#twily writes
mctwilight-mcd · 2 months
We’re back! Enjoy catching up with the Amphibia crew!
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twi-writes · 8 months
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first square of my @badthingshappenbingo square done! this one was written for the square "stomach flu" :)
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kheprriverse · 8 months
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Haven’t drawn this funny guy in a while!
I was gonna have more doodles with this, maybe if him interacting with other characters (like his family or Zelda or smth) but one of my eye’s is kinda strained so I decided to take a bit of a break. Which is also why some parts of this doodle might be a little scuffed
Very happy with how this turned out regardless!
AU Masterpost | Character Lineup | Ko-fi
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breannasfluff · 8 months
Oooh. This seems fun. Ima drop a couple ideas in different asks. Have fun with whatever ones catch your fancy (if any do :D)
What if...E!Wild met Midna?
The great thing about portals is that they jump not only Hyrules but time as well. Generally, the time lines up chronologically after that Link left his era. Every once and a while, though, time gets…fluid.
“You!” Twilight is gaping like a fish, pointing.
“You!” Midna, Princess of the Twili, and a helper in the War of Eras, points back.
Wild looks from one to the other with great interest. The rest of the Chain does as well; this is free entertainment.
“I thought you were trapped in the Twili realm!”
“I was! Then this portal appeared and dragged me across time! Why are you here? Are you joining the fight?”
The rancher’s brows furrow in confusion and he finally stops pointing. “Fight? No?” Then he turns to Warriors. “Explain.”
Wild tunes the two out and steps forward, turning his attention on Midna. “Hi! I’m Link, but you can call me Wild.”
The princess turns to him and nods. Not very friendly, but he is a stranger. Carefully, Wild lets his aura unspool and reaches out to brush at her. What will she feel like?
She–reaches back. Familiarity crashes against him and he crashes against her in a feedback loop that has them both yelp and pull back. 
They are back to pointing and staring again. Wild’s growing smile is matched by Midna’s and she relaxes onto one leg. “Oh, I like you.”
His grin shows sharp teeth. “How do you feel about pranks?”
“Only if they include explosions.”
Twilight tunes back into the conversation with growing dread. “Now, I don’t think that’s a–”
Midna ignores him to focus on Wild. “Want to go scare some people?”
“I thought you’d never ask.”
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tired-twili · 2 years
A friendship between a Fluff writer and an angst writer is the funniest thing.
Fluff: "yeah person A and B have been through a lot, but they were constantly there for eachother and they eventually get a happy ending!"
Angst: " yeah but what if A died..."
Fluff: ...0-0
Angst:..."what if B killed them👀"
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Being a writer is listening to the same song in repeat for two hours because it's the vibes of the scene.
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wie-sagt-man-noch · 1 month
Lellinger: The way I love you - Part 10 /10
Masterpost | AO3 | FF | Prev
With a soft sigh. Past exhaustion and frustration and despair, like it’s the only good thing left. Sometimes it is.| 1.1k
April 2020, Weißbach
Der Himmel über seiner Heimat ist strahlend blau. Die Sonne scheint, der Wind gleicht einer lauen Brise – für April ist es ungewöhnlich warm. Der Garten seines Elternhauses erstreckt sich vor ihm, gepflegt sieht er aus. Die ländliche Idylle wird von Vogelgezwitscher begleitet, während Andreas auf dem hölzernen Balkon sitzt und missmutig die Augen schließt. Eigentlich sollte er die Ruhe und das gute Wetter genießen – unter normalen Umständen würde er das vermutlich auch tun. Von der gewohnten Normalität ist derzeit allerdings nicht mehr viel übrig, auch wenn die malerische Szenerie, in der er sich befindet, etwas anderes vermuten lässt.
Die Welt befindet sich seit einigen Wochen in einem Ausnahmezustand, Corona hat die Nachrichten und das Leben aller fest im Griff. Das Virus grassiert und hat alles bis dato Gekannte auf den Kopf gestellt. Kontaktbeschränkungen, überfüllte Krankenhäuser, leere Straßen – nichts ist mehr so, wie es vorher war. Er selbst wäre beinahe nicht mehr zurück nach Deutschland gekommen, als er seine Schwester im März in Australien besucht hat. Die Zeit dort war wunderschön und unbeschwert – zum ersten Mal seit langer Zeit hatte er dort das Gefühl, endlich wieder im Moment zu leben. Er konnte abschalten und seine eigene Verletzungsmisere des vergangenen Jahres ausblenden.
