#trucy is so sick of them
cappiecarp · 10 months
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late happy yaoi day doodle from yeserday bc i resumed my aa4 playthrough and i am going insane a little bit maybe sort of kind of they have to stop flirting in front of trucy
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fiendishartist2 · 7 months
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hold on i need to converse with my co counsel *turns to 15 yr old girl*
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doctorsiren · 6 months
ok but like!!! i was just thinking about how with my last ask that nick would probably be a lot closer with Apollo than feenie because Apollo’s already having A Time with “my childhood idol is two childhood idols and they both just lied to me and even though it was to avoid getting convicted for a murder they didn’t do they still had me commit perjury”
but whereas feenie feels really terrible about it and is kinda avoiding apollo, nick kinda has to get over it and keep working with apollo and apollo prefers nick because he’s not trying to apologize or be all smiley about it or pretend it was ok either, he’s just moving onto the next thing work-wise, and that’s the kind of reliability and stability that apollo needs at the moment. apollo’s sick as hell of kristoph’s fakey smiles and the ways he’s realized that kristoph is all lies, and he just wants to get some fucking cases done. and nick is all for that, even though he also feels bad, this way they don’t have to talk about it.
basically imo if trucy is more of feenie’s favorite and feenie is more trucy’s favorite then apollo is nick’s favorite and vice versa :)
just like,,, nick giving apollo compliments and apollo actually taking them and taking them well. feenie’s jealous because “how come you get to spend all the time with our adoptive son who doesn’t really actually know he’s our adoptive son” and nick going “we are literally doing lawyering besides it’s not like he’s going to bake a pie with you like trucy does and if you’re too forward you might make him suspect that trucy’s his sibling and we can’t have that secret getting out”
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Okay so like
Nick’s like “Finally! Someone as cagey as me!”
But in the end, Apollo still ends up being a pawn of sorts as Feenie and Nick fight over him, so he’s still being thrown around essentially
There’s supposed to be a sunflower in Feenie’s hair but I need to learn how to draw them better so I just didn’t on this one
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metaphorical-goblin · 28 days
I really want Trucy and Edgeworth grocery shopping for a sick Phoenix together
FIRST OFF, he just deserves some pampering, but secondly, as the only Person Who Knows How to Grocery Shop between them, Phoenix tries his best to make a little list, but he is absolutely not thinking about cooking for the week, so he's just like "...you know what, you guys will figure it out"
So cut to Miles and little nine-year-old Trucy slowly going through every single aisle of the grocery store, and Miles is almost entirely dependent on Trucy to pick out the stuff she normally eats. (Of course, she sneaks a few extra treats in there... Poptarts and French toast sticks... mmmm), but of course Miles is like "wait we should probably get some fruits and vegetables, right. You eat vegetables with most meals." "Oh, yeah, sure"
Neither of them know how to pick vegetables that are ready, but Miles does his best picking the ones that aren't bruised or anything
Finally getting home and they unload the car, and when Phoenix shuffles in in his slippers, wearing a big blanket around his shoulders, he's like "...Miles, I think this is more than we can eat in the week."
(It's like a month's worth of food. It's so much food)
Trade a glance with Trucy, he didn't know it was just for the week! Luckily Trucy's all "maybe we can have a dinner party and have some friends over! Or Mr. Edgeworth can stay and help us eat it all >:)" She's a wizard, she knows exactly what she's doing
Cut to her and Miles trying to cook dinner later, Phoenix zoned out on flu medicine, and they end up finding a very nice little recipe for some cheesy chicken and rice. It's delightful, it tastes good, they have a nice time, and Miles starts thinking "maybe I do like cooking..."
Phoenix tries it and smiles and says it's so good, and his heart tightens in his chest and cooking, it's definitely cooking, that's it
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trlvsn · 1 year
phoenix wright making apollo justice present forged evidence is, as rightfully rage-inducing as it is, also perfectly understandable and even justifiable to an extent. in this essay i will not cut my introduction off with an old-fashioned tumblr punchline and will actually elaborate on why i think so and what i think about phoenix wright in general.
the first few paragraphs will be rather surface-level, but bear with me: i'm writing this in one breath. it has already been established that the change in phoenix's character was so big and shocking that the fandom is still actively discussing it and making theories. i have seen people compare his sprites with mia and diego, kristoph and miles, yanni yogi and many others, and every single on of them is, in in my opinion, correct: there are actual similarities between them, intentional or not. i believe it can all be explained with two simple statements. one: phoenix is a sponge of a man. even before aa4, we frequently see him adopt mannerisms and figures of speech from the people he encounters. he learns, he absorbs, he changes, but only for a short while, as he stays true to his motivations, passions and drive. two: the seven years of being watched by kristoph and collecting data made him turn to that mimicking quality of his and use it as a weapon. phoenix wright could not afford to reveal his true motivations, therefore, he could not reveal what he was in general. it's a simple metaphor, really.
