#tw suicide rumors
henrysglock · 1 year
Listen to me. Listen. If you give me the chance to talk about a Henry figure skater au I will NEVER shut up about it. He's so incredibly elite skater coded you don't even know. Brenner is so incredibly "coach who's after glory and doesn't care that he's pushing kids to their breaking points" coded.
I'm going to talk about it under the cut because I have SO much to say
Henry's signature jumping pass is a delayed double axel. What he misses in points on it, he makes up with artistry points and upgrading other jumps to quads. He's one of the few mens skaters who can do a proper Bielmann. His technique is strong, but his artistry is stronger. His nimbleness on the ice and the way he seems suspended in midair on his delayed 2A are what gets him nicknamed "the spider". He's generally quiet and unhappy, which everyone mistakes for him being heartless and aloof. He's not, it's just that Brenner doesn't know when to stop pushing, which is why Henry is never smiling in his press releases. He got two consecutive grand prix finals gold medals before The Scandal where he supposedly attacked a fellow skater before having The most disastrous injury the skating world has ever seen. He's rumored to have killed himself after the whole debacle. (He's not dead. He bums around Hawkins Community Ice Arena at the early freestyle sessions that No One ever attends...except Eleanor Hopper, when Jim can get his ass out of bed to take her) Virginia originally wanted him to "be a man" and do hockey while Alice did FS, but he's not um. built for that, exactly. So she stuck him with Brenner hoping Brenner could make something useful out of him.
When they were younger: Scott (who's part of AV club in addition to working on the school paper) was Not a team sports guy and would rather find more interesting things than football, and who better to talk about than the kid who's going to junior nationals?? They fall out of touch when they've graduated and Henry's time is completely monopolized by Brenner, who wants to craft him into the perfect super-weapon of a skater (spoiler: all he actually does is give him a mental breakdown, a physical breakdown, and get him banned from competition by framing him once he's showing signs of becoming obsolete)
Henry's disaster injury that I mentioned earlier comes about from years of simply being pushed consistently past his limit mentally and physically. He's exhausted. Everyone's body has a breaking point, and he happens to hit that point in the middle of an uncharacteristically sloppy routine on a botched 4Lz. He cracks his skull on the ice, and he's "lucky" he didn't die. It may not have killed him, but it did make his memory of the events leading up to the injury spotty at best, which makes it that much easier for Brenner to pin everything on him being a bad seed with whom he did his best.
After being all but excommunicated from the FS community, Henry drops off the face of the Earth. No one but Scott, Victor, and Alice know what he's up to (which is: dating Scott and having a much needed mental health break).
Henry flies under the radar that way until he meets El, who happens to have been training under Brenner for several years. Henry totally poaches her from Brenner, even though he himself has zero coaching experience. It's alright, because he and El are on the same wavelength when it comes to their approaches to complex skills. The only pictures of him smiling at press releases are after he takes El on as a student.
El absolutely smacks Angela in the face with her skate. Jonathan, high, tells her it could have been so much worse, at least she had her rubber blade guard on. Henry poaching El from Brenner is what reintroduces him to the skating community, but his defense of El in her mini-scandal reopens the overdue investigation into his own scandal. Deeper digging reveals the depth of Brenner's involvement, as well as evidence of decades of concealed abuse within the relationship.
Henry and Alice did pairs as children, and they were actually a pretty good team. Alice fell out of the sport after a bad fall, which Virginia blames Henry for (and Henry silently blames himself for). The blame and guilt in that regard only makes it easier for Brenner to be a piece of shit and get away with it.
Lonnie wanted Will to do hockey. Will isn't the hockey type, but he does enjoy bumming around with El and the Party at public skate. Mike is literally Bambi on ice, but it's endearing.
Jim 100% thought Henry was creeping on El at the early freestyle sessions until he figured out that oh. Henry's with Scott, and Brenner's the sicko. He and Henry started out on the wrong foot and never really recovered from it. They're like two feral cats forced to share territory.
This is 100% me self-indulging with Henry and El's mentor-student potential. He's her rink Dad, okay?
HCIA is nicknamed the "Rainbow Rink" a) because of the rainbow tiling on the lobby floor, and later b) because it's associated with Henry, who's rumored (later confirmed) to be gay.
Scott is also Bambi on ice. It's okay, it's just another reason for him to hold Henry's hand <3
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deklo · 1 month
:/ kinda wanna draw the foxhole/bathtub scene from tsc :/
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backpackingspace · 4 months
Okay so you know how lqq basically to the whole court was like yah xl was just saying shit to harm himself maybe don't let him do anything drastic au branching off from that where jun wu still kept him under house arrest as punishment for not doing insane slaughter and his newest attempt to isolate xl but excused it as "suicide watch"
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tweedstoat · 7 months
So many stories about ancient famous people have an "and then everybody clapped" aura about them because no way did a Greek lyric poet actually get rejected as a marriage prospect by a girls father and then proceed to write such mean poems that the girls whole family hung themselves
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i made one too many suicide jokes in class im cursed now /s
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night-wyld-system · 5 months
Heads up, Courtney and her crew are accusing Poppy of hitting on you based on your Twitter interactions. I’m sorry they’re acting like this again. You deserve so much better.
Lovely. I fucking hate that actually.
Like I wonder if that does have to do with the death threat I got. Some weird account randomly dmed me who's reblogged a random post from one of those people shortly before I got the suicide baiting anon. I just honestly want to be left alone it's just pissing me off. And I want them to leave my friend alone too while she's struggling because of a shitty breakup near Christmas. One that was far more difficult and messy than my own that just occurred (ya know the thing she gave me support for because feeling for friends is good)
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I've also sorta found out recently apparently they're kiwi farmers which is even more of a reason I am so glad I got away from them. I'm so tired of making friends and then finding out people love to be in hate forums and so on. It happened with one of a different level before (r/systemscringe) with some ex-friends and this is just a severe harsh escalation of this.
I know they're probably stalking me still which is great given my fucking PTSD from irl stalking... feel free to look at my account or whatever but please you and your group leave me the fuck alone. Let me be sad about losing a boyfriend in peace without sexualizing my relationship with my friend and publicly speculating about me and my relationships it makes me feel gross.
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oramn · 1 year
Washington Post Book Ban Podcast Episode
The Washington Post did an episode on book banning in rural farm towns in north western NJ. I go to school at one of the schools mentioned in the episode where attempted book banings happened. Thankfully, in my district, nothing happened because of our librarians (i seriously love them so much) but it was terrifying watching as a queer, transgender student
If you haven't listened to it, there is one woman, carol, who was a law student and believed that providing these books to minors was illegal and said it was grooming (when asked) she is for parental rights. The hosts did a good job bringing up how this was following an old harmful stereotype that queer people are sexually manipulative towards children, and they also brought up how the students at these higschools were arguing to keep these books because there were far more explicit sex scenes with straight couples and that the only reason they were complained against was because it was about queer sex or mentions of queer sexuality.
And Carol says that the kids turned it into an LGBTQ thing and not a parental rights thing. The thing is, this is terrifying, that this woman is claiming that the only reason she wants these books out of the library was because it was sexual, even when there are more books with more sexual content in the library. She and the parental rights groups were targeting Queer books under the guise of protecting children, and I don't think people understand how scary that is.
Not only does it sexualize queer bodies and being queer in general, it also neglects the fact that humans have sex. Teenagers have sex. I remember being 14 at field hockey practice hearing about this pair of twins (who are my age and I have known since I was 7) having sex with the same girl at a party where alcohol was involved, I have a story of my friends who were dating at the time buying lube at Spencers, I have a story of how my friend's mom found out they were dating their (now ex) partner because she saw a hickey on their stomach, I have a story of how my dad racked up hundreds of dollars from calling numbers that have explicit materials(idk the terms) in the 80s.
Taking sexual content out of the library neglects that teenagers are human and have sex and make stupid decisions under the guise of "protecting children" when some of these children are nearly adults. It's religious based as well, the first meeting, people were saying amen, there was a woman who was pro-book banning running for BOE and she was an insane trumpy-christian and violently homophobic.
This rhetoric is terrifying because these campaigns to protect children are designed to make those who have no opinion angry, it's designed to gain traction and make people upset over something that is not an issue.
Like recently at hunterdon central, some students put together a drag show and invited teachers because if it were open doors it was going to be a shit show because people are assholes. It was in no way sexual however due to how some straight people sexualize queerness people freaked out. Specifically the twt user libs of tiktok blew it out of proportion and was implying the super intendant was allowing those teachers who saw it was a bad thing because drag is inherently sexual in their eyes. I remember my friend, the son of the superintendent coming into lunch and saying how they had to file a police report because of how out of control it got.
This is terrifying and the fact that homophobia is so easy to latch onto because it's packaged into "protecting children." People will never be openly homophobic unless they're crazy, so using protecting children as a front, intentionally or not, is horrifying as a queer teenager. Because it's sheltering kids from the real world and potentially ending the lives of many queer and trans students because of the "protection".
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jakei95 · 7 months
Regarding some false accusations and targeted harassment by HopelessPeaches TW: Harassment, mentions of gr**ming, d**th threats, s*icide idealization
For the past months, HopelessPeaches (also known as ThatRebelRosie on twitter) have kept harassing me and my husband Nyx with fake and exaggerated arguments. Every day she makes a post spreading rumors about how we are p*dophiles or that I hide groomers on my discord server/community which are completely false.
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Even since I cutoff contact with the people from the GTC and their skype group, I tried to focus on growing up as a person and thanks to that we were able to keep our Discord server and community a safe space for people of all ages, claiming otherwise is just invalidating all the hard work people like Crystal or Pingu have done to keep our community safe.
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We always tried to help our mod team and offered our support, we never forced them or exposed them to situations they didn't want to handle.  None of us were prepared for the sick people we have had to confront over the years, but together we were able to take actions against them.
HopelessPeaches is obsessed with us, claiming that every action we take is to hide something or that we are trying to silence her abuse (When it's the other way around, she completely ignores the abuse I had to endure). She has gone to the extent of saying I announced Underverse 0.7 Part 2 to hide something, when I had planned to announce the animation on my birthday months ago.
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She has constantly made fun of my abuse and mental health, and has stayed completely silent about all the hate messages (Including death threats) that she and her community has sent my way over her false accusations.
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As I already cleared with the people on my server, I am not ignoring what I might have done in the past, and I will always live with the remorse of not being a better person from the start, I will always live with that, but I have spent years trying to become a better person and fix my mistakes to never repeat them again, both with my close circles and my followers, but having someone that I don't know, exposing my mental health problems, making fun them, accuse me of suicide baiting (Everyone that knows me knows I have struggled with this since I was a teenager), and also accusing me of a crime that I have never committed, is affecting me physically and mentally.
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She is doing the same thing to me that she suffered from years ago. This has to stop. I am not asking for the world to not hate me, I am asking for people to stop harassing us for things that we have already acknowledged and owned fully in the past. People can change for the better, we are not criminals.
We have no intentions to send hate to these people, but this has gone so public and we have gotten so many threats that I had to address it personally. HopelessPeaches , I don't know what exactly you want from me, or what do you expect is going to happen, but this is the last time I will ask you to stop harassing us. I don't care if you hate me or Nyx, if you want the Undertale community dies or whatever that's going on through your head. I am just asking you to leave us alone.
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AITA for faking my death to get out of an abusive relationship?
Tw for verbal + mental/psychological abuse and suicide
I used to be in a discord server with some friends, there were about 40 people in it, only around 20 who were actually active. It was a while ago I can't remember. I was in that server for about 4 months.
From the start, people would occasionally get mad at me over something I didn't do. About every month or so someone would start a rumor about me and make the whole server gang up on me, I'd tell them it was false, but everyone would still avoid me for the next couple days.
