awesomefringey · 4 months
What’s a twarrie?
It’s short for twitter larrie. They got their own name because many people on Twitter believe certain stunts (but only the ones they find cute enough), beards and so on, are real relationships. If you question them, you’re disrespectful. 😀
In reference to this.
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anchorandrope · 2 years
Hello Alex!!! Hope you’re doing great :3
I follow you on Twitter and I have seen that a couple of times you have said that you can be "no stunts" and a twarrie at the same time. Can you explain how that's possible? Thanks <3
hi dear,
before i start, a little note for those who dont have twitter: on twitter people use the term “no stunts” to refer to the fact that they dont believe in any stunt. larries do this because on twitter there are larry shippers who call themselves larries and thats why they invented that term to differentiate themselves.
first, everyone should know that there is only one definition of larrie (a person who believes that louis tomlinson and harry styles are in a real and serious love relationship since the beginning of one direction), but unfortunately many people believe that the definition of larrie varies according to the app, or stuff like that. for this reason, many people use terms like “im a tumblr larrie”, “im a tiktok larrie”, “im a twitter larrie”, etc. in my opinion, either you are larrie or you are not larrie, the end. it seems stupid to me that some people think there are different types or “levels” of larries.
having said all this, the term twarrie came up to refer to twitter larries. and no, its not literally any larrie that uses twitter, the term identifies those larries whose main platform is twitter. the term encompasses a whole stereotype of how a larrie whose main platform is twitter acts and thinks. i think a lot of people think that being a twarrie is synonymous with believing in babygate (thinking louis is a father) when in reality being a twarrie involves a lot more than just an opinion on babygate. you may not believe in babygate, but if you act like a twarrie does, then dont get mad when someone calls you that. you know what i mean?
as i said, the stereotype encompasses many things, so you can easily be a “no stunts” larrie and still be a twarrie. now, you must be wondering... how the hell do i identify a twarrie? well, basically a twarrie isnt educated and theorizes and “clowns” about everything. if you are new to the fandom, surely when you see a twarrie you wont identify them as such, surely you will think “wow their theory is so complex, surely they are very smart” when in reality they are just making up anything to keep having “larry proof”. you realize they are twarries when they seem to need these crazy theories to keep believing in larry.
i feel that the new larries want to look for current “proofs” because they didnt live the real larry proofs. i know they dont do it with bad intentions, but this really affects the image of larries a lot, especially those of us who use tumblr. twarries think that by the simple fact of having installed the tumblr app on their phones, they are automatically “tumblr larries” (and then they go and tell everyone that they are), and thanks to this, everyone think that larries that use tumblr are crazy.
i personally never cared about twarries, but lately i have to admit that it annoys me that they use us to make hit tweets and to justify that they are the smartest just because they have tumblr. im tired of going on twitter and seeing accounts that take screenshots of tumblr posts just so they can say “omg look what i saw on tumblr, so true” and gain likes. but you know what makes my blood boil? when you tell a twarrie that they’re acting like a twarrie and they tells you that you’re blinded by the industry and that things go way beyond what we see 🤌🏼 sorry, but i dont know about yall, but i would say “babe, sit down” lol. i think all twarries should read this... because lately their actions are affecting the fandom a lot.
i hope i answered your question (and sorry it was so long) have a nice day <3
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Hi Daisie. There was an article in the daily mail where they referred to Jeff as Harry's 'friend' (with quotations) and Twarries are taking it to mean that Harry and Jeff have fallen out and apparently have been distant since Brazil, and according to them Jeff's contract as Harry's manager ends tomorrow and Harry will be leaving the Azoffs. They think the quotations are them being ironic, meaning they're not friends anymore. What do you think? Will Harry leave them?
Hi dear,
That is all nonsense. The Dailymail just publishes things to create drama and clicks, that means nothing. Harry's team isn't talking to them, especially not about team interpersonal relationships or dynamics. That's just ridiculous.
