#tumblr isnt my main platform
bonkbonkthebonk · 2 months
Never got around to finishing this so it's going on my Tumblr
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soranker · 1 year
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have been super busy lately so doodled some wolfies to destress ^_^
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badolmen · 1 year
I’m boycotting TumblrMart over this UI change. Its reduces platform functionality from the account tab, has illogical placement of both the account and new TumblrMart tab, AND it’s ugly.
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faggotsonic · 2 years
watching the stuff thats going down with twitter with the layoffs and christ twitter might actually die as a website. like hoping for ya'lls sake that there's some way to pull up from this but either way those thousands(?) of people arent going to probably be getting their jobs back. You can't really come back from that.
and honestly I've never been a fan of twitter and definitely am not a twitter user but its still crazy and sad to me that it might really go out like this. I wonder if any new social media platform might rise from those ashes though. maybe
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planetamarte · 2 years
girl its like i miss this website a little i cant lie
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yelloworangesoda · 2 months
sighh. id like to make a new art blog that doesnt have posts from 2017 but i literally think nobody would follow it.
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infernalcrypt · 10 months
i wanna post more fanart too, mostly cr probably, but i'll def be sharing some personal art as well.
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sucktacular · 1 year
love going on facebook and reading advice posts cuz there's always some jackhole in the comments saying: "im petty so I would do xyz if this happened to me lol" and its always the like most passive aggressive, stupid ass take towards a situation where there's clearly just miscommunication or something and its like... you really thought it'd be in your favour to just admit to thousands of strangers that you're an exhausting piece of shit huh?
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nervous-jester · 1 year
its actually really annoying that only time tumblr talks about recent events or people in need of help is when it happens in the us
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butcharyastark · 2 years
ik tumblr is a coping mechanism and a social culture all in one and ik technology is not bad, the world always changes and we change with it, and thats good, but sometimes i wonder how good it can be if ur entire state of mind or personality gets affected by just the internet. like it shouldnt rlly be that odd, bc if things kept changing (organically) and ppl as a society mostly interacted online, i dont think that would be a bad thing, from a technical point of view, but as it is, with other options available, is it unhealthy to hyperfocus on internet platforms instead of irl situations?
i think the answer is no, not inherently, bc for a lot of ppl its their only way of communication and community, and for some its just easier, and in general it can just be fun and engaging, but there comes the question: where do u draw the line? when does it stop being an extension or expression of yourself and start being you? how much of you can be created from an extended technological platform before something goes wrong in your mind and some form of cognitive dissonance sets in?
i've been ""terminally online""" since i was 13, with no notable social interaction or friendships ever before that, and im just now starting to wonder how that may have really affected me, and its only bc ive just started having the ability to... have an other option and compare it. and i dont think teenage me made bad decisions: she did the best she could and i wouldnt have been able to have other connections anyway even if i hadnt been online.
but i just like. wonder. how my brain structure is altered, temporarily or longterm, bc ive grown up with this. how much can i separate the fandomization of community from the instinctive desire for connection in all humans? how much can i separate the simultaneous othering yet fetishization of desire for companionship built from years of only seeing myself in a limited and, yes, sometimes toxic environment without face to face interaction?
i'm 23 and the past month is the only time in my life i have ever been rlly openly sincere and genuine and open and safe and social around somebody else irl and i don't know how to feel abt that. it feels like i lost something and never even realized until somebody else gave it to me, years too late.
theres no point to this post im just. thinking i guess
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googiekitsch · 3 months
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haii. hellowwwwe introducing Meee :3
🔴 im kaz!
🔸19 (bday on april 1st!!!!)
🟡 he/him, dont refer to me by they/them please. also im an aro gay guy lawl
❇️ hispanic + latino 🇵🇷
🌀 im an artist and cartoonist! im a full time art student and i am very passionate about character design and illustration. im also developing a comic, and im very passionate about storytelling!
🟣 i have several mental disorders and dont do very well with social interaction, please forgive me if im not very talkative or communicative @_@
💖 my i have a lot of interests but the main ones are my ocs, flightless birds, reptiles, various design aesthetics of the 80s-90s like factory pomo and global village coffeehouse, theme park history, venture bros, metalocalypse, horror media, cartoons from the 2000's, and music like new wave, prog rock and funk metal (i loveee mr bungle, ween and primus dont even get me started). i love music a lot so if you have any recommendations feel free to send them over to me ^_^
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please dont follow me if youre under 15, also if you're a pr0shipper/'anti-anti' or a t3rf or a zi0nist or anything similar (censoring because tumblr is annoying) Get Off My Page Forever
though i do get jokey and less serious here sometimes, i also want to make it known that i will always try to use my platform to boost the voices of people who are suffering at the hands of injustice and oppression. im very fortunate to live the life that I do and making my followers aware of issues that arent as widely reported on is very important to me. if youre one of those people who only likes it when people on here goof off all the time and you 'get annoyed' when people actually try to raise awareness about serious issues, then youre not someone i want to be associated with frankly
i ask that you refrain from acting too overly familiar with me like referring to me as your friend when we've never really talked, stuff like that. im really sensitive to stuff like that and seeing people act like that towards me just kinda icks me out. please respect me and my boundaries
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thats about it i think! uhh yeah. my other socials are belowwww if you wanna go follow me on those places! have a nice one ok bye
twitter / youtube / toyhouse / art blog / kofi / insta (not super active there, i just use it to talk to my friends jsyk
also if you wanna get in touch with me the easiest way is to dm me on discord! my username over there is papaplasmic. i tend not to use the dm features on other apps including tumblr so if you wanna talk with me thats the easiest way as im always on there. just know that sometimes i wont respond to stuff just because talking with people i dont really know isnt something im up for all the time :P but ill try to respond if i can
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t-sockz · 9 months
Btw i just got a twitter (for a friend) so i can post my art (I am NOT choosing twitter as my main art platform, just something secondary. i love the tumblr ppl sm rn)
basically if u see a user on there named pan5z THAT IS ME! JUST A WARNING.
