#trying 2 see if we can call a wildlife rescue
panspy · 1 month
never thought i'd be a squirrel coparent
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Episode 2: Monsters Are Here
Hello Witherburn!
Boy, school hits hard after that long summer break. I know I’m still not used to waking up at the butt-crack of dawn, but hey, it has to be done. I can tell no one else is used to this schedule either considering the amount of coffee I see in the morning. If the school isn’t careful they’re gonna have a whole generation of this town addicted to caffeine, but enough about groggy mornings, there is a lot of exciting talk this week. From gators to graffiti and I’m here to discuss it all. I’m The Reporter and this is Witherburn After School News.
Our first story tonight is filled with intrigue as some neighborhood children found a two foot alligator at the local pool earlier this week. Luckily no one jumped in before the proper authorities managed to detain it. I’m sure most of you know that the aligator has been removed and sent to the Reptile Center, which rescues animals and uses them to help educate children about local wildlife, but what most people don’t know is that the same local children that found the gator also made a petition to free it? They claim that Patricia, that’s what they named the alligator, deserves to be placed back in the wild with her family. They even made a hashtag. #freePatricia which is.. Dear lord it’s actually trending on twitter? And TikTok. Oh my god, middle schoolers are terrifying… The group calls themselves The Merry Band of Misfits and claims that we as a society need to stop bothering demonizing animals like Patricia. You know, just because she’s able to tear us to shreds. They claim it wasn’t her fault that she was in the local pool, and if anything, it’s the townhall’s fault because they built this pool in gator territory. Listeners, this whole town is in gator territory. Some of you might be wondering why these kids reported the alligator if they didn’t want to detain it, well they answered on their twitter posting, “We reported Patricia because she was in a public pool. She could hurt herself or others. When we reported her we expected her to be released to the local swamp. Clearly that didn’t happen. The Merry Band have told the mayor and the Reptile Center that they have two weeks to free Patricia or else they will take matters into their own hands. The Center nor the mayor have made any attempts to set Patricia free and it seems like Witherburn, along with half the internet, is going to find out what happens when this merry band takes charge. At least younger people are being politically active… I think?
Local sweetheart, Amelia Farrow-Garcia has announced that she is giving a free ballet lesson to any children in Witherburn that wanna come. Known mostly for her academic accomplishments, Amelia has also been recognized for her skills as a ballerina at, not just the local level, but the state level as well. Amelia claims that her goal is to make this style of dance more accessible to the children of Witherburn and to encourage children to try new things, especially in the arts. This is what she had to say:
“I know that dancing has opened many doors for me. It allows me to express myself and I’m forever grateful for it, but I also know ballet is a competitive world that doesn’t always open its doors to everyone. I wanna give these kids the opportunity to experience ballet and be a small part in making this dance available to everyone.”
Isn’t that sweet listeners? If your child is interested, then all you have to do is show up at Madame Grant’s Ballet Academy at four o’clock Saturday, August 21st. Amelia encourages everyone to wear suitable workout clothing and tennis shoes and suggests you bring a water bottle.
I just.. I wanna give my thanks to Amelia for this genuinely sweet gesture. Who knows? Maybe we’ll have a town full of ballerinas soon.
Speaking of announcements, town hall’s activity committee has just announced that Witherburn will be hosting a harvest festival this year. We actually used to host an annual harvest festival around forty years ago but we stopped because parents made the claims that the harvest festival invited bad spirits but that was also in the middle of the satanic panic so take those rumors with a grain of salt. It’s already caused a bit of ruckus with some of the older generations though, who still believe that the harvest festival is, for lack of a better word, cursed. Though most of the town is excited to bring back an old tradition. It will have a cake walk, pumpkin carving, as well as a corn maze along with many other fun fall activities. Perfect for a fall day out with the family. A date has not been chosen yet, but a sign up has been made for vendors. Sign up soon so you can reserve your spot.
Witherburn’s wannabe streamer, Chris Breckinridge, who is demanding to be called by his handle, Dyce, and I just need listeners to know that Dyce is spelled with a Y. Just thought that would paint a picture. Anyways, he is calling for Witherburn to make an e-sports team. Now, I’m actually all for this e-sports team. I’m not gonna sit here and bash the world of e-sports and honestly, I find it all quite interesting. What I do have a problem with is that Christopher- Dyce is planning on using this team just to grow his audience. A little birdie told me that he was in the hallway with his friends bragging about how when they win the state championship, that his sub count will grow for sure. He also made the claims that it doesn’t matter who joins the team because he is the “pog champion” and will carry them. Now I don’t know exactly what that means but it sure doesn’t sound good. Dyce needs at least ten individuals to create an official e-sports team at school and so far he only has two people signed up. So, I’m not liking his chances. But I could be proven wrong. Good luck to… Dyce.
I will never not hate having to call him that…
Now onto our main story, mysterious graffiti has been popping up all over town. Some spots this perpetrator keeps hitting are the local library, Mr. Farrow’s Bait Shop, and the Bog Monster Bar. Even when these places paint over or wash off this graffiti, the same message will be back only a day or two later. Though message might be a strong word for this because this graffiti seems to be a strange combination of letters. The local library keeps getting hit with O L J K W V L Q W K H Q L J K W. The Bait Shop keeps being vandalized with V W D O N B R X and the writing on the bar is W D N H B R X and that’s just so weird, right? Because, it’s not small graffiti. It’s massive and usually covers the entire walls of these buildings. So to have this obvious graffiti and not even make a statement out of it… It just seems strange. Though, these aren’t the only places that have been affected by this. They are just the only places with repeated offenses. Other places that have been vandalized are the diner, town hall, and the marina. The town hall has video evidence of the crime and in the video one person in a black hood and jeans can be seen. They’re holding a flashlight and a spray can. Sadly no one can be identified in the security footage. Maisie Sampson, owner of the Bog Monster Bar, also claims to have seen a hooded figure by the back of her business around 3 am when she was heading home for the night. She tried to go after them and presumably tell them to knock it off but they ran into the woods and Ms. Sampson couldn’t keep up.
Mayor Micheal Burnham has suggested a neighborhood watch in order to catch the assailant.
“Now see, this is how it starts. First it’s a little bit of graffiti, and all of a sudden they are robbin’ cars and stores and soon enough the whole town has gone haywire. I will not allow for Witherburn to go down this dark road. Not while I’m mayor.”
Now, one could argue that some bored teens aren’t gonna cause Witherburn to turn into a town of crime, but hey, I’m just an anonymous radio host, so who cares what I think?
Some people have said that this is a job for the police department, not the townspeople. Mr. Farrow has told some of his regular customers, and I quote: “I have a business to run. I have bait to catch. I am up at four o’clock and I don’t go home ‘til the sun goes down. I don’t have time to be roaming around trying to catch some hooligans.” But Sheriff Sinanger disagrees and has said they are busy solving the real crimes. They have to do the important work in this town. That work isn’t chasing down a bunch of rambunctious teens writing gibberish. Clearly, the entire town wants to fix this problem, yet they can’t decide how.
Listeners, I..
Listeners I just got reports that graffiti was found at the school. This message was found on that large windowless wall by the football field and it… Oh dear, it’s in large red letters that apparently, suspiciously, look like blood and it says “Monsters are here.” That’s.. that’s interesting. The vandalism has been reported to the police and they should be on their way over to check it out. Apparently there is a worry that it’s a threat to the school, but most likely it’s nothing. Either way the school board has called an emergency meeting on whether or not to cancel school on Monday.
Wow. Talk about a last minute development. Anyways if you see anything suspicious or if you happen to know any information, please go to the town website and report it. You can also sign up for the neighborhood watch if you so desire. Anything helps the town figure out this little mystery.
Our final segment is, you guessed it, Monster of the Week, brought to you by Mr. Pickler. Mr. Pickler sent this very long message over Facebook and tagged the local hunting club. “I saw a giant black-“ Yeah I was gonna try and do Mr. Pickler’s voice let’s just not talk about that pitiful attempt again. Okay?
Anyways Mr. Pickler said “I saw a giant black cat in those woods yesterday. It had eyes that looked into your soul. It was as big as my four-wheeler. You gotta go out there and catch that thing.”
Today is more of a niche monster, but it’s a personal favorite of mine because my grandfather used to tell me stories about it. It’s not a monster that you can easily find online and its story is mostly passed down orally like how my grandfather shared it with me. With all that being said, the monster Mr. Pickler is talking about seems to be the black panther. The story that I know of this beast is that it’s a large black panther that stalks in the night and will steal your dogs and chickens. Sometimes it will stalk people and my grandfather even claimed that one tried to attack him. They are apparently spotted in the woods often and many people after seeing them claim to have a feeling of being watched. Cryptozoologists and zoologists both claim the black panther isn’t actually a panther which, wow, those people actually agree on something. Though zoologists claim the best explanation for the black panther sightings is that black jaguars are being spotted as they move away from their native territory in Mexico and cryptozoologists claim that it’s actually a new undiscovered species that needs to be caught and brought in for research. Bad news for my grandfather and Mr. Pickler, but it seems like there’s no hard evidence that any such animal exists. Though I think it’s worth talking about this interesting bit of southern legend, which almost feels like a last bit of oral tradition that has survived in this new age of technology and information. It’s kind of amazing that everyone who has heard of this creature knows a different story about it because someone named crypticguy420 hasn’t made some stupid creature Wikipedia page about it. In fact my friend was telling me about how their mom had always said the black panther was more of a spirit sent to punish farmers, which is just such a wildly different story from what I know, but I can also see how they’re the same legend. I think the fact the stories are so different is what gives this monster life. You know?
I’m rambling aren’t I?
No one cares to hear me babble about oral traditions so I’ll wrap this up.
Witherburn, it’s been a crazy week, but that’s all the news I have for- wait. Wait, wait, that is so so stupid. Um.. small update about the e-sports team. Apparently there’s a full roster now. According to Chris, my “stupid radio show only convinced people to join so they can leech off my sweet sweet twitch clout. Suck it.” I will admit I didn’t expect people to join just because there is a small chance of Chris getting internet famous, but I also feel like this is yet another prime example of me not understanding and underestimating my own generation. I mean, I still think it’s stupid but also this proves I’m an outlier in my opinion.
With that, frankly bizarre, twist out of the way, I will give my goodbyes. This is all the news I have for today. I hope you enjoyed today’s after school news and that you will join us next time. This is The Reporter, signing off.
Witherburn After School News is written and directed by Jordan Oliver, edited by Francis Hughes. The title song is by Future Me. The Reporter is played by Jordan Oliver, Amelia Farrow-Garcia is played by Miranda T. Grauzas. Mayor Burnham is played by Damon Lynch.
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parisian-nicole · 1 year
Garvez: The Crash (Chapter 3/?)
Author: Parisian Nicole
Warning: Character Death
Summary: A plane crash in the snow-covered Denali Mountain with no rescue coming, the lone survivors must brave the brutal elements and try to trek down the mountain to safety. Will they make it or will the weather, wildlife, or very dangerous trail do them in?
Tag List: @darqchilddaydreamz
Read Chapter 1: https://parisian-nicole.tumblr.com/post/708212289496662016/garvez-the-crash-chapter-1
Read Chapter 2: https://parisian-nicole.tumblr.com/post/708344541811556352/garvez-the-crash-chapter-2
Chapter 3:
They had been walking for several hours straight at a pace that hadn’t warranted a need for them to stop for a real rest. Luke had purposely kept several paces ahead of Penelope which was an easy task as she struggled to move quickly through the near waist-high snow. She had asked him to slow down some a couple of times but he had ignored her. The truth was he wanted to stay a least four to five steps ahead of her in the event that there was some danger that wouldn’t be seen until they were right on it. But he continuously looked back at her to make sure she was still moving. A couple of times he had seen her stopped and bent over to catch her breath, but otherwise, she kept moving as he had told her they should. Now, they had reached a point where he could tell they were close to a ledge. His heart beat a little faster in excitement that they would finally be able to see something that showed civilization instead of nothing but snow.
“Penelope, we’re going to stop here a moment,” Luke called back to her and she looked relieved as she nodded and looked at him expectantly, and waited for him to join her and use his snowboard to maybe dig them a clearing to the ground so they could sit. “You stay right there,” He pointed at her as if doing so would show her he meant business and she was to do as he said. His instruction only made her frown in confusion. “I’m going to move ahead some.”
“Why?” She asked.
“I think we’re close to an edge and I want to get as close as I can and look over it, and see where we need to go. Hopefully, I’ll be able to see a town. But it might be too dangerous so you stay there,” She nodded.
“Please be careful,” She said as she nervously wrung her gloved hands together. He gave her a nod and then turned back to look ahead, then he slowly and carefully moved forward. He tapped a foot ahead to test the sturdiness before he would fully take a step. When he finally got far enough to be able to look out over the edge and down, what he saw completely broke his spirit. It made his legs give out and he fell to his knees. Penelope saw this and could sense his distress and so she cautiously moved to him. When she reached him and looked down at what he was seeing a part of her just wanted to throw herself over the edge. “There’s only snow and … and more mountain. Where’s the town, where are the trees … where is any kind of civilization?” Her shaky and fear-filled voice pulled Luke from his slight meltdown and he sniffed back tears as he stood up and turn to her. He grasped her about both of her arms and moved them back from the ledge. “Luke, are we going to die up here? I don’t want to die up here,” She sobbed out as she reached up and gripped his arms and looked up at him with wide frightened eyes.
“We need to keep moving,” Was his response because he didn’t want to lie to her nor tell her his thoughts in that moment, which were that ‘yes’ they would probably die up on that mountain. But he had no intentions of just giving up, sitting there, and waiting for death to come take them. He had always been a fighter, and with her with him he felt he had even more of a reason to fight, because he didn’t want to have to watch her die. He knew he couldn’t bear that, not even the thought of it. “C’mon, Pen, we have to keep moving. We’ll just keep walking North. Eventually we’ll probably find a river and the rivers always lead to civilization.”
“How do you even know we’re heading North?” Penelope asked as she allowed him to easily steer her and move them along the snowy plane, this time he walked arm-in-arm with her.
“I use my watch, it’s not digital, so I can use the arms to determine which way is North. Also, last night I saw which way the Sun had set, and also from where it rose this morning, and that told me where East and West are,” She nodded slightly at hearing this, knowing that he actually knew where they were headed made her feel a little better, but not by much. Then she suddenly stopped, bent over, fisted some of the snow in her hand, and lifted it to her mouth. But Luke quickly smacked the snow from her hand.
“I’m thirsty, Luke,” She whined out at him and he hurriedly pulled the backpack off and rummaged inside of it.
“Snow is mostly just air, in its solid state it’s not going to quench your thirst, but it will drop your body temperature and cause hypothermia, which we do not want. Hypothermia will kill us and fast,” He stated as he finally grasped the mug Tara had been using, which he had packed full of snow and then wrapped in clothing to try to warm. He shook it and was happy to hear the water sloshing about inside. “Here, drink this. It would be better if we boiled it first, but there’s no way we’ll be able to build a fire up here for that,” He said as he offered her the mug and Penelope yanked it up quickly and began to drink. After a few gulps she handed it back to Luke and he took one gulp and then bent over and scooped up more snow to refill it. He then wrapped it back in the clothing and packed it back inside the backpack. Luke then looked up at the sun and clouds in the sky. He speculated they had about four to five more hours until the sun started to set, and as he looked about, he could see no ledges or rocks that might offer them shelter for the night. “Okay, we’re going to head a few feet up this way,” He pointed and she looked with her eyes. “And I’ll start digging a snow cave for us to sleep in for the night. It’ll probably take me a couple of hours, so I think I should start now while we still have daylight,” He then moved them to where he had picked as a good spot. He dropped the backpack and pulled out the snowboard and stabbed it in the snow as Penelope stood nearby watching him from the spot, he had moved her to, while she hugged herself to try and shield off the cold. Luke unzipped and removed the jacket he wore and then he began to remove some of the extra layers of his clothes that he had put on.
“Why are you getting undressed?” Penelope asked in concern as she watched him.
“I don’t want to risk sweating while I’m digging,” He answered as he grabbed up the snowboard and started to dig down into the snow. “Don’t worry, I will put things back on if I get too cold,” He promised. “As I pile up the snow I want you to push it into a mound, right there,” He pointed to the spot he planned on tossing the loose snow. “Just pat it firm but not too hard that it might collapse, and just slowly go all around it and build it up into a big hill, okay?” She nodded her understanding and then he went quiet and continued to work. Within 45 minutes he had dug a 4-foot trench, and she had built up a big enough mound, as high as her waist and as wide as her height. Luke climbed out of the trench and inspected and pressed on the mound, until he was assured it was sturdy enough. “This is good, this is really good. We’ll give it five to ten minutes to harden more, it won’t take long in this frigid temperature. Then I’ll dig the opening and enough room for us to rest comfortably for the night,” He said as he moved to where he had put the articles of clothing he had taken off and started to put them back on again.
“Where did you learn how to do all of this stuff, in the Army?” She questioned as she rubbed her hands along her arms in the hopes the friction would generate some warmth. Now redressed Luke moved to her and he too began to rub her arms and shoulders as he pulled her into his embrace to help warm her.
“Yeah, I learned most of it in the Army, I didn’t put any of it to real use, though, until I was in the Fugitive Task Force,” He stated. “Some cases I had to track them into some pretty treacherous environments, and sometimes it could take weeks to find them.”
“Is that why you’re so calm about what’s happened to us, you’ve been through something similar?”
“No, no, I have never been through anything like this, and I’m only calm because freaking out isn’t going to help the situation.”
“You mean, you’re not freaking out to keep me from freaking out,” She offered with a small smile that he reciprocated. “It’s working, thank you. And I am really glad you’re here, Luke. If you weren’t here with me, or if I had been the only survivor, I would probably be dead already.”
“Naw, you’re a fighter and I know you wouldn’t have just given up,” He countered.
“I don’t know about that. I am just a techie Goddess but with our cellphones not working for us and my laptops destroyed in the crash, I wouldn’t have known what to do. I don’t know anything about surviving out here, and I would have never considered sleeping in the cockpit. I would have been too grossed out because there were two dead bodies in there. So, I would have just slept out in the half-opened plane, exposed to the elements. And I would have frozen to death. You saved my life, and you keep saving my life. Even though I know I’m probably just a burden for you and I’m slowing you down and-”
“Hey,” He quickly silenced her as he lifted his right hand to her left cheek and forced her to look up at him. “You are not a burden to me, Penelope Garcia,” He spoke to her in a hushed tone as if there were someone else around who might hear them, and he only wanted her to hear his words. “You motivate me. Honestly,” He took a deep breath and averted his eyes downward before he continued. “You are my only reason right now.”
“Oh, Luke,” She gasped out in surprise and sadness at not only hearing his despair but seeing it in his eyes.
“No, no, don’t you feel sorry for me,” He shook off her pitiful looks with the shake of his head. “You being my reason is a good thing, because I need a reason right now, I need the motivation, Okay?” She silently nodded her understanding to him. “All right, the sun will be setting soon and I want us to be inside shelter before that happens,” He announced and then moved back to the trench, hopped back down into it, grabbed up the snowboard and began digging a tunnel under the large mound.
[A Couple Of Hours Later]
“See, and you thought it was weird that I pack my dresses while still on wire hangers,” Penelope commented as she and Luke sat close together within the small space inside of the snow cave they had built. “Now, I bet you’re glad I did,” She added on and Luke smiled and nodded his head in agreement to what she had said even as he was now untwisting the wire hanger and bending it into the shape he needed. She then watched him as he stuck the tool he had made from the hanger up into the top of the cave. He then carefully drilled a hole in the top. “That’s a very tiny escape hatch, we’ll never fit through it,” She joked and he chuckled and relished a moment in the fact that she could find humor in their current situation, and at how she could still have such a calming effect on him when she made him laugh.
“It’s to help keep carbon monoxide from building up here inside the cave,” He replied and he could see her eyes widen in fear at what he had said. He then rummaged through the backpack and pulled out one of the first aid kits. He opened it and pulled out one of the three candles inside and the box of matches. “This will help too,” He stated and he began to dig a cove into the side of the snow wall next to him. Penelope watched him in silent fascination and amazement that he knew so much about survival. When the cove was the size that he wanted he stuck the candle inside and lit it. “If the flame flickers too much we’ll know there is a lot of carbon monoxide in here, and I’ll make a bigger hold in the top for it to escape. Also, the candle will provide some heat in here.”
“Oh, I am already a lot warmer than I was outside,” She said as she hugged herself and rubbed her hands up and down both of her arms. “This is very cozy and if we weren’t stranded on some mountain in the dead of Winter with no help in sight, this would be kind of nice … romantic even,” She readily admitted and then dropped her head coyly.
“Present company excluded, right?” Luke questioned with a kind smile and in a teasing manner, and his words brought a bubbly laugh from Penelope.
“No, you’d have to be included, because you’d have to build it,” She stated as she continued to giggle and he chuckled along as he nodded.
“All right, it’s a date then,” He said and her smile morphed a little into a nervous one at his words. “When we get home, the next time it snows and sticks, I will build a snow cave for us to have a cozy sleepover.”
“You mean if we get home,” She countered and he shook his head, reached over and cuffed her chin in his right hand to make her look at him dead on.
“No, I mean when we get home,” He repeated. “I really don’t want to die on this mountain, Pen. So, you can’t die on this mountain, because if you die I’d have no reason, remember?” She smiled kindly and nodded as she recalled their earlier conversation.
“Kind of sucks for you that God made me survive the crash instead of Tara,” Penelope joked somberly. “She probably would have been a more helpful ‘reason’ for you.”
“That wouldn’t have worked,” Luke said as he dropped his eyes and hand down to his lap, took a deep breath, and then looked at her again as he continued. “You were my ‘reason’ long before this crash, Penelope, not the result of it,” He could see that his words had genuinely shocked her. “We can have a more in-depth conversation about that if you’d like to, once we’re off this mountain, okay?” He then turned a little away from facing her to busy himself with setting up their sleeping position, but was stopped when she placed her left hand upon his left arm.
“No, I’d really like to have this conversation now,” She spoke softly and he bowed his head as he couldn’t look at her. “Please, Luke, tell me,” She coaxed more and he closed his eyes, took a breath, turned and looked right at her once more. “I know you are determined to get me off this mountain alive … and I believe that you will try your damnedest to do it. I trust you Luke, I trust you with my life, but … neither one of us is guaranteed tomorrow. Nobody is, and after Tara,” She paused and gulped back the sob and tears that wanted out. Luke hurriedly reached over and grasped her hand in his. “I now fully understand that all we really have is right now,” She finished her words and he nodded his own understanding as he continued to squeeze her hand.
“Okay, you’re my reason because I love you, Pen, and I would do anything in my power to keep you safe and make you happy. And when I say I love you I don’t mean in a good friends kind of way, although, I do love you as a friend and we are great friends,” He began to ramble nervously. “But I mean I’ve fallen in love with you too,” He then paused to give them both a moment; her to let his words sink in and him to allow his heart rate to slow and his frayed nerves to calm. He didn’t know if he would ever disclose these feelings to her, and seemed sure she’d never ask him to, yet here they were. “And you don’t need to say anything in return, I don’t-”
“I love you too, Luke,” Penelope quickly interjected and smiled a little at the shocked look Luke was giving her at that moment. “And it’s not just a friend’s love, it’s also a romantic love for me as well. And it has been for some time now, I was just too afraid to tell you.”
“You know you can come to me and tell me anything, right?” He said kind of changing the subject because he genuinely needed her to understand that he would always be there for her no matter what.
“Yeah, I know but my fear was more from the possibility of you rejecting me and laughing in my face, than from me actually telling you about my feelings.”
“I would never do that to you,” He frowned a little at the implications.
“Well, I’d actually prefer it if it’s how you truly feel.”
“It’s not, I’m head over heels in love with you, Penelope,” He said the words again and that time more easily, and he smiled a little at the way she blushed and cast him a smile that assured him she was not appalled or repulsed by it. “Wow,” She said with a giggle. “I don’t think I could ever get tired of hearing you say that to me.”
“I’ll say it everyday if you’ll let me,” He countered and she blushed some more.
“What stopped you from telling me before?” She asked as she was dying to know.
“Well, for a moment there I thought you really hated me,” He spoke as he leaned closer to her and nudged her with his left elbow. She smirked and rolled her eyes slightly. “Then when I earned your respect and then your friendship and had gathered the courage to finally ask you out … well, you know how our date went. You told me you didn’t see me in a romantic light, so…”
“Luke, I only told you that because that date was so awkward, I was uncomfortable and you looked like you really regretted asking me out. So, I thought I’d beat you to the punch and say I didn’t feel any romantic feeling towards you, even though I truly did. I figured it would hurt less if I told you the lie as opposed to you telling me what I thought was the truth, that you were just not as in to me as you thought. Then I got it into my head that you’d try to get me drunk and at least get a roll in the hay for your effort. And I know,” She spoke out as she placed her hand upon his arm again having seen his offended look at her words. “I know that’s not something you would ever do and I think I knew it then too, but …”
“But in your mind, in that moment, you had to make me that jerk you had perceived me to be when we first met, as a defense mechanism to shield yourself from getting hurt by rejection,” Luke finished for her and she smiled and nodded.