Harry purposely *never* goes to the press unless it's strictly needed for promo, and even then he keeps to a minimum. Or it's his PR team pushing some pics to keep his name in the press. Without statement. We can see whenever there's something from his camp. And this ain't it.
Twitter loves to think that Harry hates Jeff and blame him for everything they don't personally like about Harry's career. That's just childish and lacks understanding of the overall industry.
There's no way Harry is leaving Full Stop. None. And there's no way anyone would know a supposed end date for a supposed contract. I think even assuming that the contract has a specific set end date is stupid. There are all kinds of stipulations in contracts, and saying it goes from x date to x date is not always one of them or as simple as it appears.
Also, Harry celebrated his birthday in LA with the whole Full Stop team - all his managers, including Jeff. Jeff's birthday was recently, and so is his wife's, Glenne Azoff. So I think they had a company bday party and a celebration of a successful end of the US tour. Jeff was also at the Palm Springs shows, along with the rest of his managers, and Irving Azoff. And he had a birthday party with everyone - including his friends.
Twitter is being dumb, like always. I would not pay attention to this kind of fandom speculation because it is always a waste of time. It's tempting, especially when you're relatively new, to jump on these things and theorize with others on Twitter etc. But it means nothing most of the time. And is based on entirely assumptive ideas to begin with - ideas which are most often than not, not based on fact or reality.
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twopoppies · 1 year
Hello Gina I'm kind of new on this and I don't know the full meaning of every terminology what exactly is twarries? and why all of this possibly affect rainbow bears theory?
Hi love. I don’t know what rainbow bear “theory” you’re referring to, so I can’t really answer that. Twarries is a Twitter thing and I think basically came about during quarantine when there were tons of new fans who called themselves “larries”, but had all these caveats to believing HL are a couple. I think this mostly has to do with babygate (they think Louis is really Freddie’s dad) and maybe also that the beards were actually girlfriends? But truly, I ignore what goes on on Twitter and I really don’t know what their terms mean, so someone else can probably give you a better definition.
Basically, what it looks like is that a lot of people have come into the fandom during the solo eras and ignored or dismissed what happened before they arrived.
It’s just too damn depressing that people now feel the need to clarify that although they call themselves larries, they also think Louis has a kid with some rando and has actually been dating Eleanor all this time etc. I don’t know. It’s so nonsensical to me, I’d prefer to give it no attention.
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bciwasinlove · 7 months
I saw someone talking about how L&H have certainly broken up long-term and precided to list songs like Adore You, Golden and JALBOYH as examples of this. The first two are deadass just H talking about how in love he is with lou and no matter what happens he's the one for him and the last one was during peak elounor so it's H way of saying he can only have louis love privately while some girl gets to have him publicly but he loves him so damn much he's willining to except that. Listen I really try to listen to other people's [mainly twarries] opinions on topics but when they mention larry had to have some long term break up they always say things that don't make any sense and blur the lines of a healthy relationship to them having a toxic one.
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skepticalarrie · 2 years
Okay I'm kinda confused.
Here on Tumblr a "Twarrie" is a "Twitter larrie" right.
Because on twitter and tiktok we use that as the opposite of no stunt larrie. Like they belive that Harry and Louis aren't together anymore, but was and that Louis is a dad. You know stuff like that.
Is it because that was how twitter larries used to be or do we just have two meanings for it?
Hahaha no you're right, it's very confusing, anon. But yeah, I think the meaning of a few terminologies sometimes ends up morphing all into the same thing.
Originally twarrie only meant twitter "larries" that thought Louis was Freddie's father and believed some of the stunts. But I think the confusion is because we often extend the term to a lot of larries that seem to have some really weird concepts on twitter or tiktok or whatever… because, honestly, they all sound the same most of the time regardless of stunts. They’re not very in touch with reality. So basically all the “larries” that are out there being annoying and giving a bad name to all the other larries.
