#tortall fanfiction
dionysia-does-stories · 8 months
Meech's Doll
Cringetober 2023, Day 19: Dolls/Puppets/etc
On AO3
Rating T -1,355 words - Tortall - Yuki & Kell
Summary: Newly wed, Yuki comes to New Hope for the first time. She tries to settle in and be accepted amongst the fort with mixed results. But she has an ace up her sleeve, new fabric scraps to be the hair for Meech's bald doll all the way from Lalasa in Corus.
A crowd gathered around New Hope’s gates to welcome the newest Lady of Queenscove. A wave of shock had crashed over the camp at the idea that Neal was getting married. It was swiftly followed by the fact that the bride intended to stay in New Hope until the end of the war. It had been the only thing anyone gossiped about. Then, the final piece of information—that the bride was Kel’s other best friend—had trickled its way through the refugees and everyone had stopped finding it all that scandalous. Of course, any lady friend of Keladry’s would be a bit odd.
Kel had chosen to take that as a compliment and not an insult. She was excited to have Yuki in the fort. Some of the other fort commanders had bemoaned the safety risk of having a lady on the frontlines (they’d specified a proper lady and not a lady knight). Kel did worry about her friend, but she knew Yuki had a good head on her shoulders and wouldn’t take any unnecessary risks.
Yuki wasn’t worried about raids or attacks at all. The only fear that Yuki seemed concerned about was that the refugees at New Hope would hate her. It was hard in so many ways to be an immigrant to a kingdom, even one like Tortall. Yuki was always having to brush of snide comments or invasive questions. She did it with grace, the edges of her eyes crinkled with laughter. But Yuki knew that Kel (and Neal) cared deeply for the people of New Hope.
Kel had tried every angle she could think of to reassure Yuki that the refugees wouldn’t hate her. And that even if they did Kel and Neal wouldn’t think any less of her because of it. When that had failed, Kel had tried to rope Neal into reassuring Yuki. That was lost cause from the start. Kel hadn’t heard Neal say a single sensical word in three weeks. But Yuki married him anyway. Yuki was brave. New Hope was a place that appreciated brave people.
The whispering as they entered through the gates didn’t set things off well. Rude comments about Yuki’s un-Tortallan facial features interspersed with suggestive comments about her “exotic” beauty. There was a part of Kel that wanted to lecture them all about their behavior like a strict mother. She held herself back only because she knew her interference wouldn’t do Yuki any favors. Neal was happily oblivious, which was probably for the best.
That evening, Kel stopped by Yuki and Neal’s room. Saying a silent prayer to The Goddess that she wasn’t interrupting anything, Kel knocked on the door.
Yuki answered, her eyes lighting up when she saw it was Kel.
“Are you settling in okay?” Kel asked.
Yuki nodded her head. “Very much so.” A little mischief colored her tone as she added, “I’ve been thinking I should join your glaive practice in the morning.”
Neal called, “It’s too early!” from his desk. He didn’t lift his head from the list he was reading.
“Just because you want to sleep until midday,” said Yuki, “doesn’t mean I have to.”
“You’ll wake me up,” he complained. “Also,” his voice took on a sappy quality, “I’ll miss you.”
Kel loved her friends and was happy they loved each other. But she did wish they would stop flirting in front of her. “You would be welcome to join us,” she told Yuki. “I could use the help to be honest.”
“It’s settled then,” Yuki said, ignoring the hurt animal sounds coming from her husband.
Kel smiled. “I’m heading to the mess hall. I don’t know if—“
“—I’ll join you,” Yuki jumped in.
“I won’t be done for another half hour,” Neal said.
“Then you can join us when you are finished.” There was determination in the how Yuki was holding her shoulders. She wasn’t going to hide in her rooms, like a delicate fairytale princess in a tower.
Kel led the way. Yuki kept up a steady stream of conversation about the goings on in Corus and how Kel’s family was doing. She showed Yuki the window that the cooks served meals from. Yuki made pleasant small talk with the cooks as she thanked them for her food.
Kel sat at a table of freed convict soldiers. As graceful as a butterfly, Yuki perched on the bench across from Kel. The soldiers didn’t know what to do with themselves. Even if they had met nobility before, it was unlikely they’d ever seen a Yamani lady.