I never did anything wrong, but I was always the center of the drama, and when I asked one person, R, why, he said he didn't know and that I didn't deserve so much hate.
About a week later R was talking in the vent channel about how I had manipulated him. I DMed him to ask why, and he told me it was because I asked him if he was my friend. I thought it was fucking stupid because it's not manipulative to be paranoid, but I pretended to be sorry because I didn't want him to be mad at me.
The server also had a bot where you could submit anonymous messages, and lots of people would use that feature to make up things about me to ruin my reputation.
After a while I left the server and only stayed in contact with a few people. However, every couple days another person would tell me I'm a monster and gaslight me into thinking I'm a terrible person, and every time I asked why they hated me they didn't give me an answer.
My only real friend, T, showed me some messages from the others after I left the server, and a bunch of people were making up stories about bad things I had done to them, and people who I had never even spoken to were saying that I had abused them and was dangerous.
Once someone told me thay they understood all the things R had said about me weren't true, but said it was still my fault anyway, and even told me that R had done nothing wrong (he lied about me in front of the entire server and is the reason I lost all my friends, and he yelled at me and called me evil because I was suicidal), and then they accused me of faking having amnesia because I had flashbacks.
Eventually, only four of my "friends" hadn't blocked me, and they almost never talked to me. Everyone kept calling me a terrible person because R spread lies about me and everyone else believed him instead of me.
It was to the point where I couldn't go one day without someone sending me death threats or trying to guilt trip me with false information, and I was getting very sever flashbacks of the stuff R had said to me, and I started failing classes because I couldn't focus on anything.
Eventually I had had enough, so I tagged them all in a tumblr post about how I was going to kill myself and then logged out of both that tumblr account and my old discord account forever.
(Also about a month after I had left, I got texts from irl friends, and it turns out someone on the server found the contact info of people I knew in real life just to ask if I was dead or not. And that scared the shit out of me.)
I've left out a lot of details of the abuse because of amnesia. I have a mental disorder which makes it hard to remember things, plus the brain often blocks out traumatic memories, so I'm sorry if some info feels missing.
The only reason I feel like I might be an asshole is because once I was gone, all of them switched targets and started to harass T. They said they hated him for being on my side, and sent him death threats on anon because he was mad at them for killing his friend. They started treating him the same way they treated me, and called him a horrible person but refused to give a reason as to why, and if I had stayed around they would've left him alone.
@should-be-dead (made a sideblog so I get notified when this is posted)
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yandereunsolved · 2 months
Breath of a Yandere - ,, Yandere Wild headcanons
tw(s): yandere themes, (Wild) multiple mentions of suicidal ideations/suicide & self depreciation
ꨄ︎ Yandere Wild who met you after waking up in the Shrine of Resurrection. You were a lone traveler from Lurelin Village. You traveled countless months, with many others accompanying you at various points on your journey. You had to know the truth. You had to know if it was true. The rumors about the legendary hero fueled your adventures. You feared the worst, but you found him. He didn't awake at first. You spent weeks traveling out of the Shrine only for necessities.
ꨄ︎ He heard a strange voice coming from the darkness and then saw you. You spoke to him with such a reverence that he wasn't accustomed to. He was incredibly cautious and wouldn't allow you near him. That all changed when you offered him some glazed meat. He shoved it down his throat and suddenly you were his closest companion.
ꨄ︎ Words never leave his mouth. You thought at first it was just the surprise of awakening after a hundred years, but no. He just never spoke to you. He spoke with his hands and through his body language. He taught you most of the Hylian sign language that you know. It is probably better that he doesn't speak. You would be disturbed and greatly flattered about the things he thinks about you.
ꨄ︎ He never leaves your side unless you are both put in a life ending situation. He's like a silent but loyal dog. He is always watching your movements and standing guard over you. You have to cuddle with him before he finally allows himself to succumb to sleep.
ꨄ︎ Guardians? You are staying behind. Shrines? You may stand at the entrance as long as there are no monsters around. If there are then he will kill them and then make you wait. The Divine Beasts? Okay, fine— he allows you in all the Divine Beasts except for Vah Naboris. He allows you to ride with Riju but only because she has the Thunder Helm. However, the Ganonblights? On Hylia's name, no. You go back to the entrance and wait there.
ꨄ︎ Ganon himself? You wait. After your entire journey together, he only speaks one word to you. "Wait." He presses himself against you and makes you hide behind one of the castle pillars. There are tears in his eyes and he is shaking. You are his God(dess). He has killed and sacrificed so much. You saved him. You did. He signs to you. "I face Ganon alone. I can't lose you." His hands get shaky. "I love you."
ꨄ︎ That's the first time he ever says he loves you and his yandere tendencies only get worse from there. More possessive. More obsessive. More puppy-like. He's a wolf in sheep's clothing. He always has an eye on you and doesn't allow you out of his sight. He would never hurt you, but he'll hurt others for you.
ꨄ︎ After the battle you two embrace each other and he sobs quietly into your chest. He allows you to patch his wounds. It's difficult because he's hanging off of you. Zelda is sitting near you both around the campfire. It's a little a lot awkward because she's seen his entire journey. She has seen his feelings for you blossom. A part of her hurts because she won't have her Link back, but was he ever hers? It was just his duty.
ꨄ︎ His memories may have come back but he only has one person in his heart. That person is you. Zelda wants him to come back as a knight. He signs no. He has to stay near you. He will die without you.
ꨄ︎ He thinks the sweetest and most depraved things in his mind. He is constantly praising you within his mind. He wishes he could speak those words but he can't. So he signs them. He shows them through acts of service. His mind is just a constant track about you. Partially this is because of his knight training. He was trained to protect and serve. He was trained to help the princess. His mind still sometimes slips back into that. It's just you, you, you, danger?, you, you, you.
ꨄ︎ On that note, his trauma is constantly fueling his tendencies and how he sees you as his god(dess). He was a child knight, blames himself for failing to protect everyone before Calamity Ganon gave over, and woke up with zero memories and a mission to save all of Hyrule. You were the first person he met. You were and still are his guide to this world. Sure, you aren't fated to be with him. Sure, it could have been just a mistake— but you are the first person that ever got him. You didn't push him to speak. You took your time in learning how to communicate with him. You respected him not just as the hero but a person.
ꨄ︎ He takes interest in whatever you are interested in. He will go so far as trying to replicate what you are doing. He isn't great at art but he'll do his best to draw what you are doing. He shows it you like an excited little kid. He does little poems as well. They are all about his adoration to you and how much he wants to spend time with you. Sometimes they have some blood splatters on them. Don't think about it too hard.
ꨄ︎ He his naturally cautious when all of these goods things become interrupted with the introduction of The Chain. He is like a frightened animal with his hackles up. He has his mastersword pointed to the strange group. They introduce themselves and he relaxes a little. He stays by your side the entire time and makes sure everyone knows that you are taken by him.
ꨄ︎ It's really, really, really hard for him when you say you want to travel with The Chain. His thought process is like this: heartbreak. My God(dess) wants to be around other Links? Why do they want to put themselves in danger? Why? Why? I have to protect them. I have to. I need them near me. Why do they want to travel? Will they still cook for me and me only...? Or will I have to share? You want to travel to different Hyrules and fight monsters with them? You want to see their Hyrules? What if my Hyrule isn't good enough for you?
ꨄ︎ As much as he hates it— he'd do anything for you. He sets some ground rules though. No letting the others get too close. Stay by his side. Tell him everything. And do not, ever, put yourself in harms way. That has been his number one rule since day one. No getting yourself hurt. That scares him the most. He could live without you, but you are alive. He'd barely be alive but he could live. If you died? He'd kill himself and die right next to you. So when you get a scratch he wants, needs, aches to kill the thing that gave you that scratch.
ꨄ︎ You both begin traveling with The Chain and it goes better then expected. Wild is still the same Wild. He may even be getting a little better. The Chain is a bunch of hims. Wild is doing better in a way. He's gotten close to everyone and now knows some of their secrets. He's quiet and he listens. They are unassuming of him. Even the more cautious ones such as Hyrule, Legend, and Time bring their guard down a little. He rarely communicates with them but you know he is acutely listening. He only really signs to you.
ꨄ︎ So, it's perfect. There are a bunch of hims that stay away from you and protect you. He is getting them to trust him. You are safer than you have ever been. Safe. So safe. And if he needs to kill them for you? He's already got the information on them.
ꨄ︎ Wild always buys you things from the villages you all go to. He runs up to you and shoves them into your hands happily. It's one of the few times you see a smile on his usually stoic face. He absolutely adores buying you matching fits. He's practically bouncing on the balls of his feet. He loves matching with you. He even gets you a sword that mimics the mastersword in style. He teaches you how to wield it and everything.
ꨄ︎ He sabotages the others in The Chain if they try to spend time with you. He'll tell you things about them, dark things that he's learned. He'll write them out to you and slip them into your back pocket, your satchel, your bed roll. He'll make them look stupid in front of you. He might accidentally trip them or outbest them in sparring. He makes sure you see the worst of them and the best of him. He doesn't need words to steal your heart all for himself.
ꨄ︎ He always wakes up early and watches you sleep. He tries to resist your warmth to not fall asleep but it's too much. So he wakes up in the morning before you. He watches silently, unblinkingly. He thinks you look so adorable, so pretty, so handsome. You are even more angelic when you are awake. Your smile could even make Ganon fall to his knees.
ꨄ︎ He either makes breakfast for you or with you. He sits guard while you bathe in the river. He wants to take a peek but he doesn't! He's a loyal man. He's tempted. Very tempted though. He loves watching you do your skincare and getting ready though. His eyes rarely leave you while in eyesight.
ꨄ︎ His habits reach their most overbearing after Sage joins The Chain. His life was going so perfect with you. You got protection and he got you all to himself. Now, there's this new version of him. He is acting so... clingy towards you. He just seems so attached to you. Wild begins to get shooed away when Sage is near. You are all about being near Sage. Saving Sage.
ꨄ︎ He refuses to leave your side, even for a moment. He distances himself from the rest of The Chain. He begins to not eat. He begins to not sleep. He gets very nervous and becomes a wreck. He thinks if he does this to himself you'll love him. You loved him when he was like this before. Is this what you want? Do you want someone that needs you? He needs you more than anyone else. He doesn't see any reason to live anymore without you.
ꨄ︎ Like always, you save him. You save him from that dark place and refuse to leave his side. He cuddles into you and refuses to let you go. You feel guilty and you are worried sick about him. Wild almost died and he refuses to tell you why. You were sparring with Sage and suddenly you heard a sword slash in the woods. Wild stabbed himself in the heart with a sword... If it wasn't for Hyrule he'd be dead.
ꨄ︎ You sobbed for hours over his body and you refused to leave. You still do. You are beginning to succumb to his neediness and overprotective ways. Just like Wild wanted. He just needs to be wanted by you. He just needs your love. He just needs one person who will love him above all else.
