#tony is the queen of latveria
just-an-enby-lemon · 1 year
Tony: Remember when we gaslighted Steve so we could destroy a whole dimension before it colapsed with ours therefore avoiding a bigger number of casualities but also killing milions.
Reed: Yes. It was a low move.
Tony: Remember how I got the whole blame even tho you were just as responsable as I was?
Reed: It wasn't exactly like that-
Tony: Well, dear friend, I got my revenge.
Reed: Oh fu-freak. Are you in another villanous phase?
Tony: Worse.
Reed: I don't understand.
Tony: I'm dating your ex.
Reed: What? I have no exes. My heart was always and only Sue's.
Tony: See was that denial that made you two break up.
Reed: If I keept saying to her I wasn't her boyfriend then I'm cleary not her ex.
Tony: Normally yes, but you somehow got to date him while lying that this wasn't the case.
Reed: Him?
Tony: I got the crown, bitch.
Reed: Are you... are you dating Doom?
Tony: Vicbabe is really hot.
Reed: That's terrfying.
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imperiuswrecked · 5 months
Has Namor ever reclaimed the McKenzie name? I remember he rejected it or something. Why everyone keeps using it?
The surface dwellers use his human name, Namor McKenzie or they call him The Sub-Mariner. He uses it too, but it's mostly on the surface world.
All New Invaders (2014) #10 - Prince Namor McKenzie
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In the ocean and Atlantis Namor goes by many titles:
Prince Namor
Namor the First
The Avenging Son
The Sub-Mariner
Imperius Rex
Namor Fen-Son
Namor, Son of Fen
Son of Atlantis
Prince of the Blood
Prince of Atlantis
Prince Namor the First
Prince of Destiny
Scion of the Seas
Sea Lord
King Namor
King Namor the First
King of the Seas
Sea King
Phoenix King
Avenger of the Deep
Lord of the Seven Seas
Sovereign Monarch of Atlantis
Lord of the Undersea World
Emperor of the Deep
Supreme Commander of the Undersea Legions
As you see Names & Titles are important in Atlantean Society. A notable comic about his names: Namor, The Sub-Mariner (1990) #37 - Namor is called Namor McKenzie (the Atlanteans pronounce it Mak Kenzee) by Suma-Ket, the Ancient King of Atlantis. (He also has a few titles: Suma Ket, Prophet King of Ancient Atlantis, Lord of the Old Ones, The Dark King, The Devil-King).
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Namor asserts he is "Namor, Son of Fen"
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Suma-Ket once again calls him, Namor Mak-Kenzee after capturing Namor.
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Namor shows his true strength and breaks free to fight Suma-Ket. Who is surprised because he thought Namor was weak (bc he's half human).
Namor once again asserts his princely birth and says he's the Annointed Avenging Son (because his mother named him Namor which means "Avenging Son" in Atlantean)
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When Namor's true strength/power is shown Suma-Ket calls him, Fen-Son. Acknowledging his legitimacy.
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So Namor has always gone by his father's (Captain Leonard McKenzie) last name but he was raised by his mother, Princess Fen, alone and views himself more closely tied to his mother and Atlantis. Do he is Namor Fen-Son, much like how Fen is called Daughter of Tha-Korr or Andromeda is called Andromeda Attumasen (Her father is Attuma)
I love Fen's other titles too
Princess Fen
Princess of the Blood
Beautiful Goddess of the Seals
Queen of Sharks
Empress Fen
As I was writing this out I recalled another time where his name came into question and I think this must be what you were asking about:
In The Order (2007) #7 Namor renounced the name McKenzie.
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In my opinion people shouldn't read too much into this comic because it's clear the writer set up Namor to be used for the main character's plot of being the new guy who has to handle high profile situations.
Namor rarely, if ever lies, in 90% of his comics, he's one of the most honest and brutally in your face about speaking the truth characters in comics. The other 10% percent is when writers don't know his character. lol.
It's clear in this comic that Namor is angry because his people have no home again and he wants to embrass Tony Stark (due to the events of Namor (2007) limited series) and he wishes to become a political prisoner to further his plans to help the Atlanteans (it makes no sense to me at all plus at this time Namor was living in Latveria with Doctor Doom, this comic just ignores that I guess) and he is being difficult on purpose (more than his usual difficult self, lol) and rejects his human name even lying about the events of his mother and father's meeting. The main character calls Namor out for the lies and ends up saving the day.
So while I do enjoy Namor being abrasive mostly this comic just doesn't fit with the rest of his character history but I understand that sometimes writers do things for the sake of the plot.
So I guess to wrap up your question: Namor never actually rejects the McKenzie name (really The Order is the only time I remember this happening), however he views himself more as his mother's son, and a Son of Atlantis, than he does as his father's son. He does acknowledge his father and that he is his father's son but it's not as important to his character as his mother is.
Everyone uses McKenzie because it's his name and I guess it's shorter than his many titles. lol. People call him Namor or The Sub-Mariner more often. Honestly I only see his last human name used sparingly in all the hundreds of comics he has.
Namor's struggle with his human/atlantean parentage is always interesting to read about.
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doctorofmagic · 1 year
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Quarterfinals coming up tomorrow February 12th, 11pm - GMT-3).
Now it’s time for exclusive content! These are ooc/edited panels behind-the-scenes interactions between our contenders!
- The queen didn’t sweat at all for this match! After things calmed down, though, we caught Clea comforting Jericho. That was very sweet of them, aw
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- On the other hand, Matt couldn’t help but mock his rival’s lack of self-respect when he joined the Avengers smh. They’re in good terms, though!
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- Jane is not very pleased with the numbers she did on this match but she can accept defeat more easily than her rival (Tony is the one that makes things awkward after all).
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- That was a VERY HARD MATCH. 50/50 three times in 24 hours, leading champion constantly switching places and my heart on the balance! In the end, though, Mordo fled as soon as he was beaten. Still, we’ve got exclusive footage of the very moment he tried to take revenge on T’Challa. It didn’t go well for Mordo. (please pretend this is 616, there isn’t one single panel of Mordo and T’Challa interacting, thank you)
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- And speaking of kings... Only DOOM shall prevail! The troubled and long history of these exes didn’t represent an issue for the king of Latveria. Word says they will end up fighting again at some point, like they always do. “It’s part of their dynamics,” says Stephen.
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- Funny enough, Victor’s rival is also fighing for Stephen’s heart! Wanda had the advantage at first, but Reed didn’t give up and won the match in the end! Unlike *THAT* variant, Wanda accepted her defeat and left just fine.
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- WONGSWEEP IS REAL! Valkyrie was upset at first but she’s mature enough to accept that Wong and Stephen have a long shared history. They remain frens and (non)teammates!
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- Lastly, the Surfer couldn’t beat the god of mischief! Loki is basically bragging about how magical he and Stephen are as a couple.
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Now, let’s move forward... to the...
Spouses Supreme (Stephen Strange/Clea Strange) Strangedevil (Stephen Strange/Matthew Murdock)
Ironstrange (Stephen Strange/Tony Stark) Strangepanther (Stephen Strange/T’Challa)
Doomstrange (Stephen Strange/Victor von Doom) Reedstrange (Stephen Strange/Reed Richards)
Wongrange (Stephen Strange/Wong) Frostrange (Stephen Strange/Loki Laufeyson)
Things are getting serious!!
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suntiger745 · 1 year
Just came home from seeing Wakanda Forever. First film I’ve seen in a theater since the pandemic started back in dec 2019. Was good to see a film on the big screen again. :) I knew Shuri becomes the Black Panther in the comics, so I assumed that was the route they would go after Chadwick Boseman died. The opening still was a gut punch, with Shuri frantically trying to come up with a cure for her brother and then Queen Ramonda comes out from another room and you know it’s too late. The funeral for T’Challa was a beautiful sendoff to both the king and Chadwick Boseman, both with the art of him shown, and the dances honoring the king from the population. The more private ceremony with the priests, queen and princess also showed how Shuri blames herself for not finding a cure in time. Queen Ramonda is both clearly mourning but still has a regal air about her that commands respect. The acting from both Laetitia Wright and Angela Bassett is stellar.
Cut to a year later: Other nations (predictably) wants the vibranium and some of them sends mercenaries or special forces to get some of it at one of the Wakanda outreach centers T’Challa established in the wake of the events of Black Panther. Apparently, the wakandans are onto this and rather than mostly scientists at the center, it’s a few scientists and disguised Dora Milaje waiting for the mercs, who gets their assess kicked.
At a hearing at the UN, France and the US then brings up their complaints about Wakanda not sharing enough of their tech with the world. Queen Ramonda arrives to answer these complaints, and is dressed to kill. Not just that she looks good (which she does). I thought her outfit came across as ‘aggresive’ in its design, even taking into account the wakanda style designs. Looking back at how T’Chaka and T’Challa dressed at their meetings with the UN, Queen Ramonda (and her guards) makes a statement of power. The reason for this become clear when she answers their complaints by telling them of the attack on the research center, frickin’ marching in the captured mercs right into the meeting chamber and then declaring that she will be lenient - this time, but that further provocations like that will be considered an act of war. Message fuckin’ delivered. >:) Every detail about that UN meeting was calculated to send a very clear message. No wonder her outfit had an aggressive design. Then we get our first look at vibranium found outside Wakanda, followed by the US researchers finding out that it is already claimed by the atlanteans. (Or I guess they would be talokans in the MCU.) The next part is Queen Ramonda and Shuri having a moment by the river near the capital, with Ramonda trying to help her daughter finding closure by burning the funeral garments they wore a year before. Shuri is clearly still not over her brother’s death, and can’t let go of her anger and survivor’s guilt. As a side note, this is one of the reasons Black Panther, Namor and Aqua Man (and their dark mirror, Doctor Doom and Latveria) are so interesting to me compared to most other super heroes. They are royalty and/or rulers in addition to being super heroes - which makes their actions have a much broader scope in terms of consequences and the kind of decisions they have to make. And here we also get to see the personal family side of the equation, bringing a third aspect to the table. Once again, hats off to the acting of Angela Bassett and Laetitia Wright. Cue Namor making a visit, the first look at him in the film. I will say, changing his origin and culture to mesoamerican was a stroke of genius, because well-done CGI or not, the feathers on his ankles had a hard job of not looking silly in a non-animated film. But, with the mayan- or aztec-influenced aesthetics of his outfit, the wings fit in really well. Still, he comes to deliver an ultimatum, not an offer of friendship. And so we are introduced to Riri Williams, the Tony Stark of her generation. Okoye suggests bringing Shuri along to retrieve her, despite Queen Ramonda’s misgivings. I was torn on this while watching, because Ramonda is correct that Shuri is too valuable to risk, but Okoye is also right that Shuri has been cooped up in the lab for too long (no doubt feeding her survivor’s guilt on bad brain days). Of course Shuri comes along, and the retrieval of Riri goes smoothly, with some funny banter between Okoye and Shuri. To start with. Then the FBI shows up. Which is not surprising. Anyone who is capable of building a freakin’ vibranium detector as a school project is bound to get watched by a few government agencies. Riri then reveals the *other* thing she’s been working on: and Iron Man-style exo suit/power armor. The escape goes fairly well, until the talokans show up. Okoye shows why she’s the general of the Dora Milaje, taking down three talokans and only runs into serious trouble when she fights their leader Attuma. Kudos to the actors who plays Attuma and Namora btw. Namora has a fairly flamboyant outfit, the underwater plant crown in particular, yet she also projects a sense of danger and being someone you don’t want to cross at the same time. Attuma wears what I think is the head of a hammerhead shark on his head and it could come across as silly, but with the rest of his outfit as well as his physicality and presence, he instead comes across as solid, powerful and dangerous. Shown quite well when he fights Okoye to a draw with advantage Attuma on the bridge. And so Shuri and Riri ends up taken to the talokan’s city. While there, Shuri gets to meet K’uk’ulkan/Namor and he tells her of his story and origin. One very interesting aspect here is the compare and contrast between K’uk’ulkan and the Black Panther. Both are rulers with superhuman powers, but because K’uk’ulkan was born and grew up in the 1500′s his people, while superhumanly strong and fast from their bodies being adapted to living in the sea and having access to vibranium tools and weapons, they have been more cut off from the world and its technology. In addition, and perhaps more importantly, with the long lifespan of K’uk’ulkan his friends, people who knew him when he grew up, are all dead and though he is revered and respected his status as a demigod to his people seem to have left him without any real friends. He does seem to be closer to Namora and Attuma, but it still seems to be a relationship of ruler and respected subordinate. I suspect this is something he struggles with privately, since he mentions to Shuri when speaking of loss that he has watched all his close friends die. The Black Panther meanwhile, while both venerated and respected as being their god-blessed protector is still someone the wakandans will argue with and who has family and friends. I think this is tied both to the Black Panthers, for all their powers, still having a normal lifespan (or at most, only slightly longer than normal), and the focus on developing technology for both the royals, the military and the ordinary citizens. Both the lifespan and the technology is key to how different the wakandans see their ruler, and the friends and family aspect on the personal front, is a key difference in how the Black Panther sees their people and the world.
