#top tier fits from them that night
lovevanpalmer · 10 months
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a lil sketch of lottieleenat at the bonfire party
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utterlyotterlyx · 2 months
18 with Azriel because mans is taaaaall
Little Thing
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Summary - Azriel loves finding any reason to hold you, his height restricted mate, in his arms, and isn't ashamed to admit it.
Warnings - absolutely none really, slight swearing, just Az fluff x 1000
"I've been breaking my back to kiss you."
"I'm not that fucking short."
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The weight that occasionally pressed against the tips of his toes had become something he found endearing, because it meant that you were trying with all of your might to kiss him by using his feet as leverage to boost your own height.
Azriel was abnormally tall, his six foot seven to your five foot three was the source of copious amounts of teasing from your shared family, mostly from Cassian who always questioned aloud how Azriel fit inside of you, like it was all he thought about whenever he looked at the two of you.
"Would you like to watch since you're so intrigued about our sex life, Cass?"
"I, uh-," Cassian had stuttered that chill afternoon, the stars had blanketed across the sky, and you were stood in the centre of the lounge in your floor length skirt which only reached Azriel's knees, (he'd tried it on one day much to your delight); you were tapping your foot against the wooden floor, eyebrow arched and waiting for a real answer, "No."
Azriel had to give it to Cassian, and Rhys, and well anyone who questioned how Azriel, the brother with the largest wingspan, managed to fit inside of you. Cassian said often that his cock must rearrange your insides and he was surprised how you could walk around after your nights, mornings, and afternoons together, let alone go to work and live a normal life.
"Thought not. Shame, you could have learnt a thing or two for Nesta," Azriel chortled at your words and sent a wave of pride and adoration down the bond, a shower of affection that you lapped up.
"Ouch, y/n. That stung," Cassian fluttered his fingers over his heart and winced dramatically.
"Bite me," you flipped him off and headed back into the kitchen where the most incredible aromas floated from.
Once a month, you promised to cook a family dinner for them all, having negotiated your family away from the once a week they had begged for. It was as though they believed that you didn't have a life. The most decadent bakery in Velaris had your name plastered on the front of it in pale blue swirls, that was how you had met Azriel, after Feyre had dragged him into the store owned by the tiny fae female who made the best pastries she had ever tasted in her life.
The bond had snapped immediately for him when he saw you in your black apron dusted with flour, pink icing and white buttercream on your cheeks, hair strewn up but spilling over your forehead, boxing up a larger than you three tier cake without breaking a sweat.
The pastries you had made for him once you had decided to accept the bond, and the life that came with it, were almost as good as the passionate love he gave you that night.
Azriel loved everything about you, from the larger than life ferocity and sass you carried in your tiny body, to your equally ferocious loving heart; you were independent, talented, sweet, and kind, a ray of sunshine in his otherwise shadowed reality.
Though, there were two things that Azriel loved more than anything. The first was being able to find any excuse to lift you up in his hands, whether that be to help you reach the top shelf or fuck you against a wall; he wouldn't admit it easily, but he did purposefully hide things out of reach from you so that he had a reason to hold you in his large hands. The second thing he adored was how you would stand on his feet, on your tiptoes, to capture his lips on yours. It was such a sickly sweet part of you, but one that he wouldn't change for anything.
Hearing you strain, Azriel furrowed his brow, imagining you struggling to reach the second shelf of the cupboard in a home where furniture had been made for three huge Illyrians, not a tiny fae baker. Rounding the corner, he smirked at your form, he smirked at the way your skirt was hitched around your thighs as you clambered onto a nearby chair to hop onto the countertop.
Azriel sauntered over to you, laying his large hands on your hips and pressing his lips to the small of your back, grinning against your skin when you shuddered at the contact, "Need any help?" Azriel had moved the stool away from the edge of the counter, placing himself where it used to be.
Turning in his hands, you looked down on him with a wide smile, "No, I got it," you presented the bag of sugar to him and he took it from your fingers, placing it down for you, "Is this what it's like to be you? I can see so much up here."
Azriel chuckled, resting his chin on your stomach and peering up at you through his long lashes that always made you curse his Illyrian genes, "I guess so," he shrugged, locking his arms around your hips, enjoying the moment you had taken to run your fingernails over his scalp which drew a whine from his lips.
Taking his face in your hands, you leaned down and placed your lips to his, a tender embrace, one full of love and the faint taste of your vanilla lip balm that gave your lips the most incredible glossy finish, "How does it feel to kiss someone taller than you?"
Grinning, Azriel prodded, "Amazing actually. I've been breaking my back to kiss you."
You gasped, swatting his shoulder with the towel you had tucked into the back of your skirt, "I'm not that fucking short!"
His laugh boomed throughout the kitchen as you fiddled with the ends of your hair, "Okay, maybe I am just a little bit. Cassian's right, how do we have sex?" Azriel continued to laugh at your mumbling as he lifted you from the counter, placing you back on to the ground which felt so far away from where you were stood moments before.
Your mate bent down to peck your pouting bottom lip, pulling you into his body and stroking his fingers through your hair, "Who are we to question science? It works, that's good enough for me."
"It's definitely good enough for me."
"Oh I know. You told me as much last night - ow!" Azriel hissed as you dug your heel into his foot, frowning, he asked, "What was that for?"
Your cheeks flushed pink and you bashfully whispered, "I don't need Cassian to know what I tell you when we're doing that."
"You said it first."
"And?" There it was, the sass, the popped hip and arched brow, "Now move, I need to finish cooking and you're blocking my view."
Azriel smirked, "Oh my beautiful little thing, but I am the view."
A giggle floated through your lips, his favourite sound apart from when you were moaning his name beneath him, "You're lucky I love you," you fell into his open arms and pressed your lips to his clothed chest, to the exact place where your lips always met when you stood before him.
"I wouldn't change anything about you, you know that right?"
Humming in agreement, your hands wrapped around his back, "I know, Az," you pulled away, craning your neck toward the ceiling to look at him, "I'd change one thing about you though," his face dropped, "That you'd stop purposefully hiding things on the top shelf."
Azriel took a step back, "You know?!"
Scoffing, you turned, focusing back to the slowly simmering melting chocolate on the stove top, "Of course I know. I'm small, not dumb."
Azriel's warmth swarmed you, his huge arms nestled over your chest, and he rested his head atop your own, "All I can do is do it a little less. You know I like man-handling you. It makes me feel strong."
"Big Illyrian baby."
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Authors Note
Just a little drabble on a Wednesday evening x
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eeldritchblast · 11 months
Ethel's Vicious Mockery Analysis
(Major thanks to Aloija for the Dialog Parser and Roksik for doing the parsing, from the Down by the River Discord Server!)
I love when Ethel uses vicious mockery in the game, because I feel like it gives insight into the character’s insecurities, you know? So let’s further dissect that mockery.
“Oh, look! It's daddy's regret.”
“Fraud of the Frontiers!”
“Do you think losing that eye made you a hero?”
Wyll wants to be seen as a hero so badly… and I’m starting to think that has a little something to do with daddy issues. This “daddy’s regret” line from Ethel, matched with one of Wyll’s desires when confronted by the secret laboratory mirror being his father’s forgiveness, certainly says there is something unresolved there…
“I can smell what's under those bandages, wizard. You're all rot and ruin.”
“Come to greet death early? You'll be a lovely spectacle.”
“Who would be jealous of you, apprentice?”
The first two aren’t anything new—we’re already aware of Gale’s condition after all. But why would Ethel call him an apprentice? Is he lying about how great a wizard he once was? Or maybe it’s just because he’s lost all his powers, and she’s teasing him about that.
“You're so far up Shar's cake you can't see straight.”
“Why would Shar love you when no one else does?”
“You're no complex puzzle. Just a sad little girl.”
These to me, at least, speak of an undiscussed bubbling crisis of faith Shadowheart may be undergoing. And I am very interested in the second line above. Shadowheart is the type of person to keep everyone at arm’s length, and yet at the same time, it seems from this, desperately wants to be loved? That matches up with her “she took me in when no one else would” answer when asked why she became a worshipper of Shar in the first place. So it seems to me, like Shadowheart experiencing compassion from another person, possibly for the first time in her memory, is leading her to question her faith in Shar.
“A toad with a tadpole! How fitting.”
“Your people will never take you back - illithid scum.”
“Do you miss kissing Vlaakith's feet, gith?”
Lae’zel’s biggest desire is to become kith’rak – we know this. But more to that, I think her biggest desire is to be accepted and revered by her people. Ethel saying that she will never achieve this is probably Lae’zel’s greatest fear.
“Is there still rat stuck in your teeth, slave?”
“Deep down, you like being leashed, don't you?”
“You're one thirsty night away from betraying everyone.”
Okay, okay, okay… the first two? Ethel just being a top tier bitch. But the last one… The last one suggests that Astarion actually does have some care for his travelling companions, if he’s concerned about hurting them. I think that brings a lot out of his character, because it confirms he’s not just a one-dimensional jerk. The glimpses of his nice side are just as genuine.
“Let's pull your strings, infernal puppet.”
“Happy to sell everyone's soul but your own, aren't you?”
“When I'm done, even the Hells won't want you.”
We don’t know a lot about Karlach, because she isn’t available as a companion in Early Access. But what little we do know, adds up with what Ethel says here. We know she was caught up in the Blood War as essentially a slave to Zariel. And judging from this mockery, it seems that’s left her with questioning self-worth.
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vinelark · 5 months
in return for the fic recs i got last month, here are a few fics i read recently that i want to absolutely yell about from the rooftops:
Iron, Fire, Mirror-Glass by PurpleSoot: an early batman days AU where, while slowly healing from a spine-shattering injury, bruce finds an old book about the fae. in a fit of desperation he attempts a Summoning to try to heal his spine. enter: robin.
this story is fantastic—the kind of longfic with a plot so good and satisfying that finishing it leaves you on a reading high for at least a week. one of the best early days bruce fics i’ve ever read, with honorable mentions to excellent alfred and clark and jim and selina characterizations—but robin (dick) really takes the cake here. the balance of chilling, otherworldly, not-quite-human vs. playful, earnest, Still Just a Child…chef’s kiss. the way robin’s character arc drags bruce kicking and screaming through his own emotional growth is so well-paced and well-wrought that i already want to reread just so i can experience it again. this is one of those god-tier longfics that i can’t believe i got to read for free on the internet.
mid-reading testimonial:
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The Lone Ranger Never Had to Deal with Bruce Wayne by @theskeptileptic: a tim-joins-the-family-early fic in which tim decides to do everyone (his parents) a solid by faking his own death and running away to canada, except his weirdo neighbor bruce wayne keeps butting in and messing up his plans.
this is one of the rare stories where tim doesn’t know batman’s identity yet, and even rarer stories where that somehow makes the whole thing even more compelling. this fic has two of my favorite things: small, lonely, moderately unhinged tim drake pov, and really good pangs—pangs that are expertly teased out through flashbacks that add context to the present action at exactly the right moments. also, a very fun cameo near the end. i had a blast reading this one, physically clutched my chest more than once, and am already looking forward to rereading.
mid-reading testimonial (feat. @cairoscene):
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equivalent exchange by scribblemetimbers (wip): an au set during tim’s robin days in which tim discovers 1) crossroads demons are a thing and 2) people can make deals with them. deals that include bringing people back from the dead, so long as you’re willing to pay the price with your own life.
this fic is so…🤌‼️ it feels like everything i want in a fic so far, down to two incredibly specific concepts i love (bruce, in his grief, saying something harsh to robin!tim with disastrous consequences later + tim making a big secret sacrifice gambit) which are both done so so well, within a larger plot that is also done so so well. the way this fic cuts in and out of scenes at the exact right moments for max tension feels like a masterclass in causing me to tear my hair out (in the best way), and instead of assorted pangs reading it is just one big Pang. it currently leaves off on an agonizing cliffhanger but, again, in the best way. highly recommend. (thank you again @owlbats for the rec!)
exchange between me and my friend after i sent the link, which about sums it up:
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and to cut this angst with some humor:
IRIS Log #1548 by @deadchannelradio: a night on patrol as recorded by the bats’ audio logs, centering around red hood getting flung into a ditch and everyone, eventually, getting home safe.
one of the top ten funniest things i’ve ever read—spiritually up there with send to all (and if you’ve seen my fic rec tag you’ll know what a compliment that is). this makes use of the audio log format SO well. the dialogue shines, the jokes land with excellent timing, and it moves at such a clip that it’s pretty much impossible to stop reading once you’ve started. every character shines in this, and i’ve randomly choked on laughter remembering the phrase ‘good god he got thrown like a corn hole beanbag’ like twenty times in the past few weeks.
mid-reading testimonial:
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emjayewrites · 5 months
The Fast Lane (A Formula One Series)(2/?)
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SYNOPSIS: Jesenia joins the private, membership-based dating app Raya searching for a sugar daddy. Instead, she unknowingly finds her biggest “whale”: Lewis Hamilton, a famous Formula One racing driver.
