#twilight newborn
lookitsaworm · 7 months
Riley, creating a newborn army: This cannot be legal
Victoria, handing a wad of cash to Jane: .... Sure it is
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zapreportsblog · 7 months
HAHA i'm back again hi srry my mind is overloaded with ideas😭😭😭
can you do volturi (or just the kings idm) x newborn reader who has the power of life and death inducement (platonic or not idrc) Who doesn't love an extremely overpowered y/n HAHAHHAHAHA ik i do!!!
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❝your end and your beginning ❞
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✭ pairing : volturi x reader
✭ fandom : twilight
✭ summary : (Y/n) awakes as a freshly turnt vampire and the first thing she wants to know is does she have any cool powers? So with the help with her the other guards she finds that she can does indeed have powers and ones that the volturi are lucky to have on their side
✭ authors note : well welcome back then
✭ twilight masterlist
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The darkness enveloped her as she lay motionless, suspended in a realm between life and death. (Y/N) had always been aware of the existence of vampires, the elusive creatures of the night that haunted the realm of myths and legends. Little did she know that soon, she would become one of them.
Her journey to this otherworldly existence had begun weeks ago, when she was selected by the three vampire kings themselves. Chosen for a destiny she couldn't fathom, her life had taken an unexpected and perilous turn. The transformation had been agonizing, a relentless torment that seared through her very soul. It felt as though her very essence was being torn asunder, only to be rebuilt with newfound strength and power.
The moment she awoke anew, (Y/N)'s senses were immediately heightened. The world was no longer shrouded in darkness; instead, it was bathed in an eerie, crimson glow that revealed details she had never noticed before. Every sound was amplified, every scent a vivid tapestry of the world around her. The hunger, that insatiable thirst, clawed at her throat.
Her first instinct was to test her newfound abilities. She needed to understand the extent of her power and how to control it. Pushing herself to her feet, (Y/N) hesitated for only a moment before making a decision. She would call upon the other guards chosen by the kings, her comrades in this new existence.
With a thought, she summoned the twins, Alec and Jane. They appeared before her like wraiths emerging from the shadows, their expressions a mixture of curiosity and concern.
"What is it, (Y/N)?" Alec inquired, his voice like a whisper of silk.
"I wanted to know if you could could train me,” Alec raises a brow at her as if he knew there was more to just this training she suggested and urged her to continue, “And I also wanted to see if I had any abilities," she replied, her gaze determined. "I want to see what I can do."
Jane nodded in agreement, her crimson eyes locking onto (Y/N)'s. "Very well, let's see what you've got."
As they began to train and test her newfound powers, Felix and Demetri approached cautiously. These two were seasoned guards, their loyalty to the kings unwavering.
"May we join the training?" Demetri asked, his tone respectful yet inquisitive.
(Y/N) considered their request for a moment. She was well aware that their skills were far superior to hers, and she had much to learn. "Yes, but only if you promise to train me," she responded, a note of determination in her voice.
Felix cracked a half-smile, revealing his sharp fangs. "We'd be honored to help you, (Y/N)."
Underneath the oppressive weight of the castle, the dungeons sprawled out like a dark labyrinth. This was where the guards typically trained newborn vampires, where stone walls bore witness to countless battles and training sessions. As the chosen guards of the three kings, Alec, Jane, Demetri, and Felix led (Y/N) down into the depths of the castle, guiding her through the dimly lit corridors.
Felix was the first to speak as they descended into the dank underground chambers. "This is where we hone our skills, (Y/N)," he said with a sly grin. "Prepare yourself for a taste of true vampire training."
(Y/N) met his grin with a determined nod. She had come to embrace her new existence as a vampire, and this was her opportunity to prove herself. Felix's offer to be her training partner was a challenge she eagerly accepted.
"Alright, big guy," she replied, her eyes flashing with excitement. "Let's see if you can handle me."
In an instant, the cavernous training room became their arena. The shadows danced around them as the others stepped back to watch the clash of strength. Felix and (Y/N) circled each other, their eyes locked in unwavering focus.
