#topfree equality
sandu7174 · 8 months
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Nipple Equality!
Do not use my art without my permission!
🔃Reblogs are appreciated!🔃
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toplesstopics · 3 months
wish there was a commonly accepted alternative to "free the nipple" that isn't flooded with "the outline of nipples vaguely visible under cloth" and full out porn.
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furbearingbrick · 10 days
hi, how are you? i would've sent you a dm but i couldn't so i'm contacting you like this instead! i appreciate you reblogging my artwork regarding topfree equality on my art blog @ sandu7174, each reblog i get means the world to me! but i do request that you remove the tag # nsfw ish that you added, because it goes against the cause i'm fighting for. i want all nipples to be treated the same, no matter what someone's gender, sex or body type is, and tagging my post as nsfw is contradictory to the statement my art is making. i hope you understand and have a nice day! ^^
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missionnasaru-blog · 7 years
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Any place I need to censor nipples, I’ll censor all of them.
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jimbelton · 7 years
Bare Breasts are a Right in Ontario
Bare Breasts are a Right in Ontario
Should women be allowed to swim topless? The CBC tackles the issue in Why an Ontario woman is fighting for her right to swim topless.
Awoman who has filed a complaint with the Human Rights Tribunal of Ontario wants to “normalize” the act of swimming topless, says her lawyer. [She] did not want to be put in a position where she would have to argue with an establishment over her choice to swim…
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hoseishitagi · 5 years
カナダにはトップフリー平等権協会(Topfree Equal Rights Association=TERA)が存在し、男性が上半身裸である場所において、「胸に何も身に付けない」権利を実践した結果、何らかの法的トラブルに見舞われた女性を援助している。そのサイトによれば、TERAはカナダとアメリカの両国における問題を取り扱っている。TERAは、上半身の自由に関する啓発活動も行っている。さらに、TERAは、女性のトップフリーを禁止する規則を女性差別であると問題視しており、北アメリカの司法制度で見られる上半身の自由に関連する法を改正することを目指している。
米国にはGoTopless.orgが存在し、男性が許可されているように、公共の場で女性がトップレスになる憲法上の権利を持っていると主張している。8月26日に最も近い日曜日がGoTopless Dayとして公共の場でトップレスになる女性の権利のためのデモが実施されている。
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sandu7174 · 19 days
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Men and Women Are the Same.
🤍Reblogs are appreciated!🤍
Some of you may be wondering: “What? Men and women are the same? That’s not entirely true.” But it is. Let me explain.
Most people believe that to be a woman is to have female sex organs, developed breasts, little body hair, high-pitched voice, wide hips, more estrogen than testosterone and XX chromosomes and that to be a man is to have male sex organs, no breasts, moderate to large amount of body hair, deep voice, narrow hips, more testosterone and estrogen and XY chromosomes, to name a few key features. And even though most men and women exhibit their respective typical gendered traits, it’s not the case for everyone.
This is proven by the existence of intersex and transgender people, which also proves that neither sex nor gender is binary. There are plenty of women (cis and trans) who have one or more of the traits exhibited by the typical man and vice versa. There are also plenty of people who blur the lines between what a typical biological male is and what a typical biological female is, be it that they were born with certain ambiguous traits (intersexuality) or got them later in life (medical transition). And even though certain types of traits are associated with a certain gender, the fact that those same traits can be found in people of other genders means that those differences are irrelevant. With regard to equality and dignity, those differences would be irrelevant either way.
Don’t get me wrong, when I say that men and women are the same, I do not mean that everyone should be or is bisexual and nonbinary or whatever. I am not here to dictate people’s personal sexual and romantic preferences and gender identities. I also don’t mean that everyone should receive the exact same resources regardless of their sex or gender, I don’t think cis men should be going to see a gynaecologist or that cis women should be getting a prostate exam etc. What I actually mean when I say that men and women are the same is that we shouldn’t decide how we treat someone based on their sex or gender. Even though there are a lot of cultural and societal complications when it comes to sex and gender, it doesn’t justify unequal treatment of people.
Including nipples. Which is what my artwork emphasizes. Topfreedom is an important part of the feminist movement that is often ignored and brushed away like it is somehow irrational and unnecessary. What REALLY is irrational and unnecessary is the fact that cisgender men can have bigger breasts than many cis women (see: fat men and gynecomastia), and yet those same cis women are still the ones who get censored, sexualised, banned and harassed simply for daring to do what men have been doing for 100 years, and that PROVES that topfree inequality is actually not about breasts at all; it’s about misogyny and oppression.
There certainly are some physical differences when we compare the average man and the average woman (note: AVERAGE, many people are not average); hormonal differences, cultural differences, genital differences etc. But when we look past all that onto the actually meaningful difference? There is none. Gender is a social construct, and while that doesn’t mean that gender doesn’t exist (it evidently does exist as a social construct in our society in which social constructs reside), it does mean that gender is completely and utterly meaningless. It has no purpose other than to let us identify ourselves within arbitrary standards. And it’s often used as an excuse to harass and oppress people, which is what sexism is.
The breasts of female-presenting people are not sexual organs. They’re just not. They develop to feed babies, and that’s it. Men looked at female breasts and decided they were sexually explicit, leading to the widespread practice of treating female nipples as taboo. That’s not right! It’s cruel and it doesn’t reflect the idea of what a fair society is at all.
It’s time we fight back and spread the joyful, powerful and freeing message of gender diversity, inclusivity and equality.
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sandutita · 2 months
thinking about how fucked up my life will become when/if i get on hrt
like rn my gender presentation is "tolerable" since i haven't medically transitioned in any way so i still pass as a girl
but if/when i get on t, literally any gendered space like bathrooms or locker rooms will be completely off limits since i don't want to get any surgeries
if i went to the women's room they'll be like "wtf you have a deep voice and a moustache you can't be here"
and if i went to the men's room they'll be like "wtf you have tits and a pussy you can't be here"
like the men's bathroom might work but locker room?? holy shit completely off limits.
i mean it's not like i've been using those facilities at all recently anyway (anxiety about topfree inequality and gender binarism), but this is gonna straight up make it impossible without being scrutinized/discriminated against
like maybe the women's room could work if i told them that don't worry i actually have a vulva, but that's incredibly impractical and also am i supposed to flash my genitals to the ladies every time i enter the ladies' room? that's just not right.
the world is not built for trans and nonbinary people to live comfortably. that has to change. abolish gendered locker rooms and bathrooms. 🏳️‍⚧️
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