Zumindest so lange, bis Stephan Anfang März gestürzt ist und sich ebenfalls sein Kreuzband gerissen hat. Die Nachricht hat ihn jäh auf den Boden der Tatsachen zurückgeholt. Er hat seinen Freund umgehend angerufen und war bereits dabei, seinen Rückflug vorzuverlegen, aber Stephan hat darauf bestanden, dass er in Down Under bleibt. So entspannt wie die letzten Tage hab’ ich dich lang nicht mehr gesehen, bleib'. Bitte. Dabei hat er ihn fast schon flehend angesehen, als sie gefacetimed haben. Hier kannst du eh nichts machen, bleib' so lang wie geplant – ich lauf' nicht weg hat er gesagt und Andreas musste tatsächlich schmunzeln. Andreas ist geblieben, auch wenn zu diesem Zeitpunkt bereits die ersten Reisewarnungen wegen des Coronavirus ausgesprochen wurden.
Ernst genommen hat er sie nicht, wie so viele andere auch. Was soll schon passieren, hat er zu seiner Schwester bei einem gemeinsamen Abendessen gesagt. Sie sehen sich ohnehin viel zu selten, seit Julia in Australien lebt. Er hat die nächsten zwei Wochen mit ihr mehr als genossen, die neu gewonnene Leichtigkeit hat ihm unfassbar gutgetan.
Vermutlich hätte er dennoch abreisen sollen, aber später ist man immer klüger, heißt es. Im Nachhinein betrachtet ist es auch nicht sonderlich klug gewesen, bei stärkerem Wellengang surfen zu gehen. Andreas hat es trotzdem getan und dafür die Quittung bekommen. Eine Welle hat ihn unvorbereitet erwischt und ihn von seinem Bord geworfen - dabei ist unglücklich mit seinem Schlüsselbein auf dem Bord aufgeprallt und hat es sich prompt gebrochen. Der heiße Schmerz hat ihm im ersten Moment den Atem geraubt, dann war er auch schon unter Wasser. Zum Glück war er bereits relativ nah am Strand, sodass er sich schnell aus dem Wasser begeben konnte – aber ihm ist in diesem Moment klar geworden, dass die Verletzung ernst sein muss.
Stunden später ist er bereits operiert worden. Als er später aus der Narkose wach geworden ist, war ihm zum Heulen zumute. Wieder ein Rückschlag, dabei wollte er diesen Sommer doch endlich wieder voll ins Mannschaftstraining einsteigen. Wieder Schmerzen, wieder Reha, alles wieder von vorne. Dazu noch Stephan, der ihn dieses Mal nicht mit seinem unerschütterlichen Glauben unterstützen können wird, weil der seinen ganz eigenen Leidensweg vor sich hat.
Hinzu kam, dass sein geplanter Rückflug wegen des Virus annulliert wurde und er deswegen beinahe nicht hatte ausreisen können. Ja, Andreas hätte seinem ersten Impuls nachgeben sollen. Dann würde er jetzt nicht mit geschientem Arm bei seinen Eltern auf dem Balkon sitzen, sondern fit bei Stephan sein und zur Abwechslung mal für ihn da sein können. Hätte ihm im Alltag helfen können, weil er weiß, was Stephan gerade durchmacht und an welcher Stelle er ihm das Leben leichter machen kann. Er hätte ihm Tag für Tag sagen können, dass er an ihn glaubt und dass das alles wieder wird, hätte Stephans Launen ausgehalten und ihm gezeigt, dass er sich auf ihn verlassen kann. Dass er ihn liebt – in guten wie in schlechten Zeiten, egal wie kitschig sich das anhört.
Andreas hätte so vieles tun können, aber die Realität sieht anders aus. In ihr hat er jedes Mal starke Schmerzen, wenn er seine rechte Schulter nur leicht bewegt und Stephan hat er seit über einem Monat nicht mehr persönlich gesehen – Andreas fühlt sich schlicht und ergreifend miserabel. Er ist erschöpft, kann nachts kaum schlafen, weil seine Schulter dumpf pocht und seine Gedanken rasen. Seine Laune ist unfassbar schlecht, er spricht mit seinen Eltern häufig nur das Nötigste, obwohl sie die Letzten sind, an denen er seinen Frust herauslassen sollte. Andreas weiß, wie privilegiert er eigentlich ist. Seine Eltern kümmern sich liebevoll um ihn – er ist nicht allein wie so viele andere Menschen in der aktuellen Situation. Er weiß das alles, aber es ändert nichts daran, dass er unglaublich enttäuscht und wütend ist. Auf sich selbst am meisten, was ihn nur noch frustrierter werden lässt. Dazu kommt, dass er Stephan wahnsinnig vermisst und ihm gegenüber ein unglaublich schlechtes Gewissen hat. Der wiederum hat ihm vorhin am Telefon gesagt, dass er das nicht haben muss, Unfälle passieren, Andi, und war wie immer unglaublich verständnisvoll.