Back in Wakanda Queen Ramonda dismisses Okoye from the position of general for her failure to protect Shuri. In a heartwrenching scene, Okoye and the queen both speak of what they have sacrificed for Wakanda and once again I can do nothing by wipe my tears and salute the performance of Angela Bassett and Dani Gurira. The elders and M’baku also make pertinent contributions to the scene, but it’s Ramonda and Okoye that takes center stage for sure. The queen then goes to get the person who has been conspicuously missing so far. Nakia. She finds her at Haiti, teaching at a school there. (Also, she looks breathtaking.) Requesting her to return to her former service as an infiltrator once again, Nakia reluctantly agrees. Whatever pains she is carrying after the loss of her love, she does still care a lot about Shuri, the Queen and her homeland. Then there’s an interlude with Agent Ross and the subplot of the CIA thinking Riri’s disappearance was orchestrated by the Wakandans, and the US wanting to put pressure on them, possibly with Riri as a pretext for an armed intervention. Ross tries to dissuade them, and appears to be successful for now, but who knows how long that will last?
Nakia manage to track down Shuri, and killing two guards she rescues both Shuri and Riri. While Shuri got shown Talokan by K’uk’ulkan and there was some burgeoning seeds of mutual understanding, the killing of the guards makes him go for his Namor approach and he marshal the city’s warriors for war. Despite the increased vigilance and strengthened defences, water has a way of getting everywhere and soon Wakanda’s capital is attacked. While his warriors and sirens attack the city and the people, Namor takes on the Dora Milaje and goes after the Queen. Ramonda motions for Riri, who is visiting the palace, to get behind her when Namor attacks and after being initially stumped, he then blows a hole in the side of it and floods the throne room. With her last strength, the queen gets herself and Riri to the surface of the flooded throneroom. Resuscitation attempts are made, but only Riri wakes up. Within the span of a year, Shuri has now lost both her brother and her mother, and on top of that, she also has the burden of having to take over as queen. Maybe.
Without the heart-shaped herb to give her the powers of the Black Panther, there is potentially a crisis of succession. Shuri being very much a science prodigy and viewed askance by the elders of the council for her disdain of the old ways means that the council might rule instead. Or perhaps a challenge for the throne will be made. M’baku did that when T’Challa was to be inaugurated after all. With everyone reeling from the attack, Shuri and M’baku have a quiet moment where they talk about what to do next. Evacuating the people of the capital to Jibariland, and whether to seek vengeance against Namor and the talokans for the death of the queen. It is interesting how differently M’baku approach Shuri compared to how he approached T’Challa. To be fair, the situation is quite different as well, but for being a staunch traditionalist who does not shy away from conflict, M’baku is very gentle with Shuri. Even taking the loss of her mother into account. Regardless, the evacuation is made, and for the moment M’baku and the council hold things together in Jabariland while Shuri and Riri goes into the former’s lab to work on solutions that could help with the situation, both in terms of taking care of Namor and how to boost their own abilities. Riri plays to her strengths and builds a power armor, while Shuri tinkers with the special Dora Milaje suit she was working on before. And then she realizes that the bracelet K’uk’ulkan gave her while she was in Talokan might be a key to synthesizing the heart-shaped herb successfully.
The astonishment and disbelieving joy on the faces of Nakia and Shuri when the process finally works would feel exaggerated or overacted if it wasn’t such a profound thing. She was able to perform nothing short of a miracle, and it’ not just a scientific success it has so much deeper implications than that, both for Shuri personally and Wakanda as a nation. And then comes the visit to the spirit world. Seeing Killmonger there instead of T’Challa or Ramonda, or even her father was perfection. With Shuri’s state of mind at the time, he was both the most aligned with her at that moment, and for all that she claims they are nothing alike, Killmonger makes some very solid points about his influence on Wakanda.
The moment a bit later, when M’baku and the council of elders is sitting discussing and the ship drops the Black Panther into their midst was both one of the coolest and most heartwrenching/heartwarming moments in the film. The flare of purple energy as the suit absorbs the impact of the landing, and then the people, the elders first among them, reaching out in hope and disbelief, to M’baku clasping hands with her in a test of strength and not being able to move her hand even a little. It’s not just Shuri coming into her own as the Black Panther (arguably, she doesn’t, though she does step into the role here), but she gives her people back their protector in the here and now when they are in dire need of them - and she returns to them a cultural touchstone that has shaped the nation ever since it was united who was thought to be lost forever.
Here again come a moment where I think the difference between K’uk’ulkan and the Black Panther is put into stark contrast. This is the closest moment the wakandans have to the demigod worship status K’uk’ulkan has, but though the moment is both deep and profound, there is also a big difference. And once again it is M’baku that provides the more grounded view the wakandans have.
Kudos to Winston Duke. He manages to show both how meaningful the return of the Black Panther was, and still argues with her about the course of her actions. He does see her as the rightful ruler, he’s even the first to call out that the Black Panther has returned, but while he shows respect he is also not subservient and do not consider Shuri above reproach or critique.
He doesn’t quite come across as a mentor in their private moment, but it’s close. And again, I think he would have been more confrontational with T’Challa in the same situation. For all that he does not approve of Shuri’s views and methods, he does acknowledge her skills in what she does and respects her, both as Shuri and the Black Panther. A hard balance to walk, but he does it beautifully. Both Winston and Laetitia are great in that scene. The subsequent fight at sea, while really cool, had perhaps the least impact on me, for all that it’s a Marvel film and fights are their bread and butter. Riri in the power armor is really cool though, and the rematch between Attuma and Okoye is really good as well. The main fight between the Black Panther and Namor is more interesting in some aspects. One of them is another of the key differences between Shuri and K’uk’ulkan - she used her friends to outsmart Namor rather than just go toe-to-toe with him after gaining the powers of the Black Panther. He’s so powerful that he likely hasn’t had a real challenge in centuries (unless he has fought other super powered beings between the 1600′s-2000′s) and while his people follows him loyally, they don’t have the same capacity to outhink their opponents as Riri, Girot and Shuri has.
Of course, a big part of the fight is their anger. K’uk’ulkan’s anger at the surfacers in general and the wakandans for killing two of his people, and Shuri’s very personal anger at him for killing her mother. It’s a powerful moment when Shuri gets impaled and the visions come back. First Killmonger again, giving her the willpower to pull herself off the spear, and then the vision of her mother telling her to show K’uk’ulkan who she truly is. That is when I would argue Shuri comes into her own as the Black Panther. And in her sparing him, K’uk’ulkan sees an echo of his own mother. Proud, fierce and protective, but not without compassion and gentleness either.
In the aftermath, Okoye springs Agent Ross from a prison transport, because it’s probably a bad idea to leave the CIA agent with considerable first hand knowledge of Wakanda to the tender mercy of other CIA interrogators. And it’s also time for more waterworks from me as Shuri goes to visit Nakia at Haiti. She finally reaches a position where she can let go of blaming herself for not finding a cure and to mourn her brother’s death, seeing him on the wind as her mother said. And just for an extra (but good) emotional gut punch, she learns that she isn’t alone after all. She still has family in her nephew, and by extension Nakia. Really liked the film. I really liked Black Panther too, and Chadwick Boseman left large shoes to fill, but I think Laetitia Wright together with the writers and director, as well as the other actors, made Shuri a worthy successor to T’Challa and Wakanda Forever a worthy sequel to be proud of. Definitely recommend it. :)
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That comic whose name I can’t remember was boring as hell. Here’s how it should have been done. Like the original Norman Osborn beats Tony Stark at popularity and is famous. Norman, Emma Frost, Doctor Doom, Namor, Loki and the Hood would team up. But in this version; Doctor Doom suffered a humiliating defeat and is less powerful than before. So Namor and his Atlanteans continuously take great pride at bullying Doom, taking actions like dunking Doom’s head into shark infested waters , beating the crap out of him, sticking Doom into confined spaces, giving Doom wedgies, and Namor generally showing how awesome he is by banging Doom’s women in Latveria. The Hood would try to keep things under control but he’s forced to deal with Female Loki (who stays female the entire story) who would regularly skip on important meetings, and when she is present she would snooze most of the time, pull dumb pranks on everybody like making Emma dress in coconuts, not pay attention, and slack off on important assignments. Norman Osborn and Emma Frost would be getting it on, but then Norman cheats on her with the Skrull Queen Veranke and she joins the team. Veranke and her Skrull posse would generally act like snobs and create rumors that Emma is a slut and other obscenities just to spite her and Veranke and Emma would complete to be some sort of “Queen”. The group in general would be bitches, slackers and jocks. Way better than the original version.
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dailybuglenow · 4 years
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It’s a new age for the people of America. As a world we’ve found ourselves embroiled in an  excess of trouble, chaos and confusion for the last six years and the United States have not been the exception. Today, we write about another day of sorrow and how we can maintain hope for the future. The White House made an order to fly all flags at half-staff in early April following the unexpected passing of President Matthew Ellis. The successor to former one-term President Barack Obama, Ellis had just started his second term when the Cleanse occurred in May of 2018. President Ellis was a victim of Thanos and the controversial Senator Robert Kelly acted as Commander in Chief in the interim. Upon his return he reassumed office for the last year before suffering a pulmonary embolism at the beginning of April.
Public opinion was divide during Ellis’ respective terms. Although Ellis was seen receiving aid from heroes such as Iron Man and Captain America, his stance on superhumans varied. It was Ellis who first introduced the world to be Advanced Threat Containment Union, a group established to deal with the rising numbers of Inhumans but ended up being tangled with Nazi organization H.Y.D.R.A. “The laws of nature have changed.” Ellis said when issuing his executive order. “And until the laws of man change to reflect that, we must do what we feel is right.“ On May 3rd. 2016 President Ellis became one of many leaders internationally to sign the Sokovian Accords that demanded more collaboration and responsibility from the Avengers. The Accords came as a response to events in countries such as Sokovia and Lagos where Avenger efforts led to deaths and needed to be addressed on a global level. "It is crucial that we unite and stand together to ensure that peace and security prevail over chaos and fear,” Ellis stated as he both commended the heroes for their work and chastised their carelessness. Over his political career Ellis worked with the now deceased Glen Talbot and General Thaddeus Ross, who sung his praises during a recent press conference.
Upon the passing of Ellis, it was expected that Vice President Lee would take over but the White House instead issued a statement that took many by surprise. Instead of Lee or any of the other Cabinet members in line for the office taking over, they were appointing former C.E.O. and businessman Norman Osborn into office effectively immediately. This came as a surprise to many as Osborn was believed to be deceased ever since he succumbed to a incredibly rare disease in 2021 during Thanos’ Cleanse. Osborn’s company, OSBORN, fell into the hands of his former partner Mendel Stromm due to Osborn’s teenaged son, Harry Osborn, being a victim of the Cleanse. When Thanos’ work was reversed Stromm agreed to remain in control of the company until Harry turned 18 and could legally take over. While that has yet to happen, Norman Osborn recently reappeared spinning a tale about being kidnapped and held hostage for three years. The Bugle is currently fact checking the story and looking into the supposed terrorist organization, but in the meantime the world not only celebrated the return of Osborn but also capitalized on his story of fighting for freedom against all odds.
The sudden ascent from deceased businessman to President of the United  States is the kind of comeback story that our country eats up, even if this humble reporter isn’t entirely sold on the story. To keep up with the whirlwind pace, Osborn’s Inauguration Gala was held on April 29th, 2020 in Manhattan to celebrate his victory, a date that is situated only a few days after the one year memorial of the Cleanse. Politicians, businessmen, America’s shiniest, world leaders and heroes were all invited to brush elbows and show their support for their new President. Shi’ar Empress Xandra Neramani was photographed along with Inhuman Royalty and Krakoan leaders. While all seemed to be smooth sailing, guests were caught off guard by the surprise unveiling of Osborn’s New Avengers, which saw him front and center as the Iron Patriot. The Patriot armor was briefly used in the past by the current War Machine, Lt. Colonel James Rhodes. The following speech followed his announcement:
“Thank you again to everyone who has taken the time to attend my ceremony today. As I mentioned before, I have a surprise in store for you tonight. As we all know, the backbone of my campaign has been the safety of our people, to ensure we’ll never face a threat like Thanos again. To defend every American from crimes of a less than ordinary nature and keep up with the growing threats. While we have relied on people such as the Avengers, the X-Men, and other groups in the past it is time for a change of pace. I’m grateful for all that they have done to keep our home safe. It is time for us to stop relying on a group of independent crime fighters. They’ve squabbled amongst themselves and each other with innocent civilian casualties too many times now. Which is why I present you with a force to defend our nation from any threat, capable of fighting aliens, robots or other superhumans, the Avengers of America!”