“Yeah, being rejected is a lot easier for me if I can find fault in the person dumping on me.”
“I get that but just so you know it was so uncomfortable because I was nervous, and I was nervous because I was thinking I had to be someone else to impress you. And I really wanted to impress you so fucking bad. Now I know I should have just been me,” She nodded her head to his assessment.
“Yeah, you should have because I really like ‘just you’,” She smiled sweetly at him. “And I shouldn’t have gone into our date with preconceived notions that you had some ulterior motive in asking me out.”
“So, you’re sorry and I’m sorry. Now, maybe we can try another date sometime,” He offered as he raised his brows hopefully at her.
“Sure, I’m free tonight. How ‘bout you?” She joked and he chuckled.
“All right then,” He then dug inside of the backpack while she watched him curiously. After a few seconds he pulled out two wrapped Danishes which had been in the large pastry basket in the kitchenette area on the private work jet. He had grabbed up all of the fruits, pastries, nuts, mini Keurig coffee cups, sugars, and creamers he could find. “I know that you have kind of a restrictive diet, but until we get off this mountain, you’re gonna have to eat what we have or can find,” Luke said as he offered her the sweet cake. She smiled and nodded her understanding as she grasped the cake.
“Thank you,” She then opened the wrapping and took a big bite into the pastry. Truth be told she was very hungry because they hadn’t eaten all day and had only drunk very little water. And at that moment Luke pulled out the mug with the water in it and settled it in between them. He then opened his cake and took a bite.
“So, Penelope,” He said and she looked at him expectantly. “Tell me something about yourself that I don’t already know.”
“Hmmm,” She sat a moment as she contemplated. “Well, did JJ or Reid ever tell you about how I got the job with the BAU?” He smiled as he shook his head. It had been something he had asked them both as they had been with the BAU even longer than Penelope had, but neither had been forthcoming. Both had told him to ask Garcia because it was her story to tell, but he had never mustered up the nerve to ask her. “Okay, well, I was actually brought in and questioned in one of the cases they were working,” She began telling her tale and for the next two hours they told each other stories about themselves that they had never shared before. And for that time both had forgotten their current circumstances as they just enjoyed each other’s company.
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sunmarketing · 1 year
SD Zoo Wildlife Alliance Part 1 of 2
Special Title: San Diego Zoo and Safari Parks Wildlife Alliance Part 1 of 2
  In this episode: 
The FAQ is: What is your purpose for traveling?
Today’s Special episode:  San Diego Zoo Wildlife Alliance Part 1
Today’s Mistake- Time zone mayhem
Travel Advice:  Prioritize Flexibility
  In this episode: FAQ What is your purpose for travel?
Answer: My purpose for traveling and especially solo travel, is to reach into places that may not be the most populated and to connect with women where they are to help bridge the culture gap.
World peace is the ultimate goal for seeing this through. If I can reach 1,000,000 women and help 1000 of them travel solo, that is my specific goal next year! I’ll be asking if and how I helped you.
Destination: Part 1 of 2 San Diego Zoo and Safari Parks is now the San Diego Zoo Wildlife Alliance
The Wildlife Alliance is trying to create a world where all life thrives. They have two front doors. In this episode, we focus on the Zoo, and in the next episode, it will be the Safari Park, formerly known as the Wild Animal Park.
Ambassadors are all around to help with saving, protecting, and preserving all around the world. Rick Schwartz is a spokesperson; if you call their website's phone number, you will hear all about their good works. You will hear about how the Northern White Rhinos are endangered. Wildlife rescue centers like this does research. It’s vet science on steroids. They are leveraging 100 years of wildlife science.
Several species are new and born at the park.
  It’s full of some of the rarest species. I will name a few animals, but you have to come to see them in person. The Wallabies,
Kangaroos and koalas are some of the best exhibits, so head to the Aussie side of the park, where you may find smaller crowds even on a busy day.
The gorillas and the chimpanzees are also lively, and the kids bounce around.
There is a free tram you can ride around the park. It is a stop-and-get-off anywhere you want. There are a lot of hills, so this does help with so much walking.
There is a paid guided tour you can ride as well. 
The elephants are easy to spot, and you see them pretty close up!
Me: My favorite places in the zoo are the koalas, where even though these animals sleep most of the day, they are still cute.
The girls' koala exhibit is one of the best.
I like to see the birds' exhibits here.
The main attractions are Africa Rocks, with baboons, lemurs, and leopards.
Polar Bear Plunge, with an immersive Artic habitat, and see the polar bears above and below the water's surface. 
The Skyfari Aerial Tram will take you over the wildlife habitats with a view of Balboa Park.
Today’s Mistake: Time zone mayhem
I’ve struggled with the right time zones for meetings and travel. Synching devices and software don’t work. If you frequently change time zones, you know how challenging it is. I arrived late for a big meeting. I arrived an hour ahead of time on another day. Remember to adjust for the time difference.
  Lessons Learned- Carrying too many bags
  My friend carried too many bags and could not carry them all in one trip.
They should have brought less stuff. Instead of bringing several items, they should consolidate and only bring the minimum needed. Even if you are traveling for a month, you can still manage with the minimum baggage. I traveled for a month with a personal item only. You can do it, too.
Today’s Travel Advice: Prioritize Flexibility
Like never before for a traveler, there are choices. Due to that, you should consider paying more for flexibility. What are some new variables? Airports may have a luggage malfunction; check-in times can be longer due to airport staffing shortages, and the weather can change quickly. You can pay for a partial refund or refund with a fee option. Airbnb's now have cancellation policies. Hotels are more flexible now. It used to be the other way around.
Connect to like-minded women and get inspiration from them through your journeys, big and small. Discover the many talents of others by asking meaningful questions about philosophy and not just the weather.
  I want to bring meaning to your travels.  Send questions and tips to [email protected]. We can connect on Facebook page, group, or Instagram. Subscribe to YouTube, Twitter, or other social channels. Find the 5 Steps to Solo Travel book series on Amazon. The show notes have more details.
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Authors will be revealed next week!  For now all fics are anonymous.  Treats can be posted through author reveals on 2/21.  We will post an updated masterpost at that time.
To Find Your Kiss collection on AO3 | Treats Masterpost
- Reap the Stars for abbytheatre08
The prompt: After Ben's death, Rey goes mad and turns to the dark side. Only Ben's not dead anymore. ----------------------- She is consuming fire, magnificent in her rage. She will burn the galaxy to its foundations, until the ashes rain down and pile high as mountains. She will gather them into bouquets and scatter them like petals upon his grave.
He will be remembered, and they will not.
Call him The Light Bearer and Joy Giver. Call him He Who Loved and Laid Down His Life. Call him Ben.
- we are question marks that hang above the endless unexplained for AlwaysEverlark
The first time she walked into his club, she was looking for a job. Kylo took one look at her—the stubborn pout of her lip, the determined glint in her eyes, the ruddy glow of her face where the sun had kissed it—and swallowed a lump in his throat that was shaped like the words you’re too good for this place.
They needed a singer. Kira Johnson could hold a tune, knew the old standards, and had a knockout pair of tits to boot. A few slinky ballgowns and a touch of lipstick, and she’d more than do the trick of distracting suckers long enough to part them from their money.
The club solely needed to break even; anything they made on top of the Syndicate’s cut was gravy, and Kylo Ren had been lining his pockets with his own take for long enough that he could see Kira for the lump of clay that she was: rough-hewn, misshapen, but soft and supple and sure to curve under his touch.
- Eighty Bucks Says Sweetheart for Amoreusou
Ben likes puzzles. Rey needs help with a bunch of them. Good thing it's a slow day at the office.
- Seldom Visions for Andrina_Nightshade
After visiting an old Sith temple, Supreme Leader Kylo Ren has fallen into a deep sleep when he pricks his finger on the point of a red crystal. Rey become is the first to find him, but his rescuer isn't just any general or pilot, it's the woman he shares a soul with, who haunts his waking hours, who still sees him even in his sleep.
- The Dyad for aneighthdomain
Based of the Prompt: Groundhog Day scenario. Ben and Rey keep getting sent back to the first time they met and no matter what they do, Ben always dies so they stop trying to change events and just live a life time in the year between and couple of weeks and run away together.
- Saudade: The Love That Remains for AnneAnna
- The Delegation for aNerdObsessed
A humanitarian delegation from Naboo arrives at Niima Outpost. Rey is skeptical, to say the least.
- i don't want you like a best friend for anopendoor
It’s not like she hadn’t seen this coming—Rose told her weeks ago that he was invited. It was an inevitability Rey was always going to have to face, she just didn’t think that Rose would be so merciful as to also give every guest a plus one.
But Rey can’t really be upset—and she is totally, unequivocally not upset—that Ben's bringing someone because, well.
She is, too.
- Love is Weakness for bittersnake
“He’s someone I found on my recent trip to Corellia,” Rey replies placidly, her face practiced in its boredom. “It doesn’t mean anything.”
“Love is weakness,” her grandfather reminds her, the way he has for years. It’s why he doesn’t love her. He will not be weak. It’s why she doesn’t love him, either.
- in sickness and in health (with health being less likely) for BlueButterflyKisses
Deciding to spend the rest of their lives together is the easy part for both Rey and Ben; the trouble is in how to propose.
- Snowed In for Blueyedgurl
Never in her wildest dreams did Rey Johnson think she would ever get to meet her favorite other Kylo Ren. She also would have never entertained the idea of the scenario she found herself in. How did a hike in the woods lead to a snowstorm and taking shelter in a remote cabin in the woods? The idea was so ridiculous but had become reality. Stuck inside with a handsome stranger surrounded by a winter storm, Rey wonders what will happen with no power and only one bed. Will they be polite co-habitants stuck in a strange set of circumstances or is there room for something more?
- Curses, Comforts and Capybaras for Bombastique
Arrogant CEO bites off more than he can chew when he angers a witch... And suddenly finds himself transformed into a capybara. Can kindhearted wildlife rehabber Rey Niima help him break the curse?
- To Heal a Broken Soul for Cat2000
Ben survives the fallout of Exegol, but his connection to the physical world is in danger. Rey tends to him as she searched for a way to heal him.
- holding me like water in your hands for Ceallaigh
After Hux finds out Ben killed Snoke, Hux encases Ben in Carbonite. Rey refuses to let Ben stay frozen forever so she mounts a rescue.
- Like a Thief in the Night for chagrins
Their bond won't let them be alone. At least this time it's the middle of the night and they can't get into a shouting match.
- The Chance for Crysania
When Rey and Ben, long time co-workers who have never been able to admit their feelings to each other, go on a weekend retreat to work on a movie adaptation script together, a Nor’easter leaves them snowed in. On Valentine’s Day.
- Awake for cuddlesome
Something inside him is awake, and something inside her is about to wake up.
An alternate interrogation scene.
- darkness rises, and light to meet it for czechia
After the throne room, Jedi Ben Solo and Kira Ren meet again a year later.
- Not Quite a Fairytale for DarkMage13
Rey lets a stranger use the phone of the café she works at late one night. It changes the whole course of her life.
- You Won't Escape Me ('Cause I Set You Free) for DoorKeeper9
- The Canvas of Your Skin for darlingreadsalot
She was incapable of touching him without drawing blood, it seemed. Lines like vermillion paint streaked where her fingers sketched down the contours of his face, his back, and now his chest.
In which a Force bond is splintered, a resurrection goes wrong, a kiss is forgotten, and two almost-lovers avoid speaking for the better half of a year.
- Fleeing the Storm for driverfever
As the granddaughter of an merciless aristocrat, Rey’s life hangs on a thread at the hands of the French Revolutionaries. When her childhood friend, Ben, offers to platonically marry her in order to take her to his home in England to safety, she has no choice but to accept.
But her suitor and revolutionary Hux won’t give her up so easily. Hounded by revolutionaries and falling in love, Rey and Ben must use all their wits to flee Paris and make it to England.
- Equal Measure for dustoftheancients
When Princess Rey of Coruscant calls upon the cursed Sir Kylo Ren to help her escape her grandfather the emperor’s political machinations, she discovers freedom in the ancient familial magic that binds them together.
- Benimina Solo's Late On-Set Force Ability for Evangel10n
Benimina Solo has never, not even once, had an ounce of Force Sensitivity. She's done a great deal to move on with her life after failing out of her uncle's Jedi training school. So when Rey Palpatine comes into her life and suddenly everything changes, she's not a happy camper.
- Splatter for expendable
“You’re Palpatine’s girl,” he says coldly.
“His chief of staff, yes.” Rey’s eyes narrow. “And you have your hand on my ass, Kylo. Kindly take it off.”
“Or what?”
AKA powerful corporate rivals Kylo and Rey put the hate in love/hate.
- The Haunted Mirror for FangirlintheForest
When Rey travels to UK to attend the reading of his grandfather will, a grandfather she didn't know existed until that very moment, she finds a house, and a old story that will haunt her...
- i'm your secretary for firelord65
Kaydel pressed her lips together in a thin line, passing a pile of datapads over the desk. “I don’t know what that pretentious nerf herder has put into your brain, but these are tales of the key roles women have played in past rebellions.” She stood, tapping the pile. “They’re great reads,” she added, with a pointed raise of her eyebrow.
- and they danced across the sky for flipflop_diva
When he was still a child, he constantly watched the blue butterflies as they danced in the sky.
They seemed to be calling him, aiding him each instance that icy-cold darkness flowed through his very veins. The magnificent creatures saved him from the voices. They drowned out the incessant chatter in his head. Temporarily cleared away all the anger. During those brief respites, watching those blue wings flutter in the sky, Ben felt free.
But that’s another life. Another world. Another time. Another, another, another.
And Kylo's no longer a child.
No. He welcomes the darkness now. Embraces it.
- Finding The Answer for FrenchMartiniPlease
Rey pines for Ben Solo…so why does her soulmate mark always drain of colour whenever she gets close to him?
- Almost Unforgettable for HopeRebel
The woman in the mirror has blood on her clothes, cash in her bag, and a letter from her husband telling her it's better to forget. Well, he got his wish. She forgot everything-- including her name. And she wasn't the only one afflicted.
It'll take the combined efforts of gumshoes, a flatfoot, a washed-up Hollywood starlet, and more to get to the bottom of this bad business. In the end, these things always come back to the beginning.
- The Curl of a Sigh for irridesca
During the last song in Maxine’s set, a song she announces is called “Soul Companion,” Ben heads back out to the lobby to look for Rey. He finds her not with his eyes but with one broad shoulder, when he bumps into her and knocks her gig bag out of her hands and onto the plush carpet.
- and they were roommates for Lady_of_Haven
When Ben loses a bet to his roommate, Rey, he has to eat her out for 30 days.
- torn away from you (my heart is broken) for lakerose
The Force binds more than minds.
- If You Take Me for literallynoonecares
She sighed wistfully as she watched her two friends lean in toward each other as they danced, their lips meeting and melding together as they seemed to become one person instead of two separate beings. She had seen them kiss so many times, but this kiss … it was special.“I just want someone to kiss me like that,” she mused softly to herself, her eyes not leaving her friends.“I could make that happen if you wanted.”
- 3 Days in Vienna for Like_A_Dove
Kylo Ren, trained mercenary Alpha assassin, is on a mission—assassinate Chancellor Palpatine and bring his underground authoritarian regime to an end. It’s what the First Order demands, for the better of society.
It should be an easy task. He’s been getting close to the Chancellor and his cronies for years. So how is it that the unexpected appearance of an Omega, with a seemingly similar mission—and a wholly inconveniencing scent—become a distraction he hadn’t accounted for?
- Confidence and Desire for LittleLostStar
“Stay afraid, but do it anyway. What’s important is the action. You don’t have to wait to be confident. Just do it and eventually, the confidence will follow.” - Carrie Fisher
- Love brightens even the most monstrous parts of ourselves for LRRH17
No one knows since when the giant, black bear has lived in the forest near Theed. Many stories about the origin of Kylo Ren circulate in the small village. After Rey has run away from Jakku, and arrived in Theed she has heard them all of, but has never actually meet the creature. This changes when her and her friends get attacked by bandits on their way back from Otoh Gunga.
- Your Sweetness Comes With Sugar on the Side for Lutrosis
Rey's daughter loses her mother as she wanders around the Supermarket. Ben finds her and the two connect over both being Type 1 diabetics. They find Rey, and Ben and Rey are instantly smitten. As they date and fall in love they discover that Jade and Ben are connected more than they thought and healing is brought to the Solo/Skywalker clan.
- Allegories, or Allusions to Real Life for maq_moon
“Boys, please stop arguing.” Rose rubbed her temples. “Poe, we get it, you’re childhood best buddies, you’ve got a better grasp on his character than some rando of a rando you met at a party. Finn, for fuck’s sake, we’ve been working with Ben for months. I’m pretty sure if he’s a serial killer or whatever, it would have come out by now.” Finn sat back in his seat, grumbling. “Not how serial killers work.” Rey was going to have a headache if this continued any longer, so she lied through her teeth at the reality of a new player joining their D&D party. "He seems nice." She didn’t trust a single inch of skin on that man. "I'm sure it'll be fine."
- A Mad Man, with a Box for MBlair
Rey and Ben meet, move in together, get engaged, and marry.
- Invite the Wild In for midwinterspring
Kylo Ren, the mysterious senator who appeared from out of the deserts of Jakku and somehow brought them back to life, has spent a long and unproductive session on Hosnian Prime. Now, it's time to go home. After all, there's someone waiting for him and so much for them to do together.
(The ancient Sith had some interesting rituals.)
- Purim Party for MissCoppelia
Rey goes back to visit her foster mother for a Purim celebration. She meets Ben Solo who's visiting his parents, who are friends with her foster mother. They have an attraction to each other right away, but try to play it cool.
- The Banished Heart for misszeldasayre
On Rey of Niima’s nineteenth name day, Jakku gains a new wizard.
Jakku is a withering outpost of the kingdom, and its people hope the new wizard - the mysterious Kylo Ren - will bring them the rains the land needs to heal. Rey is a lonely, clanless girl living in Niima, and she has a secret. One she hopes the wizard will be able to help her with too.
- The Smuggler's Bride for MyJediLife
Miss Rey Nemo is the new mistress of Manor Takodana, left to her by the late Lord Skywalker. When a strange man named Kylo Ren appears on her doorstep, she decides to hire him as her new groundskeeper. As Rey faces sinister threats and secrets are revealed, Kylo Ren may be the only person who can save her.
- Annabel Lee for myownlittleinfinity
Rey keeps finding these ... notes in her locker. She doesn't quite get them. They seem like love notes, but she doesn't know who they could be from. Meanwhile she's paired up with Ben Solo (who hates her despite her gigantic crush on him) for this English assignment. Who knows how THIS will go.
- with my body i thee worship for niennathegrey
Miss Rey Nemo is the new mistress of Manor Takodana, left to her by the late Lord Skywalker. When a strange man named Kylo Ren appears on her doorstep, she decides to hire him as her new groundskeeper. As Rey faces sinister threats and secrets are revealed, Kylo Ren may be the only person who can save her.
- the losing game for no_big_deal
Sith Princess Rey Palpatine is given a peculiar gift for her Life Day: a Jedi. Not only that, one who is boorish, spirited, and stubborn. But, he presents an opportunity: one that could liberate her from a life under the thumb of her grandfather. She has seven weeks to change his heart before all her freedom is taken from her - forever.
- standing right in front of you for notkellymarie
When Senator Solo's engagement is pushed forward, he and his Jedi bodyguard, Rey, travel to Naboo alone for the announcement ball. The pair despise each other, constantly bickering and disagreeing with each other, which makes spending extensive amounts of time alone together all that more difficult. Until of course, one of them breaks...
- the good, the bad, and the smuggling for OccasionallyCreative
Ben Solo is a seasoned smuggler. And he’s not bad at it, either. But when bounty hunter Rey offers him a temporary partnership he can’t refuse, Ben will find himself pushed to the limits of his skill, patience, and resourcefulness on a job that’s dangerous enough to be his last.
It’s like his dad used to say: bounty hunters are nothing but trouble, kid.
- Whatever our souls are made of...his and mine are the same for Padawan_Writer
Ben and Rey meet only after Kylo has defected from the First Order and returned to the Resistance and his mother. Will the dyad still find a way to be?
- They say that only the dead have seen the end of war for politicalpadmé
“He traded his life for mine,” Rey choked, stomping back and forth in front of him so fast he could barely keep track of her. “He died. He died so I didn’t have to—and it’s not—it’s—after everything he’s gone through—it’s not fair.” Tears were running down her cheeks now, and Poe wanted to do nothing more than hug her, but there was nothing he could say—nothing she would want to hear. Poe remembered all the people he’d lost, all the times he had raged and screamed and cried about the unfairness of it all. “Leia sacrificed herself to bring him back,” Rey declared suddenly, ceasing her constant pacing around the fire as she looked straight at him. “And he sacrificed himself for me—and now no one’s going to know. All he’ll be remembered as is Kylo Ren, but he was—he was so much more.” She exhaled with a shudder and whispered, “He was a part of me, and I—I don’t feel whole without him.” ~
A Force Ghost Ben/Rey love story, with a side of rebuilding the galaxy.
- Cicatrix for Priestly
Getting cut up by Rey on Starkiller awakens something in Kylo.
- I Will Always Be With You for Prix
But she wouldn’t be able to hide her pregnancy for much longer. She was starting to show, and her friends would start asking questions. She would have to give them answers, some of them would not understand, and none of them would accept.
She carried his child. The tiny spark of light woven with darkness, just like her. Just like his father.
The world has gone dark More times than you Or your mother Or your grandmother Can remember. And every hurricane That was meant to be The end of it all Had instead ended In sunshine again.
So believe me When I say; You will survive this And the next one too.
World’s End—Nikita Gill
- all my daydreams are disasters for QueenOfCarrotFlowers
During her search for the infamous Luke Skywalker — the man who predicted a devastating earthquake in New Madrid, Missouri — Rey finds herself entangled in Luke’s family history and with his brooding nephew, Ben Solo.
- on what ground I was founded (when I first saw you) for redbelles
Kylo dreams of Rey after the Battle of Crait. And the yearning is mutual...
Some Force Bond dream smut inspired by "Shrike" and "NFWMB" by Hozier.
- Last Summer for Reykenobi68
Rey had started to get used to Ben not living next door anymore by the time the holidays came around. Then he's back for the holidays. Rey is really expecting things to go wrong after the way he left at the end of the summer. ut is it really going to be that bad.
- The Long Way Home for reylotrash711
In the aftermath of Exegol, Ben and Rey are divided by misunderstandings.  It will take time and danger for them to work things out.
- Under the moonlight for shariling
I don't know why I followed you here. She wanted to reply. Maybe because you're so tall I couldn't help but notice you. Maybe it's because of your hair or the way you move, or maybe it's because of that kind of melancholic look in your eyes. There is something about you that I find terribly attractive and I don’t know what it is: maybe the moon or the alcohol or the wolf I have met before infected me with some strange parasite and now I am hopelessly attracted to dogs, I do not know. She could have said one of these things, any of them, instead she said: “I've never bitten anyone before, and I want you to be my first.”
- Fallen for shipperofdarkness
Prompt: Devil!Ben and Angel!Rey or Angel!Ben and Devil!Rey. How do these two on completely opposite sides fall in love and defy worlds to be together?
- come away with me for silentfleur
Rey owns a tinker shop, but her life changes when she meets Ben Solo and is cursed by a witch. Not necessarily in that order.
- A Picture of Me Without You for SpaceWaffleHouseTM
"I suppose I'd somehow struggle through / But I'd hate to picture myself without you."
It's impossible not to have a soulmark. It's not a big deal, not in the lax and gin-soaked speakeasies of 1920s Manhattan, but it's still a heavy weight to bear, as Ben Solo and Rey find out side by side.
- Lips Raw With Love for stellardarlings
Their kiss on Exegol wasn't their first kiss...
Nor would it be their last.
- Everyone Makes Divine Mistakes for Takekurabehime
Jedi Knight Ben Solo is sent to Naboo on an errand of mercy (and to visit his grandparents). He arrives in springtime; but will he be able to complete his mission without finding himself distracted and bewildered when love and intrigue waft through the fragrant air?
- Glitter & Gold for TearoomSaloon
Rey is lead singer in an up-and-coming glam metal band. They've finally got steady performances, but that means playing at the same club as the Knights of Ren, whose lead singer definitely isn't interested in any competition.
- To kiss like lovers do for the-reylo-void (Anysia)
Ben and Rey spend their formative years growing up together in Medieval Scotland and it looks like they will end up together. Circumstances intervene and Rey loses her chance to be with him. Devastated, she carries on until the day clan Ren attacks Castle Jakku lead by the notorious killer Kylo Ren.
- Snow Turns To Rain for thehobbem
For a moment, he wanted to ask what she meant, but if he was being completely honest, he already knew.  He asked himself that same question over the years, and none more often than tonight, since seeing her again.  Was leaving worth it?  Was going their separate ways worth leaving each other?