did he get lost in the deceptions somewhere along the way? absolutely. "what tangled webs we weave when we practice to deceive", a line said by him about kristoph, can easily be applied to phoenix. this is where the bloody ace comes in. incidentally, he is given the idea by zak: he is the one who says one can't win unless there's a ace up their sleeve, and, no matter how much of an influence that particular phrase had on wright, he follows the principle. here is phoenix's first motive for forging the ace: insurance. without concrete, dooming evidence, a trial could not end in his favor at the time. phoenix wright, post-disbarment, is no longer a man who relies on bluffs and "just believing in the client", he is strongly dissapointed in the system, outraged, offended, hurt, wounded, and he does not trust it at all, hence the dirty tricks. you can't just play fair against something unfair and win.
what i find far more interesting however, are his other motives. if the only thing that drive him to forgery was distrust and carefulness, he would have shared the plan with apollo or, perhaps, done something similar to the turnabout succession trial, where the letter is shown to the culprit, but never submitted as evidence and quickly admitted as a fake. really, i believe he is smart enough to find other ways. however, he doesn't. he gives the ace to apollo in a very specific way: through trucy wright, not a word of proper explanation. why is that? he is teaching apollo a lesson.
clearly, something about apollo reminds phoenix of himself. a young, bright, nervous mind, fighting for the truth and justice, full of belief, a little naive. phoenix knows what that naivety cost him, and he destroys it right away, because then it will hurt less, he thinks. the forged ace is a vaccine of sorts: you will experience some minor symptoms, but no actual serious consequences, and it will hurt for a moment, but for the rest of your life, you will never catch that sickness again. phoenix is already planning the jurist system reform and has already planned how this trial will go: the environment is controlled and safe for apollo, he will not get disbarred. if the truth is revealed later, under the new system, surely apollo won't be receiving the same harsh punishment wright did. so here you go, kid, learn your lesson, punch a lawyer or two in the face, and never ever, ever trust anyone like that ever again.
but wait, if the truth does get revealed, who will be receiving the punishment for it? of course, the man who forged the evidence, phoenix wright. here comes the third reason: punishment.
remember the class trial? young phoenix wright, blamed for a crime he didn't commit, overwhelmed and crying. what does the abandoned child do when the whole class accuses him of stealing? he stands up slowly and comes up to the kid with the grey hair to apologize for the money he stole but did not steal. he admits it. it doesn't matter what the truth is anymore, because if everyone thinks you did it, you might as well have.
you might as well do it again, for real this time, and maybe a weight will fall off your shoulders, because what you see in yourself will finally match the image the whole world has of you.
phoenix wright is working on the jurist system. phoenix wright is a father and phoenix wright is someone who will do his best to put kristoph gavin to jail. that doesn't mean phoenix wright sees any other use or future for himself. it simply does not matter. well, by the end of the first case, anyway.
he gathers more evidence. he thinks, a lot. he gives apollo advice on the cases, inevitability reminiscing. the new system is a success. in a new, better world, maybe he will take some piano lessons: he has grown tired of pretending he can play. he has grown tired of pretending in general. hell, maybe he will even take the bar exam again.
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majesticanna · 2 months
Just hold me—
When his secretary came in with a cold days ago, Miles sent him home early. He sanitized the secretary’s desk and his own office for three hours. Miles did not like getting sick, and he did not believe in allowing his subordinates to work when they were ill. Efficiency and well being went hand in hand, and he could allow him to go home while still maintaining his long schedule as a Chief Prosecutor.
Unfortunately, his body has other ideas about his health. He sneezes the first day, the second comes with a pinch behind his nose and a tension in his head, and the third, he can not get up from bed with the pain from the congestion.
“You need to rest,” Phoenix says, as he wipes Miles’ face with a damp cloth. Miles tries to push him away, but he remains adamant about his ministrations. He grabs a tissue from the bedside table and holds it to his nose. “Blow.”
“Noooooo,” Miles says, voice blocked with mucus. “I don’t want to.”
“You’ll feel better when you can breathe. Blow.”
Miles frowns, and then he blows through his nose, a loud honk following. Phoenix cleans up his snot and then deposits the tissue in the trash. He uses the cloth again to rid his nose of any sticky residue before leaving to take the cloth to the laundry.
“Thank you,” Miles says, when Phoenix returns. “You should go to work.”
“I already told Athena and Apollo. Trucy will help assist them, but they’ll be fine, dear.” Phoenix pulls up the sheets and lays down, scooching closer to him.
“Nooo,” Miles says. Weakly, he pushes him away. “You’ll get sick.”
“Will you feel better if I cuddle you?” Miles says nothing but lets out a soft whine. “Then come here, you stubborn man.”