PAIRING: Sir Lewis Hamilton x Jesenia "Jessy" Hart (face claim is @/loriharvey)
WARNINGS: drama, angst, cursing, explicit sexual content, not-so-glamorous life in the influencer/racing world, kind of pre-established relationship. RATED M (18+)
PINTEREST: Jessy's F1 Outfits
PLAYLIST: The Fast Lane Spotify
TAGLIST: @royallyprincesslilly, @mauvecherie-writes, @saintslewis, @peyiswriting, @hamiltonvuitton, @cocobutterqwueen, @qveenmelanink, @ashanti-notthesinger, @lewisroscoelove, @lovebittenbyevans, @lew1s-prix, @jasmindaughteroftheworld, @eugene-emt-roe, @apenasumlug4r, @simpfortoomanymen, @roseseraj, @alika-4466, @httpsserene, @queenshikongo3, @cherry2stems, @non-stop-imagines, @anubisnoir @myescapefromthislife @chaneajoyyy @yeea-nah @mitruscity @lewiscrown @weetjy @a-moment-captured @sugardontbesweet @shaytheeprettiest @livinglifethroughfanfic @blveeeeeee @formula-hamilton @purplelewlew @trinitoldyouso @slytherinjimim3nthusiast @certifiedlesbianbaddie
AUTHOR'S NOTE: A bit of a change up to fit the story. Please let me know if you wish to be added/removed from the taglist. Anyways, enjoy! Dividers by @inklore!
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CHAPTER TWO: The Letters of XNDA
Lewis was unconventional, an adrenaline junkie, and the epitome of Jack of All Trades. Jessy has been privy to gaining access to spaces of top-tier people, the multimillionaires and billionaires of the world, yet no one could ever be like Sir Lewis Hamilton.
After an amazing weekend in Monaco, Lewis invited her to another race — the Spanish Grand Prix in Barcelona.
Of course, she agreed to attend, but Jessy soon realized there must be a time when she put her foot down and said no. Until then, she'll play along and be the supportive grid girl.
Before heading to Barcelona, Jessy returned to Miami to handle a few business meetings and the like. Her second collection for her swimwear line, Silver Doe, will be released in July and there were still so many preparations. During that time, she spent an unhealthy period online researching her mark.
She still had yet to learn his intentions with her and their arrangement, but she knew that he was hooked on her, especially after that night in Monte Carlo. Once he had a taste of her, he became an addict and was unable to stop. They christened his penthouse apartment, fucking on almost every surface imaginable.
Jessy couldn't deny that she enjoyed herself and his sexual proclivities both surprised and satisfied her, however, she had to keep her focus. She devised a well-thought-out plan before meeting him, and she refused to let it all go to waste.
She delved into any resource she could get her hands on: from his wild, partying days several years ago to his very interesting dating history; Jessy explored it all. She steered clear of learning his likes and dislikes, preferring to have a more natural way of learning these things, but she did discover that he loved music, so much so that he even recorded songs and had a feature on Christina Aguilera's album.
Suffice it to say, Lewis had a lot of business ventures and interests outside of professional racing, and he always seemed to keep Jessy on her toes. Like herself, Lewis was an enigma; he was a rulebreaker, an Alpha, an icon. Lewis was that guy; he was him.
And despite this, the fame complete with a large fanbase, the nose and ear piercings, and the tattoos, he was still very soft-spoken and down-to-earth, which made it quite difficult for Jessy to find a flaw and profit off of it.
Most of the guys she previously hung around with or dated had flaws. From gambling to drug problems, they had weaknesses she used to get whatever she wanted from them. But Lewis's only weakness was his close friends and family, and although Jessy wanted to finesse him, she's not that terrible of a person. With this in mind, the only other choice was to play into the media coverage.
Since pictures of their time in Monte Carlo were swirling around the internet, many tabloids contacted Jessy for comments, not to mention the several hundred thousand or so followers she gained on Instagram. She adhered to her manager and publicist's advice and turned down the chance to comment on her dealings with Lewis, but that didn't mean that she wasn't going to use this to her advantage.
Everyone, from sleazy tabloids to huge media conglomerates, wanted a piece of Lewis as well as whoever kept his company, so why shouldn't she give the people what they wanted? Of course, she would never post a picture of them in bed together; that was too distasteful and she wasn't as attention-hungry as the usual thots who hung around celebrities. But no one said that posting her existence would be a problem, thus Jessy decided to do just that: she'll give them just enough to keep her relevance in the blogs, and perhaps more sales for Silver Doe.
It's a win-win.
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Trap music blasted from Lewis' motorhome inside Circuit de Barcelona Catalunya's paddock. Despite being several feet away, she could still easily decipher the lyrics to Future's "Life Is Good". Her entrance into the motor event and retrieval of all of her clearances was very quick, to say the least, and she couldn't help but think that this wasn't security's first rodeo with random women visiting Lewis.
Upon her research, she discovered that Lewis constantly surrounded himself with gorgeous women. From professional models to rappers and everyone in between; if she was gorgeous, Lewis had her. Jessy pushed all of those intrusive thoughts aside, deeming it unnecessary to think about the past women in Lewis' life. For the time being, she was the woman on his arm, and she had to put all of her energy into the job at hand.
Thankfully, regardless of her position as the first or eightieth woman to visit Lewis, she was met with equal respect from everyone, including his teammate and other competitors. Word spread quickly among the paddock about Lewis' 'new gal', and she was pleasantly surprised by the warm welcome. After her first race in Monaco, Lewis made sure she had everything she needed, even assigning an intern to be her designated guide.
Katie, the intern from Mercedes-AMG Petronas, was a friendly young woman in her early twenties with an energetic personality. When Jessy arrived in Barcelona, Katie welcomed her and kept her company during the drive to the paddock. She also filled Jessy in on all things Formula One with an enthusiastic speech.
Katie and Jessy strolled through the paddock, discussing the upcoming race weekend. This year, things were a bit different than in previous seasons. There was a new track in Las Vegas to debut, and the racing weekend was now extended to four days instead of three. "Lewis has a few interviews today, but I'm confident you can squeeze in some personal time with him. Do you have any questions about the schedule so far?" Katie said as they headed towards the drivers' RVs after finishing their tour of Lewis' team's motorhome.
Jessy shook her head, feeling overwhelmed as the young woman continued talking. Trying to understand the intricacies of F1 was an understatement; it would take a lot of time for Jessy to truly grasp everything. Katie's words fell on deaf ears as Jessy struggled to process it all.
What in the fuck am I getting myself into?
For Jessy, learning a sport without much prior knowledge was second nature. With both her father and stepfather being professional athletes, she grew up in the world of competitive sports, along with all the challenges that came with it. But F1 racing was proving to be a whole different ball game.
Katie gave a cheerful smile and wave before leaving Jessy at Lewis's door. She lifted her hand to knock, but just as she was about to, the door swung open, revealing Lewis in all his glory.
"Hey there," he said with a charming smile, inviting Jessy in.
"Hi," Jessy responded softly as she entered his motorhome. She glanced around the area, noting the slight disorderliness with scattered exercise equipment and clothing, along with his earphones and keyboard resting on the sofa. Despite the mess, it was a comfortable and surprisingly spacious living space. It exceeded her expectations in terms of size and quality.
Lewis closed the door behind them and turned to face her. He took in her appearance, the way her shoulder-length hair accented her delicate facial features, and how the curve of her hips filled out the tight jeans she was wearing. "You look stunning," he commented, causing a warm flush to creep up on Jessy's cheeks.
"Thank you," she said softly.
Lewis spoke with sincerity, "I'm happy you made it. I've been looking forward to spending more time with you. How was the flight?"
Jessy felt a flutter in her stomach at his words. It was clear that Lewis was interested in her, and with his reputation as a ladies' man, it both excited and intimidated her. She reminded herself that this was just a temporary fling; she couldn't let herself get too caught up in every little thing. "The flight was smooth, barely any turbulence. And Katie meeting me at the airport was a nice touch. Thank you for arranging that."
Lewis smiled, "No problem. I knew Katie would be a great help. Did you bring any luggage or just your gorgeous self?"
Jessy chuckled and took a seat on the sofa, "One of your bodyguards or someone brought it to the hotel. Is that where we're headed?"
"I usually stay here during race weekends," Lewis revealed, "But I can call them later to bring it 'round if you need anything."
Jessy glanced around the motorhome again, taking in more of her surroundings. "So, this is your home away from home?"
Lewis nodded, "Yeah, it's nice to have a comfortable space to relax in between races and all the chaos that comes with it." He took a seat next to her on the sofa and leaned back, looking completely at ease as his toned arm, decorated with tattoos, rested comfortably around her shoulders. "So...did you have time to think about what I said a few days ago?"
Jessy rolled her eyes playfully at him, causing Lewis to make a disapproving sound with his tongue.
"Jesenia, you're killin' me, woman," Lewis joked, pretending to be disappointed as he ran his hand down his face. "Have you, though?"
Jessy glanced down at her immaculately groomed hands. "I have," she confessed.
She took a deep breath before meeting his gaze again. "I'm not sure if it's such a good idea."
"Why not?" Lewis probed gently.
"Because...you're asking for a lot." She raised her chin in defiance with a wry smile. Lewis reached out to caress her cheek. "What's in it for me, spending most of my time traveling between countries for your little races?"
"Little?" winced Lewis jokingly, "I thought you had more respect for me after that night in Monte Carlo?"
Jessy shot him a sardonic glance. "Just because you know how to swivel your hips really well doesn't mean I'm going to uproot my entire life for you. What about my business? My career? There needs to be some sort of return on investment for this, Lewis."
Lewis leaned in, his smirk growing into a menacing grin. "Return on investment, huh? Is that what this is all about?" His hot breath tickled her skin as he got closer, making her feel trapped and vulnerable.
Jessy resolutely met his gaze. "Is it not a valid concern?"
He raised an eyebrow at her. "Of course it is," he said, his tone taking on a more serious note. "And I understand that you have your own life and career to think about. But I can assure you, Jessy, that being with me will bring you many benefits."
Jessy's eyes narrowed in disbelief. "Such as?"
"Well, for starters, you'll get to travel the world," Lewis pointed out. "I know how passionate you are about seeing new places and experiencing different cultures."
"That's true," Jessy admitted.
"And let's not forget the gifts," Lewis added.
"You suddenly want to discuss presents, but every time I mention clothes or jewelry, you throw a fit."
Jessy's breath hitched as Lewis's fingertips traced a path down her bare skin. Goosebumps formed in the wake of his touch, and she trembled under his gentle exploration. "I know," he murmured, his lips hovering just above hers.
"But I do appreciate nice things," she continued.
"I know you do." Lewis brought his lips to her neck and placed a gentle kiss on the sensitive skin there, eliciting a shiver from Jessy. "And I want to give you nice things," he whispered against her skin.
Jessy's resolve began to crumble under the weight of Lewis's seductive words and actions. As much as she wanted to concede, she couldn't deny that there was still a part of her that was skeptical of his intentions.
"And...what else?" Jessy asked hesitantly.
"Well..." Lewis hesitated for a moment before meeting her gaze again. "There's me."
"You?" Jessy repeated incredulously.
"Yes," Lewis confirmed. "I may have a hectic schedule during race season but when I'm not racing, I have plenty of free time to spend with you. And judging by your reaction, you miss having me inside you, don't you?"
Lewis's words resonated with Jessy, causing a wave of memories to flood her mind. She knew he was right about one thing – she did miss the intensity and passion of their love-making. But was it enough?
Fuck no. "Maybe I do, maybe I don't," Jessy replied, trying to sound nonchalant despite the growing desire in her body. "You seem to be real confident for a man that went right to sleep without a second care on whether I had an orgasm."
A smirk slowly formed at the corners of Lewis's lips. "I could feel you," he said in a low, seductive voice. "I felt how you tightened around me."
"And what if I say otherwise?" Jessy challenged, obviously playing mind games. Of course, she did, many times over to be exact, nevertheless, she enjoyed every chance she had to tease him.
Lewis couldn't help but chuckle at Jessy's provocation. "You know that's not true," he said with a knowing smile.
"Oh really?" Jessy raised an eyebrow, her expression daring him to prove her wrong.
"I can show you," Lewis replied confidently, his hands sliding down her sides to rest on her waist. "Right here, right now."
Jessy's breath hitched as Lewis's hands began to roam over her body, fueling the fire within her. His touch was intoxicating.
"Prove it then," she demanded, meeting his gaze with determination.
Lewis leaned in closer, his lips almost brushing against hers. "I will," he whispered before capturing her lips in a heated kiss.
Jessy moaned into the kiss as Lewis deepened it, his tongue exploring every inch of her mouth. Sparks flew between them, and she found herself losing control under his skilled ministrations.
Their bodies pressed against each other as they continued to kiss passionately, their hands roaming over each other's bodies. Jessy couldn't get enough of him – his touch, his scent, everything about him made her feel alive and desired.
Their kisses grew more frenzied and their breaths came in short gasps. Lewis suddenly pushed Jessy onto the couch and settled between her parted legs, their lips still locked. Jessy instinctively wrapped her legs around him as Lewis's hand slid up under her shirt to knead at one of her breasts. She moaned louder at the sensation and ran her fingers through his signature braids, pulling him closer to deepen the kiss even further.
But just when things were getting heated between them, they were interrupted by a loud knocking at the front door.
They both froze, their lips still slightly swollen from their intense kiss.