ꨄ︎ Wild has you, but at Sage's expense. He's extremely irritated that this little boyfriend of yours is taking you away from him. A few of the other Links have mixed, upset, and possessive feelings as well. However, we'll discuss that another time.
tag list; lmk if you want to be tagged: @screaming-until-god-hears-me
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lycheedr3ams · 5 months
König Character Analysis (Part 1)
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*image reposted with permission
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Part 1: His Past
the first installment of a multi-part character analysis for our beloved König
to convince you guys i know what I'm talking about, just look through my blog at my könig posts. I am confident that I have grasped most parts of his personality and backstory, but I will acknowledge that some of it may be projecting. obviously we do not know much about him, which is the point of this series. i also relate a lot to him
discussion of my interpretation is welcome in the comments, and if you disagree, there's no need to be hateful. he is, at the end of the day, not real
TW: bullying, social anxiety, other mental health disorders
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We have very little information on könig's life before the military. his bio includes one sentence, just one, about his past:
König suffered from severe social anxiety throughout his life, often being bullied during his childhood.
while this information alone isn't striking, when put into more context of other parts of his bio, it says:
While he hoped to join as a recon sniper, his physical size and his inability to stay still made him an unsuitable candidate.
focus on those words: his inability to stay still. this crucial bit of information, tied to the fact that he was often bullied, leads me to conclude that könig has ADHD. not being able to sit still is not a stereotype, it is a real fact of life for those with ADHD, me included. people with ADHD are bullied much more than neurotypicals (people without ADHD, autism, etc). while each source is different, it is estimated that children with ADHD are 4-10x more likely to be bullied.
it is no wonder why bullying would cause social anxiety, since most of könig's interactions with his peers were negative. as someone with social anxiety, it is horrible. not knowing what to say or how to act, you end up either completely misreading the social context or not saying anything. either way, you can never win.
additionally, children with ADHD receive up to 20,000 more negative messages from parents and peers in their childhood than neurotypical children. because of this, it is common for people with ADHD to also be extra sensitive to rejection, and it can be so strong in some that a new term has been coined called "rejection sensitive dysphoria." research on this issue has revealed that 99% of people with ADHD also have and experience rejection sensitive dysphoria. therefore, it makes sense to conclude that König also experiences rejection sensitive dysphoria (rsd)
an aside on rsd: this isn't just feeling hurt when you're rejected by a crush or feeling sheepish or embarrassed you're scolded at work or school. rsd episodes make you question your entire life, your personality, your worth, and for many can even lead to suicidal thoughts just from a small incident of rejection. it can also lead to the person having low self-esteem, and they are also more likely to perceive rejection even when it is not there. it is an intense and overwhelming experience that no one should have to go through, yet people with ADHD experience it often
so, we've established, based on the evidence i've provided, that König has ADHD, social anxiety, and experiences rsd. i would say that i can't even imagine what König's childhood was like, but sadly I can since i too have adhd and was bullied. being mean is never okay, and bullying is not cute or quirky or sassy. bullying is when someone kicks your books across the floor, steals and destroys your belongings, when they spread false rumors, make fun of you, laugh at you, when they give you mean faces when you ask questions in class, when your only friend is the other "weird" kid who also has ADHD. it's when your teachers constantly criticize you and you get in trouble for every little thing. it's when you just wanted a friend and everyone else knew how to socialize, but somehow, you didn't. being bullied while also having ADHD is an experience i wish on no one. yet könig went through this. just sit with that for a minute. the big scary military man we love was also a child once, and went through this.
sorry to depress you guys, but this is the reality of his character. i firmly believe that könig has ADHD and experiences rsd despite his untouchable and stoic demeanor, and you're not gonna change my mind.
so, that's the end of the first installment. keep your eyes out for more, cuz trust me, there's gonna be more. (also don't forget to sign up for my taglist if you want! link is on my masterpost)
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taglist: @osteawb, @sleepystaarr, @vvampir3s, @simpxinnie, @majocookie, @sharkyyyyyyyyyyyy, @marysdelrey, @kybeth5, @chaos-on-stand-bi, @shannonswizzies, @arcadia509, @bloodstoneruby, @cumikering, @skystreamchan, @junkratssheila-09, @kit-williams, @tangerynsbaby, @dreamdiaries777, @royalbxstxrd, @non-satanic-panic, @theweirdchick, @kiyomisan, @maylif, @mortimoshi, @eneiss
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tainted-liquor · 8 months
'Watching You Always ...‧₊˚❀
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...₊˚ʚ₊˚✧ ゚.
𓆩Miles Morales x Deceased!reader𓆪
・₊✧Ingredients: Salt and Tears
₊✧TWs: 'cide, Grief, 'cide attempts
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Miles Morales was your everything. Your boyfriend of 2 years was just...perfect.
But with everything going on in your life, there was no support that could save you.
At first, he didn't believe it, simply denying the 'rumor' that you succumbed to suicide until your mother personally reached out.
Miles Morales, the boy who attended your remembrance assembly in a pool of tears.
Miles Morales who was absolutely inconsolable ever since your passing. he stopped eating for weeks, barely went out as Spider-Man, and never spoke in class.
Miles Morales, who has beat himself up every single day since he saw that tear-stained note placed neatly on your nightstand.
Miles Morales, who keeps a collection of all your stuffed animals and perfume. He never moves or uses them, afraid of losing or damaging them.
Miles Morales keeps a photo album of you, labeled 'my angel' and plays the clips of you on repeat to hear that pretty voice of yours one more time.
Miles Morales, who finds himself bursting into tears whenever he sees anything that reminds him of you remotely. Your favorite flower, a pink rubber ducky you've had since childhood, a hello kitty plush, anything.
Miles Morales, who has spent weeks on end bunking with Hobie due to not being able to trust himself alone.
Miles Morales, sitting in the bathroom, clutching onto your pink satin headband for dear life as he desperately missed laying his head on your chest and listening to your rhythmic heartbeat.
Miles Morales finds himself walking to your grave twice a day, whether as Spider-Man or just plain old Miles.
Miles Morales makes sure to leave fresh flowers on your grave, anything in pink, and your favorite doll right by your headstone.
Miles Morales wanted nothing more but to sit on the bathroom sink, listening to you yell at him for coming back with bleeding wounds and scraps. He'd let you yell at him 24/7, scream at him, hell even attack him with a Spider-Man plush as long as he got to hear your precious voice again.
Miles Morales, who loses his shit anytime someone tells him 'she'd want you to move on', always yelling "IF SHE DIED BECAUSE SHE DIDN'T FEEL SEEN, WHY WOULD I REFUSE TO SEE HER?"
Miles Morales, currently ripping his vocal cords from how viciously he was sobbing into Hobie's forceful hold, saving him from walking off of his houseboat and right into the ocean.
Miles Morales who spent hours and hours scouring the multiverse for a universe in which you were still alive, watching you from afar as he observed his first love make herself a cup of peppermint tea before bed. Just like always.
Miles Morales never felt more alone, somehow feeling worse than when he was betrayed by his closest friends.
Miles Morales, who couldn't handle his grief twice.
"Miles? Miles? Oi, mate. C'mon, y'gotta come out the bathr-...MILES!?"
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Taglist: @ashsostrange @chessbox @janaeby @faeriesoiree333
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vitzi9 · 11 months
Hi there. Would you be willing to write a fic where ethan landry and the reader (female) are friends? Ethan is obsessed with the reader and wants to be more than friends. Reader doesn't know that Ethan is ghostface and she walks down an alley at night just to see Ethan killing her boyfriend. He then witnesses her freak out while trying to call the police. He then kidnaps her and shows her how much he loves and that he would continue killing for her.
He's a liar, open your eyes !
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Ethan Landry x Fem!Reader
Masterlist if you want to read my other things.
CW/TW: description of a dead body, kidnapping, mention of suicide(not you), manipulation, voyeurism, insults
I feel like it's too repetitive. I don't know why my things always end up being so long. (03/07/2023) (9062 words)
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Damn, why does this lesson has to be so hard ? You don't understand a thing ! Hell, that's why Ethan's here. Seriously what even is economic policies ? Did you learn that ? The teacher keep telling everyone this chapter was taught last year. How ?
Ethan comes back ten long minutes later from the bathroom, a sheepish smile on. His cheeks are red and he wears an almost stupid smile. You never saw someone so happy to use the bathroom before.
You notice something poking from his pocket. Did he really take a piss with a pen in his pocket ? He can chill, you're not going to steal it from him... Though, you smile at him fondly, softened by his nerdy behaviour.
"Did you make progress ? He asks.
-You're really asking ?"
You notice that his hair are a little disheveled. It's probably time to pack your things. You've been talking for a while now. He laughs slightly at your irony.
"You really don't know how to wash your hands, do you?"
His face flash you a deep shade of red as he looks down at his pant. You weren't really making fun of him. You just found it funny how he had a single water stain beside his zipper. Embarrassed, he hide the spot with his hands.
He quickly sits back at his place. Immediatly abandoning your lesson, you put it away. Your whole attention back onto him. You were previously gossiping about this man in your class. Rumor has it that he sleeps with his teachers for good grades. Ethan and you were trying to figure out if it was true or not.
It wasn't that important but it allowed you to talk freely. Ethan and you were close but weren't hanging out together that often. But he was really nice and an excellent friend, you liked to talk to him mindlessly like now.
"But on the other side he could juste be a good student. I can't really tell... Plus, some teachers actually don't really like him. You ever saw him be weird around a teacher?"
You noticed it but had tried not to embarrass him by asking but Ethan was acting a little different. As if in his own world, in a bliss you couldn't quite understand. He was looking at you with a fond smile and hadn't uttered a word. Differently from before.
"Are you okay ?" You decide to ask.
You almost feel bad for getting him out of his bubble. He widens his eyes, stuttering things you don't understand before sighing.
"Actually I....
-Yes ?
-I just wanted to let you know that..."
You look at Ethan, smiling to encourage him to continue. You don't quite get why he's suddenly back to his shy demeanor. He was doing pretty well until then.
"It-its... Like... We, the-the both of us, we've known each other for a really long time now and uh..."
When he was finally going to spit his thoughts, the door of your apartement open wide. Ethan stops abrutptly talking while you divert your attention from him. Your boyfriend was here. He didn't told you he was coming but you were at a stage in your relation which you didn't need to. Your boyfriend of almost one year stare nastily at Ethan seated next to you. You sigh, he knew Ethan would come today, you had told him. Why is he being so mean about it ?
You were supposed to be studying for a group project but when you started talking about a book you read, Ethan and you did nothing but study. Book talk turned into gossiping and finally nothing was done. You talked for hours about everything and anything. Then, there was a long silence before Ethan looked like he had something really big to tell you.
"Hi, didn't know he was still here. says your jaded boyfriend.
Here we go again... You clench your jaw, sensing he was going at it, for the umpteenth time.
-Do you need that many times to study? he says in a false disinterest.
-Yes, we do." you say coldly.
He was being rude and you didn't like it. Ethan was your friend. The least he deserved was respect. You invited him here. He was a guest. If anything, your boyrfriend should be rude to you.
"It's pretty dark outside, man. You should go. it was a fake advice, he wanted him to go.
Before you could lecture him about his rudeness, Ethan stands up. He gathers his things, eyes avoiding yours and cheeks red. You look disappointly at your boyfriend.
-Ethan you don't have to go, we can...
-N-no it's okay, it's late anyway, I'm... I'm gonna go. See you tomorrow ?" he tells you in a small voice.
You sigh out his name, embarrassed that your boyfriend would throw him out like that. So you decide to accompany him outside. You spent the few minutes of the route apologizing. He ketp saying it was okay, laughing lightly. But he was still meek. You were scared the bad behaviour of your boyfriend had made him distant. Bitterly, you let him walk away not without apologizing once again to him. You had to make it up to him later.
It was weird. Your boyfriend wasn't the posessive type, at all. You could go out butt naked that he'd tell that you're pretty. You could have as many friends as you wanted, male or female. He was normal, a normal man and your relationship was sane. But as soon as Ethan was mentionned, he was acting like this.
Your boyfriend thought he was playing the victim on purpose. According to him, Ethan wanted to separate you both. He was making your boyfriend the evil monster of the story when in reality, Ethan was manipulating you. You didn't know where he invented all that but it wasn't funny.