Sie telefonieren oder facetimen täglich und Andreas ist unfassbar froh über diese Routine. Manchmal witzelt Stephan darüber, dass sie ab nächstem Jahr das Kreuzbandzimmer sein werden. Er plant voraus, glaubt an sie beide und lächelt wissend in die Kamera, wenn er davon spricht. Ohne Stephan würde er durchdrehen, da ist Andreas sich sicher. Andreas bewundert ihn für seine Stärke, seine Ruhe und seine Zuversicht – vorhin hat er ihm genau das auch gesagt. Stephan ist ein wenig rot geworden, während sich ein Strahlen auf sein Gesicht gelegt hat. Bei dem Anblick hat sich eine bekannte, wohlige Wärme in Andreas' Bauch ausgebreitet, während sein Herz etwas schneller geschlagen hat. Das leise geseufzte Ich liebe dich konnte und wollte er nicht zurückhalten, weil er es genau in diesem Moment überdeutlich gespürt hat. Ich liebe dich auch hat Stephan ohne zu zögern geantwortet, bevor sie sich kurz darauf voneinander verabschiedet haben.
Inzwischen hat sich ein leichtes Lächeln auf Andreas' Lippen gebildet. Er öffnet die Augen, blinzelt der Sonne entgegen, atmet tief ein und wieder aus. Zwischen all dem Frust glimmt zum ersten Mal seit seiner erneuten Verletzung ein wenig Zuversicht. Wenn alles um ihn herum zusammenbricht, nichts mehr so ist, wie es war, und alles schief zu laufen scheint, dann ist da immer noch Stephan. Stephan, den er liebt und der genau dasselbe für ihn fühlt.
Wenn das am Ende bleibt, ist alles mehr als okay.
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summertimemusician · 7 months
Linktober Shadow Day 6
Shadow Beast
The Twilight Princess fan in me really came out on this one huh? I blame the sleep deprivation. We never quite addressed the effects of the Twili Magic on Twilight and how it's only sheer force of will and the fact he's so darn kind, Midna's influence and Time teaching him the Song of Healing first being the main factor in making sure he doesn't fall huh? Even more so than the One Cutscene. We also need to talk more about the fact we technically kill Midna's people and how by the end of it all Twi is so changed by the Twilight Realm who's it's own can of worms that, much like Time he can't quite go home as himself me thinks, as a treat to myself
Mostly Twilight x Reader, this goes out to all of the folks who never quite recovered from Twilight Princess and the fact we never got that sequel (I mean it gave us BOTW and TOTK and Wild, but at what cost?), but can be read as Link x Reader either on the platonic or romantic.
Don't think there's any warning this time but might edit later if needed.
Actually yeah there is one warning
References to body horror typical to Twilight Princess, though I recommend not reading it I'd you're squeamish period.
Even after so long, you and Twilight could still remember the beauty and solemnity of the Twilight Realm, with it’s zircon skies with clouds of trapped fire and rains of viper obsidian.
The silence of the infection upon the realm of light broken only by the echoes of the howling elegy of the Twili and Interlopers who came before creeping over the land like rot and wither over flowers, the lament of the lost spirits of the people and animals of Hyrule falling over your spirit like a shroud, a shared hymm from two worlds reality had been twisted, only both of it’s princess, one filled the luster of empyreal sorrow in her mind and one with the scorch abyssal fury in her heart knowing to see the reflective tragedy befallen to their people. With Link as the one who restored the memory of what once was in both worlds as divinity and calamity sang in his bones and you a witness to the restoration of harmony to the discordant symphony, the two different songs of light and shadow refusing to let go of either of you in an eternal duet.