Yuki showed her talent for directing conversation to the fullest. She introduced herself to each of them, revealing that she already knew several by name from Neal’s letters. She talked about how terrible Neal’s handwriting was—a unifying complaint among anyone who had read it.
Just as all seemed well a young woman walked past at a fast clip muttering just loud enough for the table to hear “whore”. Kel rose to follow her. Yuki grabbed Kel’s arm, gesturing for her to sit.
“She can’t speak that way to you,” Kel said.
Yuki shook her head. “I will survive. Besides, how many times have you been called a whore? You should know it’s the insult of the unimaginative.”
Kel sat back down. “But I put up with it because I wanted to be a knight and the insults are part of the price I pay for that dream. You are the furtherest thing from a whore.”
Yuki made a hum of dissent. “I am a newly wed woman,” she said, wicked and full of implication.
The men around them were all guffawing. The double entendre itself wasn’t particularly dirty but hearing it from Yuki made it the most hysterical thing in the world to them.
Kel smiled, relaxed. She noticed Toby and his friends. She waved them over. The children presented themselves in a gaggle. They bowed and curtsied to Yuki, a gesture that Kel truely appreciated.
“Yuki is trained with the glaive,” Kel told them. “She’s going to help out at our practices.”
There was a soft chorus of “thank you”.
Yuki greeted them all. Then she addressed Meech specifically. “Are you Meech?” she asked kindly.
Meech furrowed his brow, confused. He nodded confirming his identity.
“Neal told me that your doll lost all her hair saving everyone from Balyce.” Yuki reached in to a cleverly hidden pocket in her skirt. She pulled out to bundles of high quality silk scraps. “Lady Keladry has a friend who makes dresses and she gave me some replacement strands of hair for your doll.”
Meech’s attention was riveted on Yuki as she showed him the bundles. “If you don’t mind me taking your doll for a little while, I can sew it on for you.”
Meech held the doll out to her without further prompting. Yuki carefully laid it in her lap.
“There’s a decision to be made,” she warned him. “I have this bundle with fiery red hair, which I’m told your doll originally had.”
Meech nodded.
“But I have this other color,” Yuki held the bundle oddly close to Kel’s face. If it had been anyone but Yuki, Kel would have batted their arm away.
Yuki continued, “You can see this one is a soft brown somewhat golden color.”
The men were snickering quietly to themselves and Meech’s eyes were huge. Kel hadn’t figured out the joke, although she knew there was one. It had something to do with the color of the silk which was—
The new silk for Meech’s doll was the exact same shade as Kel’s hair.
Meech pointed to it. “I’d like that one. please.”
Yuki let her lips show a smile. An impolite behavior in the Yamani Isles but an expected nicety in Tortall. “I like this one too,” she whispered like they were sharing a secret.
The doll premiered it’s golden brown hair shortly there after. It and Yuki were a smash hit around New Hope. Someone carved the doll a tiny glaive to bring to morning practice. Kel smiled every time she looked at it. She loved her friends.
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esseastri · 4 days
Bookbinding Commissions!
Hello fronds!
I'm a little short of income (and job hunting is slowly killing me), so I'm opening up Bookbinding Commissions!
If you are interested in commissioning me for a custom-designed, hand-made, hand-lettered, hand-drawn book cover, hooray!! and thank you! You can do so by emailing me at [email protected]!
You can find examples of my work here! (This includes the somewhat famous This Is How You Lose the Time War red-and-blue cover.)
Commission options include:
Custom Cover: $150usd. Hand-crafted hardcover case for your favorite paperback book! Can also be applied to blank journals for an extra $25.
Comics Bind-Up: $200usd. Combine your single-issue comic books into one or more volumes with a hand-crafted hardcover case. Can also be applied to printed-out fanfiction, with the fanfic author's permission!
Full Series Matched Set: $150 +25usd per book. Matching hand-crafted hardcovers for your favorite paperback series!
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All payments will be in US dollars and made through Paypal.
If you want to give your favorite book the fancy new dress it deserves, please email me! I want to work with you to make a beautiful object!!
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six-of-snakes · 3 months
Fandom Trumps Hate 2024: Tortall series offerings
Browsing for the @fandomtrumpshate 2024 auction is open now! Bidding runs from March 5th at 8 am EST to March 9th at 8 pm EST! View all offerings here.
This year there are 5 total offerings for Tamora Peirce's Tortall universe!