"Who could that be?" Jessy asked breathlessly, her eyes locked with Lewis's.
He shook his head, equally surprised and annoyed by the sudden interruption. "Someone from Merc, unfortunately," he replied with a frown.
They both reluctantly untangled themselves from each other and stood up, quickly straightening their clothes. Jessy shot one last longing look at Lewis before he headed towards the door. Sighing irritably as he opened the door, a communications assistant appeared before him. "Let me guess, time for those interviews?" he asked, and the woman nodded in confirmation. "Gimme a minute?"
"Of course," the woman replied, her eyes following Lewis as he walked back to where Jessy was waiting. She smiled patiently as he spoke to Jessy.
"Sorry to interrupt, but I have to go," Lewis said with a tinge of disappointment in his tone. "I'll make it up to you later."
"How long will you be gone?" Jessy inquired, hoping it wouldn't be too long.
"It could take a couple of hours, possibly longer. These things can be unpredictable. I'll text you in an hour or so with an ETA," Lewis explained.
Before she could say anything else, Lewis leaned in and gave her a quick peck on the lips before walking out with the assistant in tow.
She was deemed speechless for several moments, completely off guard by Lewis' public display of affection.
What the hell was that?
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The excitement of the F1 weekend had taken hold of the city, and the paddock was filled with people wearing their favorite team colors and vendors selling all kinds of merchandise. The Spanish Grand Prix was just around the corner, and she had the opportunity to attend Free Practice Day, the second day of the event where drivers and teams could get accustomed to the track, experiment with car setups, and gather important data.
Yesterday, once Lewis finished his driver duties and returned, they resumed their activities from earlier that day, making up for lost time. They eventually took a break for dinner at a local restaurant in downtown Barcelona.
The next morning, with a long day ahead of him, Lewis left not too long ago, but not before giving a small gift as a token of his affection.
Jessy stood in the luxurious bathroom of the motorhome, admiring her reflection in the mirror, Her hair and makeup were kept simple yet chic, with a few tendrils falling temptingly into her face. The outfit put together by Lewis' stylist, Eric O'Neal, was hung up close by on a hook and a stunning Cartier watch was placed on the counter. The watch gleamed under the bathroom lights, its gold links and sparkling diamonds catching the light. Its intricate design was a work of art, with a sleek face and delicate hands. Jessy felt like she was living in a dream, but she didn't want to break the spell. She put on the elegant outfit, followed by delicately placing the watch around her wrist, marveling at how perfectly it fit. She couldn't help but feel giddy, knowing that this gift came from Lewis himself. Then, she exited the motorhome to head to the track.
As expected, news of her presence at the race weekend traveled quickly through the blogs, and she even made a splash as a headline in Daily Mail: F1 Driver Lewis Hamilton spotted dining with model Jessy Hart in Barcelona. She was quickly becoming a popular topic of conversation, as her phone constantly buzzed with various notifications, and everyone wanted to know all about her.
Jessy had nothing to hide; like Lewis, she had a unique dating history. However, growing up in the public eye was not new to her. Both her father and stepfather were NFL players, but they did their best to shield her and her sister, Jenesis, from the media's attention. Despite this, reporters often mentioned them in articles about either man. It didn't take long for the public to uncover her past, and the rumors began to spread like wildfire. She was certain that her intrusive mother would call soon, eager to gather all the juicy details about her situation with Lewis.
Jessy navigated through the bustling paddock and arrived at the pit lane. Cameras clicked and flashed, reporters shouted for interviews, but she kept her head down and focused on finding Lewis. She didn't want to cause a distraction; after all, this wasn't about her. The teams were setting up their garages, polishing their cars, and doing last-minute adjustments. Revving engines echoed through the pit lane, making it almost impossible to hold a conversation without shouting.
Finally, she spotted him at the Mercedes garage, deep in conversation with his race engineer. She couldn't help but smile as she watched him, his passion and determination evident in every gesture he made.
As if sensing her presence, Lewis turned around and caught sight of her. A bright smile spread across his face as he excused himself from the conversation and walked towards her.
"Hey beautiful," he said, pulling her into a hug.
"Hey," Jessy replied with a grin as she took in his appearance. He was decked out in his team's gear, yet out of her peripheral vision, she spotted an anorak folded on a chair with designs quite similar to the outfit she currently had on. "Are we matching?"
"Maybe," Lewis said, sotto voce, taking her hand and leading her to a quieter corner of the garage, away from the prying eyes and constant buzz of activity.
Jessy quirked an eyebrow, his response piquing her interest. "So, why did you suddenly think we have to coordinate outfits? Isn't that just playing into a tired stereotype?"
Lewis chuckled, reaching out to tuck a wayward strand of hair behind her ear. "Because I like it," he said with a wink. "You don't wanna match with me?"
Jessy was about to say something, but before she could, a team member appeared with a clipboard in hand and interrupted them.
"Lewis, we need to go over some details about the car before the second practice starts."
"Right, coming," Lewis replied, glancing apologetically at Jessy.
"It's okay, I'll just hang around here for a bit," Jessy said with a smile.
Lewis gave her a quick kiss on the cheek before heading off with his team member. Jessy watched him walk away with admiration; there was something so attractive about seeing him in his element.
As she waited for him to finish up, Jessy took the opportunity to explore the garage. The smell of rubber and fuel filled her nostrils as she walked among the cars and equipment. She couldn't help but feel exhilarated by being so close to the heart of Formula 1.
She was trying to take a closer look at one of the Mercedes cars when someone cleared their throat behind her. Turning around, she came face to face with someone she recognized from her research -Lewis' boss, Toto Wolff.
"Can I help you?" he asked politely in a thick Austrian accent. The facial expression he held was stoic and his lips formed into a thin line.
"Oh no, sorry," Jessy replied quickly, feeling slightly embarrassed. "I'm just...uh...I'm Lewis' friend."
Toto's expression softened as he recognized her from photos he had seen circulating in the media. "Ah yes, Jessy Hart," he said with a smile. "It's nice to finally meet you."
"It's nice to meet you too," Jessy replied politely.
"I can see why Lewis is so taken with you," Toto continued. "You have quite the beauty about you."
Jessy blushed at the compliment and thanked him, not quite sure how to respond. Just then, Lewis returned and joined Toto and Jessy in their conversation. Toto and Lewis caught up on some details about the car, while Jessy tried to blend in and listen attentively. After a few minutes, Toto excused himself and left the garage.
Lewis turned to Jessy with a smile. "I see you've met Toto," he said.
"Yeah, he seems nice," Jessy replied.
"He's more than nice," Lewis chuckled. "He's one of the most respected figures in Formula 1."
With a bit of time before his second practice session, Lewis saw an opportunity to introduce Jessy to the rest of his team. "This is Peter, but we call him Bono, He's my ace, my engineer," he said with a friendly slap on the shoulder to a man with glasses and brown hair. "Bono, this is Jessy. You may see her often if she takes on my offer to travel with us."
"That's good news. It's always helpful to have some extra support in keeping him from getting too overwhelmed," joked Bono, earning a laugh from Lewis.
"It's still up in the air, but we'll see," replied Jessy, stealing a glance at Lewis.
Their eyes locked for a moment before Lewis broke the silence by saying, "Yeah, you'll definitely be seeing more of her."
The second practice started shortly after, and Jessy watched from the sidelines as Lewis drove the car around the track with precision and speed, navigating expertly around the tight corners and straights. The mechanical hum and vibrations echoing throughout the garage created a symphony that breathed life into the space.
A moment later, Jessy's phone buzzed in her purse. She pulled it out to see her mother's name on the screen. With a sigh, she stepped outside the garage and answered her phone, trying to tune out the loud sounds of Formula 1 cars zooming by on the track. "Hey Mom, what's up?" she asked, leaning against a nearby wall.
"So when were you going to tell me that you're with some race driver?" her mother replied, curtly. "Some British guy named Lewis, huh? Honestly, I'm not surprised; you always knew how to pick your men. Anyways, how long you've been dating him?"
Jessy couldn't help but roll her eyes at her mother's constant prying. Their relationship had always been distant and overbearing. Her mother ran their household like a business, always making shrewd decisions. After her father's affair, Jessy's mother was determined to find a new husband, and she quickly snatched up Jessy's stepfather (who coincidentally played on a rival NFL team). Fortunately, James Bullard treated Jessy as his own daughter and loved her just as much as his biological children. However, this didn't stop her mother from being critical of every aspect of Jessy's life - from her brief career in modeling to her current venture as a swimwear designer. No matter what Jessy did, her mother always seemed to have an opinion about it all.
"Mom, it's not like that," she protested. "I met him a week or so ago. It's not like we're dating or anything."
"Mhmm, we'll see about that," her mother replied skeptically.
"Just be cautious, Jesenia. These race car drivers have a reputation for being playboys. You can't just keep living carefree like this forever. Your future is something you need to start considering. Take Jenesis, for example. She's six years younger than you, and she's already expecting her third child with DeVon."
And yet, she still doesn't have a wedding ring. "I know, Mom," Jessy replied, trying to reassure her before quickly ending the call. "I'll talk to you later. I'm kind of busy at the moment."
She let out a frustrated sigh as she walked back into the garage, trying to push her mother's words out of her mind. It was just like Paula to always bring up her little sister and her sister's terrible baby-daddy whenever a new man came into Jessy's life.
"I need a fuckin' drink," she muttered to herself. She allowed it to affect her for all but ten seconds before she plastered a fake smile onto her face and watched as Lewis pulled into the pits after finishing his second practice session. Sweat glistened on his forehead and his heart was pounding. Exhilarated but exhausted, he couldn't help but take a moment to catch his breath. His team quickly went to work on the car, making adjustments and analyzing data while Lewis debriefed with Bono.
After a few minutes of discussion, Lewis turned to Jessy with a grin. "You ready for some lunch?" he asked.
"Definitely," Jessy replied eagerly.
As they walked back towards the hospitality area in the paddock, Lewis casually draped an arm around Jessy's shoulder. They sat down at a table filled with delicious food and chatted about their morning so far. Jessy shared how impressed she was by Lewis' driving skills while he talked about some upcoming races he was excited about.
Amidst the chaotic lunch crowd, she caught a glimpse of Spinz walking alongside Brazilian soccer star Neymar Jr. as they made their way into the team's motorhome.
"Holy shit." Jessy tried to remain composed as she whispered to Lewis, "Oh my God. Is that really him?"
Lewis glanced at Jessy before turning his attention to their special guest. "Yeah, that's Neymar. We met at an event last year and he decided to come watch me race."
As soon as their eyes met, Lewis got up from his seat to greet the famous soccer player. "Hey, how's it going?" he asked with enthusiasm.
"Good, good," replied Neymar in his trademark Brazilian accent. Neymar's gaze shifted over to Jessy and judging by the flirtatious look he gave her, he liked what he saw. "Menina bonita."
Jessy's heart skipped a beat as she watched the exchange between Lewis and Neymar. She couldn't believe that he was hitting on her. But then, Lewis' response brought her back to reality.
"Fuck no," Lewis drawled, shaking his head. "Find another one, mate."
"Ah, she's your girl then?" Neymar asked with a grin.
Jessy could feel herself blushing and tried to play it cool as she replied, "Yeah, he wishes."
Lewis chuckled and sent her an amused look before introducing her properly. "This is Jessy Hart. Jessy, this is Neymar Jr."
"Nice to meet you," Neymar said with a charming smile.
"You as well."
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They returned to the Mercedes garage, where Lewis gave Neymar a tour and explained the technical details of Formula One racing. Jessy and Spinz watched from a distance as the two men conversed with passion and excitement about their shared love for speed and competition.
"How are you handling all this attention?" asked Spinz. "I've seen you all over the media lately."
"It's been hectic," was her reply. She planned on using this publicity to her advantage, but she also didn't enjoy being constantly watched, especially by her nosy ass mother.
"Lewis told me that you might be joining us on the road," Spinz commented, causing Jessy to let out a groan.
"He's been telling everyone that," she replied to Spinz. "I told him I would consider it."
"Unfortunately, he can be a bit of a control freak," Spinz acknowledged, causing Jessy to raise an eyebrow in concern. "Not in a crazy, overbearing way, but if he likes you, he'll want you around. Look what happened to me."
Jessy laughed at his statement. "Yeah, I'm starting to see that. But we'll see."
Lewis and Neymar walked through the crowd that stood near the pits, signing autographs and taking pictures with excited fans. She couldn't believe how easygoing Lewis was with his fans – always taking time to interact with each one of them instead of rushing off to his next obligation. But then again, this was another trait that made him so likable – his genuine kindness towards others.
After they finished signing autographs, Lewis returned to Jessy with a sly grin on his handsome face.
"You ready to get out of here?"
Jessy eagerly nodded and followed Lewis as he led them back to his motorhome. Her luggage sat unassumingly in the living room, like an old friend waiting to be reunited.
'Bout fucking time, she thought.
But as they stepped inside, Lewis' behavior changed abruptly. He had her against the counter in a flash, his lips capturing hers in a passionate kiss. His hands roamed eagerly over her body, tracing the curve of her waist and the delicate contours of her back. His touch ignited a fire within Jessy, setting every nerve ablaze with desire.
"You think that's cute flirting with Neymar?" growled Lewis in her ear.