Ethan was an old friend. Old because you had known him for a long time. He wasn't exactly your bestfriend but you knew if you had some serious problem, he'd be happy to help. And vice versa. He was nice and never hurt anyone.
When you two met, his laces were undone and he fell on you. It was the 'worst day of his life'. You've know each other for years, now. But your boyfriend still wasn't trusting him.
When you enter back your apartement, nothing changed. He was stil in the middle of the livingroom, arms crossed on his chest. A scowl on the face. You slam the door shut.
"Seriously, what's wrong with you ? you immediatly start.
-I swear on my life I saw him smile. When you weren't looking he...
-Shut it, I'm tired. Don't wanna argue." you say, closing your eyes. Wanting to avoid a headache.
He says nothing, noticing your really tired expression. Compassionate, he opens his arms. Although hesitating at first, you dive right in. Angry but still loving him. You'd talk another day. Maybe understand where this hatred he hold against Ethan come from.
The next morning, everything was already forgotten. Well, not entirely. You were late and didn't have time to question your partner. You were both in a rush, grabbing breakfast to eat on the way and running to your class. Still, you knew you needed to have a talk with him. But it had to wait for now.
Frowning your brows in the bathroom, you tamper everywhere near the sink and the drawer but still can't find your toothbrush. You call out to your boyfriend in the kitchen. Asking him if he saw it or touched it recently. Though you don't understand why he would move your stuff.
"Where did you last put it? he asks, the question was silly but you appreciate his will to help. Why would you put your toothbrush anywhere else than in your damn bathroom ?
-On the sink, as usual."
It's weird though, you already lost it twice this month. Well, you got other one but if you could keep them as long as possible that'd be nice. You could've sworn you put it on the sink ! Where the hell did it go ? You really are tired.
Anyway, you think, you have to go. You and your boyfriend depart from the apartment and quickly arrive at destination. You kiss each other goodbye, and separate from each other. Thursday is usually a tough day since you can't see him much. But he promised you he was sleeping at your place tonight, too.
The day was a boring one. Nothing to entertain yourself. You went to your class, you took notes, you left class and so on. Even your friends were dying of boredom. Your boyfriend and yourself didn't get to spend much time with each other today as he was studying. But finally, you could go home. He sent you a text ten minutes ago, asking you to wait for him beside the entrance. And you did.
You only wanted one thing, go home and sleep. You stretch your muscles and sigh of tiredness. He usually is done studying at five on thursday. You juste have to wait five to ten minutes more.
You take out your phone to mindlessly scroll on it when a curly head appear in your field of view. Ethan already saw you, he's waving shyly at you. You smile happily and put your phone back in your pocket. Walking towards him, you observe how he seems so tired.
"Rough day ?" you ask him and he chuckles lightly, nodding his head. "You're okay, still ?
-Yes, don't worry. I'm fine. And you? Did you have a nice day ? It was cute how eager he was to talk to his friends, nervermind his state.
-I'm always fine when you're so kind to me. He smiles sheepishly, looking to the ground. You hope he understood you were joking and you didn't make him uneasy. Are you waiting someone ?
-Oh, yeah. I'm actually waiting for Chad to...." He trails off while looking at something behind you, his smile fading.
Worried, you furrow your brows before turning around only to see your boyfriend. Your smile instantly comes back. You would have hugged him if Ethan wasn't here. You weren't too much of a fan of PDA. Your partner's face seem closed, weird considering he's always happy when you're going home.
"Let's get home. he simply says.
Can't he see you're talking to someone ? You waited a few minutes for him, he can do the same.
-Wait a moment I'm talking to... he interrupted you, without listening to your words.
-I'm really tired, babe. Let's get home, now.
-We're all tired, I'm just asking you to wait a few...
-Just let's get home. he says coldy and you stop talking.
You look at him sternly. Since when does he give you any orders ? Since when does he forces you to listen to him? You have the right to talk to your friend, why does he deter you to do so ? You just want to talk to your friend two more minutes, is that too much to ask ?
-She doesn't want to, you can't force her... try Ethan, wanting to support you.
-Don't fucking talk to her, okay? he snap. You're not part of the damn conversation so just stay the fuck out of it. I know who the hell you are and what you're doing. Don't fucking talk to us you sociopath. you almost could see the smoke coming out of his ears.
Your heart stop seeing Ethan so humiliated and a ringing echo through your body. You were speechless. That's it, you decide. He doesn't have any right to talk to someone like that. He has to calm down because you are not staying with a violent man, whether he is towards you or someone else ! You step before Ethan to face your partner. You never saw him raise his voice at someone before but you don't like it.
-What the hell is wrong with you?
First he's rude to him when he's litteraly a guest and now he plainly insult him ? You were going to apologize to Ethan but when you searched him, you realized he disappeared. Fuck, you thought, he was that affected ? You can't blame him, you'd probably be as insulted as him in his case. But now you just feel like the worst person ever.
-Why do you hate Ethan so much?
He opens his mouth, searching his words as if not knowing where to begin. His eyes were screaming obviousness. As if for him, every reasons were easy to find to justify his hate.
-Because he's a creep. he agitates his hands to prove his point. Open your eyes, can't you see he's flirting with you ? He's trying to separate us !
-I guarantee you he's not. He's just shy! He's like that with everyone! You're seeing things ! You know what ? I won't tolerate your disrespect any longer. You ever saw me insult your friends ? No, never. Then why do you feel free to do so ? Seriously what is wrong with you ?
He is taken aback by the seriousness you take to discuss this subject. It's not even about Ethan anymore, it's simply about his rude behaviour. He needs to understand that you are not forgiving everything just because you're together.
-He's not just shy. He's really really creepy. He's constantly staring at you. He's on the verge of drooling ! He's sending me fucking death glare ! I tried to override it but it's been one year ! He did not change !
You almost laughed out loud. Ethan ? Sending death glare ? He can't even look at poeple in the eyes. Threathening them ? Just unimaginable. He's inventing things again and it's terribly annoying.
-Will you stop ?
-How can I stop ? He hates my guts ! he softens his tone. I love you, okay ? I'm incredibly in love with you and that's why this guy get me worried sick. He is not normal. If we were in a horror movie, he'd be the type to hide bodies in his basement ! I swear he hides something.
It's true that you don't know Ethan that much. But right now, he wasn't in your mind. You were only thinking about the fact that your boyfriend wanted to forbid you something. And that was the problem. He could tell you to be careful, to avoid being alone with him. But not ordering you to stay away from him. You weren't a child. And you're not stupid, you know the people your befriend. If Ethan was weird, you would have seen it by now.
-I love you too, you said heartly. Really. But Ethan is a nice guy. If he tries anything, I'll tell you right away. But I am not stopping from seeing him. You can't tell me what to do. You know that.
Your boyfriend clench his jaw but nods reluctantly. He doesn't like this deal but if he contradicts you, the argument will worsen and he didn't want that right now. You tried to share the wrongs, even if you find it difficult in your side as you don't know what you did, to ease the situation. You loved your boyfriend, you didn't want it to end on a stupid quarrel. Though, you knew you probably hurt him by doubting of him.
You'd ask him to apologize to your friend but it would be too much and you thought he'd do it himself when everything calmed down. Eventually. You came back home without him, crashing on your couch face first and breathing in it for a few minutes before getting up.
You were overthinking so much your head was hurting you. After a burning shower to ease your nerves (it didn't work), you decided to call Ethan to ensure he was okay. Guilt was eating you alive. You needed to apologize. He left before you could do so.
After the first ring, Ethan picks up. You panic. You don't really know what to say now, you hoped he wouldn't pick up so you could just leave a vocal message. You thought that a simple text wasn't enough and don't show the honesty of your words.
"Hey. he says as awkwardly as in real life.
You didn't know where to begin.
-You're okay? you ask and you hate yourself for asking that so bluntly.
He doesn't answer. You were thinking back on the face he made after being insulted, the humiliation, the utter mortification he felt. Your words are nothing, the wrong is already done. But you hope they'll help him feeling better. Even if just a little. Ethan is silent.
-Listen, I... you start.
Better apologize now before he hates you too.
-I'm sorry about my boyfriend. Like really. I... I don't know why he's acting like that. I talked to him but...
-It's okay, I'm used to it by now, you know ?
Guilt wasn't even enough to express your feelings. He's used to it ? That's not reassuring at all. In fact, you want the ground to open under you, to chew and swallow you. You were a horrible friend for letting your partner lower his self esteem like this.
-God, don't say that... It sounds horrible.
He laughs but he's not amused.
-If he does it again, and I hope he won't but just in case, you can bite back. You can insult him, too. I can give you insults he doesn't like if you want !"
This time, he truly laughed. A real chuckle and you were happy. You were happy your friend didn't hate you. You continued to talk long time after that. Eventually, you hung up, feeling tired. But with a smile nonetheless as you knew things were slowly getting better.
The next morning, you did your routine. With your new toothbrush in hand, you stare at yourself in the mirror. You had bags under your eyes. You were happy the week end was coming. Tomorrow is saturday, the week is finally completed. You felt enough stress for a whole month after that. You needed to rest.
You spit in the sink and wash your mouth with water. Raising your head again, you look if you still have toothpaste on your face when your body freeze. Are you dreaming or is there something behind your mirror ? You swear you just saw a red dot flashes.
You stop moving completly, eyes glued to the mirror. Three minutes pass wihtout anything new. Are you really that tired ?
Maybe it's just the reflection of the twinkling fire protection system ? The point is red too, after all. In any case, you're tired. You don't need others problems for today. You'll have to ask your boyfriend about it. If he stops sulking. Either way, you're curious. You'll try to take off the mirror another time. Tonight maybe, if you don't forget about it until then.
Later this day, you still hadn't talk to your boyfriend and the mirror thing had disappeared from your mind. As if life wanted to keep you occupied to avoid thinking about your problems, the morning classes were only tests. You hoped you did good because it didn't fell like it.
It was already noon and you were searching for your friends. They told you they'd be waiting for you in the cafeteria. You came out late of your last class so you needed to speed up a little. The halways are already crowded at this hour, more than usually it is. You sigh thinking about the long journey you'll have to make to join your friends. You'll have to dodge every rushing students, find your ways through everyone and hope something is good in the today's menu.
You start searching for someone you know in the crowd to mentally support you on this long day and you recognize the tall curly man named Ethan going to the bathroom in the opposite direction of yours. Damn, you sigh, you wanted to ask him if he could send you his notes for econ.
You texted your friends, saying that you'll meet up with them later. Your boyfriend still hadn't text you. He was mad at you, after all. In your opinion, you did nothing wrong. He's the one who put a target on Ethan's back. You recognize one can be jealous but damn, he can't disrespect your friend like that forever. He can't make hasty assumptions on people and then forbiding you to talk to them.
That's why you wanted someone to accompagny you to the cafeteria. Now, you're alone with your thoughts and you're overthinking. You didn't allow him to explain himself, but on the other side he didn't really try to. His reasons are unfounded. He was quite closed up on the subject.
You do not have to appreciate someone but why does he hate him ? That's another level. He even called Ethan a sociopath ! Why ? The common area wasn't so far from you anymore. You grab your phone, ready to send a text to your friends when someone suddenly rush into you. Your phone fall on the ground and you curse under your breath.
Looking up, the person already left. You grab your phone quickly and search behind you to know who pushed you this hard, only to see some curly hair, again. Wait, if you saw him going in the opposite direction, how did he end up stumbling on you ? He ran or something ?
-Ethan? you call after him and he stops in his track. you approach him. Why are you in such a rush... Oh.
And then you see it, the pink spot stuck in his hair. Gum, Ethan has gum in his hair. Obviously, it wasn't supposed to be here. You understand his embarrassment now, you wouldn't like to be seen like this too.