They meet in the middle. Miles rests his head on Phoenix’s chest. His fingers pull through his hair, playing with his silky strands. He speaks to him in a low timbre.
“I saw a beautiful pen the other day. It had a nice, dark ink, and it moved across the paper so smoothly. Still, it was flexible enough to write or sketch with.”
“Did you get it?” Miles asks.
“Not for me, but for you. It’s sitting on your desk at work.”
“I want the pen,” Miles says.
“You’ll get to use it soon. Did you listen to the song I sent you the other day? I keep thinking of the lyrics anytime I play it when I look through documents.” Phoenix hums a few bars and Miles taps his fingers on his chest, the sound resonating beneath his ear. He doesn’t respond. He should probably take some more medicine soon. “It’s such a nice melody. The artist wrote it for her boyfriend when he was only able to send letters to her. Such a sweet story. I think she put a picture on her wall…”
He falls into a light sleep to his musings. He doesn’t wake for the rest of the morning; instead, he basks in his warmth.
Written for my sick beloved, who is now feeling much better! Hope this heals a part of your heart that just wants to be held <3
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midnightbrightside · 1 month
I’m desperate to your immaculate takes on Krisnix from that one ask—what do you think about 2 and 39 (bonus if the little animals get thrust upon them…it’s Trucy who brings home a box of kittens or something)
ayyy thank you im glad you like my krisnix thoughts!
2- What would they do if the other woke up in a manic state after a nightmare?
when phoenix has nightmares kristoph holds him as he sobs, gently shushing him and saying it was just a dream. phoenix grips kristoph's arms tight to ground himself and it sometimes leaves bruises. kristoph always points them out in a "look what i put up with for you" kind of way that fills phoenix with shame. "really, phoenix, what would you do without me?"
when kristoph has a nightmare he needs to be completely alone but also held as tightly as possible, he also stops speaking. phoenix holds his hands but kristoph snatches them away like the touch burns him and he looks up with wide, scared eyes. so phoenix keeps his distance and encourages kristoph to breathe deep until he stops shaking. then he asks kristoph if he wants to talk about it, kristoph shakes his head. phoenix then asks if he wants a hug, kristoph croaks out very quietly "im not... a child" and phoenix nods "you're not" and holds out his arms. kristoph collapses into them.
39- Who would rescue an injured animal and nurse it back to health? What would the other think?
i got too excited abt this one. gonna put everyone one my "kristoph loves animals" agenda.
trucy comes back home absolutely drenched by the rain holding a box of 6 sopping wet abandoned kittens. she begs phoenix to let her keep them and it absolutely breaks phoenix heart to say "we dont have the space or the money for everything they need. it's late so we can keep them for tonight but we'll have to take them to a shelter tomorrow, im sorry, sweetheart." trucy is NOT happy about it. in true preteen fashion she takes them to her room and starts planning all the ways she, a 12 year old, could raise 6 kittens. phoenix sighs and starts searching what he should feed them, just for tonight.
kristoph arrives later on to pick phoenix up for a date, sees the little furballs meowing around the apartment, and immediately starts fussing.
"these poor babies! where did you find them, and why are they so filthy?"
phoenix explains whats going on and adds "we tried to give them a bath but..." he holds up his arms to show the scratches.
kristoph scoffs, "really, phoenix, you dont have nearly the means nor the knowledge to take care of one animal let alone six." he looks down to where trucy is sitting, playing with the kittens with a makeshift toy made of scrap cloth, and frowns.
"well, first of all, kris: ouch. i was actually thinking we could maybe keep one-"
trucy interrupts from the floor "THREE at LEAST!"
"- and secondly, as i said, we are going to take them to a shelter first thing tomorrow" he looks so apologetic, so sad.
"Absolutely not" Kristoph snaps, "the local shelters are overrun as it is, to say nothing of how they are managed. I wouldnt trust them with these poor creatures either." he looks like hes thinking about something, "Trucy, dear, have you noticed if these kittens are injured or perhaps sick?"
trucy perks up and lists how each cat is faring, which ones are walking funny and points out how one of them has a weird spot near it's eye. as she's rattling off each one's ailments, phoenix notes that she's already named them and his heart melts a little more.
kristoph tuts, "we'll have to take them to the vet then, we can get them microchipped while we're there. vongoles' carrier should be big enough for the journey, oh, she would make an excellent mother..." he almost sounds like he's thinking out loud.