Chash (@ponyregrets) is offering a 10-20k fic with a max rating of E. Her favorite characters to write about are Alanna and Kel.
six-of-snakes (@six-of-snakes) is offering a <5k fic with a max rating of M. He likes to write Ozorne/Numair, Alanna/Thayet, Roald vi/Neal and aroace!Kel.
cricket (@cricketnationrise) is offering a 5-10k fic with a max rating of E. She is especially interested in writing Protector of the Small era, aroace!Kel, AUs, and alternate POV.
kitsuneri88 (no tumblr) is offering a 5-10k fic with a max rating of M. kitsuneri88 prefers to write Neal/Yuki and Numair/Daine.
fan labor
aliteralgarbageheap (@aliteralgarbageheap) is offering a podfic up to 5k, length depending donation. They especially like Alanna/George, Alanna/George/Numair, Kel & Neal, Kel & Dom, Aly/Nawat, but are open to other pairings.
if i messed up or missed someones @ or other info, please let me know!
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isnt-it-pretty · 8 months
Fandom: Tortall, Tamora Pierce, Song of the Lioness
Rating: General
Catagory: Gen
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Relationships: Thom of Trebond & Alanna of Pirates Swoop and Olau (of Trebond in the fic though)
Characters: Thom, Master Si-cham, The Black God
Additional Tags: Alternate universe canon divergence, temporary character death, Champion of the Black God Thom, Tusaine War
Alanna dies; Thom isn't about to let that stand.
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idreamtiflew · 9 months
Ya'll. My favorite fanfic ever seems to be gone. I read that Archive of Our Own was being cyber attacked or something, and that some works did not make it. Lisafer on AO3 and Fief Goldenlake wrote a phenomenal fic about a romance between Sir Myles of Olau and Wyldon Cavall whilst he is at the castle training to become a knight. It is called "Paragons of Knightley Virtue." It. Is. So. Good. And it's gooone!! I hope to someday find it again, because Great Mithros, it is so fire.
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fth2023fanworks · 6 months
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fth2020fanworks · 1 year
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threespacemonkeys · 2 years
I’ve been speed reading this for over a week now. It is amazing piece is fiction check it out if you’re a Tortall fan!
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lemonsharks · 1 year
About me
Adult, she/her, queer, excited to befriend other adults over shared interests! PM me if you're local! I'd love to hang out! (I like museums. And tacos.)
Anyone can interact, use your best judgment. I block with impunity.
I try to tag stuff according to my conscience and better judgement.
I live in Chicago with my best friend, our three cats, and my rosy boa who I swear thinks she us is a boa constrictor.
Lockwood & Co, Stardew Valley, Star Trek, Dragon Age, Tortall (Tamora Pierce), Flight Rising
Nature, history, reptiles, amphibians, sharks, cats, phylogenetics, neat plants, neat rocks, fandoms, history, archaeology, art, true crime, my current hyperfixations
Bookbinding, sewing, collecting craft supplies, sometimes making stuff with the craft supplies, writing/reading books and fanfiction, digital painting, pixel art, watching shows & youtube, cooking, baking, travelling, (I go to see people, not places), beachcombing, herping & tidepooling (no touchy), photography.
Aspiring to hiking and backpacking.
Someday I will foster kittens again. I love doing that.
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sleepyowlwrites · 8 months
I feel compelled to have more wip docs to fill out this tag
a dried bouquet of primroses from @oh-no-another-idea
this edition will feature the docs found in my laptop's old hard drive.
29 Days of October (okay so this actually had three versions. I did not remember that)
Big Universe - English (do not be confused, I always write in english)
Big Universe Editing (dunno what the difference is)
Cheshire cat (?)
DevArt (why is this a doc)
Fantasy (that's very illuminating)
FF-Games (wait what games did I write fic for?)
FF-Korean (wait what kdramas did I write fic for??)
FF-TvMovie (alright self-explanatory)
Firesong (I remember this one. elementals my beloved)
Happenstance (barely remember this)
I am Fire (wait this isn't firesong?)
Kalissa's Book (*strong exhale*)
Kyenna (really used to love K names)
Language (is this. what is this. )
Muskadoo (the short stories I made up for my cousin)
Paladins (ah. Tortall fanfic)
Randeran (did not remember this was the name of the Lands of Color worlds)
Real Life (okay?)