-Oh, Ethan...
At your change of tone, he reluctantly moves his body in your direction and lift his gaze towards you. An embarrassed expression clearly on display. You're suddenly really close to him staring at his stuck hair.
-Its... It's nothing, really ! He laughs awkwardly. I'll get it off, eventually.
-No, come here. you wanted to make it quick as to avoid him being stared at by people.
Head low in shame, Ethan follows you to the bathroom where you wetted his hair as much as you could. You thought that if you helped him, he'd understand that you're really not okay with your boyfriend's ideas of him. By helping him, you show him that you're still his friend and you're sorry for the behaviour of your partner. Acts are louder than words. Ethan's head was heavy in your hands, as if he was resting it against your palm. He probably was but your hair were a calming area for you too, so you understand. When your boyfriend scratch your head, you're out like a light.
-How did you get gum in here ?
He doesn't answer. The worst was already on your mind; is Ethan bullied ? You're not in highschool anymore but people are still mean and Ethan is a perfect target, he's a shy guy with little friends. He's usually the kind of people meanie make fun of.
-Did someone do this ? you ask while untangling his curls.
Ethan lower his face, eyes staring straight onto your phone screen where a picture of you and your boyfriend was on display. His gaze staying a little too long on your partner's face. With a bitter laugh, he shakes his head.
-You won't like the answer."
Something deep in you was telling you your boyfriend had something to do with it. After all, it was as if Ethan was giving you hints at this point. But you still believed in the kindness of your partner. He was never mean, physically at least. He wouldn't hurt a fly. But at the same time, he changed a lot recently, surprising you and not really in a good way. Could it really be him ? Ethan saw your hesitation since he smiles sympatheticly, understanding you.
"Don't be too mean on him, it's not important anyway. It's just gum."
And it was all you needed to hear before calling your boyfriend as soon as gum was out of the way. You asked him to come to your place when his classes were done.
Ethan texted you later on with all the sincerity in the world, 'is he violent with you? you can talk to me, you know? He can't force you to do anything. i'm here for you.' His words triggered certains thoughts in you, thinking that yeah, he wasn't like this when you first talked to him. And that's how every violent man start. By establishing rules in a relationship. Rules only relevant to one person in the couple. By getting angry more often.
By manipulating you with your feelings. It was too soon to really know if he was in fact getting violent but at the same time you didn't want to stay long to discover it.
When he came home this night, he knew something was off. You were seated on the couch, staring at the black screen of the TV. Your arms were crossed over your chest. Tonight was the big talk time.
As soon as the door slam shut, you start.
"Where were you at noon ?
He rises a brow, laughing nervously at your sudden question. He didn't even get the time to place down his bag.
-At my club ? You know I'm always there at this time.
You were afraid he was lying to you. One of your friend, in the same club as him, joke to you about how your arguments got to him so hard that he didn't even bother to come. Well, she said that she herself didn't stay long today but that's all you needed to know. He wasn't at the club.
-I didn't see you, that's all.
-You came to see me ? I was late. I joined the club ten or fifteen minutes later. Something happened?
You wonder if you should just spit it out. It would take a weight off your shoulders and appease your nerves. Yes, you'll just spit it out. You need answers.
-Ethan, as soon as his name leave your mouth he sighs, yeah, exactly, him, again. Someone put gum in his hair today. It was impossible to get rid off. One day after you insulted him. Crazy coincidence.
-Are you accusing me ? he asks in disbelief. You invited me over to argue ?
-I just want to hear where you were at noon today.
-It's not me, okay ? he says in a defensive tone. I don't like him but I'm not an asshole. I know he's your friend, I wouldn't do that to him.
-I know, but recently you've been acting really weird around him so I'm starting to ask questions. I'm going to ask this once and I want you to be honest with me. you take a pause, gauging his reaction. he simply waits for you to continue. Are you the one bullying Ethan ?
-I'm not ! Hell, why would I do that !
He's hurt seeing you so little convinced. He shakes his head and frown his brows. He's standing right before you now. He's panicked as if he knows your relationship depends on this discussion.
-I get it now, he says seriously. He accused me, right ? I don't blame you for listening to him, he's a good friend to you, okay. I get that. But he's sabotaging your life, he's sabotaging our relationship. You can't just believe everything he says. I don't like him, that's a fact. But I never put shit in his hair. And I never will. Don't you understand what's happening ?
He kneels before you and takes your hands in his, his warmth enveloping your body. He looks up at you with pretty sad eyes and you know you won't last long.
-Each time we argue, it's because of him. It's because he's always stuck to you, because he always does or says something.
-Or because you hold a stupid grudge toward him for no reason.
-No reason ? He gives me the creep !
-That's what I'm saying, you have no reason ! contradicting him allowed you to avoid looking into his eyes. Because if you did, you'd forgive him far too quickly.
-Baby, please, listen to me. He's not what he makes you think he is. He's a vicious manipulator. I can't prove it now with anything else than my words but I'll prove it to you. I don't know how yet but I promise. He sounded so desperate he had you doubting about everthing.
-I have to think about it."
Even though he wanted to convince you more, he understood your state of mind and decided not to push his luck. Sadly, he let go of your hand. And that was it.
He did not sleep here tonight, either.
When you woke up, you felt alone for the first time in a while. A bitter feeling lingering in your throat. All day, you stayed in bed scrolling on your phone. It was saturday, you usually go out with your friends but you were not in the mood today.
After emptying your head and forgetting your feelings on social media for hours, you decided you couldn't stay angry at your partner for an eternity. So you sent him a text offering him to come tonight to discuss. He accepted surprisingly quickly. You spent the rest of the day cleaning your apartment. As if it was your first date and you wanted to make a good first impression.
You just wanted to spend a chill night with your man.
A movie was already planned for his arrival. You had cleaned every spot of your house. You were wore and now wanted to relax. Weirdly enough, something in you was telling you that the night wouldn't be as relawing as you wanted it to be. You didn't really know why. Maybe you'd be arguing again ? Maybe he'd leave you ?
You couldn't quite pinpoint the feeling you had.
You check your phone one last time, 'i'm almost there' he texted. But his message was sent already fifteen minutes ago. And the way to your apartment clearly wasn't that long. You decided to waste time until he eventually arrives by going to the nearest store. He had your keys anyway, if you arrive after him. You'd buy snacks to eat together there. And so that's what you did. You bid bye to the cashier and went back on your path. Suddenly, you realized how late it is. The alley was really dusky. Was it that dark when you left ?
You grab your phone, still no responses. What's taking him so long ?
Walking slowly in the dead of the night, you hear nothing but car in the background. Your own feet echo in the alley, you hit a bottle that's sent against the wall and you jolt before cursing. You're paranoid. Nothing's here. You grab once again your phone, no answer. He still isn't here ? Okay, maybe you're impatient here. But twenty minutes to arrive ? It's usually fifteen at best !
Deepening yourself slowly down the alley, you start to hear muffled voices. Two people. You hope it's not creepy men who'll follow you. Though, you're sure it isn't when the voices seem to be arguing.
You stop walking, trying to understand if you were in danger or not. It would be really stupid to get involved in a gang fight or simply in a fight. You though the two men would be drunk, since people arguing in a dark alley in night isn't that common for sober people(well, in your opinion), but they were not.
Approaching slowly, you realise you understand every one of the words they're echanging. Though, it's not reassuring.
"I always knew you were a fucked up little bitch..." you hear someone hiss.
Now what's happening ? It's getting scary. The more horrific part was probably that the voice sounded familiar to you. But it was distored and far away so you weren't sure. Either way, you needed to cross this alley. Your home was just a few meters further.
Holding your breath, you look at the ground, eyes glued to the pavement below you. You have nothing to do with this and you don't want to deal with it. But when you heard a scream of pain, your body jolt. Shaking from head to toe, you stop on your track. Your heart is beating too fast for your own good, your blood is pulsing. Slowly, your head turn towards the alley. What you saw at this moment was probably the worst sight you could have encountered in your life.
On the ground, a dead body. Eyes staring straight at you. His back was against the wall, blood dripping from his neck which was cut clean. He was shirtless and even though you didn't want to look at it, you knew his chest was covered in scars. But what's finally killed you is that you recognized his face.
It was your boyfriend.
Breathing becomes hard, you tug at your shirt, pupils slowly drowning in your tears. You couldn't look away. But you had to when someone step on a piece of glass. You jolt, searching for the responsible. Your senses on high alert. Everything in you were yelling at you to run but your legs were like jelly. It was a miracle you were still standing.
And that's when you saw it. Someone. You couldn't see their face but for some reason you knew they were watching you. Without diverting your gaze from them, you grab your phone from your back pocket, stepping back to put distance between you. The person calls your name and unfortunatly you recognize his voice.
"E-Ethan?" you ask with a watery and cracked voice.
You shake your head, slowly stepping back while he comes closer. You finally see his face. There's blood splattered on his face and he own a shiny knife in hand. It's straight out of a horror movie.
"Baby, it's not safe to wander around here at such a late hour. he laughs, surprisingly brightly for the situation.
-Ethan did you..." weakly, you point at the body in the alley behind him.
He's just smiling. He tilts his head to the side, staring at you longingly. Blood was dripping from his knife. Fuck, you need to run, right now. Sensing life coming back to your body, you bolt to the opposite direction. You hear him yell your name but you don't look back to see where he is. You rush to a place you hope will be full of people. There, you coud call for help.
Your rush, feeling every one of your muscle giving the best they have. You're out of breath, you already fell on the ground twice and hurt yourself but didn't bother stopping. Ethan was still yelling your name in your back, his voice getting progressivly more angry and desperate.
You weren't stopping, you couldn't. You were running haphazardly with your blurry vision, you couldn't see much. He's dead, you think. He's freaking dead. He killed him.
A violent side stitch takes you and you whine from the pain. Your muscles are burning so do each one of your breath. You see a building nearing and accelerate one last time to reach it.
But Ethan is seemingly trained for chasing people as he jumps on you and pin you against the ground. You try to scream but he doesn't allow you to as he maintain your mouth shut with his hand. You can feel his front against your back as you struggle to escape. Ethan hold you firmly against him, his weight on you guaranteeing you stay put.
"Why are you running? It's me. It's just me." you could hear the smile in his voice even though he's out of breath.
He was far too happy ! Did he plan this all along ? A million thoughts were racing in your head. Was that what your boyfriend saw in him ? Was that real ? Were you going to die ? You're crying all the water of your body at this point but Ethan doesn't say anything about it. You know he's ravished in the imbalance of power.
"It was supposed to be for the damn parasite, but I never could stand him anyway."
You don't have time to think about who or what he's talking about that a faint sting in your neck make you wince. A burning liquid propagate in your veins. Your vision soon become watery and blurry. Your body stop struggling and everything in you is numb.
"Sleep well now." was all you heard before black out.
When you woke up, (hours, days later ?) everything was pitch black around you. Even though you knew your eyes were open. What's happening ? Last night, you were at the local store buying things for your boyfriend and now you're here. Here, but where ?
You slowly start to realise something hides your view from the light and that your hands are tied up in your back. You couldn't move them at all, they were tightly attached with both scotch and cable tie. It was a miracle blood was still flowing. Or the person who attached you knew exactly how to do it. This thought was terrifying.
Your head aches trying to remember the last event but eventually you get the answer you needed. Ethan fucking Landry. He was in that alley with you. Tears brims your eyes at the reminder of your boyfriend. Your dead boyfriend. What will happen now ?
In your desperate state, you don't hear when someone enters the room. It's when a hand is put on your thight that you jolt and struggle to move. Trying to escape, the cable tie shear your wrists.
"You're gonna hurt yourself, love. Don't do that please."