"so we're keeping them???" Trucy beams.
kristoph explains that they're not old enough to be separated from their siblings yet and that she and Phoenix dont have the space to care for all of them, but he is more than happy to take them until they are ready to go to a good home. he shoots a sharp glare at phoenix as he says "typically, cats adjust to a new home much better when adopted in pairs", phoenix gets the memo.
the next day they take the kittens to the vet and kristoph buys all the supplies he could need. over the next few weeks he nurses them back to health and trucy drops by almost every day after school to see how they're doing and play with them. phoenix knew that kristoph liked animals, but it's something else to see this 6'1 icicle of a man dote on these tiny creatures, he even calls them by the names trucy gave them. in moments like these he doesnt seem dangerous at all.
and vongole LOVES them, she's so excited when she first sees them she barely knows what to do with herself. kristoph was right, she makes a great mother. phoenix finds everyone's energy infectious, he buys food, 2 cat beds, some toys, other supplies, and when the time comes he asks kristoph about the kittens.
"sorry, Phoenix, i already found good homes for them" kristoph smiles apologetically and phoenix's heart drops, "i didnt even know you wanted one, i know trucy did, but you didnt seem too enthused. perhaps it's for the best, you dont have the means to take care of a pet." oh.
trucy is miserable. phoenix feels like hes dissapointed her. kristoph is smug as all hell.
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biscuit-sheep · 8 months
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Inktobers for today! also guess who’s sick!!!! Me!!!! :D (That’s why these might not also look the best)
Anyway for the official inktober the prompt was Spiders so I was like what if Ryunosuke found a spider in the suitcase thingy. Then I did an extra doodle of Kazuma pretending he isn’t also scared of the spider.
For the AA doodle a day the word was family so I did Maya, Pearl, Trucy, Phoenix (I imagine 7-year gap him with long hair and it’s strange without the beanie), and Edgeworth is probably on the phone. The last prompt was for Ace Attober and the word was Siblings so I chose Franziska and Miles because 1. I don’t draw them enough (especially Franzy) 2. I’ve not gotten to draw them little and this was the perfect opportunity
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mio-nika · 5 months
Cheap ace attorney essay I promised, y'all.
Warning: Minor and major spoilers for the eternity of the ace attorney canon. I'm being very vague, but be wary.
Years ago, I've read a great homestuck essay called Heir of Grief — John Egbert and the burden of being a Main Character.
I higly recommend reading it before reading this post, because I'm grabbing a lot of it's points. But for everyone who does not want to spend their time reading homestuck essay. Short recap. The main point that the author talks about. Is the fact that the John Egbert. As a main character of the action-packed hero story. Doesn't have any autonomy over his own life. He doesn't have time to reflect and feel any negative emotions. He's the moving force. He always needs to go, because if he doesn't the story would not progress. A boy's grief is interrupted.
This essay deepened my personal look at this type of carefree wholesome main characters in a long list of media. One of them was obviously Ace Attorney.
Phoenix is main character in fast paced absurdist comedy. It's his role. He needs to be the butt of every joke. He needs to be funny. And he DOES stuff even if he doesn't want to. Because he's the saviour.
He's the one things happen to. He doesn't have any autonomy over his life.
This point gets very obvious in the second case of the first game. Yeah, his mentor is dead. But he can't have time to sit around and grieve. Because he needs to save Maya. While you lost your mentor, she lost her sister, her only family. And now she's accused of killing her. Boohoo, very sad, grab your stupid badge and go.
And he gets dragged like this through the entire story up to his disbarment in aa4.
Lose Mia. Meet Miles. Save Miles. Lose Miles. Don't have time to grieve, his sister is now here and she hates you. Miles is alive actually. But you don't have time to be angry. Maya is gonna be dead, if you don't do anything. She's dying right now, while you feeling betrayed. Don't have time. Don't have time. Maya is safe. Now you think you free? Think again, you asshole. Remember your mentor? Remember how she died? If you weren't such a weak person, she would be alive. You fucked up. Now the ghosts of your past are haunting you. You're being haunted by a ghosts of the people you didn't even knew. Put your feet in your boots and go. You're sick? No one cares that you're sporting a high fever and trying to cough your lungs out. Not even you. You are the main character, and the things just happen to you. Save Pearl, save Maya. Save. Save. Save. Save.
Phoenix can't have time to be sad. He can't just go on a little vacation like Miles. He can't cry his eyes out like Franziska. She was so afraid. She thought that everyone left her.
He can't stop taking care of everyone. Because if he won't, who would.
And Trucy is the last point in this series of sacrifices. Phoenix loses his job, but he still can't let go. Because. Well. Here's the little child. She needs someone to take care of her. She needs food, she needs home. Her father left her. And she doesn't have anyone else.
You're a father now.
No wonder Phoenix is such a shady asshole in aa4. He had seven years to reflect on his life. To lie in bed looking at the ceiling. To finally be sad. Truly. He finally had time to grow up from the young adult into an actual adult.
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tabithwaslost · 2 years
30 Ace Attorney Headcanons! This is gonna become a series.
1. Bobby Fulbright used to mostly work at the Space Center and he was also chasing the phantom.
2. Kristoph has yet to recover from his last breakdown.
3. TGAAC souls follow their descendants and people who are spiritually connected to them.
4. Every prosecutor's office on the prosecutors' building consists of 3 areas. The workplace, a kitchen and a bedroom. The bedroom and kitchen are pretty small but they get the job done.