Osborn’s announcement was entirely unexpected as the Avengers had been in good standing ever since their work reversing Thanos’ Cleanse and the sacrifices of founding members Natasha Romanoff (Black Widow) and Tony Stark (Iron Man). Some saw this as a direct affront to the existing Avengers while others believe a change of pace will be beneficial for a country that’s struggled  to regain its footing. At the time of the Gala, the official rostered Avengers included: Carol Danvers (Captain Marvel), Spider-Man (Unknown), Scott Lang (Ant-Man), Thor Odinson, Wanda Maximoff (Scarlet Witch), Stephen Strange (Doctor Strange), Sam Wilson (Captain America), James Rhodes (War Machine), Hope Van Dyne (Wasp), Bruce Banner (the Hulk), Clint Barton (Hawkeye) and the Vision. Ms. Maximoff was barely eighteen when first recruited, and it has long been known that masked web head Spider-man is a minor even if we have not matched a face to the mask.
Identities have not been announced yet for most of the heroes, and some bear resemblance to formerly known criminals. The Bugle has requested a comment but are currently waiting for a response.  So far, confirmed members of America’s Avengers include: Star, Spider-Woman (Charlotte Witter),  Yellowjacket (Rita DeMara), the Minotaur, the Enchantress, Baron Zemo (Helmut  Zemo), the Iron Patriot (Norman Osborn), Beetle, Red-Hulk,  Bullseye and Moonstone. Due to most of the initial Avengers being unmasked, the public is unsure if they should trust a new set of heroes with secret identities. One Bugle commenter pointed out that some of the alias are tired to former criminals but no correlation has been confirmed.
The Avengers aren’t Osborn’s only endeavor either. The formerly America based X-Men separated recently to form their own island nation of Krakoa and now have sovereignty and no longer adhere to American laws. Osborn announced via a press conference his own X-Men, which is a “rejuvenating team of American mutants who remember where their true allegiance should be.” The roster currently includes Wolverine (James Hudson Jr.), the Goblin Queen (Madelyne Pryor), Miss Sinister (Claudine Renko), Belladonna (Bella Donna Boudreaux), Mimic (Calvin Rankin) and Melter (Christian Colchiss) and their leader ‘X’. This line-up definitely includes some who have ended up on the wrong side of the law, and X strongly resembles Charles Xavier, the mutant leader who goes by Professor X, right down to the unsettling helmet. All of America’s X-Men are reported to be vetted and redeemed despite their being little shown to support that.
Rounding out Osborn’s new order is his Cabal, a public version of the once rumored Illuminati that brought a group of very powerful leaders together. Osborn’s Cabal stands for “intentional and intergalactic unity on a scale never before seen,” according to Osborn spokeswoman Lily Hollister. Representatives include: Maximus Boltagon (the Inhumans), Victor von Doom/Doctor Doom (Latveria), Loki (Asgard), Ronan the Accuser (the Kree), Cal’ysee Neramani/Deathbird (Shi’ar Empire), Valerie Cooper (United States) and Emma Frost/White Queen (Krakoa). The final nail in the coffin of how the world used to be was Osborn’s decision to disband the government agency S.H.I.E.L.D. effective immediately to be replaced by the newly renewed H.A.M.M.E.R.
What Norman Osborn’s America looks like is a daunting picture to encapsulate. Our world has always grown, shifted and changed but we usually strive for it to be in a positive direction. Here at the Bugle we voice our concerns but also strive to report accurate and up to date news. As President Osborn’s term progresses we promise to be here for every twist and turn. Some say god bless America, but in this case I’ll settle with good luck, America.
— Reported by Ben Urich, senior reporter
Tragedy struck a New Jersey high school last week. Coles Academic High School hosted activist Ailana Kabua who came from the Marshall Islands to speak as a keynote for the Concerned Scientists of America program, which brought together students from different districts. Although it was not disclosed at the time, the Avengers affiliated team the Champions were on the premise acting as bodyguards. In a strange turn of events a dragon crashed the event and the Champions made themselves known. In what appeared to be a field error, the synthezoid daughter of Avenger the Vision, Vivian Vision, phased through an energy based fist being created by Victor Alvarez (Power Man). The results was Vision losing control and pulling all the electricity from the atmosphere until the team managed to subdue her. As it stands, Vision is reported but was not the only one hurt. Student Kamala Khan protected Kabua as the two tried to escape, but Ms. Khan was unfortunately injured. Her parents provided the Bugle with an update that so far Kamala has been unresponsive in the ICU in critical condition.
In the wake of this tragedy, the public and government began to look for the root of the problem and came to one conclusion:  unsupervised teen vigilante acts. As many of you remember, the United Nations passed the Sokovian Accords in 2016 to counteract independent superheroes. Although some of the affiliates of former Captain America Steve Rogers were arrested, the Accords fell apart after Thanos’ 2018 attack in Wakanda and have not been revisited. Congress called in the following Champions - some of  who maintain secret identities - to testify in front of the Subcommittee on Superhumans and Public Safety Legislation Hearing about S.315, aka the Underage Superhuman Welfare Act: Spider-Man (the one in red and black),  Riri Williams (Ironheart), Joaquin Torres (Falcon), Nadia Van Dyne (Wasp) and Nova. Other rostered members who were not subpoenaed include Lana Baumgartner (the former criminal known as Bombshell), Qureshi Gupta (Pinpoint) and Victor Alvarez (Power Man). Avengers Carol Danvers (Captain Marvel), Sam Wilson (Captain America) and the Vision also showed up to speak in favor of the kids, but statements like Danvers “They’re just kids” didn’t hold up against some of the perceived danger of child superheroes. One committee member went as far as to point out Ms. Van Dyne’s history with Russia’s Red Room that the deceased Natasha Romanoff graduated from as proof of child soldiers being detrimental.
The Bugle has attained a transcript of the speech that Senator Patrick gave earlier this morning from the Capitol on behalf of the Committee: Thank you all for coming. As you know, our proposed Bill has taken on new significance in light or recent events. After  careful consideration of Congressional testimony, the devastation caused by the malfunction of Viv Vision, who is missing, and the near death of Ailana Kabua… the Underage Superhuman Welfare Act will be passed into law. I’m grateful to my colleagues in the Senate who voted across the aisle on this legislation. Parents and young people across America will feel a little bit safer at at night knowing that the law will no longer overlook people under the age of 21 who engage in superhero activity. We have already began to assemble the Child Hero Reconnaissance and Disruption Law Enforcement organization: C.R.A.D.L.E. This is an unprecedented collaboration between first responders and military personnel. Our capable and experienced commanders include Jake O, Carolina Washington, Timothy Dugan and former teen heroes Justice, Speedball and Timeslip. My fellow Americans: it is clear that teen superheroes have been given too many opportunities to harm themselves and others. We have denied them the guidance and structure that they deserve. That is not fair to them and that is not who we are. In naming this law, we want to honor an innocent young woman wounded in the Coles Disaster, who is fighting for her life as we speak. We’re all praying for her recovery. In her honor, we’re calling it Kamala’s Law.”
The swift announcement of C.R.A.D.L.E. was supported by President Norman Osborn, who lists Kamala’s Law in his policy change plan for America. Involving former child superheroes have left the population divided as some wonder if it is a glowing endorsement and others if it is a betrayal. C.R.A.D.L.E. operatives were spotted raiding the Champions Mobile Bunker, the home of child genius Lunella Lafayette and Riri William’s lab in Chicago. Current debate is surrounding how to force minor superheroes to comply in a safe and efficient way without harming them is ongoing, and established heroes under 21 must register and become affiliated. As it currently stands, Ms. Marvel is currently at large and wanted and most of the other Champions have yet to comply. The government has not yet issued on a statement on the status of American born mutants living on Krakoa, nor has the Fantastic Four made any comments even though Reed Richards (Mister Fantastic) and Susan Storm-Richards (Invisible Woman) have been reported to Child Protection Services before due to the danger that their underage children have been subjected to.
“Danger has never cared how old I was. Danger never cared about  any of us,” Superhero Ghost Spider was recorded saying recently by a civilian making accusations about underaged heroes. Unfortunately, this goes deeper than just danger and caring is intrinsic to the matter. The road to Kamala’s Law is expected to be rocky and filled with resistance but the government is dedicated to following through. Whether or not this turns out to be for the betterment of society has yet to be seen. The Bugle will provide continual updates on the wellbeing of Kamala Khan and Kamala’s Law.
— Reported by Christine Everheart, senior reporter
Shi’ar royalty made their first pubic appearance in the first time in nearly a decade back in March at the Stark Unity Gala. The appearance of their current Empress - Xandra Neramani - raised a few eyebrows and not just because of her young age. Reportedly, Neramani is the daughter of the late Empress Lilandra Neramani and mutant leader turned diplomat Charles Xavier. A representative for Xavier confirmed the connection and issued a brief statement that: We are thrilled to have Xandra as a guest of Krakoa on Earth to promote good will between the Shi’ar, mutants and Earth as a whole. As saddened as we are to hear the confirmation of former Majestrix Lilandra we look forward to building new bonds for the future.” Empress Neramani is accompanied by her aunt, former disgraced Shi’ar Cal’syee Neramani (Deathbird) and former Emperor Kallark (Gladiator) as well as a select council. As it stands no timeline has been set for the Shi’ar visit and they are not considered hostile.
#NotmyThor and #NotmyCaptainAmerica continue to trend on social media despite protests from Avengers and fans alike. “It’s just so sexist,” high school student Nakia Bahadir blogged last week about the continued outcry against the yet to be unmasked female Thor who took over within the last six months. “People can have secret identities and she’s kicking ass and getting the job done. People can chill out.” There’s been similar anger and disappointment expressed in the last year since the deceased  Steve Rogers passed his shield onto his former partner Sam Wilson. Wilson has come under fire for being what some consider ‘too bipartisan’ on political issues. “The shield has always stood for the good of the American people,” he said when stopped recently. “It still does. Being Cap means fighting for the American people and that’s what I’m going to continue to do.” The Bugle will continue to poll public opinion as time goes on.
— Reported by Melita Garner, junior reporter
We are currently looking into an international cult that could pose a significant threat to us. Sects of humans have risen up who are worshipping mutants like gods but have taken to attempt to drink mutant blood to achieve this. These humans consume the blackmarket  drug Pollen, which is made from Krakoan flowers and allows the consumer to attain vampiric qualities. Humans have been trying to steal Krakoan petals since we first made them known to the world and the Hellfire Trading Company vessel, the Marauder, has been working to provide safe transports for the drugs while we grow the flowers on the  Island. The X-Force team will continue to look into the matter.
An official source for Krakoa announced that mutants Jean Grey and Scott Summers welcomed son Charles Christopher Summers into the world on May 1st, 2024. Both mother and son are reported to be healthy and thankful for the two weeks of privacy. Hopefully this child is one of many to come as we embrace our decree: make more mutants.
The Quiet Council of Krakoa will be sitting down to discuss their current stance on President Norman Osborn at an undisclosed date and will report their agreement shortly after. As with all major issues, they thank you for your patience and encourage any comments or concerns to be brought to a representative. Until otherwise specified, the Hellfire Trading Company will continue to work in accordance with the already established laws with the United States.
As we enter into this new season, Krakoa is officially rolling out a new line of teams. Rosters will be posted shortly, but the Hellion and X-Factor groups will be joining preexisting ones such as the Marauders, X-Force, X-Men, Excalibur and New Mutants.
Be wary of potential conflict from the Fantastic Four. We have long been aware that Franklin Richards is an Omega level mutant and needs to be surrounded by his own kind on Krakoa but there has been resistance from Reed Richards and Susan Storm-Richards so far. Even though Franklin Richards can claim sanctuary on the Island we are trying to mitigate the situation as peacefully as possible. Should you encounter any of the Fantastic Four please attempt to avoid a violent confrontation.
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marvelousbirthdays · 5 years
Happy Birthday, evolution-of-magic
February 22-I'd love a Victor Von Doom/Helen Cho fic, soulmates, with any of these prompts:“Here’s some cookies and some very bad news!”,“Can you stay still for the next 20 minutes? No, I’m not drawing you.”,“Don’t get blood on your outfit. We have dinner reservations at seven.” (Helen to Victor), or “Is that… chocolate body paint?”. I would love to see fluff & charming/flirty Victor, humor would be appreciated, for @evolution-of-magic
Written by @ozhawkauthor
There were very, very few things which struck fear into the heart of Victor Von Doom. Many of his acquaintances (he didn’t have friends) doubted he even had a heart.
The voice of his soulmate calling his name in a sweetly pleasant tone was one of those things, though. He jumped up so quickly from his chair it toppled over backwards. The aide who’d been briefing him on the latest breakthrough in solar-powered water desalination from Latveria’s laboratories leaped to his feet too, paling.
“I beg your pardon, Your Majesty!”
Victor had ordered people thrown into jail for lesser offences than remaining seated when he stood. Today, though, he waved the man away.