Rowena and the Troublesome Princess (middle grade is hard to write actually)
...I don't want to list this one. we're skipping it
Twisted 1 4 mom (I don't think she got around to reading it)
Unfiled Notes (okay)
Words (again. what is this)
oh no. there are so many separate fanfics. fine.
better than tears
bts fluff party
hold my hand
I don't want to say sorry
it's a big universe
just for tonight
music and measure true
not_just for tonight
the art of friendship
the bulletproof girl
the pennyman
where the rain falls
you can have me
you're my angel
you're so clumsy
i'm skipping some okay
there's also my essays from college in here but I'm not strong enough to look at them so the end!
@pluttskutt @scribe-of-stories @artdecosupernova-writing @nikkywrites OR ANYBODY
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dionysia-does-stories · 8 months
The Midwinter Player
Cringetober2023, Day 2: Self-Insert
On AO3
Rating G - 1,282 words - Tortall - Keladry of Mindelan
Summary: Kel reluctantly decides to accept a walk-on roll in Corus's Midwinter Plays
A massive sunbird flew past Kel. It’s wings were made of fine gossamer fabric dyed in fiery shades of red and gold. When she fell back into a fighting stance at its closeness, the puppeteer made a cawing noise.
Kel laughed and nodded her head to acknowledge the joke (especially since it was at her expense). The puppeteer carried on moving the great bird as though he were a living, flying thing.
Kel turned the opposite direction walking through the busy square. Players rehearsed their lines, committing the words to memory. Tumblers twisted their bodies into impossible shapes. Their costumes were sewn and textured to mimic rock. Kel remembered Lalasa mentioning that a friend of hers was sewing the costumes this year.
Kel walked past a player who was dressing up a live bull calf in a pair of fake horns. The calf was completely uncooperative with the proceedings and flicked them off. Kel caught one mid-air, handing it back to the beleaguered player.
Kel marched on. She had been told to report to the big tree at the back of the event space. She wished she was reporting for duty at a fort. There all she’d be asked to do is bash in heads and come up with military strategies. But no, she was in Corus for Midwinter and she had been asked to appear in the annual Midwinter plays. 
She would have refused immediately, but both the King and the First Daughter of the Goddess’s temple had asked her to at least consider it. She still wanted to refuse but a valid (although extortive) point had been made about how happy all the little girls in Corus would be to see her. She was trying to have an open mind.
Kel had been told the playwright would meet her at the tree, but she hadn’t expected the woman to be sprawled out on the ground. She was surrounded by individual stacks of paper. Each stack had a rock on it, presumably to guard against the wind. There were quills stuck straight into the earth beside ink wells that had clearly spilled some of their contents onto the dirt.
The woman stared off away from the chaos of the rehearsal square and into the distance of the city. Her eyes were unfocused but still sharp. As soon as Kel’s footsteps were in hearing range, the woman whipped around.
“You have good hearing,” Kel called, trying to be friendly.
The woman quirked half her lips up in a sardonic expression. “For every sound except words which is all in all a not the most useful ability.”
“I’m supposed to be meeting someone here,” Kel said. “A playwright named Diot?”
The woman was shoving her stacks of paper and quills into a plain leather bag that looked large enough to hold a small library.
“That’s me!” Diot’s tone was too enthusiastic for the banality of her words. Kel saw her wince. It was the same wince Neal made when he regretted what he’d just said. 
“I got here very early and sat down to do some work,” Diot explained. “If I don’t put a lot of effort into being early than I’m always late. And I’m a huge admirer of yours. And I didn’t want to be late. Because I figured you would be on time what with the military training and all.” The woman fell abruptly silent.
Kel blinked. “I can appreciate using your time wisely. I’m sure you have a lot to get done at this time of year.”
“I do, thanks,” She gestured to the Mithran temple. “I asked the priests if we could use one of the rooms in the temple to talk.”
Diot led the way down a narrow path to the back part of the building. She brought them to a little room, set up with a table and chairs. Diot had already been lingering here before she moved to the tree. The evidence was obvious in the stacks of paper on the floor and heavy cloak draped on the back of one of the chairs.
“So, this year our play cycle will be the birth of Mithros.” She clapped her hands together at the declaration, again followed by that regretful wince. She gestured for Kel to sit and plonked down in the other chair herself.
