#tomb pally
mulhollandi · 11 months
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old drawing but a drawing i did of our tomb of annihilation campaign that turned into a poster. still singlehandedly the most memorable wackass party ever, guess who got each of the trickster gods
isla belongs to @totallynotaninjawhydyousaythat
abbarah belongs to @mushowom
helvic belongs to @thegamingmonk
lyksik belongs to @thenamelesscaptain
rhogar belongs to @squishsquoshhh
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pastortomsteers · 2 days
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The Bible Study –
Our readings for Saturday, April 27 are Leviticus 19:1-37 & Luke 11:14-36.
In Leviticus, there is God’s Law.
As Christ said, “. . . until heaven and earth pass away, not an iota, not a dot, will pass from the Law until all is accomplished.” (Matt 5:18)
Our Old Testament passage speaks volumes to today’s society: “28 You shall not make any cuts on your body for the dead or tattoo yourselves: I am the Lord.”
We’ve all seen the proliferation of tattoos, and not only among young people. 
Note also the prevalence of satanic and occult symbols. This is no accident in a secular culture that’s fallen away from God.
In verse 29 we read: “Do not profane your daughter by making her a prostitute, lest the land fall into prostitution and the land become full of depravity.”
Remember these words when you hear calls to legalize prostitution.
We’ve seen the widespreadpromotion of the occult in books like Harry Potter, as well as films, music and TV shows that focus on demonic manifestations the media calls hauntings.
God’s Word in Leviticus 19:31 clearly instructs us,“Do not turn to mediums or necromancers; do not seek them out, and so make yourselves unclean by them: I am the Lord your God.” (See also Deuteronomy 18:10-11)
We’ve also seen the callous disrespect and disregard of the aged in a consumer culture that only values youth.  
Euthanasia, as abortion, is simply murder for convenience.
Instead of better palliative care, the seriously ill aged are increasingly pressured to end their lives by physician assisted suicide.
Yet verse 32 tells us: “You shall stand up before the gray head and honour the face of an old man, and you shall fear your God: I am the Lord.”
In our Gospel reading, Christ calls the generation He’s speaking to an evil one.
That could be said of every generation since the fall of man.
Jesus calls for us to love our neighbour as ourselves.
As Christians we try, but ultimately all human beings fail to keep God’s Law.
The Law is a curb on evil in society (our criminal codes are based on it), a mirror that shows us our sins, and a guide to the way God would like us to live in relation to Him and one another.
The Law is not a means of self-salvation, but drives us to the relief and sweetness of the saving Gospel.
Jesus tells the crowds an evil generation that looks for “signs” will be given the sign of Jonah.
Indeed, we’ve been given this sign.
As Jonah was three days in the belly of the fish and emerged alive, so our Lord was three days in the tomb, and raised by God the Father in the Resurrection.
Jesus died on the cross paying for our sins and rose for our justification.
Christ has risen. He has risen indeed. Alleluia!
Pastor Tom Steers
Christ the Saviour Lutheran Church, Toronto
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ckameen · 5 months
Beema Pally
Location : Trivandrum District
About Mosque:
Beemapally is a region within the city of Thiruvananthapuram in the state of Kerala, India. Beemapally is famous for its mosque, Beemapally Dargah Shareef, which houses the tomb of Syedunnisa Beema Beevi, a woman believed to have divine powers, and her son Syedu Shuhada Maheen Abubacker. Every year there is a festival held to venerate Beema Beevi which attracts thousands of pilgrims from all faiths and castes. The tomb of Beema Beevi, the lady with miraculous powers who is believed to belong to the Prophet Mohammed’s family, is located at the mosque.
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krispystudentpost · 1 year
15 conseils pour s'occuper de votre nouveau-né au quotidien| Pourquoi bien mieux nourrir votre enfant pendant la nuit| Les meilleurs accessoires pour prendre soin de votre bébé| Devenir mère : nos astuces pour bien vivre cette étape| Les conseils pour concilier travail et maternité| Prendre soin de soi pendant la grossesse : nos astuces
Nœuds en écharpe tissée Enveloppé croisé
Ainsi, vous devez étirer l'écharpe pour y glisser votre bébé à l'intérieur. 8 - L'écharpe de portage Boba est essentiellement une longue pièce de tissus ne comportant aucune boucle ou autre attachement susceptible de briser ou se détacher. Le principal risque lié à la sécurité de l'enfant consiste à ne pas attacher l'écharpe de façon adéquate ou ne pas l'attacher assez serrée. Tous les bébés DOIVENT être portés dans une position droite et verticale, faisant face au porteur. NE JAMAIS METTRE LE BEBE DANS UNE POSITION HORIZONTALE ET NE JAMAIS PLACER LE BÉBÉ FACE AU MONDE.
1 - Prenez le milieu de l'écharpe de portage grâce à l'étiquette et placez-la contre votre buste comme sur l'image. Si l’âge du bébé est important à connaître pour déterminer quels écharpe ou porte-bébé choisir, le contexte l’est tout autant. Parmi les modèles, on vous recommande le Néobulle, le Maru Sling en mousseline de coton. Comme c’est un système hybride, il pallie les "défauts" d’une écharpe ou d’un porte-bébé. Connue depuis longtemps des monitrices de portage, c’est un système répandu et qui a fait ses preuves.
Les couleurs ont été choisies neutres, afin de satisfaire les parents de petits garçons et de petites filles en même temps. Cela tombe bien si vous préparez votre liste de naissance et que vous désirez garder la surprise du sexe de l’enfant. Pour la maman, le nœud kangourou est également très confort car le poids sera porté principalement par les épaules ce qui préserve l’abdomen fragilisé par la grossesse.
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La pass en corde passe au creux du premier genou et sous le deuxième, les deux legpass renforcées se croisent sous les fesses de l’enfant. Les principales marques d’écharpes « tissées » que vous pourrez trouver sur ma boutique en ligne sont principalement StorchenwiegeetNéobulle et d’autres tel que Yaro Slings et Lennylamb. Ces informations sont destinées à la société Mégara, Responsable de traitement, et ne seront pas transmises à des tiers. Elles sont collectées et utilisées afin de publier votre commentaire et de vous contacter.
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En théorie plus une écharpe va avoir un grammage élevé plus elle va être https://www.portageenecharpe.com lourde et épaisse et peut donc être compliquée à utiliser, mais plus elle sera soutenante aussi. Plus l’écharpe va être longue plus vous aurez de possibilité de nouage mais plus elle sera chère également. Le coton est la composition la plus classique, facile à entretenir et passe partout , elle peut être utilisée été comme hiver. Retrouvez d’autres photos et porte-bébés Sling ici sur la boutique. Petite astuce, si le trop de tissu vous gêne, vous pouvez l’enrouler autour des anneaux. Récupérer l’ourlet supérieur au niveau des anneaux et le remonter sur le dos de bébé jusqu’à la nuque en lui soulevant un peu les fesses si le tissu a du mal à venir.
Vous allez pouvoir découvrir d’autres modèles dans notre comparatif écharpe de portage sans nœud en ligne et choisir celle qui vous convient. De la naissance (ou à partir de 4 mois, selon les modèles) aux 6 mois du bébé, le porte-bébé doit être ventral et le bébé positionné face à son parent. Une fois qu'il sait tenir sa tête seul et que le modèle choisi le permet, il peut être porté face au monde.
Alors, l’idée de porter votre bébé vous séduit-elle toujours autant ? En tout cas, on espère que ce guide aura répondu à vos questions. Mais si certaines persistent, n’hésitez pas à nous écrire ou nous appelez. On se fera un plaisir de vous aiguiller sur le choix de l’écharpe, de vous rassurer sur la pratique ou même de vous orienter vers une monitrice de portage. Il est idéal pour bien porter son bébé sur un temps court. Il ne pèse que 500 g, est fabriqué en nylon et se ferme par des clips pour garantir une bonne sécurité.
En fait, l’écharpe est équipée d’un petit anneau spécifique destiné à raccorder les bouts du tissu et à permettre un soutien optimal. Nous vous expliquerons plus en détail toutes les étapes pour utiliser votre écharpe de portage sans nœud un peu plus loin dans cet article. Sachez d’ores et déjà que ce type d’écharpe vous permettra de porter votre bébé de deux manières différentes (en position assise et en position allongée). Enfin, l’écharpe de portage (avec ou sans nœud) convient généralement aux bébés de 0 à 18 mois. Mais bien évidemment, le poids du bébé peut également être pris en considération dans ce genre de cas. L’écharpe de portage BASIC Je Porte Mon Bébé est conçue spécifiquement pour les parents désirant d’amener son petit ange partout où ils vont et où ils désirent.
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livels285 · 2 years
14 slot bag wow
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(A Very Large Bag)—物品—魔兽世界 - Wowhead.
Wow Macro Use Slot 14 - palgood.
Bagnon - Addons - World of Warcraft - CurseForge.
WoW Classic Best Gold Farming Locations Guide - Odealo.
Tailoring patterns/Tailored by slot - Wowpedia.
