#tw:. dental
brotha-lamp · 4 months
I know it’s stupid but.
I’m sitting here crying because someone was so kind to me in this past year that I was able to get some really important dental work done, and a fake tooth flipper thing to help support the whole tooth alignment and look nice or whatever. And now it’s many months later and the follow up dental work I needed in November has been on hold because
1. I had a pet emergency that meant I had to cancel that appointment.
2. I went into massive debt so we could survive the winter and couldn’t afford more debt just to get fillings.
3. Between the weather and the fact that they just decided not to plow my road for half the winter I have not been able to travel safely to town, never mind 2 1/2 hours away.
4. Covid is extremely rampant here, no one is masked anywhere but especially in dental and medical settings, and the last booster didn’t seem to do shit for my immunocompromised ass. I can’t actually go to the dentist without genuinely risking my life.
So now the rest of my teeth are starting to get bad, and the really nice flipper that holds my teeth aligned and makes it so I can smile without feeling ashamed was a complete waste of time and money because other teeth in that area will probably need to be pulled out at this point. And I just… I don’t know how to apologize to the person who helped me. I wasted their money. I didn’t mean to, and I fully intended to complete the rest of the dental work I needed. But everything went wrong. Really wrong. And now I will have to wait until it’s so bad it could kill me to risk my life to have them all pulled out. While building up more debt because I can’t even afford to have them taken out. And I won’t be able to chew anymore at all. And… I just don’t know how to apologize for this.
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nartothelar · 8 months
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medicalunprofessional · 10 months
play dentist
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conmenn · 10 months
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“What? You say you’ve never seen me smile? Well…let me show you!”
watercolour and coloured pencil, A4 hot pressed paper !! (originally drawn 1/11/2022)
yup yup this halloween special has been stuck as my pfp for ... 10 months now oops
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9e111 · 7 months
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sometimes a family is a fancy meat computer and his beloved uncanny son (+ a dog if you're lucky)
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renwick-artz · 6 months
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Dentist Appointment || got a wisdom tooth taken out so I drew something based off of it!
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citrus-soda · 2 months
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Pondering froggie-alien mouth structure.
You ever see those paleontology reconstructions that give fleshy, protective jowls to T-rex and the various sabre-toothed cats? That's my angle here.
Their comfortable resting position is with the jaws slightly open and the lips relaxed, to keep their teeth covered.
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The cheeks and lips are stretchy! Go and harm your local keroro today <3
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little-bumblebeeee · 29 days
As a kid, Eddie had fucked up teeth. Like, fucked up fucked up. Had to have braces for 4 years, fucked up. And he had this tooth, this little sharp one that stuck out oddly in the back of his gums, always cutting into his tongue and making it hard for anything to properly fit in his mouth. The dentists would all surround his mouth in a sort of awe whenever he was able to get an appointment, but yet he proudly showed of that sharp little tooth, telling everyone he had an extra canine.
Come time for his braces, he quickly realizes two things. One, ow. And two, that tooth wasn’t extra, meaning extra pain to get the other teeth separated and that one in its rightful place. Even when he got older, he still sometimes lamented to Steve about how nobody ever actually told him he was just a little stupid when it came to his teeth.
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snnnailmail · 22 days
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More lil sketches of my Flower Kid-sona 💥💥🐊🦷 n some stuff I made up abt her eyesies 👁️👁️
Facts ⬇️😃
In regular chill human height numbers she’s 4’10 but in my mind’s eye she is the size of a backpack.
She is 24… Good number I think.
I was going to draw Habit with her so I could tag him but forgort.
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pneumonia1702 · 4 months
2x daily 🪥
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nartothelar · 8 months
Good luck with your wisdom teeth! The docs act like dry socket is rare but it aint lol. It's not the end of the world if a clot falls out as long as you call up whoever's doing your surgery for dry socket appointments if it happens. Dont ignore it, dry socket pain will not bow to any pain medication (nerve is exposed). They pack the socket with string that has antibiotics and numbing stuff. Tastes horrific but it's worth it to make the pain stop.
Wh a t ? Dry sockets, nerve exposure 😭 maybe they’ll give me a run down during the procedure? I’m completely new at all this 💀
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thisismisogynoir · 3 months
All of the Hazbin Hotel characters’ designs are bad beyond belief but imo the icing on the sour cake is Alastor. Who the hell(no pun intended) thought this shit was fucking okay?
I mean just look at his ass:
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Who tf looked at this and thought “yup, seems legit” what is going on with his silhouette? His hair? His face(which I’ll be getting back to later bc I mean OH GOD)? His outfit? 🤮 You expect me to be happy with this? Also why the hell is he so skinny? He makes the Disney Princesses look healthy and realistic in comparison, because damn.
And that’s not even getting into the sheer anti-Blackness that goes into his character and thus his design: him being an evil cannibalistic voodoo practitioner, with his Blackness slapped onto him as a less minute attempt to make his portrayal seem “not racist” well guess what BitchziePop, it is. The man is supposedly half-Black on his mother’s side, and yet he does NOT look Black at all. He does not have Black features, nor Afro-textured hair, what a goddamn JOKE. *he also does not have a Black/biracial voice actor. so much for diversity I suppose.
And don’t even get me started on that big ass, creepy ass, goofy ass grin:
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Oh dear.
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quail-in-red · 4 months
I am terrified of the dentist and I just had my first root canal and I survived, I am very proud of me 🙏🏻🦷
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dumyhead · 29 days
phighting doodle because i thought subspace’s whole rotting thing was cool
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danjaley · 5 months
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[The following scene was impossible to pose, but I wanted it in the story like this, so I'm leaving most details to your imagination.]
Matthew stirred and mumbled something that was entirely unintelligible. “You may take my calendar from my pocket”, Fergus said, “and write on the blank pages what you want to say.”
So far Matt had thought all this was really happening, but now he knew he must be dreaming. Father never allowed anyone to write into his calendar – although they all longed to use the tiny slim pencil attached to it. He said they’d get calendars of their own once they had appointments to note. Which wouldn't be until a very hazy future when they were grown up. And now Matt couldn’t even properly enjoy it. With a swimming head and clumsy fingers he opened a blank page. “I’m so thirsty” was such a long sentence with so many letters. When he had written “I”, he wondered if he’d ever make it to the crucial part. Father called for Owen to stop the carriage. Without the rumbling it went better. Father always knew what to do or say.
“Do you want something to drink?” Fergus asked cautiously, and Matt nodded against his chest. Luckily Fiona had packed a bottle of water for them. Fiona always knew what to do, and Fergus wished she could have come with them. He used a good deal of the water to wash Matt’s face, as he didn’t want him to drink his own blood. Twenty-four hours ago he’d never have thought he could do all this without even getting to the edge of tears. He had feared this excursion almost as much as Matt had, but now he felt he could manage. He was the head of the family after all.
He always kept the slightly blood-stained page from his pocket-calendar, with the very sloped line on it: “Im so tirsy”
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cinemacrypt · 4 months
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Albert Plak, traveling dental health educator and Smiler, his homemade and posessed (not Albert's fault) "teaching assistant". They're each other's only friend 🦷
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