 “I’m not sure,” he said finally, shaking his head.  “I’m happy...” he said, and she tensed a little, so he continued, “with my work.  I’m glad I’m doing what I love, but....”
 “But it wasn’t the only thing I loved.”
- Change the Dance for theresonatinglight
- Meet Me in the Woods for thewayofthetrashcompactor (BriarLily)
“What do you mean no one goes in there?” A chuckle. “It’s haunted. People see all sorts of weird things in there and some don’t ever come out. You’re better off living with your curiosity.” Rey wakes in a shadowy forest with no memory of where she came from, only her name. With the help of the resident guardian she takes a journey to figure out her past, and maybe even discover her future.
- permanent calligraphy (your name on me forever) for Thursdaygirl
As they continue to work together, two things become clear. One: Ben Solo is an enigma. He’s preppy yet humble, privileged yet introspective. He’s the opposite of lazy; she kicks herself every day for assuming otherwise. And two: Ben Solo will never love her.
- show me the stars. for tmwillson3
“I don’t hate Christmas, I just don’t love it the way you do.” Lifting his head, he pulls a face, loosening up a tangled ornament of a poodle with pink, curly fluff. Rey snatches it from him possessively, tossing it back to the cart. “No one loves it the way you do, to be fair.”
“Now that’s the truth,” says Poe, who Finn invited about half an hour ago to keep him company.
“People have bad taste, I don’t know what to say.” Huffing, Rey scrolls through her phone with more intent. “Neither of you are helping me, anyway.”
“What’s the problem?” says Poe.
“Rey thinks her hot neighbor hates her —”
“He does hate me.”
“ — When really he’s been flirting with her for the past, oh I don’t know, how long have you lived there?”
- I realized that I need you, I wondered if I could come home for VR_Trakowski
Rey is doing exploration work for the Resistance, searching for force sensitive planets so any force sensitives that they find have a place to train.
One day, midflight she finds a slip of paper with the elegant scrawling words of the ones that came before. The ones that she found when Ben still roamed the galaxy.
When she lands on a dark and barren planet she is forced to face the feelings she thought she buried.
- Shadows of the Moon for walkingsaladshooter
The hallways got darker, the corridors grew longer. Shadows stretched across the walls. The ghosts of Breha Manor grew each night.
Rey clutched her necklace. Ben met her gaze.
And every night, there was weeping.
- show the way (the world could be) for writergenie
In the aftermath of the Battle of Crait, Rey struggles to find her place among the Resistance. However, her lingering Force bond with Kylo— Ben— whatever name he calls himself— complicates things, blurring the line between friend and foe.
When the tension threatens to boil over and a desperate plan goes awry, Rey begins to wonder whether there really is a line between light and dark after all.
(Stars do burn brightest in the blackness of space.)
- why don't we go (somewhere only we know) for XarisEirene
The bond snaps back into place, even stronger than before. He is here. With Rey, yes, but with Luke - Luke, who is looking at them now with that same dangerous glint in his eye that haunts Ben’s dreams.
- renewed, transfigured, in another pattern for yodalorian
Rey mourns on Tatooine while Ben is stuck in the World Between Worlds. But neither of them are alone, and blue butterflies light a path back to each other.
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cmweller · 3 years
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Challenge #03130-H221: But We Love Them...
The crew ends up getting stuck on a Level 2 Deathworld and the Humans tame a few of the large omnivores and train them to be ridden. At least until rescue arrives.
"No you CAN'T bring it with, Humans!" -- Anon Guest
Over half of the plantlife was generically toxic. The other half had to be processed in order to be edible more than once[1]. The wildlife was neither shy nor retiring. So, of course, the Ships' Humans flakking loved it, there.
Humans. Place them in an area with unfamiliar and likely hostile wildlife, turn around for two seconds, they will have tamed something. Such was true of the Riding Hogs, so named on the Walks Like A Duck Principal[2]. Trying to tell the Humans that they were not pigs was a wasted effort. They were now and forever Riding Hogs.
They also had cute names, like "Snuffy" and "Twinkle". Much to the captain's regret. Calling a one point five sidu[3] creature with obvious fangs and a burning hatred in their eyes "Fluffy" was counter to so many sensibilities. Nevertheless, they were also majestically useful. The harvesting range of the gung-ho Humans expanded to an astonishing degree.
[Check the source to see the full story]
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if you have a question about aussie slang, for a fic or whatevs, please just ask i don't know all of it, but we do have some fun words and sayings that are day to day statements
esp. the more rural you go
not everyone has the full accent though, because you do get a lot of pressure at work to come across... professional or whatever.
the only one i've never been sure of being an Actual Phrase, or if it Became A Phrase after popularisation on a tv show, is "Stone the Flaming Crows" bc a dude from Neighbours used to say it frequently.
examples of day to day stuff i can think of right now
mad as a frog in a sock (angry about something, went off, off the shits)
mad as a cut snake (usually means 'they're nuts', but can also mean they exploded with anger, usually contextual)
she'll be right (it's fine - can be a flippant statement, can be reassurance, etc)
drongo / galah - (idiot, not very smart, wanker, etc)
dunny = toilet
thunderbox/outhouse / long-drop - usually outdoor toilet
dry as a nun's nasty / dry as a dead dingo's donger (I am thirsty, or It Is Hot AF/we need rain so bad)
chuck a u-ey (do a u-turn)
Oi! (Hey I want your attention/i was surprised, general exclamation, stop that, you are in a lot of fucking trouble mate - depends on the tone of voice and volume) like "OI!" says aunty ruth has just found her dentures in jello and she knows you did it, etc
Bugger off (go away, or sometimes a statement of disbelief)
Yeah nah /Nah yeah (can mean yes, no or maybe depending on what was said directly before the statement)
you cant pull the wool over my eyes - you can't lie to me like that / i can see you are not telling the truth
shut your gob / put a sock in it / put a cork in it - (shut up / shut the FUCK up / close your mouth or i will shut it for you) depends on tone
Ya wally (you idiot)
Roo = kangaroo
o = can be affixed to anything to shorten it at the servo - gone to the service station, arvo - afternoon, smoko - morning tea, bottlo - where the grog is
goon/goonsack - wine in a box
grog - alcohol
stubbie - beer, ususally
boardies - board shorts
rashie - swimming shirt,
slip, slop, slap - ancient proverb for avoiding sunburn. singing pelican.
thongs - footwear
sheila = female / woman, don't hear this a lot at the moment tbh except in certain contexts or from specific people
'Getting rowdy' = things are heating up, people are riled up, a fight is about to/has just broken out, etc.
DJ's like a mad cunt = one very specific meme about a bad PM we had like 10 years ago. i can't tell you how many PM's ago, it's been game of thrones here lmao
Beyond the black stump / Out whoop-whoop / references to timbuktu (quite a distance away)
strewth!/crickey!/bloody hell - (exclamation of surprise, expletive replacement, etc)
flat out like a lizard drinking (tired / drunk / exhausted / sleeping)
pull a harry holt - (I've heard a dozens variations of this one, it means Go Missing / Disappear, often used as a joke. PM Holt went swimming one day and disappeared)
have a stickybeak (to poke your nose in/investigate/look around)
chuck a wobbly/throw a tanty/chuck a tanty/throw a wobbly (throw a tantrum, i have legit never seen anyone successfully deescalate a situation by telling someone not to chuck a wobbly or throw a tanty, go figure lmao)
bogan - (very specific kind of low-income, generally white, people. sort of like rednecks, but with more stereotypical aussie features like a mullet, singlet tops, sunnies, stubbies, etc. tend to fall under the liberal party ideology - who are our republicans... )
ankle-biters / rugrats / little takkers / gremlins / nippers - (kids, usually the littler ones)
tiff - argument, small fight (had a tiff, had a row)
pav = pavlova
piss/whizz/take a piss = going to pee
vegemite - delicious
Kiwi = New Zealander
Banana benders - the disrespectful bs that apparently other states call anyone living in Queensland, the wankers
station - farming areas that have sheep or livestock usually, have farmhands etc.
dole bludger(s) - (anyone on Centrelink, whether they want to be or not, with no other employment. but like, a lot of people on centrelink have a job that does not cover enough and need additional financial supports to meet a minimum wage, or are students or apprentices, etc. there are people who go on centrelink on and off to avoid engaging in the jobseeking stuff, they are the real dole bludgers, but a lot of richer people tend to call anyone on 'welfare' bludgers)
don't you come the raw prawn with me - (do not lie to me / don't try that shit with me, mate / I wasn't born yesterday /etc)
dak/dack - to dack someone is to come up behind them and yank their pants down (or skirts). Often taking out your boxers, too.)
budgie smugglers - (speedoes, male swimwear)
togs/toggs or cozzie (swimwear, any kind. cozzie = costume)
mozzie - (mosquito)
better than a kick up the backside /better than a kick in the arse - (pretty self explanatory, one of those phrases parents use to get slightly hurt kids to start laughing and/or coworkers to commisserate about new work rules, etc)
I wouldn't piss on (name) if they were on fire - (self-explanatory, you hate them, or they're a useless tit or an insufferable person /a suckup etc, and you would gladly hand them a match)
one for the road = getting a drink for the road, usually. can also make a joke of it like, "one last piss for the road" = I'm going to the bathroom before I leave
here's your handbag, what's your hurry - probs not an aussie phrase but a common joke in my family
So like, there's some words and items from Australian Indigenous culture that often get used wrong in stereotypical characters, like saying 'gone walkabout', using 'cooee', making digeridoo jokes, and making some really uncomfy 'savages' statements can be very disrespectful. You might want to go looking into Australia's fucked up policies and historical (and only recent) situations before starting any arguments about this stuff... in many ways it mirrors the cruelty of american colonisers to native american peoples, etc.
Avoid some phrases. Your character gone to cool their head? He's gone off on to soak his head, or he's on his bike (gone away) but he'll be back... You can use 'Oi, dickhead!'
Please don't mock the names of towns or places, they are often the names from the traditional custodians and inhabitants.
Random things:
We drive on the left side of the road, driver's side reversed.
More of our cars are automatic than manual. Utes aren't atypical, but bigger vehicles are out in rural areas because more than a few of the rural roads are poorly maintained or dirt, with potholes that yoyo your soul into your body.
If you have a character on a long drive on a non-highway, or rural road: +if you are on a one-lane road and someone is comingthe other way, you both move half-on, half-off; for big vehicles or trucks, you can choose to pull off completely and stop. Just for safety, esp. in rain, fog, mist or late at night. +at one-lane bridges, you have a give way sign on one side. if you want your characters to have a moment of 'pause to look at each other while driving' or 'a quiet moment of reflection', have them wait for another car or truck to pass from the other side. These can be a few metres long, to like, a really long bridge. +They may pass markers that say 'flood level marker' with numbers of 2, 3 or 5 metres. Could be useful to remark on if your fic needs a reason for them to have a crisis. +Bushfire warning signs (from Low to Catastrophic) are frequent +Animal Crossing signs are very frequent, and often have a wildlife rescue number on them +Water restriction signs are in most small towns, they range from levels 1 to 6. This can change what the characters are allowed to do with water in little towns, etc. +You may occasionally find a small servo and one or two houses. +pubs don't open/won't serve alcohol until after 10am. the joke has always been, 'beer on your cornflakes' but you will never be able to actually get that unless you preplanned the night before in your hotel room. +Around dawn and dusk, a lot of animals like hares, kangaroos, wallabies, sometimes echidnas and koalas and little numbat things, and snakes and bushmice will be close to the road. Sometimes dashing across. They do not react logically to cars approaching, and will leap out at random. Hares do this zigzag nonsense. If you need the character to hit the brakes frantically, or swerve, this is a good reason. If you are ever driving here and see an animal on the side of the road, flip lights to low beam, slow down and watch to see how they react. If you can. If there's a truck blaring down on you, you may not be able to.
+Emus are in more rural areas. Echidnas sometimes appear on fringes of towns though.
+Kookaburras are a lovely creature, I have rescued a few and they are nice... but their laugh is very grating when it goes off super early in the morning. They eat snakes (good) and baby birds (not so good).
+Lots of snakes round here. LOTS. Carpet Snakes are pretty common, red-belly black snakes, eastern brown (big danger!!!), whip snakes have declined in my region, keelback snakes, this one black and white banded one we found deceased, etc. Snakes can climb, snakes can SWIM. Putting something that stinks around a campsite MAY help, but not always.
+Never go swimming in a dam you don't own, and that hasn't been checked, and if no one knows where you are. How deep is it? What's on the bottom? How stirred is the water? etc.
+Kangaroos CAN drown you. They have perfected this attack, and will do it to humans, dogs and other pursuers alike. They can also eviscerate you with their hind paws or shatter your ribs with a kick. The 'boxing' they do is exceptionally violent. This seems to surprise people, but like, giraffes can kill each other by slamming their heads into each other, you think a 7 ft swole motherfucking cryptid can't do harm? They can be lovely tho, if they trust you. But DO NOT GO PETTING WILDLIFE.
+Dropbears, austrilanicus vericanthus bitus, are real. We do make jokes about them, but they are a Problem. The pee on yourself thing won't ward them off, that's more about working out which tourists are the most gullible (and if they run with it, the moistest) lmao. Akubras and other thicker-layered headwear,
+We have wild dogs and feral pigs. Do not fuck with the feral pigs, some are HUGE, and no... they're not just pigs who escaped farms, these are MASSIVE motherfuckers who will Get You if they See You. Rustling in the night outside the tent? Good Luck.
+Koalas should not be picked up directly. They have claws, and a lot of them have chamydia. I mean if a character saves one in a fic that's fine I guess, but like... someone's getting antibiotics after that lmao. They are bigger than you think, dumber than you think, and sometimes they have to be chased across a highway with a windscreen cover bc they're not very bright and keep failing to climb metal fences, lmaoooo
+Towns of about 20-30k will have more shops (some franchise, some local owned), servos, fast food places and usually at least two to three shopping centres. Usually small level entertainments like a cinema, or local groups. +Towns with 10-20k, may have one or two major shopping centres, servos (tracks and RVs catered to), possibly a maccas, and the majority of stores will be local-owned. May have a cinema, but not one that has the newest releases. Local council may have more festivals, or 'that one thing they're known for'. +0-10k towns have a small local store, prices usually a bit higher. A servo, often with capacity for trucks. Local festivals. Characters can cop a bit of side-eye in these places, esp. if they don't fit the traditional ideas or are loud/violently american. +Grey nomads are a thing. Old people with fancy caravans who drive So Slow, and move all around aus. Several refused to stop during covid and it was like, WHO DO YOU THNK WE'RE TRYING TO KEEP ALIVE BY STOPPING YOU MOVING THROUGH MULTIPLE TOWNS???
+Some rural areas have legit red dirt, its always super cool to look at. Some places have light brown to dark brown, some have more chalky colours or yellowish dirt. Depends.
+Reminder: Australia has very specific gun laws, if your character/s have weapons then they may need to be sneaky or store them specifically in the vehicle. Although if you're talking about like, mad max type rules, then who cares. But if you have them get into a gun fight in a town, the police will come, etc.
Dunno, just ask if you have a question... just trying to think of random things to paint a picture if you have a character over here for a roadtrip or mission or whatever.
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365days365movies · 3 years
April 8, 2021: Swiss Army Man (2016) (Recap: Part One)
Don’t think about the Boy who Lived.
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Daniel Radcliffe is a talented actor with a wider range than he’s given credit for. He’s been working since childhood, and has picked up quite a lot over time. While most famous for...a certain role that will go unnamed...he famously started his stage career in 2007 with the musical Equus, and that later progressed to How to Succeed in Business Without Really Trying, Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead, and Endgame.
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Meanwhile, he also made appearances of television in varied roles, live-action and animated. He started his career in an adaptation of David Copperfield in 1999, voiced a character on The Simpsons three separate times, hosted Saturday Night Live in 2012, and also currently has an excellent role in the anthology series Miracle Workers.
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And MEANWHILE, he also had quite the robust film career, especially after...the role which shall not be named. There were a few films made during that time period, like December Boys and The Woman in Black, but most of his time was understandably taken up, as was his public image. That, of course, ends in 2011. The first time I saw him in a role outside he who shall not be named was in the film Kill Your Darlings, about the collegiate career and romance in the life of famous gay poet Allen Ginsburg. It was very good!
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The same year, 2013, he starred in Horns, a unique fantasy film that I considered watching for Fantasy March. His film career would be full of ups (The F Word, Trainwreck, Lost in London) and downs (Victor Frankenstein, Now You See Me 2, Playmobil: the Movie oh God REALLY JESUS). And right in the middle of those came one of his most famous weird roles. And that’s today’s focus. And I’ve been wanting to watch it for YEARS. And while we’re talking about him, let’s talk about this film’s other star: Paul Dano.
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Dano’s career also began young, and in the opposite way to Radcliffe’s: in theatre first. After a stint on Broadway at the age of 12 (GODDAMN) in Inherit the Wind, as well as several other productions, he transitioned to film in 2000, around the same time that Radcliffe started as well. Eventually, he gained acclaim with his role in Little Miss Sunshine, and then...anybody else in the mood for a milkshake right about now?
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Yeah, I haven’t seen that movie, but I really should this year. Consider it on my list...at some point. I’ll figure it out. Anyway, Dano’s role in There Will Be Blood only increased his acclaim, and found him acting in a number of indie films. Dano’s definitely not a blockbuster guy, but that’s not to say that he completely avoids them either. He’s been in Knight and Day, Cowboys and Aliens, and Looper, which all fall under that category. And except for the last one...they aren’t especially good, either. 
But again, he was also in 12 Years a Slave, Okja, Wildlife, Where the Wild Things Are, and Meek’s Cutoff, and all of those were critically acclaimed, and some almost reached blockbuster status themselves. So I don’t really know how to feel about his upcoming role as...the Riddler.
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Yeah, we’ll see, but I’m holding my breath. Dano’s great, and I love the Riddler, but...I dunno. Like I said, we’ll see. But in the meantime, that’s enough navel-gazing. Let’s watch Swiss Army Man! SPOILERS AHEAD!!!
Recap (1/2)
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We begin at sea. If you have thalassophobia, this is already terrifying for you. After seeing many plastics floating on the ocean, covered in written messages, we make our way to a deserted island, where Hank Thompson (Paul Dano) is committing suicide after being stranded there for so long.
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However, as he does, he spies someone lying on the beach. The rope snaps, and Hank runs over to greet the body, hoping that he isn’t dead. Unfortunately, after a very loud burst of flatulence, it’s pretty damn clear that this is a dead body. And yes, this is Daniel Radcliffe, but I’ll introduce him formerly when the time comes.
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Hank’s sad that the guy isn’t alive, but still speaks to him about his hopes and dreams in the past. He’d always wanted a life of parties and friends and love, and imagined that he’d see that kind of life in a flash before he died. Instead, he only saw the body, who responds with yet another fart. But with that, Hank goes back to trying to hang himself. 
And as he does...the body keeps interrupting with its INSANE gas. Like, it’s so bad that the body keeps shaking as if it were alive. The body washes into the sea, and its flatulence begins to propel it away from the shore. Hank sees this, and he uses the humming he was doing to make the Intro Song, which is strangely mesmerizing? Like, literally soundtrack-worthy, I’m not kidding. He also grabs a piece of his noose, uses it to grab onto the body, and rides it as the farts propel them both far away from the beach. It’s absolutely absurd...and kind of great. And then the titles play.
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Hank wakes up on the short of a different island, or possible a larger land mass, and is overjoyed by the change in scenery. He shouts his name to the world, and credits the body with his rescue. No longer stranded in the Pacific, as far as we know, he tries to use his phone, to no avail. He decides to head out and look for help, grabbing a bag of Cheetos that washed up alongside them, bids the body farewell...and then comes back for it.
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Carrying the farting body on his back (and kind of treating him as if he’s alive), he wanders through the forest to find help. He wonders if the gas is the result of decomposition (likely, if excessive), or if its the body’s soul leaving it. Either way, the trudge forward. They settle in a cave for the night, as it rains heavily outside. As Hank is want to do, he hums to himself, and shares more of his personal life with the body, as he sings to it. And yeah, I’ve been linking to these songs, because the soundtrack is genuinely fascinating to me.
Morning comes, and Hank awakes to a raccoon prying at the body, which he subsequently chases for food. In his desperation for food and water, he’s once again about to leave the body in the cave, but notices it leaking copious amounts of water from its mouth, which it had collected from the cave walls overnight. And yes...he drinks it. Which is absolutely disgusting when you think about it, which I now choose NOT to.
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In the process, Hank squeezes the body for more water, and air escapes his mouth in such a way that it sounds like it’s speaking a name: Manny (Daniel Radcliffe). From that, Hank gets the body to speak his name and a simple greeting, but grows frustrated from the inability of the body to speak properly. This leads to him being a bit abusive towards him, reminding him unfavorably of his own father. Ooh, character revelations, me like.
Anyway, he apologizes to Manny for treating him that way...and Manny responds. Which FREAKS HANK THE FUCK OUT, understandably, and he punches Manny and flees the cave. As he comes back, Manny is indeed speaking outright, which is either a miracle or Hank just straight-up hallucinating. Either way, Hank asks Manny to try and remember his past life, but all he can get is the vague recollection of the Jurassic Park theme song. But Manny can’t remember the movie itself, which is when Hank says the most correct line ever said in all of film.
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You’re goddamn right. Anyway, from, there, Hank tries to teach Manny about the ways of the world, and the nature of life and death. And the resulting conversation is absolutely fuckin’ ridiculous, and I love it all. Through the process, Manny learns about the world, and Hank asks him to help get home.
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In the process, Manny inadvertently insults Hank, causing to walk off and once again look for help, only to eat poison berries and throw up for a sec. The two reunite, and their conversation turns to the topic of sex. See, there are some magazines in the cave that they’re in, which prompts some questions about women, sex, and love. To both of their surprise, this conversation causes Manny’s heart to beat! Spurred on, Hank continues, and Manny’s heart appears to reawaken...as does his penis. That’s a link to the soundtrack, I promise.
Hank and Manny both freak out, as his little Manny seems to have a mind (and motility) of its own. But in the ever absurd nature of this movie’s premise, this too has a secondary function: it’s a compass. Yup. And that prompts the next step of their journey, which is full of a conversation about fetishes and masturbation. Yeah, Hank’s surprised about that, too.
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This leads to a conversation about his parents, as well as somewhat traumatic parts of his childhood, including his mother’s premature death. This makes Hank upset, and he lashes out at Manny, who briefly returns to being dead until Hank apologizes. As they go on, however, they encounter another denizen of the forest: a bear. This causes the two to fall off a cliff, and causes Hank’s phone to fall out of his pocket and turn on, allowing Manny to see the picture of a girl on his background.
Manny’s enraptured by the picture, and constantly asks to see her again, as Hank continues to struggle for food. The problem is that Hank needs to conserve the power on the phone, but Manny asks if Hank can dress up as the girl in order to help him remember, and bring him back to life to help save them both. He does so reluctantly, but Manny calls him beautiful, to which Hank reacts positively. This not only helps Manny come to life a little more, but also leads Hank to shave to look more convincing for Manny...and possibly for Hank, too.
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As these two engage on a fake date and create a fake bus (while Manny listens to a fake self-sung cover of Cotton Eye Joe that I’m putting on my playlist), this is a good time to mention the one thing I know about this movie...maybe. I don’t quite remember where I heard this, but I have heard that this film is possibly a commentary on the transgender experience, or at the very least that Hank is transgender, but hasn’t come to terms with that as of yet. Now, I don’t know if that’s true or not, but I have heard that, and I’m definitely interested to see if that’s the direction this goes. This scene definitely seems to somewhat confirm this theory. Also, I will say (as I have said before when watching The Danish Girl), I’m a straight dude of the cissexual sort, so this is in NO WAY in my wheelhouse, but I still figured I’d mention it.
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We’re also at the halfway point now, so this would seem like a good time to pause for Part 2! See you there!
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potionsprefect · 3 years
Locked In (Ethan x F!MC)
Pairings: Ethan Ramsey x Victoria Clarke, Danny Cardinal x Sienna Trinh
Summary: Two young children are brought to Edenbrook suffering from a deadly disease. Can the team control it before time runs out?
Word count: 4.3k
Warnings: mentions of disease/illness, angst
A/N: Back at it again with a fic from A03. This one was inspired by ER episode season 8 episode 22 and season 9 episode 1. Also, imagine a world where the senator attack happened but Danny survived. I think we could all do with some more Danny x Sienna content.
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Chapter 1- Fight to Survive
“Where’s my patient from exam one?” Jackie Varma said at large to the staff around her.
“Discharged herself. Had to get home to pick her kids up from school.” Danny Cardinal said not looking up from the computer.
“Damnit.” Jackie sighed taking a seat.
“Tough case?” Victoria Clarke said standing next to her.
“Something like that.”
“Wanna talk about it?” Victoria asked.
“No it’s ok. I’ll move on.” Jackie smiled.
“Doctors why are we sitting around, I think we have patients to see.” Zaid Mirani said handing out charts.
No one argued with the senior doctor. He was right but he’d never sat down once. It was a surprise to everyone that his legs hadn’t clotted up in the years he’d been working.