다크문 보관함 - 아이템 - 월드 오브 워크래프트 오리지널.
Alyssa Griffith | WoWWiki | Fandom.
How to use an item with a macro Wow Macro | Macro for Wow | Warcraft Macro.
Врагорез-4 - NPC - Классический World of Warcraft.
Classic Tailoring Profession and Leveling Guide - WoW Classic - Icy Veins.
All the different bags and where to get them in WoW Classic.
Ways To Expand Your Inventory Space While You Use WoW (World of... - VGR.
Jom Gabbar Alliance - Buy WoW Classic SoM Gold - WoW Classic: Season of.
Tailoring | Classic WoW Wiki | Fandom.
(A Very Large Bag)—物品—魔兽世界 - Wowhead.
Runecloth Bag is a 14 slots bag. It is crafted. In the Bags category. An item from Classic World of Warcraft. Always up to date with the latest patch. Classic Theme Thottbot Theme. Comments. Comment by 8403 These are probably one of the best money making things for tailors for their level 40 mounts, or even at level 60 to get some extra cash flow. They're easy enough to make,.
Wow Macro Use Slot 14 - palgood.
Erfordert Hexenmeister. Es ist hergestellt. In der Seelentaschen Kategorie. Ein/eine Gegenstand aus World of Warcraft: Classic. Classic Aussehen Thottbot Aussehen. Kommentare. Kommentar von... holding shards isnt as big a deal (dont get me wrong, its still bad) when you have 4 14+ slot bags, but when you have 4 6-8 slot bags shards are a. (A Very Large Bag) 是36槽背包。。 (一 物品 from (World of Warcraft: 燃烧的远征).) (Always up to date with the latest patch (9.2.5).)... wealthy enough, made guild just for himself and bought all 6 guild bank slots, he could expand this space by 6 * 7 * 14 = 588, making it total 1028 I of course... I know my prot-pally has an. Wowhead. Runecloth Bag. Runecloth Bag 14 Slot Bag: See also. Contribute. Number of MySQL queries: 22 Time of MySQL quries: 0.1035680770874.
Bagnon - Addons - World of Warcraft - CurseForge.
Large Slot Count Containers; Name Type Sl Size W.R. Wt. L N T Src; Duffel of the Di`Zok Alla: Backpack 40 Giant 100% 0.8 HL N C: Howling Stones Tomb Box.
WoW Classic Best Gold Farming Locations Guide - Odealo.
Kommentar von Thottbot 50 tickets for a 14 slot is sooo not worth it. Not only does the 40 ticket greater prize seem to contain 16 slot bags very often, but you could auction 50 tickets worht of materials for much more money than it would cost to buy a runecloth 14 slot. Thick Hide Pack is a 14 slots bag. It is sold by NPCs. In the Bags category. An item from World of Warcraft: Cataclysm. Always up to date with the latest patch. How to get more bank space in retail wow. Buy all the bank slots on your character, and if you need more space, make an alt you use only for bank space. Yup. Buy 7 of those 30 slot bags off the AH, fill all your bank expansion slots with them. Make a level 1 bank alt. Buy all available bank slots and fill with biggest bags you can afford.
Tailoring patterns/Tailored by slot - Wowpedia.
Unlike in the current World of Warcraft: BfA, Gold wasn't that easy to come by back in the vanilla version.... Reward: 14 Slot Bag). Learn only the Essential Skills - Learning new and upgraded Skills gets very expensive very quickly (Buying a single skill that requires level 30 will cost you 1 Gold, and a single level 40 Skill costs 2 Gold) If. We all know bag space is at a premium, and even if it's just 4 slots. It can make a huge difference. I've played on and off since Alpha/Beta and it was suggested MANY years ago, that the first bag be able to switched out for a Tailor Made one! Although some Tailors hit you where it hurts and bag prices are outrageous. According to WoW Atlas he's a semi-rare. Spawn points are Alexston Farmstead, The Dead Acre, Fulbrow's Pumpkin Farm, The Molsen Farm, and Moonbrook.... Just attempted this monster twice with a level 14 Hunter (Dwarf).... him with conc shot and arcane and healing my pet. I must have had 2 Hp left and the pet was dead. Dropped the 10 slot bag.
다크문 보관함 - 아이템 - 월드 오브 워크래프트 오리지널.
I ran this quest on Frostwolf, many moons ago. I have since remade on Stormreaver. It was a 16 slot bag originally, but then again the scroll was much harder to get. It originally was a "rare" spawn on a chair in the captain's room. Easier quest to start now, but now only a 14 slot bag/. Patch 4.0.1: Ammo bags were converted to normal bags, as ammunition was no longer needed to use a Bow, Crossbow, or Gun.In addition, Soul Bags were also converted to normal bags. Patch 4.0.3a: Bags that are looted and are not Bind on Equip will automatically take up a bag slot if available slots are open.The bag can still be unequipped and traded if it is not.
Alyssa Griffith | WoWWiki | Fandom.
This bag is insanely good, you can have 2 of them. One in your bank, and one on you. If your a herbalist, you can basically store lots of extra herbs. The best thing about this bag is it is very cheap to make. As a side note, in TBC, bags for all professions become available, which i think are all 24 slots. Very nice!. Hinzugefügt in World of Warcraft: Classic. Classic Aussehen Thottbot Aussehen. Kommentare. Kommentar von Thottbot Just redeemed 40 tickets for this and got a Traveller's Backpack (16 slot bag). Kommentar von Thottbot How do i obtain the necessary tickets for this prize? Kommentar von Thottbot I received 2 travelers backpacks in one package. The comparable craftable bags are mooncloth and bottomless, and the sheer availability of the traveler's backpacks make them the easiest choice. Eventually you can acquire bags like the 18 slot supply bag, ony hide bag, and panther hide sack, but for the most part these are your bread and butter of strorage space until TBC hits the shelves!.
How to use an item with a macro Wow Macro | Macro for Wow | Warcraft Macro.
I've never spent money on bags that's over 14 slots, now i have all 16 & 18 slots) Comentario de Thottbot There dropped two for me in only one afternoon of grinding demon hunter intiatesD i felt really lucky 'cause i dinged there to 70 too:D. V4.1.0. - adopted Changes for Patch 4.1 (new ToggleAllBags behavior) v4.0.3. - added bag search (allowing lua style pattern matching) - added option setting to close the whole bag set when closing the first container of a set. - added highlighting of container slots when mouse hovers over bags slots in bank or backpack. Runecloth Bag (14 Slot Bag): Taught by Tailoring Trainers; Pattern: Mooncloth Bag (16 Slot Bag): World drop; Pattern: Bottomless Bag (18 Slot Bag): Drops from Outdoor Raid Bosses; Profession Bags. Pattern: Cenarion Herb Bag (20 Slot Herb Bag): Friendly with in Cenarion Circle, sold by Mishta in Cenarion Hold in Silithus.
Врагорез-4 - NPC - Классический World of Warcraft.
Explorer's Knapsack is a 14 slots bag. It is a quest reward from Cortello's Riddle. In the Bags category. An item from Classic World of Warcraft. Classic Theme Thottbot Theme. Comments. Comment by 8403 This is such an easy bag to get. All you have to do is find all of the locations, most of which you should already know about anyway (seeing as. This is a 14 Slot Bag that Binds when equipped and is sold by many vendors throughout Azeroth and Shattrath City for 12 (9 60 at exalted). Patch 4.0.3 (15-Nov-2010): Added. B (EU) Wowhead. Wowhead Wowhead. Adventurer\'s Satchel. Adventurer's Satchel Binds when picked up Unique 14 Slot Bag "Bigger pockets for bigger adventures!&quot.
Classic Tailoring Profession and Leveling Guide - WoW Classic - Icy Veins.
I've never spent money on bags that's over 14 slots, now i have all 16 & 18 slots) Комментарий от Thottbot There dropped two for me in only one afternoon of grinding demon hunter intiatesD i felt really lucky 'cause i dinged there to 70 too:D.
All the different bags and where to get them in WoW Classic.
Updated for World of Warcraft patch 8.1. 8.0.7. Guild Bank:... 6.0.14. Fixed issue preventing character data from being deleted.... Made reverse bag slot ordering a per frame setting, instead of a global one; Added per frame option: Enable bag frame (disabled for the keyring for semi obvious reasons).
Ways To Expand Your Inventory Space While You Use WoW (World of... - VGR.
Truly Blessed. Funny some characters i get in starting area 1-2 bags and others i never pick one up till after i buy all bags slots from AH. I remember killing 4 different bears and got 3 bags at lvl 8 when vanilla classic released. I was in heaven. It speaks volumes that you remember that. Check out Wowhead's Updated Darkmoon Faire Guide. Full of information on all of the new NPCs, quests, items, and attractions! Darkmoon Storage Box is a 14 slots bag. "Carriage" Signature Bag is a 14 slot bag sold by Dawn Radue in the Trade District of Stormwind City. "Carriage" Series. It is one in a series of "Carriage" bags: ("Carriage - Christina" Precious Metal Bag) ("Carriage - Exclusive" Enchanting Evening Purse) ("Carriage - Exclusive" Gem Studded Clutch) ("Carriage - Going Green" Herb Tote Bag).