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agape-28 · 2 years
the same reason why they're so hellbent on making LOML about louis. the england/louis jokes were funny and all but i don't think they were actually joking anymore and now im seeing them attacking and mocking people (most of which are antis) who were talking about LOML using personification with the concept of england. it makes larries look so one dimensional and dumb. they consume HL's work with such a thick filter that they don't seem to know what they're implying by saying that boyfriends is only about louis and LOML is not about england. they just see the words "boyfriends" and "love of my life" and don't think twice. its EMBARRASSING 😭 i cant defend them anymore. free us from twitter larries 😭
exactly!!! god, the only reason twarries want boyfriends to be about louis is because it'll prove that harry likes guys ("he sang about a boyfriend!!") they don't realize the implication of the song, that it's literally about boyfriends that treat you poorly. harry has never written that about louis before. it aligns more with how harry writes himself in his own self-loathing manner.
and the same goes for love of my life, too! i'm not really invested in reading analysis of that song compared to boyfriends, but i think the song does make a lot of sense in the context of no longer being acquainted with home/england.
twarries are attracted to these songs because of their obvious titles, but fail to see the bigger picture in the actual lyrics. and yes different interpretations exist, but twarries literally do not care. they legit just want these songs to be about louis based on the titles alone.
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caralara · 2 years
Don’t you think that s lot of twarries we see they have been use and manpulated when bg ends?I think they should have done it without bringing it back,right now I don’t see how it is possible to end it withouth big backlash for louis.but If they keep going a lot of larries will leave so there is rally no way out of it.also wouldn’t ending BG put a spot on Hatry too?and he is trying to makw it big in acting esp in Sep when he has both movies out
I mean, there will be people on all fronts, I think. The twarries have two choices: either accept the lie Louis is telling them, saying he really didn’t know he wasn’t the father, and stay twarries who think Louis cheated and even though he wasn’t the father after all, think he could have been, or become no stunts. I don’t think they’re aware they’re being used and manipulated in the first case. Everything in between i don’t think will be too many people. They’re larries after all, they just needed the push in either direction.
And antis will not admit they were wrong and rather swallow the lie even if it’s kinda ridiculous. There might be some that will question it to maybe stop being an anti and consider the larrie side, but I think that’ll be only the smart ones.
You might underestimate how badly people don’t want to be wrong, so they rather believe a bad lie lol.
And in the end… it doesn’t really matter at this point. Louis thinks this is the best way to go, and we’re already in full swing, there’s not really any going back now.
as to Harry: why do you think they’re laying Holivia on so thick?
None of us know if the plan will truly work the way they want it to, but I hope it does, for their sake.
Let’s just support him in his decision and plan.
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voxina · 3 months
Il livello di stupidità -mi dispiace, ma non c'è altro modo di definirla se non come stupidità- di alcune larries su Twitter è agghiacciante. Gente parecchio adulta, peraltro. Mica ragazzine. Il problema ulteriore è che le antis pensano che (s)ragioniamo tutte così.
Ora quel povero cristo non è neanche più libero di accettare di fare i selfies con delle ragazze, che queste si mettono a teorizzare su ogni minimo dettaglio. E ovviamente ogni cosa indossata, pronunciata, postata viene scandagliata e ritenuta coding/signaling per la fine del bbg. Ed è sempre la stessa gente che credeva che Louis avesse finto di essersi rotto il braccio (sempre per lo stesso motivo).
Provo sincero e profondo imbarazzo per loro.
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persephoneflouwers · 1 year
I have tickets to see Louis in a few months and now I don't know how to behave. Should I bring my rainbow flags? I'm starting to feel he wants to distance himself from the queer side of the fandom and he clearly wants to get rid of larries (I'm not even one, or at least not anymore. While I think they were together at some point I doubt they are now). Anyway, the rainbows are not for the ship or whatever but i'm scared of how people will react. So many larries are leaving or not going to see him live so I'm afraid it's gonna be me and a bunch of solo het louis who hate gay people.