“The King mentioned that. He didn’t specify what exactly it was that I was going to be doing?”
“Of course! Of course.” Diot reached into the giant bag and pulled out a book of Mithran stories. Several pages had the corners folded down and Kel could see writing in the margins. “Don’t tell the priests that I’ve done this,” Diot whispered, loudly.
“It’s your book,” Kel pointed out.
Diot flipped to a page, showing an illustration of Mithros at a table with the sun, a fire, the scales of law, and a war horn. “We’re looking to offer the roles as the personification of Mithros’s areas of power to notable individuals. War has already been taken by the lord sponsoring the cost of the plays. Which is what it is, even though I doubt he’s seen a war in his life. The Law will be represented by Duke Turomot, the magistrate.”
“I’m familiar with him,” Kel said.
Diot nodded. “With our current casting leaning somewhat toward a conservative direction. I was very hopeful you would be the Sun.”
Kel thought about the many piles of papers she had seen so far. “How many lines would I have?”
“I’ve written some beautiful lines for the Sun,” Diot rushed to grab a specific paper. Kel had no idea how she knew where it was among the many identical sheets. “I wrote an entire monologue that you can—“ Diot noticed the Yamani stone of Kel’s expression. “—You’re asking because you don’t want any lines.”
“Yes. I don’t have any destiny that includes being an accomplished player. I think it’s best to save the fiery speeches for someone else.”
“What about one line,” Diot negotiated. “So, the audience can hear you speak?”
Kel imagined the little girls in the audience and forced herself to say, “Fine. That’ll be fine.”
“Great!” Diot exclaimed, this time without wincing. She was fired up and producing papers at an alarming rate. “I just have to change this one section, but I have an idea that I think will make it work.”
Diot began to scribble lost to the world. 
Kel rose from her chair. “I’ll leave you to it.”
Diot looked up, eyes widening in distress. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to ignore you. I really appreciate you coming.”
“It’s fine. You don’t have long before Midwinter.” Kel pointed out.
Some of the color drained from Diot’s face.  “No,” she said. “I really don’t”
Kel left. She wondered out through the main body of the temple. The priests nodded to her as they walked by, respectful greetings of “Protector,” coming from their hushed voices. Being a knight hand chosen by the Chamber of The Ordeal was a venerated title in the temple of Mithros.
She stopped at the Mithraeum, looking into the cave like structure. At the far wall, there was a statue of Mithros. He held his golden shield aloft, a victorious expression on his face.
“Are you happy now?” She asked it expecting no response.
The statue turned to face her and smiled.
A few weeks later, Kel walked the stage as the Sun to thundering approval, an experience that she remained uncertain about until the most popular guising costume that year proved to be the Sun. Little girls ran wild over the streets of Corus with painted faces and sunbeams coming out of their hair.
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The complicated fanfiction novel in my brain is a Tortall-Emelan crossover, which is why there are so many source books to reread, and it started because I wanted Sandry to meet Lalasa, but then I spent all day thinking about it and got wildly side tracked by envisioning the incredible meeting of minds that is Tris Chandler and Numair Salmalin.
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isnt-it-pretty · 6 months
Fandom: Tortall, Tamora Pierce, Song of the Lioness
Rating: Teen+
Catagory: Gen
Warnings: Graphic Depictions of Violence
Categories: Gen, M/M, F/M
Relationships: Alanna of Pirate's Swoop and Olau & Thom of Trebond, Alexander of Tirragen & Alanna of Trebond, Alanna of Pirate's Swoop and Olau & George Cooper, Alexander of Tirragen & George Cooper, Alanna of Pirate's Swoop and Olau & Baird of Queenscove
Characters: Alanna of Pirate's Swoop and Olau, Thom of Trebond, Alexander of Tirragen, George Cooper (Tortall), Gary of Naxen, Baird of Queenscove, Jonathan of Conté, Additional Song of the Lioness Characters, Roger of Conté
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Blind Character (not actually she's just visually impaired but ao3 doesn't have a tag for that), visually impaired author, Hurt/Comfort, Friendship, Past Child Abuse, Child Neglect (Alanna and Thom have Feelings over their father), Emotional Manipulation (via Roger), general warning for Roger of Conté being Roger of Conté
Legends say that to have purple eyes means one is touched by the gods. To Alanna and Thom, all it means is that their eyesight has never been as good as it should be.
