that's honestly personal preference, and the euphemisms did make it feel more old school, which I appreciate.
--It does take a little while to get the pace up, at least for me as a reader. So do hang in there! Once this one gets going, it gets GOING.
Trigger warnings for enslavement, human trafficking, racism, and discussions of all the above, as well as threat of sexual assault. I'm not going to call this one heavy for me to read, but of course your mileage may vary, and I advise taking that into account before you read. To me, this book balanced the adventure and romance with the serious subject matter very well, but it's not going to work that way for everyone--and again, I can hardly be the judge there.
One thing I do advise, though--read the author's notes at the end. Lisa Rayne has done her research, and the insights there are great.
If you're looking for Scotland and a great 90s vibe, I think you could find your match here. And truly, seriously--more of this, less "give me points for casting a person of color in this period piece while centering the white characters anyway" content.
Thanks to Netgalley and Entangled for providing me with a free copy of this book in exchange for an honest review!
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ajoytobeheld · 8 months
Philadelphia 29/3
March 30th, 2009
Day One off tour…jesus christ, i wrote “off” instead of “of”…things have got this bad already? Anyway, we woke in New Jersey. I don’t understand why we stayed in NJ, the day before and of the Philly show. It meant two pretty long journeys, desperate to pee, but WHO AM I to question the judgement of a tour manager. Especially one so fine as Joe Puleo. Actually, come to think of it, I think he insinuated we’d get robbed if we stayed nearer to the gig, or something like that.
Some Notes:
Previous Philadelphia experiences of ours had been quite lame. One show at an awful club where we got our spare tyre stolen (fair enough Joe), and another at Johnny Brendas, which was an okay, if uneventful, show, but sadly in an area where there was not a lot to do. Fishtown?
South Street was really cool.
Great falafel from some place called ‘Chickpeas’. Turned on the old English charm and got some free fries given to us. Never seems to fail (even if it’s never intended).
Repo records was really cool. First time I went in they were playing Swans, and then the Fever Ray album. I got the Mi Ami record, which I have yet to listen to, but the stuff I’ve heard on their myspace is rad. They’re touring the UK soon, and OBVIOUSLY we’re away on tour ourselves so have to miss it. Sob.
Best of all in this store…I found an illegal Los Campesinos! bootleg DVD. I think this means we’ve made it. It was a (n actually very good recording) of our show in the little room at Amsterdam Paradiso last year, ingeniously entitled “Knee Deep In Amsterdam”. I need to get a camera so I can capture these incredible moments.
We finally got to play with Ponytail. We’ve been trying to do a show with them for a long time, and it often seems the best way to see a band you want to see is to work out playing a show with them. They were really lovely, friendly guys and their show was awesome. So tight, and intricate and fun.
Also, we met up with Sky Larkin for what Katie informs me is our 4th tour together. Two UK, one mainland Europe, and now the US of A. We played, like, our 8th ever show with Sky Larkin. In Bradford. It’s so great that we’ve journeyed through this so-called Music Biz together, BFFs.
Speaking of which, Patrick and Ian G of Titus Andronicus made the trip to see us. They say they’re touring the UK again soon, and I THINK we’re even gonna be home to see it, so they’re totally coming to stay with me at my Mum’s house. Party times.
Two beautiful people brought us food. Young Griffin brought us oatmeal cookies and a blueberry cake that I’ve not allowed anybody to eat yet, because it’s too pretty to spoil (and I want it to myself) and a really cute girl who brought us animal-free Pumpkin cookies. I think we have the nicest fans in the world.
FINALLY…I think I’m gonna try to not get drunk for a week. I feel pretttttty rough today and if I was less wasted I might have more interesting things to talk about. We’ll see…
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Truth, tell us your most embarrassing public desperation moment.
Anonymous asked: heres a fun question: what’s your most embarrassing public desperation story, if you have one?
oh gosh okay let me think a sec. i usually try not to get desperate in public because i do Not want to be horny and stupid in public. i do not have enough brain cells or social skills to glide through if i'm thinking with my cunt. or at least i assume that's the case because i don't have the confidence to test that out
ahh let me think tho, most embarrassing... trying to think about when i was last in public needing to pee. maybe at pride? i think i walked past the portable toilets a couple times because i figured i could hold it, and then when it was time to catch the bus back, i didn't think i had time to stop, so i just rode it a little full. that wasn't embarrassing though, i wasn't desperate enough for people to notice i think
hmmm... i had to pee while shopping with friends like a month ago but couldn't find the bathroom and was riding with them, so couldn't hang around if they were ready to go. but i don't think i had to go bad enough that it was obvious
there has been a time or two at school when the closest gender neutral bathroom is closed for cleaning so i have to go find a different one, and usually i'll just eenie meenie the closest gendered bathrooms. and there have been times where i've indulged a little bit too much in the free tea, got desperate, and basically powerwalked from the closed bathroom to the closest one possible because i was desperate enough that i wasn't sure how much longer i could make it. that might be the most embarrassing because people would definitely have noticed if i'd leaked. i try not to pee dance in situations like that but at a certain point, looking desperate is better than springing a leak
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