Jom Gabbar Alliance - Buy WoW Classic SoM Gold - WoW Classic: Season of.
A list of bags that can be obtained from Classic content can be found in the Classic WoW Bags & Storage Guide. Bank Storage Each character can purchase up to seven additional bag slots (up from six in Classic) in their bank, with the cost for each slot listed below (for a total of ): 1st slot: 2nd slot: 3rd slot: 4th slot: 5th slot: 6th slot.
Tailoring | Classic WoW Wiki | Fandom.
Bag: Drop % Instance: Level Required: Strategy: Dragon Hide Bag: 100%: The Obsidian Sanctum 10 or 25: 80 to enter 90+ to solo: Step 1: Go around the edges of the instance and kill all trash as well as the bosses Tenebron and Vesperon, ignoring Shadron. Step 2: Agrro Sartharion and run back up and kill Shadron. Step 3: Burn Sartharion avoiding lava walls. Step. It serves 2 main purposes: It maintains a WoW addon called the Wowhead Looter, which collects data as you play the game! It uploads the collected data to Wowhead in order to keep the database up-to-date! You can also use it to keep track of your completed quests, recipes, mounts, companion pets, and titles!.
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robininthelabyrinth · 3 years
Do you think you would enjoy writing a fairytale-esque Nielan story? Except, instead of being the scary beast or the fearsome dragon like he usually is, it's Nie Mingjue who gets to be in the heroine/damsel's role. :D
Toxicity - part 1 - ao3
When Nie Mingjue turned sixteen years old, he was alone.
He had taken nothing with him but his saber, Baxia. He had hugged his brother maybe-goodbye, and then he had gone down into the saber tombs to wait to see if this was the year he was going to go insane.
He hoped it wasn’t, of course. They’d lost his father only the year before, murdered by one of their political enemies – poisoned with his own saber, secretly weakened so that it’d shatter in the middle of a night-hunt and coated with some sort of toxin that ate away his brain within a few months. If Nie Mingjue went insane this year, his little brother, Nie Huaisang, would need to step up as the leader of their sect, and he was only eight years old.
(He didn’t have to spend his eighth birthday shivering in the saber tombs that he hadn’t even known existed before that day, clutching a saber he barely knew, in pain and wondering if he was about to die, but then again, Nie Huaisang wasn’t the one who’d been cursed with a body that cultivated three times as well as everybody else but would eventually cause him to lose his mind when he turned some multiple of eight.)
If he didn’t go insane this year, Nie Mingjue would finally accept the role of sect leader officially, and he’d devote himself to making his sect as powerful as he could in the short time he had left to him. He’d been refusing the role so far, purportedly on account of his grief at his father’s death, and everyone had been very understanding – only those closest to him knew the truth. He would have preferred that Nie Huaisang not know, maybe not ever but definitely not so young, but if Nie Mingjue really did go insane this year then Nie Huaisang would have to be sect leader, or at least sect-leader-to-be with their uncle twice removed acting as sect leader until he was old enough to take charge, so he had to know.
He’d cried a lot before Nie Mingjue left, and there wasn’t anything Nie Mingjue could do about it other than spend a bit of his time in the cold saber tomb mentally cursing the ones that did this to him.
It was, he’d been informed, originally meant as a gift.
His parents had had trouble conceiving shortly after their marriage, all their pregnancies ending up as miscarriages, and rather than marry in a concubine his father, hotheaded and reckless, had taken his bride to the mountains to request help from the dragons that sometimes stayed there as they passed through Qinghe on their mysterious business.
There’d been two of them, apparently. One was a celestial dragon, blue and white as a sky at noon and just as noble, five-clawed and smooth-scaled; the other a lowly flood dragon, yellow-bellied and scuttling and stinking of earth – while the ways of dragons were mysterious, Nie Mingjue’s father had confidently asserted that the two of them were sworn brothers in the same way as men, the latter having once saved the life of the former, and that their brotherhood had once included as its chief the proud azure dragon of the east, green of scale and mightier than either of the others.
The celestial dragon had heard their plea and had been delighted to be asked. He had sung them a song of overwhelming might, filling their ears to the point that Nie Mingjue’s mother became half-deaf, and promised them that they would not only bear a child, but that it would be blessed with the strength of the heroes of the ancient days, so as to serve with honor his parents, his sect, his land, his world. He shall be righteous and unyielding, straightforward and upright, the celestial dragon had declared, and then, having exhausted himself in his exertions, had retreated to the top of the mountain to sleep.
The flood dragon had watched the whole proceeding with a pleasant smile on its face, nodding along in interest, but the very moment the celestial dragon had closed its eyes he had said, Let me give you something too and breathed out poisonous fumes that had choked them both nearly to death. With that pleasant smile still firmly on its lips, it had told them a secret: that the celestial dragon had given them a gift, but that all gifts had a price. Their child would be just like the heroes of old, a candle burning too fiercely – doomed to madness that would turn all his strength into destruction, rendered blind and unable to tell apart those he loved from those he hated, turned into a beast that knew nothing but slaughter.
But not to worry, the flood dragon said. While he did not have the strength of the celestial dragon, he had taken a little bit of their life energy and used it and his own poison to lock away the prophesied madness into one year in every eight, so that their child would be able to live free and carefree the rest of the time.
At the time, they had thanked him, but – Nie Mingjue’s mother had been so weakened by the poison that she had not survived his birth, his father rendered vulnerable to his neighbor’s underhanded attack, and far from living free and carefree Nie Mingjue lived instead in terror of his eventual fate, knowing that one day he would go mad in the worst sort of way.
Some gift!
Nie Mingjue spent his sixteenth birthday meditating in the saber tombs, his saber unsheathed on his lap in the likely vain hope that if he really did go insane, he would turn it against himself out of lack of any other enemy to butcher as his ancestors had once done to animals for trade. He remained there for two days and two nights, wracked with terrible gripping pain from the remnants of the flood dragon’s palliative poison, and emerged only once there was no trace of the date left and he had answered all the questions posed to him by the guards set at the door to the tombs to their satisfaction, proving that he hadn’t gone mad and didn’t need to be left inside to either kill himself or slowly starve to death.
His brother was waiting for him by the gate of their home and had thrown himself into his arms, weeping, and Nie Mingjue vowed to himself that he would use the next eight years of his life to let Nie Huaisang live the best life he could give him.
He did the best he could.
Nie Mingjue devoted himself to strengthening his sect, recruiting steadily and devoting all his time to sect matters, putting aside any frivolity; to each one who rose to a level of sufficient strength and trust, Nie Mingjue entrusted the duty of guarding Nie Huaisang, pleading with them that when he died they would put themselves into his shoes, care for him as any elder brother would. He made sure his borders were well-defended and well-stocked, layer after layer of protections in place in the event of external attack, building it so that it could shut tight like a turtle in its shell, hidden behind an implacable wall of iron. To deal with internal threats, he promoted people on the basis of talent, careful not to have either too many old retainers or too many new faces, wanting each group to watch the other to try to forestall the other.
He tried to strengthen Nie Huaisang himself, but he had much less success with that. Terrified as he was of lashing out against his loved ones, Nie Mingjue found himself yielding time and time again to all of Nie Huaisang’s requests, forgiving all his faults and mistakes, the only educational tools left to him being scolding and appeals to Nie Huaisang’s own good sense.
Still, Nie Huaisang grew up clever, if lazy and a mediocre cultivator, and there was darkness in his eyes when he spoke of dragons, a common artistic motif that never appeared in any of his art.
When Nie Mingjue was twenty three and Nie Huaisang fifteen, he sent letters to the reclusive Cloud Recesses, a sect hidden away in the mountains of Gusu that was renowned for its artistic achievements in music and painting as well as swordsmanship, asking for permission for Nie Huaisang to attend lessons that summer. They agreed, leading to a flock of other sects seeking similar permission lest the Nie sect use the opportunity to form an alliance without including them.
Nie Mingjue had only been trying to find a place where Nie Huaisang could learn skills that would suit him well, and also to keep him out of the growing tensions developing with the Wen sect that had killed his father and had made several attempts to kill him, too, that only failed on account of underestimating his cultivation and martial skills – an easy mistake to make, if you didn’t know his story – but having Nie Huaisang befriend the other sect heirs and shining talents of his generation could only help increase his security, so he approved.
When he came to drop Nie Huaisang off, though, he insisted, as regretfully and politely as he could, on hearing about the defenses they had in place.
“If you do not trust us to protect your brother, perhaps you should rethink sending him to us at all,” Lan Qiren said, voice sharp and querulous. He was the sect’s representative – not actually sect leader, but the one who left their reclusive abode to do the external parts of the job normally associated with leadership – and the teacher in charge of the visiting students, and Nie Mingjue did not want to offend him, but he also knew how insidious the Wen sect could be when they wanted. He shifted his weight from one foot to the other, unwilling to retract the demand but also not wanting to spoil Nie Huaisang’s visit before it had even begun.