5. The bedrooms exist so that if a prosecutor stays until like 12 P.M. and their residence is far away, they would stay there. Take Nahyuta for example.
6. Apollo and Clay moved in together, Apollo took 49% of the house and Clay took the other 49%, the remaining 2% was the kitchen. Each one had their territories.
7. After Clay's death, nobody touched his territory. Not even Apollo.
8. Franziska taught Trucy how to knit and she helped her knit Phoenix's hat in AJ.
9. When Pearl was 6-13, Franziska would sometime try to play with her.
10. Phoenix and Miles secretly have a bet on what Trucy is gonna become. Defense Attorney or Prosecutor?Apollo and Klavier have the same bet and it's also secret.
11. Rayfa is a HUGE fan of Trucy's magic show. She is learning magic tricks from other magicians and hopes to become Trucy's assistant one day.
12. A few days after getting out of prison, Simon was almost mugged by someone who is slightly shorter than him. The person wore a mask and put a knife onto Simon's chest saying "GIVE ME ALL YOU GOT." Simon knew who it was. An ex-convict who served 5 years for theft, and they just had a small talk
13. Hugh O'Conner and Sebastian Debeste are rivals, just like Phoenix vs. Miles and Apollo vs. Klavier.
14. We didn't see Klavier in SoJ because he was staying in a hospital in Germany. He got sick, REALLY sick. Apollo couldn't go, so Nahyuta visited Klavier after the events of SoJ.
15. Kristoph had and STILL has deep respect for Apollo. Kristoph saying "Et tu" to Apollo was because he loved him as a son, and really respected him.
16. Kristoph and Klavier's parents died when Kristoph was 18 and Klavier was 10. So Kristoph went to study in Japan and he took his brother with him, his little brother who still loved Germany, went back to Germany to study there.
17. No one knew this but Apollo had black psyche locks when asked about his biological father's death.
18. Miles let Klavier have an extra room in his office so Klavier can practise/practice on guitar or electric guitar without disturbing the rest of the prosecutors because the room is soundproof.
19. Miles supports all his prosecutors and although he doesn't show it, he does little things to support them. He lets them have all sorts of properties.
20. Phoenix's parents were famous artists. That inspired Phoenix to go to art school.
21. Apollo is also an artist. Most his drawing are about space because he's still sad about Clay's death.
22. Rayfa is learning to draw from Apollo.
23. Manfred was buried with the bullet in his shoulder.
24. The phantom's execution is gonna be like Genshin's. His real name and face will not be revealed, and he will be buried with a mask. That is if he doesn't somehow escape.
25. After the events of AJ:AA, Guy Eldoon became a doctor again while maintaining the noodle stand.
26. Nahyuta is the only person who is capable of lying to Apollo due to his telekinesis.
27. Nahyuta's telekinesis can be used to move people's limbs around.
28. The ring on Godot's finger was meant for Mia.
29. In honor/honour of Clay Terran, they are naming an artificial satellite after him.
30. Fulbright had an adopted daughter and son., he adopted them when they were very young and now they are both university students. After the phantom killed him, the phantom tried convincing Fulbright's adopted kids that he was their father, they didn't believe that he was their foster father but they had no evidence to prove otherwise, so they just stayed far away from him.
I WOULD'VE LIKED TO MEET FULBRIGHT- he seemed like such a nice guy... *Sigh* ... what a shame.
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ace-ace-attorneys · 2 years
Ok so completely ignoring relase dates and all that, between Mia, Maya and Pearls who do you think would be the Warriors cat kid, the Wings of Fire kid and the Wolfquest/Feralheart kid?
as someone who was all three, you have come to the right place holy shit. in fact i'm not just going to place those three i'm gonna do some of the other weirdgirls too
-Pearl is a Warriors kid for sure. she makes Warriors OCs, most of which are self-inserts of herself and the people she knows. i think she's the type to make herself the medicine cat, and she probably also made Phoenix and Maya cats (who were in love of course). she comes up with elaborate stories, most of which revolve around like... forbidden inter-Clan romance and that sort of soap-opera-esque thing. Phoenix finds her writing and sketches for it one day and is like '? Pearls what's this' and she snatches it out of his hands and throws it out the window before he can read any more
-actually I think Mia was also a warriors kid and introduced it to Maya, who then introduced it to Pearl. part of the reason Maya and Pearl love it so much is that it reminds them of her. Maya would have also liked WoF though
-Trucy was a Wings of Fire kid. i think she loved the excitement and the dragons and the magic, but i also think the found family and the whole 'orphans coming to terms with being abandoned by their parents and trying to carve out a place in a huge, difficult and sometimes mean world' thing in the first series really resonated with her. she drew a lot of dragons and Phoenix still has a whole bunch of those drawings. one of them is still on their fridge
-Kay was all three, but Wings of Fire was her favorite. i think she also wrote fic/came up with OCs too but unlike Pearl's hers was more focused on the adventure and the violence. she still daydreams about how sick it would be to be a dragon sometimes
-Ema was a Wolfquest kid 100%. she wasn't big on most videogames growing up but Lana introduced it to her as educational and scientific and that did the trick. she would go on multiplayer and start arguments with strangers who weren't playing in a way that was accurate to how wolves behave in real life. there was a span of several years when she would recite Wolf Facts (tm) to anyone who would listen.
