#tomorrow the brain falls!
blackjackkent · 3 months
Sadly I'm going to have to wrap it up here before the final battle, but that will be tomorrow for sure! Good cliffhanger note to leave on for the night, I suppose.
Did a quick run around the Watch Citadel "camp" and talked to all of our assembled friends. Everyone only gets a quick dialogue line but I do love them all. <3
Dammon: "Even I was surprised by how well the owlbear would take to the potions. Just look at it! Glorious little creature. Well, not so little anymore."
Buddy: "Screeeeeech!"
(Buddy has indeed grown and is a BIG OWLBEAR now. My baby all grown up.)
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Arabella: "I wouldn't be here without you. It's time I repaid the favor."
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Jaheira: "I am the first to speak ill of this city. But I never wished to see it burning like this."
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Halsin: "Onwards. There is no reason to linger here."
(So sentimental, Halsin.)
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Ravengard: "Have courage, my friend. Your victory is assured."
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Valeria: "The sooner we get this done, the sooner we can get a pint. Assuming there's an inn still standing."
(Sound of Hector's eyes rolling all the way out of his head.)
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Nine-Fingers: "Come on. Speeches are done - all that's left is the doing."
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Aylin: "We face the greatest evil our realm has known - and we do it together. on your word, the sword of Selune will fall upon our foes."
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Isobel: "Press on. This will all be over soon. ANd then - my gods, then I"m having something very strong indeed."
(Isobel is great actually. XD )
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Volo: "Heroics first, stories later. And in that spirit - after you!"
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Florrick: "Today we take back the city!"
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Yurgir: "Smells like violence all around. Smoke, blood, tears... this will be a good hunt. Hurry on and start the attack."
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Ulma: "We stand ready to help you, as you helped us."
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Rolan: "You have the full force of Ramazith's Tower, and its dashing master, at your side, my friend. Let us finish this."
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Zevlor: "The survivors of Elturel stand ready for your signal - Hellriders one and all."
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And to wrap things up for the night, a few of the more goofy screencaps I got of Hector cheering Jaheira's speech, bc he's so happy to have all his friends around him. <3
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hoofpeet · 1 year
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surfedoutbrainwaves · 10 months
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baby u were my picket fence!!
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averlym · 7 months
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,,, sun-dappled sheets...
#the sapphics got to me okay. portrix real#it's so cute how they go from falling asleep tgt at the presses to having a room to share#adamandi#portia elizabeth harper#beatrix valeria campbell#it was a doodle and then i was like i want to make it softer so i painted it over and in the process rendered it somewhat#it's still quite sketchy akdhfj but u get the vibes!! ++ tried out using a Lot more noise than usual#so that's like the New Art Takeaway from doing this.#;;; i feel like every time i draw wlw fluff it's stepping back deep into my comfort zone haha but yes. soft cosy comfy etc.#my brain was not processing enough to figure out casual wear so this is kind of just the stripped down costumes akdhdjdh but yeah#bonus side note here is i was like hehe wouldn't it be fun if beatrix hand + portia ribbon. as like a nod to contrast how#previously it was strings on their hands instead. and now she cut them off bc portia and also smth smth about the difference#between tying (the strings) and choosing to hold (ribbon) and sjdhdhfhfh ue.#*incoherent noises* it's about the softness. the touching. the idea of choice- but less afraid of losing it- smth smth inherent trust also.#knowing tomorrow you'll still be there..#<- sorry there's a silly little conceptual thing in every adamandi thing i make i think#i would love to say this was For Adamandi Week but i do very badly with timed events so the truth is just. i woke up and saw#@/regret-repentir 's post (which is so so lovely actually) (credit where credit is due) and then spent the next 1.5h drawing portrix#the prompt was post graduation i think? but seeing as i didn't really respond to the prompt itself#it doesn't rly count in my head as a prompt response for the event. idk#it technically works. but also it feels like false advertising...#<blinks> fun times include this being the first time i've drawn adamandi characters entirely without reference. they have been blorbo-ified
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that-foul-legacy-lover · 10 months
was writing the next chapter and whenever i had moments of doubt (a lot) i imagined Foul Legacy laying in my lap and purring, occasionally batting at the screen like a cat or flipping over to stare at me or nibble on my fingers
honestly it helped a lot, because i know Foul Legacy would be a very excellent and supportive lap monster. he would watch you do your hobbies and chirp happily when you do anything, and if you seem down he'd bump his head against your chin to distract you. if you needed a break he would snuggle up to you for a nice nap, and once you complete the Thing he would celebrate with you with trills and happy licks. if you got into a creative slump he would nudge you away so you could go do something else to get your mind off it, and once you were ready to keep going his wings would wiggle with joy!!