(Once touched by magic, it shall never leave the one if holds onto Twilight may have been the one with the Beast in his soul, with the howl of a wolf, the bite of shades in his veins and the lament of innocents taking precedence over anything purely because he learned how to silence the whispers of the one’s who made a grab for heaven’s throat and we’re pushed in the cracks of reality for their prideful vánitas even as he could taste it in the back of his tongue, twining around his ribs and overgrowing into his shattered mirror heart like vines, flowering with the divinity and eternal nature of the Hero’s Spirit, already having the hunt of the Fierce Deity in it’s veins and the remains of cursed divinity welcoming the new aspect merrily so he could bear it. The song of the innocent wrongly punished among the sinners rang into your mind, scratched at your skin and dug it’s claws around your throat, chocking you with sorrow and regret, more willing to leave gouges than to let go of someone’s who’s looked into the reverse side of the sacred realm and wept with grief for it’s people and the curse of it’s beauty.
It would never leave you, Link or Zelda, who learned who love the darkness the way Midna did, madness and unsightly delight and all.)
While the people of Hyrule merely became trapped as observers at best, if they were lucky, Midna’s raging grief and resentment quickly became obvious, once she revealed that rotten Zant had done to her and her people, twisted into a new form, distorted in body and trapped in mind like the animals and beasts of Hyrule, their pain driving them in becoming feral attack hounds for the usurper, their howling screams as much sorrow, wailing in an attempt to let their agonized, tortured souls to escape from it’s mouth, a futile attempt to flee from the strain of reality forgetting their true form in favor of Zant’s twisted design, of being used as sentient canvases for cruelty and ruthlessness, of their will being stepped over in favor of corrupting recreation.
Of how it only didn’t quaff down at Midna’s mind because of the nature of her ephemerality, fully beloved by the Realm of Darkness, of how she loathed him for it and wouldn’t wish her fate of that of her people’s on any living or dead soul, once she came to love the Realm of Light through Zelda’s sacrifice.
Which was why, when you saw three of the victims of the telltale twisting from darkness utilized with the intent to drive one insane, a familiar looking plate of stone engraved on the remains of ashes from their identity, the curling of distorted, solid darkness making crooked mishapen manes, bent out of shape from their too long torso and long, long arms adorned with twitching, deformed claws, you feel very justified in way your blood froze, holding onto Wild’s arms and yanking with all you had so his shot will miss, his yelp of surprise swallowed by the bone cracking, blood curdling screech from one of the beasts as a Skyward Strike grazed it’s petrified flesh.
You feel something warm drip down your ears, taste the promise of violence and the cry of lost souls on the back of your tongue and swallow it down as the memory of the Twilight Realm attempted to bite and crack your ribcage to quaff down your heart, to devour it bones and all, calling out in desperation, “Don’t! That’s a person!”
Sky freezes, as still as a statue, Legend curses the heavens crimson in a way you are so glad Wind isn’t around to hear as he retreats Twilight snarls, the wolf in him revolted and disgusted, you wonder if the Twilight is singing in his mind too as he restrains himself from reaching for the crystal as nails just a tad too sharp invite droplets of blood to one hand, grimm as a graveyard “We need to get them together anyway, felling just one won’t be enough.”
You grimace, releasing Wild, keeping your eye on the Shadow Beasts and another on your group, pointedly not mentioning the twitch in Four, amethyst clouding his gaze and the prism of his eyes turning gray with memories you and Twilight both knew all too well, of the grimace in Time’s otherwise stony countenance, you’d wished to avoid bloodshed of whoever was turned against their will, but you and Twilight both knew that might not be possible, death, unfortunately, might be the greatest mercy you can grant these poor souls.
(The Twilight is harmonizing in your ears, jeering, you feel the Interlopers insanity and the Twili’s lament on your teeth. As lovely as it could be cruel, the merry feeling upon meeting, the sorrow at a parting.
If you ever see the Shadow, you might just try indulging the echo by offering it’s blood as tribute. You'd make it hurt. The fact it learned the spell used to deform reality in such a way was cruel and vile.)
“Legend, how is your magic?” shoots Warriors, analyzing, calculating, it snaps the purple back into Four’s gaze, brings his mind back to focus as he reaches into his inventory for his Moon Pearl, Twilight is circling the beasts with single minded purpose, herding them together and prowling as he would as a wolf, Wild thankfully listened to your warning and had switched from the more destructive Flame and Lightning Arrows to ice ones. It doesn’t contain them for long but it gives a few precious seconds to strategize.