“It is a reasonable request,” said a calm voice that nevertheless carried with it a hint of laughter from behind his back, and Nie Mingjue tensed, not having heard someone approach. “Let me show Sect Leader Nie around, uncle.”
Lan Qiren’s face softened at once, something Nie Mingjue had never seen happen on his face before; he stroked his beard and cleared his throat before nodding, saving face by allowing himself to be persuaded.
Nie Mingjue saluted and bowed deeply, murmuring, “My sincere thanks for your indulgence,” before turning to look at – the most beautiful young man he’d ever seen in his life, actually. Tall and slender, dressed in the Lan sect’s white and blue, with a xiao tucked into his belt and a gentle smile on his face and warmth in his eyes...
Nie Mingjue had to clear his throat himself before saluting him as well, although the young man hummed immediately in disapproval and caught him before he could bow. “Nie Mingjue,” he said. “Of Qinghe Nie. And you are…?”
“Lan Xichen,” the young man said, omitting even his sect affiliation – though that was obvious enough. “Come with me, I’ll show you the main defenses we have set in place, although not all of them, of course.”
“Naturally,” Nie Mingjue hurried to say. “I would never want to pry into your sect’s secrets, Lan-gongzi! It’s only – my younger brother…”
“You’re worried about him,” Lan Xichen said, his smile deepening. “I understand.”
Normally, Nie Mingjue would leave it at that – he was not overly given to speaking with people, but he couldn’t help himself in this case. “He’s all I have in the world,” he admitted. “And I know I can’t protect him forever, or even for very much longer, but…what I can do, I would do.”
“You don’t need to explain, Sect Leader Nie –”
“Please,” Nie Mingjue said gruffly. “Call me by name.”
“Then I insist you call me by mine,” Lan Xichen said.
Nie Mingjue nodded, and they walked in comfortable silence. After a while, he, again uncharacteristically, initiated conversation: “You called Teacher Lan uncle, and he seems especially fond of you, much more than most. Are you directly related?”
“Oh, yes,” Lan Xichen said. “I’m his – ah, his nephew.”
Nie Mingjue frowned. “Really? I thought that was Lan Wangji…?”
“My younger brother,” Lan Xichen said, and he looked so pleased that Nie Mingjue didn’t have it in him to question any further, even though he’d really thought that Lan Wangji was the sole sect heir.
Still, when they came across Lan Wangji himself a little later, he saluted them both and referred to Lan Xichen as ‘xiongzhang’ – formal, but then again, Lan Wangji was very formal in all things – with a minute change of expression that suggested adoration, even awe, and so Nie Mingjue told himself that perhaps he had been mistaken. Or perhaps he had simply misunderstood, perhaps Lan Wangji was only the acting sect heir for external affairs, in the same way that Lan Qiren was, or maybe Lan Xichen had simply been exempted from the line of inheritance for whatever reason…
Either way, it wasn’t really his business.
He certainly wasn’t going to bring it up in front of Lan Xichen, with whom he unexpectedly got along splendidly – the conversation flowed easily, ranging over all sorts of subjects, and Nie Mingjue felt comfortable as if he’d known the other man for years.
“We must have been brothers in a past life,” he told Lan Xichen, and noticed the way Lan Xichen’s eyes grew briefly distant and dim, a little sad.
“We must have been,” he agreed, and clasped Nie Mingjue’s hands in his. “Regardless, I do not have words to express how much joy it brings me to meet you again in this life, my friend.”
Nie Mingjue went home feeling as light as air.
He clung onto that feeling throughout his twenty-fourth birthday, when the pangs of the poison wracked his body into horrific spasms, his back arching and arms and legs thrashing and every vein and meridian in his body aching fit to burst; it hurt so much that he thought he really would go insane, but just when he thought it was too much the pain began to fade and he survived.
Still, the experience was a bitter reminder that no matter how much Nie Mingjue’s heart sang and mood brightened at every letter from Lan Xichen, no matter how much he looked forward to discussion conferences as much as he had previously despised them only for the chance to see him, they could never be anything more than friends.
Distant friends, even. Bad enough that he would cause Nie Huaisang so much pain when he died too young – it didn’t seem right to impose friendship on someone else who did not know.
Of course, thinking was one thing and enacting another, and Lan Xichen ignored every attempt he made to try away and put distance between them, visiting whenever he didn’t answer letters and refusing to be dissuaded when he tried to keep his responses curt and uninviting.
“Xichen, please,” Nie Mingjue said one evening, when they had been walking the ramparts in the Unclean Realm, he in his familial green and Lan Xichen in blue but both cast into equal shades of grey in the light of the moon, and he thought he’d never been happier in his life. “You don’t understand – I’m going to die, and you’ll be left behind. How can I do that to you?”
“Even if you died tomorrow, I would be happy to have been your friend today,” Lan Xichen declared, and Nie Mingjue wanted to kiss him more than anything. “Don’t push me away, Mingjue-xiong. Please.”
Nie Mingjue always yielded to those he loved most.
“All right,” he said with a sigh. “All right. Only promise me that you’ll stay safe, and that if – if I ever turn on you, or threaten you –”
“Remember that I can defend myself,” Lan Xichen said with a laugh. “Better than you might think. You aren’t nearly as bad at controlling your temper as you think, Mingjue-xiong.”
Nie Mingjue couldn’t explain more without explaining it all, and he didn’t want Lan Xichen to pity him, so he didn’t. They parted on good terms, with Nie Mingjue promising to return each correspondence as soon as he received them this time, and to let Lan Xichen know if he got any more “stupid ideas” from which he needed to be dissuaded.
The next letter arrived in the hands of a young man with a pleasant smile who introduced himself as Meng Yao.
“Xichen-xiong said that you valued talent and recognized merit,” he said. “I thought I might prevail on his recommendation, if you have room…?”
Nie Mingjue thought to himself with a smile that Lan Xichen had sent him a babysitter, and agreed to accept Meng Yao as a guest disciple. It didn’t take long to realize that Lan Xichen had sent him a treasure, brilliant at organizing and personnel management, wise beyond his years, and while he didn’t want to embarrass his friend by thanking him directly, he made sure to speak very highly of Meng Yao in all his letters.  Lan Xichen responded warmly, saying how happy he was that Nie Mingjue was surrounded by people he trusted who supported him, and Nie Mingjue thought to himself with satisfaction that his message had been understood.
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crossdressingdeath · 3 years
Reading the recent stuff about NMJ dying via JGY just makes me think about how we’re told that Nie sect cultivators typically die early, but that considering the people in this conversation it’s very possible that this is early for cultivators. Cultivators seem to have a slower ageing process and longer lives in general. If a cultivator generally lives to between 100-150, if the Nies were dying at 80 that would be considered early for a cultivator, but it’s not a short life. NMJ was in his late 20s-early 30s when he died. There’s no indication that he was rushing to get married and have a child, or that he necessarily thought death was right around the corner. The playing of Clarity seems more of a preventative measure than palliative care (like taking heart medication to reduce risk of a heart attack rather than something that needs to be given within ten minutes or this person will die), and I refuse to believe that NMJ wouldn’t have tried to prepare NHS in more than just physical training if he thought that he’d be sect leader in just a year or two. If every Nie is dying in their 30s from qi deviation I feel like that’s definitely something that would be mentioned, even in an offhand “oh so that’s why people always used to say the Nies don’t live to 50”.
And we can’t use NMJ and NHS’s father as proof that all Nies died super young. He had a 16 year old son, which could put him anywhere between mid-thirties to his forties depending on when he married, and his qi deviation is due to WRH interfering with his sabre, causing it to shatter. This isn’t typical, otherwise there’d be no need for the tombs for them, so it’s not a difficult leap to assume that his expected qi deviation could have been decades in the future.
I just think that saying JGY didn’t do anything wrong in his murder of NMJ because he was going to die of qi deviation anyway is ignoring that NMJ would have lived longer without JGY’s interference.
Well, if memory serves Clarity was because NMJ was deteriorating rapidly. It wasn't purely preventative. But yeah, it's never confirmed when the Nies die of qi deviation on average, and that's assuming there is a proper average; "more common than in other sects" doesn't mean it's guaranteed or all that common. We don't know what the stats on qi deviation are in any sect; the Nie sect's higher than average rate could be 90%, or it could be 20%, or really anywhere. I don't think NMJ would push NHS to train with the sabre if it was a massive risk. And of course that's also assuming that all the qi deviations are fatal; it's entirely possible that a good chunk of Nies who have qi deviations survive and eventually recover.
At the end of the day even if NMJ was absolutely 100% certain to die in agony within the week JGY wouldn't have had the right to just kill him (especially since that wasn't why he did it), but the fact that there was no guarantee that NMJ would die at all, let alone soon, makes it... worse.
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paintedwarpony · 3 years
(And further ranting and raving and campaign predictions...)
Hey guess what I'm back to talk about today you guys?