Foul Legacy Childe is so supportive pass it on
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inventedfangirling · 11 months
Episode 7 Pat : To lose or not to win that is the question
Okay I saw a post talking about how episode 7 pat "loses the bet everyday" and how in this rooftop scene...
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Pat raises the stakes (asking pran to confess in public) to keep Pran from saying the words just then (knowing he won't take that option) is making me feel and think a lot of things and now my brain is all over the place and i might as well just all note it down here or i won't have peace of mind.
At the outset i want to confess that eventhough i know that the bet has been for pran's sake i still viewed at as a legitimate competition that both pat and pran were trying to win, but i'm realising more and more how (for a large part of the bet) that just wasn't the case at all.
Pat came all the way from Bangkok to the hostile architecture trip alone only and only for Pran. Pat wants to be with him. Pran knows that and Pat knows that Pran knows that. He hasn't tried to hide it at all.
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Pat knows that Pran has feelings for him, Pran knows that Pat knows that. But he also isn't ready to admit what it would entail and the familiarity of competition between them allows him to explore that.
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"Whoever falls in love first loses" - when both of them know that they have feelings for each other, is hilaaaarious on first watch, but once you've rewatched it countless times and reached a whole new level of brain rot where your blood cells have p cells embedded within p cells in them then it isn't funny, it isn't funny at all * screams into a pillow *
Coming back to the bet, and what it actually means which is that whoever admits it(their feelings) first, loses. And all of us including pat and pran know that pat has already lost. Him coming to the trip just to get Pran to talk and his confession that he actually didn't like Ink 'like that' is all pointing to just one very obvious thing.
So Pat has already lost and yet they're both entering into the bet as if on equal ground. Pat could (and is very much willing to) keep losing over and over again, he very clearly wants to be with Pran but he would keep the charade of the bet up if it meant Pran wasn't ready.
Which means that the entire time that they were teasing and flirting with each other, all throughout episode 7, pat keeps on losing just for Pran's sake.
Do you realise how absolutely insanely madly crazy (mature) in love Pat is???? This might be a childish bet to YEW but to him its a space for Pran (and him) to explore their feelings without the responsibility of a relationship on them, it's actually revolutionary.
Kinda like killing with kindness, which basically sums up the kinda guy Pat is when he's with Pran.
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"Don't force me to" he says in response to Pran's "You're just not brave to" (confess) when all of us know Pat is very well brave enough to do that and that is exactly what Pat is reiterating here. He's saying "you very well know why i'm partaking in this charade don't act like you don't i could kiss your competitive ass right now but im not doing it cos i want you to (admit that you) want it".
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The man is basically losing (coming over to play and then offering to clean pran's face cos he looked upset screams somebody who wants to win real bad right hahahah NOT *argh pat can you not be so unreally sweet people have to go back to their real lives with real men to be disappointed by*) over and over again asking Pran to "just let me love you, you dork".
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Here Pat is literally doing the confession, the very thing they started the bet stating, "i'll make you beg on your knees for me", well he's almost doing the next best thing, and he's doing it willingly, in front of people, with the most genuine smile on his face.