Unfortunately, both are true.
(AU where the twins are visually impaired.)
Here it is! The first (and second) chapter of my NaNoWriMo piece; the fic that's been bouncing around in my head for years.
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theroguequeenaniki · 1 year
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#KimickaPhotoADay December Day 27: Book(s) 📚 Well, of course I got books for Christmas! Lol. And they just so happen to be new copies of my favorite books I read this year! The Immortals Series by Tamora Pierce. I read them for the first AND second time this year! In the span of like 2 weeks! (With one book series in between (The Protector Of The Small series also by Tamora Pierce lol). I fell wholeheartedly in love with these books. With Daine, and Numair, and their adventures! I mean, for crying out loud, they got me to seek out Fanfiction again! Something I haven't done in quite a while! (The fandoms I would want to read for...are so small I've read all the fics everytime I go looking lol). Anyway, I love these books. I love Tamora Pierce. And I'm so happy to have this box set, b/c my copies of this book were already falling apart. Lol. #books #book #theimmortals #tamorapierce #dainesarrasri #veralidainesarrasri #numairsalmalin #arramdraper #daineandnumair #dainesalmalin #tortall #christmas #christmaspresents #bookstagram #reading #reader #photo #photoaday #photoadaychallenge https://www.instagram.com/p/CmsVwNPLTJ8/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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webedragons · 5 months
What I read in 2023
And what I thought about it. Pretty much all Scifi/YA, read on if you want book reccs or just to be nosy <3 Have you read any of these books? What did you think of them? Do you have a favorite book of 2023? please let me know <3 Images and image descriptions included below the cut.
I will be using a 5 star system to rate each book.
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(Image Description, 4 books covers in a collage including half a soul, the house of lost wives, Saint Deaths Daughter, and The stargazers war). Half a soul By Olivia Atwater. I picked this book up on sale on kindle, and I liked it! It was easy to read but covered some interesting topics. The main character is cursed by the fae as a child and the book covers her dealing with this curse as an adult in victorian england. Think pride and prejudice but with curses and wizards. 4/5 stars. The house of lost wives by Rebecca Hardy. This was another kindle sale book and while i liked it, I think it could have used another run through editing as the pacing was strange. This book follows a young woman who can see ghosts and is trying to find answers behind the death of her sister. 3/5 stars. Saint Deaths daughter by C.S.E Cooney. This book was probably my biggest surprise of 2023. I loved this book, its beautifully written and very fresh. It follows the daughter of 2 famous necromancers as she struggles with family members both alive and dead. 5/5 stars, excited to see more from this author. The Stargazers war by JP valentine. This author has become one of my favorites this year. I love his sense of humor and the fact that his books often have found family feels. 5/5 stars, cannot wait for the next book.
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(Image description, 4 book covers in a collage including Briar heart, The false princess, Nona the Ninth, and This quest is Bullshit). Briar heart by Mercedes Lackey. This is a fairy tale retelling that plays with the usual tropes of that genre. Any book by this author is very comforting to me and this one was fun but not stunning. 3/5 stars. The false Princess by Eilis O'neal. This felt like a book 12 year old me would have been obsessed with, and 24 year old me really liked it too. It follows a princess who finds out she was a body double this whole time, and her journey after leaving her childhood home. 4/5 stars. Nona the Ninth by Tamsyn Muir. Listen, this is Tungler dot com, I do not need to sell this book here. 5/5 stars, I will break into your house and leave copies of this series for you to start reading :) This quest is Bullshit! By JP valentine. This is this authors second appearance on this list and for good reason. This book was my first foray into LitRPG - fiction written as though the characters are in a roleplaying game. It was extremely funny and very fresh and exciting to me. If you enjoy playing DND or baldurs gate, you will probably like this series. 5/5 stars.
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(image description; 4 book covers in a collage including Terrier, A coup of tea, Wolfsong, and Hyperbole and a Half). Terrier by Tamora Pierce. This was a reread! I love Tamora Pierce, she is one of my go-to comfort authors. This series is not my favorite of her Tortall series, but it still stands up! 4/5 stars. A coup of tea series by Casey Blair. This series follows a princess who chooses her own path - which turns out to be making tea! If you loved Uncle Iroh, you will like these books. 5/5 stars, I wanted more! Wolfsong by TJ klune. This was my first TJ klune book and it delivered. This book will have you asking "Did TJ klune grow up reading high quality werewolf fanfiction?" because it reads like high quality werewolf fanfiction. 4/5 stars. Hyperbole and a Half by Allie Brosh. This is the only nonfiction on the list but for good reason! It is an absolutely hilarious collection of true stories that had me hooting like a goose. 5/5 stars.