The fight began with a blur of motion. Felix lunged at (Y/N), his movements fluid and precise. She countered with agility and speed she had never known before, dodging his attacks with grace. Their movements were like a violent ballet, each one testing the other's limits.
As the battle raged on, Felix's immense strength became apparent. He was relentless, his blows powerful and calculated. (Y/N) had to rely on her agility and quick thinking to avoid being overpowered. But she refused to give in, her determination burning brighter with each passing moment.
Then, in a split second, Felix managed to land a powerful blow, sending (Y/N) sprawling across the stone floor. She grunted in pain but quickly pushed herself back onto her feet.
Felix chuckled, a deep rumble that echoed through the chamber. "Not bad for a newborn," he taunted.
The taunt hit a nerve, and (Y/N)'s emotions flared. Her anger, intensified by her newfound vampire abilities, surged within her. With a flick of her wrist, she sent an invisible force toward Felix.
Time seemed to slow as Felix froze in place, his eyes wide with surprise. He stood immobilized, as though trapped in a momentary stasis. The others watched in astonishment as he teetered on the brink of balance before finally collapsing to the floor.
Demetri's incredulous expression mirrored the bafflement in his mind. He had seen countless battles and faced numerous opponents, but what he had just witnessed left him bewildered. "What even just happened?" he muttered, his voice tinged with confusion.
(Y/N) stood over the immobilized Felix, her heart pounding in her chest. Panic began to creep into her as she tried to wake him, shaking him gently, but he remained unresponsive. "Felix, come on!" she pleaded, her voice trembling.
Her attempts to rouse Felix only escalated her panic. Desperation welled up inside her, and she could feel the powerful emotions threatening to spiral out of control. She glanced at Alec, who had been watching the scene unfold with a concerned expression.
Alec stepped forward, his eyes locking onto (Y/N)'s with an intensity that sent a shiver down her spine. "I need to numb your emotions," he said firmly.
(Y/N) nodded, unable to speak as her emotions threatened to overwhelm her. Alec extended his hand, and a soothing wave of calm washed over her. It was as though a heavy fog had settled in her mind, dulling the frantic panic that had taken hold.
Demetri, still bewildered, retreated from the training area to alert the kings about the unexpected turn of events. Meanwhile, Jane approached Felix, her crimson eyes focused. She reached out with her own unique power, attempting to rouse him, but there was no response.
She persisted, her brow furrowing in concentration, but it was as though Felix had been locked in time. The others watched, tense and worried, as minutes passed without any sign of change.
Finally, the kings, Aro, Caius, and Marcus, accompanied by another formidable vampire, entered the training chamber. Aro's eyes, which seemed to miss nothing, scanned the scene before him.
Alec, sensing their presence, withdrew his powers from (Y/N), allowing her to regain control of her emotions. She gasped for breath, still shaken by the events.
Aro, with his perceptive gaze, turned his attention to (Y/N) and inquired gently, "My dear, what happened here?"
Trembling, (Y/N) recounted the events that had transpired—the fierce training with Felix, her newfound power, and the inexplicable immobilization of her training partner. Panic threatened to overtake her once more, but Aro's calming presence held her in check.
Caius and Marcus exchanged knowing glances, while the other vampire in their company observed with keen interest.
Aro stepped closer to (Y/N), his voice soothing. "You have a unique gift, my dear," he said, his tone filled with a mixture of curiosity and intrigue. "One that we have never encountered before."
Aro's crimson eyes gleamed with curiosity as he watched (Y/N) closely. His fascination with her newfound ability had not waned since their encounter in the training chamber. He decided to delve deeper into this enigma and turned his attention to the other vampire who had accompanied them.
"Scan her, and tell us what you find," Aro ordered, his voice smooth as velvet.
The other vampire, whose power lay in the ability to discern the presence or absence of abilities in other vampires, stepped forward. Their eyes met (Y/N)'s, and in an instant, their expression shifted from curiosity to astonishment. Their eyes widened, an unprecedented reaction that had never occurred during their countless assessments.