The voice stops you. It was the same tender voice Ethan used to talk to you before. Ethan, shit, you spent the last few weeks arguing with your boyfriend over him, just for him to fucking kill him. Why is he doing this ? What did you do to him ? Can't he just kill you ? Is he so twisted that he needs to torture you ? It's all your fault, you should have listened to him. Ethan is a monster.
Tears are running down your cheeks, they're salty and sting a little. Ethan sees them and dry them with his thumbs. He tries to shush you but it don't work. Then, he decides to take off the cloth hiding your view. Upon seeing him, you burst into tears. You struggle, moving your whole body, trying to move the chair on which you're on. Crying more when he tries to touch you.
-No no no babe it's me! Don't freak out ! He laughs happily. It's just me, okay ? Everything's fine.
You were going to scream if he didn't interrupt you by roughly clading his palms against your lips. Your tears are no longer staining your chin, now flowing onto his fingers. You don't really understand the situation to be honest. Yesterday, Ethan was a really nice and polite friend. Why would he be otherwise ?
"That's it, calm down. Stop crying, please. It's okay. I'm here." he slowly part his hand away from your mouth.
You are terribly tired. Your body is numb. Your eyes are sore. You have difficulty breathing since you have a stuffy nose from all the crying. You sniff, blinking trying to get rid of the blurry vision you're having. You're sure you look pitiful but Ethan is looking at you like you're a damn art piece. He's analyzing you.
Ethan smiles. Sitting comfortably in front of you. On a chair he specifically placed here for you to talk. Or him to watch. You seem to be in a kind of garage. There's tools scattered on various worktable. Ethan tilts his head to where you're watching to catch your attention, when your eyes are on him again, he smiles brightly.
"You're comfortable here ? I'm sorry the chair is a little old, I wasn't really prepared. Don't worry I'll give you an armchair, soon. So you'll feel better.
You don't say anything. What does he want from you ? You have nothing left. According to his words, he plans on keeping you here for a while. Why ? He smiles, lifting his hand towards you, you flinch and turn your head.
-Don't look at me like that. he says angrily, his tone suddenly more serious.
Your eyes are back on him. You try to keep your gaze as neural as possible as to not angry him but your real feelings talks for you.
-Like you're scared of me. Like you're angry at me. I know you're not.
Why did you bother defending him. He's dead because of you, fuck, it's your fault ! You should have listened to him ! He told you Ethan was creepy, you should have fucking listened.... Tears are coming again, you try to keep them hidden but fail miserably and start crying all over again. Ethan sighs. He archs his back and lay his elbows on his knees.
-Ok, I guess I owe you an explaination. I'll try and make it quick, I have to go back to the kitchen soon after. I made pastas. Because I don't know if you can eat a lot right now, the medicine I injected you is quite strong. he seems to realise his words as his eyes widens and he agitates his hands agitatedly. It's strong but because it wasn't for you in the first place ! You weren't supposed to be there, don't worry. I'd never hurt you. I just improvised ! But you're gonna be fine. If not, it's okay too ! I can kill myself so we'll still be together !
What was his plan ? He wanted to kidnap your boyfriend ? Why ? What would he have done to him ? What would he have done to you ?
-But uh, love aside, if you feel like you'll throw up, warn me. There's probably a basin here or something. Anyway. I did what was best for you. you burst out crying and shake your head, denying his words. Yes I fucking did ! Okay ? He was a damn loser. I didn't have a choice, you know ? You should have just stayed loyal to me in the first place !
You were terrified. He changed emotions in a fraction of seconds. He could do whatever he wanted to you and you couldn't even move. You couldn't comprehend his words. It was as if he had invented a link between you two you weren't even aware of. As if for him, you've never been friends but much more.
-Stop crying, he's dead. It's too late. Seriously, stop. You didn't even love him ! Why would you keep defending me like that otherwise ? And he humiliated me, that fucker humilated me before you ! You know I can't let that pass. It just had to end.
You were still seeing his face in the alley. He was looking into your eyes, you swear. You just know his face will haunt you untill your death. Never would you have thought Ethan Landry was a fucked up man. Never would you have thought Ethan Landry was thinking about your kidnapping and your boyfriend's death.
You didn't know what to feel. Too many emotions were in your heart. Hate, fear, disdain, grief, anger and sadness. All caused by him.
-It's not my fault, okay ? Stop looking at me like that !
He passes his hand through his hair. He's agitated. Too much for your own good. His hair, you're now sure he puts that damn gum himself. What kind of fucked up manipulator you have to be to do that ? To take your sweet time in creating arguments between two person ?
-I was supposed to come and pick him up. Thus, I would have sent you each one of his fingers in pretty pink enveloppes. I'm sure you would have loved it. But it's even better that you're here. We're always stumbling on each other, right ? Isn't that so cute ? The way we're so magnetic ? he smiles bashfully, like a schoolgirl confessing her love to her crush.
His grabs your legs, you struggle to get away from his hold. Ethan is not amused. His fist tighten considerably around your ankle and you whine from the pain. You're sure he could break it. He stops, laying simply your leg on his tight. The palm of your feet was too far from his tummy for you to hit it. He smiles in seeing you so compliant. You still feel the burning hold he previously exerced on your ankle. How strong is that man ?
He slides his fingers dreamily from your ankle to the highest part of your leg he could touch without bending in two. You were utterly disgusted by his touch knowing it was these same hands which killed your boyfriend.
-It really is fate.
And suddenly he starts using his nails instead of his digits. Not quite hurting you but it was enough to make you understand he was able to. His smile turn bitter.
-It was fate until you decided to betray me by picking someone else. his tone is dark, threatening. Like a murderer. Then it go back to his usual tone and his digits are back on your leg. But I forgive you, you know ? At first, I cried a lot. Because I thought that you didn't love me. But I soon realised that you wanted to test me. You wanted to see me jealous ! And it's okay ! You probably wanted me to make a move on you first... he smiles sheepishly, cheeks red.
What the fuck is he talking about ? You never loved him ! You never tried to test him ! Why does he keep inventing things ? Did you two have the same discussion ? Where does he gets these interpretation from? You're pratically sure it's impossible to declare your love to someone by accident so why does he thinks you're in love with him ?
-Though, I gotta admit I was really sad when you decided to fuck him. Because I understand your testing, but it didn't need to go that far, you know ? You wanted to practice ? Because it really hurt me.
You don't answer. You certainly didn't want to talk about that to him.
-For practice, right ? Tell me it was. You just wanted to practice for when we'd be together ? the death glare he sent you was enough to make you nod, even if he saw it was fake he didn't care. Good, good. I was scared for a sec ! he smiles happily, as if he didn't just threaten you. I'm still a little disappointed, though. We could've learn together but I guess I can't condamn your eagerness.
You needed to get out of here, right now. He could do so much more than just kill you and that thought was terrifying. You were helpless, stuck at his mercy.
-I'm glad you saw the camera I put in your bathroom. Felt like a creep watching you showering. But when you saw it and didn't say anything, that mean you allowed me to do it. Thanks for that. It helped me on the loneliest night.
What the fuck ? You try to remember when you ever saw a damn camera when suddenly it click. Everything click. The thing you thought was a pencil in his pocket when you invited him over, it was your toothbrush. The red point in your mirror, it was him, too.
Every time you brushed your hair, every time youu showered, every time you just lived your damn life, he was here.
You felt like a fool. He had played with you all along. You never saw anything when it was so painfully evident.
-Though once again, you didn't have to bring him in.
He was watching you from the very beginning. There wasn't a moment where you have been alone. Were others cameras in your apartment ? Probably if he knows you made love to your boyfriend.
-Ethan, you start with a shaking voice. His head snap to you, visibly excited to finally hearing you talk to him. Ethan I loved my boyfriend.
-What ? he laughed. No, silly. You do not. I'm the one you love. I'll marry you and everything, you know that.
He was smiling but you knew it wasn't genuine. You needed to talk to him calmly or this could be dangerous for you.
-I don't know you Ethan. I can't love you.
-But you do know me, sweetheart. he smiles while putting your leg back on the ground. Can I give you an advice ? he whispers then lays his hand on your cheek, his thumb caressing it. his eyes were empty of emotions while drilling into yours. You should really stop pushing me off because I'm starting to lose my fucking temper over here. Okay my love ? I'll go get you your food. I'm such a good househusband for you, right love ? You stay all pretty here, I'm coming back really quick."
With the unknow time he let you alone, you scanned your surrondings. All the tools could help you but they were too far away from you. You needed to change plan. At one point he'll have to go to sleep ? Or let you go to the bathroom ? As soon as he lets his guards down, you attack.
Ethan wasn't lying when he said he'd come back really quick as he was already here. He calmed down. Much better for you. He had a garnished plate in hand. He pushes his seat closer to you before smiling to you.
"It's gonna be fun. You'll be my beautfull wife whom I'd kill for. By the way have I told you about.. ? Wait, they haven't been discovered yet... Well, we don't care. Just a background character. he sits back down on his chair.
What ? Did he just told you he killed someone else ?
-Open your mouth, love. he says while taking a spoon full of pasta.
A spoon ? He probaby thinks you're gonna try to hurt him or yourself with a fork. He really think of you as a kid. He approaches the spoon near your mouth. You don't budge, staring at him dead in the eyes. you weren't even hungry. And if you were, you'd much rather die than to eat his food.
-Oh, I didn't even ask if you were hungry. Well, I'm putting that aside and when you need something you tell me. I won't leave your side anyway."
Him who was so nice and polite before, him who helped you with your homework. Him who killed your boyfriend, him who stalked and kidnapped you. Who was he ? Who was this man ? He sighs before your blank stare.
"Listen, I know you wanted to play that little game between us longer but he was turning violent, my love. I just... I couldn't stand to see you suffering with him. It was for your safety.
He stares at your thight on which he draws circle with his pointer. You don't even listen to the lies he tells you anymore. You're just trying to find a way out of here. Ethan sits on the ground next to you, his head now at the same level as your waist.
-He couldn't love you like I do. Nobody can. I'm going to take good care of you.
He lowers his head, his lips grazing against the clothe that separate him from the top of your thigh. You shudder. You feel his hot breath hitting your skin through the fabric. He lays his cheek flat against the fat of your thigh. He smiles. You want him to get away from you but any of your movement can angry him and you don't want that.
-I'll kill my dad after the plan, okay? So that he cannot oppose our union, our marriage.
Strangely, you wouldn't have thought someone like him had a father. Or any parent for that matter. His dad must be as fucked up as him, you're sure. You don't bother to try and understand him. A plan ? Yeah, good for him. You don't give a fuck. You just want to leave.
Though, he'd kill his dad ? He's even attacking his own family now ? Does this man have limits ? Your questionning must be visible from the outside as he laughs brightly at you.
-Why are you shocked pretty girl ? Didn't I show you how devoted I am to you ? he laughs again. And that's not even a quarter of what I'm ready to do for you.
His rub his nose against your skin covered thigh and sigh of contentement. Are you really stuck here ? No, no of course not. Someone is going to find you. Someone is going to find your boyfriend.
Your boyfriend. He tried to warn you. You hate yourself for that. It's too late now. You can simply hope he didn't suffer a lot in his death. That's all you can do. Tears are coming again, the few leaft in you anyway. You're tired. Terribly tired. You'll probably pass out soon.
Ethan kiss your thigh after taking a good sniff out of you.
-I could do so much more for you, my love. So much more. You have no idea what I could to for you."