Legend catches on, switching to the Ice Rod on one hand and grasping his own Moon Pearl with the other, Sky has another Skyward Strike ready, but doesn’t release it, you switch from your sword to accepting a Magic Rod tossed at you from Wild, “Good enough.”
You breath in shakily, the symphony of the Twilight Realm has quieted, more lament than anthem as it’s Hero steps back, returning to your side, he nods grimly, “... Then, let’s end this quickly.”
You know your will boys will do their best to heal them, and failing that, you hope that they’ll hear the requiem of the Twili rather than the lament once they’re at peace, that they'll find some form of threnody.
It is a horrible thing, to be forced to die as a beast.
#linked universe x reader#linked universe twilight x reader#We really need to talk more about how the Twilight Realm sticks with Twilight and how it's magic never really leaves him#Heck I also want to know what it was like learning to turn into a wolf on his own. I bet that it was quite the process#friendly reminder that Time Twilight Midna and her people can all shake hands over identity and technical body horror#And how the Twilight Realm also likely has it's form of sentience due to the duality of both people like the Interlopers and the Twili#Something something how the difference between light magic dark magic is more about how willing much each reality changes you#and how Twilight more than anything and anyone who was with him on his journey would embody that fine line#Also the conflict between not wanting to kill the people that remind you of your old friend and the echoes all you have left of her realm#and knowing that their fate is so darn awful that death is a mercy#The reason Reader sees the Twilight as they do is because the dark magic latched onto them via association and Twilight's fondness#Maybe I'll elaborate on that later idk lol#Also the reason Dark Link knows the curse Zant used is both because of his nature and a reference to the TP Manga if you know you know#Hero's Shade mauls Zant in it. It's arguably the best thing in any manga I am begging any people who like Twilight and TP to go read it#summer writes linktober shadow 2023#summer writes#I could go on an entire essay about the relationship between the Realm of Darkness in each game and the Realm of Light and magic in loz#but I doubt anyone would want to hear about it lol
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puppetmaster13u · 14 days
If I were to make a Legend of Zelda-esque Batfam/DC AU, what would everyone be? What races in the games do you think would fit them best? (example: hylian, zora, twili, etc)
What ideas do you have?
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sadnessisavegetable · 2 months
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Next time I draw pearls, I should not go overboard. Ouch my hand. But here’s the little Zant pinup I considered.
Marked mature so I don’t get grabbed for a front view of his kneeling position despite his shadow membranes covering everything up. And he’s wearing a bit of trans tape for his titties because I deserve to indulge in the idea of Zant being trans.
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waywardsalt · 1 year
i feel like one of the main draws of the ganonbeck ship is that ganondorf is wildly out of linebeck’s league but it can work anyways
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mctwilight-mcd · 2 months
CHAPTER 4 woooooo
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masonsystem · 4 months
if i was a college educated fellow i would love to write up a thesis abt how zelda writes foreigners and what that means overall
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telemna-hyelle · 1 year
I'm legally obligated to ask about the 100% cannon secret OOT zelink marriage 😌
Ask and ye shall receive :3
Zelda wasn’t quite sure what woke her, but as she slowly drifted from sleep into wakefulness, she became more and more aware of the warm sensation of a body beside her; an arm curled about her waist and deep breaths puffing against her ear.
A heart beat it’s drum against her back, steady and firm and reassuring.
Tears began to well in her eyes, and she rolled around in his grip to see his face.
This woke him, and he blinked blearily, waking up himself.
“Hey,” he said, his smile slow and sleepy, curdling a coil of warmth deep in Zelda’s gut. “Good morning.”
Zelda found herself smiling back at him, blinking away the mingled tears of weariness and joy as she slid one hand up his arm to rest on his cheek. “You’re back.”
“Of course,” he said, and turned his head, pressing his lips against her palm. “I’ll always come back.”
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twiilys · 7 months
Lucy watched the trick of light and shadows play across Anthony’s face. He gave her a small smile, the ‘Lucy special’, meant for her eyes only.
“How is my beautiful bride?”
First dance nerves and general wedding fluff. Come get your fluffiest feels everyone !
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tired-twili · 10 months
Send me some zelink prompts!!
Alright peeps, I'm gonna cracnk out the next chapter of Till Death Do We Part, but I rlly want to write more tp zelink (I have a whole other fic planned but that's for later hehe) so pls drop some prompts in my inbox! These don't have to be tp exclusive either!!
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