ill be posting old art from here to there as a kinda buffer so there isnt really any exclusive content on there no worries.
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anchorandrope · 2 years
Hello Alex!!! Hope you’re doing great :3
I follow you on Twitter and I have seen that a couple of times you have said that you can be "no stunts" and a twarrie at the same time. Can you explain how that's possible? Thanks <3
hi dear,
before i start, a little note for those who dont have twitter: on twitter people use the term “no stunts” to refer to the fact that they dont believe in any stunt. larries do this because on twitter there are larry shippers who call themselves larries and thats why they invented that term to differentiate themselves.
first, everyone should know that there is only one definition of larrie (a person who believes that louis tomlinson and harry styles are in a real and serious love relationship since the beginning of one direction), but unfortunately many people believe that the definition of larrie varies according to the app, or stuff like that. for this reason, many people use terms like “im a tumblr larrie”, “im a tiktok larrie”, “im a twitter larrie”, etc. in my opinion, either you are larrie or you are not larrie, the end. it seems stupid to me that some people think there are different types or “levels” of larries.
having said all this, the term twarrie came up to refer to twitter larries. and no, its not literally any larrie that uses twitter, the term identifies those larries whose main platform is twitter. the term encompasses a whole stereotype of how a larrie whose main platform is twitter acts and thinks. i think a lot of people think that being a twarrie is synonymous with believing in babygate (thinking louis is a father) when in reality being a twarrie involves a lot more than just an opinion on babygate. you may not believe in babygate, but if you act like a twarrie does, then dont get mad when someone calls you that. you know what i mean?
as i said, the stereotype encompasses many things, so you can easily be a “no stunts” larrie and still be a twarrie. now, you must be wondering... how the hell do i identify a twarrie? well, basically a twarrie isnt educated and theorizes and “clowns” about everything. if you are new to the fandom, surely when you see a twarrie you wont identify them as such, surely you will think “wow their theory is so complex, surely they are very smart” when in reality they are just making up anything to keep having “larry proof”. you realize they are twarries when they seem to need these crazy theories to keep believing in larry.
i feel that the new larries want to look for current “proofs” because they didnt live the real larry proofs. i know they dont do it with bad intentions, but this really affects the image of larries a lot, especially those of us who use tumblr. twarries think that by the simple fact of having installed the tumblr app on their phones, they are automatically “tumblr larries” (and then they go and tell everyone that they are), and thanks to this, everyone think that larries that use tumblr are crazy.
i personally never cared about twarries, but lately i have to admit that it annoys me that they use us to make hit tweets and to justify that they are the smartest just because they have tumblr. im tired of going on twitter and seeing accounts that take screenshots of tumblr posts just so they can say “omg look what i saw on tumblr, so true” and gain likes. but you know what makes my blood boil? when you tell a twarrie that they’re acting like a twarrie and they tells you that you’re blinded by the industry and that things go way beyond what we see 🤌🏼 sorry, but i dont know about yall, but i would say “babe, sit down” lol. i think all twarries should read this... because lately their actions are affecting the fandom a lot.
i hope i answered your question (and sorry it was so long) have a nice day <3
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softartemisart · 9 months
call me artemis, or art for short!
he/him - 19 - white - nonbinary trans man - aroace and bisexual - disabled - pretty kinky
this is an 18+ zone! DNI if you are a minor - if you do not have your age in your bio i may block you
this is my kink posting blog. thoughts, writing, art, whatever i want. main blog + reblog acc is @softartemis.
kinks im into (probably non-exhaustive list):
feedism, weight gain (rapid or slow, natural or magical), stuffing, bloating, belly play, tight / outgrown clothes, hucow
kind of / sometimes into inflation, lactation, monsterfucking, praise, humiliation, intox (mostly alcohol), transformation
kinks im NOT into:
death feedism, detrans kink, slob, scat, ddlg, pregnancy. i dont really care if you follow me and are into these things, but it's not my cup of tea. (im not into a lot of other stuff but these are common around this corner of tumblr so they're the most relevant).
i'm iffy on immobility, health stuff, and more extreme degredation. sometimes fun, often isnt!