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fancyfeathers · 4 months
The Old Therebefore
(Yandere Wriothesley songfic)
connected to my Yandere Neuvillette & Wriothesley series- Yandere Neuvillette & Wriothesly’s darling thoughts, Nothing You Can Take From Me Was Worth Keeping , I’m Bad But Then Your No Prize Either , post story headcannons, Pankration ring rules, Heartbreaking comparisons, Wriothesley’s darling escaping, Encountering his escaped darling, Wriothesley getting hurt by his darling, Neuvillette’s darling escaping, The Birth of the End
TW- This does have hinted at topics of suicidal thoughts towards the end so read with caution
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You're headed for heaven, the sweet old hereafter
And I've got one foot in the door
Everyone knows of the Duke of Meropides’s darling, but next to no one actually knows her. The last time anyone saw her was a number of years ago when she just returned to Fontaine, when she was playing in a traveling band. After a small show in the Court of Fontaine they were arrested on the grounds of entering the city without proper documentation, but that was the last time  anyone saw her. Well that is until a number of months later where she was seen at the Duke’s side when he was going to a meeting with the Iudex of Fontaine and there she was, at his side, and with child.
But before I can fly up, I've loose ends to tie up
Right here, in the old there-before
Gossip spread through Fontaine like wildfire, but none of it was true.  One of them knew what happened to her before all that, long before all that. No one knew how a number of years ago how she was arrested under charges that seemed to be kept from the public eyes. No one knew about her private trial, no there was no jury, only her, the Iudex, her defense, and the Oratrice Mecanique d'Analyse Cardinale. No one knows how she was found guilty of a crime she didn’t commit. No one knows how her friend broke her out of the containment facility before she was transferred to the fortress. No one knows about all those months on the run she spent before they were caught. No one knows about the years she spent in captivity in the fortress, kept away from all the world. No one knows that she ran agin, but inevitably had her wings clipped again.
And I'll be along when I've finished my song
When I've shut down the band
When I've played out my hand
When I've paid all my debts
What people know is what is printed in the papers, a beautiful couple who had only been spotted, no actual formal public appearances. The rumors spread about how the Duke’s darling hated public appearances, wanting a break after her music career (if you could call it that). Then there was also the talk of where they live because certainly she would not live at the fortress when with child. 
When I have no regrets
Right here, in the old there-before
When nothing is left anymore
Well that much was true, she did not live at the fortress, anymore. A number of months in her pregnancy she was moved to the countryside of Fontaine, in a small cottage. Then by the time she gave birth to their baby girl, Wriothesley would never leave her side. That’s why he had the meeting with Iudex, to help prepare for time off for his child’s birth.
And I'll catch you up
When I've emptied my cup
When I've worn-out my friends
When I've burned out both ends
In those first few weeks he spent at home, with his darling and daughter, helping make sure his daughter is healthy and darling is recovered from the birth. After those first few weeks or months, he returns to work at the fortress during the days. His darling, since she still had a baby to look after was still tied down, she would not be able to escape with their daughter. She was so cut off from the outside world despite not being trapped under the sea level.
When I've cried all my tears
When I've conquered my fears
Right here, in the old there-before
When nothing is left anymore
Years passed and their baby grew into a little girl, no older than six or seven. The darling watched as her freedom and life slipped by. Sure she was not bound by locked iron doors and metal chains, but now she was bound by child and wedding band. Now the only semblance of freedom she had were the days Wriothesley took them to the city, her daughter saw these as fun family days but the darling was only able to see it as the world that was take from her, but a world that praised the relationship she was in. So now she would much rather spend her days back at the cottage, because then she could lay down in the grass with peace and quiet, no little comments from conversations of people they passed, no clicking of cameras of reporters who spotted them. She was able to be alone with her thoughts, and that’s was as much freedom she got.
And I'll bring the news
When I've danced off my shoes
When my body's closed down
It was the best when her daughter was napping, put into bed. This was her time to be, she could go outside, sitting in the field of grass that acted as her prison, and just be. She used to play music for an audience, now she only sung for herself. Sometimes she like to sing, but sometimes she hated it, both for the same reason, it reminds her of the life she had and lost.
When I've tallied the score
And I'm flat on the floor
Right here, in the old there-before
When nothing is left anymore
But then this moment of peace was almost always ruined by a reminder of her captivity, normally this would be her daughter waking up from her nap and coming outside to listen to her mother sing. But every once and awhile this would be ruined by a muscular hand coming to brush the hair out of her face and a kiss to her cheek, a reminder that her captor still exists.
When I'm pure like a dove
When I've learned how to love
He would call her songbird sometimes, especially in front of their daughter to get silly reactions out of her. But underneath the smile the darling forced, she hated it all, the attention from the jailbird. Sometimes she wished that when she laid down in the grass and closed her eyes that she wouldn’t wake up again.
Right here, in the old there-before
When nothing is left anymore
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karteinss · 7 months
Reminiscent. | M! Reader x Xiao
Slight Angst, NSFW.
TW: Mentions of Homophobia, and Mentions of Suicide.
Ps. Mostly Reader x Ayaka for plot.
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Xiao and M/n were always a duo everyone on School would see together, no matter how busy and unavailable they were- They were still together.
They were the "Cool" seniors but they were complete opposites, personality and looks wise. But somehow, they had enough chemistry to destroy any opponents, making them place #1 in almost every competition they joined.
They were close, to the point there were even rumors of them being gay lovers that spread like wildfire throughout the school, it was a taboo topic indeed.
But they didn't care about those rumors, or how weird 2 guys were being with each other, they never stopped hanging out with each other.
Really, they were an unstoppable pair- Always participating in competitions and never losing.
An unstoppable pair of best friends that couldn't be stopped nor separated, or that's what people thought at least.
That's until a sudden confession from M/n ruined their friendship and reputations, automatically drifting them apart.
The disgusted looks people were giving both M/n and Xiao were visible, nothing can undo what M/n had done.
And Xiao hated it, hated the fact that his reputation was tarnished just because of a stupid confession.
All the dirty comments about them finally reached the principal's ear, and they were finally suspended for "Being Gay".
Eversince that incident, no one has seen them being together, not even once.
That, was the end of their story and friendship.
M/n was the one who confessed to Xiao, and he regretted such a stupid decision. Their friendship was in pieces because of it, even with the amount of texts of M/n apologizing for making such a rash decision, he never got a respond back.
M/n regretted it, he really did. He hoped for too much, he knew that Xiao was straight and most likely homophobic, so why did he confess? Why did he make such a rash decision? He asked himself many, many times. The questions repeating inside his head were too overwhelming, he wanted to get rid of them.
He wanted to get rid of the past.
The memories.
Even his love for Xiao.
6 years had passed by ever since that certain incident, M/n has moved schools, met new friends and even got himself a girlfriend named Ayaka. All the things he did was just to move on from that incident, even his now bestfriends don't know what happened- Not even his own Girlfriend.
Xiao- He had always been on his mind, there was never a day where he didn't think of him.
The boy he fell in love with; Black hair with teal highlights, pale skin and red crimson eyes and his special tattoos.
His oh so muscular shaped body whom M/n wishes he had seen more under his baggy clothes- If his biceps were that big, he wonders how big it was down there..
M/n sighed softly at the thought.
Wait, what the fuck!?
Goddamn, what are you thinking M/n!? You have a girlfriend!
M/n smacked himself on the face to get him off of those lewd thoughts, that was no way to think of your best friend! Oh, right. Correction: Ex-bestfriend.
M/n lets out yet another exaggerated sigh as he looks at the loudly ticking clock, it was already 5.02PM. He should take a bath, it was almost night after all.
M/n stood up from his chair as he grabbed the already prepared towel on his small bed as he walked towards the bathroom, taking off his clothes and immediately walking into the hot shower.
He sighed in relaxation, the feeling of hot water against his body was relaxing. He lets out an unexpected smile as he closed his eyes, letting himself getting wet from the hot water.
It was too relaxing for him, it was a perfect shower when you had a stressful day. He wonders if Xiao's embrace would be as comfortable as this- Wait.
What are you thinking, M/n!?
You fucking pervert!
M/n internally screamed at himself as he felt his cheeks reddening even more.
Fuck, he was messed up. He kept thinking of Xiao! His goddamn Ex-bestfriend!
He lets out yet another sigh as he pinches the bridge of his nose, he thought he would stop thinking of Xiao at some point but every goddamn day he keeps thinking of him!
It's as if Xiao was playing with his head.
Oh god, he thought of Xiao yet again. His muscles, his wells sculptured body and his cold but pretty face is so-
Fuck, he definitely has to rub one off.
You're disgusting, M/n.
He thought to himself.
As M/n finally walked out of the shower, a blush still visible on his face as he puts on his T-shirt and short pants. As he was drying his hair with his towel, he saw how a text message appeared on his phone as he picked it up, confused.
› 𝗔𝘆𝗮𝗸𝗮 ❤️
[1 𝗡𝗲𝘄 𝗠𝗲𝘀𝘀𝗮𝗴𝗲 !]
⟩ M/n, what are you doing? :D
Oh, it was a message from Ayaka.
M/n smiles as he clicked on her chat.
⟩⟩ Just finished showering, why?
⟩ Ohh, I just wanted to ask if we could have a date today, do you wanna go?
A date? It has been quite a while since they have went on a date, there's no reason to decline an offer.
⟩⟩ Sure, what time? I'll pick you up (⁠θ⁠‿⁠θ⁠)!
⟩ Is 5.45 okay? I just need to put on some makeup and I'm done, is that alright (⁠.⁠ ⁠❛⁠ ⁠ᴗ⁠ ⁠❛⁠.⁠)?
⟩⟩ I don't mind, go ahead! I'll go there rn, ok?
⟩ Okayy, thank youu❤️❤️
M/n smiled at her response as he immediately stood up as he tries to find a decent outfit to wear to go out.
This is definitely going to take a while.
M/n was finally dressed neatly, using a turtle neck with short sleeves and some long pants. He was satisfied with how he look, it was as if he was back in his senior years where he would dominate fashion competitions with Xiao.
Ah, that was a really fun memory.
M/n smiled fondly but he quickly shook off his thoughts as he heard s ding coming from his phone- it was Ayaka.
› 𝗔𝘆𝗮𝗸𝗮 ❤️
[1 𝗡𝗲𝘄 𝗠𝗲𝘀𝘀𝗮𝗴𝗲 !]
⟩ I'm ready, are you otw?
⟩⟩ No I haven't yet but I promise you to make it on time, just watch ;D
⟩ Haha! Okok, ill wait for you ❤️❤️
M/n giggled softly as he saw Ayaka's sweet text, he smiled to himself as he pocketed his phone as he walked outside his small apartment- A smile visible on his face.
After a few minutes of driving, he finally arrived at Ayaka's nicely lightened up house. As Ayaka went inside the car, she immediately showed M/n a picture of where they're going to head to.
"M/n! This is the place we're going to, are you familiar with it? I'll use Google maps if you don't know the way-" Ayaka said excitedly as she showed M/n the picture.
The man just smiled as he looked closer at the picture.
It was a field of sunflowers, a beautiful sight indeed. It was like the same place as Xiao and he used to hang out in, a place filled with M/n's favorite flowers. They both would admire the scenery as they both sat next to each other in the steep hill, looking above the field of sunflowers.
A comfortable place indeed, everytime they were done with an exam, they always sat together on top of the hill in silence, the cold wind blowing against their uniforms and hair. Even if they didn't talk much during those moments, it was still memoriable and lovely to reminiscent back on.
Oh, all those memories made him smile a little.
"M/n?" Ayaka suddenly calls out, making him snap out of his thoughts as he blankly looked at his girlfriend.
Ah, right. He was supposed to enjoy this night with Ayaka.
"Yes? Uh, I'll use Google maps, It doesn't look too familiar for me." M/n responds hesitantly as he looks at Ayaka's worried face.