Caius, growing impatient, broke the silence. "Well, speak already! Is this the doing of a gift, or are we wasting our time?"
The assessing vampire nodded slowly, their voice measured. "Yes, it is the result of a gift," they replied, their tone filled with a mixture of wonder and uncertainty. "But it is unlike any gift we have ever encountered."
(Y/N) felt a pit of dread forming in her stomach. The anticipation in the room was palpable, and she couldn't bear the weight of their scrutiny any longer. "What... what is it?" she stammered, her voice quivering.
The assessing vampire hesitated, their gaze still locked onto her. "It appears that (Y/N) possesses the unique gift of life and death," they explained carefully. "She has the ability to both end and restore life to a vampire, even when they have been incapacitated."
A stunned silence fell over the chamber as the revelation sank in. Aro, Caius, and Marcus exchanged incredulous glances, while the other guards looked on in a mix of awe and uncertainty.
(Y/N) felt her heart sink as the implications of her power became clear. Her mind raced back to the training chamber and the moment when she had unintentionally restored Felix to life after immobilizing him. She had never meant to wield such a gift, and the consequences of her actions weighed heavily on her.
"I didn't know," she muttered, panic lacing her voice. "I didn't mean to..."
Aro raised a calming hand, his expression thoughtful. "There is no need for distress, my dear. Your gift is a remarkable one, and it may prove invaluable to the Volturi. We shall train you to control it and ensure that it serves our purposes."
Despite Aro's reassurance, (Y/N) couldn't shake the guilt that gnawed at her. She had unintentionally brought back a fellow guard, altering the course of events in the most unexpected way.
(Y/N)'s heart raced with a mixture of fear and curiosity as she watched Felix being led away by Alec and Jane. She couldn't help but worry about what lay in store for her, especially after learning the true nature of her unique gift.
Turning her gaze to Aro, she voiced her concerns. "What's going to happen to me?" she asked, her voice trembling.
Aro's smile remained serene as he responded, "Nothing to worry about, my dear. You will receive training to harness your abilities properly, and you will become a valuable asset to the Volturi."
Relief washed over (Y/N) at Aro's words. She trusted the guidance of the Volturi, despite the unexpected turn her life had taken.
Her gaze drifted to Marcus, who had remained silent during the discussion. His eyes held a deep understanding, and she couldn't help but ask, "What happened to Felix?"
Marcus sighed softly, his voice gentle as he replied, "It appears that when you used your abilities on him, it not only ended his life but also brought him back in a human state."
(Y/N) was stunned by this revelation. Her gift had the power to bring a vampire back to their human state? It was an astounding discovery, one that left her with more questions than answers.
The assessing vampire who had revealed her gift's nature stepped forward to explain further. "It's a complex interplay of life and death, (Y/N). When you unintentionally ended Felix's life and then brought him back, it seems to have triggered a transformation back to his human state."
Aro, his eyes gleaming with fascination, absorbed this information with a calculating expression. He said nothing but appeared to be pondering the implications of her gift.
(Y/N) was still trying to process the extraordinary turn of events. She hadn't meant to turn Felix human, and the fact that her abilities had such a profound impact on him left her bewildered.
"I didn't know," she whispered, her voice filled with remorse.
Aro, ever the observer, spoke softly, "My dear, your gift is a wondrous discovery. It may hold secrets and possibilities beyond our current understanding. Rest assured, we will study it further."
(Y/N) couldn't shake the overwhelming desire to see Felix. She had unintentionally changed his life, quite literally, and the weight of that responsibility weighed heavily on her. With the kings' permission granted, she was led to the room where Felix was being kept.
As she entered the room, her eyes widened in amazement. There he was, Felix, sitting on a bed and looking every bit like a human. It was a sight she couldn't have imagined, and it filled her with a mixture of awe and remorse.
Felix looked up as she entered, and a warm smile spread across his face. "Well, look who it is," he greeted, his voice tinged with amusement.