Hi angel, I don’t like reading you are so upset. Look, I know everything sucks right now. I know we hate this and I know this is a difficult time, but Louis has never shown (not even in his worst times) to not be supportive of the LGBTQ+ community. I agree it seems like he wants to get rid of a specific subsection of his fanbase (like me, to be precise lol), but still his fans can be welcoming and including. I don’t think solos are hateful towards gay people either. It’s a generalisation we shouldn’t do, because it’s thoughts like this that create an overwhelming feeling of anxiety.
Bring your flag. It’s for you, not for anybody else. Wave your flag for yourself in that moment. Obviously do what makes you feel comfortable and feels safe. And if rainbows make people uncomfortable, it’s just on them.
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dreamings-free · 2 years
louis went to La with oli and krystle https://twitter.com/icecoidstyies/status/1554048076838764544?s=21&t=ay31TfgJSHCzXNBkttXWxw
the link doesn't work but I can see another tweet where the same person claims Louis was in the domestic terminal in Perth but that's not true. the image below shows them going to international departures, not domestic - see for yourself here . also why would domestic = LA ?? probably because they're an anti out to prove a point lol
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awesomefringey · 6 months
Lmaoo sabine I know we all should just ignore them now but I couldn't not share this. So that dumbass UA louisstreams made this tweet right....
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And someone who was there qted with this and now the tweet is deleted but you know screenshots exist and shit never goes away. How patheic of them couldn't even say LARRY they said "relationship".
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I can’t even be angry with those admins anymore, they’re assholes, period. They’re not even hiding it.
But what about those thousands of Larries that made the account as big as it is? If they would unfollow, this account would be meaningless.
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anchorandrope · 1 year
We need to talk about how Larry isn't a conspiracy theory but how there are some "larries" who have cultist or conspiracy theorists' thoughts
I've been hesitating a lot whether I should make this post or not, but as a person who was a victim of a cult for 5 (almost 6) years, I think I can explain relatively well how affects me and how detrimental it's for everyone.
Before I start, I would like to clarify a couple of things:
I'm not a professional on this subject, so I may not be able to explain it very well, but I will do my best.
I myself am a larrie, I'm not an "anti who pretends to be a larrie" or a "rad" (?) or anything else... I'm just a person who suffered a lot for a cult and doesn't want her fandom to become one.
I recommend researching and reflecting beyond the sources and reflections that I include, there's a lot of information and testimonies on the internet that you could read to understand better.
As this is a long post, I will divide it into the following parts:
Definitions: cult, sect (and the comparison between them), belief, hypothesis, theory and conspiracy theory.
Which of these definitions applies to Larry?
Why is it wrong to label Larry as something it is not?
How to tell the difference between a larrie and a person who uses Larry as an excuse to have something to obsess and theorise about.
Why is it important to put aside cultist and conspiracy thinking?
What to do if I come across one of these "larries"?
"Defenders of reality" can also engage in these behaviours.
Final clarifications.
If you are already very clear about cults, sects, beliefs, conspiracy theories, etc., you can skip this part, although I don't recommend it.
What's a cult?
"A religious group, often living together, whose beliefs are considered extreme or strange by many people."
Source: Cambridge Dictionary
"A small group of people who have extreme religious beliefs and who are not part of any established religion."
Source: Oxford Dictionary
What are the characteristics of a cult?
The group displays excessively zealous and unquestioning commitment to its leader and (whether he is alive or dead) regards his belief system, ideology, and practices as the Truth, as law.
Questioning, doubt, and dissent are discouraged or even punished.
Mind-altering practices (such as meditation, chanting, speaking in tongues, denunciation sessions, and debilitating work routines) are used in excess and serve to suppress doubts about the group and its leader(s).