Verin Thelyss? Always. But not for this episode.
Yep. You bet.
For those of you just joining this Ted Talk I posed a theory months ago that Eodwulf is NOT infact multiclassed as a paladin for the Raven Queen/Matron of Ravens as most of the fandom has considered. But is something far more dangerous and terrifying.
That Eodwulf is in fact multiassed as a War Domain Cleric.
At least from a D&D combat campaign point of view. Because essentially it creates an absolute malestrom of a NPC. And it turns the gut to think of the kind of fight it would put the Nein through.
Because the facts are this. Eodwulf is already a very highly trained, extremely powerful wizard, which is dangerous in and of itself. Add to that fact that he's ALSO a homebrewed Volstrucker and considered one of Ikithon's elites. That means there's going to be all kinds of shit mixed up in that bag of tricks that we haven't seen or yet to speculate.
My basis as to why I think Eodwulf is a cleric of some kind leans heavily on the fact that Matt Mercer himself very often grumbles and complains during campaign about how "unfair" it is that the Nein have two clerics. Yet to date the Nein have not actually gone to combat with a full party that includes a cleric (that may change with the Tomb Takers, who knows) but its certainly not an oversight by any means. I'm positive Matt is saving the use of a cleric enemy for a particularly nasty encounter or series of encounters.
Because lets be real
Clerics will fuck some shit up no matter what their domain is. Between the ridiculously long list of spells they have access to and the ability to pop other members of their team back up clerics are brawlers in the disguise of supports.
Considering Eodwulf is a wizard, and a homebrewed Volstrucker at that theres going to be alot of fire power there but Wizards are notorious glass canons unless handled or multiclassed correctly. Caleb is EXTREMELY powerful mage wise BUT he still follows wizard format to balance him from becoming to powerful. At lvl 13 his AC 15 (jumps to 16 with Mage Armor) and he has 96HP. They're at a point of the campaign where they are coming up against creatures that deal out damage in the 50s, 60s, 70s, or more in one shot. And in turn the Nein themselves are starting to be able to do that kind of damage back.
Which if Eodwulf was just a wizard played by wizard stats, even just slightly homebrewed, wouldn't make him much of a threat.
You just turned that glass canon into a GODS DAMNED SHERMAN TANK.
That gives Eodwulf access to martial weapons, heavy armor and a PLEATHORA of other equipment that most wizards could only look longingly through a shop window at before. Not to mention the spell list expansion. His AC jumps. His HP jumps. His attack ability skyrockets as he could both cast spells and make (multiple with certain effects) physical attacks in the same round. His magical longevity bolsters as he can save spell slots until more opportune times to but continue to cause damage with physical strikes.
Not to mention the aspect of keeping the rest of his side of the fight up. Healing up other Volstrucker, Astrid, fucking Ikithon himself to keep them in combat. Hell even using FUCKING REVIVIFY to bring one back if he needs to.
Counterspell? Got it. Cure Wounds? Got it. Guiding Strike? Yep got that, too. Divine Intervention? Sure thing! Fireball? Pssht, for sure.
Considering the hint in C2E110 that Eodwulf favors electricity the same way Caleb favors fire I wouldn't be surprised if he has friggin' Chained Lighting as a go to favorite spell.
Some more hints came into focuse during C2E110 to support this theory but the biggest one was said by Eodwulf himself. When questioned about what he did on the front lines Eodwulf admitted:
"I am not much of a front line fighter..."
Its kind of a throwaway line BUT is very much known and considered within D&D that paladins (like Fjord) are considers front line fighter types. But wizards AND CLERICS OF ALL DOMAINS are considered SUPPORT LINE. That they hang back and try to stay out of the thick of danger. Despite the abilities of a cleric to be absolutely savage in combat, as displayed by Jester and Caduceus over the campaign, they're still considered 'support/support line' classes.
It might not be a huge hint but the only time at the table Eodwulf showed any small bit of his own personality was when he bragged just a little about himself and admitted to liking being called a 'living magical weapon', he was also incredibly honest and forthright when he answered questions or spoke about their duty, parents, the torture that he'd been put through at the hands of Ikithon and his faith in the Matron of Ravens was no secret and peppered casually into his conversation. I think that if he was in fact a paladin Edowulf would not hesitate to talk about his pride at serving the Matron of Ravens AND the Empire in direct combat. A wiz-pally combo like that would be formidable but...
A Wiz-War Cleric combo thats a homebrewed Volstrucker and backed by the goddess of death...
Its gonna get real ugly really fast for the Nein if they have to fight him.
I fully believe Eodwulf can be flipped to the Nein's favor but I think to manage that he needs to be separated from Ikithon AND Astrid. During C2E110 he took ALL of his cues from Astrid, looking at her EVERY TIME before starting to speak or reacting to anything. He only acted a little more independent when they were outside the tower. Everything about Eodwulf's demeanor and behavior suggests someone so very lost and used to being bullied or directed one way or another that he doesn't think twice to follow instructions or vomit back up beliefs he was 'taught' but might not be his own. People like that bury their personalities and only find their way to the surface when they're separated from the supervision of their influence. Caleb as expressed multiple times he wants to win both his friends back with a much heavier emphasis on Astrid than Eodwulf. Astrid seems a much more difficult person to turn to their side imo and habors to many secrets and ulterior motives and its worrisome the way she does execute her will over Edowulf. Its clear by some of the interactions at the table that Astrid was very much the 'leader' of the Blumentrio, as she several times tried to cue Caleb with looks to stop or change his behavior and actions. Caleb has been free of Ikithon (and Astrid's) influence for so long now and grown so much in the care of his found family it didn't even cause him to balk but it worries me that if Astrid were introduced into the Nein her influence and manipulations that she does still hold over Eodwulf may start to sink in and control Caleb again as well. The encounter certainly rattled him and left him repeatedly insisting "freeing" her specifically over the course of the campaign since.
But thats a whole different can of worms...
If the Nein turn Astrid to their cause I'm almost positive Eodwulf will follow her. He cued to her FAR more than he did to Ikithon and that speaks volumes.
But I would so much like to see Eodwulf on his own, see his personality and see his own decision to join the Nein's side or not.
But truly... if the answer is 'not'...
Its not going to be good...
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zetadar · 7 years
i shouldn’t have to put 20+ hours into a charater to finally be able to decide if i want to play the class
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pandabevetea · 4 years
10/05/20= “festa della Mamma” senza mamme da festeggiare
Oggi è la festa della Mamma, c’è pure il doodle dedicato. Ti fa creare un bigliettino artificiale. Ci ho giocato perché è divertente pasticciare. Ma oggi sento di avere nulla, nessuna persona da festeggiare.  
Ne ho avute due di madri: messe insieme non ne han fatta una sana. Zia è morta il 10 febbraio 2020, dopo decenni di affetto, odio e uso. Mama non è più realmente mia mamma da anni, se mai lo è stata. Feto di un mese, il  test gettato sul tavolo. “Tua figlia”  disse a mio padre. Non mia, nostra. Tua, ed ero dentro di lei, Indesiderata? Mentre e da quando zia è venuta a mancare, lo è (stata) ancor meno. Oggi più che mai non faccio altro che ricordare, in loop, il suo gongolare quando raccontavo come e quanto zia stesse male, il suo ridere del mio sfinirmi per curare - totalmente sola - una malata oncologica. Stare male in corpo ed anima era la conseguenza delle mie scelte, lei ne rideva del riso crudele delle iene davanti alla preda agonizzante e spezzata. Godeva nel sapere zia consumata nelle ossa e nelle viscere, piegata da chemio palliative, e crisi di dolore e metastasi nel cervello.  “Ben le sta - affermava - se lo merita, è sempre stata cattiva. Che crepi, io non muovo un dito per aiutare!”  “Cos’è, vuoi che qualcuno ti aiuti? - così si compiaceva, mentre a mezzanotte piangevo s’un tentativo di pasto o volevo vomitare perché l’odore della malattia e delle feci di nonna mi si era incollato alla pelle. 
Tutto questo mi si è impresso addosso, come le cicatrici dei graffi di sopravvivenza sulla coscia.  Se scavo ancora più indietro, come nella pelle, emergono altri ricordi. Il giorno in cui mi lanciò un oggetto contro a risposta del mio volere uno psicologo, il modo in cui osservava immobile o andava via quando mio padre alzava mani e voce, quando voce mani e oggetti li alzava lei. Battipanni, cucchiaio di legno, insulti. Le stesse cose che faceva anche zia: una volta, con un ceffone, mi ruppe il labbro inferiore. Mi caccio da casa sua, di notte, in pieno inverno. Mezza giornata per raccogliere le mie cose, la stanza fredda. In disaccordo su tutto, ma perfettamente concordi nel comportamento, il loro affetto morboso, insano o magari del tutto inesistente. Ero solo Vittima della loro guerra, l’oggetto della contesa. Ma volevo loro bene.
