azemcrystal · 8 months
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fuckyeahgoodomens · 1 month
[Mabli on Michael Sheen's lap and in front of them dolls of Aziraphale and Crowley]
Mabli: Daddy.
[Michael points at Aziraphale] Daddy. [and then he points at Crowley] Who's that?
Mabli: Mmmmmm. Uncle David.
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voidandradiance · 2 years
ANDOR: Ahem. I have heard that the greatest persuasion is nothing more than telling the truth, so I speak in the voice given me by my mother, Freya. I make no grand overtones or guttural whispers for dramatic effect. 
(MARKET VENDOR: More flavours! Come and drink away your sorrows!)
ANDOR: I am only Andor. My voice trembles.
(MARKET VENDOR: More flavours! Come and drink away your sorrows!)
ANDOR: I have come to ask my father a question. Will you listen? Father, I know you're listening too.
LIEUTENANT AL: Prince Andor!
ANDOR: Haven't you noticed? Do these wings look like the product of some frivolous magic? Whom do you suppose the statue at the bridge represents? Not Mianite. I am an acolyte of the wounded goddess; I always have been. We worship Ianite.
LIEUTENANT AL: I have found evidence of a rebellion against Mianite! And I will have to arrest you, Prince, for leading this rebellion!
[With each syllable from Andor's lips grows a surrounding gust of wind, which halts the Lieutenant's advance, despite his best efforts to subdue the awakening acolyte.]
ANDOR: While you have governed this port city and allocated its resources to the glorification of your "one true god," I-
APOSTLE HELGRIND, interrupting: You no longer have a place in this town! During my time away, the truth of the one true god has only become clearer.
ANDOR, speaking louder: I have been chiseling Ianite's likeness into your stones and penning her mantras into your paper. Her teachings have been with me all these years, guiding me towards a day of peace and unity-
LIEUTENANT AL: You will never…!
ANDOR, now shouting: -while you have winced at the thought of our hope and stooped over the corpses of the lost.
APOSTLE HELGRIND: Lieutenant, seize Andor and take him to our Lord.
ANDOR: If you had but journeyed with me! I am at the threshold. Soon, Ianite will rise! And my mother and sister's spirits will rise with her.
ANDOR: I hear your voice, father. I hear your anger. 
ANDOR: Do what you will with me. But first, know this. If your god is just and blameless, with flawless integrity, then fear not. Your battle is already won. But if there is the smallest fracture in Mianite's armor… then the crevice will widen. The shell will corrode. And Mianite's sins and yours will seep through. All the false glory you have built will be wiped in preparation for this world's restoration and rebirth. I do not know why you begrudge Ianite, for our family's death, nor why you hide your wounds, father. But I do know that healing is available to you. It is the greatest gift anyone can receive, greater than a shield, greater than a sword. 
ANDOR: Greater than your perfect, made-up world. If it is your wish, see this to its end. Do everything in your power to create the world you so crave. I cannot stay your hand. I raise no sword. I wear no armor. I have only this boomerang, given by a true friend. You could stop this. We could go to the docks, and throw it, just like old times with Mom. We could. I invite you.
[ANDOR collapses from exhaustion. The protecting wind subsides, and he is immediately seized by LIEUTENANT AL.]
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aq2003 · 1 year
sam and brennan’s greatest weaknesses (respectively)
(transcript under the cut)
Clip 1:
Elaine: It’s possible this is my new favorite bird!
Sam: I agree. Before, my favorite birds were... [pauses]
Elaine: What?
Sam: Fuck me.
Elaine: [Laughs]
Sam: Um, bluejay. A robin. A cardinal. A flamingo... [pauses] Dinosaurs were technically birds. A pterodactyl—
Brennan: Sorry, dinosaurs were technically birds?!
Sam: I was just listening to an NPR story about this, Brennan.
Brennan: I believe that you mean birds were technically dinosaurs. Not all dinosaurs, were birds!
Elaine: He has a point.
Sam: Oh god in heaven, I don’t know if I know five more birds.
Clip 2:
Carolyn: Woody Harrelson has the vibe of someone who should have been cancelled years ago, but remains one of the rare celebrities loved by both sides of the political aisle, like Dolly Parton, The Rock, and... Kid Rock.
Brennan: That’s the opposite of these five celebrities that both the left and the right hate... Honestly, just like a list of five celebrities would be enough to really... [sigh] oh god, who’s famous? Um...
Sam: Who’s famous?