-Sebastian (honorary weirdgirl) wasn't allowed to read/play that kind of thing growing up but Kay introduced him to Warriors at 17 and he was immediately riveted
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wrightfamily · 1 year
omg 13, 17, 18, 21
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why did it do this OK ANYWAY.
13 - worst blorboficiation
im assuming this means like being simplified or something like that but trucy </3 im gonna start BITING PEOPLE. same w any aa girl like please stop making them just match makers. i think also roxas from kh you dont know him but a big part of his story is that he is inexperienced with emotions and wants so badly to live his own life but because he deals with such intense grief near the end of his story for some reason people translated that anger into "roxas is only ever angry/intense emo/even actively suicidal" WHEN THAT IS NOT THE CASEEEEE
17 - there should be more of this type of fic/art
im always a big big big fan of the following: unseen scenes we know happened off screen, characters sleeping together (like naps and stuff), doing mundane shit in general, trying each other's style, i also like reading interpretations about a character's thoughts/feelings during a moment that dont get explored in their canon (like trucy with the forged card, or like something with a silent protagonist). anyway i will never tire of these. (also anything that explores female characters outside of male characters <3)
18 - it's absolutely criminal that the fandom has been sleeping on...
KATHERINE HALL AND JEFF MASTER FROM AAI2!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THEY MAKE ME A LITTLE BIT TOO CRAZY!! also that some characters have complicated feelings about some things like. nick about zak i think everyone thinks he only 100% hates him but if u fucking paid attention HE DOESNT! ITS COMPLICATED! ARGHHH
21 - part of canon you think is overhyped
UM idk.. i think ive gotten a little bit sick of the forbidden hospital scene everyone fawns over (shoves what i said for 17) and also i think anyone who likes b**** *** penis needs to find a better character to fawn over
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timeskip · 6 months
3, 17, 18, and 29 for the ao3 wrapped? :3
3. What work are you most proud of (regardless of kudos/hits)?
Come Home by the Sea for sure. 10k AND I was able to write Gon healing post-canon? Yayyy <3 I had so much fun writing it and I love Gon so much... I'm also super proud of all my Ace Attorney fics though!! Specifically and he never returns and homesickness (a sickness of the lonely heart) since I love Trucy and Kazuma!! And of course I have to mention my Masked Woman fic Naming the Nameless Emotions since it's a multichapter that I didn't start this year, but did FINISH this year ^-^
...That's almost half the fics I wrote this year. Anyways, I'm proud of most of my fics <3 And assuming I can get done with a certain NEW HxH fic this month, I'll happily add THAT to my fics I'm proud of too. Teehee.
17. Your favorite character to write this year?
KILLUAAAAAAAAA and Gon too but KILLUA!!!!! I LOVE WRITING HIM!!!!!!!!!! Also Mito... I still can't believe I wrote 10k of Mito POV...
18. The character that gave you the most trouble writing this year?
Answered here!! (Warning for AINI spoilers on this post)
tldr Pariston is incomprehensible why do I keep writing him anyways
29. Favorite line/passage you wrote this year?
Everyone has asked me this so I will continue to give you another! Hehe
From "smoke signals":
The boy sitting in front of Killua is a lot of things, staring at him with wide dark eyes that seem to trap the starlight within them. But this is what Gon is not: he is not a dark shell of his former self, a coiled spring with rage in spades. He is not a small body with long hair, a body cradled in Killua’s arms. There are no hospital machines, no echoing breathing.
He is not asking Killua to stay with him; that’s not a question he’ll give to Killua, no matter how much Killua wants it.
Gon reaches out. His palm is warm against Killua’s fingertips, and Killua closes his eyes rather than keep staring at Gon’s face in this moment of pure vulnerability, the kind that could ruin them, break their separate resolves. “Of course we’ll be friends,” Gon says. “Nothing will stop us from being friends.”
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heaven-s-black-box · 7 months
Fantastical Retelling- Trucy & apollo
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Recovery date: August 25th, 2020
Description: Apollo catches a cold and Trucy tries to cheer him up with magic, only for Apollo to suggest something else.