She felt his possessiveness in the way he held her, as if she were his prized possession, and it thrilled her to the core. It was a side of him she had yet to see, but one that excited her even more. She leaned into him, savoring the feel of his strong arms around her.
Breathless, they broke apart for a moment, their eyes locked in a fierce dance of longing and anticipation. Lewis couldn't help but notice the mischievous glint in Jessy's gaze, a taunting twinkle that stirred his hunger even further. He knew she was enjoying this power she had over him, and he couldn't deny that he loved it just as much.
"You're jealous," she taunted, her voice dripping with seduction. "Jealous that he can make me wetter than you can."
Lewis' eyes flashed with desire at her bold statement, and he couldn't resist the urge to prove her wrong. He took her by surprise, his lips crashing onto hers once again in a frenzy of need and passion. He held her close as their tongues tangled in a dance of dominance.
"Do I look jealous to you?" he breathed against her lips.
Without another word, Lewis scooped her up and placed her on the counter. Jessy had never felt so alive before – every touch from Lewis sent electricity running through her veins and every kiss left her craving more. His hands grasped at her clothes as he slowly removed them, his lips burning a trail along her exposed skin.
Moaning heavenward, Jessy was overwhelmed with a surge of heat as Lewis' mouth engulfed one of her nipples, his tongue flicking over it in a teasing rhythm. She arched her back in pleasure, urging him on. But just when she thought she couldn't take anymore, he switched to the other side, giving it the same attention and driving Jessy wild with desire. She tangled her fingers in his hair, pulling him closer as he pleased her.
One by one, Lewis's clothes joined hers on the hardwood floors and he bit his bottom lip at the naked, ethereal being that stood before him.
"Turn around," he ordered in a deep voice.
"Or what?" she challenged, teasingly raising an eyebrow.
But before she could even blink, Lewis had grabbed her by the waist and forcefully turned her around so that her back faced him.
"Ow! What the fuck?" she exclaimed, more from shock than pain.
"Shut up," he growled, his voice sending shivers down Jessy's spine. "You're so fuckin' bratty, you know that? You need discipline."
Jessy began to chuckle at his words, but it quickly turned into a moan as she felt him enter her from behind. His movements became more forceful and intense. He was relentless in his thrusts – each one hitting a spot deep within her that made Jessy lose control.
"Baby..." she moaned out his name as he continued to take her from behind with unforgiving passion.
"See? That wasn't so hard, huh?" Lewis crooned into her ear as he nuzzled against her neck. "All you needed was some dick, yes? You need Daddy, right baby girl?"
Jessy could only whimper in response, completely lost in the pleasure he was giving her.
Just when she thought she couldn't take anymore, Lewis pulled out of her and flipped Jessy onto the counter once again. Her eyes widened at the sudden shift in positions and she eagerly spread herself open for him. Without warning, Lewis plunged back inside of her with an animalistic grunt. Jessy's moans filled the kitchen as he continued to move inside of her, his hands gripping tightly onto her hips. Her body trembled as she felt herself building towards climax.
"Harder... please," she begged, her voice breathless and desperate.
Lewis complied, thrusting harder and faster into her. Jessy cried out in ecstasy as she finally reached her peak, her body convulsing in pleasure. He followed soon after, his movements becoming more erratic before he stilled and collapsed onto Jessy's sweaty body.
They stayed like that for a few moments, trying to catch their breaths and come down from their high. Finally, Lewis pulled out of Jessy and stood up straight with a smug grin on his face.
"I told you that I don't play," he whispered in her ear as he kissed the top of her head.
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redbleedingrose · 7 months
What do the batboys do for hobbies in your opinion
Hobbies for Bat Boys!
Okay so to be honest, I feel like Rhys is constantly stressed out being high lord and having to make all these heavy decisions, so his hobby would be something super relaxing and something you wouldn't expect.
First off, Rhysie is such a fashionista, just like his mother. He is absolutely going out with you to pick out all your outfits for the season. You are probably the best dressed female in Pyrthian and it is all because of him. He goes out of his way to custom design outfits for you, often playing a role in hand tailoring dresses that don't fit you perfectly so that it fits you like a sleeve. He knows different styles that look amazing on you, even when you don't think so. All the ladies of Valeris follow your fashion sense, not knowing that it is actually Rhys who is the trend setter for the night court.
Okay, this is kinda out there, but!!! I feel like Rhys would also just love flipping homes. He didn't realize this until after the attack on Valeris, but when he began to help with rebuilding the homes that were destroyed, he realized how much he enjoys the intricacies of designing a home, and surprisingly, he loves the handiwork of it too. Maybe it is the Illyrian in him that finds satisfaction in building something from the ground up. Once the homes of Valeris are rebuilt, he is really bored and can't figure out why until he decides to create a vacation home for just the two of you, and then he realizes what he has been missing out on. Now, he likes to build vacation homes for you and your future children and grandchildren from the ground up.
For our daddy Cassian, I think he would pull a fast one on you and be really good at baking. You would think for a big, burly, hunk of a male he would be into wrestling or training as a hobby, but I think he sees it as more-so a job than a hobby. It comes to him when its nearing your birthday, and he is tearing the house apart to find the old recipe book his mother used to create birthday cakes for him when he was just a babe. Finally, he finds it with all these recipes that have tiny handwritten changes inked into the pages, and he realizes that his mum poured her love into her cooking and baking. So he tries to do that for you. Because he loves you more than he can possibly describe. So he bakes a five tiered black forrest cherry cake, with marachino cherries he hand picked from Summer Court (which he had to sneak into and out of with the help of a certain spymaster) and fudge imported from the Autumn Court. It turns out to be the best cake you and he have ever eaten, and thus begins his journey as a home baker. Cass becomes extremely good at making pies, cakes, and macrons. He never shows up to a family dinner without some form of dessert. At this point, even Elain can't complain because the sweets he brings are just too good.
Another hobby that I think Cass would have would be going to nursing homes or daycares where he can interact with the elderly and little babes. He always brings a dessert in tow that has the children literally climbing on top of him. He listens to the stories that the elderly have for him, taking note of all the lessons that he learns from them about love and life, sometimes sharing the stories with you in the deep of night like the little gossip he is. And he likes to play games with all the little babes, encouraging them to join him outside so they can play hide and seek in the woods behind the daycare. Sometimes you tag along because the babes love story time with you, complaining that Cass doesn't show the drawings for long enough like you do.
The shadowsinger is indeed a singer.
He spends a lot of time in his private office with you lounging on the couch nearby reading, taking the time to develop different song lyrics and hymns for you. It is the one thing that he inherited from his father that he is willing to accept, is his musical creativity. He likes to collect different musical instruments and uses them to create different toons that he will only ever play for you. Sometimes he puts on one male shows just for you, playing the piano while softly singing you a song that he wrote with you in mind. He could spend hours trying to figure out the different keys and notes that he can achieve just to formulate something that might put into words how he feels about you.
I think Az is also the kind of male who is really interested in learning dead languages. He would find this ancient book in the libraries beneath the the House of Wind, and could spend days if you let him, trying to decode the meaning of the books. He likes the phenotics and analyzing different poetry and trying to make sense of what fae in the past felt and thought.
To expand on the last point, Azzie is def the history buff of the bat boys. He loves learning about the history wars and times of depression in the past, and how the world came together to make something better. You think that he thinks it brings him hope, and teaches him lessons that he can't get from anywhere else. He tries to apply them as spymaster of the night court.
Plus his reading glasses make him look incredibly sexy so you aren't complaining.
What do we think the hobbies are for the Vanserra bros?
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ideas-4-stories · 6 months
Cross Guild romance idea: Buggy is stunned when in the middle of the night someone climbs into bed with him and it is none other than Mihawk. Mihawk is fully within his faculties, not drunk or sleep walking. When Buggy quietly asks him why he's here, Mihawk honestly says " I am lonely." When if that doesn't actually shatter Buggy's heart. He gathers Mihawk in his arms and they fall asleep together. Next day they act like nothing ever happened. Then a couple of nights later Buggy is woken up again by someone climbing into bed with him except they are way bigger than Mihawk. It's Crocodile and he's somehow fitting in Buggy's bed. He stays tight lipped when Buggy asks him to explain himself, just holds Buggy tight and they fall asleep. So begins the pattern of Mihawk and Crocodile randomly climbing into bed with Buggy, both getting closer to him, both oblivious to the other until one night they both show up to cuddle their clown and Buggy takes charge and declares they will all go to Crocodile's since he's got the biggest bed. What Mihawk and Crocodile thought would be awkward with them sharing Buggy ends up becoming the best night's sleep the three of them ever have and they progress all the way to getting married from there lol!
Buggy be like 'WTF!?!' and freezes for a bit before asking, then him cuddling Mihawk in his arms!!! That's so cute, like really cute!!!
The nothing happened, oof. Buggy is so confused and just goes on his day, then Buggy might think it's Mihawk again, but it's Crocodile!!! He not saying anything and barely able to stay on the bed.
Then not realizing each other are snuggling the clown is top tier. I can imagine the awkwardness of the situation with Crocodile and Mihawk, but Buggy is so done. Bro's like 'My bed will fucking break, Croco we're going to your bed. Let's go, come come. I'm not sacrificing my bed for this to happen.' Maybe someone watching as Buggy drags their asses to Crocodile's room. Maybe Alvida and Galdino, that would be funny.
They being married is so nice, even though they will never get out of the 'Newlyweds' stage or they're bickering like they've been with each other for a long time... These are the only stages for them and it changes, there is no in-between.
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accio-victuuri · 2 months
bits shared by rufeng about xiao zhan @ yuguyao shoot when she visited + stories from friends:
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1. He started holding a small black fan in April and blowing it all the time.
2. When filming Shiying’s torture scene, he went to the director’s house to watch and ask if the movements will look like dancing (because no post-production effects have been added yet)
3. 520 : invited the crew to eat Deluxe ice cream. When the filming is completed, the whole group will be given a Tasogare Sakura coffee gift box, and also invited the crew to drink bubble tea.
4. He specifically asked the crew to help him find a reliable fitness center. Personal trainers don’t dare to go to the gym to exercise, so they do it secretly. Find a place to exercise;
5. The director and producer called Zanzan Zhan Ge and the co-stars call him big brother ( da-ge )
6. When filming, the character needs to be "held up" and there are quite a lot of little expressions and movements while holding a small fan in the gap. For example, when stretching, he will raise his arms to the left and right , swinging like seaweed, it still has the shadow of the time when he filmed Aling.
7. Director Zheng of Ah Ling went to visit the set. During the chat, he jokingly asked him who was more fierce, Director Zheng or Director Jiang (Yu Gu Yao). Zan Zan said that Director Zheng was fiercer.
8. When rehearsing, he still said "Mou Ti Yi" to the director in Cantonese, and he would move his lips in a mumbling manner. He would still make a few onomatopoeias while speaking the lines and then sing along.
9. When drinking water, he still took a big sip with a puffy face and swallowed it slowly.
10. After teaching Zhu Yan the wind control technique, Shi Ying walked up the steps with an umbrella. The drone flew over very close to his head. He relied on the umbrella to block him and couldn't take a picture of him. He also made a "woo~" sound in his mouth to cheer.
11. You can smell his fragrance at a close distance~not strong, it's a sweet fragrance, and it doesn't smell like perfume, but more like a little physical powder (could it be the fragrance of makeup powder?). The skin is very good! The eyelashes are not as long as I imagined.
12. He got a bamboo pole prop and started playing with it, just like when he was playing with his brother (yibo) in the A-Ling era, imitating the movements of a Japanese samurai swinging a sword.
13. When Director Zheng of The Untamed visited the set and chatted, he jokingly asked XZ if he thought the show would be popular when he was filming The Untamed. XZ replied with an embarrassed smile: Whether it would be popular or not is a mystery.
14. Director Jiang admired XZ very much and said that he was definitely not a top-tier star (meaning that many people have a prejudice that the term top-tier star means that it is an idol with only traffic). He praised him for being serious and having his own ideas, and for taking the initiative to discuss with the director. Later, when XZ was chatting with the producer, he asked the director if he had any suggestions for my performance, and if so, he must tell me more. The producer then relayed the director's evaluation of XZ, and XZ said, "Please tell the director for me, I can do better."
15. When Hun Dun forced Zhu Yan to jump into a hole, Shi Ying needed to smile evilly, and XZ exaggeratedly shook his shoulders and laughed “hiahia” when walking around.
16. It is said that 11 trackers were found under XZ’s car (not during the YGY period). During the YGY period, he was followed by SS in the middle of the night, and the police were called to arrest them. There was another time when seven proxy photographers were caught at once.
to those who is not familiar with rufeng, she works in the industry and was part of CQL crew. feel free to not believe the bits shared.
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epicbuddieficrecs · 2 months
Fic rec for my BFF, pt. 1
My best friend is currently watching 9-1-1. I've been trying to get her onboard the Buddie ship and she is graciously tolerating me. She's asked for some fic recs and so this is what I came up with! I did have to work with a few parameters to fit her taste, the most important one being nothing post season 3 cause that's where she's up to and she didn't want spoilers.
Hope you enjoy these bestie!