Carolyn: [Laughs]
Sam: This is like me with the birds.
Brennan: Oh, god, let’s switch. Let Sam name five famous people and I’ll name five birds. I’ll name a hundred birds!
Sam: Nobody wants your birds, Brennan!
[/end transcript]
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determinate-negation · 6 months
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this is him responding to a reporter asking how hed describe the past year
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lostjonscaves · 3 months
while listening to ep 9 i realized that my “listening to new tmagp ep” behavior is not how normal people experience podcasts
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human-for-tonight · 16 days
has anyone warned gorgug that telemaine is in elmville. or is he just going to be out trying to find a quokki pet and he turns down an aisle in the elmville target to see telemaine at the other end
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f-identity · 1 year
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[Image description: A series of posts from Jason Lefkowitz @[email protected] dated Dec 08, 2022, 04:33, reading:
It's good that our finest minds have focused on automating writing and making art, two things human beings do simply because it brings them joy. Meanwhile tens of thousands of people risk their lives every day breaking down ships, a task that nobody is in a particular hurry to automate because those lives are considered cheap https://www.dw.com/en/shipbreaking-recycling-a-ship-is-always-dangerous/a-18155491 (Headline: 'Recycling a ship is always dangerous.' on Deutsche Welle) A world where computers write and make art while human beings break their backs cleaning up toxic messes is the exact opposite of the world I thought I was signing up for when I got into programming
/end image description]
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sudoscience · 1 month
Disadvantages of audiobooks: hard to pay attention to sometimes, can't always understand everything that's said, no idea how things are spelled
Advantages of audiobooks: this
God bless you, Moira Quirk.
"No," said Dulcinea. "Oh, no no no. Stay awake."
Gideon couldn't say anything but blearrghhh, mainly because blood was coming enthusiastically out of every hole in her face.
🇵🇸 Gaza Funds 🇵🇸
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coyotesinew · 9 months
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Here’s a little explainer post I made for my instagram. Thought I’d post it here too! 🐾
It does a disservice to all listed communities to have them be misconstrued and misunderstood to the degree that they often are. Hopefully this post helps some folks understand the differences and nuances a bit better! ^^
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azemcrystal · 9 months
Wakes up.
Immediately, nauseatingly homesick for a life, world, and existence I can never get back.
Feeds the cats.
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tiktoks-for-tired-tots · 10 months
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fuckyeahgoodomens · 26 days
David Tennant talks about Good Omens Season 3 at the BAFTA TV Awards red carpet :), 12.05.2024
Int: Are we getting another season?
David: Of Good Omens?
Int: Yes.
David: We start filming in January. It's the final one, though.
Int: Right?
David: So one more and it, the whole saga will come to an end.
Int: So no more Michael Sheen kisses.
David: Well, you don't know how many we've got lined up for Series Three. I mean, neither do I, to be honest, but, you know.
Int: Are you having a good time filming this?
David: Deeply joyous. It's deeply joyous. I mean, mainly because I get to hang out with Michael every day. And talk nonsense and, and they're great scripts and it's just a brilliant, kind of mad, crazy world, so. I love it, yeah.
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starsandwriting · 2 months
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Haha. Hahaha.
[ID: Alternating excerpts from the transcripts of The Magnus Protocol episode 11 and The Magnus Archives episode 112 and 67.
Gwen: I thought he was going to kill me!
Lena: But he didn’t, which means you’ve passed the first part of your probation. Congratulations. Did you scream?
(Elias): congratulations. You’re doing a lot better than I expected.
Archivist: Feels like all I’ve managed to do is… not die.
Elias: And believe me, that is a remarkably rare skill.
Gwen: I don’t understand.
Lena: Yes, you do.
Gwen: But… why?
Lena: “Why” comes later. For now, it’s best you try to process the “what.” I’ll let you know when I have another liaison assignment for you.
Archivist: So you obviously know how to stop it. You could just tell me!
Elias: I could. But I believe that if I did so, you would fail. The Stranger is antithetical to us.
[The Archivist sighs heavily]
Gwen (defeated): I… Ok.
Gwen opens the door.
Lena: Oh, and Gwen?
Gwen: Yes?
Lena: Get some sleep. You look dreadful.
Archivist: Of course, of course. Understood.
Elias: And for God’s sake, get some sleep.
End ID]
Thank you @princess-of-purple-prose for the ID!
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conarcoin · 3 months
i have genuinely never heard connor be this fucking angry like .... ever ?? jesus christ
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