The leadership dictates, sometimes in great detail, how members should think, act, and feel (for example, members must get permission to date, change jobs, marry—or leaders prescribe what types of clothes to wear, where to live, whether or not to have children, how to discipline children, and so forth).
The group is elitist, claiming a special, exalted status for itself, its leader(s), and its members (for example, the leader is considered the Messiah, a special being, an avatar—or the group and/or the leader is on a special mission to save humanity).
The group has a polarized us-versus-them mentality, which may cause conflict with the wider society.
The leader is not accountable to any authorities.
The group teaches or implies that its supposedly exalted ends justify whatever means it deems necessary. This may result in members’ participating in behaviors or activities they would have considered reprehensible or unethical before they joined the group (for example, lying to family or friends, or collecting money for bogus charities).
The leadership induces feelings of shame and/or guilt in order to influence and/or control members. Often, this is done through peer pressure and subtle forms of persuasion.
Subservience to the leader or group requires members to cut ties with family and friends, and to radically alter the personal goals and activities they had before they joined the group.
The group is preoccupied with bringing in new members.
The group is preoccupied with making money.
Members are expected to devote inordinate amounts of time to the group and group-related activities.
Members are encouraged or required to live and/or socialize only with other group members.
The most loyal members (the “true believers”) feel there can be no life outside the context of the group. They believe there is no other way to be and often fear reprisals to themselves or others if they leave (or even consider leaving) the group.
Source: International Cultic Studies Assosiation
What's a sect?
"A religious group that has separated from a larger religion and is considered to have extreme or unusual beliefs or customs" or "A religious group with beliefs that make it different from a larger or more established religion it has separated from."
Source: Cambridge Dictionary
"A small group of people who belong to a particular religion but who have some beliefs or practices that separate them from the rest of the group."
Source: Oxford Dictionary
What are the characteristics of a sect?
They have significantly smaller memberships than churches
The membership base of sects is drawn from the lower social classes
Sects are not aligned with the state
Sects do not accept the norms and values of mainstream society. Sects are detached from society, and in opposition to it.
Sects demand a high level of commitment from their members and they have a high level of integration. They may expect members to withdraw from society all together.
They do not have ‘inclusive membership’. Membership has to be conscious and voluntary. Children cannot be born into sects.
Sects tend to possess a monopoly on truth.
Sects have a charismatic leader, who is generally perceived to be special. They do not have an hierarchy of paid officials.
Source: ReviseSociology
What is the difference between cults and sects?
Sects are divisions formed in a major religion, whereas cults are groups that follow religious, philosophical, and spiritual beliefs that are niche and unorthodox.
Source: Unacademy
What's a belief?
"The feeling of being certain that something exists or is true" or "something that you believe."
Source: Cambridge Dictionary
"Any proposition that is accepted as true on the basis of inconclusive evidence. A belief is stronger than a baseless opinion but not as strong as an item of knowledge. More generally, belief is conviction, faith, or confidence in something or someone"
Source: Oxford Dictionary
What's a hypothesis?
"An idea or explanation for something that is based on known facts but has not yet been proven" or "an idea or explanation for something that may be true but has not yet been completely proved"
Source: Cambridge Dictionary
"A statement of the expected relationship between things being studied, which is intended to explain certain facts or observations. An idea to be tested."
Source: Oxford Dictionary
What's a theory?
"A formal statement of the rules on which a subject of study is based or of ideas that are suggested to explain a fact or event or, more generally, an opinion or explanation" or "something suggested as a reasonable explanation for facts, a condition, or an event, esp. a systematic or scientific explanation" or "a formal statement of ideas that are suggested to explain a fact or event, or how something works."
Source: Cambridge Dictionary
"A formal set of ideas that is intended to explain why something happens or exists" or "an opinion or idea that somebody believes is true but that is not proved."
Source: Oxford Dictionary
What's a conspiracy theory?
"A belief that an event or situation is the result of a secret plan made by powerful people."