“Doctor Trinh, lab test back on the kid in exam three.” Danny handed Sienna a sheet of paper.
“Thanks Danny.” Sienna smiled and headed off to see the said patient. Danny’s gaze lingered on her as she walked off and when he turned away he was met with the amused faces of Jackie and Victoria.
“What?” Danny said turning a bright shade of red.
“Are you ever gonna act on your instinct?” Jackie chuckled.
“What do you mean?”
“She likes you. And we all agree you’d make a cute couple. So hurry up and do it already.” Jackie grinned.
“Plus we’ve got a bet on with Aurora and Elijah who think she’ll act first.” Victoria smiled.
“I have a patient that needs an IV.” Danny said hiding his red face and embarrassment as he walked away.
“Nurse Cardinal is busy doctors why aren’t you?” Doctor Ethan Ramsey said walking up to the two ladies.
“You call it busy, I call it ‘making an excuse to avoid answering a relationship question’ Doctor Ramsey.” Victoria said.
“He doesn’t let it affect his work. Who’s the lucky lady?” Doctor Ramsey asked with a small smirk.
Victoria pointed to Danny who was chatting to Sienna. She was laughing at something he said.
“Called it from the beginning.” Ethan said.
“Since when are you aware of hospital relationships?” Jackie asked.
Ethan didn’t answer instead he shot Victoria a quick glance before excusing himself to check on a patient.
“Him as well? I thought Ramsey was married to the job.” Jackie huffed.
Victoria didn’t answer, she was busy watching Ethan walk away. “He’s clearly aware of hospital gossip.”
Jackie wasn’t listening at this point. She had her head in another chart when Bryce’s voice suddenly broke the silence.
“Alright what’s the big emergency I’m here?” Bryce winked.
“Possible gallstones in exam four scalpel jockey.” Jackie shoved a chart in his hands before wandering off to the vending machine.
“Damn what’s got her so twisted?” Bryce said sitting down.
“A patient discharging herself without her approval.” Victoria replied.
“Happens all the time. People get sick of staring out at Massachusetts. They’d rather be exploring it.”
“Doctor Clarke rescue 7’s coming in with two children, suspected chicken pox, eta 2 minutes.” Marlene turned to Victoria.
“Their parents called 911 on chicken pox?” Victoria asked.
“Apparently they’ve got a high temperature. Plus their parents say it looks more like pus boils rather than red marks.” Marlene replied.
“Okay page Dr Ramsey.” Victoria said.
“Right away Dr Clarke.”
Victoria headed out to the ambulance bay and waited for Ethan. The cold November air ripped through her and she folded her arms, trying to keep as warm as possible.
“What have we got?” Ethan asked.
“Two children suspected chicken pox.” Victoria said. When Ethan looked at her bewildered she continued “yeah I know but Marlene said the parents think it looks worse than it probably is.”
“Give them some cream and be done with it. There could’ve been a sick patient out there who didn’t get the ambulance they needed. Now we’ll have to deal with the body that rolls into Edenbrook when the patient was delayed necessary medical treatment.” Ethan rolled his eyes just as the ambulance parked up. Rafael Aveiro jumped out the drivers seat, a concerned look on his face.
“You took the chicken pox case?” Victoria asked.
“Two children, Nathan aged eight, Rosie aged six. Bad spots, high temperature. We don’t think it’s chicken pox.” Rafael said.
“What do you think it is?” Ethan asked.
“See for yourself.” Rafael said a grave look on his face as he opened the ambulance doors. Victoria and Ethan’s jaws dropped at what they saw.
Two children were bundled up in what looked like duvet covers. They had big white spots on their face, arms and legs. Rafael’s colleague Tamara also had a grave look on her face.
“Oh my god.” Victoria breathed.
“Is it what we think it is?” Tamara said.
“Yes, park up the ambulance and find an empty room even if it’s a trauma room. Victoria go grab those tubes from the lounge and bring them to exam five. And tell admin the protocol.” Ethan said picking the girl up.
Victoria ran back into the building trying to squeeze past as many people as possible. She burst through the doors of the lounge and searched for the white tubes that the hospital were sent every month. When she found what she was looking for she hurried out the room.
“What’s happening? Why was Ramsey rushing through here with Rafael and Tamara?” Jackie asked as all the other doctors and nurses looked at her for an answer.
“Lock the doors, don’t let anybody leave, move all stable patients out, close us to trauma and call the contacts in the emergency response book. And page Ines and Zaid.” Victoria said holding the tubes.
“Why what’s going on?” Bryce said.
“We’ve got two suspected cases of smallpox.”
— — — — — — — — — —
Donned in the necessary protection equipment, Victoria entered exam five where the two young children were sat with their parents. Both children were pale and wheezing, breathing in and out slowly.
“When did you first notice the spots?” Ethan was asking the parents. Victoria put oxygen masks on the young children.
“How are you both doing?” Victoria asked them.
“I feel really tired. And these spots are itchy.” The young girl spoke.
“Don’t worry we’re going to help you. I need you to keep these masks on ok?” Victoria said stroking her hair.
“Is this because we played outside with the other children?” Rosie asked.
“What do you mean?”
“We played football with the other kids in Kenya. They said they weren’t feeling well. Have we got what they got?”
“That’s what we’re going to try and find out. Ethan.” Victoria motioned Ethan away from the prying ears of the parents and the children.
“Four days ago the spots came up. Four days! And they waited until now to call 911. They should’ve brought them in themselves.” Ethan complained in hushed tones.
“Ethan they were in Africa. Kenya to be precise. They played outside with other kids who had symptoms. They’ve caught it off them.” Victoria said.
Ethan was silent. He looked at the children who were being comforted by their parents then ran a hand through his hair.
“Oh god ok uh, go and tell Rafael and Tamara. Get hold of their supervisor and tell them the rig needs to be scrubbed down. Are public health on their way?” Ethan said.
“Hopefully. I’ve paged Ines and Zaid. What about Naveen?” Victoria said.
“No. He’s not coming near here. Get someone to get ahold of him and tell him not to come in.”
Victoria entered trauma one where Rafael and Tamara were sitting on a gurney. “You guys are stuck here. It is suspected smallpox. Get your supervisor to decontaminate the rig.”
“It’s gonna be stuck there. We obviously can’t move it.” Rafael said.
“We’ve closed to trauma. Nobody’s coming in or out.” Victoria said putting protocol wristbands on Rafael and Tamara. “Did they say why they were in Africa?”
“Dad works for a wildlife conservation programme. It was either go with him or the children don’t see their dad for ten months.” Tamara sighed.
“Their breathing is shallow. There’s still a chance though.” Victoria said.
“This feels like…. like last time.” Rafael sighed.
“No Raf. Don’t think like that. We’ll fight it just like last time.” Victoria reassured him. She knew what he was thinking and she’d be lying if she said it didn’t cross her mind.
“Are they gonna be ok?” Tamara said.
“I hope so.” Victoria said. She walked out the trauma room and headed back to admin where everyone was sorting everything out.
“We’re closed to trauma. That was a fun conversation with Mass Kenmore.” Ines said.
“All the elevators are closed off. Doors are surrounded by the police department. No one gets in, no one gets out.” Elijah said.
“Look I don’t care where your administrator is we’ve got suspected smallpox cases here now get your asses down here otherwise we risk exposure to the city!” Zaid slammed the phone down on its hook.
“Public Health are on their way. They say to lock it down.” Ines said.
“The entire hospital?” Sienna said.
“The ER.”
“Are we 100% sure? Smallpox has been eradicated. There’s a vaccine for it. We haven’t had a case here since the 1940s. Are we not jumping the gun?” Zaid said staring at Victoria.
“Go and look at them in exam five. All the suspected signs and symptoms. This thing killed half of Europe. We can’t risk exposure to the city.” Victoria said.
“Looks like my gallstones operation will have to be put on hold.” Bryce said.
“Who’s gonna explain to them that they can’t leave?” Jackie nodded by the door.
Outside the police were standing blocking anyone from leaving or entering. Police strips were being put in place and people were anxiously looking between the door and the doctors.
“Where’s the tannoy? We had it here before.” Ines said looking between the shelves.
“Try the lounge.” Zaid replied.
“What are their symptoms?” Sienna said to Victoria.
“Fever, high temperature and white spots all over their arms, legs and face. It’s all there in black and white.”
“She’s right.” Danny replied obviously googling the said symptoms on the computer.
“Right well you’re gonna need our help. Bryce, Elijah you help Ines reassure the patients what’s going on and inform public health when they get here, find the other doctors and nurses on this floor and see if there’s any extra security to guard the entrance doors. Sienna, Jackie, Danny, Marlene they’re gonna need all the help they can get. We’ve got Rafael and Tamara to look after as well.” Zaid instructed.
“Where are the extra masks?” Sienna said.
“Try curtain one.” Zaid replied.
Everyone went into action but Victoria’s eyes were glued to the entrance doors. She could see people asking the officers what was going on, the crowd being pushed back further.
“Hey, we’ll solve it. We’re gonna be ok.” Bryce put a comforting hand on her shoulder.
“It, it just feels like last time.”
“I know it does. But you got through it and you’ll get through this.” Bryce said.
Despite her fears, Victoria knew he was right. There were two sick children counting on her to help them. The entire ER was preparing for a situation like no other. They were all in it together and no one was being left behind this time.
— — — — — — — — — —
Victoria watched the breathing of Nathan and Rosie. It was shallow but they were still alive, that was the main thing.
“We need a list of anyone you’ve come into contact with. Have they been to school or seen any friends since you got back?” Ethan asked the parents.
“They went to school a couple of days after we got back but they were off from last Wednesday with a cold. Then the spots appeared on Thursday. We thought it was chicken pox.” The dad answered.
“Any other family members or friends?” Ethan asked, Victoria could hear the agitation in his voice.
“Ross’s family came to visit the weekend we were back.” The mum answered.
“Do they live nearby?”
“No they flew in from Ohio.”
Victoria and Ethan shared a startled look. “You need to contact them and tell them to isolate as quickly as possible. Get them to contact the airline and tell them the flight number they flew on and also get in touch with anyone they might’ve come into contact with. Get them to tell people what’s going on and so on. ” Ethan said.
In the other room, Rafael and Tamara were having their temperatures taken and their blood pressure checked.
“Both BPs are fine your temperature’s a little high.” Danny said.
“Ok monitor them and check again in the next hour.” Sienna nodded.
“It’s become national. Family travelled in to visit from Ohio.” Victoria said opening the door from the next room.
“You’re kidding.” Rafael gasped.
“Go tell Ines.” Victoria said. Jackie nodded and hurried back to the admin desk. “How are you doing in here?”
“As good as can be. High temperature but normal BP.” Danny said. “What about the kids?”
“Shallow breathing at the most.” Victoria replied.
“I wonder how long we’ll be stuck in here.” Tamara wondered.
“We’ll all be together at least. Can’t die from boredom.” Rafael nudged her which made her laugh a little.
The sound of commotion from outside the room caused them all to turn their heads. They could see people arguing as Zaid and Ines tried to calm them down whilst explaining the situation. Ines reached for the tannoy and her voice rang out.
“You may have noticed we have security at all entrances and exits. There is a potential public health concern which is why for your own safety we are asking that no one enter or leave the building. We apologise for the inconvenience and we are working to try and get this solved as quickly as possible. But we need you to work with us. If we work together, we can get through this otherwise we could be stuck here for a long time.”
Ines’ words did not help calm down the crowd. The minute she finished speaking they started protesting and arguing. Victoria teared her gaze away from the window shaking her head. “I don’t blame their frustration. Little information doesn’t help.”
“We’re on the news.” Jackie said entering the room, wearing her protective equipment. “CNN are outside the hospital. Aurora is outside as well as Naveen. They’re talking to Harper who’s by the emergency door on the OR floor. He doesn’t have a clue what’s going on.”
“I thought someone called him and told him not to come in.” Victoria replied.
“We did but you know what Naveen’s like. This is his ER. He doesn’t want to be left in the dark.” Jackie said sighing.
“Victoria Nathan’s sats are dropping.” Ethan said from the other room. Victoria rushed in followed by Marlene and Jackie. “Take Rosie to trauma two, we need to work on him.” He instructed Marlene.
“Pulse ox is 82.” Jackie said looking at the machine.
“Go grab a paeds intubation kit.” Ethan said, Jackie hurried out the room.
“What’s happening?” The parents asked.
“Nathan’s not getting enough oxygen so we need to intubate him to help him breathe.” Ethan calmly explained.
“He has to be put on a machine?” Ross asked.
“If we don’t intubate him right now he’s going to die.” Ethan said. Victoria and Jackie looked at each other unsure if Ethan handled that well.
“Oh my god.” Imogen, the children’s parents gasped and headed to the door on instinct. Victoria understood why she wanted to get out there as soon as possible.
“Don’t leave the room! You’ve been exposed to a deadly airborne disease.” Victoria stopped her from walking out the door.
The three doctors worked on the young boy trying to get him stable before the lack of oxygen caused much further consequences. Jackie hung IV’s whilst Ethan slipped the tube down his throat. Once the tube was attached Victoria squeezed the bag trying to get as much oxygen back into Nathan as possible. A few seconds later, the beeping of the machine slowed down.
“Pulse ox is up to 95.” Jackie smiled.
“Nice work ladies.” Ethan smiled at the two younger doctors, his gaze lingering on Victoria. He moved out the way so Nathan’s parents could be closer to his bedside.
“I’ll go check on Rosie.” Jackie said leaving the room.
“Let’s check on the paramedics.” Victoria turned to Ethan.
Rafael and Tamara were lying on two separate beds, Sienna and Danny were sat on the floor.
“What is going on out there?” Ethan asked as he heard the commotion.
“People want to leave but they can’t. Tempers are flaring.” Sienna replied.
“They’re hungry too by the sounds of it. You know we’re on the news.” Rafael said.
“Of course we are.” Ethan sighed running his hands through his hair. These kids belong in the P.I.C.U., they’re both critically ill.”
“Doing that would mean exposing the rest of the hospital. Are you willing to take that risk?” Victoria looked up at him.
“Doctor Ramsey you know you can’t. There’s sick patients all around the hospital.” Tamara sat up.
“Go ask Naveen, he’ll know what to do.” Victoria reassured him. Looking as if he could kiss her, Ethan withheld himself and hurried out the room to call Naveen. Just as he left, June and Baz entered the room, covered in protection.
“Where do you need us?” June said.
“How did you get here? I thought you were upstairs.” Victoria asked.
“Word of advice. Never piss off an angry Brit.” Baz grinned looking at June.
“Yeah well we are a force to be reckoned with. Still, my words forced them to let us here otherwise I’d send information out to every British newsroom and explain how the US government withheld a potential health concern from the public.” June shrugged with a smirk.
“Nice one.” Victoria smiled. “The younger one’s in there. Her name’s Rosie and she’s six. Older brother had to be intubated after his oxygen levels dropped. Both are critical.”
“It is what everyone’s been saying isn’t it?” Baz asked.
“We think so. It doesn’t look like anything else.”
The two doctors nodded and headed into the next trauma room to see Rosie. Victoria looked out the window where Ethan was on the phone. He made eye contact with her and shook his head. This can’t be good. Victoria thought. She left the room and was met with ambush.
People began crowding round her but she was quickly pulled from the crowd by Ethan who had the megaphone. The surrounding doctors tried to calm down the people so Ethan wouldn’t have to use the megaphone but the people weren’t cooperating. Ethan’s voice suddenly ripped through the megaphone.
“Listen! We have two critically ill children with what looks like smallpox. Now most of you will probably have heard of it but have never seen it live and that’s because there hasn’t been any cases of smallpox in the United States since the 1940s-“ the rest of Ethan’s words were drowned out by the complaints from the crowd, most of them losing their temper at the fact that they allowed a deadly disease inside the hospital. Before Ethan could attempt to drown them out and finish what he was saying June had strolled out of the trauma room and taken the tannoy out of Ethan’s hands.
“The American’s tried to tell you now the Brit is going too. And this time you’re going to listen.” June glared at the crowd. The doctors and nurses around her looked shocked but impressed
“Who cares about the Brits?! There’s a reason we won the independence war!” Someone from the crowd cried.
“That was 300 years ago it’s the 21st century! There’s two young children who are very sick at the moment. We know you’re frustrated but spare a thought for the parents who don’t know if their children are going to survive. We’re not denying you your rights, this is about helping you. Now if you work with us, trust me, this will be over a lot quicker. Let’s work together so we can get through this.” June said.
The atmosphere had changed. People were mulling over June’s words. They didn’t know the ill patients were children. Suddenly it made things much more realistic. People retreated to their beds or the chairs in the waiting area much quieter than before.
“Damn June that was badass, remind me to never piss you off.” Elijah grinned.
“Where’d that come from anyway?” Bryce grinned.
“Never piss off the British. We are lethal.” June smirked as she retreated back to the trauma room to look after Rosie.
“How’s everything out here?” Ethan turned to his fellow colleagues.
“The crowd outside are getting restless. We’ve got critical patients outside as well who never got the call to say we were closed to trauma.” Zaid said.
“Why is Naveen outside? I thought he was told to stay at home.” Ethan said.
“You know what he’s like, he doesn’t want to be far from the action. He’s tried to come in several times but the officers have held him back.” Ines said looking at the crowd outside.
“Good. He’s vulnerable if he’s exposed to this.”
“Sam Palmieri from Public Health, we’ll take over from here.” A man in a white coat walked up to the doctors with a clipboard in his hand. “Where are the patients?”
“Exam five and trauma two, both critical.” Ethan said. The man then walked off in the direction of Nathan and Rosie. The phone then rang making everybody jump.
“ER? Dr Emery? Yes I know but we’re struggling down here too. We’ve got two- yes we were asked to do that take it up with public health if you don’t like it!” Ines put the phone down and put her head in her hands.
“What did Harper say?” Ethan asked.
“She wants to know why it’s 100 degrees up in recovery. Public health asked us to turn the air conditioning off so we don’t blow the germs around.”
“Well that explains why we’re all sweating.” Victoria sighed.
“Doctor Ramsey! Nathan’s siezing!” Sienna cried from down the hall. Victoria and Ethan sprinted back towards exam five, barely registering the sound of glass smashing as they hurried to Nathan’s side.
“What happened?” Ethan asked as he and Victoria put on the necessary protective equipment before rushing into the room.
“His sats have dropped and he started seizing.” Sienna explained.
“Give him two of Ativan quickly.” But the seizing was the least of their worries. The sound of the monitor averted their eyes.
“Lost a pulse.” Victoria said.
Sienna started on CPR as Ethan hurried to try and get as much oxygen into Nathan as possible. In the corner of the room. Imogen and Ross huddled together, their eyes rimmed red.
“Have you got the crash cart?” Ethan looked up at Sienna.
“It’s in trauma two.” Sienna looked at Victoria. Victoria nodded and hurried to the room to grab the necessary equipment. The seriousness of the situation was now escalating fast.
“Woah crash cart?” Baz said as Victoria wheeled the equipment.
“Yeah we’ve lost his pulse.” Victoria said trying not to let her voice betray her feelings.
“We’re in v-fib.” Ethan said. He charged the panels and they shocked the young boy.
“Nothing.” Sienna said, squeezing the oxygen bag.
Ethan did this multiple times before finally after what felt like hours, the monitor beeped at a regular pace. Victoria, Ethan and Sienna breathed a sigh of relief.
“We’ll have to watch him very closely now. Go be with the others, I’ll watch him.” Ethan smiled at the two younger doctors.
Victoria and Sienna retreated to trauma one where the others were. Everyone looked exhausted, still trying to come to terms with what was happening.
“They’ve broken the vending machines outside. Everyone’s hungry.” Danny said.
“Did you manage to get him back?” Rafael asked.
“Yeah but he could have brain damage. Seizure and a loss of pulse is never a good sign.” Sienna replied.
“You did what you had to do.” Rafael smiled. Before anyone could speak Ines dialled the phone outside the room and pressed a button that allowed her to talk to those inside the trauma room. Bryce, Elijah and Zaid were all with her, they all had grave faces.
“We have to evacuate. Public health have said this has gotten too out of hand, with it now being spread as far as Ohio, not to mention everyone here being exposed to it.” Ines said.
“Just the ER?” Victoria asked.
“The entire hospital.” Ines sighed.
Nobody spoke for a few minutes. This was now a drastic situation. What would happen to all the patients in other parts of the hospital?
“The children are going to be moved up to the P.I.C.U. we’ll evacuate everyone up there and then they’ll be taken up. Public health are prepared to take them so you can stay down here.” Zaid spoke this time.
“How long for?” Jackie asked. Everyone was avoiding asking how long they’d be stuck for even though they had a rough idea.
“Two weeks minimum.” Ines said.
“No, no no no no no. Minimum? What about maximum?” Victoria said.
“At least a month, it depends on when we can get the vaccine.” Zaid said.
The reality was beginning to sink in. Two young children, both critically ill with smallpox enter the ER, now the entire hospital has to be evacuated. It’s still unsure whether the kids are going to survive or not. Those who had treated the kids were now going to have to be quarantined. Which means they were all stuck downstairs. Two weeks wasn’t guaranteed.
How the hell were they going to get through this?
A/N: Hope you enjoyed chapter 1!
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angstsfordays · 4 years
Tell Me Now
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Summary: The best part about love is always that bit before you actually confessed your feelings and officially be together. That mutual pining and fluttering feeling. But that would not last forever. You got to tell that person someday before it’s too late.
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader (Main pairing), Steve Rogers x Reader (Supporting pairing)
Warnings: LOTS OF FEELINGS. Maybe a few swear words? Mutual pining and much slow burn that will make your heart ache.
Word count: 10889
Notes: Thank you for supporting my story: Stay with Me and For You! If you haven’t check it out, be sure to do so! I’m back with a new post that has been in my drafts for a while. Since I’m finally on a break from school, I managed to continue working on it!
This time, I’m back with a Bucky story and it will be in the same universe as my two other posts. So for Bucky’s stories, Steve’s girl will be named Ro(salie). In Steve’s stories, Bucky’s girl will also have a name (undecided yet) otherwise it will just be weird like Reader 1 or 2. Just take note again that Ro (in this story) is an OC from my previous two related stories!
 Hoping that this story can cheer everyone up in these difficult times. Take care and stay safe! Wear masks and practice social-distancing! Anyways, hope y’all enjoy this one too! IT’S REALLY LONG BUT I HOPE IT’S WORTH A READ. Let me know what you think! 😊
“I imagined you would have plans on a Friday night.” You were still in a deep pile of work before the voice of your boss snapped you out of your concentration.
You could not hide the frown that formed on your face as you looked up to meet his face. “I wonder who decided it would be a good idea to have a crossfire in the Amazon forest.”
“Well, we can’t decide where the bad guys want to be? Plus, no people were hurt, we were well away from civilization.” Tony tried to downplay the aftermath of the previous mission. The team were intercepting the trafficking of dangerous weapon materials by a rogue organisation. Said organisation thought it would be escape unscathed and undetected through the biggest rainforest from Earth’s mightiest heroes.
“There were no people but there were tons of wildlife, Tony! Animal activists and nature conservationists are basically rioting! That’s two more to add to the list of people that are pissing at the Avengers!”
You retorted at your boss’ almost nonchalant attitude. You knew he was not surprised that the Avengers always received backlash even if they were only trying to save the world.
It was a long week for you, having to clear up this PR stunt caused by the Avengers. You have started working for Tony Stark as his new assistant for the past six months. With Pepper taking over Stark Industries as CEO, Tony Stark could solely focus on his Avenger duties.
However, even with Friday, he needed someone on the ground that could help him with matters that require human interactions. More specifically, to deal with the Public Relations side of the matter.
Needless to say, while people are grateful for the Avengers, there are some who weren’t. Mainly any government authorities who aren’t able to control the Avengers. Fame has two sides of the coin and Tony Stark hardly has time to juggle bad press and public relations on top of his Avenging duties.
You were recruited after you left your previous job, playing the whistle blower to your company whom you found out were involved in shady dealings linked to Hydra. You refused to defend them and save them with a PR campaign, thus you gathered all evidence and decided to throw them under the bus.
Life was hell for you after, you found yourself to be in danger courtesy of your previous employer. He decided to hire a Hydra agent to take your life and you were fearing for your life. You knew that you might not be able to convince the police to help you with this matter and you were sure that you would be dead.
But with whatever luck you had left, the attempt at your life was intervened by the one and only Avengers. You still remembered how your door was knocked down by Captain America and Black Widow decided to make an entrance through your window. What a dream, right?
You remembered shaking terribly as both Avengers fought off your terribly strong assassin. As you backed up to get away from the scene, your back collided into a hard chest. A cool, metal hand had held you close and your heart leap in fear. You turned back to see the Winter Soldier, as stone cold as you have known him from the news, his eyes held a reassuring stare that prevented you from screaming your lungs out.
You did not know what prompted your next actions but you threw yourself at him, arms encircling neck and hiding yourself in his warm embrace. You hoped that he could protect you. You did not want to die just yet, you believed you still had a lot of things to fulfill in life.