(Y/N) couldn't help but feel a rush of gratitude that he wasn't holding what had happened against her. "Felix, I'm so sorry," she said, her voice filled with sincerity.
He waved off her apology with a chuckle. "No need to apologize, (Y/N). It's not every day you wake up as a human after being a vampire for so long. It's... an interesting experience."
Feeling a surge of relief and happiness, she couldn't contain herself any longer and wrapped her arms around him in a tight embrace. But in her excitement, she momentarily forgot her newfound strength.
Felix winced, his face turning slightly red as he struggled to breathe. "Careful there," he managed to say through strained breaths.
Alec and Jane, who had been standing nearby, quickly stepped in. "Easy now," Alec cautioned. "Remember, he's human, and you have to be more delicate."
(Y/N) released her grip on Felix, her face flushed with embarrassment. "I'm so sorry, Felix. I forgot."
Felix let out a hearty laugh, his humor infectious. "No harm done," he assured her, his smile never fading. "Just reminds me how much it sucked being a human."
As the three of them shared a moment of laughter
The harmonious laughter between (Y/N), Felix, Alec, and Jane was abruptly interrupted as the door to the room swung open. Aro entered, his presence commanding immediate attention. His smile remained charming, but there was a hint of business in his demeanor.
"My dear (Y/N), I'm afraid it's time for you and the others to leave," Aro announced, his voice carrying a note of finality.
(Y/N) exchanged a worried glance with Felix, uncertainty gripping her. "But what's to happen to Felix?" she asked, her voice quivering.
Marcus, ever the one to speak the truth, stepped forward. "Felix is a valuable member of our guard, and we cannot afford to lose him," he explained. "He will be changed back into a vampire."
Aro nodded in agreement, adding, "It is the only way, my dear. Felix will return to his duties, and you will continue your training. We have a destiny to uphold."
(Y/N) felt a mixture of relief and sadness wash over her. She had grown fond of Felix in the short time they had spent together, and knowing that he would be changed back into a vampire was bittersweet. She nodded, her understanding clear.
The three of them, Alec, Jane, and (Y/N), prepared to leave the room, but not before one last look at Felix. His expression was a mix of gratitude and determination, ready to embrace his role in the guard once more.
As they exited the room, (Y/N) couldn't help but feel a sense of responsibility weighing on her. Her unique gift had brought about both wonder and challenges, and her journey among the Volturi was far from over. Felix's transformation back into a vampire was a reminder of the complexities of their existence, and it was a chapter in her story that would shape her path in ways she had yet to discover.
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ezzakennebba · 2 years
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my only
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twilightishot · 9 months
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“For a moment, the absence of pain was all I could comprehend. And then I opened my eyes and gazed above me in wonder.” - Bella Cullen
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yoomiii123 · 2 years
I don't think I'll ever get over all the amazing newborn Bella content SM denied us. After getting literal books worth of Bella ignoring the harsh reality about being a bloodsucking immortal, we deserved to see her fall flat on her face.
I wanted all-consuming thirst, overwhealmed senses and loss of control. I wanted the heartache of Bella attacking her own daughter for her blood. Bella fighting the Cullens who are trying to restrain her. Bella loosing control and killing someone she knew. Bella watching her own funreal from afar and suffering through Charlie's self-destructive phase.
We. Were. Robbed.
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jessicanjpa · 6 months
(You can find the short films here and learn more about the project here.)
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i very honestly and wholeheartedly love the fanon interpretation of emmett and bella as 'the chaos twins' and i will always need more of them™
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vicontheinternet · 2 years
I'm just saying everything about vampire!bella is a copout.
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Newborn Vampire: Now that I'm a vampire what should I do?
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cto10121 · 4 months
As much as I really liked Midnight Sun, I hope the Twilight TV show doesn’t decide to do a dual POV and show Edward’s POV from the get-go alongside Bella’s. I think Twilight does get a lot of power in keeping Edward a mystery. In the meadow scene they can show Edward’s whole journey through flashback with his narration and also the action scenes on how they get to Bella and kill James. But otherwise I would stick to Bella’s POV closely.