Source: Cambridge Dictionary
"The belief that a secret but powerful organization is responsible for an event."
Source: Oxford Dictionary
Which of these definitions applies to Larry?
Let's take this seriously for a second. I know there's constant discord in the fandom between larries and antis, but let's all be objective for a second. Let us focus on definitions:
Is it a cult?
No, cults are religious in nature and Larry doesn't meet the basic characteristics of a cult. If the basic characteristics of a cult are believed to be met, then any fandom would be a cult. Moreover, in cults, the leaders encourage their followers to continue to participate actively and directly in the cult, which is not the case here.
Is it a sect?
No, sects are religious in nature and Larry doesn't meet the basic characteristics of sects. As in cults, the leaders actively and directly participate in it and we have already said that this is not the case.
Is it a belief?
Here we come a little closer, but beliefs are often more related to faith than to facts. Larry is what it is because there are facts and situations that are used to prove their veracity. Beliefs tend to be more tied to what there is no chance of proving, since it is part of faith to believe even though you know you will never know the exact answer. In this case, Larry is not simple faith, maybe it is for some people, but it is not for most. So the answer is no.
Is it a hypothesis?
This one can be a bit confusing. In science, when you are going to carry out an investigation, you make a first hypothesis of what is going to happen and, in the course of the investigation, you are going to test or disprove the hypothesis(es). The hypothesis is more like an idea of what's going to happen. Larry is not an idea of something that is going to happen in the future. Can hypotheses related to Larry be made? Of course. Speculation about their coming out of the closet could be considered a hypothesis, for example. So, although it's close, the answer is no.
Is it a theory?
Yes, like it or not, Larry is a theory. Theories are the answer to the question: Why did this particular thing happen? Larry is the answer given by a group of people (larries) to questions related to inconsistencies in the information and narratives given.
Is it a conspiracy theory?
No, conspiracy theories are based on secrecy. For conspiracy theorists, there are extremely powerful secret organisations or even secret governments that aim to control economically, politically and socially a population or the whole world if you will. If the organisation is public and does not aim to economically, politically and/or socially control a given population, it is not a conspiracy theory. In Larry's case, it is not believed that there is a secret organisation, nor is there any question of economic, political or social control of a group.
Why is it wrong to label Larry as something it is not?
Let's start because it's wrong to misinform and encourage misinformation. Not only that, but to label larry as religious (belief, cult, sect) or conspiratorial is to devalue the terms. Beliefs, cults, sects and conspiracy theories are not just a term you can use whenever you feel like it. People die and suffer all their lives because of the brainwashing these organisations can produce and to compare something that literally kills every year, with a simple fandom that has a theory that doesn't hurt anyone is being insensitive. Vocabulary exists for a reason, to define specific things, which is why there are so many words. If it really didn't matter and all these situations are the same, there would be just one term and that's it. Have empathy for a second and take the situation seriously. You can't compare people who are literally subjugated to people who have a twitter fandom account where they like to analyse songs from a gay perspective, be serious.
How to tell the difference between a larrie and a person who uses Larry as an excuse to have something to obsess and theorise about.
The first thing to understand is that a person who has cultist or conspiracy thoughts or actions doesn't do so with bad intentions, but most of the time without being aware of them. Do not attack the person or tell them directly that they are part of a cult because they will not recognise it and will react negatively. By reacting negatively, they reinforces their beliefs and clings even more to their cult, so it is counterproductive.
How to tell if you are having cultist or conspiracy thoughts and/or actions:
Since you became a larrie, you want to change the way you dress to look more "larrie" or more like louis and/or harry.
You prioritise spending more time in the fandom (in whatever form) over studying, sleeping, eating, cleaning yourself, etc.
When you are asked about Larry, you prefer not to explain it because according to you "it is a feeling that you cannot explain and you simply have to live it individually."
You theorise about minute details (such as adding up numbers of dates to give you another date and theorising about what will happen on that day).