And that was basically the beginning of your new life. After being rescued, Tony recruited you into the Avengers though not as an Avenger. You wished, ha! Instead, you were hired as the PR director for the Avengers. Tony Stark was impressed with what you did previously with your previous company and decided to hire you to manage PR for the Avengers. God knows he would not want to deal with that.
It was also to make sure you were under protection with Earth’s Mightiest Heroes and that you did not need to worry about any attempts on your life. The agent and your previous employer were dealt with. You were in a much better place now.
“Come on kid, let me make you a drink.”
“I don’t think that it is appropriate in the workplace, boss.” You jested but you knew he mean well. Tony is a great boss despite his occasional oddities. He respected and trusted you, and that is all you really ask for in a boss.
“How about as a friend?” He shrugged off your previous comment before gesturing you to follow him to the exclusive lounge area for Avengers. This was entirely different because it was located in the private living quarters of Avenger members. All other personnel did not have access to it, even you until not long ago.
When you were first introduced to the team, you could not believe yourself to be in that situation. You became fast friends with the girls and it was Rosalie or Ro as she liked to be called (who’s also Steve Roger’s girlfriend) that made you feel at home with the team.
She was impressed at your bravery to stand up to injustice and made it a point to be your friend. She would sometimes ask you out for lunch or coffee, eventually inviting you to hang out with the rest of the girls.
All of them were so normal, unlike their fierce and badass images as Avengers. You could really see that they were just normal people with everyday problems. They have come to seek your advice on everyday stuff, such as dress for a party or planning a surprise for their significant other.
Then one day came the big question.
“Do you have anyone special, Y/N?” You crinkled your nose at Ro’s question and shook your head. You never thought about it since you have been busy with work.
You had only one serious boyfriend after college but you broke off the relationship when you realised that he was not the one for you. He wanted you to be the trophy wife in his life, proposing to you a couple of years after you started your career. He assured he will take care of you as he started climbing up the corporate ladder. He wanted to start a family but you knew you wanted more.
You wanted your own career and be part of something more meaningful and bigger than yourself. There was no way you wanted to be confined to a home taking care of children. Sure, you might hope for it in the future but you knew the potential that you had. You were not going it to give it up so easily.
“Never really thought about it.” You shrugged as you drank your iced coffee.
“Oh come on, Y/N. There are plenty of guys here in the compound, don’t tell me there isn’t one that caught your eye.” Your eyes widened at Ro’s words. While subtle, your body language did not slip past the keen eyes of Natasha Romanoff. There was one guy. Maybe. But you were not going to let them know.
“There isn’t any.” Your answer was curt before taking another sip of that coffee.
“You’re lying.” Natasha answered smoothly, if you were not close with her you would have stopped yourself from throwing daggers at her with your eyes.
“There isn’t-” You look to Wanda who was giggling at the exchange and your eyes widened at the possibility of-
“Wanda! Don’t you dare!” You warned the young girl as you knew what she was capable of. God forbid she read your mind and figure out whose image first popped in your mind. She threw her arms mockingly and gave an expression like she would not dare to so even while she had a wide grin on her face.
“Who is it?!” Ro started getting excited at the prospect of her friend having her crush.
“No one! Oh look at the time, I need to brief Tony about something-some meeting- something…BYE!” You hurriedly walked out of the pantry. You knew that the girls would hound you for answers and you were not ready to face that yet.
“Earth to Y/N. Yoohoo!” The sound of Tony’s voice snapped you out of your thoughts once again and the incident with the girls that happened only yesterday.
“Wha- what?”
“I asked for your favourite poison?” Tony quipped before he started to open the cabinets for his liquors.
“Uh- surprise me with your best.” You tried to give a fast answer as you were just interrupted from your memory of yesterday. Tony threw a smirk over his shoulder before he went ahead to get some ice.
“Oooh, is Tony making drinks?” A new voice appears and you turned to see Ro entering the lounge. Behind her were the rest of the Avengers who were slowly filing into the room.
“Be prepared for an amazing show.” Tony started to wave his hands like a showman. He closed the cocktail shakers and started doing an awkward dance to a song that he requested Friday to play. It was overall cheesy and greasy, unlike his usual public image.
You started laughing and clapping to cheer him on. There was some holler in the background and Tony finally poured his concoction into a fancy glass. Adding in a small umbrella, he presented it to you. You turned to the rest of the team to show it off before taking a sip.
“It’s called ‘I cannot live without you’ because we cannot live without you now, Y/N.” Tony did a dramatic wave his hands before bowing. You chuckled at his theatrics before downing your drink.
“On behalf of the team, we’re sorry that you have to clean up our shit.” Tony exclaimed to which everyone snorted but agreed. They knew they owe you big for clearing the PR mess after every time they had to do their job of saving the world.
Natasha and Wanda decided to join Tony behind the bar and make some drinks for everyone as well. Everyone took a seat around the lounge table near the island and Ro took the seat beside yours.
“You worked hard, Y/N. Thank you.” She went in to hug you from the side.
“Anything for you, baby.” You petted her like she was your child.
“Thanks again, Y/N.” Steve (you could never get over the fact that you were on first name basis with Captain America) chimed in. You responded with a salute and spoke.
“Just doing my job, Steve.” The rest all started sitting down one by one with drinks passed out. Everyone fell into easy conversation.
A flash of blue passed by your eyes and you saw Bucky Barnes taking the sit across you. He was dressed in a long-sleeved blue Henley with dark pants. He just had his hair cut short and you could not help to leave a small gasp when he turned to meet your eyes.
You immediately swerved to face Ro who was talking to Steve. Seeing that she was busy in conversation, you turned your head to the other side to meet Natasha who was giving you a confused expression at your flustered one.
Your hand reached out to your drink to get another sip, unknowingly Bucky’s own fingers brushed against yours to reach out for his drink on the same table. Your eyes immediately averted to scan his reaction and he gave you a curt polite smile. You tried to muster a response, any really to show that you were cool-headed.
Bucky threw in another nod as he raised his drink and you nodded in response to his gesture, his mannerisms threw you off guard. In your almost entire year of working with the Avengers, you barely had a solid interaction with the Winter Soldier.
By that, you mean that the most interaction you had was a nod in the hallway, a greeting in the morning when you passed by the gym on the way to your office or when he saw you getting off work in the evening. There also was the occasion asking of refills for coffee when you see him in the pantry. And that was it.
Your first meeting with Bucky had left a big impact on you because for the first time you had felt an indescribable emotion that only he had on you. You had always had a strong independent spirit and never felt the need to depend on someone. That was how you were raised in your household and your parents had pushed for you to exceed in life, given that you were from a second-generation immigrant family.
That kind of mentality had been ingrained into your life and you never let your guard down with people. Not until that fateful day…. for the first time you just wanted someone to depend on. But no matter, Bucky Barnes is out of your league, you reminded yourself.
You have seen how the gaze of female agents or staff move over to him whenever he stepped into the room. He did not even need to try, which was even the more annoying part. 
Snap out of it, Y/N.
“Hey Y/N, you would not have gotten sick of us, yet right?” Sam quipped up in the conversation. You did not know what the context of the current conversation was but you just decided to answer away.
“Hmm, I don’t know. Is a drink really going to make me stay?” You shook your empty glass and Wanda initiated to refill it.
“Well then ask away, my dearest and indispensable employee. What would you like as an early bonus?” You jokingly made a serious face and looked like you were pondering hard on the question. Nothing really came into mind as you were happy with what you had for the moment.
“Maybe a vacation?” Natasha suggested with her brows raised. You nodded with a thoughtful expression, that would indeed be nice. Would you go to the beach or the mountains for a nice personal retreat?
“That’s too simple. You should use Stark’s card to the fullest advantage.” Sam said smugly and you returned with an expression that showed agreement.
“How about a boyfriend?” Ro’s voice suddenly injected into the conversation. You swerved your head to face her, eyes widened at her bold suggestion.
“Oh, what’s this all about?” You could already imagine the gears spinning in your boss’ head and you really wanted to strangle Ro for a quick minute.
“Y/N deserves someone special in her life, you have been overworking her too hard Tony.” Ro continued with a playful expression and you swore you were going to lean over and-
“Get some, get some!” Sam started cheering to which Ro joined. The both of them acting like children.
“I don’t understand, what is Miss Y/N getting?” Vision suddenly asked in the midst and you saw Wanda giggling with an embarrassed expression at her boyfriend’s innocence.
“Stop it, Rosalie! You know I don’t like to talk about this!” You gave a fair warning to the hyped-up Avenger whom Steve almost seemed embarrassed of as he sighed at his girlfriend’s antics.
“Hey! You know I don’t like it people call me Rosalie!” Ro retorted as she folded her arms.
“Well, you crossed the line first.” You threw back a squinted glare.
“Oh come on, I just want you to find someone that can make you happy because you make us happy.” Ro started walking towards you with her hands outstretched, wanting to give you a hug.
“Uh-uh, you don’t get to be all cute on me after what you did. Steve might fall for it but I won’t.” You held up an accusing finger to which Ro pouted.
“Steve, she is so mean to me.” The girl started pouting and went to sit on Steve’s lap, hugging him like a teddy bear. Steve returned the embrace but not before looking up to you and mouthed to you ‘sorry’. 
You knew Ro meant well like a sister but you REFUSED to speak of your non-existent love life in front of everyone (well specifically HIM).
“Oh come on, Y/N. Ro just wanted the best for you. It’s important to work hard but one must play hard” Sam added on with a smirk to which you threw him a glance that hinted for him to zip it.
“You sure there is no one you’re interested? I happen to be a great matchmaker myself on top of being a billionaire, playboy wait scratch that I married with a kid, philanthropist…” Tony gestured to himself smugly.
“How about no Tony, I am not going to be one of your special projects.” You waved your boss-friend off before running your hands through your hair, exasperated at what tonight’s conversation started leading to.
“Oh come on, there are plenty of men in the compound. Take your pick, any pick. I will set you up.” Tony insisted and made a gesture to actually pull up a holographic database of all personnel data.
“Oh my god Tony. Believe it or not, I don’t need your help and I am not confident about YOUR taste in men.” You gasped in shock at what he was doing and wanted to squirm into the corner of the couch that you were sitting on.
“Well then, I am sure you will be confident in my taste.” Natasha’s voice pulled you out of your recluse and you returned a disbelieved look towards the redhead.
Your eyes averted once more to the beautiful brunette in blue across you to gauge his reaction to all this sudden intervention. Bucky looked aloof and amused altogether, he had his usual calm demeanour but you could make out the small upward curve of his lips. What was he really thinking about, you wondered.
“Argh fine. If I let you have your way, can we stop having this conversation that I never needed.” You issued an ultimatum to the group; you just wanted this conversation to end.
“Deal.” Natasha answered while Ro nodded eagerly from your side.
“Fine, If there is someone nice, you can introduce him to me.” You threw your hands up in defeat before crossing them over your chest, signalling to the team that you are so done with this ordeal.
“Yay!” Ro got off Steve’s lap and started doing a celebratory dance by swing her hands in circles. Everyone’s attention went to her and her little dance was met with amusement. You could not help but to laugh at her excitement, your eyes suddenly caught the sight across you.
Bucky Barnes suddenly had a hardened expression on his face unlike before and his eyes stared right into your soul (as cheesy as it sounds). It suddenly threw you off guard because this was probably the most intimate interaction you had with each other and you immediately tried looking everywhere but him.
“Please promise he won’t be weird.” You turned to your redhead friend and requested with a pout. Her eyes fleeted somewhere else before meeting yours.
“Trust me, Y/N. Believe it or not, I am a psychic when it comes to this sort of things.” You definitely had faith in your friend, I mean she would never sabotage you. Right?
You return to work on Monday well rested. You manage to give yourself a personal retreat over the weekend by visiting cafes and bookstores. You even baked some Nutella tarts on Sunday and planned to give it to the team to share.
As you stepped into your office to put your things down, Friday requested you to head down to laboratory. You gave yourself one last look in the reflection of your glass office, straightening your tan midi pencil skirt and light blue blouse. You took your Stark Pad and place the earpiece on your left ear.
You were ready to face whatever work would bring. You took light confident steps to the level that the laboratory was on. Walking in to the open lab space, you saw Tony and Bruce exchanging playful banter, well more so on Tony’s side.
The two men’s attention turned to you once you stepped into the room and you were welcomed with smiles.
“What’s up, boss?” Your eyes went to Tony before going to Bruce. “Morning, Bruce.”
The scientist returned your greeting with a warm smile before walking back to his workstation. Tony signalled for you to follow him as he started pulling up holographic images and was looking through some data information. “So how’s your morning?”
“Good. Friday said you wanted to see me. What do you need me to do?” Your statement made Tony rolled his eyes as he made a jokingly exasperated expression.
“Diving into work talk so early at 10? Relax Y/N.”
“Some people actually start work earlier, Mr Stark and I’m not paid to relax.” You knew Tony was unlike any boss, he definitely had his quirks but it was not something you could not work with.
“You almost sound like Cap for a second there, how did I get such an employee like you?” Tony almost looked thrown off for a moment but you knew it was in jest.
“You offered me a job after saving my ass from an assassination attempt on my life.” Your deadpanned expression drew a laugh from your boss. He held up his hands before resting one on his hip.
“You never fail to surprise me Y/N. Anyways, okay onto business, we have a visitor and I need you to show him around.”
“Alright? Who is it?” Looking up to your boss with curious eyes, you were surprised when he let out a sigh- as if he were actually concerned about the matter.
“The government is sending in an agent to check in on the Avengers for a yearly assessment. It is part of our compliance to be transparent with what we actually do. Of course, we do not divulge mission information and all that. But they do want to know how we run operations on a general basis.”
“And you chose me because….” Your brows furrowed at the sudden revelation of information.
“You are the perfect person for the job. You know exactly what and what not to show them without infringing on our privacy.” Tony answered nonchalantly while instructing Friday to work on some scientific analysis.
“Right, of course. I’m the PR girl.” You answered with a knowing expression.
“No, you’re now my trusted adviser and there is no one else I trust with the task.” Tony looked up to meet your eyes with a serious expression for a short moment.
“Adviser? I’m just in charge of PR.” Placing your free hand on your hip, you made an exasperated stance as you gave Tony a questionable look.
“Oh well, would you look at that? You’ve been promoted. Congratulations, that will be your bonus for handling the Amazon stunt.” Tony started clapping to himself before making a grand hand gesture.
“Seriously, Tony? That’s like my job, it does not call for a promotion.” Your brows quirked and you had to give him a ‘I’m not buying this’ expression.
“Well, I’m the boss. I’m right, you’re wrong and thus I can promote you.” He gave you an all-knowing expression before he suddenly had a look that said he was reminded of something. “He will be here in 1 hour.”
“You are giving me 1 hour to prepare? Oh my god, Tony. That’s too little time!” You started stomping in your heels before frantically looking to your Stark Pad and asking Friday to send you information on your soon to come visitor.
“You can make it work; you always do.” Tony gave you a thumbs up with an eat-shitting grin. You could not even return him a verbal response and let out a short grunt before making your way out of the lab.
“I am experienced enough to do this. I am capable enough to do this. I can do this” Chanting a mantra to calm your nerves, you started preparing information on your Stark Pad to come up with an agenda to welcome the government agent.
You were definitely going to request for a vacation soon after this.
Walking to the lobby at 10.45 am, you stood by the receptionist desk as you waited for your visitor. You chatted with the receptionist, Jenny briefly to calm your nerves. She was a sweet-looking lady in her early 40s who was a single mother of two boys. However, her appearance was just a façade as you knew her to be tough and hard worker who was great at her job.
You once witnessed her putting a rude government employee who was here to accompany a higher up in meeting with you boss. She took no shit from the man who looked down on her for being a ‘front desk lady’ and asked her to get coffee.
That moment never failed to make you feel good about being a woman.
Looking down at your Stark Pad, you read through the profile of your visitor. Keith Wellings. Age 45. A federal agent with the US government for almost 20 years. This man rose the ranks quick to his connections and tenacity to mix with the right people at the right time. He is definitely going to use this opportunity to curry favour both sides.
He will definitely make it hard to pass assessment in exchange for favours from your side. Keith will definitely be careful on how he presents this assessment to his bosses as he definitely knows the government will go to any lengths to get dirt on the Avengers. He will be on the offensive on this visit. You need to make sure he does not cross any line.
You could hear the footsteps before you saw someone walking through the door. To your surprise, the man entering through the door does not look like the one in your tablet.
He had a sense of familiarity around but where had you seen him before?
“Y/N Y/L/N! How has fate brought us together again?” His voice ringed an alert in your memory and you took an intake of air to calm yourself. There was no way it could be….
“Teddy Radnor?” Your voice was soft but you knew he could hear you. This was evident in how his face lit up at your recognition of him.
“It’s great to see you again.” You did not anticipate the hug that was coming for you and almost dropped your tablet as he pulled you in for one.
Teddy Radnor was your college friend. You both were studying the same major and became fair friends. You saved him from getting humiliated at a party by agreeing to be his ‘hot’ date as part of his frat house orientation. You were from the sister sorority which you only agreed to join as it was free housing on campus.
Teddy was a bit of a dork back in the college years and he was only in the fraternity because his family were legacies. You still thought he was a nice and sweet guy, albeit he started being clingy seeing that you were the only person who was genuinely nice to him. You did see him as a friend and brother though you knew he saw you otherwise.
While you did attract some attention from guys, you were focused on your studies. Teddy made sure to be the buffer and saw himself as your unofficial boyfriend. You tried on many occasions to give him the hint and ultimately told him the truth. He seemed to accept it but he believed that he could stand a chance one day in the future.
You lost touch with him upon graduation. You were busy in your career and you heard that he was busy advancing in his too. You just never thought you would be reunited after five years later under such circumstances.
“Wow, you’re working with the Avengers? That’s so awesome.” Those were his first words as he released you from the hug.
“Yeah, I switched job. And you’re working with the government? Wow.” You tried to match his enthusiasm.
“Yes-yes, not easy but I figured if I worked hard enough, I would be able to work in a place of importance.” Teddy’s words reminded you of why you were friends with him in the first place. Even while he’s sometimes awkward and couldn’t take a hint on your unrequited feelings for him, you knew he was a good person.
“I’m proud of you Teddy. I know you always wanted to work in public affairs.”
“Well, I could say the same for you. You’re working with the Avengers. I can’t believe I’m also here. Keith had another work thing so I was called in at the last minute to replace him.” You nodded in understanding. So that’s why Teddy was here.
Lady luck had to be on your side. You knew Teddy and Teddy definitely would not make it hard for you. This assessment would be a breeze.
You gave Teddy a walk through of the entire compound, from the back end communications to the training grounds. He looked like a child at a playground with a piece of candy. You were sure he would give you the benefit of a good assessment.
You had lunch with him in the cafeteria and was ready to seal the deal when you heard him mention one important thing. “I know it sounds unprofessional of me but between friends, I want to let you know that I’m secretly a huge Avengers fan. I was stoked when I got the call to come in.”
“Oh yeah, who’s your favourite?” You tried asking casually, trying to hide the fact that you had a plan up your sleeve.
“Oh my gosh, they are all amazing. They truly are, but it has to be Cap for me. He really is the cream of the crop for me.” Nodding deviously, you already had a feeling that Teddy’s idol had to be Steve. Teddy was the history buff back in college.
“Of course, I understand Teddy. Well, it just so happens that I am acquainted with Cap and I could introduce you to him.” You gave your most award-winning smile to hook him in. Teddy looked at you for a moment before speaking. “Oh I see what you’re doing.”
You tried to conceal your expressions and gave him a confused frown at his words. Shit, was he catching up? “You’re trying to butter me up.” Shit, he did. Teddy continued on talking.
“And it’s working slightly but I still have to be impartial about this assessment, Y/N.” You heaved a small sigh of relief before smiling sweetly up at him again. “Oh come on, Teddy. I am just doing this for an old friend.”
“Old friend, right….” It was meant to be a mutter to himself but you could hear it loud and clear. You tried to brush it aside as you asked him if he was done with lunch. The two of you cleared your plates before continuing the walk through.
You brought Teddy to one of the lower levels and stopped in front of the door. You did not have to do anything as Friday recognised your presence and went ahead to open the door for you. Teddy turned to look at you in amazement once more while you returned a smug look in return at his response.
The two of you were brought to the sight of an Avengers-only training exercise. Saving the best for last, you peeked at Teddy’s response and had to bite your lip from forming a full-on grin.
Hook, line, sinker.
Bucky Barnes had to focus. Steve had come up with a new training regime for field operations after reviewing past mission scenarios.
Playing to each member’s strength, Steve came up with offensive and defensive pairings for field combat. He was paired with Ro in the exercise, she was on defence while he was offense. While Ro had firepower with the nature of her powers, Steve decided she suited long range attacks with her ability to fly and that she can direct her powers from a further distance.
The duality of her flame like energy blasts was able to incinerate and tranquilize made her perfect to defend the team from attacks. Bucky on the other hand, more experienced in operative work will be the one to sneak into enemy lines and obtain the necessary data or item of interest.
In this particular scenario, Ro had to build an energy -based force field to defend the both of them from raining firepower. The rest of the team collectively tried to break the barrier while Ro had to endure it and bring Bucky into the ‘enemy base’.
Bucky looked over to see Ro enduring attacks from both Vision and Natasha. Steve was overseeing the practice while Sam took the side-lines to help Steve with the analysis of the training practice.
Bucky focused on defeating the holographic images that Wanda was conjuring to mimic potential enemies. Bucky’s ears suddenly perked up at the sound of new arrival into the training room.
Looking up, he saw you with an unknown man who seemed like he was in awe of everything. Bucky broke concentration for a moment and felt himself being punched in the jaw by one of the holographic enemies.
“Bucky, why are you not focusing-” Steve’s words were interrupted as he too looked up at the presence of new arrival into the room.
“Alright, we can take a break. Buck, Ro, the both of you were doing great. It was the right decision to pair you two together. We can resume again later.” Steve’s approval was all he needed for him to let loose and catch a breath.
Reeling away from Captain mode, Steve immediately switched to boyfriend mode. He went ahead to grab the water bottle and towel before making his way to his girlfriend. As Ro immediately gulped down the water, Steve lovingly wiped up the sweat on her face and placed a peck on the side of her temple. Bucky could hear him whispering ‘You did so good, darling’.
Ro gushed outwardly at Steve’s words by muffling her squealing into the towel. Steve chuckled at how she can still be blushing like a schoolgirl even when it was a year into their relationship. Bucky started to feel envious because he also wanted that relationship with someone too. Perhaps with someone who just entered the room.
The mysterious man and you started making way down the steps to the training grounds. Bucky gave the guy a once over, he looked decent enough but he didn’t like the way he was standing so close to you.
“Steve, I would like for you to meet someone. This is Teddy Radnor, he’s an agent from the government and is in charge of the assessment today.” You finally revealed who and where the guy was from.
“Captain Rogers, it is an honour to meet you. It’s an honour to meet everyone here, really.” This Teddy fellow stepped ahead to give Steve a handshake. Steve, putting on his public persona greeted the guy with a courteous smile.
“Likewise Agent Radnor. I hope you had a good experience.”
“Oh definitely. Y/N here has been a great host.” Agent Radnor placed his hands around your shoulder as he responded. You looked slightly taken aback by the sudden contact which made Bucky felt defensive all of a sudden.
As he was standing nearest to you, he though of taking a step forward to intervene when you turned to smile at Agent Radnor, looking embarrassed. What was going on-
Steve must have sensed the same thing he had because he asked what exactly Bucky had on his mind. “You two know each other?”
“Yes, we were college friends and in the same fraternity-sorority house.” Agent Radnor was quick to answer eagerly as he looked to you for affirmation. You just silently nodded in agreement.
“Oooh, college friends. Were you two close?” Ro started to join in the conversation as she stood beside Steve.
“Yes, yes indeed. In fact, I kind of confessed to her but she told me no. She did not see that way and wanted to focus on her studies which I respected that.” Agent Radnor seemed very pleased with his answer when it garnered intriguing responses from the rest of the team.
Bucky already started to dislike him.
“Teddy!” You were shocked at his sudden revelation and looked like you wanted to crawl into a hole as you brought up the Stark Pad to hide your face. You had a grimaced expression formed on your face after removing the tablet from your face. Your frown then turned into an irritated expression causing Bucky to follow your line of sight to find out what was the cause of it.
Bucky turned to see the girls namely Ro, Natasha and Wanda exchanging hush whispers with Cheshire grins on their face. Steve, Sam, and Vision did not know how to react in this circumstance and looked at each other awkwardly. Bucky did not like this man one bit.
“I’m sorry. Too much information. I always tend to be socially awkward when I’m nervous. I babble and say awkward stuff. I guess it’s because I’m just such a big fan of everyone. Oh wait, too much information again. I’m an agent and should be impartial during this assessment-” Agent Radnor started blabbering on and on, it was almost uncomfortable to endure.
You placed a comforting touch on his arm and tried to calm him down. ‘It’s alright Teddy, they’re just normal people like you and I.’ Bucky heard you say to him.