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mistakes1were1made · 7 months
So do like vampires have clicks? Like in high school? Does vampire society have "Dracula" style goth vampires, theater kid "Twilight" vampires, etc.
Where is my mean girls style vampire highschool story? I want a vampire Regina George ASAP.
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catstack17 · 10 months
team jacob forever - and like not even for bella bc she treated him terribly (she treated edward terribly too but that’s not this post’s point, like she chose to kiss jacob right in front of edward while she was engaged to edward- ?!?!). if given the choice between a cold vampire that initially wanted to k!ll bella when he first met her that gaslights everyone or a werewolf that’s a sweet and genuine soul that would do anything for you and is basically a personal heater (also i’m sorry but stephanie meyer was so crazy for writing something so out of character as if jacob( who was not only raised by billy black himself but also was raised by his two older sisters after their mom passed) would ever not ask for consent to kiss bella, that was so ooc for him to do, meyer literally just put that in there i’m convinced because jacob was winning over everyone’s hearts because he was the better choice and readers could tell) , i’m picking the one that actually has a heart and the one that can flirt. (new moon him makes me swoon so hard oh my-)
on top of everything else, jacob won me over by his hand placement when he did kiss bella, this man is the king of putting his hands and arms on his s/o’s waist and that’s canon. the eclipse kiss is literally a dream (bella just sucks bc why would you ever kiss anyone right in front of your soon to be husband like what) , (dw jacob i can treat you better!!)
also bella completely used jacob in new moon, for her own personal gain too- she didn’t hang out with him until edward left her and she constantly( through eclipse and the breaking dawns) uses his love for her as an advantage into getting him to do what she wants and jacob had every right to be sassy, broody and pissed off w/ her after he transforms (also he was quite literally going through a transformation mentally, physically and emotionally at this point, cut him some slack)
in conclusion, he’s my dream guy and deserves more respect and more than he was given and written (stephanie meyer why did you have to have him imprint on bella’s demon child Reebok, what was your reason???)
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zapreportsblog · 8 months
Can I request Carlisle with a black fem vampire reader who became a newborn and it’s almost like she lost her memory when she turned vamp (this is before Bella became a vamp) she tried to attack Bella as soon as she woke up, her abilities include Wanda maximoff’s energy projection attacks, she even tried to attack Emmett for stopping her but then Carlisle said something that got her back?
❝blood cravings❞
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✭ pairing : Cullen family x reader x bella swan
✭ fandom : twilight
✭ summary : (Y/n) awakes as a freshly turnt vampire and the first thing she wants to do is sink her teeth into the human known as Bella swan, luckily her family is there to hold her back - not without struggle though. And luckily Bella doesn’t hold her accountable for her actions
✭ authors note : look at me getting requests out late at night :) I still have more to go but bare with me
✭ twilight masterlist
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In the tranquil home of the Cullen family, nestled deep within the picturesque forests of Forks, lived (Y/n), a young woman who had been adopted by this unique vampire clan when she was just a child. Raised as a human, she had grown up alongside the Cullen children, forming close bonds that transcended the boundaries of blood.
Emmett, the bear-like and jovial member of the family, held a special place in her heart. He had always been there for her, providing guidance, protection, and a shoulder to lean on. To her, he was more than a brother; he was a father figure.
Today was a day that had been looming on the horizon for (Y/n). She had reached her eighteenth birthday, the age at which Carlisle, the patriarch of the Cullen family, had promised to turn her into a vampire. It was a choice she had willingly embraced, drawn to the allure of immortality and the prospect of a new life with her adopted family.
Nervousness coursed through her as she approached Emmett, who was lounging in their living room, a reassuring smile on his face. (Y/n) knew that she could count on him to alleviate her worries.
"Emmett," she began, her voice tinged with anxiety, "can you tell me again about the risks of changing? I want to be sure I'm making the right decision."