Canon to Canon Divergent
Things We're All Too Young to Know by Daisies_and_Briar / @cal-daisies-and-briars 
Canon S1-S6, S7 Spec | 123/? | 379K | Mature
This is a love story. Even if it doesn’t always look like it. Even if it doesn’t always feel like it. A look back on Eddie and Buck's lives up to now, and what led them to each other, interpreted from the current 9-1-1 canon.
THE canon fics to end all canon fics. I know it's still a WIP and it spans up to post-S6, but if you want a canon fic, that's the one to go for.
Leading with the Left by letmetellyouaboutmyfeels/ @letmetellyouaboutmyfeels 
Canon Divergent, Different First Meeting, Stripper Buck | 84K | Explicit
When Buck said he was a "bartender" in "South America" what he actually meant was "stripper" in "Mexico." And when Eddie said, "What's your problem?" what he actually meant was, "Is this about the time you gave me a lap dance?" In other words, there's a few things the 118 doesn't know about Buck. Or Eddie. Or Buck and Eddie's relationship.
One of my most re-read fics. The smut is impeccable. The angst is so good. Absolutely love this fic!
Your Scars and Your Lonely Heart by Taste_is_Sweet
Sentinels AU, Canon Divergent - Tsunami | 82K | Teen
Clara Williams just wanted to visit Pacific Park during her layover in Los Angeles. She never expected to find a young, exceptional Sentinel dying for lack of a bond. Actually, what she really never expected was a tsunami, or the same Sentinel to save her life. But Clara's a Guide, so now she's on a mission to keep Evan "Buck" Buckley alive until she can get him to Eddie Diaz, the Guide who should have bonded with him, but didn't. Because Clara can't bond with Buck, no matter how much she wants to. There's just one problem: Buck's convinced Eddie doesn't want him, and he might not survive long enough to find out the truth.
Another one of my most re-read fics! I had never read a Sentinels AU before and I fell in love with the concept!
the distance to the stars by cloudydaisies 
Didn't Know They Were Dating, Post-S3 | 27K | General
“Didn’t know you were seeing someone.” Buck just laughs. Like, honest to god giggles. Eddie is stuck fighting off doubly massive waves of butterflies and confusion, all while Buck just gazes down at him. “That’s cute,” he hears Buck mumble, just before climbing into the truck, calling Eddie after him. - or, everyone knows eddie is dating buck except for eddie, literally.
Don't know if you knew this, Marie, but Buddie is the #1 most tagged ship in the "Didn't Know They Were Dating" tag cause they're such idiots <3 and this is one of my favorite ones!
the weekly bet (but the forever kind) by theleftboobgrabber/ @theleftboobgrabber 
Late S3, Getting Together | 49K | Explicit
“Thanks,” Eddie mumbles, hiding his face deep in his pillow, even if Buck can’t see him in the dark. “What for?” Leave it to Buck to be confused about something so obvious. “Being you, idiot.” “And again with the name calling,” he answers, content and sleepy. Nights like this, Eddie feels like asking for a miracle. But to the team, it wasn’t a matter of if Abby would take him back, but when. A matter of days. When the squad bets on how long it will take for Buck and Abby to get back together when she comes back to LA, Eddie is forced to reconsider keeping his feelings for Buck a secret.
Top tier pining + oblivious Eddie = 👌
Always, All Ways by ashavahishta/ @tevankinkley
A/B/O AU | 85K | Explicit
“Buck is very dear, Mr Diaz. Not only to me but to the pack. You’ll find that if you treat him with anything less than utmost respect you’ll have a lot of people to answer to.”   Eddie swallowed. It was clear that in the absence of a mate, this omega had found himself a very protective pack. “Understood, sir.” Or: Buck’s the only omega in the 118. He’s got secrets, and walls a mile high. Eddie’s the alpha determined to knock them down.
There's not a ton of A/B/O fics in this fandom, and I should really try to read more of them, but this is probably my favorite one so far!
I Hit the Accelerator (But the Car was in Reverse) by extasiswings/@extasiswings, letmetellyouaboutmyfeels/@letmetellyouaboutmyfeels
S3, Friends With Benefits, BDSM | 68K | Explicit
When Buck is forced to confront the truth about his breakup with Abby, having casual sex with his hot new coworker seems like the best rebound idea. Unfortunately, that hot new coworker turns into his best friend. But best friends can keep having sex with each other, right? There's no way this could possibly go wrong.
THE friends with benefits fic! (ok lbr there's a ton of great ones, but this one is S2 focused iirc)
My Blood on Your Skin (My Rose on Your Snow) by letmetellyouaboutmyfeels/ @letmetellyouaboutmyfeels
Mythological AU, BDSM | 80K | Explicit
When Eddie needs cash and fast to take care of Christopher, his LAFD Academy buddy suggests a job as a bouncer at Elysium - an exclusive sex club in downtown Los Angeles. Eddie doesn't care what goes on there, so long as he's paid, but he finds he cares a lot bout the club's enigmatic owner, Evan Buckley, and it's not long before the two of them are violating every boss-employee rule in the book. But there's something different about Buck and the club, something not quite... human. If Eddie wants to keep Buck, he's going to have to delve into the world of immortals, and all the risks that implies.
You can expect amazing smut by this author as always, but also really interesting worldbuilding and characters!
All My Shattered Oaths by letmetellyouaboutmyfeels/ @letmetellyouaboutmyfeels
Vampires AU | 107K | Explicit
Eddie wants to stay away from his family’s legacy and give his son a normal life. Buck’s desperate to find a way to get over the love he lost. Fate has other plans for both of them.
SO GOOD. The canon divergent reincarnation vampire AU you didn't know you needed!!!
a bleeding sun on a silver screen by rarakiplin (gmontys)/ @hoediaz 
Actors AU, Friends With Benefits | 130K | Mature
One day, Buck will tell an interviewer that he would be happy to make movies with Eddie Diaz until the day he dies. But first, years before that, he sees Eddie for the first time on the set of Chimney’s fifth movie.
An epic tale of movie making and enemies to friends to FWB to strangers to lovers!
The Truth of Love (Amas Veritas) by allyasavedtheday/ @littlespoonevan
Practical Magic AU | 20K | Teen
Bobby opens his mouth like he wants to argue but decides against it. “Walk me through the logic here then. How will this make sure you never fall in love?” “Because I’m making someone who doesn’t exist,” Buck explains, glancing from the half-full bowl to Bobby. He can’t work out what the look on Bobby’s face means so he pointedly elects to ignore it. “They’ll have brown hair,” he starts, clipping another petal from the rose bush. “And brown eyes-“ “Lotta people out there with brown hair and brown eyes, kid,” Bobby says lightly and Buck rolls his eyes. “But not many that can ride a horse backwards,” Buck counters. “And whose favourite shape is a star and who’s got…two scars,” he decides, plucking a basil leaf and dropping it in the bowl. “One on each shoulder.”
Because Practical Magic AUs always make me think of you <3
I'll Scrawl it on Every Wall I See by letmetellyouaboutmyfeels/ @letmetellyouaboutmyfeels
Canon Divergent, You've Got Mail Fusion | 29K | Teen
When Eddie joins the 118, he and Buck don't exactly hit it off on the right foot. Or continue to walk on the right foot. In fact they kind of can't stand each other. Good thing they each have a beloved anonymous pen pal to share their daily woes with, someone completely unlike their insufferable coworker.
I do love some good romcom vibes!
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gripefroot · 4 months
Fire Night
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For once, his timing is impeccable. 
Not that you’d ever turned him away, of course, or even said anything temptingly snarky when he showed up while you were digging out mud from a creek bank and covered in leeches, or once, before dawn when you’d been passed out cold and therefore screamed like a banshee when he tapped on your bedroom window. 
But this. You could get used to this. 
Kiln nights can be a challenge, taking days to properly prepare and execute. Chopping wood for fuel, repairing the stone oven a quarter-mile from your cottage where it was safe to keep the blazes going for days on end to fire your pottery. Carrying the glazed pieces from the cottage to the kiln. Building the fire. Keeping it going through a night and a day and a night on very, very little sleep; because rest doesn’t compare to getting paid. 
Repairing the stone oven remains your job. But Law has spent all afternoon with a wheelbarrow bringing loads of wood to dump near the oven. He’d doffed his shirt almost immediately, already tanning in the sweltering summer sun. Kiln nights are miserable if the weather is too cold; but summer makes sitting close to the oven all night tending the fire miserable, too. 
Every crack sealed, you sit up from the grass and rub mud from your hands. 
Not exactly the hands of a lover, but he’d never minded. 
“Is this enough?” Law asks. His sixteenth load of wood. Not that you’d been counting. Or watched his backside when he’d walked away for more each time. Sweat glistens on his face as he wipes his brow with his forearm, eyes bright as he looks you up and down. As if laying belly-down on the grass and elbow-deep in mud is exactly what he admires most in a woman.  
“Yes,” you admit. 
“But,” you say. His shoulders deflate by a centimeter. “I need to bring down the items to go in the oven,” you tell him, amusement bubbling up. It seems obvious to you. 
“How many?” Law wanders over to crouch beside you, his nearness making your heart jump a little. Without a word he licks his thumb and drags it across your cheekbone. The mud must have splattered you at some point. 
“All of them.”
“All,” you tell him ruefully. “It’s less work to do it in one big batch.”
Law’s expression is nothing short of incredulous. “All,” he repeats. You give into the temptation to laugh, nearly blocking out his next grumble: “You have five shelves in your house. All of them?” 
“You can keep asking, but I’m not going to change my mind,” you tease. “Why did you think I was so happy to see you this morning that I jumped on you?” 
He purses his lips, making a show of rubbing his backside where he’d landed after said jump. “Slave labor,” Law says. 
“It’s not slavery if you’re willing,” you say. 
“Keep that logic to yourself.” He tugs on a clump of your hair. “Fine. I’ll get all of your pots and things. But I’m cheating.” 
“I’m surprised it took you this long to cheat.” 
Law stands, brushing dirt and feathery bits from trees off of his jeans. “How could I have cheated when you keep sneaking looks at me like I’m a three-tier cake you’re going to eat tonight?” he asks, brows raised. 
“I was subtle!” you protest. The air goes funny and shimmery, echoing his laugh as he disappears from the glade in the blink of an eye. A thump draws your attention: one of your galoshes for mud-digging appears right where he’d been standing. “He’s taking that back, too,” you say, to no one in particular, and stand to wash your hands in the creek. 
Embers rush into the dusky sky to promptly fade, spinning back down to the earth. They’re snuffed beneath your feet, or your knees, or Law’s feet, or his knees. The oven barely fits all the pots, nestled together as close as is reasonably safe, before you’d sealed it with a final brick and more mud to keep the heat inside. Law works the bellows, blue and white flames spurting out of the top to chase the embers. 
“Hot enough?” he asks. His face is red, glistening in the glow from the oven. 
Carefully you pick your way to the oven as close as you can bear, leaning over to peer inside the chimney. “It’s glowing,” you say. “It’s enough for now, but we’ll have to bring it back up in thirty minutes or so.”
Law blew out a breath, sitting on his haunches. He’d worked hard all day alongside you, and it shows. It shows in his tired eyes. It shows in his strained smile. But any smile from him is a treasure. 
“Thirty minutes,” he repeats. “What should we do while we wait?” 
“Rest, probably,” you tell him. 
“I want to know if I’ve earned anything from you.” His eyes hone in on yours. 
“Don’t tell me, Law,” you say, walking around the oven in his direction, “that you only broke your back on my behalf today for something as small as a kiss.”
“I’m hoping for more than a kiss.” As soon as you reach him, his arm snakes out to wind around your thigh, holding you close. His face by your knee is a beautiful sight, orange in the reflection of the fire with deep shadows from the lengthening night around. His hand strokes up your thigh, you run your fingers through his thick, damp hair. 
“I have an idea,” you say softly. “Let’s take a quick dip in the river and then come back.”
Law’s brow arches. “Yeah?” 
“Yeah. Let’s set up my bedroll far enough away from the oven that we aren’t sweating.”
He breaks out into a grin. “We’ll sweat.”
“Yes, but not from heat, if you catch my drift.” 
“I do.” His fingers find the waistband of your pants. “I do catch your drift.” 
No one from town ever comes this far up the river at night. They don’t need to. So you strip off your shirt and pants by the bank, wading in stark-naked. The cool water hits your skin with a hiss, goosebumps pebbling across your body. Once up to your hips, you turn, trailing your fingers through the water to splash your front. 
“Aren’t you coming?” you call back. Law is mid-doff at the riverbank, jeans partway down his knees. He’s staring. With a laugh you crook a finger to get him to hurry up. It jolts him into action, tugging his jeans the rest of the way off. Then the air shimmers, and a second later his body is pressed up against yours in the middle of the river. 
“I’m coming, all right.” The words are muttered in your ear before his teeth sink into your shoulder. It only makes you shiver more, torn between the chilly water and Law’s heated body. The only problem is your front is cold and your back is hot. So you spin, trading sensations. His hands land on your hips, his half-smile visible in the night. 