Notes: Recovered in conjunction with Erin from research lab Ao3, we once again thank them for their contributions.
Word count: 325
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“Tada! The bunny is gone!’ Trucy giggled,as she turned her top hat upside down.
Apollo looked up at her with his mouth slightly open, and droopy eyes. He’d been forced to examine a crime scene in heavy rain the other day. Still, he’d tried to go into the office today, but Phoenix made him go home as soon as he saw the boy. 
Trucy had accompanied him home, and decided he needed some company. So after making him some soup, she tucked him in and started doing some magic tricks.
“Tha-That was,” Apollo sneezed, “That was great Trucy but… I really need some sleep. Can we continue this after I have a nap?” Trucy looked down with sad eyes.
“It’s alright… I should probably get back now.” She packed up her cards and small tricks before heading to the door. “Get well soon Polly.”
“Wa-Wait, Trucy? Can… Can you do me a favor?”
“Do you want a different trick?” Trucy asked, eyes lighting up as she turned around.
“N-No, sorry.” He coughed. “Can-Can you read me a story? I… It’s kind of silly but, back in Khura’in.”
“It’s not silly! Daddy sings me songs when I’m sick.”
“Mr. Wright can sing?”
Trucy gave him a look that told him, no but it’s the thought that counts, before saying, “So, any specific story?”
“Nu uh,” he hummed, burying himself in his blankets.
“Alright then! Once upon a time there was a great Phoenix known for saving all those in need. While he was around, the kingdom was a beautiful place protected by him and the silver demon. One day, the dark mage Kris.... Christan stole the Phoenix’s light, and the wor-”
“Really?” Apollo groaned, cracking an eye open to look at Trucy.
“What? You never said I had to be original.”
“Ya but-”
“Look, do you want me to tell you the story or not?” She glared at him.
“Fine, what happened to the world?”
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snezfics-n-shit · 2 years
Sicktember Day 10: Excessive Use of Tissues
Fandom: Ace Attorney Characters: Miles Edgeworth, Franziska von Karma
Notes: Set early on in the 7 year gap, Miles is sick with a bad cold and has every intention of just getting whatever rest he can with as little disturbance as possible. Unfortunately, he didn’t account for Franziska to show up at his door, clearly struggling after a recent breakup, with many objections to Miles creating a shortage of tissues.
“Miles Edgeworth!” Franziska’s shouting made Miles’s headache even worse, and the shaky quality of her voice only added to that effect. If she was still trying to prove she was handling the other day’s event of Maya breaking up with her just fine, she wasn’t doing a very good job. “Do you mean to tell me there are no boxes of tissues in your guest room?”
“The guest room box is here, with me.” Miles pulled the box closer to him and took another tissue from it, having no intent to share something he needed so greatly. “I’ll ask Wright to pick some up on his way home.” 
“How foolish of you to catch a cold without properly stocking up on the necessities first!” Franziska crossed her arms with a disappointed expression and made herself comfortable on the same sofa Miles was trying to get some rest on.
“Typically,” Miles paused to blow his nose again, “the preparation is to avoid catching a cold. It’s why Wright is dropping Trucy off to stay with his parents.”
“Why didn’t you think of doing something like that then?”
“Franziska, you–” Miles gave up there and sighed through his nose, causing it to start running again, much to his dismay. And much to Franziska’s dismay, he frantically pressed yet another tissue to his nose.
“Your nose is getting terribly red, so maybe you should give the box to me.”
“What do you need it for?” Miles sniffled, frowning. “I thought you said you were in ‘perfect shape.’”
“I am always in perfect shape!” Franziska turned up her nose, unknowingly making it easier for Miles to notice the slightly shiny tear stains on her cheeks. “I just, um, found some dust collecting in your guest room and wanted to wipe it off.”
“There are cleaning wipes for that purpose in the hall closet.”
“Fool! Those have chemicals! I can’t put them on my face!” Franziska froze and covered her mouth with her hand. 
“If you’re still upset about your breakup you can just say so. There’s nothing shameful about that.” Miles blew his nose yet again, and at this point Franziska thought he was somehow making his nose run so much on purpose just to bother her. “Surely Larry has come to you distressed about his own troubles with love, since you’ve been meeting so much regarding his book.”
“We actually have much more important things that we discuss.”
“Is that so?”
“It is! He tells me Phoenix Wright’s weaknesses and I tell him yours.”
“I see…” Miles’s head hurt a lot more just from imagining all the things Franziska might have said about him. 
“Unfortunately, since Phoenix Wright has been disbarred, we naturally decided not to… How Americans say, ‘whip him while he’s down?’” 
“Would you extend that to me as well?”
“For what? A foolish cold?”