Ayaka blinked once, then twice as she finally nodded. "Alright then," Ayaka was typing something on her phone as she finally placed it on the car's phone stand "Here, I already made sure to insert all the shortcuts, lets spend this night together, M/n!" Ayaka says excitedly, her oh so kind smile was visible yet again on her face as Aether nodded.
Ah yes, I should spend my time tonight all for my girlfriend. M/n thought to himself.
He “likes” her, after all.
They both arrived at the designated place as both Ayaka and M/n were amazed by the sight, they were taken aback by how beautiful it was.
"M/n, look! It's so beautiful, isn't it? I picked out this place because I knew you love sunflowers!" Ayaka giggled as she got out of the car to take a closer look at the scenery.
M/n smiles as he too got out of the car as he stood next to Ayaka as he admired the beautiful scenery.
The night lights were showing the bright colors of the sunflowers, the stars and the moon was making it an even more beautiful scenery.
It was just like his teenage days with Xiao, where he would spent countless nights together with Xiao in the same place and same time.
A smile creeped up on M/n face as he yet again was fond of the memory he had with Xiao, his ex-friend.
Suddenly, M/n felt a hand creep up under his arm as he looked to his left to see Ayaka's hand on his arm, she was focused on looking at the beautiful sight Infront of him but he just couldn't get his eyes off of Ayaka-
Her smile was just like Xiao's.
Ayaka seemed to notice M/n looking at her as she looked at M/n with a fond smile visible on her face. "Like what you see?" She teased as she lets out a small giggle right after.
"mhm" M/n hums in satisfaction, his eyes looking back at the scenery Infront of him.
This was just like how he and Xiao spent their time together.
"It reminds me of Xiao." M/n suddenly says as Ayaka turns her head towards him with a confused expression.
Oh fuck, he messed up.
M/n was practically sweating right now as he looked over at Ayaka, "Uhm, he was a friend of mine." M/n told her truthfully.
Ayaka just nodded "Ah I see...He sounds familiar, what's his Full name?" She continues to ask.
"Xiao Alatus."
Ayaka eyes widened as she heard what he said.
"Xiao Alatus?" She repeated as she took her hands off his arm slowly.
"The teen who committed suicide in that Sunflower field?"
He just nodded.
"Yeah, him."
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feyhunter78 · 1 year
The Despair of a Dragon's Wife
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Description: After the birth of you and Aemond's son, you fall into a deep despair and rumors begin to fly regarding your son's parentage.
This was requested on my AO3 and I wanted to post it here as well! TW: Postpartum depression, suicidal thoughts and actions, but no death or injury
You loved your son, you truly did, but the sight of him reminded you of the pain you suffered, and his cries were like nails driven into your brain, reminding you of how much of a failure you were. His hair was (y/h/c) not silver and his eyes were a shade of purple that could easily be mistaken for blue, worst of all his dragon egg had yet to hatch.
You knew your sweet Rhagar simply wished to be with you, to feel your love, but you couldn’t bring yourself to hold him for more than a few minutes. Your mind constantly reminding you that he was not as Targaryen as the others, he would suffer the mistreatment bastards do, even though he is his father’s son. You have failed him, failed your family, and failed Aemond.
Aemond had been so excited for your child, speaking constantly of them, making you promise after promise of what he would provide for you both. Then, once the midwives announced you had birthed a son, he broke into joyous laughter, surprising even his own mother.
But then you were handed your son and saw the tuft of (y/h/c) hair, the muddled color of his eyes, and you knew you had failed. You had wept, and refused to be consoled, claiming they were tears of joy.
Breastfeeding was a struggle and after many attempts and gritted teeth you surrendered Rhagar to a wetnurse, tears in your eyes as you watched him calm so quickly for her. Nothing you did was ever enough for your son, he cried constantly, pulled at your hair, squirmed nonstop and refused to sleep through the night.
Your mother had stressed the importance of keeping your babe with you at night, especially since you had now birthed a potential heir to the throne. She worried someone would harm him, and you worried that perhaps that person would be you.
Sleep had fled from you, your appetite as well, music was dull and lifeless, sewing and reading no longer brought you joy. Weeks went by of you lying awake as Rhagar tossed and turned. Then it turned into months of you staring listlessly at the wall as you bounced him in your arms, silently begging him to cease his crying.
Oddly enough, it was your sworn sword, Ser Halbret, who was able to dry the tears of your son.
After hours of trying to calm your son, on the verge of tears yourself, you handed the screaming child off to him, and drifted back to your chambers. You curled up into a ball under the covers of your bed, crying silently, heart weighed down with endless misery.
You’d finally been able to drift off to sleep when the door to your chamber opened and the sound of giggling was followed by your husband’s voice.
“My sweet wife, I have found our little dragon.” Aemond called, voice light as he stepped closer to the bed.
You quickly wiped your tears, and tried to force a smile, but the sound of Rhagar calling out to you made another wave surface. You threw off the covers and rushed into the bathroom, locking the door behind you.
Aemond knocked on the door. “Y/N, are you alright? Rhagar wishes to see you.”
You slumped against the door; head buried in your arms. “Give me a moment, my stomach is a bit unsettled.”
Rhaegar began to cry, and you heard Aemond gently reassure him that you would be out soon.
You couldn’t take it anymore. Your eyes searched the room for something, anything to end your agony, but you found nothing. “If you cannot get him to stop, give him to Ser Halbret, he loves him.” You called through the door.
“Surely not more than he loves his mother.” Aemond said, trying the doorknob once more, concern tainting his voice.
“He does not love me.” You mumbled, tears streaming down your face as you dug your nails into your palms, searching for relief from the aching in your head and chest.
“Y/N, my sweet, open the door.” He insisted, as Rhagar’s cries grew in volume.
“Go away.” You cried, slamming your hand against the door, red streaks coloring the wood. You’d pressed too hard and punctured the skin.
You stared at the smeared crimson blood and prayed Aemond would leave.
Aemond carried his son to his mother’s quarters, mind clouded with worry. You had been distant as of late, and your figure had begun to decrease a worrying amount.
At first, he thought you were too wrapped up in your son to eat properly. Then he noticed how you flinched when Rhagar cried, or how you were so quick to hand him off to your sworn sword, and flee the room.
His mother looked up, a bright smile on her face. “Aemond, and little Rhaegar, what a wonderful surprise. I was just speaking with your grandsire about our worries for y/n.”
Aemond sat across from his grandsire, keeping Rhagar firmly in his arms. “I have come to see you for the same reason, I fear she is ill.”
“The only thing she is sick with, is guilt.” His grandsire said, casting a disgusted look at Rhagar.
“Guilt?” He echoed, searching his mind for anything you might feel guilty over. You had borne him a beautiful and sweet-tempered son, were a devoted and wonderful wife, and a dedicated mother. There was no reason for you to feel guilty.
Alicent took his hand in hers, her expression sorrowful. “Your grandsire believes that…” She trailed off, her lips pressed into a hard line. “I cannot say it.”
“That boy is a bastard. Look at him, that is no Targaryen.” Otto said harshly.
His mother flinched and Aemond held his son closer.
“That is not possible. I took her maidenhood, I have been the only one in her bed, and she is a faithful wife. Rhagar is mine.”
“Perhaps you were the only one in her bed, but that does not mean she was not warming the beds of others.”
Aemond stared down at his son. True, his coloring was not that of a typical Targaryen, but they shared a nose, a smile, even the way Rhagar looked at dragons was the way he himself looked at them.
“I do not wish to believe it either, but many have seen the way she thrusts the child into the arms of Ser Halbret, and his coloring matches the boy’s.” His mother said, a sympathetic look in her eyes.
“It matches y/n’s as well.” He argued, furious that they would even suggest such a betrayal coming from you.
His grandsire laid his hands flat on the table. “Ask her then, ask her why she does not seem to care for the child, why she pushes him onto everyone else.”
His mother’s eyes flickered to the tabletop, and Aemond nodded stiffly.
He held Rhagar close as he stormed back to your shared quarters, throwing the door open to find you standing on the windowsill, one hand loosely gripping the frame, the wind whipping through your hair.
Aemond called out to you in shock, and you turned, eyes wide and brimming with tears. “I cannot bear this any longer.” You sobbed, your head dropping to your chest.
Aemond quickly but carefully set your son down on the floor and rushed over to you, pulling you away from the window. “Y/N what are you doing? Have you gone mad?”
You shook your head, sobs ripping from your throat. “I hate him, I hate him, and I hate myself for it.”
Aemond pulled you into his embrace, crushing you to his chest. “I do not understand, where does this hatred come from?”
“I am a horrible wife; he is living proof of my failure.” You sobbed, hiding your face in Aemond’s chest.
“So, it is true, then? He is not mine.” Aemond said coldly.
You looked up at him in confusion. “What? How could you say that?”
“You said he is proof of your failures, your failure to stay faithful.”
You shook your head, crying harder. “No, no, he is my failure to give you a child that bears your coloring, he looks as if he belongs in the Riverlands.”
Aemond’s racing heart slowed, and he cupped your face. “I care not if he looks true to my blood, neither I nor my siblings look like my mother, yet no one doubts we are hers.”
“But the Strongs…” You argued weakly. The treatment they received was one you feared your son would receive as well.
Aemond brushed away your tears. “Everyone knew they were bastards, but Rhagar shares my nose, my smile, and soon he will have a dragon. No one will doubt him.”
“How can you be sure?” You asked, eyes darting over to your son, who was sitting on the rug near the fireplace.
“Because I will cut down any who do. I know he is my son, I know you have been faithful, as have I.” He gently swayed you back and forth, drawing your eyes back to him. “I did not break off my betrothal and anger my entire family to marry a woman I do not trust.”
You sniffled and laid your head back on his chest. “I have failed you; I know it, you need not spare my feelings.”
“You have not failed me. You have given me a perfect child, a son, an heir.” He said firmly, wishing he could make you understand how highly he held you in his heart.
Your shoulders were still shaking, but you’d begun to calm. “He hates me Aemond, I can never cease his crying.”
He kissed your forehead gently, and held you tighter. “He is a babe, and he can sense your unhappiness, he has been crying for you, and it is I who have failed you both. I should have recognized your suffering long before today. It should not have fallen to our son to alert me to your despair.”
A cracking sound filled the room and both your heads whipped towards the fireplace.
Your son sat giggling happily with a tiny dragon in his lap.
Aemond left your side and scooped them both up, carrying them over to you. “Look at what you have created, what you have given me.”
Rhagar reached out for you, babbling “mama, mama” as the small green dragon curled up on his shoulders.
You let Rhagar take as much of your hand as he could hold and smiled.
He smiled back at you, and clumsily kissed your hand, as he had seen his father do countless times. It was more of him bumping your hand with his nose, but it made you laugh, and the tightness in your chest eased.
Perhaps you could do this.
Tag list: @nyctophilic0vitnir, @svtansdaddyx, @fan-goddess, @dc-marvel-girl96, @shintax-error, @bellameshipper, @the141bandicoot, @the-phantom-of-arda, @haydee5010, @partypoison00, @serrhaewin, @issshhh, @pax-2735, @malfoytargaryen, @sahanna, @dellalyra, @mxrgodsstuff, @jkhomes, @unusual-raccoon, @boofy1998, @kravitzwhore, @caribbeangel, @krispold, @issshh, @afro-hispwriter, @ryswritingrecord, @prettykinkysoul, @elissanatok, @sahvlren, @its-sam-allgood, @happinessinthbeing, @8e-h-e8, @feyres-fireheart, @just-emmaaaa, @crazylokonugget, @hedahobbit98, @devils-blackrose, @mercedesdecorazon, @snh96, @imjustboredso
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