Emmett's expression softened as he regarded her. He moved closer, wrapping his arm around her shoulder in a protective embrace. "You know, little sis, there are always risks with transformation. It's a painful process, and there's a chance it might not work out for everyone. But you're strong, (Y/n), and you've got the heart of a lion. I promise I'll be there every step of the way, just like you've always been there for me."
(Y/n) looked into his eyes, finding the reassurance she sought. With a deep breath, she nodded. "Okay, I'm ready now."
Emmett's grin widened, and he leaned down to plant a loving kiss on her forehead. "That's my girl."
With unwavering determination, Emmett used his venom to initiate the transformation, marking the beginning of (Y/n)'s journey into immortal life.
As (Y/n) embarked on her transformation journey, the entire Cullen family rallied around her, offering unwavering support and vigilance. Emmett and Rosalie, who had been her champions from the beginning, were particularly attentive, their protective instincts in full force.
The transformation was a process that spanned three grueling days. It was during this time that the unique abilities of each family member came to the forefront, their collective efforts aimed at making her journey as bearable as possible.
On the first day, Jasper, the empath of the family, was a constant presence by (Y/n)'s side. His ability to sense and manipulate emotions allowed him to understand her pain on an intimate level. He used his gift to create an atmosphere of calm and tranquility around her, easing the emotional turmoil that often accompanied the transformation.
Jasper's soothing presence was like a lifeline for (Y/n) as she slipped into a deep, coma-like state. His calming influence provided her with moments of respite from the searing pain that wracked her body.
Emmett and Rosalie took turns staying with her during the nights, their protective instincts on high alert. They whispered words of encouragement and love, promising her that the pain would be worth the eternal life that awaited her.
During the daylight hours, the rest of the Cullen family rotated their visits, offering their presence and support. Carlisle, the family patriarch and skilled physician, monitored her physical condition closely, ensuring that her transformation progressed safely.
Edward, Alice, and Esme remained on standby, ready to assist wherever needed. Edward occasionally used his telepathic abilities to communicate with (Y/n) on a subconscious level, reassuring her that she was not alone in this journey.
The dawn of the third day marked a significant moment in (Y/n)'s life—the end of her transformation and the beginning of her existence as an immortal vampire. As she slowly awoke from her coma-like state, her senses sharpened, and she became acutely aware of her surroundings.
Her eyes fluttered open, revealing crimson irises that bore the mark of her new nature. But as her vision cleared, (Y/n) felt a peculiar sense of disorientation. Her memories, once vivid and rich, seemed to have evaporated like mist, leaving behind only fragments.
She knew her name—(Y/n). She knew she had been human, but the details of her past were shrouded in a thick fog, and she struggled to grasp them.
Confusion clouded her expression as she gingerly got out of bed and glanced around the room. It was beautifully decorated, but the surroundings felt foreign, devoid of familiarity.
With a mix of curiosity and uncertainty, (Y/n) pushed open the door and stepped into the hallway. To her surprise, she was met by a group of people who appeared to be waiting for her. The Cullen family, whose faces should have been etched in her memory, were strangers to her now.
Edward, Alice, Esme, and the others greeted her warmly, expressions filled with anticipation. But among them was a face she didn't recognize—a human girl named Bella Swan, who had been determined to be there when her best friend woke up as a newborn vampire.
As Bella approached (Y/n) with a friendly smile, (Y/n)'s heightened senses went into overdrive. The scent of Bella's human blood was overwhelming, and the rhythmic beat of her heart echoed loudly in (Y/n)'s ears.
In that fateful moment, (Y/n)'s calm demeanor shattered, and a predatory instinct she couldn't control took over. With a snarl, she lunged toward Bella, her eyes filled with hunger and her fangs bared.
The room erupted into chaos as (Y/n) lunged toward Bella with predatory intent, her newborn instincts overriding her sense of reason. It was a harrowing sight, with the Cullens moving swiftly to intercept her, but she was fueled by an uncontrollable hunger.
Emmett, using his immense strength, bore the brunt of (Y/n)'s attack, his grip unyielding as he attempted to restrain her. (Y/n) fought with a fervor that defied her size, her energy projection ability causing flashes of destructive energy to burst from her, creating chaos in the room.