You build a theory in a single day on the basis of a single fact or a single detail.
If someone insinuates that being a larrie "changed" you, you get irritated, you run away, change the subject or just don't respond. You think the negative comments are because they are envious of you.
You spend your time fantasising about an idea or goal, like louis or harry coming out of the closet.
You feel guilty if the thought of leaving the fandom crosses your mind.
It bothers you that more people are becoming larries.
You think that people who don't think like you in everything are inferior or are "blinded by the system/goverment".
You exaggerate information as you say it , you rely on debunked information, you like to consider yourself a "narcissist", you like the admiration of others for your "superior intelligence" because of your "brilliant theories", you believe that everyone is looking out for you and that everyone who doesn't love you hates you, etc.
You like to use codes, metaphors or terms so that "only those who are like you" understand you.
Shortly before you became larrie, you went through a long period of uncertainty and helplessness and, according to you, louis and harry saved your life.
If you fit any of these characteristics, don't panic. Stay calm, don't put yourself down, try to question and critically analyse yourself and don't expect immediate results.
There are psychological reasons why you thought or are thinking the way you are thinking, such as a past trauma or problem, you were very uncertain about an issue and so you clung to another issue in order to feel that you had control over your thoughts, etc.
I don't know much about the psychological side, so I recommend doing more research.
Why is it important to put aside cultist and conspiracy thinking?
First, they point to an enemy and a plot that threatens people we admire and trigger a defence mechanism, which can aggravate discrimination, justify hate crimes and be exploited by violent extremist groups.
It is important to understand that anything that starts out "mild" can get worse, so it is important to stop in time.
Conspiracism promotes hatred towards a group, how many times have you seen larries and antis fighting with racist, misogynist, ableist, classist and all kinds of insults in order to defend their "side"?
Secondly, they make all of us larries look crazy. If one person engages in these behaviours, the antis will generalise, but only in reference to that person. If these thoughts are corrected, the level of hatred in the fandom could go down.
What to do if I come across one of these "larries"?
It's recommended, especially if it's a personal meeting, to remain calm. If you are calm, the other person will be calm too. If you panic, you may unintentionally offend or belittle the person, and this will reinforce their thinking that everyone who doesn't conform to their way of thinking is an idiot.
Never belittle, treat the person as inferior or as a fool. As I said, this is counterproductive. Never lose the basic respect that should be given to a person.
If you know the person very well, do not refer to past experiences or situations in order to explain why the person thinks that way. Never say things like, for example, "You probably think that way because you didn't go tu university." Nor do you resort to insults, especially if those insults discriminate against a minority to which they belong.
If you are going to discuss the topic, use proven sources and logical questions to try to induce critical thinking in the other person. Don't use personal opinions.
Make the person question their thinking. Ask "why?" about even the smallest details.
Don't expect the person to change their mind in 15 minutes of chatting. Falling into cultist and/or conspiratorial thinking is a process and so is coming out of it.
Don't stop being friends with the other person just because of their thinking, that way you isolate them even more and reinforce that the only ones who will accept them are their fellow thinkers.
People with cultist or conspiratorial thoughts often seek approval and admiration from others, so the best thing to do, if you don't want to get involved in helping the other person, is to ignore them. If you meet someone like that on social media, unfollow or block them. If you don't want to do that, don't interact with their thought-provoking posts ever again. And when I say ignore, I mean really pretend they doesn't exist. Posting hints, slagging them off or quoting their posts to make fun of them doesn't help.
Don't tell the person "hey, you're a conspiracy theorist/cultist" because they won't accept it and will go into a state of defending their thinking. Never tell the person that they are one (or at least not until the other person asks you for help because they recognised their situation).
"Defenders of reality" can also engage in these behaviours.
People who believe everything the media says can also engage in cultist or conspiracy behaviour as their criteria for determining what is real news and what is clickbait is practically nil. Furthermore, people who deny social issues such as homophobia perpetuate its continuation.