“Well,” you say, lifting your arms out of the water. Droplets fall back, plunk-plunk-plunking into the stream while you wrap your arms around his neck. “While I’m here…” 
Little washing is accomplished. It cools you off, and rinses some sweat from his body and yours, but other than that? It’s forgotten in a tender, long-anticipated kiss that makes you hot all over again. He must be more impatient at the delay than he’d acted, because his long fingers waste no time digging into your rear end beneath the water, a low groan sounding in his throat. 
That groan makes your skin skitter in anticipation, heat blooming deep inside. He’s slick from the water, and warm and solid. When his tongue is at the seam of your lips, you let him in with a gasp, tasting pine and man. Traipsing around the woods all day has made him delicious. More delicious than usual. The sensual way he kisses reminds you of his tongue elsewhere; stroking deep and slow while his hands coast up your spine. 
“Law,” you choke out when his mouth goes to your throat to bite down hard enough to make you shiver. “Oh, Law. We can’t do this in a river.”
“Why not?” The question is a rumble in his chest, vibrating against yours. One hand on your rear, his other comes up to cup a breast, squeezing with your nipple pinned between his thumb and index finger.
Why not? Why not what? What had you asked? It had seemed so important then…but now, putty in his hands, you can’t remember what it is or why you’d cared. 
Down his chest, tracing the muscles. Your hand finds his erection, slipping beneath it to seize the sack. He grunts, thrusting forward as you laugh, and laugh, and laugh. He likes it. Especially now. Law pulls away, his eyelids lowered but not far enough for you not to see the sparkling stars reflected in the dark depths. 
“Someone’s greedy,” he says. 
“You started it,” you tease back. 
His lips tighten in a line. But he’s not grumpy about it. Not really. Especially when your fingers curl around the base of his cock, giving a tug that makes him sway. 
“Alright,” he grumbles. “Alright. You win.” 
Law bends over, hoisting you up and out of the river until you’re pistoned on his shoulder, the bone digging into your belly. Your shriek of surprise echoes down the river. Hopefully no one comes running. 
One sloshing step after another to the bank. Then out, clothes forgotten as he strides to the oven. Drips of water patter onto the ground. His free hand strokes up the back of your thigh, then gives your rear a whack that makes you squirm. 
“Not nice,” you huff. He’s too tall for you to reach his backside to retaliate. Not nice, and not fair. 
Despite his manhandling, Law sets you down gently, holding you up until he’s sure that your legs are bearing your weight. Then, grinning, he finds your bedroll in a pack of supplies that you’d brought that morning. The night air is not kind to wet skin. You wrap your arms around yourself, shivering. And then you inch closer to the oven, radiating heat even from ten feet away. 
He shakes out the bedroll, laying it down. He’s never been a shy man. Not with his body, at least. But the sight of him standing fully nude and fully erect in the orange glow of the oven…your cheeks warm. His teeth gleam in the darkness. 
“I’ll warm you up,” he says, offering a hand. 
Too chilly to play coy, you bound across the space between you and him to encase yourself in his open arms. A clumsy kiss lasts all of two seconds before he bends at the knee, cradling you to carry you down, down, down. 
It’s practice or skill or instinctual; your legs cradling him as he nudges his hips into meet yours. The clumsy kiss lengthens, lips parting to drink each other in, with his hands everywhere. On your jaw, on your breasts, on your hips. Then, finally, with a jolt that drags a moan from your throat, his fingers dip between your legs. 
His breath is hot on your ear, your fingernails digging into his back for all you’re worth. “I missed this,” he sighed, catching your earlobe in his teeth. 
“Me - too.” The words are a gasp. His fingers slide sleekly against your sex; flaring up desire that already burns. “Law,” you breathe, hands moving up to plunge into his messy hair. “Oh, Law.” 
“Like I said. Greedy.” His chuckle is low and dangerous. “But I am too. Makes me crazy, y’know? Knowing you want me so bad. Knowing you’re here when I’m at sea and all I have to do is change my course, and in a matter of days I can be right here, inside you, where I need to be…”
Dizzy, you scarcely notice when his fingers pull away to be replaced by his cock. He’s slow to enter, rocking against you with his lips fastened to your neck. Each tiny thrust drives a groan out of him, and a gasp out of you. Tucking your knees higher, you reach down to hold onto him; to drag him in further - 
But he growls, grabbing your wrist in his. “No,” Law said roughly. Half inside of you, he pulls away, glaring down at you. “I’ll be moving at my own pace.” 
If his stubbornness didn’t guarantee your pleasure, you’d fight back. Nip back at him the way he nips at your fingers as if in reminder. He threads his fingers through yours, pressing your hand into the ground. Then he starts to move again, inch by inch; slow enough that your core twitches for more. You want to be full, he can fill you, but why does Law have to be such a tease? 
“That’s better,” he purrs, as if reading your emotion in your face. He smirks ear to ear, eyes never moving from yours as he pushes into you. 
“I like to touch you,” you say. 
“So do I.” 
“I wish you’d let me.” 
“Maybe I’ll let you later.” Pain in the rear as he was, Law tilts his body off of yours to wriggle his arm out, and yours, to properly pin down your opposite hand above your head, too. If his fingers weren’t so blasted long he might not get away with it, but he manages to hold you with one hand. The other, he trails down your cheek, your neck, and to your breast, which he cups. 
“I like to touch you,” he breathes. His nose brushes against yours, a tender display that makes your heart squeeze. “Thanks for letting me.” 
You stick your tongue out. He laughs. 
“That’s how I know you like being right where you are,” Law says. “You resort to being petty. You know I’m gonna make it worth your while, right?”
Yes. You do. 
“There we go.” His voice lowers to a whisper. “I can see it in your eyes, you know. The way you ache.” He draws his hips back, thrusting deeper inside. Your back arches against him, but his grip on your hands never lessens. Instead he bends over to match your angle, tongue against your lips. 
How he manages to have so much self-control boggles your mind. He’d wanted this all day just as much as you, yet he holds himself back. How? How? 
“Law.” It’s little more than a whimper. “Please.” 
“I know. I’ve got you.” This time the words are strained. Was he breaking at last? By the jerk in his hips that finally, finally seats him fully inside of you, you think he might. 
Law doesn’t tease anymore. He doesn’t coax, he doesn’t seduce. No. His mouth is hot on yours, every pant of breath filling your mouth as you kiss him, kiss him, use every ounce of your strength that’s available to welcome him inside. The ground is uneven against your back; the oven crackles, wind rushes through the tree branches above…
And the deep heat uncoils between your legs, building with each skillful thrust until he feels larger and thicker than ever. The only noise you can make is a long, drawn out “O - o - o - oh” that he must recognize, because he doesn’t slow, doesn’t change. Heartbeats later the pleasure rakes through your body in a single, cresting wave; starting and ending where he’s joined with you. 
“Good girl.” The words crack from his mouth, his tone deep. “I knew you could do it.” 
A few more, slowing thrusts send shooting stars through your veins, gasping for air while your heart batters in your chest. Then, finally, he stops, buried deep inside while his hands loosen on your wrists. 
“There.” Law grins. “Not so bad to let me do my thing?” 
“Well!” Your cheeks are hot, and his are red. “I’ve never been a man but I’m not convinced that takes too much skill. Just humping, really.” 
He stares. Humor tickles, making your lips twitch. 
“Just humping?” he repeats. 
“Now, if you’d licked me first,” you shrug, pretending angelic innocence as his expression darkens. “Or done more with your hands…” 
“You’re impossible, you know that?”
“Impossible! I’m simply stating that you can exhibit your skill in so many other ways.” 
It works. Law’s jaw clenches, a growl between his bared teeth. He throws himself back onto his haunches, leaving you bare and a little cold, until he grabs your ankle to pull you towards him. 
“Just humping,” he mutters. The last thing you see are his narrowed eyes, the challenge sizzling in them. In a single moment, he flips you onto your belly, the scratchiness of the bedroll far too pleasurable on your nipples than should be allowed. You plant your palms on the ground to hoist yourself up, but his hand pushes down on your spine. “Just humping,” he says again. 
“Just humping,” you say. Smugly you glance over your shoulder, just in time to see him rise to his knees. He pulls your hips up with him, tracing around the flesh of your buttocks with a growing smile. He meets your eyes in a brief, stunning moment. 
“You menace,” Law says. “You wanted this.” 
“A lady never tells.” Stretching out like a cat, you push yourself against him with a pretend yawn. His intake of breath is audible, the strangled noise like music to your ears. 
He can be in control all he wants, but it doesn’t change his weaknesses. And you happen to be acquainted with his weaknesses. Intimately. 
Law starts slow again, but picks up faster, holding onto you for the ride while the bedroll scrapes against your skin. With nothing to hold onto, you make fists instead, letting the pleasure drive everything else from your mind. All that matters is him and you and you and him, and how perfect he feels and how wonderful you feel and how much better everything is when he’s here…
It could have been an hour later, or three, dozing off naked and side-by-side beneath the sky while the embers burst like fireworks against the inky blackness. He lays on his back, you curled against him, his fingers tracing lazy patterns down your back. Sleep swarms, but you brush it away. 
It’s Fire Night, after all. 
“Our clothes are still at the river,” you mumble blearily. 
“Oops.” He doesn’t sound even a little repentant. 
“I don’t want to add more wood to the fire nude. What if I get burned?” 
Law sighs, then with a groan pushes himself to an elbow. Facing the glow of the oven, his features blur handsomely with a smile just for you. You smile back, tracing the line of facial hair down his chin. Fondly he pats your rear. 
“I’ll get the clothes,” he says. “But then you have to add the wood.” 
If he feels like he won, then that’s fine with you. Because this false competition only makes it easier to make excuses, easier to be sweet, and easier to pretend like it isn’t love.
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oathkeeperoxas · 10 months
TOP GUN / Icemav fic recs part 4
Hello my fellow icemav enjoyers, I bring to you more fic recs, freshly harvested from the local fields. If I list an author below, I also recommend checking out their profile for their other works as well!
Rec list 1 here
Rec list 2 here
Rec list 3 here
Where Are You Going by @adiduck
They’ve both heard all the philosophical bullshit, of course. Poems about your soul forever seeking its other half, impassioned treatises they were supposed to read in high school English about how you know where your own limbs are, quotes from long-dead guys about physical distance but hearts taking up the same space--that kind of bullshit. Maverick never put much stock in that kind of thing--he’d hated school. It probably shouldn’t have been surprising that Ice also really did not care about the science or philosophy--they were supposed to be perfect for each other, after all. (Or: There’s a handshake in the O Club the first night of Top Gun, and the very bearing of “magnetic North” shifts permanently under Ice and Mav’s feet)
Soulmate AU!!!!! This is so cleverly put together, the worldbuilding details are delicious and so very excellent, and the characterisation is on point. A very fun and enjoyable read 💖
Polaroid Picture by @betanoiz
man, we used to be brothers. superheroes and warriors. - The story of Maverick and the important relationships in his life, as told through photos.
The author plays with form through the use of pictures in this fic, using them to broaden the story and really show the character's relationships with each other. A very soft landing that hits all the right notes.
Ever Higher by @astolat
Maybe he wouldn’t have thought of it on his own, but soon as he’d heard about it—well, it was fucking obvious, wasn’t it? There was no other way to keep climbing.
I read this the first time, had to sleep on it, then come back to digest it properly. The author fits so much into every single sentence - the plot and the reveal hit you straight to the chest, no room to avoid it.
Mach 4 Mile High Club by @topgunreacts
In a civilian bar off base, Ice finds half-price drinks, trivia, and Maverick. The drinks he's expecting. The trivia he can handle. He isn't ready for Maverick.
This is just pure fun!! The back and forth between Ice and Mav builds deliciously throughout the story, the smut is top tier, and the finale lands just perfectly.
that’s what i love (about sunday) by @gracedbybattle
For the past few years, Ice has gotten used to the silence. But their house isn’t so quiet anymore.
Established icemav and the daggers can be so so good actually!! The domestic fluff here hits all the right notes.
Decent by @lambourngb
Ice was aware of the old adage, 'Don't Judge a Book By Its Cover', but he had seen Maverick fly, and now that they were teaching together, he was pretty sure he had Mav figured out. There were lots of reasons for Mav to be insanely confident; he had movie star looks, he had gifted hand-eye coordination in the sky, and he had no discernible shame trigger. Turns out, probably all of that was true, but Mav had one more reason for his swagger.
I have been converted to the Mav has a big cock agenda. Enough said.
Take the Long Way by @kerbyfullyloaded
Five times Iceman tried to get Maverick to come home and the one time he finally did.
This and it's sequel are so full of satisfying emotion - this author has such an excellent voice for the characters and it very much comes through in the prose!
Centrifugal Motion (Perpetual Bliss) by @brendaonao3
A month after the DADT repeal goes into effect, Ice finally gathers the courage to tell Mav he wants another chance.
The pining! The second chances! The yearning that threads its way through this, oh... so very soft and good 🥺
A Box of Love by @film-in-my-soul
It's black and embossed, a medium-sized thing with a careful label facing outward— Wedding, 2014. Jackpot.
Married icemav my beloved. The established relationship is written so tenderly and well, with an understanding between the two of them that I hold very close to my heart
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mewsingsbynataliek · 7 months
NSR Halloween DLC ideas, just in time for Spooky Night!
The soundtrack for the Halloween DLC would feature instruments associated with the holiday being incorporated into the songs, such as pipe organ and theremin.