“Later,” he said, and strode towards the door, hoping to intercept Helen before she swanned into his study and did something else to utterly trash his image in front of one of his citizens. Like sit on his lap or - he shuddered at the memory - call him honey-boo. 
“Helen.” He managed to get the door of his private study closed before she was on him. “What can I do for you… my love?”
She smiled up at him, her dark brown eyes sparkling, perfect lips curved in a way which made his brilliant brain lose every single one of his multiple trains of thought.
“I brought you something!”
He looked down at the plate in her hand, his brow furrowing. “What?”
“Cookies!” She whisked the napkin off the plate to reveal not just any cookies, but his very favorites - chocolate fudge swirl cookies. “And, um, some very bad news.” She tacked that on as he picked a cookie up and bit into it.
Victor’s jaw clenched, but he’d taken a big bite and there was no way he was spitting one of these cookies back out. He chewed and swallowed, trying to frown, but he’d discovered an unfortunate lack in himself - he wasn’t capable of frowning at Helen, and especially not when she was giving him that sweet smile.
“What’s the bad news?” he asked warily.
“Well, I got a phone call from Pepper…”
“No.” He put the half-eaten cookie back on the plate.
Helen’s eyes narrowed, and Victor felt suddenly chilled. Which was ridiculous. His palace was always at precisely the optimum temperature.
“I beg your pardon?” she said, and he could swear the temperature dropped another couple of degrees.
“I meant, um, why don’t you tell me what Pepper said, darling?”
They’d only been soulmates for two months. Victor told himself that surely he’d soon be able to convince himself that allowing Helen to be mildly displeased wasn’t absolutely the end of the world.
“Better,” she said approvingly, and he basked in the warmth of her smile. “I’m only saying it’s bad news because it means you’ll have to reschedule a few things in your diary, and I know you hate that.”
Hate was a mild word; he loathed having to rearrange things he’d already scheduled. Victor fought to keep his brows from knitting into a frown again.
“Why?” he asked, managing a neutral tone.
“Tony and Pepper have finally set a date for their wedding!” Helen literally clapped her hands with glee. “It’s been ages since I’ve been to a good wedding. And what a wonderful opportunity for me to start patronising some of Latveria’s clothing designers!”
Victor had opened his mouth to say there was almost anything he’d rather do than go to a wedding, particularly that of that overly-arrogant prick Tony Stark. He had no objection to Pepper Potts - had a good deal of respect for her, in fact, and no idea what she saw in Stark - but the two of them were a package deal.
The look of delighted anticipation on Helen’s face, however, froze the words on his tongue. It was the same look she’d given him a month ago when he opened the door to the new lab he’d had fitted out for her with every bit of advanced biotechnology he could find she might like.
Did going to this wedding really mean so much to her?
“I’ll have to find out where the best shops are in Doomstadt,” Helen mused as Victor picked up his cookie again, biting into it and chewing to give himself time to think.
He shook his head in denial.
“No? But I need a new outfit!” Helen said, and he nodded, hastily swallowing.
“Yes, of course you do. But, my darling.” He took the plate from her hand, set it on a priceless antique table nearby. “You’re the queen. Designers come to you, not you to them.”
“Oh.” Helen’s mouth opened wide. “Oh.”
“And, of course,” Victor snaked his arms around her waist, pulling her slight form against him firmly, “that means your king will be available to offer opinions. Should he be required to do so.”
“And to pay the bill?” Helen teased, making him chuckle.
“But of course. Whatever my queen desires.”
“Now that’s romantic.” She looked approving.
The temperature controls in this part of the palace must definitely be malfunctioning, because Victor was suddenly feeling overheated. He reminded himself to look into it later as Helen’s slender hand curled around the back of his neck, pulling him down to reward him with a kiss.
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josephine-dax · 6 years
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Riri Williams becomes Queen of Latveria
feat. a very Proud AI Tony Stark & an exhausted Sharon Carter
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bonus: say what now?
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god-hunter · 7 years
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Invincible Iron Man #11
This issue was whatever.  Totally skippable.  But I guess you could say it transitions the shift in direction from Riri back to Tony.  So maybe that’s a good thing?  I don’t know.  You be the judge.
It starts with Iron Man facing a random bad guy.  Mary Jane and Amanda Armstrong are talking about Tony, in which Amanda finds it nice to be able to watch old footage of her son as a way to sort of.. get to know him.
Then Mary Jane talks about how she first met Iron Man at a modeling gig.  This was an interesting flashback.  It was kind of neat to see Tony attempt to hit on MJ after saving the club and get shut down by her, only for him to get real with her.  However, in truth it also felt very forced.
A lot of this issue was downtime.  Perhaps that was necessary, but I dunno.  A lot of it feels like it’s killing time before the big “Search for Tony Stark” begins.  But that’s what exposition issues are for, right?  It’s all about the set up for the next big thing.
So Riri ends up joining the ladies, and she fills them in that she is now the “Retired Queen of Latvia.”  Through conversation, we only find that she handled it pretty great, and that’s about it.  So good.  So much for that.
Riri then tells them about how she first met Iron Man as a kid during the Skrull Invasion.  [Ah the Skrulls.  Bendis brought back that era.  This was neat, but.. I dunno.]
Lastly, Amanda, Riri and MJ visit Friday in a transition that’s so seamless, I feel like we actually skipped something.  [Because we probably did.]
Friday brings up out of nowhere that “Tony Stark has some secrets.  ...Secrets I’m not allowed to reveal unless there is...an emergency.”
When Amanda gives her the go ahead, Friday reveals that Tony secretly pays for Criminal Rehab, funds orphanages all around the world...
And she tells us all of this... because...???
“He’s gone.”
That’s the emergency.  Tony Stark is missing.
-End Issue 11-
Well that was a waste of time...
I have a feeling this entire issue was forced.  There is a major shift in direction, pulling the spotlight away from Riri, who JUST became Ruler of Latveria, only to get that resolved off-screen.
I’m not necessarily, disappointed, but..  it’s just glaringly obvious that the execs said, CHANGE it, and Bendis said ‘Okay.  And now This!’.
Um...  I’m curious to know about where Tony is.  And I’ll be very happy to see him come back, for reals.  But I really would’ve liked an issue following up on what the Hell happened with Secret Empire.  But perhaps that is what ‘The Search for Tony Stark’ is all about.  Somehow, I doubt it though.
Until Invincible Iron Man #12, excuse me Invincible Iron Man #593!
That’s right.  We’re going back to the original numbering boys, and Marvel isn’t even being clever about it and waiting for an Issue 600 or anything.
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Cover You in Oil, pt24
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Word Count: 3501 Tags: @outside-the-government, @yourtropegirl @to-pick-ourselves-up-7, @ghostssss, @rampant-salamander, @saysay125, @sistasarah-sallysaidso @shewhorunswithfandoms, @flirtswithdanger @supermoonpanda @rayleyanns @anyakinamidala
Sally sagged into Tony, a strangled scream escaping her as she lost consciousness. Tony stepped back, adjusting his hold on her until he had her securely.
“A little help here?” Tony asked, looking over his shoulder to Steve. Steve stood frozen in place, gaze locked on Bucky. “Steve?”
“Buck?” Steve’s eyes narrowed. Bucky nodded slowly. “You know who you are this time?”
“Go help Stark, Stevie. We’ll talk later,” Bucky replied. Steve’s head snapped over to Tony, who was carefully lowering Sally to the snow. He covered the distance in a few steps and looked between Natasha and Tony for answers.
“She took two bullets. Superficial, but painful. She was managing, I don’t know what happened,” Natasha reported.
“She just dropped,” Tony shook his head. “I don’t get it.”
“Shock,” Steve nodded. “Let’s get her down this mountain and to medical.”
“Tony?” Sally’s voice was faint. She reached up and touched his cheek. “It is you.” The relief in her voice was overwhelming, and Tony swallowed thickly.
“I’m here, princess,” he reassured her. Sally smiled weakly and tried to focus her gaze on him.
“Actually, I’m now a queen.” Her laugh was barely there, and the effort caused a fit of coughing.
“Well then, Your Eminence, let’s get you to medical.” Tony scooped her into his arms and started down the mountain. Sally sucked in a ragged breath and laid her head on his shoulder, closing her eyes.
She must have lost consciousness because when she wakened she was in a hyperbaric chamber. Her hands went up to the glass in a panic, thinking she’d somehow been found and spirited away by Victor. A gentle tap on the glass to her left stopped her and she looked over. Tony waved, a forced smile on his face. She pressed her hand to the glass and waited until his own covered hers on the outside. He looked worried. And exhausted. There were deep bags etched under his eyes, and he was pale, like he hadn’t been sleeping. Sally noticed a bandage peeking out from under his t-shirt sleeve. Her brow furrowed and she tapped the glass pointing at it.
“What happened?” She asked, unsure if he could hear her.
“I told you, when your mark vanished, I developed blisters like I’d been burned,” Tony responded. He sounded like he was talking underwater. “It was just a protective dressing, until we met up with you.”
“And then what happened?” Sally asked. Tony smirked and pulled the dressing off. The band of words around his arm was raw and red, swollen along the sloppy letters.
“It had faded as it was healing. Now it’s dark again. But it’s nothing like yours,” Tony tapped the glass and pointed to her leg. Sally tried to move so she could see it, but the chamber was too tight.
“Get me out of here?” She asked. Tony nodded, and pressed a few buttons on the side of the unit. The glass hissed and drew back, freeing her. She pushed herself to sitting slowly, and then shifted the hospital gown to look at the spot on her leg that had once held her soulmark. She gasped. Instead of the smooth, bare skin that had been the result of Victor’s attempt to brainwash her, Tony’s familiar handwriting wound around her thigh again, angry red spreading from the letters. But the words were different. Sally traced her finger along them in confusion.
“What is this?” She asked, looking up at Tony. Tony smiled.
“I think once you get used to it, you’ll prefer it,” Tony said. “I think it must be what I said when I finally made it to you.”
“I thought I would never see you again. I thought I would die without you. You’re finally safe.” Sally read the words, wonder in her voice. She looked up at Tony with tears in her eyes. “Your words?”
“I’m pretty sure they are. My arm stopped hurting as soon as we were together again,” Tony nodded.
Sally traced her finger across them again, and noticed that she could feel the thick tight scar tissue from her first soulmark under the new words. She closed her eyes, and followed the ridge of tissue, almost able to see the letters under her fingertips. “Do you suppose anyone else has ever had two marks from the same person?”
Tony shook his head. “I somehow doubt it.” Sally reached for his hand and pulled it against her thigh, forcing his fingers along the scarring where her first mark had been.
“Old,” she said, and then slid his hand on to the visible words. “And new.”
“One way or another, Sally, it’s your thigh, and it’s distracting,” Tony smirked. Sally laughed and shrugged.
“Unfortunately, this little glass tube is only big enough for me,” she teased. “Maybe I could be moved to a bigger bed?”
“I’m going to go attempt to make a compelling argument about the healing power of touch,” Tony winked. “How’s that sound?”
“I’ll be anticipating your success,” Sally smiled, and suddenly felt the need to blink back tears again. She dashed them away, flushing. Tony leaned forward and kissed her cheek, smoothing the tears off with his thumb.
“Don’t cry,” he ordered. “You’re safe. You’re safe, and you didn’t even need me to save you. You figured it out on your own, and you made it back to me.”
“I didn’t do it on my own –“ Sally protested.
“You did. You found Bucky, somehow won him over and when your instincts told you to get gone, you were able to rally him and a bunch of people who don’t even know you to help you get out. Self-reliance isn’t about doing everything on your own, it’s about knowing how to create a team to help you reach your goals,” Tony interrupted.
“A lesson you must have learned from Steve,” Sally laughed. “Because that was not Tony Stark talking to me just now.”
“Maybe the boy scout is wearing off on me,” Tony scowled. “But he’s right. You made that escape happen.”
Sally forced a smile and nodded, ending the conversation. She sat up straight and pushed Tony upright by the shoulder. “Go find me a bigger bed. I want to take a nap, and I don’t want to wake up alone.”
“As you wish, Your Holiness,” Tony winked.
“It’s actually Majesty, and if you decide to call me that, I will give you your ring back,” Sally warned. “I’m not feeling like I want to be teased about what happened with Victor.”
“Bigger bed,” Tony nodded and stepped out of the room. Within moments, Bucky slipped in.
“Tony doesn’t want me to tell you, but Victor has already contacted the American Embassy in Budapest to demand your return,” Bucky opened. Sally’s eye widened. “No, don’t worry, the ambassador was already aware of the situation. And was not interested in, oh shit, how did he put it? Entertaining the behavioural manipulations of someone with the emotional capacity of a four-year-old.”
Sally barked out a laugh. “Is there any way to know if the coronation is legally binding?”
“Within Latveria, it is absolute. You are their empress and queen until death or abdication,” Bucky explained. “And even abdication is questionable.”
“Outside Latveria?”