And when he raises the stakes on the rooftop and he does it entirely for Pran again. As much as he wants to be with Pran he equally wants it to be when Pran is ready for it. Not for it to be a decision he is forced or boxed into. He doesn't want to beat Pran he wants Pran to walk into the loss like he himself did, over and over again, because that's just the kinda guy he is.
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Boy basically said if me winning the bet means you losing your chance to make that choice for yourself then i don't want that kinda win.
Which is why he's been willingly giving up all the chances to win throughout the episode, but continuing to put up the charade of the bet cos 1. yeah ofc its loads of fun teasing pran and he is so grateful he gets to be close to him again but more importantly 2. he can't (but he is fully willing to) wait for Pran to mentally be ready to get into a relationship.
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"As for me, when i have a lover, I always let my lover win" - And truer truths haven't been told. Man has been losing since the very beginning. And that too happily. He is only doing it to give Pran the time that he deserves to process the whole thing and accept his love.
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See even here he isn't expecting Pran to confess his love and sweep the whole bet thing away.
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Look at Pat pausing trying to figure out what Pran is doing here. I can almost hear the cogs in his brain turn, until the very moment that Pran extends his hand to wipe the stray piece of rice away and then gives him that look. The look that says, "I love you, i'm done making you wait, thankyou, i love you".
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So to conclude, Pat like the simp he is entered the bet (and kept willfully losing) only to make Pran comfortable. And literally the first moment that he completely feels comfortable, Pran gives in.
This whole post is borne out of my thoughts after i read what was said in here.
For more of my bet era patpran brainrot :
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bahbahhh · 1 year
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The other side of the fall by @chimpukampu
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alienaiver · 1 year
"happy new year."
"shinsou, it's 4am." you sigh into the phone, surprised at how sober he sounds despite the late call. you groan as you move your legs, still aching with the pain you've been feeling the entire day. "yeah, i know, i'm sorry... i just got off a shift."
your eyebrow quirks up at that, "aren't you at kami's place?"
you hear a sharp intake on the other end, "yeah uh, no, i... i took a shift. someone called in sick, or that was the excuse, at least." he laughs at the end but it's strained and you can almost hear the gears in his head going into overdrive. you think he already expects what you say next, "but you weren't on call."
he sighs before opening his mouth, "yeah it wasn't...." his voice trails off and the silence stretches out. you try to shift position again as you ask if he's there. an affirmative sound comes back to you and you're confused as to what's going on as you try to grab your waterglass without straining your arms too much.
"are you okay?"
he wheezes out a laugh at your question, "shouldn't i be the one asking?" you shrug your shoulders, "meh. i'm used to the pain at this point. but why did you take a shift on new year's eve?"
he sighs out and you hear him shifting around, imagining him changing which ear his phone is by as he searches his mind for a reply. you've seen him do this when he feels interrogated by his dads. "the party wouldn't be the same... without you."
you spit out the water you just drank and choke on the rest. he frantically says your name and asks what's going on but it feels like he's on the other side of a bubble with unexpected confessions like that.
confessions? does it count as one? you regain your breathing and assure him that you're okay and that you just got water down the wrong throat. he tuts at you and reminds you to be more careful. you can hear the relief and his smile in his voice.
"anyway, happy new year to you too." you mumble, your fingers drawing mindless circles onto your sheets. "thanks. did you do anything special when the clock struck 12?"
"i was sleeping, got knocked out by the pills. what about you? caught a well-timed villain as the bells rang?" you joke, enjoying the chuckle you're rewarded with.
"no there wasn't any, actually. i was just thinking about kissing you the entire time, if i'm honest."
your eyes widen before you clear your throat and ask, "what was that? the last part? i think i misheard." you feel your heart beat a thousand times a minute and out of the corner of your eyes notice your hand has stopped fidgeting and are instead shaking. he chuckles again, strained as in the beginning of the conversation but you can almost sense the smirk from blindsiding you like this.
"nah, i'm pretty sure you heard, didn't you? i just wanna know, would you return the kiss? or punch me?"
you almost laugh but it only comes out as you blowing air aggressively through your nose, surprised by his sudden straightforwardness. "i think i'd do both, honestly."