Jasper, with his empathic abilities, attempted to calm her turbulent emotions, but (Y/n) resisted his influence. Her confusion and aggression were too overwhelming, causing her to lash out at anyone who stood in her way.
Carlisle swiftly made a decision to protect Bella, realizing that (Y/n)'s fixation on her presented a grave danger. He turned to Edward, the fastest of them all, and instructed him to take Bella out of the room to safety.
Edward, his protective instincts in overdrive, scooped up Bella and moved at an astonishing speed, exiting the room in the blink of an eye. He knew that he had to ensure Bella's safety above all else.
Meanwhile, inside the room, Emmett continued to grapple with (Y/n), their struggle creating fissures in the walls and shattering objects around them. It was a battle of strength, with Emmett doing all he could to restrain her.
Jasper, determined to help, focused his empathic abilities to their fullest extent, channeling a calming aura towards (Y/n). The air around her seemed to shift as he forced her to experience a moment of serenity.
Gradually, the wild intensity in (Y/n)'s crimson eyes began to wane. The destructive energy she projected subsided, and she started to relax, the chaotic storm within her slowly abating.
Still, the Cullens maintained their hold on her, unwilling to take any chances. Carlisle, the voice of reason amidst the turmoil, addressed his family with a calm but authoritative tone.
"This is normal behavior for a newborn," he explained. "Sometimes their memories are wiped during the transformation. As long as we are patient and supportive, (Y/n) will come to remember us and her past. We must remain vigilant and ensure her safety during this crucial time."
With (Y/n) finally subdued, they continued to keep her pinned down, aware that the path to her full integration into their family would require time, patience, and unwavering support.
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can’t stop thinking about that post that was like “let maría be evil! she’s manipulative for turning people into vampires knowing she was just going to kill them!”
like. yes, she’s doing something horrifying and soul-wearing, and hurting the people she turns. but she’s also in the middle of a war zone! (A WAR SHE DIDN’T START!!!! SHE’S JUST TRYING TO GET HER HOME BACK!!!! IN THE ONLY WAY SHE CAN!!!!!) war corrupts morals! war presents you with impossible choices! you can’t be purely “good” when you’re fighting for your life!! (like sorry she isn’t a white man who can float around cheating the stock market and pretending to be a doctor??? maybe take that up with the colonizers who wrecked her home????)
and like, that’s the whole point! that’s what makes her an interesting “villain” to explore!!! she’s in impossible circumstances and she’s become ruthless and manipulative as a result but at the end of the day the goal she’s fighting for is righteous and what does THAT mean for the blood on her hands?! you lose ALL OF THAT complexity if you just make her “evil!” not to mention the gross racial stereotypes that are obviously happening there.
also like it’s so stupid to call her a “villain” in the first place bc she’s just NOT, the literal definition of a villain is “a character in a story or play who opposes the hero” and she has no impact on the “hero” of twilight and does absolutely Nothing to affect bella at all (arguably except for positively influencing her by turning jasper), she’s straight-up just Not a villain, by definition
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fuckmeyer · 11 months
My favorite thing about the Jasper/Maria ship, dynamic, or whatever is how complicated and mysterious they are, like we don’t know much about them but what we DO know speaks to something deeper going on that isn’t quite explored. Like they make each other worse but they also make each other BETTER! It’s insane to think about really. Everyone’s usually like “they make each other worse!” but you’re like the only person to point out just how much they also make each other better and your points are so solid it got me thinking!
Like it’s honestly crazy to think about how they’re both in such bad circumstances and they’ve done bad things together; but there’s also the fact that they’re so tender and forgiving towards each other, how much they’ve learned from each other (especially from Confederate!Jasper’s side considering he had a LOT to learn/unlearn), and how they made each other stronger, smarter, etc.. while being from two completely different worlds yet they met and bonded through a similar core experience: War.