Boundaries + Misc:
DNI IF: you are underage, post underage stuff, post creepshots of real people or stolen images, are transmed/truscum or r generally exclusionary. (also general no racists/homophobes/transphobes/ableists, etc., but that goes without saying lol)
if you are significantly older than me then feel free to interact, but please be mindful and not weird, please.
i'll also just block you if you make me uncomfortable generally
i cant guarantee that i will always be active or online (mostly just when i am horny lmao). i am also terribly awkward and social anxious, so responding to DMs and asks can be difficult for me (i'll try though). i have this account mostly for good kinky fun, and content creation + interaction isnt an obligation for me
i am not looking for a partner or a feeder/feedee. dont ask.
these tumblr blogs are my only kink accounts, im not on other platforms. dont ask what my non-kink accounts are on anything, i either dont have them / wont tell you.
feel free to send me asks of your fantasies or ideas (if they're something i might also be into)! you can send requests if you like but i offer no promises
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About the background lore/world building, I cant help but wonder about twisted wonderland's media/pop culture or artistic movements and the like. Like are morally grey characters and antiheroes really a facet of their popular media and if so why doesn't Vil try to lean more towards those roles? If they arent really a part of their media and storytelling then what happened or didnt happen to cause them to be absent?
They have magicam which is pretty much magical Instagram so do they have other sites like tumblr or facebook or ao3? Or even specific nonconsensual parts of pop culture, like is there a twisted wonderland equivalent to the muppets? A magical adjacent Monty Python? Unsolved mysteries with Robert Stack? Or if they had an equivalent to Forensic Files would it focus on the same aspect of our Forensic Files or would it tend to follow the magical sector of their police forces and criminal investigations?
I just think it would be interesting to see how their media develops differently from ours considering various factors, like the proven existence of ghosts and monsters, or the elongated life spans of the fae, not to mention the elephant in the room of the undeniable presence of magic. Like without a doubt they wouldn't have all those true haunting and ghost hunting shows because they would most likely be considered rude and invasive, and there probably isnt going to be any equivalent to the Lord of the Rings, but what would they have, ya know?
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cbksdbjebew I’m sorry 😅 I live under a rock like Patrick Star, so I’m not familiar with most of the specific pop culture examples you named 💦 I won’t be speaking on those, since I have little to no context for what they are. But!! I do wonder how Twisted Wonderland’s media and pop culture scene is similar to and/or different from ours!
In the real world, there are definitely instances of people writing a certain genre (for example, Battle Royale), but the genre not really “blowing up” until a popular modern rendition (ie Hunger Games) of it is done, thus thrusting pop culture into an era of oversaturation of that genre (ie more teenage/young adult dystopia novels). It could be that Twisted Wonderland has not yet hit that “popular modern rendition” for morally grey characters/antiheroes yet? A lot of the media and public opinion actually referenced in the main story seems to imply that the current media being offered paints its characters in absolutes (good/evil).
The other possibility is that Vil has too much pride in his profession to take morally grey/antihero roles. He’s been painted as a wicked villain for the entirety of his childhood; it wouldn’t surprise me if his personal ambition, desire to prove his nay-sayers wrong, and rivalry with Neige (the epitome of pure and good) spurred Vil to want to be perceived as the other extreme (the same insane "pure and good” image that Neige has). Vil would want to go “all the way”, not go only “halfway there” or take the role of something far more ambiguous. I would actually argue that Vil only gets around to embracing ambiguous and morally grey roles in episode 6 (whereas he was very black-and-white about it in episode 5). Overblot Idia taunts Vil by calling him a “hero” come to save the day, but Vil rebuts him by saying, “there are no heroes or villains”.
If Twisted Wonderland has Magicam, then I don’t see why they wouldn’t have other social media platforms and sites too! I think in episode 5 Cater shows a video on an unnamed site which required them to watch an ad before they could view the actual video…? So that might be Youtube or another video sharing platform? Azul mentions streaming in episode 6, so there must be some equivalent to a streaming site like Twitch??? There might be other examples that I’m not thinking of off the top of my head.
I think that having magic on set would actually be super useful! For productions like hand-drawn cartoons and films, it could help animators (at least the ones that can use magic) minimize physical strain (since they use their hands so much). For live action productions, magic can be used for special effects instead of like... I don’t know, fog machines, stunt doubles, or whatever else is normally used 😂 And since different races and species exist (fairies, ghosts, merfolk, beastment, etc), maybe there would be more of a push to educate the public about the different races and species? Like more documentaries and resources so that the general public is more culturally competent!
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maceyjanemchenry · 1 year
Also, I am looking foward to more stories/drabbles/fics from you. I thoroughly enjoyed your insights as well. I never thought a community like this existed (since, well twitter doesn't have this and it's my main platform. Me, and the others just became aware of this bec of @yoongimarrrryme who has been a silent reader on tumblr for such a looooong time) and i'm so happy 🥹🥹🥹
oh, you're determined to make me cry, arent you? 🥹😭💖
and welcome!! we're all happy to have new people to talk about these books with. there are two discord servers dedicated to ally's works (if someone in both of those who isnt typing on their phone could add the links to that, that'd be great, because we're over there at least as much as tumblr). it's a good bunch of people we've got, and i'm thrilled to add to that!!
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