“Victor’s government isn’t so much recognized as tolerated. The EU would be just as happy to see the lands that make up Latveria rolled into Romania or Hungary,” Bucky explained. “Of course, that’s not on any official legal documents. Victor’s claim to the throne and title are tenuous at best. Which makes yours even more questionable. With one possible strengthening exception.”
“Well, first, there was that weird wording at the end of the coronation. If he had the herald pronounce you married, you have the same claim to the throne that he does.” Bucky was thinking out loud for Sally’s benefit.
“How do we find out if he had the herald marry us?” Sally pressed.
“I’m not sure,” Bucky shook his head. “My guess is that there will be some sort of supporting documentation that Victor will present?”
“Wait, I don’t understand. You said first. What is second? And why would whatever is second make my claim more valid than Victor’s?” Sally’s brow furrowed in confusion. Bucky smirked.
“He was never crowned,” Bucky arched one eyebrow and winked. Sally blinked slowly. “Seriously. The guy named himself ruler of Latveria. But never actually bothered with the coronation. He probably thought he didn’t need to because he would never have any real competition for the throne after he eliminated all the Latverian competition.”
“Why did he make me empress then?” Sally asked, her voice a little shrill.
“For whatever reason, he didn’t see you as competition, but a companion,” Bucky shrugged. Sally scoffed.
“Bucky,” she started. “There is no way that maniac actually loves me. There has to be more to this.”
“I don’t disagree,” he nodded.
“Well, why were you there?” She pressed.
“It was a good place to lay low. I’d seen Victor in action before and didn’t really trust him and for whatever reason, I just felt like I needed to be there,” Bucky explained. “I really don’t know what it was, other than a deep feeling that I should stick around.”
“Must be the hero in you,” Sally winked. Bucky rolled his eyes.
“I’m hardly a hero. I have seventy years of decidedly non-heroic behaviour to answer for.” His voice was gravelly, and sounded pained. Sally reached for his hand and covered it with her own.
“You look a lot like you might be my hero right now,” she pointed out. He let out a short, hard bark of laughter.
“Well, don’t let your fella find out you feel that way,” he winked, his jovial mood restored. Sally laughed.
“Oh please,” she snorted. “He knows he has nothing to worry about.”
“Well, except for your husband,” Bucky teased.
“That can be annulled, you know,” Sally said thoughtfully. “It’s just a matter of figuring out if the ceremony included a wedding, and then going to court to say it wasn’t consensual. Right?”
“The problem is finding a court to hear your case,” Bucky nodded. “There are no courts in Latveria. Victor is pretty medieval. He hears all judicial cases. So you’re looking at finding an international court that would recognize the case.”
“If an international court won’t recognize the case at all, that send a pretty strong message that the marriage isn’t valid, doesn’t it?” Sally asked. She was so focused on her conversation with Bucky that she didn’t notice Tony at the door.
“What marriage?” He was pale, and Sally could tell he was battling with whether or not to stay or go. In her few experiences with Tony, she was expecting him to disappear into the depths of whatever building they were in, but she wasn’t in any shape to follow. She held up her hand and waved him over to the seat Bucky was sitting in.
“Sit,” she demanded. “Bucky can find another chair?”
“I was actually coming to move you to a different room.” Tony’s words were tight. Sally sat up and swung her legs to the edge of the bed, holding out a hand to him for assistance. He stayed at the door, arms folded across his chest. When Bucky moved to help her, he pushed past, glaring at the other man. He took Sally’s hand wordlessly, sliding his free hand across her back to support her as he led her out of the room and down the hall to the new room. Bucky followed, a few steps behind them, and waited at the door while Tony helped settle her into bed.
“You’d said you wanted a nap, Sally,” Bucky offered. “Would you like me to come back later to help sort this out with Tony?”
“We’re fine,” Tony snapped. Bucky ignored his comment and looked at Sally.
“Yeah. Maybe give me a couple hours?” Sally nodded. “I’ll need your help sorting through all the weird and keeping it straight. Have you had a chance to sit down with Steve yet?”
“Briefly,” Bucky nodded. “This will give me a better chance though. Just let me know when you want me to come back.” He pulled the door shut as he left, giving Sally a significant look. Protective, maybe, she thought. Tony sat down on the edge of the bed.
“Don’t be a jackass, Tony,” Sally snapped. “You know you’re the only person I want to marry, so don’t dance around this. Ask me what you want to ask. Don’t play games.”
“I’m not playing games, Sally,” he snapped back. “Tell me what the fuck happened?”
“I told you the best way for us to get away was after to coronation. Bucky and I went over the ceremony with a fine tooth comb to make sure it was a safe choice. Victor’s herald sprung some new wording on us right at the end, and I think pronounced us married,” she explained.
“What?” His voice cracked.
“I don’t think there’s a legal leg to stand on, Tony,” Sally pursed her lips in thought. “First, there’s the issue of consent. I didn’t say I do. But then I’m also carrying on with another man.”
“What?” Tony’s face was getting redder and redder.
“You, you idiot. I’m carrying on with you,” Sally laughed. “Honestly, honey.” She took his hands in hers and rubbed her thumbs along the back of his knuckles. His skin was rougher than she remembered. She brought one of his hands to her mouth, and kissed it.
“I thought –“
“You should probably try stopping that. It’s a terrible pastime,” Sally teased. “Our bond is so strong, Tony. So strong that he tried to brainwash me into believing I loved him. And it didn’t work. He tried to make me forget you existed, and it didn’t work. So why would I carry on with anyone other than you?” The stress in Tony’s face melted away with her words and he slipped all the way onto the bed, sliding an arm around her shoulder and pulling her against his chest.
“I don’t deserve you,” he whispered into her hair.
“True,” she nodded against his chest. “You deserve so much more.”
Sally sat up, gasping, clawing at the air above her. She must have screamed because Tony immediately enclosed her in his arm and rocked her into his chest.
“It’s okay. You’re safe,” he murmured into her hair. He kept repeating it until her breathing returned to normal. She looked up at him, blinking back tears.
“I’m sorry –“
“For what?” Tony interrupted, shaking his head. “Don’t.”
“I don’t remember,” she trailed off. She looked down at her hands and blinked slowly. “I was having a nightmare, I think?”
“You’re at the complex in upstate New York. We moved you out of medical about six hours ago so that you and I could bunk together at your request. Your vital signs have been stable since we met up with you, but you did give me a scare when your mark came back,” Tony reoriented her, his words quiet.
“Did I have any x-rays done?” Sally asked. Tony nodded.
“Yeah, Barnes insisted we check your hips and femurs. No signs of any fracture, break or repair,” Tony explained. “But Barnes said the technology is suitably advanced enough, as far as he is aware, that traditional x-rays might not work. We had Dr. Cho take a deeper look. There was never a break or fracture. There was a little degeneration in the hips, which she said was completely normal given your lifestyle and age, and when you were in the cradle, that was repaired.”
“The cradle?” Sally asked, brow furrowed.
“The tube you were in is a modified hyperbaric chamber that can reconstruct tissue. You went in with a probable fractured femur, but when we couldn’t find anything wrong, I went ahead and repaired some damage that might have caused arthritic pain in the future,” Dr. Cho explained as she walked into the room. “You look well, considering your ordeal.”
“How bad should I look?” Sally laughed. “Apparently there was nothing wrong with me.”
“The cradle found signs of damage from whatever interference had caused the removal of your soulmark. It couldn’t regenerate that mark, but given that your new mark lies directly on top of it, you probably wouldn’t want that. Some of your pain receptors in your hip and thigh were altered in order to cause pain that would feel like a break healing,” Dr. Cho offered.
“Did you fix that?” Sally asked.
“I did,” Dr. Cho nodded. “You should be full recovered, physiologically.”
“Thank you,” Sally smiled. Dr. Cho’s stern features warmed.
“You’re very welcome.” She turned to Tony. “I’m needed back at my lab as soon as possible. I’m confident that Sally is well enough that I no longer need to be here.”
“Thank you for coming, Helen,” Tony nodded. “Pepper –“
“Already has me sorted,” she cut him off and smiled at Sally one more time before leaving the room.
“I feel like I need to get up and go for a walk and see if my legs feel any different,” Sally commented. Tony rose and offered her a hand. She took it and pushed to her feet tentatively. There was no pain. She took a hesitant step forward and concentrated on where the pain in her leg had been. There was nothing. She smiled and pushed up to her tiptoes, noting the continued absence of pain. Finally, she let go of Tony’s hand and jumped. She held her breath as her feet met the floor, waiting for the familiar knifing pain to shoot back up her leg, and broke into a wide smile when there was no discomfort at all.
“I think it’s Thai night. Can I give you a tour of the building, and offer you some dinner?” Tony asked. Sally smiled.
“Let me take a shower first?” She nodded. Tony smirked.
“As your responsible decision maker for health care issues, I’m going to have to insist on assisting you,” he leered. Sally laughed and leaned against him.
“I’m not going to put up a fight,” she admitted. “I’m still feeling tired. It’ll be nice to have someone to scrub my back.”
The water was hot against her shoulders, and the contrast between it and the cool air of the bathroom caused a wave of gooseflesh to crawl up her arms. She shivered in pleasure and tilted her head back under the showerhead, water coursing over the crown of her head and down her back. She was nearly reluctant to have Tony step in behind her, wanting to guard the sensations of the shower to herself. Until he started the scrub her back with a lathered washcloth. Then she was all about sharing the shower with him. She groaned and leaned into his hands and was met with a low chuckle from Tony.
“You like that?” He murmured, grazing his lips across her shoulders. Sally leaned against him, nodding silently. The crash of emotions that washed across her every time his skin touched hers was almost too much for her to bear. She blinked back tears, hoping the water across her face would obscure them.
“I missed you,” she managed. Tony slipped an arm around her waist and pulled her close against his chest, dipping his head over her shoulder to kiss her cheek.
“I was lost without you,” he admitted, and reached up to dash away her tears. “Don’t cry, Sal. We’re back together.”
“I’m being stupid, I know,” she started. “I just –“
“You never need to apologize, Sally,” Tony chided. “When have I ever apologized? I’m not ever going to start, so maybe you need to see that you have nothing to apologize for either. Ever.”
“But –“
“Sally.” His tone was chastising, even as his arms were warm around her. “I mean it. Don’t apologize for your tears. Don’t try to justify them or excuse them. I’m gratified that you love me so much. God knows I don’t deserve it.”
“Shut up,” she laughed. She pulled away and turned to face him. “No wonder we’re together, we’re both a couple of idiots.” She pressed her lips against his chastely, and stepped back into his arms.
“A couple of idiots standing in the shower, not getting clean,” Tony countered. Sally nodded.
“That is also true. We could be getting dirty,” she winked. Tony shook his head.
“Let’s make sure you’re one hundred percent first. I missed you. A lot. I don’t want to break you so soon after getting you back,” he smirked. Sally rolled her eyes.
“Who’s to say I wouldn’t break you?” She slid a hand down his hip and leaned forward to nibble his collarbone. Sally’s stomach growled and Tony pulled away laughing.
“How about we revisit this after dinner?” He offered. Sally flushed and nodded. “Turn around, let me finish your back.”
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just-an-enby-lemon · 1 year
One of the few good things the MCU did to comics is that now Tony finally can have a recovery arc without imeddiatly relapsing into alcooholism and sociophatic behavior and he is enjoying his time not being a drunken mess by having a bunch of homoerotic arcs with Doom cause why the fuck not.
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astraphysical · 7 years
I really liked IIM#10, because Riri as the Queen of Latveria is something I never knew I wanted, but it also really stresses me out because I thought that would be the start of the evil AI Tony plot, I just want to get that over with! I just want to know what’s going on with my son!!!
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ao3feed-lokiangst · 4 years
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2YXfpYb
by MrZRedfox
     Relationship between Dr.Doom and Tony Stark after Tony ran away from Latveria. At the same time Loki planning to be a Queen of Doom's country.
(**TH and EN language)
Words: 8220, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Marvel (Comics), Marvel 616, Marvel
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M, Multi, Other
Characters: Victor von Doom, Tony Stark, Loki (Marvel), Valeria Richards, Doctor Doom, Loki Laufeyson, Lady Loki - Character, Kristoff Vernard (Marvel), Boris (Marvel), Iron Man
Relationships: Tony Stark/Victor von Doom, Loki/Tony Stark/Victor von Doom, Loki/Victor von Doom
Additional Tags: Angst and Drama, Bromance to Romance, Family Drama, Politics, Enemies to Friends to Lovers, Frenemies
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2YXfpYb
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komicoshea · 7 years
Sometimes going by Nomad, The Captain or just Commander Rogers, Captain America was Marvel third super-hero, but the first to gain his own self title comic back when the company was know as Timely. Created by writer Joe Simon and legendary artist Jack Kirby, Captain America was the hero people needed for the hard times of World War II.