Even if Agent Radnor had embarrassed you before, you still offered him reassurance. That was one of the many things Bucky admired you, how effortless you were with people and the comforting presence you brought when you were in the room.
Bucky knew this was why you were so good at your job and that Tony Stark trusted whole-heartedly to place the well-being of the Avengers as your highest priority. He admired how level-headed you were no matter the crisis and the positivity that you had in ensuring that it will be dealt with.
More importantly, Bucky admired how you were genuine around the team. He was not sure when Tony recruited you after saving your life from Hydra. He was amazed at your bravery to stand up to injustice even if you did not any hero like powers. He was not sure how you would be like with the team, he preferred to keep you at a distance as with any strangers.
However, you started gaining fast friendships with everyone with your easy-going personality soon enough. He could see similarities between you and Ro in how you are friendly towards others but he could also see the difference. While Ro had an infectious and bubbly energy, you on the other hand draw people in with your cool and calming presence.
Bucky always wanted to get closer to you. He just didn’t know how to. Whenever he sees you, it was as if everything in him stilled and he could not express how he really felt. He only resorted to making sure he acknowledges your presence when in the same room, this was his way of him respecting you.
Bucky was not sure how else to approach you without making a fool of himself. He envied how the rest of the team were easy to warm up to you and he wished he could do the same too. But Bucky knew he didn’t deserve someone like you. Perhaps with his past, he does not deserve to be loved by someone at all.
Agent Radnor continued to have small talk with the rest of the team while Bucky looked on silently. You were looking on the exchange with interest without saying anything. You provided smiles of reassurance to Teddy as he spoke animatedly of his admiration for the Avengers.
Your eyes suddenly met his. Blood started rushing to his cheeks as he tried his best to maintain eye contact with you. This was the most imitate way that he could have with you without actually having to talk to you. God knows what nonsense would come out of his mouth if he actually tried to have a full-length conversation with you. How you render him speechless was beyond him.
Bucky could sense that you were getting nervous, your started blinking and your eyes were fleeting. Was it too much? Did he overdo it? Bucky saw you tucking a hair behind your ear before sending him a small smile his way.
While subtle, your smile made his breath hitched. Bucky then remembered to return the same gesture and the corner of his lips went up when he saw you trying to hold back a full smile while looking on the ground.
He wished he could have seen your full smile but he was sure you did not want to attract attention from the rest. What Bucky didn’t realise was that three devious women were observing this subtle exchange between you and him. The three women let out silent gasps as their theory was confirmed.
They always thought that they were imagining it because Bucky Barnes was always trying to mask his emotions around you while you tried your hardest to do the same. Wanda had her theory first before Natasha caught on immediately. Ro was the last but boy oh boy, when she knew, she was the most excited to bring this pairing to life.
Ro glanced over to Wanda and gave her the signal by rubbing the bridge of her nose. With a wave of her hands, Wanda caused one of the nearby pipes to burst and hot air started gushing, creating a high-pitched scream.
The sound took everyone off guard and Bucky went ahead to take you into his arms when he first heard the loud burst. You immediately returned the gesture and allowed yourself to stay in the protection of his arms.
When the realization of what happened dawned upon everyone, everyone let go of their ears to turn and check on each other.
Teddy was huddled and squatting down on the floor while most of the team squirmed slightly at the outburst, given that they were more used to loud sudden noises during field operations.
You opened your eyes and your heart started to race wildly as you found yourself in close proximity of Bucky. The previous time you were so close was during the first time when you two met and he saved your life.
“You alright, doll?” Did he just called you doll? You were hearing correctly right? Bucky chided himself as he realised what he had said. Who was he to call you doll? You may not even like the name!
“I’m alright, Bucky.” Bucky’s hands were still around your shoulders.
“Thank you.” You continued and it seemed like Bucky was suddenly snapped out of a trance. He let go of you immediately and you tried to adjust yourself, looking at the ground as you couldn’t meet his eyes. 
Your exchange was not missed by Teddy who got back on his feet.
“Oops, better call maintenance.” Ro suddenly chimed in. Oops? Bucky’s brows frowned as he found Ro’s words to be weird in this situation. He looked to see Ro exchanging glances with Wanda but could not put together what was going on.
What were those girls up to?
“Well, I hope you will give us a good assessment. We really are just folks trying our best to help the world.” Steve sealed the deal as he tried ending Teddy’s experience on a good note.
“Of course, Captain. I am well aware.” Teddy gave a salute to Steve to which Steve returned awkwardly with matching enthusiasm. Teddy gave the rest an acknowledging nod and you gestured for him to leave. You suggested for him to return to a private space for you to wrap up the day.
As Teddy walked up the stairs, you quickly turned back to the rest of the team and gave Steve a thumbs up. The team gave silent holler and cheers as a sign of support and you gave a reassuring expression in response. They knew you had it in the bag.
You led Teddy to one of the small meeting rooms on the office level and discussed over how the assessment will conclude. Teddy had noted down his remarks in a government issued smart tablet of his own and he informed you that he would have to come up with a more comprehensive report for submission.
You understood and thanked him for his time. As you walked Teddy out to the lobby, you continued to make small talk and caught up on what you missed in each other’s lives for the past six years.
“Well, this has been fun.” Teddy turned to face you.
“Indeed, not trying to influence you using the friend card but I really hope you can give us a fair chance on this assessment. The Avengers may look glamourous with their hero-act but there’s a lot of work that goes on behind the scene. It’s really a lot of work and sacrifice on their part, putting their lives at risk so that they can make sure those who are not able to defend themselves are given the chance to live.” You tried to conclude the assessment on a positive and sincere note.
“Spoken like a true PR representative.” Teddy spoke as he chuckled.
“No. I’m speaking as someone who really truly witnessed it first-hand.” You hoped that Teddy could hear the sincerity in your voice and know that you were speaking from your heart. Teddy was not able to find the words to respond so he just nodded in understanding.
“Well, you will hear from us in a week.”
“I look forward to it.” You gave your most heartfelt smile. You initiated to say goodbye to Teddy first, wishing him the best in his work. He returned the same gesture and he started walking off.
As you saw him leaving out the door, you turned back to head to your office after a long day. Your name was suddenly called and you could see Teddy re-entering the building again to walk up to you.
“What is it, Teddy?” You were curious to know why Teddy had returned barely after he left. Looking over, you could see Teddy nervously rubbing his hands together and cracking his knuckles. You knew this was his tell sign of nervousness back in college. Guess he still had the same habit.
“Hey, Teddy. What’s wrong?” You tried to reassure him, hoping to calm his nerves with a supporting tone of voice.
“I was- I wanted-” You kept quiet to indicate for him to continue his sentence. Teddy looked at you straight in the eyes before he spoke.
“Y/N, I was hoping after this is over, we could have dinner together. To catch up again. Would that be alright?”
“Oh Teddy…. I’m not too sure, would that be alright-” You were starting to panic. Was he suggesting this so that…
“This is not some sort of exchange in any way and it would not affect the results of the assessment.” Heaving a sigh of relief, you looked up to meet Teddy’s eyes. It was déjà vu all over again, this was exactly how he looked like when he confessed to you back in college.
“I’m not too sure Teddy-”
“Please. Would you like to give me one more chance? To prove that maybe it can work out between us. I really really like you, Y/N. I still can’t forget about you after all these years….” You wished so hard to not be in this position again. 
You weren’t sure if you wanted to agree to this, knowing that you maybe had feelings for someone else. Even if it was impossible between you and said someone.
But you couldn’t lead Teddy on when you know your heart isn’t fully in on this.
“I would let you know again. Maybe once this is over?” You tried to give a neutral answer, one that didn’t give him too much hope but also not a crushing answer. Well, it seemed to please Teddy as he had a wide grin on his face when he heard your answer.
“Alright, sure. Yeah. Should I get your number?” He suggested with his grin still full-on.
“Well, I have yours. Stark Technology and all-” You pointed to your tablet and he just nodded in understanding.
“Great, well I hope to hear from you soon. With good news.” Now it was your turn to nod and Teddy took it upon himself to bid you goodbye with a hug. You returned it and then send him off.
Releasing a big sigh out of your body, you were glad that the day was really over.
It was soon evening and it was time for you to end work. You were packing up your stuff when Friday informed you that you were wanted in the Avengers’ private quarters.
Wondering what it could be about, you swiftly made your way there. You were then greeted with the sight of Wanda and Bucky making dinner while everyone was waiting at the table.
“Y/N!” You first hear Ro’s voice before you even entered the room. The rest followed in their greetings. The smell of food immediately drew you to heading over to where the chefs were.
“Food smells so good.” Taking a deep inhale, the smell of home cook food was starting to make you growl with hunger.
“Perfect, cause it’s for you.” Natasha remarked as she was helping to set the table.
“For me?” You asked excitedly as you placed your things down and went ahead to stand beside Wanda as she was stirring something in a pot.
“Tony had to go home to take care of Morgan but he told us what you did for us today.” Natasha continued saying.
“It was nothing. Just part of my job.” You tried waving it off casually as Wanda offered you a taste test of the soup she made. You gave her a look like you were in love as the soup tasted so so good.
“Bucky is making your favourite. Mac and cheese.” You could die on the spot as mac and cheese was your ultimate comfort food. You peeked out behind Wanda’s silhouette to look at Bucky earnestly topping different layers of cheese on the macaroni.
You bit your lip, debating privately on which sight was more delicious? Stop it, Y/N. You chided yourself. This was highly inappropriate. Bucky looked up from his cooking to meet your gaze and you decided to give him an appreciative smile. “Thank you. That’s so sweet of you.
“It’s nothing.” His voice was low and muffled and sexy, oh my god, you needed to control yourself. Bucky’s entire being was doing things to your insides.
Soon, dinner was ready to be served and everyone gathered around the communal table. Everyone started digging in and fell into conversation immediately. As everyone was having second rounds, Natasha who was sitting across you spoke up.
“So how do you think the assessment went?” Natasha asked you with a curious gleam in her eye, as if she was expecting something.
“It was good, I think we can expect good results. Teddy really seemed impressed by what we have here.” Your friends nodded as they listened to your answer.
“Or more specifically, he’s impressed by what we have here.” Ro looked at you with an all-knowing grin.
“Ro! Teddy and I are old friends but college besides that would have been entirely inappropriate. He’s here to do his job.”
“Wouldn’t be the first time someone mixed work and pleasure.” Sam sent you a smug look as he wriggled his eyebrows. You scoffed at what he was insinuating and shook your head while reaching out for a glass of water.
“So?” Natasha drawled out the word as she asked. You made a frowning-confused face and tilted your head to signal for her to continue. “That’s it?”
You knew exactly where she was steering to in the conversation and you could back out of it, but you knew she will stop at nothing to get answers out of someone. Placing down your cup, you let out an exhale as you held onto your temple as if you had a headache.
“Teddy asked me out.” You weren’t surprised when your friends let out gasps at your revelation. Well more so on the girls and perhaps Sam. Vision, Steve and Bucky had neutral expressions worn on their faces.
“Please, are you really surprise?” Your eyes averted to the girls who seemed more excited at what you had just revealed.
“I’m surprise he got the balls even. He might have gained some respect from me.” Natasha coolly remarked as she took another bite of her food. Such savagery….
“Hey, Teddy is not so bad!” You protested.
“You gained a soft spot for him?” Natasha calmly quipped back.
“Come on, I’ve been friends with him throughout college. He is odd at times but he’s harmless.”
“Like a Teddy bear?” Sam chimed in. His words gained many laughter and he even tried giving high-fives to show off his wit.
“I’m not going to talk to you people if you’re going on like this!” You threatened to back out of the room. Pulling your chair out, you started to clean your own dish and you could hear the rest of the group continued on their chatter. You could hear Steve reprimanding the rest like a disappointed parent at his kids’ behaviour.
Bless Steve.
As you returned to the table, Natasha spoke up again. “So are you going to say yes to the date?” You knew everyone could sense your hesitation and your eyes went to Bucky who had a passive expression on his face. Oh god….
“I don’t know, Nat.”
“What do you mean know?” Ro continued. “He’s not expecting you to go on a date to get a better assessment, is he? If not, I WILL-” Ro went on to mimic a punching gesture with both hands and Steve had to calm her by pressing down on both her hands.
“Yo Y/N. That won’t be cool, I’mma also-” Sam went on to make his own gesture of beating Teddy to a pulp. Steve once shook his head at the immaturity of his friends but he held a serious look as he turned to you. He was indeed worried if it was really the case.
“No-no, Teddy wouldn’t. He said it’s not like that. He just wants to reconnect.” You tried to calm your two rather rash (but loyal) friends.
“Do you want to?” This time Wanda was the one who spoke up. Taking a moment to seriously think about it, you figured what was the harm on going on one date with Teddy? Would it really be that bad? If you don’t feel the same way, you could always settle it there and then.
Why were you denying yourself at a chance at love again? You figured it you could start dating again. “Maybe. I don’t know. I should try, should I? It’s been awhile….”
“Listen to your heart, sweetie.” Wanda reached out to hold your hand dearly. You smile gratefully at her support.
“I will think about it, anyways I told him I will give him an answer once this is over. So I still have time.” You said to reassure your friends. You tried redirecting the conversation away from this topic and continued to spend a little more time with your friends.
Bucky Barnes tried his hardest all evening to not falter. Hearing that agent had asked you out stirred up some emotions within him. He realised you were not going to be available forever. An amazing woman like you will catch the eyes of other and eventually they will make a move to ask you out.
Bucky caught Steve glancing over at him. Even without talking, he knew what his friend was trying to tell him. Go for her before you lose your chance, punk! Steve while terrible with dealing with women except for his own girlfriend was not stupid. He was still able to read the room and more importantly, his childhood friend.
Steve always had his suspicions. He noticed how Bucky’s eyes fleet to you immediately when you entered the room and how they lingered too long for it to be a normal behaviour. Bucky was eager to greet for you even if it didn’t look like it. Bucky while accustomed to the team, was still reserved with strangers.
Steve could see that Bucky was always conscious of how he acted around you. You might not have noticed but Bucky always tried to look out for you in his own subtle way. Perhaps, it was not easy for his best friend who sometimes remained in the dark shadows of his thoughts, believing that he did not deserve to be happy with someone because of his past.
Steve knew Bucky wants to be loved by someone special and that he deserved to be loved. He just wants this punk to not sit around and wait any longer.
You decided to call it a night and wanted to return home. The girls were whining for you to stay and asked why you could not stay at the compound for good. There were plenty of rooms in the private quarters for you to call your own.
You refused, saying that you deserved your own quiet space away from dealing with this chaotic energy (referring to the team). Ro protested at your words but you just laughed it off and bid farewell to everyone.
Steve looked over to Bucky and with the power of eye contact and practically 90 over years of friendship, signalled non-verbally to Bucky that he should take action. Wanda’s voice popped up and stated that you had forgotten your car keys on the counter.
Raising his hand up, Steve indicated for Wanda to pass it over to him. Wanda gave him a smirk before using her powers to push the keys onto Bucky. Steve gave an approving nod at what she did and both people turned to Bucky to give him a ‘what are you waiting for?’ look.
Clutching the car keys in his hands, Bucky got out of his seat and gingerly made his way to the garage. He took in deep breaths as he quickened his steps in hopes of catching up to you.
Luckily, you were not far along and heading for the elevator. He called for your name and you were surprised to see him. Bucky took the last few steps to face you and he look down on the ground for a moment to adjust himself.
“You forgot your keys.” He started off nervously as he stretched out his hands to pass it to you. Your mouth made an ‘o’ shape as you realised why he even came up to you in the first place. You let out a nervous laugh and took it from him, not forgetting to thank him as well.
“It’s nothing.” Bucky replied. Silence followed with awkward tension.
“I gotta go, can’t wait to be back in bed.” You tried to break the silence. There was another pregnant pause and you chided yourself for even trying. This was going nowhere.
“Yes, you had a long day.” Bucky tried coming up with another response. No use forcing it, this was even more awkward than the time Teddy confessed to you. You heart sank in disappointment. Should you even try? Were you willing to give it up before giving it a try with Bucky?
Bucky’s movement snapped you out of your inner thoughts as he began to make his way back. He gave you a once over and nodded to bid you goodbye once more.
The words were at the tip of your tongue. You wondered if you should-
“Hey Bucky.”
Bucky stopped in his tracks and immediately turned his body back to face you. What could you possibly call him for? He made his way back to you and stood face to face to you. His eyes bore into yours and you had to take a gulp before gathering courage to speak.
“Should I go?” Your question caused Bucky to be all confused and you then realised you weren’t clear enough.
“Should I go on the date with Teddy?” While your question was indirect, but you were hoping he got the drift. If he liked you any one bit, he would not let you go on the date. If he had any ounce of interest in you, he would stop you right?
Your held strong eye contact with him, trying to gauge his feelings through non-verbal cues as you figured he was trying to come up with an answer. Seconds felt like hours, he did not give you an answer.
You let out a low chuckle. What an idiot you must have sound like? Why would Bucky care about your date at all?
“I’m sorry. I’m asking stupid questions. Goodnight Bucky.” You made your way to press the elevator and stood right in front of the lift. You hoped Bucky would just leave and save yourself from more humiliation.
As your elevator came to your floor, you were going to take one step in when you felt a hand grabbing onto your wrist. You turned to see Bucky with a slightly panicked look on his face.
“Don’t go.” You scrunched your face into a confused expression as you tried to understand what he meant. His next words caused your heart to skip a beat and the corners of your lips to move up.
“Don’t go on that date with him.”
Hello my readers! You didn’t think this was the end, did you? Thanks for sticking till this end of this long ass one-shot!
Here’s the bonus epilogue for this story.
You sat in the corner of a café that you looked up online. It was a third-generation family business that had the best pastries in New York. You pick on the loose threads of your yellow gingham midi dress as you waited for your date.
The bell of the café rung to signal the arrival of a new customer. You looked up to see a man in a dark outfit of black and blue. Black jacket over a blue t-shirt and dark washed out jeans. He was wearing a glove on his left hand and an eager smile on his face.
Bucky made his way towards you and first complimented on how beautiful you looked. You returned the same compliment and ravelled in how he easily embarrassed he was at the slightest praise.
The two of you went ahead to the counter, picking out a few sweet treats and two iced coffee. When your order was set on the table, you went ahead to cut a slice of cake and offered to him first.
Bucky eagerly took it and your heart melted at the bashful boyish grin he donned. The two of you fell into an easy conversation and you brought up something on your mind.
“These pastries are so good; we should get some more and you can bring it back for the rest of the team.” Bucky nodded in agreement as he took a sip of his drink.
“You know, Natasha had something to do with bringing Teddy in that day.” Your statement had Bucky’s attention on you. “Yeah, she told me a few days after. Trust her to use her skills to do something like that.” You laughed before continuing explaining.
Apparently, Natasha had a hand in making sure Teddy replaced his colleague for the assessment that very day. When questioned if she had any intention to bring you and Teddy together in the first place, she laughed and shook her head. She always intended for this plan to push you and Bucky towards the right direction.
She believed that if Bucky realised you cannot always be there and will eventually end up with someone else possibly, he will stop being in denial. Bucky commented that Natasha truly was a work of wonder and said that he was eternally grateful for her intervention.
Bucky reached over to hold your hand with this flesh hand but you went ahead to also grab his gloved vibranium hand too. It was your way of telling him that you accepted him whole-heartedly and loved him very much.
Bucky brought both your hands up to place multiple kisses and tell you how he really felt. He knew he shouldn’t hold back his feelings anymore and that you deserved to know how important you are to him.
“Doll, you’re the best thing that happened to me.”
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chris776sblog · 3 years
Chris Lay – Traitor
"A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself." ~ Marcus Tullius Cicero  
The officers took me from my holding cell, the chains, eroded, scuffed, and badly rusted. This was the day everyone had been waiting for... The beginning of my trial...We enter the courtroom, it stood blaring in my ears... Yet in my head, it was silent. I had dreaded this day ever since my arrest. I sit in disbelief as the judge reads my case... This event took the world by shock. So many people walked through the doors each second. There were not even enough seats for everyone in attendance. I look back, see my family and friends...Face covered in sorrow and many dejected looks filled the room. I look to my right, my lawyer... Trying his absolute best to uplift me from this predicament I have somehow been put in. To my left, there is every single one of my comrade's family members, staring in pure hatred of my sight. And working with all of them... The world's greatest prosecutor (appointed by the president). All the odds were stacked against me, nothing I could do now... Newscasters flooded the room; I was surrounded by hatred. All over something I did not do.  
“Court is now in session, please state your name, age and birthplace for this hearing.” said Judge Bishop. “My name is Gunnery Sergeant Lopez sir, I was born and raised in Dallas, Texas. I am 25 years of age.” “Mr. Lopez, do you know what you are being charged with today?” asked Judge Bishop. I replied with “Yes sir, I do...”]
- I am sure you are wondering what a guy like me has done to put myself in a position like this... I have done nothing but serve this country... I have given it my blood, sweat and tears!!! Moreover, there is nothing I can do or say now. All I can do is ponder to when my life ended only 1 year ago. I am being charged for the murder of every single field agent on our team that day... We were on a search and evac mission a few miles south of Japan...  We were there to rescue a man named Johnathan Harper; A world-renowned Chemical Engineer. He had been kidnapped and taken across the border to form a chemically induced virus for a group called “The Reds.” This virus, (if placed in the wrong hands) could kill everyone within 5 feet instantly. It can also be passed around by talking, breathing, or smelling... Their plan, like any other criminal group was world control. And with this virus, they would have every government at their knees. The president put this atop our to-do list. Or at least that is what our “report” said... This was a 5 - man mission (so I am being charged on 4 different accounts of murder). At the time, I was a nobody, I had just joined the Marine Corps after both my parents died in a head-on collision with an 18-wheeler. I had no other family, and there was nothing else for me to do in life. So, I worked incredibly hard, and got selected to join “The Alpha Recon Squad;” a team made up of the best Marines in the entire world. We did missions ranging from assassinations to children rescue. I am not exactly sure how or why I was placed on such an elite team... A team made up of gold medalists, honor badge award winners, etc. But with me being the first ever newcomer to achieve a feat like this, I took this as an honor. We were world heroes that no one knew about... Until as of late, where now I am about to be charged with multiple murders... Anyway, it was 0200 hours(2.am) and from our “report”, he was being kept in an incredibly oddly old motel. The motel had zero wildlife surrounding it, you could tell it had not been in use for an odd some 50 years. We surround the motel, very quietly... This was a non-lethal operation, (since the president said The Reds will be of zero threat) so none of us were armed. Our Battalion Leader entered first; after breaking off some of the locks, he took a long time before coming back out. We heard loud thuds, glass shattering and even a few screams... Despite that, he stuck to his story that the motel was empty. After figuring out the perimeter was clear he called everyone in. We walk in, in March Formation (to avoid many casualties in case of an ambush). Me being a “rookie” I went in first. [“That’s actually pretty funny.” said Judge Bishop... I did not respond.] - I could hear the faucet water dripping slowly, the wind hissing outside... This still silence creeped me out. There was not a faint sound in this motel... The ceiling was cracked in multiple places... Floorboards ripped from the ground; someone had obviously been here. We climbed all three flights of stairs till we reached the top floor. On the top floor we found a massacre of dead bodies... With no sign of this “Johnathan Harper.” Heads cut off, body parts incapacitated, this was a very bloody and disturbing sight. The bodies were still warm, meaning this had happened in the last 12 hours... I noticed government badges on some of the lackluster bodies, my Battalion Leader seeing this, at once kicked me out. [The judge again, tried making another joke. And I again, did not respond.] - I walked downstairs to be a lookout. [“Were there any major landmarks around this motel?” asked the judge. I replied with “No.”] -This motel was indeed in the middle of nowhere, no lights, no street signs. Surrounded by a large forest. With only one way in and out. With that being said, I saw bright lights closing in from about a quarter mile away. It was an old station wagon passing by slowly... Within an instant, bullets rained down from the top floor, followed by a huge explosion...  I saw bodies of comrades shoot through the windows and a large green gas emitted from the rooms. People jumped from the station wagon carrying multiple automatic weapons. [“Can you recall what they had on?” asked Judge Bishop. “They came wearing all black with a fully red mask on.” I responded.] -In lower parts of Japan, red masks stood for “New government, by way of blood” I tried ducking and dodging as many bullets as I could, this was indeed useless with me being hit several times in my upper and lower body. The bullets continued to ring out, louder and louder as they approached. Two bullets hit my upper leg, and now I could barely walk. As any smart person would, I played dead. This act, indeed, saved my life. - In the Marines we are taught many ways to avoid enemy capture (slowing our pulse, holding our breath for extended periods of time, even turning our skin pale). I was unsure of why this was learned. Our Battalion Leader: Admiral King, was the one who taught us everything we know. He is a Vietnam Veteran, won many Nobel peace prizes, and even has a medal of honor. He is the president’s second in command. I have heard many stories of his great feats and achievements, but I have never actually seen any of it. He hid a lot and was very secretive with our mission reports. Nevertheless, he died along with everyone else in the motel that day. - The Operatives, seeing that I am dead go into the motel. [“What did they do?” asked the judge, “I have no clue” I said”] They came back out carrying a dead body, I’m not sure who it was. I called for a rendezvous to my location. And by that time. I passed out. And that is it, no sign of any hostage just an ambush. From the inside. My story indeed caught the ears of the audience. I was so outmatched; I honestly just hoped the truth would set me free... By that time, it was too late. [“Judge there was never any sign of Johnathan Harper, so I don’t think there is any way you can charge me with his murder.”] -I said this, before seeing a group of men wearing all black with red masks on standing in the hearing room... All carrying automatic weapons. People soon caught glimpse and started fleeing, begging not to die in such a gruesome way... My heart dropped from my chest, knowing of what would happen next. The one standing in the very front, took off his mask. And before opening fire on everyone in the courtroom... I saw his face; it was Admiral King. I had just preached at my own funeral. I instantly remembered something he always told us in training... “The saddest thing about betrayal, is that it never comes from your enemies.)