They became winners together after having lost so much before and they both chose each other naturally. Jasper could have chosen to follow Lucy or Nettie at any time but he chose Maria and he knew from the moment he met them that she was the special one, the leader. “It was immediately clear that the brunette was somehow in charge of the others. If they'd been military, I would have said that she outranked them.”
Maria was able to pick apart his compelling nature and knew he would be special/useful to her too, that’s why she chose to keep him and changed him herself bc one of the others said they were more likely to kill him. She probably didn’t expect to develop feelings for him later down the line but that’s for another conversation lol. They met by chance and they chose each other. They saw something.
I think both characters know this deep down and that’s why they still have some leftover feelings for each other. To me it’s the only thing that explains their out-of-character behavior towards each other. Like come on there’s no way Jasper is just thinking and talking about Maria like that if she didn’t still have an impact on him and there’s no way Maria’s just randomly thinking of him enough to want to find and visit him if he didn’t have some sort of impact on her too.
That speaks to so much potential between them. If they were so powerful and successful and hung-up on each other in the unfortunate situations they were in, imagine how powerful and strong they’d have been if they were in better circumstances. It gives me such a “right person, wrong time” feeling with them. Idk just my thoughts. You seem like the only person I can share these with lol.
- same anon btw
ANON it's wonderful to see you in my inbox again!!! you know i'm always here for Loving María Hours 🥰
you're right, there's so much deeper shit going on between Jasper & María, it's kinda crazy that all these other characters/ships get so much more attention when Jasper/María literally have a built-in story! (no hate to those who create content on minor characters ofc — we're all out here doing the lord's work LMAO)
you really hit it on the head. like the fact that their story is so "evil" and their characters are so "bad" speaks to the gentleness and goodness that obviously came out of their relationship considering Jasper is now a vegetarian Cullen freak. & the idea that the external conflict (war) is used as a vehicle AND as a symbol for their own internal conflicts & the thematic discussion at hand?!?!?! THE STORY 👏 WRITES👏 ITSELF👏👏👏
bro ofc Jasper followed María!! bad bitches only. & at the end of it all Lucy & Nettie AINT SHIT! they betrayed their covenmate! smh. tbh it spoke volumes that she had no problem killing them YET took so long (& ultimately did not) kill Jasper. girl can sniff betrayal from a mile away & even though she let the paranoia get the best of her, in the end she didn't let it control her 😇 it's not a perfect cutesy HEA, but dammit if it's not GROWTH
only semi-related, but the fact that Jasper mentions she had a good judge of character, and the fact that she seemed to look specifically for humans who would be gifted/powerful, makes me wonder if she didn't have some sort of gift herself. i like to think that Nettie & Lucy didn't betray her bc of something she did but rather bc they simply couldn't cope with the way María always chose Jasper & her country above all. María's gift is that she sees the good & the strength & value in people. even when they don't see it in themselves. war is simply not a good medium for people to reach their full potential...& once María draws it out of them, they discover want more for themselves than what death & violence can give them. in Nettie & Lucy's case, they lash out bc they assume they will never live up to María's vision. in Jasper's case, he defects so he can live up to the person she sees in him ❤️ María's weakness is she gets so focused on her mission she gets tunnel vision, so these are all seen to her as betrayals
but i imagine María realizes this down the road & works on healing herself instead of her country. obviously the Southern Wars haven't gotten out of control, & wtf does Jasper know about the South's situation after his 150-year absence? maybe the fact that she hasn't gotten herself in trouble lets him know that she's more focused these days on looking out for herself, finding potential within instead of working in vain to fix something that can realistically never be repaired in the way she always dreamed. & that's ok :)
all he knows is she's got a softer side & that he's rooting for her on her own journey to healing, & he will always wish her well 😌
TLDR TRUE TRUE, ANON. right person, wrong time.
all hail María ❤️
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yoomiii123 · 2 years
The fact that SM wrote a 'happy end' for the twilight saga that literally has every character worse off than before Edward met Bella will never stop being hilarious to me.
Except for Bella's human classmates. They are doing great.
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