Steve Rogers was a weak, skinny and sickly person from Brooklyn during the depression. When WWII broke out, he tried to join the army but was refused because of his height and weight. However Prof. Abraham Erskine saw something special in him and recruited him for the Project: Rebirth program. Using the Super-Soldier serum, Rogers was transformed into a man of peek physical fitness. He was suppose to be the first in a long line of  Super-Soldier, but Erskine, who was the only one who knew the formula, was killed by a Nazi spy. After avenging Erskine, Rogers was given a uniform and became Captain America, a symbol of America fight against the Nazi.
Cap would fight throughout the wars beside his young partner Bucky, Nick Fury and his Howling Commandos and help set up the team of Invaders with the original Human Torch, his sidekick Toro and Namor the Sub-mariner. At the end of the war, in a attempt to stop Baron Zemo , he jumped onto a drone plane but was thrown off after it exploded into the Artic sea, where his body was preserved in ice thanks to his super-soldier formula. Decades later, the Avengers found him and he awoke in a new time. With most of his friends and family dead, he joined the Avengers and quickly became the heart of the team.
Cap was part of the very first series of Marvel Legends and while he has had a few figures throughout the years, it wasn’t really until his first MCU movie that the character exploded with figures. While he has a few costumes left to be made (or remade as is the case), he is the closest to have his wardrobe complete of the Big 3 of the Avengers.
First Appearance
Recommend Figure: Hasbro Marvel Legends Brood Queen Wave First Appearance Captain America
This is the costume that Captain America first wore way back in 1941. The cover itself, with him punching Hilter, cause quite a stir back in the day, as America wasn’t involved in WWII at the time and most were thinking they might side with the Nazi. Timely got death treat and everything. However, they got the backing of the Mayor of New York, who had guards posted at the building to protect the offices. But that didn’t stop Cap from being one of Timely’s most successful comics at the time.
Why you need it for your collection?:
This figure was part of ML Dark time but the figure actually truely represents the art style of the time. I say if you absolutely Cap or First Appearance figures, then this is a must. Otherwise, it can be skipped.
Does it need a remake?:
I would like to see Hasbro remake this on the new Cap-Wolf build, maybe as part of a Invaders box set. But there is no rush.
Recommend Figure: Hasbro Marvel Legends Captain America: Civil War Wave 1 / Red Onslaught wave Captain America (also known as the Cap-Wolf figure)
After a now debunked publisher accuse Timely of steeling their design for the Shield, Cap was given a newer circular shield and a new uniform. This is the design he used throughout his long career, with some people also wearing it during the time he was frozen. Many artists have design it differently, drawing him with or without the chain mail design or with pouches and pockets, which ever they decide is easier to draw.
Why you need it for your collection?:
Not only is the recommend figure the one I think you should get, it is the one Cap figure you have to have. It is the best version of Cap to date. It make it better that it has the Cap-Wolf head that I’ll talk about later.
Does it need a remake?:
No. If there was anything that could be redone is maybe giving the figure at least a chain mail design.
The Captain
Recommend Figure: Hasbro Marvel Legends Epic Heroes Wave US Agent
When Cap was forced to give up the Captain America Identity by the Commission of Superhuman Activities, who made John Walker he new Cap, Steve Rogers gave up being a hero for a while. However he was later persuaded by his friends to continue. He was given a new shield by Tony Stark and a new uniform taken the name the Captain. After fighting with John Walkers, he returned to being Captain America while John Walker became the US Agent.
Why you need it for your collection?:
This figure will mostly be for the US Agent character. However, if you want all the Cap costumes, then this could be added to your collection as that.
Does it need a remake?:
Like JayC said, I would like to see this remade on the Cap-Wolf build or possibly the Spider-UK build to made him different from Steve Rogers. Otherwises, it fine as it is.
Recommend Figure: Hasbro Marvel Legends Captain America: Civil War Wave 1 / Red Onslaught wave Captain America (also known as the Cap-Wolf figure)
In a story that involved searching for John Jameson (ManWolf) and Diamond, Cap was transformed into a werewolf. While the story was considered campy at the time it quickly became a cult classic. Sam Wilson recently also became a wolf man.
Why you need it for your collection?:
Since it the same figure as the Classic version, you will more then likely be getting it anyway. You could use this as that figure if you wanted something new, (using older figures as a classic Cap), I recommend getting 2 so you can have 1 classic and one Cap-Wolf.
Does it need a remake?:
No. While it is nowhere near an absolute perfect version, this was mainly done as a nice nod to fans of this story.
Secret War
Recommend Figure: Hasbro Marvel Legends Captain America: Civil War Wave 3 / Abomination wave Secret War Captain America
Captain America was part of a secret strike team set up by Nick Fury to assassinate the then new ruler of Latveria, who he believed was preparing for war with the US. Once the mission failed, he wiped the memories of those involved. Later that ruler came back and attacked all involved, which lead to Nick Fury going underground.
Why you need it for your collection?:
Unless you have to have every Cap, then this one could be skipped. The shield effect is nice but the figure is worthless without the remaining members of the team.
Does it need a remake?:
No. Not a bad figure, just not worth redoing something so obscure.
Commander Rogers
Recommend Figure: Hasbro Marvel Legends Terrax Wave Commander Rogers
Cap had just returned from the dead and after Dark Reign was made head of Shield. Since Bucky was Captain America then, he took up this costume instead choosing to go by his civilian name. This is the costume he wear when someone else is Cap, and is also worn by Nick Fury Jr.
Why you need it for your collection?:
I say that this figure is needed for your Cap Collection and also your Secret Avengers collection. I find it too tall though.
Does it need a remake?:
I would like to see Hasbro redo this costume on a better build (Cap-Wolf or Spider-UK). It should also come with Nick Fury Jr and Old Man Roger Head swap.
Marvel Now
Recommend Figure: Hasbro Marvel Legends Captain America: Winter Solder Mandroid Wave Marvel Now Captain America
After Bucky was thought to have died during the Fear Itself storyline and Steve had gone through the Dimension Z storyline, Steve got a new costume. This one is based on his classic version made into a more modern take on it.
Why you need it for your collection?:
This one could be added to your Cap collection as well as your various Marvel Now Avengers teams like the Uncanny Avengers. It is also the most modern version out so it you want to have a modern costume then this is it.
Does it need a remake?:
No. Kinda short lived and the figure is fine as it is.
Below is a gallery of costumes that still need to be made. Click on the image to see chances of it being made. Please note that this is my personal opinion and not fact.
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Check out all the costumes that has been made into a figure for Captain America Sometimes going by Nomad, The Captain or just Commander Rogers, Captain America was Marvel third super-hero, but the first to gain his own self title comic back when the company was know as Timely.
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marvelousbirthdays · 7 years
Happy Birthday, imalady99!
August 2 - "don't make me turn this plane around!" Doom/Darcy for @imalady88
I’ve gone with the soulmark universe for this, where the first words your soulmate says to you are tattooed on your body somewhere.
Written by @celiaequus
“This is the coolest birthday present,” Darcy declared.  “I always wanted a remote control plane!”
“It’s a drone,” Tony said, sounding pained.  “A drone, Lewis.  You do know the difference, right?”
“Nah, I’m callin’ it a plane,” she said.  “But there’s not enough shiny on it.  Can I glue sequins on?  Or use glitter glue?  Nail polish?”
“Whatever you want,” he said, and he rubbed his face.  “Go wild.  It’s your birthday.”
He left the lab to Darcy’s whispered “Yes!”, shaking his head.
An hour later, the Avengers were out responding to a threat and Darcy was admiring her newly-decorated airplane as she flew it over the lawn.  Tony said no one would know if she flew it around inside, but Darcy wanted to work out what each of the extra functions did before she risked blowing up anything inside the Avengers’ base.  Repairs were way above her pay grade.
“Miss Lewis!” JARVIS said urgently.  Darcy glanced down at her watch, frowning.
“What is it, J?” she asked.
“Get inside, now!” he ordered.  “Hostiles are headed this way.”
“Well, shit,” Darcy said, and she landed her plane.  She picked it up from the ground and ran inside.  She had to grab Jane first, who was still in the lab.  Wasn’t she?  “JARVIS, where’s Dr. Foster?  Is she in the safe room?”
“She has fallen asleep, and I cannot wake her up,” JARVIS said.
Darcy sprinted to the lab, and skidded just past the door.  She dashed inside and began to shake Jane, shouting her name.
JARVIS had no time to warn them before a hole was blown in the wall, throwing them to opposite ends of the lab.  Finally Jane woke up, swearing as she tried to support herself against the wall.  Darcy blinked slowly, and adjusted her glasses.
“Ow,” she complained.
A broad-shouldered man walked into the room through the large, gaping hole.  He made straight for Jane, who was shaking as she tried to back up.  Darcy realised she was still holding the remote control for the plane, and saw that it was still on the bench where she’d dropped it.  She switched it on, and silently thanked Tony for making the engine as quiet as possible.
“Latveria could use your talents, Dr. Foster,” the intruder said.  “It will be easier if you comply and come along.  I would hate to use force on a woman with such a brilliant mind.”
“Hey, jackass,” Darcy said, shakily raising the drone.  His head turned slowly.  “Don’t make me turn this plane around.  Each side has a different weapon, and that crazy face mask isn’t gonna protect you from Stark Tech.”
He turned around fully, and Darcy kept her eyes on him.
“I never thought I would meet you on the ground,” he said slowly.  Darcy’s jaw dropped.
“W-what?” she squeaked.
“I thought my soulmate would be a pilot,” he continued.  “It made sense.  However, I am not complaining about Fate’s choice for me.”  His eyes raked down her body.  “Not in the slightest.”
“Darcy?” Jane said.  “Is he your soulmate?”
“I’ve… I’ve never shown anyone my words,” Darcy said.  “But it could still be a trick.”
“Allow me to show you my soulmark,” he said.
“Who are you?”
“Victor von Doom, ruler of Latveria.”
“Oh, shit,” Darcy muttered.  He dropped his cape, and began to unbutton his shirt.  Her eyes widened.  “Wait!  What’re you doing?”
“When you have seen my soulmark, you will believe me,” he said.
Darcy shook her hands, trying to stop him from stripping in front of her boss.  But her thumb accidentally hit one of the triggers, and only Doom’s quick reflexes kept a laser from blowing his head off.  The light hit the wall above Jane, who scrambled out of the way.
“Sorry, Janey!” Darcy called.
“The Avengers are nearly here,” JARVIS said.
“Another time we shall compare soulmarks,” Doom said, and he smirked.  “Or you could come with me now.”
“You could fake the soulmark in that time,” Darcy pointed out.
“True,” Doom said, and he stepped closer.  Then he tore his shirt open, buttons popping off and bouncing on the floor.  Darcy stumbled to her feet and closer to the dictator.  She saw the long soulmark, which really was in her handwriting.  She swallowed, and backed away.
“Neat,” she said.  “But I’m not leaving with you.  You threatened my best friend, and that just doesn’t stand with me.”
“You’ll become my queen one day,” he said.  Darcy raised the remote again, and started to chase him with the drone.  He laughed as he leapt out the wall, landing on a Doombot, and began to fly away.
“Arrogant asshole,” she said.
“Thanks, Darcy,” Jane said.
“No problem, Janey.”
They were tidying the lab when the Avengers arrived.  Thor spent ten minutes interrogating Jane to make sure she was alright.  Darcy told the others she wanted to clean up first, and used the opportunity to sneak Doom’s cape to her bedroom.  She didn’t want the others to know.
Not yet.
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Cover You in Oil, pt22
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Word Count: 5617 Tags: @outside-the-government, @yourtropegirl @to-pick-ourselves-up-7, @ghostssss, @rampant-salamander, @saysay125, @sistasarah-sallysaidso @shewhorunswithfandoms, @flirtswithdanger @supermoonpanda @rayleyanns @anyakinamidala
Sasha and Sally were quietly talking about when to make their escape as they circled the track in the training centre. The debate had been before or after the coronation. Sally still wasn’t convinced that attending the coronation was a good idea, but Sasha was adamant that in the chaos of the grand parade, it would be easy to slip into the crowd and with Mariya’s help, vanish.
“I don’t know, Sasha. Don’t you think he’ll have those Servo-Guards on high alert?” Sally asked as they rounded the corner again.
“Even better to disappear into the crowd. Victor is a lot of things, but he is loyal to the people of Latveria,” Sasha shrugged.
“Then why would Mariya help us?” Sally pressed. Sasha sighed.
“It’s complicated,” he shrugged.
“So is my need for freedom,” Sally quirked an eyebrow. Sasha pursed his lips, but nodded.
“When she was small, Mariya’s aunt went missing,” Sasha started. “At first it wasn’t surprising. She’d moved to America, settled, was doing well for herself. But very suddenly, her communication cut off. It was early days of email, and she would send messages home a few times a week. Then, nothing.”
“America?” Sally blinked. She knew where the conversation was going. “Valeria?”
“He’s told you about her?”
“He told me she studied dark magic and was evil,” Sally nodded. Sasha laughed.
“I don’t know that I buy into magic,” Sasha started. Sally held up a hand.