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cowboyjen68 · 5 years
Hi Jen! I have been following you for a long time now and have never asked for advice, because once I get to typing I can’t seem to stop. But, I have been struggling with my sexuality my whole life, and now as I approach 25, I really want to be with a woman. Relationship, sexually, i do not care, I would like it all. I joined a lesbian FB group, but everyone seems to be way older than me. And gay clubs are just not my scene and usually everyone runs in packs, and I feel being drunk is not >>>
.  [continued] a good reason to try and talk to someone just because I have the liquid courage (and lets be honest everyone is into each other when they’re sippin)…. I really am at a loss. I feel like a lot of young women expect me (a masculine woman) to hit on them, but I am really nervous, and when I have they might flirt super hard with me but then say they’re straight. I’m beginning to think this search for female companionship is very lonely. Why is it that gay men seem to have an abundant >[con.] sex life, but gay women.. don’t? I know this is a generalization. But still, when I go out to gay bars and it’s mainly men, they all have someone or find someone. “Lesbian night” always seems more intimidating to me, and nobody approaches me like a gay man would approach another. This dynamic is frustrating to me. Why does it seem like the lesbian community suffers a little more than the men? Why does it seem gay men have more casual sex with each other? I hope this isn’t offensive
Let me start at the bottom. Your observation about gay men is not inaccuate and certainly males have much more community support and even cultural support to “sleep around”. They are taught that sex is important and love and committment is the butt of jokes. The stuff that “pussy whipped” men do… even if they are gay, they absorb this toxicity. Also.. sadly.. gay boys as they come to realize they are thought of as sexual beings above all else in our society begin to fulfill that prophecy.  They are told they are dirty, bad, disgusting so often times they internalize that and it becomes “damn if I do, damn if I don’t, so damn it I WILL”.  Lesbians fall victim to the same bullshit.. being told we are dirty or wrong and we often react by dating men “giving it a try”.  Or “finding a nice boy”.  So it is just a difference in the way we are conditioned as male and females as to how we handle the misogyny lathered on us. 
Meeting women is as a lesbian is a problem as old as humans. ( I can’t prove this but I am really really sure it is a fact).  In my younger days, bars were it. That was the “gay space”.   Our only real choice to be able to approach a woman and be pretty sure they also liked women. BUT as times have changed gay bars are filled with straight people. The local bar in my town has drag almost every night so it fills with bridal showers, straight couples and regulars. Those poeple help keep the doors open… I get it.. but it is no longer a space I want to be in very often.. Maybe once every two years if that. I also understand not wanted to be drunk when meeting a potiential mate or even a friend. It clouds personalities and judgements. I prefer to be with my friends for a drunken night out. They already know I am an idiot.
You of course crave sex and intimacy and the companionship of a woman. That is your natural state and very healthy to want that. Let me start by saying.. TAKE  YOUR TIME> Be honest with you. IF you meet someone they don’t HAVE to be the one. You can enjoy dates, making out even sex without a lifetime committment. You need to explore a bit so you know what you like. Be aware that sex with a  woman with whom you have chemistry feels very much like love.. it is probably not. Chemistry is wonderful and important but can also be a part of a Friend with Benefit arrangement or a temporary fun dating situation. Be honest with youself and with her. Talk often about emotions and what you want. 
Some tips to meeting women.
1.  Volunteer when lesbians do. Animal shelters, or rescues. Horse therapy barns. LGBT events. Habitat for Humanity “women built” weekends. 
2. Find the nearest women’s festial and get you butt there.  I know I push this a lot… but imagine 500 to 2000 women, mostly lesbians there specifically to see each other.. to be around each other. 
3. Look for women authors, comedians or musicians coming to smaller venues. .Check out what is going on in your town that is not mainstream. 
4. Attend charity events for any number of non profits: women’s shelters, animal rescue (including wildlife), nature centers, hiking and trail up keep, LGBT events, Food bank fundraisers etc. 
WIth anyone of these. make it a plan to meet at least one person. be honest, you are seeking LGBT friends/ Community.. You might even make some straight friends. but straight people have lesbian friends, cousins and coworkers. 
Approaching women:  Since I came out in 1993/4 and even before that as I was in gay bars (you know.. for the music) as early as 1987 I noticed the trend of butch women being expected to approach women. YET I also observed many butch women standing in a corner trying VERY hard to look unapproachable. What a paradox of actions. 
We get mixed signals. Be the strong, quiet type, don’t smile, look tough, aloof, uninterested.  Puff up, walk like you own the place and ignore those attempting eye contact.. IE “make them work for it”. BUT ALSO.. butches are the “guy” right? We buy the lady a drink, we ask her to dance, we invite ourselves into her space. We boldy say things like “Dance with me”.  
What the ever loving fuck? NO wonder we can’t meet each other. We have two approached fed to us but the world and neither on has any track record of working well or at all. 
My advice... smile, make eye contact and say “hi”.. Basically do what it is you want to do..which is speak to an attractive woman. You being the more masculine of the two does not matter. You are human and seeking connections.. she is human and likely seeking connections. We have words and social cues for a reason.. to connect. As humans, women and lesbians we over think. Don’t. SImplify it to these two line of thoughts:
 1. you say “hi” and she is not interested..she will so “no” or “no thank you” or ignore you. YOU have lost nothing. You weren’t talking to her, you still aren’t so you are just fine. Remember, it is not “you” she is rejecting. She might be married, tired, not interested, out with friends, or just a jerk.  
2. you say “hi” and she says it back. You can ask to sit next to her. Tell her you think she is pretty and want to talk to her. Compliment her shirt or hair style and ask if she minds company. You can Tell her you are tired of not talking to woman and she seems nice so you stepped out of your comfort zone to speak to her (this last one with brutal honesty has a track record of success). At the end of the night, you might have a date, you might have a friend, you might have just had a nice talk with a nice woman. Either way. you either have gained something (date or friend) or LOST nothing but a little time. 
Stop running “worst case scenerios” in your head. She will not toss a beer at you, laugh at you, call you ugly nor turn to her friends and make fun of you. AND If she does.. aren’t you glad she didn’t say “yes” to a date.
As far as social media look in to more specific lesbians groups. Maybe look at hiking, biking, history.. etc.. narrow it down from just “lesbians”or dating sights. Bi woman are also out there and have sites open to th
em.  Find lesbians or bi women with similar interests and you might find some closer to your age. Ask the older women on the Facebook pages about other connections. Maybe there are in other groups or clubs where they see young women asking about finding each other. Us old schoolers know how to network..let them help you.
I hope some of this helps. Let me know how it is going and if you learn something i forgot, please share it with me. 
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naturecoaster · 5 years
Rescued Bear Cub to Live in Homosassa
The Ellie Schiller Homosassa Wildlife State Park is part of a cooperative effort between the Florida Fish and Wildlife Commission and state-wide bear rehabilitation facilities. Each year, up to 11 rescued Florida Black bears are given to the park for rehabilitation and release back into the wild, but Park visitors never see them. “We have a 100% success rate for our rehabilitated bears,” shared Andrea Junkunc, Park Services Specialist, at the first viewing of their latest project, Maximus.
Maximus, the Orphaned Baby Black Bear to Live at Wildlife Park
On Wednesday, July 31, 2019, the six-month old bear cub was introduced to the public at the Park. A bundle of ebony fur, Maximus bounds into his life as the newest permanent resident at Ellie Schiller Homosassa Springs Wildlife State Park! He was rambunctious and curious when NatureCoaster visited, playing with the water in his trough and eventually sat up in it, like a bathtub. He climbed the walls of his chain link temporary habitat, pulled on saw palmetto leaves, tasted sticks and everything else he could.
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Maximus the orphaned Florida Black bear cub got into his water trough, using it like a bathtub when introduced to the public Wednesday, July 31, 2019. Image by Diane Bedard. Max was simply adorable. Being the first day he was interacting with the public, the Wildlife Care team had several members looking after him. “We are pleased with how well he is doing on his first day of seeing so many new people,” Trisha explained. Although he has been bottle-fed, cleaned, crate trained, and bonded with his caregivers, it is a big first step for an orphaned wild animal to meet a crowd – even if they are all fans. Max seemed to take it all in stride, playing with everything within his grasp like a little bear should.
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There is an entire Wildlife Care Team at Homosassa Springs Wildlife State Park, headed up by Trisha Fowler. Together they rehabilitate some of Florida's orphaned wild animals. They came out on Wednesday to help Max transition to his public encounters. Image by Diane Bedard How Maximus came to Ellie Schiller Homosassa Springs Wildlife State Park Born in the wild in February, young Maximus was orphaned by his mother in the Florida panhandle for unknown reasons. He was found by the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC) weighing a mere four pounds at the time of rescue. Fortunately, Maximus’ mother is a tagged and collared Florida Black bear, so FWC was aware of the situation.
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Max playing in the rehabilitation area of the Wildlife Park. Image courtesy of Joe Dube. The tiny young bear received medical care and around-the-clock supervision, requiring frequent feedings. Despite caregivers’ best efforts, FWC deemed the young bear non-releasable and it just happened that there was space available for a permanent resident bear at Homosassa. Maximus the Orphaned Bear Cub receives Committed Care at the Park At the Ellie Schiller Homosassa Wildlife State Park, Darin Wilson was given the opportunity to care for Maximus. As a Ranger who has been part of the Wildlife Care team for 2 years, Darin is thrilled to be working with ‘Max’.
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Darin Wilson interacts with Maximus. Darin has been given the job of bonding with Max to help in his care and training. Image courtesy of Diane Bedard Max was about 11 pounds when he came to the Wildlife Park in March. Darin has been working closely with the bear cub, bonding with him. He teaches Max crate training, as well as cleaning and feeding him. “How many people can say they bond with a bear for their job?” Darin tells me with a wide grin on his face and palpable joy. “The bond is great for enrichment for Max, and for me.” Max is nearly 40 pounds now. He is fed fruits, vegetables and omnivore food. He also gets dog food as a protein source to help him grow strong - and two smoothies a day!
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Maximus the baby bear will be on display at the Homosassa Springs Wildlife State Park on Wednesdays, Saturdays and Sundays from 2:30 - 3:30 pm. Image courtesy of Joe Dube. Homosassa Wildlife State Park helps to Rehabilitate and Release Orphaned Bears Year-Round “Florida’s only Wildlife State Park not only works in cooperation with FWC to rehabilitate orphaned black bears and release them back into the wild, but also has the facilities to house several non-releasable bears,” says Kate Spratt, the Park’s Service Specialist. There are facilities to rehabilitate up to 11 bears at the Park. These are behind the scenes and manned by the Wildlife Care team, headed up by Trisha Fowler.
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Trisha Fowler leads an amazing and committed team of wildlife biologists, specialists and volunteers who rehabilitate Florida's orphaned wildlife. Here she is answering questions from the public as she interacts with the Wildlife Park's newest resident. Image courtesy of Diane Bedard “Bears are typically born in February and brought to the Park by June for rehabilitation. We try to get them ready to go back to their natural environments by January of the following year when they are big enough to safely integrate,” Andrea Junkunc explains. “FWC tracks the bears and none of our bears have been found after release.” Managing and Integrating Homosassa’s Newest Resident with the Park “We will be bringing Max out on Wednesdays, Saturdays and Sundays from 2:30-3:30 for the public to see until he is old enough to safely enjoy the Park’s bear habitat without supervision,” Trisha Fowler tells the onlookers, “He will be living in the bear rehabilitation area until then. When he is mature enough, we will bring him to the Florida Black bear habitat for a day, with Biddy living in the rehabilitation area and then exchange them, giving both an opportunity for solitude and public interaction.”
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Each orphaned bear is taught the skills that its mother would have trained it for by the staff. Because Max was so young and tiny when rescued, FWC deemed him unable to return to the wild. He will be an ambassador for his species at the Park. Image courtesy of Joe Dube. With Max not being Biddy’s offspring, it is unwise to put them together. Florida Black Bears are part of Homosassa Springs Wildlife Park’s History Prior to Maximus’ arrival, the State Park housed one adult Florida black bear, Biddy. She arrived with her twin brother, Brutus, as cubs in the early 2000s, residing at the Park ever since. With the passing of Brutus in 2018, Biddy has been the only resident Florida black bear in the park.
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Brutus and Biddy were brother and sister black bear residents of the park until Brutus passed away in 2018. Photo by Joe Dube “Bears tend to be solitary creatures,” Andrea explains. “Biddy enjoys her solitude as bears in the wild typically keep to themselves.” Keeping this in mind, Biddy and the newcomer Maximus will spend time on exhibit separately, following a rotating schedule like that of the panthers who reside at the Park. Volunteers are the Heartbeat of this Wildlife State Park On Wednesday, July 31, Park volunteer Mary Ann Desimone explained about Florida Black bears, including their eating habits, life expectancy, typical lifestyle and range. She answered questions for the 40 or so visitors who came to greet Maximus on his first day interacting with the public.
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Mary Ann Desimone, 24-year Park Volunteer is a two time graduate of bear college where she learned about the Florida Black bear and how to best communicate that information to the public. She is seen here on July 31, 2019 answering questions at Maximus' first public exhibition. Image by Diane Bedard “I have been to bear college twice in the 1990s, the ‘Cubs for Kids’ training. I love animals, teaching and interacting with children,” Mary Ann explains about how she acquired her knowledge of Florida Black bears. She has been volunteering at the Homosassa Springs Wildlife State Park for 24 years. Interested in coming to the park to view the young Maximus?
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Come to the Ellie Schiller Homosassa Springs Wildlife State Park and meet Max. He is so cute and full of energy that you will be glad you did! Image courtesy of Joe Dube. Maximus, the orphaned Florida Black bear, will be in a special exhibit located on the Wildlife Walk across from the bobcats on Wednesdays, Saturdays, and Sundays from 2:30pm to 3:30pm, weather permitting, until he is mature enough to release into the bear habitat. Visitors to the park may see Maximus at that time and speak with a ranger about him. The park entrance is located at 4150 S Suncoast Blvd. in Homosassa. Hours are 9 am to 5:30 pm daily, with last entry at 4:45 pm. The cost for entry is Adults (age 13+) $13, Children (ages 6-12) $5, Children 5 and under, free. For more information, call the Homosassa Springs Wildlife State Park office at 352-628-5343. Postscript: Special thanks to Joe Dube for the excellent photos of Max and to the Wildlife Care Team at Ellie Schiller Homosassa Springs Wildlife State Park for taking the time to answer our questions - and their commitment to Florida's wildlife. Read the full article
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whispersafterdusk · 5 years
In Your Hands - ch 2
"This place looks so different from when I was locked away."
They had been on the road for nearly two weeks now -- the walk from the mountains where Dimhollow Crypt was located was a long one, and avoiding main roads (to avoid people) coupled with having to also cross the marshes near Morthal had slowed them down considerably.  They were at last nearing the mountainous region where Solitude lorded over the surrounding lands and thankfully had gotten this far without trouble.
There were many times they had traveled in silence, as well as many times that Serana had voiced amazement at how much the world had changed.  She didn't speak much in general, but the more she spoke the more it occurred to him how...old she had to be.  And the more he realized her age, and how long she'd been locked away, the more -- he wouldn't call it a fear, really, more of a concern on how hungry she probably was at this point...and yet, she hadn't made any attempt to hurt him, or tried to steer them into a town or farmstead where people gathered, nor had she mentioned or even seemed concerned with being hungry.  He thought he should be suspicious about it, as though she were planning something he hadn't figured out yet, but really he was just...confused, and tried not to think about it overmuch. ((Continued below cut))
"What's so different?"
"I'm not really sure...it looks familiar, but at the same time very different.  It's hard to explain."
He grunted in acknowledgement; after that they'd walked in a comfortable silence until the sun was just beginning to set.  In the very far distance he could see the Blue Palace, and knew they would need to veer to the northwest to eventually reach the main road to get up and then over the mountain range that the city was built upon.
"Do you...know how long you might have been down there?"
"I...can't really tell.  I feel like it was a long time.  Who is Skyrim's high king?"
Ralsten chuckled and earned himself a questioning look from the woman.  "That's actually a matter of debate at the moment."
Her expression and tone went flat.  "Oh, wonderful.  A war of succession.   Good to know the world didn't get boring while I was gone.  Who's fighting over the throne?"
"Well, on one side you have Ulfric Stormcloak, jarl of Windhelm.  On the other is Elisif, widowed wife of High King Torygg."
"I've not heard of Ulfric, and you say Elisif is...  Are either of them particularly well supported?"
Ralsten blew out a sigh.  "Well, the Empire supports Elisif, but there's a lot of people across Skyrim who are loyal to Ulfric."
Serana slowly turned her head to him.  "Empire?  What...empire?"
Again, the absurdity of how old this woman had to be struck him, and he tried very hard not to laugh.  "The Empire.  From Cyrodiil."
"Cyrodiil is the seat of an empire?  I must have been gone longer than I thought. Definitely longer than anyone planned...  Please, let's hurry.  I need to get home so I can figure out what's happened."
He nodded, and gestured to the city near the top of the mountain and at the Blue Palace perched on the giant stone arch, both just barely visible through the trees they traveled under.  "That is Solitude there, and your island will be on the other side of that range.  We'll be over it by tomorrow afternoon."
Serana nodded, though she looked troubled and didn't speak much after that.
They walked until night fully fell, then made camp along the side of the road; aside from a single patrolling guard they saw no one and heard nothing more than the sounds of insects and wildlife as the wilds came alive around them, and Serana still did not speak as Ralsten laid out a horse hide blanket for them to sit on beside a small fire.
Much later, with the fire dying down, Ralsten finally broke the silence.  "We are heading to your family home...was it them who locked you away?"
Shifting uncomfortably she refused to meet his eyes.  "I'd...rather not get into that with you.  If that's all right.  I'm sorry, it's not that...  It's just, I don't know who I can trust yet.  Let's get to my home, and I'll have a better sense of where we all stand."
The wood elf nodded to her, offering what he hoped was a reassuring smile.  "Fair enough.   What should I expect, when we reach there?"
"...I'm not really sure."
"Can you tell me nothing of your home?"
"I already mentioned it was on an island...and, thinking about it, hopefully we can find a boat to take us there.  It's not the most welcoming place, but depending on who's around I'll be safe there."
At that Ralsten straightened, looking at her in confusion.  "Safe?  Why wouldn't you be safe in your own home?  If your family is there..."
"Let's just say that my mother and father had a bit of a falling out.  Don't worry, I'm not in any actual danger from them or anything like that...it's just going to be unpleasant to run into my father.  We don't really get along -- ugh, saying that out loud makes it sound so...common.  A little girl who doesn't get along with her father -- tell me you haven't heard that story a hundred times."
He laughed quietly and prodded at the smoldering embers.  "Perhaps I have.  But, your story is still unique because it's yours and no one elses, no matter how similar it may seem to something you've read before."  
The look she'd given him was at first confused, then she'd smiled and looked to the stars, commenting on how she was grateful she could see them again.  Some of the tension had faded, and they began to idly chat about Skyrim - it's weather and seasons, what holds and regions still existed and soon Ralsten found himself explaining the war as well. After awhile, as their conversation fell away and the night grew deeper, his attention shifted from his ancient vampire companion to his current situation.
He felt that the Dawnguard would skin him alive for not killing her and taking the Elder Scroll she carried -- Isran seemed to be an honorable, intelligent man - definitely shrewd and strong to have survived this long hunting vampires - but while he seemed to present his cause as righteous, as a way to protect Skyrim's people, Ralsten suspected hatred drove the man more than anything else.  He could definitely see Isran wanting to kill Serana without fully exploring who she was, why she was locked away, and why she possessed an Elder scroll...on one hand he didn't want to believe the man could be that shortsighted, but on the other he really, really hated vampires and never missed an opportunity to remind others of that fact.
That Serana was...nervous about her father and couldn't tell him what to expect when they'd arrived at her family home was also of concern, and he wasn't certain how he could or should prepare for what they were walking in to.  And, being as they were going to an island, if it happened that he (or they) should need to quickly escape...unless they found someone willing to take them over and then wait there Ralsten expected they would be rowing a boat themselves and there was no quick means to cast off and get away from the shore if it was just them...or him.  Especially not if it was just him, in his heavy armor -- and that was assuming he could even reach the boat quickly enough.
So many unknown variables...it was starting to make him nervous himself.
The conversation with Harkon was a bit of a blur.  Ralsten remembered the introductions (and the striking, intimidating figure of Harkon himself) with a crystal clarity but it felt...rushed, in his mind.  Rushed and charged with an anxious energy, and with a relief that he'd made it out of there.
Granted, he'd only made it out of there because the Lord had banished him; it made his stomach clench as he remembered the hand raising, the spell hitting him, and then collapsing backward into the boat he and Serana had arrived on.  The Lord had, as a thanks for rescuing his daughter, given him the choice of becoming a vampire or walking out alive but after his refusal he'd declared that the wood elf was banished, and that had brought to mind nightmarish planes - the places that daedra walked, or were "banished" to when defeated - and he'd truly not known what to expect as the magic swallowed him up and then spat him back out elsewhere.
It was a relief to see the familiar sky of Skyrim over his head once the panic of the forced relocation had worn off and Ralsten had slowly rowed the way back to the mainland alone.
There were other minor details of the encounter that stood out more than others.  Harkon had boasted how he was one of the oldest and most powerful vampires in Skyrim, and the wood elf had assumed it was to try and entice him to take the "reward" offered for Serana's safe return...and, he would be lying if he hadn't thought for a moment that such a reward would be forced on him, standing there in the great hall surrounded by Harkon's vampiric court.
And of course...that terrifying demonstration.  Part man, part...beast.  Bat.   Gargoyle?  Ralsten had no words for the form, only a memory of pallid skin stretched over muscle, dressed in gold and gems and with clawed hands, feet, and teeth that looked like they could tear right through his steel plate.
But...he'd made it out.  The Lord had kept his word and spared him this one time because he'd rescued his daughter.   Serana and the Elder Scroll she'd carried were both still within the castle, and Ralsten knew trying to reach either of them again would be suicide - he was left without Serana, and without answers.
The return journey to Fort Dawnguard was considerably more tense; Harkon had promised only to spare him then, that one time, and declared him prey afterward like any other mortal.  That an entire room of vampires had seen his face, and heard his name...Ralsten supposed he would need to be far more cautious, especially if Serana mentioned he was a member of the Dawnguard to any of them (if they hadn't considered him an important target then, they certainly would if they heard about THAT little detail).
It was past midnight, after a week of hard riding, when he found himself climbing the path to the fort; he'd made the trip unscathed and unbothered... But, he was not looking forward to reporting to Isran, and he'd planned to do so in the morning but found Isran pacing in the main foyer when he entered the fort.
"You.  You've returned.  So, any luck?  Was Tolan right about the vampires being interested in Dimhollow Crypt?"
Ralsten shouldered the heavy door shut, letting loose a sigh he felt originated somewhere near his toes before turning to face the man.  "Yes...the place was crawling with vampires.  Tolan was right, and he's dead - the vampires killed him.  He went in alone before I got there."
Isran pressed his lips into a thin line, irritation clear on his face.  "Damn fool, I told him not to go.  The Vigilants always had more bravery than sense...  Did you at least find out what they were looking for in there?"
Ralsten jerked his head to the side, nodding toward room off to the left - if he was going to be kept from bed filling Isran in right this moment then he was going to do it sitting down and out of his armor.  After a moment Isran nodded and stalked off that direction; Ralsten followed and moved to the far empty corner, beginning to peel his armor off and hang it on a rack hanging from pegs hammered into the stone wall.
"-they were looking for a woman that was sealed in the crypt," Ralsten went on, once he was down to just his boots and the padded cloth clothing he wore under the plate.  He dropped onto a stool; Isran remained standing, and began to pace.
"That doesn't make sense.  Where is this woman?  Who is she?"
The wood elf hesitated -- he knew he was mere seconds away from enraging the man.  "...I don't -"
"We were attacked while you were searching," Isran interrupted.  His tone was sharp and Ralsten looked up in surprise; the man continued to pace but it became more agitated, Isran himself looking ready to strike something - or someone - down.  "I should've known it was only a matter of time before they found us.  It's the price we pay for openly recruiting.  We'll have to step up our defenses, take measures to stop them, and to do that we need any and all information you found about this crypt, and that woman.  No delaying."