"yeah? can i come over?"
"what's gotten you like this? are you sure you're not just done drinking at kami's?"
shinsou laughs, "i think it's a new year, new me kind of situation."
you laugh this time, already planning to scold him for doing this in the middle of the night and make you spill water on yourself and the bed. when you're done laughing, the smile doesn't leave your face, "well that certainly changes things. i'm awake now anyways, so i'll gladly unlock the door for you."
"great, 'cos i'm only five minutes away."
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ganondoodle · 4 months
sorry about that last rambling post, i didnt mean to sound like its worse than it may be, but i got no ... lense to view it through but my own, and the main reason i wrote it out anyway was bc i needed to get it out (even if posting it might be not the greatest idea) .. and bc it kinda showcases, i think, how my stories kinda write themselves, involuntarily in a way? its not like im not putting in any effort- but its like .. i cant STOP it always keeps going and even the dumbest idea stays in some form, its very hard to get everything in place bc theres so much going on all the while i am very slow at making anything, writing or drawing anything, especially anythign coherent is very hard bc not only do i get constantly distracted, i get distracted by my own thoughts suddendly skipping to a certain scene and me having to go throguh imagining in detail NO MATTER how many times i have done it before for the same scene that i already decided on how it goes, when theres a new idea it can take over my entire day bc i cant let go of it-
not trying to sound either like im the only that has that sort of problem, but i think its a big part as of why i start tso many projects without being able to finish them, or even start them bc i constantly have to fight my own thoughts from derailing into another daydream session, thinking of too much too fast than i can ever draw or even write about and not knowing what is worthwhile and what isnt (im telling you i have no idea what is good and what isnt, idk why but for all i know all things i do could be trash, or they all could be bad, maybe the one i thinnk is decent is actually worse than the things i deem not good enough and once i start to think no this isnt good enough i stop having fun making or thinking it bc im trying to do better
honestly its kind of impressive that i can get anything out at all, not to pat myself on the back there but even if i hate how long it takes me, considering how much im having to work just to start working on something at all, the fact that i could post stuff coherent enough for some people to understand AND LIKE is something i should be a little more proud of
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jounosparticles · 8 months
kinda wanna write slow(ish)burn suegiku where one has feelings and the other doesn’t realize this
it could go either way. tetchou just being oblivious to everything jouno says. or the other way around and jouno just initially doesn’t return the feeling but it grows on him. hmmmm
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novelconcepts · 20 days
Y'know what's fun? Finishing the story you set out to write.
Y'know what's even MORE fun? Starting yet another story, stacking 'em all up until you have upwards of eight WIPs in rotation, none of them ending, just constantly building higher like a beautiful tower of fanfiction babel...forever and ever, amen.
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toasteaa · 2 months
Girl, pause: the scene in my brain got cut off cause I was distracted. Mhmm. The one where we waltz with the fictional man and it matched up with the climax of the song we were listening to, yeah. Mhmm. Yeah, we gotta play the song over, I'm sorry.
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coffee-at-annies · 5 months
Brain thought of this post and if I had any experience doing hockey poetry edits I’d make one that’s like a closeup of like hockey hardware (trophy displays and banners and such) for the first line and then like sweaty closeups/cellies and a edit of the locker room floor for the second line. But alas while my brain is rotating the idea, it doesn’t quite know what photos I have in mind to actually execute it.
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varpusvaras · 4 months
Oh I would love not to be tired.
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detective-ws · 4 months
just had the thought that what if jokers plans for like who goes whwre was like the mlp equestria girls map
he sees tbe map thing, and then he sees their arcana, or whatever its, called circling the spot that they should go
ye sim tired, its late, and i slept for 2 hrs last night lol, gnight
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chronomally · 2 months
Also read a paper on a smart house (not the DCOM) from the '90s that was like 1/3 horror story, 1/3 "that sounds really useful," and 1/3 "oh, like (thing we already have)"
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