Mi spiace, eppure oggi, in questo giorno, sento di avere una madre solo anagrafica: sono uscita dal suo utero e dalla vagina dopo il travaglio ed il parto, medici ed impiegati hanno registrato il fatto. Affettivamente non ho una Mamma. Ho Mama, la metà insufficiente. Eppure ugualmente le porterò un dono: sulla carta sono sua figlia. Presenti per due tombe.
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Cuevana Sonic. La película 2020 Pelicula Completa Latino HD
VER AHORA : https://bit.ly/3aT2tp8
VER AHORA : https://bit.ly/3aT2tp8
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VER AHORA : https://bit.ly/3aT2tp8
VER AHORA : https://bit.ly/3aT2tp8
Título    : Sonic. La película Titulo Original : Sonic the Hedgehog Títulos Alternativos : سونیک جوجه تیغی Dirigida por : Sean Haworth Reparto : Ben Schwartz, James Marsden, Jim Carrey, Tika Sumpter, Natasha Rothwell, Adam Pally Géneros : Acción, Ciencia ficción, Comedia, Familia Países : Canada, Japan, United States of America Compañías de Producción : Original Film Fecha de Estreno : 2020-02-12 Tiempo de Ejecución : 99 min.
Sinopsis ¡Sonic da el salto a la gran pantalla! El erizo de SEGA, icono de los videojuegos y toda una revolución del género de las plataformas en los años 90, será el protagonista de una nueva película. Sonic: La película se estrenará, según las previsiones, en febrero de 2020 tras un elaborado proceso de rediseño del erizo que da nombre a la saga.
Jeff Fowler (Gopher Broke) será el director de la película de Sonic the Hedgehog, la mascota de SEGA. El filme contará con el guión de Oren Uziel y Neil H. Moritz  ejercerá como productor. En tanto, Tim Miller (Deadpool) es uno de los productores ejecutivos del proyecto. En cuanto al reparto, se sabe que contará con el actor James Marsden, quien encabeza un reparto en el que también estará Jim Carrey, intérprete que dará vida al villano: el malvado Dr. Eggman (o Dr. Robotnik, según qué versión manejéis). En tanto, la voz de Sonic será puesta por el actor Ben Schwartz, quien recordaréis por su participación en Parks & Recreations y por ser la voz de Dewey (Jorgito, Paco) en la nueva serie de Pato Aventuras. La película de Sonic the Hedgehog se une así a la tendencia iniciada por Detective Pikachu, en la que los personajes clásicos de los videojuegos reciben una capa de "realismo" al mezclarse con actores reales en un formato denominado como Live Action o Acción Real. Así lo evidencia el atlético aspecto físico de Sonic, que se reveló en el primer cartel oficial de la película, mostrado poco antes del fin de año 2018.
A finales de abril, recibimos el primer tráiler oficial del proyecto, que se anticipa como uno de los grandes estrenos del cine de videojuegos del año. Con ella, se consolida el interés de los grandes estudios de Hollywood por las historias basadas en personajes digitales y siguiendo la estela de proyectos como Assassin's Creed o Tomb Raider, por citar dos títulos recientes del género.
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weareassassin · 6 years
Anyone caught the Overlord anime (based on the series of light novels)?
It’s amazing. I’m not quite up to date with it but I’ve enjoyed all the (thirty odd?) episodes I’ve watched so far. Taken a deep dive into the lore and nicked a bunch of stuff for my own game.
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It’s really good.
Salary man Momonga has spent the last 12 years of his life playing the VR (”Dive”) MMORPG Yggdrasil. During this time he has become the leader of one of the top guilds in the game and hit the level cap of 100. On the eve of the game’s shutdown he logs on for one last time.
Seated alone in the throne room of the guild’s dungeon base, the Tomb of Nazarick, with only the dungeon’s NPC guardians for company, he watches as the countdown ticks away. Except shutdown never comes. Around him the NPCs begin to awaken with self awareness and Momonga can no longer log-out nor access any of the game functions. But he still has access to all of his character’s abilities. The Tomb of Nazarick and all of its occupants have been transported to a new world. A world ripe for conquest. And Momonga may as well become its new... 
While none of this may be exactly groundbreaking where Overlord differs from others of its ilk are as follows. Tiny spoilers below. Sorry.
Worldbuilding: Not only is the new world a believable one, but so is Yggdrasil. Yeah sure it’s not exactly covered in the anime, except when important to the plot, but the light novels apparently go into more detail. It sounds exactly like the sort of MMO I’d enjoy being frustrated at playing.
Characters: Not only are all of the characters engaging individually but their interactions are enjoyable. The sister-like rivalry between Albedo and Shalltear Bloodfallen (and for good reason); the true nature of Princess Renner in season 2 and her intentions towards her bodyguard Climb. These are the things that I as a viewer and gamer long for. 
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OP Done Well: There are characters that are so overpowered that literally nothing can seem to harm them. We literally get “Oh! So that is pain. How amusing!” line early in season 1. Yet they are constantly challenged and develop as characters. They fail for believable reasons, make mistakes and learn from them. Quite honestly there are people in both the Collective and Circle who have a lot to learn from this show. Myself included.
Motivational Villainy: This show has compassionate villains who treat their minions like an extended family. A theocracy that slaughters innocents for the “greater good”. Villains who do good for bad reasons. “Heroes” who do evil in the cause of good. Pure and good people serving villainous masters. Evil people on the side of good. (Not “good” or ‘good’; actual good causes). There are heroic vampires, and liches defending innocent and powerless villagers. I swear even Pally is going to struggle with pigeon holing many of the characters in this show.
Compassion for the Other: At the same time it pulls no punches when it comes to non-humans. I swear season 1 will have you smiling when goblins draw bows on human adventurers. Season 2 will have you cheering for poor doomed lizardmen. Season 3 we get to hang out with the goblins again. They’re great.
No Titillation: While it could easily have slipped into harem anime it hasn’t. If anything its anti-harem. By the end of the second season our lead has at least 3 women lusting after him but in two thirds of those he can’t reciprocate out of responsibility to them. In the third case he just doesn’t like her and indeed promises an ally to let them kill her when the need arises. There’s a sex scene in season 2 but it advances the plot rather than being sexy.
So Many Waifus: There are just so many. Season 2 has the most (Lulu Crusch for best girl; Sebas for best boy) but seasons 1 and 3 aren’t shy of them either. So many to choose from; take your pick. (Although I will look ill if you pick Entoma or Aura)
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The Magpie has, and will, killed for the level of loyalty shown to Ainz.
Overlord is available on Crunchyroll. Sorry I don’t have Guest Passes currently.
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sabraeal · 6 years
If it ain't too late: ObiYuki, REMEMBER ME (childhood headcanons, much?)
Set after Tanbarun Arc; directly references events in this fic.
Wide Florida Bay | Previous
The door rattles open, panels clinking like the world’s cheapest garage door, and –
And this must be what people opening tombs feel like, because, damn, that is some stale air.
“Climate controlled my ass,” Obi coughs as he steps inside. “How long ago did you last open this thing?”
Doc hesitates. “Three months ago.”
“Well, it feels like –” the words shrivel on his tongue as he glances back at her, every line of her rigid and hunched, like a deer that knows it’s about to get mowed down by an eighteen-wheeler – “we’re about to invoke a mummy’s curse.”
Cool, great. Real sensitive. Just missing his Miss Congeniality award for that one. God, he should just stick to what he’s good at – lifting things and shutting up.
Okay, well, he probably needs to get better on that last one, but – whatever.
“Well…” Her voice is muffled behind the cowl of his hoodie, and that’s – that’s also a problem. A bigger one now, but it’s not anything he can solve. Not without fucking up their relationship, and her and Chief’s relationship, and his and Chief’s relationship, and probably just – everyone he’s every known or come to care about in the last three months.
Take home: keep it in your fucking pants, Obi.
She huffs, ducking further underneath the fabric. “There are, you know, remains in here.”
He bobbles the box he’s holding. What.
“There’s what?”
“That’s, um…” She coughs, pink peeking over the cowl. “That’s sort of what I’m here for.”
He can do this. He can play it cool. This is definitely not the first time he’s been in the room with a dead person. Probably. “Oh. Great!”
“I mean, it’s just – just my grandfathers ashes!” she’s quick to clarify. “And my – my grandmother’s. I just…I didn’t know what to do with them after – after everything. So I thought I’d just…keep them here. Until I do.”
“Oh.” He shoves his hands into his pockets, enthusiasm for this whole clean-out thing waning sharply. Not that he’s not going to do it – god, he’s too stupid for her not to – but you’re supposed to talk about the skeletons in your closet before you ask your friends to help you clean it. “So you…know what you’re doing now?”
“No,” she admits softly, shoulders rounding. “But it doesn’t feel right to leave them here. Not when I’m not really sure….”
If I’ll ever come back. She doesn’t need to say the words, not when every line of them is written on her face.
“Right,” he says, turning back to the mess. “So, what are we looking for? Urns? Decorative vases? Sand art? Shoe boxes? Give me some help here, Doc.”
“Um.” If anything, she turns more red. “A peanut butter jar.”