At that Isran directed an icy glare at the wood elf; Ralsten subtly leaned back on his stool, ready to move if the man moved toward him.  He'd expected Isran to be as direct and...well, sour as ever, but now knowing that he was wound up from an attack...
"The woman, she - she wanted to go home.  So I took her home.  To a castle on an island near Solitude."
"She's the daughter of a powerful vampire lord. The castle is where they're holed up."
Isran stopped and spun on a heel to face him.  "And you delivered her right to them?  Are you mad?"
Ralsten held up his hands, a guilty look creeping across his face.  "It's...it gets worse.  She had an Elder Scroll."
"What?  And you didn't stop her?  You didn't secure the scroll?"
"I'm lucky I made it out alive at all.  I...I took her there expecting to learn more of what was going on.  There was a castle, and I was taken into its hall, there were ten vampires there, along with the Lord Harkon.  There were simply too many of them and not enough of me to have done anything, Isran...I'm sorry.  And, Lord Harkon himself...he's a monster.  I don't think I could handle him on my own either."
Isran ground his teeth, spitting out "-so they have everything they wanted, and we're left with nothing."  After a moment he closed his eyes, inhaled and exhaled slowly, his expression visibly relaxing some, then looked to Ralsten again.  "I suppose you ARE lucky you're not dead.  Or worse...one of them."
"He...tried, actually.  He offered me the chance to become a vampire - to join him.  I obviously said no," Ralsten added quickly as Isran's expression hardened again.  "When I said no he magically threw me out of the castle, and I got out of there."
Isran nodded then rubbed a hand over his face and beard, going back to pacing.  "By the Divines, this couldn't get much worse.  This is more than you and I, or anyone else left here, can handle.  We're going to need help.  If they're already bold enough to attack us here then this may be bigger than I thought.  I have good men here, but...  There are people I've met and worked with over the years.  We'll need their skills, their talents, if we're going to survive this.  If you can find them, we might have a chance."
Ralsten inwardly groaned - he'd been hoping to get at least one full night's sleep before being shoved out the door again.  "All right...who am I looking for?"
That earned him a begrudging chuckle from the man.  "Right to the point, aren't you.  I like that."  His expression hardened briefly.  "Not like those fools in the order..."  Isran sighed again, suddenly looking older than his years.  "We should keep it small.  Too many people and we'll draw unwanted attention to ourselves...moreso than we have already, that is.  I've two in mind.  I need you to find Sorine Jurard - Breton girl, whip-smart and good with tinkering - fascination with Dwemer, weapons in particular.  Last I knew she was out in the Reach, convinced she was about to find the biggest dwarven ruin yet."
Nodding wearily Ralsten reached for his bag, rooting around until he pulled out a tightly rolled handful of maps, held closed with a simple leather tie.   He sorted through them as Isran watched, rubbing at his eyes.  "The Reach...you can't be more specific?"  Isran merely shook his head, and Ralsten inwardly groaned again.  
The Reach was a fairly sizeable stretch of land; if she was studying dwemer ruins that narrowed it down only slightly.  Maybe someone in Markarth would know of her...but having to search through so much land seemed rather daunting.  And that was IF she was above ground -- dwemer ruins were, for the most part, underground.  If she was wandering about in one of those there was no telling how long it'd take to find her.
"And the other?"
"His name is Gunmar.  Big brute of a Nord, hates vampires almost as much as I do.  Got it into his head years back that his experience with animals would help - trolls in particular, from what I hear.  Last I heard of him he was out scouring Skyrim for more beasts to tame.  Bring the two of them back here and we can get started on coming up with a plan."
It took all of his strength not to throttle the man.  A woman somewhere in the Reach and a man somewhere out in the whole of Skyrim?  How did Isran expect him to possibly find these people?
"All right.  I'll head out in the morning," Ralsten finally muttered as he pushed himself from his stool and staggered toward one of the hide-lined cots pushed up against the wall.
"Sleep is for the weak, elf."
"I'd argue sleep is what keeps me from becoming weak.  I am exhausted and I'd make nothing but an easy target."  He perched on the edge of the cot and met Isran's disapproving gaze without flinching.  "I will leave in the morning," he repeated, speaking slowly and firmly.
Isran grunted - Ralsten wasn't sure if it was a sign of Isran seeing sense or merely too frustrated to argue - and left.  He waited until the other man's footsteps had grown too faint to hear, then dragged his feet up into the cot he sat on and stretched out.  It was dusty and smelled of mildew but he was too tired to truly care.
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leonardvindel · 6 years
[ChloDine] I’ve Got You - chapter 2
Thank you @csquirrel27 @ bri-notthecheese    @pfeiffersvu  for the encouragement you gave me :D
Please excuse all spelling and grammar errors except for the Tsotsitaal and Afrikaans.
Previous Chapter
Chapter 2
Present Day
The view reminded her of when they stood atop Ganesh’s axe back in India, on their first adventure together.
She stood near the edge, on the top of Table Mountain. It wasn't as completely flat as it looked from the ground below; it had a granite type surface with, what the locals called, Fynbos, growing wildly all over it.
Just like Halebidu, it was peaceful here. The cool Table Mountain breeze swept past her face, recalling the sudden wind that had almost knocked them off their feet. Nadine had instinctively grabbed onto her and she in return grabbed her bicep to stabilise. The real beauty though, lay on her chestnut  skin at the moment. The awe in her eyes at the sight of the lush jungle below her. The memory brought a smile to her face, “This is an impressive view china” her arms wrapped around the box she was holding “You caught me off guard with this one. I’d have thought you’d choose a wildlife reserve not the top of a mountain.”
7 Months Ago
The first shot Nadine fired landed directly into a man's head, the second and third hit another's shoulder before getting in another head shot. Nadine's skilful firing took down two more after that. As expected of an ex-paramilitary soldier. Chloe, on the other hand, wasn't fairing so well. She wasted a few good easy shots before finally hitting her mark. A chaotic storm of emotions raged within her. About how much of a bad idea it had actually been to break into the underground fort. To have gambled their lives so carelessly and now, because of that, Nadine was in mortal danger. It wasn't like Elena in Shambhala, who had put herself too close to Harry in order to try and save him. She had almost died too that day. But that was her choice. Nadine had gone because Chloe had pushed the idea. But it was too late for her to dwell on that now, she needed to focus, she needed to save Nadine.
Burning arms and too many missed shots forced Sam to eventually put Nadine down behind cover as more reinforcements arrived. He opened his hand for Nadine to hand the gun over to him "I'll take it from here Nadine." Aware of her missed shots, Nadine handed Sam back his firearm without protest, and let Sam do the rest. When the passage had fallen silent, Sam picked Nadine up again and began a sloppy jog down the passage and came to a stop at the end of it. "This way!" they said in unison, only Chloe had taken the passage leading left and Sam the right. "What makes you so sure that's the right way out?" "I'm not but I marked the wall earlier there" Sam gestured with his head, to a little bit of the concrete wall he'd scratched on prior "There's a medic room down here somewhere. Maybe we can find something to help Nadine."
Chloe ran to catch up "Sounds like a plan."
"See Nadine? I'm good for something." "Mhmm, using the old 'noodle' as you call it." Nadine replied
A bullet narrowly missed and hit the wall when Sam ran into another passage, with Nadine in his arms. "Oh shit! That was close." Nadine cried out at Sam's sudden movements and was then put down for a second time. Chloe knelt down and put her hand on the one Nadine had over her stomach wound then to her cheek "Hey, how are you holding up?" "N-not so lekker (nice) but I think I can manage. " Chloe joined Sam and look a peek around the wall. She recognised one of the faces as the one of the guys she knocked out earlier, who was now guarding the door to the medic room. She felt immediate regret at not having ended his life there and then. She turned back to Sam "We have the artefact in our possession. Any ideas as to why they're guarding the door?" He shrugged his shoulders pulling out his gun "I don't know, I didn't open it. I was about to when I heard a whole lot of shooting and knew you ladies had been spotted. So I came to the rescue" He checked the ammo capacity of his gun's magazine, hopefully I'd be enough. Neither of them had picked up any ammo from their last gun fight. "There's only one way to find out." Chloe picked up a lone wooden plank and threw it into the passage, to divert the armed men's attention then took her first shots "We call dibs on that room guys!"
Followed by Sam. Neglecting to pick up ammo previously, Sam and Chloe found their clips empty after shooting down five of the six men that had been guarding the door. Before panic could settle in, there was a grunt from behind them and a knife whizzed between both of them and straight into the last man's head when he dared to peer over the cover he'd taken. Chloe and Sam both turned around to see Nadine clutching her side in pain, leaning on the wall for support, "Ja, I've-I've still got it." Chloe ran to her side and slung her arm over her shoulder "You're always there to save my arse Nadine."
Nadine scoffed in reply and lent most of her weight on Chloe as they walked.
Sam  ran ahead and kicked the door open. He froze in place "Umm..." He turned to look at Chloe who was approaching with Nadine "They weren't guarding something. They were guarding someone."
"What?" Chloe stood by the door beside Sam and followed the direction of his gaze. There on a bed lay an injured woman, still in her tattered, blood covered uniform, hooked up to all sorts of medical machinery. The guards that now that now lay dead outside the door thanks to Chloe, Sam and Nadine, had been guarding her. "That's-That's the woman from... two days ago. With- with that big group." Nadine mentioned to Chloe "I thought we got rid of all of them." Sam added Chloe felt Nadine place her head on her shoulder and her knees buckle "Hang on Nadine. We'll get you patched up love." Chloe turned to Sam "Hold her steady so I can make room for her on the bed." "Chloe..." Sam gave Chloe an incredulous look "That woman is going to die if you-" the look on Chloe's face stopped him from continuing any further. He held Nadine as Chloe had instructed and watched her walk over to the woman lying on the bed. "We've dealt with most of the armed forces here. Who's going to check on her vitals when we leave?" Chloe worked her way to remove any medical equipment attached to the woman on the bed, the machines making protest at the loss of connection. She stopped for a second, as if to rethink her actions, her face softened when her eyes scanned over Nadine's injured form before turning into a scowl "She gave us away. If it weren't for her Nadine wouldn't be in the condition she's in," she yanked the IV line out of her arm "They wouldn't have been expecting us." Sam said nothing further, realising that Chloe was shifting the blame. It wasn't her fault entirely, Sam and Nadine had both agreed, eventually. They were both aware of the risk. He watched her haul the woman's body off the bed and onto the floor.
Without saying a word, Sam helped Nadine up onto the bed.
Both Sam and Chloe began to search for any available medical supplies. Most of the cupboards and draws were empty or had items that weren't going to aid Nadine. They must have used whatever they had on their comrade. "Found a bottle of water-based Iodine and gauze." Chloe announced to Sam, shaking it to feel how much of it was left. A reasonable amount. Sam could be heard shuffling through a few draws then turned victoriously to Chloe "I got a needle, cotton wool pads but no sutures."
At that moment, Chloe and Sam got distracted by a garbled sound from the floor. Sam checked over to see the woman, who had been on the bed, start to convulse in an attempt to breathe. It wouldn't be long now, she would soon be dead.
"Alright, I'll work on Nadine's head wound first." She pointed to the unopened draws and cupboards at the back of the medical room, "Check there to see if you can find suture thread and some painkillers." Chloe was stepped over the woman's body, took the items from Sam and went right to Nadine's side. Nadine's head wound wasn't as bad as it looked. It had thankfully closed up on its own. Her vision moved down to Nadine's abdomen, that wound, she was very concerned about. Sam came into Chloe's field of view with suture thread "This was all I could find." There wasn't much of it left "It'll probably be just enough to hold the wound for now."
"It'll have to do" Chloe looked the thread then to Sam "Thanks."
Sam nodded in response, suddenly itching for a cigarette now that the action had gone quiet. "I'm going to grab a quick smoke outside while you work on Nadine."
"I need you here Sam."
The desperation in Chloe's voice was enough for Sam to try and endure the craving for a little while longer. Nadine's eyes were half lidded and she was struggling to stay awake so Chloe placed her hand onto the bleeding wound that had been held together by Sam's shirt and her belt. "Eish! Eina (ouch)!" Chloe gave Nadine a peck on her cheek "The sun's still up out there darling. It's too early for you to go to sleep."
Nadine just tried to take in deep breaths.
Chloe had to pull the belt tighter in order to loosen it which earned her another moan from Nadine. She lifted her standard blue shirt to about where her last rib would be, she was greeted with a dark hole and blood oozing  from it. It must have hurt pretty bad but so far Nadine had done her best to mute her pain. That was all going to change within the next minute or so. She was hoping to see the bullet and pull it out but there was no sign of it. Nadine would need professional help for this. The Iodine and cotton wool pads were placed on the bed beside Nadine as Chloe mounted it and straddled Nadine’s powerful legs, “Sam, hold her down while I clean the wound." Sam took in a nervous breath, a little paranoid that Nadine might sock him in the jaw “Nadine, I’m just gonna hold you down so Chloe can clean the bullet wound alright?” Brown eyes looked into his before a “Ja” response was returned. Chloe tipped the bottle of the water-based Iodine onto the cotton wool pad, took a deep breath and proceed to clean Nadine's unsightly gunshot wound. The first  few swipes were around the opening of the wound so Nadine was relatively still. It wasn't until Chloe took a clean piece of cotton, dabbed the Iodine over it and patted the open wound, did Nadine finally react. "Yissus (Christ)!!" Nadine yelled, her body attempted to squirm away from the pain. Both Sam and Chloe added more weight on Nadine to keep her from moving. Being gentle about this was only going to make it harder for all of them and as it was, time was not on their side. Chloe had to switch off all of Nadine’s pained yells. Memories of her mother using it on her when she’d hurt herself as an adventurous child, reminded of how much the iodine solution really stung. Nadine tried her best not to thrash around but eventually, "St-STOP STOP STOP!" she took in as many breaths as she could "Pl-Please stop Chloe…Please." Chloe threw the blood covered cotton onto the floor to joining the others that she'd used "Okay, alright china. I'm going to stitch this up and wrap it too. So please bear with me okay." Nadine responded with a tired nod. It didn't escape Chloe to notice that Nadine's skin had gotten slightly paler than before. Never mind that, she needed to carry on. Sewing was never Chloe’s strong suit and sewing together irritated, swollen skin was met with a challenge. In the end, it looked like shoddy work but she did her best and proceeded to use the gauze and wrapped it up tight enough so that Nadine could still breathe.
Sam then proceeded to put Nadine on his back. They walked out the room leaving the woman there, who was now quiet having succumbed to her injuries, along with many of the others they had to contend with.
They got a bit turned around trying to find the exit but the managed to stumble into the underground fort's garage. Their standard red Jeep would be okay where they'd left it. Chloe quickly worked her magic on a vehicle in the garage and got it started. Sam placed Nadine at the back and moved towards the driver's side "Chloe, I'll drive. You've got to keep Nadine talking." Chloe didn't argue and jumped right into the back as Sam took his position behind the wheel and crashed their way out the underground garage of the fort.
Chloe took Nadine’s hand in her own, it was colder than before and clammy. She looked at the Queen's Ruby bracelet "Hey there love." Nadine looked her "Aren't I just a genius for giving you this bracelet? It led me to you like always." "It was a good gift. Be-Better than flowers and -cho-chocolate." Chloe chuckled "Ohh you know I'm not the flowers and chocolate kind of girl." Chloe cleared her throat, feeling  that dreaded clump of anxiety that she had failed to swallow "But I do owe you a marvellous dinner now. What would you like me prepare for you?" "Your- your cooking isn't great liefie(love)" Nadine gave her an honest answer "I-I'd rather have a MRE." Chloe faux recoiled "Ouch! Give me some credit, it was the first time I was cooking pap and vle-vleis" Nadine giggled a little before the pain became a bit much "You burnt both the pap and the boere-boerewors" "Again, it was my first time but the peppermint crisp tart you made for dessert was delicious and the extra dessert after that too." Nadine remained silent for a bit before answering Chloe "I-I would have loved to have made it for yo-you ag-again." Sensing Nadine's doubt "Hey hey hey hey, no! You're going to make it okay" She blinked away the tears threatening to escape her eyes. She didn't want to think about that. Again Nadine was silent for a little while longer, just looking at Chloe then said "Wi-wie is jy (Who are you)?" Her eye brows knitted together in confusion Chloe raised an eyebrow "Sorry love? My Afrikaans is terrible, what did you say?" "Who are yo-you?" Nadine tried to pull her hand back from Chloe. The blood loss was causing her to experience confusion. Chloe held on tighter "It's me - Chloe. Your skat (sweetheart). Your liefie (love). Your selfish dickhead." "Chlo-Chloe." Nadine repeated, relaxing as the moment of confusion cleared. How could she forget her Chloe? "That's right." Chloe pointed to the front seat "And that's Sam. You remember him right?" Sam turned his head "Hang in there Miss Ross" "Voet-voetsak (piss off)" Nadine spat back. That was one person she wouldn't mind forgetting. Chloe laughed a bit "That's the spirit."
Sam wasn't the best at driving and it became very apparent when the vehicle suddenly dipped to the one side as a tyre went into a pothole. Chloe and Nadine followed the direction of the tilt. Chloe did her best to keep Nadine from falling off with her. Nadine's pained groans could be heard over the rattling of the vehicle. "Christ Sam!" Chloe instinctively placed her hand on the stitched wound on Nadine's side and cradled Nadine's torso. Sam steadied the vehicle again "Sorry sorry. I didn't see that. Just focus on keeping Nadine awake!" His apologetic, determined eyes looked back at Chloe through the rear a view mirror "We're almost back in town! Tell Nadine to hang in there!"
Nadine's skin could now easily be classified as grey, it was paler than it had ever been, her breathing still so shallow. She tried to lift her hand to Chloe's face but was only able to grasp the forearm cradling her torso. Chloe responded by kissing her lips and felt a tear hit her cheek before rolling off her face. She felt so sad that she'd failed someone she loved again. First her father and now the love of her life. "You're not going to die you hear me?" Chloe begged more than commanded her "You're going to make it." Chloe's ear was close enough for Nadine to speak to her liefie (love) "Ek is (I am) -I'm not upset Chlo-Chloe." She desperately drew in more air "It's not...your-your fault okay. Prom-Promise me that you-you won't blame yourself...f-for this." "Just stay alive for me and I promise I won't blame myself" Chloe replied parting her tear filled grey eyes and looking into Nadine's half lidded brown eyes. "Hey! I can see the town" Sam shouted through the rumbling of the tyres over gravel Chloe lifted her head to confirm if Sam was seeing the right thing. She let out a breath, feeling relief wash over her, Nadine really had a fighting chance, she was going to make it. She turned to give Nadine the good news but her smile of relief was replaced with a frown. Nadine lay still. Eyes half lidded, looking at Chloe. No longer breathing and her half smile frozen in time. "No... no no no no." Chloe shook her head "Nadine?! China?! NADINE?!" Panic and dismay surfaced and Chloe immediately started chest compressions on Nadine, "Please-please don't do this to me." Sam looked into the rear view mirror when he heard Chloe's panicked voice. The car slowed down as he turned to the back watching Chloe's attempts and seeing Nadine's unresponsive eyes staring back at her. The wound that Chloe had closed up had opened again and bleeding all over onto the seat. It might have torn open when he went into that unexpected hole moments ago. He gently put his foot on the breaks to stop the vehicle. "Keep driving Sam!!" Chloe shouted back, tears falling from her eyes and onto Nadine's face "She-" Strong arms wrapped themselves around Chloe's torso and pulled her off Nadine. "No Sam! Let go of me!" Chloe wriggled in his hold, trying to free herself.
Sam held his grip firm around Chloe "Chloe! She's gon-" An elbow to the side of the head loosened his arms around Chloe but he quickly recovered and held her tighter. From the adrenaline of shooting his way through the underground fort, to carrying Nadine around, to driving the vehicle at high speed; Sam had very little energy but to watch Chloe go on and try to revive Nadine wasn't something he looked forward watching so he held on. If the door of the vehicle could magically close so that Chloe would begin to accept, he'd be grateful for that.
Chloe fought him for a good while before she ultimately gave in to the despair and weakened in her attempts. Tears and cries of anguish freely escaped her body. Sam went down slowly with her to the ground and let her pour all of it onto his shoulder. It took so long for Chloe to stop weeping, for her breathing to return to normal for her body to stop trembling and when she did, she gently pulled back and wiped Sam's now wet vest and shoulder said a whispered "C'mon, we'd better get moving" and headed for the backseat of the vehicle. She got in, closed Nadine's eyes and gave her cold lips another kiss. She then resumed her position in the driver's seat while Sam quietly went to the passenger side, a seat Nadine always occupied.
A pop sounded from the vehicles' lighter. Sam fished out of his pocket a beaten looking cigarette carton and shook one out. The sponged end placed in his mouth, he pulled the lighter out and lit it the cigarette. Finally taking in a deep drag that he had been craving.
They drove the rest of the way in silence.
Sam offered to go on with recovering the lost treasure the three of them had been hunting without Chloe. Chloe didn't object to Sam's suggestion as she had to find a mortuary to keep Nadine's body from decomposing, which would prove difficult.
No mortuary was willing to keep a foreign body that had been shot without informing the local authorities and the state of Chloe's current blood covered attire was of no assistance. Chloe eventually 'offered' some money and careful manipulation to keep Nadine's body without question. At least until she could find a way to move Nadine out of the country and back to South Africa and that too was going to be met with challenges.
Sam returned victorious within the next two days and at finding the state in which Chloe was in, Sam wondered if it was really a good idea to have left her. Chloe filled him in on Nadine's body the that she cleaned and 'lost' the borrowed vehicle and recovered their rental.
The money they'd gotten from the recovered treasure was worthless now that Nadine had died in process of getting it.
Keeping the mortuary owner quiet about Nadine's body was expensive, trying to find a way past the local authorities was expensive, staying at the local bed and breakfast was expensive, days spent wallowing away in a bar was expensive but the biggest expense was that of Chloe's heart. Her risky decision cost her the love of her life. Sleeping was what Chloe found the hardest to do. Her subconscious transported her to a place where Nadine existed in all her love and strength, only for Chloe to wake up hours later to an empty bed, a headache and no fresh cup of coffee by her bedside table. If it's one thing Nadine always did, it was to make Chloe coffee or rooibos tea every morning without fail. Sometimes it would come with a rusk if they were home at their apartment, Buttermilk Rusks. Nadine's clothes were still neatly packed in her bag and Chloe found herself  picking up her curly dark hair everywhere, their apartment would no doubt hold the same.
Sam woke Chloe up one afternoon after another heavy night of drinking. Chloe yelled at him for not knocking but he had expressed his concern when she didn't answer her phone. The solution to the reason why that had happened would be in the remains of said cellphone, lying on the floor by the far wall. Chloe broke her phone regularly so it wasn't something new but what she kept from Sam was that it had been a result of listening to an old voice mail that Nadine had left her. In a fit of anger, she'd ended up throwing it against the wall. At that point Sam sat himself down on the bed and had a discussion with Chloe. He didn't claim to understand how she felt or give her advice that it'd pass, this was information that Chloe already knew. He simply asked that in honour of Nadine, they work together to get her body out of the country first and that Nadine would have wanted for Chloe to carry that out for her. All her blame, grief and anger would be welcomed later on. Chloe agreed knowing Nadine wouldn't want her to self destruct.
It'd take another two months of trying to find a way to get Nadine's body out of the country. Help came in the form of Victor Sullivan and his plane. He wasn't thrilled about having a dead body on his plane but Chloe offered him Nadine's share of their takings. As much of a swindler that Victor was, he couldn't accept the money. He just asked that the fuel expenses be covered for the trips he'd take to get their location, South Africa and back home. Chloe and Sam agreed.
Once in South Africa, more palms had be greased in order for Nadine to get a death certificate, which stated that she'd died from Hypovolemic shock only, and cremation in accordance with her will. Chloe was lucky enough that Nadine's remaining family knew how dangerous their line of work was so she was able to walk around a few suspicious questions at Nadine's memorial. Nadine's ashes were handed over to Chloe to release at the top of Table Mountain in Cape Town, in the early hours of the morning.
Present Day
"Hey Chloe, they're going to open up for the public in 10. You might want to- you know." Sam suggested Chloe nodded, running her right hand with the ring she had planned to give Nadine, over the  temporary container and lifting the lid. She saw the same dark grey she'd seen for the four days since receiving Nadine's ashes. That was all that was left of her and now, she was to let her go and get carried off by the Cape winds as Nadine's will requested. The container was slowly tipped over and the ashes of Chloe's love, her darling, her china, were carried off by the wind. Chloe watched as they climbed high in a current of dust.
Tears escaped Chloe's eyes at the sight "I love you Nadine and - I'm so sorry." At that last bit of her farewell, some of Nadine's ashes were carried into Chloe's face "Pff-pff...ewww gross Nadine." Sam laughed in the background "I don't think she accepted your apology Chloe." Chloe wiped the last of Nadine's ashes off her face and chuckled "Yeah, she was always such a stubborn dickhead."
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