The Bosses
DJ Subatomic Supernova
DJSS is a scarecrow, wearing a straw hat, flannel shirt, and denim overalls (cut-off, of course!).
For the battlefield, the background of the Planetarium is a deep orange. The planets he uses to attack are replaced with pumpkins, and the asteroids are replaced by a swarm of crows.
Sayu is a cute ghost girl. (I felt it would be fitting since she’s a floaty character.) She's slightly translucent and sports a ghostly wisp-like tail rather than her regular mermaid tail. Her colour palette features off-whites and faded pastels, making her look more etherial.
Sayu wears a tattered white Victorian/Lolita-style dress, lacy cuffs around her wrists and a little bow on her head.
For Phase 2, her dress becomes poofier and more elaborate as small ribbons resembling tentacles appear around her waist. Her trident is completely white.
Phase 3 has her go full-on ghost bride. Her dress has a huge multi-tiered skirt, her hair is adorned with a long veil, and her tentacle ribbons have grown to full length. Her deep-sea mode has her face turn glowing green with solid black eyes, making her resemble a spookfish, while her “tentacles” feature flickering lights similar to a bioluminescent jellyfish.
Her final form is basically your stereotypical bedsheet ghost shape with her legs sticking out the bottom.
Sayu’s team are dressed in dark wizard-like robes, and each of them are wearing masks like the ones worn by Lock, Shock, and Barrel from The Nightmare Before Christmas. 
For the battlefield, the “landscape” is dotted with jack-o-lanterns, tombstones, and dead trees. The background is changed to a seafoam green color, with wispy little ghosts flying about.
Yinu and Mother 
Yinu is dressed as a cute little witch. Her hair is in pigtails similar to her Christmas skin, and her witch hat is adorned with fall leaves and little jack-o-lanterns.
Mother, meanwhile, is a spooky Halloween tree with spiders. Her dress is a dark wood colour with translucent, ragged-edged sleeves, and she wears a thorny hairband and spiderweb earrings.
The ends of her “hair” have been dyed the same colour as her dress, and she wears both black lipstick and black nail polish.
When she grows bigger, her branches begin to sprout large thorns, which end up making her cage form look more like a spiderweb. (There are even little fake spiders sitting on top of it!)
For the battlefield, the stage is decorated to evoke a bountiful harvest, with pumpkins, hay bales, bundles of wheat, stalks of corn, apple trees, cornucopias, and garlands of leaves.
Both the gate and the giant piano hammers are adorned with thorny branches and autumn leaves.
1010 are pirate ghosts. (As a fun gag, Blue could wear two eyepatches instead of his sunglasses!)
Meanwhile, Neon J is their ghostly captain, complete with a captain’s hat, a sword at his belt, a fake parrot on his shoulder, and – once again – a fake beard attached to his screen head.
For the battlefield, the flying limousine is decked out to look like a pirate ship, with a mast, a crow’s nest, and a tattered sail.
(I felt 1010 as pirates would be fitting since they're a navy-themed boyband and Neon J was a captain in the navy.)
Eve is dressed as Medusa.
Her dark green dress has a scaly pattern, and she accessories with a lot of gold, including spiralling gold sandals and a golden diadem crown.
Her hair has been dyed, shaped, and styled to look like several little writhing serpents.
Her backpiece is composed of even more snakes in gold and teal which wrap around her upper torso and spread out behind her like a peacock’s tail.
Eve’s pupils even become snake-like starting at Phase 2!
For the battlefield, Eve’s gallery has been transformed into an Ancient Greek temple, but with a postmodern/vapourwave twist. Stylized Greco-Roman columns with snakes wrapped around them line the walls, and an ancient looking gold chandelier hangs from the ceiling. The left side would be eggplant purple while the right side would be cerulean blue.
If the player gets hit by the eye lasers from Eve’s giant statue, they’ll actually turn to stone and be frozen in place for a short time.
For Phase 2, on Mayday’s side, the snakes wrapped around the columns have grown larger and are now looming over Mayday, their faces twisted into angry snarls (representing Eve’s derisiveness and hostility towards May).
Meanwhile, Zuke’s side features floating fragments of ruined columns (representing how lost and incomplete Eve felt after Zuke left her). 
Phase 3 is where it really starts to get trippy. Both rooms feature ruined columns and floating shards, along with giant brightly colored snakes slithering all over the background.
The shards in Zuke’s side reflect images of faces screaming in anguish, while the shards on Mayday’s side have limbs protruding from them- one shard has three legs protruding from them in reference to a trinacia. (Look up what a trinacia is to understand the reference!)
Tatiana is a vampire.
She wears black and red robes with bat wing-edged sleeves and a wide collar. Her earrings are coffin shaped, and she has small, pointed fangs that can be seen when she opens her mouth.
At the beginning of her battle, she starts throwing flaming bats.
For the battlefield, Tatiana's office/battle arena is made to feel like a vampire’s castle tower.
The whole room is lit with a deep red glow, and the tall windows that feature the NSR murals are topped with pointed arches, giving them a Gothic look.
You can even see some glass bottles filled with (ahem) red liquid on Tatiana’s desk.
Meanwhile, the Goolings' stage outside is decorated with jack-o-lanterns and hanging skeletons.
DK West
DK West is dressed as Frankenstein FrankenWest!
His look consists of neck bolts, stitch markings, and a dark ragged recolour of his original outfit.
His bull shadow puppet has matching neck bolts, which even emit shadowy electricity when it appears during the battle.
Bunk Bed Junction
Mayday is dressed as an imp, wearing a bright red dress with black sleeves and waistcoat, black wings, red horns, and a red tail.
Her guitar is deep purple and splattered with glowing orange paint. It emits a wolf howl when she powers it up for the Showstopper.
Zuke is a werewolf. Ragged clothes with fake fur poking out, extra fur attached to his forearms (don’t ask how got it on there), pointed ears, a bushy tail, pointed fangs, his nose has been painted. Pretty simple.
His drumsticks are splattered with glowing green paint and tipped with tiny light-up pumpkins.
The Other NPCs
Ellie has little bat wings attached to her back and wears a springy bat antenna headband.
And last but not least, 
Kliff . . . is just wearing a pair of Groucho Marx glasses. Yup. That's it.
Let me know what you all think. I’d love to hear some feedback. Thanks for reading! Happy Halloween!
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dronarryfest · 2 months
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Well everyone, it's been a bumper final week for Dronarry fest! Here's your chance to catch up on everything you've missed before we post the masterlist. Thank you all to everyone who has been reading along - keep your comments and kudos coming!
[FIC] Snowdrift || E || 8k || by @wolfpants
London is drowning in snow, and Draco and Ron get more than they bargain for when they comfort Harry after - another - bad break up.
💭 Joining in the love for your established Dron here - oh my god. I loved seeing Draco through Ron's eyes, the way they were so in tune throughout all of this. You write atmosphere so well - I felt like I could see this unfolding. - dahlliances
💭 Absolutely brilliant, fantastic dynamic between the three of them, with poor old unlucky-in-love Harry (it wasn't serious 😭) and long-suffering Dron, loved the snippets about them getting together and the late night vibes, and the sex was just gorgeous, really soft and tender but scorching hot (also, let him show you what a real Weasley can do??? HELLO) <3 <3 - sweet_sorrow
[FIC] Stuck In The Middle With You || E || 18k || by @peachydreamxx
“You want a job here?” Ron finally asks, “Taking orders from us?” Malfoy nods shortly. “You want to be beneath Harry and me?” Amusement flashes across Malfoy’s face. “You could say that.” ~ The one where Draco Malfoy walks into Weasley's Wizard Wheezes in need of a job, and Ron, and his co-partner Harry, decide they can show Draco the perks of working there.
💭 HELP MEEEE I FEAR I WONT RECOVER. Gorgeously hot, the POV switches were so fluid and well-done, I loved getting to be in each of their heads. Absolutely incredible! - citrusses
💭 wow wow wow what a stunning take on their relationship. i love the harshness of it at first, and the way they had to work through all of their feelings via sex therapy to get to the love they were all too afraid to give. the sex scenes were SO well thought out, and really didn't hold back on the Dom/sub. i loved seeing draco in a truly subby role, and following ron's journey, and then harry's compassion… really well thought out on all accounts. thank you so much for sharing this with us!
[PODFIC] Silhouettes by sweet_sorrow || E || read by @cailynwrites
Draco's trying to fix the Burrow, Ron's trying to grieve, and Harry... well, just what is Harry actually doing, anyway? A tale of grief, gardening, and ghouls, bad memories, bad puns, and bad flirting, and nudity both accidental and very, very deliberate.
💭 This is one of my FAVORITE Dronarry fics from last year, I'm so glad you decided to record it! Your voice is magnificent and the quality is amazing. I love how you did the voices, too! Thanks so much for sharing it, I have all the feels now 🥰 - Schmem_14
💭 This is top tier Dronarry for me. Thank you so much for recording it and reading a beautiful story so beautifully. - wolfpants
[FIC] Borrowed Time || E || 8k || by @the-starryknight
Harry woke in someone else's bed, sleeping beside someone else's lover. Leaning in is the worst possible solution, right?
💭 oh starry, this is simply gorgeous. I love harry's sensitivity, and his tender feelings towards them, like a bruise, not wanting to hurt them and instead hurting himself in the process. romantic and stunning and hot (and funny, too, esp. the roleplay near the beginning). I don't think you've forgotten anything <3 - thehoneybeet
💭 Gosh, this was such a wonderful and sexy read. I love the way you characterised all three of them, the way they’re so gentle with each other, the way they’re all so clearly smitten. “ I don’t think,” Harry started, “I could survive that.” - this is such a great line!!! I could not put this down once I started this. It was SO good. Thank you for writing this for us ❤️ - sleepstxtic
[FIC] All This On Display Like That || M || 4k || by @elskanellis
Draco is good at: hosting; drinking; drinking games; duelling; controlling himself when Harry Potter is around; earning a chance to ask undeniably fit Ron Weasley on a date.
💭 This is sexy, funny, beautifully paced DELIGHT. Thank you for that. Can’t possibly say how much I enjoyed it in sort of an evil, chin in my hands sort of way. 😈 - shealynn88
💭 Good golly gosh! You can’t see but I’m gleefully kicking my feet with how delightful this was to read. I remembered your snippet of Draco’s declaiming and I’m so delighted to finally read it in situ! This was so fun, so sweet, so descriptive, so sharply narrated - an absolute delight AND a triumph. Thank you! - rainstormradish
[FIC] Bike Dream || E || 27k || by @dodgerkedavra
Draco’s going to learn to ride a bike if it’s the last thing he does.
💭 god i love your writing. your worlds are so FULL. so much love and struggle and support and HAPPINESS!! i laughed at so many different points in this fic but i also absolutely cried, and those are my favorite kind of fics. thank you so much for sharing this!!! - pocket-lin
💭 Your characterizations are incredible- as always, such a treat to read your writing. Thank you for sharing!
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in1-nutshell · 7 months
Human Buddy's sleepover with Whirl
SFW, platonic, Human reader
To even have a sleepover with Whirl, Buddy needs to be on the top tier bestie list. Meaning it’s going to take time to even bring up the idea. When Buddy does get on Whirl’s good side there is a chance he might say yes.
Mainly because he is trying to be a little less threatening and get so friends thanks to a couple dozen sessions with Rung. The idea of a sleepover probably happened on one of Swerve’s Earth movie nights. There was a scene where Whirl nudges Buddy a bit and asks what the characters were doing on the beds with all the trinkets and stuff. Buddy quickly explains the concept of the sleepover before going back to the movie.
“So, this isn’t some murder coupe in disguise?”--Whirl
“…when are the guns going to come in?”--Whirl
“Whirl there are no guns in this movie.”--Buddy
“Then why am I even here?!”--Whirl
“Because you owe me a favor.”—Buddy
A few days after the movie, one evening, Whirl barges into Buddy’s room with all his sleep things proclaiming that they were going to have a sleepover. Buddy really doesn’t have much room to say anything and just goes with the flow.
“Sleepover time Fleshy!” --Whirl
It was a normal Tuesday evening on the Lost Light anyways.
Buddy introduces sleepover games to Whirl such as spin the Bottle, Truth or Dare and Never have I ever. Whirl takes a liking to Truth or Dare, mainly the Dare part. He knows Buddy can’t do certain things, so he won’t push things too badly.
“C’mon squishy climb the shelves even higher!”--Whirl
“Whirl if I fall and splat on the ground, I will haunt you till the end.”--Buddy
“Bold of you to assume I’d let you got splat on the ground.”--Whirl
“Aww you do care.”--Buddy
“Who else am I going to bother an shake like a rag doll?”--Whirl
“Wow, Whirl, I feel so loved.”--Buddy
“Yeah, yeah keep climbing, you still have another 2 shelves to go fleshy.” --Whirl
Soon enough it’s time to sleep.
Whirl gets a bit unsettled seeing Buddy sleeping a bit. He doesn’t know if slow breathing is a good sign. With what he knows slow breathing leads to no breathing meaning no Buddy.
So, he pokes Buddy from time to time. After the fifth time Buddy manages to find out the answer to Whirl’s poking.