They would therefore be promoting hatred not only towards direct lgbt people but also towards those who speak out against homophobia. This poses an enemy and activates a defence mechanism, as in the previous case, so they would be equal.
Final clarifications.
People with cultist or conspiracy thoughts exist everywhere. It's not something that only larries experience. I hope you understand that this post does not promote the discussion about "who is a larrie and who is a conspiracist", the idea is to raise awareness about a real social problem applied to our environment.
This post does not invite any anti larry/larries to promote hatred towards a particular person or group, if it is used for that purpose, it means that they did not read the post as it was repeatedly made clear that hatred is counterproductive.
Even if Larry is not a conspiracy theory, it is important to recognise the problem in order to solve it. There are many adults who, for various reasons, fall into these thoughts and thus induce young people and children to act and think like them. For no reason whatsoever should a group of people who are not cults or sects be allowed to be labelled as cults or sects, as this is strongly disrespectful. With this post I have no intention to stop you from being a larrie, to make you go crazy thinking if you comply with any of the items or not, etc. I simply made the post in order to make this a healthier fandom since I've seen a lot of people fall into these behaviours lately.
If you want to know more about Larry, click here.
This is a topic of my interest and I would really like to know what you think about it. I invite you to fill out this survey on the topic explained in the post. The survey is anonymous and I will update the results as people take it.
Fill the survey here.
Thank you very much for your time, I hope you liked my post. Have a nice day!
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Hi Daisie. I talk to someone on twitter and I want to know your opinion on their takes. They say that Harry is leaving Columbia and that's why he is being sabotaged... so his new label can't profit off his image Columbia built up and the new one will have to rebuild. They say too that Harry is finished with Full Stop and with Jeff and he will join Taylor Swift in taking ticket master down. That he is writing album 4 but will quit music after to dedicate himself full time to acting. What do you think?
Hi dear,
Honestly, no offense to you but this is just absurd. No. Absolutely not. Harry is not leaving Columbia or Sony, or Full Stop for that matter. Where do you guys get this stuff from???? Literally based on made up assumptions or your own feelings based on nothing but more assumptions.
This is just.....no.
I answered something similar recently. Here you go.
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twopoppies · 2 years
louis doest use NDA with fans like when they were there for kmm mv or tou mv they spilled all legit after and we don’t need pics of louis in front of a paternity clinic for this to end that’s unnecessary and i don’t see it happening we just need an article and it’s done idk why people like to lie for attention and other take so serious as reality https://twitter.com/endbbgnow/status/1524659293701738497?s=21&t=odcVGZaw8-VqRirA6zBXqA
Good lord. I really fucking wish people would stop using this sort of language. It doesn’t signal anything. It isn’t clever. No one is “hiding in plain sight”. Everyone acts like this is some fucking episode of Law and Order where if we collect all the clues we’ll win the case.
Louis may very well use NDAs at times. We have no idea. But I wish people would stop trusting ransoms who say shit for no other reason than to to gain clout. AND CLOUT FOR WHAT? It’s like, great… now you’re the most popular clown in the circus. Good for you. Tomorrow there will be someone new.
My eyes can’t roll any further back in my head.
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mezsummers · 1 year
i’ve read somewhere that if larry isn't real we created the most beautiful love story, and i couldn’t stop thinking about that ever since because of so many becauses, but mostly, if there really is any “if” i would rather not accept it for my hopelessly romantic mosaic broken heart their evergreen picture in my mind healed because of million little reasons that keep me alive, because they’re my faith in the future, because they’re always in my heart, because they don’t need no piece of paper from the city hall, because the little one with the cheekbones does know that the prince is in love with him, because they’ve come so far from princess park, because the peace ring, because the rose and the dagger, because if i could fly i’d be coming right back home to you, because sweet creature and habit that i can’t break, because the moon knows and so do i.
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