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(Image description; Just one book cover, Girls made of snow and glass by Melissa Basherdoust). Girls made of snow and glass by Melissa Bashardoust. This book is an honorable mention because I'm pretty sure I read it in 2022, but I really loved it. This book was special to me because it involves a positive relationship between a stepmother and stepdaughter and nice sapphic representation (NOT between stepdaughter and stepmother you guttersnipes). 5/5 stars for me :D
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myth-blossom · 10 months
Thank you for the tag, @cicaklah! Your picks were great and I’m adding them to my reading list <3
Rules: List ten books that have stayed with you in some way, don’t  take but a few minutes, and don’t think too hard - they don’t have to  be the “right” or “great” works, just the ones that have touched you.
As a preface, I‘ve been a voracious reader since childhood. I typically prefer fiction and I remember more of the stories I’ve read than I do their creators and titles (to my great dismay). There came a point in my life when I wasn’t able to dedicate much energy to read for fun and instead focused on reading for my studies and my professional duties, which got to the point that I was getting quite burnt out on one of my favorite hobbies of all time. So I did think harder on this list than I should’ve because the past is somewhat weighted, but I’m hoping to add to my list of impressionable books and new memories in the near future.
In no particular order:
Lord of the Rings by JRR Tolkien - I like to joke about the *thorough* detailing that Tolkien often provides, but I really do love LOTR and the fantasy and lessons it offers. But what I love most about it is my mother and I read it together when I was young, and I was so engrossed in the pages that I would immediately point out where we left off amongst the many generous details.
Magical young wizard books & Chronicles of Narnia series - I’m tagging these two series together (and leaving the obvious young wizard title vague) because these were books my grandmother would read to us. It was nice to share these stories with her, which also led to her taking us to some of the films and sewing a witch costume for me for Halloween.
Frankenstein by Mary Shelley - I read this for a class on gothic literature in film and it left such a mark on me. I have many thoughts but I’ll only offer one recommendation: please give this a chance if you haven’t already.
Dracula by Bram Stoker - I also read this for the first time in the gothic class mentioned above. It was really cool to analyze the text and how the vampire legend has been adapted differently over time in media. Plus, I enjoyed the horror and spooky pacing.
Trumpet of the Swan by E.B. White - like I said, I read many many many (did I say many?) books as a child. But one of the strongest memories I have is visiting the library, finding this book on the shelf, and being so engrossed with the story of the trumpeting swan. It’s nice to get caught up in a book like that.
Tortall Universe by Tamora Pierce (specifically the characters Alanna the Lioness, Kel, Daine) - Ironically, I bought a later series of the Tortall Universe before realizing I had the original books on my shelf, not yet read. I really wanted stories with strong female characters and these three were fun to read and explore the world of. 
The Prince and The Dressmaker by Jen Wang - this book, OH this book, I love it so very much. I read it in less than 24 hours. I should’ve savored it, but I was just that taken with the story. If you like graphic novels or want to give one a try, I would highly recommend this one.
The Female of the Species by Mindy McGinnis - brutal is really the best word to describe this book. It contains a lot of triggering content (so please protect yourself, dear reader) and isn’t something I would normally pick, but it’s been nearly 7 years now and I still strongly remember the emptiness it left me with when I finished it.
The Yellow House by Patricia Falvey - I’ll be quite honest, I hardly remember the story itself. What I do remember is the show-and-tell that day from one of our book club readers. She shared stories from when she lived in Ireland and brought in items from her friends, and it was a lovely and emotional experience to witness.
Agent 47: Birth of the Hitman by Christopher Sebela and Jonathan Lau - As I mentioned, I found myself so burnt out from reading that it had been difficult to commit to a book for quite a while. Fanfiction really rekindled my love for reading and I decided to check out the Hitman comics. I was so happy to have the drive to finish a book again! I enjoyed the comics and the new headcanons they caused.
If you have a list of books or readings you’ve enjoyed, please feel free to share them! :)
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