That holds him up. “A what?”
“Not like – not jiffy or anything!”
“Of course not, Doc,” he grumbles, picking up a stack of shoe boxes. “Only the freshest, most cruelty-free peanut butter jar for Pops, sure.”
“No, I mean –” Her hands fist on her hips, cheeks blown out. He really needs to stop finding that so cute. “It’s a tin. A – an antique. My grandfather never wanted us to spend money on him, and would say, just cremate me and bury me in a peanut butter tin, that’s all I need.” Her shoulders hunch. “I didn’t – I didn’t know what else to do.”
“Hey.” He doesn’t know he’s reaching for until cotton’s already under his palm, until he feels the birdlike brittleness of bone under his fingers. She really needs to eat more. “You did your best. That’s all you can do.”
She looks up at him, eyes watery, and nods.
“Right.” He gives her a squeeze before he lets go, because he’s a glutton for punishment. “Peanut butter tin. And your grandma?”
“An – an urn? It’s nice.” Her hands flutter, flustered, at the stack of cardboard. “I think I put it in the same box?”
“Cool.” He nods. “Let’s get started.”
He cranes his head up, blinking away the dust swirling in the air. “What’s up, did you find them?”
“No,” she says, frozen over a shoe box. “I just – I didn’t realize I had packed these away.”
He gets up, knees creaking. God, he’s really getting out of shape with all this fat living at the frat. “What is it?”
“My sand dollar collection.”
She barely glances up at him as he steps up beside her, just leans back. Her shoulder brushes against his sternum, and over the must of the unit, he can smell the lavender of her shampoo. Oh, he is just – in trouble. With all this.
“We lived an hour and half from the ocean in any direction,” Doc tells him, sand dollars clinking as she shuffles through the box. “So we never got to go to them that often. But when we did, we’d always find a sand dollar and bring it back. Like a lucky charm.”
She pulls one out – small, the side of the center of her palm – and he – he –
He can’t breathe.
“This one’s from Virginia Beach,” she says, distantly. “Isn’t that where you said you were from?”
Fuck. Fuck.
Doc looks up at him, smiling, and – and –
He knows her.
He’s nine. Obi remembers that, if not a lot else. Nine is when his whole world fell apart.
It’s complicated when your mom dies. There’s – feelings, and funerals, and well-wishers, and –
And it’s even worse when you’re a kid, and it’s your last lifeline out of foster care.
He’d known she wouldn’t get better; at the age of six he’d already learned words it would take a lifetime for other people to understand – chemo, radiation, overdue, metastasize, fatal, palliative, opiate – but still, still –
He was young enough to believe in miracles. To maybe even believe in a dad that showed up at the eleventh hour, with soup and sandwiches and clean clothes, that said the magic words, I’ve been looking for you.
It was so much easier to hope for a fairy tale, to hope that maybe he was Rapunzel and his mom was an evil witch, raising him in a tower. That one day someone would come and say – and say –
“Do you mind moving over?”
He blinks, staring into the biggest, greenest eyes he’s ever seen. “What.”
“You’re taking up the bench,” the girl pipes. For one, ridiculous moment, he thinks she looks like a muppet – tiny, pink, with a bobbed haystack of unbelievable red for hair, eyes taking up half her face. Like Zoe, or maybe Prairie Dawn, just – red. “I just wanna sit down.”
“Oh.” He cranes his neck around, looking at all the other empty benches, and just – scooches. “Sure.”
She beams up at him, so bright he almost needs to squint to look at her. Instead, he looks away. “Thanks! Did you get lost too?”
That makes him stare at her, this tiny thing with knobby knees and freckles just…everywhere. He’s not really good at guessing ages, but she can’t be over five. Six, at most. “Something like that.”
It takes him a good minute to realize she’s waiting for him to clarify, that this is her bid for conversation.
He jerks his head across the street. “You see that building over there?”
She squints. “Uh-huh. It’s big.”
“Right.” He’d thought that too, when he’d first saw it. It wasn’t a big skyscraper, not like some of the other ones that surround it, but – it’s got that feeling of bigness. Of being a place where people have their lives decided. “Well, the grown-ups in there are trying to decide what to do with me. And apparently it’s not good for me to know, so I’m out here.”
“Ohhh.” She nods sagely. “Did your momma die too?”
He mouth works, and the only thing that comes out is, “Too?”
She nods. “My momma died a while ago. And they couldn’t find Daddy, and I had to go stay with some people for a few weeks.”
He licks his lips, hands clenched on his lap. “Well, I’ve been with some different people for a few years. All over the place. I’m used to it.”
The girl nods, like there’s no difference. “I didn’t like it. They were nice, but I wanted my momma. And then my grandparents came!”
“You knew them, though?” he says, adrift. It’s like he’s in some alternate reality where, like, the Power Rangers are in the ocean instead of in space, and adorable muppet-girls just pop out of nowhere in parks.  “Your grandparents?”
She shook her head. “They said they’d seen me when I was little, but I didn’t remember them. Not really.”
“That must have been scary,” he offers, not sure why. She’s just so tiny.
“A little,” she admits. “But I’m happy now! We went to the beach yesterday!”
“Oh,” he manages. “Wow.”
“Yeah, we always find sand dollars, and I collect them!” She digs into her pockets, pulling out tan little discs. “I found two this time!” She shoots him a shy look from the corner of her eyes. “Would you like one?”
“Oh!” The girl holds one out, expectant. “No, I would just – I’d break it.”
“It’s fine,” she tells him. “It’s for you. You can break it if it’s yours.”
His hand shakes as he takes it. Something happens in his chest too, but it aches, and he doesn’t want to think about it. “Thanks.”
“Now we both have one from Virginia Beach!” She leans in with a grin. “I bet that means something good will happen to us there!”
He laughs. “I’m not –”
“Shirayuki?” a voice calls frantically. “Shirayuki!”
She grimaces. “I better get going. Good luck!”
“Thanks,” he murmurs, watching her scamper off to an older couple. Her grandparents, probably. They look relieved to see her, worried too, and –
His hand grips the dollar hard, its edges cutting into his fingers. “I’ll need it.”
“Obi?” Doc’s hand brushes his, startling him. He can still feel the sand dollar in his hand, fingers aching where it had dug in. He knows her. He knows her. “Are you okay?”
“Yeah!” he coughs, turning so he can’t – can’t look at her. Doesn’t give away everything with his dumb face. “I’m just – I’m good. Let’s keep looking.”
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illidan · 6 years
apparently i have too much to say about cori, because finding something about her to narrow in on was incredibly difficult for some reason. attempt 5:
cori, a draenei frost dk for all her unlife, is my go to. 
she’s the one i nearly always do things with before any of my other characters. she was the first one i ever got to max, and the one i level first in every new expac. i did my first raid on her, current or old, either way, got kicked out of a pug for the first time on her my 13 y/o voice: what do you mean wintergrasp gear isn’t viable for icc, all my rep grinds, and achievements and mount collecting (particularly before those were account wide), professions to max, many an afternoon turned evening of whelpling companion grinding oh god so many hours why, you name it, the majority of things i’ve done on wow, there’s a pretty high chance i did with her first, at least starting after i hit 70 on her.
its kinda funny because even well after she was my highest char, i still tried to claim my nelf druid (and sorta my belf pally) as my mains over her, because of old sentimentality, but eventually cori won out on that too. cori has the most /played of all my characters and the most useless stuff in her bags and bank. i don’t think i have a character that ive spent more gold on for transmog or at the barbershop. i just looked it up. 544g spent at the barbershop. no i haven’t changed her skin tone that is all hair/horns. im glad it doesn’t tell me how much i’ve spent on transmog now. the statistics page is dangerous but she has 3003 deaths at this time and has never been rezzed by a warlock. 1678 /wave. the only raids she’s never set foot in at this point are ruby sanctum and tomb of sargeras, apparently. so much of my life includes cori that i really could write an essay on her. just don’t ask for a backstory i don’t know.
137 days of play time and even now im just chillin on her as i write this. absolutely death knight on main i love her so much theres just nothing else to it
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eggoreviews · 6 years
My 10 Most Wanted Smash Ultimate Characters
Like a lot of people, I am very excited for the new Smash game and I reverted to a child when E3 came around and we finally got Ridley. I'm relatively new to the whole fighting game thing (I only bought a copy of Smash 4 last year as my first Smash game so kill me I guess) and that's probably going to show in this obligatory want list but here are my ten picks for if I could haphazardly choose who's getting to punch Mario this time around. By the way, this list is in priority order so my number 1 pick is who I want the most!
P.S I know we're only getting a few more characters if any so obviously not all ten are going to make it in. In fact, chances are none of them will. But I can dream, okay?
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10. Captain Toad
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I mean, look at this little guy! You can't tell me you don't want to play as him (I only just got a switch and the upcoming Captain Toad game is admittedly where my excitement is right now). While I guess I agree that the Mario series is a bit over-presented in Smash Bros, the fact that a version of Toad is finally getting his own game seems like high time that Toad became more than Peach's punching bag. His moveset would be probably be simple enough, considering how central he is during his game on the Wii U, so I guess they could just import a similar moveset over to Smash. Honestly, I know very little about Captain Toad, apart from the fact that he’s cute and likely to be in it. A Toadette palette swap/echo fighter definitely wouldn’t go amiss either.