This was starting to get on Miles’s last nerve. If he hadn’t been feeling like his head was filled to the brim with cotton balls that had somehow been microwaved, maybe he would have been more patient, if not sympathetic, towards Franziska. He knew she was going through a hard time, whether she admitted it or not, but there were times like these that the two likely just needed to let each other be.
“Franziska, may I ask why you came here, if not to make me feel worse than I do now?”
“Isn’t it obvious, I, well,” again, Franziska had backed herself into a corner with her own pride. “That’s not important now, since seeing such a weakling as yourself has reminded me I could be much worse!” She huffed.
“Now will you please let me recover in peace and quiet?”
“Fine. And you may keep the last of your precious tissues, too.”
“Oh, how generous of you…”
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apollotomyicarus · 2 years
alright i just beat spirit of justice and this is gonna be long and full of spoilers
tldr: lots of missed opportunities, i love apollo, and maya and athena got done dirty.
i think my biggest take away was that it felt like a missed opportunity. cases 1-3 were rather boring and case 4, which i liked, felt like a dlc case. case 5 was incredible, i liked that it deviated from the norm in its structure and leaned heavily in the visual novel aspect of the game in the first section, as well as how we got to see the WAA taking a case other than criminal law. i also liked that they did away with the twist villain. we already knew ga'ran was an antagonistic force so her reveal felt less like a twist and more like a breakdown. which was a good change of pace from the previous game(s).
apollo is my favorite ace attorney character, and i think this could have been ace attorney: apollo justice 2. particularly in regards to the final case, but also the magical turnabout. when a theme in the game is found family vs blood relatives it could have been a great time to reveal how apollo and trucy are half siblings, which could then cause more turmoil at the end when apollo has to choose being the WAA and kura'in. because choosing between work and your fathers legacy is kinda lame the way the game posed it. if they presented it as family vs family, it leaves the door open for further character growth from apollo.
one trend that i am really getting bored of is when culprits have a heel faced turn where they change their appearance. mannerisms makes sense, but a whole change in aesthetic is getting boring. between means (who i think was the first? i dont remember any earlier than dual destinies), the phantom, andistan'dhin, bonny/betty (to a degree), amara and ga'ran, the trend has been beaten to death. it also dehumanizes the characters who do it. thinking about means, who i think is the most disappointing case of this, and how he gets the mohawk. which 1, doesnt make sense for the established character and 2 doesnt align with the theme hes supposed to represent as a teacher and his desire for order. it makes him less compelling as a real person compared to say, april may who has a similar facade of rather pleasant but trying to hide her true feelings and anger. so when she snaps, it feels more authentic in how we can anticipate it coming with both her words and her expression instead of only one.
i also just think spider motifs are cool and i want gar'an to have them in her royal attire too, even if subtle, instead of just her prosecutor wear.
another thing that disappointed me was how so many of the female characters didnt feel like they did anything. athena was treated so poorly, she gets one case (no dlc case afaik) and its a filler and is co-counsel in the other filler case. shes treated better than trucy, but not by much. i was really disappointed that she got the gallery treatment in the final trial, she is supposed to be a main character and yet she got pushed to the wayside. but the character who got treated the dirtiest was maya. she plays the role of the sexy lamp. the accused in one case that she isnt present for most of it because shes unconscious by channeling. and shes kidnapped in another. im sick of maya being accused of murder, although when she starts being defensive in the 5th case about possibly being accused i thought that was a charming nod to how often she is accused. i liked that ema was back, of all the unchanged character designs from aa 1-4 i think she translates best into the 3ds style (trucy, apollo and klavier do not look like themselves). i thought emas relationship with nahyuta was interesting and i was happy to see her back from aa4.
i know a big gripe people have with the game is the colonial/imperialist undertones which i do see. i however think they werent intentional but the writers were aware of them and tried to minimize it as much as possible while keeping to the theme of revolution and succession in the game. namely in how it was never the japanese/american characters who lead the ideas of revolution, and for much of the game, seemed rather neutral to it and had to be pulled into support of the revolution. they could have explicitly made jove kurainese and that would minimize some of the backlash from the colonial themes and the overall "whiteness" of the ace attorney games (i know pheonix is japanese but no other character has a canonical ethnicity and everyone else in the main cast is very light skinned) and i know im rambling at this point but i think the revolution could have been handled with more grace.
the biggest highlight of the game was rayfa. i generally like bratty characters and she was no exception. watching her grow throughout the game was very sweet and she reminds me a lot of franziska with her brave face and how she deals with the expectations others have put onto her. i really liked her relationship with pheonix and how she grew rather attached to him. her desperation in the final case reminded me of the final case of dd and apollos desperation to be proven wrong. i wish we got to see more of her and apollo interact outside of just the final case because i think they would butt heads a lot but care a lot for each other, like siblings.
this is getting really long and its 2am so i dont know how much of this actually makes sense and i probably have more thoughts but im gonna leave it here for now
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