“So, you just sleep? Don’t you need to keep that little pump of yours pumping?”--Whirl
“Yeah, but my body does it on its own.”--Buddy
“But what if it forgets or something?”--Whirl
“Then it’s been nice knowing you.”--Buddy
That leads to a compromise.
Buddy sleeps in Whirl’s cockpit, that way Whirl can feel them, and they can both have a decent amount of sleep. Whirl’s cockpit is fit with tons of blankets and pillows. He doesn’t admit it, but he likes sleeping knowing Buddy is okay. They both sleep well.
When it’s time to wake up Whirl is groggy and just leaves the room thinking it’s his and goes about his day… meanwhile Buddy is still in the cockpit. They do wake up but decide to see where this goes, anyways they need a break from the reports. They had already filed a report saying they were going to take the day off yesterday.
Whirl doesn’t realize Buddy is still in him, Buddy just takes cat naps and plays on their phone from time to time with headphones on. He does realize soon though that Buddy is napping inside, but he can’t bring himself to kick them out… and wants to continue to watch some of the crew wonder where Buddy is at. He’ll tell where they are… eventually.
“Buddy? Have I seen them? Nope haven’t say I’ve seen them Eyebrows, not that I care anyways.”—Whirl to Rung
“Nope haven’t seen the today.”—Whirl to Drift
“What’s in my cockpit? Wouldn’t you like to know.”—Whirl to Cyclonus
For now he is watching chaos unfold slowly.
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quirkymarshmallows93 · 11 months
Gas Station Stream of Consciousness Post
Gas Stations as Liminal Spaces
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I've had quite a few hyperfixations in my day - ATMs, laundry detergents, credit cards - so my current one pertaining to gas stations is fitting considering my affinity for liminal spaces and the dedication of this blog to them. Liminal spaces are transitory in nature, hence their portrayal in online circles through photos of carpeted hallways, illuminated stairwells, dark roads, and backrooms, among other transitional points.
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Gas stations are posted online as well; images of their fuel pumps or neon signage photographed through a rainy car window communicate their liminality and the universal experiences they provide to all of society. Perhaps they are the ultimate specimen of a liminal space. The machines they are created for, automobiles and tractor trailers alike, themselves are tools for motion, vestibules that enable travel and shipment across long distances at high speeds. Cars and roads are liminal spaces, albeit in different formats, and gas stations serve as their lighthouses. Vehicles at filling stations, therefore, are in a sense liminal spaces within liminal spaces within liminal spaces.
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The uniqueness of a gas station as a liminal space, however, is its intersection with the economics and aesthetics of capitalism. Gasoline (and diesel fuel) is a commodity, downstream from crude oil, merely differentiated by octane ratings. Some argue that minute distinctions between agents, detergents, and additives make some brands better than others. Indeed, fuels that are approved by the Top Tier program, sponsored by automakers, have been shown to improve engine cleanliness and performance, but this classification does not prefer specific refiners over others; it is simply a standard. To a consumer, Top Tier fuels are themselves still interchangeable commodities within the wider gasoline commodity market.
The Economics of Gas Stations
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The market that gas stations serve is characterized by inelastic demand, with customers who reckon with prices that fluctuate day in and day out. This is not to say that consumer behavior does not change with fuel prices. It has been observed that as prices rise, consumers are more eager to find the cheapest gas, but when prices fall, drivers are less selective with where they pump and are just happy to fill up at a lower price than last week. In response, gas stations lower their prices at a slower rate than when increasing prices, allowing for higher profit margins when wholesale prices fall. This has been dubbed the "rockets and feathers" phenomenon.
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When portrayed as liminal spaces, gas stations are most often depicted at night, places of solitude where one may also enter the adjacent convenience store and encounter a fellow individual who isn't asleep, the modern day lightkeeper. The mart that resides at the backcourt of a gas station is known to sell goods at higher prices than a supermarket, simultaneously taking advantage of a captive customer, convenient location, and making up for the inefficiencies of a smaller operation. It may come as no surprise, then, that gas stations barely make any money from fuel sales and earn their bulk through C-store sales. This is a gripe I have with our economic system. Business is gamified, and in many cases the trade of certain goods and services, called loss leaders, is not an independent operation and is subsidized by the success of another division of a business, a strategy inherently more feasible for larger companies that have greater scale to execute it.
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Nevertheless, most gas station owners, whether they have just one or hundreds of sites, find this method fruitful. Even though most gas stations in the US sell one of a handful of national brands, they operate on a branded reseller, or dealer, model, with oil companies themselves generally not taking part in the operations of stations that sell their fuels. The giants do still often have the most leverage and margin in the business, with the ability to set the wholesale price for the distributor, which sells at a markup to the station owner, which in turn will normally make the least profit in the chain when selling to the end customer at the pump. This kind of horizontal integration that involves many parties lacks the synergies and efficiencies of vertical integration that are so applauded by capitalists, but ends up being the most profitable for firms like ExxonMobil, who only extract and refine oil, and on the other end of the chain merely license their recognizable brands to the resellers through purchasing agreements. Furthermore, in recent years, independent dealers have sold their businesses to larger branded resellers, in many cases the ones from whom they had been buying their fuel.
A Word on ExxonMobil's Branding Potential
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The largest publicly traded oil company in the world is Exxon Mobil Corporation. It is a direct descendent of the Rockefeller monopoly, Standard Oil, which was broken up in 1911 into 34 companies, the largest of which was Jersey Standard, which became Exxon in 1973. This title was generated by a computer as the most appealing replacement name to be used nationwide to unify the Humble, Enco, and Esso brands, decades before AI was spoken of. The latter brand is still used outside of the United States for marketing, arising from the phonetic pronunciation of the initials of Standard Oil. In 1999, Exxon and Mobil merged, and the combined company to this day markets under separate brands. Exxon is more narrowly used, to brand fuel in the United States, while Mobil has remained a motor oil and industrial lubricant brand, as well as a fuel brand in multiple countries.
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Mobil originated in 1866 as the Vacuum Oil Company, which first used the current brand name for Mobiloil, and later Mobilgas and Mobilubricant products, with the prefix simply short for "automobile". Over time, Mobil became the corporation's primary identity, with its official name change to Mobil Oil Corporation taking place in 1966. Its updated wordmark with a signature red O was designed by the agency Chermayeff & Geismar, and the company's image for service stations was conceived by architect Eliot Noyes. New gas stations featured distinctive circular canopies over the pumps, and the company's recognizable pegasus logo was prominently on display for motorists.
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I take issue with the deyassification of the brand's image over time. As costs were cut and uniformity took over, rectangular canopies were constructed in place of the special ones designed by Noyes that resembled large mushrooms. The pegasus remained a prominent brand icon, but the Mobil wordmark took precedence, which I personally believe to be an error in judgement. This disregard for the pegasus paved the way for its complete erasure in 2016 with the introduction of ExxonMobil's "Synergy" brand for its fuel. The mythical creature is now much smaller and appears only at the top right corner of pumps at Mobil gas stations, if at all.
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Even into the 90s and the 21st century the Pegasus had its place in Mobil's marketing. In 1997, the company introduced its Speedpass keytag, which was revolutionary for its time and used RFID technology, akin to mobile payments today, to allow drivers to get gas without entering the store or swiping a card. When a Speedpass would be successfully processed, the pegasus on the gas pump would light up red.
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When Exxon and Mobil merged in 1999, the former adopted the payment method too, with Exxon's less iconic tiger in place of the pegasus.
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The program was discontinued in 2019 in favor of ExxonMobil's app, which is more secure since it processes payments through the internet rather than at the pump.
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What Shell has done with its brand identity is what Mobil should've done for itself. The European company's logo was designed in 1969 by Raymond Loewy, and is a worth contender for the "And Yet a Trace of the True Self Exists in the False Self" meme. In recent years, Shell went all in on its graphic, while Mobil's pegasus flew away. I choose to believe that the company chose to rebrand its stations in order to prevent the malfunction in the above image from happening.
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ExxonMobil should have also discontinued the use of the less storied Exxon brand altogether, and simplifying its consumer-facing identity to just the global Mobil mark. Whatever, neither of the names are actual words. As a bonus, here is a Google map I put together of all 62 gas stations in Springfield, MA. This is my idea of fun. Thanks for reading to the end!
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v3nusxsky · 1 year
Notice me
*Authors note~ I love writing for Emily so god damn much it hurts*
Trigger warning ~ cases mention homophobia ?
Prompt~ r is a BAU member mainly desk work but occasionally on the field. Garcia is closest with her bc of the fact she's rarely on the field and she sometimes helps Garcia with tech stuff. She's got a massive crush on Emily but Emily doesn't notice her until one day she does.
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Being a member of the FBI was certainly something. Not a job for anyone with a weak stomach. Now of course you hardly went out on the field, mainly you stayed with Garcia to help back at Quantico. Naturally you had become close with the quirky women. Instantly, you noted her flirty nature with Derek and often teased her about it. Although you knew they were only friends you loved to tease her.
That's why you were unsurprised that once she had picked up on a slight blush you had from the one and only Emily Prentiss, she just knew that it would be a great way to get pay back. Harmless banter and she had sworn not to tell Emily of your attraction to her. You were pretty sure she didn't even know you existed, but you couldn't help but fall for her. I mean who wouldn't? She was absolutely gorgeous, her humour was top tier and don't even get started on the fact she knows just how to wield a gun and put even the toughest guys in their place. There was just something about that women that drove you crazy, yet she doesn't even know you exist.
You worked in the background for a few months before the opportunity arose for you to be introduced to Emily. Hotch had instructed you and Garcia to grab your go bag and get to them asap. This is something you most definitely weren't expecting but apparently they desperately needed you both in the field. You got there as quick as you could, and that is when you were told the plan. You had to help be bait. Part of the strategy was to have the rest of the team set up outside ready to pounce while they wanted you at the bar they knew he would be at.
Safety in numbers, you had been paired with Emily. The nerves you felt were more from the fact you would be with Emily rather than baiting the unsub. Part of the cover was to act as though you and Emily were a couple, the unsub seemingly striking at the same sex couples that matched your descriptions. For you it was unusual to be baiting the unsub however, for Emily it wasn't the first time and it wouldn't be the last. You had direct instructions from Hotch to follow Emily's lead, naturally your submissive nature would make that easy for you. Or well it should've.
The bar you were attending was a very local dive bar, not somewhere you would've chosen to go but this was for business not for pleasure. You choose to wear a tight form fitting sapphire blue dress that showed off just enough skin to be teasing but not enough to be slutty. And your girlfriend for the night had adorned a simple tight black dress that hugged all the right places. If you thought she was gorgeous in work attire well then now she was drop dead gorgeous. It was all finished off with raven curls and Smokey eye makeup. It wouldn't be hard to pretend to be her girlfriend what so ever.
The bar was loud and bright, packed with young adults and uni students, the perfect place to go victim hunting as most of not all were already highly intoxicated due to the cheep alcohol. You and Emily made your way to the bar and ordered a drink, just for the appearance although you both knew you could drink just one and be absolutely fine, you both decided that it would make sense to have a clear head.
Straight away your beautiful companion started to profile the people present and identified the unsub starring creepily in your direction. Only then did she realise you didn't look in love enough so she brought her hand to rest on your thigh causing you to gasp and look into her beautiful eyes. Instantly you could tell she was urging you to play along which you did as she brought her lips to yours.
The one and only Emily Prentiss was kissing little old you. And this didn't feel so pretend anymore when her tongue traced your lips asking for entrance which you gladly gave the women. Quite simply this was the best kiss of your life and you didn't want it to end but you both needed air. The unsub began to advance on you both when the rest of the team had pulled him into arrest, Emily stood up and went over to help while you sat there in shock. Weren't you gonna talk about that? Apparently not as she went outside with the others to hand the unsub over to the local police department. You quickly down your drink before walking outside where Garcia was waiting for you with a knowing smile until she caught sight of the tears that glistened in your eyes.
"Oh honey, what happened? I thought you'd be happy she kissed you!" She almost squealed trying to understand the reaction. You just turned to look at the women who's lips had been on yours as she was bantering with Morgan and Reid. "She doesn't even notice me Pen, that kiss meant nothing to her, just a rouse but to me it was everything and now I have to go back into the shadows pretending I don't know what she tastes like or how her hand feels on my thigh" you finished off with a sad sigh. Unfortunately that would be just facts you were stating before trailing off into a massive rant about how you wished she felt the same, wished she would notice you in the way you noticed her and how there would never be anyone else for you but her. No one could compare to the raven haired beauty.
If you were thinking more rationally you would've noticed how Penelope's eyes widened looking at a figure approaching behind you. "Um, Y/n you may wanna turn around" she whispered breaking you from your rant. Any words left died on your lips instantly as Emily stood behind you with her signature smirk that drove you wild and a mischievous glint in her eyes. "Em-agent Prentiss, I god im sorry" you squeaked out embarrassment shining through as you realised she'd probably heard you complaining about how your love is unrequited. The moment Emily offered to take you back to the hotel for a drink was the moment Garcia left to go and find Derek giving you a discreet wink. Holy shit you were going back to her hotel room, you had to be dreaming. Right?
Word count ~ 1176
*Author's note~ anyone want part 2 ;)*
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