“This magic shit keeps coming up. Tony mentioned it. Victor mentioned it. Now, honestly, if the two smartest men I’ve ever met both believe in magic, I think we can play along,” Sally interrupted. “Anyhow, Victor says Valeria studied naughty no-no magic and tried to sacrifice him.”
“And then she vanished off the face of the earth?” Sasha countered. “I find that hard to believe.”
“Either way, I think we need to be super careful,” Sally suggested. Sasha nodded.
“The point is, Sally, Mariya is safe. She hates him. She’ll be thrilled to see his plans foiled,” Sasha explained. Sally nodded.
“And she’s sure she’s got a way to secret us out of the parade?” Sally asked.
“Absolutely,” Sasha nodded with conviction. Sally sighed and stopped walking. Her leg was aching and for not the first time, she was worried about her physical ability to get out of Latveria. She leaned against the wall and wiped her forehead. There was still no pain below the surface of the skin, which made Sally suspicious as to whether or not there was an actual break in her leg. The only pain she could really feel was to the band of scar tissue that had been her soulmark.
“Christ, this hurts,” she murmured as she rubbed the length of her thigh. Sasha placed his hand under her chin and tilted her face up to make sure she was looking at him. His blue eyes caught her gaze, intense and stormy.
“If I have to carry you, Sally, I will,” he promised. Sally felt a burst of goosebumps down her spine and nodded. Neither of them had noticed Victor walking toward them until he cleared his throat and halted just steps away.
“I appreciate that you would offer such valiant assistance to my Sara, Vurdalakovich.” Victor’s smile was warm as he looked from Sasha to Sally. “I would hope the coronation processional is not so long that it taxes you to that point though, my love.”
Sasha smirked. “I am certain that Her Grace will be more than capable of making the walk,” he agreed. “I only hoped to make sure she felt supported.”
“You’re a good man, and a better soldier,” Victor smiled and held his hand out to Sally. She took it, and allowed him to help her stand away from the wall. “Iubită, I must steal you away from your physical therapy now. The seamstress is here to fit your coronation gown.”
Sally nodded dumbly and glanced at Sasha, who nodded to reassure her. She smiled up at Victor and allowed him to lead her back to her rooms.
The dress was a ridiculously opulent beaded ball gown that reminded her a little of something that you might see in a movie. She looked at the seamstress and then to Victor.
“Seriously?” Sally quirked one eyebrow. There was no way she would be able to walk any distance in it. It looked heavy. There was a ten-foot train trailing off the back of it. The embroidery on it, however, was the most beautiful thing she had ever seen, bright, rich colours in strong traditional floral motifs.
“It is a dress that represents the culture of Latveria,” the seamstress began.
“The embroidery is, yes?” Sally asked. The seamstress nodded. “The embroidery is stunning. It’s bold and eye-catching, and I love it. But the beading, and the heavy fabric?” She looked pleadingly at Victor
“It is a gown fit for a queen, Sara,” Victor warned.
“I will try it on,” Sally conceded. “But my concern is that it will be too heavy for my leg to bear.”
“I had not considered that.” Victor pursed his lips and nodded. He glanced at the seamstress who looked deep in thought as though she was already trying to figure out how to rework the dress.
“Your Grace, I can remove the bulk of the beading with comparative ease.” The seamstress directed her comments to Sally. “The dress will remain largely the same, but will be significantly lighter. It could be ready for fitting this evening.”
“Let’s try that, then, shall we?” Victor interjected. Sally nodded.
“That would be good,” she agreed. She really didn’t want anything that looked so disturbingly like a wedding dress as the coronation dress did. And even less wanted something that might slow her down if they had to run. The seamstress took the dress and left Sally and Victor alone in her rooms. He’d sat familiarly on the love seat in the living area and patted the seat beside him. Sally steeled her resolve and limped over to sit beside him. His arm immediately slipped over her shoulders, too familiar. She swallowed thickly.
“Victor?” Sally asked. Victor nodded. “Did I finish the car?”
“The car?” Victor was surprised by her question, she could tell.
“You said we met when I came here to work on a car,” Sally prompted. “Did I finish it?”
“It was beyond restoration,” Victor answered, too quickly.
“I don’t give up on projects lightly, Victor,” Sally admonished. He might have tried to wipe her romantic memories, but he didn’t do anything to her knowledge of mechanics, and her work memories.
“You force my hand, darling,” Victor scolded warmly. “I planned to transfer ownership to you as a wedding gift, so that you would be free to tinker on it as you wished. It is a challenging vehicle and needs a talented mechanic like you. But our romance took precedence over work, and she’d been largely ignored.”
“I see. Maybe after coronation, I can start work on her again,” Sally thought. Victor leaned over and kissed her temple.
“Perhaps one day a week to start. After we’ve had a proper honeymoon,” Victor agreed. Sally smiled and forced a yawn.
“I’m sorry, Victor, I find the pain exhausting. If you’ll excuse me, I need a nap before my next physical therapy session with Sasha,” Sally rose and looked pointedly at the door. “And I am sure you are far too busy to be fretting over me.”
“I can always make time for you, Iubită,” Victor smiled as he rose. “But you do look tired. We will meet for the evening meal after your walk, and we can discuss the meaning of the coronation oaths at that time.”
Sally escorted Victor to the door and endured another kiss from him, eternally grateful that he hadn’t tried to kiss her with more passion. So far, his lips had been mostly gentle on hers, without demands. She flopped across her bed and stared at the ceiling.
“Now, Iubită, despite your title as Empress, you will be my consort, and will have limited power,” Victor began. Dinner had been a light meal of meats and cheeses, accompanied by the rich dark rye that Sally had come to enjoy since coming to Latveria.
“That seems fair, Victor. I am not Latverian,” Sally nodded.
“But you are, my darling. Citizenship was conferred upon you as soon as you accepted my engagement,” Victor laughed. Sally’s brow furrowed.
“I didn’t remember,” she excused. “At any rate, I wasn’t born Latverian. It would seem wrong for me to govern.” Victor laughed again.
“You are still so American,” he smiled. “Royalty has been marrying between nations for centuries. This is no different. America demands her leader be American, but Latveria demands a just, responsible leader, regardless of origin.”
“I appreciate that you feel so strongly in my favour,” Sally smiled. “And yet, I will have limited power.” She forced the teasing tone that she knew would make their relationship feel more real. There was only thirty-six hours left to pull off her escape, and the coronation was scheduled for midday, approximately sixteen hours by her count.
“Come, the seamstress will be waiting to fit the gown,” Victor rose and held out his hand for her. Sally pushed herself to her feet, and took her cane, leaning heavily on Victor as they made their way back toward her rooms. “Your leg seems to trouble you more tonight.”
“It is evening, Victor, and it has been a busy and stressful day,” Sally admonished. “Remember, I am, after all, an American. And you are challenging my world view by taking me as your empress.”
Victor laughed and nodded. “But you will be perfection because of your hesitance. You are exactly the leader Latveria needs.”
“You make it sound like I am a political manoeuver, rather than a romantic decision,” Sally challenged. Victor shook his head.
“The two are so closely entwined, Sara. Be assured, you are also the wife I need, and will be the mother of Latveria as well as my sons.” Sally supposed the comment would have been romantic if she actually felt any fondness for him. Instead she felt all the dread she’d felt since remembering redouble as he led her into her rooms.
She let out a small gasp when she saw the dress. The seamstress had worked a miracle in the few hours she’d had with it. Gone was the heavy and old-fashioned beading, and the heavy fabric appeared as though it had been replaced with something altogether lighter. The change took the dress from a taupe-like deep cream to just barely off-white. The embroidery appeared even more magnificent, wrapping from one side of the bust of the sweetheart neck across to the waist on the opposite side and then trailing down the skirt, branching off into beautiful traditional floral motifs that were breathtaking against the clean lines of the fabric.
“That is –“ her hand came to her mouth as she was at a loss for words. The seamstress beamed.
“More appropriate to the young wife of a handsome young leader,” the seamstress supplied. Sally nodded, wishing any other woman would have the spectacular dress, as its beauty would forever be tainted by the betrayal she was planning. Sally approached the dress and ran her hand across the shoulder seams, and down the short sleeves, enjoying the soft feel of the fabric against her hand.
“This is truly a work of art,” Sally breathed.
“Well, let us fit it to you,” the seamstress insisted. She was bold enough to shoo Victor from the room. “You can see your wife tomorrow at the coronation. Stop lurking.” Victor smiled at her and stepped toward Sally.
“I will see you for breakfast tomorrow, Iubită, and then we will not see one another until the coronation.” He took both her hands and kissed their palms. “And then you will stand in your rightful place at my side, as the Empress of Latveria.”
“I cannot wait,” Sally smiled. Victor kissed her cheek and excused himself, leaving Sally with the seamstress.
“Come, child, let’s get this dress fitted,” she ordered, handing Sally an armful of underthings. “Put all that one, and then come out for me.”
Sally excused herself to the bathroom, careful to keep up her limp, and quickly changed into the soft undergarments the seamstress had given her. She stepped back into the room, and the seamstress helped her pull the dress over her head. With just a few pins, the dress was pinched in at the waist, accentuating the definition she’d gained with all her high elevation runs. She might need her wedding dress altered when she got back to America, she thought.
“You should wear your hair in a loose chignon. It will give the appearance of more hair, and will allow the crown to be laid on your head with ease,” the seamstress spoke as she tucked and pulled at the dress. “It will also be easier to get the crown off when the time is right.”
Sally arched an eyebrow, wondering if the seamstress was making a lewd comment, or if she knew of her plan to escape.
“That is good advice,” Sally nodded, keeping her cards close. There was no way she was risking her freedom so close to the deadline.
“And while most royal coronations would require a heeled shoe, I would recommend a more traditional boot. It is comfortable, versatile, and would pay homage to Latverian tradition,” the seamstress offered. She handed Sally a heavy plastic bag, and Sally pulled a low-heeled pair of traditional Latverian riding boots out of the bag. They had dark stitching against the dark leather, but the same traditional motifs ran across the boots. “Traditional boots can be quite uncomfortable, but I took the liberty of putting military inserts in these. They are nearly identical to the boots the Latverian Guard wears, both on parade and on manoeuvres.”
Sally was nearly convinced the seamstress was in on her secret, and her eyes widened as the seamstress opened a jewel box. “Now, these pearls are strung on a nanofilament line, and the clasp is a sure strike flint.”
“You’re shitting me.” Sally raised an eyebrow in question.
“If there were any way to sew a gun and rounds into that dress, I would have already done it, Sally.” The familiarity of Sally’s name made her blink again and narrow her eyes, but she didn’t recognize the seamstress. “You don’t know me, child. But I’ve seen what Victor is capable of, and I know you belong elsewhere.”
“I don’t know what to say,” Sally said.
“Then say nothing to me ever again,” the seamstress insisted. “Especially not tomorrow.”
“Thank you,” Sally breathed.
“It’s nothing. Get the dress off, I need to finish the alterations,” she dismissed Sally.
“I’m going to have to insist that you share your plan with me, princess.” Tony’s text vibrated the phone.
“I have a plan. It’s going to work.” Sally wasn’t deliberately trying to be obtuse, but she desperately needed Tony to stay away, and stay safe. “I know you’re a man of action. I need you to be a man of faith. Trust that I can do this. I couldn’t bear the pain if I lost you. The mark hurts enough.”
“My hand to god, princess, I’m going to do as you say, but I need to know what’s happening.” Tony’s text was interrupted with another text coming through.
“Woman, tell him what’s going on. We’re getting to the point of needing physical restraints.” It was Natasha. Followed closely by Steve. “So if we happen to be in Budapest tomorrow afternoon, will that help or hinder your plans?”
“Tony! Call off your friends.”
“I take no responsibility for them.”
“Tell Steve Budapest in two days. Tell Natasha that she has my permission to use a magnet to restrain you if necessary. And here’s what I’m telling you. Sasha has it planned. He knows the terrain. It is the dead of fucking winter, and you will NOT come swooping in to save the day because you will die. I am taking charge here. I would be yelling at you if I could. But for fuck’s sake, Tony, if you’re ever going to trust anyone in this world, it needs to be me.”
There was no response for a few minutes and then the phone vibrated. “I trust you. Just come home to me.”
“Budapest in two days.” Sally powered the phone off and climbed into bed.
“Good morning, Your Grace,” Sasha winked. “Are you ready for the weight of the crown?” He was leaning against her doorjamb, waiting for her to slip her shoes on. It was her final ‘physical therapy’ session before coronation
“I would tell you to fuck off, Sasha, but I think we’re being watched,” Sally replied with a bright smile. As he took her arm, she slipped her phone into his pocket. “Do not lose that phone.”
“One quick walk. Lots of hobbling and acting this morning. It’ll set it up so you can take a spill on the way out of the coronation ceremony. I’ll scoop you up, and then we’ll get mobbed,” Sasha explained. “Then we leave everything in Mariya’s hands.”