9. Spyro
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This one seems a bit less likely, but I’m aware that Nintendo and Activision are on good terms (see my number 5 pick) and it’s possible we might see the new Spyro remaster make its way onto the Switch in future, which definitely increases his chances. I don’t have a hell of an attachment to Spyro as I only played one game (very briefly), but he’s on this list generally because he looks cool and I feel like he’s an iconic third party staple that is born to be a smash addition. Again, his moveset could be ripped right from his games, his final smash could be something fire related because, you know, he’s a dragon. Before we continue, I’m fully aware that the vast majority of this list is third party and it’s definitely not realistic that we’ll get any of these characters at all. But hey, the further you get down on this list, the more you’ll understand that realism isn’t really what I was going for on this list.
8. Sora (Kingdom Hearts)
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Again, fully aware that KH3 hasn’t been confirmed for Switch. But Kingdom Hearts II was a pretty big part of my childhood back in the PS2 days, so I feel like Sora’s spot on the list is more a favour to my inner child. Plus, Kingdom Hearts is a product of the same team as Final Fantasy and Cloud got in, so hey anything can happen! What makes Sora especially unlikely in my mind is that he’d basically function like any of the Fire Emblem characters (which we really do not need any more of), except with a key. Still though, cool laser final smash with the keyblade? With Donald and Goofy? Okay maybe not that, I imagine that’d be a nightmare to sort out in terms of rights.
7. Lara Croft (Tomb Raider)
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If Snake deserves to be slotted back in, I feel like Lara Croft fits perfectly in the roster at this point. The inclusion of Lara would be a huge selling point for the game considering how iconic she is and, much like most of my other picks, probably wouldn’t have a particularly complicated moveset. Maybe a mixture between the bow she has pictured above and short range knife could make her an extremely balanced character, akin to Link. This would be a very exciting third party reveal if it happened.
6. Black Mage (Final Fantasy)
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Here’s my wildcard pick. Arguably the most unlikely in my list bar one (you’ll see), this one made it into my top 10 because of the fact that this little guy has also made its way into several games I played in my childhood; the Chocobo Tales game I had for the DS as well as (again) Kingdom Hearts II. I’m not at all familiar with the Final Fantasy franchise, in fact I’ve only really heard of Cloud and Sephiroth (who was very nearly considered for this list) because of their appearances in Kingdom Hearts. And another thing, I have very little idea what his moveset would be but I figured no one was really talking about this little dude and if none of my wanted characters are likely to make it in, might as well make ‘em weird.
5. Crash Bandicoot
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Here we go. The one that almost everyone wants. The Crash N Sane Trilogy is coming to Switch and, as I mentioned, Activision are pretty pally with Nintendo right now so this is looking more likely than ever. Admittedly, the only Crash game I ever played was Crash of the Titans on the PS2, which I loved to bits at the time. So while my experience with Crash was likely not the same as everyone else’s, he’s another character with a moveset already implemented and I’d say he’s probably the most likely out of the third party big bois.
4. Shovel Knight
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He’s an indie sensation on multiple platforms. He’s a unique and interesting character with a great moveset potential. He even has his own frickin amiibo, this guy was born for a smash inclusion. With Bomberman’s absence, I think that Smash Ultimate is missing a genuinely popular new indie contender. I think that Shovel Knight more than covers this ground, and I reckon Sakurai knows it too. If anyone on this list is getting added, it’ll probably be Shovel Knight and that’s very exciting.
3. Waluigi
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Okay, okay, I know. Let the memes die, right? But just hear me out on this one. I’m a Waluigi stan, I won’t lie to you, I’m not proud of it but I love this weird purple egg and that’s just the way the world works. I’ve heard a theory, one that you’ve likely heard too, that suggests (loosely) that Waluigi is still in with a chance of a Smash addition:
They spent a whole lot of time during that E3 presentation specifically highlighting the fact that Waluigi is an assist trophy, even using him as an example for the fact that trophies can be K.O’d now to really drive home the fact that you ain’t getting your purple meme content this time around
During the whole of E3, including all the Treehouse gameplay and the Invitational, there has been no sighting of Waluigi in the game. Obviously, could just be because it’s a demo and we know not everything has been added yet. But still, them leaving out the most heavily focused assist trophy? Seems fishy to me (BTW, I got this info from Alpharad the youtuber, so check out his channel for a better explained version of this)
Daisy was announced. DAISY was announced. I’m not saying Daisy is a bad addition, but there is a lot less hype around her. The fact that Waluigi was explicitly deconfirmed and Daisy ended up as one of only two new E3 character announcements? Doesn’t add up. Could literally just be because it was really easy to include her as an echo fighter compared to giving Waluigi a whole new character, but you know. I love me a conspiracy theory.
So there you have it. I’m holding out a tiny bit of hope that all of this is setting up the biggest gaming bamboozle in history. But come on, they’re bringing everyone back, either way we’ve got to be happy. (Sidenote: I’ve heard people are harassing Sakurai over Twitter because of this. That’s horrible and immature. Pls stop thanks)
2. Sans
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Yeah, I know. Told you realism was going out the window. I have decided to dutifully ignore how massively toxic the Undertale fandom is and hope that Sakurai sees the potential of including a character from this still amazing game. An Undertale switch port is rumoured and I’m pretty damn sure Toby Fox would be onboard for Undertale appearing in Smash, but I know this is basically impossible. What would his moveset be? How would he be animated? It’s cool, Sans is punching Yoshi and Bayonetta in my dreams.
I’m a WatchMojo stan so, before I vomit my number 1 pick on you, here’s a few hONORABLE MENTIONS:
King K. Rool (Donkey Kong)
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Linkle (Legend of Zelda)
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Banjo Kazooie
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Cuphead (Again, impossible I know)
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1. Rayman
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Considering how iconic this guy is and how close Ubisoft and Nintendo are now (Mario x Rabbids anyone?), it looks as if it’s time for Rayman. On top of that, Rayman had a trophy presence in Smash 4, so we know Sakurai has considered him. His moveset makes itself so he would be a brilliant third party add and, considering that Rayman Legends is one of my all time favourite games, there’s no contest here as to who’s top of my list.
Well, there you have it. Feel free to crap all over me anonymously about my lack of knowledge/differing opinions. Or, if you like, send me your wants/predictions for character adds and we can have a cool lil discussion about it because we now have six months to wait so we have to fill the time with something.
Maybe next time I’ll do wanted echo fighters. We’ll see. Have a good one!
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enigmaliii · 3 years
Oct’8 - initial research about some eccentrics
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Oct’12 - the group brain storm mind map, and finally we were all interested in the hoarder niche, especially the digital hoarders.
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Oct’13 - further research about the hoarders who collect and hoard physical stuff, make comparison between the physical one and the digital one and examine the difference as well as the similarity simultaneously. 
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Oct’18 - an online research about digital hoarders, summarised the main causes of the hoarding digital items and summed up some potential explanations as to different reasons.
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Oct’18 - Based on the research of the digital hoarders’ inhabitants and digital clutters’ features,  I speculated and visualised the main-stream graphic design principles and styles through a series of posters.
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Oct’19 - a description paragraph to communicate the inhabitants’ lifestyle, and I supposed the historical relics on the island. 
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Oct’20 - Our group worked on the manifesto script of the film together. I analysed what we wrote after the discussion, figured out the conflicts between me and other group mates and uncovered misunderstanding of the project .
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Oct’21 - investigation the evolutionary direction or an assumption of an alternative direction of Genetic Engineering
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At this stage, here are some my group mates’ speculations.
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Oct’22 - midway presentation, the manifesto video
Oct’22 - contextual research about photos, some highlights when reading the Susan Sontag’s On Photography.
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Oct’25 - after watching a TED speak related to the palliative care, I started to pay more attention on the topic of digital remains and investigate more about how people deal with their digital proposition, what the digital funeral looks like, funeral scenarios, ceremony, grove monuments, final words and so on.
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Oct’28 - some research about existing funeral customs, and tried extract some interesting elements to utilise in digital ones.
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Oct’29~Nov’2 - some notes on sketchbook about the digital funeral
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Oct’29~Nov’2 three short clips to simulate some scenes in the digital funeral ceremony using Processing.
Nov’3 - the final presentation plan, I position ourselves as the archeologists. The context of the presentation is that we found a tomb and also discovered a series of digital relics, including a memory stick and a series of body garment and we were trying to reveal what the tomb owner’s  life should be like and the surroundings is like during her lifetime.
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“we damaged the resin cube which is a physical method for digital hoarders to destroy his digital memory but in a way to sustain his digital life at the same time. We opened the usb-stick and here are some findings”
(the owner’s family tree)
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(The short videos here are the video I mentioned produced via Processing)
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0 notes