“Take me for my morning hobble then, Sasha,” Sally laughed. Victor interrupted them when they were barely down the hallway.
“Your leg seems worse today,” he observed. Truthfully, the pain was no better and no worse, but Sally took the compliment to her acting ability with a rueful smile.
“I hope you won’t be disappointed if I am unsteady on my feet,” she offered. Victor shook his head.
“Not at all. Today you become my empress. Nothing could disappoint me,” Victor slipped his arm under hers and nodded at Sasha in dismissal. “I wanted to discuss the ceremony in a little more depth. Can you walk and talk?”
“It takes a great deal of my concentration to put one foot in front of the other right now,” Sally lied. “Perhaps we could take tea in my room?”
“That would be lovely,” Victor agreed, and escorted her back the direction she’d just come. He helped her to sit down and then called for a tea service before sitting down in the armchair across from her. “Are you nervous?”
“A little. Sasha has been going over the proper pronunciation of the oaths of office with me, and he made sure I had a translation of them. I didn’t want to be making promises without knowing what they were,” Sally admitted. “I’m still not quite sure what the questions I am being asked are though, in the I-so-swear section of the oaths.”
“Do you swear to uphold the laws and traditions of Latveria. Do you swear to respect the word of the Emperor. Do you swear to protect the people of Latveria. Do you swear to carry your oath with you until death takes you or the world ends,” Victor offered simply. “To which you answer, in English, I so swear.”
“Can the announcer offer me those questions in English?” Sally asked. An attendant slipped in with tea and poured them both cups.
“You will have them in both Latverian and English,” Victor nodded. “The final oath must be in Latverian, but Sasha has translated it for you.”
“Yes,” Sally nodded. “The one part that is confusing for me is the presentation of all the objects of office. What do I do with all of them?”
“The lord chamberlain will guide you. And I will be with you the whole time. Latveria loves you, Sara, and we will make sure you look every bit the empress that you are.”
“I must sound like an idiot,” Sally sighed. Victor shook his head, taking Sally’s hands in his.
“I didn’t sleep for the week leading up to my coronation. It’s natural,” Victor’s tone was warm, and Sally was again struck with how sad it was that he had so misdirected his affection. “I should leave you now, Iubită. Your attendants will be with you shortly to assist you in dressing.”
Sally stood in the shower, hot water beating down her back. She rested her forehead on the porcelain wall and took a deep breath. Sasha had assured her at least four times that the oaths were non-binding because she and Victor were not actually married. She drew in another breath and rinsed the conditioner from her hair before turning the water off.
Once she was out of the bathroom, her bedroom became a flurry of activity. There was a hairdresser, make-up artist, and three women who were there just to help her dress.
“How did you wish to wear your hair?”
“I’ve been led to believe the crown will sit better on a low chignon,” Sally replied. The woman nodded and went to work curling her hair. The make-up woman started matching a foundation to her skin while the dressing women set up a steamer and set to work steaming non-existent wrinkles from the dress. It took the better part of an hour before Sally’s hair was curled, and then the hairdresser quickly pinned it into a loose, sexy mass at the nape of her neck.
“Three pins and it will come out,” she murmured, as she slipped the last pin into the mess of hair. Sally nodded, unsure if that was another message from another disenchanted Latverian, but was quickly distracted by the make-up artist turning her to face the other direction. When her make-up was finished, she looked like a much more beautiful, more elegant version of herself. Her cheekbones were somehow more prominent, and her jaw was more angular. Sally tilted her head as she looked in the mirror she was handed.
“It’s contouring. You’re still you, but this will photograph better,” she offered. The two women packed up and allowed the dressing attendants to start. They helped layer Sally into the undergarments the seamstress had chosen with clucking disapproval.
“This silk is a weave that was designed for base layers,” the one attendant complained. “I fear you’ll overheat.”
“Maybe she was considering that Her Grace is from California. The coronation hall is huge and drafty,” argued another.
“I’d rather be safe than sorry. The undergarments could affect the drape and fit of the dress,” the last one finished the argument. Sally stood there in the offending garments, waiting for them to decide what to do next. They helped her into her dress, tweaking and pulling at every last seam until the dress lay perfectly across her bust and hips.
“And with just moments to spare!” One of them exclaimed, glancing at the clock. “Your escort should be waiting, I’ll check.” She hurried to the door and opened it wide, letting Sasha walk in. He was in his dress uniform and Sally found herself wondering how many hearts Sgt. James Buchanan Barnes stole during the war. He was so handsome; she wondered how she hadn’t noticed it before.
“Looking good, Sasha,” she smirked. He looked up at her and stopped.
“Wow,” he breathed. “The same can be said for you, kid. You look good without engine oil on your face.” He offered his elbow and Sally stepped forward to take it.
“This feels like a wedding dress,” she whispered, leaning her head close to his.
“There’s definitely a parallel that can be made. Historically speaking, I mean. Female rulers always wear white because they are essentially married to their nation,” Sasha tried to reassure her.
“I’m nervous, Buck,” Sally breathed. Sasha nodded.
“Just make sure the limping is obvious. If you can make your face look like you are hurting and struggling it will be more believable,” he explained. “There’s a lot of kneeling and standing and kneeling and standing. Because Victor has to oversee the ceremony, he can’t help you. I explained to him that you are going to need help, so I will be beside you every step of the way. Not that it matters, but I’ve just been promoted to head of the empress’s guard.”
Sally laughed. “Well, your first job is going to earn you that title for life. You’re saving me.” She stopped and turned to face him. “Because you are saving me, you know. I will stand by your side, no matter what comes once we are home. I will never abandon you, Bucky.”
A shadow passed across Sasha’s face and he sighed. “I’m going to need friends like you, Sally. I hope you won’t regret it.”
Sally felt her eyes fill with tears. “I will do everything I can to advocate on your behalf. Stop being maudlin, we have a caper at hand.”
The coronation hall was vast. Sally was unsure how she hadn’t seen it yet, in all the months she’d been in Latveria, but it was huge, and airy, and the handmaids had been right, it was cold. There were very few people inside, but outside the doors, there were hundreds of people crowding the square.
As they processed up the long aisle, Sasha imparted the last details of the plan to her. “There will be a distraction when we leave, and then you need to stumble. The crowd will cover us. There’s a decoy in the same dress as you who will be obviously swept away, distracting the other guards and Victor. Limp a little more, you’re supposed to be struggling.”
Sally tripped over her train, as if on queue and Sasha caught her before she fell, letting out a low grunt. “Sorry,” she mumbled.
“I didn’t mean actually throw yourself down right now,” he teased. “You okay?”
“Yeah, I’m good. He’s watching us talk and looks unhappy,” Sally commented quietly. Sasha made a low noise of agreement.
“Enough chitchat then. I will leave you at the foot of the dais,” Sasha said. “When you are required to kneel, or stand, wait for me to ascend and assist you.” They reached the dais and Sasha withdrew his arm, saluted Victor and stood at attention.
“Thank you.” Sally hesitantly climbed the two low stairs to the throne dais. Victor was seated on the throne, looking elegant and regal. He wore a dark suit and had a broad purple sash crossing his chest, as well as a luxurious dark purple cloak across his shoulders. His crown was tall, and crenelated, with just a few dark purple gems gracing it. He smiled warmly at her, but did not move. There was a low table laid out with various objects of office in front of it, and a kneeling stool in front of that.
“Please kneel, Your Grace,” the officiant asked. Sally waited as Sasha quickly stepped up, assisted her, and returned to the foot of the stairs. “People of Latveria, I here present unto you your undoubted empress, Queen Sara. Wherefore all you who are come this day to do homage and service, are you willing to do the same?”
“Long live the Queen! Long live the Queen!” Sally could hear the roar of the crowd outside, as well as the cheers of the gathered people in the hall. A wave of goosebumps ran down her arms.
“Your majesty, are you willing to swear an oath?”
“Will you solemnly promise and swear to govern the Peoples of Latveria according to their respective laws and customs?”
“I so swear,” Sally replied.
“Will you to your power cause Law and Justice, in Mercy, to be executed in all your judgements?”
“I will.”
“Will you maintain the laws of Latveria? Take and give council to the Emperor, King Victor? Do honour and safeguard the people and customs of Latveria?”
“All these things I do solemnly swear.” Sally felt lightheaded, and swayed a little, wrapping her fingers around the handle of the kneeling stool.
“Then rise and be recognized, Empress of Latveria.”
Sally waited as Sasha came to assist her, leaning heavily on his arm as he assisted her to standing, and turned her to face the hall.
“Witness your empress, Queen Sara of Latveria!” The herald announced.
“Long live the Queen! Long live the Queen!” The voices of the people were louder than the first time.
“Again, Your Majesty, please kneel.” The officiant asked. Sasha helped her to kneel again, and returned to his station.
A guard carried forward a sword and placed it in her hands. “Receive this kingly sword, delivered to you by the hands of us. With this sword do justice, stop the growth of iniquity, help and defend widows and orphans, restore the things that are gone to decay, maintain the things that are restored, punish and reform what is amiss, and confirm what is in good order: that doing these things you may be glorious in all virtue that you may reign forever.” Sally felt like the sword weighed twice what it should with those words. She offered it back to the guard.
“I will take this sword and by its might be known as Empress,” she spoke.
Three more guards stepped forward, each holding an object. The first clasped wide golden bracelets on her wrists.
“Receive these gauntlets of sincerity and wisdom, both for tokens of the Emperor's protection embracing you on every side; but also for symbols and pledges of that bond which unites you with your Peoples: to the end that you may be strengthened in all your works and defended against your enemies both bodily and ghostly.”
The second guard stepped forward and draped a deep purple cloak across her shoulders.
“Receive this Imperial Robe, and be you imbued with knowledge and wisdom, with majesty and with power from on high; be clothed with the robe of righteousness.”
The third guard placed a golden ball in her upraised right hand.
“Receive this Orb and remember that the whole of Latveria is subject to the laws and power of the imperial hand.”
“Rise, Queen Sara, Empress of Latveria,” The herald spoke. Sasha helped her stand, and turned her to face the hall again. “See now the power bestowed upon your Empress!”
“Long live the Queen! Long live the Queen!” The voices of the people of Latveria rang in her ears.
“Again, Your Majesty, please kneel.”
Victor rose, and held out his hand to a guard, who held out a pillow. Victor lifted a crown, smaller than his, but matching, off the pillow, and stepped around the table to stand in front of Sally.
“I crown you with the crown of the faithful: And call upon the people of Latveria to sanctify their servant, Sara, upon whose head this day I do place it for a sign of royal majesty, that she may be filled with abundance grace, good council and love for her people, and filled with princely virtues. Wear this crown to honour your pledge to the people of Latveria, to your undoubted emperor, to the land from which we sprang. Wear this crown to honour the past, to plan for the future and to govern with fairness and equanimity in the present. Wear this crown to continue the line of the house of Doom, to raise the children of Latveria in the light of your righteous example. Wear this crown as Queen and Empress of these lands, these mountains, vales and lakes,” he spoke. Sally felt the rush of goosebumps across her arms again as Victor placed the crown on her head. He lifted her hands and assisted her to her feet, and a footman removed the kneeling stool from between them. The herald stepped to the side of Victor, and as he did so, Victor pivoted them so they faced on another in a way that everyone in the hall could see both of them. He continued to hold her hands in his.
“Do you, Sara, Queen and Empress of Latveria, again swear by oaths binding, to honour and uphold the laws and traditions of Latveria, keeping council with the King and Emperor, your lord husband, Victor of Latveria?”
Sally paused. The lord husband part had not been in the vows that she had practiced with Sasha. In a fraction of a second, she realized she had to say something, or risk some sort of dire consequence. “I so swear.” Her voice cracked and Victor smiled broadly, and wrapped his arms around her, leaning in to kiss her passionately. Sally pulled away, breathless, and frightened.
“Then take this ring, they symbol of the union between Queen and King, Wife and Husband, and reign with all glory and power,” the herald spoke. Victor slid a plain, wide wedding band on her hand, and Sally felt overwhelmingly dizzy again. Victor slipped his hand under her elbow and pivoted her to face the hall. She looked at Sasha, allowing the absolute panic in her chest to show on her face, and he stared back at her, blank-faced and unmoved, but his eyes looked equally worried.
“Latveria, meet your Queen and Empress, Sara of Latveria!” The herald spoke.
“Long live the Queen! Long live the Queen!”
Victor leaned down to speak. “I will meet you in the open air carriage after your recessional. We will tour the parade route and then return to our home, Iubită. I have ensured there will be furs and a warmer in the carriage so your warm Californian blood won’t be too chilled. Sasha will escort you for the recessional.” He disappeared behind the throne as the crowd continued to cheer. Sasha stepped up onto the dais to assist her to the floor.
“Did that herald just marry us?” Sally breathed.
“I’m not sure,” Sasha admitted. Sally closed her eyes and took a deep breath.
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